fe-evi questionnaire

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  • 8/7/2019 FE-EVI Questionnaire


  • 8/7/2019 FE-EVI Questionnaire


  • 8/7/2019 FE-EVI Questionnaire


    Table of Contents

    About the FE-EVI Green Business Survey ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Methodology --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Contact ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

    About Emergent Ventures International ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 About Financial Express-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Confidentiality Clause ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Instructions How to fill the Survey ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

    CLIMATE CHANGE & ENVIRONMENT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9

    NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23

    STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT & DISCLOSURE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------31

    CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37

    ECONOMIC IMPACT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43

    COMPANY INFORMATION--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45

    SURVEY RELATED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47

  • 8/7/2019 FE-EVI Questionnaire


  • 8/7/2019 FE-EVI Questionnaire


    About the FE-EVI Green Business Survey The FE-EVI Green Busine ss Surv ey is collaboratio n betw een The Financial Expr e ss, o ne of Ind ia s leading finance ne wspap e rs, a nd Eme rgen t Ven tur es In ternatio nal, a n in teg rat ed climat e change miti gatio n/ adaptatio n co nsulta ncy. It was i nstitut ed in 2008-09 to gau ge the awar ene ss of I nd ian busi ne ss o n issu es of climat e change. Ove r 300 r espo nse s w e re sou gh t i n the first ed itio n of t he surv ey. The format was mo dified in the seco nd ed itio n ,

    and respo nden ts w ere ra nked on a s ectoral basis . Over 120 r espo nses w e re sou gh t for t he seco nd FE-EVI Green Busine ss Surv ey.

    This is t he third ed itio n of t he surv ey.

    The 2010-11 surv ey seek s to m easur e the real impact of actio ns b e ing carri ed out b y Ind ian Busi ne ss o n climat e change and sustai nabilit y. Participati ng compa n ies will b e ra nked to pro duc e a Top 100 Gr een Compa n ies of I nd ialist . Data from t he surv ey will also b e us ed to compar e Ind ian ind ustr y wit h global i nd ustr y best practic es. The surv ey will culmi nat e at a n awar ds ce remo ny to b e he ld on the 5 th of Ju ne - Worl d Enviro nm en t Da y .

    Target Companies: The FE-EVI Green Busine ss Surv ey 2010-11 is b e ing sen t to compa n ies r eg ist e red in Ind ia wit h reven ues abov e INR 1,000 cror e. The surv ey will b e sen t to 590 compa n ies.

    Event Details: The FE-EVI Green Busine ss Surv ey 2010-11 will b e lau nched on 5 th June 2011 at a n awar dsce remo ny in New Delh i. The even t will b e att ended by compa ny Directors, CXOs, Sustai nabilit y Heads a nd Busine ssHeads of top 500 I nd ian compa n ies. The platform will also i nclu de investors, governmen t a gen cies, en viro nm en talgroups a nd non-profit or gan izatio ns.

    MethodologyThis qu estio nn air e has qu estio ns u nde r four cat eg ori es Climat e Change & Enviro nm en t, Natural R e sourc esMa nagem en t, Sta keh olde r Engagem en t & Disclosur e , a nd Corporat e Governance. Each sectio n seek s to evaluat e how a compa ny has p e rform ed on the associat ed param e te rs .

    The qu estio ns ar e evaluat ed alo ng two d imen sions:

    1. To gau ge actio ns ta ken by Ind ian compa nies o n climat e change and re lat ed issu es at a macro-l eve l as w e llat a s ector / ind ustr y leve l

    2. To evaluat e e ac h compa ny in or de r to provi de a ra nk ing upo n wh ich Ind ia sTop 100 green compa nies willbe compil ed

    The ra nking will b e evaluat ed by an inde penden t jur y of expe rts, busi ne ss p e rso ns, polic y ma kers, a nd aca de mics .

