· 2020. 12. 22. ·...

I I .. . I I I . . ' ------ i •( ' . . . · . •-;· p' tronbe . ········ .. - Th .. . . . ' . . - ' . . .. "" . ' . '• .. . ' . . ',, .. ' .• . .. _., ' :. · ·Off:-=-• · I .. .Pf:lper .. , ' .. . ' ... .. ....... "" .. . . ,• .- . .. . .. -,_ . .. .. ·' ' ' ' . ' ' ' '. . '\. FRIDAY, NOV.lS, 1936. . "' NUMBER 20 .·· "": "":"!" .... _._.._ __ NOTICJE OF J>JJ:NDEN.OY OF Btllr ton. 4. Cc!!ll·) · > . • . Vidaurrl-O;tiz I Car ' ·· · Jlcarilla News · , l f!!"' .. 1!. , • . IN THlll · TmRP ·JUDJ;OIAL DIS·· . , . !lnqe . JJerrera, ... ). . •.• - · - 4 _ . · - .• TRIPT · OO'O'R'f OF THE STATE !;'a, . .Hologto . Ql9:- ) 4.1Jl9, -I !Hill .Tgtte.(;Y, G. ) · l "t "S d t S l 0 · ' t"' J · t d l oF NEW .'Ml!lXIOO WI'l',Hll'l jlo lil'ulojlo. ). .,s_u:r.ano,_> · , ,a.. · un a :Mr. and. Mrs. Henry Purcel a . ne o.-. ,.e nn mos AIND FOR LINQOI#'i COUNTY, Hondp Alltf ) mPJ de . S.wt.n(), ·> . o at Santa R1ta Cathohc were here the first of the week to enthusastiC .audiences assembled THE > . . , .. ' church n:ad be with their dnllgbter, · Mrs. at the Jicari.Ua &chool . to . , A corpora.iton, Pltllntur. 1 > ant, G11orse ll.· Howard, JllJI'"' > J!:ntlquaa. > • I!Olemn nupttal mass wh1ch 1Fambrougb who· was il'i- participate 1n the Armtstace Day ' VII ) Hugbell, L"oy I •. :Hunt; Oalvtn ) ;814'pllrolt ·> ' 't d . . . t f t.'• . . . , . . . a .... d' . A t :MEXICO · rim:r; > w. Hyde, Florence :Q. _H;yae, ). , Q. stmeroa, ) una .e. m wo o JUred seriously car m pr9gram. . ap-ee. . mos en- NY, A . Corporation, lmpletldell > .. G_albralth >. · .llltm p. Bpt- .> .. ;ozo's n,1ost promment young peo.. which she was rnJt-- inW. JOyable tune: was ball .. b;,c..n.ll and with the ton owing defend· ) a J •. J, Jp.tfa, . . • . . ) . w!(t W.IU!e Spiegel· ) . pie Miss Cecilia Vidaurri ··and 18 c truck five mdes from numy ··were the comphments a.ntll, aga.lnllt whom !i\lbstltuted ) Dora Wl\eetllr. Bo'Q«t;ot ) .AJ'JJt .Ia to ) • • . . . town on the Capitan highway last· . .• d b I . v d servlco Is beteby Mugbt t() be o'b- > . Kel\1,1, H. :P. Jttngtburr. H. l». >- . \il'lll119WI:Ii · Qa.ncta.ce T. > Mr. SalvadoJ! Orttz. Present were S 1 f 1 d d • · th . h. h d rece1ve Y, t 1e eteraps .. . fl:4nk' AUiaOJl, r- -LN. t . of both families, and scboof for thel.t efforts td Gra.ele Allfl!o;J, > aa.ttle 'a .) > • many frt:nds. . , dnyer from·seemg 8 C t(,) celebmte ArmJsttce a.l BD.Jlk qf -a c4r\lcira.· > Em.Ill!l. w. Letl, Hen& Le.J, Jl!thw > ,. · > · The bode wore a whtte satm whtr:h were parked stde by stde in · . · tlon, Tlrooteo · ,A.DaUa, Eufetnltl ) el B. I.ellt Lincoln 'l'radlng Com• ) . JO, Jt · F. > · •· .• th h' h t'l t · 1 t t . · · · _ \, N. <le Atl!llla., JoJQ An'-tla, ._;Jose > pa.ny, a. corpora.tlon, > J), 'J.'llurber, > ••. weddmg gown, w1th vet! of 1m-. e Jg . un • oo a e o . Mr. Harvey' was a visitor in ". Ana.YA, :Pci.!Jro, · Alialllt, > Obtwez Y Robert Q. > JIDtl l>, B. > ported lace, with rosettes, vent the ems h. Mrs. a Carrizozo Th\'it'sday. .. Chavez de Anali.J!,,, Sofia '.l'. Ahal· ) Edith M. Luca,s, Rosa. H. .IA!IM ) Tllllr»tr, .Tr,; X.Oul4t M 'J.'llUl'- ) ( b • • • . . ar. b k i t I . . . - . . . la, Ma.nllel Arnt.Ua., Jo:so. ,AnallD., > Fra.nclllco. CbavCIJ Y J:.wt*, '4meJ-o· > btl'i :pq > • ndPs maads were Misses Marga• m was ro on n wo p aces. Mm. McDonald, our. popular . . I .AntiUa., .Pulce11 Nombrea do > 111 o. Luna., •· ·. > •" 4o TOm•• .Tont&. .ba11a dll To...,.> · ritn Martinez who wore pale blue The cnr·wns complete_ wreck. •eacher, bas been co·operntin"' Antilla, Paubla Anlllla.. Pa\lla. An· > E. S. Magulrll. A. L. Keana, Ji.. ) rea,, . .. > t' d M' L Qri _ _ • t11lll, Yllldro 3:..' AO!)ila., "',Ir,idrlo ) • L. Menii,.-FJorence Meus, nor. - Woleh·· ... corpol'll" . ea m,_., ISS . ego . . . • ... ' \'lttt\ Vetemna and, t;ffe P.T.A. -- L. Ana.lla, Nclltor Analla., Pan· ) cnoo Mentl, R. :Wcbaf)l!IJ, E. J, ) o. WetPiort, )1. w. Wit- ) . gowned In pmk satm. Grooms Mr. P{!ul Mayer, wbo has been to provide noon I lunche:J for tho ta.leon Ano.lla., Gllllo(lalupe Anal· ) Miller, 'Ma.rlanna T. Mllla, J. Lay. ) cJitr, . . . .. . ) M L . V'd j ill the pnsli fOU" "'a" a' a l"'PO'"t"'d • . Ja,· J11a.n Domlnso .Analla., > MU13, Moeller & Com{JD.Jlfj. a > .un> ll.'l..JJ..lJNKNOWN WlllRS J ,. !"ere r. ucto 1 aurr •- .. uo ··· · · ·• -.-··, 'l .... ,fJ " " J " school children. So far we bnvo Domingo Am\ya; J4a,nueUt& e. ) Juan Juan- ) A'l.' LAW OF. BUOH . PF, THE ) . bride B brother, and Mr. Ernest ,mqch tmproved. . been fairly successrul We will Annlla.; Manuellta s. Anaya, ) Ita Dulcell N. de !ton· ) . ·· DE- ) La ez COUB. of the b • d R. g -·- -··----- - . h h' I b. fi Ama.dh Monto)'a. de Analltl, Hen- > toya. Frederico .'MontQlla, Fec!lll'- ) Fmti'DAN'l'S AS AIUil > . P ' m n . 0 In. g1ye anot er sc oo ene t enter· .. ry Aplington, Allco > i erlco Montoya, Montofa, > EDI awl all;! unknown cJalmanta > ·. and tmin bearers were httle Sn· 1934. 1 in tL few weelm." Pltltt Aplington, Horace 'l'bur'bcr > Jooonta. B. 'Montoya, Estella KaD- > ot the b•retnafte5' d«>- > bino Vidaurri Jr. and little Miss · Mr Ortiz 15· n promising nnd 1 Apllniton, Florence N. Apllng· ) tr.ya, Ra.cbol Montoya, Portlrla ) ·scribed prtmllu, adverao to tho ) ·•. ' ' · ' ton, Ne 13 tor Armijo, . > Montoya, Luplta. l'l:ontoya, Kan- > platnttrt, · . ) Rita V1gll. reliable young busmeB!J mnn who Notice B. J. Bnca. Bontta.clo J. > ucllta. 'Montoya, !!ollie F. > Detendanta, > Tho bride is a daughter of Mr hilS boon employed at the City ' Blnlfa.clo J, :Ba.c4, Tore.,fora Bl!.- ) · Moore, MJille F. Moore, J, W· ) 'J.'aE STATl!l OF NEW JIEXICO To '1 ..- ca, Roma.n BarraS(ln, Roman ) Mum}ell, Jamell w. Mundell, 1:1. ) tJie above zwntd detendant.t, and Mrs. Sabmo VadaurrJ, Mr. Garage ror several years. Mru. .. Bp.ra.gnn, Charles > Doyto Murray, . Roy HoiAne, > ORElJ:TmG: . . I . Vidaurri being one of Carrizozo's Ort.lz In very chtuming and ac- Cattlemen II Convcn· Browne & MaDUUla.res Company, > ora. McLane, · . > NoUe. Ia hereby Jlven that Tb«!. progressive 'lbll!liness mFn while compllohcd lmmcdlntely follow tlon Dlatrlcta No. 4 and No. 6 n cerpomtlon, Edwin L Brown· ) . H. G. Norma.n, Rita. Norman, ) TJLtworth Company, .. corporatlqn;, f . r M'. d . ' • h Bl) d l ( N lng, Idn 'M.. BrownJns, · > wmtnm o. Nonrum, Hlldrcd a > h4l died Itt complalnt u platntur 111 the groom 11 o · r. an ing tho ceremony they left (or ave n c.._. e meet ng or ov. 11labc1 41101111 del" CamlllCO, Ed· > Nyc, Orville :r. Nyo, Mary a > the· abo11e Court _and In tl1f Mrs. Jonqutn OrtiZ, well-known Albuquerque. ... 21st all, wishing to \nkc pnrt ubl.fcn Plu!Uto y C4rlllo, LolaH. > Nyc, Orvtllo T. Nyc, Jr., William > above l'lumber.d and atyllcl eauao elf and popular resldentlJ bcrQ Cor plennc beinw>sent at 10 o'cloclt on Cba.vez, TomACa H. Chavc:, An· > J. Nye, Robert R. Nye, Dorothy ) actSoa1 ap.lnst the datend.ant. Sd UllnY years. Since their return they are re· .. u r. . · Chavez, Anjollto Cbtlycz, ) F. Nyc, Hownrd .\. N)'O, ) I&J4 coMplalnt and bereiM'bO'Vo id' i . ld I; that date, at varrtzozo. Androo Chavc 13 , Andi"Cll Cba'bcz. > John Olden, MDJ;wollta H. ot-) n.anled: 'tba.L the. 1 eneral obJcets ot Both the brtde and groom were D mg n one of Mr. V aurr B B · . 1 Andrea Chavez. Botta. 'l'. do Oba.- ) oro, · . ) l&l4 a.c:U.on an. tq . qultt the a.J4 born .and reared in Carrizozo and reaidcncea, on Ancho A venue. A en P • KJ gore, Prt'!l. voo, Botta T. do Cbavc:, Elljlo ) Pa.chcco, Inca Pach- ) plalatur. tlU• in u4 .w. thoto Ctl"'' both were m-nduated from the host or rrlends extend bent wlohro . Joe Went Secretary' Cha.vca, Martin ChavCJ!, ll'ellpn ) ceo, Jcauo Ma.rlo Padilla. Jcsua ) taln .U4 pan.ela of land and o•- . · ' ChllVCll, Albf!rlo C.tmvu. Antonio ) Marla Pa,dllla. Antonta Z:lmora ) . real -t.l lu JJneoln Coon- High school, clllB8 or for thQir happineaa nnd DUCCC!m. N. 18-20 2t. Clmve.o, Molbm Clulvca, ) Clemente PacJllll, .Anto-) t.y, N.WlCglcq, an4 putlculatly dt... · · . · a. Clovoland, a. 0. Olevoltlnd.> nlqPndllln. EdencoP'adla,Erin·> crtbtd · .. -·--·---- .. -- .. · ·· .. p= =t.ta.J:. All ............................- ......................................... _....................................................... rScctlon 22 dro ConcouD.Iar, JamCJ! E. Cree, ) Vk:tor Peralca, Vletorlo Peralu,) Yel'IO claims or claim or the defend• NWV..N}Vlf. ................................................................................. - ........ :' ................. . Section 28 Qblli'ICJ! Mortimer Cree, GerAld ) Lorcru:.o Peralta.. Severo Peru, ) ant. and each of them; to utop ud SWV..NEliA ................ :..................... ......................................................Section 29 Eclward Cree, lrono MAbel Na- > Relxlcm Peru, Georgo A. Pett:r, > bar the detendant.t. ca.cb ot All In Township 9 South, Range 14 Enot, N. M. M. pier Crco, ' · > ll'C!no Petfr, ) them, and ucb U4 every one claim.• GROUI, · £,; .!!l'llt Nntlon111 Jmllc or cam. > ., ....,...,, 1'1 eot'p9ratJon. 1l'trtt ) Sletphcn Ra.ymcnd. Frank Rub- > tnr b)'. tmdu or thl'OU&b}hcm. from E%SE 14 ....................................... _ .. _, ................ - ........ - ................................... -Section 25 Ba.nlt ot a corporaUon. ) no.n, ) h&Vlac Ol' elalmtlls a.ny rtabt or In Township 11 Sotrtb, Rnngo 18 East, N. 1\f. I'· 1\L wtlllrun A. L'nmklln, > PiluUta. A. ·do Snavabra, Ue to, or ltltuest tn, or upon S1f::NW*, NWIASWJA .................................................................. Section 29 Com Etmal Lea.). -A- -44 .. SctpJo. Saluar,.J · · -rtal·-utate ,' , S% .. .. .............. , .. £;,. ........ ., .... ; ....... · ........... ; ................ -:- ...... ..; •••. ......... :. ....... :.:.;_ ..... Scctton 110 GJ'C!an. Norna >Entfo em- 1 A12nltr ll'nU.UC.O 1Wet&J. J. "' ifter' j(fftret'-1o ·t!io WlJ.!, .·. : •. . :... . .. . ... ........... :...:..... : .._.................. Section '31. ,, . ....... ---- .• •. . ). .. Oalaldo, .lo:o. Chavu. Y.l utt,. •-"· ltnlf.l .. llf"'- dcacnbcd ·U · · ······AU In T-ownahfrl 11 SouUt, Range- 19 N; l\1. P• M; - · ._. . · · . . . . IL B. llnmllten, Lovta. Hnmll- > Joso Cb4ves 1 SancbK.) toUow., Slf:!NW14, . .......... . . . . .. .. . .............. , .......................... Section 4 GR0l 1 P A. f:'E 1 (a NE%, Et; 2 SEV.. .. ..... .. . . .. .. .. . ... .. ..........................................Section W1h ··-···---··-······-·-························-:•...•..• .... •.•.•.•- ..- .................... _. ____________,_•.•... Bcctfon G ... . .................................................. .. Section In Township 9 South, Range 16 Enst, N. M. P. M. . · . All In Townshtp 12 South. nangc 19' Enot, N. M. p. 1\f. EJlAzflE*NW%, E¥.JNE%,SW%. ·---·--.Section 31 GROITI) r. . .... Aloo lotn 10 nnd 11 ·······-···························=··-··-··-····-··-·····-·--··-··-----··----···.Section 31 , ............................... . ... ................... .................................. ...... Section 84 •.•• .... ........ ....................... ..•... . . .•.•••..••.. ..... ····-···································Section 8G All tn TownshiJl 8 South, Range 16 Eant, N. M. J». 1\1. · ·· Lot 4 .............................................................. ................. : ............... -.Section 1 , ..... - .... ············-····-····-·- .. ............................... tJr .............. •••••• .Sectlon 2 E%, ............................................................................................................... Section 3 .NE%SWt·h and Lot 1 ...................................... :; .......................... Section 4 · SEl%SW1,4, .............. ............... ,, . . .. ... ................ . Section 6 N1,1!;, S'V 1 ,4 ..................... , ................................................ -- .... .... .. ... . .............. cRrrtlon 0 . . ............................ - .......................... ., .............._..... . ............................. -:. .. _ _ ..... Sertlon '1 .... _ .. .... ...... , ........ .• ., ..................... .... .. ::· ......... & ... NE% .......... --.:.·:--···--·M·-----·····-·-···· ....... '• . . 9 NE%NWt,. S%4'4W%, N%NE%,· S\vl(.'sE4 ........ 10 SWt4. ....................... ... . .. . ....................... .Setttlon 11 ... --........................._ ........... : ................... ... .. ................................. Section 12 EtlJE"i7 .................................... - ............................. -... . . .. . ................................ Section 18 NE•-:. Nitt. ···-···················-··-·-··-··························--···- .. . .... ··-·. ·····-· ·- ........... -·· .. Ssecttllon 1176 ,... '" ·······-···-·-····· ... ·--·············· ...... ..................... . . . . • • • . • . . . ...... . . ......... u ..... ec on SE1,4 ......... .u ................ _ ... .... .... . ........... .Section 14 8 ,!,J- ···-·-····-········- .. ··············_ .......... -- ................... . . . .. . . . . .. ... . . . . .Sectlon 19 %. SW%SE% ....... - ....................... , ........... . . . . . .. . . ... Section 20 NE1,4SE% ............................................. ... .. . . ... .. . .Section 23 N%SWJA, SEY.a, ................ ... ... . .... .... . ..... Section 24 GROUP In TOWn!lhfp 9 South, Rnnge 16 East, N. p. M. . Allln Townghlp 9 South, Range 17 East, M. P.?.L SWJANW%, BE% NE%, NfhSEIA ·--··· ... -- .... __ .: •. _ ...... __ .............. Section 6 N\V\4NE% ·······-···· ................................ ........ G 21 ;{&. ··--·-······-·················· .. ··········-····· ··-·· .... ---·······-··-···--··:.. ........... ___......... .SecUon 33 ..............................................; ..................................................................... Allin Townahlp 10 South, Range 17 East, N. M. P. M. · · SW%NE*-, N'\V'%,SE% st In Township 11 South, Range. 19 East, N. M. P. M. · · -ID!'%NE\4, ·-- .......... :-" ...... 4 . ........._ ... ______ •.••• - .••••. - ..................--- ....... --.... _._ ............ ········-············· .... ••. section ·--··---··---··-· ···· .. --.. _ ............... ·····-·- ........................... ............. ... ..Section 6 ................ .._., ...... _ .................................... ......... ._ ............. .... ,.. ........ ,s •• -. .............. ir S% ......... - ..- ...... _ .. _________ ....... _ .._ .. _ .......... , ... ______ .:,_ _____________ .... .SecUon .. 8 ................ 9 El%W%, NW%NW%,, ... -·-·---.. ---··--·-.Bectlon 10 SWJ!. N\VlJ' N'WtJ: SWI' 76 74. . 14, 74 '" -··-······-··-······--··-·-···'-··----·--··-----·-··---Bootlon 14 NJh, _S%S¥.1, NYzSE*, NE%SW% ··-·-·· .. ··--·--··--···· .. ··•·•"·········-······ .. ···Sectloil 16 NVofN%, SW%NE%. NW%SW% ........... - .• -.:----····-··--··- .. .section 17 .................. -•···----· ......... -- ..... _. _______ , ....... J • ..---······- . ·····-·-----····.Sootfon 18 . ····-····--·--·----· ..... ..... --··---.. -·-···-.......... .Section 19 *' %, ···-··-···········-·-··········--·--·-··-·-··---···-··--·-······.sootton 20 N%.NW%. .... ·-··- .. ---------................ _ .......... - ..... _ .......... .Section· 29 % %, SFjY,.NW% ............_ .., ............... ---··-·-----..Section 30 ................. -- .. --.. -·---- .......... -- .. - ......... _. ___ _. __ sectton 31 -·-··-··-·····---.......................................... . .' ..................................... Section 4 ,, ,a, ,:t: ···-··-·-·--·-·-····-···-··-·-··--···-·········-····-·-·-·...Sootlon 33 ···-··--····· .... ··-*-··-·······---·····-······ _ ................ _ ........................... .......... Bcctloti 6 Allin Township 12 South, Range 17 'East, N. M. p. M. · . · Towns.hlp 12 South, Range 17 East, N. M. P. . _ -...: ..... .......... , ............. --;.·-·-··-·-.... ·--..SeCtion 23 ..................... .. ............. .. .. ,,.,,,="···-·-···· .. ···--··--··---·-Section 14 1'.1 i'-'' -·-····--··---····-···-····-··-··-··-···-···-··S-ec:t.lon 24 ·_ ::aNE% ···---·-·---·--····-··--·-··············-·-·· ..... ................. _ .. _ ............ _ .... SecUon 12 SW* · ···-· .. ----·--···--·-·--· ................ : .. : ... --·-· .. .................. ........ .SOOUon 27 ln..Townshlp 11 South, Ra.nge 17 East, N. M. P. · SE%SW%,. -·-·-··"' ... .........._______: .. .--.-- .Section 26 W%SW%. NW%SE% ..............................- ................... -- ........................ ____ ,._ .. .Section 7 . 74 -·-··-·---- ....................... - ... - .. ····-··--·. - . 33 .. In Township 11 South, Range 1' 8 ,.,.ast, . Et (4 E - . Jll J.U. '+nY.a, *W-Y,a, SWIA,SW% ............. ·----···--.'-----··---·---··· ....... ..:.. .... ... ct ..... u 0 n 34 .GBOUP E- Tract· I · · · · · .. t 11. · .. · IS .. .... , ................ _. __ .... ...Sectlon. as tn f1 10 Sgo_ u 4 th 72 , (lRa_ creang .. elnlth7 !!'!Et', %NS . .. .. d,1n +1-:wnJwp ............ -: ... : .. ... 36 ntng .at corner No. 1, a cedar the to 10 nnd 11, SWJ:k ............... - ................................. - .......... · ....... _ .... .......... _ ..... Sootloh 19 11 South, Range 17 Ea.s.t, bears W,. 32·01 cblilns distant. Tbjnce west, vnr- -. · . _ . .. .. ... 3 21 0 . tatlon. u•4o' ·Wit. chains to-ec:n-nor. tJo; 2' 1 u cedar post set tn groun.a. Thence .. . 72 74• 'Y72 "" .. :-.......... .... -.... - ............. - ... - .......................... __ Dtl'\: on . . lfoath; varlatRnr 11 46 €last Z·25/t00' clialns to corner No. 3, a lime boulder. chiseled ...............: ........- ..... .-........................ -·---................... ................... ._ •• ••• Jfec.tton 26 TA on west Thence north soo east, same va.rtntlon, lO chains to cortter No .f;"a w1l!N'W-- ............ .- .......................... __ ·m···--·-··-···--· .... - .............................. _.. .•.••. $e¢tlon 31 limestone. set In ground, cblseted 1 'l'A on west facE!. Thenee. south, sante vartatton, n_ .. ...... Rn ........ ng·-;;-· 1 - 6 ··;;.:::-t-,··;,:;- •. .... ..;;-_.-: .. "':"''".'_ .......... J .............. : .... _ .... ;.sectiott·36 10 Slinks to corner number 6, In middle or Rio Rondo, Thence along the Rto· tiLU "' .&:l<il:t - .... ,--. D£. Hondo cow:se e-ast, 1.95 chains. Thence rrorth, sumE! vnrtatton. 12· chains Go links to ... ___ ·. _ _. .................... .. ........ ............. .. 19 . .. N, _1, _th_. or .. . . . \ , · . .. - ---., ...... ..... ,. ....... ... ..,.. +f'l+.,. .. ., .... . All Ixr .Township 8 ltange 16 East; N. 1t p. M. A t!3ct '816 teet In length by GWT fMt !n width In the N\V'ASE* ................ Section u ......... .................- •• -- ... -:--·-.........._ .••••. ..:: ........................ .seenon. 11 · 11 South. Range 17 EaPf, N. M. P. M •• parUculnrlr as b'eglnnlns ....... ............... ft ................ : .... .... ·"r•··· ...... _ ............ S'ectton 12 · ·at 4 po1nt in the middle ot the lUo on the wegt stde ot M'W'ASEtA Section 11 .l, 1 1:' 4 111 .. hf ..... p ••• 9 ·-;.: 0 ··u·'·th-·, ... Ra··· .. ·N·- .. .-Jl.:·•· .. ··-··--···· .................. _ ..... .SOOtton 24 . 11 South, Range 17 East. .Thence nortli, along the line otcenter or Nfh- 41 o ..-o -. SEtA of said_ s.ectlon, 81& feet. Thence east to n point,· 657 -teet. Then"'e·· .so· uth 815 teet S1AlSE1" · ' . · " · . · " - 14 ·":' ...................... ................. ._ .... _. ........ ___ ..... - .............................................. ..S'eetton 1 to.& point. Thence west to a. point of beginning, 657 teat. · · • · · _; .• •· ... ·ii:aNE%._. SEJ1A ......... ............ ............ : ............................. ........ -. .... __ , ............ .......... Sectton. 6 I. . . . . . ' ... . . -11.1- - ....... NW., ...... r ................... ......... .-.. .................... _ ......................... ;Sectton 7 ·go wlde, tlle tutt length ot the 40 In the ......... section 11 . · %, SW-%SE%.- .................. :- .. ... ........... :····.S:ectfot111 . ., Township 11 South, Range 17 East, N. :At P. 1\f,, commenclng on the. enst end of the . '"NW* ...... .. -··--··· ............... .......... ..... J:Jectton 12 · . · ,11 land. rorm.erly owned by Pedro An attn nntt·rut;mtng, '!J.P the told 80 yards wldo and the · Nu ·1rw1• ...... ........ _ ............... _,_.,,-r ......... _ ........................ ........................... 13 .. full length of the IJ&Jd 40 aero tract ln w.hlch land fs.altuate, being the annte tuct N 7-J• -. ...................... __ _. ......... ............... _ ......................; ... 14 : at land by .Tosefa Analta dt1 Torres to WlU 'rltworth .on October 2Gth 1 1911 · . %. N% ............ __ ..................... _ ..................................... - ..... - .......... -.-•• ........ S«!tfon 18 . '. by tn: 'book A•2 of t>eep!l llt. t)ages 481, nti.d 488 in the ottlce (j( tb.e .. ·, NE%, ...--%, ......... ·-:-- ..... - ..................... ............. 19 . . ·cJi\rk ot:Lbieoln countr, New Mexlet> nntl oC<iupted- evet dAte by the plata .. . ' ......... .. •...•. ..... ..... ............. : ............. ..- ..... ..: ......... .:.. ........ ;Sietlon 20 · · fftt herein •nd J?t'edece!•om ln . · • . . ·• . · · _ .. ,. . .... . -. -.-- , __ ._ 1. _ . - ............ ... ...-,-aAA..,-; .. _- •••• .. -...- •• - .. 11- 1,.,, ...... ..-.... : ••.••• j- .................. •• .. .. ... ...... .. ••• 21 1 ., .. , /" , .. '", ():-- ... -.-- ---- 4 - •• ••'"' . . -- ' - .. ' I . . .. ' ii .. . . ' _, . . . '111!! .. ..... - ,.-._.: . -- . ;.. -·. z - - . . . . . ' . . - ' - . . ' . . . . . . .. ---- ,, .. - ' ' . . , ' .. ' .. i . . ' •. ' . .: ".

