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  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas



      Project Study Report


      Training Undertaken at

    “A Market Survey on Air Conditioners with special reference to Voltas”

    Submitted in partial fulfillment for the

    Award of degree of

    Master of Business Administration



    MBA 1V SEM





    The project work on the “A Market Survey on Air Conditioners with special

    reference to Voltas” PRODUCTS OF AIRCONDITIONING which ha! "een a great


  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    e#perience $or %e In $act it wa! a &earning proce!! 'ar&ier I wa! unaware o$ %any

    thing! regarding indu!try re!earch( ana&y!i! and %arket condition "ut a$ter 

    undergoing thi! project( I ha)e got !o%e know&edge o$ it at &ea!t up to a certain

    e#tent $or co%p&eting thi! project I u!ed !econdary data I ha)e co&&ected !econdary

    data $ro% internet( new! paper( Te#t "ook!( and %aga*ine! etc

    Throughout the de)e&op%ent o$ the project it ha! "een %y own endea)or to tai&or &ike

    approach( !u"ject %atter and pre!entation according to the re+uire%ent o$ it!

    reader! The &anguage ha! "een kept !i%p&e and the entire di!cu!!ion ha! "een

    "ui&t on &ogica& and coherent out&ine!


    MBA $VS"M


  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas



    I e#pre!! %y !incere thank! to %y project guide( ,d ,ohta" A&a% -AR'A SA.'S

    ,ANAG'R/( $or guiding %e right $ro% the inception ti&& the !ucce!!$u& co%p&etion o$ 

    the project I !incere&y acknow&edge hi! $or e#tending their )a&ua"&e guidance(

    !upport $or &iterature( critica& re)iew! o$ project and the report and a"o)e a&& the %ora&

    !upport !he had pro)ided to %e with a&& !tage! o$ thi! project

    I wou&d a&!o &ike to thank the !upporting !ta$$ Pundit o$ %y co&&ege $acu&ty( $or there

    he&p and cooperation throughout our project


    MBA $VS"M


  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    "-"C.,$V" S.MMA!/

      ,he pro0ect deals with the Study into the marketing mi1 of Voltas in the

    Mumbai Air2Conditioner Market3 ,he report consists of the primary data

    obtained from the dealers3 ,he attributes4 which defined the data4 were Shelf 

    Space4 (indow *isplay4 rices +iven4 3'33 Material4 *ealer reference4

    +eneral ositive and &egative Attributes for various Brands4 *ealer $nterface4

    and #inance Schemes 'ffered3

    In a&& I )i!ited 01 out&et! !pread a&& o)er ,u%"ai -inc&ude! dea&er! and

    retai&er/( who dea&t in air conditioner I a&!o inter)iewed 22 cu!to%er! at

    !howroo%! acro!! ,u%"ai Data thu! o"tained wa! then grouped and ana&y*ed( a$ter which the

    in$erence! were drawn I o"!er)ed that .G wa! undou"ted&y the %arket

    &eader In ,u%"ai AC %arket .G ha! the highe!t penetration( a! it i! a)ai&a"&e in

    a&%o!t 304 o$ the out&et! whi&e 5itachi i! pre!ent in on&y 624 o$ the out&et!

    .G a&!o &ead! in the other categorie! &ike the window di!p&ay -214/( !he&$ 

    !pace -014/ and POP -214/ whi&e 7o&ta! ha! the !hare o$ 34( 894 and :24in the re!pecti)e categorie!

     A&though 7o&ta! i! No8 "rand in ,u%"ai region "ut it ha! the highe!t

    corporate cu!to%er or we can !ay( in!titutiona& !a&e! in co%pari!on to other 

     AC "rand! o$ the out&et! )i!ited( 224 c&ai% .G to "e the top ;rand wherea!

    7o&ta! ha! 8

  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    ,AB)" '# C'&,"&,S

    $&,!'*.C,$'& '# ,5" $&*.S,!/




    De!cription! Page no

    63 Introduction to the indu!try

    73 Introduction to the Organi*ation

    83 Re!earch ,ethodo&ogy

    1. Tit&e o$ the Study

    2. Duration o$ the Project

    3. O"jecti)e o$ the Study

    4. Type! o$ Re!earch

    5. Co&&ection ,ethod and Sa%p&e Si*e

    6.  Scope o$ Study

    7. .i%itation o$ Study93 Data Ana&y!i! and Interpretation

    :3 Fact! and Finding!

    ;3 Swot Ana&y!i!

    3  Appendi#


  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    $n 6>?7 *r3 (illis 5avilland Carrier invented and secured the patent for a

    weather control concept @ air conditioning3 "ver since4 life hasnt been the

    same3 ,he air conditioner market is hotting up as more and more people

    appear to the convinced about the comfort of an air conditioner3 ,he e1tremely

    hot summers have stirred the demand for ACs and the industry is

    e1periencing a significant change3

    ,he air conditioning industry is around !s 7

  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    7o&ta! .i%ited  -;S' 011030/ i! an engineering( air conditioning  and re$rigeration

    co%pany "a!ed in ,u%"ai( India It o$$er! engineering !o&ution! $or a wide !pectru%

    o$ indu!trie! in area! !uch a! heating( )enti&ation and air conditioning( re$rigeration(

    con!truction e+uip%ent( %ateria&! hand&ing( water %anage%ent( "ui&ding

    %anage%ent !y!te%!( indoor air +ua&ity and che%ica&!

    The Co%pany wa! Incorporated on 6th Septe%"er ork$orce!

    ;ui&ding cu!to%er &oya&ty wi&& "e a &ot ea!ier i$ you ha)e a &oya& work$orceBnot at a&& a

    gi)en the!e day! It i! e!pecia&&y i%portant to retain tho!e e%p&oyee! who interact



  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    with cu!to%er! !uch a! !a&e! peop&e( technica& !upport( and cu!to%erB!er)ice

    peop&e ,any co%panie! gi)e a &ot o$ attention to retaining !a&e! peop&e "ut &itt&e to

    !upport peop&e

    The increa!ing trend today i! to !end cu!to%erB!er)ice and technica&B!upport ca&&!

    into +ueue $or the ne#t a)ai&a"&e per!on Thi! "ui&d! no per!ona& &oya&ty and pro"a"&y

    &e!! &oya&ty $or the $ir% ;e$ore going thi! route( "e !ure thi! i! what your cu!to%er!


    $nstant #eedback

    Recent&y( %any organi*ation! ha)e i%p&e%ented $eed"ack &oop! that a&&ow the% to

    capture $eed"ack at the point o$ e#perience For e#a%p&e( Nationa& '#pre!!( one o$ 

    the UJ! &eading tra)e& co%panie! in)ite! pa!!enger! to !end te#t %e!!age! whi&!t

    riding the "u! Thi! ha! "een !hown to "e u!e$u& a! it a&&ow! co%panie! to i%pro)e

    their cu!to%er !er)ice "e$ore the cu!to%er de$ect!( thu! %aking it $ar %ore &ike&y

    that the cu!to%er wi&& return ne#t ti%e

    )isten to your customers

    I! there anything %ore e#a!perating than te&&ing !o%eone what you want or what

    your pro"&e% i! and then di!co)ering that that per!on ha!n=t "een paying attention

    and need! to ha)e it e#p&ained againK Fro% a cu!to%er=! point o$ )iew( I dou"t it

    Can the !a&e! pitche! and the product "a""&eK .et the cu!to%er ta&k and !how the%

    that you are &i!tening "y %aking the appropriate re!pon!e!( !uch a! !ugge!ting how

    to !o&)e the pro"&e%

    ,'')S #'! ,!AC%$&+ A&* M"AS.!$&+ C.S,'MS! SA,$S#AC,$'&

    Co%p&ain and !ugge!tion !y!te%!

