wmmmm mmmmnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn88074724/1925-09-24/ed-1/seq-1.pdfmmm wmmmm mmmm ..-,*..-...

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Has' Had {]Rr6miiient, Part} in V- Developing Local Organiza- •%•; tions—Played at WeddingJ If;1 o£-Kj^ Ed^^ ft^Yeall of Age. >;; = ; V •" v ^jA^K;?5i:. | ^ Consolidated May ;| >9?5©ti|| ;GISK5*1 !!! w-- r -if^"i -/ v •; r f : -^The^&ll^wg fii^re^ting story r of 11^; j-1 ?tHeXJlife\^>fJo)ie^6f.^airport's,weU: ^loipwn ^itizeiis^(appeared.;in- the Sun- ; J f t g ^ ^ a X ^ ® ^ ! ^ ^ ? ^ ^ Rochester^ IJemo^ { &'A''•':rt'cr&frafld^Ghrbnicle/- ; ^^>^si?-^^^ c ^ % v ^:Rdbert f Wij^l t vSr4tNo^^ar(jlsr; . .:. .'V ^ieyiisjtreet] vFair^o^,V:ha^-Hhe5distinc-; ^"^^^iioift^rnf^ ?" V ' V•est'livuig' bandmasters';irilthe;iTJnited : v "States^/Mri^Wignali ;was?borhXiif Pres^' Lthii. : T .ATiranshireV; England. ,^TulyV 15, '-V, -/ 1852.' ;At:4hesi.ageT T bf •:^^llTy^arslprf Wighaltrftadv already ^begunttb^. show Vhis musical ability- f by -play^g: ;the :: snare drum in the'-;fife. at^d drum. ^<iwpsj of ' $t. v^ary^churcho at Pres^ A^^"He ^ became >an^raccomplished solo- ^ist^on' the v baritoneC and^ also became : ;one v bf-'i -the^ best ^kettle^druni players, i n ' Englarid^at : ;tn*ati;time.':NIii this cohf. :.• - jfectionirit; mayHbe - said that he has :- yhstructed?^:mpreMthan ' a -score ..of •j-v -fambus? players;of :-.these/instrumehtsj ; ^ A t ari-early ag^ lie ; was engaged: to ^play with thb Marine wBand^pfEng^ \JandV ^ ' /; ^ ^i'i.'^'P »^/.'-_•••<•' ^-'~ ^-v At the time of^the weddmg: of the Prince • pf• IVales; "4ater King ! EdWard; . of England, Mr.vWignill was with the 1 Marine Band; stationed at Athat^inie in Ghantam.' in ;> Kehti; aiid played;; at •- i^GFaiye'serid^here^Me'•^pyal^^ch^ipf Princess .;Alexandria docked -after "bringing the"•';-:young princess -from zDerimark.! ^Three days aftef; Princess X.^Alexahdri^' .arrived m" ; Erigland/Mr. Wignall was with; the Mariner Band Jand played- at the 1 wedding * of the :V future'f:Kihg ahdVQueeri of England. . Mr.. : Wigiiell,. later was, - with the ' Seventh Royal Fusselleefs Band and ^aw ; " several ye§rs v : foreign service vvyith that .-.organization fat; Malta and . .Corfu.' Upon qommg to the United •'•AStates; ? te Wignall'located at Fair- .-porjt. and was engaged, by the 'late ievi J. DeEssftd as/shipping clerk for * the DeLand ChemicalVWorks, estab- lished in 1852,: a'ndvfor fifty -years *tfh Local History CUlieW From the Files ;. of the• Fairport^JSerald"and" Monroe ^teri arid:brie^*&ars Agb.^ / '•-M. v; lt/^ilcbx^a;*8^ostoaster. vAriipng rFairpprcMxhibitbrs at the Western ;-NewVvYbrJfe/fair in. Rochester were -Wm.'rMvi Ne\ poultry; . aiTSiV/ueffy V"»s. .nowe, che6.se; Si H.' B^fiiiell, hay rake; L. j.- -i)eLandy dtadghfc horses; J. -".cYi P^rce, mare andvb'dlt^. . -v,r'•' -.' : . ; •-•'\]:^:,~\-y t \','} i . ""..»-'V.'..-' ; ; >-':".; This-^rfpn 1900\ • Marriage ^^^of^i^lillani' Glass and Agnes••Malloy^i'-/.',Vc'••''•' ' : % •Ni S. Perkins^dote 1 10 first and 10 second premlums/,oiVy!20 fowls.he ex- hibited at'the r Pal&roa'fair,-and Mr. Perkins- .had hik^pqbket picked while at%e.fair::^l^M^r>.^ f-ylK- Prlo,Adam8/;f^nhira' a Young Men's, Club ; ,to mee*p- , ih;"th'e/.!form'er.: Y.: M. C. Av/rooms. ll ?: -.v^ r ^ .- . ; .f ;1 ' *ivv ? iGlarerice ifPlpod ^yrent on '.the road selling^wafl^paper for a : New York firm;*"*"'•- > \%r<-."" w'v'- ' -^ " ; 1 :: * : ' y ^- rx - Fiftieth ; wedding/ anhiversa r y °t BIG ORDER FOR 0AR,S" ;:•,; AT EAST ROCHESTER AV?r?- According to an ahhbuiicemeht^by;.- L; S. West, vice president and pner^l; manager of the. Merc^antsV J)ispatfih- Transportatibn- Corporatiphy an ;;p|der; has just been placed: by % theS^Negr' York Central for $3,250i000 iwortli^qf refrigerator cars, one -of the'/la^&st orders ever received by. the company* - Orders for cars "from all sections TEN YEAR LEASE I'OR POST OFFICE A despatch from Washington states that the postoffice department has ac- cepted the proposal for the lease of the present quarters of the postoffice for a term of ten. years dating from the first of next January from the owner of the building, Mrs. Ada V. Clark. The rental is. to be $1360 a year, /* itaiicei i^as:•:*•'^rgi£$j^^^9^|^$i^V*BB , %'v.^Miitii : ^t)e|jaricljbahd^ ^VAt ^at^ime U ^-Deijand^^Chemicalv^works^f Mrv:^I)e-: ; ; i'L'ahd had^tieeri- to B^ffaloKwli.er>Vtli^ ^«hW;heard soriie of Sthp^rge^baiids - y; : ^husYastic ? fa^*u •_-^ v. \Fairpbrt- called Mi*.;/WignaU.^;him; . Vahd advised -Him, that he wanted /.to •?• \ start^>'a"-«-ban^'L 5 ".in:" Fairport, .^that he - :^wanted : ah^^-te^aateLbahd "arid one .that the' village could be. proud of. . Mr. DeLandvgave Mr; .Wigriali/free rein'. in his 'selection of players for' *the v hew'band -and- to^ -get the best players 'possible Regardless-: of.•? ex- of the country have been ppurmg; .Under the. present-lease, which was into the offices of the MercM^fe' effected in 1916, the postoffce depart- Dispatch TranSportatTpn Corporation.'m'ent; is paying $700 a year for the for^ t h e : p a s t six^ ? hioriths ". : jjnd--: : %fj?7.0^ same quarters. It was stated from men are at vrork in the EastRpchje^ the department,. however, that the ter factoriesi turning out thei cars,;. a'c-?l contract was made after bids had been advertised for and that there was practically, no coihpetitiori in Fairport andi the department had to make the best terms. it could. . The lease will include epuipment, heat, light, water, safe, power for electric fans and parcel post and postal savings furniture when neces- sary. : cording to .Mr. West v He^ said'vtn^^. the orders include all; types ~6fTc&rstk ; --• - - - •• • ••• - ••'-.••.- .-.-Ays{*«&c^ Mk GIVEN GOOD R A T I N G ^ ^ r ,'•% FOUR YEARS' JlME A letter from Lawrence Flei§gb^ man, C.S.M., U; S. navy, recnutang station in Rochester to the/Herald . Mail gives this information, re^^d-. P O I N T CONTEST TO SEE WHATi-pSll C iW I r * I / ^ • WW f?W W^ C- - .1 v-JOi.-T3« A-.U. HIS NEIQHBOI^S9?