treherne · j . _-, . • 00 • l'·" , l! '0 © o .. ••• ' •• 1,...

J . _- , . 00 L'·" , L! '0 © ". -- o .. ••• ' •• 1, " .. " . ' . " ... <P . .. . .. , . ." 0 , '0· .. ' o o 0 .. 0 , .' . \ b r: ,:' ' .. , .' j" " . ' •. , .• • @ ••••••• '1.. A. , , : ,.-- . .' " . o .. " " " " stclaude , . ' I'1l . " ." .;. .0 - -Fl'- ".(1) ," I PU.BLlSHED WEEKLY I 5 . b '.' ::ihrin1>stei d' I OV/INNIPfG T.J r lICI\ i. &: "' .. R y .. JI<, - .. ;_.--- fii'!1'" .' , Lif'lll'Y' .. ' o .. " Jill) 1(} T,-eesbilnk I $1.50 PER YEAR \TREHERH, lLntr"l!' WE'll Carroll. Nesbitt - t:I\w .. f'\ I. nb YP!t'S5 Rill('r. . VOL, XIX. InUOAY, MAHCl[ 1,1018 ------------------ ._- - - -_.- - --_.- ----- .. ---------- LOCALS II IS - - The' T reherne Furniture StOfQ .. - ------------------------------------------ -------------•. We wish to draw the atlen·, lion of our many customers 10 Ihe filet that we arc doing our besl 10 so buy our goods that we arc in a posi- ...... tion to compete with any mail ordef house, Keep your money at worl{ ____ ,_ •• __ ___ _ Spend it at home In mallresses, ele., our prices arc the save you the freight, anti you sec whnt you arc buying. never disappointed when we sell you fUlnature, • __________________________ M __ ' __ __ Magnet Cream Separators -- same, \o\'c You are , ·F Of which we are noted for gtlnd durabil- Ity, (asc of operation anti of cleaning. No muitilude of discs to as the has but one pUll. Liberal allo'Nance for yOllf old separalor. -----------------_._--_ .. _--- POLlON East End Garage have your watches, clocks and jewelry re- paired before the rush, season. All work guaranteed. D. GOODMAN, Jeweler, Treherne Treherne, Man. , , ===============---- The Granite OUR Spring, I.; . ./ selection \ grade dress' fabrics, ./ ' from the famous l'vlills at Bradford, El1glund, in- cluues 2,3nost ·l'angc of new shades and frtbt:ics. . The high stanclard of Pricstlcys"qt.tality is maintained thts year as usual, in spite . of un preceden t.ed conditions in the woolen trade, At pref:ent" when high- grade dress fabricsare so difficult to obtain, Pricstleys'is more than c\!cr the choice of. discriminating ,WOniCI1. You are invited to call or write us.' l •. " -. \, . " ... , -,.' , , . ',. .. , , .. \ .. .... , ' A. A. NOTES At L"e Alii",; ,\id dllye\'ellillg, 1'01'1 y Illeetillg" Tnf:s, pai I'H or sock. w('ro "alld,,'" ill IlH the reHlllt.8 01 1.11" \\'ol'k Ill' l.l,,; lin;t L\\'o \\'eekFt 01 1.1", 1\lIiltillg CUIIIl'HI; (,I' 1"11111 IWllllty 1.'1'0 prtil'g alld :\liHS Talldv'H lenlll con- -- ·1 LOllie Bl'OlDWS is hllll- b"I' fl'UIII t.ho COl'ftIl1t YllI'r!H pl'ep'll:fl- 1,01'Y hllidillg 11. new hOllse on his l'al'lI1. ThCl'e ,will II" Odd l?ello\\'H dance Oil Lhe 1 hh or this m01l1 h rtS I\' 11.9 ex peeLl'll. 1111 elldu.1 tho It. ,T. :'Ilil)); WI18 lleiLy \'iHiLOI'LhiH IT PAID UP? The label al:ove this notice indicates the the dale to which your is paid. THE rrCURE HEPRESENTS THE YEAR, Subscription accounts now clue strictly in advance unless arranged,. PAY UP NOW. __ __ ----__ T rial Subscriptions I L1l1ll1 k t h """ \\' h (I W'II e 1'011 I y LI'ihlll."d '!Illidy alld oaku 1'''1' LII(! w""k, Will be accepted for, a short time at Three I months for 2S cents, new subs:b.ers only. I Thl! 1(lIil.t.illg COIIIl'HL \\'ill 1.111 TII"Hdll.Y M"J'(:h 121h. II. , U (Jt;O Hi l'O- Lh:L1, allwtI,ks hulllllld"d in '1101'01",:-;"" will ii" I'llukud 1'01' 0\'1;'1'- HI'aR Ill, I.hll I'(!gllill" "II I.hat dlllu, TloliaLioll!! "I' Cllllriy 1l1,,1 e lll'e wilt) al'I! willillg tl) I.elp 'lUlld ohoe.' II) "III' H oIdiel'!!, 'l'lto AlIi')H Aid \\ ill 81'1'\'0 Rlllltl- Illld Ltl L ilL Lh ... rill\;: 011 SIlL- IIrdny, ;\IIII'.,h :!lId. , Th,,'lwxL ,"uf)Lillg will I", hold Ill, tl)f) "O.IIIJ or .\II'H Hlllix 011 TII"B" day ("'Pllillg Goh. . Soldiers' Aid Notes I""h, 21i t.he 1'"lln\\'illg' \\,flH [Jack- 0,1 alld Hhippud. To 1t,,,1 Will IIi peg, ,'''lIl1i" "I' 1311"h"III'1I 8rtHk, who lIa!! 1)('1'11 VI'liLillg !'IliHH ["I'll" SlIIith \ V "d II .. ;dILY. l'eLlIl'lIed hOlllo Oil ella'! Il'JIIX 11I'l'h,.,d III '['I'eheille '1'1 I . 1)11 1111'8' ay, \\'illllippg was Il gUI' 10 'I'I, .. lte".If' 011 '1'llIll'l)d II y :tlld vi"iLillg Rc\',.T, SLml'lll'L fllltl ,J. SI.'ol L n"t,Plld"d t,he l'J")Hhl.I'I'y 1Il',el,illg n.L Cal'lIll1l1 I.ldH \\'e(,I.(, i\["H, !lnok,I't!lIlI'ned Oil \\Te,llIes- fl'Oll1 \Y i 1111 i p"g, r: l'ill' Hr,l" PIli k. 10"1, rt ,'al1111 !'I" "oiL 1'1'0111 LI III ii' l"lI'IIIIIl·Ht. 011(1 \1'el'kH lillf'I' ill the 'I'I'l'h"I'1I0 '/'i illeR l'eSIOl'ed Lhe col L 1,0 thl'lIi, They \Vin WU1ttnl· ..--' All Evening with the Grain Growers - - Real Estate Insurance Loans , 1."llt'JJII'I'.q II(1W IOllllH 111'0 illvil.,,, I." "all 111111 1.:11", I.h.l IlIal.l.l!I' III' \\'iLh 11." aH I "'III gi,'f.' II 11I1·g.'I' IIl'I'("'lIlago'{"1I \,011., HI"'lIl'il.\' 11.:111 YOII h:l\,u 11'1'n gt'l.Iillg. rnll I'(,IW')' ,'xl'i,·il.g 10!l"H 01' ItlII"kld, 1I0\. yet dllo. II' 1'(''!lIi.,,, II hLl'gel' 10:111 I willih iL III' 101' YOII, .Parl.i"" d('Hit illg good 1"'1'111'1 Ill· 11.081. 'lIl,l'wl",,'!! ,Lillllg Iho lim' III'<' ill\'il;l,d to uall Illld iflHp':d 111.1' lisl, 3U PILi!' Aouks FOIII' or 0111' promillent. IIll'lI .00 l'twu ololhfl paid RIIl:h\vell a l'il!iL Oil TlIl?wlny LIlHL k,'iday ('\'I'llIlIg L1." T,' .. erllo HI'rtIl"h 01' Lh" U mi II U I'I)\\'I..'I'!! 11l.'ld it."lil'sL O(ll'lI IIIUI)\,- 111M, ",hi(·11 e\'PI'y CIne (lI'(·!H.'It\. p,'ullolI,,,,,"1 II gl'I'aL HI"""'SH, 01. LIlt! I;illlplu Lh:lt I', 'Wood Illld i\1 iHS MnC:dlll'lI OI'\\'i.llI· ipl'g \\'UI'I' 1.0 IIddl'eflH lilt! IIlt'cLillg w,,1 I.hllt. I'tlml l.aiL·IIL\\"Jlrld pl'"vid" e lI.lI,·I.aillllll'IIL, .d, LllU h"III'III"'I'I-- Li",,11 hllll \\'IlH UOlld'III'L,d,Iy lilll,d LhlH ill HpiLll or LIJ{\ 1'111:1, thnt )'I)ads, by the I'enson ul' Lho dIlHIHLIlI'IIl, WOI'O llllllOflL i III paRHIL blu. \\' ANTI': 1l!t:::V' TIII'e!! Rl'pn ml" .l- S,,<:tiOIlH ill t.i1" Tn·hl'l'Iw 01' Halll- w,,11 dist.rit:t, NUI,th PI'I,l'tlI'l'd, alho Ht'f't.julI!oi III !-fHIIlU diHt "if.d" I Ill"'(' I<m'l'I"".1 plII, .. hrtsl·"H \\'ith "011- sidol'Hltl" oM.h, 11'1", 1I'1l11t. ral'IIIS ill III" .li)tl"o disll·i"I,. 'adi'osllillg gf)Wn9' . .: liight !lilt! showcd the B,)Lthw{)1J ; .••• , ,,:::.! ....... .. __ ,...... .. ,.,.. ........ ... - ••. :..111;, ... " .'", .,. MI"_'/' H .. SeU!'eLlll'l' or Lhu U G,A, 'H!ullpied Lhe "hili I' allti nl'tI'I' \\'eloolllillg i'1'ieltd" alld t.1 Imil' jl".iaIlJa!! ' hoyg AOIllO l'lla!. (JII 1,1 IIIg WllIllllIg hy 1·1 I'HI'Hflll,\l 11I'opnl'ly haw, 'I'll SI" ·John AllllildllllU(' IiO pail' HIlf!kH ·1 Hhil'l,,, S H(m 1'1':; '1'" Queell i\IILI'YS Nl'udlcwOI'kGlliid 2:i pai., HoukH 10 pail' H .. wore loually WIIH HIJIlt. 1',1I' kit bag rUI' II'd), alHo -1.l'011 OI,del'ed The Suoidy haH douidlll.l Lo m,del' a I'n.'!!,,1 1'1'0111 I.ho Bud Cl'OSfj Lon- lUll ElIgl:Llld to lie RellL Lu I'L" L, Stee,1 who ill II IJI'iHOlI(l1' or WlLl'1II c: (}I'll III II \'. \\'" Hxpect ROOII Lo Ilfl\'O hoxeR .. ""dy 1.0 he Pllt ill Jluhlic I'IJI' ""lied iUII 1'''1' boLh Itod [1111("'8 CI"lSA IIl1d l'I'isUfll'H r,J' Will" Tho Cl'flSH \\,illnipf'g Ill'!, II,Rld IIg 1'01' old OIIJlLII Ii 11011, (l1)1,LOII 01' ILLllllol, rr lUll' clln "0 HI.tllI'ud ':1. ,1:1J1I1d IIll HHI1L'itl wiLlI S, Aid Hldp- 11I"lIl8, I'roc(O(Jtls or 'I','rt $17.!'li'i T,'a \\'ill hI) Am'\'!!d ill t.ho LelL 1'0011; i\J,lI'oh 2nd ill :d'!.el'lI.l01·1 tlll IIsllal .... :... ......... B'::RN 011 81111du,V II'eh. 2·1 Lo 1-[,'. !'III'S, Joe Ollohul'lL SOli. Il II (I . Local ,Curling Event's Thlll'H. ] ,I Lh ,/. 0011ILOI'-W,O, 13111'1"v('11 , . . 1311 1'1, well FI'III, 15th G. HolJsoll 8yol· .. l<'I'i. 1.5Lh '. K Smith- p, l\'lol'l'isoll Srnit.h G, Gl'IlhUIII, 1I. B'llkwolI . (} r.tlm m Silt. 16lh J, C'JIIIL"I-,\:, nOI,SUII' H"bsoll 18th C1. SY('I"P, .. ", . woll, F, !I r"lI''U 1\ . '\ BJlrk \\'ell . - ," E, T UPS •. I !lui W.o. 13al'ki\'oll' . Billit/:' 0: , . n. fll'lIl'" 01' 12-7 , Thl) flJllowillg nrc l.ho C:' II allIIn It, J, C"rh(,t.I" It HOlt, 1, .. 1. Hill. All l'OPOI't LilllO, I'iailors nl.nlud lit" lHtllJtlSO or Lhe SllI/del'- gaLhm i1'g ILlld iIlLl'odll(;!!d Lho Arbroath The 1Ill!llIlll!I'fI ur Lho Adll'on Lh Sol ie.'s N,)ed S'iUid.y hcld It sold i- OI'S Hh,,'v(H' Ill; the 1101110 MI'. ,J . I r 1111 tHI' 011 'I' IIl'S'.1I\Y, l,'ehl·lm.'y J 5 OllllUillg alld unl'd playillg \vol'e Lho cllil'l' l'elltlll'!lS or the evollillg. AL midllighl; 11. d.tint.y Illnellwns 8el'\'l'" 1L1lt! pilLllo IIllIsic WflR 1'1'11111'1'- ed, 'I'h,e Socil!ty wishes t.o Lhlllll< .lil who r.lul'llt.ed so liltel'lIl1y. Speldhl 1II('I;li"lI iH 1I11111H 01' the IIII1Siuiall!'l ;\.ll'RHI'sIL fllld 1,OIln- hlll'y, Pel'uy DIlII flml JUllllsLfln, TII'III'Y \\ 110 ga,-o theil' S!ll'\'icI'H Lhl'ollghollt 'J\'ening fl'oe or chal'go, Tul'lluuo, Ullk .. ,s Illld oLhel' soldiers lieed!! ILlunllllt.illg Lo abonl, $15 00 wel'e I'l'epil'ed 1'1'0111 Lho \'ari- OWl people or [h(j or AI'- 11I'OIl[ h 11IId Illdinllrol'ri. III Ilfldi Lo the l'ull\Jwillg dOllllLiollH wOI'e l'",cui\'e,1 ill r !Hl!lh,-MII!lieihIlA , ,LSO FI'OIII Lho rollowing $1.00 .J. \\T.lY, :r, WilSIlII, !\In. L'lli 111 el' H, \\'lllSUII lrl'OIll Lhe I'ollowillg fiO cellls; !\fI'S, Rose, \\T, Ferrip., K. \Vilson, L. LOllllsblll'l; H, LOl1shlll'Y, ·S No,ILol', G HiI'd, J. HlIIitOl', F, H, R LaLi'mel', the fullowillg 25 eonls: N, WilsolI, J,'Hel;I'Y, OIl·\\Tec.ll1oscinyFeLII'uIlI'Y 20,lho lhbl'O[Lth ladies tIloL at tho home 'HpnakelH or the MI'. \Vood who is 110 htl'llllgel' tu TI'Hhel'IIo eXIH'eHHI'd pleIlHII"1J ill IL , '. I' T I 'L(lpefLl'llIg ngn,lll ..,e urn It 1'0 1e1'llt' Ilndiollee ILIIlI ill lUI addl'''HH thilL, held t.o ,,1.)flll al.Le II Liell ollLlillCcI t.lw llilllH Ill' lit", G !'OweI'll AHS(JciltLioll, Th., Hpenkel' WIlH lJelllol!l'Ill,iu 1l."I, plellde:l 1.1", I'I'UIII all [J1'UHOlil , Hu\', ,J C, t;lewllI'L liS 1\ !'I'llI'eSllll' LIlLil'o or the chlll'u)1 c,dt.. ... lllp, Oil Lo shy II rew He Raid ill IL UOlllllllllliLy ill wilil:h waH tho Dilly i lid IIsL.')' e\'el'Ylllle who ill n.lty l'l'lli Wlly lien'utl Lhu , C' ' C' eOlllllllllllly WIlH 1\ .1':1111 '1'0\\'"'' Ill1ti Lhe lIe(,d ul' UIJ.IIIW IIl1il.y spidt, i\tiHH "i\fUCIlIlIIIII or Lhol Gmill GI'OW"IR Gllid,; ehlll'llIed Llw,tlltli- I;lIce Illl Hho Hpulw ul' what [,11Il \\'0- 111011 WOI'H doillg' III1Lil tho IIICII I)ll" gtlll Co t.akolL haek SU'lt. '1 hi.'I'l! WI'H I\. tillle whclI ullly I.hillg IL \\'0 IlIIlI1 sllId ill)l ILH sho pllHse,1 Lhe uu/l'e,! ()ilkI' 'have SUIIlO 1II01'l"" All IhlLL iH uhllllgell. - Now WOIIIOII ILl'e [I1lRHillg 10solutiollA'IUllltllkillg LlwlIJ Lo L1II' LcgiAllLti \'e A HS!,III blies Illlli heL lUI' HLill hllVillg Lholll III lid 0 hLw, NeedIL'!ls Lo !l.lY l(JulIl lalelll WIIS IlIlICh !L[lpl'elliate(.1 ill mllsiu Illld J'eui 1./\ tiulIS .r\ voLo or Lhallk!l WflS cordially tl'lIdel'cd Lo I he viHiLing spenkel's Ilnd Lho loclll tnlell t, aftel' \\' hich It IIInsL sliceessrlli mceLillg \I'ILS bl·o· light to Il closo by tho singing Lhe All thell1' lIliss o<{toll.led 1111 iu- or Mrs, \\T, .Fol'I'ir, 1\.111.1 l!ackeu viLaLion lu Lhl,l WOIIII'>II ur lho COIII- hoxeR 1'01' the boys Ill. I,ho fronL. 1lIt1l1ity Lo meet; wiLh Iltll' ill I IIlt"r, RCI'P"ILI c,li"IIIH II'llh \'a,,- 1I11t. ill \\'illllil"'g II lid 'l'I'ILI');""III\ II lid HOIII" "I"h [0 Imd .. Oil illlJlI'II\'- e'l III' II IIi III Pl'(t\·.,d IllI"1. Ail'II'l,li' !'lItH wiLh uily IlIlI.H"" II.lId ""i.t,ngC'H, HqltlH (dtlHl' Hlld HOIlII' alillflstj el ... nt·, t.o 1.1'1101" 011 1111"1. SI)II'" ""Hh ill (!H.'iO. .\ .' S (lIil" 1',,".11 rill' I" .,!It'I.I', Llllld iH P"'HIIIUlillll lI"d g""d 11,,11:11101 high ill W!ltl.'l'. .\ H""Lill" ,I '1Ii1,,!! IIfIl'I II III' '/'I'(·h,,- 1'11I',soil II lid \\,lIl,'" !{til"/. IIIIl 111""'8 illlpn,\'.,d "'''1' i.lIl1l'·dilll(\ Haiti, $1 nou ellHh I\lId gno I Lf'I'IIIH, lIalf Hl'oI.illll S.I';, Ill' Hath\\,,'11 ill If I 1'00'ud , will Lak .. "iLj' hUIISll 118 p.I.I'[; IlnYIIII.'IIt.. Agellt rlJl' Lhll '1'1'11:<1, nlld Lnllll Col, or Call1lda, TI'IIIlH- al Inlll ill i\1')I't.gllgtl Co .• llld 'I hu U I'ell L \V ('sl; Li I'e ;\Hsl'I'''lIeO Co, Phone 67 J. G. CARROLL Treherne \ F or. the Lent Season , F ISH ._-_._._- Fresh whitefish, smelts, Lake Superior Herrings goldeyes, pickerel, Alas- ka cod, smoked haddie, bloaters Digby chicks, halibut, . salmon, jack- fish; trout, smoked fillet quail-on-toas t. Abollt TOl't,y hoxes were [l!lt!ked OIll'I'Y'H !'OOIll the I'ullu\\'illg LillY oomailiill,g socl;8, candy)ollllcco to the qllcsLioll ufol'glllliz'l- 11nd oLhel' OOITlI'Ol'tll .. · L'hese boxes lion: . J II I'CflPOIIAIJ Lo dlis illvitlltiull J W wel'o '1\1, linea. II Iflrge d)'ow'll' of wOllion g'll.hel'erl - - Clegg, Ali LlIl10h fl'lIl Tco Ol'Ofllll fllHl OI'gllniz'Lti'ln'Wfls efl'celh'o wiLh Butclier j Suciili will umlel'\he'lIl8- tho followillg offieo,s. ' . Ph:me 107 TllHIERNE pices (If A, S, N ,S. \PridlLY eyenillg .P reHiden L-;\ II'H I'] 1I0>! '_IV i lIeLL'- Viee I a t'e h S l h. ,] .. \Ill U h \v i 11 bo 8(' i'" ed P .'csi d l\ i1 t. - 1'.1 rHo .J 0 h II l ... Sec loe lUI' Y ''':-:'':'':.':'':'':-:-:-:-:''':'':'':'':'':'':'':'':'':'':'':-:'':'':'' 1'1'()m6.'D Lo 830. p,lI1. A' short A. D .. \\ ill ho, Exeenl,i\·f)Oo.umittee-11 0 HIi'll •. Itt' ulolle fir l ho IlIlIuh. A Side l,f I "I i's, H .. "11'8, 1(', PllI'kel', + OWllers 01" stnlli..,lIs, sholll,l hnllfi wOl'kwill he Iwld ill (11I1I1CC-' illI's, p, Vigrll', J,ll· It,)bl'rt.l)o·1I ,t.heil· enrnlll1Pllt cerLiJielltes at 011 co .liou·wilhLhe luo Ol'elllll !.looth, .\ It iR to hoperl LII LI, is lint, ueellllHo \hu HellHOl1'is Iw,ro, Ronto LM [i,·st. or '.\. ,811ch, ,lllleL-,CfLl'lls pl'inL<J.,1 at tho Times. olliee, ' •• < •• ".,., ,"I" .' -, , '.., ; .c.' ,. witl} pel'!It\pS I\. PIOIII<J ,. , ", - .. , .. ". ".-' .. " Q.!W\..' ','" '. ' •• ., ", , . , . . ·0-··· . . .... :-:. •• • • e.. •• •• .. •••• ••• e ••• •• f. .0 ....... l' • • e •• •• <:'. '. '., 'O..., . .' .'.. 'O'O . ··0· .''O " 'O.".. .... e: .. 'O , . . ." .... 'O'O.'O " ' . '.' . '. ':', .... 'O, .. '" ' .. .. .'O •. : h. 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I PU.BLlSHED WEEKLY I 5 . b '.' ::ihrin1>stei d' I