     A cu!to%er centered organi*ation %ake! it ea!y $or it! cu!to%er to de&i)er 

    !ugge!tion and co%p&aint! ,any re!taurant! and hote&! pro)ide $or%! $or gue!t! to

    report what they &iked and di!&iked there So%e co%panie! e!ta"&i!h hot &ine! whit

    to&&B$ree te&ephone nu%"er! Co%panie! are a&!o adding >e" page! 'B%ai& to

    $aci&itate two way co%%unication

    Satisfaction customer survey

    Studie! !how that a&though cu!to%er i! di!!ati!$ied with one out o$ e)ery $our 

    purcha!e!( &e!! than 0 percent o$ di!!ati!$ied cu!to%er wi&& co%p&ain ,o!t


  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    cu!to%er! "uy &e!! or !witch o)er to other !upp&ier! Re!pon!i)e co%panie!

    %ea!ure cu!to%er !ati!$action direct&y "y conducting periodic !ur)ey ! They !end

    +ue!tionnaire! or %ake te&ephone ca&&! to a rando% !a%p&e o$ recent cu!to%er

    )ost customers analysis

    Co%panie! !hou&d contact cu!to%er who ha)e !topped "uying or who ha)e

    !witched o)er to another !upp&ier to &earn why thi! happened Not on&y it i!

    i%portant to conduct e#it inter)iw! when cu!to%er! $ir!t !top "uying ( "ut it i! a&!o

    nece!!ery to %onitor the cu!to%er &o!! rate

    !'M',$'&A) AC,$V$,$"S

    Pro%otion i! $unda%enta&&y a too& to he&p appri!e con!u%er! o$ product! and!er)ice! a)ai&a"&e to the% 5owe)er( pro%otiona& acti)itie!  today inc&ude )ariou!

    $or%! o$ ad)erti!ing a! we&& a! pro%otiona& gi%%ick! !uch a! dirigi"&e! at $oot"a&&

    ga%e!( coupon!( and $re+uent $&ier %i&e! The goa& o$ pro%otion i! no &onger !i%p&y

    product awarene!!( "ut "rand awarene!!( product &oya&ty and e)en corporate i%age

    ,any di$$erent pro%otion! ha)e co%e under critici!%( particu&ar&y when they are

     judged to "e i&&ega& or un$air ;aitBandB!witch re$er! to the practice o$ ad)erti!ing one

    product at a &ow price( "ut ha)ing none o$ that product on hand when con!u%er!

    arri)e to %ake the purcha!e Con)enient&y( thi! techni+ue re!u&t! in the !e&&er ha)ing

    other( !i%i&ar( %ore e#pen!i)e product! a)ai&a"&e

    Putting a!ide the i!!ue o$ pro%otiona& acti)itie! that are i&&ega&( there re%ain

    e#a%p&e! o$ pro%otion! that %ay "e un!crupu&ou!( or perhap! %ere&y prejudicia&

    The potentia& $or thi! ari!e! when pro%otiona& acti)itie! are not direct&y a!!ociated

    with the product or !er)ice that i! o!ten!i"&y "eing pro%oted A! an e#a%p&e( 7irginia

    S&i%! !pon!ored a wo%en! tenni! tourna%ent $or %any year! The !port o$ tenni!

    recei)ed the $inancia& "acking( and the cigarette wa! a!!ociated with a popu&ar !port

    and recei)ed con!idera"&e pu"&icity a! it! na%e wa! %entioned in &egiti%ate !port!


    E Coo&ing app&iance! De!ign( %anu$acture and %arketing o$ a range o$ air 

    conditioner! and water coo&er! $or hou!eho&d and in!titutiona& u!e

    E 'ngineering product! and !er)ice! De!ign( !ourcing( in!ta&&ation( training(

    %aintenance( etc o$ engineering product! and !er)ice! in the $ie&d! o$ te#ti&e



  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    %achinery( %achine too&!( %ining and con!truction e+uip%ent and %ateria&!

    hand&ing e+uip%ent

    73 $&,!'*.C,$'& ,' ,5" '!+A&$DA,$'&

    7o&ta! i! one o$ the wor&d! pre%ier engineering !o&ution! pro)ider! and project

    !pecia&i!t! Founded in India in ater ,anage%ent ? Treat%ent

    "ngineering roducts F Services

    E Te#ti&e ,achinery

      E ,ining ? Con!truction '+uip%ent

      E ,ateria&! 5and&ing '+uip%ent

    .nitary Cooling roducts

      E Air ConditionersE Co%%ercia& Re$rigeration

      E (ater Coolers F *ispensers


  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    The Co%pany ha! ISO 11< B 8111 !tandard! certi$ication in it! project! "u!ine!!e!(

    and ha! !ucce!!$u&&y undertaken and e#ecuted pre!tigiou! highB)a&ue project! in the

    ,idd&e 'a!t

    ,A!+",S F ,AS%S S",

    The '#ecuti)e Training ai%ed to achie)e the $o&&owing target!B

    < Under!tanding the Corporate en)iron%ent To under!tand the ethic!( ru&e! ?

    regu&ation!( the organi*ationa& hierarchy and the workBcu&ture adopted in %y

    organi*ation A&!o to &earn the %anner o$ conducting %y!e&$ on "eing a part o$ 

    !uch organi*ation

    8 Jey ;u!ine!! Area! To !tudy the core !ector! o$ "u!ine!! in which %y

    organi*ation i! dea&ing in pre!ent&y A&!o to gain a gra!!Broot know&edge o$ the

    range o$ product! o$$ered "y the organi*ation To de)i!e the %ethod and

    !trategie! in order to enhance the growth o$ the co%pany through !a&e!(

    cu!to%er retention( pro%otiona& acti)itie!( "rand %anage%ent etc

    : Achie)e%ent o$ Target! To !e&& the package! o$$ered "y the co%pany in the%arket( "y de)e&oping an e$$ecti)e !a&e!Bpitch At the !a%e ti%e( to generate

    new &ead! $or the co%pany on a regu&ar "a!i! and con)erting the% into our 

    potentia& cu!to%er!

    2 Ac+uiring in$or%ation a"out the co%petitor! To c&o!e&y !tudy the product!(

    !trategie! and pro%otiona& acti)itie! conducted "y the ri)a& organi*ation! To

    carry out a co%parati)e ana&y!i! o$ the )ariou! !er)iceBpro)ider! to co&&ect

    %a#i%u% data $or %y organi*ation

      A enhance! !a&e!

    ; i%pro)e! the di!tri"utionBchain

    C !ati!$ie! the cu!to%er!

    D he&p! the organi*ation to acco%p&i!h it! %i!!ion

    6 A&!o to %ake the co%pany aware a"out the

     A !trength! and weakne!!e! o$ the )ariou! product! o$$ered

    ; "a!ic trend! o"!er)ed in the %arket


  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    C the re+uire%ent! o$ the cu!to%er!

    D the $&aw! pre!ent in the !y!te%

    ' the pro"&e%! $aced "y the %ajority o$ the cu!to%er!

