physio lec 23

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  • 7/26/2019 Physio Lec 23


    7/4/2011 3:57:00 AM

    Physiology Lecture 23

    Principles of countercurrent multiplication and exchange,

    this is how the kidney forms a concentrated or dilute

    urine. We had talked about last week when we looked at

    bp regulationhow ADH was involved in changing water

    permeability properties of the collecting duct. And so

    when ADH was around that opened up aquaporin

    channels produced more aquaporin channels in the

    princilpal cells of the collecting duct so water could leave

    the tubular fluid within the collecting duct and go into the

    interstitial space, be absorbed by the vasa recta and

    carried back to the body. So our question today is how

    does that water reabsorption occur, why does water

    leave the collecting duct. Were going have to look at

    the anatomical and functional relationships btwn the loop

    of henle, collecting duct, and the vasa recta.

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    So 1stwere going to look at what osm and volume

    changes occur along the renal tubule. When ADH is


    Loop of Henle and collecting duct work together to form a

    concentrated urine, or establish the environment to do


    Diff btwn countercurrent multiplication which is the thing

    that happens w/ loop of henle, and countercurrent

    exchange which is something that happens w/ the vasa


    Finally well look at things that may alter your ability to

    form a concentrated urine.


    We have the outer section of kidney cortex, proximal

    tubule, distal, and parts of the collecting duct. Then we

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    have a medullary portion deeper inside kidney: loop of

    henle, medullary portion of the collecting duct.

    Insterstitial osmolarity it starts out at around 300. It

    starts out at 300 in the cortex of the kidney,the

    instersituium is that space that surrounds the cells but its

    not within the blood vessel, space btwn cells and bvs.



    Osmolarity of that insterstitial space changes from being

    isotonic in the cortex to hypertonic down at the base of

    the loop of henle.

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    These diagrams in physiology and histology are

    misleadingthese tubules are packed together (handful

    of pens).

    If you look at ends of these, there is space in btwn each

    of these tubes, and thats the interstitial space. Tightly

    packed, IS surrounds every one of these tubules.

    See thin ascending , thin descending, collecting duct,

    depending on section.

    Packed real close together, so numbers are the same

    everywhere (osm numbers).

    Fluid coming in from glomerular capillary is essentially

    isotonic w/ blood and so the Na , K , bi carb , etc

    Concentrations are the same as in tubular fluid as in

    glomerulary capillary. Through a variety of Na

    cotransport, countertransport processes, Na is

    reabsorbed and because the proximal tubule is very

    permeable to water, water follows. And out here is the

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    peritubular capillary bed , osmotic oncotic and

    hydrostatic pressure within this peritubular bed favored

    continued water reabsorption, so water leaves and goes

    into IS. So even though tubular fluid and intersitium have

    the same osmolarity its because water and salts are

    drawn into the blood because of that balance of starling

    forces where oncotic pressure here in the peritubular cap

    bed was greater than hydrostatic, and that led to water

    and salt reabsorption.So liquid leaving the proximal

    tubule and going into the descending limb is isotonic,

    even though a large proportion 60-70 percent of

    everything that gets filtered got reabsorbed in the

    proximal tubule, but its reabsorbed isotonically salt and

    water go together. So even though the volume is much

    smaller thats coming into the descending limb, its still

    300mosm. As fluid goes down the descending limb, the

    tonicity of the tubular fluid increases, and becomes equal

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    to whatever it is in the Intersititium. The descending limb

    is permeable to water, but not permeable to salt. ***

    By the time that liquid reaches the loop, the bottom of

    the loop, it has equilibrated with whatever the Intersitital

    osm is , and so this tubular fluid as shown in this diagram

    is around 1200mosm, 4 times as concenctrated as blood.

    As this tubular fluid goes back up again the ascending

    limb, the thin ascending is permeable to salt, so salt can

    leave, but also and even more importantly the

    tritransporter is located in the thick ascending limb. This

    tritransporter important in establishing this osmotic

    gradient within the intersitium.

