
\ ' ' • • \ > ' . . .. ' . .. •• ' . ... ; Offlelal Orcan Soatlaea•te rn Te ae •en Collece. DURANT, OKLAHOM-", WEDNESDAY, DECEMB:,DB. 21, 1927 . tNumber 15 VOL-dME .. . L""RGE HOUSE - . . . BASKET :SALL MEET \\.ITH EXCELLENT PROGRAl\'l SOUTHEASrl, f ERN JE F,EBRUARY 16, 17 and The An . nual Light Se rvi ce g,iven in the CoJlege Audit o rium Tuesday nig.ht r epeate d th e us ual .success of these deli gh tfu 1 programs. In addition to th e C hristn1a s ca rol f; an d sc rip t ur e readings, ta bleaux wer e prese ·s te d as an impressive fea- t\lre of the occ · asion. Th e following pr o gran1 wa s r.e nder e d: Prelude Orche s tra Ad este Fid e lia ___ _ -- - -------- ---- - -- __ R ea ding Luk e 1 : 27-33 Tb e Mag nif i-cat ________ Traditi o nal Choirs Th r ee 1'-ings of Ori e-nt Ar e _ _ - ----- - --- - --- ----- __ Hopkin s . Luk e 2:8-11 . There vV er e Shep .h e rd s Abidin g __ ------- - --- - -------- -- Lyll €S Girl s' Glee Club. It Oame Upo n the Midnight Cl ear_ ---- ------ --- ------ - __ W11lis Choirs Luk e · 2 : 12-13 Glory to God Antiphonal Choir Luke 2: 15-16 l 0 Li ·t tl e Town of B eth lehem ----- ------------------- __ Re dn er T he Fir st Noel---r---- Tradit i ona l .Silent Night __ _____ ___ _ _. __ Gruber Choirs .. . John 3:16 atthew 11:2 8- 30 P ea<!e I Leav e With You __ ___ _ Qo w Choirs Matth ew 28: 20b J oy To 'fh e W'orld ______ . ______ _ ·•· ------------ Arr . from Handel Choirs Reces s iona l _ _ Hark! The Her a ld _ __ Ang els Si sg ____ Mendelsso hn ---STC-- A game b et w ee n the Seniors and Soph o mor es of the Rus- s ell High Schoo l is schedu led for ' Fr i.(lay ,. December 2 3, fron1 12 : 3 0 to 1: 30 in the new gymnasium . I . T-he K appa Ch. is were hoste sses at a Christmas party Frida. y nigh t, giv- en at the home of Miss Nell Sc hool- . er. The we re special g uests of the evening. DEHATJ1J SCHEDULE . S. T. C. vs. Denton at Den- * l8E ton la st Frid ay in Marc'l. . S. T. C. vs. Loui sm na at 31 1 Natchotoches first w eek is l8E lSE April. · 3St S. T . C. vs. Con way at tDu-. )8E rant no date set . )a( S. T. C. v.s. East Oentral --. 3&E at Ada l ast Friday in April. -' 38( l8E S. T . C. vs. Tahl e qu ah at . Dur ant last Frid ay in •· April. ---ST --- '.CRAf'J{ .. -\XIJ }: JEL)) SET FO}\ 1!)28 APRIL 12, l:J .-\NO 14 Th e dat es for th e Eig . hteen ·t h Ari'- . n u a l Southeastern Oklah o ma In te r- H ig h School Tr ac k and Fi e ld Meet has been s et f o,r April 1 2, 1.3 ' a np 14 19 2·8. Th ere wi ll oe seve ral n ew ' ' fea:tures added this year which w ill add to the in te r est of the m eet. 1": Cl ass B band will be dd ed thts Th e . Southeastern S tate Tea c hers . ! College Invi tat ion Ba sk et Ball Tour- nam ent .wiH be held on February 16, 17 and ·18, 1928 . The girls' tourna- me nt will be held March 9 and 1 0. · · Thi s ·Year 1·6 inch silver basket balls mounted on IJ.edestals will be given t he winners ol both clatSses of . ,. the . boy s' tournament and t he ' wil}ner of the gi rls' tournament. Th e runn ers -up wiH each get a 12. inch silve r basket ball mounted ort a· pe de s ta l. ., Th e winners of the Boy s Tuorn a, -: ment in . both c la sses w:ill b e gi ven individq.a-1 gold b as k et ball. Ten I wiil be g iv en to eac h team, nine for · the . !)layers . a nd one for the coac h . . . !he runn er s- up will each get a ... ver bas k et ball, ten to eac h team for the play e rs a nd one for the coach B oys' teams will be limited t@ nin e players. Any fur ther informa tion wa nt ed ca n be had by writing P. E. Laird . Dir ecto r of Tour n-a L m ent. ---s -r c·- -- J)H IREL.-\XD \\ .ILL SPE.-\li TO MIERIC A X SCIEXTII4'1f' SOCIRT¥ as there see ms to be ·a lar ge dem& nd ' that numb er. Th e numb er of in st run1e nt s in the Class A Or ch est ra and Band will be increased, whi ch : will in te r est more st ud en ts. , . I Th e con test se l ect ion s. will be " Th e Relatiou !:i hip of Plant to print ed in Th e Southeastern in the Anitnal Di seases" will be the subjedt first n urn ber after th e holida ys·. · c.f the a ddress Dr. J. G. Ireland , hea d -- -O J . .S: --- PHYS i f' .-\IJ CJJl..'R Th e Physical C lub, · re- cest ly organized at South easte rn . m et l ast W'ednesday in th e gy mn as- ium . Af .t er the bu siness session was di osed of, the members parti c. ipa t- ed in . varioUJs games and st un t. This club now holds four w ee kh· m ee tings, . t\l·o devoted active gym_ na s ium programs+ asd two to night m eet ing s &t the hom es. of the r es p e<>- . tive rr,embers. Th e council for the c, lub i.s c ompos ed of the members with Rob e rt a Vaughan s•e: rving as c hairman : - Ev e lyn Nor- man, Gw ·fmdnlyn Lan t. hrip e, Ruth Hewett and Vivian Willi amson . of zoo l ogy give to the Ameri ca n So c iety l for the Advancement of Sci e n c.e at t m eeti ng in Nashville, Te nnes see, e- re mb er 26. I Dr . Ir ela nd was for merly inYes t i- . . ga tor Of poi so niou s plants in the , l nited · State s De partment of Agri- c ulture · and wrote several scientifi¢ t ext books . Thi s is an honor that has been · acco rd ed but few times to a So u.t h- er u e r , a·s the memb ers hip is made UJl ' of Northern and Efi,stern sc i- , en ti sts. ..... _____ _ La st Wednesday ni ght t he Ami - . g g9s an d the Kapp a Chis ad jo urn ed thei r r e gular n1 ee t ings and . t h e, ·a ypsy Sm it h re';·iva l. . I I I .. --.. 1 - ' I . ' . I ' ' I ' I I I I I I 1 ' I I l 1 ' I I I I ' ' .I

