co-simulation of distributed smart grid software using

Co-simulation of distributed smart grid software using direct-execution simulation SHUM, Chong; LAU, Wing-Hong; MAO, Tian; CHUNG, Henry Shu-Hung; TSANG, Kim-Fung; TSE, Norman Chung-Fai; LAI, Loi Lei Published in: IEEE Access Published: 01/01/2018 Document Version: Final Published version, also known as Publisher’s PDF, Publisher’s Final version or Version of Record License: CC BY Publication record in CityU Scholars: Go to record Published version (DOI): 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2824341 Publication details: SHUM, C., LAU, W-H., MAO, T., CHUNG, H. S-H., TSANG, K-F., TSE, N. C-F., & LAI, L. L. (2018). Co- simulation of distributed smart grid software using direct-execution simulation. IEEE Access, 6, 20531-20544. Citing this paper Please note that where the full-text provided on CityU Scholars is the Post-print version (also known as Accepted Author Manuscript, Peer-reviewed or Author Final version), it may differ from the Final Published version. When citing, ensure that you check and use the publisher's definitive version for pagination and other details. General rights Copyright for the publications made accessible via the CityU Scholars portal is retained by the author(s) and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing these publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. Users may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain. Publisher permission Permission for previously published items are in accordance with publisher's copyright policies sourced from the SHERPA RoMEO database. Links to full text versions (either Published or Post-print) are only available if corresponding publishers allow open access. Take down policy Contact [email protected] if you believe that this document breaches copyright and provide us with details. We will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Download date: 27/02/2022

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Page 1: Co-Simulation of Distributed Smart Grid Software Using

Co-simulation of distributed smart grid software using direct-execution simulation

SHUM, Chong; LAU, Wing-Hong; MAO, Tian; CHUNG, Henry Shu-Hung; TSANG, Kim-Fung;TSE, Norman Chung-Fai; LAI, Loi Lei

Published in:IEEE Access

Published: 01/01/2018

Document Version:Final Published version, also known as Publisher’s PDF, Publisher’s Final version or Version of Record

License:CC BY

Publication record in CityU Scholars:Go to record

Published version (DOI):10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2824341

Publication details:SHUM, C., LAU, W-H., MAO, T., CHUNG, H. S-H., TSANG, K-F., TSE, N. C-F., & LAI, L. L. (2018). Co-simulation of distributed smart grid software using direct-execution simulation. IEEE Access, 6, 20531-20544.

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Page 2: Co-Simulation of Distributed Smart Grid Software Using

Received January 23, 2018, accepted March 1, 2018, date of publication April 9, 2018, date of current version May 2, 2018.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2824341

Co-Simulation of Distributed Smart Grid SoftwareUsing Direct-Execution SimulationCHONG SHUM 1, (Student Member, IEEE), WING-HONG LAU1, (Senior Member, IEEE),TIAN MAO 2, (Student Member, IEEE), HENRY SHU-HUNG CHUNG1, (Fellow, IEEE),KIM-FUNG TSANG1, (Senior Member, IEEE), NORMAN CHUNG-FAI TSE1, (Member, IEEE),AND LOI LEI LAI3, (Fellow, IEEE)1Centre for Smart Energy Conversion and Utilization Research, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong2Electric Power Research Institute, China Southern Power Grid, Guangzhou 510623, China3School of Automation, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China

Corresponding author: Wing-Hong Lau ([email protected])

This work was supported by Hong Kong RGC under Grant CityU 116013.

ABSTRACT The use of distributed computation and control is pervasive for a wide range of smart gridresearch topics. However, recent developments of smart grid co-simulation platforms have not been able toprovide effective support for the modeling and simulation of distributed software systems. In particular, co-simulation literatures only focused on the integration of electrical and communication network simulators,and the responsibility for modeling distributed software is often delegated to one of these two simulators.Since these domain specific simulators are not designed for this purpose, such delegation incurs manylimitations that prevent convenient, effective, and accurate modeling of software behaviors. To mitigate theproblem, this paper presents, to our knowledge, the first co-simulation integration of direct-execution simu-lators to provide dedicated support for distributed smart grid software. We first present the development ofthe novel DecompositionJ framework (DEterministic, COncurrent Multi-PrOcessing SImulaTION for Javaprograms), which is a compiler-based code analyzer and transformer to automatically convert multi-threadJava programs into direct-execution simulators, eliminating the need for manual code or model development.Next, we apply DecompositionJ framework to generate simulators for a popular multi-agent platform JADE.The JADE simulators are then integrated with electromagnetic transient simulator (PSCAD) and packet-levelnetwork simulator (OPNET) using standardized co-simulation runtime infrastructure. At last, we conducta case study on agent-based smart grid restoration using this novel co-simulation platform. Through theanalysis of simulation results, it is shown that the proposed direct-execution simulation framework is able tofacilitate the understanding, evaluation, and debugging of distributed smart grid software.

INDEX TERMS Smart grid co-simulation, direct-execution simulation, high-level architecture, powersystem, communication, distributed systems, multi-agent system, power system restoration.

I. INTRODUCTIONThe rapid decentralization of power system is driving revolu-tionary changes in its underlying ICT infrastructures. Varioussmart grid applications require distributed computation andpervasive data communication for coordinating millions ofautomated devices. The study of these smart grid applica-tions often requires performance evaluation, either via exper-imentations on real-world testbed or via simulation. Unfor-tunately, real-world platforms are rarely available for thepurpose of experiments due to the costs and the criticalnature of power stability. Even if a testbed is available,

experiments are usually bounded to a small scale with alimited set of scenarios. Furthermore, experimental results areoften difficult to repeat due to varying operational conditions.In contrast, simulation enables fully configurable experi-ments with arbitrary hypothetical scenarios at a low cost andthe results are easily repeatable. It is therefore of no surprisethat most published results are obtained via software-basedsimulations.

For a comprehensive simulation of smart grid, all threeaspects of electrical, communication and distributed compu-tation, as well as their inter-dependencies should be modeled.

VOLUME 6, 2018 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. For more information, see 20531

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Given the complexity and heterogeneity of the smart grid,creating a comprehensive simulator from scratch would becostly and time consuming. Therefore, the co-simulationdesigns are often implemented by combining existingwell-developed and validated domain-specific simulators,e.g., power system and communication network simulators,with each of them responsible for modeling and simulatingsome aspects of the smart grid.

This smart grid co-simulation paradigm was pioneered bythe work of Electrical Power and Communication Synchro-nizing Simulator [3] (EPOCHS), and later works [4]–[16]contributed to this field mainly in three directions:1) Exploring various combinations of power system andcommunication simulators for integrating and expanding thetool sets to support different smart grid applications.2) Improving time synchronization mechanisms. This is toensure that simulation events and messages across all simu-lators are processed in correct timestamp order, such thatsimulation outcomes are causally correct and repeatable.3) Improving the interoperability of co-simulation plat-forms by conforming to standardized co-simulation frame-works such as Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS,IEEE 1278 Std.) and High Level Architecture (HLA, IEEE1516 Std.).

