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  • 8/16/2019 COMPLETE AIDE-NATORS.docx


    Students of MKT656,Bachelor in Business Administration (Hons) International Busienss,UiTM Teknoloi MA!A, "a#anan Shah Alam,Kam$us %uncak Alam,

    &' Bandar %uncak Alam, Selanor 

    Madam Intan S*afina+ inti Mat Shafie-ecturer of .loal Marketin (MKT 656),UiTM Teknoloi MA!A, "a#anan Shah Alam,Kam$us %uncak Alam,&' Bandar %uncak Alam, Selanor /5th 0ecemer /5


    Submission a Report of Business Portfolio for Aide-Nators

    !eferrin to the matter ao1e, #e are $leasure to sumit our #orkin $a$er of Aide23ators

     usiness $ortfolio4 The usiness $ortfolio has een desined to enale students to learn the

    techniues of manae and ein successful in international usiness4

    4 The sumission of the usiness $ortfolio is to fulfill the $rereuisite of the .loal

    Marketin (MKT 656) suect that com$ulsor* taken * the all International Business

    students4 7ur rou$ is $erfectl* $erformed * fi1e hihl* 1ision and talented students4 All of 

    us had areed to choose and estalish a usiness $roect, #hich #ill e $ri1ate assistant


    '4 8e ho$e that Madam #ould e satisfied #ith the usiness $ortfolio that #e ha1e come

    out #ith and #e #ould #elcome an* o$inion and comment for our ad1ancement4 8e also

    ho$e that our usiness $ortfolio #ill fulfill all the criteria to e a ood and s*stematic usiness

     $ortfolio and could e a ood uideline and references in understandin and learnin aout

    international usiness4

    The coo$eration from *our entit* is e9tremel* a$$reciated4

    Thank *ou4

    :ours sincerel*,



  • 8/16/2019 COMPLETE AIDE-NATORS.docx




    CA%AN"AN S&A& ALA!


    '()** BAN+AR PUNCA$ ALA!



    Course !$T,,

    Tutorial "roup B!)', !

    Le.turer/s Name !dm Intan S0afina1 Binti !at S2afie

    Title Aide-Nators


    +ue +ate 3' +C!BR )*3


    NO4 NA! STU+NT I+ NO

    34 A!IRUL A5I5 BIN NOR ALBAS&RI )*3',3'6)

    )4 &AFI5+5UL &A$I! BIN &U!AI+I )*3')',(',

    (4 I55ATI BINTI C& A5I5 )*3',76*6,

    '4 TN"$U SAIF I!RAN BIN TN"$U !O&A!+ &AS&I! )*3'')3,)



  • 8/16/2019 COMPLETE AIDE-NATORS.docx


    Assi9nment O:erall !ar;s<


      TITL PA"

      >?>"UTI@> SUMMA!:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;44 i

    /4 I3T!70U"TI73;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; /4 "7M%A3: BA"K.!7U30;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;4 /'4 BUSI3>SS -7"ATI73;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;444444444 &4 "!ITI"A- ISSU> T !>S>A!"H;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; //

    4/ "ustomer;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;4 ;; //4 Marketin Strateies;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; /

    4 MA!K>T A3A-:SIS;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; /54/ Market Share;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;444 /54 Market .ro#th;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;4444 ;; /64' Market Action;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;4 /

    D4 7%>!ATI73A- A"TI@ITI>S;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;444 /D4/ 0escri$tion of "om$an*Cs 7$eration;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;4 /D4

  • 8/16/2019 COMPLETE AIDE-NATORS.docx


    =CUTI# SU!!ARY

    The Aide23ators "om$an* is a com$an* that $ro1ided ser1ices es$eciall* in assistin those

    indi1iduals #ho are us* #ith their dail* routine4 Therefore, #e came to the rescue *

     $ro1idin ser1ices such as roceries sho$$in, $a*ment of monthl* ills, house chores, and

    cookin if reuested * the customer4 7$eratin since D domesticall*, no# #e

    internationali+ed our ser1ices to United Ara >mirates (U4A4>4)4 Headuarter of Aide23ators

    is located at 8ansa Mau, Kuala -um$ur and no# #e are $lannin to o$en a ne# ranch in