    ContactFor qu estio ns about a nsw ering the surv ey , comm en ts, or a ny ot he r en quiri es, pl eas e co n tact:

    Emergent Ventures International

    Gaurav SarupOffice : +91 124 4353 .100Mobil e : +91 956 .045 .3391Email: gaurav .sarup@ em e rgen t-ven tur es.com , f e -evisurv ey@em e rgen t-ven tur es.com

    Survey Market Research Firm: Ne w Co ncept I nformatio n Syst ems

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    About Emergent Ventures InternationalEme rgen t Ven tur es In te rnatio nal (EVI) is a n in teg rat ed climat e change miti gatio n compa ny wit h op e ratio ns across15 cou n tri es globall y. EVI was fou nded in 2004, wit h a visio n of de ve lopi ng comm e rciall y sustai nabl e wa ys tomiti gat e climat e change.

    A Thou gh t Leade r in the climat e change spac e , EVI is curr en tly wor king on ove r 300 d ive rse proj ects, som e of wh ich ar e ind ustr y firsts . These spa n our expert s e rvice ar eas of Carbo n Advisor y, Sustai nabilit y and Climat e Valu e Advisor y and Clean Ene rgy Gene ratio n.

    EVI is led by peopl e who r ealize that i n or de r to mov e towar ds a 'low carbo n ' soci e ty, w e must fi nd wa ys toin teg rat e global fi nances a nd clean techn olo gie s. The team compris es of i n te rnatio nal finance , t e chn olo gy and strat egy prof essio nals wit h prov en experien ce in ar e as suc h as busi ne ss sustai nabilit y and en viro nm en tal strat egy advisor y, rene wabl e ene rgy de ve lopm en t, a nd carbo n mar ke ts .

    Website: h ttp: // www .e m ergen t-ven tur es.com

    About Financial ExpressEstablis hed in 1961, T he Financial Express is a n insigh tful busi ne ss daily that off e rs compr ehen sive cov era ge of eco nomic polic y, busi ne ss de velopm en ts a nd mar ket tr end s. Wit h ed itio ns in Delh i, Chand igar h , Lucknow,Mumbai, Pu ne , Kolkata, Koc hi, Bangalor e , Chenn ai, H yde raba d and Ahmed aba d , T he Financial Express has essa yed

    a leade rsh ip rol e in raisi ng issu es p erti nen t to i nd ustr y and busi ne ss . The publicatio n ta ke s great pri de in pla ying the rol e of a facilitator a nd en coura ging de bat e and discussio n amo ng st its various sta keh olde r commu n ities in or de r to drive change.

    Website: http://www.financialexpress.com

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    Confidentiality Clause

    This surv ey will not b e us ed for solicitatio n by The Financial Expr ess, Em ergen t Ven tur es Inte rnatio nal or a ny th ird part y. Informatio n collected will be us ed to i den tif y tr end s at a macro l evel. Compa ny sp ecific informatio n will o n ly be us ed to calculat e aggreg at e scor es for t he Green Busine ss Ra nk ing.

    Your r espo nses will b e shar ed wit h The Financial Expr ess and Emergen t Ven tur es In te rnatio nal and they ca n stu dy your r espo nses at a n ove rall as w e ll as at t he compa ny leve l.

    Respondent Details

    Nam e

    Designatio n

    Compa ny

    Email ID

    Contact No .

    Add re ss

    Signatur e

    I ce rtif y that all r espo nse s provi ded in the surv ey ar e accurat e. Eme rgen t Ven tur e s In ternatio nal, The FinancialExpr ess or a ny of t he ir r epr esen tativ es ar e not r espo nsibl e for a ny inaccurat e informatio n provi ded to us i n th issurv ey.

    _______________________________ ________________________Nam e Designatio n

    _______________________________ ________________________Signatur e Dat e

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    Instructions How to fill the Survey

    y Most of t he surv ey is in multipl e choice formaty You do not have to a nsw er all t he qu estio ns in or de r to compl e te the surv ey

    o Afte r you a nsw e r a qu estio n , instructions in red will dire ct you to t he next relevant question .

    Example: If you a nsw e r Yes to Q1, you ma y be as ked to proc eed to Q2 . If you a nsw e rNo to Q1, you ma y be as ked to proc eed to Q4 . In suc h a cas e , you do not have to

    answ e r Q2 a nd Q3 . o If you do not s ee any instructio ns, pl eas e proc eed to t he ne xt qu estio n in the sequ en ce.

    y When m easur e men t r elat ed figur es ar e as ked , pl eas e provi de data from t he year 2007 o nwar ds (if applicabl e)

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    Climate Change & Environment

    Departments best able to fill this section:

    Sustainability, Environment Health & Safety

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    Green-House-Gas (GHG) Emissions

    Q1 Does your company measure it's carbon emissions?