Despite previous advancements, discussions are lackedon the modeling and simulation of distributed computation.Most previous works simply delegated such responsibilityto either electrical or communication simulators, leading toseveral problems:• Electrical/communication simulators allow creation ofcustom models via ‘‘user-codes". However, user code devel-opment is not as flexible as general programming, typi-cally subject to many limitations such as reduction of usablelanguage features, libraries and interfaces. In particular,multi-threading and blocking calls are generally forbidden toprevent non-deterministic execution and deadlocks.• Due to user code limitations, existing software cannot besimulated in its deployable form. Researchers need to rewritethe software with respect to user-code constraints. Dependingon the complexity of target software, development processcan be time consuming and labor intensive.• Due to user-code constraints and development costs,researchers may need to discard non-essential parts of thesoftware which may result in loss of functional fidelity.• Electrical/communication simulators do not provide mech-anisms to model computation delays which cause loss oftiming fidelity.• Separation of deployment and simulation codes compli-cates version control and code maintenance.

To mitigate these problems, we delegate the simula-tion of distributed software to direct-execution simulators,in conjunction with the typical integration of electrical andcommunication simulators. In a direct-execution simulation,the original code of the target program will be executed toemulate its own functional behavior. Additional simulationcontrol codes are inserted to execute alongside the target

codes, which are responsible for: i) redirect program’s inter-actions with real systems, i.e., I/O, system clock, timers,to their simulated counterparts; ii) determine computationdelays and track the logical timestamp of program’s actions;and iii) control the order of execution over actions performedby different threads within the simulator, and the order ofexecution over events across co-simulators.

In this paper, we discuss the challenges and operatingprinciples of a direct-execution simulation, then providean overview on the design of DecompositionJ simulationframework (DEterministic, COncurrent Multi-PrOcesssingSImulaTION for Java programs). This framework performscompiler-based source analysis on a target Java program,then automatically transforms the original program intoa direct-execution simulator by instrumenting simulationcontrol codes. The proposed framework eliminates the needfor manual codemodification, hence significantly reduces thecost for developing and maintaining a model for the targetsoftware, yet at the same time fully retains its functionalfidelity. Furthermore, this framework does not require newhardware support and programmer annotation, therefore ishighly compatible with existing Java execution environmentsand development tools. This allows researchers to use main-stream IDEs and debuggers to investigate and debug the targetsoftware during simulation. Further details on the framework,such as definitions of the simulation model, exploitation ofparallelism, scalability and performance evaluations, can befound in our paper [27].

To demonstrate the usefulness of our framework, we applythe direct-execution simulation techniques on a popularmulti-agent platform JADE (JavaAgent Development Frame-work) [26]. The DecompositionJ framework is used toanalyze and transform JADE source code to produce direct-execution simulators, which are then integrated with powersystem simulator PSCAD and network simulator OPNET viaa runtime infrastructure (RTI). The entire co-simulation plat-form adheres to the HLA standard. Using this co-simulationplatform, a case study on agent based fault location, isola-tion and service restoration (FLISR) has been conducted.Through the analysis of simulation results, it is shown thatthe proposed direct-execution simulation framework is ableto facilitate the understanding, evaluation, and debuggingof distributed smart grid software. The rest of this paperis organized as follows: Section II discusses and comparesrelated works in smart grid co-simulation with our proposedframework. Section III presents the operating principle,design, and implementations of DecompositionJ framework.Section IV discusses an HLA-based co-simulation platformthat integrates electrical simulator - PSCAD, communica-tion simulator - OPNET, and DecompositionJ simulators.Section V presents the FLISR case study, and results areshown in Section VI. Conclusion is given in Section VII.

II. RELATED WORKSThe software-based co-simulation paradigm in smart gridresearch was pioneered by the work of Electrical Power and

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TABLE 1. Characteristics of related works in smart grid co-simulation.

Communication Synchronizing Simulator [3] (EPOCHS),which combined power system simulators PSCAD(for electromagnetic transients) and PSLF (for electro-mechanical dynamics) with communication simulator NS2(for packet-level simulation of wired/wireless commu-nications). Simulators are interfaced to a Runtime-Infrastructure (RTI) which facilitates the exchange of dataand the synchronization of event execution across simulatorssuch that simulation events are executed in correct orderaccording to their timestamps. The capability of EPOCHSwas demonstrated with an example case study in agent basedwide area monitoring, protection and control (WAMPC).

Many other co-simulation frameworks and platforms havesince been proposed. Table 1 summarizes their characteristicswith respect to several aspects: i) target use cases; ii) selec-tion of simulation tools for power systems, communicationnetworks, and distributed software; iii) time synchronizationschemes; and iv) co-simulation interfaces. We discuss eachof these aspects in the following.

A. SIMULATION OF POWER SYSTEMSThe selection of power system simulator depends primarilyon the target use case. In general, power system simulationmodels can be classified into two types:1) Steady state models of which the stable state of the powernetwork is solved using power flow analysis. The modelis typically used in power network planning, demand sidemanagement (DSM), energy markets, and optimizationstudies. Example simulation tools include Adevs, OpenDSS,GridLab-D, PowerWorld, PSSE, DigSilent and MATLAB.2) Transient dynamic models of which the power networkis characterized at circuit level by differential equations.The trapezoidal rule is then applied to discretize the equa-tions such that sampling and switching events can bemodeled. Simulator then solves the system equations repeat-edly for each time step to obtain numerical time-domainsolutions. These models are typically used to study powersystem control and protection, where transitions betweenstable states occur due to the changing of operation point.Example tools include PSCAD, PSLF, Adevs-THYMS,DIgSILENT, and MATLAB.

Since our proposed co-simulation framework targetson delay-sensitive applications that operate during statetransitions (e.g., power system restoration), we select thePSCAD simulator to model the fast transients in the electricalsystem.

B. SIMULATION OF COMMUNICATION NETWORKPacket-level network simulators such as OPNET, NS-2,NS-3 and OMNET++ are commonly used for simulatingsmart grid communications. The principles for these toolsare similar: the processing and transmission of messagesare modeled as a sequence of discrete events along thelogical time-line. Selection of suitable simulator dependson model availability, development flexibility and licensingtypes (e.g., open source or proprietary).

For this paper, we selected OPNET for its rich set of wiredand wireless communication models, and its built-in HLAco-simulation interface.

C. SIMULATION OF DISTRIBUTED SOFTWAREDistributed software programs are usuallymodeledwithin thenetwork simulator [4]–[7], [10], [11], or within power systemsimulator [5], [8], [9], [15], and their drawbacks have beendiscussed in the Introduction section. Other approaches [3],[12], [13], [16] allow the target software to be modeled asexternal processes and interfaced to the simulators as slaves.We do not consider these slave processes to be co-simulatorsbecause they are not time-regulating; rather, they simplyperform computation and return results upon receiving trig-gering signals from their master simulators. Modeling usingslave processes suffers from the following limitations: i)blocking operations are forbidden within slave codes sincemaster simulators need to wait for slave results, other-wise deadlocks will occur; and ii) multi-threading withinslave process should be avoided to prevent non-deterministicresults. These limitations significantly hindered the modelingof distributed software as multi-threading and blocking oper-ations are very common.

