cherokee 1981 bcp

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  • 8/17/2019 Cherokee 1981 BCP


    !"#$%& &'(% (1981)

    Adadosligi gigoweli

    Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Cherokee

    This translation of portions of Morning Prayer and Holy Communion into Cherokee was sanctioned by

    the Right Reverend Gerald McAllister (Bishop of Oklahoma 1977-1989). It was published in typescript by the former Cookson Institute at Bacone College, Muskogee, Oklahoma.

    It is not listed in David Griffiths’s Bibliography of the Book of Common Prayer 1549-1999 (London:

    The British Library; New Castle, Delaware: Oak Knoll Press, 2002).

    This text was digitized in 2011-2013 by Richard Mammana from a copy of the 44-page typescript


    herokee Romanized Cherokee English




      SUNALE ADADOLISDODI MORNING PRAYER*"(+" ,-./% ,0*12 345 67%8&/  

    9'(:;?; ;1() @4AB2C  .,DEF" $# GH() >IJ(7KE) .>?".7F X) $%=& *.0.L *%%=7K  6/*; 8M2 ;7 ; jv 71; ;1'(&);, $# 8,N1 @/F X&) 7F X) O,&5;;80*12 4L =)7'&)(0;. PQ".

    Winastvna jahlanigida jagvwiyuhi noji!v

     jogadagndogi julsdu!isohnv!i gesv!i iyusdiojitayohiha nijakanelvna ale gohusdigejvyvsgalanedi nigesvna. Galvwgdi adahndo

    winigvhnisa widadanvgala joginahwi!i uhlihi igaijvgeyu!i iyulsdodi!i, ale ujatiyu ogilvwgdodi

    galvwgdi dejado!v!i; ugvwiyuhi jisanvdigalsdodisgv!i. Emena.

    Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires

    known, and from whom no secrets are hid. Cleanse thethoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy HolySpirit, that we may perfectly love thee, and worthily

    magnify thy holy name; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

    9%)R;: 7SE% ;4(%)&T(). Judatihna!i: Galoneda ijisdawadidohesdi. Officiant: The Lord be with you.J*: $# "(U 7F X) $%=&. Yvwi: Ales nasgwu galvwgdi adahndo. People: And with thy spirit.9%)R;: ;%%&'(%. Judatihna!i: Idadadolisda. Officiant: Let us pray.5G2)(0 $(7=9 $%&'(&)  VGOHYDISGV ASGAVNJV ADADOLISDODI PRAYER OF CONFESSION*"(+" ,-./% $# ,%&',N @/&%, Winastvna jahlanigida ale jadadolijati ogidoda, Almighty and most merciful Father, we have erred and

  • 8/17/2019 Cherokee 1981 BCP


    ;I(7=VK  $# @7#B$ "(/  8"#"2% $* 8.3O" 4W

  • 8/17/2019 Cherokee 1981 BCP


    8Oh=F2 8Z4; 7F X) $%=& 8%=^e; 8='I; ;F21 9I% .W?" $A Q' 9&;%,8/ h'B4 c#% 9&;% )%Nh.&2 8%=^%,$7+= %%RZ(+;,8BH\; $# $4.LE;.I(/32 fO'V;. 6;& f/IR 8BH? 4W? :#2LE;; 7FK/N 8'LK%E;, *"(+" 

    8-./% P&%,8E-=2 a+= $7N(/  8d`" *a+R; "R "(/  )%#Y(W() +7g4 9fG&)[ W\() "(/  )=3% $# "(X 9.BH?2.

    nasgwu jisa galoneda igisdelisgi uwasa udehnelvhi

    uweji; galvwgdi adahndo udahntehlv!i unelijv!i

    ilvhiyu juchvda nigesvna ata Meli judo!ida,

    ugihliyojidole Gwaleda judo!ida didatihnidohiudahnteda, agadvne dadahnawsdv!i, uyohuse!i ale

    ajinisahne!i. Jvsginohi wudelije!i. Jo!ine

    wugijvhna uyohusv jigesv dulehisahne!i; galvlaktiulsaldane!i, winastvna uhlanigida edoda,unehlanvhi nijudvhnv aktisgi uwoyena winudvhna;

    nahna nasgi didalehvsgesdi dvgaluji juwugdodiyi

    gesesdi nasgi dinvhnoda ale nasgwu juniyohusvhi.

    Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin

    Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead,

    and buried. He descended into hell. The third day he rose

    from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at theright hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he

    shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

    4B;1C  7F X) $%8&, 7F X) $4A $Eb2 9.K"();,8VM% W7!`% "(/  W4F XA=2 $.LU W? &0%E) W? $(7=I2, "(/  9#2Lh= W? $`F, $# $'(c)(/  .WP" WP 0.%. PQ=.

    Jiyo!iyuha galvwgdi adahndo, galvwgdi ajilaanehlohi junilawsdi!i, ujehlida gegasuyeda nasgi

    gejilvgwtanvhi anisagwu gesv dogvdahnedi gesv

    asganvjvhi, nasgi julehisahnv gesv ayelv, ale

    ahlsgwadisgi nigesvna gesv gvhnida. Emena.

    I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic church, thecommunion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the

    resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

    9%)R;: ;%%&'(%. Judatihna!i: Idadadolisda. Officiant: Let us pray.@/&% 7FK) T2, 7Fh)1 W\() O,&5; 

    ,0*12 W? *7"aG; $. PS2 *.7'(% C%=^(0; "(/] 7FK) 4.7'()C  .%&%i? @7'(%J) (/5_ G2 ;7.)W(/5_h3 O(/:0; "(/] 4)7B4E> 64:/ . $# j() 8%G'`)[ W? *)(/]N=(A=/  (/1%#(W()h(/. 8B W?; ,V'7`3 ,0*12 W?;, $# ,'./)[ W?; $# P,Fh)1 W? .G2F;. PQ=.

    Ogidoda galvladi hehi galvwgdiyu gesesdi

    dejado!v!i, jagvwiyuhi gesv wigananugo!i a!hnielohi hadahntesgv!i nasgiya galvladi jinigalsdiha.

     Nidadodagwisv ogalsdaydi sgi!vsi kohi iga.Digesgi!vsigwuhno desgitugv!i nasgiya

     jvdigayojihneho jojitugi. Ale hlesdi udagoliyedigesv widisgiyatihnvstanvgi

    sgiyudalesdgesdigwusgihni uyo gesv!i, ale jahlanigidiyu gesv!i ale ejalvwgdiyu gesv

    nigohilv!i. Emena.

    Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy

    kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is inheaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us

    our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass againstus. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from

    evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and theglory, forever and ever. Amen.


      Diyelihisdi!i Benediction7SE% 4L ;/(O'(/  8%&'() $# 8%W1) WP; 8E-=2 $# 7F X) $%=& 

    Galoneda jisa igisdelisgi udadolisdi ale udageyehdi

    gesv!i unehlanvhi ale galvwgdi adahndo

    The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God

    and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Amen.

  • 8/17/2019 Cherokee 1981 BCP


    8%(%1)%() ;WA)&T() .)5;. PQ=. udasdawdidasdi ilekadidohesdi nidi!v!i. Emena.

    7F)  80*12 8V' $'(%J)   GALVWGDI UGVWIYUHI UJELI



    9%)R;: 7SE% ;4(%)&T(). Judatihna!i: Galoneda icheldidohesdi. Officiant: The Lord be with you.J*: $# "(U 7FX) $%=&. Yvwi: Ales nasgwu galvwgdi adahndo. People: And with thy spirit.