    Yes Proceed to Q 1.1 No Proceed to Q 6 on Page 15.

    Q1.1 What protocol/industry standard does your company use to measure carbon emissions? (select one)

    Corporat e Accou n ting GHG Protocol . Proceed to Q 2

    ISO 14064 . Proceed to Q 2

    In te rnal compa ny/ ind ustr y sta nd ar d. Proceed to Q 1.2

    Ot he r (pl e as e sp ecif y be low) . Proceed to Q 1.2

    Q 1.2 What were your absolute CO 2 emissions (in Metric Tons)

    2010 2009 2008 2007

    Proceed to Q 6 on Page 15.

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    Scope 1 Emissions: The GHG Protocol describes Scope 1 emissions as direct GHG emissions resulting from:y Gene ratio n of electricit y, he at or st eamy

    Ma nufactur e and proc essing of c he micals a nd mat e rialsy Tra nsportatio n of mat e rials, pro ducts, wast e , a nd emplo yee s in compa ny ow ned veh icle sy " Fugitive emissio ns" that r esult from i n ten tio nal or u nin ten tio nal leaks

    Q2 Please provide your scope 1 emissions (in Metric Tons)

    2010 2009 2008 2007

    Q2.1 What emissions sources are included in your scope 1 evaluation?

    2010 2009 2008 2007

    Q2.2 What percentage of your total CO 2 emissions are represented by your scope 1emissions?

    Scope 2 Emissions: The GHG protocol describes Scope 2 emissions as indirect GHG emissions that resultfrom the consumption of purchased electricity, heat or steam

    Q3 Please provide your scope 2 emissions (in Metric Tons)

    2010 2009 2008 2007

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    Q3.1 What emissions sources are included in your scope 2 evaluation?

    2010 2009 2008 2007

    Q3.2 What percentage of your total CO 2 emissions are represented by your scope 2emissions?

    Scope 3 Emissions: The GHG Protocol describes scope 3 emissions as other indirect emissions. They caninclude:y Extractio n and pro ductio n of purc has ed mat e rials a nd fue ls,y Tra nsport-r e lat ed activiti es in veh icles not ow ned or co n troll ed by the re porti ng en tit y,y Electricit y-re lat ed activiti es (e.g. T&D loss es) not cov ered in Scop e 2,y Outsourc ed activiti e s,y Wast e d isposaly U se of sol d pro ducts a nd se rvices

    Q4 Please provide your scope 3 emissions (in Metric Tons)

    2010 2009 2008 2007

    Q5 Does your company have annual GHG reduction targets?

    Yes. Proceed to Q 5.1

    No . Proceed to Q 6 on Page 15

    Q5.1 What is the baseline year for your GHG reduction targets?

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    Q 5.2 Over the next year, does your company plan to decrease:

    Absolut e GHG e missio ns. Proceed to Q 5.2.1

    Carbo n in ten sit y (CO2 to ns/ unit pro duced ) of GHG Emissio ns. Proceed to Q 5.2.2

    Bot h Absolut e GHG emissio ns AND Carbo n In ten sity. Proceed to Q 5.2.1 & Q 5.2.2

    Q5.2.1 By what % does your company plan to reduce absolute GHG emissions overthe next year?

    Q5.2.2 By what % is carbon intensity expected to increase/decrease over the nextyear?

    Q5.2.3 How does your company plan to reduce its CO 2 emissions?

    Q5.3 Were you able to meet your emissions reduction targets from last year?

    Yes, w e m e t our tar ge ts . Proceed to Q 5.3.1

    Yes, w e exceeded our tar ge ts . Proceed to Q 5.3.1

    No . Proceed to Q 5.3.2

    We d id not have emissio ns red uctio n tar ge ts . Proceed to Q 6

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    Q5.3.1 What were the factors that allowed you to meet your emissions reduction targets? (check all that apply)

    Ene rgy e fficien cy m easur es Op e ratio nal efficien cy m easur es Purc has e of VERs/ Carbo n Cred its / Carbo n Offs e ts U se of cl ean sourc e s of ene rgy

    Drop i n pro ductio n/ slow dow n in busi ne ss Ot he rs (pl eas e sp ecif y)

    Proceed to Q 6 on Page 15.