OV/INNIPfG T.J r lICI\ i. &: ~\."il "' .. R y

~nn/5r .. JI<, - .. ;_.--- fii'!1'" .' , Lif'lll'Y' .. '

o •

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Jill) 1(}

T,-eesbilnk I $1.50 PER YEAR \TREHERH, lLntr"l!' ~ ~Wfland


Carroll. Nesbitt - t:I\w .. f'\ ~Sr""kii:n ~cl5eer I. nb YP!t'S5 Rill('r.

Sou~is •

. VOL, XIX. TlmHI~lu,E, ~IA~nonA, InUOAY, MAHCl[ 1,1018

-------.------~ -~- ------------------._- - - -_.- ---_.- ----- .. ----------

TREH.ERN~ LOCALS II IS - - The' T reherne Furniture StOfQ .. -------------------------------------------

-------------•. ----.~,-.------~,----------~,-.-----

We wish to draw the atlen·,

lion of our many customers 10 Ihe filet that we arc doing our besl 10

so buy our goods that we arc in a posi-...... tion to compete with any mail ordef house,

Keep your money at worl{ ____ ,_ •• ~~ __ ~~_. ___ _

Spend it at home

In Bed-~prings, mallresses, ele., our prices arc the save you the freight, anti you sec whnt you arc buying. never disappointed when we sell you fUlnature, • __________________________ M __ ' __ __

Magnet Cream Separators - -

same, \o\'c

You are

, ·F Of which we afeagellt~, are noted for gtlnd ~kimrnillg, durabil­Ity, (asc of operation anti of cleaning. No muitilude of discs to wa~h as the ~kirnrnef has but one pUll. Liberal allo'Nance for yOllf old separalor.

