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  • 8/16/2019 LEC Brochure


    There is no better time to

    begin living your life

    free of glasses

    and contact lenses

  • 8/16/2019 LEC Brochure



    ack in 1985, London Place Eye

    Centre (as we were then known)

    became the first clinic in Canada

    dedicated to corrective eye surgery.

     We continued to pioneer the science

    of vision correction, and were the first

    in British Columbia to use a laser to

    correct nearsightedness, farsighted-

    ness and astigmatism.

    Later, we introduced the ‘No

    Touch’ PRK procedure, a non-

    invasive bladeless surgery that uses

    a cool beam of laser light to reshape

    the surface of the cornea. Unlike tra-

    ditional LASIK, there is no cutting of

    the eye needed to create a flap. ‘NoTouch’ also preserves more corneal

    tissue. ‘No Touch’ is now practiced at

    leading clinics around the world.

    For 30 years, we have advanced

    the science of laser vision correc-

    tion. The centre has performed over100,000 procedures on patients from

    over 30 countries. We can correct

    most vision conditions, even strong

    prescriptions, simply, safely, with

    precision and excellent long-term re-

    sults. Our surgical team is among the

    most experienced in the world. Oph-

    thalmologists from near and far come

    to us for training and, in many cases,

    have had their own vision corrected

    at our clinic. London Eye Centre con-

    tinues to be recognized internation-

    ally as a research centre for new de-

     velopments in laser vision correction.

    London Eye Centre offers online

     video seminars where all the op-

    tions, benefits and risks of laser vi-

    sion correction are openly discussed.

    Once you’ve talked to London Eye

    Centre, you’ll see there is no better

    time to begin a new life free of glass-es and contact lenses.

     A centre of innovation

  • 8/16/2019 LEC Brochure



    ost vision problems involve refrac-

    tion issues — the way light is fo-

    cused by your eye. It depends on three

    elements: the curvature of the cornea,

    the power of the lens, and the length of

    the eye. If these elements are structured

    correctly, then light will focus on the

    retina properly. However, it is common

    for one or more of these to be structured

    imperfectly. This irregularity results in arefractive problem.

    Myopia (nearsightedness)

     When an eye is myopic, it has too much fo-

    cusing power. This extra focusing ability

    is the result of any eyeball that is too long

    or a cornea that has excessive curvature,

    creating a steep surface. Those with my-

    opia see distance objects blurred. Near

    objects, however, can be focused clearly

    since they usually require additional fo-

    cusing power to produce a clear image.

    London Eye Centre has corrected up to

    -14 diopters of myopia.

    Hyperopia (farsightedness)

     A hyperopic eye does not have enough fo-cusing power. The lack of focusing ability

    is the result of an eyeball that is too short

    or a cornea that does not have enough

    curve. This creates a flat surface. Those

     with hyperopia initially have blurry vision

    up close, but with aging, it can progress

    to intermediate and distance vision prob-

    lems. London Eye Centre has corrected

    up to +6 diopters of hyperopia.


     When an eye is astigmatic, it lacks a uni-

    form surface which results in the inability

    to have one focal point. This asymmetry

    is due to the cornea being curved on one

    place more so than on the other. It is eas-ier to understand this concept if you con-

    sider a normal eye to be the shape of a

    tennis ball (spherical) and an astigmatic

    eye the shape of a football (toric). Usually

    astigmatism is the combination of both

    myopia and hyperopia and, therefore,

    both distance and near objects are blurry.

    Presbyopia (monovision)

    Presbyopia is an aging condition that

    contributes to the need for reading

    glasses. Not to be confused with hypero-

    pia (farsightedness), presbyopia occurs

    because the lens inside the eye has be-

    come rigid with age (usually around 45

     years old). A common solution for those

     with distance problems and presbyopia

    is either bifocal or progressive glasses.

     With contact lenses, one lens can be ad-

     justed to intentionally leave you slightly

    nearsighted. The difference is enough

    to aid your vision and brain to “accom-

    modate” and lessens the need for read-ing glasses. This is known as monovi-

    sion. This concept is also popular with

    laser vision correction patients over 40,

    particularly those who work with com-


     Who qualifies

    Length of

    Normal Eye

    Length of

    Normal Eye

  • 8/16/2019 LEC Brochure


    ‘No Touch’ PRK procedure

    It is essential for anyone interested

    in laser vision correction to have

    an in-depth consultation to determine

    if they are a suitable candidate.

