uveitis2lecturesbydr khaled 110228080300 phpapp02

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  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02



  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02



    The vascular pigmented layer, or uveal tract, consists,

    from back to front, of the choroids, the ciliary body, and

    the iris..


    The iris is a thin, contractile, pigente! !iaphrag

    "ith a central apert#re $the p#pil%, it is s#spen!e! inthe aeo#s h#or 'et"een the cornea an! the

    lens( The peripher) o* the iris, "hich is attache! to

    the anterior s#r*ace o* the ciliar) 'o!) is calle! the

    ciliar) argin, or root o* the iris( The p#pil iss#rro#n!e! ') the p#pillar) argin( The iris,

    eas#ring a'o#t + in !iaeter, is thic-est

    a'o#t *ro the p#pillar) argin an! is thinnest

    at the ciliar) argin(

  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02


    The anterior s#r*ace o* the lens is con.e/ an!

    presses lightl) against the iris, ca#sing it to '#lge

    antreiorl)( The p#pil .aries in !iaeter *ro + to

    0, an! in a'o#t 12 o* noral s#'3ects the

    p#pils !i**er slightl) in si4e on the si!es(

    The iris !i.i!es the space 'et"een the lensan! the cornea into an anterior an! a

    posterior cha'er( The aeo#s h#or,

    *ore! ') the ciliar) processes in the

    posterior cha'er, circ#late thro#gh the p#pilinto the anterior cha'er an! *inall) e/its into

    the sin#s .enos#s sclerae at the iri!ocorneal


  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02


    The 'l#e iris has less pigent in theelanoc)tes copare! "ith the 'ro"n

    iris( The color res#lts *ro the

    a'sorption o* light, "ith long"a.elengths an! the re*lection o* the

    shorter 'l#e "a.es that are seen ') the


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  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02


  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02


  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02


  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02


    Str#ct#re o* the iris

    Microscopicall), the iris consistso* t"o la)ers5

    +% the stroa, sit#ate! anteriorl)an! !eri.e! *ro esench)e,

    % t"o epithelial la)ers locate!posteriorl) an! !eri.e! *ro

    the ne#ral ecto!er(

  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02


    Str#ct#re o* the iris

    The sphincter p#pillae #scle is locate!in the p#pillar) 4one o* the iris( It *ors a

    ring o* sooth #scle *i'ers aro#n! the

    p#pil, eas#ring a'o#t + "i!e(The '#n!les o* sooth #scle cells are

    separate! ') connecti.e tiss#e that

    contains 'loo! .essels an! otor an!sensor) ner.es( 6hen the sphincter

    p#pillae contracts, the p#pil costricts(

  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02


  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02


    Ciliar) 'o!)5

    The ciliar) 'o!) is contin#o#s posteriorl)"ith the choroi! an! anteriorl) "ith the

    peripheral argin o* the iris( Consi!ere! as a

    "hole, the ciliar) 'o!) is a coplete ring thatr#ns aro#n! the insi!e o* the anterior sclera(

    It eas#res a'o#t 7 "i!e$7(1 on theteporal si!e an! 1(1 on the nasal si!e%

    an! e/ten!s *or"ar! to the scleral sp#r an!

    'ac-"ar! to the ora serrata o* the retina(

  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02



    The choroi! is a thin, so*t, 'ro"n coat liningthe inner s#r*ace o* the sclera( It is e/treel)

    .asc#lar( The choroi! e/ten!s *ro the optic

    ner.e posteriorl) to the ciliar) 'o!) anteriorl)(

    It is thic-est at the posterior pole$a'o#t 8(

    % an! gra!#all) thins anteriorl) $a'o#t8(+ %( Its inner s#r*ace is sooth an!

    *irl) attache! to the pigente! la)er o* the

    retina9 its o#ter s#r*ace is ro#ghene!(

  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02


    It is *irl) attache! to the sclera in the regiono* the optic ner.e an! "here the posterior

    ciliar) arteries an! ciliar) ner.es enter the

    e)e( It is also tethere! to the sclera "here the.orte/ .eins lea.e the e)e'all(

    Str#ct#re o* the choroi! a) 'e !i.i!e! into

    three la)ers5+% the .essel la)er,

    % the capillar) la)er,

    :% ;r#ch

  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02


    Its principal *#nction is tono#rish "ith its 'loo! .essels

    the o#ter la)ers o* the retina, it

    also ser.es to con!#ct an)

    'loo! .essels *or"ar! to the

    anterior regions o* the e)e(

    =#nction o* the choroi!

