haiti: earthquake

Monday, June 6, 2022 ORGANISATIONS ACRONYM FULL NAME TYPE PHONE FAX EMAIL LOCATION STAFF ACDI/VOCA iNGO ACLAM World Concern iNGO ACTED iNGO Action Affirmative nNGO ACTION AID iNGO Action Concertée pour le Développement nNGO ACF Action Contre la Faim iNGO Action Contre la Misère/World Concern Haïti nNGO Action Familiale d'Haïti nNGO Action Missionnaire Globale nNGO Action pour le Développement du Nord-Ouest nNGO ADRA nNGO Adventist Development and Relief Agency nNGO Afe Neg Combite nNGO nNGO ACDI Agence Canadienne de Développement International Donor nNGO AECID Donor AFD Agence Française de Développement Donor Agence Haïtienne de Dév. Econo et Social nNGO Agence Pentecostale de Service Social nNGO AAA Agro Action Allemande iNGO Aid to Artisans nNGO Aide et Action International iNGO AMI Aide Médicale Internationale iNGO Aide Suisse à l'Action Communautaire en Haïti iNGO AIDG iNGO DED Allemand de Devellopement Donor AAC Alliance d'Action Chrétienne nNGO Alliance d'Action Chrétienne nNGO Alliance d'Amour nNGO Ambassade d'Allemagne Embassy Haiti: Earthquake African Methodist Episcopal Church Service And Development Agency Agence d'Aide à la Coopération Technique et au Développement Agence Espagnole pour la Coopération Internationale au Développement

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ACLAM World Concern iNGO


Action Affirmative nNGO


Action Concertée pour le Développement nNGO

ACF Action Contre la Faim iNGO

Action Contre la Misère/World Concern Haïti nNGO

Action Familiale d'Haïti nNGO

Action Missionnaire Globale nNGO

Action pour le Développement du Nord-Ouest nNGO


Adventist Development and Relief Agency nNGO

Afe Neg Combite nNGO

African Methodist Episcopal Church Service And Development Agency nNGO

ACDI Agence Canadienne de Développement International Donor

Agence d'Aide à la Coopération Technique et au Développement nNGO

AECID Agence Espagnole pour la Coopération Internationale au Développement Donor

AFD Agence Française de Développement Donor

Agence Haïtienne de Dév. Econo et Social nNGO

Agence Pentecostale de Service Social nNGO

AAA Agro Action Allemande iNGO

Aid to Artisans nNGO

Aide et Action International iNGO

AMI Aide Médicale Internationale iNGO

Aide Suisse à l'Action Communautaire en Haïti iNGO


DED Allemand de Devellopement Donor

AAC Alliance d'Action Chrétienne nNGO

Alliance d'Action Chrétienne nNGO

Alliance d'Amour nNGO

Ambassade d'Allemagne Embassy

Haiti: Earthquake

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Ambassade d'Argentine Embassy

Ambassade de Chine (Taiwan) Embassy

Ambassade de Cuba Embassy

Ambassade de France Embassy

Ambassade de Suisse Embassy

Ambassade des Etats-Unis Embassy

Ambassade d'Espagne Embassy

Ambassade du Brésil Embassy

Ambassade du Canada Embassy

Ambassade du Chili Embassy

Ambassade du Japon Embassy

Ambassade du Mexique Embassy

Ambassade du Venezuela Embassy

American Friends Service Committee nNGO

American Institute for Research iNGO

Amicale des Saint-Marcois Reunis nNGO

Ananda Marga-Universal Relief Team nNGO

ADEMA Ansanm pou yon DEmen Miyò nNGO


Architectes Sans Frontières Espagne nNGO

Armée du Salut nNGO

Asamblea de Cooperacion Por la Paz nNGO

Assemblée Spirituelle Nationale des Bahai's d'Haïti nNGO

Association Arche d'Haïti nNGO

Association d'Aide aux Enfants Deshérités Haïtiens nNGO

Association d'Assistance Medicale aux Humbles nNGO

Association d'Encadrement pour le Développement de l'Arrière-Pays nNGO

Association des Eglises Missionnaires nNGO

Association des Oeuvres Privées de Santé nNGO

Association des Paysans de Value nNGO


Association Haïtienne des Agences Bénévoles nNGO

Association Haïtienne pour la Maitrise des Eaux et des Sols nNGO

Association Haïtienne pour la Promotion d'un Développement Autonome nNGO

Association Haïtienne Pour le Développement Local nNGO

Association Konbit Neg Lakay nNGO

Association Les Amis d'Haïti nNGO

Association Haïtienne d'Aide aux Enfants Nécessiteux et au Relèvement des Communes de l'Artibonite

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Association Nationale des Scouts d'Haïti nNGO

Association Para La Cooperacion Con El Sur, Las Segovias nNGO

Association Paysans Réunis nNGO

Association Por La Paz Y El Desarrollo nNGO


Association pour la Promotion de la Famille Haïtienne nNGO

Association pour la promotion Sociale et le Développement Communautaire nNGO

Association pour l'Avancement des Jeunes de Cote Plage nNGO

Association pour le Développement Intègre des Populations nNGO

Association pour le Développement National nNGO

Association Privée de Santé Aya Mwuana nNGO

Association Services Secours nNGO

Association Suisse pour le Développement et la Coopération nNGO



Ayiti Education nNGO

Ayiti Gouvenans nNGO

BID Banque Interaméricaine de Développement Donor

Banque Mondiale Donor

Benevola iNGO

Beraka nNGO

Bethsaïda Community Center nNGO

Blue Ridge Christian Homes nNGO

Bon Samaritain Salem d'Haïti nNGO

Bureau d'Assistance Juridique nNGO

Bureau de Conseil et de Service Humanitaire nNGO

Bureau de la Communication MINUSTAH

Bureau de Nutrition et Développement nNGO

UNOPS Bureau des Nations Unies pour les Services d'Appui aux Projets UN

Bureau du Coordinateur Resident UN

Bureau National de l’OEA Donor

OCHA Bureau pour la Coordination des Affaires Humanitaires UN

Cabinet de Consultation de Formation et d'Assistance Légale nNGO

Canadian Feed the Children iNGO

Canadian Forces Military


Caritas iNGO

Association pour la Prévention de l'Alcoolisme et Autres Accoutumances Chimiques

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Catholic Medical Mission Board nNGO

CRS Catholic Relief Services iNGO

Catholic Relief Services nNGO

Center For Community Health, Education And Research, Inc nNGO

Centre Canadien d'Etudes et de Coopération Internationale nNGO

Centre Children International Life Line d'Haiti nNGO

Centre Chrétien de l'Enfant Haïtien nNGO

Centre d'Accueil et de Récupération des Personnes du 3e Age nNGO

Centre d'Action pour le Développement nNGO

Centre d'Aide aux Enfants d'Haïti nNGO

Centre d'Aide et de Développement de l'Education nNGO

Centre d'Appui pour le Développement Intégré nNGO

Centre de Coopération Internationale en Santé et en Développement nNGO


Centre de Promotion des Femmes Ouvrières nNGO

Centre de Promotion des Techniques Informatiques nNGO

Centre de Reboisement et d'Assistance en Gestion du Sol nNGO

Centre de Recherche pour le Développement nNGO

Centre de Santé et de Développement Intégré/ Bon Samaritain nNGO

Centre de Techniques Agro-Energetiques nNGO

Centre d'Education Communautaire Alternative nNGO

Centre d'Education et de Protection de la Famille Haïtienne nNGO

Centre d'Etudes et de Développement Communautaire nNGO

Centre Haïtien de la Planification Familiale nNGO

Centre Haïtien pour la Promotion de la Femme nNGO


Centre Haïtien pour le Développement Intégré nNGO

Centre Médico-Popu-laire de Bas Fonds Philomène nNGO

Centre Medico-Social Henri Gérard Desgranges nNGO

Centre Pilote de Développement de la Grande Rivière de Nippes nNGO

Centre Récréatif pour l'Epanouïssement de l'Enfant nNGO

Centre Universitaire Institut Roi Henry Christophe nNGO

Centres Geskio nNGO

Centres pour le Développement et la Santé nNGO

Centre de Développement Intégré de la Mission de l'Eglise de Dieu Indépendante de la Porte Etroite

Centre Haïtien pour la Promotion de l'Agriculture et la Protection de l'Environnement

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Child Care Haïti nNGO

Children Care Outreach, Inc nNGO

Chosen Ministry nNGO

Christian Aid iNGO

Christian AID iNGO

Christian Aid Ministries nNGO

Christian Children's Fund Inc. nNGO

Christian Haitian Outreach Inc nNGO

Christian Reformed World Relief Committee nNGO

Christian World Outreach, Inc nNGO

Christianville Foundation Inc. nNGO

Clinton Foundation iNGO

Club de l'Age d'Or nNGO

Club des Femmes de Carrières Libérales et Commerciales d'Haïti nNGO

Club Louverture pour les Diners du Tanksgiving Day Haïtien nNGO

Collaboration Santé International nNGO

Collectif Action Pour le Développement nNGO

Collectif d'Actions pour le Développement du Nord'Ouest nNGO

Comité d'Aide et de Développement de Dussaulier nNGO

Comité de Bienfaisance de Pignon nNGO

Comité de Relèvement et de Coopération pour l'Avancement d'Haïti nNGO

Comité de Soutien a l'Epanouissement de Vieux Bourg d'Aquin et du Sud d'Haïti nNGO

Comité Haïtien de Développement nNGO

CICR Comité international de la Croix-Rouge IO

Comité Limbeen de Développement et de Planification nNGO

Comité National de Solidarité Laïque nNGO

Comité Protos Haïti nNGO

Compassion International nNGO

Compassion of Christ Word Mission nNGO

Concern Worldwide iNGO

Concile des Eglises Evangéliques d'Haïti nNGO

Convention Baptiste d'Haïti nNGO

Cooperation Haitiano Neerlandaise nNGO

Coopération pour le Développement Intégré et la Promotion Paysanne nNGO

Coopération Suisse Donor

Cooperative For American Relief EveryWhere nNGO

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Cooperative Housing Fondation nNGO

Coordination Emmaus d'Haïti en Action nNGO

Coordination pour des Actions en Santé et en Développement d'Haïti nNGO

Croix Rouge Allemande IO

Croix Rouge Américaine IO

Croix Rouge Canadienne IO

Croix Rouge Espagnole IO

Croix Rouge Francaise IO

CRH Croix Rouge Haitienne IO

Croix Rouge Neerlandaise IO

Délégation Catholique pour la Coopération nNGO

Deputy F.C. Group MINUSTAH

Développement International Desjardins nNGO

Développement-Formation-Iformation nNGO

DHL Private

Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (Aide Humanitaire Allemagne) iNGO

