… ·...

' ' . 1:' /. ' . . .... •• 'J ..... - r ' ' . ... } . } f I I •• I l \ I 0 ! I ' ' •• _,f...-" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .. . ' . _, :' - . • • r , < , r . .. . ' . ' ·j '. . I ,', . ' ' ?' . . ' ' ' . ' . ' . ' > ., ' ' .. ' ' . . ., ' ' _,.' ... .... · .... '• ' ·- .•.. .. -.---· •... 1 '--- · -FoR-44ijl: ... .. . .. _. "' ' ' I •. ... --------- -. ------· •. '' \ . ·. I I _()lf,!*l_ ' . - ___ ..;._ _______ - --- ''"' . Pa)'l.'oll. ,sg.viJJgs ia . ow: . (ll'eateat !lingle • factor in protel)tins otiJ:selve6 ag!Unat in· il.ation. . . . - 9';, ...... , ..... E XVIII .... :.rcamzoio New. Vol. ·azr- :' I NUMBER 15 . .. = "WE Pledge Alleginnce to of the · United America, ond for , . It one Nnt1on, iudivleiblc, with' Liberty nnd Justlco Gladney Zum · for nll." Again,, Carrizozo nnd Lincoln .. .. .. -:::::-=-=-=====- County nre called upon to . . for a noble son, Gladney G. Zum w.alt, Technical Sergeant in the U. S. Air Corp!!. On Monday, October 25, 1943, Mr. and Mrs. 'Bowen Zumwalt of Nogal received this- message from the War Department: "Regret to inform you that it baa now been determined that your son, 1'/Sgt. Gladney G. Zumwalt, who woo previously reported misoing, died ·March 28th in the Pacific Area. The Secretary of de- . mreo to extend pis deep oympa- - · · · -- · -- -------- thy. Letter foJiowa:" . . • On the 6th day of loot April, Mr. and Mra. Zumwalt rt>reived o ·• . I. . .; . . " . ·"-'· 'I ")I . ' ' . .f. . ' ' 0 Seab&e Charles Son of Mr. and Mra. C.A. Snow Notice of Taxea DUe me 55 agl' reporLiflg Glrtdney Notice Ia hereby aivon that I < w 1 , 0 in action over the hnvo received from County · "' Pacifi<· area " After t mo . Aooeanor the 1943 tax roll,. and ' his family and friPJ:ldo 'bar! Porn· thnt mxoo are duo and payable ot 'i eotly hoped nod prayed for bio tho office of tbo County Treasur- tmff.>ry, but it was not to be, so Gladney G. Zumwalt, _ cr at the Court House in Corri· FRJDAY & SATURDAY Ai:>OUBLE FEATURE Bill Elliott and CQbby Hays - -m-· "The Man From Thunder River'' -PLUS.- "Dixie Dugan'' Featuring Jao. Eltiaon, Charlotte Grgonwood and Cbaa. Ruggles SUNDAY, ltiONDAY, TUESDAY John Garfield: Gig Young and Harry Carey -ln- ''AIR.FORCE'' Big, apectocular end inllpirlna. Tho greatest Wurld Wur II avia· tion opic to dote. & "1'ho Rabbit." the hlow hoo fallt>n oil tt.e border, In Memory of Sta,r gt. zozo, Lincoln County, Netv Mex· . 'linrE> we h nd all built up bopeo "He Died, but not in Vain," icll. That tho first half of tho .. e-o_d_w-ic-lt-,-F-, that no nown woo good ncwP. 1948 tares will btcomo dvlinqUQDI _ ID _ ' ' ' · ·· · · · · · December 1, 1948, and that one I Woman's percent will be addtd upon delin· "Harrigan's Kid" WEDNESDAY & TllURSDA Y young promioing boys giving up hi D C quency. That tho second half A honm. rnco picture )'ou'ro all th:y bold dear, to a Cor- Was neton, . , c Iu b Notes 1943 taxeo dut Aprill, auro to pnjoy • .re 1 Em land to die lor their country 0 t 16 1043 ' 1944, and dehnquont. May 1,1944. "Aiao Portrait of a Gonill!l" and to keep tbiB war from our . · c · ' Thnt on May 1, 1944, ono & "Slty Sclonco.'' b · Mill. Snturnmo Cbnvez, . The· Carrizozo Woman's penalty will be add· Benin nina Nov. lot, ni"bt ebowa D oreo. · c i Nuw Mexico · oA t " o 0 Gl d · 1 r Ho num- orr zozo, · ' mot Oct. 16, w1th o.. preson · ed to cicond balf1943 taxes. · \?ill at 7:30. Swmon Rolph Dow . a woa popu 0 1 ac ualn· Dear Mrs. Cbavca; Pres. Mrs. CliCton Zumwolt pre· Dat()d at Carrizozo. New Mox- 0 , '= Son 01 Mr. and Mro. E. C. Dow bercd blo friends h 1 d q d • from. tho oided. 'Amerilffi"' woa nml!J' ico, thlo 2utb dat of October, A. Scobee Manuel Marquez lo now ho wep rqh!'blo Jtld£tbea United Stntea Mihtary Attache In Mro. Lamon leading and Mro. R. D., 1943. ott.tioncd in 1 ho Po nama Canal. Sicily a duttfOI oon and devote rot tzerland otntes that your ooo, Potty ot tho piano. Salute to the John E. Wright, - _ er. T/Sgt. Saturnino Chave-z, Jr., fiag woe given. Mro. Davia re- Treasurer & EJ: Officio Mr. E. .Poatmaa· S/Sgt. Joa R. (Bud) Cooper wno when tbo airplane in ported they had clootcd $66 at Collector, Lincoln tor of hno re:JJgned on t70D wounded in Sicily on Augll!lt Gladney G. Zumwalt, MD of which he woa o crew member wao Rummogo oale. M U!lic chairman County, Now Mexica. of til Mr. 8th and woo mmt to a bo.npitnl in Mr. and Mrs. Bowon Zumwalt, forced down In tbot country by Mrs. Ralpb Pt>tty reporwd tho 02 9-N5 to vE>ry_ populr,r ond very Nortb Alrico: He wnn relcoa!d woo born Sept. 2, 1914. on Nogal anomy oction, club wos to bnvo 0 new patriotic EvE>ryona rogrotn decullon. from a:w 17th. Ho MCJa. flo was reared and edu. It may be of comfort to YQU to song at nut meeting. · Mro. Fin. Mrs .. Ern Brodloy s.mlth han beon in now bock m S1c1ly. cnted here, being a grndnato of know that your arm wno ley reported on newo of interrm· Letter From nppomtPd aa pootmtotreoo to take · Pic. Edgar W. who tho Carrizozo Hfgb Sabool, claro ty interred 10 o cPmotery In. Swlt· tiona) nfioiro. Mro. Normf}D re. Former Reaident ---·------ in t"Jolll.mown in Naw MexiCO and of 1935. He was ciQB!I preoidont zerland, with hiuheot mahtory ported two new membero. Mo- . . thmr pictureo, and hope you can In a goorl friend t? Sgt. Bud Coop and' voh•dictorian. After com· honors wb•ch inrlu•1Pd a f!Unrd of tion carried thot tbo club buy 8 Duncan, Arizona. get them nil in Milton hQ.J been er, boD Afrien und boo plcting bio school years hero ho honor, vnll•·yo, tapo nod muoic. dozen oong hoolw. It wao voted Oct., 1943. in oarviee aix montho and lo n cor· been there nb!.lUl two montho. went to Arizona, whore bo spent Tho funerlll tvao nLten.JE>d by . our that the club donate $26 to Wor Mrs. Era Smit.h, poral. Wo oro go prl)ud of blm. . . oPvernl years, then returned to Foreign M ioioter, Eal.'h one io expcat£d to Carrizozo, N. M. 1 will sond bio ptaturo to you T I Cpl. I do Solnzar omved and was employed by Foreign reprc:Jentattvea, the Mlh· donote 00 much ao pcooible. Dear Mrs. Smith: ooon. Mondoy murning from Fort Riley, Mr. R. E. ShBfer of tbe Carrizozo tnry Attache and hie otnfi and I Tho preoidcnt appointed a com· How in every little thing in the 1 am onck>sing $2 00 for a year's Kanoun, to opend o obort furlough Auto Company until becember conoular offi"em onri who I mit.tee to find out bow much fruit old homo town? I Lbibgo subscription. · with o.t Fort Stanton of 1941, wh.on be hi$ brother came to plly tbtm renpnct to your 1 and vegotablco 036 conned by aro running 0. K., as I baven•t If Milton gotn n furlrmg'b dur· ond at Lmcoln. l pl. Salazar en Cliff went mto bumnc.:s for tlDD ond the other crew 1 club memberu 'fbe oe,·rotnry · wao heard otberwroo. ing dcPr OPD.!lon, wo wall coma lioted in the WACo about oevPn G:JIV('O. After tbrco montbo, m who died for tbE>ir country. to 6 end a <'Ord or aympotby Tho Lincoln Cotmty Newo thnt there on o hunting trip; but if ho moutho oso ond WOB cent to March, 1942, Gladney in of our. own internE>d ito Mm. Moggte v. Cbovez had pie.turca cf the boya woe fine.)csn'l como nome, WP will juat Devc ruJ, !\.ina:J., WbPre abo recvtv· the Air Corp:J. After tr:umng at aviatoro a.ctcd no f)allbearero tn I Mrs. Lemun hod eborgo of pro- ArNl't we proud of all &bose boy11? ·bunt out here oumowhero. cd her b35ic trniniflg. Sbo \lruJ 0 oeverol bru::ro, be bcenme Born· tribute ond honor to their arum. M ro. of Home They looked eo natural- and yet, Tell everyone bello for un, and wnitreC!l nt tho Sl_lvPr- Mono .cofP bordier nod Radioman on n B-24. radeJ. As anon llll militnry cecur- Servico !ted cr.J;;o from St. U,uin, when you Molt at them-your that we will be oooing them provioun to entertog tbe oervtce. In February of tbia year, ho was ity permita, Tb11 Quartermnot.erl gat.--£ on inwrroting and lnntruet. throat tigbt<lnl and yo11 want to I doy, before too long .. ordered to tho Hawaiian Inlando, Ge11eral will adviao you further aa 1 ive talk tolling of tho tbing 1 the cry. Your friond, J?vt. Corobojnl arrived whero be distingoiahcrl himself, to the location of your rent .. Red di l for tho men in tho 1 know ovoryono Hr.t€3 to ceo Mro. R. L. Huffmyet. morning and Jpft on the cor together with his erow members. ing place. l!POD , of 82 rvice 1 oJno for their familien. · -- n--- ... n> - for Lincoln, wboro he will opcnd Benidcs bin father an_d wotber, the war, will gw- The local Home chairman bin furlough >1itb the home folks. he in survived by two on to tho r-eturn of bts remmna to Is Mrs. Dowoy Sto!rca. Paper, --. daQleo Petil'i -and .Byrtl t.ho United Btlltca. . Typical Club Woman, Commit· Joe Chavez received a nice let· brot.b£Jrst ChftonJ t know that can b9 teEiil and their dutiED, Mrs.Ltlmon. ter thin wce!t from Stnff Murt: and A. a., Jr4, of thi• plncei aaid or done a* th•a t11no thnt will Pap 2 r, Homo Buildillg and Deco· Ramon B:'St. Jobp, who Urtlta· Flo:Ja of A.rteaia, Jack of in any W&J your sorrow, -"it was otatod that tater tioned nt Dalhart, Texas. Ra· Wayne, who is in the but l Lops tbnt lll tho days to on \lO will bo able to preu a but. man flGndo., beat to old Corp3, atationed at Mt. Home, .:vou will find comfort ond ton and tb§l \7aobing and ironing &ehoolmnteo nod oth:!_ fraendg, Idaho. pnde m that. yoqr nod diah wanhing will bo dono," · 10n herpu:allt gave bta lifo 10 tbla Mrs. Dewey Btokeo. Legiolative Su rp· Party . NO,.'C'E ·' I grim strugglo tor tho honor nud and Internntinnal affairo, Mr-.· " _ defeneo of cmd country. Finley. Two 0 0 n go,, "There•n . for Mrs. Burns l•lt•?d 111!' dc.p"t OJ'mpathy. nover bo another r•r," and "Pia·. · . · · . Withholding tstes for yours, tol Piloking Mama Mmcs. Ralph Mra. B:n S. was honorre ter ending S(;pt. 3,0, be . J. A. ULIO, fetty Trum1n and at> o p:lrt;v gtven Jn•t mailed not later than 31st, Mtjor General, ·MilS Betty Sbaf(lr, wit&' Thursday mght at hft' horne, by or a penalty of $20.00. will have The Adjutant General, .. lOY at the piG. no. Tho tJomnuttee, membero of Eastern Star.. to be paid 1 tao. . Mr. Vadalaenda . -s•t and erew membt)ra were Mmt•· Turner, Branum, Stover, Mrs. T()nms Smoot and S. the tor· pqhUc•tion' 1PU1d on the first day of Oetolwr. I(ohler and Stearns .. a '•'The MeJicll Collector an" A ftiah Ma" will be ,given Cor f.r:eabmenta oi pumpkin ptt & cof. It n deep, dn!k .. . that laUwrUo ftle at St. Church next Bun• fee. zurot!l artAVtild CBf!Jltlg . and the t.q wliieh t• day tMrnlna at 10 o'olock. Mra. B. s. Burna. Reporter• therein te8atttd w)U htrl 'ntini• ... ''" "'{) •··"' ..... ., A accident -oeeurred in . · · ; "'Uill Jl"'IIII.Y .. · _ J. J, !.!!tch•• trolit of FOO<! Stor•. TutJ• 1:, J •. died last. d_a:r tnGrtimg, wnen d . -', coffco eookies •.. AU . u • .. ·. . . tb• law, lnabillty ·. liorD.lrit·at In Capatan tbe Fuel Y!-ird . droye . oa . . horoow!Shmg Mt••_.tJIIma .. beduttionl &tckof · . para1Jbel!trokt •.. ,Hewa• .. . .. _ ... :. . · .. · . · ·· · . · . ·· death oecurred: Fu·1 to atop. "Ttmorakt.s du1n i .. . . , · . . . -A at•d . - 11 'for laUUl'e- to ·fife nttal the. u,-uck It .·. ·' .. : .. ··• •· . * .. · . p .. 1 · reut 0 .. d tO .... tbt · . . !unttaJ the buildtng bur; dtdn t do · · .. 1q thO arrival of nlatit& · · ·· · _j ,\) .. fl BANKS AND THE. WAR ' l.s An· Opep Invitation Fatb'er, Mother, Stat-er, Brotbor-all are buoy in thtee war times. Homei are lett empty all day, and often fat into tbo night. U'e daoaerous to leave your unpro• tecb'!d and unntceMary too, 'fYben our aafe depogit boxes art-eo eon•enilnt and low incest. 1 .l ; LINCOLN COUNTY AGENCY, Ci\izens St.ate Bank of V'&tlgbn, .. . _ N •. M. _ · ·'. · · Metitw F..tttal DePf>*it ln•ur•nce Ctitporatii)Jt . . e . .. . s. "':¥'" ·: .......... > .. ' .. ' '