  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02


    It is in*laation o* iris, ciliar) 'o!) an! choroi!(

    Anterior #.eitis is iri!oc)clitis, posterior #.eitis ischoroi!itis( The -no"n ca#ses o* #.eitis a) 'e

    classi*ie! as *ollo"s5

    A.E/ogeno#s In*ections9tra#a, per*orate! corneal#lcer, s#rger)(

    ;( En!ogeno#s In*ections( These incl#!e 5

    ;acterial in*ections9 t#'erc#losis, streptococcal

    in*ection, gonorrhea or s)philis(

    Viral infections; mumps, smallpox, influenza or


    Parasitic In*estations9to/oplasosis an! to/ocara(


  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02


    C Uveitis Secondary to an Ocular atholo!y."his may #e

    su#divided into three cate!ories $

    U.eitis o* an In*ecti.e Nat#re>This ca#se! ') !irect sprea!

    o* in*ection *ro an oc#lar in*laation, s#pp#rati.e

    -eratitis or *ro a peri?oc#lar in*laation, e(g( or'italcell#litis(

    Uveitis of a "oxic %ature."his is due to the presence of

    unusual ocular products in the eye as in$

    Intra?oc#lar neoplas(lntra?oc#lar heorrhage(

    Long?stan!ing retinal !etachent(

    Dislocate! or s#'l#/ate! lens(

    Uveitis of an Aller!ic %anture "he uveal tract is often

    tar!et for immunolo!ic reactions, e.!. $

    S)pathetic ophthalitis(


    phaco?anaph)lactic #.eitis(

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    &. >U.eitis D#e to ;acterial Allerg)( The t"o ost

    classic e/aples are 5

    Min#te t#'erc#lo#s *oc#s o* in*ection in the l#ng or

    a l)ph no!e(

    Streptococcal *ocal in*ection coonl) lo!ge! in

    the teeth, sin#ses, tonsils or prostate(

    E(>U.eitis Coplicating General Diseases(>The

    *ollo"ing are coon e/aples 5

    +( An-)losing spon!)litis('.Sarcoi!osis(

    :( ;ehcet@s !isease(

    ( Vogt?Bo)anagi s)n!roe(

  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02




    1.Pain. The pain is due to toxic irritation of the

    sensory nerve ending in the iris and to spasm of

    the sphincter pupillae muscle.

    2. Photophobia due to pupillary constriction

    when exposed to light

    3. Lacrimation.Reflex lacrimation occurs as aresult of irritation of the sensory nerve endings in

    the iris.

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    4. Blepharospasm. This is the result of

    photophobia and lacrimation.

    5. Mistness of Vision. This is due to the

    presence of inflammatory exudates in the

    anterior chamber. The plasmoid aqueous

    which is high in its protein content

    contribute to the impairment of vision.


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    The clinical signs of anterior uveitis vary considerable

    and depend on the type and acuteness of the

    inflammatory process and the uveal region preferentiallyaffected.

    Signs o* Iritis(The essential features of acute iritisinclude

    !.Hyperaemia and irc!mcorneal iliary "n#ection.

    ". $lare d!e to %&!dation in the 'nterior hamber.

    3. Bl!rrin( and "ndistinctness of the "ris Pattern) leading

    to the appearance of a m!ddy iris

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  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02


    #. onstricted) "rre(!lar and *l!((ishly

    +eactin( P!pil. $a% &echanical

    contraction caused by hyperaemia of theradially disposed iris vessels and oedema of

    the iris.

    $b% 'rritation of the iris by toxic products

    causing contraction of its plain musclefibres.

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    C liti

  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02



    +((eratic recipitates. The leucocytes

    circulating in the exudate which comes frominflammed ciliary body pass through the

    pupil and adhere to the sticky corneal


    '. Copious "hic) *xudate into the

    Anterior Cham#er.This is due to theabundant accumulation of cells in the

    aqueous and the vitreous

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    *xudation into the Vitreous. (xudates

    from the inflamed ciliary body pass into the

    anterior vitreous which becomes ha)y dueto diffuse dust*like opacities.

    +ntraOcular ressure.The tension isusually within normal, but a lowering of the

    ocular tension may be taken as an

    indication of long*standing involvement of

    the ciliary body.