-----------------_._--_ .. _---

POLlON B~1:0Sa East End Garage

have your watches,

clocks and jewelry re­

paired before the rush,

season. All work guaranteed.

D. GOODMAN, Jeweler, Treherne

Treherne, Man.

, ,


The Granite

• • •

OUR Spring, I.; . ./

selection oflh)~~h-,. \ grade dress' fabrics,

./ '

from the famous P.r'ic~tlcy~;'

l'vlills at Bradford, El1glund, in­cluues 2,3nost a~tracti:ve ·l'angc of new shades and frtbt:ics. .

The high stanclard of Pricstlcys"qt.tality is maintained thts year as usual, in spite . of un preceden t.ed conditions in the woolen trade, At pref:ent" when high­grade dress fabricsare so difficult to obtain, Pricstleys'is more than c\!cr the choice of. discriminating ,WOniCI1.

You are invited to call or write us.' l •. " -.

\, . " ... , -,.' , ,

. ',. • .. ,

, .. \

"W.~/.R .. Ro~~~ .... ~ , '


At L"e Alii",; ,\id dllye\'ellillg, 1'01'1 y

Illeetillg" Tnf:s, pai I'H or sock.

w('ro "alld,,'" ill IlH the reHlllt.8 01 1.11" \\'ol'k Ill' l.l,,; lin;t L\\'o \\'eekFt 01 1.1", 1\lIiltillg CUIIIl'HI; (,I' the~\

~Ii~s Jroll~uR 1"11111 IlI'(~lIght IWllllty 1.'1'0 prtil'g alld :\liHS Talldv'H lenlll


-- ·1 LOllie Bl'OlDWS is n~movillg hllll-

b"I' fl'UIII t.ho COl'ftIl1t YllI'r!H pl'ep'll:fl-1,01'Y hllidillg 11. new hOllse on his l'al'lI1.

ThCl'e ,will I,,~ II" Odd l?ello\\'H dance Oil Lhe 1 hh or this m01l1 h rtS I\' 11.9 ex peeLl'll.

1111 elldu.1 tho

It. ,T. :'Ilil)); WI18 lleiLy \'iHiLOI'LhiH


The label al:ove this notice indicates the the dale to which your ~,ubscription is paid. THE rrCURE HEPRESENTS THE YEAR, Subscription accounts ~Ire now clue strictly in advance unless arranged,. PAY UP NOW.

~,. __ ---_--~ __ ----__ -_----.-------====---a.---~ T rial Subscriptions I

L1l1ll1 k t h """ \\' h (I W'II e 1'011 ~ I y LI'ihlll."d '!Illidy alld oaku 1'''1' boxu~.

LII(! w""k,

Will be accepted for, a short time at Three I months for 2S cents, new subs:b.ers only. I

Thl! 1(lIil.t.illg COIIIl'HL \\'ill 1.111 TII"Hdll.Y M"J'(:h 121h. II.

, U (Jt;O

Hi l'O-

'f1'H~I()d Lh:L1, allwtI,ks hulllllld"d in

'1101'01",:-;"" will ii" I'llukud 1'01' 0\'1;'1'­HI'aR Ill, I.hll I'(!gllill" IIluuLill~~ "II I.hat dlllu, TloliaLioll!! "I' Cllllriy 1l1,,1 l~ak e lll'e

wilt) al'I! willillg tl) I.elp 'lUlld ohoe.' II) "III' H oIdiel'!!,

'l'lto AlIi')H Aid \\ ill 81'1'\'0 Rlllltl-\\'i"I)lJ~ Illld Ltl L ilL Lh ... rill\;: 011 SIlL­IIrdny, ;\IIII'.,h :!lId. , Th,,'lwxL ,"uf)Lillg will I", hold Ill, tl)f) "O.IIIJ or .\II'H Hlllix 011 TII"B" day ("'Pllillg ~11l1'(:h Goh.

. Soldiers' Aid Notes

I""h, 21i t.he 1'"lln\\'illg' \\,flH [Jack-0,1 alld Hhippud.

To 1t,,,1 CI'fJ~H Will IIi peg,

~liHH ,'''lIl1i" ~r,'C:iJl "I' 1311"h"III'1I 8rtHk, who lIa!! 1)('1'11 VI'liLillg !'IliHH ["I'll" SlIIith \ V "d II ~ .. ;dILY.

l'eLlIl'lIed hOlllo Oil

ella'! Il'JIIX 11I'l'h,.,d III '['I'eheille '1'1 I . 1)11 1111'8' ay,

\\'illllippg was Il prt~H"1I gUI' 10 'I'I, .. lte".If' 011 '1'llIll'l)d II y :tlld i~ vi"iLillg f,'i~lIds,

Rc\',.T, SLml'lll'L fllltl ,J. SI.'ol L n"t,Plld"d t,he l'J")Hhl.I'I'y 1Il',el,illg n.L Cal'lIll1l1 I.ldH \\'e(,I.(,

i\["H, !lnok,I't!lIlI'ned Oil \\Te,llIes­fl'Oll1 \Y i 1111 i p"g,

r: l'ill' BI'O.~, Hr,l" PIli k. 10"1, rt ,'al1111 !'I" "oiL 1'1'0111 LI III ii' l"lI'IIIIIl·Ht. ~I"y. 011(1 \1'el'kH lillf'I' ill the 'I'I'l'h"I'1I0 '/'i illeR l'eSIOl'ed Lhe col L 1,0 thl'lIi,

They \Vin

Wrrl1rrttl~ WU1ttnl· ..--'

All Evening with the Grain Growers

- -Real Estate




1."llt'JJII'I'.q dt'Hirillt~ II(1W IOllllH 111'0

illvil.,,, I." "all 111111 1.:11", I.h.l IlIal.l.l!I' III' \\'iLh 11." aH I "'III gi,'f.' II 11I1·g.'I' IIl'I'("'lIlago'{"1I \,011., HI"'lIl'il.\' 11.:111 YOII h:l\,u 11'1'n gt'l.Iillg. rnll 1~11I1 I'(,IW')' ,'xl'i,·il.g 10!l"H 01' ItlII"kld, I,h,,~e 1I0\. yet dllo. II' ~"tli 1'(''!lIi.,,, II hLl'gel' 10:111 I willih iL III' 101' YOII,

.Parl.i"" d('Hit illg good 1"'1'111'1 Ill· 11.081. 'lIl,l'wl",,'!! ,Lillllg Iho lim' III'<'

ill\'il;l,d to uall Illld iflHp':d 111.1' lisl,

3U PILi!' Aouks FOIII' or 0111' promillent. IIll'lI .00 l'twu ololhfl paid RIIl:h\vell a l'il!iL Oil TlIl?wlny

LIlHL k,'iday ('\'I'llIlIg L1." T,' .. h· erllo HI'rtIl"h 01' Lh" U mi II U I'I)\\'I..'I'!! A~WI(,illl.ioll 11l.'ld it."lil'sL O(ll'lI IIIUI)\,-111M, ",hi(·11 e\'PI'y CIne (lI'(·!H.'It\.

p,'ullolI,,,,,"1 II gl'I'aL HI"""'SH, 01. LIlt! I;illlplu allllllllll(J';III'~"L Lh:lt ~I I', 'Wood Illld i\1 iHS MnC:dlll'lI OI'\\'i.llI· ipl'g \\'UI'I' 1.0 IIddl'eflH lilt! IIlt'cLillg w,,1 I.hllt. I'tlml l.aiL·IIL\\"Jlrld pl'"vid" e lI.lI,·I.aillllll'IIL, .d, LllU h"III'III"'I'I-­Li",,11 h.~ hllll \\'IlH UOlld'III'L,d,Iy lilll,d LhlH ill HpiLll or LIJ{\ 1'111:1, thnt )'I)ads, by the I'enson ul' Lho dIlHIHLIlI'IIl, WOI'O llllllOflL i III paRHIL blu.

\\' ANTI': 1l!t:::V' TIII'e!! Rl'pn ml" .l­S,,<:tiOIlH ill t.i1" Tn·hl'l'Iw 01' Halll­w,,11 dist.rit:t, NUI,th PI'I,l'tlI'l'd, alho ~~ )~ Ht'f't.julI!oi III !-fHIIlU diHt "if.d" I Ill"'(' I<m'l'I"".1 plII, .. hrtsl·"H \\'ith "011-sidol'Hltl" oM.h, 11'1", 1I'1l11t. ral'IIIS ill III" .li)tl"o disll·i"I,.

'adi'osllillg gf)Wn9' . .: liight !lilt! showcd the B,)Lthw{)1J ; .••• , ,1~~~J:;~ ,,:::.! ....... ~ .. ~ __ , ...... ;..~., .. ,.,.. ........ ·.;..~.,.......7_·~_._.' ... - ••. :..111;, ... " .'", • • -.~.- .,.

MI"_'/' H .. H"I"'I'I.~'JII, SeU!'eLlll'l' or Lhu U G,A, 'H!ullpied Lhe "hili I' allti nl'tI'I' \\'eloolllillg i'1'ieltd" alld

t.1 Imil' jl".iaIlJa!! ' hoyg AOIllO l'lla!. (JII 1,1 IIIg WllIllllIg hy

1·1 I'HI'Hflll,\l 11I'opnl'ly haw, 'I'll SI" ·John AllllildllllU('

IiO pail' HIlf!kH ·1 Hhil'l,,, S H(m 1'1':; '1'" Queell i\IILI'YS Nl'udlcwOI'kGlliid 2:i pai., HoukH

10 pail' H .. ck~ wore ~h'(JlIllIIL loually ~~L,jO WIIH HIJIlt. 1',1I' kit bag rUI' II'd), ~.;w Rl\\\'ill~/hIlH alHo -1.l'011 OI,del'ed

The Suoidy haH douidlll.l Lo m,del' a I'n.'!!,,1 1'1'0111 I.ho Bud Cl'OSfj Lon­lUll ElIgl:Llld to lie RellL Lu I'L" L, Stee,1 who ill II IJI'iHOlI(l1' or WlLl'1II c: (}I'll III II \'.

\\'" Hxpect ROOII Lo Ilfl\'O hoxeR .. ""dy 1.0 he Pllt ill Jluhlic I'IJI' ""lied iUII 1'''1' boLh Itod

[1111("'8 CI"lSA

IIl1d l'I'isUfll'H r,J' Will" Tho l{t~1 Cl'flSH \\,illnipf'g Ill'!,

II,Rld IIg 1'01' old OIIJlLII Ii 11011, (l1)1,LOII 01' ILLllllol, rr lUll' clln "0 HI.tllI'ud ':1. ,1:1J1I1d IIll HHI1L'itl wiLlI S, Aid Hldp-11I"lIl8,

I'roc(O(Jtls or 'I','rt I~e", 2:~ $17.!'li'i T,'a \\'ill hI) Am'\'!!d ill t.ho LelL 1'0011; i\J,lI'oh 2nd ill :d'!.el'lI.l01·1 tlll IIsllal

....:... .........


011 81111du,V II'eh. 2·1 Lo 1-[,'. !'III'S, Joe Ollohul'lL SOli.

Il II (I

. Local ,Curling Event's

Thlll'H. ] ,I Lh ,/. 0011ILOI'-W,O, 13111'1"v('11 , .

. 1311 1'1, well FI'III, 15th

G. Syel'~A. HolJsoll 8yol· ..

l<'I'i. 1.5Lh '. K Smith-p, l\'lol'l'isoll

Srnit.h G, Gl'IlhUIII, 1I. B'llkwolI

. (} r.tlm m

Silt. 16lh J, C'JIIIL"I-,\:, nOI,SUII'

H"bsoll '~Idll, 18th

C1. SY('I"P, ~I fJ/'I'i~ulI. .. ", ·S.rI~I· .