Ecoles Sans Frontières nNGO

Eglise Chrétienne des Rachetés d'Haïti nNGO

Eglise de la Compréhension de la Bible nNGO

Eglise de l'Alliance Chrétienne Indépendante nNGO

Eglise du Nazareen nNGO

Eglise Evangélique Eben Ezer nNGO

Eglise Méthodiste Libre à l'Intérieur d'Haïti nNGO

Enfants du Monde, Haïti nNGO

Enfants du Monde/Droits de l'Homme nNGO

Espoir Anaïse nNGO

Espoir pour tous nNGO

Espoir Sans Frontieres Haiti nNGO

ECHO European Commission Humanitarian Office Donor

Extravius Jean-Gilles Assistance Légale nNGO

Eye Care Haïti nNGO


Family Health International iNGO


FICR Fédération internationale des Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge IO

FLM Fédération Luthérienne Mondiale iNGO

Fédération Luthérienne Mondiale nNGO

Fédération Haïtienne des Associations et Institutions des Personnes Handicapées d'Haïti

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Feed The Children Europe / Children's Aid Direct nNGO

Floresta Ayiti Pou Pwoteksyon Anvironman nNGO

UNIFEM Fond de Développement des Nations Unies pour la Femme UN

FNUAP Fond des Nations Unies pour la Population UN

FMI Fond Monetaire International Donor

Fondation Amour de Dieu en Action nNGO

Fondation Béthel d'Haïti nNGO

Fondation Bienfaisance nNGO

Fondation Bon Samaritain de Vieilot nNGO

Fondation Chrétienne d'Education de Santé et de Développement nNGO

Fondation Chrétienne pour le Développement d'Haïti nNGO

Fondation Coeur Pour Haïti nNGO

Fondation Connaissance et Liberté - Fondasyon Konesans ak Libète - FOKAL nNGO

Fondation d'Aide aux Défavorisés nNGO

Fondation de l'Espoir pour Haïti nNGO

Fondation de l'Oeuvre des Artisans de Paix d'Haïti/Zèv Atizan Lapè nNGO

Fondation des Pèlerins Indépendants pour le Développement Durable d'Haïti nNGO

Fondation Eben-Ezer nNGO

Fondation Enfant Jesus nNGO

Fondation Espoir nNGO

Fondation Faith And Love, Inc Action Ministries nNGO

Fondation For Wordwide Mercy And Sharing nNGO

Fondation Gaudium et Spes nNGO

Fondation Grann Lison nNGO

Fondation Haiti en Action nNGO

Fondation Haïtienne d'Appui au Développement Local nNGO

Fondation Haïtienne de Développement nNGO

Fondation Haïtienne de la Santé et de l'Education nNGO

Fondation Haïtienne de Réhabilitation Sociale nNGO

Fondation Haïtienne de Secours Mutuel nNGO

Fondation Haïtienne pour et l'Intégration des Sans-Abri nNGO

Fondation Hands Of Love nNGO

Fondation Internationale Lifeline Haïti nNGO

Fondation la Providence nNGO

Fondation Marie Michelle R. Fournier nNGO

Fondation Martin Luther King nNGO

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Fondation Max Cadet nNGO

Fondation Mission de l'Espoir nNGO

Fondation Monique nNGO

Fondation Paul Gérin-Lajoie pour la Coopéra-tion Internationale nNGO

Fondation Pédodontique d'Haïti nNGO

Fondation Philanthropique pour le Développement de la Commune de Ganthier nNGO

Fondation Pour la Santé Reproductrice et de l'Education Familiale nNGO

Fondation pour la Survie de l'Enfant Haïtien nNGO

Fondation pour l'Avancement des Collectivités Haïtiennes nNGO

Fondation pour les Enfants d'Haïti nNGO

Fondation Proderno nNGO

Fondation Rayon d'Espoir nNGO

Fondation Seguin nNGO

Fondation Sévère d'Haïti nNGO

Fondation Soleil Levé nNGO

Fondation Yélé Haïti nNGO

Fondation Yvan Guignard nNGO

Fonds Chrétien d'Investissement pour le Développement Economique et Social nNGO

Fonds d'Entraide et de Soutien nNGO

Fonds Haïtien d'Aide à la Femme nNGO

Fonds Haïtien de Développement Economique et Social nNGO

Fonds pour le Développement Rural nNGO

FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation UN

Food for the Hungry iNGO

Food For The Poor iNGO

For Haiti With Love nNGO

Force Commander Group MINUSTAH

Foundation For Haiti Forgotten Children nNGO

Foundation For International Community Assistance nNGO

Foundation of Compassionate American Samaritans nNGO

Foyer de Consultations et d'Urgences Médicales nNGO

Foyer Maurice Sixto nNGO

France-Haïti Partage nNGO

Fraternité Notre Dame nNGO

Friends of The Children of Lascahobas nNGO

Global OutReach iNGO

Page 9: Haiti: Earthquake

Grand'Anse projet santé et Action Communautaire nNGO

Groupe d'Action Francophone pour l'Environnement nNGO

Groupe d'Action pour l'Habilitation Economique et Sociale de la Famille Haïtienne nNGO

Groupe d'Appui aux Parents d'Elèves nNGO

Groupe de Projets pour Collaboration Technique de Développement nNGO


Groupe de Recherche et d'Appui en Milieu Rural nNGO

Groupe de Recherches et d'Actions pour le Développement du Far-West nNGO

Groupe d'Experts Conseil en Aménagements Hydro Agricoles nNGO

Groupe d'Initiatives Pour un Developpement Durable nNGO

Groupe Multidiciplinaire pour un Développement Integré nNGO

Groupe Technologie Intermédiaire d'Haïti nNGO

Habitat for Humanity iNGO

Habitat Pour l'Humanité-Haïti iNGO

Haïti Info Bank nNGO

Haïti Med e.v. nNGO

Haiti Outreach / Collaboration avec Haiti nNGO

Haiti Vision , Inc. nNGO

Haitian Health Foundation nNGO

Haitian Resource Development Foundation nNGO

Handicap International iNGO

Harvest International, Inc nNGO



Healing Hands For Haïti nNGO

Health Education Learning Ressources Project Inc nNGO

Heifer Project International Haïti nNGO

HelpAge International iNGO

Hope For Haïti's Children/ Espoir pour les Enfants d'Haïti nNGO

Hosean International Ministries nNGO

Initiative d'Appui aux Personnes en Danger nNGO

Initiative Developpement iNGO

Institut Catholique Haïtienne d'Aide aux Nécessiteux nNGO

Institut de Développement Municipal nNGO

Institut Haïti de Développement Intégral nNGO

Institut Haïtien de l'Enfance nNGO

Groupe de Recherche d'Initiatives pour un Développement Alternatif et Participatif

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Institut National pour le Développement et la Promotion de la Couture nNGO

Institut Supérieur de Formation Politique et Sociale nNGO

Institut Toussaint nNGO

Integrated Foundation Toward Cooperation in Haiti nNGO

Inter Aide iNGO

Interchurch Medical Assistance nNGO

Intermon Oxfam iNGO

International Alliance For Health And Social Development, Inc nNGO

International Child Care nNGO

International Crisis Group nNGO

International Missions Outreach nNGO

International Office of Ecumenacal Relief of Evangelistic Family Ministries nNGO

Intervention en Milieu Rural et Urbain nNGO

Jamacian Ministry of Health Government

Jamacian Office of Disaster Mgmt Government

JOC Joint Operations Center MINUSTAH

Kalfou Aksyon Pou Devlopman Ak Dwa Moun nNGO

Kimse Yokmu iNGO

Kindernothilfe-Haiti nNGO

Kombite Bienfaiteurs du Sud nNGO

La Sainte Eglise du Pelerin nNGO

La Societe d'agence de Secours et de Bienfaisance aux Enfants Defavorises nNGO

Lafanmi Selavi nNGO

Latet.org iNGO

Latter-Day Saint Charities/Oeuvres Caritatives des Saints du Dernier Jour nNGO

Les Artisans de Paix International nNGO

Les Ateliers Ecoles de Camp Perrin nNGO

Les Brebis de Lumiere nNGO

LFBUCKLEY and Associates iNGO

Lifeline Christian Mission nNGO

Light Ministries Inc nNGO

Ligue Anti Anénie Falciforme nNGO

Love A Child Inc nNGO

Mackandal - Villages sans Frontières nNGO

Mains Secourables/Christian Helping Hands nNGO

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Mains Unies/ Men Ansanm nNGO

Maison l'Arc-En-Ciel nNGO

Malteser International iNGO

Management Sciences For Health nNGO

Médecins du Monde Canada iNGO

Médecins du Monde France iNGO

Médecins du Monde, Suisse iNGO

Médecins sans Frontières Belgique iNGO

Médecins sans Frontières France iNGO

Médecins sans Frontières Hollande iNGO

Medical Teams International iNGO

Meds & Food for Kids iNGO

Mennonite Central Committee nNGO

Mennonite Economic Development Associates nNGO

Mennonite Gospel Mission to Haiti nNGO

MercyCorps iNGO

Military Chief of Staff MINUSTAH

Ministère des Bons Samaritains nNGO

Mission Baptiste Conservatrice d'Haïti nNGO

Mission Baptiste d'Haïti nNGO

Mission Bon Berger nNGO

Mission de Vie nNGO

Mission des Eglises Evangéliques Baptistes Associées nNGO

Mission Evangélique Baptiste du Sud d'Haïti nNGO

Mission Evangélique du Nord d'Haïti nNGO

Mission Mennonite en Haïti nNGO

Mission Par La Foi nNGO

Mission Possible nNGO

Mission Possible nNGO

Mission Pour Christ Inc. nNGO

Mouvement d'appui au Développement de l'homme nNGO

Mouvement Social des Jeunes d'Haïti nNGO

Mouvman Organizasyon Zanmy Lakay nNGO

National Democratic Institute for International Affairs nNGO

National Democratic Institute for International Affairs nNGO

North West Center for Community Development nNGO

North West Haïti Christian Mission nNGO

Nouvelle Aurore nNGO

Nova Hope For Haïti nNGO

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Oeuvre de Bienfaisance de Carrefour et de Gressier nNGO

Oeuvres Evangéliques C. Celeste nNGO

Office de Concertation pour le Développement nNGO


OHCHR Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights UN

Office of the SRSG MINUSTAH

OFDA Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance Donor

Operation Double Harvest nNGO

Opération Hope for Children of Haïti nNGO

Operations Sodec nNGO

Organisation Agricole de Développement pour la Production des Paysans Haïtiens nNGO

Organisation Chrétienne Le Bon Sauveur nNGO

Organisation Chrétienne pour le Développement Social nNGO

Organisation de développement Communautaire de Grand-Latanier/Hinche nNGO

Organisation de Développement de Meyer nNGO

Organisation de Développement et d'Education Evangélique nNGO

Organisation de la Mission Evanagélique Salem nNGO

Organisation de l'Union Haïtienne nNGO

Organisation de Projets Humanitaires pour Haïti nNGO

UNESCO Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Education, la Science et la Culture UN