    Q5.3.2 Why were you not able to meet your emissions reduction targets? (check all that apply)

    Lack of compa ny initiativ e Inade quat e awar ene ssLack of fu nd s to i nstitut e emissio ns red uctio n m easur esU npla nned growt h in busi ne ssNot part of compa ny strat egy Ot he r (pl eas e sp ecif y)

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    Product Lifecycle

    A pro duct lif ecycle analysis allows a compa ny to de te rmi ne the most r e sourc e in ten sive st eps i n a pro ductspro ductio n/ us e cycle. The insight from t h is activit y ca n he lp a n or gan izatio n de te rmi ne whe re e fficien cy

    improv em en ts or pro duct i nn ovatio n need to b e appli ed in or de r to de rive mi nimize resourc e usa ge.

    Q6 Have you conducted a lifecycle analysis (LCA) for any of your products/services?

    Yes. Proceed to Q 6.1

    No . Proceed to Q 6.2 on Page 16

    Q6.1 What product/service/product category/service category was the LCA conducted for?

    Q6.1.1 What did the LCA measure? (check all that apply)

    Carbo n footpri n t

    Wat e r footpri n tOt he r (pl e as e sp ecif y)

    Product Product Category

    Service Service Category


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    Q6.2.2 What will the LCA measure? (check all that apply)

    Carbo n footpri n tWat e r footpri n tOt he r (pl e as e sp ecif y)

    Q6.2.3 What are the drivers for conducting an LCA? (check all that apply)

    Reg ulatio n Custom e r Dema nd To Attai n Op eratio nal Efficien cy

    Comp e titor R espo nse Pilot proj ectBrand Building Pro duct I nn ovatio n Ot he r (pl e as e sp ecif y)

    Q6.3 Why have you not considered conducting and LCA? (check all that apply)

    Lack of awar ene ssLack of r egulatio n Lack of custom e r de ma nd My comp e titors ar e not co nd ucti ng an LCA Lack of in ternal e xpe rtis e Too compl e xToo tim e co nsumi ng Too expen sive Ot he r (pl e as e sp ecif y)

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    CDM involvement

    The Clean Developm en t M echan ism (CDM) is a fi nancing mechanism for t he impl em en tatio n of cl ean ene rgy and clean techn olo gy proj ects . Simpl y put, busi ne sses ca n gene rat e 'carbo n cred its' for impl em en ting ene rgy e fficien t (less GHG emitti ng) proj ects . The se carbo n cr ed its ca n be sol d in the in te rnatio nal mar ke t for a pric e.

    Ove r t he last 5-7 years s eve ral I nd ian compa nies have us ed th is m echan ism to de plo y 'greene r' proj ects a nd gene rat e reven ue.

    Q7 Does your company have registered CDM projects?

    Yes. Proceed to Q 7.1

    No . Proceed to Q8 on Page 19

    Q7.1 Please fill CDM project details below:

    Project Type Year Registered CERs issued Reference No.

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    Energy Use

    Q8 What is your company's total energy requirement? (MwHr)

    2010 2009 2008 2007

    Q9 By what % is energy consumption expected to increase/decrease over the nextyear?

    Q10 What are the sources for your company's energy?

    Source Percentage


    Captiv e Thermal Pow e r Pla nts

    Non-Captiv e Thermal Pow er Pla n ts

    Captiv e Clean/ Rene wabl e Pow e r Pla n ts

    Non-Captiv e Clean/ Rene wabl e Pow er Pla nts

    DG Se ts

    Ot he r (pl eas e sp ecif y)

    Q11 What are the renewable/clean sources for your energy?

    Source Percentage




    HydroOt he r (pl eas e sp ecif y)

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    Q11.1 How is your renewable energy supplied to you? (check all that apply)

    Captiv e pow er pla n tNon-Captiv e pow e r pla n tWhee ling Do not know

    Ot he r (pl e as e sp ecif y)

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    Waste Management

    Q12 Does your company have a waste management plan?