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Offlelal Orcan Soatlaea•te rn T eae•en Collece. •

DURANT, OKLAHOM-", WEDNESDAY, DECEMB:,DB. 21, 1927 . tNumber 15

::(f'"':'A":~=D:-:L-:E:-:LI-::G::H=T~S--E=R:-:V=I:-:C=-E:-----.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.---:'.-.-.-.-.__;,·_BO_:f_rS-'..:I_N_.VI_T_A_T_I_O~N--===-.::. . VOL-dME S~ .. .


\\.ITH EXCELLENT PROGRAl\'l ~ SOUTHEASrl, f ~ ~ ERN JE F,EBRUARY 16, 17 and ~8

The An.nual Cand~le Light Service g,iven in the CoJlege Audito rium Tuesday nig.ht r epeated the u s ual .success of these deligh tfu 1 programs. In addition to the Christn1as carol f; and script ure readings, tableaux were prese·s ted as an impressive fea­t\lre of the occ·asion. The following progran1 was r.endered: Prelude

Orches tra Processiona~l Adeste Fidelia ___ _

-- - -------- ---- - -- __ R eading •

Luke 1 : 27-33 •

Tb e Magnifi-cat ________ Traditio nal

Choirs •

v.,r ,~ Thr ee 1'-ings of Orie-nt Are __ ------ - --- - --- ----- __ Hopkins .

Luke 2:8-11 .

