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' . . · · r"l' _·, Jli •l 't ,.' ,_. . . ' .. ,. . . ' ' ' . ' .. ) ',. . . ... , .. ' ' ... ... . .... l!ll!lll!ill!llllllll!lllllil!llllllllll!l!!ll!lll!ll!l!- - 'f .;,,.J:I-· .... •>'\'"''4 "''I) --- , - ' . _,., .. .. ,' t'- t . _, .. . . , I• '' . \ .. ., ', . I •.. . . . ... . ' . . ,_, ' " _, _, . ' ... - --.- •· . . ' . " -- ' : '.' ·• fl. 'It ·· · . . ·w ' . . . > - - - ·- --·'·-- -··' --;------; ..... .,...., I ' i I I ; \ ' - - .. T -- •..,.,. - '' ._,. 0 " ......... ... _ "'10 ° 0 T _.,., ... . tl,.._ :::.:: ::::::':.:::! . .?o=J_.·;,··,:::.i:.::: ... ,, .. :::·.::::z.t;.;.;;:-Ji(;.::: ... .:;_:.: ;Oij:J.·:.-·"!\h:;-:-.}.:<··_! .:1 ::::.:,: ;.' .. ···,;:,,.:::::-,:·I]:_:,·) . ..: D VOLUME XVIII- . Newa, Vol. CARRIZOZO, MEXlQO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 18,1948. - . - ' .l.. Tbe. Smp Met•l w•TH- Men _.;.d I 8 o IJ o · :11M c" · • .-: •: • I PoJi(e Coofereues : ,; - 0 Drt·v· e I( Underwav WomeninService . : ' II ftew MfXI(O TL. e' . . J- ' J rn·tr 1 nco-un·loll Stockyards, Chicogo '\ :dt 0 . 'Sinco lSGS Amcrieun c; Q V' y An ·old iron pail ia equivalent to tJtockrais!lra havo D. A. Bryce, Sneei!ll A nun I! in been t.nldns their oni· "' "AI._ · three bayonetp, a worn-out : mnla to tho Union Charge of the FBI, 'El Paao, Tex• $' P er kettl"' can be converted into Stoeeyurdo at CWca- as. haa nnnounecd thi sehcdule R. A. Wnlltcr, Mgr. " co, m.Olntninlns un in- 84 rounds of ammunition, and· a ' thllt hctycd tor tho Qua.-terly PoJicQ Gonfor- FRlD.A y & B.ATURDA.Y flatiron will malce two steel bel· to mnlto Amor c:a :: enceD'i.n ... Nom uexlco •. which nre. -·- - . : grc:nt. - . m .. "' JJA J inetn. An old lawn mower iB good hol.d under tho direction of Mr. J. ttiebnrd Dix, Juac- W"att '\ for 6 tlrrce-incb •hello, and onp il •; 4 . • olr...o Edgar Hoover, Director of tbe & Albert Dcltka; worn· aut tractor will s u p p l y ·\ ' • FBI, in with tho Pres· - in - enough metal for 580 machine · · · , idont'o Proclamation of Septom. ''Buckskin guns. ' In Hltlcr'o Europa tho ber 6, 1939. Mr. Bryce ototcd Tho " Army" arrived in · ., that during the laot confcrancc Frontier'' Carrizozo on Auguat 9. They • . to Nazi Gcnnnuy held in tho EJ Paoo diotrle&. tht ro A otirrinn stor" of pl''""cer d••• · 'fi d d · to feed tho coldlcro who e .1 , .... •.1 have thirty qunh c r1vero, two Keep arc cbootina thoU!::llld!! wao in attfndnnco a total of l,S9G of wagon troino nnd lron medienl men nnd a Our Traditi 0 ns of priaoncrn who object low cnforceroena oillcora. which boreo. · · platoon of ten men in 'Army' ,. to thin form of tyrlUUly. rotcd tblB diotrict third in the na- and all the coldiers are well · Buy More. Will' Bonds 'ion for total ottQnflnnct. The ALSO-- T ' "Heavenly Mu"lo" ed in oalvoge woru. bey ore on · program will eonoiot. of: A Safety 0 '" I & "Brief IntorvnJs." tho lookout for Old P 0\70, llXCB, '"- fllm anc2 dii!CU!inion on "Sofoty .. bommero, barrowo, bay tedders, -- -- ,._. ·· · - · · .. - ... __ Dutlelil of Police Offiacro ln the SUNDAY, MONDAY, 'l'U.DI.'I old cool otoveo, iron roil- Dr. Frank .Arthur I!Jngliob lolt Boy Scouta Will Camp Church Dedicated War Efiott," under tbe direction - \t .. ingo, wogon wbecln, old batbtubo, laot Friday night to return to . . of Frank Younar Chief, New Mox- Gone Tiorney, Preston Fosttr faucato, cor bodieo. tirco, otc. Army duty. The Boy Beouro of Amcri('o, ..9n S,. 19,13, Mt. Vum icoStnto Polico; a prominent clti.- & John Sutttm Every citizen ia urged to make Troop 68, will have a c.omp Aug· Metbod10t Church, located on the zen io each rommunlty will ad· - lo - 1.\ ayatem11tic ncareh Ccom attic to Soldier Marriea Local Girl uoL 13, 1-a,Jf.!tL·luLb, 10 tbc Car· L. ranch near. Ancho, ? 80 •he officero at cncb confer- "Thunder Birdatt - ecllw: garage and barn for vital rizo Mouotnioa ncor Wbito Ooltn. dodJcatcd. lmprer:mvo eerv1ccn cnco l\ir nryco- will hr.mdlo tho · t ' · · · Tb' t'll bo th 1 1 t t" '""" o "ondu ted b D w dl u lfrom tho tour corncro of tbo urlb (" ccrop and lt 1o ouggestild tho.t lt M lsg Delfina Olivaa of .Cnrri· 10 w 0 r 00 ocou tng .... r '". e. . Y r. IU'UU n remnlndcr of tho program, whtch ·,. L be placed ot eome point cnoily b o tbe bride of Pvt. tllfo oummer. o! Cnmzozo, nrowood by his two willlncludo n...r.ound film "Kill or t?oy com? to. Att ... ona a fame• b \ ld' h h zozo ecnm · Jovely dnughtoro ""'-r · ' l huodcrblrd Fe old · Cadelia from ceen Y t 110 00 tcra w 00 t Milt4l Padilla at SantA Rita Cath- , bo Killed." China Eo· land sod otbtr Unlttd come dm'ln tho rood In tbtrll' olic Church last Saturday morn• Mr. and Mro. J. W. Worrb of Tho hno been frea.bly .'fbcno conforoneca will bo bold N r ' 8 trurko, to focilitote eolleetioo, log, with Rev. Fr. Salvatore Di Capitan viiittd Mr. and Mrs. R. out?tdo and nicety. fimah· in tho County Courtbouoo, from I 0 aona. po:::Jibly near tbo garoge, barn or Giovanni C. Witbcro"at Oncura for tho week 1 matdo mth new mnt<?rlalo. It 8 p. m. to 10:30 p. m., in the fol- m16Ubox. · TIJ? brldt\ io tbe pretty douab· end. Mr. and Mro. Morrin wero I so nurroundcd by 8 good C(lneo Bnd lowing Hobbs, Auu. 16; Not?n & "He Doud lt Agai•." - about thin .drive tcr qf Mr. and Mro. JenWI OhvQ!. occom(>.IDiod to Oacurn by Jittlo \ have been P!antcd, Cnrlobad, l'ltb; Ro:,wall, 18tb; WUDNI:9DA y & TUURJD.l'f tbcr watb picturco wLII be found Sbc t160 reared hero jitld schooled MIC!l Betty Jo Houoton of Corri·l't nil very nttrnctJvo. Tllln wor.k Clovis, 19th; Raton, 20th; Santo _ on pagco iour ond flvo of popcr. both at St. Rita SchoQland Car· zozo. woo dono by Mr. Hall and hlD Fe, 23rd, Albuqucrquo, Far. PGUiotto Goddard, Uay MiUaad rizozo Public Sehcolo. ·· aono ond obows mucb and mlngton, 26th; Hot Epraoecr, 3'ltb; ·. -In- Higb School Studenta Tho groom is in tho ArJDJ Air Mra. Elvn Shcnill 1! booldrcep: fit 1 d d- Lnrdoburg, OOtb. All ln;; onforee. ''The Crystal Ball" ., ColltJ and wu for-o 'Dnmhur of C? ond <!lcd.t tho out 1 ty poop 0 attcn " mont aro urucd tn ottond. . lligh ochool otudentn wbo tnttr montbo otalioncrl at Occuro. Ho Mc:::oro. Goldston at tho .Rc:>wcll· como Ancbo and . .• L::mghobl? watb a dub of ID11• the Carrizozo High School thin io now olntioncd DP.Or Tuloroso. Corrizozo truck linen, wbicb hnvc All enJoygd o bountiful dmner MteJ :bcdo McCluro, 1'7bo boa·. tery man all ceo dif• yeor and who attended eomo other Alter tho church ceremony 0 their bcadquortero ot tho twi) io tho which woo bHlD .''P"ndmg tho oummcr 1 fcrcot tluneo m tlua gins ball. biah orhoollaot yea!', ohould bnvc bfg t7cdding dinner WM cervcd tit otory building bett7con tho t'orri· furmobcd b:V Mrn. Hnllond other bl er ol!ltbelr, ,mahahlobrd, · t f tb · H ludtul of tho egmmunity ('avo t a WPeu. or or nme m ,.,. 11 AII''Cid , a complete trnmocnp o etr ere· tho borne of tbo bride's parcnta. ardworo Company and the M 1 1 tl • · d f{ . t 6 i b hi b 0 bool a ""[ll tll!l ' s dito cQnt to tho oup:ariotendcnt of A big dooco fol!owod Lbo' night Yacco Bar. ony ove. Y oworo, come 0 0 .. 9 .. 11 c ' 0 &!mtio Novad&" . oeboola of Carrizozo before tho munit Hall WbQro tbo by Crtoodo nnd neighbors, t ta or so01or yeJtr. .. -------• ' · f b 1 A 23 at vum Y ' M d M G c d d failed tho ehur<'h wilb and i opG:aotndg o lcctood·, b .1-' tnrgo ProJ?Ilt showcreid tl:lo I\JI' r.nnnM .Crol. ... onbo frnurnnoo. May much ot- Mrn. Pllul .. Wryo of II Mr. (..{)Uto Nnlda t70B a bmincst ro o acuoo c u enw o ou 1.1 young WJI.b good '>lib en. ••dn. u. · ny. 00 ·• 0 .. c Amarillo b VIlli ClOg hor Cotilor, Dr . vbitor in Tutaday from hll hnvo o repor-t anrd, and a boult Tboir ot.tt1ndanta wcro Mr. ond busln&-..J vimtoro tn tho Nown land thin r,tood. uod worthy ae> P. M. and olcee, Mio. nbec raoeb in Ucd Canyon. cord to nho\7 c:rodo tbey nre Mrn. Romon Mirabal and M.r. offiro Jtat Mr?· Good· comphohmcnt. Contribt.ttcd. MnrgaNJtto MyDro. j P to ;nd no.t to nnd Mro. Manuel Zomoro. chon eubsnrapt1oo to . I R(!J Lo1.'1is and Luekt tmJt to get t m m ormotton rom t o ewo w · t a m Mro. Frod Ptcture, formerly \ C' tt bevo buying rush tho ccbool they owmdcd loat City Air OQpot, Tin- Lt. and -Mro. Skating Partf Mro. Mnrltio Willie, arrived from ycor. kcr Field, Ol!lll., Aug. 11--Promo. b b t f d to tb lJ I El Posn Wedn"sdny mornlnl.l to l L. z:Monire, Supt • 1 tion or Pte. Edrnn L. Bolter, for· h A ? 0 ;. erro Cl . f1 ·j and Mro. Harold Hofimon vinlt hoY par"ntn, Mr. and Mm. B. 1 C'orrizozo Public Seboo!o. merlj' of Yuma, Arh;., to tho . 0 tr. 10 from OVIO f!liO•I ware honor goots aa a ohating H. Nicholti nnd her littlo 1 Mr. nnd Mro. loJraham. grado of corporal, bail 1\D• 108 Statton. ""' _ pnrty given Tuesday evening by ) 11.nd mCont eon, their Laundry Changes Htmds nounccd by headquarters at 'fin· . . Mrn. Carroll Stinnatc, and Mro. · r:nn, Jca Uuy Oa\'mo WC::Q in C - ltcr Field OWa. gg is attached Pvt. M S. Pcroltn . 01 Copl·l D. s. EJiiott. After skatin,.., wa 1 The Lincoln Ct»unty Not7o io h1 rizGzl> iozt Tuesday onrott• to 1 J . ' . tnn boa been o prtnoner of · · · · •· El Paso .Wltil• Mr. nud Mm. Mnrmc: onm mr bas9 iQUadron o' ' . ovor, tbo want to tho Stin· receipt of tho foUomng nnnoucca., uome tn ond their omter bnvo purcbnscd . catabllilhmcnt of eM Air Dnr nmco tho fall of Batnon, .houlneu. homo w-'bere rofrtShments ment: Mr. and Mrn. Juett Grnvn bcro ducy tho famdy cf tho Carrioozo Homo Ltn:mdry Serviee Commud for tho muin· traoafei'itd from tbe= Phlhp· ldere cm-vcd to cm;entton. Out of of Cnrlohad r.mnouneo tho birth of Mr. ami Mro. n. E. Shafer. 't'b• from Mr. n n d Mro. Job neon te 11 ancc nnd rcp&ir cf aircraft and pm•s Oualto. 1 111 : tom 1 people prcsont 97 q- 0 Mr. and s co!i:l, AtJgunt 4, 104/J; nome, Innrobnma bod been vin[tiog ia Stcumn. Denl wno mudc through tbc troiJ)ing nir depot g?ousm· Cormatum by m: Mro SaloJlok of La.a par. Jomca R{t"..:J Gravca. ·Enntn flo, .. Jomcn Brister. , Corporal Bnker ia pnn cf Mr. ter, Cbovaz or Copt• ontn of Mru. Harold Hoffman o.nd . 'cumcnri. Mr. llliflllmro 13 da- oncl Mro. T. Baker, Cup. tun tbm wc_,ft. Mra. Wm. nicee of Mr· Mr. n. fl t7bo t1on m &Jntchar. · N M B t . 1 t.1r H !f the Tllffl€1 bo:Jpltol cevcrol dayo MARRIED ato.n, 0 wno ormer Y Pvt. Albert ApmJoea i£1 here uonry 0 man. 1 1. bl .. b · 1 nu•t mnBr Boodo tmJau - Qb<YO"'t:d jo (&rminn . . , ill!lt W'GO!i, l!l(l 0 ,.{) Q OUo lfJBlD. &J v H " . . . .., "' .,. from. Dmeo, ldnbo, to a pond bro , WaUmm . Kelt •t7n!l mnmcd in _ · fwlmO!gb with his parento, !\lr. Clnod loft ll!lt =- --"·- - · - " .. ·· · ,, - - c:- San Antomo, Tmrnn recently, at Pvt. Benny Mra. Moya and Mro. NieolM Apodnen. .. Wedncodoy mnrmng tor IAa An· BAIIKC lMh 11111 a double Peddioa ceremony, in nnd baby arrived laot Friday eve. gQ!e:J Bho aconmpnnle1 1nme I : 11 .J L IlK = which n brotber of William's from Camp Barlwloy, Xexos, Mr. Roy Harman, popular Mendo from Tnlaia:n. bride, nnd his swt(lthcnrt, were where Mrs. Moyannd baby bad at the local for tho paat united in t,ha nnme been visiting M.oya lor tho. oi"bt or nine ycnrJ, Mrs. Clara Bell, Mr. H. E. Bill hnn beeil' ntfitiont:!d in Atbu- pant two weeks. Pvt. Moya wtll of a cll!:s of thirty young Kelt'o oiuter. orrht(Jd home q.uerqne tW() or three wcekn. bio furlough hero with W&l'e eaUod for milltnr.v oervieo Monday from Worthnm, OUR WARTIMf BANKING <AN . ' bride is there nlt::o nnd they· in· tivta and wllo left lant Sunday nisM County, Texaa, whcr,. the Bf SMOOTH SAlliNG ' ' ' ( j ' ' J ., tend to make a trip homo to see -- ' . ., -- "-"'- --""'-""· :' ... · ·· · fot Fori Sties for their physical relntivc11: Bill's p::u·ents whon bo ron gpt a u.---' examination. 1'be:nroturm:d homt . bricl Monda;yt night. Mr. Utirli!l::\ll, Ben . Mec;;ro. C. A. Snow nnd Ben s. •-' ., "<"""' ,_,. eai:und Srneat Apt)• Burna arc opondins n_few dly8 of . ... l'r4 Mt.B:1lvador ds f& Ros.:t. am'!ttd daM WC'te ataong who .. tEi!i'dation at Hot Springa and ' ' I bomo-yCJterday from Ul! A1iattc.. ed and will rilp!'.lrt for military Elephant BuU• . Mr. De R0$1\ bad been awa)" dntr.on 30th. fernando .. Mti: G. E. 11 ,agana of Lubbotk; for tho pa:;Jt two ye3 ,_, . , M:cdwa and Dolores Det!':do t10lti T'w!l is sperafrnz . . ·· •· ·,. .... Iota( with her daugbtcr, Mrs. •Mr.'ltarrv Straley WI! l',. '* 11 r ,t ' u .. ,.,M . . d . !J"' Hon$ttn llilu v •. I ftom Anello sswruar. uq)..,la nou .... an 5n Wuu . . .. - . .,,_ !1 . _ t.ttivcd 1sst !!lnd&y .. ruornin# Mtt. Salty Ortiz and Jiitle soJa ) · Mr. !£!'! .HM"man, who went to trJ tti!lt llarbtd'8 Hnrru4 ()f Tularo::J:¥ arc viaiiitlg tbli 1 : C&ll!oraia in JuM ta Navigat1ll''tt Wiraga hiM Vidautrif tho Joaqwb a•d ' JUil'ftnet ani1V'M Mtns · and a tao Wing•. He Ma•uel Ortiz !amities i•il week. · f{ ne!dar · .will an inattuetor fit B i 1 . - tot a Ullle- aftst her A8 w• no tb pre•, Mr1. . .ol. · Mr..nm and in/ant MirabalrficCi\ted IIMtt .... ,;. iiv•• ' ' &On, nm, Jr •• Atti't'ed hert !totn ....... . • • from her hUI$bab'd,. Pvt. Lorettt() nt)swdt Jaat 'ruwJat•nd vi!:.. . . '.tlwma• Mor.tCA Mitlbf.1; WM t• a pri•onii' of "*' Uing Mt!z J, E. CotnJton. . . · Fffd Bomtr Engll!h cnt<l thia from. Japan. Tilit it tbt futt \irn• · · . daugbtert. Norma CoMpton and ·. bitao aft« hif btiff ·cVilit in Virgitlil. a son tl Mr.Jfl•• from Mrt.. Btthol Jolly ani fttililt• ... , t.H: MJt. s.Ift46t , (•ill J*blilh nut < II You'll Follow · , Tl&ese Sugge1tion1 nantt tadsr itt tho day • • • enrlr in tho weak • • • ayoid luach·thnc and elosin3 hours •• tbu:o are tbEirosh perao••· nank bSt mail it ean. Out' at.afi fu carrying on efttei•n*" lr tmdct Ml' conditions, but you will holp ut • • • antl moro importilnt, I'OUt!Dlf • • • ty then tie•h.uggeaUone • • Thank ., ' ,. ! l l LiNCOLN OOUN'!lY AGENGY.a · Cilizel1$ Bttttdbn,k of Vaugbri,. ' .Ctnitozfi. N. M. .M•w l'eittal . ltttmnx;• c.J'PM-.lil• · ·. -_ •i' I j