    9%)R;: ;%%&'(%. Judatihna!i: Idadadolisda. Officiant: Let us pray.*"(+" ,-./% ,0*12 345 67%8&/  9'(:;?; ;1() @4AB2C  .,DEF" $# GH() >IJ(7KE) .>?".7F X) $%=& *.0.L *%%=7K  6/*; 8M2 ;7 ; jv 71; ;1'(&);, $# 8,N1 @/F X&) 7F X) O,&5;;80*12 4L =)7'&)(0;. PQ".

    Winastvna jahlanigida jagvwiyuhi noji!v jogadagndogi julsdu!isohnv!i gesv!i iyusdi

    ojitayohiha nijakanelvna ale gohusdigejvyvsgalanedi nigesvna. Galvwgdi adahndo

    winigvhnisa widadanvgala joginahwi!i uhlihi igaijvgeyu!i iyulsdodi!i, ale ujatiyu ogilvwgdodi

    galvwgdi dejado!v!i; ugvwiyuhi jisanvdigalsdodisgv!i. Emena.

    Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desiresknown, and from whom no secrets are hid. Cleanse the

    thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy HolySpirit, that we may perfectly love thee, and worthily

    magnify thy holy name; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

    7Fh)1 W\() 8E-=2 Z(+ 7FK),PS23 &2; W\(), @(% W7%=^(W() J*. ;I]'P'7, ;IFh)C , OIA*7,*"(+" ;I]'P'hC  P,Fh)1 W?;;7SE% ;(7E-=2, 7FK) T2 ,0*12,*"(" ,-./% ,0*12.

    Galvwgdiyu gesesdi unehlanvhi wastv galvladi,

    elohihno tohi!i gesesdi, osda gegadanvtesgesdi

    yvwi. Ijvyali!eliga, ijvlvgwodiha, dejvlwawiga,

    winastvna ijvyali!elicheha ejalvwgdiyu gesv!i;galoneda isganehlanvhi, galvladi hehi jagvwiyuhi,

    winastvna jahlanigida jagvwiyuhi.

    Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace, good will

    toward men. We praise thee, we bless thee, we worship

    thee, we glorify thee, we give thanks to thee for thy great

    glory; O Lord God, heavenly King, God the FatherAlmighty.

    7SE%, I?2 ,%OEF2 jL 7SE%; 7SE% ;(7E-=2, $* 83O" M0*12. @/&% 8k4, PS2 T2 $(7. 2Y(/ ,;(/]&'/ . PS2 T2 $(7. 2Y(/  C+07 @7%&'(+;. ,0*12 @/&% $7N(/  ;)l 8d`. 4.),+R ;(/]&'/ .

    Galoneda, jvsvhi jadadehnelvhi jisa galoneda;galoneda isganehlanvhi, ahwi unodena jagvwiyuhi.

    Ogidoda uweji, elohi hehi asgahni hihvsgi,isgiyadoligi. Elohi hehi asgahni hihvsgi hatvgvga

    ogadadolisdv!i. Jagvwiyugi ogidoda agtisgi ididlauwoyeni jinidijadvhna isgiyadoligi.

    O Lord, the only begotten Son, Jesus Christ; O Lord God,Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest away the sins

    of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest awaythe sins of the world, receive our prayer. Thou that sittest

    at the right hand of God the Father, have mercy upon us.

    I?2`3 7Fh)1; I?2`3 7SE%; IL(,;(7E-=2 7Fh) $%8& V2,P1Fh)1`3 Z(+ 7FK) I0*12 P&&;.

    Jvsvhihyehno galvwgdiyu; jvsvhihyehno galoneda;

     jvsagwu, isganehlanvhi galvwgdi adahndo jehi,

    For thou only art holy; thou only art the Lord; thou only,

    O Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art most high in the glory

  • 8/17/2019 Cherokee 1981 BCP


    PQ". ejalvwgdiyuhyehno wastv galvladi jagvwiyuhiedodo!i. Emena.

    of God the Father. Amen.