    Yes. Proceed to Q 13.1

    No . Proceed to Q 14 on Page 22

    Q13.1 What does your waste management plan cover?

    Mu n icipal soli de wast e Liquid Effluen tsAirbor ne Polluta ntsHazar dous Soli d Wast e

    Organic Compou nd sOrganic Wast e E-Wast e Ot he r (pl e as e sp ecif y)

    Q13.2 How would you rate your waste disposal systems for each of the following product categories?

    Above Compliance At Compliance

    Mu n icipal soli d wast e

    Liquid e fflu en ts

    Air bor ne polluta n ts

    Solid particulat e matt e r

    Hazar dous soli d wast e

    Organic compou nd s

    Organic wast e

    E-wast e

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    Q14 What will the waste disposal systems look like for your company next year?

    Above Compliance Compliance

    Mu n icipal soli d wast e

    Liquid e fflu en ts

    Air bor ne polluta n ts

    Solid particulat e matt e r

    Hazar dous soli d wast e

    Organic compou nd s

    Organic wast e

    E-wast e

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    Natural Resources Management

    Departments best able to fill this section:

    Sustainability, Environment Health & Safety, MD s Office

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    Natural Resources Management

    Natural r esourc es ca n be de fined as:- Thos e that ca n be replen ished . Air

    . Wat e r. For ests

    - Thos e that ca nn ot b e replen ished . Mine rals / Fossil fu e ls. Land

    Q1 What natural resources are critical to your business?

    Q2 What are the top 3 challenges that your industry faces or will face in future when it comes to naturalresources management?

    Q3 Have these challenges influenced the manner in which your company utilizes these natural resources?

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    Q4 What are the top 3 opportunities that natural resources management presents to your industry?

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    Q5 Have the opportunities identified in Q4 influenced how your company manages natural resources?

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    Water Footprint

    Ind ia's Natio nal Wat e r Missio n aims to i ncreas e wat e r us e e fficien cy by 20% b y 2017 . In add itio n , climat e change will incr eas e the variabilit y to pr ecipitatio n. In suc h a sc en ario, compa n ie s will need to start trac king the ir wat e r footpri n t in or de r to m ee t t he se tar ge ts .

    Water Usage

    Q6 Does your company measure it's water usage?

    Yes. Proceed to Q 6.1

    No . Proceed to Q 7

    Q6.1 At what level do you measure your water usage? (check all that apply)

    Pla n t leve l Corporat e leve l Pro duct l e ve lOt he r (pl e as e sp ecif y)

    Q6.2 What is the total amount of water used by your company? (Kilo litre)

    2010 2009 2008 2007

    Mu nicipal Wat e r

    Grou nd Wat e r

    Sh ipp ed Wat e r

    Total Wat e r U se

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    Q7 What % of water gets recycled and reused in your facilities?

    2010 2009 2008 2007

    Corporat e Offic e s

    Factori es/ Ma nufacturi ng U nits

    Data C en te rs

    Captiv e Pow e r Pla nts

    Sale s offic es

    Ot he r locatio n (pleas e sp ecif y)

    Q8 What % of waste water is treated and discharged from your facilities?

    2010 2009 2008 2007

    Corporat e Offic e s

    Factori es/ Ma nufacturi ng U nits

    Data C en te rs

    Captiv e Pow e r Pla nts

    Sale s offic es

    Ot he r locatio n (pleas e sp ecif y)

    Q9 Does your company have any goals of reducing its water footprint over the next year?

    Yes. Proceed to Q 9.1

    No . Proceed to Q 10

    Do not know . Proceed to Q 10

    Q9.1 What is the baseline year for your water reduction targets?

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    Q9.2 By what % is water consumption expected to decrease over the next year?

    Q9.3 What will be the primary means of reducing your water footprint?

    Op e ratio nal efficien cy

    Wat e r co nse rvatio n Wat e r r ecycling Developm en t of wat e r bo dies in commu nities of your op e ratio n Ot he r (pl e as e sp ecif y)Do not know

    Q9.4 Were you able to meet your water consumption reduction targets from last year?