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    FRIDAY, NOV.lS, 1936. • . "' NUMBER 20 VOL'UU~Xt!.>..{C~* New,VQJ.~6J, .·· .·.~.· :·~··~-~~~~-~~~~~~· ~~·~·~-~-~--~~·~4_ . · - .•

    TRIPT · OO'O'R'f OF THE STATE Herr~! !;'a, . .Hologto . ~n'!lJ'&, Ql9:- ) 4.1Jl9, -I !Hill .Tgtte.(;Y, .EJ!d~lo, ~ G. ) · l "t "S d • t S l 0 · ' t"' J · t d l oF NEW .'Ml!lXIOO WI'l',Hll'l jlo H~Jrrlllra.·, lil'ulojlo. Herre~ ~· ). .a~!llo~ ;J?9p~Lano .,s_u:r.ano,_> · , ,a.. · un ~y mo~mng a • :Mr. and. Mrs. Henry Purcel a . ne o.-. ,.e ~rges nn mos AIND FOR LINQOI#'i COUNTY, m~n R!lrre~! Hondp Alltf ) COM~~ mPJ de . S.wt.n(), ·> . o cl~k at Santa R1ta Cathohc were here the first of the week to enthusastiC .audiences assembled

    THE 'l'I'l's:O_~ ~~'MPANY, > . r!f~!a ~.m:&::r,;.-4~ p:;>.,rpo~~~~ ~ . ~:=11~a~ , .. ~~ d&~et:!0Qft~~: ~ ' church Rev.Fatbe~ Salv~tore n:ad be with their dnllgbter, · Mrs. at the Jicari.Ua &chool . h~1,1se to . , A corpora.iton, Pltllntur. 1 > ant, G11orse ll.· Howard, JllJI'"' > JI~Jitcomva, J!:ntlquaa. 811~. > • th~· I!Olemn nupttal mass wh1ch Rub~ 1Fambrougb who· was il'i- participate 1n the Armtstace Day

    ' VII ) Hugbell, L"oy I •. :Hunt; Oalvtn ) ito~. ;814'pllrolt ~e'beoca Sl~ ·> ' 't d . . . t f ~ t.'• • . . . , . . . • a .... d' . A t ~)Dw :MEXICO · rim:r; co~ A-~ > w. Hyde, Florence :Q. _H;yae, ). , m~ ¥ali"~~~ Q. stmeroa, ) una .e. m marr12g~ wo o v~r,. JUred seriously ~v~en ~he car m pr9gram. n~ . ap-ee. . mos en-NY, A . Corporation, lmpletldell > .. Jaek.llo~ G_albralth ~~Y~ >. · .llltm p. ~~~~wprth, ~- Bpt- .> .. ;ozo's n,1ost promment young peo.. which she was rtdt'(l~ rnJt-- inW. ~-. JOyable tune: was ball .. b;,c..n.ll and with the ton owing defend· ) a CQrporp.til)~. J •. J, Jp.tfa, . . • . . ) . o••J~rat, w!(t 0~. W.IU!e Spiegel· ) . pie Miss Cecilia Vidaurri ··and 18 c truck abo~t five mdes from numy ··were the comphments a.ntll, aga.lnllt whom !i\lbstltuted ) Dora Wl\eetllr. Kel~, Bo'Q«t;ot ) ~..,. 'Wtl~ .AJ'JJt ~e .Ia to ) • • . . . town on the Capitan highway last· . .• d b I . v d servlco Is beteby Mugbt t() be o'b- > . Kel\1,1, H. :P. Jttngtburr. H. l». > - .~lfh\UU . \il'lll119WI:Ii · Qa.ncta.ce T. > Mr. SalvadoJ! Orttz. Present were S

