andrev~n-qe)and goro~o 4~·o.o $ · • •·...

. . .' '1 .. 1. : ., . •. t. ' = .. .. ... ... =:..,.l!l!L .. .,=·· .. _!!t=:·oe!. . .. .. .. :'!. ....... ·-"!!' ... .. ... i>:OJJI;I.N!l{)6, \ . , .. . I:,IN<;;OJ<li! <;QUliJTY, lilli:W MJ!1X.IQO, J.A,li!U ARY .·:t!, 1915>' . ·, ... I . 1 Mary T. · 'Porein•oi . 665 T J!1· >ilu, 10 oo c259. JoS• .. r..P"" gu. t<t · ,' . 1 · ·-Proceedings .. ·,· f66 .'l' .m MiJls ·. 10 oo f<lr health <>fficer 20 on lioru in Gt•JiOn eount 1 , -'!',.. • , . . · . . , .66t 'l' 1!1 00 l!larlll't,;o O ,.i- b 17. ·tss"'·.· d'"' · · CPnttnnea:ftlJOIU l.ast \\e.:>k 668. A E MHls. .c.o••stabl.: fees H4:! · (lly Sp«>J,a con,.,pond'""• tho 'NOwo) as, " 0 " · • "• "" · 10 · · · " ... ·=.J·-"" .. ,"!".:""' H& .. ho.JI.!:e.",OJll .. pleted t'ts· rg· n·. .. ..:·on .. ·w. hen· the Cardzo•o, New ld .. i<:oo !• ollafv !Oodorto'Cba•" .. . ". 3 oo 669 A lll.ldtll• . lO oo '2M W S Brads .Inter· . ' •· -4 tS, 191S; · w .. ll!>t ll>urrted Ida J W l!1 ,., " •• · 3 oo . .••70 A W M lt I · b p"'t" J J>' Court ' t>t i ., $)!ei!ket the tOttlll)iifees Ond ·the · · 5, 1871, toll, G. Kelley; Fonr F,.aclooO Vigil • " " . 3 oo· 6if' l'.o!e jennlng• . '' 00 . 26R A II Hamy offico, · iwtutnllfee· on :rules made it.; XOPQrt. Judge children th;, Ottion, two of Dolore. i.tteras.' " " 3 oo 679 Dallon 00 ••ponse H" .: .... ·1t··.- ..- .. "!": · .. -.· _,. Hewitt ·of ' LinCQJq CQlinty, the democratic "hom ve, J oh o · '1'. Kelley, A pt>!On ; 0 Romero " " 3 oo 673 · H B . z. 00 269 All Uamy record· is a member of the cottlll)iltee on. •I ll•mmg,, •od M ,.. r.. · A. M •· SabiU.. G<>o" les " " 3 oo J 0 N• bonrs, Jr. • 2 oo log Vital "' tl""' S on Call, . of th., ploce. M• to J 'I' Iti>do " , 67S W •lis · I 2 •W A llll:"vey l'i!Wd• . .. , promises to take M l3 """r"ma·n· "t olorndo s' . u. ·. ,, '' ·3 3°0°0 676 WG'rli()iltpSQll •.. ·:,..,r\'lti'lSt:•tistics ,- ...... an at;live part in :fr.iming rev0nue legislation, ia. , .. ;fbre; " " 3 01) 'rho lollowtog wild ,niin•l 211 !:a ' . . in of hl$ mi',lori1;)r At any un- J. · · wore I he result · 1 1 h i• A u Norton " , . · 3 QO .. boo oty eta ions were allowed. and •t••• J P Court 5 uu Slll;lst'J!ctory fl!l(ation PI,'O\'lSlOns Wlll get by the uolon, · two ol "'''"·"' aorvire,: c c ;;> · " 3 00 ""''·"''"''"'for •ame> IV Wntsoo . of the g"J)tleman from Lincoln; which meAQS <leo. T. Forcmau, Wti! o. Fore- 0 r. .. .. J 00 No. 415 R J Copeland . 2 00 . · ..• I·'' tlJiit,the l?tibllc will knoW: about them. . c.,ri••••· ll'""" theRe c n Mjye' . " " 489 J r, J 0 ,.,,. H21io l1 A Smi<h .. sa ta F N M J ' 21 Wh"l t d 1 t . cbddren and • ••band' hr.. ll. W'yue v ooSCbOy'k" .. 3' ou . • 490 IV G '!'hom psOn 56 00 '"'"J.Jonitor . ,,, 50 , . . n e, ' " an, > 1 e a gtea ea Q . Foreman, a bro!l!er also '"'"•"• Ambrocio Cba'<a " " 3 oo 49( J L Good•ll IS 00 l(elley & Sons prOposed legisJatiPD .bas .been intrOduced into both W' A, Uam,.ond, 1<1 Paso. .lose •r Sedillo , ,. " 3 oo 492 F,.nk' t"net .6 00 ••t•Pii" jail 40 I)()' ' · boqses of the legislature this week, very little att<>n· .• Fore"''" look op the pro• J w Nortoo · .. " 3'oo 493 Joellolcoonb 47 oo J !( Adatus tioU: lias been paid to it,tor the contests 1lled agliinst f.,. ion of San A o lonlo, A J GUu 1 o<O · " .. 3 oo 494 Courodo Sa nchea s oq <onstabl<lr'" . the two members :£tom Union totutt,y, Smitli' and. in 1880, and sr .... tbat Jose M .. .. 3 00 495 hl L c Se<llllo 45 00 286 tl•• Spen,.,J< in· . Miera, 4emocrats, by Toombs and Vigil, republicans, ,..,. devoted tbe greater part of R., .. Mirabol " ." 3 00 ... Jocloto li'loros S8 oo terpr<"r JI'Coort 21lU that of Jtfedeato Ortiz, 'l'Pubfican of Benialillo county, hortinicto th•t ure•t TbOll W !leo loy " " 3 00 497 J aetn to Flor"' 45 uo :07 llOf.,sle \ ".' ai'"'s.t Rafael .. Ga. rcia, democrat and th. at. of C. havez, . · · She wan .,,., b<r oft be i\t W Wbi t• " "3.()(). ---498 · z on f l''ii;>$ · : • · 14 3<1 ·• · 1!1.. ... a --$<Hm>n<rKiiii:f' --..-·" J oo 499 Clore nco Spence 6 oo Zllll l!lro<stt'•l• .,,.,,. r!!publiclll) Of . . mcmbcr•ol tbe followloK .1' 1 Crafton " " 3 SOO E•t• nl•l"lo Cotdon 4 oo • ehlef dep'ly sl1 'iff 3Z5 oo 4 (}() . OCCUpied the societtc., the Ret>okabo; llastorn H Con•Urncb " " 3 00 SO! llonlto 1'''"'"' 1000 Dr 'I' W Watsott , and the republican machine managers to the Star nnd W'oo<lmen Circle.. El Copeland " ;, 3 uo So2 M iguet Mnntosn' 2 ou Troas.olli<e •• p'se 35 67 ' , . exclusioll i>f everytl)!ng else. . . . .'l'b•l••m, .. C..rizozo E M " " 3 09 .. ,•_S03. r.tu Uraruua 4 • · firE II Watuor · . '1'hll two Union cotutty dem0¢n,p; bavC beenun. ____ ,_, :m••. ago. A ScMce.n,.•< - .,. .,, · .3 00 :o; Eebcrt l!1 Fordo If• O<J to · . .,. d . dl .. ..,.. ....... a·-.,..-·- ht uear town a J>leasant Pablo. Chavez . u "' u 3 oo .. A J Sharb:er . l35 oo '2'J4 Ilrus • · -·..s. e. ,_xegar ess Ox . e evt ence an ng · home, wlucb.· blla been noted for 'I 1 G 1 ,, " 3 oo 506 M n r anc , FJ oo .• Jr•il 24 00 ·d d· " · Th tw tb d ts ·n b · ,, 1\'IU.It . onza cs . . . an . • e Q o er em?"'" WI · e un- '!' h!"piilility, ud .'h• 8 li' G,olf .. " s oo s 15 oo 295 M C Por<or & Co .sea!ed JPSf all qul,Ckllf :"' the lDaclune lllllllllgers ean Ulelamdy With the town Uen l.ujon " " S 00 508 MO!tton Vigil , JO 00 •nppli .. fliUall pox 2a?5' ·Wlup the caucus mto lme 1!.\,do the work,. The hand- ••d •t• people have been plm- w. p, Lourfhrey " " 3 oo SO? Torrbio Abila H oo Dr M G l'a.leo . • ling of 'these Ctiqtests ·has been and promises to he antly,ci?"!Y related • hnost from r. o Cha" ,. " 3 oo S 1 o J B Slo•n l:lS 00 sal'y •••lth offic'r 75 00 " comple.ted .a. s the most. highhanded outrage in. the ttnd th(! deatlt of 1<' .Grey u u 3 00 · Sll Druce P. cnr\:c 10 90 2?8 Dt M <i Paden. • · d ,., f t·h . ,_ · · · t f. th' t Th lhts well kaown, Kentro"' and Sam R \Voo<l . . " " 3. 00 · 512 0 IV S1d well 16 00 "'edleiao llaht""' •• ove,n ° e '."' 0 pa glingo · IS s.a e, . 0 re•peete<l la•ly p<odn"d. F M lltel . · " " 3 00 513 Salomo• G<t<l• 00 29? R••••• !,uta'• eVIdence II\ .the Umon county .cases showed beyond , '"ll''"' the • eotire li.S Comory ,. . , 3 00 514 J f Angon ,' 16 oo J P rm · the of a doubt t,hat there WIIS ln!ce of '" tho. '!neertst · The followlag blll• woio ,,. SIS !"do•?••• "• oo 300 IV M Uoswofth fraud m the •uccess of the two democlllllo members. tb.t the N•w• '"'"' "" lowod out of i•t•r<•t on dopnsit 016 S L Starker 26 00 htitying I""""' 8 oo They had a clear majority over all of 64 votes and fr10nds nf th-.!amily In <>tend• lund nnd wn rrao •• drawn . lo< 511 0 K lograon . 14 00 3Q.l J I, Jones J I' I"' 18 4S the lowest o£184. No possible mani. · •ng •ympathy, ""',." _ 518 100 .1tl2 J 4 Jon" 3 so pulation of the vote <!'uld show election ev"!l had . · . . . . -- _ . .1!· S: Co: , :!g - tz: srone' the- ct. .. -ge .of fraudm tour nreemcts """h. .. -- .. Thl!er.cular . .-31Jfferel' bontl l't<m. Mdvan Fr.nko, , . •. . . "'" . · ·· r.. - ·- " __ .,., .... " . • ' - Co Com.< $12 so S2! H Ktmbal! 2 00 Jor. Antuuin Cordova ... ·wluclnhey}Vi!I'Oll.o " ·'" '• , A, I,, ·J ncirsOa die<l ""Y Co: boM t>reltl. $22. Coo pet. . 0 00 . J I' f,.,. . . 9 .lS The m the S'':"" """!V!SO raw and hi• ;J<KDUiaU, C\i..Cou,., $! 52+ Chao I! l'ho<aton. : oo . 3ll4 K•ll•t s., ... ••I" :'. .. t .. ev. ..• e. ·. dmg .r·. e ·i· bbca. l!· .. ·ln Ster. ra. li.ns· .inter. r.ed the· Joc:a.l. ee 1 t 1 c.· li'i.·d ciH·y· & Deposit Co. oC Md., 525 arabaj. al . .. 011 .10i' 4 511. · or "'!"d a prot .•gttlttst the of tory tba 1 1!1. D. OOttd l'tNn., w M. fo'erg•••• 526 · 2 bo ••n•tablo 1 ...,, ., 1 00 5 ()0 .Bojorquez, WliOe the · lo count,y CIISe IS II sunp(e, Lew!,, Motbod1" P••tor, <on· Co. Couts, $12.00. ::: ' rk . 0 308 . 1 , U Gh"''' lltak: •if c. lear cut fraud upon its face. There is nothing to ducted.tb.e flttlcrd.l $i!l'vic:c .at the 'l'Il" f<>Uowin•,. bills at· w. !(tncrs n V · • · h -, d g..,.,.,., ' . · S:I'J " Strat•1 20 00 lntr oounty map 17 OP , e tdhe of The came 1 ., 1 a! 530 Pete Gallog., 2 00 .ttJ!I Allguel Nunc, stan. pa um;:>. ess J.Or a two r s. maJonty Wit r u · d . . · tr: r 1. warran,.s ra n or sa e.· 531 Dave · 8 oo guard oo 'Which to override the Governo.r' s protective ·veto and · :og U S &. Guaranty Co,, Adjourned untiliJ:OO a. tit. tO<> 310 'l•rad.Co · · . . . . . , • ,;. . · · •. .' • · rou ow.,.,, " 0 . ""'"' a boorll'Nm. A II llatv••·"'Mt! · · r IJ '5 the fact that the repuhiiCOJI 'Wntps kepta llUl Jonty m sloco •M un tU aobort ll01e <leik $35.00. mouow, . . . . • '""P "' v••t•or .. ' theit caucus to do · before 1us dcub conlinut-d , . . ,· . . . Met pursua . .tn to. ad1ou_rn. met.U, JU W G 1 1 Mk••r iutet• "'-· · .. · · be f. · b · nt Sa · j · Cotuluet bu!liticss R •ten fly l'be follow UJg btU was 4 tlowcd Tba fl»llc:'IWJng bdls were re· J P Court JJ 35 ... \VO mem . rs 0 t e caucus, 4":3 mer OJ.. n' uan . . . . ' . . (!. . out "( .. r' .. rurtd an· 'd '""r·. • . II . . c ,., .. ,, .... 11". < . • . . ·. · · · · · · < · . · · bada DUmb<r Of bOOIOrtbag.. . " • ' ' " • • · J<et<dt .. , , " " .o( have and ••d <aob ...,urrlog ••• ,reduced rant drawn lotsa . 296 N l'ltr Co 1 411 coil•, of !he nuln!ge IR clear cut terms hi• •i,.llty until death w .. tho Notlunaf Sutety Tko loll.o of remnns!IIInte, A only reti<t, A •hort lime . Co. ge•erat ,.hoot ' .. '. l•'itouuum t; ric go t:oustallle fees l.l2i I .. "' .. 'h.,. · __ ' I ' . • I .... .. .• .• '*' .. e . ::) if "' .. .',*' ' ..