    )Obc()  Didehlogwasdi The Lessons$G'`); ______.(LU $# A' [/  )Obc())

    Agoliyedi!i ______.(Sagwu ale ta!li yigi didehlogwasdi)

    A reading from _________.(One or two lessons)

    7SE% 8d.?;  Galoneda uwonisv!i. The word of the Lord.7Fh) D3T% 80*12 8h'7 4L 7SE% "(/  8dk=2 _____________.

    Galvwgdi kanoheda ugvwiyuhi ujeliga jisa

    galoneda nasgi uwohwelanvhi _____________.

    The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to

     _________.7SE%, P,Fh)1 W\(). Galoneda, ejalvwgdiyu gesesdi. Glory be to thee, O Lord.7SE% 8h'7 D3T%. Galoneda ujeliga kanoheda. The Gospel of the Lord.

    P4hF)(W() ;/(O'(/ . Ejilvwgdisgesdi igisdelisgi. Praise be to thee, O Christ.D3T%  Kanoheda The Sermon

    $( 7=I G2&) W?;  ASGANVJV GOHYDOHDI GESVU!I Confession of Sin9%)R;:  Judatihna!i: Officiant:.:1G+; $# 8&212] ;4`F\() O4B@( $(7. O4F*(%EY,O4W1\()3, @(%3 .O,+ET() "5 [,%' $# ;,+=;(O() :1G+; 

    ;,./()[, O4(%Z)\()3 80*12 9V' )D3Z+(), $# 7Fh) W? aZ= ;4(%Z)\(); G21) 0) 8M)e C;\(), =Z&2]%# ,%=%)()(/  80*12 8V' C'(%JY(W(),8&212]3 W? ,`F\() *"(+" 8-./% 80*12 O2B2\F $(7. O,F*(%EFC .

     Niduyugdv!i ale udohiyuhiya ijiyelvsesdi dejiyosgvasgahni dejilvhwisdanehv, dejigeyusesdihno,

    osdahno nidejadvhnehesdi na!v yijadali aleijadvnv!isdesdi dudyugdv!i ijahnigisdiyi,

    dejisdawdisesdihno ugvwiyuhi jujeli dikanowdvsdi,ale galvwgdi gesv nuwahnv ijisdawdisesdi; gohyidi

    gvdi uhldidlv ha!isesdi, nvwtohiyadale jadahndadisdisgi ugvwiyuhi ujeli halsdayvhvsgesdi,

    udohiyuhiyahno gesv jayelvsesdi winastvnauhlanigida ugvwiyuhi dehiyohiselv asgahni


    Ye that do truly and earnestly repent you of your sins, andare in love and charity with your neighbors, and intend to

    lead a new life, following the commandments of God, andwalking from henceforth in his holy ways: Draw near with

    faith, and take this holy sacrament to your comfort andmake your humble confession to almighty God.

    *"(+" ,-./% ,0*12 8&% @7V' 4L 7SE%, .75 CEe(/ , ".5 J* :G%E2;OIB;%EC  8B )7B7%=N 8G)X @/(7=4&a $# 8Em4% &/F*(%EFC ,

    Winastvna jahlanigida jagviyuhi udoda ogajeliga

     jisa galoneda, niga!v hanehlvsgi, nani! yvwitugdanehi; dejvyo!idaneha uyo digayogadahnti

    ugodigwu ogisganvjidola ale unegujida

    Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, maker of

    all things, judge of all men. We acknowledge and bewailour manifold sins and wickedness, which we from time to

    time most grievously have committed, by thought, word,

  • 8/17/2019 Cherokee 1981 BCP


    ;1ZGNS% @7+EFR $(7. W?;,@,%=^0(X [/ , @4E0 "(X, $# 8&21 @,+EY; .2 ?,Fh) ,0*12 ?(7 [IE2.8&212] W? >Z @/`F &62()(0 @/(7=I $# 8&212] W? ?(7 &7%=A 2$ .%Ve" 37+EF;,