    1f1 d d • · th . h. h • d rece1ve Y, t 1e eteraps a~ ta~~e~. tz~~~ .. . fl:4nk' AUiaOJl, r- ~::,~~~:· ~. ~llnliiJ' Le!~J -LN. ~ g!e;t~for~o;n"~~"~t,eGt::: t membe~ . of both families, and Da~:~ t~~s ~~~~lit p~ev~~tetrh~ scboof for thel.t efforts td ente!~m

    Gra.ele Allfl!o;J, Amerl~n. ~on· > aa.ttle co~pu.ny, 'a cllrporau~ • .) 8~~ ~ • many frt:nds. . , • dnyer from·seemg t~o 8 C ~rucks at)~. t(,) celebmte ArmJsttce a.l BD.Jlk qf ·l'!r«?l!W~Ut -a c4r\lcira.· > Em.Ill!l. w. Letl, Hen& Le.J, Jl!thw > ,. e»li!O~UP!. · ~ > · The bode wore a whtte satm whtr:h were parked stde by stde in an-ntv~l'I11U'Y· · . · tlon, Tlrooteo · ,A.DaUa, Eufetnltl ) el B. I.ellt Lincoln 'l'radlng Com• ) . JO, Jt '1'&1~~0. ~o:n\'(1 · F. > · • •· .• • th h' h t'l t · 1 t t . · · · _ •

    \, N. n~r. :EU~4' J), 'J.'llurber, > ••. weddmg gown, w1th vet! of 1m-. e Jg . ~~y un • oo a e o pr~ . Mr. Harvey' was a visitor in ". Ana.YA, :Pci.!Jro, · Alialllt, ~!lf)li;la. > Obtwez Y Lope:~, Robert Q. Lu~ > JIDtl l>, ~l,ll'W• l'rlul~ B. > ported lace, cau~ht with rosettes, vent the ems h. Mrs. Fn~brough a Carrizozo Th\'it'sday. .. Chavez de Anali.J!,,, Sofia '.l'. Ahal· ) Edith M. Luca,s, Rosa. H. .IA!IM ) Tllllr»tr, .Tr,; X.Oul4t M 'J.'llUl'- ) ( b • • • . . ar. b k i t I . . . - . . .

    la, Ma.nllel Arnt.Ua., Jo:so. ,AnallD., > Fra.nclllco. CbavCIJ Y J:.wt*, '4meJ-o· > btl'i :pq TO~ • .TQltft~ ~la. > • ndPs maads were Misses Marga• m was ro on n wo p aces. Mm. McDonald, our. popular

    • . .

    I c111~ .AntiUa., .Pulce11 Nombrea do > 111 o. Luna., •· ·. > •" 4o TOm•• .Tont&. .ba11a dll To...,.> · ritn Martinez who wore pale blue The cnr·wns a· complete_ wreck. •eacher, bas been co·operntin"' Antilla, Paubla Anlllla.. Pa\lla. An· > E. S. Magulrll. A. L. Keana, Ji.. ) rea,, . .. > t' d M' L Qri _ _ • ~ • t11lll, Yllldro 3:..' AO!)ila., "',Ir,idrlo ) • L. Menii,.-FJorence Meus, nor. ~ - Woleh·· 'Tl~ ... corpol'll" ~ . ea m,_., • ISS ~ura . ego .~ . . . • ... ' \'lttt\ ~he Vetemna and, t;ffe P.T.A. --L. Ana.lla, Nclltor Analla., Pan· ) cnoo Mentl, R. :Wcbaf)l!IJ, E. J, ) u~m. x~ o. WetPiort, )1. w. Wit- ) . gowned In pmk satm. Grooms Mr. P{!ul Mayer, wbo has been to provide noon I lunche:J for tho ta.leon Ano.lla., Gllllo(lalupe Anal· ) Miller, 'Ma.rlanna T. Mllla, J. Lay. ) cJitr, . . . . . . ) M L . V'd j ~'- ill the pnsli fOU" "'a" a' a l"'PO'"t"'d • .

    ~ Ja,· J11a.n .Anc~Ja., Domlnso .Analla., > n~r MU13, Moeller & Com{JD.Jlfj. a > .un> ll.'l..JJ..lJNKNOWN WlllRS J ,. m~n !"ere r. ucto 1 aurr • -.. uo ··· · · ·• -.-··, • 'l....,fJ " " J " school children. So far we bnvo Domingo Am\ya; J4a,nueUt& e. ) corpora.tlon~ Juan Mo~tO)'&, Juan- ) A'l.' LAW OF. BUOH . PF, THE ) . bride B brother, and Mr. Ernest ,mqch tmproved. . been fairly successrul We will Annlla.; Manuellta s. Anaya, ) Ita 'Monto)'~ Dulcell N. de !ton· ) . :HEnil!NASO~. ·· DE- ) La ez COUB. of the b • d R. g -·- -··----- - . h h' I b. fi Ama.dh Monto)'a. de Analltl, Hen- > toya. Frederico .'MontQlla, Fec!lll'- ) Fmti'DAN'l'S AS AIUil PEO~ > . P ' m n .0• In. g1ye anot er sc oo ene t enter·

    .. ry Wob~tor Aplington, Allco > i erlco Montoya, ~nuol Montofa, > EDI awl all;! unknown cJalmanta > ·. and tmin bearers were httle Sn· 1934. 1 in tL few weelm." Pltltt Aplington, Horace 'l'bur'bcr > Jooonta. B. 'Montoya, Estella KaD- > ot lnt~rest I~ the b•retnafte5' d«>- > bino Vidaurri Jr. and little Miss · Mr Ortiz 15· n promising nnd 1 Apllniton, Florence N. Apllng· ) tr.ya, Ra.cbol Montoya, Portlrla ) ·scribed prtmllu, adverao to tho ) ·•. • • ' ' · ' • ton, Ne13tor Armijo, . > Montoya, Luplta. l'l:ontoya, Kan- > platnttrt, · • . ) Rita V1gll. reliable young busmeB!J mnn who Notice

    B. J. Bnca. Bontta.clo J. > ucllta. 'Montoya, !!ollie F. > Detendanta, > Tho bride is a daughter of Mr hilS boon employed at the City ' Blnlfa.clo J, :Ba.c4, Tore.,fora Bl!.- ) · Moore, MJille F. Moore, J, W· ) 'J.'aE STATl!l OF NEW JIEXICO To '1 • • • • • ..-ca, Roma.n BarraS(ln, Roman ) Mum}ell, Jamell w. Mundell, 1:1. ) tJie above zwntd detendant.t, and Mrs. Sabmo VadaurrJ, Mr. Garage ror several years. Mru. • .. Bp.ra.gnn, Charles ~olJoAD, > Doyto Murray, . Roy HoiAne, > ORElJ:TmG: . . I . Vidaurri being one of Carrizozo's Ort.lz In very chtuming and ac- Cattlemen II Count~. Convcn· Browne & MaDUUla.res Company, > ora. McLane, · . > NoUe. Ia hereby Jlven that Tb«!. progressive 'lbll!liness mFn while compllohcd lmmcdlntely follow tlon Dlatrlcta No. 4 and No. 6 n cerpomtlon, Edwin L Brown· ) . H. G. Norma.n, Rita. Norman, ) TJLtworth Company, .. corporatlqn;, f . r M'. d . • ' • h Bl) d l ( N lng, Idn 'M.. BrownJns, · > wmtnm o. Nonrum, Hlldrcd a > h4l died Itt complalnt u platntur 111 the groom ~ 11 s~n o · r. an ing tho ceremony they left (or ave n c.._. e meet ng or ov.

    11labc1 41101111 del" CamlllCO, Ed· > Nyc, Orville :r. Nyo, Mary a > the· abo11e ~114 Court _and In tl1f Mrs. Jonqutn OrtiZ, well-known Albuquerque. ... 21st all, wishing to \nkc pnrt ubl.fcn Plu!Uto y C4rlllo, LolaH. > Nyc, Orvtllo T. Nyc, Jr., William > above l'lumber.d and atyllcl eauao elf and popular resldentlJ bcrQ Cor plennc beinw>sent at 10 o'cloclt on Cba.vez, TomACa H. Chavc:, An· > J. Nye, Robert R. Nye, Dorothy ) actSoa1 ap.lnst • the datend.ant. Sd UllnY years. Since their return they are re· .. u r. . · ·~lltn Chavez, Anjollto Cbtlycz, ) F. Nyc, Hownrd .\. N)'O, • ) I&J4 coMplalnt and bereiM'bO'Vo • • id' i . ld I; that date, at varrtzozo. Androo Chavc13, Andi"Cll Cba'bcz. > John Olden, MDJ;wollta H. ot-) n.anled: 'tba.L the. 1eneral obJcets ot Both the brtde and groom were D mg n one of Mr. V aurr B B · .1 Andrea Chavez. Botta. 'l'. do Oba.- ) oro, · . ) l&l4 a.c:U.on an. tq . qultt the a.J4 born .and reared in Carrizozo and reaidcncea, on Ancho A venue. A en P • KJ gore, Prt'!l. voo, Botta T. do Cbavc:, Elljlo ) A~lmo Pa.chcco, Inca Pach- ) plalatur. tlU• in u4 .w. thoto Ctl"'' both were m-nduated from the host or rrlends extend bent wlohro . Joe Went Secretary' Cha.vca, Martin ChavCJ!, ll'ellpn ) ceo, Jcauo Ma.rlo Padilla. Jcsua ) taln ~ .U4 pan.ela of land and o•- . · ' ChllVCll, Albf!rlo C.tmvu. Antonio ) Marla Pa,dllla. Antonta Z:lmora ) . real -t.l llt~t& lu JJneoln Coon- Ca~pzo High school, clllB8 or for thQir happineaa nnd DUCCC!m. N. 18-20 2t. Clmve.o, Molbm Clulvca, (:4rlc~:~ ) Pa.dlll~ Clemente PacJllll, .Anto-) t.y, N.WlCglcq, an4 putlculatly dt... · · . · a. Clovoland, a. 0. Olevoltlnd.> nlqPndllln. EdencoP'adla,Erin·> crtbtd h~~ 1u4to•tabUt~ · ~----· .. -·--·----.. --.. "~-~ · -~-, ~ -~·-···-·· ·· .. ~-~:,' \~ws~::n Ja~:n~~. ~: ~ ~ ~!!t!i. ~c~;a~~· p= ~ f.:a~~tri~ =t.ta.J:. ~P~1 U~~ All ............................ - ......................................... _ ....................................................... rScctlon 22 dro ConcouD.Iar, JamCJ! E. Cree, ) Vk:tor Peralca, Vletorlo Peralu,) Yel'IO claims or claim or the defend• NWV..N}Vlf. ................................................................................. - ........ :' ................. .Section 28 Qblli'ICJ! Mortimer Cree, GerAld ) Lorcru:.o Peralta.. Severo Peru, ) ant. and each of them; to utop ud N%NI~%. SWV..NEliA ................ :..................... . ..................................................... Section 29 Eclward Cree, lrono MAbel Na- > Relxlcm Peru, Georgo A. Pett:r, > bar the detendant.t. ~ ca.cb ot All In Township 9 South, Range 14 Enot, N. M. P· M. pier Crco, ' · > ll'C!no Petfr, ) them, and ucb U4 every one claim.• GROUI, B· ·

    £,; • .!!l'llt Nntlon111 Jmllc or cam. > ., ....,...,, 1'1 eot'p9ratJon. 1l'trtt ) Sletphcn Ra.ymcnd. Frank Rub- > tnr b)'. tmdu or thl'OU&b}hcm. from E%SE 14 ....................................... _ .. _, ................ - ........ - ................................... -Section 25

    Ba.nlt ot a corporaUon. ) no.n, ) h&Vlac Ol' elalmtlls a.ny rtabt or U· In Township 11 Sotrtb, Rnngo 18 East, N. 1\f. I'· 1\L wtlllrun A. L'nmklln, • > PiluUta. A. ·do Snavabra, PauU~) Ue to, or ltltuest tn, or ·u~n upon .§WY.&NE~#4, S1f::NW*, NWIASWJA .................................................................. Section 29

    Com QaUcii~ Etmal Lea.). -A- -44 S®~ .. SctpJo. Saluar,.J · · ~JI~- -rtal·-utate -be~ ,' , • S% .. .. .............. , .. £;,. ........ ., .... ; ....... · ........... ; ................ -:-...... ..; •••. ~ ......... :. ....... :.:.;_ ..... Scctton 110 GJ'C!an. Norna >Entfo em- 1 A12nltr ~ ll'nU.UC.O 1Wet&J. J. "' ifter' llllerhia,~ j(fftret'-1o ·t!io ~· ~ WlJ.!, NWt,{NE~·. S'W~~ SE~,~ .·. : •. ~.. . :... . . . . ... ~ ........... : ... : ..... : .. _ .................. Section '31.


    . -G~Ud1 · ....... ---- .• •. . • ). .. ..F.ut:~Uno Oalaldo, .lo:o. Chavu. Y.l utt,. •-"· ltnlf.l .. llf"'- dcacnbcd ·U · · ······AU In T-ownahfrl 11 SouUt, Range- 19 I. DnncbCJ~, Joso Cb4ves 1 SancbK.) toUow., • Slf:!NW14, \V~SW~~ . .......... . . . . .. .. . .............. , .......................... Section 4 GR0l1P A. f:'E1(a NE%, Et;2SEV.. .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . ... .. . ......................................... Section ~

    W1h ··-···---··-······-·-························-: •...•..•....•.•.•.• - .. - .................... _. ____________ ,_ •.•... Bcctfon G N~t:JN\\'~~. SEJ,ts,N\V~ta,,.N~S\V~-4. ... . .................................................. ~ .. Section ~··. In Township 9 South, Range 16 Enst, N. M. P. M. . · . All In Townshtp 12 South. nangc 19' Enot, N. M. p. 1\f. EJlAzflE*NW%, 'WV:!SW~~N0%. E¥.JNE%,SW%. WlhNWl~BE%. ·---·--.Section 31 GROITI) r. . .... Aloo lotn 10 nnd 11 ·······-···························=··-··-··-····-··-·····-·--··-··-----··----···.Section 31 , H\V~:JSE~/~ ............................... ~ . ... . .................. ~ .................................. ~ ...... Section 84

    KJ_.~E 1/2 •.•• .... ........ ....................... ..•... . . .•.•••..••.. ~ ..... ····-···································Section 8G All tn TownshiJl 8 South, Range 16 Eant, N. M. J». 1\1. · ·· :g;'{s~Jt~~~ Lot 4 .............................................................. ~ ................. : ............... -.Section 1

    ,..... -.... ~ ············-····-····-·- • .. -··········~··· ............................... tJr .............. ~ •••••• .Sectlon 2 E%, SE1 ~S\V~~ ............................................................................................................... Section 3 .NE%SWt·h SWt;;1 SW~;, and Lot 1 ...................................... :; .......................... Section 4

    · SW~~NE 1 :a, SEl%SW1,4, SE~ .............. ............... ,, . . .. ... . ............... .Section 6 N1,1!;, S'V1,4 ..................... , ................................................ --.... .... .. ... . .............. cRrrtlon 0 N%N'\~ . . ............................ - .......................... ., .............. _..... . ............................. -:. .. _ _ ..... Sertlon '1 ~N\V% .... _ .. ;~·-· .... ,.,,.~ ...... , ........ ,~ .• .,..................... .... .. ::· ......... ~~--Bt!etton &

    ~ ... NE% .......... --.:.·:--···--·M·-----·····-·-···· ....... '• . . ~ectJon 9 NE%NWt,. S%4'4W%, N%NE%,· sEii,.N.EJ;~;·i~iJ.)i~sE'i'1 • S\vl(.'sE4 ........ ~ecuon 10 ~%N\V1;4, NE~, SWt4. WMJSE~:. ....................... ... . .. . ....................... .Setttlon 11 ~NE% ... --......................... _ ........... :................... ... . . . ................................ Section 12 EtlJE"i7 .................................... - ............................. -... . . .. . ................................ Section 18 NE•-:. Nitt. ···-···················-··-·-··-··························--···- . . . .... ··-·. ·····-· ~ ·- ........... -·· .. Ssecttllon 1176

    ,... '" ·······-···-·-····· ... ·--·············· ...... ..................... . . . . • • • . • . . . • ...... . . ......... u ..... ec on ~r~1~~~NE%. NE~~SW%, SE1,4 ......... .u ................ _ ... .... .... . ........... .Section 14 8,!,J- N'\,~ 1 ···-·-····-········-.. ··············_ .......... --................... . . . .. . . . . . . ... . . . . .Sectlon 19 %. ~. SW%SE% ....... -. ...................... ,........... . . . . . .. . . ... Section 20 NE~~NE1,:l, NE1,4SE% ............................................. ... .. . . ... .. . .Section 23 NW~~NW%, S%NW~~. N%SWJA, SEY.a, ................ ... ... . .... .... . ..... Section 24

    GROUP ~1 In TOWn!lhfp 9 South, Rnnge 16 East, N. M· p. M. .