Here, we discuss the work of Perkonigg et al. [14] in partic-ular, which extended the JADE platform to support the simu-lation of unmodified agent codes. This is achieved by using

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a wrapper agent class to override the standard JADE agentclass. The wrapper agent class provides the same APIs as thestandard agent class, and in addition, implements simulationcontrol codes to i) redirect agent communications events toOPNET simulator; ii) track the computation delay and logicaltimestamp of the agent; and iii) control agent code executionsto achieve synchronization. This design philosophy is similarto that of a direct-execution simulation, but the implementa-tion is limited to JADE. In this paper, we propose a general-ized design at the language level to support simulation of Javaprograms.

D. TIME SYNCHRONIZATIONNote that during a co-simulation session, simulators executelocal events and advance local logical clocks in parallel.Synchronization mechanisms must be installed to ensureevents and messages across all simulators are executedin correct timestamp order. The methods used by previousworks can be classified into three types: master-slave, time-stepped, and event-driven.1) In a master-slave synchronization scheme, one of thesimulators is chosen as the master that triggers slavesimulators to execute events and exchange information.The exact logical time for interaction is only known by themaster. This synchronization method can often be foundin co-simulations with a steady state power system simu-lator (slave), which calculates new system states whenbeing triggered by the communication simulator (master).The master-slave approach should only be used if the slavesimulators do not actively generate events that affect themaster.2) In a time-stepped synchronization scheme, all co-simulators execute independently until a specific logical timeis reached.When all co-simulators have reached the time step,messages accumulated during this period can be exchangedbetween simulators. The simulation is then resumed untilthe next step. Since messages accumulated within a time-step are delayed until the next synchronization point, systemerror may occur and accumulate througout the simulation.This error can be reduced by decreasing step-size stati-cally or allowing changes of step-size adaptively, but cannotbe completely eliminated.3) In an event-driven synchronization scheme, a simulatormay send and receive messages at arbitrary time. Duringsimulation, a time bound is assigned to each simulator.By limiting the execution to events within this bound, it canbe guaranteed that local events and external messages areprocessed in a correct order. This eliminates system errorthat may occur in a time-stepped approach. Depending on theimplementation, the synchronization protocol can be sequen-tial or parallel.Since our proposed co-simulation platform adheres to theHLA standard, its time synchronization mechanism is inher-ently parallel and event-driven which i) fully eliminatessystem error due to synchronization, and ii) allows theexploitation of parallelism in the host computer.

E. CO-SIMULATION INTERFACESince most proprietary simulation tools do not providedirect interfaces with standardized co-simulation frame-works, the implementation of ad-hoc interfaces to integratecommunication and power system simulators is prominentin practice, especially in earlier works. Recent develop-ments [12] [14] and this paper, however, devote efforts tothe conformity of standardized IEEE 1516 High-Level Archi-tecture (HLA) [25] interface to achieve better interoper-ability, re-usability and scalability in co-simulator design.The HLA standard specifies i) Object Model Templatesto define co-simulation message structures understandableby all federates, and ii) the Runtime Infrastructure (RTI)to coordinate the message exchange, time synchroniza-tion, and management of a co-simulation session. Detailson HLA-based co-simulation architecture is presentedin Section IV.

III. DIRECT EXECUTION SIMULATIONThe use of distributed software is pervasive for a wide rangeof smart grid applications. Their designs typically utilizesmulti-threading, with dedicated threads for handling networkevents. In addition, synchronization operations are oftenperformed by threads as a means to achieve inter-threadcoordination. However, these kinds of design patterns are notsupported by smart grid co-simulators reported in the liter-ature because the unsupervised execution of multi-threadingand blocking codes within a electrical/communication simu-lator may result in problems such as non-deterministicoutcomes and deadlocks. In this section, we explain howdirect-execution simulators are designed to eliminate thiskind of problems. The following discussions are focused onthe Java language, due to its popularity in distributed softwaredevelopment.

The major challenges in simulating a multi-thread Javaexecution is to ensure deterministic results. To achievethis, we first explore the reasons for non-deterministicbehaviors, and then describe the corresponding counter-measures.

According to Java memory model (JMM) [30], a single-thread Java program performs a sequence of actions. Givena particular control flow path, the order for action executionis uniquely defined according to the thread-local semantics.Therefore, the execution of a single thread program is deter-ministic and repeatable as long as it does not contain unspec-ified actions such as reading object references and externalinputs.

However, for a multi-threaded program, actions issued bydifferent threads are not necessarily in order, hence theirexecution order may vary in different runs and producedifferent timing and functional behaviors. These differencesaccumulate as the simulation proceeds and lead to divergedresults. The causes of non-deterministic/un-repeatable behav-iors are summarized below.1) Actions’ execution order is not deterministically definedand enforced as explained above.

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2) Thread scheduling is not defined nor controlled bythe program, which contributes to the non-determinism ofaction’s execution order.3) The outcomes of Java synchronization operations(e.g., lock/unlock, wait/notify) may be non-repeatable evenif their order of execution are exactly repeated. For example,when multiple threads contend for a lock, the order of lockacquisition is not defined in JMM even if the order ofcontention is the same.4) Interactions between a program and external systems maynot be exactly repeatable.

Corresponding countermeasures are employed by theDecompositionJ framework to eliminate these four sourcesof non-determinism.1) In the simulation, actions are executed in an orderdetermined by their timestamps. To enforce this timestampordering of action execution, a logical time barrier is insertedahead of each thread action. This barrier postpones anaction execution until all actions with lesser timestamps arecompleted.2) Thread scheduling is modeled by introducing logicalprocessors, logical threads, logical scheduler, and schedulingactions in the simulation. Logical threads participate in thescheduling by executing processor-contend, acquire andrelease actions. The outcomes of these actions are determinedby the logical scheduler based on the first-come-first-servedprinciple. A logical thread must acquire a logical processorto continue action execution. This is enforced by insertinga logical processor barrier after a processor release, whichpostpones action execution until the thread has re-acquired alogical processor.3) Java synchronization operations in the program arereplaced with their deterministic versions, which interactswith the logical scheduler.4) External systems are replaced with their simulatedcounterparts, i.e., co-simulators. External interactions withother co-simulators are performed by exchanging times-tamped messages. External messages and thread actionsare processed according to their timestamp order. Thisis enforced by inserting logical time barrier before theprocessing of an external message.