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Page 1: andrev~n-qe)and GorO~o 4~·o.o $ · • •· -4 tS, 191S; · w .. ll!>t ll>urrted Ida J W l!1 l ... 3 00 495 hl L c Se

. . .' '1 .. 1. : ., . •. t. '

l!'J't~-i=-· ~~· .=.~:~,':~; = .. ,~: ~~~»~l= .. J._:l!f'~=~!;!=~·~=~~.·-~· ~··~ ... ~ ... =:..,.l!l!L ~·-=· ~-.. !!'"~4'!!~~·!!!:·~*-f>=U~··t~q~··~·=:-~liJeY'~ .,=·· ·=4>~~· .-~:!!\!! .. _!!t=:·oe!. =t~h~e·~-·~;=;t~e=:re~.s~t~s~o~t.;=. ~~:~i.:=-· ~"!!'0~-~~":!'~~--~:~c:_~un~.-~t;~:y.~:~~--~ . .,...~ .. ~-::-.~.,-~ .. ~--:':'· ·-~-~=.~ .. :'!. ;=-:.~:-~."!!'--=-~~·~·-=-~;....__:-!·.·~· ~.·~:-"!!'--~ ....... ·-"!!' ... ~ .. ~~.~ ... ~---~· ~-~ i>:OJJI;I.N!l{)6, \ . , .. . .CARRillO~ I:,IN<;;OJ<li! <;QUliJTY, lilli:W MJ!1X.IQO, J.A,li!U ARY .·:t!, 1915>' .


... I •

. ·~UMS'ER 1

Mary T. · 'Porein•oi Corolni~•IOners . 665 T J!1· >ilu, 10 oo c259. JoS• .. r..P"" gu. t<t ·


-~ . 1

· • ·-Proceedings .. ·,· f66 .'l' .m MiJls ·. 10 oo f<lr health <>fficer 20 on lioru in Gt•JiOn eount1, -'!',.. • , . . · . . , .66t 'l' 1!1 ~1111, ~o 00 ~·3 l!larlll't,;o O

,.i- b 17. ·tss"'·.· d'"' · · CPnttnnea:ftlJOIU l.ast \\e.:>k 668. A E MHls. ~ ~·oo .c.o••stabl.: fees H4:! · (lly Sp«>J,a con,.,pond'""• tho 'NOwo) as, " 0 " · • "• "" · 10 ~- · · · " ~----'-·'· ... ·=.J·-"" .. ,"!".:""' H& .. ho.JI.!:e.",OJll .. pleted t'ts· o· rg· a· n·. ~."'·"·_ .. ..:·on .. ·w. hen· the Cardzo•o, New ld .. i<:oo !• ollafv !Oodorto'Cba•" .. ·~. . ". 3 oo 669 A lll.ldtll• . lO oo '2M W S Brads .Inter· . '

• •· -4 tS, 191S; · w .. ll!>t ll>urrted Ida J W l!1 l~lttib<ell, ,., " •• · 3 oo . .••70 A W M lt I · b 0» p"'t" J J>' Court ' t>t i . , $)!ei!ket ~l!llOtlttl'e<i the tOttlll)iifees Ond ·the · · 5, 1871, toll, G. Kelley; Fonr F,.aclooO Vigil • " " . 3 oo· 6if' l'.o!e jennlng• . '' 00 . 26R A II Hamy offico, ·

iwtutnllfee· on :rules made it.; XOPQrt. Judge children lr~m th;, Ottion, two of Dolore. i.tteras.' " " 3 oo 679 n· Dallon • 00 ••ponse H" ·.~ .: .... ·1t··.-.. -.. "!": · .. -.· _,. Hewitt ·of ' LinCQJq CQlinty, the democratic "hom ~or;J ve, J oh o · '1'. Kelley, A pt>!On ;0

Romero " " 3

oo 673 · H B '9"'~•• . z. 00 269 All Uamy record· floorle-~der1 is a member of the cottlll)iltee on. •I ll•mmg,, •od M ,.. r.. · A. M •· SabiU.. G<>o" les " " 3 oo ~7 • J 0 N • bonrs, Jr. • 2 oo log Vital "' tl""' S on Call, . of th., ploce. M• "~ to J 'I' Iti>do " , 67S GorO~o W •lis · I 2 •W ~10 A llll:"vey l'i!Wd• . .. , ta:xa.tiQI:\andrev~n-qe)and promises to take M l3 """r"ma·n· "t olorndo s' . u. ·. ,, '' ·33°0°0 676 WG'rli()iltpSQll •.. 4~·o.o ·:,..,r\'lti'lSt:•tistics $2~

,-...... ...._~ an at;live part in :fr.iming rev0nue legislation, ~;;._,; fu~e~ ia. 1~4, , .. ;fbre; R~:~,J:n;;r,,~al " " 3

01) 'rho lollowtog wild ,niin•l 211 !:a Cb~•• ' . . in ~pit~ of hl$ mi',lori1;)r ~lions; At l~t any un- J. · · <'hildree~ wore I he result · 1 1 h i• A u Norton " , . ·

3 QO .. boo oty eta ions were allowed. and •t••• J P Court 5 uu

Slll;lst'J!ctory fl!l(ation PI,'O\'lSlOns Wlll no~ get by the uolon, · two ol "'''"·"' aorvire,: c c IJ:~•lli•~·;, ;;> · " 3 00

""''·"''"''"'for •ame> ~73·~ Dr~· IV Wntsoo . ·(1\!~tlq of the g"J)tleman from Lincoln; which meAQS <leo. T. Forcmau, Wti! o. Fore- 0 r. K~onedy .. .. J 00 No. 415 R J Copeland . 2 00 . · ..• ''''~""'·~·reell\au I·''

• tlJiit,the l?tibllc will knoW: about them. . "'~"· c.,ri••••· ll'""" theRe c n Mjye' . " " 489 J r, J0,.,,. H21io ~ijo l1 A Smi<h

.. sa ta F N M J ' 21 Wh"l t d 1 t . cbddren and • ••band' hr.. ll. W'yue v ooSCbOy'k" .. 3' ou . • 490 IV G '!'hom psOn 56 00 '"'"J.Jonitor . ,,, 50 , . . n e, ' " an, > • 1

e a gtea ea Q . Foreman, a bro!l!er also '"'"•"• Ambrocio Cba'<a " " 3 oo 49( J L Good•ll IS 00 2~l l(elley & Sons prOposed legisJatiPD .bas .been intrOduced into both W' A, Uam,.ond, 1<1 Paso. .lose •r Sedillo , ,. " .·