    Allln Townghlp 9 South, Range 17 East, N· M. P.?.L NlhN~i:. SWJANW%, BE% NE%, NfhSEIA ·--··· ... --.... __ .: •. _ ...... __ ............. .Section 6 N\V\4NE% ·······-···· ................................ ~ ........ -.--···:---····-··-~~--···-·-·-····-··---·····..Section G E~SE~4 ·-······~·-············································---··-······-··-·-··-···-·-·-----·..S~Uon 21 N~~SE ;{&. ··--·-······-·················· .. ··········-····· ··-·· .... ---·······-··-···--··:.. ........... ___ ......... .SecUon 33 l\r,"~I:J~~~ .............................................. ; ..................................................................... ~{!~()Jl ~if Allin Townahlp 10 South, Range 17 East, N. M. P. M. ~ · · E~E~. SW%NE*-, N'\V'%,SE% ··-···-·-··-··-··---··-··-~·-····-··-············--··-·······SecUon st In Township 11 South, Range. 19 East, N. M. P. M. ·

    · -ID!'%NE\4, E"i~'.'~· ~}~~%. ·N\VJ4Sli}~. N~2!JW~ ·--.......... :-" ......• ~-43!lC_ttcm 4 . ,-;;1S~ ......... _ ... ______ •.••• - .••••. - .................. ---.......--.... _._ ............ ········-············· ....••. section l»

    g~tf. ·--··---··---··-· ···· .. --.. _ ............... ·····-·-........................... ..:~ ............. -~ ... ..Section 6 ~~ ................ .._.,......_ .................................... ~ ......... ._ ............. ....,.. ........ ,s •• -. .............. ~~tJl()Jl ir

    N%~. S% ......... - .. - ...... _ .. _________ ....... _ .. _ .. _ .......... , ... ______ .:,_ _____________ .... .SecUon .. 8 E~ 'v~ -----··---·---·······-··-··-··-··-··--~-----·-----~-................ ~ecUon 9 El%W%, W¥.JE~, NW%NW%,, SW~~SW%, SE'~BE''- ... -·-·---.. ---··--·-.Bectlon 10 SWJ!. N\VlJ' N'WtJ: SWI' 76 74. .

    ~~ 14, 74 '" -··-······-··-······--··-·-···'-··----·--··-----·-··---Bootlon 14 NJh, _S%S¥.1, NYzSE*, NE%SW% ··-·-·· .. ··--·--··--···· .. ··•·•"·········-······ .. ···Sectloil 16 NVofN%, S¥.1~~. SW%NE%. NW%SW% .~ ........... - .• -.:----····-··--··-.. .section 17 ~* .................. -•···----· ......... --..... _. _______ , ....... J • ..---······- . ·····-·-----····.Sootfon 18 ~W~SE% . -·~------···-·· ····-····--·--·----· ..... ~ ..... --··---.. -·-···-.......... .Section 19 *' %, S\V~{sSW% ···-··-···········-·-··········--·--·-··-·-··---···-··--·-······.sootton 20 N%.NW%. ~¥~% .... ·-··-.. ---------................ _ .......... - ..... _ .......... .Section· 29 N1;2NE~, % %, SFjY,.NW% ............ _ .. , ............... ---··-·-----..Section 30 ~J~m~t~ N\V'ii.~il. ................. --.. --.. -·----.......... --.. - ......... _. ___ _. __ sectton 31 SW%NW~4 -·-··-··-·····---.......................................... ·····~·· . .' ..................................... Section 4

    ,, ~. ,a, ,:t: ···-··-·-·--·-·-····-···-··-·-··--···-·········-····-·-·-·...Sootlon 33 B%N~%, NW%~% ···-··--····· .... ··-*-··-·······---·····-······ _ ................ _ ........................... ~ .......... Bcctloti 6 Allin Township 12 South, Range 17 'East, N. M. p. M. · . · ~~In Towns.hlp 12 South, Range 17 East, N. M. P. ~-. . _ ~J'~~j ,vTi'Ni'ii-9Wi~----...: ..... -~ .......... , ............. --;.·-·-··-·-.... ·--..SeCtion 23 ~~NW:t~ ..................... -~ .. --·~-~-·-······· ............. _.,~~ .. ~-.. ,,.,,,="···-·-···· .. ···--··--··---·-Section 14

    ~ ~~~ 1'.1 i'-'' ~SE% -·-····--··---····-···-····-··-··-··-···-···-··S-ec:t.lon 24 ·_ ::aNE% ···---·-·---·--····-··--·-··············-·-·· ..... ··~··············- ................. _ .. _ ............ _ .... SecUon 12 SW* · ···-· .. ----·--···--·-·--· ................ : .. : ... --·-· .. -~ .................. ~ ........ .SOOUon 27 ~ ln..Townshlp 11 South, Ra.nge 17 East, N. M. P. M· · NE8,.,.1t,o~S.:,~sW%, SE%SW%,. SWl~SE% -·-·-··"' ... ~ .......... _______ : .. .--.--• .Section 26 W%SW%. NW%SE% .............................. - ................... --........................ ____ ,._ .. .Section 7 . ~·4 74 -·-··-·----....................... - ... - .. ····-··--·. - . ct~•on 33 .. In Township 11 South, Range 1' 8 ,.,.ast, N.'~~'-P.:M. . Et (4 E - . -····-··-···-·····--·-·····-----·~ Jll J.U.

    '+nY.a, *W-Y,a, SWIA,SW% ............. ·----···--.'-----··---·---··· ....... ..:.. .... ~ ... ct ..... u 0n 34 .GBOUP E- Tract· I WYNWl~ · · · · · .. ~ t 11. · .. · S¥,it:EJh·~ IS li}ii.:$i"···-:-·-~······ .. ··-····~·--.--.t:Et·---·-··-·-··-··-. .... , ................ _. __ .... ...Sectlon. as tn t~!:~fap f110Sgo_ u4th72, (lRa_ creang .. elnlth7 !!'!Et', %NS .• '~]A.'l;.;. ·.-=~7.··.~~p·;:rt"'"t"c··u-=la·:r·'~y'"·d'··e··;:c·.·r .. l·b·~e:d .. s;;_ttb0_!lgt1n~ d,1n +1-:wnJwp l~~uth.~t-~*iig:;·u·E;s~-N,M.p:-it··· ............ -: ... : .. ··•··~········ ... S~ 36 ntng .at corner No. 1, a cedar (post,~ence the ~u~~t..·-· ..... Sootloh 19 T~washlp 11 South, Range 17 Ea.s.t, bears W,. 32·01 cblilns distant. Tbjnce west, vnr--. · . _ . ~~t, ··~:---··-:-·-:--··~······ .. ··~·····-:..--.. ~·· ... ·~~·---··~·~~tttron 3210

    . tatlon. u•4o' ·Wit. !~~0/!_~()- chains to-ec:n-nor. tJo; 2'1 u cedar post set tn groun.a. Thence .. -~..~,.., . 72 74• 'Y72 "" ---·--·~ .. :-.......... ....-.... - ............. - ... - .......................... __ Dtl'\: on . . lfoath; varlatRnr 11 46 €last Z·25/t00' clialns to corner No. 3, a lime boulder. chiseled ~;?W% ............... : ........ -..... .-........................ -·---................... ~ ................... ._ •• :~ ••• Jfec.tton 26 TA on west Thence north soo east, same va.rtntlon, lO chains to cortter No • .f;"a w1l!N'W--............ .-.......................... __ ·m···--·-··-···--· .... - .............................. _.. .•.••. $e¢tlon 31 limestone. set In ground, cblseted 1 'l'A on west facE!. Thenee. south, sante vartatton, n_ -1~in··· -T

    1oy~w-·n-~;·P··-8·••8-0• .. u-th~ ...... Rn ........ ng·-;;-·1-6··;;.:::-t-,··;,:;-•. • .... ..;;-_.-: .. "':"''".'_ .......... J .............. : .... _ .... ;.sectiott·36 10 ch~ Slinks to corner number 6, In middle or Rio Rondo, Thence along the Rto· a~ tiLU "' .&:l nntl oC

  • ' ' ' ' ! . • ~·

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    " .. --. \i . • ' .. .·_ . ' • . " - .... .. .

    Roosevel~ N'ihnet Eljht · ~· _· .. for Peac:b Conference· · ·

    S ~gRETAllY OF STATE- HULL ~rid J;even othf.lf' Americrms were . riamed by President 'IlQCsev~lt EJS

    . . '. ' . ' . . . . . •· . . . . .. . . ,, ..• , ............. !'"'.... . .. . lt"s· ~J.;g?Season for Gay Wool Plaids -·T·h-. e Mind.· 11,.- -~~;

    ·· • · '· .. . · · . · · . . , . J.OWf;LL . · ·

    - Br caERtE · .'· ~ ' · · Meter , .• • '~EN~~nsoN fl Jlefl a¥1!.o:\l~•.t,,.,.. w.m~ llct'vlce. the United St~ttes delegates ~ · tbe

    torthcQmiJJg inter-Ameri~ats conter-erice in Buenos Aires for the main· teqal)~f.l of pe!lce. The conterence is- .. 1 to open on DecembetT 1, anii the American delegation is on its way now to the Argentine cap~tal. ~r. llull's coUeaiDJt:ts are:

    ----~- -------~---rJiidii'lll-1:---···= ... =. -;' . . ' ' . ' ' \ •

    Edward W. Pickard.

    W Qrd Completion Test , · ln .the foUowing exercise ther~

    -+··~ ue ten skeletoll word$. 'Jjh11t ta~ E:!1.Ch .c~se· '!>ome o~· th~ let~ers. By

    10 WtJ!(m.NR41W/>D U~ Sumner Well~:s, assistant ,Bf?cre-tary of state in charge of Latin-Am~ric:an affairs; Alexander W. Weddell, ambassador to Argentina; Adolf A. Berle Jr., chamberlain of. New York city; Alexander F. Wliit-ney, president of the Brotherhoo!l ot Railroad Trainmen; Chnrles G, Fen· wick, professor pt political scloance, Bryn Mawr coUege; ,Michael F. Doyle, Philadelphia lawyer, and Elsie F. Musser, Salt Lake clty, member of the Utah state senate.

    ·!'have been omitted; Study tf\e.let• ·

    Shipping Is Crippled by Maritime Strike

    T HIRTY-SEVEN thousand marl-time workers on the Pncflc coast went on strike, nnll Im-mediately the trouble sprcnd to the Gulf a n d Atlantic cmu;ts. In the west about 150 vessels were tied up In porto und othNs heuding · t h a t w n y faced walk-outs by t h c 1 r

    "TM league must reform or per-ish." 8Q tar as Itrdy ls concerned "the league. may tJcrlsh," · he as-serted. · ·

    In London It was sold that, rec· ognlllon ot Italy's sovereignty over Ethiopia eould come only through League ot Nations_proceduro so for as England Ia concerned. Foreign otnce comment was that no matter wHht might be the portent of MUS:. sollnl' s speech. Brltoirl would no.t change her Mediterranean pollcy.

    c-rewwon arrivaL In ' , Mrs, "Wally'.' Simpson New York rncmbcru Madrid Is Bombed by Is Granted Divprce of the lntcrnntlonul Insurgent Planes " ' p ROCEEDINGS lasting nineteen s c a rn c n's unwn REPEATED raida-by. rebel bomb- minutes In the cott.rt ,of llll:tlzes vntt.-d a "rlit down" · ing planes were on Mad· at Ipswich, England, sufficed to !Strike In defiance of rid und Ita auburb:J nnll scores of give marital freedom to Mrs. thctr nn tlonnl otn- persons, mainly women and chil- . "WaJJy" Simpson. tcro, and murlllme workers In dren, were !tilled. Therg Wjll! tlcr.ce Justice Sir Anthony Jlouoton ·and Port Arthur, Texas, qnd (il:!aperate fighting northeast of Hawke heard neqtly quit thcir jobs and picketed the the capita~ anct the government arranged ~ evidence wuwr!ront. Federal ofllclnla were forces were driven back toward the ot the JnfldeUty 0 t try Inc hard to settle the dinputes city. T.ho defentle lines were rc- E:tiie&t Slmpao.u, who bctwt-tm the unlGn1i and l!hilfplng or"aniz..:d, however, oouU1 ollUadrid W.llS not repreaentcd, t·ompnnieu, chief of which reJate and on the road to Toledo and the ~;~nd gruffly gnve 0 tp control of the hiring halls, wage government commpndcrn were pre- decree nisi to Oro

    ~ 1ncrcancn and aborter hours, An· Pnrlng for n " new otrcn·; attractive American 1 niotont Secretary ot Labor E. 1''. .olve." The ,Fnaclsts took Drunete woman who · has McGrady wao In Snn Francisco and afto;!r n biQ9dy fight, having already been and Is the close lnllmnt~:d the govornment mlsht in- captured three otherl htoiwnn In that friend of King Ed- 1\lrs. Simpson tcrvt>no. region, and camq w t n qeventeen ward VlU. For abc

    "Wtll'n any uroup, whcU•er bank- m.llen o! Madtld. · ·:"' month11, ahe wUI bo on probntlon, era, cmployoro or labor, tukc uctlon technic'nlly chaperoned ot all Urnes, t•ndongt•rlnu the W'CIInro of the no- Honre Warnu Rullola Not and If her behavior Dntlufleo the twn they nrc ao11umlnll a po111t1on to Meddle in England klng'll ptoc.tot slm will bo unquoli- STOP, "look, Jill t e nl that the government rnU!It c:hallcnge J N THE houne of commons repro· fledly free Aplill 27 to mnrry again. · Can't you fancy you to protect thc otatc and the people," nentotlven of the Brltlah sqy,;,rn~ Whether or not her new hUll bond, hcnr tho bogplpetl ploy· M('Grady no1d. ment dcclorl!d that nonintervention it oho tukco one, wilt be King Ed· lng llll tho creot autumn and wln- ·rica and Ute oo!t thick contihg fab-

    "Thc free llow or wntcr·borne for· In Spain munt be; prcaerved to pro- ~rd io a queotlon that only tlinc tor utyJc purnde wenda lts apec- rica. clgn ond lnteralntc cornmcn·c hun vent chnoo in' Eu- and the two peroons mo!lt, dlfcctly foculu.r way, for it'o gnycnt o' goy Tho fall and winter ceODOn lcnda

    and try to fill in the-j:-~~~~~l.J!.g.letters to malte a eommoB ·

    I .

