physio lec 24

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  • 8/10/2019 Physio Lec 24


    7/6/2011 9:01:00 AM

    Physiology Lecture 24

    Beginning of our acid base lec, 2 things we do today, look at how

    K is handled by the kidney and also how bicarb is handled by thekidney

    Spec bicarb is going to play a big role, how lungs and kidneys

    work together to influence pH and also bicarb.

    Today how kidney controls bicarb formation and excretion.

    4 learning objectives

    to see how Kidney handles K and how it gets regulated

    Some things that may get in the way of regulating K.

    How bicarb is actually reabsorbed, and something new is that

    kidney can actually generate additional bicarb and put that into

    the blood, under conditions of increased acid or bicarb that the

    kidney may actually want to be making additional bicarb to help

    things along, that plays a big role.

    Well start w/ K handling by the kidney, guy just had K meal so

    we take in K, we eat cells, we dont eat ex space, we eat intspace.

    All the cells you take in have high K, K high inside cells, low

    outside cells, so whether youre a vegetarian or a carnivore, your

    taking in cells, so your taking in K all the time, you should know

    as a number that normal plasma K is around 4mmol, so relatively

    thats low. Na is 140mmol. K is low and thats because the Na K

    ATPase on all cells is continuously moving K into the cells. And we

    talked about how that was important because we use K togenerate a membrane potential to help repolarize the cells, to

    help w/ conduction, so maintaining a low extracellular K is

    essential and the kidney helps w/ keeping that extracellular K


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    So we eat food that has K, so we need to excrete that K from the

    body. The kidney plays a big role in that and along w/ K that

    leaves in undigested food in the feces.

    Magic wheel describes how on avg we take in 100meq/day andthats distributed then btwn K outside the cells where there is

    approx 70mEq/day and the large amount remaining inside the

    cells 3500 mEq is in the sense in balance because the Na K

    ATPase is constantly keeping the intracellular K high and as K

    leaves the pump puts it back in again. So if we bring in 100, we

    better excrete 100 so that we stay at K balance , and so the

    majority of that 100 that gets excreted its shown in this diag is

    getting exreted through the kidney (90) and the remainder is

    getting excreted in the stool (10).

    So the body watches it wants the K to remain constant because if

    we have hyperkalemia or hypokalemia, we talked about how that

    changed membrane potentials and how that affected conduction.

    Mostly changes abnormal fluctuations, or abnormal levels of K are

    going to affect cardiac excitation and will result in arythmias, will

    result in changes in the ECG pattern, whether its an elevation ofK or a fall in K, doesnt make any difference, if it goes a mmol or

    2 away from normal, it goes up to 6,7,8 or goes down to 3,2,

    then either of those will cause problems.

    K is sensed by body in the adrenal cortex,so K there will

    influence aldosterone secrtion. An elevation of K, leads to an

    elevation in aldosterone secretion. And well see in a little bit

    that when aldosterone reaches the collecting duct of the kidney itstimulates K secretion.So in that way it helps to balance to

    maintain a constant plasma K levels. If plasma K goes up,

    aldosterone goes up , aldosterone acts on the collecting duct to

    stimulate K secretion , K is then excreted and were back in

    balance. If plasma K falls then aldosterone secretion from the

    adrenal cortex is reduced, less K is secreted by kidney, less K is

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    excreted and this helps to keep the K levels from falling any


    Simple relationship btwn Aldosterone and K.

    With a meal we also release insulin, whch helps us processglucose, insulin in addition acts on the Na K ATPase in all cells,

    skeletal muscle for ex, insulin stimulates the NaKATP ase.

    stimulation of the NAKATPase drives K into the cells and helps

    keep K low.In association w/ your meal that has high K, your

    alos realeasing insulin and that insulin helps you bring some of

    that K into the cells preventing extracellular K from rising

    dramatically in association w/ the meal so theres already a

    process that helps balance that right as soon as your begin to

    ingest high K. And then finally there is a relationship btwn the

    plasma H ion conc. and extracellular K, will come back when we

    talk about acid base balance. So lets see what that relationship is

    btwn the H ion conc and K.

    So this is a diag of any cell in the body and so you know that K is

    high inside cells and low outside cells. When there is an increase

    in H ions in the extracell space, thats the same thing as a

    decrease in pH. When H ion conc goes up, the pH goes down.