®m ARE DOING & 7/-.yA\v, -JESSE-Br-HANNAN—~- Republican Nominee for Supervisor of the Town of Perinton RECEPTION FOR LOCAL NEW TEACHERS The Fairport Parent-Teacher asso- ciation will open its fall activities with a reception for the new teachers in the local schools in the gymnasium of the High School next Tuesday evening. There will be light refresh- ments and music,- and the general public is cordially invited to attend. All who have contributions for the Parent-Teacher association rummage sale, are asked to bring them to the Schummers block, West avenue, after 1:30 next Thursday, Oct. 1. The.sale will be held in th%t place Friday and Saturday, Oct. 2 and 3, SLIGHT SLUMP IN . , PRODUCE MARKET FARMINGTON^ F*A R M/EOt GOES OlfcA TRIP ® JjJIL ••'•:• -•<'& —-ITT'"•.-.•-•• Visits Truck aiid Fruit Sec- tions of Jersey ^Delaware and Maryland, But is Pre- judiced before. Starting. Letter Number Five Editor Herald-Mailr One curious feature brought out by. the writing of these travel letters is a consideration of the uses of the five senses tea traveler and their relative importance. Not aUjare agreed as to which sense has th.9;^greater impor-ir tance as a gateway =and- aid to mem- ory that human. brain quality which is claimed by philosophers to be the creative mother of all knowledge and ing M. William Prentiss, a Fairport boy, which will be read with interest by his friends here. ^ :>^ i^Jlt . ''Prentiss was : honorably discharged less than a year ago after ;> serving four full years as * a ? second .class IN -i -;«:• -vr'r- pense.:. - ^ - : ;..:^-- -.jr.; •••• •--i'^r.:^-^- i •".:';;i^M^.;. Wighall.'thereupon v wrote .to r ; : the eplitor.vof a daily•' newspaper in . , tLiveyppol, Eriglandi' and asked him 'ifbrih^; help^ in locating several/good - ^ban^^in^m^bf^ (experience. \}This; the * . ^Liye'rpool 1 editor did arid as sorin.as ; .the';'imeh*;ar^ved'-"in;, the'^Uhitedy States •; ; they can^ ? Mirectly^ tci^Fairport^and -were ''giyeristerriploymerit - r in"^. the - De- H.^aha , 'vGliemicaI^Works and^liired to :..: •'' play iiriitheVbaivd;!','''•-• -:^i.l<%•;. • •/: £ . i '. V^/-These - ,irieri' ^eterall;-experienced, ',-.':,\iayi]%^playedu iri^pnie ; of^the>finest ".-s>'vOTUsical:organizations m^E ^ "••• : \ about? this. .tifffe Patrick ..Cox * cahie to " Fairport/f arid ' sterted /.the j Cox. shoe '-{•;;',' '•• iside ;'6f^^^.theVErie.;cariai; just twest of ' • / /the Hairi j: street-'canal bridge, now oc- y< ;M/';» r [ : ';£VGon^ •* ' wiN^^SlmACUSE ers :.u being:/iWill ^^oHhirig,^; Lester Sumeriski,y.Wesley^ Ferriri, : Ray; Leby R a y -Piidlefy, Wayi^e Ba^umer, : v Walter Eldredge'.€(ndSOscar /Orami*>^. i-t'fif •-•:/F.. Ai Defendo^.^apppiril^dxtempo- rary receiver of the firm'.of Blood'& Howard; /. ' - '.. < * & * /v; * / v -- ' : '.\.-/:*'i' Yburigstersyhv this part pf Monroe . •.. " i•»«biintyitbbk' aCproiriirierit part in the - >' --junior I project ekhibits' at; the-"state- ;; //; v^^air^Vin^HSyra'cUsevlastv} week -arid 1 ; -'-:V^fought';-b"ack'-.'8'PmV-:«f^tne'.'!wihriihga. <;'; -$ George Bowri," of•'* Egypt,Vwoh. thirds' 0 ••:/ ; pft/Ms'^ WhiteaWyandptte ;pullet Arid '<•'$&£, ;ropster^',Gebrge..Bulnfan ; was a win- der, iri;thlS-ppulti^cl^ /nics. iXi^\H'h^J^^-0- tu4 0f&George'Bulman's,aWard.waa'-on his £\\> piirvbf>Rhode' Island 'Reds'i 1 -getting • ,<,«vsV^h^tHe''pUll^6nd-^^6nd on the «pcketeh^*'Ha*fhad^als6^teoelved^.S ; This Week.in 1915 I Barn/ of Dr. C. !M;Briggs' in West avenufe destroyed by* fire. ? - /"^ /v Dr. ; Mary-Walker, suffragist, spent entire : riight on front porch of . 'a house^jn Pgnfield; y : ' /^ -i v*. NeWfYbrk Centrai detectives break up/'a : gang' of \ car burglars at. the Barberic crossing., >' V . - - 3 0. E.-Springett bought .the "bakery in. the "Henry. blbekr^';;;: ; }/ . .'-"•; .Marriage Of Miss" Erina Schummers and Isaac Rosa, of - : Amsterdam.' / v " Charles Mc'Gpverrii of Macedori, killed 'by! ; -. trolley!'-'car : at Egypt; /! y State.Ove.rseer^Well, of Fredoniaj; spoke.'.before'lbcalvgrange..' ••"f : "? &* . - : ;^ K ; -Vv/-;;^^ .' .- •.•••';_ .; : : ^Tliis^ejek One Year>Ago r ^ ^: " .Marriage of,: Miss;Evelyri"SriW and John Heckel," p£- RPchester* %>;•$&?& •.*;• ' G. AyFellowi^yeri'a surprise visit in honor of hiff'birthday. ' t , ' V ; Carlton HbwanT sold 'his house in West .Church streetr'tp Miss -Eriiriia Gardner/ / : "V/"^' -if-'-l- " 5'' - ; }t'- ; ; ^..i* Death of M.-E. Butler and.;Jame^s' MiirphyvV; ^^;^/:^/-'y^//' .•- &*; ; //-/' Y^OUN^ LAI> DIES OF - ;^^[F^^^?A^^s|g Leslie Hertel;.aged 15 years/ died, at the HighlAridrr'.hospital .Saturday night from infantile paralysis,.::/He was .taken -ill ^Wednesday;}" arid - : wheri the.serious"riature^pf the trpuble; was .a^b^tfrig r 'man-bf?elc6elleritli acter arid; ^exceptiorial r ability; ^After staying iri civilian life about-three months he re-ehlisted at this^ office for four more years. He is\now at-f tached "to the navy yard dispensary,' Washington, D. G.f arid^fias/ either been promoted to first class pharma- cists mate or will be'" very soon." GRANGERS; HAVE -':'-'%'--^ ,G06D ^IIOGRAIVP FOR GIRL SCOUTS The Girl Scout patrols were rear- ranged yesterday and we elected our patrol leaders and corporals. A con- test has been started in which points are to be given for scout work, atti- tude ,attendance, helpfulness, and ap- pearance./ The/winning, patrol is to -JieT- giyeritfa • banqriet Sby, /the posing patrols. This /will, end on December second.:. . ^Glasses in tenderfoot, second", class and^first class work have been" start- ed./-Some of our ; second class girls have-started the community service badge and expect to do many useful thirigs for the community in Fair- port. : -. .. /Qur troop numbers about twenty- eight at present, but. we hope that # e will h^ve many more new scouts than we now have. Any girl over twelve years of age will be welcomed on': Wednesday afternoons at 3:46. We are planning to do many interes't- . Fairport-grangers "enjoyed a very interesting prpgrani Saturday night, which was prepared by the worthy *„„ +i,.-„-« TC *.ui a - voo _ „^J lecturer. A&g with some good vocal*SKfi-FSfc 2^pS ? itf 1 ? d W ° Uld hke « . ^--^hied&u&fc;th^-^che^ter^;^^ttioh for t -.