Organisation Haïtienne pour la Réhabilitation des Handicapés nNGO

Organisation Holiness pour le Développement Spirituel et Social nNGO

OIM Organisation Internationale pour la Migration IO

Organisation Nationale de Développement Economique et Social nNGO


OPS/OMS Organisation Panaméricaine de la Santé/Organisation Mondiale de la Santé UN

Organisation Phare de West Indies nNGO

Organisation pour le Développement de la Commune de Mirebalais nNGO

Organisation pour le Développement des Paysans Haïtiens nNGO

Organisation pour le Renforcement de l'Education et de l'Instruction nNGO

Organisation Sové Lavi nNGO

Organizasyon Men Kontre nNGO

Organisation Nationale pour l'Alphabétisation et la Formation Professionnelle des Adultes

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Oxfam Grande Bretagne iNGO

Oxfam Québec iNGO

Pan American Development Foundation iNGO

Parish Twinning Program of the Americas nNGO

Parole et Action nNGO

Phare National nNGO

Plan de Développement Intégré nNGO


Planing Assistance nNGO

Political Affairs MINUSTAH

Port-de-Paix Mennonite Mission nNGO

Private Agencies Collaborating Together nNGO

Productive Coopératives Haïti nNGO

PAM Programme Alimentaire Mondial UN

ONUSIDA Programme Commun des Nations Unies pour le VIH/SIDA UN

Programme de Santé et Information nNGO

PNUD Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement UN

Project Medishare For Haïti nNGO

Promoteurs de l'Objectif Zéro-Sida nNGO

Pwoje Espwa Sud nNGO

Réseau d'Initiatives de Développement Local nNGO

Rhema International nNGO

Saint Boniface Haiti Foundation nNGO

Salomé nNGO

Sant Kal Levek nNGO

Save the Children iNGO

Save the Children Haiti iNGO

Secours aux Aveugles et Handicapés nNGO

Secretariat G11 iNGO

SEGOB - Mexico iNGO

Service Chrétien d'Haïti nNGO

Service International Foundation nNGO

Service Oeucuménique d'Entraide nNGO


Siloam International en Haïti nNGO

Smile Of A Child nNGO

Société de Coopération pour le Développement International nNGO

Service Protestant, de Mission, Département Evangélique Français d'Action Apostolique

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Société Haïtienne d'Aide aux Aveugles nNGO

Société Haïtienne de Réhabilitation et de Développement nNGO


Solidarité et Fraternité nNGO

Solidarité Union Coopération nNGO

Solidarités nNGO

Solidarité-Santé-Canada-Haïti nNGO

Son Light Missions nNGO

Survie et Solidarité pour Haïti nNGO

Terre des Hommes iNGO

Thomson Reuters Foundation iNGO

THW Assessment Team Donor

Timoun Kap Teke Chans nNGO

U-9 Civilian Military Coordination MINUSTAH

EU Union Européenne Donor

Union Evangélique Baptiste d'Haïti nNGO

Union Nationale pour le Développement Humain nNGO

United Methodist Committee On Relief nNGO

UNDSS United Nations Department of Safety and Security UN

UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UN

USAID United States Agency for International Development Donor


Urbanisation et Aide Technique Expérimentale nNGO


Vétérinaires Sans Frontières iNGO

Vétérinaires Sans Frontières nNGO

Village d'Enfants SOS d'Haïti nNGO

Village Planète nNGO

Viva Rio nNGO

Volontaires Initiatives de Développement Economique et Social nNGO

Volontariat pour le Développement d'Haïti nNGO

World Concern iNGO

World Harvest For Christ nNGO

World Neighbors/Vwazen Mondial Ayiti nNGO

World Relief iNGO

World Relief Corporation nNGO

World Vision iNGO

World Vision International iNGO

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Youth Pionner of Haïti/ Jeunesse Pionnière d'Haïti nNGO

Zanmi Lasanté nNGO

PGRT Paraguay Government Response Team Government



HBC Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation Media

Global Go ReliefProject HOPEAMURT


Zakat Foundation of America




Feed the Children

Manichi Newspapers

Muslim Hands International

Ministry of Health - Jamacia

Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Later Days Saints

Later Days Saints

Samantan's Purse

Isalamic Relief

Generation Bambou

Konpay Beyond Borders

Zaring and Sharing Mission

The Detroit News

Later Days Saints

City of Inkster

Philippine Contingent








US Department of Health

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Haiti Winner


Ambassade de France

Project HOPE


CARIS Foundation

Japan Self Defense Force

Medecins Du Monde-Greece

Touch Global Crisis Response

Food For the Hungry


Accoin Social-Colombia

Hands On Disaster Response




Save the Children


Irish Aid

Mission L'espoir du Monde



Navis Germany

Christian AID



Health Empowering Humanity






Embassy of Japan


Doctors Inc

Life for Relief and Development

World Relief

Page 17: Haiti: Earthquake

Fraternite Notre Dame



Swiss Humanitarian Aid

Killick Medical Center

WFP Base Camp


MSF Canada

People in Need - Czech Rep


North American Muslim Foundation

Helping Hand USA

Loma Linda University


Hope Force International

Kimse Yokmu

Salsa d'Haiti

Appropriate Infrastructure Development Group

Office National de l'Aviation Civile

Embassy of Belgium

Equipe d'Afrique occidental


France 3

First Strike

Mission of Hope Haiti

Heart to Heart International

Demira NGO

International Medical Corps (IMC)

Page 18: Haiti: Earthquake

Saturday, April 8, 2023GENERAL CONTACT LISTAGENCY NAME LAST NAME TITLE PHONE EMAIL- Cilien Roberto Representative 3589-8441 [email protected] Saintel FanFan President [email protected]

- Tom Kerber Medical Equipment Supplier [email protected]. Olivier LE GUILLOUACAPS/OCHA Yves Kim Creach +88-16-3252-7987 [email protected] Social-Colombia Jairo Sanchez [email protected] Marc Josue 3404-4055

ACDI Sevge KoskineACDI Yaanick Higorani 3702-9940ACDI/Ambassade du Canada Dominique RosettiACF Pierre Tripon

ACF william DufoucoqACHA aid Anne GormallyACTED Bjorn SchranzACTED Jodelle TeshomeACTED LVC Pupulin 33680995853Action Aid Alce

Action Contre la Faim Noreus Jean BonHeur Engueteur [email protected]

ActionAid Harjeet Singh Emergency Advisor +919-8100-36-864 [email protected] Plinio VergaraADRA Richard Lee MarquartAECID Daniel Martin Santos 3491-2935 [email protected] Laura CartanyaAECID Rosa Beltran (+)507 667 59 315AFP Dave Clark Reporter/Deputy Head of Paris Bureau +33 140 414617 [email protected]

AGERCA Marie-Louise Rusco Executive Director 3441-0454 [email protected] Cat Laine Deputy Director +3842-7153 [email protected] Catlaine [email protected]

Airline Ambassadors Deborah Quigley Sponsorship Director [email protected] Ambassadors Ruth Matranga +954-336-8334 [email protected] Roosevelt Jean-Francois Journalist 3685-8325 [email protected] Timothy Large Head of Operations +44-79-9056-0402

Align Ministries Elaine Herr +1-310-938-0477Align Ministries Elaine Herr +1-310-938-0477 [email protected] Foundation Qasim Rashid Ahmad Imam 0044-7863-154-170 [email protected] de la Grace Paster Michael Brun 3477-1756Ambassade de France Aloin Sauval [email protected] de France Georges Marceau French Police [email protected] de France Joseph Fabiani French Police 3458-1582 [email protected] de France Oliver Decottignies +33-6-30199-614 [email protected] de France Olivie Decottignies [email protected] de France Suderie Pierre-Jeon Security Officer 34-81-83-46 [email protected]

Haiti: Earthquake


[email protected]

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[email protected]@internationsl.gc.cadominique.rosetti@[email protected]@ht.missions-acf.org

[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]

Jean Baptiste Action Aid

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[email protected]@adra.org

[email protected]@aeaid.org.pa


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[email protected]

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Haiti: Earthquake

Ambassade du Canada Adam Barratt 3702 9910 [email protected] du Canada Benoit Girouard [email protected] du Canada Benoit GirouardAmbassade du Canada Dominique Rosetti [email protected] du Canada Gilles RivaroAmbassade du Canada Gilles RivaroAmbassade du Canada Joel Monfils 3702 9907 [email protected] du Canada Natalie Patekaude 3702 9904` [email protected] du Jamaica Maj Gen Saunders 9299785Ambassade du Jamaica Portia Simpson Miller [email protected] du Jamaica Raymond Pryce [email protected] du Mexico Alan Romero Deputy Head of Mission 3771-0890 [email protected] Bresil Igor KipmanAmbassadeur des Etats-unis d'Amerique Kenneth Merten [email protected] Forces Ken Keen

American Refugee Committee Michael Barringer-Mills Field Support Manager

American Refugee Committee (ARC) Jack Schneiden Director of Security +1-612-366-6701 [email protected] Refugee Committie Michael Barringer-Mills Field Support Manager +886-514-78502 [email protected] /International Medical Assistance Tania Barbosa Director of international Dept. 351 919190 817AMURT Amber MungarAMURT Demeter Russafon [email protected] Dharma Diaster Director 3664-0034 [email protected] Dhyana Diaster Coordinator 3643-1155

AMURT-HAITI Demeter Russafov Coordinator [email protected] Infrastructure Development Group Catherine Laine Deputy Director +1-800-401-3860 x 703 [email protected]

APTV Chris Reporter +1 305 785 3634

APTV Nico Reporter

Arbeiter Samquite Bueo (ASB) Iuam Marin Programme manager [email protected]

ARC Michael Mills

ARC Michael Barringer-Mills Emergency Ops Manager +1-612-309-0758 [email protected] NOVA Eric Rescheleit Project Manager +509-1349-1355 [email protected] NOVA Sven Seifert Program Director +49-176-2462-1492 [email protected] Earthbag Shelters Gary Pierre-CharlesArchitectes de l'urgence/ Emmerrgency Architech Damien Junca 881641436393Architectes de l'urgence/ Emmerrgency Architech Vivien FecampAsiacion de Immigrants Phillomard JosephAssociated Press A. Drake Reporter [email protected] Press Jennifer Kay Reporter +52 55 5080 3400 [email protected] Press Niko Price Reporter [email protected] Press Yesica Fisch Reporter +58 414 333 7279 [email protected] Berut Cecile Coordinatrice [email protected] Fiammeta CappelliniAYUDA DIRECTS (ESPANA) Marci Team Leader +346169757589 [email protected]; [email protected] radio 4 Mike Thompson ReporterBBC radio 4 Sareen Bains Producer +44 7912 583122BBC Ten O'Clock News Tim Awford Producer +44 780 145 9477 [email protected] Gael Monnin 3680-3240 [email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