    H ion conc goes up, what happens then is H goes into cells. Goes

    downhill when it goes downhill , K leaves the cell.And its not an

    exchange process or carrier mediated process, you can look at it

    as just trying to just balance the charge, as this +H ion goes into

    the cells, a +K ion leaves just to keep charge neutrality. So with

    acidemia, that is acid in the blood, with acidemia you get

    hyperkalemia.So w/ Acidemia you get hyperkalemia. We have Hions that are greater than normal they have a tendency to go into

    the cells that will bring K ion out, and so in association w/

    acidemia you have hyperkalemia.

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    Now the opposite happens, if we have low H ions outside which

    we call alkalemia, then H will want to leave and K will want to

    enter. And we will therefore get Hypokalemia.

    Since K is an ion it can only go through channels, there arealways leaky K channels that can allow K go either direction.

    Idea is that K moving through those channels because we have

    changes in H outside.

    Acidemia you get Hyperkalemia , lots of acid, get lots of K.

    Little acid, little K.

    pH of 7.4 = 40 nmol of H ions , not many H ions were talking

    about when we have acidemia/alkalemia its still enough to

    produce changes in K, but not enough to upset membrane


    If K levels change sufficiently then you will get changes in

    membrane potential and leads to conduction problems within

    heart, yes changes in acid base balance severe enough, sever

    changes in K to get arythmias.Changes in pH are enough through changes in K to alter the

    membrane potential to cause arythmias.

    If this is good enough for H ions, that is if high acid makes high

    K. Why cant it be the other way around also? If for some reason

    or another we have hyperkalemia, then K will want to go into the

    cell, when that happens H comes up, and we get acidemia.

    Hyperkalemia leads to acidemia just like Hypokalemia will lead to

    alkalemia. Works in both directions

    When we talk about acid base disturb on frid, well point out

    situations where we have concomitant changes in K, or if we have

    situations where there is excess K secretion. Aldosterone

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    influences K secretion, if we have too much Aldosterone around ,

    hyperaldosteronism, then we would be secreting a lot of K. What

    would the blood look like? If we secrete lots of K, we are having

    hypokalemia and we would have alkalemia. So excess K secretion

    can lead to alkalemia and produce an acid base inbalance. Theirtied closely together , they go back and forth.

    In your handout little diagram by this + high K acts directly on

    the adrenal cortico cells, it does not need angiotenin 2, block it


    Table 5-5

    Causes of shift of K+ into cellsHypokalemia

    1.List in this table, a variety of things that cause K to either leave

    the cells or go into the cells. Mentioned things that could cause K

    to come out of the cells producing hyperkalemia and that might

    be no insulin, because insulin remember stimulates the

    NaKATPase to push K in. Insulin causes it to go in.

    2. Beta agonists like epi and NE stimulate the Na pump and they

    also cause K to enter the cells

    3. Alkalosis does that.

    Hyperkalemia shift of K out of cells

    Hyperosmolarity K and water sorta go together across the cell

    enough to cause changes in K. Water flows out of the cell, K

    diffuses out w/ water.

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    Exercise does it because your cuasing lots of mem APs so K is

    being released from the cells, skeletal muscle cells, during

    repolarization in order to have another contraction. So exercise

    causes K to shift out of cells and

    Obviously cell lysis , if you break the cells, K will leak out.

    Whats happening in kidney, where K is moving

    Nephron 60-70 percent in proximal tubule!

    K reabsorption in the proximal tubule and in the loop of henle,

    K is secreted in the collecting duct by a passive process through

    ion channels.

    Reabsorbed in the collecting duct in association w/ H ions

    (coupled to H+).

    Most of the reabsorption of K is happening in the proximal tubule.

    Details about each of these cells.

    K is high inside all of these cells because of the NaK ATPase so

    theres always a gradient for K to leave cells and this diag shows

    yes , there is some K oozing out of these cells. So you could saythat yes, here in the proximal tubule there might be some

    secretion going on , but the net movement of K is from the

    tubular fluid into the IS, and therefore ultimately into blood.And

    most of that is happening through intracellular spaces. Remember

    proximal tubule cells are fairly permeable to water, and as they

    reabsorb salt, water is drawn and follows along. A lot of water will

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    just go riht throught the cell but some of that water is able to

    pass btwn the cells because the proximal tubule epithelial cells do

    not have firm tight junctions, theyre kind of leaky, and so there

    is just what is called bulk flow of liquid through these spaces btwn

    the cells and because K is here in this tubular fluid it is carriedalong in bulk flow from the tubular lumen into the IS. Also whats

    happening is that there is a change in the charge on the

    epithelium as you from higher up in the proximal tubule to further

    towards the end of the proximal tubule. And that change in

    charge making it more positive towards the end of the proximal

    tubule , acts as a charge gradient favoring K reabsorption.