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VOLUME XVIII- . Newa, Vol. ~2J CARRIZOZO, MEXlQO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 18,1948. - . - '

.l.. Tbe. Smp Met•l w•TH- Men _.;.d I 8 o IJ o ~ · ou~~ :11M ~ru c" · • .-: • : ~ • I PoJi(e Coofereues : ,; "'"""''"'!«~- -0 Drt·v· e I( Underwav WomeninService . : ' II ftew MfXI(O .~-N: ~·C TL. e' ~

. . J- ' J rn·tr1nco-un·loll Stockyards, Chicogo '\ :dt • 0. 4f.r~ 'Sinco lSGS Amcrieun c; Q V' -::;;~~ ~- y An ·old iron pail ia equivalent to tJtockrais!lra havo D. A. Bryce, Sneei!ll A nun I! in ~.r..+ ~ ~~~,

been t.nldns their oni· "' ~" "AI._ · ..,...~ three bayonetp, a worn-out cop~ : mnla to tho Union Charge of the FBI, 'El Paao, Tex• $' ·~

Per kettl"' can be converted into Stoeeyurdo at CWca- as. haa nnnounecd thi sehcdule R. A. Wnlltcr, Mgr. " co, m.Olntninlns un in- • 84 rounds of ammunition, and· a ' ~titutlon thllt hctycd tor tho Qua.-terly PoJicQ Gonfor- FRlD.A y & B.ATURDA.Y flatiron will malce two steel bel· to mnlto Amor c:a :: enceD'i.n ... Nom uexlco •. which nre. -·- - . :

grc:nt. - . m . . "' JJA • J inetn. An old lawn mower iB good '· hol.d under tho direction of Mr. J. ttiebnrd Dix, Juac- W"att '\ for 6 tlrrce-incb •hello, and onp il •; 4 . • olr...o Edgar Hoover, Director of tbe & Albert Dcltka;

worn· aut tractor will s u p p l y · \ ~. ' • FBI, in c~mpllanco with tho Pres· - in -enough metal for 580 machine · · · , idont'o Proclamation of Septom. ''Buckskin guns. ' In Hltlcr'o Europa tho ber 6, 1939. Mr. Bryce ototcd

Tho " Army" arrived in · ., ~~~~cb~t a~cl~r;~~a~~ that during the laot confcrancc Frontier'' Carrizozo on Auguat 9. They • . uo~o to Nazi Gcnnnuy held in tho EJ Paoo diotrle&. tht ro A otirrinn stor" of pl''""cer d•••

· 'fi d d · to feed tho coldlcro who e .1 ,.... •.1 have thirty qunh c r1vero, two Keep arc cbootina thoU!::llld!! wao in attfndnnco a total of l,S9G of wagon troino nnd ~bo lron medienl men nnd a ~eadqunrter.s Our Traditi

0ns of priaoncrn who object low cnforceroena oillcora. which boreo.

· · platoon of ten men in ~ho 'Army' , . to thin form of tyrlUUly. rotcd tblB diotrict third in the na-and all the coldiers are well trot~- · Buy More. Will' Bonds 'ion for total ottQnflnnct. The ALSO--

'· T ' "Heavenly Mu"lo" ed in oalvoge woru. bey ore on · program will eonoiot. of: A Safety 0 '" I • & "Brief IntorvnJs." tho lookout for Old P 0\70, llXCB, '"- fllm anc2 dii!CU!inion on "Sofoty ..

bommero, barrowo, bay tedders, -- -- ,._. ·· · - · ~ · .. ~ =~ - ... __ Dutlelil of Police Offiacro ln the SUNDAY, MONDAY, 'l'U.DI.'I old cool otoveo, pipet~, iron roil- Dr. Frank .Arthur I!Jngliob lolt Boy Scouta Will Camp Church Dedicated War Efiott," under tbe direction - \t .. ingo, wogon wbecln, old batbtubo, laot Friday night to return to . . of Frank Younar Chief, New Mox- Gone Tiorney, Preston Fosttr faucato, cor bodieo. tirco, otc. Army duty. The Boy Beouro of Amcri('o, ..9n J~ly ~ S,. 19,13, Mt. Vum icoStnto Polico; a prominent clti.- & John Sutttm

Every citizen ia urged to make Troop 68, will have a c.omp Aug· Metbod10t Church, located on the zen io each rommunlty will ad· - lo -1.\ ayatem11tic ncareh Ccom attic to Soldier Marriea Local Girl uoL 13, 1-a,Jf.!tL·luLb, 10 tbc Car· L. ~· Ilt~ll ranch near. Ancho, ?80 drc:::~ •he officero at cncb confer- "Thunder Birdatt -

ecllw: garage and barn for vital rizo Mouotnioa ncor Wbito Ooltn. dodJcatcd. lmprer:mvo eerv1ccn cnco l\ir nryco- will hr.mdlo tho · t ' · · · Tb' t'll bo th 1 1 t t" '""" o "ondu ted b D w ~ dl • • u lfrom tho tour corncro of tbo urlb (" ccrop and lt 1o ouggestild tho.t lt M lsg Delfina Olivaa of .Cnrri· 10 w 0 r 00 ocou tng .... r '". e. . Y r. IU'UU n remnlndcr of tho program, whtch ·,. •


be placed ot eome point cnoily b o tbe bride of Pvt. tllfo oummer. o! Cnmzozo, nrowood by his two willlncludo n...r.ound film "Kill or t?oy com? to. Att ... ona a fame• b \ ld' h h zozo ecnm · Jovely dnughtoro ""'-r · ' l huodcrblrd Fe old · Cadelia from

ceen Y t 110 00 tcra w 00 t ~y Milt4l Padilla at SantA Rita Cath- , bo Killed." China Eo· land sod otbtr Unlttd come dm'ln tho rood In tbtrll' olic Church last Saturday morn• Mr. and Mro. J. W. Worrb of Tho cbur~b hno been frea.bly .'fbcno conforoneca will bo bold N r ' 8 trurko, to focilitote eolleetioo, log, with Rev. Fr. Salvatore Di Capitan viiittd Mr. and Mrs. R. pni~tc.d out?tdo and nicety. fimah· in tho County Courtbouoo, from I 0 aona. po:::Jibly near tbo garoge, barn or Giovanni offi~Jating. C. Witbcro"at Oncura for tho week 1 ~d matdo mth new mnt<?rlalo. It 8 p. m. to 10:30 p. m., in the fol- -·ALSO~, m16Ubox. · TIJ? brldt\ io tbe pretty douab· end. Mr. and Mro. Morrin wero I so nurroundcd by 8 good C(lneo Bnd lowing cltk~: Hobbs, Auu. 16; Not?n & "He Doud lt Agai•."

- M~rc about thin .drive tcr qf Mr. and Mro. JenWI OhvQ!. occom(>.IDiod to Oacurn by Jittlo \ ~reeo have been P!antcd, tl'la~too Cnrlobad, l'ltb; Ro:,wall, 18tb; WUDNI:9DA y & TUURJD.l'f tbcr watb picturco wLII be found Sbc t160 reared hero jitld schooled MIC!l Betty Jo Houoton of Corri·l't nil very nttrnctJvo. Tllln wor.k Clovis, 19th; Raton, 20th; Santo ~- _ • on pagco iour ond flvo of popcr. both at St. Rita SchoQland Car· zozo. woo dono by Mr. Hall and hlD Fe, 23rd, Albuqucrquo, ~4tb; Far. PGUiotto Goddard, Uay MiUaad

rizozo Public Sehcolo. ·· aono ond obows mucb eM~ and mlngton, 26th; Hot Epraoecr, 3'ltb; ·. -In-

Higb School Studenta Tho groom is in tho ArJDJ Air Mra. Elvn Shcnill 1! booldrcep: ln~~ca& fit 1 d d- Lnrdoburg, OOtb. All ln;; onforee. ''The Crystal Ball" ., ColltJ and wu for-o 'Dnmhur of C? ond ~~3l~inrt <!lcd.t Co~ tho out 1 ty poop 0 attcn " mont offic~rs aro urucd tn ottond. .

lligh ochool otudentn wbo tnttr montbo otalioncrl at Occuro. Ho Mc:::oro. Goldston at tho .Rc:>wcll· como fr~m Ancbo and Carr~ozo. . .• ~ ~· ~. L::mghobl? watb a dub of ID11• the Carrizozo High School thin io now olntioncd DP.Or Tuloroso. Corrizozo truck linen, wbicb hnvc All enJoygd o bountiful dmner MteJ :bcdo McCluro, 1'7bo boa·. tery tn:-..:J~d man c~ey all ceo dif• yeor and who attended eomo other Alter tho church ceremony 0 their bcadquortero ot tho twi) tl{'r'V'~d io tho op~n. which woo bHlD .''P"ndmg tho oummcr t7l~h 1 fcrcot tluneo m tlua gins ball. biah orhoollaot yea!', ohould bnvc bfg t7cdding dinner WM cervcd tit otory building bett7con tho t'orri· furmobcd b:V Mrn. Hnllond other bl er ol!ltbelr, Mr~: ,mahahlobrd, w~ll ALSO<~·

· t f tb · H ludtul of tho egmmunity ('avo t a WPeu. or or nme m ,.,. 11 AII''Cid , a complete trnmocnp o etr ere· tho borne of tbo bride's parcnta. ~ntto ardworo Company and the M 1 1

tl • · d f{ . t 6 i b hi b 0

bool a ""[ll tll!l ' s dito cQnt to tho oup:ariotendcnt of A big dooco fol!owod Lbo' night Yacco Bar. • ony ove. Y oworo, come 0 • br;;~•b 0

.. ~ 9 .. 11 c ' 0 &!mtio Novad&"

. oeboola of Carrizozo before tho r•~ munit Hall WbQro tbo ~nted by Crtoodo nnd neighbors, t ta or so01or yeJtr. o.~ .. -··~ -------• ' · f b 1 A 23 at vum Y ' M d M G c d d failed tho ehur<'h wilb b~onty and i

opG:aotndg dot~ o lcctood·, •~ug. b .1-' tnrgo cro~d ProJ?Ilt showcreid tl:lo I\JI' r.nnnM .Crol. tco.J~rco ,~oAn ... onbo frnurnnoo. May much liuee~!O ot- Mrn. Pllul .. ~arvoy Wryo of II Mr. (..{)Uto Nnlda t70B a bmincst ro o acuoo c u enw o ou 1.1 young coup~o WJI.b good '>lib en. ••dn. u. · ny. 00• ·• 0 .. c Amarillo b VIlli ClOg hor Cotilor, Dr . vbitor in t~Jwn Tutaday from hll

hnvo o repor-t anrd, and a boult Tboir ot.tt1ndanta wcro Mr. ond t~ere busln&-..J vimtoro tn tho Nown land thin r,tood. uod worthy ae> P. M. Bbnvt~r and olcee, Mio. nbec raoeb in Ucd Canyon. cord to nho\7 \tb~t c:rodo tbey nre Mrn. Romon Mirabal and M.r. offiro Jtat TuCida~. Mr?· Good· comphohmcnt. ~ Contribt.ttcd. MnrgaNJtto MyDro. j P on~itlcd to enb~cr! ;nd no.t hn~o to nnd Mro. Manuel Zomoro. chon NrorHmo~.1b~r eubsnrapt1oo to . I R(!J Lo1.'1is and Luekt tmJt to get t m m ormotton rom t o ewo w · t a m tot~o. Mro. Frod Ptcture, formerly \ C' tt bevo buying rush tho ccbool they owmdcd loat Okl~bornn City Air OQpot, Tin- Lt. and -Mro. Pie~-~-- Hu~hk Skating Partf Mro. Mnrltio Willie, arrived from nu~;~col::~unday. ycor. kcr Field, Ol!lll., Aug. 11--Promo. b b t f d to tb lJ I El Posn Wedn"sdny mornlnl.l to l

L. z:Monire, Supt • 1 tion or Pte. Edrnn L. Bolter, for· h a~o A ?0;. ~~no erro Cl . ~ f1 ·j L~. and Mro. Harold Hofimon vinlt hoY par"ntn, Mr. and Mm. B.

