arpedac - march 2013- newsletter.pdf

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  • 7/29/2019 ARPEDAC - March 2013- Newsletter.pdf


    Je suis trs heureux d'annoncer la

    publication en Mars 2013 prochain

    du premier numro du Bulletin

    Bilingue de lARPEDAC (voir

    exemplaire en photo). Le bulletin

    sera publi sur une base

    trimestrielle fournir des

    informations et opportunits, y

    compris les activits de travail de

    nos membres, les dernires

    nouvelles sur les technologies

    durables, des projets de recherche

    / dveloppement et de

    dmonstration, de financement /

    des opportunits de collaboration

    et demploi, et des vnements

    (par exemple, confrences /

    sminaires / ateliers/formations).

    En tant qu'organisation but

    non lucratif, ARPEDAC joue un

    rle important dans la

    consolidation de partenariats

    concrets entre l'organisation

    universitaire, gouvernemental et

    industriel et de promouvoir les

    technologies durables dans

    lAfrique Central.

    Je tiens inviter les membres

    de lARPEDAC et d'autres

    organisations contribuer aux

    bulletins d'information par

    l'envoi d'informations (250 -

    300 mots et une photo) sur

    leurs activits et des articles

    relatifs aux derniers

    dveloppements dans

    technologies durables. Env

    vos articles a notre mail prin

    [email protected] ou

    volontaire responsable

    publication de notre bu

    lIngnieur Yannick Joel Kam


    [email protected]

    Je tiens galement accueil

    commentaires que vous po

    avoir propos de notre Bullet

    Je vous souhaite un


    Dr Blaise Mempouo

    A.R.E.D (African RenewableEnergy Distributor) offers

    renewable energy solutions at a

    micro and macro level. Our first

    product is called MCCK (Mobile

    Cell Phones Charging Kiosk); it

    allows people on the go toquickly charge their cell

    phones. A.R.E.D goals are tohave a social, environmental

    and economic impact. I design

    the business as a micro-

    franchisee business model to

    be able to create micro

    entrepreneur since

    unemployment is a big problem

    in Africa, we working with the

    youth council and women

    association to recruit, train

    potential micro Franchisees,

    then we issues them a unit that

    they lease on a monthly basis so

    they can earn a leaving and

    become sustainable. MCCK has2 solar power 20 watts each, an

    alternator to allow manualcharges and a small battery to

    store energy for potential night

    usage. We offer advertisement

    space on the device. The

    device can be connected to a

    bicycle so that each micro

    franchisee can go where the

    customers are and at night take

    it at his home.

    We are currently bas

    Rwanda and we pla

    expand in other countr

    Africa, our ultimate goa

    open and assembly l

    Rwanda so we can c

    product quality and p

    design can be changed

    faster. The future of A.

    is to continue to desigengineer new technolog

    can solve energy probl

    Africa and our next proje

    be on a macro level by

    CSP technology with


    Henri Nyaka

    obile Cell Phones Charging

    ARPEDAC-Bulletin V o l u m e 1 , N u m r o 1 , M a r s 2 0 1 3

    Publi par lAssociation pour la Recherche et la Promotion de lEnergie Durable en Afrique Centrale (ARPEDAC)

    Inspirer - Informer faciliter / Inspiring Informing Enabling

    Angola - Burundi - Cameroon - Central African Republic - Chad - Congo Brazzaville - Congo (R.D.) - Gabon - Guinea Equatorial - Rwanda -Sao Tom and Principe

    Bulletin Bilingue dARPEDAC Publier en Francais et Anglais / Bilingual Bulletin of ARPEDAC Publish in French and English

    Allocution de Bienvenue du Prsident de lARPEDAC


    est news

    search and development projects

    nding/collaboration opportunities

    monstration projects



    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/29/2019 ARPEDAC - March 2013- Newsletter.pdf


    ARPEDAC-Bulletin Volume 1, Numro 1, Mars 2013

    page 2

    omass Briquetting is the process o

    nverting low bulk density biomasso high density and energy

    ncentrated fuel briquettes. Biomass

    iquetting plants are of various sizes

    hich converts biomass into solid

    els. Briquettes are ready substitute of

    oal/wood in industrial boiler and brick

    n for thermal application. Biomass

    iquettes are Non-conventional

    ource of energy, Renewable in

    ture, Eco friendly, nonpolluting and

    onomical. Process of converting

    omass to solid fuel is also non-lluting.