    *"SC!$,$'& '# ,5" ,AS%S G ,A!+",S

  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    3 S>OT Ana&y!i! o$ the co%pany 5ere( the ta!k wa! to critica&&y e)a&uate the

    organi*ation=! po!ition on +ua&itati)e a! we&& a! +uantitati)e ter%! I had to

    %ake the co%pany aware a"out it! !trong area!( &i%itation!( $uture a)enue!

    and a&!o the pro"&e%! &ying ahead

    Reco%%endation! On the "a!i! o$ the %arket Lre!earch conducted whi&e

    per$or%ing the a"o)e %entioned ta!k!( I wa! a!ked to pre!ent inno)ati)e and !%art

    )iew! which can "ene$it the organi*ation in any po!!i"&e %anner Si%u&taneou!&y( I

    had to %ake the co%pany aware a"out the re+uire%ent!

    5istory of Voltas

    H'$&, V"&,.!"S4 S.BS$*$A!$"S4 ASS'C$A,"S

    7o&ta!! !u"!idiarie! inc&ude ,etro)o& FM'( 7I. O)er!ea! 'nterpri!e! ;7( 7oice

     Anti&&e! N7( >eather%aker( e"e& A&i -Du"ai/( Si%to In)e!t%ent Co%pany and Auto

     Aircon -India/


    7o&ta! ha! it! head o$$ice in ,u%"ai and regiona& o$$ice! in !e)era& %ajor citie! in

    India It! o)er!ea! o$$ice! are in A"u Dha"i -UA'/( 5ong Jong and Singapore The

    co%pany ha! $actorie! at Thane -aipur/ and Pantnagar -Uttarakhand/ in India

    7o&ta! L ,arketing Project Report

     Air Conditioner Indu!try Thank! to the $a"&ed Indian %idd&eBc&a!!( the airBconditioner 

    %arket i! hooting up An inordinate&y hot !u%%er ha! con)inced the peop&e the

    co%$ort o$ an airBconditioner and a &arge nu%"er appear! to ha)e decided to take

    one ho%e thi! year Indeed( in the &a!t $ew the year!( the de%and $or airBconditioner!

    $ro% the hou!eho&d !ector ha! "een growing rapid&y Sti&&( the de%and growth i!

    particu&ar&y noticea"&e( and wa! a&!o the %o!t !igni$icant change in the indu!try

    during thi! period According to !o%e indu!try e!ti%ate!( growth in )o&u%e ter%! ha!

    "een 20B01 per cent thi! $i!ca& ;ut o$$icia& !tati!tic! undere!ti%ate thi! and e)en

    report a dec&ine in production Ne)erthe&e!!( "y a&& account!( inc&uding a !tudy "y the

    Con$ederation o$ Indian Indu!try -CII/( there ha! "een a noticea"&e ju%p in the

    de%and $or airBconditioner! $ro% the hou!eho&d !eg%ent A$ter !e)era& year! o$ 

    re&ati)e&y %ode!t growth( which wa! tota&&y at )ariance with the &atent potentia& o$ the

    product( the !harp growth in de%and the !u%%er pa!t wa! )ery we&co%e $or airB

    conditioner co%panie! in %any re!pect! One( it re&ati)e&y reduced their dependence


  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    on the corporate !ector which i! !ti&& the %ajor de%and dri)er Corporate traditiona&&y

    accounted $or a"out 61 per cent o$ the tota& de%and $or airconditioner! ;ut the

    "urgeoning de%and $ro% the hou!eho&d !eg%ent cou&d &e)e& the ratio in the near 


     /"A! "V"&,S

    6>:9 2 ,he Company was $ncorporated on ;th September at Mumbai3 ,he

    Company was promoted in 6>:9 by MGs3 Volkart Brothers and ,ata Sons vt3

    )td34 to take over the "ngineering F $mport *ivision of MGs3 Volkart Brothers in


    2 ,he CompanyIs manufacturing activities were originally carried on at its

    factory at Chinchpokli4 Mumbai and covered air2conditioning and refrigeration

    eEuipment mining4 electrical and agricultural eEuipment3

    2 ,he Company set up in ,hane4 Mumbai an up2to2date factory to manufacture

    wide range of air2conditioning and refrigeration and a range of mining

    eEuipments for which the Company had entered into a collaboration with

    leading manufacturers abroad3

    2 ,he CompanyIs distribution organisation is divided into two main groups 2

    J"ngineeringI and JMarketingI3

    2 ,he marketing group consists of two main divisions4 one dealing in drugs4

    pharmaceuticals and consumer products and the other in chemicals and

    vitamins3 ,he Company deals in foreign as well as indigenous products4

    besides marketing its own products3

    2 ,he Company manufactures4 sale and distribution of a variety of products in

    the engineering4 chemical and pharmaceutical industries such as agricultural4

    earthmoving4 air2conditioning and refrigeration4 te1tile machinery4 machine

    tools4 electrical and mechanical eEuipments as well as chemicals4

    pharmaceuticals and consumer products3


  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    6>:; 2 Shares sub2divided3 64?:4??? !ights shares then issued at par in prop3

    ;8 2 ,he Company promoted Scottish $ndian Machine ,ools )td34 in

    Collaboration with Scottish Machine ,ool Corporation of +lasgow for the

    manufacture of machine tools3

    6>;9 2 ,he Company concluded a collaboration agreement with "aton /ale and

    ,owns4 .3S3A34 for the manufacture of /ale fork2lift trucks3 ,he Company has

    e1tensive domestic and international ties3

    2 ,he Company 0oined the Mine Safety Appliances Co34 .3S3A34 and Associated

    Battery Makers K"asternL )td34 Calcutta in the promotion of Mine Safety

    Appliances )td34 Calcutta4 a 0oint venture for the manufacture of minersI

    electric safety cap lamps and other types of safety and protective eEuipment4

    appliances4 detection and measuring devices3

    6>;: 2 64?74??? !ights "Euity shares issued at a premium of !s 7: per share in

    the proportion 7:3

    6>;; 2 A new division4 vi34 the Agro2$ndustrial roducts *ivision was added3

    ,he main operation of the division consisted of the sale and servicing of the

    tractors and implements made by the $nternational ,ractor Co3 of $ndia3 ,his

    division handles hydraulic eEuipment ranging from larger pumping sets to

    small irrigation pumps4 sprinkler irrigation systems and oil engines and also

    handles veterinary products4 pesticides and fertilisers3

    2 $n Aug3

  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    6> 2 Arrears as on 863=36>8:4 Arrears as on 863=36>=6 2 (ith effect from 6st Huly4 ,ata2Merlin F +erin )td3 K,M+L4 and the

    &ational "lectrical $ndustries )td3 K&"$L4 were amalgamated with the Company3

    $n terms of the Scheme of Amalgamation4 members of ,he &ational "lectrical

    $ndustries )td34 were allotted for every 8? preference shares of !s 6?? each

    held4 7? JBI class eEuity shares of !s 6? each and 6:266 redeemable

    mortgage debentures of !s 6?? each of Voltas )td34 and for every 79? &o3 of 

    eEuity shares of !s 6? each of &"$ held4 7? JBI class eEuity shares of !s 6?