    Au 0hai, U4A4>4

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    The Aide23ators "om$an* is the com$an* that $ro1ide %ri1ate Assistants Ser1ice #here #e

     $ro1idin ser1ices to the indi1idual #ho are us* #ith their dail* routine4 A $ri1ate assistant,

    also referred to as %ersonal Aide (%A) is someone #ho assists in dail* usiness or $ersonal

    tasks4 The Aide23ators $ro1ide on2demand ser1ices for usiness e9ecuti1es, clients,

    em$lo*ees and indi1iduals4 8e aim to match client reuests #ith a1ailale freelance

    concieres are e9cluded from this industr*4 The Aide23ators #as o$eratin since D

    domesticall*, no# #e are $lannin to internationali+e our ser1ices to United Ara >mirates

    (U4A4>4)4 Since our ser1ice is eneral, #e are fle9ile to $ro1ide an* ser1ice to our customers4

    8ith us* schedules and tiht #orkin hours, a lot of $eo$le find it useful to ha1e an aid to

    hel$ them enale to focus on hih $riorit* issues o1er those that demand eual attention *et

    could e taken care of * hirin conciere ser1ices4

    Accordin to >mirates 3e#s, the demand for housemaid in Au 0hai is hih

    ho#e1er the* ha1e short su$$l* in order to meet all demand4 !esidents said the shortae of 

    housemaids and nannies #ill thro# thousands of homes into domestic chaos (.ulf 3e#s,

    /5)4 It is difficult for them to find re$lacement or ne# maid to e #orkin #ith them4

    Therefore, * introducin our ser1ices, #e #ould sol1e the $rolem that the* faced4 In fact,

    #e can offer to them our ser1ice #hene1er the* reuired4

    )4* CO!PANY BAC$"ROUN+

    Aide23ators is a $ersonal assistance ser1ice $ro1ider that ser1es their customers * $ro1idin

     $ersonal assistance ser1ices to customers #ho are 1er* us* to alance their dail* #ork li1es

    and families4 The name FAide23atorsC comes from the french #ord FAideC #hich means

    FassistanceC #hile FnatorC comes from FterminatorC #here all $rolems can e terminated4

    Aide23ators is headuartered in 8ansa Mau in Mala*sia, Aide23ators "om$an*Gs

    #orkforce consists of 5 oards of directors includin 5 #orkers4 The com$an* founded *

    Hafi+d+ul #ith four of his friends #ho are Saif, Amirul, Ais*a and I++ati4 The idea to start a

     $ersonal assistance ser1ice $ro1ider is after look at Mala*sian dail* life #hich is 1er* us* to

    manae their home after hectic schedule4 To sol1e the $rolem, Aide23ators come u$ #ith

     $ersonal assistance ser1ices to ease the li1es of those $eo$le4 Aided * our domestic success,

    #e #ould like to s$read our ser1ices to modern countries #here our $otential customers

    reside4 After doin countr* screenin, #e decided to o$en ranch office in Au 0hai, U4A4>4


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    7ur usiness #ill e located at Au 0hai, United Ara >mirates (UA>)4 -ocated at Middle

    >ast, Au 0hai is the ca$ital cit* of UA> (refer A$$endi9 / and )4 As the larest amon

    other se1en memers of UA>Cs emirates, Au 0hai accounts almost t#o third of the UA>Cs

    econom* thanks to its ra$id de1elo$ment and urani+ation4

    Here are fe# details aout Au 0haiE

    2 %o$ulationE 465 million (/&)

    2 -anuaeE Araic, >nlish

    2 !eliionE Islam

    2 "urrenc*E UA> 0irham (A>0)

    2 .ross 0omestic %roductE US0 5D,&& million

    8e choose this location ecause of shortae of housemaids and nannies in Au 0hai4

    Most of the residents in Au 0hai demand for housemaids and nannies to look after their 

    children #hen the* o to #ork4 To take ad1antae on this situation, our com$an* chooses Au

