arnold - lucien montandon (1852 – 1922

ARNOLD - LUCIEN MONTANDON (1852 – 1922), CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE ROMANIAN ACADEMY GABRIELA ANDREI, CORNELIU PANDELE « Bien des surprises, j’en suis convaincu sont réservées aux travailleurs, pionniers de la Science, explorateurs, chercheurs qui sauront fouiller les taillis, sonder les replis du sol, arracher à la Nature ses secrets qui Elle livre avec haut de facilité à ceux qui savent l’interroger. En tous cas, je continuerai dans la mesure de mes forces les études que j’ai entreprises, et mes efforts tendront toujours à faire connaître au monde savant la faune de la Terre hospitalière où je vis heureux depuis tantôt douze ans. Ce sera une manière de payer la dette de gratitude que j’ai contractée envers la Roumanie.» (Arnold Montandon - Broºteni le 30 Octobre 1883) Abstract. Arnold L. Montandon (1852-1922) dedicated his entire life to Science. Around 1900 he was known as one of the best entomologists-hemipterologists of the world. He studied the insects which he received from the furthest countries, describing hundreds of new taxa. He was born in France and settled for good in Romania since 1873. He had been studying the flora and fauna of the adoptive country, and his papers on Moldova, Muntenia and Dobrogea were among the first in this field. In their chronology, the authors emphasize the major contribution of the great self-educated man to the Romanian scientifical research. On 11 th of April 1905, Arnold Lucien Montandon became Foreign Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy, in the Scientifical Department, for his special merits. Résumé. Arnold L. Montandon (1852-1922) a consacré sa vie entière à la Science. Vers 1900 il a été connu comme l’un des meilleurs entomologues-hemipterologues du monde. Il a étudié les insectes qu’il a reçu des autres pays, décrivant des centaines de nouveaux taxons. Il est né en France et s’établi définitivement en Roumanie. Depuis 1873, il a étudié la flore et la faune du pays adoptif, et ses travaux sur Moldova, Muntenia et Dobrogea ont été parmi les premiers dans ce domaine. Dans leur chronologie, les auteurs soulignent la contribution principale du grand homme autodidacte à la recherche scientifique roumaine. Le 11 avril 1905, pour ses mérites spécials, Arnold Lucien Montandon est devenu membre correspondant étranger de l’Académie Roumaine, dans le Département scientifique. Key words: Arnold L. Montandon, entomologist-hemipterologist, new taxa, corresponding member, Romanian Academy. In this paper we try to bring a modest homage to a great person very fond of Science … From the very beginning we want to say that we have a special admiration for the self-educated people who succeed in reaching and becoming one of the greatest personalities of their time, without having university studies in a English translation by Mihaela Barcan Achim. Travaux du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle «Grigore Antipa» Vol. XLIX pp. 479–509 © Octobre 2006

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« Bien des surprises, j’en suis convaincu sont réservéesaux travailleurs, pionniers de la Science, explorateurs,chercheurs qui sauront fouiller les taillis, sonder les replis dusol, arracher à la Nature ses secrets qui Elle livre avec haut defacilité à ceux qui savent l’interroger.

En tous cas, je continuerai dans la mesure de mesforces les études que j’ai entreprises, et mes efforts tendronttoujours à faire connaître au monde savant la faune de la Terrehospitalière où je vis heureux depuis tantôt douze ans. Ce seraune manière de payer la dette de gratitude que j’ai contractéeenvers la Roumanie.»

(Arnold Montandon - Broºteni le 30 Octobre 1883)

Abstract. Arnold L. Montandon (1852-1922) dedicated his entire life to Science. Around 1900 he wasknown as one of the best entomologists-hemipterologists of the world. He studied the insects which hereceived from the furthest countries, describing hundreds of new taxa. He was born in France and settledfor good in Romania since 1873. He had been studying the flora and fauna of the adoptive country, andhis papers on Moldova, Muntenia and Dobrogea were among the first in this field. In their chronology,the authors emphasize the major contribution of the great self-educated man to the Romanian scientificalresearch. On 11th of April 1905, Arnold Lucien Montandon became Foreign Corresponding Member ofthe Romanian Academy, in the Scientifical Department, for his special merits.