TT:B'~I:k woll, F, !I r"lI''U 1\

. '\ BJlrk \\'ell .

- ,"

E, T UPS •. I !lui

SlIIiLh~ W.o. 13al'ki\'oll' . Billit/:'

0: OI'~hrtJ'~/!loLso'l

, .~. .

n. fll'lIl'" 01' 12-7 , Thl) flJllowillg nrc l.ho

C:' II allIIn It, J, C"rh(,t.I" It HOlt, 1, .. 1. Hill. All l'OPOI't LilllO,

hel'o~- I'iailors nl.nlud lit" lHtllJtlSO or Lhe SllI/del'- gaLhm i1'g ILlld iIlLl'odll(;!!d Lho


The 1Ill!llIlll!I'fI ur Lho Adll'on Lh Sol ie.'s N,)ed S'iUid.y hcld It sold i­OI'S Hh,,'v(H' Ill; the 1101110 MI'. ,J . I r 1111 tHI' 011 'I' IIl'S'.1I\Y, l,'ehl·lm.'y J 5 OllllUillg alld unl'd playillg \vol'e Lho cllil'l' l'elltlll'!lS or the evollillg. AL midllighl; 11. d.tint.y Illnellwns 8el'\'l'" 1L1lt! pilLllo IIllIsic WflR 1'1'11111'1'­ed, 'I'h,e Socil!ty wishes t.o Lhlllll< .lil who r.lul'llt.ed so liltel'lIl1y.

Speldhl 1II('I;li"lI iH 1I11111H 01' the IIII1Siuiall!'l ;\.ll'RHI'sIL fllld ~I. 1,OIln­hlll'y, Pel'uy DIlII flml JUllllsLfln, TII'III'Y \\ 110 ga,-o theil' S!ll'\'icI'H Lhl'ollghollt 'J\'ening fl'oe or chal'go, Tul'lluuo, Ullk .. ,s Illld oLhel' soldiers lieed!! ILlunllllt.illg Lo abonl, $15 00 wel'e I'l'epil'ed 1'1'0111 Lho \'ari­OWl people or [h(j (Ii~tl.'iul.s or AI'-11I'OIl[ h 11IId Illdinllrol'ri. III Ilfldi Lo lhi~ the l'ull\Jwillg dOllllLiollH wOI'e l'",cui\'e,1 ill r !Hl!lh,-MII!lieihIlA , ,LSO FI'OIII Lho rollowing $1.00 .J. \\T.lY, :r, WilSIlII, !\In. L'lli 111 el' ~h's, H, \\'lllSUII lrl'OIll Lhe I'ollowillg fiO cellls; !\fI'S, JIl~Hird, r~1Lholle Rose, \\T, Ferrip., K. \Vilson, L. LOllllsblll'l; H, LOl1shlll'Y, ·S No,ILol', G HiI'd, J. HlIIitOl', F, Bo\\'le!l,ll.~IuCol'lIlick H, I~OI'I'is, R LaLi'mel',

1~l'oll1 the fullowillg 25 eonls: N, WilsolI, J,'Hel;I'Y,

OIl·\\Tec.ll1oscinyFeLII'uIlI'Y 20,lho lhbl'O[Lth ladies tIloL at tho home

'HpnakelH or the l"\'ellill~. MI'. \Vood who is 110 htl'llllgel' tu

TI'Hhel'IIo eXIH'eHHI'd pleIlHII"1J ill IL , '. I' T I 'L(lpefLl'llIg ngn,lll ..,e urn It 1'0 1e1'llt'

Ilndiollee ILIIlI ill lUI addl'''HH thilL, held Lh~ g'lLhel'ill~ t.o ,,1.)flll al.Le II Liell ollLlillCcI t.lw llilllH Ill' lit", CI~lill G !'OweI'll AHS(JciltLioll, Th., Hpenkel' WIlH lJelllol!l'Ill,iu 1l."I, plellde:l 1.1", iIlL"lligellt~llf.l"lI'l, I'I'UIII all [J1'UHOlil

, Hu\', ,J C, t;lewllI'L liS 1\ !'I'llI'eSllll' LIlLil'o or the chlll'u)1 \\',L~ c,dt.. ... lllp, Oil Lo shy II rew w,))'d~, He Raid ill IL UOlllllllllliLy ill wilil:h n~I'il!IIIL11I'(\

waH tho Dilly i lid IIsL.')' e\'el'Ylllle who ill n.lty l'l'lli Wlly lien'utl Lhu

, C' ' C' eOlllllllllllly WIlH 1\ .1':1111 '1'0\\'"'' Ill1ti elll[JllILgi~('d Lhe lIe(,d ul' UIJ.IIIW

IIl1il.y spidt, i\tiHH "i\fUCIlIlIIIII or Lhol Gmill

GI'OW"IR Gllid,; ehlll'llIed Llw,tlltli­I;lIce Illl Hho Hpulw ul' what [,11Il \\'0-

111011 WOI'H doillg' III1Lil tho IIICII I)ll"

gtlll Co t.akolL haek SU'lt. '1 hi.'I'l! WI'H I\. tillle whclI ullly I.hillg IL \\'0

IlIIlI1 sllId ill)l glltltlJl'itl~ 1l1~l'lll"lIeI'S ILH sho pllHse,1 Lhe uu/l'e,! ILII~I ()ilkI' 'have SUIIlO 1II01'l"" All IhlLL iH uhllllgell. - Now WOIIIOII ILl'e [I1lRHillg 10solutiollA'IUllltllkillg LlwlIJ Lo L1II' LcgiAllLti \'e A HS!,III blies Illlli heL lUI' HLill hllVillg Lholll III lid 0 hLw,

NeedIL'!ls Lo !l.lY l(JulIl lalelll WIIS

IlIlICh !L[lpl'elliate(.1 ill mllsiu Illld J'eui 1./\ tiulIS

.r\ voLo or Lhallk!l WflS cordially tl'lIdel'cd Lo I he viHiLing spenkel's Ilnd Lho loclll tnlell t, aftel' \\' hich It

IIInsL sliceessrlli mceLillg \I'ILS bl·o· light to Il closo by tho singing Lhe

~lLliolllll All thell1' lIliss ~IUCIlIlIIIII o<{toll.led 1111 iu-

or Mrs, \\T, .Fol'I'ir, 1\.111.1 l!ackeu viLaLion lu Lhl,l WOIIII'>II ur lho COIII­hoxeR 1'01' the boys Ill. I,ho fronL. 1lIt1l1ity Lo meet; wiLh Iltll' ill ~ll'!l.

I IIlt"r, RCI'P"ILI c,li"IIIH II'llh \'a,,-1I11t. lol~ ill \\'illllil"'g II lid 'l'I'ILI');""III\ II lid HOIII" "I"h [0 Imd .. Oil illlJlI'II\'­e'l III' II IIi III Pl'(t\·.,d IllI"1. Ail'II'l,li' !'lItH wiLh uily IlIlI.H"" II.lId ""i.t,ngC'H, HqltlH (dtlHl' Hlld HOIlII' alillflstj el ... nt·,

t.o 1.1'1101" 011 1111"1. SI)II'" ""Hh ill ~!\"el'y (!H.'iO.

.\ ~,'diflll .' S (lIil" 1',,".11 rill' ~n I" .,!It'I.I', Llllld iH P"'HIIIUlillll lI"d ha~ g""d

11,,11:11101 high ill


.\ H""Lill" ,I '1Ii1,,!! IIfIl'I II III' '/'I'(·h,,-1'11I',soil II lid \\,lIl,'" !{til"/. IIIIl 111""'8 illlpn,\'.,d "'''1' i.lIl1l'·dilll(\ Haiti, $1 nou ellHh I\lId gno I Lf'I'IIIH,

lIalf Hl'oI.illll S.I';, Ill' Hath\\,,'11 ill If I 1'00'ud , will Lak .. "iLj' hUIISll 118 p.I.I'[; IlnYIIII.'IIt..

Agellt rlJl' Lhll '1'1'11:<1, nlld Lnllll Col, or Call1lda, ]\"t.lH'I'llllld~ TI'IIIlH­al Inlll ill i\1')I't.gllgtl Co .• llld 'I hu U I'ell L \V ('sl; Li I'e ;\Hsl'I'''lIeO Co,

Phone 67

J. G. CARROLL Treherne


F or. the Lent Season , F ISH • ._-_._._-

Fresh whitefish, smelts, Lake Superior Herrings goldeyes, pickerel, Alas­ka cod, smoked haddie, bloaters Digby chicks, halibut, . salmon, jack­fish; trout, smoked fillet quail-on-toas t.

Abollt TOl't,y hoxes were [l!lt!ked OIll'I'Y'H W~ !'OOIll the I'ullu\\'illg LillY oomailiill,g socl;8, candy)ollllcco to ,li~CIIRS the qllcsLioll ufol'glllliz'l-11nd oLhel' OOITlI'Ol'tll .. · L'hese boxes lion: . J II I'CflPOIIAIJ Lo dlis illvitlltiull J W wel'o 1'~l\~')lI'iI\lt1 '1\1, linea. II Iflrge d)'ow'll' of wOllion g'll.hel'erl - -

Clegg, Ali LlIl10h fl'lIl Tco Ol'Ofllll fllHl OI'gllniz'Lti'ln'Wfls efl'celh'o wiLh Butclier j

Suciili will l>~.lll'ld umlel'\he'lIl8- tho followillg offieo,s. ' . Ph:me 107 TllHIERNE pices (If A, S, N ,S. \PridlLY eyenillg .P reHiden L-;\ II'H I'] 1I0>! '_IV i lIeLL'- Viee

~ I a t'e h S l h. ,] .. \Ill U h \v i 11 bo 8(' i'" ed P .'csi d l\ i1 t. - 1'.1 rHo .J 0 h II l ... c(\~ Sec loe lUI' Y ''':-:'':'':.':'':'':-:-:-:-:''':'':'':'':'':'':'':'':'':'':'':-:'':'':'' 1'1'()m6.'D Lo 830. p,lI1. A' short 'l'~eI\SIIl'e; '~II's, A. D .. Huhill~I)II, II\II~icnl.progI'OIl,me \\ ill ho, ~h'en Exeenl,i\·f)Oo.umittee-11 I'~' 0 HIi'll •. Itt' ~ho ulolle fir l ho IlIlIuh. A Side l,f I "I i's, H 'r'ri~g~, .. "11'8, 1(', PllI'kel', + OWllers 01" stnlli..,lIs, sholll,l 'go~ hnllfi wOl'kwill he Iwld ill (11I1I1CC-' illI's, p, Vigrll', ~ll'l!. J,ll· It,)bl'rt.l)o·1I ,t.heil· enrnlll1Pllt cerLiJielltes at 011 co .liou·wilhLhe luo Ol'elllll !.looth, .\ It iR to b~ hoperl LII LI, Lhi~ is lint, ueellllHo \hu HellHOl1'is Iw,ro, Ronto A.lmi~s ~.·!L'11IIL9"50o~8 Chil~l'e\l, LM [i,·st. or '.\. ael'ie~ (~I' ,811ch, ,lllleL-,CfLl'lls pl'inL<J.,1 at tho Times. olliee,

• ' •• < •• ".,., ,"I" .' -, , '..,

; .c.' ,. witl} pel'!It\pS I\. PIOIII<J IIl~U'1I0, ,. , ", - .. , .. ". ".-' .. " Q.!W\..' ','" '. ' •• '~ .,

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sunSCIllPTJON .ItA'l'lt:-Ono yenr, In ,,,I VII,lIce, $lJ,uj ~Ix JIIontlH~. 76c: throe month.: ."Joe: U. 8. ",uti fnrfligll. IICI" )'en.r, 'S'LlJO

All ueWH lliLondeLl rur puhlltmt.lon HnouM rt~nr.h .:hh. otUcu 110 11\11!r thn,11 'l'1I01'i1IllY.

AtiVDl't.iHirHC l'n,Luti JlllUlu Ilflown un appHcl\ ~Ion.

Yl.!nrly contrnct. ntlvCl'tl .. 111K La lIl! IJn.hlJornl a.nd otmLch mont.h. trour IAAUt'tl to con!'t.llllt l!1l Il10nth. extra ltisuuri will ho clul1'~cd tUI'.