A. OPERATION OF A DIRECT-EXECUTION SIMULATIONThe design of a direct-execution simulator is in itself avery complicated matter that deserves dedicated paper [27]for discussion. Reference [27] provides detailed discussionson i) concurrent execution model; ii) definitions of actions,inter-action relationships, and constraints to ensure well-formedness of simulation; iii) exploitation of parallelism; andiv) performance and scalability evaluation. In the followingsubsections, we provide an overview on the runtime oper-ation of direct-execution simulation by first describing thedata structures used in the simulation, then followed by thediscussion on the tracking of timestamps and the enforcingof timestamp order.

1) SIMULATION METADATAThe simulation metadata is a global data structure that tracksthe states of a simulated execution. Metadata provides thenecessary information for evaluating action timestamps andcalculating the outcomes of scheduling and synchronizationoperations, and it consists of:• Processor States: For each processor, metadata main-tains its ID, logical clock, the latest dispatched thread,operating frequency, context switching delay, and an idleflag.

• Logical Threads: For each logical thread, metadatamaintains its ID, the latest acquired processor and time-slice, the lock it contends, and the wait set it resides in.

• Logical Scheduler: This includes a set of active threadsand a processor contention queue.

• External Event Queue: This includes messages receivedfrom external processes, which are sorted according totheir timestamps.

• Locks: For each lock, metadata keeps track of itslocked/unlocked state, latest acquiring thread, and acontention queue.

• Wait sets: For each wait set, metadata contains its waitqueue and the associated lock.

Since the metadata is a shared data structure, a metadatalock is used to prevent concurrent access that leads to incon-sistent states. A thread must hold the metadata lock whenaccessing metadata.

2) ENFORCING SIMULATED THREAD SCHEDULINGTo simulate the effect of thread scheduling, actions can onlybe executed when the logical thread has acquired a logicalprocessor. Therefore, processor barrier codes are inserted atthe beginning of threads and at the end of every processorreleasing operation. When a thread reaches a processorbarrier, it will wait until a logical processor is assigned to itby the logical scheduler. Note that the metadata lock must bei) acquired before entering processor barrier, and ii) releasedwhile waiting inside or leaving the barrier.

3) TRACKING ACTION TIMESTAMPSThe timestamps of thread actions are tracked by using theprocessors’ logical clock in the metadata. When a thread isbeing released from processor barriers, the clock of the newlyacquired processor is updated. After leaving the processorbarrier, the processor’s clock will be incremented by thecontrol codes each time a new action is reached. Essentially,processor clock tracks the timestamp of the next action to beperformed by the running thread.

4) ENFORCING TIMESTAMP ORDERThe timestamp order of event execution is enforced byinserting logical time barrier ahead of synchronizationactions or external messages. Note that in a co-simulationenvironment, it is also necessary to ensure that no externalmessages with lesser timestamps will arrive after leaving alogical time barrier. Therefore, the barrier contains a loop,

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in which a thread invokes RTI’s NextMessageRequest serviceto obtain the next external message with a timestamp less thanthat of the next action, and waits until a TimeAdvanceGrantis issued by the RTI. This request-grant cycle repeats until nofurther messages with lesser timestamp is received.

5) HANDLING EXTERNAL EVENTSMessages received from co-simulators will be stored in theexternal event queue in the metadata. Events in the queueare sorted according to their timestamps and await to beprocessed by an external event thread (EET). The main bodyof EET is a loop. In each iteration, EET first waits at a logicaltime barrier until the next external message has the leasttimestamp. It then executes the handler associated with thatmessage. If the event queue is empty, EET will wait at anexternal event barrier until new events arrive.The operation principle of an external event thread is

similar to that of a logical thread but with the followingdifferences: (i) since external actions are not performedin the context of a logical thread, handlers must not containblocking operations such that EET will not be blocked asa result of executing external operations, and (ii) externalactions do not require logical processors for execution andtherefore EET will not be blocked by processor barriers.

B. DECOMPOSITIONJ FRAMEWORKThe DecompositionJ framework is in essence a runtimelibrary and a compiler-based code analyzer and transformer.

Data structure and various mechanisms used in a direct-execution simulation are implemented in a purposelydesigned runtime library, such as:

1) The simulation metadata.2) Execution order enforcing mechanisms. These include

logical scheduler, external event thread, barriers andtime tracking mechanisms that are inserted into thetarget source code.

3) Deterministic versions of Java synchronization oper-ations and time related operations. These include:Object.wait/notify/notifyAll, Thread.start/ sleep/ yield/join/ interrupt/ interrupted/ isInterrupted/ isAlive/getState, monitor enter/ exit, System.currentTimeMillis/nanoTime.

4) Simulated versions of external interactions. Forexample, a simulated version of package hasbeen implemented to facilitate the simulation of TCPcommunications between Java programs. The simu-lation package translates various network events intoco-simulation messages which are exchanged with theOPNET network simulator.

With the aid of the runtime library, the compiler-basedanalyzer and transformer can then convert a target Javaprogram into a direct-execution simulator of itself. The anal-ysis and conversion procedures are as follows:

1) The parser generates abstract syntax trees (AST) forall the compilation units, i.e., .java source files of thetarget program.

2) AST nodes representing Java synchronization opera-tions are instrumented with barriers or replaced bytheir deterministic counterparts in the runtime library.Specifically, (i) for a volatile variable access, metadatalock and logical time barrier are inserted before theaccess, andmetadata unlock is inserted after the access;(ii) for Synchronization-Blocks and Synchronization-Methods, they are replaced by a try-finally block thatbegins with a monitor enter and ends with a monitorexit operation; and (iii) for commonly used synchro-nization operations, they are replaced by their counter-parts in the library.

3) AST nodes representing external interactions arereplaced by their simulated versions, e.g., the java.netpackage.

4) Time tracking codes are then inserted between actions.Note that it is not necessary to inject a trackingcode between every action since multiple intra-threadactions can be lumped into one if there is no branchingin their control flow, i.e., they belong to the same basicblock. Therefore, basic blocks are identified by usingprecise exceptional intra-procedural control flow anal-ysis [33] and tracking codes are only inserted beforeeach basic block.

5) The transformed ASTs are then rewritten into Javasource which can then be compiled using JDKs toproduce simulator executables.

The JastaddJ/ExtendJ compiler framework is used to auto-matically perform the above analysis and source-to-sourcetransformation. It is important to note that manual modifi-cation of the original program source code is not required.The simulator produced by DecompositionJ is compatiblewith any JDK, JVM and their associated development toolssuch as debuggers, profilers, and IDEs. To begin the simula-tion, users are only required to write a startup code to specifyparameters for the simulation environment, e.g., number oflogical processors and their operating frequencies, and thenredirect the control flow to the simulator produced byDecom-positionJ. Therefore, the entire process is convenient andalmost fully automatic.