1 C'orrizozo Public Seboo!o. merlj' of Yuma, Arh;., to tho . 0 tr. 10 from OVIO f!liO•I ware honor goots aa a ohating H. Nicholti nnd her littlo dau~btcr 1 Mr. nnd Mro. Do:~ loJraham.

grado of corporal, bail bet~~ 1\D• 108 Statton. ""' _ • pnrty given Tuesday evening by ) 11.nd mCont eon, ~od their ol~~ Laundry Changes Htmds nounccd by headquarters at 'fin· . . Mrn. Carroll Stinnatc, and Mro. · r:nn, Jca Uuy Oa\'mo WC::Q in C

- ltcr Field OWa. gg is attached Pvt. M th~ S. Pcroltn .01 Copl·l D. s. EJiiott. After skatin,.., wa1 The Lincoln Ct»unty Not7o io h1 rizGzl> iozt Tuesday onrott• to 1 J . ' . tnn t~lut boa been o prtnoner of • · · · ~ · •· • El Paso .Wltil• Mr. nud Mm. Mnrmc: onm mr bas9 iQUadron o' ' . ovor, tbo guen~ want to tho Stin· receipt of tho foUomng nnnoucca., uome tn • •

ond their omter bnvo purcbnscd . catabllilhmcnt of eM Air Dnr nmco tho fall of Batnon, .houlneu. homo w-'bere rofrtShments ment: Mr. and Mrn. Juett Grnvn bcro ducy vi!Jitc~ tho famdy cf tho Carrioozo Homo Ltn:mdry Serviee Commud for tho muin· t~on traoafei'itd from tbe= Phlhp· ldere cm-vcd to cm;entton. Out of of Cnrlohad r.mnouneo tho birth of Mr. ami Mro. n. E. Shafer. 't'b• from Mr. n n d Mro. Job neon te11ancc nnd rcp&ir cf aircraft and pm•s ~ Oualto. ~ap.on. 1 b~o 111

: tom1 people prcsont 97q-0 Mr. and s co!i:l, AtJgunt 4, 104/J; nome, Innrobnma bod been vin[tiog ia Stcumn. Denl wno mudc through tbc troiJ)ing nir depot g?ousm· Cormatum ~~o1'c~OlVEd by 111~ m: Mro SaloJlok of La.a Cll'ua~, par. Jomca R{t"..:J Gravca. · Enntn flo, Albuqt~crq•G o~c! ~ .. Jomcn Brister. , Corporal Bnker ia ~h!l pnn cf Mr. ter, M~. F~lCC Cbovaz or Copt• ontn of Mru. Harold Hoffman o.nd . 'cumcnri. Mr. llliflllmro 13 • da-

oncl Mro. Edt~aTd T. Baker, Cup. tun tbm wc_,ft. Mra. Wm. Ro~oro, nicee of Mr· Mr. n. fl 8~orer, t7bo t1on m &Jntchar. · N M B t . 1 t.1r H !f the Tllffl€1 bo:Jpltol cevcrol dayo MARRIED ato.n, • • 0 wno ormer Y Pvt. Albert ApmJoea i£1 here uonry 0 man. 1 1. • bl .. b • · 1 nu•t mnBr Boodo tmJau

- Qb<YO"'t:d jo (&rminn . . , ill!lt W'GO!i, l!l(l 0 ,.{) Q OUo lfJBlD. &J v H " . . . .., "' .,. from. Dmeo, ldnbo, to a pond bro , --.~~".:""':':::-"'~-:::""'":""~-----,--=:"""""'~~""::::=::=:::;!=

WaUmm . Kelt •t7n!l mnmcd in _ · fwlmO!gb with his parento, !\lr. r.~rn. Clnod C~!Ymoo loft ll!lt =- --"·- ,~ - · ~- - " .. ·· · ,, - - c:- =~-San Antomo, Tmrnn recently, at Pvt. Benny Mo~a, Mra. Moya and Mro. NieolM Apodnen. .. Wedncodoy mnrmng tor IAa An· ~ES~~= BAIIKC lMh 11111 W""'-==:~;_;:::S§ a double Peddioa ceremony, in nnd baby arrived laot Friday eve. gQ!e:J Bho aconmpnnle1 1nme I : 11 .J ~~U! L IlK = which n brotber of William's from Camp Barlwloy, Xexos, Mr. Roy Harman, popular clsr~ Mendo from Tnlaia:n. bride, nnd his swt(lthcnrt, were where Mrs. Moyannd baby bad at the local po:~tofllce for tho paat united in t,ha nnme ~remony. been visiting P~t. M.oya lor tho. oi"bt or nine ycnrJ, t'IOSa.memh~r Mrs. Clara Bell, Mr. H. E. Bill hnn beeil' ntfitiont:!d in Atbu- pant two weeks. Pvt. Moya wtll of a cll!:s of thirty young mon,t~bo Kelt'o oiuter. orrht(Jd home l~ti q.uerqne tW() or three wcekn. o~end bio furlough hero with r<!la~ W&l'e eaUod for milltnr.v oervieo Monday from Worthnm, t.\ia~auo OUR WARTIMf BANKING <AN

. ' bride is there nlt::o nnd they· in· tivta and wllo left lant Sunday nisM County, Texaa, whcr,. the vW.~ed

Bf SMOOTH SAlliNG ' ' ' ( j

' ' • J .,

tend to make a trip homo to see -- ' . ., -- "-"'- --""'-""· :' ... · ·· · fot Fori Sties for their physical relntivc11: Bill's p::u·ents whon bo ron gpt a u.---' examination. 1'be:nroturm:d homt . bricl lurlou~ll. Monda;yt night. Mr. Utirli!l::\ll, Ben . Mec;;ro. C. A. Snow nnd Ben s .

•-' ., "<"""' rM~· ,_,. eai:und Srneat ca~UMn) Apt)• Burna arc opondins n_few dly8 of . ...

l'r4 Mt.B:1lvador ds f& Ros.:t. am'!ttd daM WC'te ataong ~hoao who po~ .. tEi!i'dation at Hot Springa and

' ' I

bomo-yCJterday from Ul! A1iattc.. ed and will rilp!'.lrt for military Elephant BuU• Dam~ . Mr. De 1~1 R0$1\ bad been awa)" dntr.on Aug~t 30th. fernando .. Mti: G. E. 11,agana of Lubbotk; for tho pa:;Jt two ye3,_, . , M:cdwa and Dolores Det!':do t10lti T'w!l is sperafrnz t~o . .

·· •· · ,. .... Iota( bo:!~~o ~~o;;~, with her daugbtcr, Mrs. Ltt~n •Mr.'ltarrv Straley WI! • l',. '* ~~: 11 r ,t ' u .. ,.,M '11-;~- . . d . !J"' Hon$ttn llilu ~SID v •. I ftom Anello sswruar. ¥..~! uq)..,la nou .... an 5n Wuu . . ..

~~ - . .,,_ !1 . _ t.ttivcd ~eto 1sst !!lnd&y .. ruornin# Mtt. Salty Ortiz and Jiitle soJa ) · Mr. !£!'! .HM"man, who went to trJ tti!lt llarbtd'8 PIU'en~ Hnrru4 ()f Tularo::J:¥ arc viaiiitlg tbli 1: C&ll!oraia in JuM ta st~end t~ctiit•tl ~i!! Navigat1ll''tt Wiraga hiM Vidautrif tho Joaqwb a•d ' JUil'ftnet ani1V'M Mtns Ja!!~ · and a tao no~~rat•r Wing•. He Ma•uel Ortiz !amities i•il week. · f{ ne!dar ~ighl.. · .will ·~l1 an inattuetor fit B i 1 . ··""*-~_.. t~ - Spring,fetu~ tot a Ullle- aftst her A8 w• no tb pre•, Mr1.

. .ol. · Mr..nm Cll~ptou and in/ant tetttrlltftotnb~furlougb. MirabalrficCi\ted • IIMtt ....,;. iiv••

' ' &On, nm, Jr •• Atti't'ed hert !totn ....... . • • from her hUI$bab'd,. Pvt. Lorettt() nt)swdt Jaat 'ruwJat•nd •r~ vi!:.. . . 'St~Ulltt '.tlwma• Mor.tCA t~ lt~e!i Mitlbf.1; WM t• a pri•onii' of "*' Uing Mt!z J, E. CotnJton. . . · Fffd Bomtr Engll!h ~nt. cnt<l thia w~k ~n I~avtf from. • prsrt.~ia Japan. Tilit it tbt futt \irn• · ·

. daugbtert. Norma CoMpton and ·. bitao aft« hif btiff ·cVilit in Virgitlil. lt~ i~ a son tl Mr.Jfl•• ht~rd from ~im dittit~••d will·'~ Mrt.. Btthol Jolly ani fttililt• ... , t.H: MJt. s.Ift46t Mot~l&. , (•ill J*blilh t~iltt.!tt nut w~lr:~


II You'll Follow · , Tl&ese Sugge1tion1

nantt tadsr itt tho day • • • enrlr in tho weak • • • ayoid luach·thnc and elosin3 hours •• tbu:o are tbEirosh perao••· nank bSt mail it yo~U ean. Out' at.afi fu carrying on efttei•n*" lr tmdct l)tt!~Jlt Ml' conditions, but you will holp ut • • • antl moro importilnt, I'OUt!Dlf • • • ty follo~ins then ~r&~o tie•h.uggeaUone ~ • • Thank ~ou~. .,


,. ! l ~ l LiNCOLN OOUN'!lY AGENGY.a · Cilizel1$ Bttttdbn,k of Vaugbri,.

' .Ctnitozfi. N. M. .M•w l'eittal . Depo~it ltttmnx;• c.J'PM-.lil• · ·.

-_ •i' ~ I j

Page 2:… · 'i ~ ~ ' . . · · r"l' ·.··--·-~ _·, Jli •l 't




1' ' . .


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• • . , .. ,. - ''· . . . - .. '

• • . ' ' -. ~· . ; ; ; ' -~· ; "; ' : ~: '


Clean Comi~s That Will Am-q,~e~ Both :Old and- Young • , • .' • to~ __ , > •• ,.··_·--



OFFICI!R, OF'FICER• DON'r SHOOT•TH .. T"S........,_-1



OAA"(, lAO'f• eoT ' WOULOH'T GO ~OUND 0RAGC51N' ~

IT ·ur I WA'l YOU\


A PO.I-1-IitR. WHO )'I'OU~ 00

THAT Cc A,~ QUOHT GeT A 0000 PUJ1Ctl IH TH' ~0/


: """ ii ;; -

--., uJ''~~; POP-Let the Blame Fall Where It M&J -



'. .


. -



- ' _, '', ... -

QUICK, 6113 f!IO'f,. oouse THKr e\.\M!



C:OUI-0 T'H' POOR Cllt\1., DOl


' ""' ~ ~ 1 H =

I••-•• 1\


" -'

~ .. ~:.

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H.e G\VES ME e16 . WOROS-ACT\01-l'S

WH....,- I WANT!' •


' -

~~ey~Dg~@~ ~ sAWS



U:A VI hJ& t·I'E R ,..,... CIC:,ARI:.lTE CASE

BSHINP l • •

, ... .., • .... -..


~ ......... ~--------------------

' . ,,

. 'ocn

·~HM Ill

St&.tNtt• •

• •

• . ' ' . '!'" . , . ' ' I

.:r. .-·

- t'aJr . "IV@ "'r man.

/mow ' 1wl unw 01,11' prutknc11 you ue nocent."

\ .·p .

-. •'Jl .. _, ..... ~ ... ~-- .. ',· .. .- ... . '


• ';:;

"Then," repUetl t!Je de/ewltDtl, •"'r.,-all thh cOon to C(lnt/kl mel',. ·

That•• It \,1 Diner~Waiter1 take tbfs ehi~

ell away. It is actually s0 tough 1:1 seems tQ be made out of f!tone.

Waiter-Nothing strange about that, sir. It's a Plymouth Rock.

Smile a blt eveey d&J'-, lt>rean, Isn't palutul. ---

Little l\lfn4a 'II .. And wlun did you leam m Bmllllml i

leu11n. dear?" a!ked ntq~er. · ,' • ' "Oh, ollo'boul the Ten C~"'

repUcd Tommy.

Soothe with Jlna .. , ~ mecl.r Mu:f.-..n !Jea' J'ow..

OF MIHOI der-c:.oollq, anecUeaW. SKIN IRRITATIONS. ------------------~.---l'ilosqu,ltoes Prefer Aulm.da

A recent study by federal ento­mologlnts ohowo tbnt mo:;qultoes. when given 11 cbolce, prefer the blood . of cotUe, borneo, hogs and dono to that of human beings.


• <',

" •

Page 3:… · 'i ~ ~ ' . . · · r"l' ·.··--·-~ _·, Jli •l 't


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. . ' .,

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' • infQrm~ti()n Oifvfi~SVl»Iids J ·. ·.•. . ·~j41- --- . ~ •""('.' too. c:~o !.'-• 'l!ool'-!.'-• t'< c:.. ~·<'-c:'of!•.,. !.'- ~"" ro-r-"""" .,..,. .. .,. "" ""4:'- ""'*'" «W~ ~ "-"-"­ .

,., . IMI • . v •; lilifPijQ.Oa, ..... . . ;, • 6, Itnnsns.

We have •:Jnatlenoble rights" 01 the ono hand· and Inalienable d\lUU on tho ottter •.


i~·nERlil. :ate:-' cett~ gol.f ·• •ltota­; .l·~llJ,f\1/Ul'"lw~ Uv~.JU.h1tlU.o!:7 -boU!. , .Ql ~- men who· htt th~m.