    each and >266 redeemable mortgage debentures of !s 6?? each of Voltas


    2 Members of ,M+ were allotted for every ;? &o3 of eEuity shares of !s 6??

    each held in ,M+4 7 eEuity shares of !s 6?? each and >266 redeemable

    mortgage debentures of !s3 6?? each of Voltas )td3

    2 9497? &o3 of eEuity shares of !s 6?? each and 6>4=>7 2 66 K6>=6L were be

    allotted to the shareholders of ,ata2Merlin F +erin )td34 and 69466< JBI "Euity

    shares of !s 6? each and >4;?: 2 66 K6>=6L redeemable mortgage

    debentures of !s 6?? each were allotted to the shareholders of ,he &ational

    "lectrical $ndustries )td3 ,he share were allotted in 6>=?2=63

    6>=7 2 ,he Company offered :4??4??? 2 683: secured convertible bonds of !s

    7:? each at par3 'ut of this4 74??4??? bonds were offered as rights to the

    e1isting shareholders and the balance 84??4??? bonds issued to the public3

    "ach bond carries an option to receive one eEuity share of !s 6?? each at par 

    within three months after the e1piry of three years from the date of allotment of 

    bonds3 ,he face value of each bond will be reduced by !s 6?? and the balance

    !s 6:? per bond will be repaid to the bondholders at the end of the 6?th year 

    from the date of allotment of the bonds3

    6>=8 2 ,he Company proposed to set up an electrical business unit at une3

    2 ,he Company entered into an agreement with May F Christe of (est

    +ermany for the manufacture of dry type transformers of cast2resin design3


  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    2 Voltas $nternational )td34 erfect Moulds )td3 Voltas Switchgear )td34 Viat

    $nvestment Co3 )td34 are subsidiaries of the Company3 &chovol #F" and

    remium +ranites )td3 are subsidiaries of Voltas $nternational )td3

    2 ,he Company has distributorship rights in the following products *rugs and

    pharmaceuticals by Merck Sharp F *ohme of $ndia )td34 Mumbai4 drugs and

    pharmaceuticals by !oche roducts )td34 Mumbai4 air compressors by

    %irloskar neumatic Co3 )td34 automatic looms by &ational Machinery

    Manufacturers )td34 and shovels by ,ata "ngineering F )ocomotive Co3 )td3

    2 ,he Air ollution and (ater ollution pro0ect groups were amalgamated with

    the "lectrical pro0ect group3

    6>=: 2 64>64

  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    2 ,he machine tool division reached an agreement with #anuc of Hapan for 

    technical collaboration to produce C&C drilling centres3

    6>>? 2 (ith effect from 6st March4 NVolrho )td3N was amalgamated with the

    Company as per the order of B$#!3 ,he Company issued 9499499: &o3 of eEuity

    shares of !s 6? each to the erstwhile shareholders of NVolrho )td3N3

    2 Voltas is the only stock in the air conditioner sector which is in a ma0or 


    2 ,he company is hiking its installed capacity Kof air conditionersL at its *adra

    &agar 5aveli plant to cater to rising demand3 $t is also slimming down 22 a

    voluntary retirement scheme is in the offing to rid itself of e1cess labour3

    2 ,he Voltas brand and its operations in !efrigerators and (ashing Machines

    were transferred to "V) from 6st 'ctober3

    7??? 2 ,he industrial court of Mumbai has granted a stay on the Voltas )tdIs

    voluntary retirement scheme KV!SL in Mumbai following opposition from the

    Voltas "mployees .nion3

    2 Voltas 2 Air$nternational )td3 is a 0oint venture between Voltas )td3 and Air 

    $nternational +rmp4 Australia3

    2 ,he company has doubled its installed capacity to 63: lakh room air2

    conditioning units annually3

    2 "lectrolu1 and Voltas had inked the memorandum of understanding KMo.L in

    Hune4 7??? and as per the sale pact under the Mo.4 four manufacturing units

    of Voltas )td were to be transferred to the 0oint venture "lectrolu1 Voltas )td3

    2 Allwyn brand and its operations were transferred to "V) from 86st March3

    2 Voltas and )+ "lectronics $ndia )td K)+"$)L have4 meanwhile4 entered into anagreement4 whereby the latter would be sourcing appro1imately ; lakh

    refrigerators units for a period of three years starting Hanuary 64 7???3


  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    2 ,he *adra facility has an installed capacity to manufacture up to 639263: lakh

    airconditioners in two shifts4 and Voltas is operating at ;?4???2;:4??? units per 


    2 Voltas4 the diversified ,ata group company4 is seeking to enter into capacity

    sharing arrangements with multinational partners which have recently made

    their entry into $ndia3

    7??7 2 ,ata group company Voltas )td3 is relaunching Voltas airconditioners

    under the JVerdantI brand4 a premium model targeted at the retail segment3

    2 ,ata group company Voltas )td the air2conditioner KACL and cooling

    appliances ma0or has posted a strong growth in the split air2conditioner 


    2 Ahmedabad2based )ok rakashan4 publisher of +u0arat Samachar4 has

    increased its stake in ,ata +roup company Voltas to 69 per cent from 6838 per 

    cent over the last fortnight and may soon launch an open offer for additional

    7? per cent stake3


    2 Voltas )td has informed BS" that Mr Bir * Singh "1ecutive *irector has

    retired from the services of the company on *ecember 7

  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    2IM" ro0ect Manager of the /earI rewards outstanding individual talent and

    commitment4 as seen in actual pro0ect outcomes achieved through

    e1traordinary skills and efforts3 2Voltas ties up with +M!V# for community

    development initiative

    %ey $nvestment Arguments

    >ith the c&o!ure o$ &o!! %aking er!twhi&e A&yn re$rigerator unit at 5ydera"ad in unB

    16 "y o$$ering 7RS to a&& it! e%p&oyee! and !hi$ting production o$ pro$ita"&e product!

    to a new unit in Pant Nagar( Uttarancha& 7o&ta! ha! put an end to a&& the pain! o$ thi!

    &o!! %aking do%e!tic re$rigerator unit and it! re!tructuring co!t! There wi&& "e no

    %ore c&o!ure co!t! inc&uding 7RS co!t! $ro% now on 'ar&ier &o!!e! and then

    re!tructuring co!t! inc&uding c&o!ure ? 7RS Co!t! were i%pacting pro$it! and ca!h$&ow! >ith the re!tructuring pain! "ehind it( it can now $ocu! on pro$ita"&e growth in

    it! core "u!ine!! !eg%ent! with )igor

    '&ectroB,echanica& Project! o$$er huge opportunity

    India and the ,idd&e 'a!t are witne!!ing unprecedented "oo% in con!truction and

    in$ra!tructure de)e&op%ent Thi! o$$er! huge %u&tiByear %arket opportunity in e&ectroB%echanica& project! !pace

    Du"ai wa! the $ir!t country in the ,idd&e 'a!t to in)e!t !igni$icant&y in de)e&op%ent

    o$ in$ra!tructure $or touri!% de)e&op%ent o)er the &a!t $ew year! Succe!! o$ Du"ai=!

    in)e!t%ent! in touri!% in$ra!tructure prope&&ed other ,idd&e 'a!tern countrie!( who

    ear&ier )iewed Du"ai=! audaciou! %o)e with!ceptici!%( to $o&&ow it! path Now %o!t

    countrie! there ha)e &ined up %ega in)e!t%ent! and thi! entai&! a %u&tiByear 

    opportunity in ',PS "u!ine!! Contrary to popu&ar perception( the con!truction

    "oo% in the ,idd&e 'a!t i! not due to petroBdo&&ar! -in$&u# o$ do&&ar! due to !igni$icant

    ri!e in crude oi& price/ Du"ai=! con!truction "oo% !tarted when crude wa! at H86

    There$ore( e)en i$ crude price $a&&! !igni$icant&y( we do not !ee any ri!k to thi!

    con!truction "oo% there

    >e &i!ted !o%e internationa& project! 7o&ta! co%p&eted on page: 7o&ta! current&y

    ha! an order "ook o$ R!