T h er e vVer e Shep.h erds Abiding __

------- - --- - -------- -- Lyll€S Girls' Glee Club.

It Oa m e Upon th e Midnight Clear _

------------------- - __ W11li s Choirs

Luke · 2 : 12-13 Glory to God

Antiphonal Choir L u k e 2: 15-16 l

0 Li·t tl e Town of Bethleh em -----

------------------- __ R edner T he First Noel---r---- Traditional .Silent Night __ _____ ___ _ _. __ Gruber

Choirs ..

. John 3:16 M·atthew 11:2 8-30 P ea<!e I Leave With You __ ___ _ Qow

Choirs Matthew 28 : 20b J oy To 'fhe W'orld ______ . ______ _

·•· • ------------ Arr. from Handel

Choirs Recess ional __ Hark! The Hera ld

___ Angels Sisg ____ Mendelssohn ---STC--

A basketba~ll game between t h e Seniors and Sophomores of the Rus­sell High School is scheduled for

' Fri.(lay,. December 2 3, fron1 12 : 3 0 to 1 : 30 in t h e new gymnasium .


-------8~~ ~ . T-he K appa Ch.is were hostesses at

a Christmas party Frida.y nigh t, giv­en at the home of Miss Nell School­

. er. The A~igos were special guests of the evening.


• • • S. T . C. vs. Denton at Den- * l8E ton last Friday in Marc'l. • . • S. T. C. vs. Louismna at • 31 1Natchotoches first week is l8E lSE April. · ~ 3St S. T . C. vs. Con way at tDu-. • )8E rant no date set. )a(

• S. T . C. v.s. East Oentral --. 3&E at Ada last Friday in April. -'38(

l8E S. T . C. vs. Tahlequa h at • .

• Dura n t last Friday in • • · April. ~ ~ • -~··············~

---STC·---'.CRAf'J{ .. -\XIJ }: JEL)) MJ1~ET

DATf1~-.; SET FO}\ 1!)28 APRIL 12, l:J .-\NO 14

The da tes for the Eig.hteen·t h Ari'-. n ua l Southeastern Oklahoma Inte r-H igh School Track and Field Meet ha s been set fo,r April 1 2, 1.3 ' a np 1 4 19 2· 8. Ther e w ill oe several n ew

' ' fea:tures added this year which will add to the in ter est of the m eet.

• 1":

Class B band will be a·dded thts ye~:r

The . Southeastern State Teachers . !

College Invitation Bask et Ball Tour-namen t .wiH be held on February 16, 17 and ·1 8, 1928. The girls' tourna­m ent will be held March 9 and 1 0.·


· This ·Year 1·6 inch silver basket ba lls mounted on IJ.edestals will be given t he winners ol both clatSses of . ,. the . boys' tournament and ~to t he

' wil}ner of the gir ls ' tournament.

• •

The runner s-up wiH each get a 12. inch silver basket ball mounted ort a · pedes tal. .,

The winners of t h e Boys Tuorna,-: m en t in . both classes w:ill be given individq.a-1 gold basket ball. T en

• I

wiil be g ive n t o each team, nine for · the. !)layers . a nd one for t he coach . . . !he runner s-up will each get a ~il ... ver basket ball, t en to each team

~ine for t h e players a nd one for t h e •

coach •

Boys' teams will be limited t@ nine players. Any fur t h er informa tion wa nted can be had by writing P. E. Laird . Dir ector of Tourn-aL ment.

---s-rc·--­J)H IREL.-\XD \ \ .ILL



a s t her e seem s to be ·a large de m&nd ' fc 1~ that number . The number of instrun1 ents in the Class A Orchest ra and Band will be increased, which : will inter est more students. , . I

The con test selection s. will be " The Relatiou!:ihip of Plant to ~· printed in The Southeastern in t h e Anitnal Diseases" will be the subjedt first n urn be r after the holidays·. · c.f the a ddress Dr. J. G. Ireland, head

---OJ . .S:--­PHYSi f' .-\IJ }~Ol..'f'ATION


The Physical .t:~ucation Club, · re­cestly organized a t Sout heastern . m et last W'ednesday in the gymnas-

ium. Af.t e r the business session was di p·osed of, the members par t ic.ipat-

• ed in . varioUJs games and stunt .