    So we have 2 things, we have a charge difference btwn the lumen

    or the apical surface of the epithelial cells and the basolateral

    surface and then we have process of bulk flow, both of those

    things then cause net reabsorption of K in the proximal tubule

    and thats why we get 60-70 percent reabsorbed there.Again

    were only talking about 4-5mmol, not like Na where we have

    huge amount that are reabsorbed, we are trying to reabsorb 60-

    70 percent of 4 mmol.

    Change in charge helps because if it becomes more positive on

    the luminal surface , it repels K and making K want to go to the

    more negative side in the IS.K is a passive process . No transporter. No NaK ATP ase on the

    apical side, they are on the basolateral side. Nothing bringing K

    in, so thats why most of it going through.And passive leak

    channels down the conc. gradient.

    Kidney reabsorbing NaCl, in the very beg of proximal tubule, were

    getting a lot of Na reabsorbed because of Na glucose, Na a.a,

    Na-H, so the reabsorption of Na exceeds the reabsorption of Na

    exceeds the reabsorption of Chloride thats what makes itnegative, then as we get further down the proximal tubule that Cl

    is picked up and it shifts from being negative to more positive

    because we still have Na gone.

    So now we get to thick ascending limb.

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    we have the tritransporter so of course K is being reabsorbed by

    that tri transporter and then goes out the basolateral side

    through ion channels.A fact is that K then backdiffuses and again

    is secreted here in the thick ascending limb but this cycling of K isreally important to help that tritransporter do its thing. It needs

    this K, there has to be some K coming back to fit in with this

    tritransporter to enable that process to go on. So some of the K is

    just sort of cycling here, some of it though moves out of the cell

    across the basolateral side through these ion channels, and of

    course we have some K that is beign reabsorbed again through

    these paracelullar p/ws . So the NET process is reabsorption, so

    we had reabsorption in the proximal tubule, we had net

    reabsorption in the TAL.

    And now we get to the principal cells, these are wherever

    principal cells live, and generally we think of them living in the

    collecting duct, collecting tubule, whatever we call last little piece.

    Here are principal cells we have Na channel the one that Aldo

    works on, and there are K channels on the apical side.

    On the basolateral side, there are K channels that allow K to

    escape. But its the principal cells, where the principal action ofAldo is on. You can already Na channels but also on K channels.

    So this is the site at which K SECRETION (here is where you get

    net secretion). This is where Aldo regulates our blood K.So if we

    have too much K , then well increase Aldo secretion from the

    adrenal cortex, it will go to the collecting duct, and work on

    principal cells to open up these K channels, it will also stimulate

    the synthesis of additional channels and their insertion into the

    membrane and then it will also stimulate the Na K ATP ase sothat it brings more K into the cell so that more can be secreted.


    ****Aldosterone opens K channels in the collecting duct

    (principal cells) and stimulates synthesis of additional channels

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    and their insertion into membrane. Also stimulates Na K ATPase


    So its these ion channels in the collecting duct principal cells that

    are responsible for K secretion.

    Now you know in the collecting duct there is another group of

    cells called INTERCALATED CELLS and these cells reabsorb K,

    they REABSORB K in an ACTIVE transport mechanism, so here we

    have an ex of an H-K ATP ase, so these intercalated cells

    reabsorb K through a H-K ATP ase, so H is secreted as that K is

    reabsorbed. And as far as I know, aldosterone does not work on

    those cells.

    But they will be affected by changes in availability of H ions.

    Reabsorption of K in the proximal tubule & TAL

    Secretion of K in the principal cells by just passive diffusion

    through those ion channels

    Reabsorption by intercalalted cells through the H-K ATPase.

    So if we have that info , how can we possibly change or what

    situation will change the ability of principal cells to regulate K.

    So were look at principal cells of the distal tubule collecting duct,

    so this is a bigger diag of one of those principal cells w/ Na

    channels, K channels. And our Na-K ATP ase over here on the

    basolateral side, so here is blood , here is tubular lumen on left


    1stthing if plasma K conc goes up, if we have justhyperkalemia

    that means over here in the blood we have more K, more K

    stimulates the pump because this enzyme here is sensitive to the

    extracellular K conc. As this conc goes up the pump is stimulated

    it raises the conc of K within these principal cells and favors then

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    the downhill diffusion of K out of the cells into tubular lumen and

    therefore enhances secretion. So increased plasma K leads to

    increased K secretion directly through these processes.