IV. CO-SIMULATION PLATFORM FOR AGENT-BASEDSMART GRID APPLICATIONSAs noted in recent literatures, the multi-agent software plat-form JADE [26] has become a popular choice for imple-menting and studying distributed smart grid applications.JADE features full compliance with the FIPA [28] (Founda-tion for Intelligent Physical Agents) specification designedby IEEE Computer Society for promoting agent interoper-ability. The platform provides Agent Management System,Directory Facilitator, Agent Interaction Protocols (AIPs) andMessage Transport Services (MTS). The entire software iscomposed of more than 400K lines of codes and continue toevolve under active developments.

The multi-threading nature and complexity of JADE makeit a good candidate for demonstrating the capability and

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FIGURE 1. Converting JADE and agent code into direct-executionsimulators using DecompositionJ.

usefulness of the proposed framework. As shown in Fig.1,the source code of JADE and agents are automaticallyanalyzed and transformed using the DecompositionJ frame-work to produce Virtual JADE (V-JADE) simulators. V-JADEsimulators then participate in a co-simulation with eletricalsystem simulator PSCAD and network simulator OPNET.

FIGURE 2. Co-simulation architecture.

As illustrated in Fig. 2, the co-simulation is achieved byinterfacing each simulator with a common HLA-compliantRuntime Infrastructure. For V-JADE, the RTI interface hasbeen developed as part of the external event handling mecha-nism inside the DecompositionJ runtime library. For PSCAD,the RTI interface has been developed as an external librarylinked to user-defined modules. For OPNET, the RTI inter-face is already built into the software. Note that in theJADE architecture, the multiagent platform is formed bymultiple containers distributed over networked computers.Each container may encapsulate more than one agent.Therefore, multiple V-JADE simulators are used in theco-simulation.

A. CO-SIMULATION MESSAGE EXCHANGETo develop an HLA co-simulation, it is crucial that the formatof exchanged messages is made known to all simulators.Therefore, a Federate Object Model (FOM) must be designedto specify the structures and attributes of all objects andinteractions being exchanged. The FOM specification file isthen shared between simulators.

In our co-simulation design, V-JADEs and PSCADexchange information via sensor and actuator objects. At theinitialization phase of a co-simulation, sensor and actuatorobjects are created and registered on the RTI by PSCAD.During simulation, sensor readings from the electrical systemare periodically published to the RTI by PSCAD. The RTIthen delivers the messages to V-JADEs according to time-stamp order. For actuator objects, their values are publishedby V-JADE and subscribed by PSCAD.

The message exchange between V-JADEs and OPNETis considerably more complicated. Firstly, each V-JADEsimulator is associated with a workstation object which isin turn associated with multiple network interface objects.Each network interface contains simulated network attributesexposed to V-JADE, which include workstation ID / networkinterface ID / MAC address / hostname / IP version / IPaddress / subnet mask and MTU. During the co-simulationinitialization phase, OPNET creates, registers and publishesworkstation and network interface objects to V-JADE simu-lators.

Secondly, when TCP socket operations are performed byV-JADE during simulation, RTI Interaction messages aresent to OPNET with reference to particular workstation andinterface objects. Different types of interactions are used fordifferent types of the operation, which include socket create /open / listen / send / close and abort. Conversely, when TCPsocket events occur in OPNET, interactions will be sent toV-JADE with reference to particular workstation and inter-face. The interaction types include open confirmation / closeindication / close confirmation / data reception / error Indi-cation / Abort indication and FIN reception. The above typescover most functionalities of the package, which issufficient for simulating the communications between JADEcontainers.

B. CO-SIMULATION TIME SYNCHRONIZATIONProper ordering of events across co-simulators is neces-sary to ensure causality and repeatability of the results.TimeManagement Service provided by HLA compliant RTIshandles this ordering using conservative time synchronizationalgorithms.

During the co-simulation, a simulator refrains fromprocessing the next local event until it is guaranteed by theRTI that nomessages with timestamps less than the next eventwill be received. This stop-and-wait procedure is achieved byfirst issuing a NextMessageRequest with tnext_event as param-eter to the RTI, and then wait until a TimeAdvanceGrantis received from RTI. By issuing the NextMessageRequest ,

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the simulator also guarantees that it will not generate amessage with timestamp less than min(tnext_msg, tnext_event )+LA, where tnext_msg refers to the timestamp of next messagethat will be delivered to the simulator, and LA refers to simu-lator’s lookahead. The lookahead is a non-negative value thatallows other simulators to execute beyond this simulator’slocal time. Using large lookahead values improve parallelismand hence enhance the performance of the co-simulation.Deriving a suitable lookahead value depends on the phys-ical limitations of the simulated system, i.e., how quickly asimulated system can react to events received from anothersimulated system. For OPNET and Virtual JADE simulators,the overhead is assumed to be 1µs with the consideration ofthe processing delays between JVM and underlaying protocolstacks. For PSCAD, the lookahead is the same as the time-step size since PSCAD will not send out messages betweensimulation steps.

V. AGENT BASED FLISR CASE STUDYAgent-based Fault Location, Isolation, and Service Restora-tion is a delay sensitive application that relies on fast deci-sion response to reduce service interruption time. With thissimulation case study, we demonstrate that the timeliness ofservice restoration can be influenced by the configurationsof the JADE software and background traffics. In addition,we investigate a scenario in which both electrical and commu-nication system failures occur simultaneously.

A. THE RESTORATION PROBLEMWhen fault occurs in a radially configured power distributionnetwork, the protection system isolates the faulted sectionand consequently blocks the power flow towards downstreamsections. Switches are reconfigured to restore service for theaffected sections with a network topology to minimize de-energized loads. Optimal network reconfiguration problem istraditionally solved off-line and the solutions are staticallyprogrammed to react upon events. This approach does notadapt well to the dynamic operation of smart distributiongrids. Agent-based solutions were proposed in [19]–[24] tocalculate optimal configuration based on dynamic informa-tion in a distributed manner.

In a reconfiguration problem, the power distributionnetwork is considered as a graph G = {V ,E}, where eachedge corresponds to a switch, and each node corresponds toa set of feeder buses and lines bounded by a common setof switches. For a node v, its power generation, generationcapacity and load consumption are given by G(v),Gmax(v)and L(v) respectively; and for an edge {vi, vj}, its power flow(from node vi to vj) and line capacity are given by P(vi, vj)and Pmax(vi, vj). Note that power flow is directional, i.e.P(vi, vj) = −P(vj, vi). A modified IEEE 34-bus system isshown in Fig. 3a and its graph model is shown in Fig. 3bwhich illustrates the graph representation of distributionnetwork. This system is also used in this FLISR case study.

When a fault occurs, the nodes are classified into threedisjoint subsets: supplier nodes V s (nodes with positive net

FIGURE 3. (a) Shows a modified IEEE 34 bus distribution network, andfeeder buses bounded by a common set of switches are groupedin dashed boxes. (b) Shows the graph model for the distribution network.

power output), consumer nodes V c, and faulted nodes V f .Consider a graph G with N supplier nodes, the reconfig-uration algorithm aims to find a set of N trees H ′ ={T1,T2, ,TN } for restoration, such that the total restored loadis maximized:

H ′ = argmaxH={T1,,TN }



L(v). (1)

The optimization subjects to the following constraints:1) Each tree must contain a supplier node as the root andexclude all the faulted nodes.

