cv antonio sandu tradus mai

8/6/2019 CV Antonio Sandu Tradus Mai 1/38 CURRICULUM VITAE SANDU ŞTEFAN ANTONIO CURRICULUM VITAE  First name(s) / Surname(s) ŞTEFAN ANTONIO SANDU Address(es Str. Ţepeş Vodă, nr. 2, bl.V1, sc. F, et. 3, ap. 2, Iaşi, cod 700712, Romania  Telephone(s) Mobile: 0740 151455 E-mail [email protected] Nationality(-ies) Romanian Date of birth 19 07 1973 Gender M Work experience Dates 2009 present Occupation or position held Lecturer Ph. D. Main activities and responsibilities  Teaching courses: "Introduction to Philosophy", "Social Philosophy", "Globalism and globalization" and tutorial class "Legal Sociology" Name and address of employer Faculty of Philosophy, International Relations Department, „Mihail Kogălniceanu” University, Iaşi  Type of business or sector Higher/ university education Work experience Dates 2008 present Occupation or position held Associate professor Main activities and responsibilities  Teaching courses: “Appreciative Methods of intervention in organizational level”, “Group supervision” Curriculum vitae Europass Personal information

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First name(s) /Surname(s)


Address(es Str. Ţepeş Vodă, nr. 2, bl.V1, sc. F, et. 3, ap. 2, Iaşi,cod 700712, Romania

 Telephone(s) Mobile: 0740 151455E-mail [email protected] 

Nationality(-ies) Romanian

Date of birth 19 07 1973

Gender M

Work experienceDates 2009 – present

Occupation orposition held

Lecturer Ph. D.

Main activities andresponsibilities

 Teaching courses:"Introduction to Philosophy","Social Philosophy","Globalism and globalization"and tutorial class "Legal Sociology"

Name and addressof employer

Faculty of Philosophy, International RelationsDepartment, „Mihail Kogălniceanu” University, Iaşi

 Type of business orsector

Higher/ university education

Work experienceDates 2008 – presentOccupation orposition held

Associate professor

Main activities andresponsibilities

 Teaching courses:“Appreciative Methods of intervention inorganizational level”, “Group supervision”

Curriculum vitaeEuropass

Personal information

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“Case supervision”and “Individual Supervision”at the “Supervision and Social Planning” MasterDegree

Name and address

of employer

Faculty of Philosophy and Social and Political

Sciences, Social Work and Sociology Department,“Al.I.Cuza” University Iaşi, Blv. Carol, 11, Iaşi Type of business orsector

Higher/ university education

Dates 2001 - PresentOccupation orposition held

President of Lumen Association, III Main Researcherin Social Work

Main activities andresponsibilities

- General business administration of LumenAssociation- Establishment of the following centers:

Lumen Research Center in HumanisticSciences with the following directions: Center forMultidimensional Education (research in socio-educational sciences), Transpersonal ResearchCenter and Philosophy of Religion ( research intranspersonal psychology, philosophy and sociologyof religion), Centre for Applied Research for SocialWork(studies and research in social services andprotection of persons in difficulty), Centre forCultural Action (elaboration and implementation of research-action programs in culture)

Editorial Center (editorial development andmanagement), represented by Lumen PublishingHouse

Consulting and Training Center (design andimplementation of training programs in variousfields) with the following directions: Center forOrganizational Development (providing softwaredevelopment consultancy focused on organizationalsuccess and appreciation), Training Center,

Consulting Center.

- I coordinated action research programs carriedout within Lumen Association Centers.- I am a trainer within Lumen Association, providingtraining sessions in areas such as projectmanagement, design proposals for funding, humanresources management, business communication

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(salesman), personal branding and corporatebranding, intercultural communication,organizational development.

Name and addressof employer

Lumen Asociation, str. Ţepeş Vodă, nr. 2, bl.V1, sc.F, et. 3,ap. 2, Iaşi, cod 700712 Type of business orsector

Individual and social development of young people;publishing; education center

Dates November 2004 - presentOccupation orposition held

Chairman of Lumen Publishing House

Main activities andresponsibilities

- Coordination of the work of book publishing anddistribution- Supervision of the departments within theorganization

- Representing the organization in relation tosuppliers, authors, partners, and distributors- Coordination of the Editorial Policy- Editorial control of activities- Development of book reviews, press releases,announcements- Providing editorial advice- Member of the scientific reviewers of LumenPublishing House- Editor, editorial board member or scientificcommittee member of some publications indexed

in ISI or BDI (see annexes)Name and addressof employer

SC. Lumen Media SRL., str. Ţepeş Vodă, nr. 2, bl.V1,sc. F, et. 3,ap. 2, Iaşi, cod 

 Type of business orsector

Publishing House

Dates 2004 - 2005Occupation orposition held


Main activities andresponsabilities

- coordination of the site www.asistentasocială.ro

Name and addressof employer

SC. Asistenta SRL.

 Type of business orsector

Web development

Dates 2002 - 2004

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Occupation orposition held

Social Worker

Main activities andresponsibilities

- Development and coordination of social andcultural programs- Organizing conferences, trainings

- Representing the Italian Community in Romania atnational and international conferences- The preparation of information materials- Development of the Multicultural Resource Centerfor Youth

Name and addressof employer

 The Italian Community from Romania – Nationalhead office

 Type of business orsector

NGO belonging to the Italian Minority withparliamentary representation according to theminority Law

Dates 1999 - 2001Occupation orposition held

Substitute assistant professor

Main activities andresponsibilities

- Teaching courses in Pro Sansa College of ProHumanitas University, Bucharest, Territorial CentreIasi (Pro Sansa Foundation)- In that period The Foundation Pro Sansafunctioned as subsidiary of Pro HumanitasUniversity of Bucharest, who was running forprovisional authorization for the following

specializations: Special Pedagogy and Social Work.In the same period I have contributed to theassessment of the evaluation file for the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work – Social Work College of Pro Sansa University Iasi, submitted for approvalbetween 2000 and 2001.- Teaching courses with teaching delegation:Foundations of social work, Intervention andresearch methodology in social work, Designproposals for financing, Social Hermeneutics.- Tutorial classes held: Foundations of social work,

Intervention and research methodology in socialwork, Design proposals for financing, SocialHermeneutics, Human development, Social work fordisadvantaged and vulnerable populations, SpecialCourse for counseling and psychotherapy.- I developed the internal course support forstudents of the Pro Sansa College, Social Work

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Department.Name and addressof employer

Pro Şansa Foundation Iaşi, Pro Sansa College

 Type of business orsector

 Teaching activity

Dates 1999 - 2001Occupation orposition held

Substitute teacher in higher education

Main activities andresponsibilities

- Teaching courses in the Pro Sansa post-secondarySchool- Subjects taught: Foundations of social work,Intervention and research methodology in socialwork, Design proposals for financing, SocialHermeneutics, Human development, Social work forpersons with disabilities, Music therapy.

- I coordinated the development and support for thecertified paper work for graduates of the SocialWork Department and the Teacher/ Educator forSpecial Education Department.- I was coordinator of the Department of SocialWork.- I attended the National Curriculum Developmentfor post-secondary education in social work.- I worked on authorization documents filed atNCAAPE (National Commission for Assessment andAccreditation of Pre-University Education).

- I developed textbooks for students of Pro Sansapost-secondary School.

Name and addressof employer

Pro Şansa Foundation Iaşi, Pro Sansa post-secondary School.

 Type of business orsector

 Teaching activity

Dates 1997 - 1999Occupation orposition held

Programmes Coordinator

Main activities andresponsabilities

- I taught in the post-secondary School ProHumanitas Bucharest, Iasi Branch, the followingdisciplines: Foundations of social work, Interventionand research methodology in social work, Designproposals for financing, Social Hermeneutics,Human development, Social work for persons withdisabilities, Music therapy.

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Confirmation of the doctoral degree came inOctober 2008 with the distinction Cum Laude.

Name and type of organisationproviding

education andtraining

Faculty of Phylosophy, Phylosophy Department,„Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi

Dates 2006-2009 Title of qualificationawarded

Master Degree in Philosophy of Art and CulturalManagement

Principal subjects /occupational skillscovered

Cultural Institutions Management, Human ResourceManagement, Cultural Organizations Marketing,Philosophy of Art, Sociology of Art, Ethics.

Name and type of 

organisationprovidingeducation andtraining

Faculty of Phylosophy, Phylosophy Department,

„Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi

Dates 2002 - 2003 Title of qualificationawarded

Probation Counselor, Master in Probation and socialreintegration.

Principal subjects /occupational skillscovered

Fundamentals of probation, Social work for thedependents, The European Human Rights Law,Methodology for projects development, Sociology of work and unemployment.