' ancl the spect~t!!til · who. ·~?aw the.m .• ·-­They are the sbots whlch, mot~~ tmYtlU:f~lSe, h~lped: dec~. the .ou.t.-come ___ . m~ey a great to _ amtn\.

JijtJlQfl S. 8:,earns, weU~blg~ Cbt· · cago .sports \Vt'ltQr, recently­·ed a !ew Df those sho~to wWilh.

.., be was n,n 'eycmtncss. Kearns

·12,' -~ }

' ' ' '

speaking: . . !'There wns HnlT)' Cooper, on th(l

14fu. tee !lt 'Bnltustol in 1936, · Ol;l. IUs · way to WhAt se\lmeci a certab.t vic­

tory in the Notio®l Open as a prop­er reward for 10 long. stout-hearted years pf ~ing. · · - .·· _

· "CQop hnd _the biggest gnUer,v on.



the course that day, and not q pel:-' • sonal marohal. He hnd broken the · aU-tlmo 54-bole record, and ; th'

· { United l;'lfbteo <;;olf ~Ql:i!Uion 1lCJI.t ' ·- . hhri hito the final ro!Uid with nobqlfy :

· ·. to ptowcflllm fiorii tho crowd .•• • Nobody but ,Estello Armour, Tom'!' wife, and NelUe Cruickohank, Bob­by'o wife, who knew enough of golf to try to 3lvc a plO.lfCL' the fnlt chance he deocrved.

Heartbrealrer "WeD, Cooper stood on ute Uth.tee

with. the mob mlllln~ around blm, and the National O}len cbamplon­lilliP Just at bls llncertlps. Be swung away and asked for order. Be swunr back ·again • • • And again the front row of spectators wu J~&mmed for· ward, so clo!!e he eonldn'l swine dowu at the balL FlnaU;y, on the third try, he hU the ball-Into the bUnker beside the p•r 3 green, lnd tight there waa opened the door through wblcb Tony 1\lanero sUd to

JIUilper Set

rms oMutd bo n grent euceem right oii-oUm, olmplc jocltet

topping a youthful, blg-pocltctod Jumper.

• • • Paltcm Uo. Ci03 lo In oll:cll 10, J!l, l._ 1!!, 10 (llld :;J>. Clw 1.:1 Jumper taltcn 3!JI 10-lllcll IIUltcrllll. chort alccvo Jocl1cC Hlo yards.

.. --uke-thei!Ue;--- · - - -- · · - - ·- - ..,.- ·- -- - - ~ - ·-·- .... •

\ • •

. . ·~


''Thoro wan o Monday morning ln PhUadelphln tn lfl3!), tvben It waa

otenmlna hot, alld when players and watchcro alllto wcro doad weary from o week ot heat and -fivo dayo of aolt. Byron NolcQ.n· ana Craig Wood, who hnd como through a playoff with Denny Shute on Sundny with ccorCD of C:l in

·a deopernto ba\Uo Byron Nelson for tho National

Open tiUe, v1ero en­gaged tn a c;ccond playoff.

"Otr thC foarth tee, Wood had belt­ed. tht~<better drive, ma,be l!~ rar4,5. Nelson SQUared otf to bls secon4 abo~ on that ton1 and dUiknlt par t, U~ mont have been 220 JlUds (fODl the fine wben be drew -a bead. Be llred the' shot the way a Garand tlile might be flre!l • • • Dud on Una, low and wlll!tunr IU It went. The baU Gtrnck, bo~ced twlca, &'OUed, feU IDto the bola. There the 193!1 Open champ)onshlp was settled.

Masters Crown "There t'ro1l Nelcon at Au@l!lta,

playing ofl with Ben Uor,nn for tho 1042 Mnstcro crown. Tlttco atrdtcn behind at tho chUrt abrth, he holed a groat. dcuco ta ntart catching up. 'fhan ot par 5 eighth, uphill, be aow Hosnn hooh hin necond. The door

. wno open. Byron tpok n op.oan on tho uphill lie. . Be wallted to. ceo where the hole wnn out on the green. lte t'lOllted back ODd took olm. Tbcn ho !mocked· the boll five feet frcm the hole . . . A low. dratvlng ohot o;.:er the brow of the hill, puJ.I.iDjJ OJ tfirouch tho .guarded opening to tbo gtccrn. Tho ohot meant nn eoglo 3, and o lend that WM never lrot.

••An thn::o ... But cut of memo-ry cne more llhinen bright ocr~ CGV·

~ Ytlotn. "It '\.'lao tho S~temlr,2r doy wbcD

Job.n Fischer of CinclnnoU atood en the ~~tb areen In the flrull match for

· llio nmoteur chomplonship of the United States In 1036. Ona dO'\.'ID to Jcclt McLean of Scotlruld, be won,

· en Gorden City's hurrictme-0'\.'lept llcrc:J • • . One down. ond with the mucclco cf. bin let't leg tom ro be

~ -m::mflt ucurceti nwmr lij} Tir 5 iill&fl hccauce of a fol1 in o bunker the pre­v.loll!l day. One do'\.'ID . . . And b1!.l ball 12 feet from the pln on tho p:n 3 loot bolo • • • J2 feet of trencher· oro, Ollding., oloplng green. It won JWle it--or be runner-up.

"J'&bnny Fischer sited it up, W.Ok a lone and careful aim. took a atanc~. $'e 4Wtllll the putter back,

- and upon th~ etnbhcuse roor, elcht moUot~-pleture cameta11 fletan to plntt. Jolttmf $umpt!ll, dtopptd Ws 11ttitet.

ulte smllcd ln h:llt· rcqU(!$1 mid the catrtcrno oto:pped • He picked up his putter, never bOth• I crcd fu ~ight tha putt_ and lau,ckt!d

: ,the .batl 1'1ght iif the fu!dd!e holo (()1' a l tliat m::u:te hun even rmd let him win on No.a'l."

. SPOnTS SHORTS ~ r - . -

._ Chtlfity Wright. Negw fcothci'• weight. M,fs ~~ d6esn't know-bh cor# -re~:t ago. Estin:lnte!l place . lt from Sa to «J,

. .. ... f. Thti American league this cenSI)n · iftif break th~'tteord of 86 extr4

· innings •l(lme!i · -set by . .both tnajot , It!altiell 1rt 1916.

' ·-· [ - . . ' C:.liek ltoe-.!Jelt, :i~.ycar-o!ll tong l!l_

.... 1ln4 -pteP' atu, now • utilitt tnnetd · •r tot · &ltln'lor:~. {I · <thtt .1t)Unge!;;•

· · pta:ver uf tlH1 Wens&tinnal tu«tt~ · . . .




n • ....,. ., ..... nrltlter •Mil• It Yllkllllhatlee. • wcml , .... I• 4erlm fre• Yu~ llle Greek oH .-f f1n.

• Thlt trypltltl•g!o yh:;e yltolcb c~t 17 drops of rubf>et lolcrll a dey, o ,.ven-ya~-e!d l!.veo m.t!u'ee to m PQ~mda of r11bber a yecr. fropcrty trecr.d u .... a treat. ~an 10 yeo,. old, can gt....- f10a1 1000 to lllOQ .POU!I(a c1 rt~bt;.r per o:ze per yect, A~t eltft.'t ~t=dt of Rlbbtr ore ~:~ed In mdlng <! L"llCII cn;~=b~• l:te.

IAry rvlt.lter tlltldet .. , wJtn ..... , • ._ .u .. r .. "'•• •• --• tketr allhl.rwl pollt.laa.

. ...... , ··- ,,, lif• .... -•• ,. • ,..... .... atnata.

t,..' •

' . •

' • • •

l. What Is the co.ndl~ pow-ex- of the sun? .-- ~ · 1 - -- •

2. \Vllat v~rl!o in tl\e Bible con­tains nearly all letters of the al­phabetf

3, Who .spre(ld hls cQnt do~ for bls queent and who was the queenT

•· Wh!.iJ !*cPlo .regntd Apls the BUll o.s sacred? · '

6. carrie NatioD carried on most of her saloon ·smashing crusa.dcs In who.t state 1 • ·

6. Mndin, tbe land ot Evange. line, became what provlnco ol Canada'?

7.-Who uses a garrote? 8. May nny Indian tribes In tho

United StnteG legaijy procUcc poJyga,m1? .

9. What is B cat-taU? A cat's­ear? A cp.t~yeT A eat's paw? 10. What is ~mother name for the

Bank of England T

. .

· -6. Nova Scotlp. '1. :An uecliUoner. +

8. CoJ;lgress has neve~ passed ~ lnw imposing momut!'rool,la nu:u.'•' on the tdbal lluil~mS of the tJglted States, therdqre men be­lo11glng to 'tribes thnt petmit.polyg- · urny lll!lf lawfully have sQverol wives nt one time.

9. Cot-taU, a m~r'Sh plant. Cat' s­ear, a yellow we~d wlth lenves resembliJl~~t a cQt's t;~f· €;;~t'e"eye, n gem ohowing oputescenco. llke the eye ot n cat. Cnt•s paw, a dupe, a person uocd to accomplish the purpose of Qnother. · 10. The Old Lndy of Throod·

needle Stt:eet.


•• • • IT

. A failure liJ a man who selll ..._

e:qlerlepce tor less than he palil for it.. . _ .,

You can Indulge your ecc:;enU'lci­tles. when you prq poor, but JOU wm s\aY pqor. .

The wise nnm ne~>er ku rro~bl• llt­ccr/ere 111ilh hh · w<Jr~. bul make• 1110ri inccrfcre wlth lal~ rroublc.

A gooat comedltln is wortb hill wit In gold.

• nte mau who waJcbes the •Jo••

wiD always be one of the hands. The man who slings mud loset

·around. ·

, 1. Sunllflht Ia equal to the PQWcr of 1,675,000,000,00D,OOD,OOD, OO(Y can· dles, according to Flr:um11o.rioo. ' ' • - 2. E.zrn 8:21, contalnn aU ex· cept J.

s. Sir Wnlter Raleigh and Queen EUzobctb.

' ~~-Rat_w_n_i_n_s_by_S_ta_t_e_· __ -J,I

I 8457 )6-52

· sremtnmq · --· -- - -- -+

A FROCK liko thl! can bo count­ed on to make a womnn look

her bem. Smott, tlattcrin1 and deflnitoly ole.nde,rizlng.

• • • Pottall flo. tlt:rl fJ tn ll1::al ~. 31. fO,

t:J. "· 0, c:J, ro .w t\:l. ~ • tattos. -lth ehort .a!co\.~. ·~· 7llld.t l:l-t,al:h tla· ttntaL ..

Duo t:l all t:D(•.r..:IU1 zuto demar.d .and cu=t war c:ccWt::;tJ~, illahll1 m::re t1me u ~ulrcl fn fllll::l ~,.. ftlr • fell' o1 U>o mo31 po;r.JJB c.wttcrn c::rnberL

Cc:cl fD'Jr c:racr to:

~----------------~· BnWINo cmC!Lill'ATl'EilH ozar. ~ Sot:Ul We!1J 81. ~10.

E.nctlr...a t:J CCII In c:;bs !:lr nc!l JQI!am C:~

Pat!c:n flo •••••••••• .r.;..G.!ze. ••••••• flQtr.o •••• ••••••••••••••••••••····~··· ~~ ...•....•..•..•••..•••........

Certoln foodo that cannot bo ra· _ tloncd on . o noUon-wldo bnnis bc­cau::o of dlffcrcncco in acotlonal caUng hablto will probably be dlo­trlbutcd in the ncar tuturo on ototc quotoo. For example, tho annual per capita connumpUon of rlce .vfll'!ea---trom -two- ~tb. ·in -thu ·­Northwcot to fifty poundo In tho South.

Tho ga!ly onnmclcd unit in:ll{inm you ceo on a coldlet"o lapcb and o•rcrocDo cop aro rcproducUoro of Ilia rcgimc.nt1ll &h!cld dbplaycd In tho CCJltcr of thD co!JW on hill rcg­lmcntal flag. IL'o a ~rt of U. S. Army tradition. TradltJonol, too, l!l tho A:tmy mon'o profercnco for Camel clgorctteo. (Daccd on netunl oolc:J rccordn from aorvlco mcn'a ovm otorc!'l.> It'o a . gltt from tho foUta bock homo, that nlwayo ratco cbcoro. And thouch thcro oro Po!lt Office reetrlctlcn.o on p:~ck­agc:J to ovcrccno Army men, you can nun ccnd Cnmob to col!Uero In tho U. B., and" to men In tho

1 ~ f!~vy, MorlnetJ, ond CoOC\ Gwud

l"' -·~6 ~Y -arc..-Adv.

Malu~ This Chair Frame of Scrap LWnbE~It's Quite Easy ·to Cover ___ _,~ .................

THERE io no reO!Um thOt you clwuld do tvithaut tmmrt look·

lng upbolntered cbai.rn 'I.'IWlo you ore ot'ltliting tho day that you '1-'lill bavo tho Uvlna rm~m furniture tbot ycu bnvo al'l-'ltliD drcomcd obmlt. Serop:1 of lumlmr and ply· "WMd m- c\'en old pocltitlg boxcn moy bo n:ed to mn!Ie ol.mplo choir frornca and thctc ore co priori· ~en on cotton paddincr ond oturdy ~tton covering motcrinln.

A oimple ftomo for o chair of thin typo in ohot'lll hct'e. lt io pod·


fudgment of Odortr

7hot p~rr:nw vruy erontty in ttcir jud[.!tnent of odoro in cllown In o I'JUl'VOy in 'l.'lhlch of ~,01!1) ln­divldunlt:l tellted for their tcoctlono upon mnclllng frccoioo. 10 per cent ooid that tlllo owoct-ceentcd flower had no od6r, G5 per cent c:ltd it hod a weok or medium odor ond 16 per cent onid it hod n ·very otrancr odor, tepnrt1 Colllcr'o. Of tho:::o pcW>nn wbo noticed tbe tro­eranoc, C0 per Cerit !o1mtJ, it plcnn­ont nru1 14 pet teilt unplCA!Iant.

' ·.·

dcd with cotton bnttlog booted to Ii!ccC3 of unblenchcd mwlln cut tG ilt tho back and '1.'11:!11 over tho &des of tho cerlt. A r::eparotc cti!Jh. len W!cd with cotton, do'ml or feothoro in then modo for tho cent. Either plom or fl!JUrc1i motcrlnl with controoUna cl!nm t'lc!tlns may bo u::cd for covering.

• • •

IDUl. nUTD WYirtD (,)Pf!Arul D.eet:::d 0::'3 ' tll!W ll'orll.

• Drnwn 10 r:r:-!~.o l!l cc::::. t~ Pattcm tl'-'-

0. t1tlt;tO ••• ••. •• •••• •••• • •• _.., ••• ·- • • •• •


Deggar Woman Quicl:ly Made an Aboti& Fare

Be w-oo extrc:?mcl;r tne~d pretty '\.'leD lttotm for thl9 cl'Ut-oc­tcriatlc in llie! tdwn where he lived. One day an olu &ocraar t'tomon, no'\.'1 to tbc dl.otrid, bt>aan her oppool.