∀Tn = {Vn,En} ∈ H . |Vn ∩ V s| = 1 (2)

∀Tn = {Vn,En} ∈ H . Vn ∩ V f= ∅ (3)

2) The trees are disjoint.

∀Tn,Tm ∈ H . Tn 6= Tm H⇒ Tn ∩ Tm = ∅ (4)

3) Power balance must be satisfied, i.e., the input power ofa node is equal to the total output power for its successornodes plus local load. For consumer node, the net input powerequals load consumption.

∀v ∈ V c∩ H .


P(v′, v) = L(v) (5)

For supplier node, the sum of generation and net input powerequals consumption.

∀v ∈ V s. G(v)+∑{v′,v}∈E

P(v′, v) = L(v) (6)

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4) Power generation of each DER is bounded by itsmaximum capacity.

∀v ∈ V s. 0 ≤ G(v) ≤ Gmax(v) (7)

5) Power flow of each line is bounded by maximum linecapacity.

∀{vi, vj} ∈ H . |P(vi, vj)| ≤ Pmax(vi, vj) (8)

B. RECONFIGURATION ALGORITHMDue to the distributed nature of multi-agent systems and thedynamic nature of smart grid, each node on the networkonly possesses local information. Therefore, after the fault,the agents at each node explore the graph and obtain infor-mation from agents in other nodes in order to determine therestoration trees. Since each restoration tree must contain asupplier node, the exploration and tree growth start from thesupplier node. The procedures of the reconfiguration algo-rithm are as follows:1) Initially, a restoration tree Tn is created for each suppliernode vsn ∈ V

s, which contains vsn as its root.2) For each restoration tree, frontier edges Fn is defined asthe edges between nodes inside Tn and nodes outside Tn. Fnwill be updated when a new node is recruited to the tree.3) For each tree node v other than the root supplier node,in(v) represents the parent tree node that supplies power to v,and out(v) represents the set of child tree nodes which drawspower from v.4) For each tree node v, R(v) represents the surplus powerthat can be drawn from the node if new nodes are added to thetree through v. By constraining R(v) ≥ 0 for all nodes, (5)-(8)can be enforced.

∀v ∈ V c. R(v) = min(R(pr(v)),Pmax(pr(v), v)



P(v, v′) (9)

∀v ∈ V s. R(v) = Gmax(v)− L(v)−∑


P(v, v′) (10)

5) Aweightw, representing the load of the neighboring nodereachable through the edge, is assigned to each frontier edge.

∀{vi, vj} ∈ Fn. w(vi, vj) = w(vj, vi) = L(vj) (11)

6) For as long as Fn is not empty, the algorithm greedilyexplores the frontier edgewith the largest weight and attemptsto recruit the neighboring node through that edge.7) To ensure a neighboring node is eligible for recruitment,the supplier node’s agent enquires its state through commu-nications. The neighboring node will be recruited unless iti) is faulted, or ii) is already included in another restorationtree, or iii) has a load exceeding the R value of its parent node.8) New frontier edges Fnew are added to Fn when a newnode is recruited. Supplier node communicates with the newnode in order to acquire Fnew and their associated weights.Additionally, R value of all tree nodes will be updated toaccount for the new load.

9) The algorithm ends when all the frontier edges areexplored. The distribution network will be restored accordingto the topology of the restoration trees.

C. RESTORATION AGENTSThe FLISR mechanisms including the reconfigurationalgorithm are implemented using a two-tier multiagentsystem (MAS) with four agent types. As shown in Fig. 4,the upper tier consists of Node Agents (NA) and SwitchAgents (SA), while the lower tier consists of LoadAgents (LA) and DER Agents (DA). Lower tier agents canonly communicate with their supervising NAs, while uppertier agents can communicate with one another. The operationof each type of agent will be presented in the following.

FIGURE 4. Two-tiered MAS hierarchy.

SAs, LAs and DAs are connected to their correspondingphysical switches, loads and DERs through sensors and actu-ators. These agents control and monitor their correspondingphysical devices and respond to their supervising NAs’requests, such as adjusting operating points and reportingdevice status. In addition, SAs are also responsible for overcurrent protection and fault detection.

NAs have no direct interaction with the electrical system,but they are responsible for coordinating the FLISR mecha-nism. Fig. 5 depicts its operating states. Initially, NA staysin idle state until an anomaly is reported by a neighboringSA. Upon which the NA will enquire current and voltagereadings from all neighboring SAs. If a fault is detectedwithin its segment, NA will isolate the fault by requestingall neighboring SA to open their switches and it will thenremain isolated and not be restored. On the contrary, NA willproceed to the inquiry phase to identify its local generations

FIGURE 5. Operation flow of a Node Agent.

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and consumptions through subordinate DAs and LAs. Afterthat, NAs with local generations (i.e. supplier node) willinitiate the reconfiguration algorithm, while consumer NAswill wait and respond to inquiries. Supplier NAs will entertransient state and request both DERs and switches to adjustto new network configuration upon the completion of thereconfiguration algorithm. Finally, NAs return to idle statewhen stabilized bus voltages is observed.

D. COMMUNICATION NETWORK CONFIGURATIONSFor communication infrastructure, we consider gatewayrouters being installed at all buses, which are connectedby optical carriers running alongside with distribution lines.The distances between routers are stipulated in the IEEE34 Bus system dataset. Each agent runs in a separate JADEcontainer which is mapped to a workstation that connects toa router. Further details are listed in Table 2.

TABLE 2. Characteristics of simulated network.

VI. SIMULATION RESULTSThe agent based FLISR case has been simulated using theproposed co-simulation platform. In this section, we firstexplain theMASoperation by presenting a trace of significantsimulation events in the FILSR process. Then the perfor-mance of MAS is evaluated with different network andsoftware configurations: i) background traffics, ii) commu-nication link failure, iii) communication link failure time,and iv) location of JADE main container responsible formaintaining all agents’ network address.

A. AGENT ACTIONS AND EVENTSThe event trace in Table 3 is produced without simulatingbackground traffic or link failure. This table only showsrelevant information from supplier Node agents, i.e., NA1 andNA6.• Phase 1 - Fault Detection

At t=0, a three-phase ground fault occurs between bus806 and 808 (inside v2), which causes fault current toflow through Bus 800 towards 808 and voltage sag in thedistribution network. The fault current is first detectedby SA12 and reported to NA1 at t=0.00931 (#1), usingthe Switch Anomaly Inform: Inform message. This triggersNA1 to change its state from Idle to Fault Location (#2).Similarly, NA6 enters Fault Location state after receivingthe message from SA56 (#15, 16). Note that only the first

TABLE 3. Simulation event trace for NA1 and NA6.