+1 612 309 0758+88651478502

[email protected]

[email protected]@gmail.com

[email protected]

+1 917 445 4141/+88 164 148 41521

612 329 0758 Sat: 8816 514 78502

[email protected]

[email protected]@[email protected]@hotmail.com

(+509) 3490 2584 or +87 077 226 0933

[email protected]

+44 7841 450 836 or +88 164 1444 828

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Haiti: Earthquake

Benevola James Noel 3680-3240 [email protected] Michelle Monnin 3680-3240 [email protected] Major Steve ForemanCanadian DART David Coulombe [email protected] Embassy Mi Nguyen First Secretary [email protected] Forces Bruce Ewing [email protected] Forces Perry Stoddart Liason Officer [email protected] Foreign Ministry Michael Bonser 1 63 943 4859 [email protected] David Gazasmvili 14044093011CARE Gary PHILOCTETECARE Hauke HOOPSCARE Lise Tondli 141795722796CARE Sophie Perez 3767 1344CARE Tony Taylor-Logs 447771961446CARE Yves-Laurent Regis 3724-8401/ 3458-0642CARIS Foundation Nathaniel Segaren DR [email protected] Alistar Dutton dutton@caritas@vaCaritas Bervin Lapommeray [email protected] Edouard Marjolaine +33-6-8394-5996 [email protected] Jonides* Villarson [email protected] Marjolaine Edouard [email protected] Will De Wolf [email protected] SUISSE Bervin LAPOMMERAYCARPA Sony Cely President [email protected] Blancos ESTEBAN CHALÁCascos Blancos GABRIEL FUKSCascos Blancos MIGUEL MARMORACascos Blancos ROGELIO BORDACascos Blancos SELVA EDITH FONTCBM Valerie Scherrer +32-420-990-582 [email protected] Garry MacLean Development Advisor 3491-7186 [email protected] Mike Quinlan Senior Programme Manager 3491-7186 [email protected] Carl Kindade GIS Officer +1-404-702-9311 [email protected] Carl Kinkade - - [email protected] Carter Stone - - cstone@gt_cdc.govCDC Jodi VandenEng Statistician 404-307-2131 [email protected] Lise Martel Public Health Advisor 404-394-9480 [email protected] Muireann Brennan Medical EpidemiologistCDRS Todd Shea Executive Director 718 809 5381CEIS Augustin Antoine Coordinateur General 3452-4757 [email protected] Anastase Jaribu Program Manager 3785-7116 [email protected]

CESVI Micol Picasso 27829081434CESVI Micol Picasso Coordinator 3698-1130 [email protected] International Sinan Al-NajjarChannel 4 News Helene Producer +44 7775918428Channel 4 News Job Rabkin Producer +1 202 352 5002 [email protected] AID Harold Paul [email protected] AID Kate Ferguson Emergency Support Office [email protected] AID Prospery Raymond 3679-8377 [email protected] AID Sophie Richmond DR Country Manager [email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]@pap.care.org;[email protected]@[email protected]@pap.care.org; [email protected]@[email protected] [email protected]


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678 662 7083/ 404 498 0337

[email protected]@cdrspakistan.org

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Haiti: Earthquake

CIDA Serge KoskinanCity of Inkster Hilliard Hampton Mayor 313-516-882 [email protected] Foundation Isabelle Lindenmayer Country Director [email protected] Cooper Anderson [email protected] Choisla Joseph Right to food OfficerCNSA (Coordination Nationale de la Securite Alimentaire) BENOIT THIRYCNSA (Coordination Nationale de la Securite Alimentaire) GARY MATTHIEUCNSA (Coordination Nationale de la Securite Alimentaire) IBRAHIM ARITOUBOCNSA (Coordination Nationale de la Securite Alimentaire) MARIE CLAUDE DESILETSCOLOMBIA Monica RACOPAINColombian Government Camillo KuaveColombian Government Monica Ropain 881631535390Comite Olympique Haiten Michel Fline Program Coordinator 3796-4343 [email protected] Olympique Haiten Ricardo Noelizaire Program Admin CoordinatorCOMPASS Kenneth Laura Logs Coordinator [email protected] International Guilbaud Saint-Cyr Country Directory 3406-5176 [email protected] Patrick Bentrott Missionary 3701-1070 [email protected] Brian TabbenConcern Dominic MacSorley Emergency Coordinator 917-220-6069 [email protected] Elke LEIDELCONCERN Elke Leidel 37602-2148Concern Marketa Kutilova Program Manager 3785-0661 [email protected] Worldwide Jimmy O'Connor Logistics Advisor 3785-0870 [email protected] politique, Amb du Canada Adam Barratt 3702 9910Conseille politique, Amb du Canada Natalie Patekaude 3702 9904`CRS Alan Isac 3806 8080CRS Emilio Jean-LouisCRWRC Ken Little Senior Project ManagerCRWRC Ken Little Senior Project Manager 3868-5298 [email protected] World Missions Howard Van Dam 3457-2167/3780-7419CVM Paul Rudenberg Representative 3485-5523 [email protected] Mia Beers [email protected] (Haiti Department of Civil Protection) Marcos MENDEZ 18099618851Demira NGO Marcia Hamzat Programme Manager +49-892-916-5620 [email protected] NGO Martin Auracher Director +49-1728-30-2110 [email protected] Roger Bellers difid Assessment team 12462438509DFID Tanya Axisa 4479015537420DFID TED Tuthill 447901 553714DHL Jean Paul +509-3701-2002DHS/FEMA Dg SessnerDHS/FEMA Lacey Croco [email protected] Jackues Philype Mondesu 3699 1434Diakonie Jacques Mondesu (509)3699-1434DINEPA Ingrid HenrysDINEPA Piere Ives Rochat

ALBAN NOUVELLON 34657198DINESA GABRIEL GABRIEL IVEDINESA RODOLFO OSCAR FAILLACEDirect Relief International Brett Williams Director emergency response 1 805 895 3101Direction Protection Civile PHILIPE DESMANGLES


3713 1902/ 3431 7315/ 3552 4625

[email protected]@hotmail.com

[email protected] [email protected]@yahoo.com;[email protected]@[email protected]

3693-4829 [email protected]

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905033602920/ 509 38685298

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jpmondesu@diakonie_apoyo_en_emergencias.orgingrid.henrys@[email protected]

DINEPA (Direction Nationale d'Eau Potable et Assainisement/Ministere de Travaux Publiques, Transports et Telecomm)

[email protected]

[email protected]@yahoo.fr

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Haiti: Earthquake

DMAHA Rapid Response Chris Held [email protected] Inc Grant Schmit Doctor +306-632-3998 [email protected] Alvaro De VicenteECHO Damien BerrendarfEcoWorks International Henryka Manes Executive Director [email protected] Louis Lepage Director of Global Security +1514-865-2170 [email protected] of Belgium Jeroen Cooreman - 3491-3619 [email protected] of JapanEquipe d'Afrique occidental Jean-Claude Cerin Country Representative Haiti 3701-4145 [email protected] d'Afrique occidental Mark Arcedeckne-Butler Desk Officer +44-20-8943-7794 [email protected] CPT Angela Iglesias Operations/RDCEU CPT Arthur Weber Operations/RDCEU CPT David Fabi IM/GoH LiaisonEU CPT Gerd Teder Operations/RDCEU CPT Sofia Albrechtsson IM/EU LiaisonEU CPT Terry Webb Assessment [email protected] Civil Protection Team Sofia AlbretchtrsonEuropean Commission Sofia Albrechtsson National Expert - Civil Protection +32-2-299-3674Eurovision Jean Francois Dyane Reporter +1 727 686 4530 [email protected]. Efraim Laor DoctorFAO Ari Toubo BRAHIM FAO JEAN MICHEL ARNOULTFAO Yon Fernandez De Larrina Agriculture Cluster Coordinatior +88-1651-428-350 [email protected] Yon Fernandez De Larrina Agriculture Cluster Coordinatior +88-1651-428-350 [email protected] Emergency Management Agency Lacey Croco Situation Unit Leader +1-202-579-2456 [email protected] Emergency Management Agency Lacey Croco Situation Unit Leader +1-202-579-2456 [email protected] Emergency Management Agency Michael McCoy Logistics Manager [email protected] Emergency Management Agency Michael McCoy Logistics Manager [email protected] the Children Rachel Zelon VP International Programs +1-405-343-4399 [email protected] the Children Stephane Villatte Country Director 3659-4090 [email protected] DJ Sessner N-IMAT 202-579-2468 [email protected] Weise DonnaFinancial Times Benedict Mender Reporter [email protected] Church Aid David Korpela Humantiarian Aid Corodinator +358-50-329-9598 [email protected] Church Aid Nanny Nordstrom Humantiarian Aid Corodinator +358-50-329-9598 [email protected] Red Cross Paivi Laurila Head of International Programs +358-40-195-9121 [email protected] Strike James Clark CPT 877-552-5275 [email protected] Sylvia RANO*Food For the Hungry Joel Kaiser Program Advisor 3409-6293 [email protected] for the Hungry Leena Samuel 3409-6293 [email protected] for the Hungry Sara Sywulka Development Relief Coordinator [email protected]; [email protected] for the Hungry Sara SywalkaFood for the Hungry Tom Davis +1336-469-1543 [email protected] for the Poor Kareen Dolce Executive DirectorFormer Prime Minister of Jamaica Portia Simpson MillerFrance 3 Paul Labrosse Journaliste Redacteur +33-1-56-2283-35 [email protected] Notre Dame Marie Christine Religious Nun [email protected] Christopher Gilette Reporter +1 305 785 3634 [email protected] Ambassy Olivier Decottignies Desk OfficerGAA Michael Kuenhn


[email protected]@gmail.com



[email protected]@ec.europa.eu

+972-52-394-444 [email protected] 3402 0611

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3422-5748 [email protected]@gmail.com


[email protected]@welthungerhilfe.ale

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Haiti: Earthquake

GAA Ruediger EhrelerGAIN David Kenago Water Program Manager +1-517-648-6960 [email protected] Canada Bill Blaney President +1-604-514-2050 [email protected] Bambou Kasra NoFarah [email protected] Red cross Norbert Hasse [email protected]; [email protected] Technical Coorporation Agency Eberhard Halbach Coordinator +1-829-532-1430 [email protected] Zuberbuhler Philippe 41 79 353 16 17Global Aid Network Aaron Rogers Chief Operations OfficerGlobal Aid Network Al Hendricks Disaster Assistance +33-625-454-704 [email protected] Aid Network Bill Blaney Chief executive Officer 1 604 807 0473Global Aid Network Esperandieu Pierre Director Haiti Relief 3742 5042/ 2813 7520Global Aid Network Goff Allen Disastor Assistance Director 33625 45 4704Global Aid Network Junior-Fils Rene Translator 3744-1172 [email protected] Aid Network Larry McPherson 214-551-3940 [email protected] Aid Network Reed Gardner Logistics 214-729-7332 [email protected] Aid Network Reid Gardner Logistics [email protected] Aid Network Scott Hendricks Logistics [email protected] Go Relief Adam McKay Director of Disaste Response +1-571-243-3599 [email protected] Go Relief Adam McKay Director of Disaste Response +1-571-243-3599 [email protected] OutReach Tim Kendall 509-3-730-6293 [email protected] Ministries International Chad Snyder InCountry Director 3453-7455 [email protected] Brian CaseyGohanniter International Assistance Katja Lewinsky Coordinator +49-174-160-6956 [email protected]