    Ask Your Doctor About •

    Genuine BAYE8. Aspirin' b01·ome paralyzed. Tlun wtll Involve rope; and then Sir concerned can determlm. Scotch ploidleo the lu!l!lletJ o' faJJ!:.!on JtDelf ndmlrnbly to plaldD which ore dm•t:tly m tnd)rec·tly the flvcn of the Samuel Jloaro, llrnt Mra. Slrnp:;on returned from Ip!l- ho' token to woarln' thcoo criop cool pr;~rUcularly amnr~ 1n tho now boxy tlltLcnu of the whob notion." lord of tho admlr- wlch to her ·London renldonce on doyf!. • jockotD Wld coato, ol!lo In tunic

    linn l•"runcl!ICo had U10 added din- ally, uttered 0 atem Cumberland terrace, RogcnU! park, A wild orgy of plnldn It Is Indeed drcaaes Jn which tho plaid tunic tu•rro of u II trike o! J ,000 wort'houuc- warning to covlot• ond theto told intcrviewcrn that sho Into whlcll tntlhlon in plunging WI hlghUghtD thp vogulnh flareIT)' bulldtnu and 1 dt'clarctl, addrcMihg JIC)arc deep colora and biotorlll potwrno. Sen tho ranhlono pictured. They ore ntrunu thrtr own telophontl wtrc.•o to o welll-t1nd mectin", "I "ommcnd L ORJ\DO TAFT of Chlcogo, ecn. So wide lo the range of weaves, lex· an Index to the hondoome plold ap-

    " .. craiJy rec-osni%1!portt>d In Son f'rllflrlaco 1 t Th Ill 11 d u 1 th .,-v- certoUUy you c~n get any typo or antic druxlgne!'D. The amlllng lna!Jie that t·onot atupowMrD wvro c·omud .. r- ('om n ern. l.'f w n 10 o rlo:t, died at the age of ncventy-olx I Jd t t t t In Scotch

    . mnrc thoy Interfere In the domenUc otter on tllnC.!1-lJ, of eight dayo. Ho P n you ce ou o ge . centered the group weoro •

    • • Anx pereon who 1lUfTUII from p_alns of rheu~m~UDm chould know thb:

    ,, Two genuine DAYER ASPIRIN tnblcl:l, taken with Q lull slw or water, will Uliutdi.Y. ~even .cevero rheumatiC' pniru in n remnrknbly llb ort time. ·

    Allk your doctor nbout thb. Ho will jlrolmbl}' tell you thero b noth· ing better. Por lUI Bayer Asplrln U!blol:l not only o1l'cr n poteut annls~c (pain fdlover), but olnrt golDS to \'lorlc nlmo:sl ~tnnUy you tnkci them. Nota illlllltrnUon of ~ ~ ...

    lnll 0

    plan "~. onk tht'. Unn~.d Stntc.>ll 'nff11lrn of thln country, the woroci It knew hlo dcmli:o woo impcfndin on[\ And no It's pJaldD that nrc being wool pto.ld culottcnln rich dark toneo llovy to put noll'!)' t:rcwn obourd ' will rcarl naalnn~ Uiclr octlvlllll!l." lced h rd 1 t t th 1 (It In un~ tor Jnckelll, for oldrto, dr(!m)co, of blue nnd gray Gccentcd by white, \'f••trrn rncu hunt olnf'll lt•ft un· · .a.wor 0 0 mo:; 0 0 nn r:ultlJ{nothlnr: -omortoz-thnn n pcrtJr' '-'lith n navy wont tlttctt 1nekcr_ ®d mumi•'otC!nt nun1ber of new a peed record for lrllJlllolltlantlc· other way was co heavy Oel!cen for toncoal9 · In sub- less neckline ill very chic. The edgeg c ,,.!Jrcu In thr "'"'uin11 d'-'rrd o aardon1e )okr The ; airport, ooor London, 13 hourn and Pre vI o u !l three color O\'erploids. Al1:o hairy nnd plaid, whJch together with Jorge '1··•1•, .trrh\ · •• "'·rr. und tt still· 17 minutes after he hod J~Il Jloroor month!J that tho nubbcd surface pJaJds oro nhown J)tltchpoc.ketDamlbnnebuttoMgivea •• " !• kt• . ..r "' lt'nnt n r;ad muddlc. Groce. Ncwfoundlnmt, In hill Amer- country suffC!rcd an 1n flnnnel.g. hotd worsted t~, ooft this mode high "tone." ~. ' ""'""" ., rr tted lnr tht> prtz.c.o. lean DC!Uanca moMplane Dorothy. unfavorable bnfanc:c 'rabbit novcJUea, smooth surface fob- o w .. tutl Nnn;:2~ Ucirn. r •• f• 1 la•mon11 nrnl' r•.•i!t!ltt'rNI bo· ; The prcVioUll fll!lterl.t t:te!lt to east of trade during the I ., a, nntl "'iil.l uthrrA havc filed ! crossing =a modo in 1932 by Arne- flrnt nine month!J ct ~ · -.. ;: J • t ... m~ "oth tt r Pu< utors ot the · ha Eorhnrt in 14 hours, 54 minut.en s;:::e~ tho yen: omcunting LEI OF GARDENIAS " , 1 1 I from Harbor Oroce to Londonderry, to $33,1:W,OOO. 'l'hls llr cnnm · mcnoLU

    Tw •. rrlnf,, rq nf Mtllor announced ; lr'!.'lund. w In contrast with ~ fn,;orable bal- "------------1' • v "uul•l , untt'llt thr w111. arid · • once of $t0,400.000 In the ctltrenpond· ". Ontrn. who nunc e ra claring that hen~ exporl9 of row I olll'ld lrlllll Ul'(lllM rn bt>half 0~ GEN. -HERMANN WILHELM cotton, tob:Jeco nnd outomobiks ' •• · 1•u• , l'-C0

    1·._,}othret_o_ ~.a· .~~~~::::::~:1b~ us ltnllnll!l 11 ill lite. Wo htWo snid Goorlng told tbotn ho had lost 22 · Th~ l:iureau· :ot ajrlc:ultural e!;' • •

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    PWA ·workmen excavating for the s~lllway structure of the Fort Peck dam; a project In eastern Mon• tnna, tlnan~d in part by· an· allotment of $49,881,000, from the Publlc. Works administration. Wlle~ com-pleted, the FoJ;~ Peck project will be the largest earth·IUl dam in the world, will .control tJ,oods of tqe Mi!tsouri river and Irrigate Utou.sands of acres of now arid land.

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    "REEL" .RIFLE - ' .

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    . - Celebrate Telegraph .. AnniYcrsary

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    Jlpaches Going Sissy•

    SANTA. MONICA, CA.LU:;,-A mis~ionary on ~n Arizona reservation says th~ Apache, on Denounclnc the D:~by Derby. When Primo Mlnlutcr Hepburn de- '

    nounced Toronto'a no-called baby derby as "the mont revolting, dis· gunting exhibition evc.r put on In a

    Inward· Beauty

    W HO has . not t>xpcrlenced Edwa.rdtl. Tho gun opera ten by· • Tho ocventy-flfth nnnlvcroary of tho completion of the firot trann-

    , ·' ~~r~~ 0~a\c~b~~o~~td ~e~ -ffc~~ln~~~~ Jm~~~ti~: 1ti0 tMtl! u~!tc~'-c:!tt~~~riH~c~~~ ~~~i:J~i~e!l\v~! ~g reel line under the batrel. tratwmitled from-San Francisco to the White Houoe In Waohlng\on. Dr. ..x'ho flnh ill speared (l.f Ulc angler lo Howard R. Drlggn Wlltchell operator S. Brester receive· the re-trann· a good mnrlwman) and reeled in. mlsolon o.f the firot mC!l!lage.

    • -----~------------~---------------~----

    Cops Take "Paw Prints" of Kittens • •

    ' The day old quadruplet ldttens of Tlge, police headquarters cat, bave their paw prints ret:orded while their mother looks on. The dally linwp at New York headquarters waa delayed nearly an hour·because •fficials had dropped the preparation of records to aid Tige in the

    · ~rly ll}Oriling h011rs wlien the kittens ntrin!d.

    CHIEF OF SURGEONS r- ...... ~,

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    Pr. Frederic A. Besley, of Wau. kegan, m., is the new president of the American College .of Surgeons. He waa ~ected at the clinical con-ference of the college in Phlladel· phia. Dr. Bosley Is a graduate of Northwestern university. He has spent 27 years at tl)e Cook County hospital in Chicago:

    .. ~.Mil zed J:Ountry" .. .a lot_nt WI gaYQ three loud, ringing cheers.

    That eccentric Canadian mllllon-nlrc, who lett hla fortune for n con-test seemingly devioed to prove that the human species han a strain of Potomac shad in It, unlntentlonnlly

    1 come near to making cheap and oordid the lovelleot thing on Urln earth, which In motherhood. ·

    To sec lnmllierr trngligcd In a race to bring babies and yet more ba-bies Into the world, merely on the

    how, on ncar acquaint-ance, plainness bet·omen b.eautl·


    • • • • The· F:~te of Big Bolsbel'lstll,

    Here's what has happened to the original Bolshevist lenders, the fa-thers of the Soviet setup:

    Trotsky, in exile and due to stay there U he values his health: Kiun: ~neiY, cxlled, recalled, executed l:u:t August; ZlnovleiY, executed; RykoiY, demoted, arrested and trial impend-• ing, hence regarded as bad lnsur· ance risk; Radek in the same fix and said to be worried, and I wouldn't blame him; Tomsky, com-mitted suicide to avoid some~hing even more unpleasant; KiralY, ru;.. sassinnted; Mikoyan, got out in time and· stayed out; Bukharin, under suspicion and arrest Impending, odds against, D to 5; EvdokimoiY, ex· eeuted: Smirnoff, cxeeuted ; Lenin, dJed a natural death, but then Lenin nlways was different: Stalin, Bu}). noff and Krylenka, all going strong,

    Young and Old, Abfce; Need 3-Purpose Vitamin

    B For Keeping Fit• e Ntnouoccu, comllpat!otl. poor op_pedto ~poa tho ea-etll7' of tbouuc ro=- aad old. wbea dlcu l.a a ocffidmt amouAt oltbe pndotU Vlue>l4 n 'oo rl SOWilR'I\1!6 Cf'11~ IJISf FOCf.~ lltTt!S ilSUAl.

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    ~ty-. A. -woman ,flr!l mspectilf. U:l.Jllnitiiywat•fS ~Wtli- brass--helmeted; alttlr(g bellide the_ ddV'er of a ~lt1 eut down on its defctaes. .t•~~•

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    • •

    • •

    ., -- .. - . • ., , , . , , . ., -. -- -,, ,.., , ,--· .. •.•;. CJ\h' '>"-'• .·.·.- ~j' c ,;•;· .~-.r,·,··c,.o~r,:;-;.,--;:;~--J ~ '• , o, .. >_. •'•':·:•~•:-?· ': '!-.'.· :i,J,,_!-~-; ·:'•t _'!..1-'··:,!,~~--P_: .. ,ild,.}L .. : ~-~ :"· ',' .>·.f..: -·••.:'•. ··,: :·"~:.-~:·~·-'-l''···i. :?'-·:•-"·(.:;'·":·~:: :·-~ !\!}. i-·1;·:~-:~~--0J;~,)~~:':~~---;_·o:• •••::·:~·?"', :·'!,~';. ' > L '. • > < > >· ~~ i O O , .r . ,

    Lincoln eount}_ N.ews . ST4TEOF-NEW MEXICO ~-. ·. ' . • J.u. . . ' . . COUNTY OF. LINCOLN .Mille~ SeJ:Yic~ S~thm . 'NotiCe'"'IO~ PobUeatlon ·A-T' ·~·--·o· -,.j),b s· --E·· ·R. '''C···r I •/ubliabed Every Fr~day, . ; N . ! s I f R I . r . . - . a a . . VII :..::,·

    ::::;=:==:------- ---::-:--::-::-:::_=== ottWc~h~ ·haTe .o. eaD . !Jighway 3~0, We~~ 0 pepart;ment Of Tbe Int,prior. _ . . - . · . ;... . . . .. -. . . . __ . -•- . . - .. Rllt..rod u • ...,.,,, ... o~ ••• "'"""" Jnt,. 30. on tc -· axes are · elinquent . . _, City Limits · Gimeral 1Alnd Office at Las - · -·

    18211 ., tbo pOll ulll•·· "' Cnrrl~rno. N.... . to Satisfy the Lien for T~es, st~ndard 011 ProdU(lS. "RPM oil. Cruces, New Mexico, October 9, . ~ It}$ to Oqf adv~p~gejo J;"ender ~9ocl'' ~ei,Wlce to Ilea lao, anr~ran l~e~~on, NatJomil virtue of the power vested in me. ORDER EASTERN of November, 1936. • F.d~ratJ~n AssorlntJon, and .the by Jaw .will o~er for sale and sell . STAR·. .: Claimant names as Witnesses: Un1ted States Office of Education. at,pubhc .,·endu«! to the_}lighe~;t Me~ls.on the first Thursday Milton Jones, of Ancbo, N. M~X:,

    The general theml' of the week bidder for cash the lands an.d. lots in each month. 1 • • Roy G. Dutton/ lo ''Our Aml'riran Schools at on which tax~s.are delinquent for Visiting Star11 cordiali,Y invit.ed M E ·

    . I M D. . twm, Work," a subdiv.isi~ ·Of whirh isl.theyear..-1935, and prior years, if Ula Mayer, . na ayer w. L. McDonald, all of Corona, "The 'Founding and~ Grow~h of any, as f!hown by the tax rolls of . Sec. N. M. Our J>uhli(· Library SystPrn .. !.

    1said coun~y for said year and .. ____ . ·- ______ -~''-"" .. . Paul A. Roach

    · In the hiogrnphy of Franklin 1 prior years, or so;murh th~reo( as Notice for PubU~tlOD Or.t lB-Nov 13. Register. we fincl wh(•n hl' was twenty-five I may be necessary to reahze the .• ~arm iig£', 'h(l 1nundPtl tho· Li~ j am'lnint of-toeH, pennltit>r, lnte;~ · ..,upartmcnt{)f ,Tbe frlterto~:.- 1 -·-. . ... . . ' •:o ........ brary Company of PhiiiJdl'lphla, I est and costs, unless same be patd Grn£'rul Lund Offir(> at· Santa. a pirturo of whirb mny he ooPn in before the sale. I. Fe, N. M. Oct. 28, 1936. , ·LIST YOUR PROPERTY thel Linc·oln County Rural Srhool 1 Wltnl'ss my hand this the lOth Nolire is hereby given that ' Llbmry hrrP. Puhlir lihrnrio& day of November 1936. · Porfirio Miranda, of White Oaks, -· WITH • grew hy h•nps nnd hounrlo until L. J. Adams, N. M., who, on 11.7.30, made they brromP univl'ruaJ through- County Treasurer, Lincoln Coun- H 1mrstad ertry, No. 062494, for out the world na tllf'y nrc• today. ty, New Mexico. sg•.;, Sec. 22, NW}{, Sec, 26,:

    The Linroln C'nuntv R u r 11 I 2t. · " 'NEi, Scrtic•n 27, 1'ownship 4 S., I Srnry ro crt. d I . Jo!lue Lunroo . as our oor never c onl'B. ,- ,

    At p~PoPnt tl~o·· nro ~orlurJ!, Mr. and Mra. w. B. Paynr, l..oui& Arugon, out o 1hnnkRJliVJng projl'ct thnt WAFFLE HOUSE GA£•'E. Manuel Miranda, of White Oakn, conoistn of ten!'hern nids In plnn- N. M. ninR progrnmu, hiotorical and H E L p W A N T E D l . Leo. F. Snnchez

    HENRY lUTZ Real Estate Dealer Temporary office at'


    Real Estate. City Property. Rnru;bes. Bundle L I v e-atoqlt on comminsion.

    rroding nrtiviliC'B, and m n n Y 1 Nov.6· Dcc.4 Rl'giater. other unHn rt>lnted to snmo. Af· - • - -· Mccta Ecvery Tuesday evening tt>r ThanknJ!iviPJ.(, tlwy will. ht>gin .Youn·~ mnn or young woman to R 'A A cnAsE 'I w 'J '- to T c k

    ( • j T 1 " • • • 11 . ·' • • ,JJUngo n, om oo a tlwir hriRI mnn pro ,.rt. 1 •· make on educational aurvey in · puhli!· i~ ··or· 'f'-''~· '""ir r•d to vi~;il Corrizozo, ~cw Muacoand vkin·• .. Teacher ofVoj~ and Piano l- ~ . _ Se._c.:Treaa. _ Noble Grnnd

    .: R·ollarid's Drug Store '·

    In choosing our ttiedicines we have &~n • careful· to select tliose compounded by the greatest chemJsts in the world. The;y have- built up their reputation beCause they are reliable.