    Net effect is that the combined reabsorption of Na in the

    thin ascending and the thick ascending leads to a fluid

    that is leaving the thick ascending limb, that fluid is

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    hypotonic to blood.Weve taken out a lot of salt and left

    behind liquid so that now that tubular fluid is hypotonic.

    This is the tubular fluid that the MD monitors , its at the

    end of thick ascending limb, at the beginning of the distal

    tubule. This is the fluid that the MD is monitoring.

    As this fluid goes through the distal tubule, Na is

    reabsorbed through the Na Cl cotransporter and very

    little water can follow and so the fluid will become even

    more dilute. Fig 28-4. Thats not whats shown in this

    diagram, this diagram is showing what happens if there is

    ADH around.

    Because ADH is around there will some water

    reabsorption and so this fluid becomes a little more

    concentrated by the time it gets to the end of the distal

    tubule and begins to go into the collecting duct. And then

    as that fluid moves down the collecting duct, water and

    things like urea are reabsorbed so that the fluid thats

    leaving now approaches the intersitial osmolarity and you

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    then make in the case of ADH being around a

    concentrated low volume urine.If ADH was not around

    then these segments will not be permeable to water and

    so this dilute fluid coming from the distal tubule will then

    just flow down through the collecting duct and leave as a

    dilute high volume urine. And so adjusting the properties

    of this collecting duct are important for causing you to be

    able to form a concentrated urine.

    Anohter way to look at what we talked about , it gives us

    a more quantitative view on things. Where things happen

    and where it doesnt happen.

    Fig 28-7

    On x axis we see diff pieces of Nephron and the urine,

    from the proximal all the way to collecting duct , and

    then finally ending up at the urine. X axis where we


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    Y axis- the osmolarity of the fluid. We have two lines.

    Top mountain w/ ADH

    Bottom line w/o ADH

    Helping us see where ADH has an impact.

    We have some numbers here. Mls that are being filtered

    in one minute.

    Normal GFR = 125 mls/ min. Thats where that 125

    comes from , as fluid enters the proximal tubule, its

    coming in at 125 mls or 125ml/min. By the time it

    leaves, thers only 44 mls left.This is our 60-70 percent

    that has been reabsorbed, 125ml down to 44ml.

    Notice 2 things: the tonicity has not changed along that

    proximal tubule so that one more time emphasizes that

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    that fluid reabsorption is isotonic. Yes, we reabsorbed a

    lot of liquid over 80mlsevery minute, but it was

    reabsorbed isotonically. The largest amount of water and

    salt reabsorption is occurring in the proximal tubule, ADH

    doesnt do anything there. Whether you have ADH

    around or whtehter you dont have ADH around the

    largest amound of water reabsoprtion is occurring in the

    proximal tubule, ADH has no effect on the proximal

    tubule and so it cant make it more than 60-70 percent,

    that proximal tubule is so permeable to water, so

    dependent on Na reabsorption, that ADH doesnt do

    anything here. So even w/ ADH around we are still

    reabsorbing 60-70 percent of that fluid.

    Lets follow line w/o ADH.

    Now we come to the loop of henle and we see that as we

    descend (dont get confused because curve isgoing up)

    we are descending going down the descending limb of

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    the loop of henle, water is reabsorbed along that tubule,

    so water is leaving ,so therefore since salt cant follow

    the osmolarity is getting higher. Thats why we went from

    300 up to a little over 600 (w/o ADH). And the number at

    the peak should be 25ml, so we reabsorbed some more

    water along this portion of the loop of henle, along the

    descending limb. Now the ascending limb is where the tri

    transporter is located and so the ascending limb is

    removing salt and therefore the tonicity falls, it becomes

    hypotonic and in fact you can see that it becomes more

    dilute than blood.Tonicity looks like it goes around

    100mosm/L , to a 1/3 of what blood is. Because water

    cant follow that salt the tubular volume remains the

    same, still 25ml. Water went out along the descending

    limb, salt went out along the ascending limb and so we

    end up w/ a smaller volume, so the loop has absorbed

    19ml around of water, so another 25 percent or so has

    been reabsorbed in the loop of henle.