Name and type of organisationprovidingeducation andtraining

Faculty of Phylosophy, Sociology and Social WorkDepartment, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi

Dates1993 - 1998

 Title of qualificationawarded

Social worker, degree in Social Work

Principal subjects /occupational skillscovered

Foundations of social work, Sociological ResearchMethodology, Introduction to social work practice,General Sociology, Sociology of labor andunemployment, Sociology and Social work of theFamily, Sociology of Law.

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Numele si tipulinstitutiei de învăţământ /furnizorului deformare

Faculty of Phylosophy, Sociology and Social WorkDepartment, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi

Dates 1992- 1997 Title of qualificationawarded

Degree in Phylosophy

Principal subjects /occupational skillscovered

Philosophy, General Logics, Theory of logicsystems, History of Ancient Philosophy, History of Medieval Philosophy, History of Oriental Philosophy,History of Modern Philosophy, History of Contemporary Philosophy, History of RomanianPhilosophy, History of culture and civilization, The

Social Ontology, Psychology, Sociology, SociologicalResearch Methodology, Philosophical Logics,Axiology and Theory of Values.

Name and type of organisationprovidingeducation andtraining

Faculty of Phylosophy, Phylosophy Department,„Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi

Dates 1988 - 1992

 Title of qualificationawarded

Baccalaureate degree

Principal subjects /occupational skillscovered

History, Mathematics, Physics, English, French,Chemistry

Name and type of organisationprovidingeducation andtraining

National Highschool of Iasi, Mathematics – Physicsspecialization

Dates July 2009 – August 2009 Title of qualificationawarded

 Training Degree

Principal subjects /occupational skills

 Training of trainers, Training needs analysis,Participation to teaching guide, Methodology in

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Courses and TutorialClasses

(2009) "Preparation of local training providers"supported by AJOFM Iasi

(2009) " Preparation of local training providers"supported by AOA and "Petre Andrei" Universityof Iasi(2004) Complementary Protection of HumanRights in 2004 Bucharest Romania (ERD-EthnicRelations Department, Government of Romania)(2003) National Alliance for CombatingDiscrimination, Organized by the Chamber of Deputies, Bucharest(2003) Program Management, organized byCERC Association, Iasi; Communication with the

sponsor (CERC) Iasi(2003) Management of the projects, organizedby CISPA Association Vaslui(2003) Self-evaluation and development of newstrategies, organizational capacity buildingfactors, organizer ERD- Ethnic RelationsDepartment, Government of Romania, Sinaia(2002) Involvement of Local PublicAdministration in NGOs activities, organized byLeaders Romania, Iasi(2002) Team Building, organized by ASCOR

Association, Iasi(2002) Program Management, organiyed byELSA Association Iasi(2002) The relationship culture – art, organizedby Lumen Association Iasi(2002) National Forum for Youth Organizations of Ethnic Minorities organized by OPRE IzvorulMuresului organization.(2002) Application of the Framework Conventionfor the Protection of National Minorities inRomania. First results of monitoring. Organised

by the Ministry of Public Information, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania, the Council of Europe, Sinaia(2001) Public Policies and Civil Society,organized by RO TALENT Association

Study visits/ tours

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Personal skillsand competences

Mother tongue(s) romanian

Other language(s)Self-assessment Understanding Speaking WritingEuropean level (*) Listening Reading Spoken



Limba engleză Independentuser





Limba franceză Basic









user(*)Common European Framework of Reference (CEF)level

Social skills andcompetences

 Team workOrganizational skillsmotivational supportadaptive skillspersuasive, empathetic, enthusiasticopen to meet new people and learning new thingsevery dayability to work under pressure

Organizationalskillsand competences

organizational spirit, creativity, initiativeexperience in project management, monitoringexpertise in evaluating programscapacity of self and self-improvementorganized, task-centereddynamism and seriousnesscommunication skillswillingness to work extra hours to get the bestresultsability to work in a team

Computer skillsand competences

Competent with most Microsoft Office programs:Word, Excel, Power Point, and others like: SPSS,Corel, and Internet Explorer.

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Other skills andcompetences

sense of observationanalytical senseopen and flexible thinkingability to acquire new knowledge quicklywillingness to motivate others

punctuallysociablecommunicativeI do not discriminateaccept challenges, considering them a way to learn

AdditionalinformationMembership inprofessionalassociations

Appreciative Inquiery Commons – Internationalcommunity of appreciative methods practitionersRomanian Association of Semiotics

Lumen Association - Founding Member - ChairmanPro Sansa Foundation for Education, Culture andSocial Action

Other professionaland scientificmemberships

Included in the data base of CEOL authors – AuthorListIncluded in the data base ID Researcher – WEB of Knowledge Thomson Reuters - ISI Istitute – researcher code A –2267- 2010

Awards (2008) Cum Laudae – Achieved distinction when

presenting the doctoral thesis at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political and Social Sciences,validated by CNCSIS on October 2008(2004) Gita Navari - Activity Report of the ItalianCommunity form Romania.(1996) First Prize at the Communication Session of “M. Kogalniceanu” University, for the paper entitled“Eroarea judiciară- sursa de trauma pentrunevinovat/ Judicial error - source of trauma for theinnocent” (coauthor)(1994) Forst Prize at the Communication Session of 

"Al. I. Cuza" University for the paper entitled“Alternative judiciare în delicvenţa juvenilă/ LegalAlternatives to juvenile delinquency” (coauthor).

Other activities - Editor of Review of Research and SocialIntervention published by Lumen in the name of “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi and Holt Romania. The review is indexed by ISI Thomson in the

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category Social Citations Index, indexed in IndexCopernicus and CEOL. The magazine is accreditedby NCSRHE (National Council of Scientific Researchin Higher Education). In this activity I also developpeer reviews and I participate in organizing the

editorial activity.- Chief Editor of the Romanian Journal forMultidimensional Education.- Member in the Board of Scientific Reviewers of Lumen Publishing House- Chief Editor of Training Center Journal- Editor of Lumen Publishing House- Coordinator of the Collection “Deschideripostmoderne/ Postmodern Openings”- Chief Editor of “Social Reseach Report” - ReviewIndexed by Copernicus and CEOL

- Member of the organization of the Conference"Bankruptcy bipolarity “The American model – theEuropean model (Kelsian)” as an analytical criterionof constitutional control "performed at theUniversity" Mihail Kogalniceanu" Iasi, on 12 to 14April 2010



Program Name Name of trainingprovider

Address of trainingprovider

Phone no./

mobile of trainingprovider

No. of participants


“Trainer”courseauthorized byNCAPT(NationalCouncil forAdultProfessional



Iaşi, Str. ŢepeşVodă, nr.2




 Training the Trainers basedon equality andpartnership(online)


Iaşi, Str. ŢepeşVodă, nr.2



Dec. Organizational Lumen Iaşi, Str. 07401514 55

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2009 Developmentbased onsuccess andapreciation


 ŢepeşVodă, nr.2





and PublicRelations at theorganizationallevel



Iaşi, Str.

 ŢepeşVodă, nr.2







Iaşi, Str. ŢepeşVodă, nr.2




Workshop: Journalism forteens


Iaşi, Str. ŢepeşVodă, nr.2






Literature asnon-formaleducation



Iaşi, Str.

 ŢepeşVodă, nr.2





Elements of social andliteraryhermeneutics


Iaşi, Str. ŢepeşVodă, nr.2




Workshop: Youth aboutEurope


Iaşi, Str. ŢepeşVodă, nr.2






proposals forfinancing

Pro Şansa


Iaşi Branch Does not



2003 Design of culturalprograms forethniccommunities

ItalianCommunity fromRomania

Headoffice, Iaşi

It nolongerprovidestrainingactivity


2003 Interculturalcommunication

ItalianCommunity fromRomania

Headoffice, Iaşi

It nolongerprovidestrainingactivity


2003 Interculturaland socialcommunication

ItalianCommunity fromRomania

Headoffice, Iaşi

It nolongerprovidestrainingactivity


2002 Conflict Lumen Iaşi, Str. 07401514 15

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management Association

 ŢepeşVodă, nr.2


2002 Strategies tocombatexclusion and

discriminationbased onethnicity -course witheducationconferencecharacter

EthnicEducational Centre

for YouthSighişoara

Sighişoara 100

2002 PosmodernPoetry


Iaşi, Str. ŢepeşVodă, nr.2



2001 Alternative

resocializationin NGOenvironment



Iaşi, Str.

