gant pic 1968

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  • 8/3/2019 Gant pic 1968


    PAGE TWENTY-SIX TH E L I M A NEWS, L I M A . OHIO W EDNESDA Y. NO VEMB ER 20, 1968Dick Can Change It AllCountry's SpiritMirrored In Ties?

    NE W YORK (AP) - If aman's tic is an accurate mir-ror of the spirit of the coun-try, as a Tie Foundationhistorian has enthusiasticallydeclared, then what wil]flower under the male chins ojthe nation during the RichardM . Nixon administration?Will fist-sized knots bulge althe throat an d wide, brighlf lags flutter over their fronts?Will silken scarves cover thehairy chests of men in un-buttoned satin shirts?

    DemosMeetingAllen County W o m e nDem ocratic C lub will hearVern W o l f e , Wapakoneta,chai rman of Auglaize Coun-ty's Democratic Central Com-mittee, speak at 8p.m.Thursday at headquarters, 116E . High.Meeting, which previouslywa s scheduled fo r next Thurs-d a y , wa s changed to this datedue to the holiday.

    W o n d e r f u lon Spaghetti

    "Amtrleo'j Tastiejt"

    Will the Apache scarf andthe hippie beads, be driveniback a pace or two byresurgence of the pin-stripedsuit, button - down shirt an dchevron-striped tie crowd?No one in the menswearfield is willing to stick out hiswell-wrapped neck to answerthese questions, except to saythat if happy tunes are aheadthe current trend towardsuninhibited neckwear will undoubtedly continue.If the days prove to begloomy, then men will surelyshroud their necks in appropriate dullness.Before America was a freenation, claims the anonymousfashion social h i s t o r i a nneckwear was dark, coarseDelta TausPlan Dinner

    Christmas dinner for DeltcTa u Sorority will be at 7 p.mD e c . 12 in Empire SteakHouse with a gift exchangeand meeting followingin the home of Mrs.N eaCrawford, 1948 Burch Ave.Members met Thursdaywith Mrs. Robert Miller, 1658Jo Jean Rd., and pinochlewinners were Mrs.RobertReese, high score; Mrs.Wilbur Brfflhart, low. Mrs.William Shockey wa s awardedthe travel and sorority prizes.


    Sturdy* enameled . ..M A S T I N G P A K S

    Complete wth cover. Bmft-fntree well for rich gravy. Holds4 pound fowl or 7 pound roast.15 Ib. F o w l Size 183

    P A F E I S E I T I I J S!arty or the events of history.Perhaps by now the in-dividuality of man is such thathe can dictate his own tastesan d the industrv will l isten.

    Sorority SociaPledge Service

    A c an dle li gh t c e r e m o n yhighlighted Beta Sigma PhiSorority's fall pledge ritualSunday afternoon in Chilesand Sons-Laman F u n e r a lHome's Heritage R o o mService carried out the themeof the year, "Reach For theStars."Members from all eightchapters participated.New pledges are Phi DeltaPi : Misses Beth Ray and

    Jo e Martarello,Hansaker : Xi

    ' J O A N N E 'Seariee lo r 8...B iHyf^ll lSI l t O F Tm SET

    47Pe.SetPorcelain ware import s induce8 each dinner andsaladplates,soups, saucers. 10 cups, 2-pc.sugar,creamer, serving dish.

    M I X E D N U T ?

    If I3-z. fmn /.*.SUTEI I IHEINTS

    moods, Brazil*, cashews, ffl-berts or pecans ...vacuumpacked wth tagy sab added!* L I M A M A L L NORTHLAND

    T8DI N O N E T S W O K T K I d f t E A T


    Le Joseph Presents(Nov. 24 & 25 Only)

    Pledges received pins an dyellow and pink roses, theflower o f the sorority, and willtake a training course ofsorority history and tradi-tions. They will receive theirfinal pins in April at the Foun-der's Day ceremony.Mrs . Frank Miller o f jPerceptorchairman,f o l l o w i n g v i c e presidents:Renee Carman;Upsilon: Mrs.Wellbaum, Mrs.

    E p s i l o nW i l l i a mMi c h a e lGibbs, Mrs. Larry Deitz, Mrs.Steven Yancy;Mrs. Richard Delta Alpha;Sperry, Mrs.Mrs. JohnG a m m aOmega; Mrs. H. J. Loftis Jr.;Kappa L a m b d a : Mrs.Charles Dunbar, Mrs. JamesWright; Ta u: Mrs. RonaldCulp, Mrs. Ross Hunt, Mrs.Frank Bosch Jr.,Mrs. DonaldKlan.Ritual wa s conducted byMrs. W . Keith Vanaman, BetaSigma Phi City Council presi-dent, assisted by Mrs. W elseyWarwick of Xi G a m m aO m e g a Chapter. W e Fourquar tet of the Sweet Adelinespresented a medley of songs.