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Pa)'l.'oll. ,sg.viJJgs ia . ow: . (ll'eateat !lingle • factor in protel)tins

otiJ:selve6 ag!Unat in· il.ation. •

. . • .

- 9';, • ...... , ..... E XVIII ....:.rcamzoio New. Vol. ·azr­

:' ~

I NUMBER 15 . ~~~-~J.~· ~.~~~~~ .. ~!.~~==.:· =

"WE Pledge Alleginnce to }ll~;~ Fl~g of the

· United ~of America, ond t~ ~~~~public • for

, . It s.:~}'.p; one Nnt1on, iudivleiblc, with' Liberty nnd Justlco

Gladney Zum

· for nll." Again,, Carrizozo nnd Lincoln ~-~-~::::-: .. ~-"--=-~":"'. -..----~ .. ~~=-::: .. -:::::-=-=-=====- County nre called upon to .

. for a noble son, Gladney G. Zum w.alt, Technical Sergeant in the U. S. Air Corp!!.

On Monday, October 25, 1943, Mr. and Mrs. 'Bowen Zumwalt of Nogal received this- message from the War Department: "Regret to inform you that it baa now been determined that your son, 1'/Sgt. Gladney G. Zumwalt, who woo previously reported misoing, died ·March 28th in the Pacific Area. The Secretary of W~r de-

. mreo to extend pis deep oympa-- · · · ~ -- · -- -------- thy. Letter foJiowa:" . . •

On the 6th day of loot April, Mr. and Mra. Zumwalt rt>reived o

·• . I.

. .; . . " . ·"-'·

'I ")I . ' ' . • -~ • .f.

. ' '

0 ~~····

Seab&e Charles S~ow Son of Mr. and Mra. C.A. Snow

Notice of Taxea DUe

me55agl' reporLiflg ~IJnt Glrtdney Notice Ia hereby aivon that I < w1

,0 "mia~:wg in action over the hnvo received from ~be· County

· "' ~ Pacifi<· area " After ~hat t mo . Aooeanor the 1943 tax roll,. and ' his family and friPJ:ldo 'bar! Porn· thnt mxoo are duo and payable ot 'i eotly hoped nod prayed for bio tho office of tbo County Treasur-

tmff.>ry, but it was not to be, so L~S Gladney G. Zumwalt, _ cr at the Court House in Corri·


FRJDAY & SATURDAY ·--------~----

Ai:>OUBLE FEATURE Bill Elliott and CQbby Hays --m-·

"The Man From Thunder River''


"Dixie Dugan'' Featuring Jao. Eltiaon, Charlotte Grgonwood and Cbaa. Ruggles SUNDAY, ltiONDAY, TUESDAY

John Garfield: Gig Young and Harry Carey


''AIR.FORCE'' Big, apectocular end inllpirlna.

Tho greatest Wurld Wur II avia· tion opic to dote. Ne~s & "1'ho Su~er Rabbit."

the hlow hoo fallt>n oil tt.e border, In Memory of Sta,r gt. • zozo, Lincoln County, Netv Mex· .

'linrE> we h nd all built up bopeo "He Died, but not in Vain," icll. That tho first half of tho a·-o-b-b-~-R-.. e-o_d_w-ic-lt-,-F-, r~a-n_It_C_r_a-vo-..n that no nown woo good ncwP. 1948 tares will btcomo dvlinqUQDI _ ID _ '

