y c^jl *|» 'vocation moritfi'...

I 1 -* i^ilU &$***•*** ^ 4^\ *f % t - -&• jgg** > y"*ftr« > %fr < " *,£ -> J - 5? i'> *^^j'3s*?sa •> * « rJV* 1 ^ 5 «H«S*- "Wo*" 3 *% - ISLV:,^ *u h , ^^W!P*'F^as#W^pW'Wf^^a * W ''Wrja ?affW|pWe'M|W(Pwa 4^™f^^^^a^W"j^^Ha flMH!^^ipi^^WW^WHp* ^- ^P"^^WP?aa^a Ja ^P^^R W^r^&MIF Radio Talks by Missioners C^JL *|» 'Vocation Moritfi' rakHo tiBts by mi<&f"o« experts will be h^ard during 1 iean&y oi ftodMer announced ^ ft 1 ^- ? "^ \ ' *~ '•'fvx*' *? o « ° IXWTENRWK^ATIONB Aak y - ff* iJ,< css> .. „. e ._,.. T ...- r - .fwysei-v *iitf^ their}^n*,* , ^ _ .• - r i- t( .... v.•- .»._,->,.,„,«Wv«^ ,1-n *.%S»WiW l « a w ? Navy || '"""" a * i T*'"^"~[1i Tiiiliiliii, |. ..^uu KiJSJoa txperU To Visit ScM p "1 fyt n^- " 0 *.\ •J'^f* m#»l*. r's o< ^?f c>. vlit all hi E h and grimmar acfKK^ In tb«> Rochwttcr dloc#w dvirtng Mutrrh. "Vo«ticn M«vtlL- Brinfla« tlie ««ry «f h«iw »n4 foreign wLwion activities, rtvwir mi«»ion«rk« wiU.wbtfl Uw, schools; the ||*y/ Walter Hifnrr. | _£»/ o ^nM'mm- WirLertei awd> mcSt modem K Jfeg|iffes t^liandte. w#¥lrig nace$sa% wflh totaf mtety. -f PHONE j^«*r^iiNi mm n*mm$ ' ^PMA jQiaiHHMHMf WorititiW itrui ^ ^ O ^ wlw^tl^y flmt ^eal ... ««•• Wfllljm Mwtwwm, S 4 , « t lunch fHhw « t mM(tay ta u,, 2*J**?, * ^ " L « * » » ; «««• IW> *** U»« J«M«t PhUlnoln* MMUI I__I...I; mmmr wranwjinwn •{ Holy S»iurt»y. Thln'ta inlilled. JS^£^.L h ' l iS l * , H»"a' terfi of Mary. Soiti^on l4*ndt r a iv|a*i*fw*a*#w •• lac -<min,civ of t)n* Bif»tp*d Sutrawcfit ^v^KitpxciUMHS xrom faatlna: <lV llMk^ wOl trtfp«>«-|iH«aib»lnl Netnro [tkic and coriratoacwtt (2i pr^i 'evmlaf^ 3. Everyone who hM oaay>»e< •«* .ifib I w ^ t ^ l l n t y««r an*i ha* not «mm«x*<i hU aixtiet* ftm of ajre t* iKWiiJ4 under palit oi mortal »in to (aat, mtte lit la. rxcuaed from taatlAa; III U>e IIMP otkar liii tb# oi mi L. W ChViatmaa *1 .. ^air» -^-> i f -^ -. i^M ^ ^ --^ - -.'BMW »• il <»III*WII "tfimmjn. ijijuiiii* . <^"^ RE ^ o •j? J ci.J ti-«•"••*.-'> 271 HAYWAtO A V t •OCHISTlt #. W. Y. - - {Hejigiua, nft* a rcptfacfttativ*' nf J., who wtil' relate African «**• pertence* and a representative ol the Miaaiooary StotfTS of 8t. C o •iP^Ra wiwPi ww ww^^r w <IP94|F a^^^p^ TSW^* Tttwa^*jnHaMfc '••>'». br'-o f?/' ISflR ICHESTfR^ ir rim WOULD MHIV! PRODUCT ACCiTTANCIf ilwv ^USUa^iA- '&(-*#* Fnmml a^rvllrt^or Slater M. (Hubert I w Manion who died at ^iwiyeJli Coiivetil, J^tifl«<| .'Fell. 21,' in Kiagw^t ,„Convent Chapet. ; °^--' ; .:.v j " -•'• " v ,." , S©)^tiititlMfiSpii -of He<mfcHad-"Waa\j thoa« who 40 bard aad exaa- lug worK and li) thoae w.^ cannot faat without doinf frav* Injury to their haalth m 0 wKli- out aeHously interfaiinf wHh their dally jHitiffit Whoever la la dodbt about the lufinPK4a4La%^Ht || ay &k& -'B^aa~i java^^hiMfe aklaAt%aWt ateic th<p ^advic« ol Ma paator of- jiMi TTaaojD jnc*a> tnapenta of faatiny, or the l»w of afaatJ. JHUKS^ 0c. ^atibu, 3Hfa majf IHM. frant a ffecetiil dlMMMiattkni to «-.! —4" ^ T a a o i YOUS CARNOW ,..„ WHlLi MICIS A*! STIU HICH ARCHER MOTOR o °. . SKI «'-.