    Hyperkalemiaelevates the K conc in the principal cells becauseit stimulates the Na K ATP ase that elevated intracellular K conc

    then is able to diffuse out through those channels on the apical

    side and increase secretion.

    Oviouslyaldosteronewill open up more of these channels, so

    whatever the intracellular K conc is , having more channels open

    will enable more K to leave.

    So increasing aldosterone leads to increase K secretion.

    Now since K secretion is passive, means it depends on a conc

    gradient, high inside, low in the tubular fluid, if we stopped

    tubular fluid from leaving the collecting duct, more and more fluid

    will keep coming in and K will be continuously secreted and at

    some point we might actually get enough K here in the tubular

    fluid to balance the K within the cell and passive secretion passive

    diffusion would stop.

    So the speed with which fluid is moving through the tubule is

    important because its constantly moving this K that has been

    secreted downstream further , so the faster the tubular flow rate

    , the lower will be the K conc. here in tubular fluid and therefore

    the better will be the secretion or more the secretion will be.

    So diuretics that are acting up at the proximal tubule, in the LH,in the distal tubule all cause increased tubular flow because they

    are interefering w/ usually Na reabsorption in one of those

    segments. If Na reabsorption is interfered with , water

    reabsorption is interfered with , so there is more volume there is

    more flow.

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    Elevated tubular flow causes K to be constantly washed away and

    so that enables continuous K secretion. So one of the side effects

    of most diuretics is hypokalemia because they enhance K

    secretion in the collecting duct leading then to hypokalemia. If

    you have hypokalemia, what might be your acid base status?Alkalemia. So diuretics if aggressive enough can cause

    hypokalemia and secondarily lead to alkalemia, so you have to be

    very careful w/ your use of diuretics to monitor plasma K levels

    so that K doesnt fall and therefore lead to alkalemia and make

    things even worse.

    So reduced tubular flow, a decrease in GFR for example, so that

    flow is slow will retard K secretion and lead to retention of K in

    the body.

    If you drank a ton of water will that cause hypokalemia and

    alkalemia? That high volume will dilute extracellular K to start

    with so that will make hypokalemia and then because liquid

    excreted rapidly that wil exacerbate the problem so youll get lots

    of K secretion and arythmias.

    Plasma pHIf we had increased H ions , H will want to go into cells, we talked

    about how it will go into any cell, like principal cells. So increased

    H will mean some K would leave the principal cells and go back

    into the blood , and therefore the K inside principal cells would go

    down and therefore secretion would go down. So increased acid

    would put H in and cause K to leave across the basolateral side

    and therefore there will be less K inside the cell, less for secretion

    and so acidemia inhibits K secretion which exacerbates the directeffect of the hyperkalemia.

    If we decrease H ions then H will leave the cells, K will go into

    cells and that will enhance secretion and ehance the hypokalemia

    associated w/ alkalemia.

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    Using the exchange of H and K across the basolateral side of

    these principal cells to give us a handle on what the intracellular

    K conc might be and therefore what the rate of secretion mightbe.

    Luminal charge obviously there is lots of + charge left behind

    here , depends on how much + is left here, we could attract or

    repel K. If the tubular fluid is charged that will enhance K


    Certainly H K and secretion *** Important

    IF we have volume depeletion we have increased aldosterone

    release, more Na reabsorption, will make lumen more negative

    because were removing + charges, that will enhance K secretion

    just because of that charge diff, on top of that we have aldo

    acting to open these channels, so well get 2 things enhancing K


    It isnt the mag of charge, its the polarity of charge. Since K is +, if the lumen more that will attract K and enhance secretion . If

    lumen more + , that will repel K and reduce secretion.

    So if we removed a lot of + charge through stimulated Na

    reabsorption lumen will be more neg and enhance K secretion.


    An anion that might have not been reabsorbed will also attract Kand lead to secretion so not just removal of a + charge, but

    introduction of some anion, nonreabsorbable anioncan do that.

    Now we have to finish w/ Bicarb.

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    Lets just look at ex of volume depletion.