     A t present, patients with virtually

    any degree of myopia (near-

    sightedness), hyperopia (farsighted-

    ness, up to +6), or astigmatism can

    be treated. Modifying the curvature or

    shape of the cornea is accomplished

    by vapourizing a small amount oftissue using the Excimer laser. The

    laser allows molecular quantities of

    corneal tissue to be removed with ex-

    treme precision; the amount removed

    is less than half the thickness of a hu-

    man hair.

    The ‘No Touch’ procedure,

     which we developed, is a

     very advanced version of the PRK

    surface procedure. No cutting is

    required; in fact, no mechanical

    instruments touch the eye. This is

    in contrast to conventional LASIK

    (Laser Assisted In-situ Keratomileu-

    sis), a multi-stage procedure that

    consists of cutting a flap using a

    motorized blade, then using a laser

    under the flap for vision correction.

    On the day of your procedure,

     you will be at the clinic forabout 90 minutes. After a second

    thorough measuring of your eyes

    and consultation with your surgeon,

     your eyes will be numbed using only

    drops, and every step of the proce-

    dure will be explained in detail, so

     you’ll know exactly what to expect.Once you’re in the treatment room,

     you’re fitted with a small device to

    keep you from blinking. No other

    instruments are needed. Surface

    skin cells on the cornea, called epi-

    thelium, are removed and the laser

    reshapes the underlying corneal tis-sue, creating a new curvature. Pro-

    cedure time is usually less than two

    minutes per eye.

    The epithelium usually takes

    three to five days to heal. Al-

    though blurriness is expected dur-

    ing initial healing, you’ll notice

    some improvements in focusing al-

    most immediately.

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    Intralase  SBK procedure


    ondon Eye Centre offers patients

    two vision correction options.

    IntraLase SBK is an all-laser proce-

    dure eliminating the blade and cut-

    ting from the LASIK process. It offers

    comparable safety to the ‘No Touch’

    PRK procedure as well as the shorter

    recovery associated with LASIK. Clin-

    ical studies involving one million cas-

    es have proven IntraLase SBK to besafer and more effective compared to

    the conventional LASIK process.

    Combining the advantagesof PRK and LASIK 


    In the past, many people chose the

    LASIK method because of relatively

    shorter recovery and sometimes low-

    er costs. Despite its popularity, there

    are potential concerns associated

     with conventional LASIK. Most of theLASIK safety issues are related to the

    cutting of the flap with the microkera-

    tome blade.


    Photorefractive Keratectomy is a

    surface procedure which removes

    the epithelium skin cells rather thancutting a flap. The ‘No Touch’ PRK

    method is considered to be the

    most advanced version of surface

    treatment. Although recovery time

    is relatively longer than LASIK, ‘No

    Touch’ PRK is popular with patients

     who take a conservative, safety-

    first approach. The ‘No Touch’ PRK

    procedure can also treat many

    patients with high corrections and

    thin corneas who are not eligible for


    IntraLase SBK 

    IntraLase SBK (Sub-Bowman’s Ker-atomileusis) is a hybrid procedure

     which combines the safety of PRK

    and the quicker recovery of LASIK.

    The IntraLase SBK employs an infra-

    red beam to make an ultra-thin, tai-

    lor-made flap superior in structure to

    a conventional LASIK flap. The com-

    puter-controlled laser creates andreplaces the thinner flap with greater

    accuracy and precision. The Intra-

    Lase method gives your surgeon the

    ability to tailor the dimensions of the

    individualized corneal flap based on

     what is best for your eye.STEP 2

    STEP 1

    The IntraLase femtosecond laser

    uses an infrared beam of light

    to precisely separate tissue using

    focused laser pulses which divide

    material at the molecular level. This

    process allows the surgeon to pro-

    duce an ultra-thin flap of corneal tis-

    sue without the use of a blade (as

    in conventional LASIK). This flap is

    gently lifted to expose the underly-

    ing tissue and the surgeon reshapes

    the cornea with a second laser. It is

    a painless procedure that normallytakes less than five minutes per eye.