•=-•-» '-/if ; ^%^ •-V* •^'^y.- ^^•'-«fawfc.wii ; y »• ductm at nine orfock THMV*A*V ftoirifoett** M « u juf^^^^. _ *' Coonfofiaor may diipenae a pen Kent but onlyfitcottleaaicia. . ^fijwin«jmam*Ja» .. 1 The law ol ahtrtncjWSe from Seals meat bind* under. pain of FARM EQUIPMENT AVAILAiLE NOW! a ^J vow^.ssw «y iiwe iievi uermia «, flesh meat bindi under. pain of lambert, aviated by the Rev.im©rt=l ain evexyotrf w^a. baa QaaM -'%.&tt*mm s m deacon. |completed hit ienmUi yaai*. y the Rev. Joa**ph H* C5ef4ftil aa fuh* . 2, in thlf Diocate hi* Anna I deacon, and the Rey.J^iuia £^* toUc Authority tha d t y a ' a f alft- ."fA # i a « •ytfir walk. U^^ Vj* tnaw,. women ir»d chili «rm,,,io ,h«y* avtrythirw-' .%^ : apola* ta-itg^i. ' ' TTlici Mr a>1na ' it' thr ariTO iraT .»*» « —J "• ' «ILJ " I "a^RW* hy i a"*itllMHP 0 OHBUMWllta* '•'" Noewaf^aJe -^Ijtawa,;•!». * . l M M f i n N l th* Sia- ,*afa <af a«*-. Joaeph hi laTa* ffesf aa iiou*9eaeeper. m vanoua csoft* venu of; the dioceae. When Biah- 0 Ala aAiia*iiMia> ' * waYta waraftjt ' aitrraa £MuaiMi ' * A ^»*»»»••»•*• A * atiwM MaAaAV^NUr ~ ~ a ctticaaw WAYM WAaMaat _ m^MH Mlt'll w< tya, Wedaatday '"'W"'al''tB 'Wl _", H' nM'CfMf. .* •? .wt : .,t: '..>./! Tl CHESTER Awry, Stater Hooertine waa one Saturday at Ember Waefci MM Oa theae daya no meat may brf eatan. "-" On Ola at3»«r weeMaii of Lent {which are not dayaft£4b- f ,— _. ^ ^ ,^ - "" *™™™^™'« w^ , "^^e^ , a ^aa^fc- j^^a^Pi^p aaR^MG- aC-tiiia»- i Miiapaa^--aad-'-faaiaft^^ jftiinai cor sail 'ywtam••• —-•*-- "-"-t!^^^-' ^ " .* ^* f Wl^ , W Slater wa* Ukewiae one of the j - ^ ' Lard, auat, and only ••»•* •-*ac»- -••-'&• .^JW. i. . < ytia--'aia.-.Wfft - iwwtiwe- Hj^u DO A opaa ioa |^% J*S TI,tH ~ a -""- ••'Mi m ;(inm«,i W , ^ ONtV AtC WMal. , W ROCHBTHt. M; V»" = I , he aaed whert it ooened m Xakt | ^r '/^ ror" th« d^ya*"oT'a*e^ Avenue* and xor ine I$MI .uutty* nffica* eialit yeara oi her active life «h* : . , ^nKSAtV ; •pmt heraeii fcarinf |or ^* old. By *fate a*' afadat lartltiw , 1fce-only ^atifli?ae4 af •fMiPBrpBm a i u a pwwi^ anci a MistkHi«ry*s R#conff L«#tit to And** Road Saturday M#via Man < in Milwaiik** Mttwaafcee, Wtae. ~ (R^S)^ Fourtech n?ithborhood theater* J una .n«ir«f ,•»» jamaa m wKie pwject- ia^|pafiaa J j M S j t « r * Spanish m S « k ; fenlala^^ ar. la Pent more iiuui Jiai »*—*-l*«™a* the Cro^ie^t anaaanaaiL ^ I 'aad COURIER JOURNAL je CHISTHVT irurr wa •% wf« T* ftoaal^jjBWr Andea Mouirtaini. I S S ^ S a fa ^™,._.,., u . y tae ' « 3tt*iMattaA$Mv Y Afjiiitf attiuH^HtN#^ ^taa ! '"•"' •*"*• "^* n '••^•*w*Ty"P | j| •^a u »^5j* a^a aPa*^* IKa^wPF «^lSR^Sl^Ki*£ d*««rS fraftwft* tha,<i# •aa*'aiiw^»*pivawijaBPO^ dreir^t. ^^ar aiitMtt£tT^ iiiA«a H u r 'TIP "•'»•« u«Mini^ iN^^ftaela Lvon* * i S & ^ I S l ^ ^ s ^«8r«i and tltt M ^ ^ I M ^ fisajpiiataatl^Aja^im ;-a*Dr-iJ» ^mm *m ir****Ss <i*P9mmmmm>m sifew*.,. toff* 1 ,^J i" •' *^- C«J ' '^x> c o >•. uWi'viiM—.-,. OCr cj M : 0 ,-> t i 1 a? !• «*.-!»> . IJMIlUIJlll^lfJJ^IL ;'i'-'Vf>^'-..;