    @,%=^0(X 7W% &7%=%)()C .;(/]&'/X, ;(/]&'/ , *"(+" ,%&',N @/&%, 7SE% 4L V4 @/(O'(/  =)7'(&)(0/ , )W(/5_X .7% 46/SL,4C'(G'%X G2 $%#.(/  @(% ,`') [I(+E)[ 2$ $V; 4%B,./_ ;I]'?'()C  $# ;IFh)C  .2 O,&(+;; 4L 7SE% (/(O'(/  W?;.PQ".

    dogilvhwisdanelvha, iyuwaktiloda ogadvnelvhna

    asgahni gesv!i, ojadahntesgvgwu yigi, ojihnegv

    nasgwu, ale udohiyu ojadvnehv!i nihi ejalvwgdi

     jagvwiyuhi esga yijvnehi. Udohiyuhiya gesv howaogiyelv dojohisdisgv ogisganvjv ale udohiyuhiya

    gesv esga dogadahnta hi!a nidajehlvna

    nogadvnelv!i, ojadahntesgvgwu gagedadogadahndadisdiha. Isgiyadoligigwu, isgiyadoligi,winastvna jadadolijati ogidoda, galoneda jisa jeji

    ogisdelisgi nvdigahlsdodisgvgi, digesgi!vswigwu

    nigada jijogilosa, jihalsgohldagwu kohi adalenisgi

    osda jayehldi yijvydvhnediyi hi!a aje!i jidayojahnigisi ijvyali!elisdiha ale ijvlvwgwodiha

    nihi dejadosdv!i; jisa galoneda sgisdelisgi gesv!i.


    and deed, against thy divine majesty. We do earnestly

    repent, and are heartily sorry for these our misdoings; the

    remembrance of them is grievous unto us. Have mercy

    upon us, have mercy upon us, most merciful Father, forthy Son our Lord Jesus Christ's sake, forgive us all that is

     past; and grant that we may ever hereafter serve and

     please thee in newness of life, to the honor and glory ofthy name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

    9%)R;:  Judatihna!i: Officiant:*"(+" ,-./% ,0*12, P,Fh) @/&%,,%&',N W?; ;(/:;(%EF/  &W(/E)[ @/(7=I2 ;13 8&212] W? B/`F 

    &67%8+ [)%#Y(7 $# 8&21 B621Y(7 $# .2 )6?; d/g2();,.2 $0[ *)I(78);; ;(/]&'/X;;(/1%A/  $# (/"aGZ .75 $(7. W?;;;(/B;I% $# )(/]'.G2(% .75 @(% :1G+ W?;; $'7c)(/3 .W?" 0.% *)(/]N37; 7SE% 4L @/(O'(/  =)7'(&)(/ . PQ".

    Winastvna jahlanigida jagvwiyuhi, ejalvwgdi

    ogidoda, jadadolijati gesv!i isgitu!isdanelvgidogesginediyi ogisganvjvhi iyuhno udohiyuhiya

    gesv yogiyelv dojogadahntv yididalehvsga aleudohiyu yojohiyuvsga ale udohiyu yojohiyuvsga

    nihi dijohlv!i wogiluhisdi!i, nihi agvyiwidijvygahndi!i; isgiyadoligigwu; isgiyudalagi ale

    sginanugohwa niga!v asgahni gesv!i; isgiyoh!idaale disgiyalinigohisda niga!v osda duyugdv gesv!i;

    ahlsgwadisgihno nigesvna gvhnidawidisgiyatihnoga; galoneda jisa ogisdelisgi

    nvdigahlsdodisgi. Emena.

    Almighty God, our heavenly Father, who of thy great

    mercy has promised forgiveness of sins to all them thatwith hearty repentance and turn faith turn unto thee. Have

    mercy upon us, pardon and deliver us from all our sins;confirm and strengthen us in all goodness; and bring us to

    everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.