Job work or 111lY dCkcl'lvttulI lIuatJy find l)'t'olUptly C1ucutCt.l.

Act\'ct"tlt:lCllItHltH nllnceompnnit!ll with In­,.lrucUomrlruwl'letl \llllll tOl'hhl 1'.1111 dmnlCfi nr: oorrllnKllt. Notlce~ ot JIIUut.iIlJ!S IllHl CIllurll\l~I' :.,uut@, trom whil!h II. 1'f!\'('IIU(! I ... deriveu, III local col\lJUII~. IU f'lml'" ,,(H·llno. MCIIlOl'lnlll insC'l't inll~ IWHlt 110t I~xe(~efl tour Inclu!!!, Cllfu've>\ ntty 1't!llt~ (ell'l'at'lt illrH!rlhlll,

N.H.-AdvuI'UtlCIIICIiH with Hulhl tJl' 11C1l\') compoHltioli willl.Jo clllLrguti. tor UXU'I\ I\t mit' S1. W pel' houl'

..... ... ,...

.. _ ......... 06 ..............

Call Us Up! ---.~------~---------. Tell Wi Lho lIeWH

so tlml, W() Illn.y I. .. 11 ii', Ln n i.ll (' 10<,

Times No. -11

Nothing To It. Doos iL pay t.o fllll"cl'ti,jIJ ill LlII'

Trehel'llo TiIllC8'! 1 t; el'I'-LILin-ly does,\Vi tll()8H Lhtl oX pel'iellco fir n loon.llIlcrchnllL, who iR at!I'el'liw inll cren.lTI Sllpal'n.Lol'S, illcidental to other mlvel'liRillg. The IiroL week Lhu Illh' Ilpptllu'cd, hI) Rold n Magnet, ILlld he gil'eH Lill' 1'1111 orl'­<.lit to Lho Times, Tho following week, he Holli two more, IlIH.! both were hllyerH who "HILI" It ill Lhe Times," By t.he way, who Rells De Lavals aIlYI\"Ly'!

!. A Inollg tite looal tlc(lIl'I'R 01' alllo­mohiles Litose who bAL ~elLHon Ild\'­t,iHml s[)ldl.~'1 machilll'A in lJtiH diH­

. triet, ThORn who d ill II 'L Illl 1'(]I'list'

<.Iidn t, Hell It dozell 1L1l told, The Timos has IJeell acll'ol'lising

job printing l'IlLhel' uxtellsil'oly, oj

lIlLo, As a l'eslIlt we wol'lwd lin til '''light( onl" fOllI' lIigitt>! l(lst week And, if wo lllust adlnit it 11'0 Wfll·lt­

oed S l1nd ay, too.

• • • •

.. • • •


MORE than 100,000 F01'on ar0 owned by pco:j)h~ ill

Canada in preference to the old hor:::c-d:-:Wr..l buggy and other rmkes of C::1rs.

. Your neighbors, and far:ncrs in CYCT';'f section cf the Dominion are aband0i1ing their old bu~:zic:::.;-::;e1lin~ their driving horses and buying Fords.

Ford cars are utility cars. r1'ho:; arc bui1t to cldu:-o the strain or constant daily usc ovel' ~'ough roo-us.

These are tho tests CVC1'y farmer gives hls c:::.r. The Ford meets a f;:tti~faetory manner. It i3 tIl::! farmer's car, so Yihy not replace your horse and buggy with t'.. Ford 'c

-? 0 Po "-j,r,T)D O:\~l'f 1 ... ~.ll/_"" 1'1.


• $595 $575



• •

C. Met~alfe, Dealer, Treherne. ':t:! '


• • • • • I;) • •


Capltnl Authorized, $5,000,000 Capital Paid-up, - t3,OOO,OOO surplul, _ _ • - • ,3,500,000


SllC~:SS is seldom.n.tLllil~ed \\'iLholl~ ILt k,Lst 601111) etLpllal. '.1lw LlII·il't.y IlIlLlI who f;IL\'es I'Pgllllldy I~ I he (Jill' whu

reaches the goal of hiM tlilluitioll,

S!,n.rl Il. SIl.Villg6 Ileeollllt tuday In tho 13,\nk of Hamilton,


G. \T, IIA:-;:-;AlI, l\h;J(,

-------------~-~----------------------- -,~----


Flour Mill Returns from No, I ~Norlhertl \\,heat :

12 Ib~, bran Purity Patent, 36 Ibs, nom pcr bushel, 6 Ibs, shorts, Straight Grade, 40 " .. 6 .. 12

.. Rcturns flom No, 2 Norlhern Wheat:

Pudty Patcnt, 35 Ibs, nOllr per bushcl, 6 Ib5, shorts, 13 Ibs, brau Straight Grade, 39 " .. 6 .. 13 ..


PASTRY Purity Patent Flour Stays -with. the Leaders Purity Pll.tent !'IOUI' in now blUl1chod by an eluuLl'icld IJl'OeORS Lhllt

is absolutely harmlesR, whieh agel! and purities it, making it bell.lItifully white, pure Il.nd wholesome

c. '\Viechman '1 RE.HE.RNE. MANITOBA

~~:~~:~~~~:~:-~~-:--:-~~~:~~~:~~:-:::.:::::::::::-:::;:::~:::~:-::::::::---::::.-:':.--::==--:: ~-------------.---------------'----.----------

You are Satisfied With the price you receive when you ship your stock

through me.

PHONE No. 110 . .


'Vo 1'1111 a Iit-LlnlLe! 1'01' olll'lille or count~r-check hooks. And l'ight Hway, we had onlel's aillolllllillg to $ii2,OO.

Docs it pitY to ad I'el·ti~l'? 'I'I'Y it, YOII mercltllllls wlto IU'() do;dllg.

• noe

Livery Stable Having installed an electric flash

skylIght" pictures can be t;ken any

· · tInson, TRE~~~~~~ MAN. :-_______________ n ____ • _____ .-;,


Thero II'ILS 11 big I:Ipitlel' goillg Lhrollgh 0111' fileR lItis wllek. JI (' was tl'ying to lind which mcrchalll. (!idll't ndl'l'rtific, 80 ho eould Apill 11

weh am'oss that mercllllllL's dODI', whelu he wOllldn't he distlll'lwcl. A 1'0 there any wehs flfll'OSS YOI1l'

fl'ont door, MI', Mel'uhn.nt?

The road to Success is often won through ADVERTISING.


DatI', ThIlI'R,]"y, l\flll'"h H LoclLlioll S \V :{ I (j n, ilL Bell­

coltHlield ii nti H \V NoLro Da III t', Illiles N, Somel'se!" S.\milcH S. 'l'1'C­

Time, 12 :~JO Sh'll'P OwnCl' Hobt Vigal' Auctioneer N, 'Vilson 1'I'Opel'Ly IlS Follows

i\fatohed leam lIHU'CS, II 1l.1ll1 G, one ill f01L1 wt:3 t 00

Mntehcc.l ten;n, gel(iillg, mal'A In 1'011.1. Ii Illltl fI, wl 2800

Mllre in 1'0111, G, wt 1:~00 II II 7 ] 200

O~It1illg, 3 wt 1200 2 YOIl.I'ling calls Holstein cow fl'esh, 'i years Shorthorn " II (j . "

Holstein II fresh berol'e alLlo' 7 Shorthorn"" 5 years olrl 8?-year old hoifers, (j steers 3 hei­I'efs .yeurling;, II I'nll'ff! flhortllorn

~ , .

hull eominJ:; 2 yeal'p, 50 hOlls 22 ahoo SI"CrlOI', 7 l't hilldol' Ilew , ,

22 wheel paoker, "hoI's'.) IntcrnaL iOllal cuI ti vn.tOI', J 2 i noh gll.~' g Plow r. ' I ' ,) seotlOns, IIlI'I'OIVa, .\ horso disc. BI,illll'll.gOIl, new fanning llIill,l\c­lile picklol', :~O gul reefl hoilei',' hog tl'Ough, water trough, wheelbul'i'ow 200 bnshels,ollls, 1 G· tOilS hllY, 25

. 1nsittllfl uel\l'dle.!l.~ IUll'loy, forks, etc 3 iron hods co\nplcte, r:hild s cl'ib

11m! mll.t-tress, 2 tuilet ~els;.;l\k ci,i


Regnlal' Sel'\'iees evorv Sahhathl n.t 11 n,m. Ilnd 7 p, ni. Speoin SOl'mon to children on Lho liI'stSlIn­UitY of olLeh month !It tho morning hour,· . Sohool regularly nt 2 30 p, Ill, Pl'I\yori\toeLing alld Bible

Stnd.Y evory \Vednosdny evening Ilt 8, led uv the Pllstor, Epworth Leuguo Fl'J(lay li:vonil)g Ilt 8, LILII­ieR Aid Mooting liI'st Wednesdny Il.fteruool1 of enoh month nt B,

It, J,i\lills, Snpt, S,S, .l. A, Lousloy, Pastor.


Services ovory Snnd.n.y nt 11 n 111

and 7 P lIl, SuudllY School and Adult Biblo Clllss al; 12 o'clock,

\Voekly, PrlLyer Moetiug Oll Wed llosday Evening aL 8 o'clock, . ~[onthly Maetiug of tlte Session 7, 30 o'oloekfirst 'Vednosday of the month-mann.gel's meet first ~Mollday of tho monLh nt S ooloek iii the even ing,

RI~Y. J. C. STEWART Pae.L\ll'


lILuu;:'s C£IURCH - l'REIIE1,NE

villu liet'\'ice S'llndn"H 11 11., Ill, \.., J

Holy Comtnllnion 011 tho seoond Sllnduy 'of elLeh 'lI1~lllLh, . ~ ,

t ' S'I;, PAur}s CllIJHCH TIATllWltLL

l>lyillo sen'\oo Snll~l~ys ~7 p; Ill,.

·.il!Lsot, oak Jidl'uollrcJ; dinink rooul. tAble, Ii' chui"~i :~l;'ockers,' I~UnA(), 2purlol'tu'ble!l,: 2 kitchcntn~le!i1 onpboll.:l'd,'s,·l't\ug'!, . boilol;, ltlotO>. .. .,.. ..

Snlldavsohool2,15 p, m, ~ ·Hol~ comtnnnioll ~Oll S1l11~I'Y of .eaoh lIlOlllh, "~ ,,'

--------------,-.~ .. ~ .. ---- lime. Baby's picture taken instan :.---------------, A first-clnss r,ivcry and Feed Business; good Reliable Eorscs; :;t y­lish rigs ; evcrylhin~


Prompt and, obliging service,


Draying ~alld Teaming

Special attention to C01lllllcrcials,

A utomobile for Hire.


i clevel-.

op your



----------_._-------Photographer and Framer

Studio OPOn:rl'Olll 9 1.0 n J. II. Smith I Phone.17 Hl'oad WfLy Tl'chor l1 o

, _. ____ •• _. __ • ___ .u • ____________ • __ •• _____ J • __ '.-. p- .-_._- -<.< •

• ,.... " . . '"'/'.1''\.... .... . ." " , ,... . -." • "-. .. '4 m w-

Have You a Job for Us?

"Mn,wnin' Bl1ss,-],-[cL'\'vnin !'Inll!

Hns yo' got n job witlout a nigger

'lauhctl to it Dnywhuhs 'round yuh

dis mnwnin'? 'Kuse if yo' 1101', imh, . ,All's do niggol', ·if yo' plellsc!"r

,And if~~You,' have a job of


'large Of_.smaU, We Are'The Printers

'. ·'VeCrOV1· . Ovel:the quality,of.thejob. work.~

. .;, \¥cProduce.· '. , . -. ":.'.'