3 oo 492 F,.nk' t"net .6 00 ••t•Pii" jail

40 I)()' ' · boqses of the legislature this week, very little att<>n· . • Mr~ Fore"''" look op the pro• J w Nortoo · .. " 3'oo 493 Joellolcoonb 47 oo 2~S J !( Adatus

tioU: lias been paid to it,tor the contests 1lled agliinst f.,. ion of nurse.~< San A o lonlo, A J GUu1o<O · " .. 3 oo 494 Courodo Sa nchea s oq <onstabl<lr'"

. the two members :£tom Union totutt,y, Smitli' and. ~····· in 1880, and sr .... tbat Jose M Mont~y· .. .. 3 00 495 hl L c Se<llllo 45 00 286 tl•• Spen,.,J< in· . Miera, 4emocrats, by Toombs and Vigil, republicans, , .. ,. devoted tbe greater part of R., .. Mirabol " ." 3 00 ... Jocloto li'loros S8 oo terpr<"r JI'Coort 21lU that of Jtfedeato Ortiz, 'l'Pubfican of Benialillo county, hortinicto th•t ure•t war~. TbOll W !leo loy " " 3 00 497 J aetn to Flor"' 45 uo :07 llOf.,sle

\ ".' g· ai'"'s.t Rafael .. Ga. rcia, democrat and th. at. of C. havez, . · · She wan .,,., b<r oft be i\t W ~ Wbi t• " ~'- "3.()(). • ---498 4N-Morri~· · z on ~ f l''ii;>$ · : • ·



• ·• · 1!1.. ... a --$<Hm>n<rKiiii:f' --..-·" J oo 499 Clore nco Spence 6 oo Zllll l!lro<stt'•l• .,,.,,. r!!publiclll) Of . . mcmbcr•ol tbe followloK .1' 1 Crafton " " 3 0~ SOO E•t• nl•l"lo Cotdon 4 oo • ehlef dep'ly sl1 'iff 3Z5 oo

4 (}()

. OCCUpied the societtc., the Ret>okabo; llastorn H Con•Urncb " " 3 00 SO! llonlto 1'''"'"' 1000 ~·10 Dr 'I' W Watsott , hou~ and the republican machine managers to the Star nnd W'oo<lmen Circle.. El Copeland " ;, 3 uo So2 M iguet Mnntosn' 2 ou Troas.olli<e •• p'se 35 67 ' , . exclusioll i>f everytl)!ng else. . . . .'l'b•l••m, .. ~, t~ C..rizozo E M Dric~ley " " 3 09 .. ,•_S03. r.tu Uraruua 4 o~ • · ~9) firE II Watuor · . '1'hll two Union cotutty dem0¢n,p; bavC beenun. ____ ,_, Jro~ !l<>•~<tii ••~hl :m••. ago. A ScMce.n,.•< -.,. .,, · .3 00 :o; Eebcrt l!1 Fordo If• O<J m<t~(ealut'nd'oce ~3 to

· . .,. d . dl .. ~-th. .~ ..,.. ·t~·· ....... a·-.,..-·- ~-~:·d·-- • ht CIH,lblt•fte~T uear town a J>leasant Pablo. Chavez . u "' u 3

oo .. ~os A J Sharb:er . l35 oo '2'J4 Ilrus • · -·..s. e. a~~ ,_xegar ess Ox . e .Lac~~~~ u~ evt ence an ng · home, wlucb.· blla been noted for 'I

1 G

1 ,, "

3 oo 506 M n r anc , FJ oo .• Jr•il 24 00 ·d d · " · Th tw tb d ts ·n b · ,, 1\'IU.It . onza cs • . . . ~> ~. •

an . ~~· • e Q o er em?"'" WI · e un- '!' h!"piilility, ~ ud .'h• ""~cia· 8 li' G,olf .. " s oo so~ s !l.ll'•mbrou~h 15 oo 295 M C Por<or & Co .sea!ed JPSf all qul,Ckllf :"' the lDaclune lllllllllgers ean 110~~ ~~ Ulelamdy With the town Uen l.ujon " " S 00 • 508 MO!tton Vigil , JO 00 •nppli .. fliUall pox 2a?5' ·Wlup the caucus mto lme 1!.\,do the work,. The hand- ••d •t• people have been plm- w. p, Lourfhrey " " 3 oo SO? Torrbio Abila H oo ~97 Dr M G l'a.leo . • ling of 'these Ctiqtests ·has been and promises to he antly,ci?"!Y related • hnost from r. o Cha" ,. " 3 oo S 1 o J B Slo•n l:lS 00 sal'y •••lth offic'r 75 00

" comple.ted .a. s the most. highhanded outrage in. the tll~·begutnmg; ttnd th(! deatlt of O~as 1<' .Grey u u 3 00 · Sll Druce P. cnr\:c 10 90 2?8 Dt M <i Paden. • • · d ,., f t·h . ,_ · d· · · t f. th' ~.. t Th lhts well kaown, Kentro"' and Sam R \Voo<l . . " " 3. 00 · 512 0 IV S1d well 16 00 "'edleiao llaht""' •• ~0 r~r ove,n ° e '."'


pa glingo · IS s.a e, . 0 ~i{hl;r re•peete<l la•ly p<odn"d. F M lltel . · " " 3 00 513 Salomo• G<t<l• ~ 00 29? R••••• !,uta'•

eVIdence II\ .the Umon county .cases showed beyond , '"ll''"' !hrough~•.• the • eotire li.S Comory ,. . , 3 00

514 J f Angon ,' 16 oo J P rm · the ~dow of a doubt t,hat there WIIS ~o ln!ce of com!"""''Y~ It~• '" tho. '!neertst · The followlag blll• woio ,,. • SIS !"do•?••• Gt~ego "• oo 300 IV M Uoswofth fraud m the •uccess of the two democlllllo members. aplr~t tb.t the N•w• '"'"' "" lowod out of i•t•r<•t on dopnsit 016 S L Starker 26 00 htitying I""""' 8 oo They had a clear majority over all of 64 votes and fr10nds nf th-.!amily In <>tend• lund nnd wn rrao •• drawn . lo< 511 0 K lograon . 14 00 3Q.l J I, Jones J I' I"' 18 4S ov~ the lowest republit:;~~t o£184. No possible mani. · •ng •ympathy, ""',." _ 518 1~,.~~ l'~reolls 100 • .1tl2 J 4 Jon" ~nqu"' 3 so pulation of the vote <!'uld show a~ election ev"!l had . · . . . . -- _ . .1!· S: Fldol)!¥'~1\ !.l~orawy Co: , :!g ~;,~~~~~~· - tz: 30~ ~~:;;,. srone' the- ct. .. -ge .of fraudm tour nreemcts """h. nrov~ .. -- .. Thl!er.cular . .-31Jfferel' ~les bontl l't<m. Mdvan Fr.nko, , . •. . .

• "'" . · · · r.. - ·- " __ .,.,.... " . • ' - Co Com.< $12 so S2! H Ktmbal! 2 00 Jor. Antuuin Cordova ... ·wluclnhey}Vi!I'Oll.o ~ " ·'" ·-~·· '• , A, I,, ·J ncirsOa die<l ""Y ~foo· Natl~ll•l S~~e:r Co: boM t>reltl. $22. ~lllulli• Coo pet. . 0 00 . J I' f,.,. . . 9 .lS

The eVIden~; m the S'':"" ~onn,ty """!V!SO raw da~ anorlli~~g. and hi• w~nal••-- ;J<KDUiaU, C\i..Cou,., $! 52+ Chao I! l'ho<aton. : oo . 3ll4 K•ll•t .~ s., ... ••I" :'. t.;.·~ .. ~. t .. ev. ..• e. tzJ~. ·. dmg .r·. e ·i· bbca. l!· .. ·ln Ster. ra. ·cqu~ li.ns· .inter. r.ed ~.".If the· Joc:a.l. ee1t1c.· li'i.·d ciH·y· & Deposit Co. oC Md., 525 ~l·C. arabaj. al . ~ .. 011 .10i' f.!,~~i~~~~~~i~liecr 4 511. · w~!ten or "'!"d a prot .•gttlttst the ,un;eab~g of tory tba 1 ·•~'<••~I{· ~··· 1!1. D. OOttd l'tNn., w M. fo'erg•••• 526 · ·~ ~v 8~,2tr•• •

2• bo ••n•tablo


...,, .,

1 00

5 ()0

.Bojorquez, WliOe the B~ · lo count,y CIISe IS II sunp(e, Lew!,, Motbod1" P••tor, <on· Co. Couts, $12.00. • ::: ~ ' rk . 0

~~: 308



, U Gh"''' lltak: •if c. lear cut fraud upon its face. There is nothing to ducted.tb.e flttlcrd.l $i!l'vic:c .at the 'l'Il" f<>Uowin•,. bills wer~ at· w. c~r! !(tncrs n

V · • · h -, • d g..,.,.,., ' • . · S:I'J " Strat•1 20 00 lntr oounty map 17 OP , suppdort.atny"~~-t e ~ntcsts excethlp~ tdhe de~a~ of ~hhe The ••~••wt came 1.,1 ~~~··out a! "J"~''r""""'~ ~uo• 530

Pete Gallog., 2 00

.ttJ!I Allguel Nunc, stan. pa um;:>. ess J.Or a two r s. maJonty Wit r u · d . . · tr: • r 1. warran,.s ra n or sa e.· 531 Dave · 8 oo guard ~nmU rm~ 5~ oo 'Which to override the Governo.r' s protective ·veto and · /· • b~n ~;uu. cn~g ro~ :og U S I~'idclit.r &. Guaranty Co,, Adjourned untiliJ:OO a. tit. tO<> 310 t•arril{o~o 'l•rad.Co

· ·. . . . . , • ,;. . · · •. .' • · rou '· • ow.,.,, "0. ""'"' a boorll'Nm. A II llatv••·"'Mt! · · • r IJ '5

the fact that the repuhiiCOJI 'Wntps kepta llUl Jonty m sloco •ho~ •M un tU aobort ll01e <leik $35.00. • mouow, . . . . • '""P "' v••t•or .. ' theit caucus to do th~ J·ob~ · before 1us dcub conlinut-d t~ , . • . ,· ~ • . . . Met pursua . .tn to. ad1ou_rn. met.U, JU W G 1

1Mk••r iutet•

"'-· · .. · · be f. · b · nt ~ Sa · j · Cotuluet b{~J, bu!liticss R •ten fly l'be follow UJg btU was 4 tlowcd Tba fl»llc:'IWJng bdls were re· pr~'tf!r J P Court JJ 35 • ... \VO mem . rs 0 t e caucus, 4":3 mer OJ.. n' uan . . . . ' . . (!. . out "( tr"a~ur .. r' .. rurtd an· 'd '""r·. • . II . . "'1"~.. u· c ,., .. ,, .... 11". < . • . . ·. · . · · · · · · < · . · · ~. bada DUmb<r Of bOOIOrtbag.. . " • ' ' " • • · J<et<dt .. • • , , " " "~)'!"!' .o( ~lf!'1' have ~penly r~olted and hav~, ••d <aob ...,urrlog ••• ,reduced rant drawn lotsa . 296

N ~IMi<an l'ltr Co 1 411

coil•, • sta~ed lhCt.r,opl~IOn of !he nuln!ge IR clear cut terms hi• •i,.llty until death w .. tho Notlunaf Sutety Tko loll.o

of remnns!IIInte, A • only reti<t, A •hort lime . Co. ge•erat ,.hoot tun~

' .. '.

l•'itouuum t; ric go t:oustallle fees l.l2i Alrr~do Gou~alea


.. "' .. 'h.,. · __ .~ :·

' I ' .