    L(; $cE-=2 4B;1C ; ;/&% *"(+"  Sagwu!i agwanehlanvhi jiyo!iyuha; igidoda I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of

  • 8/17/2019 Cherokee 1981 BCP


    8-./%, 7FK) $# PS2 9E-=2, .75# GH() 0GZ+) 0GZ+)# .W?" 4/ .

    winastvna uhlanigida, galvladi ale elohi

     junehlanvhi, niga!vle gohusdi gvgohwatvdi

    gvgohwatvdile nigesvna jigi.

    heaven and earth, And all things visible and invisible.

    $# LU "(/  4L 7SE% ;/(O'(/ ,8Z?2 8OEF2 8k4; PS2 .0"+ $.7AY 9BH?2,80*12 "(/  W?;, ;7 

    7+;—;7 $N()(/ , f&21? 80*12 W?;,8&21 :B\; - 8de=2U [W\;,LU =%1%#=2 8R "(/  =%1%#=% .75 Ge==2 4/ , .7)1 E7+EY; P/(7'(0/  7FA) 49S\;, 7Fh)1 $%8& =%1%^e; V/"FG"\# "(/  Q' 9&;% $A ;F21 9I% .W?" 9OE#;,PS2U3 P2 $(7] c#% 9&;% 8%8^e W\ %%R"(+ 9BH\;, 9/ CB4 $# C4.LE;. 6;EU3 f/4(0 4:#2LE;,Gk' 8CW& .)0=; 7FK)3 9'LA%E;.8&%3 $7N(/  8d`. ;)l 4f'(+.j;;*"(+n3 8'T'() ;/  _U 58g2() 4/  $# "(U 9k=?; ,+=;() ;F21 


  • 8/17/2019 Cherokee 1981 BCP


    7Fh) @k2 ;7'(&) $%&'(&)  GALVWGDI OWEHI IGAHLSDODI



    *"(+" I-./% I0*12 @7V' 7FK) T2 @/&% "(/  I%&'IN1 W?; V4 4L I'(G'A" 8/M B();,8BH2() %%RZ(+; $J @7'(O'&) "(/  

    4,%E-". IL C%'(G')(0/ , D'd2 *%VP2 =EY; O,B(0 V4 4L, P'X PS2 .0"+ $(7. 4/  0%'E2O),8&212 4(/EVK  7Fh) D3T% 0) ;F21 8'(c)() .W?" W? ;I]%8^(0/ , 5Ig2()@ $M;S' ;1%=2%.

    Winastvna jahlanigida jagvwiyuhi ogaleji galvladi

    hehi ogidoda nasgi jadadolijatiyu gesv!i jeji jisa jahlsgohltana ugihliyosdi!i, uyohuhisdi

    dadahnwasdv!i ayv ogahlsdehldodi nasgi

     jijadanehlana. Jvsa hadahlsgohldisgvgi, kaliwohiwidajehlvhi hnvnehv!i dejayosgv jeji jisa, eligwuelohi nigvntv asgahni jigi gvdalinehidedi,

    udohiyuhi jisginechela galvwgdi kanoheda gvdi

    ilvhiyu ulsgwadisdi nigesvna gesv

    ijvyadahntesgvgi, vjaluhisdi a!hli!ilohlviyudanvhida.

    Almighty God our heavenly Father who of thy tender

    mercy didst give thine only son Jesus Christ to sufferdeath upon the cross for our redemption; who made there,

     by the one offering of himself, a full, perfect, and

    sufficient sacrifice for the sins of the whole world; and didinstitute, and in his holy Gospel command us to continue,a perpetual memory of his precious death until his coming


    ;(7+07, ,%&',N @/&%,kK)J .I]+EC  @4AB2Y dL.J W? @/Z+)[ 5(/  )%#Y(0 ;/  2$ 64/$ 7: $# /7W $)A(), =)7'(&)(/  8&212] $%W1) 8kY, $BH2()= W? $# )#2