Résumé. Arnold L. Montandon (1852-1922) a consacré sa vie entière à la Science. Vers 1900 il a étéconnu comme l’un des meilleurs entomologues-hemipterologues du monde. Il a étudié les insectesqu’il a reçu des autres pays, décrivant des centaines de nouveaux taxons. Il est né en France et s’établidéfinitivement en Roumanie. Depuis 1873, il a étudié la flore et la faune du pays adoptif, et ses travauxsur Moldova, Muntenia et Dobrogea ont été parmi les premiers dans ce domaine. Dans leurchronologie, les auteurs soulignent la contribution principale du grand homme autodidacte à larecherche scientifique roumaine. Le 11 avril 1905, pour ses mérites spécials, Arnold LucienMontandon est devenu membre correspondant étranger de l’Académie Roumaine, dans le Départementscientifique.

Key words: Arnold L. Montandon, entomologist-hemipterologist, new taxa, corresponding member,Romanian Academy.

In this paper we try to bring a modest homage to a great person very fond ofScience … From the very beginning we want to say that we have a specialadmiration for the self-educated people who succeed in reaching and becoming oneof the greatest personalities of their time, without having university studies in a

English translation by Mihaela Barcan Achim.

Travaux du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle«Grigore Antipa»

Vol. XLIX pp. 479–509© Octobre


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certain field or even without university studies. It is about Arnold L. Montandon,who dedicated his entire life to Science, being recognized as one of the bestentomologists of the world, specialized in hemiptera-heteroptera.

On 26th of November 2002, 150 years passed since the personality’s birthwho had become corresponding member of the Romanian Academy on the 11th ofApril 1905. As Constantin Istrati said in his speech on the candidate’s scientificalpapers and activities «Montandon nu fãcu studii universitare ºi nici o specialitate înramura ºtiinþelor la o anumitã ºcoalã. Natura, frumuseþea ºi marea varietate afaunei entomologice a munþilor noºtri furã dascãlii sãi, iar seriozitateaobservatorului, preciziunea omului de ºtiinþã, dorul de a colecþiona ºi studia ºi, maideparte, de a publica observaþiunile proprii, urmarã de la sine. E un ales autodidact(…) format la ºcoala mare a faptelor, a naturii». (Montandon had not universitystudies or specialized courses in a certain branch of science. Nature, beauty and thelarge variety of the entomological fauna of our mountains draw its professors’attention, and the observer’s seriousness, the scientist’s accuracy, the desire ofcollecting, studying and publishing his own observations followed naturally. He is adistinguished autodidact (…) trained at the high school of nature and facts).

As Grigore Antipa’s assistant and collaborator, he fully contributed to thedevelopment of the institution which we call today “Grigore Antipa” NationalMuseum of Natural History of Bucharest. It is not about the period 1896-1907, whenhe actually worked beside Antipa, but also about his huge entomological andmalacological collections, which belong to the Museum patrimony today.

In his catalogue from 1964, Igor Sienkiewicz, Montandon’s continuer and hisfirst biographer, published several interesting data not only on the Palaearcticheteropteran collection but also on the great autodidact’s life and activity, in thatfruitful period of time of the hemipteran studies, when important personalitiescarried on their activity: Fieber, Iakovlev, Oshanin, Kirkaldy, Schouteden, Signoret,Lethierry, Mulsant, Rey, Noualhier, Saunders, Distant, Bärensprung, Poppius, Stál,Costa, Flor, as well as the great O. M. Reuter. Montandon was in correspondencewith all of them, also making different material exchanges. «That was, indeed, aGolden Age of Hemipterology, when the number of species described for the Scienceknew a rapid increase». In this paper, Sienkiewicz corrected the errors published bysome other authors regarding Montandon’s birth and death date.

In his book dedicated to the development of education in Romania, publishedin 1971, Constantin Motaº wrote:

«Dintre strãinii aºezaþi în þara noastrã ºi care s-au identificat complet cuinteresele ei sînt de menþionat doi: Maurice Jaquet de la Geneva, elev al lui CarlVogt (1817-1895) venit în þarã la îndemnul lui Paul Bujor (1862-1952). Jaquet afost preparator ºi apoi ºef de lucrãri al chirurgului Toma Ionescu (1860-1926). Aldoilea, Arnold L. Montandon (1850-1922), originar din Besançon, entomologeminent, a ajuns membru corespondent al Academiei Române ºi foarte apreciat deGr. Antipa, al cãrui colaborator a fost la Muzeul de istorie naturalã din Bucureºti.A adus contribuþii însemnate la progresul entomologiei» (From the foreigners whosettled in our country and who completely identified with its interests we canmention Maurice Jaquet from Geneve, Carl Vogt’s student (1817-1895), who camehere at Paul Bujor’s advice (1862-1952). The second is Arnold L. Montandon(1850-1922), from Besançon, eminent entomologist, who became correspondingmember of the Romanian Academy and a very appreciated person by Grigore


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Antipa, whose collaborator was at the Museum of Natural History of Bucharest. Hemade his contributions to the development of entomology).