••>": # t h e ^ beat - cPcker^l i shown-i.aindj first arid instrumental nuriibers, there was a Scottish 1 dancing act by Miss Mon-r teith, which held the interest of every oiieito the last. \ ; t At the opening of the'business ses-t sion ? the charter was draped in mem-. bry•{ bf bur.; esteemed member and brother, Jerome Parker. Mr. Parker was; brie "bf ; our oldest members, and his loss will be felt by a great many grangers; \ One application for rein- steteriient,. that of Mrs. Byron Bul- mah," was received arid: accepted. The refreshment, committee for the next meeting, which is Oct. 3, is com^ posed of Alviri Huch, Frank Baker,; Howard Baumer, Geo. ' Case, Jesse Hannah, Ralph".Knapp, ,H. Steiger; Geo. Stefferi; Homer Beardsley, E. H; Hull.; John Bulnian, H. Wheeler Davis,••-, Geo> ;/Huber, Will' Pfromer; Edwin Jordari." ' :* % wisdom The~"matter -cannot- be-settled- off-: harid as. it was in the.case of the boy's answer in the ^beginners' class in psychology. The^teacher had asked which was jthe\ nipst sensitive; of the five senses. When called on for his answer, the boy said "feeling" and gave as an illustration the fact that if you sat down on a bent pm, you couldn't see it, you couldn't taste it, you couldn't hear-it, you couldn't sriiell it, but it was there, all ..the; same. Of course every npnrial person makes use of all his five] serises, but no doubt soriie people have cultivated i r a particular serise to an iinusual^ de- gree. It depends very largely on your business as to your sense develop- ment. '-••'•"-: 'l4-. While clerking in a grocery store ,in my youth I several times saw the proprietor and a tea agent sampling tea. Small quantities, of^the various ; brands were put into cups bf/lhbt j water and soon the men were sipping the samples of the tea from spoons and commenting on 'the taste arid quality of the "cup that cheers but not inebriates." t Several times ; I was invited to try my,luck in pick- ing out a brand or blend which might pjease the customers, but I do riot re- call that I ever picked a winner. My sense of taste had not * been,. suffi- ciently trairied. The ] l tea agerit's sense of taste values, in/teas enabled him to differentiate' with unerring certainty between very closely allied qualities of any specified -variety of tea. *."•-'-' As I .write this I recall that my memory of ittcidents on the trip was assisted very little by the sense of taste. In particular I -reriiember^en- joying the-juicy flavor .of a .well- ripened Belle of Georgia peach growri'Vat* -Salisbury, Md. Before reaving-''hdthe I had decided to call for .raspberry pie whenever it was listed on the menu. On. four occa- sions I was served with, raspberry pie—but without even the shadow: of Miss Esther Hepinstall - is taking :a raspberry used in the filling.. My charge of the school publication, 1 sense taste informed me that iri every which we hope.to be able to worki case t ne pi e n a d been made of lPgari /.^rJ?V *$M '-mil , mm •_••-- '-§ The hot weather of last week, put a cririip into the produce market generally, and local dealers have been buying very little. While cabbage opened early at from $15 to $20 a ton, the market went to $5 and but little has been shipped the last week. Onions are peing oought at from 75c to 85c and "celery is moving very slowly, that is, the early celery. Some has been b.pught at $1.10, but the iriarket" } 'tias>vslumped. The present cool snap isi looked for to increase the deriiand and benefit the market. r'-". One farriier ^lone riortheast-Mof 'the village is' reported as having 18000 crates of celery frorii his muck. ; o j r ' ' » •-••• NEWS" ITEMS PROM FAIRPORT SCHOOLS m M - M\ - m m ..••••VsSl a, m m m\ m\ v The; color guard for the coming year is Eva Cornish, Babe Hart arid Betty'Hawes. MARGARET WILLIS, Scribe. COAL SHORTAGE IS LITTLE FELT HERE KING'S^ DAUGHTERS MEET AT MENDON ::^/ , -/r / 'C ••/.-:. " / '«''-! thb thirteenth annual convention of the; King's 1 : Daughters arid Sons of Niagara"Jdistrict met Sept. 18 in the Presbyterian .)^ /church in Mendon., State President Mrs. Morris Liebert, apparerit; was/fekeir to/j^e^jtbspital./ He v^4^on^-^fe&ee ;sp$ &frMr, Mrl^. -George Herrel;/whb^reside.:in P^rrin; ^ t e e ^ | f e > b^thPr^^ President Mrs; Bruce and:; R o t e r f c - ^ stat e services, were h e l d a t t h ^ da y -at;^ pprtj Mrs/.W.H. Miller, of Dansv lie:' tdr, pf the^First^Bapttst .churchy ^fflr & r ^ aI id^Mrs^ET G. Mbachum7 of ciatingj' arid-"intermerit was*^^^ made at Gorham, ;ihe , "formef horrie of *' the family.:..-.•*• g fe^l^^i >{'W* ' :• Much sympathy is ^expresfieq^.pri all sides' for ;the 'stnckeri V faniily) -, > Xeslie was ,a yoiin^ irian of \ much-.prbniise and his riassingisjhiburhed by^aJarge Circle;" o f f riend8r?' v He is survived also by'S his * : graridpareritsi:\ Mr.r and-Mrs.' John:Browho:?.^/^ X .^kMtiM'* i WANTED/ &\ : H NV\ » r Pears^bf vftU\ kinds. Bieler, 67 Filkihs-'street^ *:'? '-"r M fm*M 32t3p *., i- Wlri' 1 Farringtonts;.Old Dutch'-; Cpf(e>, 60c per : lb.- As good f as '•. any f in> toytn* kt Terp^nings^AdyV/'•;•% ]y h m0& RbcheJ3.ter^w'ere/ aftiong those who took;part in', the program . I It appeared 'frorii the president's report:that,there are 30 circles in Niagara- district, with a .membership bf ;1145.^New York state has 314 Circles -arid 'nearly 10,000 membersa ; / T h e s t a t e work which every^King's Daughter should be interested; in is the. istate horrie. in Dansville . for .King's/Daughters and fold:: couples. The ~ airri is. to have an endowment : of $150,000>fpr *he^ Home, sp that the cbriiingtyears bf its suriport may be assured. ^Niagara district's qubta is;. $17.555.85.$ It has pledged $16,800, and still. has to' get $755.85 to \maket the quote. >There 'are 21 .members .'in- the Horrie family at present; and their" smiling faces .tell how they, enjoy the, 7/Please reriiemberilthat, the 'regular Homeicomfprts and pleasures'in their riionthlysripper at.the„RayjnondiBapi> pld^agi;^V?'V>• > '--" : '•'"•* } < >,M,^fe ; jtist> church-^11^ be/s,eryed; by ^he -/Mrs^H^KLr Brown. Mrs. Gillies/ -V?tatik r :Hpye arid ^ Mrs.; W.M/ Winter officially opened Tuesday, arid with a ternpe'rature of forty it apr peared to be here to. stay, whether the coal man is able to keep us warrii or not. . / Fairport coal dealers were fairly well supplied when the strike went into effect, but since then have been receiving only now arid then a car- load. • They, however, have beeri sup- plying their customers with the win- ter's supply/ during the summer months rather more fully than usual, sp.the shortage is not felt as keenly as, it might be otherwise. 