 ŢepeşVodă, nr.2




2001 Design of socialprograms

Pro ŞansaFoundation

Filiala Iaşi Does notexistanymore


2001 Elements of organizationalmanagement


Iaşi, Str. ŢepeşVodă, nr.2



2001 Design of socialand cultural




Iaşi, Str. Ţepeş

Vodă, nr.2



2001 Conflictmanagement


Iaşi, Str. ŢepeşVodă, nr.2



2001 Peer educationand alternativeeducationstrategies


Iaşi, Str. ŢepeşVodă, nr.2



Signature SANDU Ştefan Antonio

DATE 10 may 2010

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Publications:(2010) Writing a Project. Guide for Accessing European Funds(Romanian Version), Antonio Sandu (coauthor), Cristal Publishing

House, ISBN: 978-973-87942-5-2;(2010) Operational models in training programs practice. Accreditationfiles (Romanian Version), Antonio Sandu (coauthor), Cristal PublishingHouse, ISBN: 978-973-87942-6-9;(2010) Seminarii appreciative/ Appreciative Seminars (RomanianVersion), Antonio Sandu (coord), Lumen Publishing House, Iasi(publishing house recognized NCSRHE), ISBN: 978-973-166-213-8,volume indexed in RePec;(2009) Dimensiuni etice ale comunicării în postmodernitate/ EthicalDimensions of communication in postmodernity (Romanian Version),Lumen Publishing House, Iasi (publishing house recognized NCSRHE).

Volume published under a project funded by the Ministry of Culture byNational Cultural Fund Administration (NCFA), ISBN: 978-973 - 166-176-6, indexed in RePEc;(2009) Orientări metodologice privind dezvoltarea culturală acomunităţilor etnice (Comunitatea Italiană)/ Methodological guidanceon the cultural development of ethnic communities. (ItalianCommunity) (Romanian Version), Lumen Publishing House, Iasi(publishing house recognized NCSRHE). Volume published under aproject funded by the Ministry of Culture by the National Cultural FundAdministration (NCFA), ISBN: 978-973-166-177-3, indexed in RePEc;(2009) Tehnici afirmativ apreciative în Dezvoltarea Organizaţională/

Appreciative techniques in organizational development (RomanianVersion), Lumen Publishing House, Iasi (publishing house recognizedNCSRHE). University course at the following discipline Appreciativeintervention methods in the organization supported at the masterprogram "Supervision and Social Planning" at the Faculty of Philosophyand Social-Political, “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi, presented atAppreciative Inquiry Commons - in social Database Case WesternReserve University, ISBN: 978-973-166-141-4, indexed in RePEc;(2009) Modele de proiecte. Ghid pentru cursanţii programelor Managerde proiect/ Projects Models. Guide for participants at the project

manager program (Romanian Version), Antonio Sandu (coauthor)Lumen Publishing House, Iasi (publishing house accredited NCSRHE),ISBN: 978-973-166-185-8, indexed in RePEc;(2009) Modele operaţionale în practica programelor de training/Operational Models in practical training programs (Romanian Version),Antonio Sandu (coauthor), Lumen Publishing House, Iasi (publishinghouse accredited NCSRHE), ISBN: 978-973-166-186-5, indexed inRePEc;

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(2008) Cladiri de patrimoniu in Municipiul Iaşi/ Heritage buildings in Iasi(Romanian Version), (coauthor), Lumen Publishing House, Iasi(publishing house accredited NCSRHE) ISBN: 978-973-166-099-8Printed with funding from the Ministry of Culture, through NationalCultural Fund Administration, indexed in RePEc ;

(2008) Metafizica cuantică/ Quantum Metaphysics (Romanian Version),Lumen Publishing House, Iasi (publishing house accredited NCSRHE),ISBN 978-973-166-35-6, indexed in RePEc;(2008) Studii în filosofia Orientului/ Studies in Eastern Philosophy(Romanian Version), Lumen Publishing House, Iasi (publishing houseaccredited NCSRHE), ISBN 978-973-166-036-3, indexed in RePEc;(2007) Eseuri de metafizică cuantică/ Quantum metaphysics essays(Romanian Version), Lumen Publishing House, Iasi (publishing houserecognized NCSRHE), 978-973-173-79-4, indexed in RePEc;(2006) Interferenţe spirituale postmoderne. Revalorizări alespiritualităţii Orientului în gândirea contemporană/ Postmodern

spiritual interference. Upgrading of Eastern spirituality in contemporarythinking (Romanian Version), Lumen Publishing House, Iasi (publishinghouse recognized NCSRHE), 978-973-1703-00-8.(2005) Tehnici aplicate în asistenţa socială/ Techniques used in socialwork (Romanian Version), Lumen Publishing House, Iasi (publishinghouse recognized NCSRHE), 973-7766-33-4, indexed in RePEc;(2004) Analiza instituţională prin cercetare acţiune. ComunitateaItaliană din România/ Institutional analysis through action research.Italian Community from Romania (Romanian Version), LumenPublishing House, Iasi (publishing house recognized NCSRHE), 973-7766-12-1 – indexed at Stanford University Database SULAIR's Search

Work in Political Parties category and at World Cat, indexed in RePEc;(2003) Dezvoltarea comunităţilor etno-culturale/ The development of ethno-cultural communities (Romanian Version), (co-author), ExpertProjects Publishing, 973-86263-1-5, indexed in RePEc;(2003) Asistenţă şi intervenţie socială/ Social work and intervention(Romanian Version), (Edition II), Lumen Publishing House, Iasi(publishing house recognized NCSRHE), indexed in RePEc;(2002) Nud şi aletheia- eseuri de filosofia artei/ Nude and Aletheia-essays on the philosophy of art (Romanian Version), Cristal Publishing,indexed in RePEc;

(2001) Asistenţă şi intervenţie socială/ Social work and intervention(Romanian Version), Cristal Publishing, indexed in RePEc;(2000) De la Nirvana la vidul cuantic/ From Nirvana to the quantumvacuum (Romanian Version), Cristal Publishing, indexed in RePEc.

Literature:(2009) Atlas ezoteric de adorat femeia/ Esoterical atlas for womenworship (Poetry in Romanian), Lumen Publishing House, Iaşi

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(2007) Angels of wax/ Îngeri de ceară (Poetry in Romanian), CristalPublishing, Iaşi

Articles, chapters published in volumes:

2010Recurring Themes in the History of Social and Political Philosophy inPotmodern Openings, Nr. 1, (2010), ISSN: 2066-7329, LumenPublishing House, Iasi, pp 5-30, indexed in Index Copernicus andRePec;Freedom as a hermeneutical excuse in the Romanian Journal forMultidimensional Education, no. 3, (2010), ISSN: 2066-7329, LumenPublishing House, Iasi, pp 5-26, abstract indexed SSRN August 1, 2009,, indexed in Index Copernicus andRePec;

2009Nevoia de educatie filosofica in societatea contemporana/ The Need forPhilosophical Education in Contemporary Society (Romanian Version)in the Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education, no. 2, (2009),ISSN: 2066-7329, Lumen Publishing House, Iasi, pp 5-16, abstractindexed SSRN August 1, 2009,,indexed in Index Copernicus and RePec;Mentalitatea românească de la homo balcanicus la homo europeus/Romanian mentality from homo balcanicus to homo europeus(Romanian Version) in Romanian Journal for MultidimensionalEducation, no. 1, (2009), Lumen Publishing House, Iasi, pp 5-11,

abstract indexed SSRN August 1, 2009, în metoda construcţionistă apreciativă/ Introduction toappreciative constructionist method (Romanian Version), în AntonioSandu (coord), volume: Seminarii apreciative/ Appreciative Seminars(2009) Lumen Publishing House, pp: 11-22 , Seminar notes for thediscipline: „ Appreciative methods of intervention in organizationallevel”Pragmatici apreciative în discursul politic/ Appreciative pragmatic inthe political discourse (Romanian Version), at the InternationalSymposium: Particularităţi ale fenomenologiei social politice în lumea

contemporană/ Features of social and political phenomenology in thecontemporary world, organized by the Faculty of Juridical, Social andPolitical Sciences, Wallachia University of Targoviste in partnershipwith the University of Castilla la Mancha, Spain and the Institute of  Juridical Research of the Romanian Academy, Targoviste 5 to 7 June2009Orientări transmoderne ale creaţiei artistice. O abordare funcţionalistăa operei de artă/ Transmoderne guidance of artistic creation. A

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functionalist approach to art work (Romanian Version), at theConference of Inventions, “The 13th International Conference Inventics2009” organized by the National Institute of Science Inventions inpartnership with the Technical University “Gh Asachi” Iasi and HumanAcademy Committee for Inventions, international participation from