    Patients who undergo the IntraLase

    procedure experience little to no dis-

    comfort following their surgery and

    are normally seeing very well within

    24-48 hours.

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  • 8/16/2019 LEC Brochure


    Risks and rewards


    aser vision correction is one of

    the most commonly performed

    elective procedures in North Amer-

    ica. As with any surgery, a careful

    review of the risks and the rewards

    should be made. ‘No Touch’ PRK and

    IntraLase SBK are exceptionally safe

    and effective procedures. Due to the

    precision of the laser and the fact that

    no blades touch the eye, we feel they

    are the safest procedures available.

    Some side effects can occur during

    healing, including infection, under

    or over correction, corneal haze and

    dry eyes. Incidence of complications

    is low. While the laser is precise, hu-

    man tissue can vary in healing capa-

    bilities. All risks will be discussed in

    a private consultation.

    Light Sensitivity 

    Most eyes are sensitive to light post

    operatively. This is usually short last-

    ing — less than one to two weeks.Sunglasses should be worn in bright

    sunlight for a few months following

    surgery to avoid excessive UV radia-


    Corneal Haze

    The term “haze” is used when the

    healing response results in new tissue

    growth on the treated surface suffi-

    cient enough for a loss of transparency

     visible with the examination micro-

    scope. Haze is treatable and generally

    dissipates over time.


    Initial overcorrection is usually

    planned as the cornea heals. The eye

    generally stabilizes to near-predicted

    results within one to three months;

    however, in rare cases, it may remain

    overcorrected. An overcorrection is

    more noticeable to older patients and

    is treatable with both the Holmium or

    Excimer laser.


    Undercorrection is more common

    than overcorrection. Small amounts

    of undercorrection do not seriously

    affect the resulting vision. Large

    amounts, however, may need a re-

    treatment (or corrective lenses full or

    part time) for clear vision.


    There are numerous life benefits laser

     vision correction can provide, includ-

    ing freedom from lenses for sports,recreation, driving, or work. There

    are a number of occupations, such as

    pilots, firefighters, and police officers,

    that require a high standard of visual

    acuity without visual aids.

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    Frequently asked questions

    Does it matter which clinic

    does my procedure?

    E xperience is always crucial when

    selecting a clinic or doctor for

    any surgery. Equipment, technique,

    and dedication to patient safety are

    also important factors to consider. At

    London Eye Centre, our surgeons

    have extensive experience and use

    the same equipment, technique

    and highly trained support staff to

    ensure our high standards are met.

     You should select a facility that has

    the track record and reputation you

    require. It is your vision and it is an

    optional procedure.

     Why do prices vary?

    In addition to experience, technol-

    ogy and reputation, price is a fac-

    tor. Most clinics that have attempted

    discount prices for vision correction

    have not remained in business. Be

    careful to ensure there are no hidden

    or additional charges and that you

    are confident the clinic you choose

     will be in business long term.

    Can you guarantee the result?

     A lthough the predictability of re-

    sults is very high and incidence

    of complications is low, the answer

    is no. Different eyes heal at different

    rates and in different ways. If you end

    up with less correction than you hope

    for, chances are that your eye can be

    retreated simply and effectively to

    take it the rest of the way.

     What about long-term results?

    Laser vision correction has a track

    record of nearly 30 years of ex-

    cellent results and safety. Conserva-

    tive patients who have been waiting

    for the procedure to be proven long

    term can now proceed with confi-


     What if I need a re-treatment?

     W  hile the likelihood is low, all pa-tients undergoing laser vision

    correction must accept that a re-treat-

    ment may be required in the future.

     At London Eye Centre, re-treatments

    are included in your surgical fee. Pa-

    tients choosing London Eye Centre

     value our track record as B.C.’s lon-gest serving vision correction provid-

    er. Over the years, many different la-

    ser vision correction companies have

    come and gone. Be sure to choose a

    facility that you are confident will be

    around to take care of you in the fu-

    ture if needed.

    For a more comprehensive list of

    FAQs, go to www.lasereye.com.