'A- A visit with the local dealers found them all in a spirit of opti- rriismi arid while soriie of them are aboiitoiit of the domestic sizes, that is, chestnut, stove and egg, they have been able to take care or their trade so far *iri- limited quantities. \ T ;0n6 dealer said that while, their bins' still hold some of these sizes they are letting it out only in small lots. The feeliiig seems.to prevail that by the time the present supplies* are ex- hausted, more will be- arriving from the mines, and the dealers do not look for a very serious situation locally. . ?;dTb the credit of. the local dealers, let it be" kpowi) that there has been rip tendency toward profiteering, as prices of-coal have riot been increased Siince; (he sirike went into effect. ; /^Ther'e 1 seems to fee * plenty of the smaller size's, pea arid .buckwneat. The wood V trade has .takeh/ri brisk jump the.last'few days.- /-/,>^ .> ; :.-:':'SA';; ; ;;:•NOTICE/ % Being ruriable to go out with my samples,/!!shall be Vglad to L'take orderf^at .my v home for: house dtesses arid iaprbri8/ sweaters; 'underwear, and hosiery; it Mrs. Mead, 17 Clinton Place Fairpoft^^^ / / -H c together with our local paper. A limited staff is being appointed in the Senior class, and it is hoped that we will be able to have a weekly pub- lication. The tennis team, under the super- vision of Miss Chesbro, will go to Rochester to try out in the Roches- ter preliminaries. Later, if success- ful,' they will go tea state _£purna- riient held at Hamilton College at Clinton. Careful survey of the school cen- sus revealed a number of minors be- tween the ages of 14 and 15 who aire being employed without having first secured their .work papers. They have been in each case advised to berries. These berries are an acci-. dental cross of blackberry with red raspberry. They grow like black- berries, are light red in color arid have an indifferent and rather insipid flavor and no more resembje;«a^rasp- berry in taste quality than a /Ben Davis does a Mcintosh among apples. But because the loganberry is a pro- lific yielder in the Wartn moist:? pit- mate of some bf the Pacific . coast states and can be harvested with the cheap Japanese ; labor, this . berry is canned^and sold'rriuch cheaper to the trade than can the somewhat less pro- ductive but much/; richer and more agreeably flavored, Columbian rasp- berry. Pie makers; lboking for profit report to school and secure such pa- use the cheap loganberry and thus pers. before continuing further em- give the genuine . raspberry pie a ployment. Employers can be of great black eye, as no one from choice will assistance by carefully investigating ea t a loganberry pie if he can get the age of the child and seeing to it p i e with some other filling. When m * '**-.'• m ^•ssl T//I that employment certificates are pos sessed. before allowing such minor in his employ. The first football game of the sea- son will be with Palmyra this week end at the fair.. . ; "j Fears of parents with reference to spread of epidernic in school would be greatly allayed if they were aware of the fact that the closest communi- cation between" school, health officers and doctors is being kept. Contrary to rumor, there have' been no symp- toms in cases of pupils who have been excused on account of minor ill- ness. Every precaution is being taken to niake our schools as safe from the epidemic as would be the the streets or even the homes. •'•Have-your heating*plant cleaned upfand. put in ishape-for winter use. Wltfdo it rightf 'Murphy's Hard- ware^rrAdv\;/ ! '-* / a $&". is •• •'•*, /./ - ?&M ^ ~ REWARD...- .... :._•. / , _. I will give one hundred dollars for information that will lead to the ar- rest and conviction of the party who recently- stole a quantity of .white paint' from the Padgham house. A. B/;Katkamier, : Macedon, N. Y. p Gash paid for apples-at the Penfield evaporator. Bown & Harris; phone D2J; East Rochester excharige. 33t4c 10 per cent off on all oil stoves at'Murphy's Hardware.—Adv. t'-'it* -**'**'/• •-"-" y "" •' .*" r . • '• : . / Mrs. ' Geo^-: Putriam; will; have a bake'd^ fbPd sale at Terpenirig's store Fridays aiterhbon at 3 o'clock/ con- 8istintf':bl:btpwn bread, raisiriv bread, white bread;" cakes, pies, ccokies arid fried iiakesi^Adv. •;; •% -/ >- % '/ properly made of Columbians a piece of raspberry pie would make even the gods smile with satisfaction. Between two sightseeing trips in New York city, having but a riioment to spare, I desired something to eat quick and happened to enter Gialitos on 52d street. I called for coffee and spaghetti. I got the spaghetti" all right—about four-nniles of it. The taste "of the catsup used for relish made me think of Jack Howe, who grew and took.the tbmatpM/tp^^th^'/ff^ Rochester public riiarket, where they £0£ were bought for the Curtis Canning //j Co., which made them ,up into Blue". ^ Label Ketchup, the n oted appetizer. // I remember especially the character- :/ : istic and pleasing taste,of that toma- / / to. produce*'. :; /' V: -// - *PJ$ T recall less of ; the iricidents where .«'; the serise ~of tdste) was"art''aid"to.\"*":";•;** memory of the events, of the trip. >S) The fish market, in New/York/city made itself apparent as it was passed and I recollect that: I quoted to my. seat companion .'the/words -that' Shakespeare makes one of his char?, actera utter: "Methinks it hath; ari ancient and'fishlike smell." ; I don't think any of the party breathed very deeply until the market was left, be- hind. In the museuriiVat Fairmourit Park hind '.aCstrphg scent of a popular perv^'c '••'.%% fvirhie*. The -"Pdbr"' was/.Bo heavy 'she W.$m riiust havb r iised/it lavishly/Then in*&msk the Botanical.Garden at,Washington l / fit * -_"_r_t:Li. * 1 i / i < j / k - » ^ « i ' _ „ « - „ J .^i:tj~*2r.i.. ./ - »c>» Butterriiilk/Laying Mash, Scratch Feed; ' Oyflte^ Shells, Grit arid, Oharr, coal fof :;the vheris and - chickens/at ^rp^Wg's^dv. '. --/.^-A/^..?$ w 'Jtj,: // ; v. ^Cohtinued on,page, 7 ««»«»* item. mm :'V-/';-/-"'^;; /•'V^; :-^^//v: : :/-->:;;/Hii i wMmmmm