    0hai to internationali+e our usiness as #e confirm the demands for $ersonal assistant

    ser1ice in Au 0hai are increasin4

    8e elie1e that #ith the increasin demand in $ersonal assistant, Au 0hai is the

    suitale $lace for Aide23ators as start u$ to o international4


    '43 Future Outloo; and Trends

    '4343 .onomi. Trends

    Since the UA> #as estalished in /D/, its econom* has ro#n and de1elo$in

    into a modern and o$en econom*4 Totalin close to US'5 illion, it is no# the

    second iest econom* in the Ara #orld, after Saudi Araia, and accounts for 

    more than a uarter of the ross domestic $roduct (.0%) of the .ulf "oo$eration

    "ouncil (.""), and nearl* /& $er cent of the comined .0% of the countries in

    the Middle >ast and 3orth Africa reion4 The ener* sector is the foundation of 

    the UA>Cs #ealth and also a ke* source of re1enues to finance continuin

    economic di1ersification4 The countr* has the #orldCs se1enth2larest $ro1en

    reser1es of oth crude oil and natural as (B% Statistical Sur1e* of 8orld >ner*,



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    '434) Trends

    Smart o1ernment a$$s ha1e lead the #a* to reater inno1ation and more

    interated, user2friendl* s*stems4 The* are in the $rocess of de1elo$in a ne#

    channel to e9tend ser1ices to usinesses and customers and enhancin this to

    enale de$artments to shift to a smart o1ernment * de1elo$in com$rehensi1e

    diital ser1ices so customers recei1e all o1ernment ser1ices, reardless of the

    ser1ices reuired4 The ne9t $hase for the UA> is to seekin to estalish itself as

    smart o1ernment leader in the reion #here the* are ale to #in users o1er to the

    latest a$$s4 It #ill also redra# o1ernment ser1ices in a modern #a*, led *

    inno1ation and creation4

    '434( Le9al and Trends

    %olitics of the United Ara >mirates takes $lace in a frame#ork of a federal, $residential and asolute monarch*4 The United Ara >mirates (UA>) is a

    federation of se1en constituent monarchies #hich consist of the >mirates of Au

    0hai, Aman, 0uai, and mirates, the head of state and the ruler of 0uai is the %rime

    Minister of the United Ara >mirates, the head of o1ernment4 The UA>Gs udicial

    s*stem is deri1ed from the ci1il la# s*stem and Sharia la#4 The court s*stemconsists of ci1il courts and Sharia courts4

    '4) Industr0 "ro>t2

    '4)43 Industr0 Sales for Past Years

    "onciere ser1ices #ere once rearded unnecessar*, ut ha1e no# come to a$$ear 

     $ractical and im$ortant4 But althouh as a client of a conciere ser1ice *ou are

    sa1ed a lot of time, it does mean i1in u$ $art of the control4 BIS 8orld also

     $redicts that those usiness $ersons #ho earn more than /, a *ear and use

    conciere ser1ices usuall* #itness a rise in their incomes ecause the* are left

    #ith more time to focus on their usinesses and entre$reneurial acti1ities4 And as

    a result the* #ill ha1e more discretionar* funds, increasin in the demand for 

    conciere ser1ices4


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    There is increasin demand for this ser1ice accordin to 3e# !e$ort *

    .loal Industr* Anal*sts .IA announces the release of a com$rehensi1e loal

    outlook on the "onciere Ser1ices Industr*4 Time constraints, us* #ork 

    schedules, e9tended #orkin hours and lack of #ork2life alance in e1er*da* life

    #hich are all contriutin to the ro#in demand for cor$orate conciere

    ser1ices4 Moreo1er, #ith cor$orate o$erations and usinesses ein 1er*

    demandin and com$le9 no#ada*s #here the chanin com$etiti1e landsca$e is

    forcin enter$rises to recruit ne# em$lo*ees, create a lo*al consumer ase as #ell

    as re#ard maor clients, the ke* $ur$ose for #hich cor$orate conciere ser1ices

    are desined4 "onciere ser1ices is a #orth#hile strate*, $articularl* in case of 

    time $oor and hih net #orth customers, for estalishin etter customer relations

    and for ainin e9tra re1enue as #ell4

    '4)4) Ne>

    As com$ared to the traditional conciere ser1ices that are offered in larer hotels