  • 8/17/2019 Cherokee 1981 BCP


    @4g/ , ,%&',N 7SE%, .2(/.( 8Z0NS% $# *a'(+" ,%&',N W?;.-`3 `' [36L" 5(X 8()X 7: 8d>? @m^() ,(/F;. $\3 _X LX 7SE% .2,"(/  ;G2%W? ,%&',N 8VP'7] 4/  4(/]'(G'%_ _X @//() V4 4L 7SE% @/(O'(/  $`F; @,=%)(0;,P'X "(/] "5.W() ;7B7'(&) [/  $# .G2F B4]$ 8ZL= B/]$. PQ".

    yigi jasgilv ojilugi, jadadolijati galoneda,

    nihisgihnis uwagtiloda ale winulstvna jadadolijati

    gesv!i. Hlahyeno yeli yinojosana vsgwu usdigwu

    gadu uwohosv ogutesdi jasgilv!i. Asehno sigwusagwu galoneda nihi, nasgi igohidagesv jadadolijati

    ujeligaya jigi jisgiyalisgohldasi sigwu ogigisdi jeji

     jisa galoneda ogisdelisgi ayelv!i ojanvdadisgv!i,eligwu nasgiya na! bhnigesdi igayogalsdodi yigi alenigohilv yojiya!a uwasahnv yogiya!a. Emena.

    Lord, trusting in our own righteousness, but in thy

    manifold and great mercies. We are not worthy so much

    as to gather up the crumbs under thy table. But thou art

    the same Lord, whose property is always to have mercy.Grant us therefore, gracious Lord, so to partake of this

    sacrament of thy Son Jesus Christ, that we may walk in

    his likeness and may evermore dwell in him and he in us.Amen.

    7SE% $`F;, 7FK) =%1%#= 7:. Galoneda ayelv!i, galvladi nvdayudalehnv gadu. The Body of Christ, the bread of heaven.7SE% 8/02,8'(i) $'(O'&) $M(+;.

    Galoneda ugigvhi, ulisgwidi ahlsdehldodi adlisdv!i. The Blood of Christ, the Cup of salvation.

    8E'=2 =Z&2(% W?; .75 GM() W? 4)7S(7 $Obc() ;4(c.GO() ),%=&/;, ;,%=^(0;# 8E'=2 8%W1) W?, $# P,=%)(W() 8k4 4L 7SE% ;/(O'(/ , $# 8k&'() ;/EY "(/  *"(+" 8F./% 80*12, "(/  ;/&%,8k4 $# "(/  7F X) $%=& ;VK)&T()




    Unehlanvhi nvwtohiyda gesv!i niga!v gohlisdigesv jidigalosga adehlogwasdi ijisgwangodesdi

    dijadahndogi!i, ijadahntesgv!ile unehlanvhiudageyhdi gesv, ale ejanvdadisgesdi uweji jisa

    galoneda igisdelisgi, ale uwedolisdi igihnehv nasgiwinastvna ulhanigida ugvwiyuhi, nasgi igidoda,

    uweji ale nasgi galvwgdi adahndo icheladidohesdi

    igohidagwu gesv!i.

    The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keepyour hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God,

    and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son,and the Holy Spirit, be among you, and remain with you

    always. Amen.


    P)Fh% 80*12, "R .75 8%&'() =)7'(&)(/ ; P)Fh% 80*12; .)5; ;OY; $. PS2; P)Fh% "() 7FK) 

    4a+R, 7FK) P4:*(); P)Fh% ;/&%,8k4 $# 7F#) $%=&. PQ=.

    Edilvgwoda ugvwiyuhi, nahna niga!v udadolisdi

    nvdigalsdodisgi; edilvgwoda ugvwiyuhi; nidi!v!iidehv!i ahni elohi; edilvgwoda nasgi galvladi

     jinudvhna, galvladi ejituhwisdi; edilvgwodaigidoda, uweji ale galvwgdi adahndo. Emena.

    Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all

    creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host;Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.