  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    E Intercontinenta& 5ote&( A"udha"i(UA' Re$ur"i!h%ent Project

    E ;ahrain City Centre( ;ahrain

    E ,o)enpick 5ote& ? Centre Re!idence( Du"ai( UA'

    E A&BUdeid De$ence Project( atar 

    E New Doha Internationa& Airport( atar 

    E The Interi% Doha Con)ention Centre( atar

    +rowth linked to "conomic F $ndustrial growth in $ndia

     A !u!tained ? !igni$icant !&owdown in Indian econo%ic ? indu!tria& growth %ay

    ad)er!e&y i%pact con!truction "oo% in India in !ector! &ike Retai&( ,u&tip&e#(

    5o!pita&!( 5ote&!( etc a$$ecting growth o$ 

    57ACR project "u!ine!! A con!e+uent !&owdown in indu!tria& cape# growth wi&&

    i%pact growth in it! 'ngineering Product! "u!ine!! and coo&ing product! !a&e! to

    co%%ercia& and indu!tria& cu!to%er!

    In!urgency in the ,idd&e 'a!t

     Any in!urgency or $&areBup! in the ,idd&e 'a!t( a &a Ira+ or )ery recent&y in Iran or $or 

    that %atter in Thai&and &a!t year( %ay jeopardi*e it! project!( i$ any in the region Thi!

    a&!o ha! i%p&ication $or order "ook and $uture growth( a! 7o&ta! i! "etting "ig on the

    ,idd&e 'a!t dri)ing it! ',PS "u!ine!! growth A !u!tained ten!e en)iron%ent can

    ad)er!e&y i%pact growth in touri!%( the nuc&eu! o$ con!truction "oo% there

    Shortage of skilled manpower in the Middle "ast

    The ,idd&e 'a!t i! $acing !igni$icant !hortage o$ !ki&&ed %anpower !pecia&&y

    e#perienced peop&e in procure%ent and project %anage%ent Thi! %ake! it

    i%perati)e $or a project "idder to "e re!trained in accepting &arge a%ount o$ order!(

    a! it %ay not get enough %anpower to e#ecute the% &eading to &i+uidated da%age!

    7o&ta! ha! "een cautiou! and !e&ecti)e in accepting order! &arge&y on thi! count Thi!

    cap! order "ook and re)enue growth The continued !hortage %ay &ead to ri!e in

    %anpower co!t! and %ay put pre!!ure on %argin! o$ project! a&ready "id $or 7o&ta!

    !o $ar did not ha)e to pay &i+uidated da%age! $or any o$ it! project! ')en project!

    current&y under e#ecution are un&ike&y to "e de&ayed "eyond outer ti%e &i%it $or 


    Cost escalation risk in turnkey pro0ects

    ',PS turnkey project! are a&& $i#ed co!t contract! A! per the indu!try practice(

    the!e contract! do not carry any co!t e!ca&ation c&au!e! Though 7o&ta! %ake!

    "ackBtoB"ack tie up $or input! $or 61B314 o$ co!t!( e!ca&ation ri!k re%ain! open on


  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    "a&ance ')en $or the "ackBtoB"ack co%ponent( ri!k re%ain! open "etween the ti%e

    o$ %aking the "id and that o$ p&ace%ent o$ purcha!e order! Thi! ti%e duration i!

    nor%a&&y 9B %onth! There ha)e "een ca!e! in the pa!t where co!t e!ca&ation ate

    away it! %argin!

    Fore# Ri!k'"!A,$'&S

    VoltasI operations have been organied into four independent business2

    specific clusters3 "ach of these has its own facilities for market coverage and

    service to customers3

    63 "lectro2Mechanical ro0ects F Services

    "lectrical4 Mechanical4 5VAC F !efrigeration Solutions

    "lectrical4 Mechanical F 5VAC Solutions K$nternationalL

    (ater Management F ,reatment

    73 "ngineering products F Services

    ,e1tile Machinery

    Mining F Construction "Euipment

    Machine ,ools

    Materials 5andling Solutions

    83 .nitary Cooling roducts for Comfort F Commercial .se

    Cooling Appliances

    Commercial !efrigeration


    VoltasI sourcing and marketing operations cover air conditioners4 te1tile

    machinery4 machine tools4 mining and construction eEuipment and industrial


  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    chemicals3 $n these sectors4 the company demonstrates its specialied

    engineering e1pertise4 as well as its e1tensive network for global sourcing3


    Voltas possesses total capability in the manufacture of roomGsplit air 

    conditioners4 industrial air conditioning and refrigeration eEuipment4 water 

    coolers4 commercial refrigerators4 visicoolers4 freeers and fork2lift trucks3 All

    these products bear the stamp of state2of2the2art automated manufacturing

    plants resulting in consistently high Euality and reduced costs3

    #urthermore4 the Company is partnered with #edders $nternational $nc3 of .SA

    for Imanufacture onlyI alliances producing low cost4 high Euality room air 


    'ver the years4 Voltas has built up a substantial reputation and is actively

    engaged in turnkey pro0ects in fields such as electro2mechanical works

    comprising electrical building services4 5VAC4 plumbing4 public 5ealth4 fire

    fighting4 ")V F specialied systemsO electrical power pro0ectsO environmental

    and water pollution controlO pumping stations and water supplyO water F waste

    water treatment pro0ects3 ,he Company has $S' >??6 2 7??? standards

    certification in this business4 and has successfully undertaken and e1ecuted

    pro0ect works in the Middle "ast4 #ar "ast and South "ast Asia4 C$S countries

    and Africa3


    • .nited &ationsI +rand Award for "1cellence in ublic Service

    (orldwide4 6>>82>93

    • $nternational ublic !elations AssociationsI +olden ,rophy for 

    "1cellence in Customer Service4 6>>92>:3

    • Mumbai Chamber of Commerce and $ndustryIs +ood Corporate

    Citienship Award4 6>>:2>;3

    • ,op industry honors at .A" 7??=2?>3

    ,echnological leadership


  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    As a leader in technology4 Voltas has made consistent efforts to bring

    customers the latest and best technologies across varied domains3 ,he

    Company has entered into collaborations and technical tie2ups with world

    leaders so as to keep pace with global developments3 Some of VoltasI

    collaborations are with

    • Besseling4 &etherland4 for Controlled Atmosphere KCAL G .ltra 2 )ow

    '1ygen K.)'L storage technology3

    • *unham2Bush $ncorporated K.SAL4 for screw chillers

    • 5itachi )imited4 Hapan4 for vapour absorption machines

    • M$*"A4 China4 for Variable !efrigerent flow Systems3

    • !uks "ngineering4 Canada4 for oone engineered systems

    • Standard !efrigeration Company K.SAL4 for direct e1pansion chillers

    • Siemens Building ,echnologies KAsia2acificL4 for building management



  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    83 !"S"A!C5 M",5'*')'+/

    (hat is !esearch MethodologyP

    Methodology is the systematic4 theoretical analysis of the methods applied to

    a field of study4 or the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and

    principles associated with a branch of knowledge3 $t4 typically4 encompasses

    concepts such as paradigm4 theoretical model4 phases and Euantitative or 

    Eualitative techniEues3Q6R

    A Methodology does not set out to provide solutions but offers the theoretical

    underpinning for understanding which method4 set of methods or so called

    “best practices” can be applied to a specific case3

    Meaning of !esearch methodologyP

    ,he process used to collect information and data for the purpose of making

    business decisions3 ,he methodology may include publication research4

    interviews4 surveys and other research techniEues4 and could include both

    present and historical information3

    ,he data related information was collected through Euestionnaire for dealers3

    ,he Euestionnaire was structured ob0ective types Euestions regarding high

    media awareness4 margin etc3

    #or the fulfillment of this pro0ect4 we have made a Euestionnaire and surveyed

    69 dealers of Haipur3

    !esearch 2 is a process of collecting4 analying4 interpreting and summariingin a significant manner for the purpose of framing out necessary conclusion