' ' · · · · · · · ~ ~ · December 1, 1948, and that one ev~0

~~~~Utl~n~~ ::rt:.0

t~:~ th:Oc~ -w~; o;~;t~~;;t I Woman's percent will be addtd upon delin· "Harrigan's Kid"


young promioing boys giving up hi D C quency. That tho second half A honm. rnco picture )'ou'ro all th:y bold dear, ~:oing to a Cor- Was neton, . • , c I u b Notes 1943 taxeo ~·come dut Aprill, auro to pnjoy •

.re1Em land to die lor their country 0 t 16 1043 ' 1944, and dehnquont. May 1,1944. "Aiao Portrait of a Gonill!l" and to keep tbiB war from our . · c · ' Thnt on May 1, 1944, ono PQrcen~ & "Slty Sclonco.'' b · Mill. Snturnmo Cbnvez, . The· Carrizozo Woman's penalty will be add· Benin nina Nov. lot, ni"bt ebowa D oreo. · c i Nuw Mexico · oA t " o

0 • Gl d · 1 r Ho num- orr zozo, · ' mot Oct. 16, w1th o.. preson · ed to cicond balf1943 taxes. · \?ill ot~rt at 7:30. Swmon Rolph Dow . a ~ey woa popu


1 • ac ualn· Dear Mrs. Cbavca; Pres. Mrs. CliCton Zumwolt pre· Dat()d at Carrizozo. New Mox- ~ 0

, '= ~-:-::-~·:::-::== Son 01 Mr. and Mro. E. C. Dow bercd blo friends ~Y h


d q d • lnformo~lon rec?IVC~ from. tho oided. 'Amerilffi"' woa nml!J' ~tb ico, thlo 2utb dat of October, A. Scobee Manuel Marquez lo now ~oncC?; ho wep rqh!'blo Jtld£tbea Yh~ United Stntea Mihtary Attache In Mro. Lamon leading and Mro. R. D., 1943. ott.tioncd in 1 ho Po nama Canal. ~o;;;.w;;~::d;d,in Sicily a duttfOI oon and devote rot tzerland otntes that your ooo, Potty ot tho piano. Salute to the John E. Wright, -

_ er. T/Sgt. Saturnino Chave-z, Jr., fiag woe given. Mro. Davia re- Treasurer & EJ: Officio Mr. Hor~on E. Kol~, .Poatmaa· S/Sgt. Joa R. (Bud) Cooper 0DI'l'~UAnv wno killo~ when tbo airplane in ported they had clootcd $66 at Collector, Lincoln tor of Cnmz~lZO, hno re:JJgned on

t70D wounded in Sicily on Augll!lt Gladney G. Zumwalt, MD of which he woa o crew member wao Rummogo oale. M U!lic chairman County, Now Mexica. ~ecoun' of til hm~th. Mr. ~olt 8th and woo mmt to a bo.npitnl in Mr. and Mrs. Bowon Zumwalt, forced down In tbot country by Mrs. Ralpb Pt>tty reporwd tho

029-N5 to vE>ry_ populr,r ond very cffi~1~nt.

Nortb Alrico: He wnn relcoa!d woo born Sept. 2, 1914. on Nogal anomy oction, club wos to bnvo 0

new patriotic EvE>ryona rogrotn hi~ decullon. from a:w hoap1tn~ ~ept. 17th. Ho MCJa. flo was reared and edu. It may be of comfort to YQU to song at nut meeting. · Mro. Fin. Mrs .. Ern Brodloy s.mlth han beon in now bock m S1c1ly. cnted here, being a grndnato of know that your arm wno reve're~t- ley reported on newo of interrm· Letter From nppomtPd aa pootmtotreoo to take · Pic. Edgar W. Anderoo~, who tho Carrizozo Hfgb Sabool, claro ty interred 10 o cPmotery In. Swlt· tiona) nfioiro. Mro. Normf}D re. Former Reaident ---·------in t"Jolll.mown in Naw MexiCO and of 1935. He was ciQB!I preoidont zerland, with hiuheot mahtory ported two new membero. Mo- . . thmr pictureo, and hope you can In a goorl friend t? Sgt. Bud Coop and' voh•dictorian. After com· honors wb•ch inrlu•1Pd a f!Unrd of tion carried thot tbo club buy 8 Duncan, Arizona. get them nil in Milton hQ.J been er, boD orriv~~;in Afrien und boo plcting bio school years hero ho honor, vnll•·yo, tapo nod muoic. dozen oong hoolw. It wao voted Oct., 1943. in oarviee aix montho and lo n cor· been there nb!.lUl two montho. went to Arizona, whore bo spent Tho funerlll tvao nLten.JE>d by . our that the club donate $26 to Wor Mrs. Era Smit.h, poral. Wo oro go prl)ud of blm. . . oPvernl years, then returned to Foreign M ioioter, m~ny Amertr.~~ j~''und. Eal.'h one io expcat£d to Carrizozo, N. M. 1 will sond bio ptaturo to you

T I Cpl. I do Solnzar omved Corri~ozo and was employed by Foreign reprc:Jentattvea, the M lh· donote 00

much ao pcooible. Dear Mrs. Smith: ooon. Mondoy murning from Fort Riley, Mr. R. E. ShBfer of tbe Carrizozo tnry Attache and hie otnfi and I Tho preoidcnt appointed a com· How in every little thing in the 1 am onck>sing $2 00 for a year's Kanoun, to opend o obort furlough Auto Company until becember conoular offi"em onri lodl~>a who I mit.tee to find out bow much fruit old homo town? I gu~9 Lbibgo subscription.

· with rel~tivrn o.t Fort Stanton of 1941, wh.on be a~d hi$ brother came to plly tbtm renpnct to your 1 and vegotablco 036 conned by aro running n~J 0. K., as I baven•t If Milton gotn n furlrmg'b dur· ond at Lmcoln. l pl. Salazar en Cliff went mto bumnc.:s for the~- tlDD ond the other crew mf.>~hora

1 club memberu 'fbe oe,·rotnry · wao heard otberwroo. ing dcPr OPD.!lon, wo wall coma

lioted in the WACo about oevPn G:JIV('O. After tbrco montbo, m who died for tbE>ir country. ~Pmoi 08ked to 6end a <'Ord or aympotby Tho Lincoln Cotmty Newo thnt there on o hunting trip; but if ho moutho oso ond WOB cent to l•'~rt March, 1942, Gladney enl~s~ed in of our. own internE>d Am•nr~n ito Mm. Moggte v. Cbovez had pie.turca cf the boya woe fine.)csn'l como nome, WP will juat Devc ruJ, !\.ina:J., WbPre abo recvtv· the Air Corp:J. After tr:umng at aviatoro a.ctcd no f)allbearero tn I Mrs. Lemun hod eborgo of pro- ArNl't we proud of all &bose boy11? ·bunt out here oumowhero. cd her b35ic trniniflg. Sbo \lruJ


oeverol bru::ro, be bcenme Born· tribute ond honor to their oom-~ arum. M ro. Blacl~ney of Home They looked eo natural- and yet, Tell everyone bello for un, and wnitreC!l nt tho Sl_lvPr- Mono .cofP bordier nod Radioman on n B-24. radeJ. As anon llll militnry cecur- Servico !ted cr.J;;o from St. U,uin, when you Molt at them-your that we will be oooing them IO~Q provioun to entertog tbe oervtce. In February of tbia year, ho was ity permita, Tb11 Quartermnot.erl gat.--£ on inwrroting and lnntruet. throat tigbt<lnl and yo11 want to I doy, before too long ..

• ordered to tho Hawaiian Inlando, Ge11eral will adviao you further aa 1 ive talk tolling of tho tbing1 the cry. Your friond, J?vt. Corobojnl arrived Tn~day whero be distingoiahcrl himself, to the location of your ~on'~ rent .. Red C~:JS di l for tho men in tho 1 know ovoryono Hr.t€3 to ceo Mro. R. L. Huffmyet.

morning and Jpft on the ~ad cor together with his erow members. ing place. l!POD ~ermt~atton , of 82


oJno for their familien. "---~---- · -- n--- ... -~ n> -

for Lincoln, wboro he will opcnd Benidcs bin father an_d wotber, the war, conaldtral.&~n will ~ gw- The local Home ~cNies chairman bin furlough >1itb the home folks. he in survived by two lts~era, Me~· on to tho r-eturn of bts remmna to Is Mrs. Dowoy Sto!rca. Paper,

--. daQleo Gil~tlrt Petil'i -and .Byrtl t.ho United Btlltca. . Typical Club Woman, Commit· Joe Chavez received a nice let· s~ brot.b£Jrst ChftonJ t know that ~oth_Itl~ can b9 teEiil and their dutiED, Mrs.Ltlmon.

ter thin wce!t from Stnff Se~gcant Murt: and A. a., Jr4, of thi• plncei aaid or done a* th•a t11no thnt will Pap2r, Homo Buildillg and Deco·

Ramon B:'St. Jobp, who Urtlta· Flo:Ja of A.rteaia, Jack of Cad•ba~ in any W&J tease~ your sorrow, -"it was otatod that tater tioned nt Dalhart, Texas. Ra· Wayne, who is in the A~r but l Lops tbnt lll tho days to on \lO will bo able to preu a but. man flGndo., beat regard~ to old Corp3, atationed at Mt. Home, co~e .:vou will find comfort ond ton and tb§l \7aobing and ironing &ehoolmnteo nod oth:!_ fraendg, Idaho. pnde m ~he lmowlodg~ that. yoqr nod diah wanhing will bo dono,"

· 10n herpu:allt gave bta lifo 10 tbla Mrs. Dewey Btokeo. Legiolative Surp· rl~e Party . NO,.'C'E ·' I grim strugglo tor tho honor nud and Internntinnal affairo, Mr-.· " _ ~ ~~ defeneo of lli~ l\Qtn~ cmd country. Finley. Two

0 0 n go,, "There•n . for Mrs. Burns l•lt•?d 111!' dc.p"t OJ'mpathy. nover bo another r•r," and "Pia·.

· . · · . Withholding tstes for tba'qqa~ ~ncer~Jy yours, tol Piloking Mama • Mmcs. Ralph Mra. B:n S. Burn~. was honorre ter ending S(;pt. 3,0, 194i,lri~st be . J. A. ULIO, fetty Trum1n Sp~necr Jr~ and

at> o surpru::~ p:lrt;v gtven be~ Jn•t mailed not later than Oe~. 31st, Mtjor General, ·MilS Betty Sbaf(lr, wit&' Mr~;~el~ Thursday mght at hft' horne, by or a penalty of $20.00. will have The Adjutant General, . . lOY at the piG. no. Tho tJomnuttee, membero of t~e Eastern Star.. to be paid 1tao. . Mr. Vadalaenda . -s•t and erew membt)ra were Mmt•· Turner, Branum, Stover,

Mrs. T()nms Smoot and Mr~. S. the tatl()wio~ tor· pqhUc•tion' 1PU1d on the first day of Oetolwr. I(ohler and Stearns .. se~ed re~ a Bc~tian,wh(q;ave. t~• pa'r~~ '•'The MeJicll Collector an" A ftiah Ma" will be ,given Cor f.r:eabmenta oi pumpkin ptt & cof. lr,ep~ It n deep, dn!k •!lcre~ • .. . that laUwrUo ftle at St. Ri~a Church next Bun• fee. wh~n t~o zurot!l artAVtild CBf!Jltlg . and ~Y the t.q wliieh t• day tMrnlna at 10 o'olock. Mra. B. s. Burna. Reporter• t~elr ~~~t i'!!ter~~ ~::J$get-- therein te8atttd w)U htrl 'ntini• '.i>t-~ ... ''" "'{) •··"' ..... ., A n~ar accident -oeeurred in

!'::'day~ . · · ; "'Uill Jl"'IIII.Y "1~·:t h~~ll .. · _ J. J, !.!!tch•• trolit of ~•sn'• FOO<! Stor•. TutJ• R!.lf~ti3btnent8 '!''~ •~nd"u:btil 111bj~0:0°~~!,'onnigbt, 1:, J~ J •. J'le~bf!r died last. Fri~ay d_a:r tnGrtimg, wnen ~r. ~~f d .

-', coffco Jill~ eookies •.. AU . wen~ u • .. ·. . . tb• law, lnabillty ·. .· liorD.lrit·at ~~&.homo In Capatan tbe Fuel Y!-ird . droye au-~ . oa . . horoow!Shmg Mt••_.tJIIma tt~a•r. .. beduttionl &tckof · . para1Jbel!trokt •.. ,Hewa• ~~~o~~~mft~~t.~d~ -~ .. .

.. ,;du&pw.rOOlt!lt.oUb-uJ~~~ _ ... :. .· . · .. · . · "~ . · ·· · . · . ·· death oecurred: Fu·1 to atop. "Ttmorakt.s du1n i .. . . , · . . . -A Gu~:•t• .· at•d . - 11 'for laUUl'e- to ·fife nttal arraogem~nt• ~rc p~ndf~glio:. the. u,-uck 'kep~ g~Jna. It

~ .·. ·' .. : .. ··• • •· . * .. · . p .. • 1

· reut0 .. d tO .... tbt · . . Keu~1·.a !unttaJ h~Jhlt!, awl•~~· the buildtng bur; dtdn t do ·

· ~J;ut!io:f~:S~!'T:= :!l:ri:~:':.::' .. w~!:· 1q thO arrival of nlatit& d"*•&~. · · ·· · _j ,\) .. fl



l.s An· Opep Invitation Fatb'er, Mother, Stat-er, Brotbor-all are buoy in thtee war times. Homei are lett empty all day, and often fat into tbo night. U'e daoaerous to leave your ~nluables unpro• tecb'!d and unntceMary too, 'fYben our aafe depogit boxes art-eo eon•enilnt and low incest.

1 .l ;


Ci\izens St.ate Bank of V'&tlgbn, ~

.. . _ Ctrmot~, N •. M. _ · ·'. · · Metitw F..tttal DePf>*it ln•ur•nce Ctitporatii)Jt . . e

. .. . s. "':¥'" ·: -~..:..~~-~ .......... ~~~·~-~-:-'-,.._,__...--,,~...,~':'"'~~ > ~-<=•::.r#!"<no~"'r"rll""'",._.._.,..,. >-~-~-·.1'~-~x~-t'Y'i;'~

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--· LALA PALOOZA -She Get. an Earful



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R~'LAR FELLERS-A Larae Order


POP-On tho Run •






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THAT~ 'IH' LAS't flirWAWf





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tar the table WQO nubotunilnl but crude nnd that lo where, the ln~ with the needle came in.