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    So now this fluid continues, its dilute, continues through

    distal tubule collecting duct, and if there is no ADH

    around there is no opportunity for water to be

    reabsorbed since the principal cells dont have aquaporin

    channels in them unless there is ADH around, so that

    fluid remains relatively hypotonic and maybe a little

    water gets reabsorbed here in the early portion of the

    distal tubule but generally we have a high voume dilute

    urine in the absence of ADH.

    Now lets add ADH, again ADH does nothing to the

    proximal tubule so it reabsorbs its normal amount, one of

    the ***ADH does it to stimulate the tritransporter, what

    that does is causes the tritransporter to put more salt

    into the interstitial space and increases the osmolarity of

    the IS.And you can see that our max osmolarity has

    gone to 1200 from where it was before (over 600), thats

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    because that tritransporter amongs other things has put

    in more salt, so consequently as liquid descends the thin

    descending limb more water is reabsorbed, and the

    tonicity approaches that in the deep medulla of the

    kidney, and then along the ascending limb, we see the

    tritransporter is removing that salt from the tubular fluid,

    putting into the IS, and again our tonicity comes down

    and is still hypotonic in the distal tubule even though

    ADH is around because these portions in terms of water

    permeability are unaffected or affected little by ADH

    (early distal tubule, little change). So as we get to the

    late distal tubule, that tubule is able to reabsorb water

    and so we see the tonicity change as we go from

    hypotonic to isotonic over this segment.This is affected

    by ADH we got a hypotonic fluid in the distal tubule, it is

    then being drawn out by the isotonic fluid in the

    intersitium and we reabsorb from 25ml up to 8ml at the

    end of that cortico portion of the the collecting tubule, so

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    a lot of water from 25ml to 8ml , we reabsorbed in the

    presence of ADH another 17ml /min in the late distal and

    early collecting ductsthat are up at the cortex, So

    another big piece of water reabsorption occurring there

    when ADH is around.

    Now this small volume of tubular fluid that is isotonicis

    moving through the portion of the collecting duct that

    goes through the medulla , through the deeper portions

    of the kidney where the intersititial fluid is now

    hypertonic, and so in the presence of ADH those principal

    cells in the medullary collecting duct are permeable to

    water, so water leaves, and we get even more

    concentrated urine (high osmolarity) that is of even a

    smaller volume (.2ml).

    So now weve reabsorbed all but .2ml of that fluid that

    was left, so the final urine volume will be small and the

    tonicity will be high.

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    In the presence or absence of ADH, lot of water

    reabsorbe in the proximal tubule.

    In the presence of ADH, we get enhanced water

    reabsorption along the descending limb of the loop of

    henle, we get enhanced water reabsorption in the late

    distal and the cortico collectin duct, and we get enhanced

    water reabsorption in the medullary collecting duct.

    So proximal tubule reabsorbs the largest amount ,

    followed by the descending limb of the loop of henle,

    then the late distal cortico collecting duct, and finally the

    medullary collecting duct tops things off.

    Proximal tubule bigger than any other areas for

    reabsorption of water.

    Fig 38-17

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    Understand why numbers change.

    Several things happen simulatenously, well discuss one

    at a time.

    We got some things that influence and help us make this

    osmotic gradient. Our goal is to explain how we have this

    gradient in osmolarity starting close to isotonic near the

    top portion of the medullary collecting duct or loop of

    henle, and how it gets more concentrated in the

    intersititum at the tip.

    One, is the structure , these are things that are important

    for generating this osmotic gradient.

    1. Structure, you have to have a loop, lf you dont have a

    loop you cant make this happen.

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    Length loop and length of loop. The longer the loop, the

    bigger the gradient you can make. Desert rats that get all

    water from nuts, have very long loops of henle.

    Body cannot adjust length. We have a fixed loop length

    but length is imp.