    that offer tra1el arranements and restaurant reser1ations, conciere * the Aide2

     3ators are offerin the ser1ices to an* client reardless to an*#here4 It is $art of 

    our on2oin commitment to rinin Au 0hai residents the 1er* est in lu9ur*

    and fine li1in4 The Aide23ators offers a #ide rane of ser1ices that #ill take the

    stress out of *our dail* life and i1e *ou more time to eno* the kind of life *oudeser1e4 7ur arra* of #orld class conciere ser1ices includesE

    Home manaement 4







    Table 1: Services offered by Aide-Nators

    '4( Competitors

    As a countr* #ith most of their citi+en has hih income, conciere ser1ice is 1er*

     $o$ular in Au 0hai4 Man* international com$anies ha1e emarked in the markets for 

    fe# *ears efore local com$anies starts to follo# the flo#4 Manum Ser1ices and

    7ne"onciere are the e9am$les of international com$an* that $o$ular in conciere



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    The tale elo# sho#s S87T anal*sis et#een Aide23ators and com$etitors in the


    Strenth 8eaknesses 7$$ortunities Threat



    Ha1e stron

    re$utation in

    the lu9ur*



    7nl* the

    memer can

    eno* and use

    the ser1ice

     $ro1ided *



    .ro#th of  

    lu9ur* industr*


    ro#th of the





    com$an* #ith

    hih customers


    Hih risk of 



    %ossiilit* of 


    #ith lu9ur*



    of com$etition



    and local


     Aide-Nators 2 Affordale

     $rice for all

    rou$ of  


    2 "on1enience to

    access to the

    ser1ice 1ia

    #e site or 


    "ustomers do

    not ha1e


    aout Aide2


    0emands from


    rou$ for the




    2 0ifferences

    in culture

    2 0urin


     $eo$le tend

    to a1oid to

    s$end their 


    Table 2: SWOT analysis between Aide-Nators and competitors

    '4' Profile of Customers

    Aide23ators taret customers are those #ho strule and need hel$ in their dail* life

    es$eciall* for home manaement, dail* errands and education4 7ther than that, #ith

    affordale $rices offered for the ser1ice, #e are not onl* focusin on u$$er2class rou$


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    income ut also for middle2class $eo$le #ho are strule to find time to do man* thin

    in their dail* life4


    43 Profile of Ser:i.e

    Headuartered in 8ansa Mau, Kuala -um$ur in Mala*sia, The Aide23ators "om$an*

    is headin to#ards a loal com$an*4 Aided * our domestic success, #e #ould like to

    s$read our ser1ices to modern countries #here our $otential customers reside4

    Therefore, Au 0hai is the ans#er to our uestion4 Since D, The Aide23ators

    "om$an* has een s$eciali+in in conciere ser1ices #hich a1e assistance to those

    #ho faces difficulties in co$in #ith their dail* duties due to us* lifest*le4 8ith 6

    *ears of e9$erience in the $ersonal conciere industr*, #e ha1e done ama+in thins

    and enhancin our customerCs life * assistin them on their childrenCs education needs,

    da*Jto2da* errands, and home manaement4 Su$$orted * '5 full time staffs, The Aide2

     3ators "om$an* is o1erned * 5 oard of directors and /5 shareholders #ho

    res$onsile in e1er* decision makin4

    4) +es.ribe t2e Appli.ation of t2e Ser:i.e

    The idea of the ser1ices that #e $ro1ided is uite sim$le4 The taret market #ould e to

    those #ho are us* #ith their #ork matters until the* ha1e no sufficient time for their 

    dail* errands and time to manae house chores4 Therefore, #e are there #hen the* need

    us to manae their dail* errands such as ill $a*ments and rocer* sho$$in4 7ur 

    customer can suscrie our ser1ices ased on one time asis #hen needed4

    4( Uni?ue features

    7ur main $riorit* is to understand our customers in term of their needs, #ants, and