Gary MatthieuGovernment of Haiti-Department of Civil Protection Marcos Mendez 18099618851Government of Haiti-Department of Civil Protection Philipe Desmangles [email protected] of Haiti-DINESA Gabriel Gabriel IveGovernment of Haiti-DINESA Rodolfo Oscar Faillace

Alban Nouvellon 34657198 [email protected] of Haiti-Ministere de l'Agriculture Robert Chery 0034.54.6426Government of Haiti-Ministre `a la Conditions Feminine Marjory Michel [email protected] Canada Katrina BurgesssGOVT Canada/ CIDA 3702-9942Gruppo Volontariato Civile Luigi Seghezzo Directtore +39-051-585-604 [email protected] Seghezzo Luigi Director 335-813-2197 [email protected] for Humanity Claude JeudyHabitat for Humanity Duwalph Pierre 3704-7609 [email protected] for Humanity Duwalph Pierre [email protected]; [email protected] for Humanity Gerardo SotoHabitat for Humanity Mario FloresHABITATF Duworlph Pierre 37047609Haiti Winner Marie-Claude Vorbe Responsible Distribution 3738-1127 [email protected] Street Kids Inc Michael Brewer RN Director [email protected] Society Myrtha DesulmeHandicap Int. Antoine EngrandHandicap International Antoine Engrand 36178993Handicap International Harmony Mangin 3799-0399Hands On Disaster Response Jeremey Horan +1-917-502-9252 [email protected] On Disaster Response Stefanie Chang Project Director +1-925-998-8780 [email protected] Hugh Brennan [email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected] 604 807 2500/ 1604 807 2500

[email protected]

[email protected]@[email protected]

Program Manager for Water and Disaster Relief

[email protected]

Government of Haiti-Coordination Nationale de la Securite Alimentaire

Government of Haiti-Direction Nationale d'Eau Potable et Assainisement/Ministere de Travaux Publiques, Transports et Telecomm

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]@[email protected]@hotmial.com

[email protected]@[email protected]@yahoo.fr


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Haiti: Earthquake

Health Empowering Humanity Monica Dyer Co-founder 3918-3113 [email protected] to Heart International Florence Ndikum Moffur Program Manager 913-634-1976 [email protected] Vision Ministries (NVM) Esperandieu Peirre Director 3742-5042 [email protected] Broadcasting Corporation Michael Gripiotis NY Bureau Chief +1-646-431-4851 [email protected] Broadcasting Corporation Michael Gripiotis NY Bureau Chief +1-646-431-4851 [email protected] Resuce Team Apostolos Dedas Team Leader 0030-6947-833-858 [email protected] International Bertin Meance 37017163 [email protected] International Margaret Chilcott Emergency Programme Coordinator 3485-9788 [email protected] International Sarah Packwood Emergency Programme Coordinator 3491-5528 [email protected] Hand USA Irfan Khurshid Director of International Programs +1-313-790-2347 [email protected] Shernhav Gil 881651418226HHI/PHI Hilaire Cranmer 16173311196HHI/PHI Stephanie Rosborough 1-617-259-0303Hope Force International Craig Snow Project Director 903-714-8967 [email protected] First USA Ataul Aziz Hamed Manager of Field Operations 877-994-3872 [email protected] First Ata-Ui-Aziz Hamed Field Operations ManagerIAT Eric Brandfass Field Mobilizer 760-216-2589 [email protected] Gisli OlafsonICRC Martin Thalmann Chef Adjoint de Delegation 3490-1606 [email protected] Michael Vaznierczak 3616-8160IFRC Alexandre Clavdon 1829979020IFRC Colin ChaperonIFRC Jean-Pierre Taschereou Team Leader [email protected] Jose Antonio Delgado FACT Team Deputy Leader [email protected] Jose Delgado 34620994790IFRC Kjeld Jensen Team Leader for Telecom ERU +45-535-770-95 [email protected] Pauli Immonen Air Ops Cooridation +358-40-715-3838 [email protected] Steve McAndrewIFRC Tanya Wood FACT +868-468-2252 [email protected] Valerie BatselargreIFRC FACT team Bruno Theuwissen Logistics [email protected] FACT team Francisco Maldonado FACT-WatsanIFRC FACT team Frederic BLAS ShelterIFRC FACT team Gennike MEYERS MediaIFRC FACT team Hiln Bladvinsdottir Finance [email protected] FACT team Ian Heigh Logs Coordinator +44.754.537.7273IFRC FACT team Isabelle MARIN Reporting (507) FACT team Jackie Frize RecoveryIFRC FACT team Jean-Pierre TASCHEREAU Team Leader +1 (613) 697-0676IFRC FACT team Johan Lunabba Assessment [email protected] FACT team Marc Maestre Shelter FACT SATPHONE n/aIFRC FACT team Maud Froberg Media [email protected] FACT team Naomichi Shirata HRIFRC FACT team Panu SAARISTO Health Coordinator +507 6550-1090IFRC FACT team Paul Conneally Information/PressIFRC FACT team Roberto Christensen SecurityIFRC FACT team Steve McAndrew Relief Coordinator +540 454 4225 [email protected] FACT team SUNE BULOW It and Info Management +45 3525 9268 IFRC FACT team Tania Wood Regional Representation CARIBBEAN [email protected] Dina Prior Chef de Party

[email protected]@[email protected]

+1-877-994-3872 [email protected]

[email protected]@[email protected]

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francisco.maldonado@[email protected]@ifrc.org

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3491-1844 [email protected]

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Haiti: Earthquake

IMC Neil Joyce Medica Coodination +1-310-699-4133 [email protected] Aurelien lambert Coordniator 1829 278 8888iMMAP Chuck Conley - - [email protected] Dave Armitt - - [email protected] Eric Rasmussen CEO +13606213592InterAction John Schafer Director of Security [email protected] Reinhold Klosterman ContactInternational Hope & Rescue Bradley Personius Cardiologist +8816-2241-6976 [email protected] Medical Corps (IMC) Julie Taft PHC Coordinator 3490-8919 [email protected] Rescue Committee Alan Malaska Emergency Team Leader 3491-9222 [email protected] Rescue Committee Gillian Dunn Director 3491-9221 [email protected] Rescue Committee Robert Turner Liason Officer 3491-5628 [email protected] Rescue Committee Gillian Dunn +1-917-892-4681 [email protected] Jacob Quintanilla Humanitarian Coordinator [email protected] Philippe Allourd COP [email protected] Harco Rotelli Coordination Director +3933-5727-0516 [email protected] Marco Rotelli IT Manager +39-335-72-70516INTERSOS Marco Rotelli IT Manager +39-335-72-70516INTERSOS Marco Rotelli Coordinator +39-335-727-0516 [email protected] Saverio Ojetti Logistics Manager +39-335-720-1652 [email protected] Saverio Ojetti Logistics Manager +39-335-720-1652 [email protected] BAKARY DOUMDAIOM Christopher Gascon 37016065IOM Nuno Nunes 37016065IQRA TV UK Brian Ollivierre Assistant Producer 079-7036-8448 [email protected] TV UK Tamkin Riaz Director 079-70306-8448 [email protected] Gillian Dunn Director of Emergency Response 3491-9221 [email protected] Phuong Tran 22177 569 6517Irish Aid Anne Holmes Developmet Specialist +353-87-202-5918Irish Aid Emma Leonard Emergency Recovery Section +88-16-2146-1958 [email protected] Aid Timothy O'Conner [email protected] Aid Technical Team Anne HolmesIrish Aid Technical Team Emma LeonardIrish Aid Technical Team Patrick McManusIrish Aid Technical Team Tim O'ConnorIsalamic Relief Zaid Al-rawni MR [email protected] Relief Adil Husseini 00447768003375Islamic Relief Moadh Kheriji 44 777 0870757Islamic Relief Nacem Muhammad 1443.857.6006Islamic Relief Omar Mullick 1443.857.6006Islamic Relief Worldwide Moustafa Osman Head of Mission +44-7720-150-087 [email protected] Amos Radian 3491-4984 [email protected] Defence Forces Hospital Shai Fruchtman LTC Information officerJamacian Ministry of Health Derrick McDowell [email protected] Ministry of Health George Sloley [email protected] Office of Disaster Mgmt Delwin Ferguson [email protected] DigiCel Ken Mason 876-353-0213Jamaica Maj Gen Saunders 9299785Jamaica, Aide De Campe Her Excellency Mdm Portia Simpson Miller Raymond PryceJapan Self Defense Force Kei Kato +870-7722-50762 [email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

0171/6121244 [email protected]


[email protected] [email protected]

[email protected]

Chargee d'information Irin Afrique ded l'Ouest

[email protected]@yahoo.co.uk

+353 87 2025918 +881631449700353 87 1397683 +881621461958+353 86 0266535 +881621461956+353 87 2462672 +88 1621444428+47968-178-548