    The kidneys response to volume depletion, a fall in MAP, release

    alsosterone frm the adrenal cortex because we activate the renin

    angiotensin aldosterone system and therefore we get more aldosecretion which increases Na reabsorption and increases K


    Would you expect hypokalemia following volume depletion?


    What else happens when MAP falls that could influence K

    secretion, a fall in GFR. A fall in GFR impacts K secretion, tubular

    flow. If GFR goes down tubular flow goes down, if tubular flow

    goes down, K secretion decreases, less secretion. Even though

    with volume depletion or fall in MAP we would expect increase K

    secretion because of the increased aldosterone, concomitant with

    that is reduction in tubular flow which inhibits secretion, so those

    two things balance and generally with volume depletion,

    decreased MAP, you do not get hypokalemia because they


    Now severe cases then other things happening lots of aldo aroundyou might get K depletion then but generally your run of the mil

    fall in MAP does not lead to excess K secretion.

    Lets look at how body reabsorbs bicarbonate.

    Fig 38-23 Diagram on far left that shows the diff segments of the

    neprhon where most of the bicarb is reabsorbed. 60-70 percent is

    reabsorbed in the proximal tubule (80), we get rid most of thebicarb, close enough to 60-70. We get rid of here is the

    relationship btwn proximal end loop and we reabsorb a little more

    in the collecting duct.

    Regardless of wher we are the same sort of process works.

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    Middle diag. Shows proximal tubules but this is happening pretty

    much everywhere,take it as main mechanism, and this accounts

    for 80 percent of the reabsorption, so this is the main mechanism

    we need to look at.

    Lumen, tubular fluid is coming in, were in the prox tubule, fluid

    freshed out of the bowmans space, the intersitium supplied by

    the peritubular capillaries. So Bicarb is filtered as Sodium

    Bicarbona, so in comes Sodium Bicarbone, they dissociate , you

    have a bicarb molecule and Na molecule, Na gets reabsorbed

    through this Na H exchanger. Na goes in, H comes out.

    The H combines w/ the bicarb in the tubular fluid to form

    Carbonic acid (H2CO3) . In the presence of carbon anhydrase

    that is stuck on the surface of these epithelial cells , the Carbonic

    acid is converted to water and co2 , that is all happening wihin

    the lumen.The CO2then very permeable to cell membranes as

    your remember from pulmonary lectures it easily diffuses into the

    epithelial cells of the proximal tubule where it combines w/ water

    where there is Carbonic anhydrase again, and so that forms

    carbonic acid which rapidly dissociates into hydrogen ions and

    bicarb ions inside these epithelial cells.The H exchanges for Na ,

    combines w/ bicarb in the tubular fluid and off we go again.The bircarb that was generated within the epithelial cell is then

    removed from the epithelial cells through a Na bicarb

    cotransporter (both going to I), so the bicarb that was originally

    in the tubular fluid was converted to Co2 which went into the

    epithelial cells which was eventually converted into bicarb which

    went out the basolateral side. So unlike a lot of the molecules

    that weve looked that began on the luminal side and had some

    carrier ion channels that move them intact from the luminal sideto the interstitla side, bicarb undergoes a chemica rxn that

    requires carbonic anhydrase. So thats how bicarb is reabsorbed ,

    thats how body reabsorbs all the bicarb that it has, and it tries to

    keep bicarb normal.

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    Now one of the very weak diuretics is a CA inhibitor. So why

    would inhibiting that enzyme cause diuresis(excessive urine


    If we dont have CA were not generating H ions to exchange w/

    luminal Na, so this process within the epithelial cells is reduced so

    that retards slows down Na reabsorption, if you reduce Na

    reabsorption in the proximal tubule, no water is reabsorbed

    ,therefore tubular flow downstream goes up and you get diuresis.

    So by inhibiting the CA , you are blocking *** MC**reducing the

    Na-H exchanger, you reduce its activity therefore not as

    reabsorbing as much Na and therefore Na remains in tubular fluid

    and you have diuresis.

    Bottom left diagram

    This diag over here goes along with that a little bit in that here is

    plasma bicarb conc and then bicarb , and then shows bicarb

    filtered excreted and reabsorbed.

    It looks like normal bicarb is around 24*** It looks like most of

    the bicarb is reabsorbed because filtered and reabsorb arecoincident and very little if any bicarb is excreted, a little bit but

    not very much.