    2. Flowfluid is always moving through the tubular fluid,

    through the loop of henle, so that constant flow of fluid is

    important in helping to establish the gradient. And you

    know from autoregulation that the kidney tries to keep

    GFR fairly constant, so that fluid movement through the

    tubules is relatively constant so that enables then the

    loop of henle to have just a constant flow of fluid so the

    flow is imp.

    3. Permeability properties-so the descending limbs of the

    loop of henle, have a different water and salt

    permeability than the ascending limb, descending

    permeable to water, not to salt. Ascending permeable

    to salt, not to water. That diff in perm prop imp.

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    4. Tritransporter responsible for the initital event, the

    primary action that then enables all other things to occur


    Structure fixed

    Perm fairly fixed

    Flow isnt

    Tritransporter- well talk about how it works.

    Loop A

    Here we have the thin descending limb and the thick

    ascending limb, and we have in middle and all over the

    medullary instersitium.

    We start out with tubular fluid coming from the proximal

    tubule filling the loop of henle, and that fluid is isotonic.

    300 everywhere. And 300 in the MI.Initial position.

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    The tritransporter located on the asencding thick limb,

    pumps salt out of the tubular fluid and puts it into the

    intersititium. That tritransporter pumps until there is a

    difference in conc. of 200mosm.It is able to establish

    that difference, if the intersititum becomes bigger than

    that 200 diff, that means some salt will go back in other

    direction and the tritransporter will try to kick it out ,

    were in a steady state btwn what can come back and

    what it can pump against, but it can establish a diff of


    If we just start w/ first line , we see that this 300 btwn

    the tubular fluid in the ascending limb and the I. So the

    tritransporter can make this becomes 200 different so we

    get that here (1stline B). But as soon as this osm begins

    to go up, then water will leave the fluid in the thin

    descending which will dilute this a little bit which will

    mean the tritransporter will pump out some more salt,

    which will mean some water will leave from the

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    descending limb , and finally we reach a condition where

    were in some kind of steady state w/ a 200mosm diff

    across the ascending limb and equality across the

    descending limb.And since we have 300 all through

    here, we will have the same situation once weve reached

    a steady state. Important thing was we had this

    tritransporter that could establish that gradient, water

    couldnt follow, so the permeability propoerties of the

    ascending limb help that to establish that osmotic

    gradient and then the water perm of the descending

    enable the descending tubular fluid to equilibrate w/ I

    fluid. We still havent made a gradient.

    So nothing stays the same , changes, so tubular fluid

    comes in from proximal tubule, Now we have fluid

    entering and so we have little boxes coming in at 300

    displacing the boxes that were at 400. That moves the

    stuff around and pushes these guys up at the other side,

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    and so the tritransporters says I dont have a 200

    gradient, its only 100 , so it pumps and estabilishes a

    200mosm diff btwn 2 sides, and now the fluid in the

    descending limb leaves to try to make equilibration and

    we start seeing 500 in the bottom and 350 top. So a little

    bit of introduction of fluid displaced relationships btwn IF

    and tritransporter responsible for establishing this

    gradient, so flow is imp because it looks like bringing in

    new fluid thats isotonic upsets the balance which makes

    us pump some more it has displaced fluid that was a little

    hypertonic into an area where its even more hypertonic

    and this and the tritransporter keeps that gradient going.

    So now we have a new steady state, I is 350 at the top ,

    500 near the tip , we see the descending limb is

    hypertonic ascending limb is hypotonic as it goes towards

    the top ,and this fluid is hypotonic and will be going on to

    the distal tubule. So one more time, we get some more

    isotonic fluid from the proximal tubule, it equilibrates

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    with the IF, water leaves diluting IF, we no longer have a