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    Chronic iri!o?c)clitis is an e/treel) chronic !iseaseChronic iri!o?c)clitis is an e/treel) chronic !isease

    characteri4e! ') consi!era'le !iin#tion o* .ision "itho#tcharacteri4e! ') consi!era'le !iin#tion o* .ision "itho#to'.io#s ca#se( It is lia'le to e/acer'ations "ith gra!#al an!o'.io#s ca#se( It is lia'le to e/acer'ations "ith gra!#al an!

    insi!io#s *oration o* posterior s)nechiae(insi!io#s *oration o* posterior s)nechiae(

    Clinical =eat#resClinical =eat#res

    D#st?li-e opacities in the .itreo#swhose consistency

    has undergone some liquefaction due to defective


    The presence o* e/#!ates an! in*laator) cells in the

    anterior chamber, which become evident as keratic precipitates onthe corneal endothelium, and vitreous cavity.

    Ten!erness on press#re o.er the ciliar) 'o!) region(

    Mil! ciliar) in3ectioninvolving the deeper vessels.

    C li ti * I i! litiCoplications o* Iri!oc)clitis

  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02


    ;an!?Shape! Beratopath)5 calci# !eposition in the cornea(;an!?Shape! Beratopath)5 calci# !eposition in the cornea(

    =oration o* Posterior S)nechiae5 a!hesion 'et"een iris an!=oration o* Posterior S)nechiae5 a!hesion 'et"een iris an!lens(lens(

    =oration o* Posterior S)nechiae5 a!hesion 'et"een iris an!=oration o* Posterior S)nechiae5 a!hesion 'et"een iris an!lens(lens(Peripheral Anterior S)necchiae5 a!hesion 'et"een iris an!Peripheral Anterior S)necchiae5 a!hesion 'et"een iris an!


    Peripheral Anterior S)necchiae5 a!hesion 'et"een iris an!Peripheral Anterior S)necchiae5 a!hesion 'et"een iris an!


    R#'iosis iri!is5 neo.asc#lari4ation o* the iris(R#'iosis iri!is5 neo.asc#lari4ation o* the iris(R#'iosis iri!is5 neo.asc#lari4ation o* the iris(R#'iosis iri!is5 neo.asc#lari4ation o* the iris(

    Paches o* Iris Atroph)5Paches o* Iris Atroph)5Paches o* Iris Atroph)5Paches o* Iris Atroph)5

    Secon!ar) Gla#coa5 !#e to s)nechiaeSecon!ar) Gla#coa5 !#e to s)nechiaeSecon!ar) Gla#coa5 !#e to s)nechiaeSecon!ar) Gla#coa5 !#e to s)nechiae

    Coplications o* Iri!oc)clitisCoplications o* Iri!oc)clitis

    Cataract5 !e*ect in lens n#trition(Cataract5 !e*ect in lens n#trition(Cataract5 !e*ect in lens n#trition(Cataract5 !e*ect in lens n#trition(

    C)clitic Me'rane5 organi4ation o* .itreo#s e/#!ates(C)clitic Me'rane5 organi4ation o* .itreo#s e/#!ates(C)clitic Me'rane5 organi4ation o* .itreo#s e/#!ates(C)clitic Me'rane5 organi4ation o* .itreo#s e/#!ates(

    Vitreo#s pacities5 D#st?li-e opacities a) *or in theVitreo#s pacities5 D#st?li-e opacities a) *or in the

    anterior part o* the .itreo#s(anterior part o* the .itreo#s(

    Vitreo#s pacities5 D#st?li-e opacities a) *or in theVitreo#s pacities5 D#st?li-e opacities a) *or in the

    anterior part o* the .itreo#s(anterior part o* the .itreo#s(

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  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02


  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02


    Di i ! I ti ti * U itiDiagnosis an! In.estigations o* U.eitis

  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02


    't is most difficult to make an aetiologic diagnosis of uveitis

    on clinical grounds because the morphologic features are

    not characteristic. 'mportant clues regarding the probable

    diagnosis of uveitis are to be taken from the following clinical

    and laboratory investigations

    't is most difficult to make an aetiologic diagnosis of uveitis

    on clinical grounds because the morphologic features are

    not characteristic. 'mportant clues regarding the probable

    diagnosis of uveitis are to be taken from the following clinical

    and laboratory investigations

    +( The onset an! co#rse o* the !isease(+( The onset an! co#rse o* the !isease(

    Diagnosis an! In.estigations o* U.eitisDiagnosis an! In.estigations o* U.eitis

    ( The present an! the past ophthalological an! e!ical


    (The present an! the past ophthalological an! e!ical


    :( The clinical pict#re o* the lesions(:( The clinical pict#re o* the lesions(

    ( General e!ical e/aination, partic#larl) the chest an! the


    ( General e!ical e/aination, partic#larl) the chest an! the


    1( Certain general la'orator) in.estigations1( Certain general la'orator) in.estigations