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Page 1: y C^JL *|» 'Vocation Moritfi' IXWTENRWK^ATIONBlib.catholiccourier.com/1946-january-november-catholic...I1-* i^il4^\ U &$***•*** ^ *f % t - -&• jgg** >y"*ftr« >%fr< "


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,^^W!P*'F^as#W^pW'Wf^^a * W ''Wrja ?affW|pWe'M|W(Pwa 4 ^ ™ f ^ ^ ^ ^ a ^ W " j ^ ^ H a flMH!^^ipi^^WW^WHp* ^ - ^P"^^WP?aa^a Ja ^P^^R W^r^&MIF

Radio Talks by Missioners C JL *|» 'Vocation Moritfi'

rakHo tiBts by mi<&f"o« experts will be h^ard during 1 iean&y

oi f todMer announced

^ ft 1 ^-? "^ \ ' *~ '•'fvx*'


o « °


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.. „.e._,..T...-r- .fwysei-v *iitf • their}^n*,* , • • _ .• - r

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*.%S»WiW l « a w ? Navy | | '""""a* iT*'"^"~[1i Tiiiliiliii, |. . . ^uu

KiJSJoa txperU To Visit ScM


"1 fyt n ^ -

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•J' f* m#»l*.

r 's o<

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v l i t all hiEh and grimmar acfKK^ In tb«> Rochwttcr dloc#w dvirtng Mutrrh. "Vo«ticn M«vtlL-

Brinfla« tlie ««ry «f h« iw »n4 foreign wLwion activities, rtvwir mi«»ion«rk« wiU.wbtfl Uw, schools; the | | *y / Walter Hifnrr. |

_ £ » /




awd> mcSt modem K Jfeg|iffes t^liandte.

w#¥lrig nace$sa% wflh totaf mtety.


j «*r iiNi mm n*mm$ ' ^ P M A jQiaiHHMHMf W o r i t i t i W i t ru i

^ ^ O ^ wlw^tl^y flmt ^eal ...