The 'table w~a to bo palnted cream color and then wqxed. She bought' a yard of 'slightly darker tan sateen·ond nppllqued.l,l.()~p of blue and red morning glorlea with green leaven on it. 'l'hfs wa• placed over the . tQp of the table and tnc\ted around tho edge. A piec:e of glass wno cut to m and

fmlohlng bom;da were.· Ulcn. llcrewed pround the o!deo. An7 Interesting fabric could be ueed under the glooo ot tho U\bln top, ar brlaht fiower prints or n map­would giyc a good effect.

• • • • nom-Mm. Sr;>::llm b!UI pxc;:llttll a

Qh~ct-11 by !!:1 tnchc!!-!llvl~ll complete dL'llcn''"nD ll!ld l!Qtgllcd dln:~:U.....a tllr> cut­Una and =~mbllJJIJ, tb1:l t#blo; ·~ 111l of enact omountn of materlal cce!!tll. 11le lne%JY.!rlctecd p;:!W>n tan follow 1ll~o tU> ~Uena l':llt)l tho nouronco o! pcrtcct no oultn. Dead Ill cxnJa fer l'llllcro t<o,l:lt tell

lllllfl. lttl'tll WYE'ID !lPJ;AJJ!I ~lord Wllll Now 'KQtll

Vtlllft:t lt .t:mel<lu) Ill c:col!l ro:r P& Na.:::t.

Uamo •••••••••••• ~,., ••• , • ••• .-••••••••

Mdtcrt • ; • ,, •• , , • , ••••• , •• ,, ••• ,, •••

Rapid Flashlight A new pvrloblo phpto,atopUte

nochllcht, unlng o mercury lamp about tho oito of o clgurette, g~ on ond off In cno millionth -of a cccond, and it eun "ltcct.o" the aetion of a wheel mo.ltm! .. 0.000 rovolullann a minute, t:n:rs ·Col­lier' o. Vllillo th'J lifo ot this Jomp lrl only OJtll ccccmd, it t7iU provide a million flaahen or Um number uced In 10 ycoro by Vl ba:;y no.,.. paper photouraphero. '

Do you lmow tho nctv rc[lUiat!ma on poclmgco cent to men In tht carvfca? Hero they arc: :You can cuui poclmgco to coldlcro ll.D7'­whcro In tho U. S., although thortt arc now Prot Offi~ reotr!ctlutlJ on pnc.lrogeo to overtcOD Army men; ond fou cru1 cend poclmgea to men In the Novy, C{)ant Guard, and Morinco, wherever tht17 are. And when you cerui that from home, rcmcmbor--tho gift men l.b tho t(!tvfco olweyg opprc1:iote it clflorettco. And tho fovori~ with men In tho Anny, na~. ~t Guard, nruf MarinM £5 Camel (bm:czl em actual oa!eo ret:ords Ia Po::;t -Eltchongeo oml Co.ntcens). tro atop In at your !ocal doaler tcdoy-ond mall him a carton oJ Crunelo.-Adl1.

. . . -·- .. ·- ·---' •- --- -•. . .


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.., H t · · -d.- 8a E. ·b· Ie· ·· >fUr ,a: a~. .. g . nsem. s •• •

• . .. .,..

·Add Dram.a to F~ll Costumes *'· ;'.. . • l ' ...

+-.~.,..-'-·~~-.....,.-..~•--- . . - ··-- --~--~-- -- ----:1-+---··---~...-.iiiiii'---. .... -, ' '; . . •

[F~_:l ___ ~~-. ., " By CJtEJ;.UE NlCJIOLAS

j • -

-.-. - - .. - .... --<•-· -·-----· -- ·-- . ·-. - .. . -

' ..

YOU\'. J'CStii,Urant • • • "Dec:or~tlon?" ~·I am. the decoration! .

"Yes, t know ~hnt,". w-as .the re­. tort .delightful, "but who dld the J.n..

fronJullfl.. terior thot · pales •Jnto insignificance

0 ..... bo•- whe!l you are not around to alvc U • "' .,. a g'lowT"

. '

G~ frC\$11 meat cnnnot be .tared- .uc;cessMJy tor f1nY length Of .time ptter it Ia brouiJM from tne mcu.·ket. Wrap 1~ m waxed ]Japet and store ln the treeztng 'COIQPartment of the refrigerator If necessary, but even so, uoe Jt u qUfekly i1B possible.

• • • .. To avoid losfnr lil handkerchief placed under a bed pillow, try •ewing a pocket on one .side of the pillow cnse. .

• • • Bp'apettl, macaroni, noodles,

rice, ·arQ hlah In carbohydrates and sMUJa be counted with lite tc.­reQls nnd breads, not us vegell)­blea. when plonn~ng nnd baln.nclniJ your manus •. ..... ,_

When washJDg bil5 to remove atoJns on your oven try uolng am­monia. Soturote a cloth lJOd, place ft over tho otofn, and let it otnnd. After about two houro, you eon wlpe away mo::~t or oil of tho otoln. WO!lh the oven thoroll{lhly with soap mnln after ll!llnU ammonia.

• • • Wben removinr spent piJinb

from tho garden, ll!l you eleon up your garden for winter, put dis­carded plan to, leaves, grll!ls .rak· lngs and cllppin£!0, and other olm­Unr vegetation in a wlrc encl~ sure •to motto your comprot pUo. You ctm oleo odd carrot tops, out­er cobbnco leaven, swtnto pcclln~ and other vc(rotob!a trimmings from the kitchen gorbago. . . .....

Tack :l burlap tuig on tho wnU ln Ule tcol ohed, and nearby have an op~n top pall nearly tuU of w:e!l cronlt eDtJo oil. All toolo uccd outn!do and lllicly to rU!lt oro qulcltly .cleaned on tho burlap aft­er w:e, and then dipped in tho oU. Hapa, ahavcl!J, ra!rcs and the ama.Ucr tcolrl w treated never runt and oro olwayo ready for cfficlcnt aorvfca.


MUSCLES For Qulclc Relief

l~l1'1iilttll4 -

!lllnillre:abla DaoJhttl' A pmto placed over tho door o1

a haute in Egypt JD a clan thot tho fllmiJy ll7inB thoro bnve a doughter <d mnrrloco nco.



Wa&es in Wllllhinato:J Teo -averouo calory of the 2£0,·

fin!) government empioyeeo in VJanhinuwn tcda.y l!J ohmlt lJ-47.75 • t7cck.

. Bott:r BmUh, whose first novel, "A.

l'ree GroWtt ip Brooklyn," Is a best aellf.l!', will -soo.n be a grandmnw, and she's practically a girl hers~:U ..• Lost La« Pep't: A West Coast blggte· wl~arew hla 25 per cent in· terest in ~<Laugh Time," the hU, at the last moment. The show Lq l'l}nk> ini nothing but m~JDI.l)'.

. . . ---Wbe~ MoUDt.,•tkn w~ll-!n Wntih. lnston recentl;v . tney say be bad n sesnlon with Admiral King, who sro· clously snld: "U there b anything you want, you may ho\'o it. Just nome It" . ,_ . The Admiral, of

· wos · of ships, -4!tc. . . . . replled: "There'll Just one requeot. I bo_pe you will grant me a favor,. • . • "Whot Is It?" asked Admiral lOng . . . "l wowd Ukc,.. satd .Ilia Ilordllhlp, "a top button from Y.our tunic" . . •

.. '

King seemed. puulcd. Mountba~tcn . Tbo prevailing tormulG for continued: "You ace, I have Gen· smart clothes this year lrl tho· J!ral Arnold's wings and Gcncrul dfcss or con~ or oult that In MorchoU'c top button, and I om cer• clac:Jlo in Ita elmpllclty, the toln that with yourn wo wUI hove enmo f..o oerve oo o background goo:i luck. Nothing, oir, can thee for accj!oCorleo that ore as eye-happen to UD." ~.Ppcallng na 'good taste and

~'~ money cun buy. 'This leatb up "Salt Lake Clt:r, Utah, Oct. 3: • to dascrJbiM tho bat nnd bag set to

Walter WincheD, Now York City: }F IT'S !Something of outstanding tho right. Hero you eco the "laot l'houiht probably Jho polltlclnns tn style dlotincUon you're ccckJng l.vord" in fur lt!lt'Ur7. lnterpreted In Washington ~ho are endeavoring to thlls ~roacon to glv., dash and illlfp thla otunnlnlt Co:l!lack hat, made of apeak for tho young men of America to your oppenrnncc, keep your eye block ceol, together with a mtl!l!lve v;ould be intercotcd In the following on what's doing in way of working matching bog. Tho hot b ornamcnt­restJiutlon: Whereas: We tho Utoh fur into hots and bogo arul a muJU- cd with an Imposing blg Jowt!l. done State Jtmlor Chamber oJ Commerce tude of other ac«:eo!lorles, e.ueh as 1n the true Ruoolnn cplrlt, the mag­repreaent a cross section ·of the will impart a touCh of elegance to

1 nUlccnt auccct:l!l of Rm::JfllP arms

young married men of draft nco In your co!ltume tq~t wUl rotc }'ou · hllvlng ln!:lplrcd tbiD mllllnerY trl· Utah. And Whererm wo fuU,y real· among tho hCnt )lrC!l!led wherever ; wnph lrom John Frederico. ThO"llt­lu! our rMpnnnibiiiUoll to our coun- you go. · . 1 tlo Co!l!lack hat la nn outstandinl try In thlo Umo of war. Tho lmportnneo of fur In ono•o CO(}- fovorllo this ooDtJon.

"And Whereon: ActB and otntc- tome makeup b tho subject ot con-, Rlchbrowll!larctrulkingcowrneWB men to modo by mlrllnformcd' por- vcroat.lon here, thcro on!l every- . this year, and you c:an chooso noth· tnll3 hove created the tatoo lmpreo. where In tho fp5111on realm. Un· lng smarter thol)o nn ouUlt done 1n Ilion that dran age fa thoro wlo.h epo. preccdented In the enthUSI11.5m chown a rndlant tone of brovm, tho came :lol c:olll!!dcrnl!on l.r:om tha co!ceUve for coals that are tur-Unad. To ••cop hlghlJglltcd with hat and other do­ccrvll!'f) syntem on a dopenacncy bo· : pae.e wlth fll!)b!on•e Dtrldo on{) n-nllY tnlls worked In hand!:omo mink. Tho s!s notwlth!ltondlng miUtnry requlro. ' e~uld have n glorUled t>1ool coat thnt vogulah hot abm:ro at tho top 1.5 mento. Be It recolvcd: By tho Utnb IS bondS:OmcJ.Y lined t'lltb fur. Xhlln tr!mmcd wllh rr.Jnk, thUD coUlng llt­

""fnr Cbambor of Commerce, thoro's tho finir for fUi·trlmQ\cd tcntlon to tho co:Jtumo on tiro 00 ... 0 Stllte- meeting ao::cmb!cd culto and drC!l!:CD thnt 111 0\"leoplng "otudy ln brot"ro." llcr gold hoop

Utltl . day of October, 1043, thot al a mod poe.e thin neotnn through· earcllp:'l and fic.ldblo gold tnocclot.a we urgo tho defeat of aU loglolotloll , aut nU fll!lh!on ccntoro. And when ON! pnrfcct to wcor with thJ.s ce> whleh attcmptD to defer hoadn ol . ono'o drcC!l or oult ts trimmed with tume. It b juot ouch amort wenr­tomUieo on tho boola ot dependenc, 1 tur It iD a aafa gueM Umt tho en· able fur-trimmed hatn !lll thlll th.ot only and reaffirm the foct that 1."111. ' ccmblo wm be ct~mplctcd t'tlth o hot women will bo woorlng with their hove been and oro ready ond williniJ and bog modo of matching fur. ' amort wool eo~tumco tho winter to onower tho caU to ormo II and The m-torlk, the novelty and tho through. Smart accomponlmonto b when wo oro cummoncrl.-Prco.. wealth of ldcoo eXpremcd !n theca thane hats tn.cludo 0 drowctrlng bog Provo Jr. C. ot C., Provo, Utch." glamoroWJ hot-ond·bog cet!l oimply mDde of mink with detochablo mink

cannot ho eltprcrmcd ln wordn. cuf!a that may bo t'.--om ot wlU. Now that clillclrat rw lonaer auto- Some Idea of t:tolr superb ctyJJnu l!J .Z.Toral-covo yo!U' cerap:J ot mlnk.

motleolcy become American citlzcma conveyed In tho two "cots" nhown Your furrlet' and your milliner t7hen their porcnt!l ore naturali:rod,l In tho lUtwtroUon. Tho dcolgner nf eon fllDhlon an oeeermory co~ectlon tho ll•year-old. daughter of Gcrhar1 lha atriklng hat and boa pictured out of them "t7orlh a Wng s rtm· &aer, formnr member of tho to tho left tcomo ocelot anrl blac!t com" In appearance. &lchotoe, ooo up before the lmml.jleather tonether ln a ~~t fetchm!! Don't throw even tho tlnlwt grallon and noturallulllon e::aminet manner. 'iffi.lo cunnlna mllli-mald !Jt'Jotch of fur away. In the fur . . . The child, \"tho han Uvcd mo!ll bonnet eotcheo tho opri(lhUy air of . pleceo left over from ohortcnlng of Iter 11 voarn In the u. s., wa11 youth t"i'lth lt!l briaht opr~ttod tum. ! your coot or rcotyllna It, Iurl: Ptl!l­on!ted tho ucuol quont!oruJ: "Hove : Tho Uttlo ohlrrcrl flO!te with lt!l open ! oibWtien of a new drat'mtrfng bag you evnr been o member of the ' curved bach hoo cmart leather bowo I or o "trlclcy" nodr ploco or o lope! Ccrmon-Atnericon Bund?" .. "Do! and a leather faclna for llw opotted' gadget. Out of a tidbit of fur clever you fovor anarchy?" et and cetera. 1 fur brim. The larue oval cf match· dt!oianero will evolve a <Oco bnw to