• I




.• '*' .. e . ~ ~f~ ::) if "' .. .',*' ' ..

Page 2: andrev~n-qe)and GorO~o 4~·o.o $ · • •· -4 tS, 191S; · w .. ll!>t ll>urrted Ida J W l!1 l ... 3 00 495 hl L c Se

81108 or varl11d ahapea and hu~ Jl'o longer la);l up !ilUk wlUl !P'Ollt guatt> nl. tho p~tont. omco 111 ot yol"lt. Tho good old dan or l1ngdom•• free cWrY

Jli&Ulh ln. that. .building have )lanecl forever, 1f J:ud;o .Tame• Il Park•~r, chtef c:lcrk of tho Jnterlor dePartment, ltd • anything to uy in th m11Uor-and ho hu ovemhlng tO llay, u a ·mAtter of tact.

'l'he juclgo h .. Ju•t luued an odlct U.t•t ndlk botue~lther full, halt f!Jtl or emptf-at& to dl~appel"r •t. once trom tllo preeln!:f.e: or theY ;patent omc:e< n. fa no~ so mucb. th11t tho buga scram• blo tn pnp and troopll i'I'OJI1,all corw um lnd crevteea or tho p&t~nt ollteo · and .tnvade tho &allerJea wbC!r& tho qmpl!>teea ot tho omc:o arc wont to congrepto ·~ lU.IlC:h· .ho\11'11 111!4 resai• tbell)aolvu with tooda and mille. lt Ja 11ot •o much tl~at tho bugr et&mhel' down thiS ald~r ot emptf mtlk libltlei and eacerlt)_ap_up __ tha_auc:eut~t. drop~. ot tho. will to 1fuld. 'l'ho judgo .huu't ibo IJJgliteat deafro to deprive poor hUilCl'T btlp of' Uielr IUifeniU)eo;

:nut the JudgtJ hU a. decldc:d teelfnt' ap.Jnat. tho buas e&tfnl up tho thou• .. nd• of drawlnp a!lll. deliCrl!lllona Cit patent• atore!l fn the aallcrlel. It. appeara that bup, atter leMing on :ntUk Jeft by Jdnd·biW'tcd emplofeo• ot the dCIPi~inent; are •Ull buncr7, and ro· toraglnr around fa tht 111e1 tor dJoleo'doeumentt llpon wbtcli .to 11nlah Welt repute. Parlu.pait ta wronr to drutk lint. a.zrd eat atter'f!'ard, but tbCJO are bu~:~~, l'C!lltember, and tbero a no .ac:e®.llUng for what.. bup. wur do. · •' •

Finger-Print System Prove~ Useful to the Army


Tho. Sftttc o! Colotaclo wishe~J, if JC>u aro in i!llrne~~t to procure a home, say of 320 acres, tQ. bel~ and pro.-mofo you. barring llpectilato.l'll illla inveatortt. 1'liE GnEAT DIVIDE, .a,., puhlisboo 43 Pos~ Buil&g • .Dcnv~r, !r!• Cblortulo1 a anxion!l to tcll you aU n.Lout it. Sciiit stamp lor umplo copy tooati· y, Also !31 wh$t Jlapcr you reru1 tis :in.""":'Aar. • •

At th11 Firat: Signa Ot tall~ halt pt. CIIUeuta. .tt

works wonder.. Touch apotl ot dan· ctrua a!liNtchln.r wltb cuu~ otnt~ me:nli. alld follow :nut mo~ 1rhh a bdt shampoo ot Clltk\:tra Soap. .. 'l'1tfa at ouce. srr~~at• !aW~ itatr aiul PtO­motes . .ball' l:t'Oll1.h. Fot tree aarnpte each with 32-p. Sklti Book. a!ll'resa post card: Catr~ Del)t. X. Bo•lou.. Sold;.:.Ad.,. ._, ~.

. . . • POclr Burtilar •. • , •'A. hurtlat tot Into m't house about:

three o•clock Udll mom~when l wu on :mr wi:J home .trotlf tlut cltib, ... aald .Tones. · ..,p

'"md lie get ~~7.. aakect llrown. ·

"f allotttd aa)' he 1114 g-&t iiomeUarntr replied .l()nes. "Th1t Poor de·dl Is lit the hOi!Pttal, l'tty 'Wltf ibotiht. tt 19' mel'-<!lnclnnau .-aqatri:r. .. · · ·

• . Marbtetci !tetat!f. Jtlllfcke~qnea lw a remuki'bt~~t

memory. . .BOC1k~Wond~l} b. nm~mber•

a Winter tbat w~t: ~uat Ute ;.thta. •


Page 3: andrev~n-qe)and GorO~o 4~·o.o $ · • •· -4 tS, 191S; · w .. ll!>t ll>urrted Ida J W l!1 l ... 3 00 495 hl L c Se

CARRIZOZO NEWS Sf.!PPLEMEN.T · Carli~oZP!.Li!:lcolll County, New Me:lf;ico, Fdd':"y,"Jarwary 22, 1915


rt!pairs lights 324. J.obn Cole feed·

iug prisoners • ~91 Ziegler Bros,

sUtJPli~s ja.H

.. -c



292 lJr. S 1J Walker wed atteudau4:e

310 Catrt:zozo 't co ~;uppliett jail

~· 45U====~=============================

325 Sruest Cole - · Datterit!s 'Z 80

28.30 At ·sank Hall . ' '

The followirtg .bills were al.· Tom· o·' r· ·row·· low•ct out of.the ituJigertt 1urtd . · . and warrants were drawn tor

Night J'V'ruu1 ... .:.... Also

265 pauper:reltef 20 00 •

WO:Notmait lO·O.""".•T ...• UBSDA v.···. an4. THURS. DAy ......... paupc:r rolicf vv

Mts a L Howell ,, B w· . k paupertelie! I) 00 . very . . ee ..

.• . . . . "

J,·O. O~P. Mirut lotte . 30 ..

. Joe R. Adams, .Prop,. . . Carrizozo, 'N.' n . 'I? '

Choice \Vhtskies·, B.eer, · Wines, 'and·. Cigars.'·. Pool. Rootn. '

I •

Gen~ra.l Transfer and· Draya~e Bu~siness

• • SJ;;RVI Cf3 ·~I': .. ·

I .ivery Bar·ns Main Street

. Best Corrals El .PllSO Avenue

• w Phone 32

.. .511 per Qu•l'l· .so ti'cr Quart.

$4,00 Jler(;auout


Page 4: andrev~n-qe)and GorO~o 4~·o.o $ · • •· -4 tS, 191S; · w .. ll!>t ll>urrted Ida J W l!1 l ... 3 00 495 hl L c Se

. ··



" ' . ' - . : ~

CoUapse. or Early BqiJness Ven .. · .Made Shultz a PIC~Ide·.

: ., . King. ·


Pe"-h1ien~ Work, Hon!l•t Goods and Old Woman'• CheerfUl Phlto~pJi)'

c•rrled Him Through Adveralty , :· t9. Ort~ Pro•pnlty,

Ely RICHARb SPI!LANI!, • ' (CoP)'rlllbt, JloCtw• «•w•P•PH ll:rP~tcat•.>

WMn tbe 1lrm failed, Mr. Shutt~ couht not ·undcrRtan«t why peoplll didn't glit excited. nruJ .tho newspap~ril cJid JIQ~ dnvotll columr• tlnd co1umn11 ot II Poco to the event.. To blm tho t;QIIIlp!lo Wnll .• tllo moat e11111ldng 4111" a11t<1r In commercia.! hlstor;y. llo Wall !)illf tWc!PtY·f.Wa aild Jnut JJelln ll pe,rt­POr hl~B Uuln ei~Jht. monthll., H11 lind f3,~QO In uu, ooncllr!l, llnd that. Wll!t a tot ot moneY to ll youth who 1l11d been wQrklni; for nmoll WIIK('ll 11nd bad J>ecn In .A!nc1rl«m. ortlY 1\. /tlW fC!U'II, ·

There aro 110m<l llfll1'1>W8 that aro b! It they 11Ur IIY:tnplltby or In• l(JtcJI.t or 6U1!!.l' J)(\Oplo. lt would 1!.1\Vft flcoil K!>Oihllll'( tc> Mr, fll!Uitz It 1J1Cil lltOJIJlOd him In tltn Jltrcct nnd toll! him how mllcb Ull:t)' grlovcd OV!lr Utll

. I'{I'Oiil bUBI1Je1111 ltii,I(Od,Y, but [nKtCal} l.!l!eitt611 cnlloul! or ll~orllft~l.. He w llilk IIQmo !It thorn If llwr knew

A tow mdd

Docolved bY HI• Pal1n11,.., • SJowJr lJw. truth dAWilCd Upon liJm.

'J'bn tlrm ltlld befln In nuartefAI lltrsllll for a Jopg ttmo. ~ llotll lfotrmlltl 11nd {}o_rb41'ftt 1Ja,4 (,II!C:(l!VIl!l .blm. J{Qtf.~ mM, tor w)H>J'Il h!l Jaad 110 much re­!fJ)ect. ltl!d lived boyond bla

... · tlt!~biH,. "bu. wrul. o!.l~ on· tb., mo11t 11f Ui!l tlmo, Wllll 111tompetate. Whun thor heard that tho )'Oidh who worko<l tor tltltr~lnd. como Jnfo, an lphnrltanco or '~00 011 hh1 twentY• tlrat blrlhdfl)', tber '!lt\llbcrllhil)' JIJt IJttJir' ~llitlil to got hold or }ala manor In ord(•r tt.J tlclo Uwm ovor. · And. now tlle wlt!llu eontr.rru lmd gon~t to •mll.llb.