Romania, Ukraine, Belarus. The notice was published in the volume“Belous V” Inventics 2009, Performance Publishing House, pp 269-281.International Conference Committee, 4 to 6 June 2009 DeploymentDatesMetoda „Trainingului” în educaţia adulţilor/ “Training” method in adulteducation (Romanian Version) in Antonio Sandu, Cristina Spiridon,Laura Somesan, Elena Stan, Deschideri postmoderne în ştiinţeleeducaţiei/ Postmodern Openings in education science (in 2009) LumenPublishing House, Iasi, ISBN: 978-973-166-138-4, pp: 7 - 33Perspective epistemice şi axiologice în supervizarea apreciativă/Epistemic and axiological perspectives on appreciative Supervision

(Romanian Version), (2009) in Review of Research and SocialIntervention, in September 2003 Volume II "Alexandru Ioan CuzaUniversity / Holt Romania (scientific review rated A by NCSRHE), ISSN:1583-3410 (print), 1584-5397 (electronic), accredited by NCSRHE, no.657, Class A, indexed by the BDI, Central and Eastern European OnlineLibrary Review indexed by ISI Thomson (Social Sciences Citation Index)and Index Copernicus, pp 149-156, Article Indexed in CEOLPersonal Branding - Self Branding (Romanian Version), Antonio Sandu,Simona Ponea, Oana Bradu, published in the Training Center Journal(Iasi), no. 1, 2009, ISSN: 2066-6675, indexed in Index Copernicsu,RePec;

Manager de proiect/ Project Manager (Romanian Version), AntonioSandu, Simona Ponea, Oana Bradu, published in the Training Center Journal (Iasi), 2009, ISSN: 2066-6675, Handbook for Adult trainingprogram: Project Manager, accredited by NCAPTFormare de formatori/ Training the trainers (Romanian Version),Antonio Sandu, Simona Ponea, Oana Bradu, published in the TrainingCenter Journal (Iasi), no. 2, 2009, ISSN: 2066-6675, Handbook for Adulttraining program: Trainer, accredited by NCAPT, indexed in IndexCopernicus, RePec;Comunicare si relatii publice in cadrul organizatiei/ Communication andPublic Relations within the organization (Romanian Version), Antonio

Sandu, Simona Ponea, Oana Bradu, published in the Training Center Journal (Iasi), ISSN: 2066-6675 Manual for adult training program:public relations and communication assistant (secondary education)NCAPT accredited, indexed in Index Copernicus, RePec;Dezvoltare organizationala bazata de succes si apreciere/Organizational development based on success and appreciation(Romanian Version), Antonio Sandu, Simona Ponea, Oana Bradu,

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published in the Training Center Journal (Iasi), no. 3, 2010, ISSN: 2066-6675, indexed in Index Copernicus, RePec.

2008Iaşul în literatură/ Iaşi in Literature (Romanian Version), Lumen

Publishing House, Iasi (publishing house recognized NCSRHE) Publishedby the Ministry of Culture funding through the National Cultural FundAdministration, indexed RePec;Orizonturi etice transmoderne în cultura europeană/ Transmoderneethical horizons in the european culture (Romanian Version), inOctavian Aaron, Lidia Mandru, Elena Stan, Antonio Sandu, Studiieuropene. Analize multidimensionale/ European Studies.Multidimensional analysis (2008) Lumen Publishing House, Iasi,indexed in RePec.


Arta şi sacralitate, excurs istoric/ Art and sacred art (RomanianVersion), (coauthor) Ciulei Tomita (coord) (2007), Cercetărimultidisciplinare în ştiinţele socio-umane/ Multidisciplinary research insocial sciences, Lumen Publishing House (publishing house recognizedNCSRHE), ISBN: 978-973-166-027-1, pp : 9-43.Paradigma postmodernă – Libertatea ca presupoziţie/ Postmodernparadigm – freedom as an assumption (Romanian Version), Ciulei Tomita (coord) (2007), Seminarii de poetică modernă/ Modern poetryseminars, Lumen Publishing House (publishing house recognizedNCSRHE), the volume includes the work of the National Seminar:Literature as a non-formal education, ISBN: 978-973-166-027 - 1, pp: 9-

19. (3Darte edition) indexed - Societa Italiana d'EsteticaDatabaseCauze ale rupturii paradigmei moderne/ Causes of rupture in modernparadigm (Romanian Version), Ciulei Tomita (coord) (2007), Seminariide poetică modernă/ Modern poetry seminars, Lumen Publishing House(publishing house recognized NCSRHE), the volume includes the worksof the National Seminar: Literature as a non-formal education, ISBN978-973-166-027 - 1, pp: 19-22. Fundamente romantice ale transmodernismului/ Romanticfundamentals of transmodernism (Romanian Version), in Ciulei Tomita(coord) (2007), Seminarii de poetică modernă/ Modern poetry

seminars, Lumen Publishing House (publishing house recognizedNCSRHE), the volume includes the works of the National Seminar:Literature as a non-formal education, ISBN: 978-973-166-027-1 , pp:51-61.Pelerin în timp sau obsesia eternei reîntoarceri/ Pilgrim in time or theobsession of the eternal return (Romanian Version), in Ciulei Tomita(coord) (2007) Seminarii de poetică modernă/ Modern poetry seminars,Lumen Publishing House (publishing house recognized NCSRHE), the

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volume includes the works of the National Seminar: Literature as anon-formal education, ISBN: 978-973-166 -027 to 1, pp: 61-69.Între dreptul la libera exprimare şi dreptul la imagine/ Betweenfreedom of expression and the right to image, in Fundamentele jurnalismuli pentru adolescenţi/ The fundamentals of journalism for

adolescents (Romanian Version), in Baghiu Bogdan (coord), Ciulei Tomita (2007), Sandu, Antonio, Fundamentele jurnalismuli pentruadolescenţi/ The fundamentals of journalism for adolescents, LumenPublishing House (publishing house recognized NCSRHE), the volumeincludes the seminar: School reviews and the dynamic of literarycreativity, ISBN: 978-973-166-028-8 PP: 13-19.Limbajul şi structurile formative ale gândirii/ Language and structuresof thought (revised) in Fundamentele jurnalismuli pentru adolescenţi/ The fundamentals of journalism for adolescents (Romanian Version), inBaghiu Bogdan (coord), Ciulei Tomita (2007), Sandu, Antonio,Fundamentele jurnalismuli pentru adolescenţi/ The fundamentals of 

 journalism for adolescents, Lumen Publishing House (publishing houserecognized NCSRHE), the volume includes the works of the seminar:School reviews and the dynamic of literary creativity, ISBN: 978-973-166-028-8, pp: 35-43.Noile media virtualizări ale spaţiului social/ New media social spacevirtualization (revised) Fundamentele jurnalismuli pentru adolescenţi/ The fundamentals of journalism for adolescents (Romanian Version), inBaghiu, Bogdan (coord), Ciulei Tomita (2007), Sandu, Antonio,Fundamentele jurnalismuli pentru adolescenţi/ The fundamentals of  journalism for adolescents, Lumen Publishing (publishing houserecognized NCSRHE), the volume includes the works of the seminar:

School reviews and the dynamic of literary creativity, ISBN: 978-973-166-028-8, pp: 45-49.Orientări transmoderne în abordarea realităţii socio-religioase/ Transmoderne guidelines in approaching the socio-religious reality(Romanian Version) (2007), Review of Research and SocialIntervention, in September 2006, Volume XIV, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”University / Holt Romania (scientific review rated A by NCSRHE), ISSN:1583-3410 (print) , 1584-5397 (electronic), accredited by NCSRHE no.657, Class A, indexed by the BDI, Central and Eastern European OnlineLibrary, Review INDEXED BY ISI Thomson (Social Sciences CitationIndex) and Index Copernicus, pp 149-156., Article Indexed CEOL

2006Spiritul ştiinţific: dimensiune definitorie a modelului cultural european –Principii ale unei epistemologii umaniste/ Scientific spirit: definingdimension of the European cultural model - principles of a humanisticepistemology (Romanian Version), in the volume of AntonescuMadalina (and collaborators) (2006) Despre Europa/ About Europe,Lumen Publishing House, (publishing house recognized NCSRHE), ISBN:

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978-973-1703-09-1 PP: 99-149.