«In România, primele cercetãri asupra heteropterelor sunt cunoscute încã dinultimele douã decenii ale secolului trecut (sec. 19, n. t.) ºi sunt datorate ilustruluisavant A. L. Montandon; tot din aceastã perioadã avem ºi primele referiri despreprezenþa în þara noastrã a genurilor Aelia ºi Eurygaster …», remarked C. Popov inhis paper from 1972, where the data published by Montandon in 1885 (b), 1886 and1907 were the starting point (In Romania, the first studies on heteropterans areknown since the last two decades of the last century (19th century, a. n.) and are dueto the distinguished scientist A. L. Montandon; also from that period we have the firstreferences on the presence of genera Aelia and Eurygaster in our country …)

«Cu toate cã nu fãcuse studii universitare, A. L. Montandon avea cunoºtinþetemeinice de entomologie; din notele incomplete ale memoriilor lui reiese cã veniseîn þara noastrã pregãtit pentru studiul insectelor» (Hower A. L. Montandon has notuniversitary studies he had throughly entomological knowledges. From hisincomplete notes results that he came in our country prepared to study insects)(Pandele, 1974).

In Istoria ºtiinþelor în România. Biologia (The history of sciences in Romania.Biology), at the pages 109-110 we can read the following ideas: «În “BuletinulSocietãþii române de ºtiinþe” gãsim numeroase articole despre hemiptere ºi problemeentomologice generale, scrise de francezul A. L. Montandon (1852-1922)…»; «Înaceastã epocã a Muzeului de istorie naturalã se realizeazã valoroase colecþiiºtiinþifice datoritã zelului unei serii de eminenþi autodidacþi care pun bazelecercetãrii faunistice a unor grupe variate: A. L. Montandon asupra hemipterelor,Eduard Fleck despre lepidoptere ºi coleoptere (1898-1932), Robert Dombrowski(1868-1932) publicã lucrarea fundamentalã asupra pãsãrilor noastre OrnisRomaniae (1912)…» (In “Buletinul Societãþii române de ºtiinþe” there are numerousarticles on hemipterans and on the general entomological problems, written by theFrench A. L. Montandon (1852-1922)…; In this era of the Museum of NaturalHistory, valuable scientifical collections are made due to some prominent self-educate persons’fervour, who creat the foundation of the faunistic research indifferent animal groups: A. L. Montandon, on hemipterans, Eduard Fleck, onlepidopterans and coleopterans (1898-1938), Robert Dombrowski (1868-1932)publishes his important paper on our birds, Ornis Romaniae (1912)…) (Codreanu,1975).

In 1977, at Oradea, in the heading In memoriam of the journal Nymphaea, theentomologist Mircea Paina made a brief presentation of A. L. Montandon’spersonality on the occasion of 125 years since his birth.

In 1984, Béla Kis, Montandon’s successor in hemipterology, wrote in FaunaRomâniei (Romanian Fauna): «În urma studiilor celor doi entomologi de renumemondial – G. Horvath ºi A. L. Montandon – heteropterele din þara noastrãaparþineau, încã de la începutul secolului al 20-lea, celor mai bine cunoscute ordinede insecte.» (As a result of the two world known entomologists’ studies, G. Horvathand A. L. Montandon, heteropterans of our country were the best known insectorders, since the beginning of the 20th century).

Prof. Al. Grossu wrote, in 1995, in his memory volume, that Licherdopol andMontandon were «…singurii care au publicat înainte de 1918 diferite lucrãridespre gasteropodele din Muntenia, Moldova ºi Dobrogea», (…were the onlypersons which published different papers on the gastropods from Muntenia,

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Moldova and Dobrogea, before 1918) and then, referring only to Montandon, hesaid «lucrarea sa capitalã, apãrutã în 1906 (…) un fel de inventar, catalog-listã altuturor gasteropodelor colectate de el, amintind ºi localitãþile de unde au fostadunate» (his chief paper, published in 1906 (…) a kind of inventory, listedcatalogue of all gastropods collected by him, also mentioning the collectinglocalities) (Andrei, 2005).