F- Ml'; ~earr·pnHilit ~1nnt.t intO' bill" r;wchet M he opprcoched, and che, full af hnpo, beao.n to. pour down

. blccnln~ 011 lib bend., ''l\!oy tho blerolnn of Henven

follow otter vou," ohe oold, "olJ tho uayo of your rue-"

Mr.l'Jeon cntroctcd hill ho.Mker­chict and blow b.ltl no:::c oo ho p::~O!::ed on-but trtn womtlll, w1w:::o hopt!!! t'loro doobcd to tho (iround, woo Mt at a la::::~: .

"Ahd niver cotcb up wid yor•• ~he ndikd viclo<fuly.

• •



--~--=---.... ~ -'lMC...,MJ-........ '······· ..,.,.,_.., - ,tl,t!;(.,.-

_Ler s Get Going Full Speed Ahead Show Our Foe Patriotism Isn't Dead I

IN TI;:IE NA'IY they say: • II

• Q\UUC OFF for take a nap

"SHOVE OFF" lcrdepnt

• PIG"· fer torpedo pLane

"CAMEL" far tlxlfavorlte dgarette ~lrh mro in the Navy


ThD ~ d~ trhl1 t:::CI !o th. Navy, Arcy, M~ncu. acd Co3a G-.ord b C!=cl. (Dual en c~ f:l!a ra:=!J.)

. . -. -- '

. -

~ .


• '



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. ' .

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. " . \

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• •



" ,":.-- .. t.'

' . - ..... -fl-- ... ·,: .--- . ....

. ,., • •

.... ' .

!!!!!!!!!~~·--~--~-!"" .... ~.!"" ... •.• ....... - .. ~ ... ~--""· ~~~~:!'!!!!!!!!!. !!!!!!~~~~!"'. =:. !!!'!'!!!!!!!~. ·~· !!!'!!!!!!!!!: .~· . =· !!!'!e. =· =: !"~-!~:::: ,· ~ !!'!'!!'!!!!'!· .~~~-· ~~~~-~e~· o;,tiN~.· ~T~i;_ . ~r~~-;· ~-~-~!: =· =· ·=· ·~. ::!.!!: ~~!:'!!:~=·~='=· =· e:. ~= .. e: ~e·=~~=·=· =: ... !!!'!'!=· ~-.==~ ~::~-~=-~: !!.: .!!: ·=.~· -~! e~ J Lin In Co 1\- N. ews a· u -'....attJe·· mo.a tn . .~~a·~ .rro~w:(;QUrt; at ~lim . ,,.. ·····.. -· ................... ,. .. , .... : ........ "'·.· .. , ... .,., ... ., .. ., . ...,,.,"~""'_;_.,. .. ,; .. ~ .. +.··.-• ..,·,· .. y··,...;···..,, ... ,,"T~\ ..... -~--... -:-c-:-.·.·· .. -=-:::.:~ . CO . Uftu,J~ • .. 1\,-l'J;·\u tlllU···- .. __ ----.·uo'iiney .... ·~~-~-~7""''"".· · --:;-·.;;-~··-'·····---·· ., .... ·:·~··· ·-. ·· · .•..•. · :·•·:··:·.·;•-·

· . · • sw.w ot New ~loldco · ·: .· : .· · .. ·.• ... ·· ·• .· .i ··· · · ... . .. ·· .. ·· ·· ; ··•• ...

Meet 5e·pt.e-mbe·r ·-···27 ~· · · · ..... , ·. · ·· ·· · · ···-·. .... .. ·· ... · · ··· ··· · · ··· .. '···; .. :· .... ··.. ·~· · ' I·' ··- '\ - ,, ,-· .. : •. ··.·., - .. 1> ' ' .-.-:;_~·-··. ·-. -···,_.·· ·, ;_-.: .-- .-.- ~ . ;-. '• : '- . ::·· ?_.. . ' ___ • ' - . ) ._·_ .. · . •' '

.. -- 1 lnTte Matter of the Loot Will · .. . .'"· ; . :, ....... ::·· .• : • · :·, ... · .·.· !!""torcd,. """"'"' r·ln•• ""''"' JoJv 41· and Tf.tJtnrocnt of . , ., "... .. · . . ·

Publinhed Every Frida.)

agzn ••• llao p0.61 ultl<a. ~· I ""'·-·· No.. I AN,NIE E. LESNETT, Dec!lnwd. . " . ·. lloalc~>, <Jnd~r ,.,. Act .. , Moret u.tii'IP J Albuque.rqpe, July 29, 1943. No. 567_ · · ,•~,.'

The next regular meeting of the N o T :x o E . .. ,..-.~' · ·

[~xe<•utive Board of the NewMex· To Whom It May C<-ncern: labacrlption, In advonc:o, 52.60 por V .... , . · aro Cattle Gr~wer1.1 Aesoefation Notice Ia hereby clven tbnt nl) instru·J

.. wrll he held at Albuquerque on ment purporting to be tho Will umH Mond~y September 27~h wlth 8 Testament of Annie E. LPsne~e,Uecetm· ' . • • • ed, hno been filed for probate 111 tho Pro­bne( pre iglinary mcetmg t he bate Court of Lincoln C~unty, New · FRIDAY, AL'G. 13, 1943 evening of. the g6tl!l E. G. Hay· Mexico, and by brdPr, the 27th .day of

""· Era 0. Gmilh. Edllor nod Publlnhor ward, Cimarron, p, eaident of the Ser;terober, 1943, at the hour of 10 A. Ansociation ,announced to 'oy, M., at the court room of said court in

New Meuico State Fnir .,_.._. --- -~

At its rr•11ulnr IWf•l'i'•" in Albu qU£•r1JJI', .Juh· 2:J, !hi' ~t·W !\1£'X ico ~Hntt• J<'uir ( '""·rrmllilln, in compll'tina pluno for tht~-]943

Fair, :-it>ptc•mbt•r 2fi t hrougb Oct­ober :l, rtppro\ t•rl 11ppropriationB for tl1" ~rl(!•nt rrr~h pn·miumJ< for liveotork and farm romp!·titiv£• dioplayn 1'"/l.'r olfr•red in the otu: r. Caoh awardb for bed and dairy

More Lhnn 300 leadirrg cattlemen the VIllage of Carrizozo, New Ml.'x,. in . ' the day, time and plaC(• for hearing

r~pr•·l.'lel} t1ng all parts of the otate proof of on d LruJt Will llnd T~>storoent . rue E•xpected to be in nttendance _Therefore any pl'roon or peraonn wioh· at the meeting,. Hayward srud. lng to enter objectlonn to 1 he probating

p 1 incipal probiE>ms today con· of onld La!!t Will and Tc'!ltaro£>nt tJte ( ·

1. "k . hereby notified to f!le thPir objer lono in

ronuog IVCotoc . producero ID· the office of the County Gl•~rlt of I.ineoln elude: the acute rihor'tage of B'IP· County, on or before the tiro~ B('t for Dlimentnl feed together with n hoorlng. -· -·" . I· record number of cattle on rangeo Dated ot Carrizozo, N. M., tbin~ 3rd throughout the otate and nation· day of AugWlt, 1943. \

• ' (SEAL) Gov{•rnmenL regulntwno and con-trols which have in many inatanc C1 G-27 ea rl'ou ted in light marl!eting of

FELIX RA Ml~Y. l'robatr Clcrlt.

--·~·------- ~

ill .~') · . • ·o$:'1-~,:,.~ J,,-~ ,_ t:_.. ,~,;.;.

' -. '


oattlt•, owirll', nht·t·p, goula and poultry wt•n wrn·uol'd mntHinlly, Bl! wt•nJ tht• uwnrdu for form, or· chord and gurd•·n cropo, Th(•\lu wore furltwr ant·ri'Otlt'd by rontri· butiono from •·vr•ry maJor nation· al an!loriotwn ur n·ganterl'd breed­era in tbr L'n1ll'l1 Stnt~11.

cattiP, clooing down of local pack­ing planto and omall diotrlbution of meat; the Liveotoclt and Meat loduotry program to oolve our wartime meat problemo; trano· -·--

The Army· '~Mobile Salvage Unit" Will Collect All Your Scrap rletal.

P!Jrl:llion problems which will Ration Remindel' occur during the shipping ceaoon -

Have It Ready When· They Call! .. - --- ~~,..,_·~~.,.-------- - ...,._ ________ , ____ _,_~ --~-,.-~ -~ __ _, ---

in the ototc, and numerouo other Sugar. Coupon No. 18 good for --- 1

"ThE> C'ornn11omon (('(·lo", oaid like nituotlona which demand con· 5 lbo. thru Auguot 15 Stomp:J •

Chairman H B HPilvro, "that wc oidtroblo thought and action on Noa.lo and 16 oro good through munL •io ,,ur al[moot to otimuloto vart.ol cnttlflmen thranabnnt October 31 lor 5 l~o., each for food produrtton in l!IH. Wo coo ot.Ate, Hayward oaid. home conning purposeo. Houoe· do it only by am proved Jivl'otorh Hecnlling that the firot Quarter· wlveo may apply to thl'ir local When You Con Get

' .

·.· ... \


.. •

• •

breedi~R oud lll•tltr rani!!' and ly Committee mectin~ of thtJ An· ration boarda.for moro if ncceo farminu l•lf rtn and m o l h o d o. oocantion ocbcdul~d to be held io eary. Better Service g.aa: .... ~ · Tho coor,<'rnt ion of tho arPat June woe postponed bccauao eat· Fuel Oil. Period 5 cou;>On valjd brocdl'r orgnnawlJ<~rto ao not only tlemcn were too busy with ranch in all zonco through September ruogn•tum d tht• value or ttw worlt and bccauoe of traoaporta• 30. Period 1 coupon.; in now Now M~?xacn Faar. but aloo of il!l tion diffieultlro, Hayward atated fool oil rotiono oro good !or ten uoofuln£>no an ut•mulallnH produr· that it In conoldercd necce!:&ry and gaiJogs eocb. Occupanto or oil Lion tu·xt } t•or, whrn food wall t c c:J:Jenthal tbattho Soptgmber meet- heated homco oro_urged to re-moat urgently nt•t·rlcd." inu bo hold in order to discuas turn their applicatlon11 for next · Tho ('01111111" 01011 rumpiPtod and iron llUt many of tho eorloua year' a luel oil rntiono to their pi-no fur all NllHlainmont fen- prllblemo confronting tho indus· War Prico and nation Boordo .. ,. turco ottho !1ur l'ontractn were try. All cattlemen io the state promply. . . olgnrd walh lhouliPr Hrotht'rO, of oro i~vitcd to tnlto ~art In tbo Sboca. Stamp No. 18, 1 pmr, m Ellt l 'II)', 011 Jo , 1 or pix nigh to of mtctmg, Haywa~d eat d. valid tbrougb October 31. rodeo l"'""r mrH,oH•, upl'n tu (" ooamentlng that the State Meat, etc. Re~ otampo P and Q cbomptnn rat~t•rc: .11ul rupt•ro u! thr rottlcmen'o noaodaUon offiee bod R, and ~,lexptr~ J;Jy 31. Ucd world; walh Dodr.ora·,, rorrdvnl rtt•t aved nearly 300 now opplica o~amp 0 val~ u!~ 26, ~X· company .. ·' :1:-, rar nagrtf.[fl· · taur o for memboruhip to bo D ron Auguot 31, U to v n l1 d tion or Oll roc I"'' D •. ; ond llll' I o~·fJroved at tho September moot- ~u.uuot 1_. c~plren Augunt .31; Stoto l'o•r'o llr~t nhnp olworinulan~·. !Jsyword, ooid the A£3ocia· A 10 va~t. W u~uot 1~ E'~ptrcn eonlrnt wao orronfl•'d fnr. The tiur.'o momborobip would coon

6nguotir ' 10 vo 1 Auguot

coevnd ormunl .. , nl .. h·nnd·Uo\"P· tutol ntoro than 2,u00 mcmbero, 1 • exp "0 Auguot 31. It" rolf c·ontl• t for a H anrl f'l''A I'' Jlrrnenting ownerohlp of moro boyo and iflrlo \~on opJ ruv1•d. Tho thnn 89 per cent of nJI eottlo In BtalP Faar C'nmmie!lann OI!Oin wall ·lbe otnt.>. bovc dart>cl monoul•mrnt nf the elnht day rocr rocPtaniJ. Veteran rocin~t mf'n wrre omplnyrd to bondlo oil dotoilo of tho mc£'tmg. Tho Stole Foar rocana otnbl~ al· ready or£1 Olhnf! up and indicn·

,;1 War Dow nbonhl -r.1cao ) :Ji comethlna moro to yea than

Ja:mt "a ~raa-J oom::l lnv~ mecl." Figure It cot ycurstll.

tlonn arc that bnth 10 number ond .-::3l:lll _______ ._ __

qulity of hurnro tho eoL'linu Cerrizoao Auembly No. 7 mcotmg <;;ill o~t a new otandard. Order of Rainbuw tor Girts.

~il'<ltingu 2nd nn'd 4tb Frldayo.

Wnrtby Advb>r-Dorotb)' Hoffman.

&.:.rotary, MUllorotte Myero.

Graco Jones, Mother Advfaor

CHEER UP LUlUOllli ___ noel--


Dancing •

Yc:~, Sir-o-o! Buy hero end chccr up


LocnB C~urches ---==---==""'- = ... ~=- =-~"*. . · Santo Rita Cl\ur'-b

Durinn t hr Gum mer montbo, tbcro will be o:-~ly one mrum on Bundciy at 8. The oEcond mom will be in Ruida~m ot 11.

R"v. ~ruvatoro. --=~ -

CburGb €1f Chrut Bible Study • tO:tlO A. M. Worchip !1 A M. nnd 7:~0 P.M. Mid·we0!>Study, Wcrl. 7:£0 P.M.

• l'rc::lehin)! at Cnpltnn 2 P. M.

Dny1ir;ht ollving timo A vio C. Wiggir.o, Minfotcr.

--- - Ob-.-< ... - -'"'-

Twolvl' tboun!lnd f.,ur hundred &llpnrat{l <'rulh pr(>miumo or~ liotr:d I or Ia vratcC'!t, r arm and rrarden prt'duato, homo ortn and home aclonce dtoployo. Premiumn ronge from uOc to GHttUltl. Tho totnl off"rmu io opproximotcly $30,000. Both in oumb{'r of pr0miumn and ln total conb at7ardo otVercd, now blgb recorda nro o~t. "Altcndone(l at: mu rueom ~'lim·

rlllo rodeo and that at L!!o V4:1aa tbls wcolt furniohcd convincing tvldeneo that. the ~up!e oro hun· ary for amucomont and that tho rodeo rcmoitlo tho mo::~t popular form of outdoor eot(lrtninmcot,"


Yucca Bar, , -J. G. cMm, Prop.

Motlu:~dnst Chureh Church Scbonl.... •• • • • • 10:00

flPtimoilii:i~ S'crvke .••• ." ...

Harmo Clid.

Tho 19~3 pr~rnrum hool~ of 240


Meets on tho first .Tbumday in caeb month.