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Japanese Emergency NGO Cappai Cynil 3485-7252 [email protected] Emergency NGO Masako Yonekawa Emergency Program Specialist [email protected] Emergency NGO Olivier De La Motte 3485-7249 [email protected] Guerrier Antoine Coordinator 3490-8641JHOCH Marcos Onell Environmental EconomistJiHACC Matt Lewis USEMB 216-6260 ext 6359 [email protected] Ulises Soto USEMB [email protected]/MINUSTAH Aline DewaeleJohanniter International Assistance Sesiue Lurz Liason Officer +49-173-619-3585 [email protected] Bryan Donohue 3490-2046 [email protected] Sainteau Dieudonne Secretarie General [email protected] Medical Center Augustus Vogel Doctor 8816-763-38845 [email protected] Yokmu Cela Ferruh Yucel USA Representative +90-216-44-44-593 [email protected] Yokmu Cenk Yoleri Couch of Search and Rescue +90-216-44-44-593 [email protected] Kids Worldwide Frank King President [email protected] Lenka Heller 39142678KOMPAY/Amur1 Amber Munger 3656-8292Konpay Beyond Border Amber Munger Coordinator 3656-8292 [email protected] Beyond Border Amber Lynn Munger Coordinator 3495-9588 [email protected] Beyond Border Jean Luc Dessables Interncultural Consultant [email protected] Beyond Borders Daniel Tillas Coordinator 3558-9157 [email protected] Food for the Hungry (KFHI) Young Ju Ko Emergency Relief 3877-1340 [email protected] Days Saints Bennie Lilly Area Welfare Manager (Caribbean) +829-274-0475Later Days Saints Brandtt Andersen 801-319-3663 [email protected] Days Saints Domingo Aybar Area Welfare Manager (Caribbean) +809-980-1226 [email protected] Days Saints Lynn Samsel Director of Response +801-641-962 [email protected] NGO Haim Baron Architect 610-247-3388 [email protected] Dana Manor [email protected] and Associates L Bukley +353-86-246-3067 [email protected] for Relief and Development Ayman Aburahma Community Relation Coordinator 248-755-1342 [email protected] Ministries Terry Nelson Pastor 407-876-5431 [email protected] Linda University Andrew Haglonel Hospital Admin for Relief 714-280-3480 [email protected] Hands Ministry Harold Louisiane 3850-5816 [email protected] Hands Ministry Joseph Rene President 3461-8217 [email protected], US Army, US Southern Cmd Ken Keen LWF Sylvia Ravlo [email protected]; [email protected]/ACT Alliance Tomas Burndin [email protected] International Georg Nothelle +88-1631-514-644 [email protected] Newspapers Hiromichi Yoshitomi Correspondents +81-3-3212-0283 [email protected] ACTION Emerson Tan 8816331410554MAP ACTION Emese CesteMap International John Garvin Director of Humanitarian Affairs +1-912-996-0422 [email protected] Emerson Tan GIS SupportMapAction Emese GIS Officer +44-781-3100-983MapAction Emeste Ceste Operations/RDCMapAction Hamish Pritchard Operations/RDCMapAction Naomi Morris Operations/RDCMCC Alexis Depp (509)3709-2748MCC Aura Moreno (509)3801-7983MCC Ben Depp (509)3825-7559


[email protected]

Humanitarian Assistance Coordination Center 3481-1082

[email protected]@gmsil.com


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Coordination and Communications Officer


[email protected]@gmail.com

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Haiti: Earthquake

MCC Garly MichelMCC Kurt HildebrandMCC Margot De Greef

ROBERT CHERY 0034.54.6426MEDAIR Jean-Marc Bulliard Logistics Tecnial Officer 41 78 904 76 34Medair Haiti Tina YuMedecins Du Monde-Greece Andreas Tohomopoulos Logistic Coordinator +306937-44-0071 [email protected] Du Monde-Greece Theofilos Rosenberg Surgeon +306-937-44-0071 [email protected] Teams International Bill Essig 306-921-6208 [email protected] du Monde France Bridier David Coordinator General 3491-1235 [email protected] Central Committe Alexis Erkert Depp [email protected] Central Committe Alexis ERKERT DEPPMercy Corps Carol Ward [email protected] Corps Carol WardMercy Corps Jenny Vaughan [email protected] Corps Richard Jacquot [email protected] Jacques Alemar Logistics Officer 509-3491-1297 [email protected] Mugar Dumitrache Emergency Response Manager Watsan 3491-2461 [email protected] Sean Collins Logistics and Security [email protected] Jean Raphael Dantin Team Leader +881-6224-24-294 [email protected] Herald Lesley Clark Reporter [email protected] Nigel Snoad IM/Logistics 16469122919 [email protected] International Aid Trust UK Mohammed Aslam 0750-1101-342Ministre `a la Conditions Feminine Marjory MichelMinistre de Travaux Public, Transports et Communications Jacques GabrielMinistry of Foreign Affairs Osner Fevry First Secretary 3900-7979 [email protected] of Health - Jamacia George Sloley +797-3111-603-4293Ministry of Public Health and Population Alex Larsen Minister 2222-2518 [email protected] Antonnella Bernadin Child Protection Officer 3870 4025MINUSTAH Bermardini MINUSTAH Chiara Argenti Public Information Officer 3655-6313MINUSTAH Cinzio AngottiMINUSTAH Daniel Lenotre 37026899MINUSTAH David De Giles +33-688-97-2709 [email protected] Edward Slater U-4 Chief of branch [email protected] Francine McDonald Admin Assistance 3702-6912 [email protected] Harrison GIS Officer 3483-5450 [email protected] Jens Kristensen Sr. Humanitarian Affairs Officer [email protected] Kristiana Powell SR Officer x2123 [email protected] Lisbeth Cullity 3702 4506MINUSTAH Natalie Man [email protected] Natalie BenzakonMINUSTAH Veronika Weidringer Civial Affairs +509-38-51-05-31 [email protected] Youssoupha Niang Chief, Staff Councelling Unit +509-3702-6476 [email protected] Police OIC Ibrahim Moussa ext. 6454MINUSTAH/JMAC Dewael Aline Analyst [email protected] PROTECTION Natalie SAKOURMANMission Director USAID Carleene DeiMission L'espoir du Monde Irene Cleverge President 3502-1526Mission of Hope Haiti Martin Dixon Doctor 317-440-5107 [email protected]

[email protected]@[email protected]

MDRNDR (Ministere de l'Agriculture, ressources naturelles et development rurals) [email protected]

[email protected]

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[email protected]@usaid.gov

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Morning Star ChristianHood Jay Threadgill Founder 3454-7647 [email protected] Lars Johansson +46-70-5602-849 [email protected] Leif Jonsoon [email protected] Magnus Hagelsteen +4670-383-5585 [email protected] Canada Geneviere Gravel Coordinator 3414-4177 [email protected] France Gwenola Francoil Coordinator 3491-8758 [email protected] France Gwneola Francois Coordinator explo 3491 8758MSFB Stefano Zannini Chef de mission 3455-0061 [email protected] Stefano Zannini 3455-0061MSFH Hans Van Dillen Chef de mission 3457-5384 [email protected] Irene Schiess Log Coordinator 3490-2599MSF-Switzerland Ligozat Laurent Emergency Coordinator 3491-1112 [email protected] Alban NouvellonMTPTC Anne Lise Lierville 3702 3151MTPTC OrtiMuslim Hands International Irfan Akram Coordinator +44-7852-972-677 [email protected] Aid Disater Relief Alicia Davies Security Lead 206-434-5462 (sms) [email protected] Aid Disater Relief Chris Gauthier Communications Lead 001-509-947-3692 [email protected] Germany Thomas Geiner DoctorNHK Takagi Masaru Correspondent +1 202 236 4751 [email protected] American Muslim Foundation Farood Khan Executive Director [email protected] Church AID Arrt Manfred Team Leader 509 3491 0393Nos Petits Freres et Soeurs Robin Schwartz 2513-0607NYC Medics Chris Amy DirectorOCHA Auzu Hatakoy 19174785313 [email protected] Catherine Lefebvre GIS Officer [email protected] Cathrine Lefebvre 3106994133OCHA Djafar Baraka 34786151OCHA Douglas Reiner 3491-1461 [email protected] Gerard Gomez 3491-1427 [email protected] Jessie Vital GIS OfficerOCHA John Harding 41794444130OCHA Kemoral jadjombaye 35310000OCHA Loretta Hieber Girardet +41-79-443-2504 [email protected] Max Bonnel 3491-1422OCHA Pete ManfieldOCHA Stephanie Julmy Head of Sub Office +972-54-331-1815 [email protected] Sune GudnitzOCHA/Haiti Djafar Baraka HAO 3478-6151OCHA/Haiti Jessie Vital GIS Officer 3606 2681/ 3401 3055OCHA/Haiti Kemoral Jadjombaye HAO 3488 8277OCHA/Haiti Laura Fultang IMO 3490 0057OCHA/Haiti Ruth Brunache Adm Assistant 3449 4618/ 25124618Office National de l'Aviation Civile Hantz Celestin Senior Air Traffic Controller 3526-1010 [email protected] of MINUSTAH DSRSG/Ops Sebastien Lapierre Lisason +1-917-469-3733 [email protected] angelo jahrlingOIM Draza RocicOIM Madir ChaabarreOIM NunoOIM Stephan

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Riccardo 3702 3400


[email protected]@gmail.com

1829 463 6198/ 8816 3155 6548

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3606-2681 [email protected]@[email protected]

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Omaha Rapid Response Brian Smith Vice President 3437-1489 [email protected] MEHOUNDO FATONOMS SALLY J. EDWARDS 3612 5943 OMS SOPHIE LAROCHEOMS TANIA PATRIOTAONG OIKOS Sandra Lopes Representative +351-936-282-251 [email protected] USA Stefanie Fletcher Nieber R.N. 310 428 2908Order of Malta Jean-Yves Proverbio Journalist +33-676-849-805Organisation Mondiale du Mouvement Scalt Fredericc Amiel Log Protection 3461-5709Oxfam Claude St. Pierre [email protected]. Colombia Julio BohorguezPAHO Dana van Alphen [email protected] Maria Isabel Lopez Gordo Information ManagerPAHO Oliver Kleitz [email protected] ETIENNE LABANDE 37012377PAM Myrta KavlardPAM NATALIE GONZALEZ 37505725PAM PERRONE EDMUNDO 3701 2341 PAM Raoul Balietto [email protected] ROSELINE AZAMAN 34900909Paraguay Government Response Team Fernardo Allo Aceuedo Liason Officer [email protected] Government Response Team Fernardo Allo Aceuedo Liason Officer [email protected] Pascal Wagner 44 7912-135 610People in Need - Czech Rep Marketa Kutiloua Program Manager marketa.kutilova.pinf.czPhilippine Contingent Comman Rant Arman Mampusti 3800-1145 [email protected] Stephanie RosboroughPLAN Haiti Saintel Brice National Advisor [email protected] Diego Antoni [email protected] Pavel Isa-Contreras Economista Asesor +1-809-537-0909 [email protected] Sans Frontiers Steph Mahouin Contact 0672748995Premiere Urgence Alex Giraud Coordination 3491-2608 [email protected] Urgence Stephane Comberiati Log Coordination 3491-2573 [email protected] Minister Jamaica Bruce GoldingPrime Miniter Haiti Jean Max BelleriveProgressio Tim Aldred Advocacy Manager +44-7740-543-047 [email protected] Concern Chris Bessenecker (858)694-0294Project Concern International Bruno Puncon LogisticsProject HOPE Doug Lane Regional HA Manager 540-278-9421Project HOPE Doug Lane Regional HA Manager 540-278-9421Project HOPE Matthew Peterson Program Manager +1-540-467-5524 [email protected] Jim Malster Senior Advisor 3701-6051 [email protected] Pierre Louis 3557-6648 [email protected] Yves Gerard Director of Program 3701-6068 [email protected] Radio (Italy) Barbara Gruden Reporter - foreign desk +39 335 127 4494 [email protected] Jackues Kian Chandrai EstavecRelief Division Ministry of Foreign Affaires , Japan Naoki Mitori 1 829 770 5567Relief International Andrew Johnston [email protected] International Andrew Johnston 44 754 54 02 607Relief International David Harbin Admin/Logistics +1-760-877-4856 [email protected] International Dr Hernando Garzon 916 704 7130