  • 8/16/2019 LEC Brochure




    ince 1985, tens of thousands of

    patients have told us, “this is

    the best gift I’ve ever given myself.”

    Here’s more feedback:

    Before my surgery, the staff at

    London Eye Centre answered

    all my questions. My eyes were re-

    measured and a final consultation

     was completed with the surgeon.

     We then moved onto the surgery, the

     whole procedure took only minutes.

    The staff was fabulous, the after care

    is excellent, they go to great lengths

    to make their patients comfortable.

    Thank you, London Eye Centre.

    I have perfect vision without glassesand contacts. Why did I wait so long?

    Zack Spencer – Vancouver, B.C.

     Abunch of people have asked in

    my blog why I chose No Touch

    PRK rather than LASIK. I think the

    first and most important reason that

    I did so was that I had this crazy idea

    of fighting competitively, and PRK is

    much better for contact sports. With

    No Touch PRK from London Eye Cen-

    tre, I will be able to take punches in

    the face again in sparring without

     worry that my eye could be seriously

    injured. Even pro-LASIK websites

    state that people participating in box-

    ing, kickboxing or MMA should not

    get regular LASIK.

    Terrence Chan – Vancouver, B.C.

    I’m 100% satisfied. No more con-

    tacts... don’t need to put on my

    “reading” glasses for every little

    thing ...

    Hilton P. – Coquitlam, B.C.

    Fabulous! No longer have to wear

    glasses for driving, TV or dis-

    tance. Love the results! Recommendthe procedure to anyone and every-

    one who has to rely on glasses.

    Gail W. – Langley, B.C.

    Isimply cannot think of enough ad-

     jectives to describe my new vision:

    clear, perfect, wonderful, unbeliev-able.

    Rick T. – Orange County, CA 

    I can play again like a child; my vi-

    sion allows me to do skiing, snow-

    boarding, roller-blading, water sports

    and lead an active life without glass-

    es. Thanks!

    David T. – Abbotsford, B.C.

  • 8/16/2019 LEC Brochure


    You have no reason to wait

    “I can’t afford it right now.”

    London Eye Centre offers a no inter-

    est payment plan. Ask us about it.

    Call London Eye Centre now and

    book your initial consultation.

     You’ve waited long enough – begin

    living your life free of glasses and

    contact lenses.

    “I’m waiting for the technology to

    get better.”

    Laser vision correction is proven sci-

    ence. The centre has performed over

    100,000 successful procedures and

    our all-laser procedure can correct

    most vision conditions with excep-

    tional accuracy. The latest generation

    of lasers provides better results than



    ho trusts their eyes to London

    Eye Centre? People applying

    for jobs that require excellent vision

     without glasses or contacts: police

    officers, pilots, the armed forces and

    firefighters. If many of these profes-

    sionals have had their vision correct-

    ed by us. Why haven’t you?

    “I’m waiting for proof that the pro-

    cedure is effective in the long term.”

    In the early years, many patients had

    taken a wait-and-see approach. Lon-

    don Eye Centre has been performing

     vision correction for 30 years and is,

     without a doubt, B.C.’s most experi-

    enced laser eye centre. Patients can

    expect excellent long-term results.

    “I’m concerned about the safety of

    laser vision correction.”

    London Eye Centre only performs

    all-laser vision correction. Our proce-

    dure is precise, safe and no surgical

    blade ever touches your eye, unlike


  • 8/16/2019 LEC Brochure


    How to find us

    918 - 12th Street

    New Westminster, BC V3M 6B1


    #306 - 126 15th Street East

    North Vancouver, BC V7L 2P9


  • 8/16/2019 LEC Brochure


    Find out if laser vision correction with London Eye Centre

    is right for you.

    Call us to book an initial consultation.


    918 - 12th StreetNew Westminster, BC, Canada V3M 6B1


    #306 - 126 15th Street East

    North Vancouver, BC, Canada V7L 2P9

    Toll free: 1.800.395.7483

    Email: [email protected] Website: www.lasereye.com

    Follow us on Twitter!