Tho child foot:~ a titUe ccnf=d . Ina ocolnl 1D nheathed.,. t"l!lli.rtblnclt clip un your breont smff.tol of your for o moment and then omllina ! lcother to enrry out lim ennemble auit or a bnwlm:ot to footcn on each ;nid. "Oh 0 quill progro~f" ' i Idea. Weor thl!l to town with o cufi of your aloven or to cUp on Whe~cupn~ the Ol:omin(!r cto,;,~d r'o: dr: or DUit-t!: will be cmatt yeur drocs-up J:Utnp:J. her po~rs ami rcpl!ed: "Yau don't 1 00 a Y or oven ti· oo:a""~a !;JI t'10Jlt4ro no=r Ut:lo:;>.

wlltlt to became on American you. ---------------------------are one!'' . I

'Ibe Eyebrow Balser o% t!Je Week:! Common &'lt!:e mogmzinq'o editor ~ oppeol!J for s:nabcetiptlmm from ,, AmericnM to "repnir any domacc" t'le may dD to Tolwo onll Berlin . . . &Jitor A. M. Bingham oayo o aroUJ ' of viljorous thint:orn oM fomotr! ! writers t'Jill ccntributc orticfeo tt 1 thot end. They inelmle: Pearl Bu:c!l I Stuart Chase, ThomoSJ Mor.n, Quin. cy Hm.•.re, Lin Vu-tnna nnll Johr ' Ho.ynes Holmen • . "To!:yo ma_l _ Cllt!J) ile destroyel'l;'• Myn trr. :8inl:l born. "'The wor1d'o third lor{letll city will IWl bo J)tlcltod with areo~ of deatructlon li!te atone.> and oteeJ. bullt Lmldon and Berlin. It will l!t literally gutted and "/,OlJO,Ollil humon beings wiU be homcles!l . . . To r£i build To!tyo, bnwever, and BerJ!n an!J E!l!zen • • • Will require teal ztotetr mtmnhlp rutd an appllcoUon ot ir"n· t.dlte democracy. Are ycu ready tt help do It, or nboU we crucUy de­mocracy on the t:rl!:::s of hate?"

We Just wont to lcb.ow ota thtng befoto we cend in ettt ehcclt • • • \Vbat kind of mcnumenr wUI marft, the spot in ToltYO w,tlel'e dl.lf ruers tror~ beheaded?

• .... . ii ' • •

Rayon Taffeta


Ration· Free Shoes • Come in Gabardine

Thnnlro to tho new dur.ab!e plontlc i:o!as of n:eant inventtlm and to the amort aabordine far uppertl. you cun now be nmarUy oltsd corw c:auptm. In the collecthn of non·ration oltpco

' that arc co hecn!J!:e they oco nll · prlnrity moteriolo you will find ou~h · llltroctlva otylea oa ctrop candn!'n ~ that ora mo~o tvitll a plontic cale that . will wenr liko leather. It'o baby loot · nM opom tile etonuero towotif molt· ing your foot lnott cmoU and groco­lul, A fD-vi.lrUe lor pr.aatlcal wear !!I the Mary Jana platform aondol. You con get It ·in block or brown ~nbnrdine with m.tlfehlng .non·cctd! Inw, connible lied!l. In tho (l)omour tu b o oUck gobordJne ptotlotm

. pump wltb a common canoe heel of patcnL Opal:\. alld bacltk:JS ill

· thl$ putnp with bows of gl'O!ltzroln to · glvo it fillip. Real dres:;y pumps su~h no you can went with your !!!mort oftemnon froe!w aro nvaUable in the new gllbordlno lcotwe11r.

• . . '

• • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • •• • .' . . . . . • • I (f • • ' I

• • • • • • I • • t I I

. I I I I

• • • • • • • . . . . ... . . . . . . ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • ill

• • • • • • • • • ••

1835 12-'f2

SJrbtrown see STUNNING ·rughtgown·-eo flat­

tering and so comfortoble. The

.. ! I


" .

~14 yn. 1 .

Duo to nn unucuolf¥ llln:o demnncl aoj current l.'lar condltlana, allahtly rnorw Um• · Ill rcqulrc:d m fllltna <1rdcn (or a tew II tho rno~l popular pollarn numb~ · Dond your order lo:

DCWJNO CJnCLn PAT'ri!!Ul Dl!PI'. GU Bo:.rth \Valla !II. Chlt:ap

Enclo:o :::J c:cnlD to co!r-.a ror udl pallorn dcDlr<:d.

Pat tom f~o .•.•••••••••••• ••• •••••

t1amo •••• ••• .. ., •••• ,.,,,.,, ••••• ••••• '


mmple lllUe bcd·jocltot will como =--~---~-~--...... ~---~=::l in handy mnny a Umo.

• • • Darl:sra IlcU Pattern no. 10!3-D Ceo

a!gne:3 tor .:ttl lll. lt. 16. lB. :::>: o &:ld ~ O:rrc::li!Jn4lrrl tlt~JI ffl<'t.U!UfOmC!plf 00, ::2, M. &!, M. 40, t!l. Oll:o 16 tt:ll £1lWD rcqutzcs t\~ )'arcl.a O.lccb, bed jacl«:) JU yudt.

ScbooJ Delle A CLASSIC for the ochool·alrl

wardrobe,. thlo CDtJuol Jumper with tho cot·ln belt and amplo pael~et!! wlll moho bcr oycn cpor­Wo oven mora .brJchtly, setting bor "ott to a perfect otort.

• • • Dort::~n Cob P.ot!om no. lll7lotl t1 Co­

o!sncd fCT Cll:Cll 0. 0, 10. Ill m::l 11 )'Cllta. Oll:o B f'C<lutrea D\~ lf.OrdD of n.lro:~b me• kc:rtlll t~r U:o t=DC: ar.:l JU vuca tcr thtl b!C'"~.

French Guiana Has bot Few Modern Necessities

AJth11u[!b ona-thlrd tho tlilro of Plronco, French Guiana hon n'l> poe!:cnncr roilrondo and only 03 mtlcn of mcdloero hlglnvaya. Not nne of Ito townn, tncludlna the capJ., Cayenne, employe Dtreet clean­ern or aorboao collectoro or hoo a cowoao; and li par cent of ito enUre populnllon In ofillcted wi tb I opro!JY.

NO ASPIRIN FASTER lt-XJ ccnulnc. puro St. JDICllb Asplrla. Wodd'e lariat ~'!a at lOt. Noae ater, 8001euUr. Dtmand St. J:llltrb .Alpkle

One Pa~ ln Mexico Meruco boo only ona official gcw­

crnment party, tho P.R.r.t., a. Partido Rovolucionor!o Mextcano.

SoltlJe.r DenedJcta One-thJrd of tho men in the U. 1!1.

army todoy oro mnrrlcd.


• ELS -tt•e ~me bunked. of mlllioo cf Cnmcl cl~ are cow lclag C~f fa C:CQ m wo scrvicc. Ill c:u!lfidoo ro tho filWcnm:cmt'a own purchn!:a Eo: cmz ligbdos =• v~nu czganlulloru. .frn:cms.l ctdcn. dum, Etleadl ud rcladva cvcrywbo nro &e::.dlog them Oimeh. Yet; CamqJII A£~ &ill, Camels uo tho fnvc:i~ d~ with mea 1o tdJ ito ~leo-Army. Navy, Marino Cc:ps, at:d Co;m Gt:a.rd.•



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··~. ---· ,__ . - - --· ..... - -- . ·-...--- .--------·­

· Lineobt County News =

-- ------- --·

Publish~ Every Friday ' ·: ---::t:t_ . .,_. ;;;;-;; ---·-

£otorod •• •ooocd•oloo• metter ~DIJ. t.D, I~ZO •• , tho p<at oillco ot <Jarrlww, U•• lto•lco, 11odcr tba Act al iiAreb D. 11l7D.

----- . ··------·-- --------

. .. •• • ' " ,,, I ' . --~ .. . '· . •

In the Probate Court . JOHN E. HALL '

STATfJ Oli' NEW MEXICO --~~!!'rui ~~.!. -. ~LINCOLN coUNTY - Opposiw • ·

· .!:.: • Carri~o~Q Hardware<liu~-In The Matter of the Loot ) .. Carrizozo, New ~exf~ Will and Tentoment of )

Annie E. Lt!onctt, ) No. 567. .J)cccascd. ~ ) • . '

Notice of Appointment MRS. MAi. ENGLISH


-"'----•' ..

. .

•• . . I


. '

" .,

. . ..- " ft ~ 't ,, ' '

NOTARY PUBLIC . ·; --·--···-.M!!!n!l!L~~~ ~===f:~~~~~ ~~~~~~Loeii~atft ~~;I{d~c.oj-~~

of AdmiQlotratrlx

------·-- -- -- day of Ocrobcr, ·the undcrolcllcd FRIDAY, ()CT. 29, 1948 wM appointed ndmlnlotrotrix ofthe Last PHONE 96

____ - - - Will and Telltnmcnt of Annie E. Los· -·-·

9 8 -~~~-· Edller acd Pablllhllr nett, dccoaccfl, In the nbovo named ...., _______ .,......, ... ,....

lira. ErA · m • Court, nnd having quallfied B!l puch, T. E, KELLEY · --- . ·· ·· · ·· - · - · -- anyone bqv ng n claim ogainot oold ·ell·

Ration Reminders taro is he by n.otlticd to file. the came. within ol montho from October 29,

- 1943, an make proof II!! required by Shoe Stamp No. 18 will l;c good Ja~1. .

for an indefinite period of time. Elizabeth Dingwall, d th · Admiobtratrix.

Funeral Director tmd

Licensed ~mbalmer . 'Phone 38

Carrizozo • • • • • • . N. M.e, It hao been announce ovflr e r,o -u-IJ c ,_ zo Now ""--'co . II b John ..... .<=-> , PJT"'o , ... ,.... •

Radio that 16 poJnto WI ere·. Attorney ror Admlnlntrotrlx. 029-N19' ~ WANT~D; . quired for .o po~nd . of b~tter. ~SCRAP IRON. · Ol~omargannc will ottll requtre 4 R • . 8 k N 4 Tbc Titsworth Compnoy; Inc .. pomw. atlon oo o. . .. . . .

The blue otampo for ranned Capitan, N. M. goodo, frnzen foodo anrl othPr pro· Ration Book No. 4, designed to ceoocd it(•mo will continuo in uoe loot two yearo, will be ready for until Nov. 1. diotrlbution tho last of October WANTED! X, y and Z will then le ertectiv!l. 1 1 1 • N

and wal go nto uoe ear Y m OV· An ombltlouo, wldo-o-wolte man or and thPrr· will be an overlapping ember, the OPA hao announced. mJmnn. ~ Wo1t.aftcJ'-l1{)1~cw~s.anrW~l JWrtod lltl tht! new blue tJtampo go 1'hc new ~ook; which will be ob- oubncrlptiono for tho popular, fll:lk:olling into rffert. tnlncd through 11 notion- wide mogazlno, Tho AMERICAN liOME.

- - -- - . - - ochoollwuso registration, will com· It b OMy, p!cll!!ont worlt, and le payo Notice I d i t · f big commlcolona. SpQJ'e tlmo ~nly re-

. bioo PO nt an un t G ompa, 0 qulred. Write today to Director, Salce wh&ch thpro will be 384, printed Dlviolon, Tho · AMERICAN HOME

Tho Htatt> or New .Mexico is no~~ unrll'r the Hth Service Com­mand, Dallao, Texao, and tho fol­lowanu Air Raid warning oignnlo are n .. w 10 forre and will be ucod oxcluotvdy hore:

Blue Hignal: City Siren. One long for two minuteo. WQrning tor publtr tn be on alert.

R o d ~tgnal: Short t7arbling blaota mt oircn for two mlnutco. Thio io n Blacltout Signol.

Wbtto Stunal: A II dl'ar. Street ltghto tvlll b(• turned c.n.

in blue; ted, grc.>en and black. MAGAZINE CORPORATJON, 2 li 1 The red and blue utampn, which Fourth Avcnu()o, Nriw Yorlt, New Yorh.

arc for meat, dairy products .ond procerocd foodo as nt preoent, will be UiCd in conjunction with red and blue tokeno, tt:o latter to bo introduced early in 1944, and giv· en by merchanto in chango. Gre'm stamp:~ will bo uced on on "in­terim baolo," "ith blue processed food BtamJJn, in much tho en~e m~nnor ae the brown stamps in Book 3 are bcinll uccd th(o month io the meat-fats program.

, Cnrrizozc, Civilian Twelve of tho 96 unit etomp3,

Udt>noo Councll. printed in block, are dc.:lignatcd -· ,. ___ ...,_ -- --- -· ---

• Notice

for eusar, An oqual number are marked for cofYeo, tvbicb ia no longor rationed. Thcso and 72 others, marked "apllJ'ea," will ~rYe for 11ny additional foodo ra


---nnd----Ii'RliNDLY SERVICE


. .


Loca1-errurches · --~--~---------·---

Santa Rita Church SUN DAY MASSES At 8:00 and 10:00

Rev. Salvatore.

Church of Chriat Bible Study . 10:00 A. M. Worobip 11 A.,M. and 7:30 P.M. Mid-wec!sStudy, Wed. 7:30 P.M. Preaching ot Cnpitnn 2 · P. M.

Daylight saving time • A vio C. Wiggino,

Minioter. . -

Trinity Methodist Chur•h Church School.......... 10:00 Pr;;&Jbing Service.. .. . ... 11 :00 Youth FoJJowobip.. . . . . . 6:30 ~~ oro he;c to serve. Will

you do your part? You are well· come, come and wornbip •

• Jobn J. Loudin, Minioter.

All nppliratiuno modP for ('00•

nlnlt ouuar muot hP aecomponic>d With nil B••olr No 1 of tlw fnmily mnkin(.! oppllratif!n for o a me .

t10ncd, tho OPA declared, ito pur- Yeo, Blr-c·ol Duy Changes in time of Service pO:e being to provide for any con· h!O'ro and ch<e.rup for Firat Baptist Church I

Stamp!! Hi not! 16 on• to be U!Jed for ranninu bl.'foro mnltiDtJ eppli· eation for additional ougar. War Prtco & Rationlnf.t Boord 14 Carrizo:zo, N. M.

No Hunting Nor TreUJ'OI9· ing op my Property East of Carrizoxo. Violntoro

Ungoncy, oince tho not7 boolto are TONIGHT AT THE ; War Time) expgcted to cervo for two yenra, Yucca Bar Sunday Sehoul..... 10:00 A.M. tl!l compared to 4 or 6 montbo for Morning Worohip .... 11:00 A.M. proviouo bool.ta. Tho co:Jt of print- -J. G. CASH, Prop. B. T. U. . . . . . . . . . . 71)0 P.M. Ins io about tho nomo, around Evening Worohip.... 8:00P.M. $1,600,000,It woostnted. W. M. U. Wednccdny 2:00P.M.