    But as we higher higher conc , we eventually get some excess

    bicarb excreted. One way body can get rid of bicarb, if it gets

    high in blood it will just excrete that excess and tend to get rid of

    it. Notice that if we have volume exansion, now this says

    exaggerated , big, volume expansion we actually cause more of

    bicarb to get excreted and thats because were messing w/ Nareabsorption there.

    So with large volumes that are coming in we have high filtration

    and that affects the ability to reabsorb Na which is going to affect

    the ability of kidney to reabsorb bicarb, so were going to get w/

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    volume expansion , and increase in bicarb excretion over what we

    would expact normally at these high levels.

    We have to be able to reabsorb Na in order to reabsorb bicarb.

    Increased volume , which makes more filtration, makes it harderto reabsorb Na.

    2 imp things.

    Bicarb is not reabsorbed intact, its turned into CO2 which then is

    used to generate bicarb inside the epithelial cells which are then

    ultimately reabsorbed. This reabsorption requires Na-H exchange

    and if we inhibit the process to CA we inhibit Na, and therefore

    we cause diuresis.

    Now this diag shows w/ intercalated cells, but process were going

    to talk about happens anywhere along the tubule, so lets dont

    focus too much on intercalated cells but process is as follows:

    Not only do we filter Na Bircarb, but we filter other weak acids

    such as phosphates or sulfates.So here is our tubular lumen and

    here is I. So lets say we have Na phosphate (Na2HPO4). Naphosphate filtered, and you end up w/ 2 Na , plus Phosphate -- .

    Dissociation molecule and so we have our Na H exchanger so

    one of these Na gets reabsorbed, one of these H takes the place

    of Na and what we get excrete is NaH2PO4, so this is what is

    excreted. Now this H came from carbonic acid and so here is a

    bicarb that is in excess of the bicarbs that were filtered, so this is

    a bicarb that didnt come from the lumen, it came from the

    consumption of this H ion , when we combined it with thisphosphate.So the kidney has actually generated one bicarb.

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    Now we call this substance here in the urine, we call that

    titratable acid => NaH2PO4, generally thats because the urine

    sample that you send to the lab the technician then combines this

    with NaOH and titrates it back to Na2 HPO4 and the amount of

    NaOH that is added is equal to the amount of bicarb or the

    amount of H that combined w/ the phosphate.So by titrating this

    acid we can calculate how much bicarb has been generated.Other way you can look at it is this Sodium phosphate within the

    tubular fluid is being titrated w / the Hydrogen ion that is being

    secreted there. So this H combines w/ the phosphate and titrates

    that weak acid.

    But if there is an increase in titratable acid excretion that means

    that you have added more bicarb to the body. The kidney has

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    actually made generated a bicarb ion and it does tat when the

    body has acidemia and needs to raise the amount of bicarb thats

    there. Generation of titratable acid needs to occur to help the

    kidney buffer changes in blood pH. So youll see that titratable

    acid will go up when we have acidemia in order to raise the bicarbconc and help to bring pH back to normal.

    Now in situations where we have lots of acid around , lots of H ,

    plenty of H to titrate w/the phosphates and so we can makes lots

    of bicarb. But its limited by your ingested phosphate, you cant

    titrate more than you got. So this is a very quick way for kidney

    to make bicarb but it doesnt have a big capacity because it

    depends on whatever it is youve been eating , and how much

    phosphates is in your blood, generally we dont have much

    phosphates a few mmol, but it is a quick way for kidney to add

    some more bicarb because this is just chemistry and it can

    happen very quickly w/ acidemia.

    If there was alkalemia, little H ion lying around, well there is no H

    around to titrate the phosphates and therefore you wont

    reabsorb this Na and it wont come out as titratable acid, it will

    just be Na2HPO4 which is the way it went in. So the formation oftitratable acid is a way for kidney to generate additional bicarb

    and it does that by titrating sulfates and phosphates that are

    normally present in the blood.

    Lets go back to reabsorbing bicarb under normal circumstances

    Proximal tubule secretes a lot of H ions, normally there are

    24mmols of NaBicarbonate in the blood. If 80 percent of thatbicarb has to be reabsorbed, thats 16 or more mmol of bicarb,

    everyone of those mmol of bicarb has to have a H ion, so were

    secreting 16 mmol or more of H ions (stronger than Hcl),so this

    is a huge amount of acid being excreted, but every one of these

    H ions is buffered or combines w/ a bicarb so there is no pH

    change. A lot of acid is being secreted but everyone of these H is

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    picked up by a bicarb and so the pH of the tubular fluid does not


    Just like it came in isotonic, its coming in at 7.4 and leaves at 7.4

    even though were secreting a very large amount of acid. So the

    greates amount of acid secretion is occurring in which segment ofnephron , proximal tubule.