2005Modele de Univers/ Models of the Universe (Romanian Version), inAntonio Sandu (coord) (2005) Cercetări multidimensionale în ştiinţele

umaniste/ Multidimensional research in human science, LumenPublishing House, (publishing house recognized NCSRHE), ISBN: 973-7766-47-4, pp: 121-155

2004Construcţii metodologice în consilierea şcolară din perspectivapedagogiei sociale/ Methodological Construction in school counselingfrom the perspective of social pedagogy (Romanian Version), inCojocaru, Daniela (coord.) (2004) Repere socio-pedagogice aleschimbării în sistemul educational/ Highlights of change in socio-pedagogical educational system, Lumen Publishing House, Iasi

(publishing house recognized NCSRHE), ISBN: 973-7766-10-5, pp: 32-54, indexed in the Library of Congress Online Catalog, Perm Linkhhtp: / / Pincus Minahan în intervenţia socio-pedagogică/ MinahanPincus model in the socio-educational intervention (Romanian Version)(coauthor) in Cojocaru, Daniela (coord) (2004) Repere socio-pedagogice ale schimbării în sistemul educational/ Highlights of change in socio-pedagogical educational system, Lumen PublishingHouse, (publishing house recognized NCSRHE), ISBN: 973-7766-10-5 PP:54-58.Programe de consiliere psiho-socială online pentru elevi ca strategie de

reducere a absenteismului şcolar/ Psychosocial counseling programsonline for students as a strategy to reduce school truancy (RomanianVersion), (coauthor) in Cojocaru, Daniela (coord) (2004) Repere socio-pedagogice ale schimbării în sistemul educational/ Highlights of change in socio-pedagogical educational system, Lumen PublishingHouse, Iasi (publishing house recognized NCSRHE), ISBN: 973-7766-10-5, pp: 97-111.Comunitatea Italiană din România analiză instituţionala prin cercetareacţiune/ Italian Community from Romania - institutional analysisthrough Action Research (Romanian Version) (2004) in Review of Research and Social Intervention,Volume V, May 2004, “Alexandru Ioan

Cuza” University / Holt Romania (scientific review rated A by NCSRHE),ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), 1584-5397 (electronic), accredited byNCSRHE, no. 657, Class A, indexed by the BDI, Central and EasternEuropean Online Library, Review indexed by ISI Thomson (SocialSciences Citation Index) and Index CopernicusMinorităţile etnice de la vulnerabilitate socială la dezvoltarecomunitară/ Ethnic minorities from social vulnerability to communitydevelopment (Romanian Version) (2004), the Geopolitics Journal,

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Bucharest, Ion Conea Association of geopolitical, (scientific reviewrated C by NCSRHE) appeared with the support of the RomanianGovernment through DRI, ISSN: 1583-543x, pp 96-101 2003

Provocări ale educaţiei multidimensionale/ Multidimensional challengesof education (Romanian Version), in Tudor Ghideanu (coord.) (2003)Integrare europeană prin educaţie multiculturală/ European integrationthrough multicultural education (Romanian Version), Lumen PublishingHouse (publishing house recognized NCSRHE), ISBN: 973-86187-7-0,pp 25-31.Limbajul şi structurle formative ale gândirii/ Language and structuresof thinking (Romanian Version), in Tudor Ghideanu (coord.) (2003)Integrare europeană prin educaţie multiculturală/ European integrationthrough multicultural education (Romanian Version), Lumen PublishingHouse (publishing house recognized NCSRHE), ISBN: 973-86187-7-0 PP

77-84.Educaţia interculturală – resursa pentru dezvoltarea comunităţilormulticulturale/ Intercultural education - multicultural communityresource for development (Romanian Version), in Tudor Ghideanu(coord.) (2003) Integrare europeană prin educaţie multiculturală/European integration through multicultural education (RomanianVersion), Lumen Publishing House (publishing house recognizedNCSRHE), ISBN: 973-86187-7-0, pp 97-100.Utilizarea nondirectivităţii şi a tehnicilor NLP în sociopedagogie/ UsingNLP techniques in social pedagogy (Romanian Version), in TudorGhideanu (coord) (2003) Noile paradigme ale educaţiei

multidimensionale/ The new paradigm of multidimensional education(Romanian Version), Lumen Publishing House Iasi (publishing houserecognized NCSRHE), ISBN 973-86187-8-9, pp133-149.Caracterul de experiment social al Programului Cornul şi Laptele/ Thesocial experiment nature of the Corn and Milk Program (RomanianVersion), (coauthor) in Cojocaru, Stefan (coord) (2003), Acţiune socialăprin strategii educaţionale/ Social action through education strategies(Romanian Version), Lumen Publishing House, Iasi (publishing houserecognized NCSRHE), ISBN: 973-85922-6-7, pp 90-98, indexed in WorldCat www.worldcat.orgLucrătorul de tineret/ Youth worker (Romanian Version), (coauthor) in

Cojocaru, Stefan (coord) (2003), Acţiune socială prin strategiieducaţionale/ Social action through education strategies (RomanianVersion), Lumen Publishing House, Iasi (publishing house recognizedNCSRHE), ISBN: 973-85922-6-7, pp 99-113 , indexed in World Catwww.worldcat.orgResocializare alternativă în mediul ONG/ Alternative resocialization inthe NGO environment (Romanian Version), (coauthor) in Cojocaru,Stefan (coord) (2003), Acţiune socială prin strategii educaţionale/

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Social action through education strategies (Romanian Version), LumenPublishing House, Iasi (publishing house recognized NCSRHE). ISBN:973-85922-6-7, pp 121-125, indexed at World Cat www.worldcat.orgSexul pe internet –formă de virtualizare a spaţiului social/ Sex on theInternet- Virtualization of the social space (Romanian Version) (2003)

in Review of Research and Social Intervention, in September 2003,Volume II “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University / Holt Romania (scientificreview rated A by NCSRHE), ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), 1584-5397(electronic) accredited by NCSRHE no. 657, Class A, indexed by theBDI, Central and Eastern European Online Library, Review indexed byISI Thomson (Social Sciences Citation Index) and Index CopernicusUtilizarea tehnicilor NLP în interviul intenţional nondirective/ Using NLPtechniques in nondirectiv intentional interview (Romanian Version)(2003) in Review of Research and Social Intervention, December 2003,Volume III, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University / Holt Romania (scientificreview rated A by NCSRHE), ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), 1584 -5397

(electronic), accredited by NCSRHE no. 657, Class A, indexed by theBDI, Central and Eastern European Online Library, review indexed byISI Thomson (Social Sciences Citation Index) and Index Copernicus, pp154-161

2002Între socializare şi excludere socială/ Between socialization and socialexclusion, in Anghel, Ionut, Mihai Cristi (coord) (2002) Tineret,Minorităţi naţionale, Democraţie/ Youth, National Minorities,Democracy, Kham Publishing House, Bucharest, published with supportfrom the U.S. Embassy and the Ministry of Public Information, ISBN:

973-85139-5-2 , pp 21-34.Between socialization and social exclusion in Anghel, Ionut, MihaiCristian (coord) (2002) Youth, National Minorities, Democracy, KhamPublishing House, Bucharest, published with support from the U.S.Embassy and the Ministry of Public Information, ISBN 973-85139 - 5-2,pp 159-173.

1998Rezonanţa în rezolvarea creativă a conflictelor/ Resonance in creativeconflict resolution (Romanian Version), in Stoica-Constantin, Ana(coord) (1998), Psihologia vocaţie şi profesie/ Psychology- vocation and

profession (Romanian Version), Performance Publishing, Iasi(publishing house recognized NCSRHE), ISBN: 973-9707-7-x, pp: 71 -77.Ştiinţa rezolvării conflictelor/ Science of conflict resolution (1998)(coauthor) in Journal of Psychology

Courses for internal use, “Al. I. Cuza” University, Faculty of Philosophyand Social and Political Sciences

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Appreciative methods of intervention in organizationGroup supervisionIndividual SupervisionCase Supervision

Courses for internal use, “Mihail Kogălniceanu” University, IaşiSocial PhilosophyIntroduction to PhilosophyGlobalism and GlobalizationSociology of Law (tutorial class)

Courses for internal use, “Pro Şansa” College, Iaşi - Pro ŞansaPublishing House(2002) Introduction to social work(2002) Methods and techniques of knowledge and intervention in socialwork

(2002) Design for social programs(2002) Social Hermeneutics

Essays and journalistic work(2003) Noile paradigme ale educaţiei multiculturale/ New paradigms of multicultural education (Romanian Version), Column Review, Iasi.(2003) Provocări ale educaţiei interculturale/ Challenges of Intercultural Education (Romanian Version), Column Review, Iasi.(2003) Combaterea discriminării strategii şi perspective/ Combatingdiscrimination - strategies and prospects (Romanian Version), ColumnReview, Iasi.