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Herald Established Mat! Established 1830

• > : * i r:>*V3

3 ^ 1 VJ

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r ^ r ^ p r

M . »«?:. 'v.

Has' Had {]Rr6miiient, Part} in V- Developing Local Organiza-•%•; tions—Played at WeddingJ If; 1 o £ - K j ^ E d ^ ^ ft^Yeall of Age. >;; = ; V •" v


| ^ Consolidated May ; | > 9 ? 5 © t i | |

;GISK5*1 !!! w-- r-if^"i

- /

v •; rf

:-^The^&ll^wg fii^re^ting story r of 11^; j-1 ?tHeXJlife\^>fJo)ie^6f.^airport's,weU:

^loipwn ^itizeiis^(appeared.;in- the Sun-; J f t g ^ ^ a X ^ ® ^ ! ^ ^ ? ^ ^ Rochester^ • IJemo^ {&'A''•':rt'cr&frafld^Ghrbnicle/- ; ^ ^ > ^ s i ? - ^ ^ ^ c

^ % v ^ : R d b e r t f W i j ^ l t v S r 4 t N o ^ ^ a r ( j l s r ; . .:. .'V ieyiisjtreet] vFair^o^,V:ha^-Hhe5distinc-; ^ " ^ ^ ^ i i o i f t ^ r n f ^ ?" V ' V•est'livuig' bandmasters';irilthe;iTJnited : v "States^/Mri Wignali ;was?borhXiif Pres^'

Lthii.:T .ATiranshireV; Eng land . , TulyV 1 5 ,

' - V , - /

1852.' ;At: 4hesi.ageTTbf •:^^llTy^arslprf Wighaltrftadv already ^begunttb^. show Vhis musical ability-f by -play^g: ;the ::snare drum in the'-;fife. at^d drum. ^<iwpsj of ' $t. v^ary^churcho at Pres^

A^ "He became >an^raccomplished solo-^ist^on' the v baritoneC and^ also became : ;onev bf-'i -the^ best kettle^druni players, in' Englarid^at:;tn*ati;time.':NIii this cohf.

:.• - jfectionirit; mayHbe- said that he has :- yhstructed?^:mpreMthan ' a -score ..of

•j-v -fambus? players;of :-.these/instrumehtsj ; ^ A t ari-early • ag^ lie ;was engaged: to

^play with thb Marine wBand^pfEng^ \ J a n d V ^ ' /; ^ ^i'i.'^'P »^/.'-_•••<•' ^ - ' ~

^-v At the time of^the weddmg: of the Prince • pf• IVales; "4ater King !EdWard;

. of England, Mr.vWignill was with the 1 Marine Band; stationed at Athat^inie

in Ghantam.' in ;>Kehti; aiid played;; at •- i^GFaiye'serid^here^Me'•^pyal^^ch^ipf

Princess .;Alexandria docked -after "bringing the"•';-:young princess -from zDerimark.! Three days aftef; Princess

X.^Alexahdri^' .arrived m" ;Erigland/Mr. Wignall was with; the Mariner Band Jand played- at the1 wedding * of the

:Vfuture'f:Kihg ahdVQueeri of England. • . Mr . . : Wigiiell,. later was, - with the

' Seventh Royal Fusselleefs Band and ^aw ;" several ye§rsv

: foreign service vvyith that .-.organization fat; Malta and

. .Corfu.' Upon qommg to the United •'•AStates;?te Wignall'located at Fair-

.-porjt. and was engaged, by the 'late i e v i J. DeEssftd as/shipping clerk for

* the DeLand ChemicalVWorks, estab­lished in 1852,: a'ndvfor fifty -years

*tfh Local History CUlieW From the Files ;. of the• Fairport^JSerald"and" Monroe

^teri arid:brie^*&ars Agb.^ /

'•-M.v;lt/^ilcbx^a;*8^ostoaster. vAriipng rFairpprcMxhibitbrs at the

Western ;-NewVvYbrJfe/fair in. Rochester were -Wm.'rMvi Ne\

poultry; . aiTSiV/ueffy V"»s. .nowe, che6.se; Si H.' B^fiiiell, hay rake; L. j . - -i)eLandy dtadghfc horses; J. -".cYi P^rce, mare andvb'dlt^. . -v ,r '• ' -.':.; •-•'\]:^:,~\-yt\','}i . ""..»-'V.'..-' ; ;>-':".; T h i s - ^ r f p n 1900\ • Marriage ^^^of^i^lillani' Glass and

Agnes••Malloy^i'-/.',Vc'••''•' ' : %

•Ni S. Perkins^dote110 first and 10 second premlums/,oiVy!20 fowls.he ex­hibited at'the r Pal&roa'fair,-and Mr. Perkins- .had hik^pqbket picked while a t % e . f a i r : : ^ l ^ M ^ r > . ^ f-ylK-

Prlo,Adam8/;f^nhira' a Young Men's, Club; ,to mee*p-,ih;"th'e/.!form'er.: Y.: M. C. Av/rooms. l l?: - . v ^ r ^ .- . ; .f;1' *ivv?

iGlarerice ifPlpod ^yrent on '.the road selling^wafl^paper for a : New York firm;*"*"'•->\%r<-."" w'v'- ' - "; 1:: *:'y^-rx-

Fiftieth ;wedding/ anhiversary °t

BIG ORDER FOR 0AR,S" ; : • , ;


According to an ahhbuiicemeht^by;.-L; S. West, vice president and pner^ l ; manager of the. Merc^antsV J)ispatfih-Transportatibn- Corporatiphy an ;;p|der; has just been placed: by % theS^Negr' York Central for $3,250i000 iwortli^qf refrigerator cars, one -of the'/la^&st orders ever received by. the company*

- Orders for cars "from all sections


A despatch from Washington states that the postoffice department has ac­cepted the proposal for the lease of the present quarters of the postoffice for a term of ten. years dating from the first of next January from the owner of the building, Mrs. Ada V. Clark. The rental is. to be $1360 a year,


itaiicei i^as:•:*•'^rgi£$j^^^9^|^$i^V*BB,

%'v.^Miitii:^t)e|jaricljbahd^ ^VAt ^a t^ ime

U ^-Deijand^^Chemicalv^works^f Mrv:^I)e-:; ; i'L'ahd had^tieeri- to B^ffaloKwli.er>Vtli^ ^«hW;heard soriie of S thp^rge^ba i ids

- y; :^husYastic?fa^*u •_- v. \Fairpbrt- called Mi*.;/WignaU.^;him;

. Vahd advised -Him, that he wanted /.to • •?• \ start >'a"-«-ban 'L5".in:" Fairport, .^that he - :^wanted: ah^^-te^aateLbahd "arid one . t h a t the' village could be. proud • of.