U wou1cJ bavo noi. been 110 bud lt Bhulll, g)ol'fllflf fn tlH.\ IIH!L that ho hA<l ·bec:omo & p11rh1or, hild Mt mar­ned a11d had nlil brous;ht hill JUothnr ov11r trom Oerrmuly. To rurnlnb Jilt! now Mmo batl tukcn tlfoi'f dCJllar ltd 110lilll••!'!!!· .l!<!w bo \\'11.!1 brok«. .. Whllt to turn to flo .didn't know. Tb~ oulr bualnc .. v lto know wa11 lrl rotation to

· ~.-- -mtktil~ ··lircllioivilii; litJt- rU:th~r"iiiiif beon tlllltltll1111 In thllllluo . .Jn lhl'l old couufi'Y. Wl1t>ta Slutrt• t>ruuo 1(1 Amer­Ica It "'lUI to ,;o to work ror Holl'matt .l O'l'rlumlt. · · · ·· ·

'J'I•o tfJMtln« o.t tht\ tl't.l!lJtnl"ft Willi a "lOll ~to ol!lorrow•" Tltn tMn Wh(l )uul ttts•ttill Uto tlrtn <l>llldn't !let> wlUirt'l. thi'Y could net ·t.el'l cm1tu on .tho. dill• Jar out or "hat Wtlll J(lft.• Hotlttllltt llbttlggtd hhi l!h!lldll!11'11 llll•i liit It 1(1)

very · . . print~ H'• on ~he ,KOI-4. It~ btl!. own Ideal about advgl'Ualnr. embu'J'a~ainr-. . !Jad w ~nlar•• • H• .pat bla uame Jn.,lar~• J!!~ter• 01\ . hl1 UtUe 1acto17-J ana A!mplq.r ~or.. .Mdulw- Om~.~rle, !11, '- · W• label• U4 b~UJ!ht O!lt prominent- ~~·· T.ll&t part:. wa•"'lllm~.. but Jt Tle,r qJ1 Jle!lo~·· JJald to " Jy 'the ta¢t tllat tJ1• pre1t0rve. ~erf wi.J . not ao eAIIY to obt..Sn •uppllea. rewrtqr; . . · · ·· · homemaae,. w~r• c»t the :pureal o~ T.Jt• ta.rm.,r• ShuJta ha41l~n'P4t~•.._ "A lad twenw. kJU11ct i.' blJUl lood.l· .and. J!rev.ared with the crea*t IDI' co~ld tumlsli J!O . mUCh •n4' Jlfl 1\'0man In SafllJcrro. ,AJf Jl;ur(lpe ll DoW ' ot care. When lie bad a p.-ett;y tatr II)()~ M~~oklpg pu.-chase• In 4W&nt llsh~ to avence U.ala WJOD!r· IDnJ· . 1.toqJt on hiU)4 ·he. wt!nt out t)lropgb qltte• 11'.1,11 Jll';lt alway.,. ~~t)afJctoQ'. ll,\nl\: alone Ia iJpeD,dlnC ''~- • ~lrJ· tho town to. •ell thel1). Some he placed So~•tlme• tbe trult• or. 'f'esetablet ute, accorcUt~K to Sidney Webb, oa. ~n.: .In aroceey IWfllB, the {ToCel'l!, taldnr were not .n ®ncUtfo~J, AAd til~ &!fdl· 'POWclfll', . tltem ·without •n1 r' '{ to thqmaelve•, tle>~t,l ,trelJbt c1Jargee cut Into tho "Wol.l, this la 1lUPh an I)XpeiiJiiY!I ., • ., They wofll onlY.; to pay wbfln thoy PJade pro.tltll. To pl'Qtect. h~m~ett f;!llllltz. tlr!lt . _ • , . to li.V.Qn(e Q.. wron.,·~t It .re~ds ~• ••'"•· After he had mad., • ratr dl•· rentt!d· ... rarJ'Il or t~o aW\ !}evoted an • . . . • H h . . or tlie man •t tl!.• banquet.· . . .. trlJ>utlon~ throunh the ar~ers be "Webt tlle 1an4 t() the I!UPJilllll hll needea, . Fish ·Doctor ·wanted for ',' Government . etc . eraes 1'A man ent!lred tbe qlqalpwtn, •*' from l!ouee tO bou1e. Jt waa slow, ie- La~ h(t lJougbt tllel!e t•tm• Mil . Ute !ll].cl ·or a ~nQuet,. ~d; ltepn w dloua and dlspJrttlng·W'orJc; ~~tiy a era, • · · · · · smash In aUk bat after sUJt. kat. tllne he l!ad .. the door •lammed in his succeBBliad tt• on peril• and bat~d• ·w:ASWNQTON:4ongr~•• lll•.s.'!l·llen •sk~ b;v th~ b~relu ·of flabertQs of the "'Holcl .oil, boss!'t~~, ... ,. •• )!.. f•l)e. • Ot:Calllonallf hll ba,d .a do~. lcapll, Shul~ ~me nw be hit ruined dep•rtn'Ulll~ ·Of eo.mmerce !or lUI· approprtatton or f2,~00 annually t(> ~ver. ln' ·l!ll de~ high batsT' de~ thli .. slcfl:ed on hlrn. · · . . · through 'tM ·l'!lllldJt;r with which hJ• the sal~ 11t • f•m!Jy phyl!lpJap; tor .all the doflle.I!Ucate.d fl!lb!!B ot the .Unlte4 il.ttendllllt. . .

Onr:O Jn. a fwhlh'l be made a .aale; t>uaineils Jnci'l!a,ed, onc6 It really be- · S~tes, It hall bell~ eetlmate!l bY 11sb ll<.t'm looking for my oWJio" the sen•. Many a night liu! returned horn!! utter· to expan«t In earnest. e:r~erts In thl:'l em~Joy ot the govern· Uern11~ answere«t, ''lt's an OP!ll'll hat ..... )y worn ~Ill from ·careylng hh! 11ample1J woulcl he compl.ete ont;~ ~dlUon to Jllent t~t eplde!Dica amoDJ' .Infant fish colla~slble, you knc;nv. Nolle ot thO,• mile actor milt:~ through the citY t~toi"Y when· 11notlle.r Wollhl Ju) Jlep!l· at J:t«!V!lrnrnent hatcherlell c9st J!ll!!'e ile(lm to be it.'" 8treets, · so·mqUm!!~ peoplo. bousht ed. n CQilt!l mo.l!eY to build 11.nd' lt than $t;OOO,OOO ~year. The&~!. epldem• ..,...._.,. _ _, __ trpm· him an«t pramh;led to pay 11,t tlle ~kea rears· to get l.t b~k. · 'the Inter• le11 usually o~cllr 111n9ng ftllh leas•thlln Travo1~y on Real F;tlataft'. end ot the weelc, and 11:hen lu.l went ruptlom1 wd the ellanges cQnl!equent ·~ .montW. 0t age~ ~&n«t the· damage lAJ:mo~t}l Alla Q. claltn up(IU an J!lns-tor hhr. money he. wua pu{ qtt wmi upon lt~terPJinable• reb!JIIdlng or. ox• wor1ce4 by dlll!laae fp great11 Jncfllased UahD:~I!n quite lnclePl!ndently 9t ita !1.111 some exclil!e ·or laughed at tor hla tending of .. !l. f~tctory Att:llct the eeqnom- when .the adult value o~ 'the 11sh la I!Ot:l~ttloba with tlle brl3attr~i;. bloater, toll)', no ·made lots ot mll!tl\kea 1m !I leal ,c),P.eratron, Q(, 'a. plant. II lid the elft.· ·taken lA to· conald!!~Uon. rei!Ia.rkli a writer ~ st .. Nlciholaa,. ~r· cmce or twice Jost Mart, .but hl!l moth· cfency ot the «miilnlza..UoJi, •'Shut~ For $2,600 a y!lar, otnclals. of the .It was t]Je hOme Q( SJ!akesP~re'Jill'al• f)r never did. Shultz ~tn«t the twQ wo.m· wo\ild have b,elln Plelllled to talco a bwea.u lillY tliey c11n obWn' the serv• atl\rt, who appears to Jiave been .a. man en dhuiuaaed affalr11 aver.r t~lgllt an«! breathing !!JlCJII, fi11t e()mpetltl>l'lli . !cell ,of a ftsh path~>logtst, whost;t train· ot e:remplarr piety~ Tile .J.i'&latatts plapned tho t~r.ogrnm tor th!l ·n(llit day, arouned by bla 11rowth, W!!re aggre•· ing ha8 JIIado blm an cxpen In diseases ot the tlnnr youngsters. were· an

914 ');annoutb tamlly •.

'The wumcn never compllltM«t, no JUat• slvo, He h!Ul to go (In or l1e wnutd Once the $2,500 fa 11ecureil, tt fs proposed to rotaln a male fish pathqtogtst ~A Falstolfe or .FlUs~," wrJtes ter how many llourn tll!lf. iitlt In over the trll(Je M lln.d be€ln spending w!!b ha!IJUade a life work of one oC the atran'g'est pathll ot IICienUilo, enileavor John. Rlcbara Greent ":was )lailllt ot th~.J p9t11 or ll<?W. tlrlld and worn they ~ood ilJpney tp na.ln. And. to· go on known, ThQre .are barely a l!c:ore o! recognized fish {lathologl~ts ln the United Yarmoutl! ,fn.f28l, .Moiher .Is a.mong wero from the day's labor. TlHl ol!l l!e Juut to. do some elab!>l'!lte nnat~clng S~tes at the prcscmt tim~. it Js safd; aud one oC the possible sources of dltft.· the Jlrqt ot u

11 representaUves Jn par-

woman wJUJ a :Phllosopb(lr. For eVI'll'f thl\t en tidied the J>orrowJng or a 11um ·cuttr tho $'oVIlrllJUO.nt may experlenco f11 the e.mplorJ!lept of sPell . !lament, An«! from that tho members llltuaHon she )md a bomlllf ,Proyorb. that WQUld bavQ neemeq · ll~f!gednr at a ot only $2,600 a year. Ho wlll be ·rQqUired to PJake 11111 nelluq,ua"" th4t fiUIJllY .filled. hJghest .mu· JIHnn timon out Qt tim lt·wa11 a cheer· to·blni. a tew Y!lll-!'.11 betore. .tera and here tlte reports ot tbJ·eat.epc3d.;~~.~~~~~~J~~;i:~~;.:.~:;~:~~;.;J..i;;i~:~.::.:~;,...,,......:c. tul one. Wom•n·Ablo · · ··• • ~~-··# -...:::.