This clu b now holds four weekh· ~ •

m eetings,. t\l·o devoted ~ to active gym_ nasium programs+ asd two to night meetings &t the hom es. of t h e r espe<>-. tive rr,embers. The council for the c,lub i.s composed of the foll~win·g

members with Roberta Vaughan s•e:rving as chairman : - Eve lyn Nor­man, Gw·fmdn lyn Lant.hripe, Ruth Hewett and Vivian Willi a m son .

• •

of South~astern's zoology departme~ "'~ ill give to the American Society lfor the Advancement of Scie nc.e at t meetin g in Nashville, Te nnessee, e­

rember 26. I

Dr. Ire la nd was formerly inYest i-. .

gator Of poisonious plants in t he ,

l nited ·States Department of Agri-culture · and wrote several scientifi¢ textbooks.

This is an honor that has been · accorded but few times to a Sou.t h­eruer , a·s the member s hip is made UJl

' · rnost-h~ of Northern and Efi,stern sci-,

• e n ti sts.

--~"1"'( ..... _____ _

Last Wednesday nigh t t he Ami-. g

g9s an d the Kappa Chis ad j ourned thei r r egular n1 eetings and attend~ . t h e, ·a y ps y Smit h re ';·iva l.

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t . • ;

' . '

Otftctal Orpn of the Southeaatera ., s,tate Teachen' Colle&"•· I . .

Publlalled weeki~ b~ the 8. 8. T. C. ID the hltereat of B4ueatlon ln South·

OldahomL ·· 1

Suiaartptton prtce IOc per ~ear. •

• •

Bntere4 aa aecond-claaa matter Oc· teber 4, 1111, at Durant, Oklahoma.

the Act of Au~uat 14, 1111. Ac· for mallln&" at ·special rate of

pot~~ provided for In section 1101. Aat of October a, 1117, authorised Oc­tlobeP I, 1111.


l Chirstmas is regarded as the great-

• j

celebration. throughout the epclesi-astical year and ls celebrated ~n ev­ev~ry civilized count·ry in the world.

That th-e btrt·h of Jesus Ch-rist, the . deliverer of the human race, and the m)'!Sterious link co·nnecting the transcepdent and ineomprehepsib1e &ttrlobutes of Diety with humati sym­pathies and affetcions, should ~ considered as the most ~l~r.ious

· event that ever . hapened, an<J.l the bein:g revereri tly

· ..1memorated, · ~s· a ·proposition which must commend t­seU to t he hear-t and reason o ev r

-one of His followers, ·who aspi es to walk in His footsteps, and share in

I the ineffable benefits w·h·ieh , His·


th has secured to maDkisd. The .

lllOIIt beautiful story_ of the birth of • I tbe Qhttist

0 ta f1>und in .the ~nd

chapter of Luke: "And there were in the same ~oun­

trr &hepherds abid·ing in t~e field, keeping watch over their flock by ntcht. ,


. .A.ed, lo, 'the -angel of the \Lord ' came upon them, and the glory of tre ·Lor4 shown round a~bout them, . and· .they· were sore ·a -fraid.

And the angel said unto them . not: for, behold, I bring! Jo~ pod tidings of grea·t joy which shall

' be to a 1 people. J'or u to you .fs born this d·Jy in

the city of David a Savior, which ls ·Obrlst tile Lord,

• . And iJlls shall be a sign to r ou ; :Ye aball ftnd the babe wrapped in inraddl·iiJB clothes, lying in a tpan-

And was with the ang~l a m·ultlt of t ·be rea venly •host prais-lal' God. and saying,

Glory 1 to God .in the highest, and on earth peace, good wih toward

~ •• ,. • • •

-· .;.;._--liiBTC:-......... -

Gled to see .you neXt year •

TBB 80tr.l'll MASTBBK . '



The tent.h quadrennial convention of the student volunteer movement . . will meet th·is· !)"ear at Detroit, Mich-igan, from ·December 28, 1927, to ·~lanuary 1, 1928. T·he conve·ntion is to be a Studest Christian Missionary convention. Its program is being built up around two basic assump­tions: "Jesus Ohrist is worth being r known, tru.sted and obediently fol-,Jowed by men everywhere;" "Mak­ing Him known to others is t-he joint responsibili,ty of all w.ho fol-• low Him."