. Mr. DeLandvgave Mr; .Wigriali/free • rein'. in his 'selection of players for'

*the vhew'band -and- to -get the best players 'possible Regardless-: of.•? ex-

of the country have been ppurmg; .Under the. present-lease, which was into the offices of the MercM^fe' effected in 1916, the postoffce depart-Dispatch TranSportatTpn Corporation.'m'ent; is paying $700 a year for the for^ the:past six^ ?hioriths ".:jjnd--::%fj?7.0 same quarters. I t was stated from men are at vrork in the EastRpchje^ the department,. however, that the ter factoriesi turning out thei cars,;. a'c-?l contract was made after bids had

been advertised for and that there was practically, no coihpetitiori in Fairport andi the department had to make the best terms. it could. . The lease will include epuipment, heat, light, water, safe, power for electric fans and parcel post and postal savings furniture when neces­sary. :

cording to .Mr. Westv • He^ said'vtn^^. the orders include all; types ~6fTc&rstk ; - - • - - - •• • ••• - • • ' - . • • . - . - . - A y s { * « & c ^


A letter from Lawrence Flei§gb^ man, C.S.M., U; S. navy, recnutang station in Rochester to t he /Hera ld . Mail gives this information, re^^d-. P O I N T C O N T E S T

TO SEE WHATi-pSll • C iW I r * I / ^ • • WW f?W W^ C - - .1 v-JOi.-T3« A-.U. HIS NEIQHBOI^S 9 ?®m

ARE DOING & 7/-.yA\v,

-JESSE-Br-HANNAN—~-Republican Nominee for Supervisor

of the Town of Perinton


The Fairport Parent-Teacher asso­ciation will open its fall activities with a reception for the new teachers in the local schools in the gymnasium of the High School next Tuesday evening. There will be light refresh­ments and music,- and the general public is cordially invited to attend.

All who have contributions for the Parent-Teacher association rummage sale, are asked to bring them to the Schummers block, West avenue, after 1:30 next Thursday, Oct. 1. The.sale will be held in th%t place Friday and Saturday, Oct. 2 and 3,



JjJIL ••'•:• -•<'& —-ITT'"•.-.•-•• •

Visits Truck aiid Fruit Sec­tions of Jersey ^Delaware and Maryland, But is Pre­judiced before. Starting.

Letter Number Five Editor Herald-Mailr

One curious feature brought out by. the writing of these travel letters is a consideration of the uses of the five senses tea traveler and their relative importance. Not aUjare agreed as to which sense has th.9;^greater impor-ir tance as a gateway =and- aid to mem­ory that human. brain quality which is claimed by philosophers to be the creative mother of all knowledge and

ing M. William Prentiss, a Fairport boy, which will be read with interest by his friends here. ^ :>^ i ^ J l t . ''Prentiss was : honorably discharged

less than a year ago after ;> serving four full years as * a? second .class

IN -i

- ; « : •


p e n s e . : . - ^ -: ; . . :^---. jr.; •••• •--i'^r.:^-^-i •".:';;i^M^.;. Wighall.'thereuponv wrote .to

r ; : the eplitor.vof a daily•' newspaper in . , tLiveyppol, Eriglandi' and asked him • • 'ifbrih^; help^ in locating several/good - ^ban^^in^m^bf^ (experience. \}This; the * . ^Liye'rpool1 editor did arid as sorin.as

; .the';'imeh*;ar^ved'-"in;, the'^Uhitedy States •; ; they can^?Mirectly^ tci^Fairport^and

-were ''giyeristerriploymerit -r in" . the - De-H.^aha,'vGliemicaI^Works and^liired to

:..: • •'' play iiriitheVbaivd;!','''•-• -:^i.l<%•;. • •/: £ . i'. V^/-These- ,irieri' ^eterall;-experienced, ',-.':,\iayi]%^playedu iri^pnie;of^the>finest

".-s>'vOTUsical:organizations m^E ^ "•••: \ about? this. .tifffe Patrick ..Cox * cahie to

" Fairport/f arid ' sterted /.the j Cox. shoe '-{•;;',' '•• iside ;'6f^^^.theVErie.;cariai; just twest of ' • / /the Hairij:street-'canal bridge, now oc-

y< ;M/';»r[:';£VGon^ •* '


ers :.u being:/iWill ^^oHhir ig ,^ ; Lester Sumeriski,y.Wesley^ Ferriri, : Ray; Leby Ray -Piidlefy, Wayi^e Ba^umer,:v Walter Eldredge'.€(ndSOscar /Orami*>^. i-t'fif •-•:/F.. Ai Defendo^.^apppiril^dxtempo-rary receiver of the firm'.of Blood'& Howard; / . ' - '..

• < * & *


* /v--

' : '.\.-/:*'i' Yburigstersyhv this part pf Monroe . •.. " i•»«biintyitbbk' aCproiriirierit part in the - >' --junior I project ekhibits' at; the-"state-

;; / / ; v^^air^Vin^HSyra'cUsevlastv} week -arid 1 ;-'-:V^fought';-b"ack'-.'8'PmV-:«f^tne'.'!wihriihga. <;'; -$ George Bowri," of•'* Egypt,Vwoh. thirds' 0 ••:/; pft/Ms'^ WhiteaWyandptte ;pullet Arid '<•'$&£, ;ropster^',Gebrge..Bulnfan;was a win­

d e r , i r i ; t h lS -ppu l t i ^c l^

/nics. iXi^\H'h^J^^-0- tu4 0f&George'Bulman's,aWard.waa'-on his

£\\> piirvbf>Rhode' Island 'Reds'i1 -getting • ,<,«vsV^h^tHe''pUll^6nd-^^6nd on the


; This Week.in 1915 I Barn/ of Dr. C. !M;Briggs' in West

avenufe destroyed by* fire. ?- / "^ /v Dr.; Mary-Walker, suffragist, spent

entire : riight on front porch of . 'a house^jn Pgnfield; y : ' /^ -i

v*. NeWfYbrk Centrai detectives break up/'a : gang' of \ car burglars at. the Barberic crossing., >' V . - - 3

0. E.-Springett bought .the "bakery in. the "Henry. blbekr^';;;: ; } / . .'-"•;

.Marriage Of Miss" Erina Schummers and Isaac Rosa, of -:Amsterdam.' / v

" Charles Mc'Gpverrii of Macedori, killed 'by!;-. trolley!'-'car: at Egypt; /! y State.Ove.rseer^Well, of Fredoniaj; spoke.'.before'lbcalvgrange..' ••"f: "? &* . - : ; ^ K; - V v / - ; ; ^ ^ .' .- • . • • • ' ; _ .; :

: ^ T l i i s ^ e j e k One Year>Ago r ^ : " .Marriage of,: Miss;Evelyri"SriW and John Heckel," p£- RPchester* • %>;•$&?& •.*;•' G. AyFellowi^yeri 'a surprise visit in honor of hiff'birthday. 't, ' V ;

Carlton HbwanT sold 'his house in West .Church streetr'tp Miss -Eriiriia Gardner/ / : "V/"^' -if-'-l- " 5'' -; }t'-; ;^..i*

Death of M.-E. Butler and.;Jame^s' MiirphyvV; ^ ^ ; ^ / : ^ / - ' y ^ / / ' .•- &*;;//-/'

Y^OUN^ LAI> DIES OF -;^^[F^^^?A^^s|g Leslie Hertel;.aged 15 years/ died,

at the HighlAridrr'.hospital .Saturday night from infantile paralysis,.::/He was .taken -ill Wednesday;}" arid -: wheri the.serious"riature^pf the trpuble; was

.a^b^tfrigr'man-bf?elc6elleritli acter arid; exceptiorial r ability; ^After staying iri civilian life about-three months he re-ehlisted at this^ office for four more years. He is\now at-f tached "to the navy yard dispensary,' Washington, D. G.f arid^fias/ either been promoted to first class pharma­cists mate or will be'" very soon." •