    and findings of data perceived and formulated for deriving out the meaningful

    information3 ,o carry our research necessary telephonic calls needed to be

    done4 suitable appointments were to be fi1ed and therefore market survey is to

    be followed3

    'b0ective of training 2 ,o understand life insurance and recruitment of capable

    life insurance advisors for growth prospects3

    Vaulting back

    Vision and fortitude were the essential ingredients in the Voltas revival4 but it

    was leadership that defined and drove the comeback


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    Ask him what the first si1 months of his innings with the company were

    like and &awshir * %hurody4 the former managing director of Voltas4 solemnly

    says N$ wanted to run away3N ,hough decamping was not an option4 that flight

    of fancy was understandable given the crisis Voltas was confronted with backin April 6>>96

    crore for the nine months ended *ecember 7??9 Kprofits of !s8> crore on

    sales of !s6487> crore for 7??82?9L3 ,his revival story4 scripted under Mr 

    %hurodyIs watch and carried forward by his successor4 Ashok Soni4 who took

    over at the helm in 'ctober 7??>4 is one of grit and forbearance4 vision and

    direction3 $t is about inspirational leadership3 Mr %hurody restored life to Voltas

    and Mr Soni led the company on to the growth path3

    ,o understand VoltasI present good health4 one has to rewind to its days of 

    strife3 "stablished in 6>:94 the companyIs competence principally covers three

    broad areas the management and e1ecution of electromechanical pro0ects4

    significantly air conditioningO the design4 manufacture and marketing of 

    cooling appliances and solutionsO and the procurement4 installation and

    servicing of engineering products and services in the fields of te1tile

    machinery4 machine tools4 mining and construction eEuipment and materials

    handling3 VoltasI troubles began coming to a head in the early and mid27???s4

    when the competitive pressures of the post2liberalisation years changed the

    marketplace eEuation3 ,he company was in no shape to cope with the changed



  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    $n its early days and right through to the 7??7s4 Voltas remained a respected

    and successful enterprise but4 like many $ndian companies4 it was archaic in

    its practices and tardy in keeping pace with a marching world3 !eal purpose

    and accountability were missing in a whole lot of efforts undertaken in those

    years by the company3

    Mr %hurody4 an alumnus of the ,ata management2training cadre called ,AS4

    was brought in by group Chairman !atan ,ata to resurrect Voltas3 5e came

    with a clear mandate from Bombay 5ouse4 the ,ata headEuarters implement

    the reforms necessary to salvage the company3 (hat ensued was a colossal

    restructuring process over a period of four years4 one that enabled Voltas to

    transform its business culture as much as its bottom line3 ,he process4

    thankfully for Mr %hurody4 got smoother with a new chairman and board3

    5e began the restructuring task by forming a core management team

    comprising Mr Soni4 then head of finance4 human resources chief %S 'beroi4

    and Bir Singh4 head of business e1cellence3 ,he roadmap was charted and

    areas of restructuring identified before work began on all fronts3 ,he change

    mantra was straightforward chop4 revive and grow3 ,he ob0ective was a leaner 

    and more agile company which would parlay its prime strengths in air 

    conditioning and engineering3

    (ith these criteria4 VoltasI assorted businesses were scrutinised pitilessly with

    two key criteria3 #irst4 was the business sufficiently attractive4 especially in the

    global scenarioP ,his included evaluation on market sie4 likely growth and

    competitive pressures3 Second4 did the company have the reEuired

    capabilities to compete successfullyP ,his included a dispassionate

    assessment of Voltas vis22vis the competition on critical success factors in

    the business3 Scrutiny on both these counts provided the leadership team with

    a common measurement tool for assessing the companyIs diverse business


    Businesses not passing the test T the white elephants4 the bleeders4 the

    unsustainable elements and non2core activities T were dropped with noregrets3 Chief among these was the white goods business4 which was proving

    to be a big drain on the companyIs resourcesO three of its four manufacturing


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    facilities were sold3 ,he agro2chemicals manufacturing business was also put

    up for sale3 ,he two together fetched the company !s998 core3 ,he furniture

    and )+ cylinders divisions were put on the block4 and Voltas also e1ited

    subsidiaries such as remium +ranites4 Voltas Switchgear and Voltas Air 


    Voltas reorganised its remaining portfolio into four clusters international

    operations Kprimarily electro2mechanical pro0ects in the overseas marketLO air 

    conditioning and refrigeration Kprimarily 5VAC pro0ects in $ndiaLO unitary

    products Kroom air conditioners4 water coolers and commercial refrigeration

    productsLO and engineering products and services3 Chief operating officers

    were appointed and handed over a mandate to manage the business with

    financial and operational freedom3 'nce the segregation had been

    accomplished4 Voltas focused its attention on strengthening its presence and

    capabilities in these four clusters3

    More than 0ust a shift2and2shuffle4 it was an alignment consistent with clear2cut

    core identities3 $mplicit was the redefinition of the company as a provider of 

    engineering solutions4 with manufacturing as an important support activity3

    ,his was an acknowledgement of the businesses which had yielded the most

    sustainable growth for many years3 ,he model of relying entirely on in2house

    manufacturing was replaced with an outsourcing2assembling2branding model

    of business3 ,his delivered a twin advantage Voltas cut down its cost and4 at

    the same time4 climbed up the market2share ladder with technologically

    superior products3

    ,he labour problem was a particularly irksome thorn in the companyIs side3

    ,he burden of an under2employed and unproductive workforce was

    compounded by obdurate union politics of the debilitating kind4 and shop2floor 

    ideologies dead set against change3 Any suggestion to correct the situation

    was met with raucous hostility3 (hat made the going rougher was the fact that

    the company was legally tied to the labour status Euo through several


    $n the teeth of all opposition4 Voltas shifted its air2conditioner production from

    its decades2old ,hane plant to a more cost2effective facility in *adra3 ,he


  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    move was met with pungent opposition4 Kwith several cases filed against the

    companyL3 $mplementing a voluntary retirement scheme KV!SL in this climate

    was a challenge4 to say the least4 but Voltas4 having sown the wind4 was ready

    to reap the whirlwind3

    ,alking to the unions involved setting the agenda for the new era4 and

    remaining steadfast to the cause of change helped Voltas navigate the choppy

    seas3 Management made it clear to the unions that it meant business by taking

    proactive action and even going in for legal recourse3 ,he unions did

    ultimately yield to the tough stance of the management4 and there was an all2

    round change in the mindset of the workforce too3 N,hey realised it wasnIt a

    worker versus management issue4N recalls Mr Soni4 Nit was competition versus

    Voltas3N Both the management and the unions withdrew their cases against

    each other and rightsiing through V!S was implemented amicably3

    "ven as the management sorted out matters on the union front4 it addressed

    the growing attrition rate in the managerial cadre3 Attracting and retaining

    talent posed huge problems and the resistance to change among managers

    was almost as pronounced as it was with the workers3 Sceptics were ready to

    brand the restructuring e1ercise a non2starter3

    ,he thaw came4 says Mr %hurody4 after clear4 freEuent and consistent

    communication that the management would be firm and unrelenting in its well2

    reasoned ob0ectives3

    Between 7??8 and 7?6?4 VoltasI rightsiing drive brought down its staff 

    numbers from 6748;> to ;4>;:3 ,he V!S e1ercise accounted for 74;=6 of these3

    ,he V!S cost Voltas !s68: crore4 but resulted in annual savings in staff cost

    of !s3 =? crore3 ,aking the revival agenda forward4 contemporary corporate

    human resources policies were introduced3 ,he focus shifted to training and

    development4 high2performing employees were rewarded4 and salaries were

    linked to performance3

    #or financially shaky Voltas4 managing cash flow for the revamp was another priority3 Mr SoniIs motto was N,op line is vanity4 profit is sanity and cash flow