    Under normal conditions, and even in abnormal conditions,

    kidney good job at absorbing all of the filtered bicarb and keeping

    it at normal level of 24mmol, lots of H ions secreted in the

    proximal tubule but its all buffered by bicarb , if we have excess

    H then that H begins to titrate the sulfates and phosphates

    forming titratable acid thats excreted, and for every mmol of

    titratable acid thats formed theres one mmol of bicarb that is

    added. One to one relationship.

    When we were taling about bicarb, secreted acid is being buffered

    by this bicarb. So essentially this is not generating any acid, no

    acid excreted.

    Reason we excrete titratable acid, reason is we want more bicarb

    in blood. This isnt reabsorbed bicarb because this bicarb did not

    come from filtered fluid, it is generated within the epithelial cellsfrom CO2 that is everywhere your breathing CO2, CO2 around to

    generate carbonic acid or hydrogen , this bicarb is put into the

    blood, this is one of the ways that kidney can make additional

    bicarb and it does that when there is lot of acid around, it is a

    compensatory mechanism to buffer H ioins, So if lots of H ions

    around , there is plenty of H for the secretory process and it will

    titrate any phosphates.

    The reabsorption process has already done its thing , all the

    bicarb that was filtered is gone already been reabsorbed,

    normally there is plenty of H to do that , and so if we have excess

    H we cant reabsorb anymore and so the next thing to do is make

    more, and so this is one of the ways through formation of

    titratable acid to make more bicarb.

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    One more

    Second way that the kidney has for making new bicarb is a

    method that is more effectivethan forming titratable acid, it

    results in large amounts of bicarb being generated but its slower

    to take effect.

    Second way is through a more complicated process, is through

    formation of ammonium ions.

    The epithelial cells of the kidney have glutamine and they can

    break down glutamine and in the process form ammonium ions or

    ammonia. In the process, when we have lots of acid around , the

    acid stimulates the enzymes responsible for the metabolism the

    breakdown of glutamine into ammonium ions and bicarb ions. The

    bicarb ions go into the blood , the ammonium ions are excreted.

    And so you can measure ammonium ion excretion and there is a

    1 for 1 relationship btwn the amount of ammonium ions excretedand the amount of bicarb put back in the blood. So this is the

    second way for kidney to generate new bicarb, it takes a little

    while, it takes a sustained increase in H ions to stiumulate these

    metabolic enzymes to break down glutamine and form

    ammonium ions. It has a very large capacity because there is

    plenty of glutamine around and if your running low , liver will

    share some of its glutamine , has blood supply that can deliver

    more glutamine to the tissues . So this is a process that cangenerate lots of bicarb over a long period of time but it takes a

    while to kick in.

    The sequence would be the 1stthing the kidney does when acid is

    high is reabsorb all bicarb to make sure we dont lose any.

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    Then 2ndthing is form titratable acid which generates some new


    Then as acidemia lasts long enough it kicks in glutamine

    metabolism and the generation of ammonium ions and that willcause even more bicarb to form and help correct the acid base


    And were going to use titratable acid, ammonium formation, and

    bicarb reabsorption on Friday when we look at how lungs and

    kidney work together to keep acid base constant.

    You have to have several hours of acidemia before last process

    kicks in.

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    Titratable acid in urine, we have to have at least excreted


    Remember H ions combine w/ phosphates and sulfates so those

    are H ions that are leaving , 60meq of H ions leaving inassociation with those phosphates and sulfates.

    NH4+ is NH3 + H+,that looks like acid leaving the body as


    If we put bicarb back in, if were losing bicarb thats the same as

    adding acid back into the body , so we have H and we have

    bicarb. If we excrete H , if we excreted bicarb, then that leaves H

    behind so the excretion of bicarb, is the addition of acid to the

    bodyso we got 60 + 100 = 160 but we added 10meq of acid

    back when we lost the bicarb , so we have to take away 10 and

    we end up w/ 150meq acid excreted each day in that way.

    Acid excreted = bicarbonate reabsorbed -bicarbonate excreted

    Bicarbonate reabsorbed = 60 + 100; bicarbonate excreted = 10

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