    • '

    Magazines, candy . · - .. ·ogarf · n~reites · · •

    PreuripUons urefully · · tompounded-


    ' . ~ R.olland1s Drug Store


    EARLY POSITIONS . ·. . . \ . ~

    Hundreds of young people who looked ahead only n few months ngo and enrolled for the Draughon Tmining are now happy in positions of trunt and reuponaibility - with broad opportunitiea lor ad·

    • van cement.; r-,..... • • •

    How wo cnn help you prepare for eimilnr opportun· ities, in abort time and at amau· cxpcnoo - nnd then help you .secure a good position, wiU be Cully explained il you will ~il the Coupon now lor

    • Special lnlormatiort.

    Draughon's Business College;& .Lubbock, Abilene, Dallas, Wichita Falla,

    • • • • · · -Your name .• ·· .. --- --~ --·- --·- -· . --·-- -.... -.-.- .~... . . . . .......... .

    ' .


    I •

    I 1


    •, ' • \ 1

    ·' • '

    1 ,., r·.

    1 iLy •• \\ork to 1JPJ>IY on toi!Jt-un. Be lnoera olao takeQ ~------------ ' '

    '1 L-- I' · 1 .r I"•· 111 lao u•-nr· Will a Inn pay C'nuh honuu. f·~x- , ~ • ~enn•z··• ..... d , "''·•·n nwmbr•u. rellent opportunity to grt a Studto two blocks north of

    1 Mru.. E. :-iparh ru:.u wuo elt~ l(•,J money-making l'duration nt low. Poll Oil icc Phone 52 pl'(>nident, Andn•a Kimbn·ll ·and root. Write (or full dctnila at - .......... ---------...

    . , • . once. Draughon's COllege, Lub- : Mrn. Mnguw lurn·o no hoopitnhty bock, Tcxna. • T. E. KELLEY !'urn mille'' .I. •ll•"J>Iunc Kimbrell an • l"unl'rnJ Director and

    ' · Licensed Ernbnbner ·· publtrity rumrmlt,•o, and Mro 'Phone 83 Bolin nnd ~I rn. B. Sa 1M no mcm- Cnrrizozo : : : N. Mex · bl'rnhip comm1ttct>. We look for· ward to mnny 'oucrimful unltn carried out by thio and worthy P. T. A.


    , I

    .ft'OU SALE- Some good milk cows. See or write Hunt. Hob!Js.:

    · Capitan, 'N: :M: · 02tr I

    El Cibola Hotel .

    Under · The Mnriagement 01 Mrs. B. D. Garner

    BeautifUl. Airy Rooms Delicious Home-Cooked

    ~EALS-We cr• cl~~my• prt~pcretlte


    -- --- ----

    Address ..... • . . . . . . . .. . . .... • •••••••••••••••••


    Work Called For nnd Delivered' (!

    Phone 50 --··-------·· Ci.rriZoZo, N. Mex.

    - - ~ - - -~- ----------- -


    -- ---" --~--

    -Performance, Beauty and Safety Mark Chevrolet's Completely New Car& ·

    RAINBOW TRUCK i..INES, Inc . ·_::;;i=...~ . ... .••



    -~ . and


    . . ' •

    • •

    Giving depenClable Three day a week Service, otit of EI Paso and-Alamogordo {Ahr.ctAtrid-lfjgJ!Jt)

    Carrizozo Lv. Arri. a.m. a.m ..

    Mon. 12:{)0- Tues. 6:00 Wed. 12:00 • Thurn. 6:00 Fri. 12:{)0 • Sat. 6:00

    • • Alamogordo

    Lv. Arri. • a.m.

    Tues, 3:30 • Mon. Thurs. 3:30 • Wed. Sat. 3:30- Fri.

    p.m. 2:30· 2:30 2:30

    For Further Inlortnation Call Phone 51. J. J. (BUSTER) BOONE1 Agent •

    .. ·-- ---.-~--- •>·-·-"·~--~- - ,_ .7----- --~~-- ''*- .. ------... -~----·-· ... -·-fl l>HOOfS

    ·· lnauranctL < .. · . ~t)ta_lj P!.tl!tio Office oppoalfe TeiPpbCitte .Ex.

    Carn~u, N. 1& • ' .

    -· ... - -- - ,_ . - . -

    -- :.... ___ tJtltHN··. E. HAtL · .: .. · __ ....,..

    · ; . ~ttorner and Counaeloi' . at . · ~·= .1'14 •nd ·2e . · • •


    • ' l



    · ~o mrdware Bultdint-1 , ·

  • { ,. ' I ! 0 w T· ~ ~- ."': ,,h· ;·;~ ',' u '~-·, ~ • · ... •.· , •.. : :. ;, ;. ' ·, •• ; :''.: : ~-- !',' I:· •.. 1\ . /, ~:_ :

    1 u. c. t9 which place tiary · H.e was also a member of w&o a Carrizozo bU!JirlCBS visitor , , he liccompanicd

  • :.~:- ~

    F;-·---- -~ -- ~"


    • .

    . I. i [*. ! i•

    I i----' i . I· I



    " . ;_ -

    Lincoln C.,ounty- News •/ubliibed Every Friday

    === ---=~· ------=== ~--=---- -· - ~.--------BDtorod uR e~u·J-rt"'"• flH' JniJ, ·ao,

    lito. at t be poe\ uttJ•••• At C :llrt"hrJ!9, . N,. llealo, •nder lh~ Art ••I !A•roll ~.llfl~

    -----------~ --- ------·--:-.-\ubecrlpUon, l• ednoce, t2 00 Pril'an Schoofs at on which taxes are delinquent for Visiting Stars cordiaiiYf \"\thin

    . , . grew by lt•nps nnrl hounds until. L. J. Adams, . , N. M., who,_ Q!l.~_}).7.30, they bt•raml' univPmal thrnu~th· County TfeM.ur~r, Lmcoln Coun·. R'mestend crtry, No. 0~~ out thIn c . . lc>O(III, ('nunty SC'hool Waffle House Cafe has filed. notieP or. intert •

    . '

    • •

    Sup :17 llf t ··up in the w II r lk I . I .. liBh c·laim tiJ thP _land ab County Hdtr1ol t.uclJ,rr>t. Mr11. A. ( ~ • 0 !II, we mv\1 '~'"~

    10' crihed, lwrorc U. S. Com·

    1 mon Y you In Any Time Day, or Night, Vnlintin Sanchez,. jl tho W. I. A. Lahrnry I rojcct. d 1 . Jo"U" LuPrnB 1 · no our oor never c onn. .. " • t

    At P!f'of·nt .t~o·: nrc worldr~>t, Mr. and Mro. w. B. PnynP, Loui11 Arc.gon, • 1 · · out a 11mnkllgtvlng projl'rt that WAFFLE HOUSE CAf•'E. Manuel Miranda, of Wbtt.t • conoinlll nf h•aclwn1 nidn In plan-. N. M. i nlng progmmo, hiotoricnl and H E L p W A N T E D 1 Leo. F. Sanch r"ading ortiviti('O, and m n n Y · Nov.6· Dcc.4 Reg other un1tn n•latcd to nnmo. AI· .. - · ' 1 .•

    ' tt>r ThanknJ.Civi:u. they will bl'gin Young man or young woman to R.'A. AL CHASE th1•1r Chrinl mn11 pr11jPct. T h I' mnko an educational ourvey in puhlu• •~ ··or•'t t!'v tnvtlf'd to vinil Carrizozo, New Mt•Atro and vi··in- T tocher of Voice and P

    w "


    . -

    t '•• 11 ·- •·' -·• ,. •. " H'l'r. ity .• \\()fK to IIJJply flll Lulthln.' Be inQera also talte• ' . "II 1· . , .. r l't II• hu H•-ur· Will aJn, J>ay ruuh lmnun. J•:x·

    6fQOil••.J o\.tl I IJrl· l'fl Jllf'mL· 1!1, ccllcnt opportunity to (,ff t n Studio two bloch• no~ Mru. K Sp .. rh wan wun l•ll't t".J money-making education nt low_ Post Oil ice Ph~

    . ro:at. Write for lull detailr1 at · ; . prC'tll!lt'nt, AndrPa K1mbrt•ll nnd -.. D b , Coli L b· ' 1 ·_

    uuCO. mug On 0 t>ge, U • {. , Mm. Maggi£> Tum·n no hoopitality bock, T~ns. T. E. KELLEY / rummittoo J- •twJlhmo Kimbrell an • · l

  • ~· . ' . ' . F .. .. 'I ... I ;il ' • ' " . •' .. t,. ': .····· . . . . . . . . ·=. ~ ....

    \. ·/·." Cpe,Yf~''d~~·.·· ' koc~l aud. .. .. . ... Q~~~n. To~ltfX;eci~c;t · ·~,. ls to be sh1ppmg cattle to the Kansas C1ty offer to you your general admis· receive the greatest number of


    . ' .


    ~ LL HOURS of the day, u telephone

    -· e mcreased m prJce and these only markets. ' . sion.and d~&nce ticke~ for .75c if votes fc·r county superintendent f. .$5 over the 1936 levels, • On November Jst Mr. Dewey boug'bt when entering. the hall, o( schools, 1 feel that this is a =====:=:::::=::==:::=:==:=:::::=:::;::====:==:=======--

    . Prices o'f the Master nelfuce Stokes shipped five carloads of otherwise you will have to pay real expression of confidence and ~-· ....;.._;..,...;·.;.;·-:_;;:~-:.;;-:.;;-=-;.,;· -.;;;-·.;.-;;;;--;.;.;-..;· -;-:--------------

    keeps you in touch with friends; " runs errands, brings informntion, is rcndy in e.mergencies. Y op can hnve one for ~ few cents ~ dny,

    • ~ Chevro!et n o w . cover feat'l!tes cattle. ,to market. . • _ • 109 _general. a~~i.llsion on. enterin~ l.plodge m~. whole nearted (U-. - Thanka. - . . -- ~ - . --fQrmerly offered as optional at · L M h t f C 'ta and 75c for dancing latter in the operation to all, and promise an _ DAUGHTERS OF REBEKAH

    • extra cost, including knee-action, Mr. on ere an °; t:PI~ evening. imptutial business-like adminis· To my many sincere Cliends, Coalorn L9dgc, No. 15 ' safety plate glnss . all aro~nd, spent thkse grheater.partrdo. te b Watch this paper for further tration. who worked loyally: Mere words

    f d · 1 . t h' · .. th two wee ere, 10 o er o e M 1 H t ·:'bend et's ldnl co ort' ma CTihng .0

    .e near his wi!e who is in the .R•th- announcements next ~eek, a~ .we . . rs .. rene ar · cannot express my feeling or gra-o y, an ' arger !res. e JD 1- . . I have •· real collection of Bide tification, but I will try to reward .

    Meets E>very 2nd and 4tli

    Wedncsaay !idual model prices are as followsi mann hosplta · shows and other entertainments To The Publfc your belief in me and your loyalty

    Coach, $595: &Pdan, $660; awaiting your approval. " - to me by my best and sincerest Birdie Walker, Clcsta Prior, •

    . ,~

    sedan, with trunk, $620; sport se- ·Spanish Diahea Havi~g been unable' to find a elf or~ to s,e.~1 ve al! the _peopl~, all . Secretary dan, With trunk, $685; business Attomey E. M. Barber of Tu· buyer {t>rmy stock of merchandise the tunc -~:rly and 1mpart1all~, __ ---·~- .. ·;-·--·-----··----N.G " Cl'Upe; '$585; aport coupe, with Enchillldas Tacos Tamales cum~ was elected representa· nor a tenant for my store building, and by.placmg my duty as ShcrdT , __ .. _. ··- _ -·-·-· rumble seat,. $615. Saturday$ & Sunday•. tivo from quay county by a rna· I will continue my Closing Out first. , .

    The Jist prices of tho Master U ·& I Cafe. · 'ty f 2o88 vote Mr Bar S I d . th · t d · S. E. tBen) G.relsen. CARRIZOZO LODGE "Chevrolet, which also include the JOn ° s. · · · ·- i a c urmg e ~vm er an sprmg, -- -·· No. 41

    Exp~riE'nced Cook in Charge . ber. bas many waiJll friends m with bargains m every depart· added equi~ment except knee-ac- Carrizozo who congratulate him I ment. New ShoPS, Hats, Capa, . Mrs. Sparkman ~f Jicarilla was. . A. F. & A. M. tion, are-umforml~ $60 under the -·-·-- -'-· ·-· upon his success. 1 Shirtn, Underwt>ar, etc., and a. In Carrizozo ahoppmg last Tuea· Maaler Deluxe prices. Mrs. Sam Wells came home ! large line of Christmas Toys are day. I Mootn on thofirotSaturday in

    .. · Bo~y models in the Master De- from Tularoa4___ltmt._ w_e~k, then Mr. John Lewis and mother, 1 being rilcelv.ed, to ?e sold at t~e I Mro: Irene Hart, t~o newly each month luxe and Master linea are the left for Los Angeles to v1sit two and Mr. Littleton and a(!llernl lowcat poas1ble pr1ce. Como m elected County aupermtcndent ·



    a?me except that tha Master cab· other dllughtero. other ranch ownera ahipped nice and be eonvinccd. i of achoola waa a Carrizozo visitor R .. E: Lemon, ~oy .Shafer, rlolet with rumble !)eat takes the M Leo d H t b ls fat cattle to market thin week. I M.' DOERING. I Monday. > - Sec. W. M. plac~of a sport coupe in the De- ~· . na~ u~ w 0 •. luxe .line. Tho Mnstcr wheelbase spcndmg the v:.1nter w1th her BIB-in 3-t inches longer than that of tcr, Mrs. Coc In Tularosa, (:a~e

    .. the 1936 models and thia model h?~c last Monday for a bnef )~-also includes 11!1 atandlU'd equip· vunt. · ment aynero-meah trnnsminslon, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Q('(!ioen were

    larger Uret~, safety plate glllfi!J and lnst Friday. Mr. Gremon (t!ndero in color to match the wna the only Republican in Lin-

    .. -'body;-·-·-·-..·· -·--· ----·- -· coltt county who was elected 1n . Both models are complotely new the general election. in engine, cbansis aDd bodies, and Mrs. Irene Hart, nc\~ly elected are identical in droign with the county superintendent of nchoola exception ·Of knee-action and was in town Monday, from her speciill features of equipment and homo at Ruidoso. interior trim oupplied only in the Deluxe models· -----EST ADO DE NUEVO MEXICO

    . ., • CONDJ)DO DE LINCOLN ., Notcin de Venta, de Propledad

    American Red Cro!l!J Roll Call, Armistice Day to Thanksgiv-·ing. E n r p I I NO\~ in Lincoln • Inmoblo en cual Taaneiones .estan

    Delincuentesr para -Satiatacer loa Derechos de Retenciou, Penalida- i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;";;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;~.~ - co: CbapYer. des, In teres y costos que ae debep: Membership - $1.00 A QUlEN LE CONCERNA: . Fifty Cents or Each Membership

    _ . . remains in county, fifty cents ~or eata da1nos ~o.tiCJa _qu~ el goes to National HeAdquarters.

    pnmer.Lunes de ~ICJembre, sten· Give your mt'mbership to Roll .do eJ dia 7 de d1cbo mea, 1936, Call W9rker or sene! it in direct to

    1!1\ en Ia puertn del frente, en '? casa John E. Hall, Chairman, Lincoln · de corte de eJ Cond~do de Ltncoln, County Chapter.