     $references so that #e can achie1e customerCs satisfaction and ecome their main

    choice4 Thus, once #e are ale to understand our customers #e #ill then use it as a

    uideline to $ro1ide the est ser1ices #hich are not $ro1ided * our com$etitors and

    that #ill makes our ser1ices uniue4

    7ur ser1ices can e di1ided into three cateoriesE

    •Home manaement

    • 0ail* errands

    • >ducation


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    Table 3: Uni!eness of services provided by Aide-Nators

    4' Opportunities for t2e e@pansion

    %eo$le mostl* use 1ehicles or cars to allo# them to tra1el4 Almost e1er* da* the* #ill

    use it to o to #ork, sho$$in and more4 Ho#e1er, not e1er* da* their car #ill e in

    ood condition and at an* time it can reak do#n4 Thus, ased from this kind of 

    situation #e see an o$$ortunit* to e9$and our ser1ice and come out #ith a ne# ser1ice

    #hich is to#in ser1ice4 The customer can call us #hen the* are ha1in troule #ith

    their cars or 1ehicles and #e #ill $ick u$ their cars to the nearest #orksho$4 8e see that

    this is a ood o$$ortunit* for us to e9$and our $roduct line and also ecome a etter 

    com$an*4 Throuh this action, #e can sta* com$etiti1e #ith other com$anies #hich are

    in the same industr*4 ducation ser1ices are our main

    uniueness #here #e are the first

    conciere ser1ice com$anies that

     $ro1idin home tuition for our customerCs

    kid4• 8e take the conciere ser1ice to the ne9t

    le1el #here #e are also includin this

    ser1ice in $art of our com$an*Cs ser1ice4

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    4 Stor0 of t2e line ?ualit0 de:elopment deli:er0 and ser:i.e

    The ser1ices that are $ro1ided * Aide23ators are dail* errands, home manaement and


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    ,43 Resear.2 and +e:elopment

    >1en thouh the future seems so far a#a*, it is actuall* einnin riht no#4 The

    com$an* is seekin to et more $rofit to#ards achie1in ro#th4 The com$an* #ill

    enhance the ualit* and the 1ariet* of the ser1ices4 Besides that, the com$an* aims to

    et more customers and secure more eora$hical areas4 To enhance the ualit* and the

    1ariet* of ser1ices, the com$an* reuires the customers to $ro1ide feedack and

    suestions4 The com$an* does not onl* ho$e for $ositi1e feedacks ut neati1e

    feedacks as #ell ecause neati1e feedacks act as uidance for the com$an* to

    im$ro1e4 >ach time after the ser1ices is $ro1ided to the customers, the com$an* for 

    suestions from the customers4

    The com$an* #ill use mass media such as tele1ision, internet, maa+ines and

    ne#s$a$ers to ad1ertise the com$an* loall*4 The com$an* elie1e that these

    mediums #ill attract more customers reardin the e9istence of the com$an* as the

    com$an* aims to o loal4

    ,4) Intelle.tual Propert0

    The name, Aide23ators and the taline Our Customers Are Our Families/ and theloo is trademark reistered4 The com$an* #ants to trademark reistered ecause the

    com$an* #ants to e distinuished in the industr*4 Besides that, the com$an* #ants to

    a1oid randin theft from other com$anies4 The official loo of Aide23ators (refer 

    A$$endi9 ') is trademarked4 The loo sho#s a letter FAC that stands for FAide23atorsC in

     lue colour #ith a micro$hone in orane colour o1er it that s*molises Fcustomer 


    The colour lue is chosen ecause it inites the feelins of trust, securit*, order,

    and cleanliness4 Blue is often associated #ith the coolness of the sea and sk*4 It has

     een sho#n to calm the senses and lo#er lood $ressure4 It ma* stimulate feelins of 

    trust, securit*, order, and cleanlinessL (.illett, /&)4 7n the other hand, the orane

    colour is chosen ecause it inites feelins of ener*, #armth and alance4 7rane is

    often associated #ith the heat of sun and fire and is considered a hih2arousal color4 It

    ma* stimulate feelins of ener*, alance, and #armthL (.illett, /&)4


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    ,4( Spe.iali1ed $no>led9e