    200 mosm gradient across the wall of the thick ascending

    so the tritransporter kicks in , establishes this gradient,

    fluid in the descending limb equilibrates and it looks as

    though were making an even bigger gradient now were

    at 325, 600 at the tip (Diag F). We introduce a little more

    fluid, pushes everyone around and as last chart implies

    we can then generate situation where we can get a nice

    steep gradient through the action of fluid flowing through

    the loop, the different permeability properties btwn the

    des and as limb as well as action of tritransporter to be

    able to establish and maintain a concentration gradient

    across the walls of the thick ascending limb, so thats

    how the Intersitial gradient is established through these

    things. Now the purpose then of the loop of henle is to

    make that gradient, the liquid thats leaving is hypotonic

    all the time, so the loop of henle isnt concentrating the

    urine , its in fact diluting the urine , and that salt that has

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    left that fluid is being put in the I space, and the next

    step willl be the use of that fluid, or osmotic gradient to

    reabsorb water and thats where the collecting duct

    comes in. So collecting duct passing through the same

    area where its 312 at top and 700 at bottom. So here is

    our dilute fluid going down the collecting duct, so the

    collecting duct is passing through this medullary area

    where there is this high osmotic intersitium, and if there

    is ADH around water can leave and therefore lead to a

    small volume concentrated urine. So the collecting duct

    within the medulla makes use of the osmotic gradient

    that the loop of henle generated.So again the structures,

    the relationship btwn the loop, the intersititum, and these

    medullary collecting ducts is important, so the loop

    makes the gradient , the collecting duct uses the gradient

    in the presence of ADH.

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    Understand Process. What things are impo to make

    gradient, which structure makes gradient, how this

    gradient used by other struct.

    Multiplication because it got bigger

    Countercurrent flow going in two diff directions

    Countercurrent multiplication is what happens w/ the

    loop of henle and the intersitium, countercurrent

    exchange is what happens in the vasa recta.

    So back in this diagram we had loop and collecting duct,

    we also have vasa recta, other capillary bed that supplies

    nutrients and removes waste and salts and water from

    this meudllary area.

    Diag 38-18

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    We see that intersitium is here around 1200 at the tip

    and is some 300 in the cortex.

    We need to supply those epithelial cells of the loop of

    henle and of the collecting duct w/ nutrients and we

    need to take away their waste, we have blood that we

    know is isotonic 300mosm, so how can we bring this

    liquid blood into the area around the loop of henle (tip)

    and collecting duct, have a capillary bed where things

    freely exchange back and forth and not wash away that


    So if we had a BV coming in straight in here at 300 and

    there was exchange w/ this hypertonic fluid, the

    bloodleaving will be 1200mosm, and the capillaries will

    provide nutrients but the poor ascending limb worked so

    hard to establish this osmotic gradient, and now were

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    bringing blood in thats going to wash away that gradient

    and take it back to the body , we need a process that

    prevents that or minimizes it.

    So again we use a loop, countercurrent relationship here.

    So blood is coming in into vasa recta at 300, this is now a

    capillary bed so its freely permeable to salt and water

    and so as the blood passes down the descending portion

    of the vasa recta moving into the tip of the loop of henle,

    it equilibrates , salt and water move appropriately, it

    equilibrates w/ the intersitium. And so as this diag

    implies, it reaches the same tonicity as the intersitium, if

    this blood were now to leave from the medulla of the

    kidney it will carry blood away at 1200 mosm but instead

    it goes back up the ascending side of the vasa recta and

    the opposite happens salt and water requilibrate and the

    blood now leaving and going into a vein is now slightly

    hypertonic (325) but certainly not as hypertonic as it had

    been down at the tip, so this countercurrent exchange

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    because all were doing is exchanging salt and water,

    enables us to perfuse deep within the medulla, perfuse

    w/ blood structures deep within the medulla, w/o

    removing very much salt. Yes, a little bit of salt left, so

    its a little hypertonic, but not as bad as it could have


    So thats countercurrent exchange which is the process

    used by the vasculature to provide perfusion w/o washing

    the salt away. Same structure in skin. Not unique to

    kidney, but imp because it enables perfusion of

    structures w/o loss of salt.

    If we were to increase blood flow, then this exchange will

    not be as complete because all of the movements require

    time. So more salt will be lost. Increase blood flow =

    causes increased salt lost from the medullary I.