««•• Wfllljm Mwtwwm, S 4 , « t lunch fHhw « t m M ( t a y „ ta u,, 2*J**?, * ^ " L « * » » ; «««• * » IW> * * * U»« J«M«t PhUlnoln* M M U I I _ _ I . . . I ; mmmr w ra nwjinwn •{ Holy S»iurt»y. Thln'ta inlilled.


terfi of Mary. Soiti^on l4*ndtr

a iv|a*i*fw*a*#w •• lac • -<min,civ of t)n* Bif»tp*d Sutrawcfit v KitpxciUMHS xrom faatlna: <lV llMk wOl trtfp«>«-|iH«aib»lnl Netnro [tkic and coriratoacwtt (2i pr^i

'evmlaf^ 3. Everyone who hM oaay>»e<

•«* .ifib I w ^ t ^ l l n t y««r an*i ha* not «mm«x*<i hU aixtiet* ftm of ajre t* iKWiiJ4 under palit oi mortal »in to (aat, m t t e lit la.

rxcuaed from taatlAa; III U>e

IIMP otkar l i i i tb# oi mi L . W


* 1 .. air»

- -> i f-^ -. i^M ^ ^ - - ^ -

-.'BMW »•

il <»I I I *WI I "tfimmjn. i j i j u i i i i *

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t i - « • " • • * . - ' >

271 HAYWAtO AVt •OCHISTlt #. W. Y. - -

{Hejigiua, nft* a rcptfacfttativ*' nf

J., who wtil' relate African «**• pertence* and a representative ol the Miaaiooary StotfTS of 8t. C o •iP^Ra w i w P i ww ww^^r w <IP94|F a ^ ^ ^ p ^ TSW^* Tttwa^*jnHaMfc

' • • > ' » .


f ? / '


ir rim WOULD MHIV!


i l w v

^ U S U a ^ i A - '&(-*#*

Fnmml a^rvllrt^or Slater M. (Hubert I w Manion who died at ^iwiyeJli Coiivetil, J^t i f l«< |

.'Fell. 21,' in Kiagw^t ,„Convent Chapet . ; ° ^ - - ' ; . : . v j " -•'• "v , ." , S©) tiititlMfiSpii -of He<mfcHad-"Waa\j

thoa« who 40 bard aad exaa-lug worK and l i ) thoae w . ^ cannot faat without doinf frav* Injury to their haalth m0 wKli-out aeHously interfaiinf wHh their dally jHitiffit

Whoever la la dodbt about the lufinPK4a4La%^Ht||ay &k& -'B^aa~i java^^hiMfe aklaAt%aWt

ateic th<p ^advic« o l Ma paator of-

jiMi TTaaojD jnc*a> tnapenta

of faatiny, or the l»w of afaatJ. JHUKS^ 0c. atibu, 3Hfa majf IHM. frant a ffecetiil dlMMMiattkni to


—4" ^ T a a o i YOUS CARNOW ,..„



«'-.•=-•-» '-/if ; ^ % ^

• - V *

• ^ ' ^ y . -

^^• ' -« fawfc .wi i ; y » •

ductm at nine orfock THMV*A*V ftoirifoett** M « u juf^^^^. _ *' Coonfofiaor may diipenae a pen Kent but only fit cottleaaicia.