GRANGERS; HAVE -':'-'%'--^ , G 0 6 D IIOGRAIVP

FOR GIRL SCOUTS The Girl Scout patrols were rear­

ranged yesterday and we elected our patrol leaders and corporals. A con­test has been started in which points are to be given for scout work, atti­tude ,attendance, helpfulness, and ap­pearance./ The /winning, patrol is to -JieT- giyeritfa • banqriet Sby, /the posing patrols. This /will, end on December second.:. . ^Glasses in tenderfoot, second", class and^first class work have been" start­ed./-Some of our; second class girls have-started the community service badge and expect to do many useful thirigs for the community in Fair-port. : - . .. /Qur troop numbers about twenty-

eight at present, but. we hope that # e will h^ve many more new scouts than we now have. Any girl over twelve years of age will be welcomed on': Wednesday afternoons at 3:46. We are planning to do many interes't-

. Fairport-grangers "enjoyed a very interesting prpgrani Saturday night, which was prepared by the worthy *„„ +i,.-„-«TC *.uia- v o o _ „^J lecturer. A & g with some good vocal*SKfi-FSfc 2 ^ p S ? i t f 1 ? d W ° U l d hke«

. ^--^hied&u&fc;th^-^che^ter^;^^ttioh for t -.••>": # t h e ^ beat - cPcker^l i shown-i.aindj first

arid instrumental nuriibers, there was a Scottish 1 dancing act by Miss Mon-r teith, which held the interest of every oiieito the last. \ ;

t At the opening of the'business ses-t sion? the charter was draped in mem-. bry•{ bf bur.; esteemed member and brother, Jerome Parker. Mr. Parker was; brie "bf ;our oldest members, and his loss will be felt by a great many grangers; \ One application for rein-steteriient,. that of Mrs. Byron Bul-mah," was received arid: accepted.

The refreshment, committee for the next meeting, which is Oct. 3, is com^ posed of Alviri Huch, Frank Baker,; Howard Baumer, Geo. ' Case, Jesse Hannah, Ralph".Knapp, ,H. Steiger; Geo. Stefferi; Homer Beardsley, E. H; Hull.; John Bulnian, H. Wheeler Davis,••-, Geo> ;/Huber, Will' Pfromer; Edwin Jordari." ' :* %

wisdom The~"matter -cannot- be-settled- off-:

harid as. it was in the.case of the boy's answer in the ^beginners' class in psychology. The^teacher had asked which was jthe\ nipst sensitive; of the five senses. • When called on for his answer, the boy said "feeling" and gave as an illustration the fact that if you sat down on a bent pm, you couldn't see it, you couldn't taste it, you couldn't hear-it, you couldn't sriiell it, but it was there, all ..the; same. Of course every npnrial person makes use of all his five] serises, but no doubt soriie people have cultivated ir a particular serise to an iinusual^ de­gree. It depends very largely on your business as to your sense develop­ment. '-••'•"-: 'l4-.

While clerking in a grocery store ,in my youth I several times saw the proprietor and a tea agent sampling tea. Small quantities, of the various ; brands were put into cups bf/lhbt j water and soon the men were sipping the samples of the tea from spoons and commenting on 'the taste arid quality of the "cup that cheers but not inebriates." t Several times ; I was invited to try my,luck in pick­ing out a brand or blend which might pjease the customers, but I do riot re­call that I ever picked a winner. My sense of taste had not * been,. suffi­ciently trairied. The ]ltea agerit's sense of taste values, in/teas enabled him to differentiate' with unerring certainty between very closely allied qualities of any specified -variety of tea. * . " • - ' - '

As I .write this I recall that my memory of ittcidents on the trip was assisted very little by the sense of taste. In particular I -reriiember^en­joying the-juicy flavor .of a .well-ripened Belle of Georgia peach growri'Vat* -Salisbury, Md. Before reaving-''hdthe I had decided to call for .raspberry pie whenever it was listed on the menu. On. four occa­sions I was served with, raspberry pie—but without even the shadow: of

Miss Esther Hepinstall - is taking : a raspberry used in the filling.. My charge of the school publication, 1 s e n s e taste informed me that iri every which we hope.to be able to w o r k i c a s e t n e pie n a d been made of lPgari

/ .^rJ?V

• *$M


, mm

•_••- - ' - §

The hot weather of last week, put a cririip into the produce market generally, and local dealers have been buying very little. While cabbage opened early at from $15 to $20 a ton, the market went to $5 and but little has been shipped the last week. Onions are peing oought at from 75c to 85c and "celery is moving very slowly, that is, the early celery. Some has been b.pught at $1.10, but the iriarket"}'tias>vslumped. The present cool snap isi looked for to increase the deriiand and benefit the market. r'-". One farriier ^lone riortheast-Mof 'the village is' reported as having 18000 crates of celery frorii his muck.

; o j r ' ' » •-•••




- M\

- m m . . • • • •VsSl

a, m

m m\


v The; color guard for the coming year is Eva Cornish, Babe Hart arid Betty'Hawes.



KING'S^ DAUGHTERS MEET AT MENDON : : ^ / , - / r / 'C • • • / . - : . " / '«''-!

t h b thirteenth annual convention of the; King's1: Daughters arid Sons of Niagara"Jdistrict met Sept. 18 in the Presbyterian .) /church in Mendon., State President Mrs. Morris Liebert,

apparerit; was/fekeir to/j^e^jtbspital./ He v^4^on^-^fe&ee ; s p $ &frMr,

Mrl . -George Herrel;/whb^reside.:in P^rrin; ^ t e e ^ | f e > b ^ t h P r ^ ^ President Mrs; Bruce and:; R o t e r f c - ^ s t a t e services, were h e l d a t t h ^ d a y - a t ; ^ pprtj Mrs/.W.H. Miller, of Dansv l ie: ' tdr, pf the^First^Bapttst .churchy ^fflr & r ^ a I i d ^ M r s ^ E T G. Mbachum7 of ciatingj' arid-"intermerit was* ^ made at Gorham, ; ihe , "formef horrie of *' the family.:..-.•*• g f e ^ l ^ ^ i >{'W* ' :• Much sympathy is expresfieq^.pri all sides' for ;the 'stnckeri V faniily) -, > Xeslie was ,a yoiin^ irian of \ much-.prbniise and his riassingisjhiburhed by^aJarge Circle;" of f riend8r?'vHe is survived also by'S his *:graridpareritsi:\ Mr.r and-Mrs.' John:Browho:? .^ /^X .^kMtiM'* i

WANTED/ &\:H NV\ »

r Pears^bf vftU\ kinds. Bieler, 67 Filkihs-'street^ *:'? '-"r M fm*M 32t3p

*., i - Wlri'

1 Farringtonts;.Old Dutch'-; Cpf(e>, 60c per : lb.- As good f as'•. any f in> toytn* kt Terp^nings^AdyV/'•;•% ]yh m0&

RbcheJ3.ter^w'ere/ aftiong those who took;part • in', the program . • I

I t appeared 'frorii the president's repor t : that , there are 30 circles in Niagara- district, with a .membership bf ;1145.^New York state has 314 Circles -arid 'nearly 10,000 membersa;

/ T h e s t a t e work which every^King's Daughter should be interested; in is the. istate • horrie. in Dansville . for .King's/Daughters and fold:: couples. The ~ airri is . to have an endowment: of $150,000>fpr *he Home, sp that the cbriiingtyears bf its suriport may be assured. ^Niagara district's qubta is;. $17.555.85.$ It has pledged $16,800, and still. has to' get $755.85 to \maket the quote. >There 'are 21 .members .'in-the Horrie family at present; and their" smiling faces .tell how they, enjoy the,