V~niting Star~ oordially invit-ed Mrs. Anna Roberts w. M.

JaumctUI Lemon, Sec.

pages, with Lwo color · ellver, is t 0 0

F now being diotributcd. Men and . • • · • '• women, boys nnd cirlo through· CAJUUZOZO LODGE. NO. 30 out Not<) Moxtco inecrmtcrl in eR

• bibiting arc invited to writo to Leon H. Horroa, Sct:>rotaey·Mou· ·'

aacr, P. 0. Don 1693, Albuquor- . • Q\lt. ror Cl copv of ltlo book and SpcelamJc<:ting, 2nd Tuet<1•y in entey bJnnha. Thero io no cltnrso. tae~ month.

L.lJ. Dl)w •.•.•...• Nobl~t GttM Notlee · John E. Wright .......

~ ~ ID:'\' _,_·-=,···:::: ··:t~: ··:£~

. All•flpUcationa modo for c&n• UAUGilTEnB 6~ REDEitAll nbillitl'lll' munt bn acenmnn~icd CO&lora l.Qdgf', No. UJ •UJl. all Book N().l cr tho tamil~ · Mtttltfr datet end and 4th ldldag ap,l~tltion fer • a m o • WednMdlSI of ~eh mow.tb SilJn})llG and 10 aro_ to bo U!td · . · • . . . · tor Ul\t\intlJdOril maldng apvU• . ·. . at 7 P· m. . : . . . •tion tor additio~•l •ugar. . . . Maym. Gttitfn, Noblt Grand

· Wu Pdte & ~aboning noanl U Birdit Wallc(t. s~. ~ Cmilclt.Y. N~ l\J. . . r " f ··. . .·. . • I .

. '

* * '111/u;,t '1/(JII, Bmj 'klllh


"Pl!i! 'tn•·

Youth r•'ellowobip ....... . We aro tcro t.o serve. Will

:li{ltl do your port? You nro well· com~, come and worabip.

John J. Lundin, Minister •.

= ...... ·- ~ ~· . ·~ Cl1anmcs in dt!ilc of Serviee f~t First Bnptiat Church

{'V/nr t'imo> Sunday Sctwol p.... lO:Cl) A.M. M.omiti~ Worubip .••• 11:00 ..... " B. T. '0' •. :.......... 1:011 P.M. Eveniug Worohip •• :. 8:1JO,I;'.,.. .. '".1 W. M. U. \'1.7air.wJav 2:00.P.M. Prayer,Wcd. 7:30P.M

N. T. Jom,c,, 11iij;U;f •• ·~

,, "Wanted ....

· P:rr-.chute At·



WAMT ftu;:J

Quicker Cleaning -ATTHE~­

N•· Way Clc•n•r• Dclivcey and Pickup Suv~c.

Pbono • • • • • • 81

Expert ~at Cleanfne and Re-Bioekinc

T! •

It's tough to lose a pet, a wallet or nny kind ~f nlanble. But don't give up hope until you have tried an ad in the LIN­COLN. COUNTY NEWS to help you re­conr your Joss. • • - - -


Office Phone 14 Residence Phone 35

Bt~t4ue .to thl' "•r we h8v~n'~ b~eJtt~l' to but inr !arment b•niet• fot tb~ ,.~J f~w m«lJtths, out e11pp.ty is pow epJlill~l, ~it bt¢Olnl\1 htftl~f t{}· ·~~~~ )fl>lJ tg bring ..... ~4 · h'naers wifh· ~atlt r:l~llpiPIJ CJtder. . ~ extra~ you c~ sp.arfi wUt ~. ••pttciattf.. Thapk.s. . · ·· . .

,p '

- . . NU~WAV ·CL2AN2RI

Pbone81 ,, -.

. f .



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· " .· · · ··.. ·. "· · ·. · ·· " ·· ,rn!ln who ore held.~ prison ·and .

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' !)

Unit To Gather .. S(rap Metal


intcrfmlQnt «!amps will b• gl~d'to know. tba~ they may mJnd them Cbriatmns pnclcagesl 1\nd th~ au~ tl)orities bave directed th!lt or· ders mu9t be placed botween Sep­tember 15 and October 15, 1943, in order to be delivered in time .

The National· Red. CroiS bas authorized "'b· ptt>rs to receive contributions with which to -pur· chn~e standard paclt'agea of fden· titled and unidentified prisouers of war. Those wishing to avail themselves of this offer to scM a Chriatmna girt ma;~ make their donation' to the Chapter Chair-

• man, 'Mr.o. Dewey Stokt!s of Car· rizc zo, New Mexico, or to the fol­lowing volunteer workero in yorr

• • • commumty. Mro. W. R. Belden, Corona Mro W. E. Knott, Jr., Tbreo

Rivera Mro. Kivns Tully, Picacho Mro. W. A. Hart, Ruidoso Mro. Perry Sears, Capitan Mro. Lola Stuolnnd, ~'t,Stnnton You will find tho regulaUono

governing the oirio Qod contcnto -===-------..... . '- of pathageo pooted on 'tho bulletin Tho United States Army hno! Jred and thirty aoldicra, wh~ will fight our enemies. board in your postoffic:o •

. ta!tel)_over the drive for ocrop met· f camp jn _ Carri~Q~Q. uml~r _"fi~l!t" _ 'fhm.lo IW3n i7hn . Art.~£1rliirullH _ Plclilae ~lvc the Seryico ma_n'o nl and thin Coet nlonc nhould I col'.lditions, whitb meana they will tho oolvagc project oro what tho lull name, rnn~, nu~ber of pri· provo to the people tho tromen .. hovo their own tents and cooking Army deaignateo as "Limited Ser· ooner, natlonahty, pr1aon camp, douo importance of giving E:very.l oqu1pmcnt right with tbom. They vice Men," bceoust they are un- country and tho donor'o name, .ao thing you bav~ for oolvog.e. AI· I wjll bnvc twenty huge Army fit for activo ovcrtlcfl!l combat, ~ut that a copy ?f tho order may be mo:Jt overy home bus old p1ece1 of I troclm and will bo prepared to go nrc nerving n desperately needed oent au e rcoGtpt • in1n and other metal Jymn· around after any ocrap motnl, no matter cauoo on thin oide. Some of them Donora mny not order more than that oro no good and ore very bow largo and difficult to hnndle. bavo betin through battlta at one pncltngo for each prisoner nt likely junt in tbo way. They will bavo the cquipmen$ to Pearl Harbor and Guodalcanal. a time.

gather any amount of btavy mn· All moter{ola donated will bP R. S. Fagan, Tho U oiled Btoten Army "Z\1o. bile Salvage Unit" arrived in Cur-• rizozo thin wceiL Copt. Ira Horp-Qr 'in in command of tho one-hun-

• I ..

teriol which tho patriotie eatizenu obippcd immediately to tho refln· , Home Service Chairman, may donnto to tho Army for the cries nod will bo promptly taQd ln Lincoln County Chapter, monu!ncturo o! war mnterialo to the creation of tnnho, planca and A. R. C.

. other war matorinlo. All long and - ·~ _ 11~nvy _ mat~riolp .. will bo «:liJHn~ American Legion

Pbonoirapn Rccora Dfin

--_.._- ~ ·- ~ -- - ··- '

lengtbo of two feet by torches, u, ! tbot they c:ao bo mora coolly and ; eiYcctlveJy bond led. A qno-day trip on a train In a ' There nro no mlddlo moo in hnrd tank. Tlrintr of thirty-five tbio ccrop drivP, The Army rc. dayo on o trnnoport. Just ono rc· ceiveo the c"iling price of SO 00 crrd of American muoic would bo p~r ton. ~be Army officoro ere worth a month'o poy. Let'o ooe very appreciative of gl•nernuo do- tbot thuy bnvo tbor::o rocordo. nnt10no by Judge A.H. Hurlnpetb, Tho American Legion "moro ra-who govo o tremendcuo amount cordo for our fighting men" cam­of mining machinery from White poign will do it. Our men on tho Oolro, and Mr. G. A. Titnvorth of battlefront ore molting great ca.­Copttnn, t7ho gave three ear Iondo cr1flccn tbot wo at homo may bo already in tho obort longtbo,ready B:lCo. to load and of Mr. V. Reil of Cnr Wo hnvo our rodioJ, our movieo

• • razozo, who govo 270 automobile and our playero, bul thoso man bodiPo. on tho frontD hove nothing unks!l • If you hove anything to donate, they c.nn geL o few rccordo to play. call the Ne\7o officl?, Pbono 14, Send tlem now to tho American und lcnvo your nome for Cnptnin I.Rgion. Lct'o draft eve1J old ro-Harper and be t7ill anll on you. cord in town and county and cond

· I it to war, • · - · -"1) - - --~ Tho Lincoln County Ncwn is

Molly Pitcher Tag Day, August 4 SEE US I~,<>R

hC3dquortero for ".MoN Rc<:ords for our Fighting M on" cnmpnign.


/ .. • ... .


0 l

' ;

' ' .. •


._.,. . '

LnTTil!lll t!J\ Dll Bli.Lllt!AD9

S'i' ATnu rmTo Envnt.oPnn

Cmcrt.Ann Btrrmmsg CAnoo


UN£0LN comm 1£WS

• IS THEitE GULIJIW/I IN YOURJ~~~~\'J;;.,_·~ ~~~:='.ULI~~? •

Notlee • •

All correapontience, regarditig Rationing, obotllld be nddreccd to £tationin~ Bnard No. 14, Oarrl· ZOllt>, N. M., and NOT to any in· dividual Board member.

Wm. Gollocbcr, Board Member.


lettred machfnlst back tn harne$S puts 20~

In War •onclt

,. . '


. ~:::-..;;._.:.,.::.;?:.._.::_:1'"1_' .• ' ' ...•

. '

.. . ~t ltataral _ . _ ~t 'tit!~ ~t!l ketW! tc~ fl~Ut

W -.attr ·.U tbi tftnt i1lotd4 ~- t!G•r ~- 1l ii' btct:J1!1ft ~- .,. .. utla..-.GIIii'* W'*lt• .

· Elbctrlc equipment is :icciree bc­CAI.I!lc the raw m!ltcdnle ~o gpina into thQ WP<t Elio~:t. But y.ou can save now ·end~ get b(lclt St for ev­ery $3 y.ou invcr,t in War Bonds so, you con buy that raQge or whnto:ver you want after tlte war is won.

C~OZ!? Hardware Building-,;,

Corri:zozo. New Mt!Xico

c:· _s_, ___ ·-·-. " c.:.~=--- ....,_..._::...,.


lfiiX,;;q 1 1 •

Loentod at Cnrrizoeo Hdwe. Co. ·.PHONE 96

--~--~--- -· .... ---- ___ ___, -,

1. 1!.:. KELLEY [1'uneral Director and

Licensed Embalmer 'Phone 38 ,,...

Carrizofo : : · N. Me:r. - -·--- -- - --c::_ -r::: , c· _ :: -~~ : E-

~ WAL\lTED: ~ SCUAP I H. ON. •

Join mo army· of so,ooo,nuu wTio will be In the Payroll Snvlnga Plan !or regular WtW Bond Purchase by New Year's Oay. Stop spcn~iog and onvc, and let'o "Top tbnt Ten Per· cent." U. ~. Trto11111 Vgtarlm•at

Tho Tttnwoi'th Company, Inc. •

Cupitnn, N. M. -------------

The More Folks You Tell The ftloro Gooda You Sell


HlSR& I•'or Tho Lntcot

War News

llarold Teen says-Hood tho El PaGo Timca

-or--Tho El Pa.oo Herald-Post

0. L Farrell, Distributor - . . ~.- -

- - -· - -- -


"Oc tbo level loll!.!!, t:~a'vo o/1 aot t• buy mora tV ar Dondol Lct'a tap tbat

IOr;'o by llat7 Ycar'a."

More BUSINESS Tr Our Ada

~~u® ~~ ~e~ping

to Win y •

i~~e Wor

he is one of 5647 operatorro oi the Mountain. ~ ..

States Company who 11peedl the cnllo of the

Anny, Navy. Marine Corps, Coaot Gunrd. the • calls of induotry and of horne dcfenge agencies-in this arsenal and training gromi'd of Victory

in our mountain otatea. •

The telephone operator, li!te worltero in gtm

"" factorieo, shipyards, a11d munitions plants, wears no uniform. But, m,e lhem she hag the ontisfac• tion which comes from contrilmting to that· greatest objective of an of uo-win.~ng lhe war.·

. And by Iter oi(le arc 1737 otbcr telephone

women in tltc mountain otatcs--clerko, typists. caaltiera; service rcprcoenrotivcs and aa_3'1 men-•

all serving their eountti .. faithfully at their battle.: atatione. · •

• •

•· .



Page 6:… · 'i ~ ~ ' . . · · r"l' ·.··--·-~ _·, Jli •l 't



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' ., . ~- '

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Sub Hunting · By }ame• llirs"field

I waa on the bridge of the count (!Unrd cutter Campbell, eacortlng a bla convoy, when there callle n ml.'ooaue, rcportlna a oubmarinc 25 mllcc oouth of ua. We charged fuU. cpeed for the cpot.

Whether we got that· flrot oUbmn­rlnq, I dftfl't ltnow-you o"ldom lmow -but we didn't have time to worry about lt. A ol~nal cracldod through from onothl'r vcoacl of the escort, q Britloh corveltl'. With a oloter cor­YeUe ohe woo atlacltlng another U-boa t ohc had pic !ted up on her cound (lear. '

With the two corvettes we con· verged like nrrowo on the U·boat. Over n wide area we sowed aob­cnDB. Tbe !leo went mad wllb gey· sen. Then a srl"nt paleb of Dle11eJ oil appeared on the oen. It omelb like kerooene, but to a onbmn~Jnc bunler'o nootrilo It lB oweeter than violets, for It menno that a U·bont bD.a been oonk or damaged. From engine-room to brtdce there was Joy In the Campbell.

Whole Convoy Attockro. lt woo tlwn about I p. m., and

VI'~ bl!!Ck. 1\flQr g fin [II ll9!l.I'Ch g.f tho area, we ron baclt toward the convoy. Prenently a cplotch of cold, white llaht appl'arcd on lhe horizon, It arcw brlahtor no we drew nearer, and we heard the rumble of dlotant exploolono My heart oank. Thone Uahlll ml.'unt the whole convoy wao under attach Eocort ohlp::1 were throw\na up I' tar cht> Ito to llaht lhe' ct>a better to flaht off tho ratdero.

Lcovlna tho "olower t>orvettco In our waite we raced for tho convoy, but before we reached It another mi.'C!lOIIC came In from the cpcort commander. It conflrmt>d my fcnro. &>vera! ohipn hn.d been attaclted. One hod falll'n bl:'hlnd. The Camp­boll wac to ao to the reocue.