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[email protected] Director Humanitarian Assistance and emergency

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Relief International Tiare Cross Emergency Director [email protected] Emergency Information Service Timothy Large Head +447990560402RIA Novosti (Russia) Artem Tokarev Reporter +7 926 776 1117S/G11 Cecile Mazaleyrat 3800-8772Saddleback Church Don Herr Relief Coordinator +1-310-938-0477 [email protected] d'Haiti Arienthiran Prakash President [email protected]'s Purse David Torres Team Leader +828-406-9650Save JANET BEUBACHERSAVE THE CHILDREN Anne FOSTERSave the Children Charlotta Mockrism Education Advisor [email protected] the Children Ian Rogers Response Adivisor +1-202-640-6724 [email protected] THE CHILDREN Janet BRUBACHERSave the Children Lisa Parrott Livelihood Advisors [email protected] the Children Michelle Brown +44-782-5450-448 [email protected] Volunteer Ministers Michael Covino VM Coordinator 914 643 3020 (US)Secretaire d'Etat pour l'Amerique Latine - Government d'Espagne Juan Pablo De Laiglesia (+)8816 4146 4004Secretariat G11 Cecile Mazaleyrat 3800-8772 [email protected] - Mexico Ana Lucia Hill Mayoral Directora General [email protected] Sasha Kramer 3756-5559 [email protected]é Anne-Sophie Arnoux 00881631451964Solidarités Vianney Prouvost Logistician Haiti emmergency Mission 00881631451963Solidarities Anne-Sophie Arnoux Wash Advisor 3491-4361 [email protected] Marques Burno Country Director 3491-5318 [email protected] Village d'Enfants Darius Celigny Directeur National [email protected] LESPWA Howard Van Dam 2246-1454/ 2510-0712Swiss Humanitarian Aid Franziska Heizmann Security Advisor [email protected] Jean-Claude Cerin Country Representative Haiti 505-370-1415 [email protected] Jeremy Taylor Diaster Management Oficer [email protected] sans frontieres Anthony Lhoro Telecom/ICT SupportTelecoms sans frontieres Benoit Chabrier Telecom/ICT SupportTelecoms sans frontieres Lester Flores Operations/RDCTelecoms sans frontieres Pascal Villeneuve Telecom/ICT SupportTelecoms sans frontieres Sebastien Lannes Telecom/ICT SupportTelecoms sans frontieres Sebastien Latouille Telecom/ICT SupportTelecoms sans frontieres Simon Genin Telecom/ICT SupportTerre Des Hommes (TDH) David Dandres Emergency Cell Desk +88-165-147-082The Detroit News Catherine Jan Journalist +1-313-550-2865 [email protected] Haitian League Israna Germain Vice President 2813-8053 [email protected] Salvation Army Damaris Frick 954 612 6046The Salvation Army Damaris Frick Field Officer 3491-8976 [email protected] Salvation Army Marcos Ramirez Captain EDS 001-690-5839 [email protected] Reuters Foundation Timothy Large [email protected] Assessment Team Thorsten Meyer +870-77-22-33-642 [email protected] Jay Newton-Small Correspondent +1 202 460 0424 [email protected] Global Crisis Response Mark Lewis Director 3847-4950 [email protected] Water and People Ambois COLITO* 32-43-63-56TSR Swiss TV Laurent Burkhalter Reporter [email protected] Sipple ElizabethUNCIEF Robin Nandy Senior Health Adivsor [email protected] Amande Pitt

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]@savethechildren.org [email protected]

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UNDAC Erdem Ergin 3462-8106UNDAC Roberto MendezUNDP BENOIT THIRYUNDP DAIANA CIPOLLONEUNDP DAVID LENOTREUNDP Farah Abdessauad Assistant to Ms Bolduc +1 646 620 1910UNDP Jean Marc Cordaro Early Recovery Focal Point 3649-2472 [email protected] JOSE MEDINA 34562020UNDP OVIDIO IBANEZ-LOPEZUNDP ROLY DAVILAUN-DSS Jose Miguel Sobron Security Coordinator Officer +1-917-365-7908 [email protected] Andrew Morton +881-641-428-442UNEP Andrew Morton [email protected] Andrew Morton [email protected] ANTONIO PERERAUNFPA Michel Brun 3774-4263 [email protected] Tania PatriotaUNHCR Buti Kale Deputy Regional Representative +881-651-466-204 [email protected] Emmanuelle Compingt Protection Officer +8816-514-66-203 [email protected] Arnold Timmer Nutrition ClusterUNICEF Ayda Idora Eke Child ProtectionUNICEF CECILE MODVAR 36761304UNICEF Douglas Ravenstein IM Focal Point [email protected] Glenn Eriksson Information Management +8816-2144-4481 [email protected] Guido Cornal Country Director [email protected] Julia BerganUNICEF JULIE BERGERON 36755343UNICEF JULIE BERGERON 36755343UNICEF JULIEN KOSSI ATCHADE 36761358UNICEF Marie-Claude Desilets Nutrition Cluster [email protected] Nadine PeraultUNICEF Souleymane Sow [email protected] Andree Gilbert [email protected] Celia RomulusUNIFEM Selma VillaUNIFEM Selma VillaUNIFEMUNIFEMUnited Nations Heiner Rosendahl 3702 6525United Nations Children's Fund Julie Bergeron 36755343 [email protected] Nations Children's Fund Julien Kossi Atchade 36761358 [email protected] Nations Disaster Assessment & Coordination Adriano Kuepfer Operations/RDC + 41 79 292 07 03.United Nations Disaster Assessment & Coordination Amanda Pitt IM/Reporting +66 81 374 10 35United Nations Disaster Assessment & Coordination Borja Miguelez Operations/RDC +593 93 992 976United Nations Disaster Assessment & Coordination Erdem Ergan IM -34827591United Nations Disaster Assessment & Coordination Jesper Lund Team Leader +41 79 417 41 66 [email protected] Nations Disaster Assessment & Coordination Kari Kumpulainen Logistic/Team support +88 1651465068United Nations Disaster Assessment & Coordination Karri Nieppo Operations/RDCUnited Nations Disaster Assessment & Coordination Leif Wall Operations/RDCUnited Nations Disaster Assessment & Coordination Marco Antonio Rodriguez Team Leader

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United Nations Disaster Assessment & Coordination Mike Morton Assessment +1 416 557 89 24United Nations Disaster Assessment & Coordination Nihan Erdogan OPC Manager +41 79 477 08 13 [email protected] Nations Disaster Assessment & Coordination Olivier Bruyere Security + 41 79 251 63 25United Nations Disaster Assessment & Coordination Pablo O'Farrill IM/LogisticsUnited Nations Disaster Assessment & Coordination Per HallenborgUnited Nations Disaster Assessment & Coordination Ramiro Galvez Operations/RDC +1 571 481 85 68United Nations Disaster Assessment & Coordination Raul Salazar Admin +51 199 803 42 76United Nations Disaster Assessment & Coordination Roberto Mendez Assessment +59 17 172 14 63United Nations Disaster Assessment & Coordination Rolf Bakken Dep TL/OSOCC Manager +47 47 233 06 4United Nations Disaster Assessment & Coordination Sergio Alvarez Operations/RDC -9945523United Nations Disaster Assessment & Coordination Sergio Solis LogisticsUnited Nations Disaster Assessment & Coordination Tatiana Garakani IM +1 514 561 10 06United Nations Disaster Assessment & Coordination Ugo Blanco Operations/RDCUnited Nations Disaster Assessment & Coordination Vegar Skildheim UNDAC ICT +47 404 365 68 [email protected] Nations Disaster Assessment & Coordination Vegard Skildheim Operations/RDCUnited Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Andrei Verity GIS [email protected] Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Max Bonnel Cluster Coordination 50766761683United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Nicholas Reader OCHA Spokesperson 16467523117 [email protected] Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs OPC OPC [email protected] Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Operations Centre Airport 870764130944 [email protected] Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Operations Centre Rdc Operations/RDC 17036534350 [email protected] Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs OSOCC OSOCC [email protected] Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Pete Mansfield Humanitarian Affairs Officer 27829081434 [email protected] Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs RDC RDC +8816 5145 1761 [email protected] Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti Ibrahim Moussa ext. 6454United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti Lisbeth Cullity 3702 4506 [email protected] Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti Natalie Sakourman [email protected] States Agency for International Development Joe Kratochvil OSOCC SupportUnited States Agency for International Development Kevin Edwards OSOCC SupportUnited States Agency for International Development Rick Schmidt OSOCC SupportUNOPS Felipe Munevar felipem@unops; [email protected] JUDY DACRUZUNOPS Manoel Noronha 3702 3554UNOPS MANOEL NORONHAUNOPS NUNO NUNESUNOPS VINCENT HOUVERTUS Army Valente Perry 202 216 6260 8741US Army Valente Perry Civil Affairs [email protected] Army JTF Haiti Humanitarian Assistance Team J.T. Stevens Battalion Commander 881-676-325270US Department of Health David Adams GIS Officer [email protected] EMBASSEY HAITI MARINE POST #1 2 229 8122US Southern Command Maria MarteUSA Red CrossUSA Today Marisol Bello Reporter [email protected] Alexandra Ribeul 3701-3540 [email protected] Florence Caret 3458-4491 [email protected] Florence Cadet FSHA 3458-4491 [email protected] Florence Cadet 3458-4491USAID Frank Santoro Engineer Integration +8816-325-30-600 [email protected] James Fleming OFDA Operations Chief 202-712-4098 (o)