(2003) O iniţiativă a Organizaţiei de Tineret a CIR şi parteneriloracesteia/ An initiative of the Youth Organisation of ICR and its partners(Romanian Version), Column Review, Iasi.(2003) Protecţia drepturilor comunităţilor etnice în sistemul protecţieidrepturilor omului/ Protection of ethnic communities rights in humanrights protection system (Romanian Version), Column Review, Iasi.(2003) Strategii de promovare a diversităţii/ Strategies to promotediversity (Romanian Version), Column Review, Iasi.(2003) Tineret minorităţi naţionale democraţie/ Youth, nationalminorities, democracy (Romanian Version), Column Review, Iasi.(2003) Identitate şi interculturalitate/ Identity and interculturality

(Romanian Version), Column Review, Iasi.(2002) Summary of the workshop: Strategii de prevenţie a discriminăriipe criterii entice/ Strategies for prevention of ethnic discrimination(Romanian Version), Column Review, Iasi(2003) Autoevaluarea şi dezvoltarea de noi strategii factori ai întăririicapacităţii organizaţionale/ Self-evaluation and development of newstrategies – factorsto strengthen the organizational capacity(Romanian Version), Column Review, Iasi

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(1998) Despre sufletul neamurilor/ About the soul of nations (RomanianVersion), Column, Iasi.(1998) Iubirea în arta plastică italiană/ Love in Italian plastic art(Romanian Version), Column Review, Iasi.

Preface for the following books:(2008) Mai departe de ochii tăi/ Beyond your eyes (Romanian Version),David de Felicis, bilingual volume Romanian-Italian, Lumen PublishingHouse, Iasi.(2008) Penitenciarul ca instituţie – între ficţiune şi realitate/ Prison asan institution - between fiction and reality (Romanian Version), IancuCeuta and Vasile Comsa(2007) Jurnalul meu de lesbiană. Studii de fenomenologia imaginii/ Mylesbian Journal. Studies of the phenomenology of the image (RomanianVersion), Medeea Iancu, Lumen Publishing House, Iasi.(2006) Carte pentru minte inimă şi bacalaureat/ Book for the mind,

heart and Baccalaureate (Romanian Version), (Vol II) lyrics by IonButnaru, Top Lux Publishing House, Iasi(2006) Dracula de la gotic la postmodernism/ Dracula from Gothic toPostmodernism. Anthropological study (Romanian Version), Ana MariaBoboc, Lumen Publishing House, Iasi.(2004) Carte de Crăciun/ Christmas Book (Romanian Version), AlexaPanciluţa, Alexa Catalina, Tehnopres Publishing House, Iasi.(2003) Lumină, Iubire, poezie/ Light, Love, Poetry (Romanian Version)(collective volume) lyrics Lumen Publishing House, Iasi.(2002) Poezia tinereţii/ Youth Poetry (Romanian Version) (collectivevolume) lyrics Lumen Publishing House, Iasi.

Citation of my publications in scientific works:

(2009) Clădiri de patrimoniu în Municipiul Iaşi/ Heritage buildings in Iasi(Romanian Version), (2009), cited by the Cultural and Heritage CountyIasi, at the construction of the site www.monumenteIaş Asistenţă şi Intervenţie Socială/ Social work and Intervention(Romanian Version) (2008) and Utilizarea Tehnicilor NLP în interviulDirecţional Nondirectiv/ The use of the NLP Techniques in theNondirectiv interview (Romanian Version), Associate professor Ph. D.Gonţa Victoria quoted in discipline: Social work Counseling, Free

Moldova University, Faculty of Psychology and Social work(2009) Asistenţă şi Intervenţie Socială/ Social work and intervention(Romanian Version), cited in Concepte teoretico-metodologice destudiere a fenomenelor şi proceselor sociale/ Theoretical andmethodological concepts for the study of social phenomena andprocesses (Romanian Version) (2008), Masters in Social CareAdmissions State University, Faculty of social work, sociology andphilosophy

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for Community Development, in the Faculty of Political andAdministrative Sciences, Babes-Bolyai University

Pages in dictionaries and – Romanian Version – English Version – German Version - Romanian Version

Presentations as part of book releases:(2009) Femeile sunt de vină/ Women are to blame (Romanian Version)(political philosophy) , author European Parliamentarian Dr. GabrielaCretu, Lumen Publishing House, 2009, book release held at NicolaeMilescu Spataru Library Vaslui, Amplus Bookfair Bucharest, NationalHistory Museum of Romania Bucharest, and Book House Iasi.(2009) Urăsc realismul politic/ I hate political realism (Romanian

Version) (political philosophy), author European Parliamentarian Dr.Gabriela Cretu, Lumen Publishing House, 2009, book release held atNicolae Milescu Spataru Library Vaslui, Amplus Bookfair Bucharest,National History Museum of Romania Bucharest, and Book House Iasi.(2009) Omul de Nisip/ Man of the Sand (Romanian Version), authorAlexandru Popescu, Lumen Publishing House, 2009, release held atAmplus Bookfair in Bucharest, Romania National History Museum of Bucharest.(2009) Clădiri de patrioniu în Municipiul Iaşi/ Heritage buildings in Iasi(Romanian Version), Iaşul în literatură/ Iaşi in literature (RomanianVersion), authors Anamaria Boboc, Irina Morariu, Antonio Sandu,

release held at the Romanian Literature Museum, Pogor House Iasi(2007) Sensul teandric al iubirii/ Dual love between Mankind and God(Romanian Version) (philosophy), author Professor Tudor Ghideanu,Lumen Publishing House, Librex Bookfair, Iasi 2007, Palace of Culture,Iasi.(2007) Raporturile patrimoniale dintre soţii străini cu domicilul înRomânia/ Economic relationship between foreign spouses reside inRomania (Romanian Version) (Legal Science), author. lecturer NadiaDariescu, Lumen Publishing House, Librex Bookfair, Iasi 2007, thePalace of Culture, Iasi.(2007) Titularii dreptului de apel în cauzele penale/ Owners of appeal

in criminal cases (Romanian Version) (Legal Science), author. lecturerMihaela Laura Pamfil, Publishing House Lumen, Librex Bookfair, Iasi2007, the Palace of Culture, Iasi.(2007) Destine poetice/ Poetic Fate (Romanian Version) (Poetry)collective volume, Lumen Publishing House, Romanian LiteratureMuseum, Pod Pogor Fiul, Science(2007) Sentimente diacronice/ Diachronical Feelings (RomanianVersion) (Prose) collective volume, Iasi, Lumen Publishing House,

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Romanian Literature Museum, Pod Pogor Fiul, Iasi.(2007) Impactul procesului de aderare la Uniunea Europeană asupraAdministraţiei publice din România/ The impact of accession to the EUon public administration in Romania (Romanian Version), (sociology,administration), author Associate professor Madalina Ivanica

(Maastricht University), Lumen Publishing House, Mihai EminescuBookshop, Bucharest.(2007) Etnopsihologii minoritare în spaţiul dobrogean/ Ethnic minorityin Dobrogea area (Romanian Version), author researcher Dr. MictatGârlan, Lumen Publishing House, Mihai Eminescu Bookshop, Bucharest.(2007) Fundamentări metodologice în etnopsihologie/ Methodologicalfundamentals in ethnic psychology (Romanian Version) (ethnicpsychology) author researcher Dr. Mictat Gârlan, Lumen PublishingHouse, the Romanian Literature Museum, Pod Pogor Fiul, Iasi.(2006) Spirala timpului/ Time Spiral (Romanian Version) (Poetry)Author Eduard Apostu, Iasi, Lumen Publishing House, 2006, County

Library Vaslui(2006) Arta prin Goblen/ Art by Tapestry (Romanian Version) (album)Made by Ionut Socol, Iasi, Editura Lumen, Vaslui County Library(2006) Pelerin în timp/ Pilgrims in time (Romanian Version) (Poetry)Author Eduard Apostu, Iasi, Lumen Publishing House, RomanianLiterature Museum, Pod Pogor Fiul, Iasi(2006) Despre Europa/ About Europe (Romanian Version) (humanisticstudies) collective volume, Iasi, Lumen Publishing House, Conferenceroom, Books house library, Iasi.(2006) Dracula de la Gotic la postmodernism/ Dracula from Gothic toPostmodernism (Romanian Version) (anthropological study) author Ana

Maria Boboc, Lumen Publishing House, Mihail Sturdza School GroupLibrary.(2006) Erosul labirint în romanul Maitreyi de Mircea Eliade/ Eroslabyrinth in the novel Maitreyi by Mircea Eliade (Romanian Version)(studies of literary theory), author Ruxandra Nechifor, LumenPublishing House, Iasi, Mihail Sturdza School Group Library.(2006) Imaginarul social în opera lui Rabelais şi Creangă/ Socialimaginary in the work of Rabelais and Creanga (Romanian Version)(studies of literary theory), author Anamaria Boboc, Lumen PublishingHouse, Iasi, Mihail Sturdza School Group Library.(2006) Creştin Democraţia românească şi Creştin Democraţia

europeană/ Romanian Christian Democracy and European ChristianDemocracy (Romanian Version) (political science), author. VictorIonescu, Lumen Publishing House, Mihai Eminescu Bookshop,Bucharest.(2006) Scurtă istorie a logosului/ Short History of Logos (RomanianVersion) (philosophy) author Baghiu Bogdan, Lumen Publishing House,Iasi, Central University Library Iasi.(2002) Poezia tinereţii/ Youth Poetry (Romanian Version), (Poetry)