. ' In point of aim and method, the

convention is •to be educational and inspir~tional toward an analysis of the pr-esent world situoation, a re-

... view and appraoi.sal of modern mis-. sions, and a search for the solution of recognized problems. The com­mittee of arrangements has been .l)lanning to develop the attitudes otowa.rd rthe devqtion and loyal·ty to

';Jesus ·Chrtst, ·and toward ourselves I

and our civilizatlon that we may be_ 0

come a better ·Uhristian Nation i •

' _Some of the : important speakers ar.e to be Francis Nei, president of


C-entral China Christian Univsrsiiy, Wucbang, China; Rwhard Roberts, pastor of the U!Dited C:h urch, To­ronto, 1Canada; It·oy Akagi, secretary

of F'he friendl·Y Relation Committee of the Y. M. C. A., and Akintu· Dip­eolu, an African student.

• Mise Edna Geister, tile "Ice

Breaker Hers-elf,';' wlll be there and eond uot the social part. There wi.U also be ''Intern.attonal Teas" for the purpose ·of informal contacts.

Hicks Epton,. president of the Stu­de~·t Council and Moiss ·Anna Walli'3 will represelllt the Southeastern Sta-te Teachers College at this Conference

• I . , :,...._--STC:---




The en•tertainers w·ho took p·ar.t in the recent ·Southeastern Obaut9.uqua wish to extend to the Deople of Dun­dee, A:~b-rose Ward and Healdton,

. _,. . the Season's Greetings· and t~ ex-press thetr gra.tkude for the &}.'k-it ·of generous hospitali·tY which ~he trip a pleasure to all the per • formers.

I --~STC ,

·Merry Chr.lstmas Students. •

Wednesday, Dec. 21,



The business and professional men­of Wloodville honored t ·heir ba~~ket ooll team wf.th a turkey banquet on last Thursday , evening. Their t~m has made an excellent s·howi·ng to ' date, h-aving won nine stratg.hrt games, havoing a: perfe~t score

1 f'or

the .season so faT. T.heir l~t victim was the Tishomingo high school, which they defeaJted after . an eJXtra period of play

, Prof. P. E. Laird was ·the princi-pal speaker of •the occas,iari. ~rof. John L. Props of 1he Ohemi~try De­partment attended the banquet ~nd f3·poke words of cheer to the team.

Supt G. Troy Masters has an ex-•

c-ellent school ·sy:st.em at WioodVille and the people of that dist~ic-t a:re wetll pleased with their school. The

.;men w.ho gave the banquet. to the -team certa·inly believe in their bas-

.ket ball team. T.hey give notic to 1 '

Class B Teams thwt th-ey are .coming I •

~to Durant on February 1o6, 17 and •

18 to carry the cup back home. _..;....___STC~--

• •



One o~ the most entertais ng . Chr-istmas plaYs that h-as ever b n given in Sout·hea,stern, was present-

• ed in the auditorium of the Ad in_


:istration building Monday even. ng b! the grades of -the Tra1.ning Sch 1 und·er th·e d-irection of Miss Hjll .

• The play por-tray~ing Christ as

eve wa•s.l hig·h'ly entertainisg and all of the pupils of the grades did th, m­selves credit in canying out the a- . rious featur.es of t·he program. A large and appreci&Jtive audience as

present ·1to enjoy the evening w th


the children. •


Books and pamoPhlets for ·the C r­riculaT Research library w·hioh is to be established at Southea·stern in connection with the well known C¥T­

ricular research activUiee ot re Southeastern district; a.re beginning

• • to arrive in substantial numbers, and they will be · cireula·ted tbroug.h~ut

'the dlstr.ict ·by ·Proressors N. Conger and Schiller . Scroggs .

• • •

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• I

wednesda-y, Dec. 21, 1927. • <


. '

The Junior Hi~h . School, under the direction of M·rs. Hazel Bartheld

Morton, wlll present a Christmas, program Friday morning, Decem·ber 23, at ten o'clock in the a~sembly.

The progran1, composed of Christ­mas songs, will be given in two

' parts, eac.h"'part with an appropriate historical setting:

PART I. Sopranos Noweta Bowers, Fran.;

ces Morris, Rober:ta McAninch, Lo-•

retta Bowers · Altos M-argaret Fwller, Elaine Motter, Fern Zinnecker, Mary Helen McGouriek



T.he 1Story of the. Birth of Seene· · 1 Announcing

w·orld t•he Joyful New•S.