    Latest news

    SUNBEAM 2030 is a legally registeredKenyan company with the focus of

    improving livelihoods of the unprivileged in

    the society though improved energy,

    health and other services. We have so far

    been able to reach most of the local

    market with our carbonized briquettes that

    are gradually replacing wood charcoal and

    firewood as cooking fuel. In phase one,

    which is partly in progress but still limited

    due to financial constraints, we are making

    biomass briquettes for use as cooking

    fuel. We begun by making small rolls

    using our hands as machines, soil,

    charcoal dust and cow dung as a binder.

    We have improved on this and now we

    have a small plant, locally fabricated with

    a production of about 2,000 kg a day. In

    addition, we have set up 37 small biomass

    briquette processing plants across the

    region which currently supplies over 1000

    households with clean, efficient, affordable

    charcoal for cooking in place of the smoky,

    expensive and non reliable wood charcoal

    while reducing deforestation. We normally

    make both carbonized and non carbonized

    briquettes depending on demand.

    We are thus looking for partn

    especially for our second phase wh

    we intent to involve the Gas

    Experimental Kits which will use

    briquettes as feed stock to prod

    electrical power that we can use

    produce briquettes in the most rem

    areas that are not supplied by the g

    We also intent to expand our produc

    to about 2.5 tons per hour outpu

    order to meet the growing demand

    charcoal in the region. In gene

    Briquettes business is quite profitasince the production costs are quite

    and the raw materials are rea

    available compared to charcoal burn


    Danson Ligare, Executive

    Director, Sunbeam 2030, Keny


    Energy Optimizers Limited is the maker of thePlogg, a plug in unit that meters electricity

    consumption at the point of use, the mains

    socket. In addition the Plogg acts as a load

    controller, by switching off a connected

    appliance either in response to an external

    command or by activation of the inbuilt timers,

    and as a data logger, recording the electrical

    performance of the appliance over time. The

    Plogg contains embedded wireless

    communications with the option of either

    ZigBee or Bluetooth protocols and was

    launched in version 2.0 in the spring of

    2008. An R&D programme is currently

    underway to enhance the role of the Plogg

    device as an integral part of a domestic

    and commercial Demand Response

    System (Plogg DRS) with othe

    programmes due to start later in 2009.

    The project is led by the MFKK Invention

    and Research Center Services Ltd., inHungary, a private research company

    expert in research and development tha

    has been recently involved in 15

    European Union funded R&D projects as

    participant and coordinator. Expected

    start date is late 2009.

    For further information contact:



    Demand Response in Micro Gridswith Plo and Zi Bee SE Profile

  • 7/29/2019 ARPEDAC - March 2013- Newsletter.pdf


    ARPEDAC-Bulletin Volume 1, Numro 1, Mars 2013

    Prix 2013 de la fondation POWEO

    5 appel candidatures pour le Prix de la fondation POWEO : ce Prix rcompense des petits oprateurs privs

    dAfrique sub-saharienne dont les actions favorisent laccs des plus pauvres lnergie. Il comprend 3

    catgories, dont une catgorie Femmes et une catgorie Migrants. Le rglement et le dossier de candidature sontoints. Lchance pour la remise des dossiers est fixe au 2 avril 2013.

    Lien hypertexte (Rfrence, sites visiter) :

    unding/collaboration opportunities

    Demonstration projects

    ZedFactory Ltd will demonstrate ZeroCarbon Houses at UNNC Campus. The

    design is based on the following:

    Design statement : Our design approach is todemonstrate that high quality urban design and

    well informed architecture can be environmentally

    driven, economically viable, as well as offering a

    better quality of life. The housing design aims to

    develop affordable housing into Chinese

    government policy system. According to current

    national housing policy, 70% of all

    housing is regulated to be affordable

    housing smaller than 90 square meter.

    Low-energy design : The Zero (fossil)Energy Development (ZED) standards

    that are used to produce our

    environmental designs, reduce energy

    consumption and energy loss, to a point

    where the energy load can be met by

    renewable energy sources.

    ZED standards have been researched

    and developed over many years and

    tested through numerous building


    For further information


    Zero Energy Housing Ningbo

    Zero Carbon Houses, University ofNottingham Ningbo China (UNNC).