Rcgl!!tr&tiun for Book 4 io New c· Prayer Meeting, Wed. 7:80P.M '11 " 0 *>7 oo "" t Save Tin an• Mexico wa ue at .. .- •c:.cr6<1 a N. T. Jomro. Pootor ..

aohool bouet:J, accordina to H. L. A pita to bowswivea to con· -============:.=.. Gallca, state OPA rationing offic- tinuo preparation and oalvoge of cr.

.... _----=--"""'"~

tln canP. ~n ar6oo wbero tin can campalgno arc authorized by ths War Ptoduction Boord waa made t'Jday by the regional WPB con­servation manager.

For The Lateot


• ' . . . , __

. . .· .,, . ·-- :..r • . l.: . ... ~-

. '

• • . .

• •

Court~111 Lo:1 Aa11DI•• ----------------------~ . --~--..-~.',_ __

7 -• ~· -~.r~~ .. .- . • "

·- .....

' But due to the war we l1aven't been able to buy any garment hangers for the past

few months, our supply is now eibauited, so it becomes necessary to ask you to bring or send hangers with order. All extras you can spare will be appreciated. Thanks.


. .

. . ' . . . ' ,,

• .

will be prosecuted. HENRY flOFFMAN

WANTED: Even tho tin ~n collection in E.omo areas ion't exactly what it ohould bo, the urgent war need (or tbt llUp0r-eritieaJ tin contain· crl In conn b!l!l not cjiminisbed in

~*~--------~.---*~! 'kllud'lftU~.Bucj 'lf/dlt, I PERMANENT WAVE 59c!

Wll R B 0 MD s I Do :J'OllM)WD Permanent with Chum-


-- ~~,_-=--- .... _________ ----~~----

"I LOST 52 lbs.l WEAr.! SIZE 14 AQAIN" lib. 0. D. WILU. n, WOIIVH

Ao r::~ ttora~


NOTICE Posted Land

No ilunting, No Wood CuLting Persons doimg Et) tlrosceutcd to

Uw full Clt.()nt ottbo law.

1000 us The Titsworth Co., Inc.

thQ oUgbteJt. Tho need for tin io greater than

over. Our job now io to perree· col!c~:tion metbodo ond to oalvago overy cao pcs:Jible.

Houaawiven are tnt!Cd Lo eon· tinue to oboervo tbcso umpw

Buy More War B~nds TodiJ rulcp: Open both ends of tho can. ----,_,..---~-~-~ Wash tboroly. Remove paper

lab:?hl. Flatten tho ean merel,9 . by stepping on it. Deponit in a ao~rate box or container for tu!­


Capitan, New Mox. Preaching ... WoraUip

Btginning at 3:00 p. m.


News . Read the El Pam> Timeo

0 -or-Tho m Pooo Hern1d·P.ost

Fran!: Loudin, Dl•tritJutor Night Sor'i7iccs Beginning at '1:00 Everyono Weleomrr

Throughout. Now Mexico ~an coUeetions a r t onetJuragcd b:; · WPB. In mtlny areas,·collcctions art being mtldo by drivers for bnt· _...._ _____ ......,. __ _

eompan!cJ after loeal salvago tomrnittecs bav& gathered tho

o. R. Turnbuw, Minister ·


Buy An . · Extra SlOO

• War·· Bond· During·.

I Cltl! at a cnntrat poiut.-·

··SEE US -_ F')R .. . (

Lnr--rnklm\ns.. · Dttt.ttt&ns

S'f~ 't.tlMi1)1'.r& ~ 'ERvnt.Ot>.Us •

Ct~cttU!lS _ Bnsw~s• OA:ana ..

--Fl~~&T·OLASS WORK . MASO.NADt!l Pl\lOts .. U* C.Wtr lift


Special Ration Coupon•

111 ! Kurt Kit. Complo~ atttfpment, Jn.

Hogy Stano

Cleonlinaon b the firot order of ev­ery Amcrfcon coldier and onUcr and tho United Staten Gnvernment op2ndo milllcn!! upcn mUlion!.l of dol· lnro to lteep our tlalltina men n!l cle:m and an healthy O'l circum· oto.nct:o will p2.rmi t.

' .. ---' ··- ' ---·-· ·--- ... ........ ---~·-

eluding 40 curloro and obampoo. Ea:JY to do, oh::olutcly he.rm!---.n. P.rala;Jd by th~r.l'lmldn lncludinq. Fay McKen· cit!, r:lomoroU!l movio ota.r. Money re­funded if not catbilcd.

Rolland's Dmg StoJ>e . .

~ ~ - . .

The More Folkt You Tell . Th~ Mc;:re Goods. You Sen ~ ' .

:_ ..,r ·· ··y · · ·· '' _, -:t';zr~·""'"'"'"'- ·· · - -·- '*"··---.4 . . ..... ~.. .., .. , , ' . 'l'H lli6ft!!taey sss~t;_~ ()f th~t u.- . • r · bbtt M•t•ni

. ktwt 1rU bU~l i'l~tn Uil:l n.~~Z<>!ltati 'i'llo wlte WM k~Pif hu .... lif k -nstn of w~!thtt. ~ t•U!J ~t thl . · irattt all~ ttat at.otll at ~••" 'fllllH>.t toll! tt tlltft 1rQ 1~l!c 1'* · ·s;u:~ U' · IQIIJ"t• ... ... ,liHTlu.l eTtt' .U wtlrta Alii;

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ft'1f·tough to lose a pet, a- wallet or; any kind of v-ahut'ble. But don't give up hope until you have tried an ad in the LIN­COLf~UNTY NEWS to help you re-

.. covet .,~ur loss. - - - - -

Office Phone 14 Residence Phone 35

,. ~ ·- .


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- ' ' ' , .. , . ' •, ,' ~o/ •· ~ t.~..~ ..

; ' . •. .. •


• '' ' . ' •

· .. • .. .. ' .

And Other Meri' Overaeaa •· '

Many •n:)l;iOUs trie'fl(Js and rela­. · tiYi1~ of Qur Servicl.l men. and wo·

· .• wllQ are 'htld in pii$ob and ~ ' .-· . ~ '

internment camps wil\ h• ~tad t.o know that tb~y may aend *hem · . .

have- tbnt or-ders inust pe placed between Sep~ tember 15·and October· lt>, 1943,

·order to be delivered in time. · · The National Red Cro~s hns

authorized ehvpters to receive C(llttributions. ·with which to pur­chase standard pacltag,e!l of iden­tified and ~nidentified prisonQra of war. Those wishing to ·avail

of this offer to sen 1 a . Christmas gift may make their

~ donation to the Chapter Chair-man,· Mrs. Dewey Stoltea of Cnr­rizc.zo, New Mexic(l1 or to the fol· lowing volunte(Jr workers in yon

=:::::-:._::=:= .. :-.. -=====::::::::::::::-:~~==::::=~======~===: · community.

• I



• •

' . ., -- .. -· -- . ,.... . ,,


ou ·s e .

on .ess! - . Almont evoryo!le llheo o myo· tcry--alm1ot everyone enjoyo the thrilling CltCJlemert of traclung down a criminal with an nco detective. But como nrc a II tlc Ollbamed to admit rend· lng myotcrll!o. Well··\ ou need nr•t bo •. Maybe you didn't !.mow that mQny college pror­cworn, banh preoldento, great ocieotbt!l, c:aptnlno of lnduotry,

even the Prc!!ldcnt of tho Uni. ted 8tatco olllllto their myo· terlco. In 'net, mllllono of Am: 11rlenno a;c rl!ading more myc­tcr)ca todny than ever before. V/hy7 Mnlnly bccaw:o thc=o r'an"t.:paccd, I'!Olly-rcodlng otorlc!l llTC both ·rclnldng and rcfreoh·

lug. It b for, tbcm-tmd for you - thg.t wo nrc publl.ohlng

Ellery Queen's· Mystery Magazine Edited by Ellery Qqccp, f!lm·

OU!I detective of tho rndlo, tho movlro, nnd bc:Jt-ccllor boolro, It ~ov.oted mtclunively to tho brot In dowctivo crime cbort· otory literature. And '>"IO m~tm literaturo. Tho (oct that a otory oweo ltn plot to crlmo tmd dotPctlon need not prevent ito belna well written. Short do . tcctlvo fiction that ID well wrlt­t<m In not too readily ovt:llloblc. But we nra findlncr thcm··ln boolro, In maguclno, lu th~> fllcn of famoun nuthQto··and by nr­rnnuemrnt t7Jtti other publloh· ero n:J well Oll \?jth autboro, we rl!print in tho approvl:'d Rend· er'o Discot manncl' the ocnt d•:­U!etlve fiction to bo\ procul"('d

Su eb mmt,ero n:J ' .Oil!lhle II, Hammett, .ll.gntbo Cbrlotlt', £1tunrt Paltner a n d Ellery Queen &1o to bo found In it.

Dut otorics oro solccrod on their morlte, not G1l outhoro' name.:~. · Tough and oanvo, 'ca!laal and owlft, comlc o.nd tragic, they oro mingled with rc!rcoblng variety 81ld otlmulatlng change of pace. -Raro gem:~, J!~ lor tho tno:;t critical, dcllgbt7ul to tho mrot nnlvo. You will flnd tho now maga:dno \'roll printt!d -· obarp and cloar, ltind to tho oyc:~. }"ou \701 find tho ol:::o· oamo a~ tho Ronder'o Digrot • convonfcnt to bold, til handle, to ollp lnto your poe !tot. You will find tlro cnvllr n:J p!ell!linB to loolt a~ ll:l a boolt jacltct. And you ~ill find tho contcntn tho mo:~t caf.lo,fying qU!Irror'c worth of goo!J ontertntnment

3011 havo foUtid In many n day. On colo dt nll good not"IC:ltnndo

-2oo n copy.


LINCOI.:N COUNTY NEWS Becall!:O tVe want you to !rnOtV tivo atorico llllW o.nd old·GO,OOO

Ellery Qucen'o Myotery Mngn- wordo of thrilling myoter!m­mne we will ci>nd you a ropy of f01 only 10.:. tho cnJt uf poo

thb optbolartY of the !trot detee- tugo o.nd bondlina.

Fill in and mnll the co:.tpon below t"ljtb lOe today.

t _____________________ ... __________ _ ELLERY QUEEN'S MYSTERY MAGAZINE G'i'O Lexington Avenue, Now Yor!I, N.Y.

Heru'o my tOe for which plea<:a cend m:J a copy of Ellery Qucen'o Myntery Magnclne.

Nnine--···· --------------- ·-----------------

Addre9-~·---------- -------------------

City C; Stnte-------·---------·-

ell Good-Neiglzbor

· Creed

U you Wer(i acquainted with the other loth on y01u . telephone party line. chanecs are you"d God .. them good neigllbora ••• people you'd Uka ••• people who believe it) eharin.8 patt:f line service thla way: •

• l. «someoo~y ~ <~n {U1 Uno Plllf !Jo waitine to

lJ1akc • c.llt Bill~ lJo haicl',tt ·· n. ~hen dlu Uno {IS to we .. and. rm wl'ltdn! anr

1tlftl, I w~11't tu~ennjit. • '· ' tU. ~·wb~ l h•vei ec'icrnl ctlis to matte. l'll.Uow thnc

· b~lWtCU · ~etu ~ ()tltct pcraons 4:!atl me the line!' •·

IV. "When l fmteb. ~ ~ m .make mre r.c btmg up proptify* M> aU tho tclcphont! on the lino won•t b!) put· out pf eci'

-. . - ......... ~ ..... • ......... _."':'--· ·- .. .. . ' -· ' ... . '

Mro. W. R. Belden, Corona ~

Mro. W. E. Knott, Jr., Three ,.

Rivers Mra. Kivas fully .. Picacho Mro. W. A. Hart, Ruidoso . Mrs. Perry Soars, Capitan Mrs. Lola;Stueland, (t't.Stanton You will find tho regulationo

governing tba elzo and· canton to of packages posted on tho bulletin board in your postoflico7

Please give the Service m11n's rull Dlimo, raok, number of pri-

• aoner, nationality, prison cam~, country mnd tho donor's nnmo, 110


tbot n copy of tho order mo:v be sent ao a receipt. Donora may not order moro than

I'DilO· pncknge for each prisoner at a time. ... '\..

SllPT. 15 to NOV. 1 baa been deaignatcd •• the period for mail­Ing gifts to Naval and Marino Corp:J pcroonnel overoeas. Par· eels munt not weigh over 6 poundo

, or exceed 15 inchon in length and girth of tho. package combined.



Mrn>I.B on tho firnt Thuroday in each month. 1

Vmiting 8taro cordially mvited , ''

Mrs. Anna Robortn W. Ivt Jeannette U!mon, See.

Carri&ozo ~aembly No. 7 Order of Rainbow for Girlo.

Moetinga 2nd and 4th Fridayo.

Worthy Adviool'-Dorothy Hc•ffman.

Secretru'y, Margnretto Myero.

Grnce Jones, Mother Advioor

l. 0. 0. Il.



SJlO(!inl MePting, 2nd Turodoy in eacb month. L. H. Dow. . • . . . . . N oblo Grand Jobn E. Wright ....... Sea -Treat


Ccalora Lodgo, No. 15 Meeting data ilnd and 4th Wedoe~days of c.:1cb month

• at 7 p.m.

Mayme Grcisen, ' Noble Grand

Birdie Walker, Secretary • ' ..

I'L~ 8VV THAT tmrJr. I GOZ..O SOME .

1"1-tE!ATtfC AD

Sen ~te fltphanta" · WhatYou Wutl

"' ', . .


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·Chairmen· of Committees: Lincoln County Chairman, T. E. Kelley

• Assistant Couhty Chairman, R. L. Fulmer

PVT. ORVILLE DOW ( Overseas)

Banlle.r, Ray Lemon _. -::--:-::=::===:=;:===.========~.:-::::. -:: .......... ::::= .. ~::-.. ~~:-::----=~ .. = capitan, Perry sears 'Quotas for War Fund Drjve Corona, Geraldine

Perkins For Lincoln County Ruidoso, Louise Coe . •••. Carrizozo ......•........... .... ' ... ' ....... $ 700 00 ... .

.. '

_ Publicity~ Era Lee. -y- .. T -Fort -Stanton- T TT T ~ t t o t o o o o o o o • • o • o ;;- > I I .. 0 I" T • -3()().- .()0 ........ T

: '



Solicitors For Funds

Mrs. W. A. Nicholas