    Nuevo Mexieo, co~nsando a Ia born de 10:{)0.a. m. y continuan- · do de dia a dia por un periodo T~e sale of baked gl'Ods at the de cinco dins, solamente que Ia Camzozo HardwarP Co~, Iatat

    · propiedad delincuente por tasa· Saturday .afternoon, .for the bene-clones sea bendida mas pronta· fit of . the Methrnhst paraonage m:?nte, el abaj l firmado Teaorero was qUite successful. de Condadc:> por virtuJ de el poder Mr. L. J. Adams, county treas-puest.o en mi por ley ofresco en urer-iS sending out tax notices. vettta y vendere en Venta Publica First half 1936 taxes become .cJe-al-que ofresca · rnaa at contado, linquent DPc. 1st 1936. Interest teirenosy lo~ -6- t>aJU--de- · · wiH b~ eharged at the-•rate-'Of- 01· rte-t en donde tasacion~ estan delin· per cent per month after ab()Ve

    · cuentes, pot el afio de 1935, y do.te. . aiios antepasados, como eilSeiia la Two new subscribers . added to

    · . listaM tfisaciones de dicho cpn- our list this week are Measnr. W. ' \dad 'll?r dicho auo Y· aii·os ante• C. Thornborrow, ~anton, ll.linoil

    \>asados, ·~ por eua.nto tne~mo. sea . nnd Lawrenf'e Htcks,_ .Camzozo. · nesesarlopara-r-ialb:ar la.cant; RenPwals are 1\.bs. John H. Phil;.

    · , .. de tasaciones, pertalidacles, it1teres 'ups,' Carrizozo and Mr. J. · B. y costCJs, so1amenl(' que esto sea Baird of Pasadena, Calif. · pagado antes Ja vent&.. · Atestiga- 1937 Cara are Beautiea. deNovieplbre ··· · . . · L. J~ Adams, . The City Garage b~ld ·"OJKm1

    • T~tero- de C0n4ido, . Condado house" last S~turday to weJcome ·de Lincoln, Nuevo-Mexico-.· vieitoro to see the llew ca111 Cor · 2t. 1937. These models are all beau-

    _ ............... ~---~ ...... ·~--· titul, and Mr~ jteil . and. T.mnil .,;r N6tite-:Mt." 'It; A. A •. proudly called attention to the

    Chase annottnees bail,d pnetice mally new features. People were •t .tp& Bfgh ikbOQl auditnum bete from all . o:ver ·the county, evert 'l'Uesday1it:S.p~:m.,,allm~· ~&.lie> a stream of caUers from Clf

  • I



    . ' . • • ' tl~ 0'~. Traditio11,1 • JloJJesty Prove!l · · • . '


    ·'ttl •

    By flClj'Jtl

    .. Margaret Sullovon '

    Cheese Soume 2 tablespoonfuls flour, 1/~ teaspoonful snit. '"• cupful milk. J eggH. '-2 tt•uspoonful paprika. 2 tablt·tJpoonfuls butter. 1:. eupful grnted ch('esc,· ~-cupful corn (optional).


    M1x flour wUh salt and paprika nmt_udd lo butter, which has been llit•ltl•d. Bout until mixture is t>rJllJOth. Add milk nnd grated cht't·nr•. Heat to bolltng point, then • uol Hllghtly. Bl'nl eggs sepnrahlly, .. drJrng yulku to mixture first, then Lhr• whlll'll, .whlcll mtt!lt be beaten vc•ry ut1ff. 'Of corn 111 uaed, mix in bt·foro uddmg egg whites. (Pour

    • ul mto u bulung drsh and plnt'e It 111 lliln o! hot water. Bnke scunt halt h1111r In o moderate oven nnd !w r ve llnmJ!dllltcly,

    Wh(•n corn 18 uned, the (ollowlng ""ur·t• nu.oy be nerved wath the ~ouuffl(•: Tw:> uhces onion cooked In

    --cHAPTER IX-Continued By EDWIN 6ALMER pensell over.her. Whnt bod ahe-~lUjt . • .~ sold or .Teb•· .· I · 15- Copfrlsbt b:V-Edwlo •

    Som" stared ;t' her~ hPII~llely, 111 tt . WNU service ~he halted tor l!n lostant. "Water,:' • abe would chcnt them ot the deat11. . sb~ .beard some one· &a)'. She, 'elt they desired tor the girl Jn black be- hands on )ler; strong, steadying banda; tore them i some thrullt forward from to the evtdeqco Jhl! bad omitted; abo l'lfurtJo O'Mara hnnds.. Be belli her

    ·the lnule aea·tli aa It th!lY would sur· remembered tpe memorabilum w)ltch llrruty and pleasantly~ She felt that ·llhe ball made on ·the morning after the she could not possl~ly taiL P

    round and detend tho prisoner-and vl!llt to 1 the Lorrie npu.rtment; and "Here's wnter, ·o•:Mara," l'l~r; ·Nor-Her witness.' Suddebly you sow fnccs. now, .u {Jathal qu(!stloned her, abe dell's voice said. · •

    Mother'• ana Jlee's; IIQd two . who teud It and explained that she bad "Thanks," be said, and held the bod been In the papers: hill first wife, wrlttJ)u It, QD that first morning, "be- cln6s to her Ups. wtth her daughter beafdc her. How did cause people w~re · saying 8o, mn'ny .\giles 11wn1Jowed · and lookell up. they teeJ, n tow feet oway from thJogli dlftereot from what· I'd seen:· "Sorry-:rorcy," she I!Did. M,rrtl~? Did the.r want her killed too? This helpell; bllt alrendy, by the un· Then her motjler was there. "l'lJ

    I~ ere was another face-an old fnce, (llaoned ways ot her own, Agnes had tn ko her,'·' she said to Catluil. a line face. A .little old woman who establlsh£d. t!Je feeling cs~entlal to a "All right -now1'~ Cat11al asl(ed 'b11d. Uved a lot, nnd ne\-cr Jet lifo beat turn of the CliBe. The ;Jury, Agnes. her. Winnie, she was. .Agnes . never the judge, the courtroom 'bad seen ller She· looked up at him. "Jeb," she l1nd seen 'so much u'li a lllrencsa ot her. and · upproyed her; they believed an! sold, "-.Mr.- Bradllon's back ln til at but there WIUJ no missing ~Jer. When trusted what she snld. It was per· room? 'l'ake me back to hlln, ple,ase," abe Jooked ot 1\lartln O'Moru, she knew feetly Plnln that only nccldeotnlly bttd she begged Catbul. "I wurit-I want Winnie wns 41s grandmother, she become CO!Icei'ifetl wlth the case. to l

    . po, Ameri12n Polidcal~

    • ...,

    flANK I, HAGE~ · ·.-

    Mistres$-Your master'S' drawer • . has been ri1Jed.

    Servant-r 4i.dn't do it. None of my keys fit it.;,.,..:Mpustique. . , ... . ,

    - · · , Bead 'Staut , "1\Jy ambition is to be a · grea~

    , , . · .doctor. I want to bec9me a bone . EMBLEMS ~- specialist," · '

    JF YOU live in a state where .the~.. "Well yqu have a good bead . ~;~till allow party emblems on i1ier' tor it: " ' . ·. ' · ·

    ballot. take a look at them as ·yo" · • " · ·· ., mark yo~m~. ,That ·eagle ~,>o·aring .1\.wakenfu~.Consclence above the clouds at the top of the Republican column shoulcj. remind First ~urglar.,...Well, this is the

    t h easiest job I've ever you of Oen. John C:- rremon • w o S.econd Bnrglar - Yes, it's ·a. was the flrst Republican candidate ,.... for President bnck in 1856. It may crime to take. th.e stuff. b~ reminiscent of the eagles'which he snw when he will! "The Path11nd-er" in the West or it may mean tllat. the Republicans have . been ln power so long c; the las$, 8() years that they figure they' have a petter right than any other party to claim the qational bird.

    That lordly crowing rooster at the bend of. the Democrati« col-umn shoUld remind you of Joseph Chapman of Indiana whose hl;Jbit ot crowing Democratic victories a century ngo resulted in tWs sym-bol for his party.

    That rising sun, wiU\ its beams gllnting over on ocean, as though

    Ends There "What Is heredity?" "Something every man believes

    in imtil his son begins to· net like a fool. ,.....:::Tit-Bits Magazine. ·

    Dr. Pierc~·. Favorite Prescription malies weak women strong. No aloohol. So!ll by \lnlggista in tablets or Jiquid.-Adv, ·

    Wealth of Nature He is richest who is content

    with tbe lenst, for content is the wealth of nnturc;.-socrates.'

    • • L wt' tabtruputmfulu b..rtlvr until• hr••wn H('fnCJV(' from tire and ntter rrocxrnl! two tubleupountuln flour ..., rlh orHHJuurtt•r teunpoon!u! Ill• II und uurne or pt•pp!>r, nd.: to bultt•r ,,,,1 unum und nllr until runooth.

    "Now tell 11111 Jur,;Jn yoiJr own words tho co~rt;oQID un~w!lro of w~lll 11he O'A{lll'u went to ,J:eb In the }vltnp'ss· what' you ~dltl nnd whn£ 1011 au \v iind hod occompll11hed; she belto,·ed_.!!he room. De was pleased, ~~~ saw; .tho whut you, yourself, bl'tu'd otter the hod bungle!] cverytblog. Sbo tllooght hour tor blm had gone welL dour of ll1e urmrtment, lllwn wbleh lllr; lll1e hod rnuch more to do when, after "I'm not culling you todtty-or ot all, CoiVl•r kllllclted, wo11 Ofll'nl'll." nhe had deacrlbecl Myrtle'o bruises and Mr. Drnddon," Cat(1al onld. "I thank

    "I au w," ould Agnea, "a glrl-n young hurta an oho had seen t11cm, Catha! you for having lj,een rendy. But no" womnn-1 hnd nr•vt•r l!l•t>n bctort>. 'l'but asked: "Now, nt the Ume you nrut nnw I'll not need you. We're through with

    foretelling the dny when tllere will be "Wnter, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink" tells 70U "that below it· are the names of the can-dldntell (In· the Prohibition 1icket. Those hnnds clasped!t a background of the earlll tell of the Soclnllsta' dream of greater equaU· ty for mankind all over the earth. That stput bnre arm with. the hnm· mer In bond speak:. for the Labor party and that slclde and hn.mp1er remind you tllnt the Communists would hove Wl follow tlle example of Soviet Ruooln.

    To Alkalize Stomach Quickly . •

    I ... •I.- add 11111• t·upful tornutoea 1•. "" h hilve lwt•l'l •;trumed St1r tltl 1 ol 11 r·~onl(!!l to u borl und llll'n .,,., ''' Jlllllll'dlui,•Ly. on noulflt•.

    • •I Jflchl- Whi.' Hot, he

    Groom Gets Trousseau Wtll'n u J,Jthuuruan glrlmurri(•q,

    •.lo•· lulu!\; ul•mu n truunu8uu fur I••·• hu'lhund m1 wt•ll otJ for hllrn..rr_ Jo',.r 1111•111 hn l11·furt• th(' lr\DriHlll" •·"'' ,,..,,.,.u ur• nlurt11, ruJCka nnd "·""'''" va•nl'l fur th11 bndcgroom, y, l,u llHt"' uvo·r hw ull! dutlof>ll to j., • fuiJ>I r uruf )IIUrlll ilrutJlt'rtJ 011 t~· wt• 11ru1 vulll'd m,. Into tho roum. She n11nurlngly, lho lmpuiiiiYo hand abo \Tordn morC'. llo Mid, nJJ qulotly u llo anhl: 'Oh, Clod, l'rn clad to llt'll you- alrotchcd toward bhu; tllllD tur:ilM and ml~tht ln tbo tc!'lmlon llelwclln u111rn: stud lo ar-o you!' wnlclll'd Nordell 1U bo cnmo to trll "Siumo ovldollt'o ramo our In croiiiHl:·

    "Ht1o tmll~>tl lllo doiYn lnlo o btu. 110ft ftllt for Ibn croM>('JtamlnnUon. amlnnUon wllit'h 1 nrlthcr knll\7 cur chair bt'•ldo Jacr. • • • Mr. t'.ohf'r, till' ('.Qihnl Jerked fol'\'l'trrll to tho ctl;:o ot expcctlld." Ot:t'nl, n"t'llt to look for amcilllnu IL'llta blu rbnlr; ho kcnrt hie bomlu rclnxc:d, "What eYidcnwf' ror brr •••• I heard him roll rrorn but IIO ft'll all It Willi llutD cJcnchoo "A allltc>mcnt abo mnd.c-wblcb 11lro down tllo bell: ')Jr. Lorrlt'! :Ur, Lor· rcr.td1 to lll!hi-Oubt 011 bo bod coYer \TDD forced to moko b1 Ulo Stoto-rta !' • • • llo rr~mo b:JI'1t, oorl l1t> rould lou~:ht brforo-st tho PI'Cillt'cutor "toro conet>rnlng bcn:t'tr-nnd youn:eU." lmrdiJ •rwolc. J.'Jnnlly he llllltt~lo mo: Into her• 1111 ho c:outd. "What did abo ll!lJ about uo?" •You llll0\1' \tl1ot wo'vo \talked lo on? Yet, 11'bllo h!Jlt ot Catbal tingled "1'11at," lltlld Cothlll, .. llhc ulahl'JI to A killing I Tlmro'n murder horll. , • • ocd brblloo lhUI tor tho ll(:bt. tho tell )'ou btln:elt." 1'llltr •hot him• • . • 1 tunt lffll: t.nnll' "'ft!Oier ilolt;~-rtnrvrofC!:lllonnt -b:ltt=tba Alr .ft'II lttt'JlJll'u tronrtJW l!uul' ra tm! In my arm11, II1Pn. I \Tall hnhlln11 hl'r. 1•art of blm tTblcb n"UJI a JotTtOr- Crlmlnnl Courlll bulldlntt. tnml!rlll lll10 n-n1 lylnu limp crroJU mr... ' hopt'd' tllo Htnlo noould .. lcoor ln." cllckod at blm ogaln; noll the! ~u-4

    There wns once a tim'e'- when a. Bull Moose rmortt!'d defiance at the top of one column. on the hullot. That wall When Theodore lli>o!lc-vclt wa!J aecldng a third term un-der the Progrennivc blliUWr -but alncc 11H2 Ule Bull Moone han been nn extinct political animal.

    Or couroc, 11 you llvc ln a alate where they uoe voting machlneJt U1e emblcmo may be oUchtly dlt· fercnt..