Switch Anomaly Inform messages trigger the state change,later messages are neglected and not shown in the trace.• Phase 2 - Fault Location

During Fault Location phase, NA1 sends Switch StatusQuery: Query-ref messages to all its neighboring SAs (#3),

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and awaits their responses. Responses (Switch Status Query:Inform) containing recent current readings are received att = 0.01303 (#4). The readings indicate that the fault isoutside v1 (#5). Consequently, NA1 proceeds to EnquireDERs and Loads state (#6). Similarly operations are alsoperformed by NA6 (#17, 24-26).• Phase 3 - Enquire DERs

To identify the total power generation capacity and loadconsumption of the node. NA1 sends a query message(DER/Load Status Query: Query-ref) to DA1 and LA1 (#7).The corresponding response messages are received at #8,indicating that v1 has a generation capacity of 18.0 andload of 3.0, and hence 15.0 units are available for restoringother nodes. NA1 then enters Restoration Supplier state (#9).Similarly, NA6 follows the same routine (#27, 29-30) andhas a surplus power of 4 units. For nodes without DER, theirNAs will enter Restoration Consumer state after receiving theresponse messages from their subordinate LAs.• Phase 4 - Reconfiguration

After entering the reconfiguration phase, each suppliernode becomes the root of a restoration tree and its nodeagent executes reconfiguration algorithm to expand thetree. Consumer nodes also participate in the process byreacting to the messages from supplier nodes. Initially, T1only consists of the root node v1 with two frontier edges{v1, v2} and {v1, v7} (#10). The edge with the largest weight(i.e., {v1, v7}) is selected for restoration. NA1 sends aRestora-tion Query: Query-If message to NA7 (#13) to verify thatthe constraints mentioned in step 7) of the reconfigurationalgorithm are satisfied. Note that v7 is restartable becauseit is not faulted, nor has it been included in any restorationtree. Therefore the recruitment of v7 is confirmed with aRestoration Query: Agree message replied to NA1 (#14).Upon recruitment, NA7 issues Switch Operation Request:Request to SA17 to establish connection to T1 by closing theswitch. Following that, NA7 proceeds to enquire its neigh-boring SAs and NAs for a list of new frontier edges. Theseedges are then identified and reported back to NA1 throughan Restoration Query: Inform message (#18,19). Finally,NA1 updates the surplus power of v1 and v7 (#20,21).The above process represents one iteration of the recon-figuration algorithm. Each restoration supplier will repeatthis process to explore its neighborhood and attempt toexpand the tree until all eligible frontier edges are exhausted.For NA1 and NA6, their reconfiguration phases end att=0.06733(#61) and t = 0.07652 (#70), respectively. Fig.6shows the final network configuration.• Phase 5 - Transient

Once the algorithm ends, supplier node enters transient stateand issues an Operation Request: Request to its DA (#62 forNA1, #71 for NA6). The DA then replies with an Opera-tion Request: Agree message and starts power generation.The communication and computational delays of MAS oper-ations are observable from the electrical system, which isshown in Fig. 7. The fault current is detected at #1 bySA12 which controls the switch to open at the next zero

FIGURE 6. New network configuration, with two restoration trees rootedat node-1 and node-6.

FIGURE 7. Simulation of electrical transients during fault and restorationprocess.

crossing point. Voltages of bus 836 and bus 824 are restoredshortly after the DERs agree to power generation (#63, 72).

B. EFFECTS OF BACKGROUND TRAFFICS AND LINKFAILUREBackground traffic is sent from all feeder buses to a dataaggregator at bus 800 using IP-based protocols. Note thattwo OC-1 links are connected to bus 800, i.e., from bus836 to 802, allowing amaximum throughput of 100.224Mbps(payload) which is equivalent to 3.037Mbps per bus. Fig. 8shows the solution time, i.e., time for supplier NA to entertransient state, of NA1 and NA6 with different levels oftraffics. As the configuration of background traffic rate isincreased towards the maximum throughput, the averagepacket queuing delay approaches infinity, which explains theexponentially increasing solution time.

Since communication links run along with power distri-bution lines, it is likely for an electrical fault to correlatewith communication link failures. To study the impact, a linkfailure is scheduled to occur simultaneously with the elec-trical fault between buses 806 and 808. As shown in Fig. 8,the reconfiguration time increases due to more backgroundtraffics being distributed over the remaining links. Table 4shows the percentage increment of reconfiguration timecaused by simultaneous link failure and the results indicatea more significant impact under higher traffics.

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FIGURE 8. Reconfiguration solution time under different levels ofbackground traffic.

TABLE 4. Percentage change of reconfiguration time.

C. EFFECTS OF LINK FAILURE TIMESince JADE message transport service benefits from theretransmissionmechanisms provided by the underlaying TCPprotocol, application programmers may often assume reliableand timely agent communications without concerning packetlosses in the network so long as the reachability betweenJADE containers is maintained. However, the co-simulationreveals that when both electrical fault and communicationlink failures occur, their temporal proximity greatly affectsthe reconfiguration solution time.

In Fig. 9, an electrical fault occurs at t = 0. The X-axisrepresents the link failure time and Y-axis represents thereconfiguration solution time of node agents.

FIGURE 9. If comm. link failure occurs shortly after electrical fault, agentcommunications may experience large delay due to TCP initialretransmission delay. Reconfiguration time varies significantly dependingon whether router’s forwarding tables are updated before agentcommunications.

If link failure occurs in zone I, i.e., it occurs less than 7.5msafter the electrical fault, the effect of link failure on solutiontime is insignificant. This is because agent communicationsonly begin at 9.31ms (#1 in Table 3) after the fault, hencerouters adjacent to the failed link have sufficient time todetect it and update their forwarding tables before the agentcommunications. As a result, no MAS packet is lost.

However, a dramatic increment of solution time is observedif link failure occurs in zone II, i.e., between 7.5ms and27.5ms after the fault. This is because agents have begunestablishing TCP connections with each other via three-wayhandshakes before alternative routes are updated in router’sforwarding tables. The loss of handshake packets is nottimely retransmitted by TCP because the session’s round-triptime (RTT) has yet to be measured and a rather long initial re-transmission timeout of 0.5s is used, leading to a significantimpact on the solution time.

If link failure occurs in zone III, i.e., 27.5ms after the fault,it will not have a significant impact on the solution time.Because TCP handshake between agents has been completedbefore the link failure and RTT measurements can be usedto perform timely retransmission with a negligible timeoutdelay.

A possible solution to achieve short reconfiguration time isto modify JADE or agent codes which include i) TCP connec-tions are pre-established between every pair of agents, andii) heartbeat signals are sent between agents to periodicallyupdate the RTT. However this is outside the scope of thispaper.

The above analysis of simulation results demonstrates thecapability of the proposed framework to capture the longsolution time when communication failure and electrical faultoccurred in quick succession.