    T t t f ' id liti

  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02


    !. Treatment of the +ause.!. Treatment of the +ause.!. Treatment of the +ause.!. Treatment of the +ause.

    Treatment of 'ridocyclitisTreatment of 'ridocyclitis

    ". Symptomatic Treatment.". Symptomatic Treatment.". Symptomatic Treatment.". Symptomatic Treatment.

    a. tropine.to prevent synechiae, pain - photophobiaa. tropine.to prevent synechiae, pain - photophobiaa. tropine.to prevent synechiae, pain - photophobiaa. tropine.to prevent synechiae, pain - photophobia

    b. ocal Steroid Therapy.b. ocal Steroid Therapy.b. ocal Steroid Therapy.b. ocal Steroid Therapy.

    c. ocal /ot pplications.c. ocal /ot pplications.c. ocal /ot pplications.c. ocal /ot pplications.

    d. Subcon0unctival 1entamycin. This may bed. Subcon0unctival 1entamycin. This may be

    necessary in severe pyogenic cases.necessary in severe pyogenic cases.

    d. Subcon0unctival 1entamycin. This may bed. Subcon0unctival 1entamycin. This may be

    necessary in severe pyogenic cases.necessary in severe pyogenic cases.

    e. n (ye 2ad and a 3andage.They keep the lidse. n (ye 2ad and a 3andage.They keep the lids

    firmly closed over the eyes and thus provide rest andfirmly closed over the eyes and thus provide rest and

    prevent photophobia.prevent photophobia.

    e. n (ye 2ad and a 3andage.They keep the lidse. n (ye 2ad and a 3andage.They keep the lids

    firmly closed over the eyes and thus provide rest andfirmly closed over the eyes and thus provide rest and

    prevent photophobia.prevent photophobia.

    : G l T t t: General Treatent

  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02


    a( S)steic Steroi! Therap), e(g( pre!nisolone

    an! a!renocorticotrophic horone $ ACT %(>I*the local steroi! !rops alone are not e**ecti.e,

    the treatent is s#ppleente! ') a co#rse o*

    s)steic steroi!s to s#ppress the in*laator)process(

    a( S)steic Steroi! Therap), e(g( pre!nisolone

    an! a!renocorticotrophic horone $ ACT %(>I*the local steroi! !rops alone are not e**ecti.e,

    the treatent is s#ppleente! ') a co#rse o*

    s)steic steroi!s to s#ppress the in*laator)process(

    :( General Treatent(:( General Treatent(

    '( S)steic Anti'iotics an! Cheotherap)(>6hen'( S)steic Anti'iotics an! Cheotherap)(>6hengi.en alone, the) ha.e 'een *o#n! #ns#ccess*#l ingi.en alone, the) ha.e 'een *o#n! #ns#ccess*#l in

    arresting the process o* #.eitis, 'eca#se the !iseasearresting the process o* #.eitis, 'eca#se the !isease

    is an in*laation rather than an in*ection(is an in*laation rather than an in*ection(

    '( S)steic Anti'iotics an! Cheotherap)(>6hen'( S)steic Anti'iotics an! Cheotherap)(>6hengi.en alone, the) ha.e 'een *o#n! #ns#ccess*#l ingi.en alone, the) ha.e 'een *o#n! #ns#ccess*#l in

    arresting the process o* #.eitis, 'eca#se the !iseasearresting the process o* #.eitis, 'eca#se the !isease

    is an in*laation rather than an in*ection(is an in*laation rather than an in*ection(

  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02


    Ann#lar Posterior S)nechiae Ann#lar Posterior S)nechiae

  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02


    ( Phthisis ;#l'i( blind painful eye

    should be enucleated.

    ( Ann#lar Posterior S)nechiae(( Ann#lar Posterior S)nechiae(

    complete iridectomy or laser iridotomycomplete iridectomy or laser iridotomy

    :( Total Posterior S)nechiae "ith Coplicate!