Slllt~t Boo11n to Grow: With the , • Shultz kept bl!llkiJ 41! carcMlr 411 Mother Shlilt.t

It ll~t wcr11 doing a large bus.lncs!l. For worked at tllo tho · ·mouths thero wna n.


•• It'

. -·~ ~ "'~ ~~"'v-.. - .. ~ -~--..... _ .. -..



. '

• •'


... ..

.. at UuH, (l~rhurdt '1\'illl ittAucllht to.U,c 'pnfnl or tfJttl'll.' f.!hJalta Wttll tho onlr """ wt•o aC'lfld lntlllltullr. Uo ns~ured Uu1 rrr,.liCc.ltil tbllL M woutil •JII\Y tl\'ol'r

• dn11nl' lw l!W('d, II<IUlO tiny. 'l'ltiltt bo • went ltc>mo

. Out Thing for Hrm. 'l'Jult ftllltJto1 '1\·bJtt! jir('tn(l!li!!'l f!l:llllh•

In« At th(l Ullft', W.t!l 01f.l 11e11t. thinK fltat llYN' btil!l!tl.iunl to ShuUt. Uh• "Ito and bill tnotblir •lh1 tnll<'h to tt~< nunro lllrn. llln nuflhar bact' a JIIO)"i) <lD!J doJill'll

' '

.... ,

... . .

b.' .. ...

Page 5: andrev~n-qe)and GorO~o 4~·o.o $ · • •· -4 tS, 191S; · w .. ll!>t ll>urrted Ida J W l!1 l ... 3 00 495 hl L c Se

• ~. :i!l. llt~~W~. . . To1rnobln

, l!!'.;N,)( •. M~rl!IJ~, hMiil._~l . · ;W !llB'!i;41'fl!!l\l•'f•J'8r ,frOilfo t(! ~·UIUilOIIli!I"IUI

• {II \b!l ~pi!, ~IJCll'Q d&H~ri.'"dr. b~fqrq ll~nl, i!l1

\•hllll.,· '{7, 1!, .04miJilPIIID4r, hl liJ• I:J!llllW "t \lflrQilJI,lf. ~.,lll!.t11•·J~.~!JII1 I>!F~b., 19lfi,

elal!li'lllltll~lile• a.i ,.t~u~ .. n.•t ' · ilMIJ'iJll Q,. Ql•l!le!lt*, JJruck B!P•n, (It!lrJtlf,.

'31tl!pa!!n1 B.imO<IIl PoU<~r, all.'t!( ()orr!lla, N, lf,· . . 'li:!QIJ'I'f l'A'f'I:O)I,

. l~t llllk.l!ln• !• I.a.~~ IJU.b• JIUI•2!J:. R9BI•hr.


. '


PUR:.E ORUGS and all the. article$ l.lsua~ly found in an · drug shop: We· believe iri the . ' GQod Service Id.e~ ~ntl will give you.· the l,rest we KnOW how. ·ean; '


~·:the. He~dlight.Sal'oon •. $,..,_.,., ... -~~~'""'""?.>~~-·> ;:a;;._c~""'-"" --' '"''~'' ";""4'~

Joe R. Adatn$, Prop, .. Carrizozo. N. r1. ' ~ ~ 4 . .

'" Choic~ \Vhi.skies~· Beer, Wfne.s, " and Cigars! Pool Roon1. ( ~··

w~ d~:sirc t<i e*end out lte:ttl" felt \hank~attd unb:Jutulc«l ci':ttion to tht! bdits uf the

,'ern Star, tbc D~ughter! .or Re• bekah and our manr fritmds attd

·It L." Rt\nsom · Pluteret. & Contractor

·· 1Ut'iliattii :e'!i\'ilblltd '"'-' •ll khnl't ol,.illlSftrint*'~if .. 111f:IIL .,.,,~.:

for the lcittdlic!Js. ntaur faVOt'li ext<:ndl'!d to

ll•l•·••• .... • th• siclUte!ls :md dclltb our dear wife :utd trtothcr.

M:n. t<•tlnt!itA!If. • Gll.o L. J.."oHJUtAN* \"{. 0. I•"oRiUfA:t, .J. 't. K~tt.v, M k. At-ttl MRS. L. A. McCAt.t. AND BAllY


l'Aft81~ ... N Hft.W$11.'0

· C~rrJ.zozo Li.v~ry CHAS. A. STEVENS, Pro.prlc'tor

General Transfer and Draya~e Business


I ~ivery Barns Main Street

Best Cora·als Et Puso ·Avenue

!Phone 32

AU Bonde4 • l'ort Wine Bb.ckbcrr.r Bt:ntcfy • Old Ktngdom nle•ulctl Wbi!!lu:y •

Wholesale. Priecs on Selpp•.s Beer to Outside Dealers.


• .

Page 6: andrev~n-qe)and GorO~o 4~·o.o $ · • •· -4 tS, 191S; · w .. ll!>t ll>urrted Ida J W l!1 l ... 3 00 495 hl L c Se



. ' !ilJ!l'l Hit I~"~h dili~tl

l~'or H,tiH{UCl ruul l>Jtuwr l'artn•t.

Cat·rizoz& f:3ating J-lottse r W. UVI(NHV. 1\hutnscet.



ORAY HROS • .....

'l'IR u,•'\t Ut~Utl" nf

BOillf AftP llhRkrt WlUSKtfS. :SHfPf>'$ & BUO\VfSER

nr:eR. BilliARDS AMD POOl. •

f. . t Phi~ip~ tx~ert Well .Driller. A ... N [) · T, ()() L-, FJ s H E R

t wm gunr.antr(' t1J taktt any tlh·c~ nr irott <1t !ltrlug -

ur _toul!t uut nf nuy well ot uo Jllly •. t wi1l_goutra:_et . l(t dti!l t1 \llfli fHiiU lUU to llliUl f~~t -~Ul\1'1\IHC~ . a lltta-tnltHtol\': H ht\\>tl.'!tt\'tl can :mt, {)t writt! tne nt <~AHR11.0ZO, N. M.. · . .


VOU \\!ILL FINO tty~ Jl.RICES RIOH'f . . ' •· . . . - .\ \ •; -~·


OUR. D.EPOSITS· '/ ...

' .t ' ..


.. Have gre~tly luereused during~ t116 pnst yeur. we·glve the:- best ·service, we <to· hothhig ··but

- banktnf; ' . ..

Write us wlth regard "to our faclUttes for takintr. ~re of .:ust9mors •... ..

JHf SlO(~MfNS STAU. BANK. ((I{ODi,· Mew MtliCO · · . . ·. (!uMnfl'. Utwuht :t'ounty• Nt-w·~h.•tieu-. •

" -.. ..





. .




· Welch & ·TitsWorth . . ' ~ ' ~ . WHOLESALE and R~TAlJ.:.

·, . ' :g :liZ.

.. •,

· .. · ' ~

Our· Stock of ·General· ·Merchandise is large .and well a~sorted~ .: We ·briy prac=

-· tically· all of our heavy goods iQ. ~~rload ·lots,. direct · from the · manufacturers.

This en'!-ples. us to make ai(va~tageous . . . pr1ces to our Mail orders customers.

at~ention, and quantities are

given prompt fi>r goods in

·~;~,= 1:=@

• • • tnqumes--solicited.

,. ·Welch & TitSworth ~ . Ill ' • . .



...... JOHN E. BELL

Groceries . Quality

, ....

I, .

. FA~CY."A.N:P~---~TAP~e QQQQS

The Capitan CAPIT.ANt N. M. ~~-



Billiard and Pool Parlor

~io .. :··· if~':

we wish to point out tha.t not only i$ yout monev al>-­~~·"·~-·--safe Wflan behind o~r thick walls and strong loakg, but ltlso that the '600D NA~E:s of men ot high standing a.nd.finaneial.rllspon!libilitY ~re a.l$o be~d ourba.nk. · We ,$ttck stnotly ttJ· SAFE. sound banking business;

do not mdulge \n unt?.a.t~sl'atula.tion. _ . . ·-·We warn our customer& _against :far-away risky in ..

vestm&nt$. L.~t ug build up our own community. -=-; Make OUR bank YOUR·bank

We pay- 4 paf ~et).t. interest on c&ttific.a.tes or tie~it SXCH:ANG~ BAN~ e Ga.ttizo~o, N. M. · .



Page 7: andrev~n-qe)and GorO~o 4~·o.o $ · • •· -4 tS, 191S; · w .. ll!>t ll>urrted Ida J W l!1 l ... 3 00 495 hl L c Se


Gener'al Lnmarclle atar~ed .sllghU1. "Tlle avfator?'' hQ asked,

Durand bOwed hlil head. ' LaDUU'chli, like eveey Frenchman,

knew flllont Durand.. lfq h!ld beeu..onq ot th1,1 toremoat mQ~ to. develoP" th& dlrlgtblo gss·balloon. W.hllo others


only a spoc;k J11 dhsceriled, even through glasseJJ,. The French camp Its e;rq!! UJ!WI:lJ"!J, 'J'I!t !tll!9ti qf broken man's e*plolt, which was restore l!.la honor.aJ.Id brlnJ, no dqubt, the ribbon o! the Jeglo~:~ . ot hol)or. bad become universal. .And In tilE • ~~ ~ --~-~ • -beleag11orcd tortrcsator the fl,rat; Ume ~l't'ecta nro so, modish lllln 'acnson, an Jnktln~ of tho :alrroan's Jnw~Uo111 blac'k 11!-ce ll!\8 llcen. brbunht Into ti· became obvious when a Uny speck vor once again, eapcchUlf'. chantilly, was .11een to detach ftllelt trom the 'Black la.~:cll have Jn gqneral IHlen out slightly Ja.rger Jns!IB and drop toward of tho rcckontn~r, but now JL !If Just earth. thtl thing tor lobg tram1parc11~ tu11lclh

Jnatantlr It lla4 begun tho a witt and Utero J• a variety or Wl\)'11 or 'IUS· deacent, while tho balloon, r:?tol Jng lt. lts sllx4ter bur4en, shot JJpward lu 'l'ho Jlluattated ov~:mlng JSOWn sltowa BPitll of tbo rapid eaupe ot £1111. . be a du.nUlly tunic cltecllvetr ~rdvr!.ld dlrlglblo ascended 1lvtt. hundred fctlt 1\'ltb ~blto tur. · 'l'llq body llitrl ot the bcfciro tt pauactl, stood attn, lind then eorsasc ._ncl the llhort•JlOUCb!!d tunlo !lt!r;an tta downwara l'Ua1i. aro oC blnck chltfon -."olotlr oma•