Christ. to the

Scene 2 The Th.ree Wise Men. Song · We T.hree Kings . .__· -Fred

Hall Gates, Ollie James, Jr., Allen 1• t·ench.

Scene 3 The Shepherds Song·-• . ' .

While the Shepherd·s W·atched . •

Scen e 4 The Manger. Song In the Little Town of Bethle·hem. Si­leD t Nig.ht.

'Dhis prog-ram will be an unsual treat and every one 1s invited.




The Ru.ssell H'ig;h Sc·hool ball squad, better known

baJSke-t_ as the

"Papooses," (their famlly name) ' wor k out ever.y Monday, 'r.hursday

and Friday ·afternoon. Twenty men are out workfug for a place on the .team and the competition is keen. Coaeh Hor•a-ee Manna-han is busy trY­.fng to decide which ones are the best __,....it is certain that a number of •them will be caned "Savages·" some day.

---STC~---Mis·ses Gwendolyn. Guin Goldie . '

Mae H•a.ynie and Mary Pu1tsam left . Frid·ay, Decem·bt'a- 1·6, for their homes

· ln Alabama to spend· t·he Christmas lloltdaya.

---STC- . Mise Clarice . Tatman entertain-ed

~~:tt~~-the South~stern Star Club Sunday aftternoon, December 18, at the home of )Ira. ll. B Robbins, 1117, N.

0 •

Plfth Avenue, with a five o'clock tea Mla.-Vi~Hdred RiUng and Miss Alt~e Bond: were special guests. ·

• ' ' ~ • • THE SO •




The Kiamichi Conference enjoyed • • •

a very satisfaetory football season, and one quite cr~ditable even· to the losing teams. Idabel, the w.tnner of the Conference tltl~, began t-he sea­son with only two letter men, while

. several of the pla~rs w·ho finally made the team had never been on a · football fietd before. Defeated by Broken Bow in a game at the open­ing of the season, this team im-

proved to the point where on .. Thanksgiving day t:hey {)Verwhelm-. ~

ed Broken Bow by a score .of 46-7.· -•

Much of the credit for the · Idal)el .

suecess they won seven out of nine games played is due to ~he . able co~nsistent coaching of Coot Pyle, whq is well and favorably known at


• •

.. 1 •

• , be ·serious contenders fQr

' th~ ~on-

f~renee title next y~ar.

· Football is now for&Ottten uniH l . 1

next fall, and the attentioln of 1 ' . · coaclies and ath-letes is being turned

to basketball. So·me of the smal1er 1

·s~h~ls that d.o not go in for 1

fC!)().t- 1

. ball have been drilling their haslet-

at Grant Dave -Crockett and Fer an LeFevers have 'excellent teamp \ of · boys and girls respectively already well _developed. The same m&~Y \be said ·f.or Soper, where Morrison Ham­ilton is coaching the boy.s. ~~e : " , . :


~rit~r- saw a fast game · between Grant . and Soper nearly a mbn~h ago. The la~ger high schools \wUl have to look to their laurels .if hey d~ve·lop faster teams than t+~~e mentioned above. ' .




Southea·stern. At _ Antlers, only rive second year

men answered the call ·O.f the grid-

• · ... \ .

' Elizabetr Parsons of Par-is·, ·and Oscar Moore of Houston, . were united in maTriage at D on . December 5 by Rev. •DwigLLI" ..

• iron, t he remainder of ~he te.am be­ing made u·p of novices. Thus hand­·icapped . by inexperience, the ·~Bear Cats," with the lightest team in Hunt. -. Mrs. Moo-re is one of the their history, went through a stt:en-' .. popular stu~ents is S'ou•th-east uous season with fair s·uccess, ·a-nd ~:hilre ~r. ~oore is a promin'""-Y'I though they lost five out . of the: 'eight Y'<>';lng busi~s man of Houstpn. game·s .played, gave a good account . . Mr. Moore has r_eturned to HoiU , of themselves in every contest They t?n to :resume. h.is business a ffaijrs, were coached by J. J . H_~dg~~' thi& but Mrs. Moore will re~airi in South .. being his first .year at Antle~s. He eastern until t ·he >end o! . the presen~ is to be congratulated for · the very tert:n, at wh·ich Hme she will jO.id

creditable showing made by his . h~r hu-sband in Houston. ·

team. ~ While Hugo experienced a rather. discouraging s~on on the grid-. ,iron, winnig only from Atoka, Ben-

. nington and aroken Bow, Superin-tendent Vance Posey and Coach · A.