    Scan code for

    more details

  • 8/16/2019 LEC Brochure


    In 1985, London Place Eye Centre (as we were thenknown) opened its doors for the first time. As one of

    the first private medical clinics in British Columbia,

    London Eye Centre originally offered cataract, refrac-

    tive and cosmetic surgery to its patients. We were the

    first eye clinic in BC to be accredited by the College of

    Physicians and Surgeons: this is no small recognition;

    it means we have been consistently found, through

    regular audits, to be adhering to a strict set of stan-

    dards designed to ensure that patients are receiving

    the best medical care. These rigorous standards havebeen maintained for 30 years.

    A lot has changed since 1985. The clinic has ex-

    panded three times, increased the complement of

    staff and technicians, introduced many new surgi-

    cal procedures to British Columbia and aided tens of

    thousands of people with their vision. Today, London

    Eye Centre focuses solely on laser vision correction.

     The team of surgeons and technicians are dedicat-

    ed to helping patients who seek the best care and

    technology to correct their vision problems, such asnearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism.

    London Eye Centre now has clinics in New Westmin-

    ster and North Vancouver. We have treated patients

    from all around the world, including all Canadian

    provinces and territories, 47 different US states and

    more than 30 countries overseas.

    London Eye Centre’s renowned surgical team, in con-

     junction with our Research Department, has been

    dedicated to improving and perfecting the tech-niques of laser vision correction. The predictability,

    safety and computer control of the Excimer laser has

    already proven its reliability. Worldwide, well over

    10 million procedures have been performed, and

    this number is compounding exponentially by thou-

    sands each day..

    While advancing the science of laser vision correc-

    tion, London Eye Centre has been able to speed up

    healing and visual recovery, minimize discomfort

    and improve predictability for patients with more

    challenging corrections. Our all-laser procedures

    have improved vision correction surgery to a level

    of safety and appeal that is highly attractive to the

    more cautious patient.

    London Eye Centre is B.C.’s original and longest serv-

    ing vision correction provider. As a locally based

    company, we are dedicated to providing the best

    care and technology possible for our patients.

    Canadians are renowned for

    medical innovations such as the

    invention of insulin, the electronmicroscope and the pacemaker. 

    Many scientific advances using

    lasers to correct vision were

    pioneered here, in British Columbia.

    London Eye Centre Medical Team

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    London Eye Centre has a distinguished

    history of advancing the science of

    laser vision correction.

    Dr. Donald Johnson, London Eye Centre’s

    founder, dedicated his professional life toadvances in ophthalmic surgery, particularly the

    development of laser vision correction.

    Dr. Johnson is considered to be the first surgeon

    in North America to dedicate his entire practice

    solely to refractive surgery. Dr. Johnson is

    recognized as a pioneer and one of the true

    grandfathers of laser vision correction.

    1985• First clinic in British Columbia to correct

    nearsightedness using Radial Keratotomy (RK);over 6,500 RK procedures performed from 1985to 1992

    1990• First clinic in British Columbia to use a surgical

    laser to correct nearsightedness and astigmatismwith a procedure called Photorefractive

    Keratectomy (PRK)• Dr. Johnson becomes the rst Canadianinvestigator for the VISX® Excimer laser

    1991• First centre in Canada to correct astigmatism

    using Excimer laser

    1993 • First clinic in British Columbia to develop regional

    system of patient care over 1,600 eyecareprofessionals provide quality pre and post-

    operative care for the Centre’s patients; patientscan have treatment at London Eye Centre, returnhome and have their follow-up care with theirdoctor knowing the progress will be closelymonitored by the clinic’s highly trained staff 

    • First clinic in Canada to correct farsightednesswith the Holmium laser

    1994• First clinic in Canada to correct farsightedness

    with the Excimer laser

    1995• London Eye Centre plays host to hundreds in

    the refractive surgery industry from around theworld at the first in a series of annual conferencesheld each year at Whistler, BC; the Pacific CoastRefractive Symposium featured the pre-eminentnames in refractive surgery

    1996• The Centre now has dedicated Education and

    Research personnel providing comprehensivepatient and professional education to patients

    and doctors worldwide

    1997• Dr. Johnson receives a US patent and trademark

    for his invention and use of the ‘No Touch’surgical technique

    1998• Over 60 eye physicians have chosen London Eye

    Centre for their own treatments

    2001• The Centre enters new era in Excimer laser

    technology by acquiring first laser in WesternCanada featuring 3D eye tracking


    • Clinic launches Wavescan Technology (ngerprint-like scans able to analyze total optical system)• First facility in Canada to perform investigative

    laser procedure for reversal of presbyopia (agingcondition causing the need for reading glasses)