    Increased blood flow would be detrimental to producing a

    low volume urine because w/ increased blood flow more

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    salt will be washed away , the I will not be at 1200, will

    be less, and so body couldnt reabsorb as much water.

    The times that we have increased blood flow, such as

    increased MAP, is just the right time we want to make

    more urine. If we have an increase in MAP, one way to

    lower and bring MAP back to normal is to make more

    urine. Increasing vasa recta bloodflow will wash away

    some of those salts, reduce the osmotic gradient from

    the cortex to the medulla within the I, and therefore

    reduce how much water gets reabsorbed so that will go

    into urine and be lost from the body , and help bring bp

    down. When we have a fall in MAP, we reduce vasa recta

    bloodflow, that enables less salt to be removed, therefore

    helps to concentrate urine better.

    So loop of henle responsible for the gradient, collecting

    duct makes use of that gradient, the process within the

    loop of henle that generates that gradient is

    countercurrent multiplication, requires different

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    permeability properties btwn asc and desc limbs to salt

    and water, requires the loop config, requires flow, and

    requires the tritransporter.

    The vasa recta also organized in loop config in order to

    perfuse but not wash out too much salt. So we have

    countercurrent exchange rather than countercurrent


    Tritransporter always working so always on osmotic

    gradient in MI, ADH just makes it go faster, always

    pumping along.

    One more thing,

    Urea is the way body gets rid of N, not a toxic subs, just

    a way the body combines a couple of Ns and excretes it.

    Urea has interesting properties, but it also plays imp role

    in helping to increase the osm here in the I. Other thing,

    its movement across cell membranes is sensitive to ADH,

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    so its also regulated by ADH.So this little diagram vasa

    recta coming in, loop of henle, collecting duct, close


    Numbers in tubule represent the percent of urea that is

    starting, we start w/ 100 percent of urea. We filter urea,

    urea is freely permeable through cell membranes,unless

    theyre not. 300mosm solution of urea is isoosmotic but

    not isotonic, because for most cells urea is clearly

    permeable.So we filter Urea so 100 percent or the same

    conc of urea thats in the blood enters the proximal

    tubule , and as that fluid passes through the proximal

    tubule, half of the urea is reabsorbed , just through

    channels, passively. That fluid then stays 50 percent, so

    not much urea leaves during the descending limb and in

    fact, urea is actually added back to the tubular fluid on

    the ascending limb, such that the fluid leaving the

    ascending limb actually has more urea in it than the fluid

    that entered the proximal tubule , so if you add those

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    numbers 60 (from collecting duct) +50 =110, this diag

    showing us that 60 percent more urea is added by

    secretion in the asc limb of LH, which then makes the

    urea conc greater in the tubular fluid than it was in the

    proximal tubule. From here on, through the distal tubule

    and the cortico collecting ducts these cells are

    impermeable to urea. So urea cant leave, and you know

    water and stuff move back and forth. So fluid coming into

    the medullary collecting duct has a high urea

    concentration.In the cortico collecting duct and late

    distal, water could be reabsorbed so that would help to

    further concentrate the urea. So the urea conc entering

    the medullary collecting duct is high. What happens as it

    passes down the collecting duct, is this portion of the

    collecting duct is now permeable to urea and is even

    more permeable if ADH is around. So because the urea

    conc in this tubular fluid is high relative to the I, urea

    leaves and that high urea conc. in the I is what is

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    enabling the secretion of urea into this ascending limbso

    we generate a gradient for urea to go from the medullary

    collecting duct fluid into the I , from the I into the

    ascending limb and so some of the urea essentially just

    cycles it reeneters the tubular fluid in the ascending limb,

    gets concentrated as it passes along the distal and

    cortico collecting duct and then is reabsorbed in the

    medullary collecting to be re secreted into the thin

    ascending limb.Some of it a little bit also gets taken up

    by the vasa recta and returned to the body. So theres a

    urea cycle here that enables secretion , reabsorption to

    occur through this medullary area of the kidney.When

    urea leaves water follows. ( HELPS US CONCENTRATE

    URINE) The two of them go together, what happens then

    is the osmolarity here is diluted a little by that water that

    has left the collecting duct w/ urea which enables more

    Na Cl , its diluting the osmolarity , which enables Na CL

    to be added from the thin ascending through a passive

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    process and helps to add osmotic particles to this MI