DurAnd bad planned hill dcacent ao mt!uted ·wnh . drcle1.1 ot II!JI'!l\•~d JJCilrl that Jt, llhould carry blrn Into· t.M bt!ade. The Y dccollctago nllowa :l French lltiCI. nut to bl.s horror a gllmpi(l or Whlto mtlllncli fOlded over auddcn breeze dr<1ve the parncbutc tlHl bUrst, and U!!!ro Ia n llttlu llnrlng !llmlsbt toward tho lnaldo or the tort• collar or the aamo at tlto bnck. <'hnn· reu wallll. -<\nd thco1 rtalgnlng Utly la agllln't!mplo)'ed In the aetr· to ,tho Inevitable, ho . aild diclu.>, too, nro bordered. with llfs ~·oaottiCUiw&rcCsavini mtrow · wllito-,ur -liali!Jiiig:-·Tilo-Jnto rather thatt attempt111r to gain thl! tunfe Vl!l11! a wltltc tultctn llklrt, wbfcb camp or the brudegors, wblch would J~t e()ttlJIICtcd b(llow tbn INI,lll oHlu, mean :a.n lna"'nt drop to dl\ntb.J , tu111r. 'With blttclt ebUtou Velouro, bol"<

Jt WU abou\ A mfnu(o a((cr l10 lmd d~,>fed, Jn tU,rn,,Wllb tho Wlllto tur pulled tho eo.rd ot Uta "nlvu when Du· A .tc>cent t.wlsJ. ot trtln Jdra or th~:t 1'and dro)lp~dJ uhluu~rned, at tho twt Jneu tunic iiUb!!Jltuti'l n nC>t toutttltl• ot ,1htl general In dbtcnao ot 1-'ort Ucm built upon wltll' !louttr!!u o.t Inc(!,

FOR KNITTING · OR CROCHET Novel and Easily .Made Bag, Wh1••!

Requires Onty Rerol'lantt for ; It• Material.

Our .aktJteh shows a uaetul l,Jag Qt a V«lrY novel nature that can bo .car· rled out w1th tbe aid ot ll rem11ant of almost any !ltl'Oil!;· materlul and tllnt Js convenient to uae and easy to m11ke. 'It .criu be prepared In any alzo it)

t.M requirements ot tho pwner,

Olillebcn. . . . 1rldo or narr,ow. or Jl ma)' bl.' .thttt lhtl tnfa polntfi nt· bntb cnd1, th!!n lltt!lll one

I!;~S!S;'9I nut nobOdy noticed htm, J'.Or all crea net. Ia em8acd and recros11ed ,\VIth l!IC!l eJid through Ute rtog, told tbc ribbon were. atmtn'cd upward to wlll!re tba lnucrtlonl!, llnlsbcd -ubout. u11,. Jo\y('r allll IICW Jt f.ot:(lllu:•r rtl.tho cdttetl. It great balloon tama~ 111tldlng down, cdga wJtlt " . wldo liCit b(lm, or wtth can ttft(lrWArtl bP l!own.In, ptnct! upon f

II'. ,. .,.

workod upon' tht\ .aeroplane, n,.trand llad bron&bt~ tho dld~blo altnost .to perteclton. .And; at tho ·rootnt!nt when he WAll abottt to •co hft1 Jnventlcn 1dol~Ud b1 the ll'rt!, had eommJtted murder-• .foul. fnex· cl1l!able murder wbUe undCI:' the Jn• lh:ttniC* .ot abslntb\1. to ~bleb be hAd beoomo addlc:tecf by .reason or thn mental itraln lte had undergone.

but, he wu ·from· the bunbl of Jill• u&Oda~es. That wu a )'ear ago, abl't •lnce then nothln&' hd been heard cor him.

"' want .to 4o 110methtn~ ror my countrt;- Durand exptalaect. ~Oii abalf be attached to' the' aero­

l,lbuae dlrls.lon, .. answered Lamarche. Dltraud laughed qufeUy. "t ·do not.

wteh . to beCOme a private. avlatot,H b.·~~ '1 hue-a pJin by 1rhkh rou cu capture Fort Otelehen."

"'What u Jttff asked Lamarche lni­patifliiUy. lte bad· had a thousand .titan. aubmlUed to hlm dttrl11c the put three montha.. · ''OIY.e mii a t!loU4and peunds ot mellnlte.'" uawered. batand. !'An4 1 ·wJtl blow it luto the wth. I wt1l ·bfow any all traees. ot Jt ...

'1t thera 14· a th.ouund Pdttndll ot metJnfte to apare fn :France you ~~~all bate It, ptonded you can eonrince me ot tbe- teaslblttty ·bf•tour aebeme.'' th& &eJ~etat a11swerect. ·

,. . ,.!'Jt. ta 'teq almple/' teplle.4 Dut'anit. ·' "'n the: mollntafilil ot tbe Voligea.

where t baYe UTed during tM J11llt )'Uf';. t :ht.l'ii- my Jiet(et(i!d. dlrftibJli~ l Wilt loaif It With a tbOU.IIan(f. poUtidii

• -or melfntte', whJclt JJJ as much· .a& It "tdif -cartt, lu addltlon to my own )fefghf;.. · l wltt 11teet ft alibve Fort otefchiin. ~nlt the <rai•e open .. aUei cat!!lllatill& ihe descent.; and e$ea}) :tn)' ~ute. .~he balloott. wm

' li!lll.rt\11 fnto the celite.i' 6t the. tort . in.C ,Jiloit u; !fum the lace. of the. ·eutb." . .

'l1let talkeil' O'rer the ptoJect. (cr · • whlie. pd Ule. mora nurand .e:t.• J)laln~· til• more toulOfe .his tJropoi;al f.JIJ!eeted. ·tc:t Uift .French. &en()ntl.

Qt•!XIuh!e, w.n •n •e't\lplau.; miill ~mbl cou14 -k dmll#f!d: Uete' WAll' 111) ·u.aon 'whY • uoord »<>t contalli • tho'itktlll « melbUle, .u GP'to.tT& ~ l1•4tt tmn~&h to obllt~nh'l. all tt.c• ot a.. tulo;alf. JJtJOtlghQfl}: that ~e.J·ttJe af. .~ or tbtt ~~ 1t ..--. ob1kt&Jif,


atralsbt toward tho. tortre1Ut llere ll broad bancl bf blnclt' velvet or tnf• th.c uldu or the· 11.11: nttd tiH!, handle 1 Duralld had not mlseatcutatl!il, It tell tctl\. Velvet ribbon In plnylug nn till• UM on Jn tbe mnur1~r nbown 1,!1 Uto t true all. an arrow, and tbo heat Jlgllt· pottnnt 11nrt 111 tho dl!corntJv(ll!Cittfllt'!B ttkctclt. nlng t~layed about 1t lU:Id- . o.t both dny •!lnd etNilll&' urcmwit n11 a

noom! .. . • . tunic border •. 'Ilba moat awrur deto1111Uon thnt bait ------''"""----· .. ever been heard 111ttce war began

lUted: tho wllOitJ ~tfr with I!Otlnd. A con ot ttoud ~nveto~~Cd evcrythlnr and abut out tb~t ·sunlight. slowly 1t drlttM \llWil)', And · knaw y,•bat bad occurred. Jtad

dcicent. Att tnat!nt lidl!l" tha eun dlllilpo

peared,. AM suddenly, with tho sound or a mUlloli blllletll, hailstones tbe

ChanUIIy Capea, Cl\fle!l of c:bununr. ornutnentM '1\tth

e'ntbrotdert. arc termed In loone.s;,elfli• dark b1uo, .flitter and dct~p red nppNtr• tng ln tho Scun!'tlmea tho

tor young

• • Oocd Vlan. ,A )'OUDt Wt1'f111Ul who WAll tnll1dlljJ ,

somo Mft euehlotnt nttd com torts found' that tho tlatton flllflt~C that she ;,·as 11l!• .lntt bad bccomo a lightlY damp. 'l'hhJ. mndl! ft dUllcnlt to thru!lt tho

In tyJng till! cott~rort,

and bi'!COmo tllgbUr brow.ncd, rclluiHt beeamu very light and nnd betd lUI tluliincu, Treated tbht way Jt hotda·Jta rcsiUeMt!:, and do~

jUtt llttl(! llildtl! Wllh Nll"uuu. ~"""."'" the loll& .tronts turlll!d untter a!ltl caught Into lh belt; this mttkc,; a pretty JitUa addition to a drcsll. ltol. m:tt .and pack down. · • , . alza ot plgetml' t'gp whlued to the •

earth. tonowed by a drenching do'RA:' ,.,..~ ........ ,. .............. 1 .............. * .......................... .., ............................................................ ..., ................................................. _ ................................ .,. ...... """'-"'""'""-...................... ""',_ ••

:po;;v~l!ad ltntned~attratuea • MAKES DAINTY M;Nu CARD afternoon. Tha water .fell ln torrent!~, It was u tbou,h a million hOl!es were turned earthwllttl trom the hea•· ~lUI. Jn two mlrfutes tb& .campa· were lfooded. ';rhe Jltreeta ot the be­leaguered ij>wn J"&n liater. Men :11uns thl!mselves tij)Oii thclr 1'acea llhd wal> towed in the prectua taln. From evel')' house bucketll, · bath tub~r, im­plementll ot e1ert tdnd were out• stretched to.botci the llte-giYfng wate~ ThO claterns overJtowect Th& be­staged dty wu ll.!ll'ed. ·

Durand stoolt betore tb general wltbln the torlrella, ltls hOPe bad tall lid, bt thee· Jfiterposltt!ltt ot the -tin• qxpect~d element, tate, which aenda so many·ii~hemeil 'agley.

lle upecteci cfeath. · He 1\liu• not Itl llnltorm .... a. ltop~llt!l,. .C"f>li'"'LJ.

ax-collYJct. beating tbo of 11hannr upon hl« tnrrowed tae!f. .

'liie teMraf turned to him. ''Do . ton khol\f 1vbal ts goh:ig to happen 1ou?" h~ aaketl.