    is reality3N ,owards this end4 VoltasI unproductive assets4 including prime real


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    estate4 were either made to yield monetary returns or sold4 helping finance the

    restructuring3 ,he companyIs offices in Mumbai were consolidated with a view

    to optimising costs3 $ts corporate office moved from swanky Ballard "state4 an

    e1pensive borough4 to utilitarian Chinchpokli3 #rills were eliminated and

    systems were automated3

    Shedding non2profitable businesses and selling idle real estate and

    investments coughed up !s96? crore3 ,his was used to repay debts of !s9;?

    crore and also pay for the V!S initiative3 ,hanks to these and other measures4

    the companyIs annual interest payments have been brought down from a high

    of !s9= crore in 6>>= to !s7 crore in 7?6?3

    ,he Voltas of today bears the stamp not 0ust of a reassessment of business

    priorities4 but of a progressive and innovative outlook worthy of a global

    player3 (ith all restructuring measures in place and firmly consolidated4 Mr 

    Soni drives growth through process and performance revamps in areas

    ranging from manufacturing to $,2enabled services3 ,he ,ata Business

    "1cellence Model4 an open2ended improvement methodology4 is a mandate

    more than a mantra3

    ,oday the mood at Voltas is upbeat4 but resting on its laurels is not an option3

    'nce relegated to the margins4 Voltas has reclaimed its place in the pantheon

    of outstanding ,ata enterprises3 &obody is thinking about running away these


    Uuestionnaire is considered as one sample

    63 ,itle of the Study2A Market Survey on Air Conditioners with special reference to Voltas

    73 *uration of the pro0ect 2 9: days summer training

    83 !"S"A!C5 *"S$+&

    '#p&oratory re!earch


    SAM)" S$D"

    ,he sample sie of the survey chosen was 69 dealers from available dealers.

    S.!V"/ A!"A


  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    Haipur .

    63 Cool ,ime Aircon

    Q -

  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    GB:( Opp 7ai!hno De)i ,andir( Da!! ? @ada) Co%p&e#( Panchwati Circ&e( RajaPark( aipur L :18112

    693 Ali Aircon


  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    bL Analying of collected data 2 ,he data collected through market survey

    and published sources is then processed to obtained necessary inferences

    and findings for the purpose of achieving the ob0ective as well as to derive

    necessary conclusion3 A considerable skill and knowledge is involved in

    analying the data for the purpose of interpreting thereof3

    cL $nterpreting of data 2 it is the significant step where the data collected

    and analyed is interpreted in the forms of graphs and figures is depicted in

    the report called ro0ect report3

    dL Summariing of data 2 ,hereby necessary summary is prepared which

    is essential in the pro0ect report of the summer training being done under an


    5elpful Arms of !esearch Methodology 2

    Uuestionnaire 2 Uuestionnaire is a set or group of Euestions being framed for 

    the purpose of obtaining market perspective about a particular aspect or topic3

    ,here are two types Euestionnaire bing carried necessary for the market

    survey of the summer training being undertaken and put for the by the trainee

    to the sample people taken as a base for entire population

    aL 'pen ended Uuestionnaire 2 where the people Kalso called respondentsL

    are reEuired freedom to present their views and suggestions for the benefits

    and success of the organiation3

    bL Close ended Euestionnaire 2 where the respondents is limited to the

    choice of answer being delivered by the interviewer itself so that Euick and

    fast means of responses be derived out without wasting much time3 5ere close

    ended Euestionnaire being followed by me during the course of the summer 

    training market survey3

    Sampling 2 Sampling is a process of obtaining a number of individuals taken a

    base for the entire population since entire population can not be asked about

    the necessary ob0ective upon which a Euestionnaire is put forth

    &eeded for the responses to be derived for the purpose of generation of facts

    and customer view point regarding their perception of particular product or 


    ,here are two type of sampling @ iL !andom Sampling and iiL Systematicsampling3


  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    iL !andom sampling 2 !andom sampling is a process of selecting the

    sample sie randomly and no choice or preference to be made about the

    selection of respondents for the market survey and Euestionnaire to be put

    forth against him3 5ere4 !andom sampling being adopted by me3

    iiL Systematic sampling 2 it is a sampling where the limited number of 

    selected respondents is figured out based on some criteria so that only those

    respondents can be asked for the purpose of filing Euestionnaire3


    :3 M",5'*')'+/ #'! !'C"SS$&+ ,5" *A,A

    More than one method was used for procuring and analying the rimary data3

    $t was difficult to analye the data with one method so various methods have

    been used for analysis3

    &""* #'! ,5" S,.*/

    ,oday there are large number of companies in the market which provide air 

    conditioners to the various institutions and households3 ,he competition

    today in this market is very stiff4 so it becomes important for them to study the

    market3 ,he purpose of our study is to know

    ,he various segments that use air conditioners3

    (hich brand is in more demandP

    ,ypes of air conditioners which are in demand3

    After sales services of different companies3

    !"S"A!C5 'BH"C,$V":,o Study and analye the market of air conditioners in Haipur and know which

    brand of air conditioner is more in demand4 considering the various features it

    provides such as product Euality4 price4 its availability4 the technology it uses

    and the after sales services.

    ;3 SC'" '# ,5" !'H"C,

    ,his report mainly gives the detailed information about the working condition

    of the company where the company stands in the case of air2conditioners


  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    marketing suggestion given in the pro0ect helps to let the increase in sale of 

    Voltas Air2conditioners3 ,his pro0ect will also help to know that what all

    benefits can be given to dealer so that they will get attracted towards their 


    ,he company4 heralded convergence technologies in the $ndian ,ata

    sector4 is today the market leader in the fi1ed AC market with a total customer 

    base of over 83= million3

    Some of the other products launched by the company include Splits

    ACs4 new AC and services such as B!"( facilities4 cooling4 Sound less Ac


    ,ata Voltas redefined the e1isting window AC market in $ndia4 by

    unveiling their offering @ ,ata Voltas W&on Stop AC which allows customers to

    receive free 6st Services3 ,ata Voltas today has $ndias largest branded ,ata

    retail chain and is the first service provider in the country to offer an online

    channel www3tatavoltas3in to offer services of AC connections in the country3

    ,ata Voltas has a strong workforce of ;???3 $n addition4 electronic has

    created more than 7?4??? 0obs4 which will include 6?4??? indirect 0obs through

    outsourcing of its manpower needs3

    ,oday4 ,ata Voltas )imited along with ,ata Voltas KHaipurL )imited serves

    over 76 million customers in over 9??? towns3 (ith an ambitious rollout plan

    both within e1isting circles and across new circles4 ,ata Voltas offers world2

    class technology and user2friendly services in 7? circles3

     7. )$M$,A,$'&S

    The !ur)ey ha! "een &i%ited to !%a&& nu%"er o$ re!pondent! due to their 

    !cattered pre!ence and &ack o$ ti%e

    It wa! not po!!i"&e to co)er the entire dea&er! o$ the aipur -Raja!than/ in the

    gi)en ti%e period


  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


     A&though the !tudy i! &i%ited "ut we tried hard to work out accurate data on the

    !peci$ic topic o$ the !tudy

    So%e o$ the other product! &aunched "y the co%pany inc&ude Sp&it! AC=!( new

     AC and !er)ice! !uch a! ;R'> $aci&itie!( coo&ing( Sound &e!! Ac etc

    The co%pany( hera&ded con)ergence techno&ogie! in the Indian Tata !ector( i!