Er~estine AllBUJ1

Nellie Lewis

Mrs. Wade Lane

Felix Ramey . Mrs. T. A. SpcncQr, Jr.

Rev. John J. Loudin

Betty Shafer

Mrs. James Ln Rue

Mrs. Johnson Stearns

.... Capitan. . . . . . . . . · · · · · · · · - • • • 0 • 0 •• 0 0 0 ••• ~ ••• -1 ... • 350 00 ° ••• ~~--

.... Corona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 00 ....

.... Ruidoso .............................. ~ . . . . . . . . . . 226 00 ... . '

.. '. ·· Ancbo .•••.•.•.•... · ...•.........................• 150 00 ....

.... Nbgal .......... '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 00 ... .

. . . . Lon and Iiamon ... ,. .................... . 100 oo .... ArabeJn -. . . . . . ........... 0 •••••••••••••• 0 ••• o ••• 75 00 ... . .

. . . . Lincoln 0 ••••••• 0 : • • , ............. 0 ••••••••••••••••• 100 00 ... .

••• 0 Wbito ..•.... 0 ••••• 0 0. 0 •• 0 •• • •• " •••••••••••• 40 00 .... '

•• 0 • Coyotg ................... 0 •••• 0 •••• o •• 0 • 0 ••••••• 0 • 20 00 ... .

0 ••• Occura . . . . .......... 0 • , • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • •••••• 20 00 ... . '

. •.. Ruidoao valley from HollJwood to Picoebo. . . . . . . . 350 00 ....

$2905 00 In February oJ tb!J year tho County rniacd Cor tho Red Croaa ' . .

$2903 00. Tho amoua~ contributed by encb community wero oub-

otantinilr iq_ Uno with tbe above quotoo. · •

• - - ,.,_=' - - tL- -- •-·•"""

Statement by Chairman ~--·~ .. --.. -

This War Fund is an absolute necessity. We have so many boys over there of ou r.)'o\vll1l who may ueed now some of the thongs thl.s;-money will buy. ·


Let u. Give and Give Freely! The Carrizozo WomaDll'., Club

gave $25. 1"he neunocu-atUc. Cen .. tral Committee gave $25.

This ia for all War Relief Orgrmizotiona---

CAPT. GEO. S~RAUSS, Jr. JncJuding USO. N rm GhiPf Commondgr of

B"mhing Squod.

Why Try it • Yourself?

When You Can Gea ff

T. E. K(JI/ey, Chairman.

I * * 1 11Jiud 'lj~ But) 'lt/ltlt.

\VllH m1nDNDS tlo J.~oro tJra!JS

On land or ot ceo our flghtlncr men do their many chorPo by U1c aound

Better SerYi~ and · Quicker Cleaning

-ATTHE·-Nu· Way Cleann•

Dolivezy and Pickup fll'Vlet

of o bucle. lUI corto of uncompll· mcntory epilhcta ore u!::cd to deolc• nato tht:> bualer, but nobody hoo yet . imen oblo to provldo o on tiofactory I .

oubntitute for lo bualo olthouab ro-. ' ..

Pbono • • • • • • 81

Expert Hat Cleanlnc and Re-Bloekln1 '

• , ;-'· :. ~; =.-:---=-'7-'--!'=~~-:---~:::z::·=;:"r::::::--..._.,;; · -~· ·- :·=: -:t-::.:·:: ;,=: :; ·t==::

. Tlie World,• News Seen Thr9ugh · THE CiiRJSTriAN SciENCE MONITOR

An litlti'f~Mional DatlSJ Ne11.JspQpet b 'rrotM'ul · . · · ~ftee ttom Sfutat1otla!· 1!::1-Edltod;i& An T&aelt aittl. JJi;truaitil .llftd Iu D.1i1y fo::tw~. TC1ltilit1' .rth. t&t Wet~y Mlltu:.t SKdoc, l\Jab t!;o atc1u~o:: lA ldut Na~apw lot the Htitt" .. ~ ............. --.. ~--~· ... ·-... ~---·--....... ......_....._ ...... --a ......... ..,

. "ftl.e Chilitlan Sd«*ta Publlihlc Scttittr One, Nomat ~ &JtdDt M~t:.ehm.ttl

. Pd:. -12.® Yeetl;t cr $t.<IO 11 Monds. ~-eu~av l!!!t~ !ncllllfio& Mt~ne.Sf~cm. l%.6fl &!kYear. ~ 'lU:tci!~milf t~l!u; 6 Xsiil'l• z' etm.., ~

., Ma.cJ.~.,.,. ....... t: ••••'ii~-i·-..,...,-it'O~Dao......_~_...,.,.. .. _...,,.. .... ali!• . .

Ac!dna. ................ ~,.......~--.:..-.......,.-.....,..,. .. · ........ ...,....,...,.~ ... ·.11 , ... MMfittl COW tJ!'4 tu:Q.tft:i'St' t!~'$$~ ................. ~M-OO ..

. '

1 col'dinao oro tmed ot como permo•

· nent bacdo.

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· ~~~-n ~~~l}:f1.S · P~oo.eding.~~~e~ .. : :'War'· D.~~lm:ati~u ... . .

~- ,'

" ' ._,




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; ... " '· ;.' .. •. . . ,- {" ' . . • .

,., .. ... ·: ·' .· . •', .

• I • !. ·_;. • j' _3-

. W~!ih:IDJ,t~.t D. o. ~S MOM!.~ 18 CBA<m!NG . MiUI~ report& ~!lt have l~Jak~d ouf of Germqey In the past two or three weeks indicate quite deilnitely

, that mornre is These


·- .. • ·' . ._- .

_ .•.

. . I. . . [i I . I . ~ .

. . ,· ..

. • •

. .

1 •. Wb~t w~re Clotho. La~:b~ . and A\topoJ JQ. m;vtho!Q~f ·

2. ltowlJlanY rmtioM areinel~ . · . we call ''The U:rutet~ .

; . . . . '


' tons of l!ll.lepl:tntll of a 35,000.toD _, __ ------1

· •·~ . . what is the meiUiiDI of p:to tempore? .

5'." Which continent hilS the ereatest area? · .· 6. Wba~actlon of the total ra· didt.fcm ~ , sllll does the enrtb get?'


TheArmveu I

I. The three fates. Z. Thirty-four. S. ApP.roxiniately 37 tons of blue­

print!! are needed in the bu!ldil}g of ono 35,0D()..ton battleship.

4. For .the •time being. \) 6. An.ia. .

G. One five hundred milllonth of o the .total l'adiation,







.battle Front Exchanges

Tho WACo Cll'O arodually tn!dng over tho tc!cp'hono tmltchtroord!} in l~orth Mri'Ctl, Unro rclcoolng the m~n opcrotoro for oervlco in the flc!do ()f boltlo. Theca airlD ore doina a vitD.l job, operating come of tho mc::it importnnt war equip. ment ln tho or;;orld. And according to tho varicnro crcncrob, their cl­flcieney i!J urururpom:ed.

Tho or;;ortimo phono oyntcms hnvo cmchnncrcn ol!;o. But G. I. •s don't crivo them cedotc nomen rucll on "State•• or "Piruro." VJhen they P'lla o eoll thrcut:th to mo battle front. they onlt for: Gruzty Bear, Gfl'-lY Leo, M:orphine, Hpt Box, Flntcnr, Uor(lUc, Girdle, Halli!a. J;l<)J;:pill.

Take iood-tastlnf tonic many If actors recommend

·-· •



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IN A . ·.Frankie

footbcill · reQentl,y

. .. '

ilenlm~ .wJth tpp college · Who ~iifled

I..lons, we

the MMtltis, odnftommQtion o1 the ud- . We f;Jald that "• hnve been

der of mUklng coWl'!, can now be con· ) ... • "' l u g · · nk trollQd nnd in most cases cuteckeaya P en.., 0" IIAfll'l!lmes · 1l ~- !l 0 f!) .. JI 0 . w. S"hlom ,_ "Bovine Mllstltls," who tolled In \heir prof~sslonnl 4:~·

"' "' recrs. In fact, most .or the top pro-11 late pamphlllt published ~ tlte. fcEmional. teams consist of. lndivldu­Universlty of ..<."alilornla. Two t¥pes ols who never boll\flJ."ed aol.Jig to col• of mootitis are recognized·, says Mr. legfl." Schlom, who ls an assistant protes-oor ot vctcrlnl;lrlon science. The two . We were wrong. Just how wrong ore the acute, wblc;h 1o comparative- Is proved by a geqtly remonstrative

· "- 1 hi h •- letter from Gcorne Strickler, able ly rare, ·tmd the C•uOll 0• w c "' director o.f public r"lotlons for the so common among dnlry herds of ... the world that it Is conslderad the league. Hio correction: most serious bovine disease, result· "Slnc.c Dick Schweldler left the Ina In lowe~:ed mllk production. It Dears several !leasdns aro there hils lo often a hlddeq dio:asc, nnd may not ·been a slncle player In our exist for a lona time w~Jbout being leagoe who has not had three yeara noticed. Symptoms arc swelllna of of collere football experience. Tbls tho udder, and visible particles in fall a number of promlslnc younr· the flrot atrcamo of millt; and cventu• sters, whose CXJJerleuce bad been oily reduced Bow. llmlted to high school football, went

The dlacooe Ia couoed by Infection to the various camps and as far aa of the udder with a bacteria called I know now-pendlns a flnal check otreptococcus aanloctloe. It does not on ~c approyed rosters-there Ia nff'ect any orcrnn but t)).c m1!k glands. only one left. Tho gcrmo enter 1hrough the tent, "AU other ployero now nctl\le ln ~ml nrg tronmniUed f!'Q_rn infilcted kngue hove been to. ~ cows to healthy anlmoln by tho Last year, OJ per cent of our players honda of a mlllter or tho cupo of a hod college deareco." machine. To come extent, tho dlo- We apolo.(llzc to the erudite ploy­case Jo aprcad by calveo that ouclt ero of the Nq\lon!ll Je.runw;- How· at oevcral cowo, nnd by muddy and aver, we were novel" guilty of undcr­unonnltary corrals and flle!l. It lo eotlmatlng their football playlni eotlmotcd that about 05 per cent of oblllUeo. all cowo that have been once Infect- • cd harbor tho flloeaoe, and that It Football" s Future may become vlrulcnt at any time FIU"thcr word comeo from MaJ. and couoe aarget (clotted mlllt). Jobn L. Griffith, commloolonor of

The ocvcrlty of the dloeaoe, ooyo " , Mr. Scblam, dcpenda upon ouch oa· athletlco •Of the Western con.orence, gravatlng tactora ao lncomplcto who Ia· e:nc~edlngly optlmlotlc con­milking, Improper drying ofJ, cxceo- cemlng thQ futurc-lmm~dlato and slvo vacuum In mllltlna mochlnco, dlotont--of college football. rutd cxpo:Juro to rain and cold. Collci'C football, accordlnf to l'tla·

Diogno!llna mooUtla ts difficult for for Grlmth, baa been kicked around tho omotcur, unlco!l oymptomo nrc alnce Pearl Harbor by "peJcetlme no covcre oa to be obvlouo, co Mr. enemies and other self·llPPOinle!l Sehlam adviooa havlna regular and pallbearers.'' but bas sunlved lla frequent tonto mode of n11 tho co-..Ya varlou1 acid tests wlfb tlylnr colon. In a )lerd. J.1lcro:JcQplc cxomintltlon De feelJ that the 1913 season b des­

UtlecJ to be one of the mosf stiO• ces!lful.

Chroolo mastitis Is spread amon1 & herd by tbe milker' a _ bandl or the cups of tbo mllkinr machine all4 to a lesser meat by ruu. of milli aomplco lo tho eoalcot aru1 d:copcal way. Cowo ohould then be groupctl, he ooyo, Into (1) free of lnfcet!.lln, C2) OUDpncted, (3) pll:liUve­ly Infected. Group 1 cowo ohnuld be miUted llrot, group 2 next, and group 8 Jont. ··

According to Major Griffith, foot­boll'B groateat victory alnco tho United Stotc:J entered the war hOB_


been over Influences, twth within ami \'llthout collages, that would banloh the game from tho American ~cene even In peocoUmas.

"Many of tho old J!Cacollmo srgu­menlD oaalnnt rootb::~ll hove bean ro-

. ' .

. ' ~,.

' ,




THE "Sunflower" ls one of the enuleot of Ute quilt deotgng to

molte-the dlomond-ohoped piecea oro cony to cut and a bloclt worl~ · up quickly. Uno brown-flccltcd per. coloa, t_lny patterned {!ream and yellow collcoeo, graoo·crecn o.nU leaf-green ccttono: Do the center In vivid &'Cllow. Quilt boo 12 pieced bloclls, each 14 incheo aquorc-12 plain bloc~. •

• • • To obtain wtUnll pattern• ror tho !lup

!!ower Quill IPoltcm No, 111011 c:ornl'lcte plcclnl and lln!Dhlna dln:eUona, nmcun~ cJ all matcrto~ ·~tncd, ecnd 16 can~ In colna, ;vour noma acd eCdrcu acd U:. ~ttem number.


Thill Rool:io Hadn•t Heard' Of Any Ruminant Admiral3

A young enndldatc for the na._,. was being _put throunb n general lmowlcdgo tent by n board ot nd· mlrola.

"What hind of antmal1 eat grana?" one of them ru:ltcd. ''

The condida~o £dgotod and otnred out of the· w1ndow, but oofd nothlna. Tho queoUon woo revent. cd but ho 11Wl remained dumb.

"Surely•" aold GilC<'()f tho cxam­lnero, ldndly, ••you con on!Jtver a clmple qucotlan l!Ito thot? I will repeat lL \"Jhat kind of animal& cat grow?"

"Anlmolal" ltanped the boy, "Why, I thousht you were oay!OJ lodmlrolD.'"

Water in Manufncturin~ The Importance of water In the