    The com$an* has a team of e9$erts #ith s$eciali+ed kno#lede #hich ensures hih

    ualit* ser1ices4 The memers of the team are all ualified raduates from to$

    uni1ersities around the loe4 S$eciali+ed kno#lede includes com$etencies and skills

    in a $articular $rofession4 The follo#in are the skills needed for the ser1ices of Aide2


    m$ath* is a stron on ho# to descrie successful $ersuasion4

    "ustomerCs concerns are our concerns too4

    Thirdl*, neotiation skills4 It is a skill * #hich $eo$le settle differences4 It is a

     $rocess * #hich com$romise or areement is reached #hile a1oidin arument and

    dis$ute4 3eotiation is aout fairness, seekin mutual enefit and maintainin a

    relationshi$ #ith customers4

    -astl*, kno#lede of ser1ices4 >1er* em$lo*ee must ha1e full kno#lede of the

    ser1ices offered * the Aide23ators4 This is im$ortant in hel$in customers #hen the*

    run into $rolems and ensurin there #ill e no misunderstandin reardin the ser1ices

    offered4 7n the other hand, the ser1ices offered must e handled * indi1iduals #ho are

    ualified in the s$ecified field4

    64* !AR$T RSARC&

    643 Customer

    64343 C2ara.teristi.s of t2e Customer

    Aide23ators $ersonal conciere ser1ice determined to ser1e customers that ha1e

    limited time in orani+in their dail* tasks4 Therefore, the ser1ice can e eno*ed

     * those #ho are committed #ith their career from the ae of *ears and ao1e4

    Since the ser1ice chare that #e im$ose on our customer can e afforded * most


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    of the income rou$s in United Ara >mirates, s$ecificall* in Au 0hai, #e

    think that it is a ood decision in residin our usiness here4

    6434) Bu0in9 Situation

    Bu*in situation refers to the situation surroundin a $urchase * a customer 

    #here as it is influenced hea1il* on the ualit* of information and e9$erience that

    the customer ha1e on the ser1ice or $roduct, as #ell as its effort in u*in the

     $roduct or ser1ice4 Bu*in situations is di1ided into three, the straiht reu*, the

    modified reu*, and the ne#2task u*in (-am, "4, Hair, N4, ')4

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    64) !ar;etin9 Strate9ies

    Accordin to Hastins, .4, Ha*#ood, A4 (/DD/), marketin is defined as $uttin the

    riht $roduct in the riht $lace, at the riht $rice, at the riht time4 Thouh this sounds

    like an eas* enouh $ro$osition, a lot of hard #ork and research needs to o trouh4 The

    marketin strateies is a crucial tool to hel$ understand #hat the $roduct or ser1ice can

    offer and ho# to $lan for a successful $roduct offerin4 It is commonl* im$lemented

    throuh the &%Cs of marketin #hich are %roduct (Ser1ice), %rice, %romotion, and %lace4

    The follo#in descries the &%Gs of Aidenator %ersonal "onciere ser1icesE




    /4 Ser1ice 8e $ro1ide $ersonal conciere ser1ices to our taret consumers #ho

    are too us* and committed to their career until the* ha1e less time

    for themsel1es in manain their dail* tasks at home4 Since our 

    ser1ices is not that 1ast, #e can s$eciali+e in #hat #e are doin since

    #e can focus on the ser1ices i1en more easil* com$ared to our 

    com$etitors #ho offered more 1ast ser1ices4

    7ur ser1ice mainl* consists of certain se1eral cateories such asE

    • >rrand ser1ices (rocer* sho$$in, food deli1er*, ill


    • House ser1ices (cleanin, laundries, dishes, cookin, nann*,


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     3e9t hourE D5 0irhams or US0 5