D. EFFECTS OF MAIN-CONTAINER LOCATIONCONFIGURATIONUnder the JADE architecture, a Global Agent DescriptorTable storing the network addresses of all agents is main-tained by the main container (MC). The network location ofMC has an impact on the solution time since agents must firstenquire MC to resolve each other’s network address beforethey attempt to communicate for the first time.

As shown in Fig.10, the solution time for different nodeagents varies depending on the location of the MC. WhenNA1’s container is selected as MC, its solution time is bene-fited because all agent interactions originated from NA1 canbe resolved locally. Similar benefit for NA6 can be obtainedif its container is assigned as MC. The timing information isuseful for finding the optimial MC location.

FIGURE 10. Reconfiguration time affected by the network location ofMain Container in the JADE platform.

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E. SUMMARY ON SIMULATION RESULTSThrough this agent-based FLISR case study, the benefits forincorporating direct-execution simulators in a smart grid co-simulation are demonstrated:

• The detailed and authentic behavior of smart grid softwaresystems can be generated to facilitate the understanding ofsystem operations, as shown by the agent event trace.• Inter-dependencies between communication systems andsoftware systems can be simulated, as shown by the effectsof background traffics on reconfiguration solution time.• Inherent design concerns in software and communicationsystems can be revealed by co-simulation, as demonstratedin the case where electrical fault and link failure occurredin quick succession.• Software designersmay fine-tune the JADEmain containerlocation to improve solution time.

VII. CONCLUSIONThis paper presents a novel integration of direct-executionsimulators to a Smart Grid co-simulation platform thatadheres to the HLA standard. The DecompositionJ frame-work automatically performs static analysis and source-to-source transformation to convert a target program into its ownsimulator. This removes the burden of manual modeling andcode development, and simplifies version control andmainte-nance. The transformed simulator is compatible with existingJava environments and tools, which facilitates researchersto debug and study a target program during simulation.A complex multiagent platform JADE is simulated and usedin an FLISR case study. Results illustrate that low-leveldetails in software and network configuration can affect thetime required for restoration, which would otherwise beoverlooked. This convenient and effective direct-executionsimulation framework with high-fidelity modeling capabilityis believed to be important for enabling simulation studies ona wide range of smart grid applications.


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C. Shum et al.: Co-Simulation of Distributed Smart Grid Software Using Direct-Execution Simulation

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CHONG SHUM (S’14) received the B. in computer engineering from the CityUniversity of Hong Kong in 2012, where heis currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in elec-tronic engineering. His research interests includethe modeling and simulation of cyber-physicalsystems and smart grids.

WING-HONG LAU (M’88–SM’06) received theB.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and electronicengineering from the University of Portsmouth,Portsmouth, U.K., in 1985 and 1989, respectively.He joined the Department of Electronic Engi-neering, City University of Hong Kong, as anAssociate Professor in 1990.

His current research interests include digitalsignal processing, digital audio engineering, pulsewidth modulation spectrum analysis, embedded

system design, and smart-grid development.Dr. Lau received the IEEE ThirdMillenniumMedal. He was the Chairman

of the IEEE Hong Kong Section in 2005.

TIAN MAO (S’14) received the B.S. degreein electrical engineering and its automationand the M.S. degree in electrical engineeringfrom Hunan University in 2010 and 2013,respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from theCity University of Hong Kong in 2017. He iscurrently with the Electric Power Research Insti-tute, China Southern Power Grid. His researchinterests include power system operation, elec-tric vehicle charging scheduling, and smart-grid

energy management and optimization.

HENRY SHU-HUNG CHUNG (M’95–SM’03–F’16) received the B.Eng. and Ph.D. degreesin electrical engineering from The Hong KongPolytechnic University in 1991 and 1994, respec-tively.

Since 1995, he has been with the City Univer-sity of Hong Kong. He is currently a Professorwith the Department of Electronic Engineeringand the Director of the Centre for Smart EnergyConversion and Utilization Research. His research

interests include renewable energy conversion technologies, lighting tech-nologies, smart-grid technologies, and computational intelligence for powerelectronic systems. He has edited one book, and he authored eight researchbook chapters and over 355 technical papers, including 178 refereed journalpapers in his research areas, and holds 42 patents.

Dr. Chung has received numerous industrial awards for his invented energysaving technologies. He was the Chair of the Technical Committee of theHigh-Performance and Emerging Technologies, IEEE Power ElectronicsSociety, from 2010 to 2014. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of theIEEE POWER ELECTRONICS LETTERS and an Associate Editor of the IEEETRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS and the IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND


KIM-FUNG TSANG (M’95–SM’14) receivedthe Associate degree in electrical engineeringfrom The Hong Kong Polytechnic Universityin 1983 and the M.Eng. (by research) andPh.D. degrees in electrical engineering fromthe University of Wales College of Cardiff(formerly known as the University of Wales Insti-tute of Science and Technology), Cardiff, U.K.,in 1987 and 1995, respectively.

He joined the City University of Hong Kongin 1988, where he is currently an Associate Professor with the Departmentof Electronic Engineering. He has published about 200 technical papers andfour books/chapters.

Dr. Tsang is a fellow of HKIE, a Chartered Engineer and a member ofIET, an Associate Editor and a Guest Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS OF

INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, an Associate Editor of IEEE Industrial ElectronicsMagazine and the IEEE ITeN, and an Editor of the KSII Transactions onInternet and Information Systems.

NORMAN CHUNG-FAI TSE (M’09) received theGraduate degree fromTheHongKong PolytechnicUniversity in 1985, the M.Sc. degree from theUniversity of Warwick, Coventry, U.K., in 1994,and the Ph.D. degree from City University ofLondon, London, U.K., in 2007.

He is currently with the Centre for Smart EnergyConversion and Utilization Research, City Univer-sity of Hong Kong. His current research interestsinclude power quality measurement and analysis,

Web-based power quality monitoring, harmonics mitigation, and buildingenergy efficiency study.

LOI LEI LAI (M’09–SM’92–F’07) received theB.Sc., Ph.D., and D.Sc. degrees from the Univer-sity of Aston and the City University of London,respectively. He was the Director of the Researchand Development Centre, a Pao Yue Kong ChairProfessor, the Vice President, a Professor, andthe Chair in electrical engineering and a FellowCommittee Evaluator of the State Grid EnergyResearch Institute, China, Zhejiang University,China, the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics

Society (IEEE/SMCS), the City University of London, and the IEEE Indus-trial Electronics Society, respectively. He is currently a University Distin-guished Professor with the Guangdong University of Technology, China.He is a fellow of IET, and a National Distinguished Expert in China and aDistinguished Expert in the State Grid Corporation of China. He receivedthe IEEE Third Millennium Medal, the IEEE Power and Energy Society(IEEE/PES) UKRI Power Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award in 2000,the IEEE/PES Energy Development and Power Generation Committee PrizePaper in 2006 and 2009, the IEEE/SMCS Outstanding Contribution Awardin 2013 and 2014, and the Most Active Technical Committee Award in 2016.

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