    Yes, w e m e t our tar ge ts . Proceed to Q 9.4.1 Yes, w e exceeded our tar ge ts . Proceed to 9.4.2 No . Proceed to Q 10 We d id not have wat e r us e red uctio n tar ge ts . Proceed to Q 10

    Q9.4.1 What were the factors that allowed you to meet your water reduction targets?

    Op e ratio nal efficien cy m easur es Drop i n pro ductio n/ slow dow n in busi ne ss Wat e r co nse rvatio n Wat e r r ecycling Developm en t of wat e r bo dies in commu nities of our op eratio n Ot he rs (pl eas e sp ecif y)

    Proceed to Q 10Q9.4.2 Why were you not able to meet your water reduction targets?

    Lack of compa ny initiativ e Inade quat e awar ene ssLack of fu nd s to i nstitut e wat er r ed uctio n m easur es U npla nned growt h in busi ne ss Not part of compa ny strat egy (co n tinued on ne xt pa ge ) Ot he r (pl e as e sp ecif y)

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    Water Conservation

    Q10 Does your company practice water conservation?

    Yes. Proceed to Q 10.1 No . Proceed to Next Section

    Q10.1 What water conservation methods does your company deploy?

    Wat e r r ecycling Wat e r e fficien cy m easur es in op eratio ns Emplo yee awar ene ss pro grams Custom e r awar ene ss pro grams Rainwat e r harv esti ng Wat e rshed ma nagem en tOt he r (pl e as e sp ecif y)

    Q10.2 What is the percentage of water conserved from the following measures?

    Measur e % co nserved Wat e r r ecycling

    Wat e r e fficien cy m easur e s in op eratio ns

    Emplo yee awar ene ss pro grams

    Custom e r awar ene ss pro grams

    Rainwat e r harv esti ng

    Wat e rshed ma nagem en t

    Ot he r (pl eas e sp ecif y)

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    Stakeholder Engagement & DisclosureDepartments best able to fill this section:MD s Office, Sustainability, CSR, Corporate Communications

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    Q1 Has your company produced a sustainability report?

    Yes. Proceed to Q 1.1

    No . Proceed to Q 2

    Do not know w hat sustai nabilit y report is . Proceed to Q 2

    Q1.1 Please list all the years that your company has produced a sustainability report?


    Q1.2 Does your company also produce a CSR report?



    Disclosur e on corporat e e thics, gove rnance , sustai nabilit y and CSR in itiativ es ca n se rve to enh ance acompa ny 's r eputatio n. It ca n also la y the fou nd atio n for eff ectiv e sta keh olde r eng agem en t, w h ich even tuall y

    leads to s h ield ing the busi ne ss from exte rnal d isruptio ns.

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    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

    Q2 What kind of activities are part of your CSR initiatives? (check all that apply)

    Educatio n relat ed Healt h re lat ed Enviro nm en t r e lat ed Activiti es t hat miti gat e the direct social or en viro nm en tal impact of your busi ne ssOt he r (pl e as e sp ecif y)We do not have CSR activiti es

    Q3 Do you consider sustainability to be a part of CSR?

    Yes No I do not know w hat sustai nabilit y m eans

    Q4 Do you consider climate change issues to be a part of CSR?

    Yes No

    Q5 What percentage of your total profits are spent on CSR activities?

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    Q8 What is the greatest challenge when it comes to engaging your stakeholders?

    Q9 In the past year, can you give an example of a challenging stakeholder relationship?

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    Q10 In the past year, can you give an example of a successful stakeholder engagement exercise?

    Q11 What kind of employee engagement initiatives does your company have to make them aware aboutenvironmental and social issues?

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    Q12 What has been the impact of each of the initiatives listed above?

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    Corporate Governance

    Departments best able to fill this section:MD s Office

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    Board & Top Management Involvement

    Q1 Does your board have a sustainability/climate change committee?

    Yes. Proceed to Q 1.1 No . Proceed to Q 2

    Q1.1 What key decisions has the committee made with respect to climate change/sustainability? What hasbeen their impact?

    Decisions Impacts

    Q2 Does the MD/Chairman/CEO of your company actively engage on climate change/sustainability issues?

    Yes. Proceed to Q 2.1 No . Proceed to Q 3 on Page 39

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    Q2.1 What key decisions has the MD/Chairman/CEI made with respect to climate change/sustainability?What has been their impact?