7/Please reriiemberilthat, the 'regular Homeicomfprts and pleasures'in their riionthlysripper at.the„RayjnondiBapi> pld agi; V?'V>•>'--":'•'"•* }< >,M,^fe;

jtist> church-^11^ be/s,eryed; by h e - / M r s ^ H ^ K L r Brown. Mrs. Gillies/ -V?tatik r :Hpye arid ^ Mrs.; W . M /

Winter officially opened Tuesday, arid with a ternpe'rature of forty it apr peared to be here to. stay, whether the coal man is able to keep us warrii or not. . /

Fairport coal dealers were fairly well supplied when the strike went into effect, but since then have been receiving only now arid then a car­load. • They, however, have beeri sup­plying their customers with the win­ter's supply/ during the summer months rather more fully than usual, sp.the shortage is not felt as keenly as , it might be otherwise. 'A- A visit with the local dealers found them all in a spirit of opti-rriismi arid while soriie of them are aboiitoiit of the domestic sizes, that is, chestnut, stove and egg, they have been able to take care or their trade so far *iri- limited quantities. \ T ; 0 n 6 dealer said that while, their

bins' still hold some of these sizes they are letting it out only in small lots. The feeliiig seems.to prevail that by the time the present supplies* are ex­hausted, more will be- arriving from the mines, and the dealers do not look for a very serious situation locally. . ?;dTb the credit of. the local dealers, let it be" kpowi) that there has been rip tendency toward profiteering, as prices of-coal have riot been increased Siince; (he sirike went into effect. ;

/^Ther'e1 seems to fee * plenty of the smaller size's, pea arid .buckwneat. The wood V trade has .takeh/ri brisk jump the.last'few days.- / - / , > ^ .> ;

:.-:':'SA';;;;;:•NOTICE/ % Being ruriable to go out with my samples,/!!shall be Vglad to L'take orderf^at .myvhome for: house dtesses arid iaprbri8/ sweaters; 'underwear, and hosiery;it Mrs. Mead, 17 Clinton Place F a i r p o f t ^ ^ ^ / / -H c

together with our local paper. A limited staff is being appointed in the Senior class, and it is hoped that we will be able to have a weekly pub­lication.

The tennis team, under the super­vision of Miss Chesbro, will go to Rochester to try out in the Roches­ter preliminaries. Later, if success­ful,' they will go tea state _£purna-riient held at Hamilton College at Clinton.

Careful survey of the school cen­sus revealed a number of minors be­tween the ages of 14 and 15 who aire being employed without having first secured their .work papers. They have been in each case advised to

berries. These berries are an acci-. dental cross of blackberry with red raspberry. They grow like black­berries, are light red in color arid have an indifferent and rather insipid flavor and no more resembje;«a^rasp-berry in taste quality than a /Ben Davis does a Mcintosh among apples. But because the loganberry is a pro­lific yielder in the Wartn moist:? pit-mate of some bf the Pacific . coast states and can be harvested with the cheap Japanese ; labor, this . berry is canned^and sold'rriuch cheaper to the trade than can the somewhat less pro­ductive but much/; richer and more agreeably flavored, Columbian rasp­berry. Pie makers; lboking for profit

report to school and secure such pa- u s e the cheap loganberry and thus pers. before continuing further em- give the genuine . raspberry pie a ployment. Employers can be of great black eye, as no one from choice will assistance by carefully investigating e a t a loganberry pie if he can get the age of the child and seeing to it p i e with some other filling. When

m * '**-.'•

m ^ • s s l

T / / I

that employment certificates are pos sessed. before allowing such minor in his employ.

The first football game of the sea­son will be with Palmyra this week end at the fair.. . ; "j

Fears of parents with reference to spread of epidernic in school would be greatly allayed if they were aware of the fact that the closest communi­cation between" school, health officers and doctors is being kept. Contrary to rumor, there have' been no symp­toms in cases of pupils who have been excused on account of minor ill­ness. Every precaution is being taken to niake our schools as safe from the epidemic as would be the the streets or even the homes.

•'•Have-your heating*plant cleaned upfand. put in ishape-for winter use. W l t f d o it rightf 'Murphy's Hard-ware^rrAdv\;/!'-* / a $&". is •• •'•*, / . / - ?&M

^ ~ REWARD...-....:._•. / , _. I will give one hundred dollars for

information that will lead to the ar­rest and conviction of the party who recently- stole a quantity of .white paint' from the Padgham house. A. B/;Katkamier,:Macedon, N. Y. p

Gash paid for apples-at the Penfield evaporator. Bown & Harris; phone D2J; East Rochester excharige. 33t4c

10 per cent off on all oil stoves at 'Murphy's Hardware.—Adv. t ' - ' i t* - * * ' * * ' / • •-"-" y "" •' .*" • r . • '• • :. /

Mrs. ' Geo^-: Putriam; wil l ; have a bake'd^ fbPd sale at Terpenirig's store Fridays aiterhbon at 3 o'clock/ con-8istintf':bl:btpwn bread, raisiriv bread, white bread;" cakes, pies, ccokies arid fried iiakesi^Adv. •;; •% - / >-% ' /

properly made of Columbians a piece of raspberry pie would make even the gods smile with satisfaction.

Between two sightseeing trips in New York city, having but a riioment to spare, I desired something to eat quick and happened to enter Gialitos on 52d street. I called for coffee and spaghetti. I got the spaghetti" all right—about four-nniles of it. The taste "of the catsup used for relish made me think of Jack Howe, who grew and took.the tbmatpM/tp^^th^'/ff^ Rochester public riiarket, where they £0£ were bought for the Curtis Canning / / j Co., which made them ,up into Blue". ^ Label Ketchup, the n oted appetizer. / / I remember especially the character- :/ : istic and pleasing taste,of that toma- / / to. produce*'. : ; / ' V : - / / - *PJ$

T recall less of ;the iricidents where .«'; the serise ~of tdste) was"art''aid"to.\"*":";•;** memory of the events, of the trip. >S) The fish market, in New/York/city made itself apparent as it was passed and I recollect that: I quoted to my. seat companion . ' t he /words - that ' Shakespeare makes one of his char?, actera utter: "Methinks it hath; ari ancient and'fishlike smell." ; I don't think any of the party breathed very deeply until the market was left, be­hind. In the museuriiVat Fairmourit Park

hind '.aCstrphg scent of a popular perv 'c'••'.%% fvirhie*. The -"Pdbr"' was/.Bo heavy 'she W.$m riiust havb riised/it lavishly/Then in*&msk the Botanical.Garden at,Washington l / f i t * - _ " _ r _ t : L i . * 1 i / i < j / k - » ^ « i ' _ „ « - „ J . ^ i : t j ~ * 2 r . i . . . / -

» c > »

Butterriiilk/Laying Mash, Scratch Feed;'Oyflte^ Shells, Grit arid, Oharr, coal fof :;the vheris and - chickens/at ^ r p ^ W g ' s ^ d v . '. - - / .^-A/^. .?$

w 'Jtj,:

/ / ; v. Cohtinued on,page, 7 « « » « » * item. mm

: ' V - / ' ; - / - " ' ^ ; ; /• 'V^; :-^^//v:::/-->:;;/Hii i wMmmmm