    Creative Energy HomesThe six Creative Energy Homes will allow testing

    and demonstration of a range of new construction

    methods and energy systems. The houses are

    being constructed in collaboration between the

    School of the Built Environment and Stoneguard

    Ltd; Roger Bullivant, BASF, E.ON and Tarmac.

    Each home is unique and has been designed by

    leading architects in collaboration with the

    60% by 2050): This house has been

    constructed on site using a light wei

    steel frame.

    E.ON 1930s House: This hom

    designed to replicate a 1930s house

    house will allow for incrementa

    change modifications (in term

    insulation, glazing and energy sys

    between Level 1 to Level 6


    BASF House: This is a solar p

    house designed to maximize the u

    solar energy and use of a phase cmaterial (Smart Boards) to en

    thermal mass and reduce overheat


    Roger Bullivant House: This is

    House (i.e., maximum budget of 6

    to build the house), which is ma

    light-weight concrete panels. The

    incorporates unique geothermal

    pumps/thermal energy storage.

    Tarmac Houses: These form a psemi-detached houses (Codes: Le

    and Level 4) which are designed f

    social/affordable market. The h

    uses innovative materials that a

    biological and recycled origin (h

    constructed using zero Portland cem

    For further information please

    School of the Built Environment.

    Stoneguard C60 House: The C60

    house reduces carbon emissions by

    60% (to meet the UK Governments

    goal to reducing CO2 emissions by
  • 7/29/2019 ARPEDAC - March 2013- Newsletter.pdf


    ARPEDAC-Bulletin Volume 1, Numro 1, Mars 2013

    Important for the repudiation of ARPEDAC: Neither the ARPEDAC, nor any person acting on its behalf: i)assumes any responsibility with respect t

    use of information of, or damages resulting on the information on this ARPEDAC-Bulletin; ii) gives any warranty or representation, express or impli

    with res ect to the accurac o the in ormation, o inion or statement contained here.

    Congrs International sur la Scurit nergtique-Oran, 17 au 20 juin 2013

    Confrences et exposition pour les professionnels des

    secteurs : Ptrole et gaz, Energie renouvelable,changement climatique, nergie nuclaire, lectricit etes mines.

    Pour en savoir plus

    ecommended EventsJourne "Energie et cuisson : quelles solutions ples mnages et les artisans en Afrique et ailleurs ?

    En prsence des trois laurats de son Prix 2012, la Fonda

    POWEO organise une Journe dchanges sur le thme "Enepour la cuisson : quelles solutions pour les mnages e

    artisans en Afrique et ailleurs ?" la Cit Univers

    Internationale de Paris. Pour en savoir plus

    ARPEDAC is a non-profit association involved inresearch and promotion of services andtechnologies related to energy efficiency andrenewable energy in the Economic Community ofCentral Africa. ARPEDAC mission is to improve

    the quality of life of low income people throughenergy efficiency renewable energytechnologies, and through the use of sustainable,safe and affordable energy small scale off-gridelectricity technologies supply and services.

    ARPEDAC is also seeking to play the leadingroles in consolidating practical partnership inCentral Africa Sub-region between civil society,academe, government and industry to bringabout sustainable future and develop effectivesustainable clean solutions.

    Further information about the Association is

    given at or our

    Also visit our activities on Facebook:

    With appropriate researches, technologies,policies and strategies in place, we believe that,together, we can bring real and lasting change tothe lives of the millions of people throughout

    Africa including Central Africa Sub-region.

    Let's not waste this unique opportunity.

    We look forward to hearing from you and youradvice on the ways forward to make this projecta reality.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.


    Sponsor a Student

    Thank you for supporting African students attendi

    Master in sustainable energy technologies and relsubjects at the Department of Architecture and the

    Environment, University of Nottingham, UK. In orde

    improve access to training and build local capacity

    response to energy emergencies in Africa, we are

    offering the ARPEDAC Africa Scholarship (AAS)

    are particularly keen to promote local participa

    Your donation will make a difference! For details pl

    E-MAIL [email protected]

    Our Sponsors


    FCFA 20,000


    FCFA 20,00


    FCFA 40,000


    FCFA 35,000


    ARPEDAC - MAIRIE YAOUNDE 2[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://