    Monthl*2asis $ackaeE

    5 hoursOmonthE US0 /'5

    / hoursOmonthE US0

    hoursOmonthE US05

    Since Aide23ators %ersonal "onciere "om$an* $ro1ide ser1ices

    amon the u$$er2class and middle2class rou$ income, the $rice for 

    our ser1ice can e afforded * these rou$s4 8e ensure that our 

     $ricin strate* can com$ete #ith other com$etitor to continue mark 

    our e9istence in the $ersonal conciere market4 %ricin decisions

    de$ends on the ser1ice demanded and the time locks that the* ha1e


    7ur reular clients $urchase locks of time each month (5, / or

    hours $er month) or for clients that ha1e a one2off reuest, the* can

     $urchase ust the hours the* need4 8e ha1e set a minimum of one

    hour ser1ice4

    %a*ment is made in ad1ance and the client has an account set u$ for 

    their reuests4 8e lo the time that #e s$end on reuests * /5

    minute increments and kee$ *ou u$dated on their time alance

    throuh the moile a$$lication installed in the i7S and Android


    '4 %romotion 7ur com$an* has estalished a user2friendl* #esite,

    ###4aidenator4com4 The #esite has all the rele1ant informations

    reardin the com$an* includin histor*, ser1ices, career and most

    im$ortantl*, contacts #here customers can $lace their suscri$tions4

    7ur customers also can suscrie to our ser1ices 1ia 8hatsa$$ and

    hotline numer4 A dedicated moile a$$lication on Android and i7S

    also hel$ed the $romotion on our ser1ices4 !eular users for our 

    ser1ices #ill et monthl* letters com$risin reat $romotions and


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    also some 1ouchers #hich the* can use for the ne9t suscri$tion4

    &4 %lace As for Aidenator %ersonal "onciere Ser1ices, #e elie1e that *

    lookin at the income le1els of the residents of United Ara >mirates,

     $articularl* in Au 0hai, most of them can afford our ser1ices4

    Since most of these Aras are us* #ith their dail* tasks at #ork,

    the* #ill e needin our ser1ice to ensure their dail* home errands

    are in order4

    Table ": Aide-Nators# mar$etin% mi&


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    84* !AR$T ANALYSIS

    843 !ar;et S2are






    Concierge Service's Market Share

    Magnum Services


    A! " Consu#ting

     $e Concierge Com&an'

    '(art 1: )ar$et S(are before t(e *ntrance of Aide-Nators

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    Concierge Service's Market Share

    Magnum Services




     $e Concierge Com&an'

    '(art 2: )ar$et S(are after t(e *ntrance of Aide-Nators

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    and im$ortant4 The ser1ice that once e9clusi1el* used the celerities has no# manaed

    to find footin amon ">7s, usiness $ersons, and e1en house#i1es4 "onciere

    ser1ices sa1ed a lot of $eo$le time and hel$ the client #ith their dail* life4

    IBIS8orld $redicts that those usiness$ersons #ho earn more than /, a

    *ear and use conciere ser1ices usuall* #itness a rise or im$ro1ement in their incomes

     ecause the* ha1e more time to focus on their usinesses and entre$reneurial acti1ities4

    Toda*, $ri1ate conciere market is ro#in es$eciall* in the Middle >ast4 A lot of 

     $eo$le in UA> ha1e mone* to urn and the* are not afraid to hire someod* to do the

     orin tasks in life so that the* can free themsel1es4 Most of the $eo$le in UA>

    es$eciall* in 0uai and Au 0hai ha1e a lot of mone* since the* ha1e their o#n

     usiness and the* need to focus on their usiness so that the* can o$erate it smoothl*4

    This #ill lead to hih demand for conciere ser1ice in UA> market since conciereser1ice can sa1e their time and this also sho# that the market for conciere ser1ice has