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USAID Joe Schroedel Engineer Integration +8816-3252-0603 [email protected] KatheleenUSAID Marie Florence Cadet 3458-4491 [email protected] Mia Beers UN/NGO Coordination 1 571 332 7952USAID Monica Carlson Program Development Officer 3701-3543 [email protected] Morisscan GIS Officer 3701-6660 [email protected] Ricardo Herrera Field Officer 1571 594 6229USAID Steve Catlin RMT Response ManagerUSAID DART Team Dewey Perks DART – OPS LEADER 881651450102USAID DART Team Jose Beitia DART 881651447035USAID DART Team Kerri Burke DART 881651447026USAID DART Team Kylie Holmes DART 881651450108USAID DART Team Micaela White DART – LOGS 881631581012USAID DART Team Rebecca Gustafson DART – INFO OFFICER 881651450110USAID DART Team Sarah Potts DART 881651447036USAID DART Team Shawn Bardwell DART – RSO 881621463265USAID DART Team Tim Callighan DART Leader 881631015022USAID/HAITI Alexandra L. Riboul (509) 3701-3008USAID/HAITI Regina Dennis (509)3701-3540USAID/OFDA Julie Leonard 4479015537420Wall Street Journal Charles Forelle Reporter +32 473 957 732 [email protected] Street Journal Phillips Michael Reporter [email protected] Post Manuel Roig-Franzia Staff Writer [email protected] Post Mary Beth Sheridan Diplomatic Correspondent +1 202 309 3426 [email protected] WFP Alan JoffreWFP Andrew Stanhope [email protected] Anne Claire MoulliezWFP Babpiste Burgaud [email protected] Monise BarrosoWFP Monte BarrosoWFP Base Camp Ase Lunde Security Coordinator [email protected] Base Camp Radio Room +8707-7224-6529 [email protected]/PAM Benoit THIRY Deputy Country Director +881631WFP/PAM Myrta Kaulard Represenatative +881641439690WFP/PAM Radio Room +881641439590WHO Isabel Lopez GIS Officer [email protected] Aid Relief Org Liz Rooney Producers +949-500-9049 [email protected] Bank Ross Gartley Operations Officer 3701-1316World Concern Christian Domand [email protected] Concern Christon Domond Country Director [email protected] Concern Merry Fitzpatrick Emergency DirectoryWorld Concern Peter Nuttal Emergency CoordinatorWorld Relief Stephan Bauman +1-410-971-8068 [email protected] Relief Warren Wright [email protected] Relief Warren Wright Disaster Response Programme Manager 3485-9268 [email protected] Vision Elvire Douglas 3448-4158World Vision Jean-Claude Mukodi +1-626-353-8467World Vision Jean-Claude Mukodi +1-626-353-8467World Vision Jean-Claude Mukodi +1-626-353-8467World Vision Lionel Isaac Isaac 3701-5320/3913-5135

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Haiti: Earthquake

World Vision Paul Thomas 3435-6210World Vision Urs Bernard Program Officer +41-44-510-15-72 [email protected] Wide Moustafa Osman 00447720150087Zakat Foundation of America Lavarice Guadin Gaudin Program Coordinator [email protected] and Sharing Mission John Hearn President 3454-3083 [email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

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Child Protection UNICEF Julie BERGERON 3675 5343 Early Recovery UNDP Marc-Andre Franche +881 651 438 503Education UNICEF Andrea Berther +1-809-604-7795Emergency Telecommunication

Environment UNEP Antonio Perera +509 349 032 50

Food Aid PAM Raoul Balletto 50766770614

Health PSHO Dana van Alphen

Information Management OCHA Andrew AlspachLogistics PAM Andrew STANHOPE 50378615152

Nutrition UNICEF Arnold Timmer 212-326-7234Protection Lizbeth Cullity +41229289530Shelter&NFI OIM Nuno NUNES 3701 6065

WASH UNICEF Souleymane Sow 33611854876

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+971 50 507 11353656-7278

+507 6677 6401881621436689

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Saturday, April 8, 2023OSOCC – MINUSTAH BASE +870 772 230 558


ACAPS Yves-Kim Creach Asssesment Expert +41-79-235-8093

EU CPT Sofia Albrechtsson IM/EU Liaison 3491-1416

EU CPT Terry Webb AssessmentEU CPT (TL) David Fabi IM/GoH Liaison

Map Action Emerson Tan GIS SupportMicrosoft Nigel Snoad IM/Logistics 16469122919 +509 349111415 15-Jan

OCHA Andrej Verity IM +41-77-444-5046 [email protected] Andrew Alspach OCHA Senior IMO +41-79-444-0042 [email protected]

OCHA Arzu Hatakoy Reports Officer +1-917-478-5313 +8816-2142-0017 [email protected]

OCHA Liason - SRSG +41-79-449-6285

OCHA Catherine Lefebrve GIS [email protected]

OCHA Douglas Reiner HoO +507-667-61689 3491-1461 [email protected] Gerard Gomez Deputy to HC +507-667-61682 3491-1427 [email protected]

OCHA Griffen Sthilair Administration +41-79-500-0016 sainthilarieun.org

OCHA Max Bonnel 50766761683 34911422 PO 1.2

OCHA Nicholas Reader 16467523117 [email protected]

OCHA Pete Mansfield HAO +27829081434

OCHA Sune H. Guchitz +1-646-713-4484 [email protected]

TSF Anthony Lhoro 3490-5856

TSF Benoit Chabrier 3491-1389

Haiti: Earthquake

[email protected]

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Carolina de Borbon Parma

[email protected]

Cluster Coordination


OCHA Spokesperson

[email protected]

Cluster Coordination

Telecom/ICT Support

Telecom/ICT Support

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Saturday, April 8, 2023OSOCC – MINUSTAH BASE +870 772 230 558


Haiti: Earthquake

[email protected]

TSF Pascal Villeneuve

TSF Sebastien Lannes 34911403

TSF Sebastien Latouille

TSF (TL) Simon Genin

UNDAC Amanda Pitt IM/Reporting +1-917-442-1810 3491-1415UNDAC Erdem Ergin Liaison - GoH +509-3462-8100 UNDAC Jesper H. Lund Team Leader +41 79 417 41 66 [email protected] Mike Morton Assessment +1 416 557 89 24 3491-1422UNDAC Olivier Bruyere Security + 41 79 251 63 25 3491-1423UNDAC Pablo O' Farrill IM/Logistics PO 1.3UNDAC Raul Salazar Admin +51 199 803 42 76 881641468913 PO 1.3?

UNDAC Roberto Mendez Assessment +59 17 172 14 63 UNDAC Rolf M. Bakken +47 47 233 06 4 34911445 PO 1

UNDAC Sergio Solis 34095899 PO 1.5

UNDAC Tatiana Garakani IM +870-772-380251

UNDAC Support Per Hallenborg ICT Support PO 8UNDAC-Support Kari Kumpulainen +358-44-554-7285 +88 1651465068

US DART Joe Kratochvil OSOCC SupportUS DART Kevin Edwards OSOCC SupportUS DART Rick Schmidt OSOCC Support

Yolene 35502999Renou 34904050Bouchard 37026491

iMMAP Chuck Conley IM/GIS 17038197610

Telecom/ICT Support

Telecom/ICT Support

Telecom/ICT Support

Telecom/ICT Support

[email protected]@gmail.com

Dep TL/OSOCC Manager

Logistics/Minustah EIOC Liaison

[email protected]

Logistic/Team support

[email protected]

[email protected]

Page 39: Haiti: Earthquake

Saturday, April 8, 2023OSOCC – MINUSTAH BASE +870 772 230 558


Haiti: Earthquake

[email protected]

OPERATIONS CENTRE – Airport +8816 51451761 +870764130944


EU CPT Arthur Weber Operations/RDC

EU CPT Gerd Teder Operations/RDC

Map Action Hamish Pritchard Operations/RDC

Map Action Naomi Morris Operations/RDC

Map Action (TL) Emeste Ceste Operations/RDC

TSF Lester Flores Operations/RDC

UNDAC Adriano Kuepfer Operations/RDC + 41 79 292 07 03. +881631536923

UNDAC Borja Miguelez Operations/RDC +593 93 992 976

UNDAC Nihan Erdogan OPC Manager +41 79 477 08 13 34906730 PO 1.1UNDAC Ramiro Galvez Operations/RDC +1 571 481 85 68 34911407 PO 1.4

UNDAC Support Karri Nieppo Operations/RDC +881651414120 PO 8.2

UNDAC Support Leif Wall Operations/RDC PO 8.1

UNDAC Support Operations/RDC

UNDAC TEAM, Dominican Republic +1 829 521 3321 [email protected]


[email protected]

Vegard Skildheim (Dem Rep)

UN House: Ava. Anacaona 9.

Marco Antonio Rodriguez

Page 40: Haiti: Earthquake

Saturday, April 8, 2023OSOCC – MINUSTAH BASE +870 772 230 558


Haiti: Earthquake

[email protected]

UNDAC Sergio Alvarez +1-829-9944695UNDAC Ugo BlancoUNDAC Support Vegard Skildheim +1 809 604 6148 [email protected]

Page 41: Haiti: Earthquake



Page 42: Haiti: Earthquake

Saturday, April 8, 2023INFORMATION FOCAL POINTSCLUSTER AGENCY NAME TITLE PHONE- ACAPS Yves-Kim Cristerk +41-79-235-8093- ACTED Jodelle Teshome +509 37012054- Care Intl Hauke Hoops- CDC Carl Kindade +1-404-702-9311- HSS Harry Mayer- MapAction Emese +44-781-3100-983- MapAction Emese Csete- MapAction Lynne Kirkham- Miami Med Tom Shane- Minustah Harrisson +50934835450 ext 6402- Minustah Omar Alodat +50938267702- OCHA Jessie Vital +50934013055- OCHA Pete Manfield- David Adams- US Embassy USAID Joseph Toland +1202792484- USAID Morisscan 3701-6660- USAID Stephane Morisseau- WFP Esther Russell

WHO Olivia Lewis- World Vision Urs Bernhard- Alexis Depp- Ernest Richards- Olivier DecottigniesEarly Recovery UNDP Maria CivitECT WFP FITTEST Dane Novarlic Emergency Response OfficerHealth CDC Carter Stone Regional emergency Coordinator +502 2329 8411Health WHO Isabel LopezIM Network OCHA Andrej Verity IMO +41-79-444-5046IM Network OCHA Andrew Alspach IMO +41-47-444-0042IM Network OCHA Catherine Lefebvre IMO - GISLogistics WFP Esther RussellNutrition UNICEF Douglas RavensteinShelter ACF Pierre Tripon 3491-0553Shelter IOM A Gutierrz IM Focal PointWASH OXFAMWASH UNICEF Glenn Eriksoon

DHA/FEMA Lacey Croco -

Haiti: Earthquake

US Department of Health

509-2229-8273; 509-2229-6273


Page 43: Haiti: Earthquake

Saturday, April 8, 2023INFORMATION FOCAL POINTSCLUSTER AGENCY NAME TITLE PHONE- ACAPS Yves-Kim Cristerk +41-79-235-8093- ACTED Jodelle Teshome +509 37012054- Care Intl Hauke Hoops

Haiti: Earthquake

DHA/FEMA Dg SessnerJiHACC Matt Lewis USEMB 216-6260 ext 6359Salvation Army Marcos Ramirez COEDS 312-690-5839

One Response OCHA Delphine Pastorel IMO

Page 46: Haiti: Earthquake

Type Sectors BeneficiariesCommercial Agriculture Children

Donor Camps Disabled

Embassy Coordination General

Government Education Host-Communities


IO Health Institutions

Military Information Mothers

LNGO Nutrition Poor

Research Logistics Refugees

UN Protection Returnees

Recovery Vulnerable

Shelter Women