    2003• Centre opens satellite facility in Kamloops, BC,

    for easier access to top technology for all BCresidents


    • Successfully performed clinical trial of multi-focal treatment for far-sighted patients withpresbyopia

    2006• London Eye Centre wins Consumer Choice Gold

    Award as top laser eye correction centre inVancouver for the 7th consecutive year

    2008• London Eye Centre offers the revolutionary

    Intralase SBK. With Intralase, patients enjoy the

    safety and results of ‘No Touch’ PRK, along withrapid vision recovery and less discomfort allwithout the cutting/blades associated with LASIK 

    2011• London Eye Centre opens a new facility in North


    2012• London Eye Centre approaches 100,000

    procedures completed in B.C.

    2015• London Eye Centre, BC’s longest-serving

    vision correction provider, celebrates their30th anniversary

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    Procedure Fees

    Procedure FeePrescription




    (if needed)


    at LEC

    Post-ops for


    Post-op Kit



    (if needed)

    ‘No Touch’



    per eye


    prescriptions   √ √ √ √ √




    per eye


    prescriptions   √ √ √ √ √

     All Inclusive Fees

    Laser Vision Correction pricing can be confusing for the patient.

    Many facilities create this confusion: tiered fees based on

    prescription strength, add-ons and extras for custom software,

    follow-up care, and re-treatments (if needed). London Eye Centrefees are simple to understand with no surprises, add-ons or hidden



    The fee is exempt from all taxes. The procedure fee is eligible as a

    medical expense income tax credit.


    London Eye Centre has convenient, low-interest and no-interest

    financing available. Call our education department for more


     An Investment

    The decision to proceed with laser vision correction with London

    Eye Centre should be looked upon as an investment. The cost ofglasses, contact lenses and solutions adds up quickly. Simple

    math shows that the fee for laser vision correction is recovered in

    a few short years for most patients. You don’t need a calculator to

    appreciate that laser vision correction with London Eye Centre pays

    for itself in no time.

  • 8/16/2019 LEC Brochure


    Our Surgeons

    Dr. Perry H. Maerov, FRCS (C)

    Dr. Maerov serves as the Medical Director and Chief Surgeon

    at both of our New Westminster and North Vancouver clinics.

    He obtained his medical degree from the University of Alberta

    and completed his post-graduate training in Ophthalmology at

    Queens University in 1974. He has been a cataract and refrac-tive surgeon for over 30 years. Dr. Maerov is also on the teach-

    ing staff in the Department of Ophthalmology at UBC.

    Dr. Suren Sanmugasunderam, FRCS (C)Dr. Sanmugasunderam (also referred to as Dr. Shan) obtained

    his medical degree from the University of Ottawa and com-

    pleted his post-graduate studies in ophthalmology at UBC. Dr.

    Shan has been a cataract and refractive surgeon since 1995.He is on the teaching faculty at UBC, is a former president of

    the BC Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons, and is a sec-

    tion editor for the Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology.

    Dr. Jesse Chew, FRCS (C)Dr. Chew obtained his medical degree and Royal College of

    Canada Certification in Ophthalmology from UBC. Dr. Chew

    gained expertise in ocular biodevices and therapeutics duringhis fellowship at the Moran Eye Center, University of Utah. He

    is currently a Clinical Assistant Professor at UBC and the Uni-

     versity of Utah. Dr. Chew has performed thousands of ocular

    surgeries with a focus on cataract and refractive laser surgery.

    Dr. Naveen Mysore, FRCS (C)Dr. Mysore obtained his medical degree from McGill Univer-

    sity, where he went on to complete his residency and obtain theRoyal College Certification in ophthalmology. He completed

    a cornea, external disease and refractive surgery fellowship at

    the internationally recognized Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland,

    Ohio. He is currently working as a Cornea and External Eye

    Disease specialist at the Surrey Eye Care Centre and Surrey

    Memorial Hospital.