    The rcanon for thc!{c cmblcma on tllo ballot b a practical one, beDIr, ntrllJll'tl .. \' 4'!1," tt:1hl A~:nl'll. lilt (:Orne to the cnr, nnll mmmor:.11 co. • • oug • ! bull a JIIIIP an thouah hf' •lorFII OIJI "'ll'nu U'llfll rngagFd to fw mnrTII'd to Ofii'Dc:d IIJe door for blm. ~oth men Were magnetiC in lrntt hlrn~lf t>ln~>rr to lire dllllr:ht or blmr "You'd better tnl:o her dlr«tlt . pen:onnlUy, eloqu_ent in __ np_eccll and No mnttrr lum nL'UJ1 mrdldnu !orr. Wllol 0 lltnrt llho \1'011 moLin~r-- AltDI'll besltolrd for lhl! tlut tlml'. bOOil','' Jeb ll!lld, loolllng ln. Uls I!JI!ll I idolized by their ronowers. lfolh

    ynu have lrtro foi' .tour roUBh. C'.llcn1 bi'JM!I ~11:11 ill' llrul' f.lll!et:li:lll He En,:n.:NI? Wero thc!I ever "~ngn!:t>tl"1 \tfrt> 'twon AJ:nrs. but tllf3 ~nt nt '. twnearnt,... ~~;~~~~~ .. ,.,~t!. .. dfoli~; r.;:rt r.r bruntlilal tnttmtun. jUlJ mn 'fh I I b I .. , t ..... Uit: .. u .. ma.w u• Ul>cU .... ..,.. l;tl l"t'ltl't IWtl' triU\ CrromuWnn. l'OIIIcl not rm•~ll·lr bat£0 J•lounr.l I hill PI 101 tt'D oo .. ng at on OJirUt· 001.'(! .~o. b('r mothgr. olld be .. spoke to I but ootb feU victims to a poUUcal '" rlnm trnubln may bo bnnTinn and •'fhpn tiM you do on)'thlng '" hP llll'nt to;:l'thrr; su ubo Wllllt hnn bl't'n bl"'' l m &olog to my offi«!. enemv whose fatclul ven"eance tot-,,,. ronnoL ullortl to tnko n ehnnoo os•·~·• !•ht r ul tly thPn ..- J b "tlh nnythln"' !roo Utnn CJY>Omul- ...... u· H 1 q " > • 1> .. b .• ....... • " lowed them oll through their dayg

    " lll't blor .,,,.. un hla nhurtenl'd tbrlr • " ·.,~~, . R c lt:llu. • '"" wog I he llnn· (.athol dro1'o north alone at nine o• _._l-'-g for th~ pr"sid""cy. An· tlHII.,. 'lfhl~h 1!00 rtgb~ \() thO Ct'.:l& i UU "UI c ~ ~·


    Oo aU Wit'.?. J>C(!plo arc Je~ that tho way to gain olmO!It incredibly quick rclld; from lllolnllch condiUoa orbing from overaddi_ly, is to nlkn-lltc tlul otomocb quickly with Phll-lill'" Milk or Macnoln.

    You tnko cllhcr ll'o'O Wl!lpooll!l of U.o Uguld Phllllp.5' altu mroln; or two Phill.i~ Milk or Magnola Tab-le~ .Alm~t lrult.o.ntly ••acid lndiRCZ.· tlon" soc. ~ from hypc:rnddlly, .. ncltl· htadnclle!S" -from ovcr-m-dulsente in food w t:moking- nnd • nau:ea oro rtlleved.

    Try thia PhilUJn' wny U you· Julva nny ccld ntorondl u~tD. You \\'ill btl DUIJlriwl al multli.- Gtt cllhcr tha llqUld "Philllp3" or tho mna:knble. nr:v- Pbitlip)l' ·. Milk t;f Ma~ TabletD. Only 'l!JI for 11 big 00: o:f Wrletll nl clrU8 11tom.



    111:30 JO.Il: r. I. T., X.I.C.Ibdlkbratl&

    ..r U1o truub:o to a!d llAI.tll'tl to , (BI!CD from lhP for o.wo; rnnm u ltit'!J "9' onll~rr. tbnt enr.lng. Thl! nllda uere ~bokro , drew Jacksm;l Wrul CU!y'n Nemesis; . r.nlllo nnd hrol tho lnn:uncd man- 1 A~::crJ~ ho,J lwt>r• llt-W t.I'T. 1 Dlltm;J "\VIleo did 100 bre.1t Joor rngoge- tf:e llll!o b~ • ot t::btlon., rrm::1 the ~ '\'ihcn Gro~;er ClevelmuJ. then ctrug1014 u nuthiuuro to wurnnl«l ; he:: . •UJ.J snu oo Jti' .mu. cnnldn·t t::Pnl ?' tina ttrul hE:lVJ' l:e:lt. i c:omparath;dy unlmmr.11, was nnm· ~ ~::;,':,!ufi 1:!.. ~ "~ !Y,~~ !r.~ 1 ft'piy or On.t. Nile d!dn't llJ't'm to on· "We didn't brrok IL" Wllnt • thins: Ar.oU:er dny, tibotever Its Uitmlph!! inn led by the Demottal:9 in IGS4. ~



    # I~W ..... ~ Ul ,..... •• • _.f I L • .... to tnlk of lwforc n CO!Utroom foli of o-A d.,.....,_,.., ~ftft .. A .. e•, ltft G~ftt ...... ,e m~:ne bad A p--t-'ti- of dA- i h'll111ln fro:r> UJo H'J7 fir&t boUle. ( uPI"II,QD;:, CP. •l'l'l ll•ll'lol Dll hl'f. ..._, ~yw • .., "...., ,.._.... ~ - ..- ~ u ""'"um "'" ..- :=======::====~ Ot-1 CffVlllul~an f18b~ nm1. (Adv.) 1 'Mn7be 1 .Ul,l.' lllle nnoll; R!'llll. •1Joybr ~ole, om! ttltb rt>purtetll wrltln: It flnont ttaa furled In the west. D:lrk· fenL "I om the Hemy Clay of

    - 1 I {!Jd • I 1!11

    - ..


    ·o ~- .·t ·_ -..... , ,f., ... -~· •,. ---------= =.:>= '"'""'""'"~~ t.,_-,-= "';"'-~ ----l>='r'""~=""'-'- "'-..\

  • I






    , .. ~

    H ' '

    l /.

    } . ' •


    S P~EDINv parUng gul'!sts gra-ciously is as much of ~" uccom-.

    plislupent as welcqining them cor· dla\IY. There is ·a distinction :between letting the person go with the know!, edge that prolonging the· visit would ·be a pleasure to the hostess, ·and trying ·to over-persuade the guest

    Jo .stay longer. The former att{tudo let.'l the guest go with a delightful.

    ·Make It to Fit Both Grown· Ups and ·Children.

    ' '

    By EDITH M_. BARBER . DESSERTS for the f!lmily shoUld

    appeal to the older members a~ well as to the children if we want · to·kepp everybody h'appy. No house.-lteeper cares to waste her time making two desserts anq yet oc-casionally husband's craving for pie should be satisfied.

    ' .. ., ll .. c ~

    ' ,, . '

    - 1._ - .I !_,i.J .Ci .1" 1 . Iiiti _ _;_ _,.L ... _I ill_ ... . . '

    • • . ') enough, or- -Jher«: wouldn't .be l!.Q rnany r~peaters: ·· ·

    Virtue and Vice

    . a . 1 , ,. ; , ...

    -For,iqn Words (md: Phrqs~$ .

    Following virtue is a · steep ~s-cent; following vice is a pre. Amour propre. CF.) Self-Jove; clpitous leap. . · - .,- -selt•estcem. .

    · · A good deal of common sense Billet C:Joux. (F..). A lov.e letter. Reminis~ence · · consists In just simply not butting, I~ertim. ·. Fold in flour silted fnur timM with bnking pmvder and soil; add fla•;orlng. Bake in tube pan lorty~five w fdty minutes In moderate 0\'CO. nt 35!) degrees Fahrenheit. Invert pan ond lot stand until e>o!d. Remove from~p:m, lear In plecM with a fork nnd frost with marshmaUow frosting and sprinkJs with pieces of marshmallow and co-conut. ,,

    Mlnee and Cranberry Pie 11.2 cups mince meat 1 ~-2 cupg cooked cranberries lh cup sugar Pie crust Mix mince meat prepared as for

    pie, cooked cranberries and sugar. Place In a pie tin lined with pastry. Place .lf.z·inch strips of pastry over · top to fonn lattfct! work. Bal«! tn n hot ·oven . (450 degrees F.) about fifteen minutes, then lower temp('r-oture to 350 degrees F. and bako twenty mintiles.

    of hospitalib' t6wol'd our thought friends, nnd how to get -rid of ~ •

    . () ~~~ S,.,mat~.-WNU Strm:e.

    panted ones. One of the best rules. How to Use Enamel • is to drive QUt undesirable thoughts In painting with enamel. take up by supplan~g _them wl~ go()d ones. an ample, but nat ~essive amount K~p repeatmg words V;'Jth ple~ant, on the brush nntf flow it on with meaniJ;Igs. VISUalize therr me.arungs. broad, sweeping strokes. Go over Our lnUIW: can not .be so busted and the coating again if necessary, but be otherw:tSe occupied. ~other rule do not brush it back and forth as is to get ~ accord wdh nature; you would with paint. The first a walk, a dnve through the count!Y• two coats may b3 flat paint-that workillg In a gatden, or pottermg is, non-glossy, For very patticular

    .about J!lants In the house. In some work, each colit should be· rubbed mystenous way !dndly natur~ helps lightly with fine sandpaper or by supplying a rtght perspective. putnice ant. water.


    al ~~ · '§liJ!H t

    Divert the thou-ghts into pleasant ch:annc;ls. by reading', writing a let-ter to a friend, pfoymg the pitlnoi planning some good times, or .best of atr .. consider way$ and means of bringing happiness ttf someonp 1ri

    ;;.._...;;::~=::::-:tf::::::!!!;::::; . trouble, or hew to bring cbeel' to some lonely soul. Put these planli into action. 1'he lltind must be kept consiructlvely active.

    I I 1 -4 I .J_J 1 • 0 non S7tldkate.-WNU Su..f:e.

    • About Lacquer ,. Lacquer is a solution of a sup.

    stance similar to cellulofd In which · the desired coloring pigment bas · been 'hllxed. It differs from painl prunarilf in ~at it dries ~Y the simple ev~JlOratfon ot solvents whereas paints 11ild • val'Jllshes de-pend for · theit drying upoft · a slow .chemical proce$S of OXidation. ,

    *~-4- 111'1""""~ t>R. PAUL G.




    EvERY car o\~~r who docs much driving over unimproved roads and who

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    bother of applying them by equipping the < •

    rearwheelsofbiscarortruck with Firestone

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    Harvey S. Firestone with his •

    engineers on his own fann in Columbiana County, Ohio~ It \'(;IS tested on all •

    kinds of roads and found so efficient that it was also adopted for tractors and • all wheeled farm implements.

    The rubber lugs of the tread are so placed· that they dean as they pull, and

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    Two extra layers of'Gum-Dippcd cords arc placed under the tread - a patenteq

    Firestofie constructJon featur~ which welds the powerful super-traction tread to

    the . patented Gum· Dipped cord body, "ltlaking them one inseparable untr. Gwn-Dipping is used only in Firestone tires.

    Fannet"S, country doctot"S, school bus operators, rural mail carrier~ in lact, all who do most of'their driving off the ·paved roads cannot afford to be without

    Gtourul Grip Tires. Go to your nearest Firestone Dealer or Firestone Auto Supply

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    • •




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  • ' '

    ' .



    • •

    L_,__ ·J •

    I -. - . - . . . . - -·-- ._, ___ ,, • ~ .. ·--

    Lyric Theatre · • •• Tract 4. ' . A, tract containing 22 acres In the SEI/.tSE% Sectlon-11, Township 11 South, nange -~~ - . ' ' - .

    • 17 East, N. M.P. M., com~encing at the northeast ~orner of the aE%SEV4 • .aect1gnUd. Fridayand Saturday . ,_, ' Township 11 Soutl,l, Range 17 East; thence west to the middle. of the old river be Rar (l-Iondo); tb,ence down tll~ center ot aafd old river bed in a southeaaterly direction: BaC::~gre in t . to the corner of the SWlf.aSW% sectlo.n 12, TownShip 11 South, ;Range 17 East, •• ,

    . . . ·ZIEGLER BROTHERs·

    .. • thenoe north 440 yards to the plac~ of beginning; together with' 56 hours pe~. week TH~ ~SKING'' . · ..

    • water right In .what Is known as the Pas Torres acequia· · A picture or ~iami during the Tract 5. ' .~ · winter~season With swanky hotels, A tract contafl'llng 4.54 acres mo're or less Jn t:be NW%WY% ........................ Sectto~ 12 sun·dreQcbep beaches, TOY(JHJhlp 11 S9uth, Range -17 East, N. M. P. M., commenclng at tbe south~est corner gambling· houses and of the NW!/1 SW 1;1 of said section 12, thence north 440 yards, thence east 50 yards, glamorous entertainment places. theuce south 440 .yards, thence .west -50 yards to place of beginning, together with four . ._. ALSO ••. ·

    • • --~

    ·~ . . ~·· .

    hours __ 'Y,.ater right per· week In the ditch known ~s tbe J'uan and Fedro Analla acequia. • · · · • · 'J'MU!t" o. · . . . . , . , ' "Hooked Lightening'' ~nd A traet eontnlnlng 29:6~ acres In tJle NWJA SW% of Section 12, Township 11· SOutlb, "Eaay to Remember" H.ange 17 IJlast, N. M. !?· M., beginning at cornet· No. 1, a cedar post set In ground, • * *. * * * * * * whence the corner of sections 11( 12, 14 and 13, In township 11 south of range 17 ~ast, ·' . . . , variation 11 degrees 46' east, bears so·uth 20 chains dlsta~t; thence varla~~on 11 d~: Sunday, Monday and Tuesday grees 45' east, east 14.76 chains to corner No. ~. 3. marlted stake. chiseled 2 TA-PA '(•fURY!' on west race· thence variation l2 degrees capt 2.20 chains tO· corner No. 3, a Ume-


    a~d HOSIERY-for Comfortable • ,,

    " , • •

    -·-Hlone HxWxlft Inches long set In ground, chiseled "3 TA-PA" on west face; thence Featuring Sil~ia.Sianey, Spencer. varlallor, I 2 degrees east, west 14.76 chains .to quarter corqer to sectlonlt 11 nnd 12, Tracy. A powerful drama report-township 11 south rang~) 17 east: thence variation 11 degrees 45' east, south 20 chains ed to be the most liberal film ever to .corner No. 1, IJbe place ot beglnUlng. · . released by the CeJ)SOrs, . ~nd 'l'rnt•t 7. · - . . · ·· .. dealing with the Black Leg10n A trl.\l dny CJC. JaimaryT 1!12~. and l~cludlnf that r·nrf ·or lh• rolJHWIIl;! dNJ('rlb('d trn('Ord nt pngo 622 of boolc A-5 ot tlw ilf'f'll ri'OOrdo or nnld Lincoln CtJun ty. TrncJ Ill.. . . , _ - 0 1 • •-

    Tntct 17, A tract beginning at the southwest corner o! the N\V~i' tJ\VY.i ot ~cctlon 10, Township 11 South. Rnngc 17 Enot~ tlumce eant oo. 0.80 chnlmf; thelU:c ennt ao• north, 17.46 cbalno to south boundary or Tranclto S. ,Phavez land; thence. nortb 48" went along .noulh boundar)! {)r auld Tran