    Decisions Impacts

    Q2.2 Do the Key Result Areas (KRA) of your MD/Top Management include climate change/sustainabilityperformance considerations?

    Yes. Proceed to Q 2.2.1

    No . Proceed to Q 3

    Q2.2.1 What kind of climate change performance indicators form part of the KRA?

    Q3 Does your top management include climate change/sustainability issues in the formulation of corporate


    Yes. Proceed to Q 3.1 No . Proceed to Q 3.2

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    Q3.1 Has impact of climate change resulted in change of corporate strategy to actively manage this issue?

    Yes. Proceed to Q 3.1.1 No . Proceed to Q 3.2

    Q3.1.1 How is your company incorporating climate change issues in its corporate strategy?

    Q3.2 Has impact of climate change resulted in change of corporate structure to actively manage this issue?

    Yes. Proceed to Q 3.2.1

    No . Proceed to Q 4

    Q3.2.1 Does your company have a specialized position to manage climate change/sustainability issues?

    Yes, w e have a Ch ief Sustai nabilit y Office r. Proceed to Q Yes, w e have a Sustai nabilit y Departm en t . Proceed to Q3.2.1.1 No . Proceed to Q 4

    Q3.2.1.1 Who does the CSO report to?

    MD/ Chairma n/ CEOBoar d Head of EHS

    Ot he r (pl e as e sp ecif y)

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    Q4 What are the major challenges when it comes to incorporation of climate change issues into corporate

    strategy? (check all that apply)

    Lack of top ma nagem en t / Boar d involvem en t Lack of r e levance to busi ne ss

    Lack of r egulatio n on climat e change issu es Lack of de ma nd from custom e rs / clien ts Lack of optio ns to miti gat e climat e/en viro nm en tal impact Lack of in-hous e expe rtis e to u nde rsta nd probl em Mar ke t too dyn amic a nd fast movi ng to worr y about climat e change Ot he r (pl eas e sp ecif y)

  • 8/7/2019 FE-EVI Questionnaire



  • 8/7/2019 FE-EVI Questionnaire


    Economic Impact

    Departments best able to fill this section:MD s Office, Sustainability, Environment Health & Safety

  • 8/7/2019 FE-EVI Questionnaire


    Q1 What has been the economic impact of the following activities (please check appropriate box)

    Activity FinanciallyBeneficial



    Have notcalculatedfinancialimpact

    Do notknow

    Have notconductedactivity

    Climat e Change &Sustai nabilit y Strat egy Deve lopm en tCarbo n Footpri nting CDM

    Ene rgy Efficien cy Measur e sLif e Cycle Assessm en t

    Wast e Ma nage m en t

    Wat e rFootpri nting

    Sustai nabilit y Reporti ng Sta keh olde rEngage m en t


  • 8/7/2019 FE-EVI Questionnaire


    Company Information

    Departments best able to fill this section:Human Resources, Corporate Communicatio

  • 8/7/2019 FE-EVI Questionnaire


    Company Name:Name of CEO/MD:Head Office Address:


    2010 2009 2008

    Countries Operational #

    2010 2009 2008

    Number of full-time employees

    2010 2009 2008

    Mal e

    Femal e


    Age of Employees

    2010 2009 2008

    Ave ra ge

    Med ian

  • 8/7/2019 FE-EVI Questionnaire


    Survey Related

  • 8/7/2019 FE-EVI Questionnaire


    Q1 What has motivated you to participate in this survey?

    Q2 Would you prefer to take this survey online next year?

    Yes Yes, but I ca nn ot acc ess t hird-part y websit e s from m y wor kplac e No

    Q3 Do you have any suggestions to improve the survey process next year?

  • 8/7/2019 FE-EVI Questionnaire


    Eme rgen t Ven tur es In ternatio nal, 5 th Floor, U n ive rsal Tra de Tow e rSector-40, Gur gao n-122001, Har yana, Ind iaTe lephone : +91-124-4353100

    Websit e : www .e me rgen t-ven tur es.com

    The Financial Expr ess, The Ind ian Express Limit ed , Expr e ss Buil ding 9& 10Bahadur S hah Zafar Mar g, New De lhi- 110002