. fijwin«jmam*Ja» .. 1 The law ol ahtrtncjWSe from

Seals meat bind* under. pain of



• ^ J

vow^.ssw «y iiwe iievi uermia « , flesh meat bindi under. pain of lambert, aviated by the Rev.im©rt=l ain evexyotrf w^a. baa QaaM -'%.&tt*mmsm deacon. |completed hit ienmUi yaai*. y the Rev. Joa**ph H* C5ef4ftil aa fuh* . 2, in thlf Diocate hi* Anna

I deacon, and the Rey.J^iuia £ ^ * toUc Authority tha dtya'af alft-


# i a « •ytfir walk. U ^ ^ Vj* tnaw,. women ir»d chili «rm,,,io ,h«y* avtrythirw-' .%^:apola* t a - i t g ^ i . '

' TTlici Mr a>1na ' it' thr ariTO • iraT .»*» « —J "• ' «ILJ " I "a RW* hy ia"*itllMHP0 OHBUMWllta* '•'" N o e w a f ^ a J e -^Ijtawa,;•!». * . l M M f i n N l th* Sia-

,*afa <af a«*-. Joaeph hi laTa* ffesf

aa iiou*9eaeeper. m vanoua csoft* venu of; the dioceae. When Biah-


• Ala aAiia*iiMia> ' * waYta waraftjt • ' aitrraa £MuaiMi '* A ^»*»»»••»•*• A* • atiwM MaAaAV NUr ~ ~

a ctticaaw WAYM WAaMaat _ m^MH M l t ' l l —

w< tya, Wedaatday

'"'W"'al''tB 'Wl

_", H' nM'CfMf. .* •? .wt: .,t: '..>./! T l


Awry, Stater Hooertine waa one

Saturday at Ember Waefci MM

Oa theae daya no meat may brf eatan. "-"

On Ola at3»«r weeMaii of Lent {which are not daya ft£ 4b-

f „ , — _. ^ , -""—• *™™™ ™'« w ^ , " ^ ^ e ^ , a ^ a a ^ f c - j^^a^Pi^p aaR^MG-

aC-tiiia»-iMiiapaa^--aad-'-faaiaft^^ jftiinai cor sail'ywtam••• —-•*-- " - " - t ! ^ ^ ^ - ' ^ " .* ^ * f


Slater wa* Ukewiae one of the j - ^ ' Lard, auat, and

only • • » • * • - * a c » - -••-'&• . ^ J W . i .

.<ytia--'aia.-.Wfft - iwwtiwe-

Hj^u DO A opaa ioa

|^% J*STI,tH ~

a -""-

••'Mi m ;(inm«,iW , ^

ONtV AtC W M a l . , W ROCHBTHt. M; V»" = I

, he aaed whert it ooened m Xakt | ^r ' / ^ ror" th« d^ya*"oT'a*e^ Avenue* and xor ine I$MI .uutty* nffica* eialit yeara oi her active life «h* :. , ^nKSAtV ;

•pmt heraeii fcarinf |or ^* old. By *fate a*' afadat lartltiw

, 1fce-only ^atifli?ae4 af •fMiPBrpBm a iu a pwwi^ anci a

MistkHi«ry*s R#conff L«#tit to And** Road

Saturday M#via Man < in Milwaiik**

Mttwaafcee, Wtae. ~ ( R ^ S ) ^ Fourtech n?ithborhood theater*

J una .n«ir«f ,•»» jamaa m wKie pwject- ia^|pafiaa

J j M S j t « r * Spanish mS«k; fenlala^^ ar. la Pent more iiuui Jiai »*—*-l*«™a* the Cro ie t anaaanaaiL ^ I



je CHISTHVT i r u r r wa •% wf« T*

ftoaal^jjBWr Andea Mouirtaini. I S S ^ S a fa

^™,._.,., u.y tae ' « 3tt*iMattaA$Mv Y Af j i i i t f attiuH^HtN#^ ^taa ! '"•"' •*"*• " * n '••^•*w*Ty"P|j| •^au»^5j* a^a aPa*^* IKa^wPF

« ^ l S R ^ S l ^ K i * £ d * « « r S fraftwft* tha,<i# •aa*'aiiw^»*pivawijaBPO^ dreir t. ^^ar aiitMtt£tT^ iiiA«a Hu

r 'TIP " • ' » • « u « M i n i ^

iN^ ftaela Lvon* *iS&^ISl^^ s^«8r«i and tltt

M ^ ^ I M ^ fisajpiiataatl Aja im



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<i*P9mmmmm>m sifew*.,.

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