._,. \ '" ~~~--~ .. ~ ______ ~em~ ____ --~----~ __ ~'"~-a--~·-~n~~ ., , ~

Everything F or the Farmer

--------------------/ in the liuo 01'

Implements and Ma­chinery

AnyLhing fl'om 11. 'VhoellJUI'I'ow

£1,0 Il.Il Engino, GILS 01'


Prices al'e Right and ItcaSOllf\],le




Motion Pictures

Rulh Roland in The Reel Circle

Ford Features

Palhe Weekly,

Film Fun

Who's Guilty? with Ann Nilsson

elc clc

Kids 15c Grown-ups 25c

ScammeI's Hall each Tuesday, 8-30

Pollon's Hall Each Wednesday


I ' I ~ •• 6."''''' ••• ~ •• *~ TREIiERNE ••• liliAN. • ................... .

~~~~~ COAL and I

Treherne High School Students prepared for'l'hird and Second Class Teachers' Certificates, and Unlversitv M atriculatioll l~xllU1lua tions,

Low rates and special induce­ments for non-resident stu­dents, Write for illustrated booklet

R,J,Mills. Miss McIntosh Sec. Sch.ool Board Principal

LUMB'ER Spring wiII soon be at hand,

and Treherne community has been favored by our having been able to. kc ep up the f~cl supply and abundance of Galt. coal in stock.

We invite you to' our office where it is comfortable to talk over you~ building .. requirements.' We have on hand a full line of build-

NOTICE' THE LABEL ing material. dimensions, lath, sid­If it is datedprevious"ing, shingles; finishing lumber, ce-I .. to Mar;' 18 you owe' ment, lime, plaster; wall bo~rd and ........ for· your paper buildIng paper. ~

Since OCTOBER 1 ST ~Th~ ,S~bs~ription

. ....... ·te- . been .. ~.. ... ..

) . '

CORONA LUMBER CO. ~.f. STEEI..~, . Agent, Bfoadway . ,. . : .~TREHERNE • .. . ~, .,

• .. •

-, •

" ,.


., "


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Page 3: Treherne · J . _-, . • 00 • L'·" , L! '0 © o .. ••• ' •• 1, " • • .. " . ' . ~,._""'._


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Agent for the Victrola. the same as those quoted in Canada.

Our prices are by any concern!

When you buy a Victor ~fOU, are, getting a master machine, 'worldfamous for dura· bility, sweetness' ~nd volumn of tone. .

The world's greatest artists contribute to the Victor Rec'ord Library.




I Fine BUSIness Statronery , This plant is n?w equipped and stocked to produce any- I

tqing that may be des,ired in Busin~ss Statione~y and at attract- I ive prices. Best quality bond, white. blue. pink o~ gol~enro~ ~ I business moducing letterheads and envelopes, prlnted!n any I~ I color of ink or ,~tyle of type" 500 of each, for Five Dollu:s. I

I The Tre~erne Times I Ji:II3m=r:l=cm:u:li:lmm~i:I&:lI3lIo':!l31I:ll!ll=Ii:l;:J~S3l=-;:Jl3lCl333:li:I== ,


BUY YOUR fLOUR NOW -Wheat pnces continue to go up and Flour will follow suit

NOW is the time to lay in a stock of that well known brand

"Royal- I-!quseh?ld"~ ,SOLD BY ,


" . . '

• GI GI ••

' . , . : • . .

THE TIMES, TitEH;tm'N.p., MAN,' • • •

, . .'

, . •

. , ' . : '

" -

• •

. , .

, "

.. • •

., " .

• . .

It • •

• ..



Ii) Ii)

, E)() 0 o


• , '

LOCALETTES -:. -' Hugh MeDonn.ld who 1111.s J.i!lqn , _______ ...;..:.·.;:··:....~s ___ : ________ ., _______ _

spending n, fow ~dn.ys in tha CiLY.l:e­tlll"lled to Treherno on Tnes(fny • -- , . t]J .. :~ Our. New Spring Shoes


T rellerne Trifles" Robert Vign.r ror whom N, Wil­

son will conduct' n hu'go Ill1cLiol1 sale 011 March 18th, Illis roLurlloti froTu Bibstone,. Altl~, i'lI-, Vignl'

Dr, !lud i\Irs H: H, hilS p'm'cho.sed :~ rllli eq'lipped rlll'lII

int/Lllt rlttn~htel' /\rrlvod home oli; nt thn.t p,oint j'l'om 1\f. l\[cCren and F!'id.lY, ' will 8dl Illlilis stu"k implemenls,

, /\lId lI'III8ehol,l 'goods, He will ro' Clare ?lIelcnHo "'n:> /\ pl\ssollger , ,; r I· " ' " " ,muve Lo BlustOIl ,\\'Itllln 11 tlW '~'ee,

rl'OIll "ho Pcg 011 lJ rldllY, .\

1II I'S, Flo~sie Polion /\nd Miss, Rosll of lllLth well were S'lt\ll'dll:)~' \'isilors to Treherlle.

l'Le BerL n~as\i p (1.l'I'h·ell on S,~t~ nrdny nnd i~ yi>,iting hill\'e8

ror a rew dill'S.

Dong las 1\1 CL!Lren nrrh'ecl home 011 SIlLllrdllY, ,1£1', iUcLILl'en ho.s heen \'isiLing in Ontario r,ll' some-,

" i Li me,

'rhos NnlLl'es was 1\ business \'iaitor to lhe city returning home

on Satlil'dllY. 'I

Neil Cumern \\'/\s pnssmigel' from

Wi nni peg 'all Salllrday,

Al'ler se\'eru! weelts or sun'erinj:( Lhe intnnt daughler of lh. alit! Mrs, ,y CIHroll pass~d ILWIL~ SI~i­\Il'dn.y nftornoon, Funeml services Wl1re held at the honse on Momlny n.nd inLerment was Illnde in Ellst

'Ve kilOW oP,n. cf:'r~n.i!l bllsi!leF..s mnn in town who rol'~o~ ther'o WUR

n.locnl prInt shOll, und hesent nwoy for I~ supply of pl'int!!(1 RLIlLioncl'Y, Lhe jllb wns not nt nll s:1.Lisfllctol'Y, DlIl'ing Llle pn~l; two week !I we ha \'Il Rell t pl'i n lcd stationcl'Y to Winnipeg, Elm Creuk, St,Clnlldl'. Rnlhwell. CYPI'ess Rive!', nnd e\'C!'y (1m'" j6b \\"1\8 sn.tisr'L(Jlory,

A crowd galhered n.t lhe devot

011 Irrillay to weloollll~' hOllle nn' othor aoldiC!' hoy, I Pto John E(uiic [>[0 Eudie 1mB Illul snch wOl1llds inllieted ill his right lirLnd Lhnt II!! iii !'etHlered nnfit 1'01' futuro Bon ice ~ro enli!ll~d 11bollt two yellc,s (1.n(1 hilS ueen Hine months iu tile tren-


nI,'S. Ed LiLtlo who has bcen ill in DI'",, h'JApitIL! Jor 801me Lime has I'elurncd homu rully

recoyored, Tl'eherne cemetry.

--- , 1. There passed a\I'IlV 011 Feb. 21st M 1', n.lld 1\fr-s. Chas Couch w ... o

,< at his home nelLr Benilo, !'IIan" bcon visiLin~ their ,relatives 1\>.1', ~

I /\fter n. short illllos~. pneumonia, nn(\Mrs, J, Marksand Mrs. Marts) ,

W, (B u,l" Ho'''' ,o."e(1 30, ROil of senior returned to thQir home at " " ,.,,.,,,

, , ,Mr, and Mrs, J. Hogg of Olivil dis IndilLu Rend on :Mouday.

trict whers he WILS born and Ih'ed 1I'lt'S, G, Blllfour ~vho hns spent Lill n.bout nino yenr,q ago, he wcnt

tho lust week visiting reln.tives Mr, to Benito whel'o ho 1111\de his home aud Mrs, J, S'laplQs returned' to Ho leaves to mO',11 n Ii is I~ss a her home at <51ll'bel'l'Y, 11an. on wife and thrce childron, bosidc!'

Monday, r his parents tll;ee sisters fOlll' broLh·

G, Hannah spell~ Lho week end (!rs. ill Co.rman rotul'ning Oll l\f Olldo.y,

f 11 iss S/\nderson or Rollllnd who , '

had been visitinj:( with R, Salldr:l'­

Th'e Pelletier f!Lll11ly i~ gono all ~f~ndn:y Mrs, 'Clal'k or, U,S,A, COl1snll\t(l at \Vinnip?g, cnme to

SOli'S l'etl1l'nct\',l\1o,lIdIlY to hel'hollle , ' i ~L'rullel'ne and took elml'go of ,t he

'. - .. - - -Almost twenly years in the shoe business has taught us

many things in the shoe game. We feel that there IS much that wp.,can learn yet. but we know that we can cater more ef­ficiently to the shoe needs of the public than we could in any previous year. It is not our ambition to sell you low priced. cheap shoes of questionable quality, Our great slogan is always ~ality First. and the price as reasonable 'as possible. There­fore you Will find in our n~~ spring ~tock the best lines made 011 the continent. such a:; Invictus, Be11, Classic, Valantine and Martin, When wanting your new spring shoes. be sure to look for Qja1itv. and we Itnow you will give us a look-in.



I-Iarness Notes •

Will you need 'a new set this ~prlng? If ~~Igive liS a call. If our prices quality considered. do not compt~ favorably with even our mail-order compeditors. we do not expect to get yonr bminess, but we do expect the preference if we can do as well [or, you. (]I Our repair department is working overtimp., We cannot do all the repairing in 10 days before the spring WOlk commences. Bring it in NOW, Eureka ha mess oil in stock.

J. R. SCOTT P~2~~ Treherne •• n

...................... - •• ~~.J ... ~ ..... ~_A. .. ~ .... ~ ... ~ .... ..,..~~-~-~ ___ ....... ~.~-~.~ __ .A.-_ .. "'-~_~ ___ ...... ~~~".~_~._ .. A.~ i

Now is the time

To plan for that new spring gown you have been thmking about, ,Come in and make arrangements, Place your order b~fore we are filled up,


New spring goods expected any time, and 5tyle sheets just arrived,

March DelineatorS



~ .' .'

~ ~

" ..... ~_""~-~._.".,. _ ..... ."."'..;*_"'-.,.. .... ~.....r~ .. -... J"'..,.. .... -.......,..,.,,., ...... _ '""..,. ~....,..".... ...... ......-... Wi ... ~ •

• ~ ~ : o ~ • : • () -.. • •

An opportunity

III , Mens'

to save money Clothing.

r-_.;.... ___ _