".A 11ring pllttt. i auppcure," Dutand muttered. . · . · ~o:• ans'io~a tho tenoriu, untet.

t;;. '.Y oil a,re going to matie 11 balloon tot ua:•

.Make 8u~tiower tiaitM. ln aouut touiUJ1es~ not~blt Jn Uie

.itu~~t~lan. '(lrovtnces nortlt pf tb~ · 9Uus, the libllllow~;t .aer'f¥ · )'lOsea besfilelf . omimenflnt · ·with Jt11 huge gof(leb blossoms• ae~cla lire ~~M to. tnak& oil, wblcb'

. ~ml)loYed,lkltb bt the. manufacture soap. ancl in ~kinK. Tie ttem and tea•e...,.. bui111id lnd tile ulaeil uit4 to )12ake pawb. Lut tear the ••r;. ilnltt' factod~ ot Uia Ct~tcuu•. ·VIO 4ueed 1 G,I)OO W!W ot. -.»t utt. ·

Deafl:ln That t.Jay Bo ¢oloted lit Homo -Moat Appropriate :for Simple

Formal Dlnntr. •

·--lll~;~l!.way lmp"ovow.ent, Jl}w the growth of population. 11houlu »o pl'Q­.....,11"""' argues a !ltlld!IJlt ot tM sub•

Encl\ lll!ould be 11\lltoll to tllo re~ulrcnumta ot its. porlod, aqys :ChW!!­Iflllll l..fntler. TI!.!B conternlllllt!la, tlrst, . •.

f:\and.Ciay Mlxturo With an lnaufflclcint Amount of Sand, •h• Gr11ln• Nqt Bo­lnp In pontact.

Clay Mlxeci With Sand to the Point ol Saturation, With tho Angular hnt Grains In conucto

& botafevArd, a quiet }lJl\'Nnrnt o wood blt>ekJi, aheet .-phnlt or aaplut.l block& can be laid on .tbtl tonf!rete.

Thla la the moat vractt~J~hd eoo uotnlcal plnn, prov.tdlhg tor varrlnt vOIUtnetl and klnda of tratllc Ol'tli' t centllrt or moro ot use and fnvoldnt foatl l.lf Inveatmebt tn pavomentll tha are el:ceslllvely coaUy to ttiahilaltt ant w.hlch are not eaientlat u a tottnda Uon In the 11nal trJ)eQ ot highway.

lnatruotfon ·tor Road BCIINi« · lttl'rn' tOfld ~~~ aholl'ld ·

tnatdhK .*Cboo1 illd read about hllbw•7 lloa;truoUou a!1d Wht!O-. .

kieh,. end" The choicest of leaf -aJ .. · y~ a pure and.·

wholesome smoke­always satisfactory. ·1·

.. j•

"f>4tlnctioelg. lnJi.oiJu.a("


Tho Peellno Kind, ''llnttltntt," acld tt llttru tmy, ·•tbQ

t~llltO Wbl.'ro .1 no~· nhllllt lat~t sundnt . down at Cueto ,llrn'il !tutU JIIHlllug ott."

Jll'l)tlll'r llrur« took a Joolr nt tbQ tnJurr. · \ , "'rtult'il 11o:• 1tn ~trlnnl"d, .. 1 ll\ll!lia 10u 1nuat biWO bNm ~:~tung b1 tl lmak· Ing bcp."

Wbt-n 11.' woman dllletiYtlfJI n fi,fv\'r ntmttd nmoll~t lbo J;l.lfd. shu ntwayiJ llnYtl lt Is t~romntuto•-· but 11bo tbhlka Jt's a 11bll.trll',

You never belleYn a :tna• whcrt llil ltatl!!i'll ,ou. but )'o'u llJ(tl to hf'nr n Juat tho 11allle. •

Tfll •mild for & t~f&cJ. Alnyll lltit ·nect Cro;s ·II•>t lllu~t: have llei~ttlful, cleir wblte clothe~~. .A!Jt.

.,..~----- '

'rb~ moro we talk th~t more t;i!Ople wo Uro. .

Many a man ••·se!li!lltlifled f>()~ituftt he fll :ilOI. {lltttlc:blar.

Don't Persecute Yout ·Bowels ·

Page 8: andrev~n-qe)and GorO~o 4~·o.o $ · • •· -4 tS, 191S; · w .. ll!>t ll>urrted Ida J W l!1 l ... 3 00 495 hl L c Se

' after busi~es'• "lllld pr~fes.;:al P~tfirio Cbave~ Wa$ reinltated . Bir- cre~rance S•le POW. c;,n at matters. : • . .. , .. ' shent of Lln~ol~ couu:y. We4• ~the C~trriz9~0 Tradii'lf c... Prkes _. ~r. 1utd Mr1. J, l{, J.l'u:dt hu• ntsday, from wiu~h ~sttum }t4l . u·re gi'eatlfr~duced,. · ·. move1, to El Pa~o where ~n. was (le~os~d by a JUdtclal a-chon

. ~ . .. " .· . li'ish 1s copductlng a ruomu1r la1t s.P~lng, . . . .. !· O~ntflll n.: I; • A<lam~: &'14 llouse, Mr. Fish .·retains tda ·'.f1t~!.demlse ofSheriff .Cole..l

.• A. •Wgbter, Mt!'ls Mary, motored . run on the road • .., the county 'without ~n exectitive · · ~l:lwn ·from Corona yesterd~Y· Go to Paden'• fllr _your Valen· head, and. owing to the !lncet· · ,'.hey expue.t to. return . t.o4.ay. iinea. ; . t~hJty surrotutdinr the ;tppeal of

•. · 1 be ~cmeral 1

.reports . " lte~tvy · Wm. M. Barn~tt . was )n thia She.ritl. in the suprerpe co~,trt, it · . Mmw m th.e C~rol1~·~0.!.1~trt• •. · week ·from the Yellow Jack~ t was .feh tbat th" county commll~-

'":. .numfhte?' Br~~· banille 'Y,.,ur, iton.niine, wll$re operations have; ~ione.t:~would have to ,;nake an h:ed, l otatocs and Stock ~alt. 11gaui beou resumed, . · ·' appa,Jnt.IPI(nt to ·flU the ·vacancy, A k them. to quote· you· ~~u::ell, \County .. S..!lpe.rintendel:lt Mr'l. However, the niand11,te {rom .the

. • wben in. th¢ mark!!t for s•me. tf, Gumni~ iit company .with··~~!'· supreme court, whicll · r(\verscd Walk Over Shoe$ "are sow· by Gumm, started out Mond'ay to the'lower court and dir.ected' the

The Can;ir.ozo Trading Co. ·onl.y, pay a visit to· t)le .school11 north clerk to reentc:r~ase of the Wils.on Uros, Rhirhl ilre exclusive of the Capitans, 'J'lte heavy <locket, This placed the ~Patter .,mt KOhl by the ahciv.e linn. · · 1110.,. <!rove t.hem back, and t.hey practic!lHy wh~:rc it staned. 1m<1

A. C W"u •- 11 a . • ar.e IH>w lrJ'i"~'. fo te~cb .,ui.l: east af.ter consulting Asail!t~nt ~i$• .

1 •. · .l

1• .

1 ! gM 1 th

1.· 11 hecn cort end by tb~ Cap~tan·C-•neoln route. tnct Atlorne,r ·Powps, who w1red

· 1 :1N o ua room 1e · nast · · ~ tt •· f 1

• r ' • ;1, A, 'J'olly was here Sah1rday J1.1dgt: .M.edH:r, \he l,JQard et1tered IV an. ll. ac~ 0 · ~ gnppe. lrom his lH>me near Tinnie. . He att order accQfdingly ·and .Mr. :rl~elco canl1e!l.I{OOI]S and Rich· ba~ a load or so,rghum (molaslles) Ch.aVell TCil!lsqmed< Jlte dl.lties of

.. ~·lieu br~n<b Are le!l<lit1g at< 'I'he which be, bail brewed from eiitie · ."' ?'radlnJ Co, . . • . he gf~w~ .tnHI diapl:lslld of .it'to , • -·-

.. .

.. , ..

. .•

S('e the New Ylllentitses. at merc11ants aml consumers of the Ne\\ MexicQ,. the l'<tdeu'lf drug store. town.

1 , .... S1,1nshlne State -.Another car of Greely polatoe' Spence Dwelling ~obbed ~rhe m:ateat aud u1ost attract·

jlut !c.:~ived, fJ'nk,e ad~4ntaf{e Tbt. CluenceSr11~nc.e dwelling ivc expoaitlon oft be st~te of N u{ Uut~ .~Iegier Uro~. · was entered Wc:dne1ulay, while Mc:xicQ and it~ rcsourci.:s perh

M •. J)nering nrrivt-d Wcdncsd;~y the~ fnrnUy Wil!l tNnporarily, ab~ gotten out is ~st off Jmm l~vat1sviltc, lndi~na. He hi sent. 'l~hc lntru<h'r, wbo evi· It was pripared by A. E. 11 br-other of. Willinm ]'. and Jolw dcmtly Wil!l a tourhu, rtuuu~cked Kuebler Jr.,. conimissionerof puJ>. l)ocritlg. (H!r fcllow•ti)Wnllmen, thedrelioser drn wers, but di4 so, ticlty of the New Mexico boar4 of

Greater Reductions All

This lvlonth . ""*" t • ..

Sale. Continues a.s Advertised. · Many Seasqnable I tem.s at one­

. half the Regul~r Price. ·

Etnbroide..ries, htces • .aU 1 overs: and flouncings are now on· sale

at 50 per cent discount

It Quilts and btankets· at a ... dis- · count of .25 per cent

Just a Word About ·Walk-Over Shoes

Our spring lines are. eon1lng in .and are now on display. This

. is :the ordy 'fiigh grade. unlon . made · .shoe sold In ,Carrizozo.· .Every P.alr will please. For men ·~· .. and wonn~n,-· $3•so~:to $s~oo··~ ·

Ihe <arritozo Trading <ompany ·Quality· First Theta Ptlto

.. .

, •• GiJk.·· LUMBfR ... <ONPAftY.

to V ~lue · .Jivirtg that Stamps .= · · · · . . · · .. Empllatieally As . . · . .. · ~ ......... · ·

!.~..!!2E.Il!tl~~!~-·~···~ We'· HA \AE .~so ·pe+TlcoA T.s ·

. ' .That ·M.ust ·Find·New· t-Jomes .During.

· ··.;:w:~:·~~·· Coming·:week .

Petal Bloem Silk Petticoats,with . 88 pleated flounce, fn all the pO'pUiar new shade.s, . . Thi.s offer has no equal here· or e.lsewhe~e as a... ·, -: value giving event, $1.50 va{ue, now .. • =·-

Extra special . .


Mens patent leb.ther Flor.shefm shoes, Oh ·~Ood$ · s· .... comfort .. alile. last a··. s· in button and .in . • · .. blucher $.s.oo values · .

' . ... .

Ladles bleacbt--d vests #nd drawers

Watch for our Sale of :Fancy Caqned aooda ZIEGLEl~ B~QS.

't ;{

l l


. , .


. •


,. ...