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(2009) “Preparation of local training providers” supported by AJOFMIasi(2009) “Preparation of local training providers” supported by AOA and"Petre Andrei" University of Iasi(2004) Complementary Protection of Human Rights in 2004 Bucharest

Romania (ERD-Ethnic Relations Department, Government of Romania)(2003) National Alliance for Combating Discrimination, Organized bythe Chamber of Deputies, Bucharest(2003) Program Management, organized by CERC Association, Iasi;Communication with the sponsor (CERC) Iasi(2003) Management through projects, organized by CISPA AssociationVaslui(2003) Self-evaluation and development of new strategies,organizational capacity building factors, organizer ERD- EthnicRelations Department, Government of Romania, Sinaia(2002) Involvement of Local Public Administration in NGOs activities,

organized by Leaders Romania, Iasi(2002) NLP elements, organized by Lumen Association, Iasi(2002) Team Building, organized by ASCOR Association, Iasi(2002) Program Management, organiyed by ELSA Association Iasi(2002) The relationship culture – art, organized by Lumen AssociationIasi(2002) National Forum for Youth Organizations of Ethnic Minorities,organized by OPRE Izvorul Muresului Organization.(2002) Application of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities in Romania. First results of monitoring, organisedby the Ministry of Public Information, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of 

Romania, the Council of Europe, Sinaia(2001) Public Policies and Civil Society, organized by RO TALENTAssociation

I held the following training courses:(2009) “Trainer” course authorized by NCAPT (National Council forAdult Professional Training), COR code 241 205, by Lumen Association, Lumen TrainingCenter(2007) Workshop: Journalism for teens, within the program: Literatureas non-formal education (Lumen Association, program financed by The

National Authority for Youth and Lumen Publishing House), thisworkshop approached the semiotic features and the pragmatic of  journalism discourse(2007) Workshop: Literature as non-formal education, within theprogram Literature as non-formal education; this workshop approachedthe postmodernity issue in literature, art and philosophy.(2007) Elements of social and literary hermeneutics, within theprogram Literature as non-formal education; this workshop approached

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the delivery of knowledge reffering to specific hermeneutical methodsof the XXIst century.(2006) Workshop: Youth about Europe, Round Table workshopmoderated within the program Youth about Europe, Iasi, organized byLumen Association; the workshops were a result of the Collaborative

Research Program Experimentation "About Europe" funded by theNational Authority for Youth. The total value of the financing was 4000Euros. During the seminar I presented methods of analysis of theEuropean cultural model, elements of philosophy of science and socialsignificance of Romania's European integration.(2004) Design of social programs, Pro Sansa Foundation for Education,Culture and Social Action; within this program I held worksohps withthe following theme: Design proposals for financing, financier: ProSansa Foundation for Education, Culture and Social Action(2003) Design of cultural programs for ethnic communities, within theprogram: Ethnic Diversity Promotion (Lumen Association, Italian

Community from Romania); within this program I held the followingtraining session: Design proposals for financing, financier: EthnicRelations Department, Government of Romania and ANM (TheAuthority for National Minorities) and ICR (The Italian Community fromRomania)(2003) Intercultural communication within the program: EthnicDiversity Promotion (Lumen Association, Italian Community fromRomania); within this program I held a training session reffering tointercultural communication techniques, financier: Ethnic RelationsDepartment, Government of Romania and ANM (The Authority forNational Minorities) and ICR (The Italian Community from Romania)

(2003) Social and intercultural communication, training session heldwithin the program European and Multiculturality Integration,organized by The Italian Community; I presented social andintercultural communication techniques, reffering to assertiveness.(2002) Conflict Management, training session held within the programEuropean and Multiculturality Integration, organized by LumenAssociation, financier: Education and Youth Ministry. This presentationhad as an objective the “Win-Win” strategy.(2002) Strategies to combat exclusion and discrimination based onethnicity, conference held within the PRO ETNICA Festival, Sighisoara,organized by the Interethnic and Youth Educational Center, financier:

Ethnic Relations Department, Government of Romania, Youth andSport Ministry and Culture Ministry. My personal contribution wasmanifested through presenting some elements of social proiectionismbased on vulnerability theory.(2002, 2003) Posmodern Poetry, within the program Lumen PoetrySchool, financier: Youth and Sport Ministry. Within this program I held aseminary reffering to metaphor role in postmodern discourse.

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(2002) Alternative resocialization in NGO environment - peer educationtraining. The program aimed at outlining methodological elements of Peer Education, financier:Youth and Sports Ministry.(2001) The design of social programs - training session at Pro SansaFoundation, funded by Pro Sansa. The program aimed at outlining the

elements of peer education methodology, conference funded by the Youth and Sports Ministry.(2001) Elements of organizational management training session held inthe Social Action and organizational development Program, organizedby Lumen Association. In this session we consider the presentation of organizational analysis tool and its implementation, financier: Youthand Sports Ministry.(2001) The design of social and cultural programs, training sessionheld within the Social Action and organizational development Program,organized by Lumen Association. My personal contribution made in thissession was conducted by presenting methods to build a social and

cultural program, financier:Youth and Sports Ministry.(2001) Strategies of conflict resolution, training session held in theSocial Action and organizational development Program, organized byLumen Association. Within this session I presented the “Win-Win”,financier: Youth and Sports Ministry.(2001) Peer education and alternative education strategies, trainingsession held in the Social Action and organizational developmentProgram, organized by Lumen Association, financier: Youth and SportsMinistry. Within this session there were presented the role of peereducation model, and various alternative educational strategies.

Conferences and Congresses participation:(2010) The Postmodern Perspectives in Analyzing Social and LegalPhenomena, agreed to being presented at the Annual ScientificSession UMK between 20 to 22 May 2010,(2010) Degree of participation at "Bankruptcy bipolarity “Americanmodel -European model (Kelsian)” as analytical criterion of constitutional control" performed at the University "MihailKogalniceanu" Iasi, between 12 to 14 April 2010(2010) Appreciative approach to philosophy. Towards a new approachto philosophical discourse in education space, held within theConference: Institutional crisis of philosophy in the Romanian

educational system. Problem-solving and solutions for crisis rescue,April 23, 2010 in Cluj-Napoca.(2009) "Appreciative pragmatic in political discourse", in theConference: Features of social and political phenomenology of thecontemporary world, organized by Valahia University of Targoviste and“Salamanca” University of Spain. The actual politician’s speech wasanalyzed, with the highlight of using "success stories" in politicalcampaigns; conference rated ISI Thompson

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(2009) Functionalist approach in art criticism ", held within theconference Inventions, organized by National Institute of Inventions incollaboration with Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” andRomanian Academy Commission for the invention; the conference hasan international conference status with the participation of universities

drom Romania, Belarus, Ukraine etc. The presented paper proposes anew vision of art criticism and a functionalist tool for analysis of workof art. The approach presented is the result of research carried out in2007-2009 that were meant to highlight the importance of artisticmessage for the new global design of "planetary village". Art by itsspiritual dimension humanizes transmoderne social construction whichoutlines their spiritual dimension.(2009) "Appreciative Therapy of Destiny" presented at theInternational Conference of alternative therapies and ANATECORalternatives. The work presented highlights the importance of usingappreciative techniques in the "awaiting of a miracle."