,~ Delzel, Hobson, Goodman, Syorll I'll lIlil y, and their depot'lion ncrt)SR paid 'Q'lemboro n I'isit on 'Molldn.v tho hot'tlel', The rlLmily uon!listinl4 We judge, they inlend LO'mnntlll· or n. mothul' nlld rollt; childron weru vel' nt',c~rling.-Bonspiul all do\vII lef't aLt'nndell ill Tl'ellel'no IIY Lho thel'o, f'ttthel' who is slIpp.1sc(1 to be in Thl il

• Bon Crook wus a po.ssonger [I'om ~vl\ulteo a row mOllt hH ngo, a!.cl, WlUnipcg 011 'l'uesduy, since, IH\\"o been n. chl\l'ge upon t.he

• r. S P I II1UlliClP(llil~', They cnmu hUI'o i We are selling these suits at considerable less than present wholesale prices, and the market is advanc~ng steadiily. These suits are positively the best bargains obtainable. Not until after Germany is whipped will such an t>pportunity appear again=::::::::::::::

. ... ·,I·~:"''''~H' •• '.I :SU5fdGllWAkJi't!ll!lt~es'!M>'«-I



Want~ full value for their mOlley. and everybody who buys goods'here gets it. Our ~i'm is t~ sell. gO?~S ,that will bri~r a customer back for, more,' Come to thiS store where you WI I

always find a complete line of

'G~o~eries' Dr~ss goods, Ladies' an~. " " . ",

Gellts'" Furnis~ings, ~oots, ~~d, ,:


. Shoes, Ruhb~rs, 'Overcoats, >' °

: sweaters, ~its, gloves, ,HARDW ARE,;

, , Etc., Etc~' M ,_t

,\ ~)" ! t~ ,

, y o'u have all experienced the adva~ce that, , " pricp.s,'ha~e ta~en ~ince the' war, but here :,,: , vo~ can.get your goods as low "as anxwhere ':. and our ,shelves are 10'adcCl with'goods made: '." , . ':' by the best'fi;~~. . "< ,.';'~' ,

,"" - , . ; :~.', , :

!Ill-fl. W m n ichnrdsoll O( t, ILn, . I " 'II ",' rrom UILLhwell se\'emlmont If) ago,

ILrl·i\·erl on Tues!lI\Y n1W WI VISI" t r II II I I ' 1 , en· 1'011 e 01' 0 lUll, IV tIC I C0111' It'r mol hel' M I'S E, P'lI'kel' and , "d' I ~, , \' k: IlHIIIILy I'cinsoc\ t,holr I'cel UII-( l101'0 oLhet' I'olnii yes rut' se\'or/\ woe OR, , "I , Tho Olltll'O COlllIIHllllty wlLh l 10

I' " \I " I I excepLlO1I OL lJne pel'BOIl was'g Ill, ,

i • • • • • i • M: StnpleR reL\1I'llI!d lo Regiua Mond'lY 111l\'iuf.\ spent Ii rew dlLYR

hOl'O, ,

S.N: Cochran e)'osight spceinlist of Carml!.ll will visit Treherne on

ollllny"ufloi'i,oon and ''fnesdIlY lIIorning 1\10.1 clr '1 nnd, {) for lite

to flOO I hem go, , 'Vvo wish we mighl, namo the in· viduul who elljoyed therl' p,'oseneo


: • • : In • Clothing! Bargains

f pl'lLotiee of his profession, If l~~n sufror from eyestrain or cnnnot Ree clearly en.!1 and' h/\vo a' sojont.ific ex(\illiun~io'll II;OUO, , Glasocs snppi­cd ouly w hen they aid or

" ' : ,Ite\·. J;D, Flmning D,D, of !lIun', tolia Collego wi 11 deli \'er l\ leeture

OIi ,"Th,o \Y I~r and Ihterlllltionril '~'I01'lLliiy'" ill tho Pl'c~bytel'iau

IlIr~l; Trohel'l1o,' MOlldllY e\'euinft ,M al'cll 'llh 1~17 S o'clock.' , DI';, Flemi;li is 'an interestillg

!lpe!lker, .anu,his Ie'otti~e ~ill prov~, ooLh ill,strneth'o anrl en'Lertaj,n tllOIII-,

.. \ : 4 size 36, regular $15 to $IB, now

Church Birthday' Part~ t', I size 37. regular 13 ....;..,.-'='_ : ,I' size 36, regular B,50


now _ ' 0

The BiI'LhdI\Y l~al'Ly lIel( I in Lho : Ch'IL!rmll's chllroh on' Thllt'sduy t w'as ,a '3UCCOS8. ,Somo hundl'od: people 'gaillel'ered ILud fL'om 'ng~s : or 2 yrs to 100 yi's--well IllJcorrlillg i to', what wo saw, !Ill'" Stowar,t •

~ 9

2 size 37. regular 25 now

'2 ,size 37, regular 10,50, ,now

3 size 38. regular 15 to: 16.50 ~ow

I size 39. regular 19.25 now

! ,size 40, reg~lar 12,:25, now \,{U.S ihe 'chairman, G ames, song!! a~u re'CltaLk'lls weI'!) the order or : • 1 size 35. regular IB, now


$11.90 10.00

6.00 20,00




9}5 12,00

12.00 a III IISen\OIl t. 'l'hc fit'st gnme

'was l\ bl~\I-gallle, .T, Seolt ami Dt" Lllmont 'us captains;, 'Mt'. S..:ott's t6!un WOII; \Ve gi \'e them Lho cre·

i 2 size 39, . r~gula[ 15, 16

i 1 size 40, regular 18.75 .' ,> ',. ,; '." -

now 13~OO

dit uf uoing"'c~~r'ked'" p}nyel's. , ' Tiley took tl;eiL' time ami made Jiooc1 ,'mnrks 'whilo pl".Lamollt'lI 'u;cn ,vero nur\;ous 'I!.hu' th'l'ew 'u.t

It'c~nsoill .. , ih', ' took' hi~ ~oroaL

i . Boy:s' 'clothing marked • • i : • • ,They

accordingly. I ° , ,

won't' 'last

I dClwn i"

\ ~, , f'·· '4'

long! :

. ,






.. ..- •

Page 4: Treherne · J . _-, . • 00 • L'·" , L! '0 © o .. ••• ' •• 1, " • • .. " . ' . ~,._""'._


'" .' . • • •

.. •


.' '" . , . . , . , .'

, . ..... f

• • " .

, " " .. '

" ,'.

. : ..

'" . • • <8 ~- -~-... - .--" ~~,

, . ' I' , ,', . ' , , '

" '




.. • f " •

, . , •

• •

• "

• '. \ . -' .'

• , ....

• \ r . '


• e ,- , •

• ., ': • \ • I 'THE TIMES 'l'imnEH.l':lE, ~IAN, • . .. ~ ... '" ..



• i "


"rr'l1 he SIS " pot ess tore

"Gr'oceries Groceries Groceri~s ,

, Always fully ,:;tocked and always fresh. We never overload. so nothing, gets stale. Try us for large or~ers, we can send for 'e~

We a~e almost sold out of yarn but our spring goods is expected shortly. I

Prompt service and reasC?nable prices are our endeavors.

Highest prices for butter and eggs_

Smith Brothers ~ Rathwell, Man. Phone 39

• _, ______________ ,~, ________ ______________ ~

.. tlARDWARE \ 1

The most complete. general


-line ,

• • I Am the New Agent' for the , '

• • ..


"w. L. DAWKINS\ Phone.'23 R~thwell. Man,

RATHWELL .}Jeed-Oat~~ ,

News and Notes Items for this column may be

left at, ,Smith Bros. Store tcfore WeilnesUay noon or mailed direct.

Itov, Spooner WIIS, a pl\ssenger to lhe ciLy on Monday.

At I.ho Soil PI'Olll~ctS Exhibition hel,l ill tho Indnstrial 13 II ron II , D • 13ell dilL' neighbol' ollL lIorth"card· e:l olf 2nd prize fOI' Her-:istered 'oats and 4th fOL' ,Hegistered Whent.

Preston Gill of ,\Yinnipegl is Lhe gnsst l,f his paronts l\1L'. and I\1rs, Gill I'ul" a ftlw days" ,

, Sale

McK.".i .. Pedigreed Grain. as quoted ill 0\11' current seed catalog arc,prc .. cmincJlt in theil' rcspccl­i vo classes.

McKENZIE'S 22nd ANNUAL ' "Th. Red Guid. Book for tb. W •• t" is the leading C~nadian Seed Cal· alog, \\'t'ile fo,' a ~opy TODAY.

'" A. E. McKenzie Co., Ltd \' ,Brandon, Man .. ,' .' •.••. ~ ·1.·,;('>':;·/~\\

Tho looal brn.nch or the St"lohn Ambulance Bent 25 pub'S 'of sooks 1'================ and 28 shir'LA this week.

, I'to ]1:. Sear'row""vlls: welcomed home J..,y a lal'ge a\lll happy cl'uwd of friends Illst Satlll'dny,

Miss 1. Kalle reUII'IICd from a visi t Lo t.ho ui ty on Satllll.lay.


1\II'S, neid or Fort ,RiI'el' and ~rrs 'r, Tm'hnLh of ''''illniprg ar'I'i\'en in Lown on Siit.llrdny to visit t,

parents 1\11'.an,1 1\hR, \V l~I'ost,

UI', Fl'ost iR illlprovillg slo\\'ly fl'olll his reoent misfOl'lnne,

Miss nOSS WIlS Il 'J'I'ehel'no 01' 011 SaLllI'ClILy, •


AI'I,hul',CIII'1' of 'I'r'ehCl'uo was a [tILth wulI viAi 1.01' :aet wc ek clld .

Pte '\T. Kalle 1'l't.lIl'lIot.i on Sat­1I1'ilay 1'1'0111 t.he ci ly,

, I

\V. UellRelwood. J. SlIIiLII, Chas FOI'bes al'O, tnkiug ill Glen hol'O spiol this ~veok.

alld the

l\Ir-, E. Dnwkins of Wiunipeg spellt, a few daYfl IMt wcok vi.siLiug his IJl'ot.h01' W.J~. DILwkius. , ,

MI', Bonuh of C"fLIH1'LlJ, MiLn hilS a'Jeop' at.! Lhe position of teller ill tho N. C. Bllllk,:III~l'e:

Geo Smith was [\ Trohel'ne "isiL. 0)' on Thursday.

Dllnn C~awell was a nitY' visitor Oil TIIl\l'~day.

LADYSMITH 'Ve aro sony 1.0 helll" of tho

sorious am:idellt t.hat hllPPul1('id to MI'R, AluOI,t Cut.t while. 011 It visit to fl'iollds at Winnipeg. M I'S, OILlt hacl t.ho IlIiHrol'tulJe t.o Hlill 011 lhe , Ride\vllik last Thlll'sday o\'olling, hl'CfLking her Icl't ILI'\11 Illld thigh. Sho was oOllveyed to the Genernl Ho~pilnl whero she lInrlel' wont ILn o/lol'ntion. 1:-0 fal' MI'~. CrL~t llfls pl'ogn>sseJ us welllLs elLlI boexpoct

I . 0' I, ~III', GlLtt wellt down to the oiLy ou\~atlll'l.liLY amI hilS I'olnl'qed , ,J..r. 8mith or sL.Jr)L1'kll "is visiLi;lg with 1\11'. amI 1\[1'8, R Kaue I'Ul'lL few t1 Uys,

lI. Wl s plending to hoar of MI', ,jl)hn OBhol'lIe'fI success at t.he Soil P['()(luJtioll Exhibit.ion at \Viuni'

I peg last weak whel's ho seclIL'<!tI , I .

s~\'C1'a pl'lzes.

, Pto Joo PiukCl'Lou 1'0tlll'IIell homo 01\ Saturday. Pts Pillkert.ol\ hlLR been aLLhe '1'I'on'l. ~wo yeUl'S !Lilli is 1I0W illvalitled hOlllo.


, Carnival Antics'- " .011 TuesdlLY night thoro was a

Cal'nh'ul and sOI\1(1,olassy oostu,me a

~~--~~~--,---~~.--------~----------~. Miss A nllio Shullswull is lhe gaest of 1\Ir-. allll Mrs. Gill.

\VOI'S ~eell 011 the ioe, I

~lifls O'.'1\lills, host ladies oOfltumo­D,l\'id 1\J oGjIJ, IIl.lInlld, hest gellts costume,-"Scot.ty" \