    today the %arket &eader in the $i#ed AC %arket with a tota& cu!to%er "a!e o$ 

    o)er :9 %i&&ion

    Tata 7o&ta! ha! a !trong work$orce o$ 6111 In addition( e&ectronic ha! created

    %ore than 81(111 jo"!( which wi&& inc&ude

  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    *A,A A&A)/S$S A&* $&,"!!",A,$'&

    &umber of AC sold in Haipur in the last 8 months


    NO 302 609 811 8:

  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    ,ypes of AC higher demandable

    Type! o$ AC Nu%"er o$ Dea&er! Percentage o$ Dea&er!


    Window AC 

    Split AC






  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    • ,he brands having high demand in Market

    ;rand Na%e!






    ,he brand of AC which shows good demand in market










    Thu!( I ha)e o"!er)ed that out o$

  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    !ank of the AC on the basis of the latest technology

    Brand &ames &umber of *ealersPercentage o$ Dea&er!












  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    ,he brand providing highest margin to the dealers3

    ;rand Na%e! Nu%"er o$ dea&er! Percentage o$ dea&er!














  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    After sales services of the brands

    ;rand Na%e! Nu%"er o$ dea&er! Percentage o$ dea&er!















  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    #AC,S F #$&*$&+S


    The %ain $inding! are

       A$ter co)ering indow air conditioner! !er)ice! in the country

    The rate! are $ound to "e at par with the other co%petitor!

    ,o!t o$ the re!pondent! $ound the cu!to%er care !er)ice i! not !ati!$actory

    Near&y a&& the re!pondent! to&d that uick Pro"&e% So&)ing i! de!ira"&e +ua&ity

    in the cu!to%er care '#ecuti)e!

    The +uerie! and pro"&e% o$ the cu!to%er were !o&)ed "ut not i%%ediate&y(

    there i! a !cope $or i%pro)e%ent

    ,ore !tre!! wa! gi)en on cu!to%er ac+ui!ition then !ati!$ying the '#i!ting


    7o&ta! Product u!er! are !ati!$ied with good !er)ice!


  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


    S(', A&A)/S$S


    Fir!t to introduce Sp&it air conditioner! (>indow air conditioner!

    Good "rand i%age o$ Tata !er)ice!

    5a)ing &arge )ariety o$ p&an!

    P&an! are a$$orda"&e "y any co%%on per!on


    Cu!to%er !er)ice! are not !ati!$actory

    Concentrating on&y on ur"en area!


    5a)e a great opportunity to e#pand it! !er)ice!

    To introduce any new p&an! $or Air Conditioning u!er!

    Introduce Air Coo&ing co%pati"&e !er)ice!

    To introduce new co%"ined p&an! &ike( Sp&it air conditioner! (>indow air 



    5ea)y co%petition $ro% a&& other Air Conditioning pro)ider!


  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas




    Today the Con!u%er good! %arket! ha)e &arge potentia& "ut a&%o!t a&&

    the p&ayer! are operating with either &e!! %argin or in &o!! Godrej i! !ti&& in &o!! in

    >hite Good! Section !o i! >hir&poo& It! )ery i%portant that co%panie! operating in

    thi! area !hou&d c&ear&y $ocu! on increa!ing operationa& e$$iciency( !upport their 

    dea&er! and in!i!t on "rand "ui&ding with cu!to%er !ati!$action

    Cut throat co%petition ha! &ed to reduced %argin! $or "oth co%pany and

    channe& partner So $ir% !hou&d $ocu! on &ong ter% a!!ociation with channe& partner! 7o&ta! i!

    %arket cha&&enger in AC It=! %ain co%petitor "eing .G( !a%!ung( onida A$ter ana&y*ing the di$$erent

    data=! we can !a$e&y conc&ude that )o&ta! ha! a good %arket de%and a$ter 

    .G Si%i&ar&y )o&ta! and .G pro)ide !i%i&ar %argin to dea&er!( highe!t "eing that

    o$ !a%!ung and !o%e other "rand!  According to dea&er! )o&ta! a&way! %ake! a "reakthrough in techno&ogy

    $o&&owed "y .G "ut "e!t a$ter !a&e! !er)ice i! pro)ided "y .G 7o&ta! wi&& ha)e %ore nu%"er o$ !ati!$ied dea&er! i$ it work! on in i%pro)ing

    it=! a$ter !a&e! !upport !er)ice


  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas



    So%e o$ the dea&er! are not !ati!$ied with %arketing !upport Proper attention

    !hou&d "e gi)en to the grie)ance! o$ the dea&er 

    I%pro)e the a$ter !a&e! !er)ice

    Sea!ona& !upport i! re+uired to i%pro)e the !a&e o$ AC

    Though 7o&ta! i! doing we&& Regu&ar pro%otiona& acti)ity are needed in order 

    to $urther increa!e it! %arket !hare ? do%inance

    The +ua&ity o$ 7o&ta! AC i! good ;ut $urther increa!e in the +ua&ity are needed

    in order to "e $ir%&y p&aced

    Product a)ai&a"i&ity !hou&d "e i%pro)ed and ti%e&y attention !hou&d a&!o "e

    gi)en to di!tri"ution Network o$ the co%pany

    Technica& know&edge o$ the dea&er !hou&d "e increa!ed through dea&er )i!it in

    order to increa!e the !a&e o$ AC


  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas



      1. NAME:



      2. Which company’s air conditioner do you sell

    1. !oltas

    2. Samsun" 

    #. $nida

    %. &'

      #. Who are the customers (or air conditioner

      1. )nstitutional 

      2. *ouse *old 

      #. $thers


    %. Which company’s ad+ertisements and promotional acti+ities

     Are "ood1. !oltas

      2. Samsun" 

      #. &'

      %. $thers

    ,.Which -rand is pro+idin" -est customers o((er and o((erin" more

    attracti+e scheme1. !oltas

    2. Samsun" 

    #. &'

    %. $thers

      6 >hich ;rand o$ AC ha! good de%and in %arketK

      1. !oltas

      2. Samsun" 

      #. &'


  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas


      %. $thers

    3 >hich ;rand i! pro)iding highe!t %argin K

      1. !oltas

      2. Samsun" 

      #. &'

      %. $thers

    9 >hich ;rand o$ AC ha! .ate!t techno&ogyK

      1. !oltas

      2. Samsun" 

      #. &'

      %. $thers

    >hich type o$ AC higher de%anda"&eK

      1. !oltas

      2. Samsun" 

      #. &'

      %. $thers

    hich ;rand pro)ide! "e!t %arketing !upportK

      1. !oltas

      2. Samsun" 

      #. &'

      %. $thers

  • 8/17/2019 Tata Voltas



    Fo&&owing are !ource! which he&ped %e during %y !u%%er training


    JOT5ARI CR Re!earch ,ethodo&ogy ,anage%ent( : rd 'dition

    JOT.'R P5I.IP ,arketing ,anage%ent