    fluid.So the presence or the movement of urea and

    water out of the collecting duct dilutes some of this

    osmolarity enhancing Na CL reabsorption from the thin

    asending that helps to put more salt there to further

    enhance water reabsorption and this is enhanced further

    by ADH, so ADH increases water permeability and

    increases movement of Urea into that space. Which is

    then able to draw Na and Cl from the thin asc limb and

    keep the osmolarity high and further enable water

    reabsorption, if that didnt occur we wouldnt get this

    additional Salt being added and the concentrating ability

    will be impaired.

    So this an example of a molecule that is moving back and

    forth both reab, secretion, just through passive

    properties.But urea there plays an important role in

    helping us form a conc. urine.

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    Things that willlimit your ability to form a concentrated

    urine or to make a small volume urine.

    1. Obviously the presence of absence of ADH.

    In the absence of ADH, the tritransporter doesnt work as

    hard, the late distal and collecting ducts are not

    permeable to water, and so the fluid that is leaving the

    distal tubule is hypotonic and it stays that way as it goes

    down thorough the late distal and into the collecting

    ducts.In the absence of ADH, there is little water

    reabsorption large volume urine. This could be because

    ADH isnt released from hypothalamus or it could be

    because ADH doesnt work properly on receptors. No

    release, or it cant work effectively.

    2. Another thing that will affect ability to form a

    concentrated urine is the activity of the tritransporter.A

    lot of diuretics act here, the most potent ones are loop

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    diuretics, and they inhibit the tritransporter which means

    that this osmotic graient cannot be established LH cannot

    do whats its supposed to do, and so you lose salt and

    water because of that.

    3. Vasa recta blood flow. We talked about vasa blood flow

    and how that blood leaving that vasa recta is slightly

    hypertonic and so if that bloodflow goes higher then

    more salt will be lost, generally the vasa recta bloodflow

    is relatively small, but it can be regulated under

    conditions where we want to conserve water, or where

    we want to remove water.

    4. Increased tubular flow. The faster the fluid flows

    through those tubules , from descending through

    ascending the less were able to form a concentrated

    urine.Time is important, the tritransporter has to move

    those molecules , the fluid in the descending limb has to

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    equilibrate w/ whatever the osm is in the MI, so if the

    fluid is moving through those tubules too rapidly , those

    gradients cant get established , therefore osmotic

    gradient in the I is reduced, and thats one of the things

    that a diuretic does, it causes more tubular flow,so if we

    had a diuretic that acted in the loop then that would

    increase loop flow, if we had a diuretic that worked even

    further proximal, in the proximal tubule by increasing the

    tubular flow will reduce the osmotic gradient and that will

    affect the ability to form a concentrated urine.

    5. Increased in GFR will push more fluid through there at

    a faster rate, so increases in MAP will increasse GFR

    because of an increase in glomerula capillary pressure so

    more fluid will filter through, high tubular flow ratewill

    mean less time to form that gradient and will make a

    dilute urine.

    6. If we have any molecules that act as osmotic agents ,

    glucose generally gets reabsorbed completely in the

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    proximal tubule by that transport process, Na Glucose

    cotransporter,which has Tm , transporter maximum, but

    if that transport max is exceeded, then glucose is left in

    the tubular fluid, it doesnt get reabsorbed in later

    portions such as in collecting duct or late distal, so its

    holding water, that water only trying to equilbrate w/ I.

    If the tubular already hypertonic because lot of glucose

    there, then that equilibration wont be as thorough and so

    any osmotic particles will be to increase urine formation

    which is called osmotic diuresis.

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