(2008) "Quantum Metaphysics in transmodern discourse" presented atthe International Conference AROS and George Bacovia University of Bacau. The paper presented at the conference highlighted the personalcontribution in terms of fractal-constructionist epistemology applied inspeech science, and quantum metaphysics as a particular form of transmodernity to revive the metaphysical discourse. This conferencehad the status of international congress with participants fromRomania, Bulgaria, Belarus, Ukraine, Japan, Canada, USA, Spain,France and Poland.(2006) "Role of youth in the new European building" held within aprogram of the Lumen Association in partnership with Iasi County

Prefect Institution. The event had the status of national conference. Inthe presentation there had been taking into account a model of identity construction to facilitate the adoption of European citizenship.(2003 - 2002) "Strategies for combating discrimination on ethnicgrounds" supported in Pro Etnica Programme, organized by CEITSighisoara, the conference had an international character. Wepresented the appreciative methodology and proiectionism, applied tomulticultural discourse.(2003) "Strategies for combating discrimination on ethnic grounds"organized by Iasi County Prefect Institution. We presented concreteways of achieving a pragmatic speech at the multicultural discourse


Programs coordinated within Lumen Association:(2007-2010) Lumen National Programme of literary debut - thenational selection of literary books, financier: Lumen Association(national program).(2005-2009) Program to promote young researchers: national selectionof materials with scientific character made by young scientific

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researchers in the fields of social Humanities, financier: LumenAssociation (national program).(2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009) Review of research andsocial intervention. The review quoted by NCSRHE, and recorded in ISI Thomson database, Humanities Social Sciences category, published in

the name of "Al. I. Cuza University and Holt Romania Foundation.(2004-2009) Publications Management Program - Executivecoordination for the Romanian Review for multidimensional Education,"Postmodern openings” collection, etc. Lohan Review.(2008) Postmodern Openings (Microresearch), Achievement, selectionand publishing of research, studies, books dedicated to philosophy,sociology, minorities, cultural phenomena, psychology. The selectionhas a national character, and is done in a Peer Review system.(2008) Transmoderne Identities - Programme for publishingCoordination of volumes of studies, essays, microresearch andliterature transmodern united under specific denominator in

contemporary culture. The role in the project was project director; Ideveloped and published research on heritage buildings and Iaşi inLiterature, in collective volumes with the same name, and I alsosupervised the editorial development of a number of other fivevolumes of Simona Branc "Changing generation" - the author's thesisin sociology of education, being at the time Lecturer at West Universityof Timisoara; Iulia Modovan "Divorce in Hebrew tradition" - studyconcerning the traditions of Hebrew minority; Tomita Ciulei "Logics,argumentation and rhetoric" - the volume is an academic synthesis of logics and argumentation theory from pragmatics of discourse theory,the author being at the time of publication Lecturer at the Wallachia

University of Targoviste; Dr. Vicu Merlan “Weapons and Tools of Flintand Stone from Eneolithic in Moldova Between the Carpathians andPrut” - volume thesis of the author, Laura Anca Codrea "Do not forgetme" – novel, financier: National Cultural Fund Administration, theproject value: 10 000 EUROS.(2007) Literature as non-formal education, national seminar of postmodern aesthetics - I have held within this program the followingseminars: Journalism for teenagers - my lecture reffered to features of semiotic and pragmatic journalism discourse; Literature as non-formaleducation - seminar held by me pursued postmodernity issues inliterature, art and philosophy; literary and social hermeneutics

elements - seminar held by me pursued the transfer of knowledgeconcerning specific hermeneutic methods of the XXI st century. Theprogram also included organizing a Youth Salon magazines andintegrated The Youth Poetry Contest, 2007 Edition. Within theprogramme there were published volumes like: Postmodern poetics(coord.) Lecturer. Dr. Tomita Ciulei - Valahia University of Targoviste –and the volume "Journalism for teenagers - coord. Dr. Baghiu Bogdan;in both books we published research studies included in the present

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list of articles. The program was financed by the National Authority for Youth with 1000 Euros.(2007) Romanian identity in European construction. In the program Iwas editorial coordinator and consultant. There has been published thebook "Ethnic Minority in Dobrogea Area" - Research author Dr Mictat

Gârlan from Quality of Life Research Institute of the RomanianAcademy. The program was funded by the National Cultural FundAdministration of the Ministry of Culture and National Cultural Heritagewith the sum of 2000 Euros.(2006) Youth about Europe, collaborative creativity workshops. Theprogram aimed to achieve a research on collaborative creativity, thekey area of pragmatics constructionist which is at the base of virtualprograms of scientific research. Implementation model was developedwith funding from the National Youth Authority, the value of the projectwas 4000 Euros.(2005) Stop Family Violence - The program aimed to inform young

people from Iasi about the risk of domestic violence. In the program Irealized editorial coordination and scientific references to the collectivevolume "Stop family violence", coordinator: Madalina Constantin.Financed by the National Youth Authority with 500 Euros.(2005) Common Agricultural Policy explained to rural youth - Icoordinated the editorial activity and scientific references; was fundedby the National Youth Authority with 500 Euro.(2004-2005) Virtual Center of resources in social - the program pursued the country's largestportal on social work, which operates as a virtual center of communityresources for professionals in social work. The Center acts as a

scientific database, in virtual form, hosting electronic publishing formatReview of Research and Social Intervention (RCIS), published by Lumenin the name of "Al. I. Cuza" Univerity of Iasi and Holt RomaniaFoundation; financiers: SC Asistenţăsocială.ro Ltd - 3000 Euros, HoltFoundation Romania – 1000 Euros, other private donors SC ExpertProjects Ltd.," Al. I Cuza” University of Iasi, etc..(2002-2004) The promotion of social work program - the developmentand publication of books on social work, methodological guides, bestpractices guides, etc. I coordinated the editorial activity, and Ipublished in this program the books: "Social Work and Intervention"and "Techniques in Social Work”.

(2004, 2005) Special Offers: Developing a set of commercial Internetportals - program developed based on research and developmentcontracts funded by private donors.(2003-2004) Promoting multidimensional edcation: training sessions inmultidimensional educational strategies – I held the following trainingprograms: Design of cultural programs for community, within theprogram I held the training session entitled "Design of financingproposals, funded by the Ethnic Relation Department of the

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Government of Romania and ANM (The Authority for NationalMinorities) and ICR (Italian Community from Romania); InterculturalCommunication - I held a training course on interculturalcommunication techniques, financiers the Ethnic Relation Departmentof the Government of Romania and ANM (The Authority for National

Minorities) and ICR (Italian Community from Romania); Social andintercultural communication – I have presented social and interculturalcommunication techniques with regard to assertiveness.(2003-2004) Virtual Resource Centre for Youth - - I wascoordinator of the project, which had online counseling sessions aimedto support youth participation in activities of civil society, promotingsocial development and employment of youth; the value of fundingprovided by the National Youth Authority was 3000 Euros.(2002-2003) Social action through educational strategies: workshopson methods of social intervention through educational strategies.(2003) Forms of virtualization of social space: Research on the impact

of new communication strategies offered by the Internet.(2003) Strategies to promote diversity: training sessions onintercultural education.(2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008) Youth Poetry: nationalliterary contest in partnership with the Romanian Literature Museum,Iasi.(2002, 2003) Lumen Poetry School(2002) Education and professional training: training sessions incommunication, organizational development, NGO management,Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Team-Building.(2002) Alternative resocialization in NGO environment: realization of a

research-action in preventing deviance among adolescents.(2001-2002) T online: experimental adaptation of psychosocialcounseling techniques to methods of online communication.(2001-2002) No drugs in high schools from Iasi: training sessions onthe risks of drug use.(2001-2002) Social Action and Organizational Development: trainingsessions, development and publishing textbooks in the followingdomains: organizational development, organization communication,personal development, social programs design and social marketing.

Projects within Lumen Publishing House (SC.Lumen Media SRL.)

Sc. Lumen Media SRL. makes book distribution mainly from LumenPublishing House, including volumes published in the LumenAssociation programs.

Coordination/ participation of Lumen Publishing House at the followingbook fairs:(May 2009) National Book Fair: Librex Iasi

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(April 2009) National Book Fair: Book and Music Libris Brasov.(March 2009) National Book Fair: Film and Music Camufi Iasi(March 2009) National Saloon of Book and Media Amplus Bucharest(February 2009) Gaudeamus Caravan - National Book Fair, Craiova(November 2008) Gaudeamus International Book Fair Bucharest

(April 2008) Kilipirim - National Book Fair, Bucharest.(March 2008) Gaudeamus Caravan - National Book Fair, Craiova(February 2008) Librex - National Book Fair, Iasi(June 2007) Bookfest - National Book Fair, Bucharest(May 2007) Librex - National Book Fair, Iasi(June 2006) The 13th edition of the Saloon of Books for Children and Youth Vaslui 2006(May 2006) Exhibition of scientific and University books, Iasi

Programs carried out under the Italian Community from Romania:(2004) Geopolitics: (main organizer- Ion Conea Association of 

Geopolitics - Geopolitics Review) – the article: Ethnic Minorities fromsocial vulnerability to community development(2003) European integration and interculturalism: training sessions onProgram Management: the commnity development, the role of ethno-cultural communities in the process of European integration.(2003) Pro Etnica: (main organizer: CEIT Sighisoara) Conference:Strategies to support ethno-cultural communities.(2003) Days of Italian soul: organize and coordinate the trainingsession: Interpersonal knowledge and multicultural communication.(2003-2004) Strategies to promote diversity: implementation of adatabase on multi-ethnic communities in Romania, and

implementation of an Internet portal Ethnic Pro (main organizer CEIT Sighisoara)- Moderator of the social section of the festival,- I held the conference: Strategies to combat discrimination based

on ethnicity.(2002) Days of National Minorities (main organizer CJ Iasi) I havesupported the conference: Prevention forms of discrimination based onethnicity.