    M r s . Daniel Myers, DeltaA lpha; Mrs. Larry Smith,Epsilon U p s i l o n ; Mrs.Richard La Posta, KappaLambda; Mrs. Carl Hooks, XiG a m m aRoseland O m e g aWhite,Tau; Mrs.Mrs.N u Chapterassisted by wa sthe

    Dennis Vandemark, Xi Beta;Miss Carol McLoughlin, Ph iDelta Pi, and Mrs.R. P.Workman, sorority city coun-cil.

    Pot Plans VisitLuci Johnson Nugent,wh o will meet her hus-band P a t t o d a y i nHawaii on his five-dayrespite from service inVietnam, has describedfor reporters how shemanages to communicate

    to Pat her day-to-day lifeback home while he is atwar.T h e P r e s i d e n t ' sdaughter keeps a diary ofslides, snapshots a n daudio tapes "to keep himin formed. as if he werehere."

    Nugent , serving withthe Air Force in Vietnam,occasionally sends Luci asnapshot she said, but "hehas better things to dowith his t ime." O ne pic-ture is of Pat with herbrother-in-law. M a r i n eCorps Major Chuck Robb.Luci told newsmen shesends her husband chap-ters of this film an d tapediary about three times aweek, so he'll have a feel-ing of "my life from thetime I wake up 'til thetime I go to bed."


    B Y H O P E S T R O N G

    "Taken as a whole, m en will only devote their en-thusiasm, their time and their energy to matters in whichtheir passions have a personal interest. But theirpersonal interests, however powerful they may be, wi llnever carry them very far or very high unless they canbe made to seem noble and legitimate in their ow n eyesby being allied to some great cause in which the wholehuman race can join." Tocq ueville.Opens Friday

    Encore's Gant FamilyIf the accompanying photolooks like a daguerreo type,that 's because it'ssupposedto. Leads in Encore Theat re 'scoming "Look H o m e w a r dAngel" by Ketti Frings areseen.SeatedWilliamLaughlin asGant , with

    ar e (from left)Farley. G a y 1 eM r.their and Mrs.daughter,Dortrayed by Sylvia Elliott.Sons (s tanding from leftl ar eB l a z e r , DougFerguson, Ronald Murray an d

    for a two-set production whichcan be changed by stagehandsin 10 seconds from a full-sizeboarding house with bothinterior and exterior views toa stone carver's showroomwhich fe ature s a 'life-sizestatue of an angel.Designed .by John Hower,who's also in the play, thestage will have four p lat fo rmlevels for different areas,che d.By focusingaction can be t h eswit-

    Denny Roush. Incidentally, at one pointThe play premiers fo r i0!near the end of the p lay, it is

    tained at the box office.Director Bob Fronterhouse:I is excited aboutwhich is set the

    gstage j Mr. Fronte rhouse also pro-s set on a 30-foot! mises one of the most unique|revolving platform to providecurtain calls ever.

    Gift For Kevin

    Special Sale on Manufacturer's Close-Out!Save on FamousWestclox ClocksQualityClocks for Every Room...Savings up to 50%

    x /Miss June Grindahl

    Fashion Tress\Vi g Stylist


    Step out of the showeron d into o beaut i fulcoi f fu re .Fashion Tress Wigs oremode better to fi t bet-ter.You're always perfect-ly groomed in a Fash-ion Tress Wi g .Men"* Tftiiper* Fitted

    By AppointmentMoustaches

    LE JOSEPHCoiffuresand Gifts886 Shawnre Road







    OPEN MON. THRU SAT. 10 a.m. 'til 9 p.m. LIMA MALL

    Kevin Nartker And ClownKevin Nartker . 8-year-old; O f f i c e employes Dick Shawson of Mr. and Mrs. T>. J. and Mary Ster l ing made aNartker . a pat ient fo r some clown as tall as the youngster,' t ime in St . Rita's Hospital. iand along with other hospital;was given a special surprise! employes filled the fellow witb|the other day. j a i l varieties of toys.

    Here And There| Mr. and M rs. Gerald Snell- went around to gather at Ik l ing are parents of a second\Borgelt 's on a certain nightson born Nov.Jl in Junction ;And overim camc

    with tw omilitary police. j l ruckloads of food a n dMrs. S nelling is the former r e f r e s h m e n t s , and IkeJoyce Gateway, daughter Ofirdcred two more tnrckloadsTo m and Mary "J a nej at lhe Si?M of sucha crowd.Gallaway. Ottawa. Their ad-'6 1SW was a tribute todress is Hillcrest. Apt. D^ wna* Ik Borgelt meant to thJunction City. Kans.. 66442. P*>Pte of Ottawa. In Ike'scharacteristic spirit, he grum-Rev. Wilbur Goist in his!Wed w5lh inrer delight thatcurrent; issue o f Trinity United^6 Partv c051 nim "is wnlMethodist Church's Chimes i wheat crop."writes of the late Ike Borgelt. jOttawa, father of Joann