. . D. Ha-nry feel .that their team's rec-

---STC:-­Y. :W 0. A. HONORS



I •



. The Y. W. C. A., honoring a~ • •

gr~_up o_¥f 1the college men, ent, r- . t~jned last Monday night, Decem·ber 13,_ in the . college cafeteria with Ia l ord is far from discreditable· under

the circum·stances. Determined to I 0

put their athletics on ·a high plane , Christmas party. \ 1

at any cost, they played the seasori '

w-ithout the services of several of •

th.eir best men wlrose scholastic rec- ' ord was not up to standard. The

good effeots of this proced u~e -may. be seen from the fact. that on · the tests at the end of the· first . six

• weeks there was only one "F" in the

entire football squad. Hugo ex-. pec ts to be heard from next year.

, Broken Bow, we11

1 coched by Ho~

Montgomery, made a f~ne start, bU:t scarcel-J lived up to its early prom-:·

• . • lSe, though its showing for the sea- · son was one of which the ,team rreed

. nvt be a sh-amed These bOY'S may • • ..

• • •

The room was decorated in tlie Ohrlstmas oolors, and in the center r

of the fl-oor a Ohristmas tree ladeb- ' ed with packages add€d glow and 1

. b

. warmth to the room. In these pack- I ages were miniature mus ical instt:ll- . 1

·. n1eilts of~ various kinds, w.hieh we~e · gived as favors. The ente.rtainment · of the e·vening consisted of a se_ ries of. olever .C.h.ristma.s· con tests I

( ' · . STC , I Members of the Amigos who lhje

oqt -of t~wn and men1b~r.s ·who aPe . . -

teaching out of town are organizintr I •

-a baske.t~ll team and p1an to pl -several ga-mes duTing thje Christ

• • •

!tO dU'..tYS • • . •


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TBB SO • ednesday, Dec.

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21', 1'927:. I

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Running signals aga,inet their op­ponents· about half the time, the aav,cef eompletely ou.~lassed t11e Mur1 ay Asg1es in the fi·rst game of the sea8011, defeating thein by a


toere ot 3-2.4. , The I via-Z ·n·necke.r-Ya·rbo_ro, gr _

ughJ. CO~·biDation started tlie -~ e. ~ rha4 'quickly pped UJ a lead when Coaeh Witt

tuting. -~ ~e en/tire equad e•ce1_1~1 (. .baeketball

• •

with no one m•an ·showing l;lP ·best. Davis · proved that ·he s·till ·had an eye for the basket, making 21 points·, while ''Skeel'y" Fannin was again the old time Fans-in bringing the baLl down the court and feeding it to his ta·emmates.

,Stlles, a~d <p~llins. Af·ter the ga I e Wftt stated that h~ was well ple~s:­

ed with the 'form shown so early in the s-eason and Said that if it was

. ' possible he wo-uld arrange another I

game or .two for the ~ vages before . .

the Chris.tmas ·holidays •

T~e Murray Aggfe.s , ·pl·ayr d g{)od ~ The b~x score: ~: basltetball, ·but they could never get ~ SAVA•GE-8: :


through t•he Savage defense, J..sd con- . Players, j . . FiG {FT PF.· PT~-seq~em.tly had to .resor·t t& ~long Davis, (c;) , f _____ 10 1 0· i l . S'ho~s. 1 Gill, forward, and GTavitt, Zinnecke~, .f - --- 6 0 0 ! t2 tt guaNl, played· .the ·best gam·e for the Yarooroug.h, c ____ 1 0 1 · _ 2

I ' 1 Ag~es. Fansdn, g _ ------ t5 0 o- 1()

New men w,ho showed up well in Carr, c _! -------- 4 o f jj 8 theilr f.fr.st college game were carr, . Laughl:in,: g _ ----- 6 a 0 2

I • !

• • •

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