.. .. ,, L "

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I - I. I I . : . I i''. I; 't ~ _; · : - • : . _ r . '

:ttot~~ ··-:.-- ... , __

Tbe sudden poUtlcal demiSe o' Uerlito ~luss()Unl mtdi:es hlrn the fir11t . Axi!J dictator ·to faD onder tl\e mllltary ~md lntellectulll might of tb~ AUie~ nations. Left: Klqc Victor Emmanuel of Italy who accepted Muosollnl's reelgnatlon and nppolnte.d Marshal Pletrq BadogUo, t:enter, a!J the new premier of Italy. AI· though Badogllo announced that "the war 'continues," as lte proclaimed martial law, be was never a member of the official blgb ra.qkln,; Italian fascist {i'roup whletJ surroooded'Mmmollnl, De has bt:eo known to bave dis· agreed ·with the former prem1er several times, Rlglit: Benito 1\lussoUnl \vbo took' advantage of the unrest ot World W11r I ~ create 11 dlctatorflhlp and now flnda. bJmseU overthrown by similar forceiJ In \Vorld \Var n. ------~-~-·-----·-- .. ~-~---;-·--------

Get Sick '()D Land to St~p Sea-Sickriess

W•~rto-. D. 0, .t.~"'""" ~.G~:t tt;. ,SWQ..Y.

·. Unmm&. U.· S, be,;oes wli.o contrib­uted ;beuvily to· Mussolbli'a down· f01U: · Wcfc ltoli~n-Amllrican bQys . Jnw Sicily selfernl w~c~

S, troops landed • me1y .got ashore must remain

a militacy secJ;"ltt, But Ute fact that they got there W. now recognb:~ tlS a PAd of mUitnfY operations, just n:J ,the advnnce Jandinn of Lieut. Gim. Mtu-)( ClftFk in N<1rth Africa,

:j,c~lr:ry·iiJg ba,gs .of 11~ S. c<~ld. 'l'helll.l It(lllan ·• Amer.ll:llns were

e:wecially trnlned ill tlie dangerous_. doJ.icate job ot wfuning over mlll­tary ganisonl) in advance of n land­ing for!!e. l'-1 SicU:Y they had· the ndvantilgc of apeaking .the l(lnsuagc t~nd being, D.ble to vwit the homes

. o1 their relatives, few of whom loved .MWJsollnl. from t)lerc they were

l ~ble to worlt aroll.lld to variouo mill· tai':Y Icoaeta:

'It lloo long bl;!ell !mown tbot :Ital­Ian milltaey Ieadera were ot two typea. One is the profeoslonol z:ol· dler like Field Marnhol Bndoglio, wbo wa:;; to tllll t;mny before Musso­llni'o time and hoo no love for the Faocloto. A!Eo he hoo no love for the Nazia, and ao wao not too diffi. cult' to win over to the 4llied olde.

-·' '

' ·'" . '' -- --. ~· .. ;- _. ' ' ·' ~ •. ' -I< ..

., ·;·-

• -·- of. -- ~-- ~- ._c_'·_ -. .• ' --- •·-

.{ ...,.....,.......~~~;~

WANTED-A'I' .. ONC£ !!ftccJ! bnrbcn. We.U Barber Sbop. otllalr b~.J.lo~P..f?.: tlfl.c~to fCQUircd. No tCD$0. -N.or ... ,


.BEAll :oF . ~ll ' fREll Ull II r~ 120 ncna~~6, :,.f,.l(fltro'll ~Fsmntrer sl:os, a~f.c EA. nollil 8 ext>. 30~1!1 cxp. 4!lc-lB exp. coc-:sa cxp, ~A Get tll'1clol on cnlnrge, on portrait P<II>'J¥rloplao mllde from old, JICW p!ct; OVERI<I • !JERVICJ!l.


FEATHERS WANTED ' . Flli\TUEil!l WANTED m1W oa OL» flhlp or mite to B~trlllll 'irc~lbor C•IIIPIUQ', 1011 N, Jllro!ll-r, Sl. J4qla, lll.::uut.

• f •

GUERNSEY HEIFERS JJIQQ OBADD GUimNS£1' UI!:lFE:AS, wu!or O!UI :voar !Uid :JCarJinga pru:t, A!&o r:prtnf/er boUcrf.f:i:'colo.l . !lrlcc on lour. l'llCD CUAND CUAUITON, IOWA.

Other type of Italian m!Utaey lead­era Ia the · Fosclat Blacltllhirt, who ro:Jc through favora from D Duce, but who uauolly Ia ousceptlblc to coin of the realm. Preoumably U. S. advance acotito were ouppllcd wlth what General Clark toolt with hlm In advance Into North Africa. CHICKS FOR SALE

At any rate, expert advance work by patriotic Itallan-Amer .... nnn, p UD lccortl nU'crfDrll:$1::<0 Ill .ll ,_ I ~ ~IDCVDtHATC1111D,U ... ~~e

._ ~'-Hl:tht-eti ~trf~u~ ~-tU.0n..,l0t1ed1&-~S,1to~1tene-n t .. ~=t~ _

. ) ' '

moat larullna expedltiono In hlatW')'.

All;o tho paycholoalcal ohoclt of tho hendlona U. s. rWJh throuah Sic­ily waa what toppled MUE:<:nllni off hlo thorny thro9o.


General Giraud woo ohown aU tho alght:J of Woohlnaton during hla otay here, Including tho war dcp:ll't­ment'a mnC!lhlo Pcntogou bulld.Jng, rntcd oo the lnrgi!Dt office b'ulld.lrig In tho world. ,

After the French commander had been led through tho lnbyrlntb of Pentocon corrldorn to Gcnorol 'Stoll

BATTERIES Geaalae Edlaoll Batlerlear 7fOT IL!rm tlPt ~ nrcl power. Abo wiM Cbnrt:or• ll!ld &U;' · drtven plantn. Wtlto tor ln.!orm!lUir.i.' B. A Q. DA'rl'EB Y CO !Ill' ANY P"l. .B. llraaeJI e. 1'. 0. Bex UU, WlolJta,aa-.


I didn't like l?i~~ll-J Joot iluill~- out -r orroo -o-lrilolrO.·t . -·- ----- -~

woo Foam boiled under our keel os wo rcveroctl couroo. An hour or co Ia t­or we round tho chip 10 mlleo aotern of the t>onvoy. She woo juat cltllna th"ro in the darltn~:>C!l. AD wo oiaht­cd her, a t.all tower of t'lator cruptcod on her port oldo. The ohlp woo un­der attadt.

Dole Tom In Campbell. Boon we woro under attat'k our­

crlvt>o An cxplcolon tore a areat hole In tho watl.'r jWJt antern or tho Cnmpbl'll. It wan mlethty clooc. It really ohoolt ua up. It coundcd oo thotlr;:h WI.' wt>r(' on the lnoldo of on Iron boiiPr whll:'h had been nlommcd t?ltb a oll'dao hammer.

I walte>d on cdae>, for o cocond Dnl'. Th"n our looltoutD opotted lho U boat whlrh woo throwlna th" otufl. It woo on the ourfaco oboot a milo away. Throuah tho ocrlo light of early morntna wo -could mnkc out tho l're>am of her wnho and a faint haze> from her Dle>colD. The Camp­boll bore down on her lllio o terrier after o rat.

Tho rat flbowca co mcUnaUoo to flgbt n cnt. Om ltml wero Just OJ*nhlr wbCII the craf& l!tlbmerrtd. \Vo dropp~ B pattern cl depth charges, ac:l a row ml.aotea later wore ngaln rewarded wttb tbaC blcnoed fropoocc c! DlClld cU. I& Will the third aobmarlnc tbe Camp­bell bod cnuoac<.t In IC3a tbao 1» toura.

About mtdmomtna. our cound acor plcht>d up onothor nubmorlnc.

!3ub Cruh·Dlvcd.

• In a rlant land, sea and nlr invasion, Allled inllltarr leaders' mast comlder and platl for every emerrenoJ­

Inpludlor seaolckneaa. To accumulate data on thla subJect, the army developed a aea·horse whlc,b 1ets soldiers aa alck aa they would bo after several houro' on rourh water. As a rCllUlt of these experllhenb, cap::~u!es to pre­vent motlon·alckncno are given to lnval!lon troop;J an hour and a bD.U bdora embarkation. Ldt: Serrt. Arthar F. Nichols alter a uuolon ln the sea-horse. Rlcht: The contrapUon In .action. --- -~·---· __,. ___ ~--4<-~ ..-. •• - - --.- ------------ -·----------~_....,=------------------------u. S. Privates Round Up Some 'Supern'len' High Scorer ·


ol tho place. "''leU," rcmorltcd Gencrnl 0!­

roud, "I've cccnpcd from t\'lo Ger­man pri!:onb, but I couid never get out of th1o building, 1'


The chlcltcno holchcd \'/hen Amcr­lcnn obiPJ wero put WJdct tho POIIo­mnnlnn ftog to ovoid neutrality Iowa !l1'0 now eomihg htm;lo to l"Cn:lt.

An a rcrult, tho U. S. government now cmployo 10,00!) ccomcn whom lt pnyo In bard·ennb every month, but ovcz- wltom it boo no di!:clpllnory control whatr:nevcr. Tho ccomen aro under tha Panomnn!nn flng, though octuolly they oro 0 Amerlcon citizeno. So when they get Into bl'owb in Amcricnn P(Jrt!l, they mtmt nnot'ler to tho Pnnomooinn conmd, though they nrc Amerlcnn cithcnn ond draw American pay.

Certnin otato deportment officlolo ore urama thot tho problem bo colved by trannferring the ohip!l bock to u. s. rcarotey. Not~: At prcCI!Ilt, when cno of

thcco shiPJ clcnro a U. S. pnrt it mtwt p:Jy o $2D fee tn tho cmwul nf Ponomo, in cpitc of the fnct that Ulc thlp be!1mao to the U.S.A.

• • •

wn• aecu ut •••U. t.o.r~ t'lacc:l.l. nb­hlta. . pc:. tow!. )?!:ooe:>nla. Pzlc~ ~fl. JEWELL OAIIIE FADIII, Da~>'fW.. Ill.

-------J. FOR SALE







I ron to tho otorhtlord oltJo ol tho brldao. whore tho men otcud polnt. tna. Tho Jmrl!:oo~o bad vanidhcll. The aubmarlno hod croob-divcd. Wo anvo It tho worlto. ·

When It woo aU OVC!f I happoncd to nollco the loohout who hod given tho alarm. llo wao boamlna lllto a

'lhese German ptlsaaets lnclnlle !'ar&tluit~ &oopeti, ~a1111tta nttt• men of. mt~ny campalps. 'Ibcy were rounded tJjl b, a lew ordlrfUt sol!Ueu In the lnvas!ca or Sicily. It appe!U'M' that the total rltunbe- Of anch prisoners taken b1 the AWts woukll'll11 Into sevual thD!l!Jild! ••

Allm 1\la-.'ilnf, 7mm!;est maJor Ia Eiclilli lJ. !f. army air fore«!. fie

ltd the fttst American uld on Pub as pUoi . ot the ••Dry Jlariinl.'' a FlYiDI' Fortr\.~!1.

~·I I



happy opo. i hod torcottcn our prlllo fund far

tho men who npottcd c;.ubmorlnc:J. • Doforo lhc end of lhot voyogo, our

treaoury woo ouhaWJtcd. It was hlsb Donn when the Campo

beiJ ~nconntcrtd fler lflb Jerry. II 1111li on the iurface, abOilt three mllet •waJ, ant:'l mll!lt have bad some fbollsb noUott U ttitill onttuu as. ll COM fennl'l tMt I& caaldn'ta ani atfbmer.ed l!l a burry. Aplo we i~tl c\OWfl • t pattem or dttlh ehJirrea.

Lotor thnt nlaht t•;o sighted out sixth. It woo on the vudoce, about 500 ynrds of! tho atorbll::~rd bow.

' For tho lZtb Umo fn a llttlo more than :2t tnmta, OUl' ~tnga clange<J ug~norul quarloro." Tho men sprm1Q to thelr blttl& ataUnns. Wo owung llatd rJgh\ to ram. Tho ComphcU ratti.'l doWb on tho sub wlt!l Stfi~!i·

\ , __ .. .......,,..,.._.- ,._, <--- -- "-'-~~ •>-~-----=--=-......;-=---~-~--""":' ..... __ _

Cigarettes for Defenders of China ·- '.J ..

l:~llnC .,. &;~nt·hlnnk ransu. We re:tUy {'8Uiht . tll~t U·boat napping', It •·a!S • bl• Otic ~lth a 'large ~n-. run •• tot.~l' lbd ·.heaVy lmUII'nent l!Wilo• ftWltn r. Uttlr "#· .. I ntlltfhlll: at• aff• tiJlftttti 1tt

r w. couhl ... ., .mtn en the deck. • Qlbltn a.u.u. '%Miff. ................ flrl ., ...... , ••• -~ :U.I.& 8bouUn• Wildft,lh,~J ttl~~ to brmc. ~·•llttt uc ~ ,..t_. * Jaqt ~~-· . atMJ • ..., .. tt.· * • tteclt cun into ac"M. <f!,e;r l\t.t«~r. la~t~ .. •• a.. ta~ w ,()iuattac. bMt ttr•m •nwu· ·tM ..,


Former Fbothall Hero

~ *;i~~(~ ilr.~~~ ~~= .................................. ., .......... dttl .. _4!f. -·~,... .. «Uil:ftr;y, . . . . . ,, ·* tftiMitt .t ... 1Qt. 1 1 • • iMI._IIt .... .. .

• •

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' " ' . ' .... ' . -:t::- -· -~ - ·--- - ----.

jJ I I •, '

. _I. I

·' ' _ . .....,._ .. ,

Farm Notes

. ' '

' •

• ' • • • ' ,,

~ ---

' ' .

. . ..

6 96


IF YOU crocbc' 'You can make lovely ruga for your home-if

70U arc a knitter, you can uae tlul1 aklll on rugs, tool Tbe round p[il'! wheel rug '- crocheted of juot 4 balls of rug yom in a dark color and 4 balla of Ugbt color. The Jmlttcd rug lo a yard oquare and

• eaey to make.

• • •

• •' -

. 3~78

Due to an unusuaiiJ larP demand ... cwa<nt war ccndiUcnt, .u.btlr ...._ Uml '- n:qu~ Ill fllllill crotnl lor • fn ol tile meat popular patterD ll\llnbcn.

Bend )'Our order to: DOllE NEEDLilWORit

Ita New MontJOmtl'l' Btrnl lbD J'randaco, cam.

(losUy ProJect " -A TOllrond ~rldcct- watt-buDt- -&&-- - · - -Auntralln at the cont .. of $100,000. But 6ne trn.ln hoa pfiS::cd ove;o 1\ •

Kid 'Stars.' Aren't New; in over llll ycaro. After lt!s lnitlal •

Appeared Back in 1803 run, authorlUco decided on another routo avoiding tho bridge.

Gather Your Sc.rap; * *----- Throw It ai Hitler!

There nrcn't ony facto about hio tan maO, but tho outoaraphB It c:antnlned muot have been ~;orth quite a bit, tool He died on Augum ~. 1074.

Good Sense Tbese Work-fWed

Days! ~,.



,.., .·

11~~'-1::1 JV. tl::t~t:a

. ••rr Ill I lfhr • • ••••••

RICE KRISPIES SAVE TIME, SAVE WORK, SAVE FUEL, OTHER FOODS TOO. Use them often. Crisp-they snapt eracldel popl Nourishing­whole qrain food value• In thiamin (Vitamin Ba), niacin and lron.