manufacturing of como Blrotcglo matcrlolb may be mustrotcd by tho fact that nearly ten colJofll oro required to produce ono gat.. lon of "ooollna, ZOO collons to make ono gaUon of u.lcohol and r:o tonJ to manufacture nne ton cl Ingot otocl ___ ... ____ _

TABASCO Up to o few ycaro or;o, mru:tltia

woo conDldcrcd lncurnble, but oulfon­llimlde hon been found effective In treatment, and threo othor druao. neutral acriflovlna, colloidal ollvor omde, or.d tyrothricin have prov~>.d completely ouccen!lful ln. ordinary cru:eo. Thene druao ore InJected Into the infected parlD. All but tho mo~ · ccvcrc cnoco reopond.

vlvcd nlnce Pearl Horbnr ," Major Tt:er.ap-lMt HU::mtat kt<.cwn,'llz:<l , Griffith recalln. "One of the fa~ tbe .. =!doe c::et whlcljo di<!Uibulcd -

After infection hoo heen removed, tho udder tvill allow o tendency to rc!ouild ltGCII, and mlfu pro1uctlon may b<>comc normal. Treatment durina dry periorlD lo prefcrob!o In goneral.

lacfouo araumcnto of tho oppt~olt!on : ~~::!~~~~~':'ota~;'",~ won that U a handful of twya were I !'ABASCO-thucu::nlr.t -=ot c1 r:ot allowed to ploy in lntercoll eglo to ll.!;;;;;;;;c:::u=t;;;ez;;;~;;;t:;;;;d;;;;• ;;;for=et;;;~;;;o;;;tbil;;;;;;;='n;;;"""";;;·=l;;;l.l oompctlUor.-nuch oa fcntb:lll, boo- -lletbaU, tract: ond b:H:eboU-moro nludento would act o chance to 110r· licipota In wldenpreod Intramural octlvltlco.

Tlw Old Argument SNAPPY FACTS .



In the 45 yean ••tween I &at o::ut. t f:U, the eutput of ruJt. "' Jlf'Ciivee• .,. tlte fer lest plantatleat {u111pell fl'itM half Iii tea te t1 per ctllt ef t!le werld'a ••I'PIJ' - ttU ahlpo nsenta were 1,000,000 tint. Tilt «tat eflldel rectrll, t&st fe~ IIH, .lsewa tltetfevrt ... • ef hdllltr were p,..r~~eetl fre• .tOGO lild'ea u•n cvltlmlea.

1!-.e graolelf e~~tdu ro l!le 1:>:1(1 l:fe cf ~11/rol n:bbet ore e::n:lr;M. heat, en._ tjrea:u c::d tdnr.IJ. 1lle u!!ro.YJo!et roy a ef the r.-:1 pel'.­elrete Ilia k:rface ef rubber, CC'.:a. fnti It 10 caldlztl heat r&.:••• d. I .. rloret .. ~ C8llf o11t dtve!cp swe!!dtt ~ aeffel'lllg1 lii~IJ l!le rubbtr aore tul(tJ)!ibfe fo .(SIIIOQ'-


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-~~~--~-· --

' ..

••• or how to greet a visi~~'!.C~ ... ~zech llavo a "Colza", anyo chc American :Urmnn co Cl vialuog Czcc:h

Oyer and lnataotly chcy uodcrs1110d each other. Arouod rho gloi,Jc

Cocn·Cola •umda for tho pan1o that ,.<:f,.oshos-bru bcc:omo rho

oymhul o( welwmo cmoon cbo Wodly·mlodcd.

OOfTltD l,ltlnfB AllfHOIIfY OP Tile COCA·COLA COIAP~tH' IV .

Magnolia Coca-Cola Bottling-Company Coca-ColA Building ¥illldcll Blvd. at Blreb Et Paso, 'l'ex .. -


. ' . '


lt'o noturl!l (or popul.,r n= to ""''tllro friendly ab!.-ravta. t!=n. 1lmt'l why rou ~ Cocq.Co!a cllllcd "Coke".

. I

' . . ' .


Mel!•rn: w. · R. Lovelace, Sr., lad Solomon Sanchez of the Love.. .·

.. laea ranch near Corona Wilrc Oar .. ' rizozo business visitors Fri·


Miss Magdalena \Madrd Oct. 21, for Loretto, l(y., \,Vhere &be ent~red the Novitiate of the """""' Sisters of Loretto. Mitm Madril is the daughter of Mr. and' Mrs.

• Joe Madril. She attended the St. Rita Grad~ School and graduated from the Carrizozo High School •­toot May.

Several of our ranchmen ship· ped cattla . laQ~ week nnd more ohipmQnts bave been going out thio week. They are getting top priees for tboir stock. .

---~-·-- -- -·--------------------------

Meodamoo Ido Vega Herrera !lD~ R!!l>.Y 'J,'elteq MirabaJ. nrc np· t•l' ailiting Mrs Minnie Prehm in the caJc and .store: respectively.

, -.. -.--~--.. --- _£ _____ -------------

- -------- ·-"=··-

Wo Handltlnll K10do of Stork & Chicken Feed

'ro(erles · Cdoned Milk Dlslnreaant .( JGAIUCTTE8 & TOBACCOS

VfGA fffD S TORI Phona 0

- ·- ... ---lZftw!B.IUZ(JQIL

' Car Accident "" '

Boy ReceivedBroY'en Arm

Mr. ond Mro. Alfredo Martinez .announce the birth of ll baby girl, f~riday 1 October loth.

Mro. J R. Hoffman left Thurs. While returning home l.!lllt Sun- day for a several wceJ{e' violt with

doy from Indian Divide wbero her oistero in I•'L. WorLh and HQr I they had berm piclting -piilon nuts, per, Kana to.:.. ~lamog~rdo N~wa. 1 the automobile occupied by the Mrs. Hoffman 10 the wtfc of Mr. · fomiliell of Boncea Herrera nod Hoffman, Cnrriznzo 0 ·U t I o o It I

' Joe Najar and the Carriz:>Zt>·Ros· printer.

. . ~- . . .

We·Have In Stock •

·Baby Foods Dog Foods

Poultry Netting Cement Bale Ties Fly Spray Greases Sash & Doors ~edicinE>o . Alfalfa Seed Pipe Fittings Toilet Articleo -.----:-k--~~


Paints& Varnishes Screw .Worm M.edi~ines

' I , ,

Lime • · L ubr~· C:lting Oils Roll · o«lfing Black eg"Vnceine Syringes Blacltomith Coal Cowboy Boots Barb Wire

Chiclten Feed

Oar iPrices Are Reasonable •

The Titsworth Company, Inc. •

Capitan, N. M.

"'' ... ' • ~ I •

- --- -------

-- SPUCIAI.II\1·!' W -·-- ·

. . '

well lruclt collided, the result be-..._ . .-.--.. -·;..· ...._ ________ ;.__....o.;;...;..;......,. _ _;;._....__ ... -.... · iog' tbot the enr went down the Mr. and Mro. 1'imoteo·Marqu~z

11mbnnkmen~ but lucltily did not of Socorro qro here to mnltc then· turn over. No one waa injured future .home. Mr. Marquez woo except httlo J aim Herrera who employed here on the ratlrond for suffered a brol{en arm. ~_aodro ocveral years beforo moving to


Our'List InciudEo: R.illing,Taneai,Zptilo, Dunrt

(io•r an teed Rep~lrin~ on .. u makPS cf <ars roH T,I l EJ)URA:!;ION

We Will CloJP at 12 noon on S\lndays (Cliff) Zumwalt , PLoae 68


Vega arrived on the aceno and Socorro. brought tho unfortunate people to town. The ear waa damaged

· considerably. 11

Mr. and Mro. Harry Straley of Ancbo were buninec:J vioitors hero loot Saturday. ' I

='--=:-=-=-~---------~-~ ... ~-"=~===~~~=-==== 1

NOTlCE: Anyono ca~gbt ti'C3· r:::r Remember - You mun~ paeaing on tho ponturcs of ~be preaent ltotion Booh No. 3 to to· Frcem?n ronrb will bo dealt watb giater lor Boolt 4. Today in your accordaog to Jaw. .

Mra. Rhoda Freeman Kohler. hut day to regtot()r. ! ,_<_.,._ «~-·---·---·- ~--"'-----• •

WlTU l'l!lCHS 1!!\.I';(;JNn J'(!Oal

$3.50 TO ~ 12.50

We Appreciate Your Patronoge

The <arrizozo Beauty Sboppe MR. HOMER CURCHMAN


=--'"" - ·--- .• -~-= « ·--~- "" __ ..,__


j r.::=:==::Jl~~IIE:=:==::a Mr. Phil Lopez, doy ebef ot the '" L:i s. P. Hotel, has remodeled his ~~ •

Duo to Shortogo of Trlliood Drug Storo Help . Tho two Drug Storco hllvc found it nocecsary to catab­llob buein(;()!) bourn 00 rollowo:

PADEN'S- 8 to 10 A. M. 12 A.M. to 9P. M. ROLLAND'S HA.M.tolP.M. pP.M. [Doily EneeptSnturdoy] Snturdaya 8 A.M. to 9 P.M.

Each Storo t7ill clo::o all duy every other Sundar Bl'ginning with Sundny, October 17th.

Boar with uo, piPnce! ··We wont to bo here when tho Boys Cnmo Homo to bo in on the Colobratlon. And wo want, tllco, to give tbe b"st po::nible Service, under conditions as

• they aro.

Paden'• Drug Store Rolland'• Drug Store


School Carnival homo on tho CJnt side.

Star-sazcro have been craning Next Friday & Saturday their ncctm for tho pont"fow doyo,

October 29th & SOtb · trying to locate nolnr whieb bon Condidatoa Cor Carnival Q01:eo bean molting itn oppenrnnee clo:;o are: to tho moon in tbo doy time.

Senior Clncn, Louico Curry Junior Clar:a, Dorothy Hoffman Mr. and Mro Merejildo Padilla Sophomore Cl!lDI, Sully Silve111 of Lt:to Angeleo oro bore thin week FrfShmon Clnl!9, Nona Sanchez viciting tolativca and friondo.

• Vote for yonr favorite.

Epiacopal Service•


Rolland's •

nro t!:o m:cl!lclve auoo!.!l fa · Tho Old tat and Bt!t .L:'X#...,t 'ti::kEn" P~ar-tihlcll r. Known Drug Firm in ~=ted to coro "pfoh eyo" b )'c::t r:m. 11. ~ t~m~oaatliO Tlie Struthwcst. • trent DO to 40 ~lls fer $1.CiJ.

-~E:E2=:3l Tho Ro~. Stucllllnd, Epiceop:1l

---·----~--- minister of fi'ort Stanton. will bold Drop in noy f!:::o ad M c:n toll yc:1 cl;:;ut t!:b t:Ct7 and flillyo$!llmt:kc:l rocc:ly tcr t!:o ~tl!ccct of an £o. tc:t!on t7h:Zb nnn:mlly enxCj 1::= to cotOocan c::I';ICti:li to cony tJi1.


Listen to your • • conscience

·before you take (he train . ' .

A furlouGh io not much good \() a eoldler unl"os he enn viait 1\o),llc. And vitnl•war lntsinE.;sn tnay be delayed if war plant C.'t• • (lerta cau•t set ()n the U,'aln. All trains aro full. eo plcnoe do.n't 1Utiko unrttceJSaey trip3. Ddoro yoit plan a train tdp, Usten to yo••r·wnsdcncel _

. ·• , •• ,,, ••• ,, Jt•f•tra P1dflt

• . '

A.,_IW'Altw•••·•bN ~Jfit&.f\ tt.wl .,...,. . . . ' ,.

~ . - . •

., •·

In tho Frotuto tcmt ot unccln aervic!CJ next Sunday oCt<?rnC'On nt Octmey St!lto o1 New~ 4 o'clock in thO Trinity Methodwt

In tbo MaUer of the Lut WUJ Ctaurcb. All who aro intereJtcd and TC3tamcnt of John Korat are cQrdially invited to como. Ro·

Fagr<!a, Doccssed. member tho hour: Stillday, Oct. No. 579 · 91at, at 4 p.m.

NOTIOE ----To whom it may cunt1em: In tbe Probato Cour~ of Lincoln

N(lthw Ia hereby aiven that County~ Stato of Now Moxieo. instromont purporting to ·be th• In Tho Mutter of tho Estato Lut Will and Testament of John of ~iqucnta Chtlvez, Dceroied.

·· Korat Fagro!, Dcacaatd, bllll been · Noticoof 4\PP()intment of filed for pfobato in the Probate A~mini1trotor. Court of Lincoln County, Ne\V . • . .. ·-. Mexico, lbd by order, the Gth Nota:o.ts hcroby gavcn that the · day of Dcc:ember, 1943, at the undern1gned was on tbe 11th. day hour or 10 a, m. at tht court ot October~ 1943,_ duly appomted roOmiof aaid tourt; in tht Village and qualiflc~Ad~iniattator of tho ot Catrlzozo, New Mex., .bi tbft Estato or Maquohtti Cha~£lZ, u·1 r·1

daY, time and. plate .tor etl~cd. . . . . . . proof or eaid ~ut Will and .Any ~erMn, . peraotJs, ilrm. or anent. · eorpl>t&tlon hnvmg any claim"; · Th~r4lfore •ny p•raoil or per• . . . . . -or. accountJj ·~•wst . said

I!Oill wishing to enter r.stltc, arc . hereby r~..qu~•ted to . to tbeJ>r9h&tibg ol $lid Laat: · · . · · . · the nn1o or. prt!!ebt t~o. •!Me and. Tutatneat ll'e hereby llOti• . . ~~&manner •nd form r~@ll!J~ fiN *9 nre thelt objectioftaln th• bt . t&w, ... on .. or-. beroro stx. (OJ · omte ot the eouty ·ct~rlt ot Lin"' months tro.m th3 ~a~e or . toln County, on 1>t Wot• the D;tent tJf ~atd &dtntnts,r&tor~~ • . · tiat -~for hearint. ·.Tht natn~ and ad~r~.. of t~e . Dattd '' CmitOttJ. N. M •• tbt. aaen\ . for. ttit1 a:arrun,t~tratot .11 .. 15th day ot Octob«r, lNS. lltr~o Cb•~•l:, Clmtozo, New (IJJ:At) · - Mt'llto• ·

" I'AL~ ••Mat ·. ·ud tht namtand·addteM - - - ' I" - - -

Pzobat.e Clerk. the tdwniniat~atoj' it: . . . BJ Wattaa B011t.. C)J.lYft, Uond&, New Multo. ·

¢,.';!::,..:.:;..:...r..s._.~ ·.:' ·;; · ,--:':::..:::;'-'".---:';!'~~#;;"-if,.;-';!;-,: .. •~..,;.. __ ,:..,;o._y~,;_!:.._:_,.'l;~~::':"o~;::•·•~ .. -.. _r_~;._......:.._~----~~~~-~ ...... · · ~ · · · Ot2·lil2 . . . ,,

. '· " " .. " " <

~ba of dol!ara.

• •

WE now have for SALE •· •

• • '


FE E--0 ... . • . . •



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