     $otential to ro#th and elo# is our com$an*Cs 5 *ears sales forecastE

     *ear 1 *ear 2 *ear 3 *ear 4 *ear 5












    '(art 3: Aide-Nators# sales forecast 

    84( !ar;et A.tion

    Since $eo$le in UA> es$eciall* at 0uai and Au 0hai ha1e a lot of mone* and us*

    to o$erate their com$an* or usiness, #e see this as o$$ortunit* for us to enter the

    market and offered ser1ices that can hel$ them in their dail* routine4 In order to makethem a#are of our ser1ice, the $ositionin strate* of our $roduct must e accurate4


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    Since our taret is the citi+en of UA> es$eciall* Au 0hai, #e need to $roect a

    Middle >ast $ersonalit* #ith a $ersonal touch so that our ser1ice meet the needs of our 

    Middle >ast clients4 8e #ant our com$an* and our ser1ices to acce$t * the local thus

    #e need to create a com$an* imae that can rin $ositi1e $erce$tion from them and

    does not conflict their culture4 Ad1ertisin of our $roduct also must e caterin #ith

    their culture and $erce$tion4

    There are also other com$anies that offer the same ser1ice o$erates in the same

    market #ith us4 This mean that #e need to com$ete #ith them in order to sta* sur1i1e in

    the market4 To make that $ossile, aressi1e $romotion must e done so that $eo$le

    #ill kno# our e9istence in the market and #e need to offer our ser1ice at the est $rice

    #hich is lo#er than our com$etitors are offerin in order to et the customers attention4

    8e also need to modif* our $roduct to make our $roduct uniue and different from our 

    com$etitors and introducin ne# ser1ice such as & hours of ser1ice o$eration are

    rele1ant in order for us to ain com$etiti1e ad1antae and ecome the leader of the

    conciere ser1ice market4

    To make our ser1ices are the est, #e need to make sure our em$lo*ees are #ell

    trained and understand our com$an* oecti1e to ensure the* are on the same $ae #ith

    the com$an* oecti1e and can i1e their est ser1ice to our clients4 8e also need to

    collaorate #ith local o$erator in order to e9$and our net#orkin so that #e can run our 

    ser1ices more effecti1el* and efficientl*4


    743 +es.ription of Compan0/s Operation

    Aide23ators are usin direct e9$ort as our mode of entr* to our usiness o1ersea4 0irect

    e9$orts are #hen #e neotiate, contract and #ork directl* #ith the client4 8ith that, #e

    can a1oid the use of a middleman, so that #e can et a hiher return on *our 

    in1estment, set lo#er $rices and ecome more com$etiti1e4 .2art of A.ti:ities

    Since Aide23ators did not #ant to #ait for a customer ser1ice re$resentati1e to ans#er a

     $hone call, the team estalished a oal #here D5P of incomin calls #ould #ait less

    than minutes for a customer ser1ice re$resentati1e4 The team acuired an Automatic


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    "all 0istriution (A"0) s*stem to route customer calls to customer ser1ice

    re$resentati1es4 The call center #ould o$erate from E am to /4 $m4 The follo#in

    fiure i1es a flo#chart s$ecif*in the $rocess of ans#erin incomin customer calls4

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    74' +istribution C2annel

    Aide23ators are usin direct2marketin channel since it has no intermediar* le1els4 In

    this case the distriutor $ro1ides ser1ice directl* to customers4 The Aide23ators

    maintain its o#n sales force to close deals #ith clients or sell its ser1ices throuh $hone

    call or direct #alk in to our store #here mostl* in1ol1e face2to2face sales4 B* usin a

    direct channel of distriution to connect customer to our ser1ices, #e can ain se1eral

     enefits such as no intermediaries share the $rofits, Aide23ators tend to ha1e hiher 

    rates of $rofit4 Besides that, #e also ha1e o$ened a store #here the customer can come

    to our store and tell us #hat ser1ices that the* #ant to ha1e4 Belo# is our distriution

    channel #here #e deal directl* to our customer4