• Plaltt!il r.n~~r;, ,, • t!Kiosf O!!f)'tl!e fiotst IJ!vedttlllt w;lalfnc.lfifll. llt S-llrt c1 ,,. ~!It._ -Willi _..,llilt ·flas betft lbe ~lll!na dly tmtitt .. . ... ,.,_..114,..-....

Atk M•"•'' She: K~t•vm'~Gif •. ,..wet~, lot Wt.ifi;,




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Page 8:… · 'i ~ ~ ' . . · · r"l' ·.··--·-~ _·, Jli •l 't

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Have a Coca~Cola=

. ' .• .-·•. ' . ··.: .

~.- .. "· ~ ... '~ . • •

. ... from Adelaide to 41toDna

• •

ac '

. i

l'rt<rullonn> rn.1rlu rhc rclntlnns of your Au!trnUan nud-Amcrican bol.Ja·"· Jl,,,.." •·r ,Jc", oayo rhc Ynnlt, nnd tho Ausdo findo n com­r~dc All""'' rlu: ,_.!,he C:on1-Cola ornnd11 for thapamo thai rifrcsha, ~-I ).I~ ht ~ urJ.•: tJ,, J~t·~;turc uf the friendly,


Magnolia <'oca;.Cola Bottling Company c·-Ofo Colo Hudd•nv. - Yur,Jcn· Tllvd. ut Dlrcb, EJ Puoo, Te:ue

" _____ ,.

.. . ..

I •

. .


. .,. . ' . -

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* '.--' .

' • •

.:::. . : . :;. '

PlRSOIAlS Mrs. P. • S o( Carrizozll

' underwent a major operution f*1i HotolDieu~ El P~ao,·· Slie ie i~-

• - 0 ... prov!ng, . . ,

Mm.. Margie McCJurQ,. tJI~ck~ · - 1\ .

ford was a business vi1it.~r iqRoi~<-l well last Saturday and Sunday.

• • -

Franl( Vegs, Jr., arrived howe lost Friday morning from· ton, CaUCornia, where b., bad beep employed. Frank had a goo~ job there;but found it nec~s- il!f oary to come home in order to b.e ready for the openivg of school.

Lt. and Mrs. Harold Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. Salopek left for Lan Cruce a Wedneaday. · TbQ Hoff mans will return hlire to opcnd more time before Lt. , Hoffman returnn to duty.

. . •

• '

-~ lHf' ·TITSWORTH- (0., IN(.-. -·

· We Have In Stock Poultry Netting .cement Bale Ties Fly Spray · Greases Turnip Seed Cane Seed Millet .Seed Sudan Seed Alfalfa Seed


Lime· Lubricating Oils Roll Roofing Blackleg Vaccine Syripges Blacksmith Coal • Cowboy Boots Barb Wire Oats

. Chicken Feed

I ,~-:; .:!J

Oar Prices Are Reasonable . •

. .. ··-· ...

------------::.:-------- _ __, ________ _

~HM ~nteed Rep~lrlnt on ~II m~kPs rf· (ars A~'o J{ 'l'IIJi~ DlJHA 'F"ION

W<• Will CTuoFat---r.r-rfoon-·mrsumtny!J Chff. Zumwalt •


Married at Alamogordo

M ioo Carmel de Ia Rooa, of Car· rizozo and Mr. George Kurr were

1 married, in Alamognrdo loot weelt. . -~ui'T -,v!l9 oorn, c.~-t- .. ····---·---- -- ... -- --

The. Titsworth Company, ~Inc. .

Capitan, N. M.

educated in Carrizozo and her -f:!:r ~F 0 R RENT Modern 1&1"-'~' many fri&ndo here, at . Tularooo Apart:monta. Seo Mro. N o r a ====::::::::::::=::::::===============::::::=' ===+= and Alamogordo ore offering con· Phippo. gratulations. The b r i d e ia n . ,

very plcnsnnt and otudioua young lady. ""''''Hvilvl~lmmnmmml!~mmmmnnnmmmnm

ALtorney W. A. Keleher of Al· buquerque was in Carrizozo on business last Monday.


HIGH GRADE PERMANENTS W c Hnndlr· nil K mdo of Stock & Cblclmn .Feed

Al~o a rew (~nned Good~ &. Groceries c Jc:,\JUt:TTE~ & TOBACCOS

VlGA fffD STORf h

...... ,

~. ..

Third War Loan Drive

Fifteen billion dollars io tbo goal lor. tbc Third War Loan which

Mro. Glonncth StolreJ and eon Tommy were in EJ Pano part of !not weQ!t.

President Roosevelt hno proclaim· Mtn. Moo Jordan and daughter ml~a~ruili~~p~~~~~fEl~~1wUt-we~·~l&We

In hio proclamation tho Preoident Saturday and Sunday. They --------------~----------· ===-· •aid, "Our need 'for money now is were gueoto of tho Sid Goldoton

greater than evor, and will eon· fnmily.

'· '" • 1 1 -.·r· Hl• lol or o n·~ o~ P'ITD tb~ l'rcoid"ot ol tho Unl. o" . · alo11 •I "oryuno n Ju~n ted itotw · olllil10 I hl'lr myo· tt.• tt.nllu·a •" 1t~m~>r-t u! t('rfro. Jn roct, mill!onn of Am· lr wl "·lit tl""'" o nominal w rh crirono llf(l r!'odlna moro myo. on .J4f' tl• t- rti\t1 Hut r::.Jn.c orfl tl'rirn todoy than cvt'r before. " I> "'' n• I: no" <I tu odno1t r• ad· Why? Mulnl)· bceow:n tbco lf·t' t; . r:ft ru .j \\',,!1 ., uu r Pi d '" I I' M aj'hl' yuu dl ln't rn~t-powd, (lll!l)'•rOildlng otorlcll

oro both rdulling und rofrcnb· I !l'·\.) thut n~on~- ~~·~irGl ,.,,I·

• • • .,.,,,_ hnnL 1-rnr•l< ntn, 11" nt O'-'Pflll ln. o.Jploona ul indun·ry,

ing. It b for thl'm-und for you - thnt ~o ore publiDhlng

Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine

tinue to grow until the very day thllt Victory in won: oo wo muot nak far more oncrifico, far more cooperation than over before."

Mrn .. Erneot Henley boo ill lor cevcrnl daya.


Mro. Caonidy, who woo ill from

Mr. I•'ortino Beltran of Lincoln willhl'o to thank theme Criendo who accomponiod bia oon Joo to the train, when he left for the Army !not Monday evening. Aloo to Lhoroo who tendered their good rccommcndotiono in his qebalf.

the effecto of oovero ounburn whieb Mr. A F. Roselle riturned this aho experienced while she and her week from a vocation be had been h~abund woro on a fiohing trip, enjoying~in tho Jicnrillos. He ia han recovered. an employe of tho Carrizozo

Mr. nod Mro. W. B. Payne were buniness vioitoro in town TuH:doy from their rnnch in the vicinity of Capitan.

Hardware Company.

Mr. Leandro Vega, molber, Mro. Jo:mu Vtga, nepbows Jco Ve~o,Jr. and Fronk Vega,Jr. wero El Poco vinitors Thursday.

Meors. Word L;~ie, Roberto ·• Silva and Melquiadea Gonzales Mire Vbla Bat.eJ arrived today were horo from the Tison moun- and ia a guest -of Miu Margarlilt tain ~ountry Monday, Berry.

• . _ Mro. Mtlrgio M. Blackforcl toft Q~tto a number of p2ople fr~m thin t'leel.t for Roswell -wbero •he

Capttnn attended tho wcddang · • ' h 1 dan eo at Community Hall last hna accepted a posatlon as eauty Saturday night. operator.

Our List Includeo: Rilling, Tancal,Zoto!J, Duort . r---~--~ WITII PllJCUS nADtGING FROM

$3.50 TO $12.50 .

We AppNelatc Y.our Pntronogo

The carrizozo Beauty Sboppe MARGIE McCLURE BLACKFORD

OPnnATOn ·

uo tho ·cl!Clunlve a~f!l fer ..LI;l 'Pi!!k[n" l'Ddtr- ~h!:!h II ~ammtcl to curo "t:!nk (JJJ&" ED :r-=' lw-d. A ~ bcllio-c:Jooi!liO treat !J() to 4l3 cc:J~-eolla fer $1.09. Drop fn aoy timo and lc~ o.a ten yea atout th!s cow and fullyttnnrodccd rocody fer U:a trootocnt of ao ln­f~ti:m wb!::h anncnlly enu..~ k= to cotUcc:co cc:mtini to cony. oll· lbx:s ot dollan.

Rolland'• The Oldeat and Known Drug Firm in Tho Southwcat.


\ •• . l

I f.


. • '

I • 9 I ~-

I . l i

. '· . '



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Eolol• <l h~ t<'ih r·, !JUC€D, I om· ilut otori~ aro~cl~tcd on Umlr "'· <11 ,,,,,,, .,f tl;o rnd111. lito l.ll~?rito,llot en nuthoru' nnmD. ,,.,-. u '· •w•l t.<ot·"clll'r '"' t<q, Touab llnd nuovo, l'll;JUOI ond 11 oa •lr. ott cl • x<'l<.t~~linly tu tho Ot'1ift, comic ond troglr, tboy •~ a! tn o!nh cl" P erim" ohurt• cue minalrd with rclrcohing • , ... :, 1111 roturo·. And w0 m '110 variety and ctimulnting rhange ht• ratur<'. Tho ro .. t thot a of poro. Roro (lttrul, fit for tho olnrs ••~"><1 iln 1•lut to 1 riml' nr•d mrot critlt>ol1 d'llght'ul to tho dl'l~•lllln r . .-.-d nat J•rP~cot ttl! rnrot tHli'<e. You wlll find tho •·• inu wP!II:>rltt.Pn. Short d". now m&aDllillo w-oll printed.­IH'.•.c lkt1'10 that fa wdlwrit· chnrp and door, hind to tho ~ l<l oot ,_ rt'-lldily <l¥ntlohl<>, oyc:J, \"o~ ~ll fuldtbo ci:!l• Uut w-o nro Gndinfl tbom-·tn onmo O!J tho Rendet'o Di~r..:~t • lmnho, In mocranino, in tho filc-11 convonlont to hold, to htmdlo, uf !nmouo nuthoro-ond hy or· to cUp Into your pocl:ot. You rnnu:-m(lnt wtth other ~·uhlwh· will find tbn cover O!l plol!ltng PM Cl'J l'il'lt M with CUI boro, ~0 tO looh llt •l!l a bOO It Jncltet, fi'I>Wlt In tl:l' nN•rovc-d Ucnd• And you will find tho cont(;nb N'o Dicrot munnn thl' hcnt de· . tho mo:Jt ontlnfylng 'quntklr'a tc~tl\'1:1 llctlon til bo prot'Ured worth of good ontortolnmcnt

- . ~--- ~ -

Miss Hilda Ai)n Barnett return· ~· ~-~-~-=~~~~~~~=~=~~-,...--:=!'=~· ·~~**,f';~~- _ " ' ed to Ros~ell last Monda$> where T

Sttl'b mMtcro O!l D'l!)hkll, · II emmett, l~rotha ChriotlC1, you hnvo found in many ad~'. ~tunrt l'nlmcr n n d Ellery On tala ot oll good nowwtanda Queen e. " to bo found In it,) ··flGo t\ cupy,


LINCOLN COUNTY NEWS Drecm::o wo wont yota to ltoaw Io;ltcey Quc:<'n'o 1\tyat<'rY Mago• nlUlc \7o \Yill c"nd you 11 tOJIY ot tbb onthulo;ry cf tho b~t dctcc ..

• • t1v11 etorlcs now and old·CO,OOO worda .of .thrillillg Ullilter!e~·· tor c~ly liN. thp cO!Jt of Jlila • togo nnd lmnGlllill· · ,, .

l'ill in and mc.U tho cu':lpun bdilw with lOa ~ca~. • ttl .. ll!i-l> $ . .> *•¢:~~<~ ..._..,.,..- 'O:Dk6tUI .. .._. ..... "" ... ~ ......... ~ ... fr~i!>~Jrillo ...... ~--

' . . .. ~ ... m,usn\" Qtm~N'fl MYSTf'lnY M~GMUNB n't'O k'!!loaton l.•..:couo, New Ym-k, N.Y. · ..

!lcyo•a my 100ror \"ihMt plcl!l) ee-nd tll!l • CtllJ$ ot li!kr$' Quc::n•u M'~•iltQ~;J ~-1ct~l'dt::o. -

cy!Ja:ol;~~-~ <C·~o;lltl 'llloiV,'ill«.t~(p-~t.14 ti-'e!oli.~IICO jt~'!t- 9-tiJ@..~Io!f~-~~p tj:~l1fftC1.*Jt-•~'4 . . -

\ . ~ . b

-At!dre$.,,,.~<111~··i;o~:J.~•~¢il~~~(l:.:;j,~l)~*"'!lj•·~l;ii~-*""..,~JIJ.~f;\-~~~·~... ., ~ . .

... ---~~------------


she is emplo)l4id at tho air baae. •

Mrs. llytbol Jolly hns been ill for several dnys, but is tnueb im·

nural Electtlfi<Jiltlon hM modo proved at pr~sont •.

The Woman•8 Club wcro comploted by tho l,incotn C<1unty New•lallt week and deli· vered ~o Mrs. Zumwalt on Aug .. ust 7. Tbia ia the earlieat date we ha-ve <l'V~i' been •bJa to com• pletc tbi! work-i~, tact it ii th• earli,at date we- hav6 (!Jver recti.,.

gr~nt otrldcn · during Uto pont ten • ycoro. brinnincr to tltou:::::~nuo of tonn .. homco tho convcnicncco ot thclr city brotboro. . Today, hot';ovcr, cO!l!JCt widn_s, ilnturcc-nll tho motctlolo

· whieli oro required · · rurnl elcctti• ilcaUon-ato "out" ihc dntaUoil.


·• td the copy. J~ Obw.v~did the work tor us thil tim~, in tht •m • 8tnce. {)f Judg•' M. C. St. Jbhn. wh·n ·"" WQnt to Califotnia to hit ei!tcr, Mt~~:Manttel _Marquez. . . _ -lli! touaift, Mr.Btn. Lujan. and

Johnny Jordan of Stti~ Ft at­from l{()bbe Itt!> Sundtt

taa1n· · atttr a f«w day• be~ with bil -arandt~oth•r. Mtt. Mae lorcfan, ht will att on to San~ F•, 9 wijl atttad MhOol. ·

• WE now have for.SALE ' .

.. • ' ' •

' AND AL_L VINDS ' . p. QF. . ,,


• . .

SUCH AS BIWI, illORTS, ·-"DAIRY .. _ JIID, · tORN, CHOPS, OJ.'fS,. EGG KASH. --cHICK • ITAtt'tERa: G~OWBK MASHrl'tC.-· ·- . ..

-- '· ·- ' ,. '- -.

PETTY'.S GEN.ERAL MDSE: •. ..._ .... _ f'HOH&fll - . ....__ .

... - -· . . . . -~

" "