    Cataract(Removal of the lens is indicated after

    rupturing the posterior synechiae with an iris repositor(


  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02



    S#pp#rati.e choroi!itis #s#all) *ollo"s the intro!#ction o* in*ecting

    icro?organiss *ro o#tsi!e or .ia the 'loo! strea lea!ing to

    en!ophthalitis or panophthalitis(E/ogeno#s Ca#ses(>S#pp#ration a) *ollo" 5

    +( Per*orating "o#n!s o* the e)e( ( Per*orating corneal #lcer(

    :( Postoperati.e in*ection(

    En!ogeno#sCa#ses(>S#pp#ration a) *ollo" 5

    +( Metastatic in*ection in p)eia( ( P#rp#ral septicaeia(

    :( Cere'rospinal eningitis(



    In*laations o* the choroi! Choroiditis/ occ#r in t"o *ors 5

    A >S#pp#rati.e Choroi!itis(>T"o t)pes are generall) recogni4e! 5

    *ndophthalmitis, i.e. in*laation o* the internal str#ct#res o* the e)e(

    anophthalmitis, i.e. in*laation o* all the tiss#es o* the e)e(

    -. >Non?S#pp#rati.e Choroi!itis(>This has 'een classi*ie! into 5

    0ranulomatous Choroiditis.

    %on0ranulomatous Choroiditis $E/#!ati.e U.eitis%(


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    Signs5 The e)e is se.erel) in3ecte! an! re!(

    The con3#ncti.a 'ecoes cheotic(Beratic precipitates on the 'ac- o* the cornea(

    The aeo#s 'ecoes t#r'i! "ith an) cells

    circ#lating thro#gh it(


    En!ophthalitis is a p#r#lent in*laation o* the

    entire #.eal tract, altho#gh the a!3acent tiss#es a)

    'e secon!aril) a**ecte!(

    S)ptos(>The patient #s#all) coplains o*

    se.ere irritation in the e)e( E/cessi.e lacriation,

    photopho'ia an! ar-e!?!iin#tion o* .ision are.er) coon(

    T t tT t t

  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02


    Intensi.e local an! s)steic anti'iotic therap) #st

    'e gi.en(

    Local atropine, steroi! an! application o*heat are

    .er) #se*#l(It a) 'e necessar) to gi.e s)steic steroi! in an

    attept to s#ppress the in*laator) reaction(

    Vitrecto) an! intraoc#lar in3ection o* anti'iotics(

    6hen perception o* light is lost, en#cleation o* the

    e)e'all sho#l! 'e consi!er(



  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02


    Signs5S"elling o* the e)eli!s "ith intense congestion o* the

    e)e'all(A sall !egree o* proptosis(

    Cheosis o* the con3#ncti.a(

    a4iness o* the cornea(

    Anterior cha'er an! .itreo#s *ille! "ith p#s(Loss o* acc#rate pro3ection o* light, !#e to retinal


    The e)e'all a) *inall) per*orate or the p#s a) escape

    thro#gh the anterior ciliar) region an! e.ent#all) the e)e'all


    PANPTALMITISIs an intense p#r#lent in*laation o* the three coats o* the e)e( The

    e)e'all is *ille! "ith p#s, an! the entire #.eal tract is in*iltrate! "ith

    in*laator) cells, ainl) pol)orphon#clear le#coc)tes(

    S)ptos5The s)ptos are #s#all) se.ere an! incl#!e 5+( =e.er an! general *e'rile s)ptos( ( ea!ache an!

    .oiting( :( Se.ere pain in the e)e( ( Loss o* .ision(


  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02


    Earl) #se o* intensi.e s)steic an! local

    anti'iotic therap) a) pre.ent the

    panophthalitis( The treatent a) 'e

    s#ppleente! "ith s)steic steroi!s to

    re!#ce in*laator) reactions(The a!inistration o* analgesics to control

    pain, an! the application o* local heat to

    ipro.e the 'loo! *lo" are #s#all)recoen!e! in se.ere cases(

    Loss o* light perception is an in!ication *or

    e.isceration o* the e)e'all(


  • 7/17/2019 Uveitis2lecturesbydr Khaled 110228080300 Phpapp02



    2arsoan5s diseases of the eye.Stephen 6. /. &iller$"774%