r~ •• ++.+~~+++·+.* •• ····++··+++++··+·+++··++++++++'+·· ~: .' . . :~ U.' G. G., T dlage T 0015 ,'. i Ready for Shipment .'. 'l'heso U,G.O>J'illage toolfl have been ssleoto(1 by tho Company's :~ bOM d of farmers as the best of theil' kind' '

~ Plows· Walking. Sulky, Gang and Engino. They, have light\ ~ lh'aft, soou l' easily,ulld aI's strollgly'built,

~: Harrows-Boss Har~'ows OL' Diamond 'rooth have ad\'antagos you :~ sholll,l-Im-ow abollt. . ' , " ,

~ ,Disc Harrows-Havo sOL'IL]lors tliat ksop thcm oloan ill trllsllV' or ~ , ' 1l10iRt soil. Thl'y ~\'ol'k anyw}lcl's.

, ~. , ' I ,

,~. C! Itl¥atllrS-\Vi,th gllnl'/ttlteed stecl spL'ing roeth, littcd rur ~ soil cOl\ditioll, to ktll weeds and OOIlROI'\'e nlOistllre.,

'\ ,t Ask the agent nbout th(jJO tools the next timo you al'o in

. ~ Get U G G Cm~l /' '

Miss Molt or Elm Creek spcnt wook ell(1. t.he guest of hel'

p'aljellts D.·. ~lId ,~[I'8, Mott,


, . Let.Ler Ileads Ellvolopcs Business Cards Shipping Tags St'Ltemollts

: , Posters Dodgers 'Routs,Cards

Magdaleno SI.I:nlll,e, best gil'ls postul11e,.Spnllish Dal,lcel', , Tlie only ullpleasant reat.UL'e 'of the O\;oning was Lho l'ude ar:tion of

/ Clm'enoe Bm'kwoll who, eIH10!wored

- '

II II gall all lI,\' to compotc rOl' Ladies fi rst prizo-as a pn n ish lTIon L ho was givon best comlo pl'izo. '

B:LpLiso,;\[t)l'OaU wun .tll: l)h~l.n?lo L'aoe A, Moore secolld; Bill 8nllth stllck in tho first IlLddOl'lu)d ILttem­

to go throllgh Lllo Ronond one wilh tho lil'st one 11.1'011 lid.' his neck. A. ]\JOOt'O ';VOI} tho blll'l'ol jilln(J wilh B. ]I[OI:oall sooow)

'Auction Sale

Statements - '

Billheads ...

In .LII ijizes, pl'illted Lo your orLler, $3 50 to $5.00 pel'] 000 \

Immitation Typewritten

Oil'culllr letters get the business, 'Ve prod UOtl good o/les.

I t-==-

TIMES 'Office; Treherne


==--Condensed Advertisements '

AU.CTIONEERING! I liR YU mtlv"tI trnm 'rwht'l Ull to Wi'llIipt..'l: lin, intllilfl e,u-ryit.1! U[) III) "'hH.ilHI lhlt"lll'"'~

t.hrlllHrh \116 l'uIl1JLr)'. Cntttf'JlICr" \II ill I cu.:t vc PrOIU~,t Attnu,iuu hy'·wrll i ·'K 'lItt hL IlICl"l'ut 'ul.1 rt~~" or Phol1u tihtJrhrno., Jo'".7I11J rfl ver.eclw('k Pri~'HI AI! Uenltl. 8ft.LISfllcLi .... u C)lIkr"lIlc~t.l

N. WILSON, M.A.A •• '69 tangs/do SI.. Winnlllc"

Licensed Auctioneer. , I r yon (llll'poqo Al'llillg YUUI' la.lIl or chaLt.l'h SCt) lllo ){IlI,ll\\'l>1I OIlf'L­OI1el'l' I'UI' 1.(>/iL' l'I'81111s, Box <lit r. J.f:Ubbons natiaYfJ'II


I Tho, nexL til11l1 yon ILre visilillg \Villl1ipeg, wby 1I0t. lIIake YUlIl' h(l!ldquul'l(,I'~ at lhe

Hotel St. Charles "In the heart of everything"

'1'1'10 l'Ollle or "Thuse wh" [(/lOW.' o ,\'lIed 11111 \ "llLulLgr'd \,y

Geo, I::lkilllll!!', IrLLe 1)[ "I'hLl (] I'rlllge'

Ad \'CI" hwmcntH ulldor thil-l huacltllf! 1\.1'0 cl,nl'UI~cI 1"'=============== fAh! rOl' 0110 I WUu:UOJI. tlll'CU ilhif.!rlloulol rl.H' 1.110 'rho ClaHHi tied ,ul. WILY iH ILI1l!C'UIIOIllicILiIllIJI ht~.1 of ~01JlIIg, blll'in" Ol' l'unU!Ul.

FOR SALE TIle- IIndersigued has Reycl'al

horslls fOl' f11l1r~ all 1.(00(1 wol'l, hUl'HllR 1 r yon lIuecl /I h'ome Ilpply to,

John N, Leo I 'TI'ehm'!lB

Phnllll 70 2 J., •

FOR SALE aoO bu. of seed IIlIll' I,e seen HlLl'd Wlll'e,

.W. J,

hal'ley, at ,J, p.

, 81l 111 I'\"H S tl'ILIIIJP,

Sale bill posters and Route cards-­newly and

We are especially


Agent for the Art Tailoring Co. "I' TIl"""\.O, UBIILlellll'IIS' cluLhes IIHlde tu nWIlRllI'll, Ilnd Ii I'st ellLsA Ii L en A 1\1 BE llS

Phone 81 glllll'/lIl~Oed, OI'~llllilll.(, PI'!lRSill" fi .1 • .... lUlu repall'in,( [lI'olnl'Lly atlendud.

----------------------FOR SALE

Now 1\ll1ple Leal' gl'indel' 8" pbtllR 1 secollu-hand 2~ lip ellgino

Pullon Bl'OfI

PUBLIC NOTIC E Tonders -f-'ll' LI,o position of

Ii'enymnn nt JIiI'rlA 1l1I1l Hlllhll']s CroHkillgs will he I'ceeivpd hy Lhe IIl/dOl'sigucd lip tu i'l1,lll0h 5, 1 n 18


INFORMATION WANJED Pet'sOIlal;- \Vill allY pm'son who

liaR had kllowledg.! or Lhe whel'c, flhouts of Nellie 1\loCm'miuk Kloss late of Halliwell Manit,olm, wiru or Di.virl 1\1., Slosrl or LOWIIHhill 01' OILl'IIflI'\'OIl in tJlP di8tl'int or i\1 nll­itolilin ill the Pl'ovinoo <lr OnllLdu ill tho Domillioll or CnnlLc1.L plensc COllllIllln ionto wi til Joh II CI'nig, Soliei tOl" GOl'eBILY, 011" Cfllladll

FOR SALE I~h'e roomed coLtIlKo rOI' Ride ill

good oOlldit,ioll 1I0VOI' ocellpied bllt hy OWIISI', best, or watOl', soli I'ieh About noD I'~ ill allllxtencls to Boy­ne ivhel'e is n lino bit of PILstul'e Il\nd l\\I ideILI spot [01' RtoCI<.

,'_ Apply l'll's, D. Nec,]ham .'l'l'ehel'lle



MEIlIC.\I. , ,

")It' '1', ,I, LA'IUN'I' CnltO:-lh:H IS \ 'JIJ If Oil l'lll( I'ltUVl:-I'OK

co .. \ :.J M UIII\,ur,ut,. J MUIlILohu. lIuuor ~In.l.hl.~tu

1I111co lUI 1'(I~lflflnt:'" IhlVIJlI HII v(!L, I'hullu 2.

UIt. ,I. A, CllJUS'I'1 LA W PhYRlclall nnd 8ur'gooll Manitolm. Modic"

00110«0 UI'lutunlo. OlikoH om', BUYllo Ilwl Hn,lIway Phollo 101.

,V. A, MOT [', 1II.D. C.,roner

Rrnsllwft.. .. Utlt.hwoll. MUll,

0, A. BOWMAN, V.i:l., , VE'I'ElIl,N,\IIY 8urll'00ll ,,,,,I DOlltl.L, Ollto.

1o ::HIII~h tI l~tvury Ht.ulJI6t1 lirOlulWtl)', l .. o~itlollco ,.ilOnu, No, S:I,

THEil EliNE, 111,\ N

Dn, R. II. LAYNG, Dl~NTlS'l' T1'Ohet'11fJ MOllduy J~l'id"y ::IILLIII'Clay uml TlIesduy. Ulellbol'o each \VedlleRday UI,ld, 11l11rsulLY.

., AM I~S F U L'J'I'),N tluQu.!I"'tlur to


O ...... ICJl:I:l U.lIW., Avo" l'roborue Moultob. rlnllctt.urB fur LI"t'Ul Ulll1 ~ uf I..:UIII­mturu"l HRllk or UHmllLoD, .. uti ror MUlllclp .. ''')' I) tin ILb Nurfolk.


UmLOUAIlD & LACmll'l'lil A \·uc,\Ui·BILI'J'I:iLorH .

Al Noll'o ()junu tlu I~Olll'dml OVUl'Y SI~L;II'''ny fl UlIl J tu U p.lU.

'J'ulophonu Olu'ry 2tml 7l1U 1~I(Jctl'lu Hall wny OJm,"lJul'tI, \\'llJlllnoil ,

" :'~ ,..,.,..,..,.----.. .......,... . ............,..""'" ~ -- . ~ """ ....... -- .....

'n") 'f 'United, Grain '~Gr9'wers~ ,Ltd. '," I ~innipeg Regina ,:;Calgary

1\1 elTllIl',i,~m C'i~ds Booklots, . COLilltCI' Pucls

\' -, \Vflr1(~iug,O/ll'ds" N.I Wilson 'Will - oonclllot a lal'go

auctiJII f,lllle I'U1' lrl'cd Sellin moll W."'l' 588 011 WCdIlORclll,Y:' 1\IILI'Clt'

I<'. U. Ml'J'Oll I~LL, B.A.

FOUl' hl'Ood SO\\'8, duo t.n ral'I't)\v dlll'illl.( Apl'il, fJlII'e-bred Bfll'l~ahh'e llOllI', SOWH $45 ~iioh, hOlll' $'10 1'111'0 UI'O'\ 8hOl'LlloI'II hllll wilh 1'0 I.(i>ltel'orl cOl'tiliolLle 2k Yelll'R old $125, .sO\'ol'lll bllBhuls 01' HlLx nt, $:1,1iO PC1~U,

ATTOI!NII:Y AT LAW, Olllo. oL A. M.rLln tt1t1}1I01". HrfJlulwft)'o Trf,lluruo

A. Gmbh, Phone 50.1 a , . ','Eto! ".

" ,

;:,.;IL.'J. HILL, C. E':HUTCHINSON, ,~ TREHERNE .- ~.~, RATHWELL ,~ , , Agell\;S at; om' ele\'at()l'S at t.hoso ppint.s" ' , .,. , .. , .,.+."' •• o)++++."';++-+. .... +~.!o~+.)O) .oQ>++~+++.;}++ .. , ....... ~~.; •••• ~~.'.!i

II .... / ", .... '. ~ • ",.a.: , ',.' , '" . .. ' ,,' '..'


. . I \"1 .. '


'2tJLh, WaLoh 1'01' POSt.OI'~, ------.....:-~~.:....--,LOST


',F~rms Wanted \ , , ,

, 1'-~ " ,

, If you want to, sell your farm write.f6r'lisling fonna !l~d' if your price is ~ight, J.'ca'n sell your land.

, " \. ,,' "

, :W .. ,l, BAT'I'ERS 2!)5 'QlHlbeo Bllnk Bldg

'" A P\1l'SS 011 Boyne St, Cq'lIt,oilling

$5,25, Inquiro at Times Office. , .

FOR SALE/ A fow w01'1< ho1'sSS rOL! sale,

PI'ioes right., " J~I\Il Peel'io

Y,.,~,',9170 ,:,', WH~NlI'EG '.L~'&" ers Pay . ------------, ---,---------

• • • •

• •


.A LturnfJY. HuliutLor, !\'otm')' PuLHc. etc. j\lolluy to IOILII 011 town nut! tUTIll IH'OPOl'lYI

,\gIJllt ror Urlll"'h .AuJl:rlcall Flro IUu.l lIalu III­tI}111l11CO CUlIJIIlUlY uw.l \\ n \\'a,wt:lm l;'h u iruHlI'-tUICO CUIIlIIILIIY. JjiJlhLlltl. Mnllitolm


.1. COUL'['lllIl " Flru lUtlUl'UIlCO AH'ont.

IH~UUI' uf .Mu,rriu."u·Llcu(lCOH 'I'IlEllltltN IiJ MAN'


.Aa:onL tor thu Porl-nllo In Prnlrlo Furrul'lr'd !"utuo.l )i'll',! ~lUnl1'LIlOU Jo. PtWIIO 2)

I rnlu'rlll'.M fill. -~---'----,- ---,.---~

AI.FHI~D AI A WI'IN Honl iCal-ute, .MOl't!,.'14{O n.lld :, u~nco A .} t HUIU'OttoflL,illl: HC\'Onll or tllu 0 t LUlU! IU!& ru: HUI1LIJCO Comlluiliud. - (JomI111~JUlltJr Unto UI'oodwn.y. . ' " e ,,'

-,----------------FltATEHNAL SOCl:ETlES

l'lHmJ.PRNJ~ LODGE NO, 51 "A. F.' &. A. I\r. \

011 or bdul'o tho full moon Tl'ohorllo.,' .YlallhtM I",.tllton , .

, ,

• •


• • \110

e • • • • •

• •

, • •

'. • •