In Istoria biologiei în date (The History of Biology with data), published in1996, in the chapter dedicated to Entomology, Matilda Lãcãtuºu underlines A. L.Montandon’s contribution, considering him «unul dintre precursorii entomologieiromâneºti» (one of the forerunners of the Romanian entomology), together withAristide Caradja, Constantin Hormuzaki and Eduard Fleck, his contemporaries.Besides he was of French origin and had come in Romania since his juvenile years,we found out that he published his papers on heteropterans in “Buletinul Societãþiide ªtiinþe” (Bulletin of the Science Society) from Bucharest, and his scientificalactivity lasted 40 years «aducând o mare contribuþie la cunoaºterea faunei dinRomânia» (having a large contribution to the knowledge of the Romanian fauna). Itis also mentioned that he received «ca specialist renumit» (as a well-knownspecialist) material for study from further continents and «ca rezultat al activitãþiisale a lãsat o valoroasã colecþie de Heteroptere, aflatã astãzi la Muzeul “GrigoreAntipa” » (as a result of his activity he made a valuable heteropteran collection,today preserved in “Grigore Antipa” Museum).

In 2005, on the ocassion of 100 years celebration since Montandon wasappointed Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy, a large articlededicated to the naturalist’s biological view was published in Galaþi (Pandele, 2005).

Even if at least ten books and notes were published during the last decades,entirely dedicated to the great naturalist, few people know the importance of hiscontribution today, not only by the 400 new described taxa, by over 200 papers1

published in the most known periodical journals, the richness of his entomologicaland malacological collections, but also by his entire activity, always for the benefitof Science, Nature and his Adoptive Country. He was the member of some of themost famous scientifical societies and collaborated with the great museums of theworld, as Muséum National d’Histoire naturelle de Paris, Museo Civico di StoriaNaturale di Genova, Musée National Hongrois, Muséum entomologique de Berlin,Museo di Zoologia ed Anatomia comparata della R. Università di Torino, U. S.National Museum of Natural History etc. (Fig. 1).

As Igor Sienkiewicz wrote, although Montandon did not participated to anyexpedition «his prodigious activity he built mostly on the material he received fromdozens of people from all continents, with whom Montandon kept a vastcorrespondence. Some were distinguished scientists who co-operated with him;others, collectors or explorers who set foot in some of the wildest countries of theworld, sent whole entomological treasures to the Bucharest worker, who based onthem described the many exotic species that bear Montandon’s name. (…) Hisworks gained A. L. Montandon a world wide reputation in the field of both aquaticand terrestrial Heteroptera, Palaearctic as well as Neotropical (Indo-Malayan andAustralian). His discoveries refer to such different families as Naucoridae,Belostomatidae, Nepidae, Ranatridae, Berytidae, Lygaeidae, Tingidae, Coreidae,Pentatomidae, Cydnidae, Plataspidae, etc., etc. » (Sienkiewicz, op. cit.).

Montandon’s name is bounded by the first studies on the fauna of Moldova,Muntenia and Dobrogea. We found the comment in “Istoricul cercetãrilor”


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(Research History) in many volumes of Fauna României, from the very firstvolume, Îndrumãtor: Protozoare, Viermi, Artropode (Guide Book: Protozoans,Worms, Arthropods), published in 1951. We mention some of them, after thepublishing year order: Panin, 1952; Grossu, 1956; Popescu-Gorj, Niculescu,Alexinschi, 1958; Knechtel & Popovici-Bîznoºeanu, 1959; Fuhn, 1960; Fuhn &Vancea, 1961; Panin & Sãvulescu, 1961; Grossu, 1962; Niculescu, 1963, 1965;Cîrdei & Bulimar, 1965; Dobreanu & Manolache, 1969; Niculescu & König, 1970;Kis, Nagler, Mândru, 1970 and others.

All references to the three provinces, published in French in the famousperiodical journal of the time, undoubtedly contributed to the knowledge ofRomania abroad.

The fifty years lived in this country are years of an intense activity. It was arich life, with numerous studies on Nature and men, always searching for the Truth,always in the benefit of Science and of his Adoptive Country. Here it is his briefcharacterization made by Constantin Istrati, in his speech at the Romanian Academyon 11th of April 1905: «Montandon e o fire deschisã, o inimã largã, observator ºiluptãtor ales, pasionat entomolog, ºi un convins ºi încercat filoromân» (Montandonis an opened hearted person, a special observer and fighter, a passionateentomologist, a categorical and experienced philo-Romanian (Analele Academiei,1904-1905).

*For mentioning as many data as possible we decided to use their chronological

presentation. Because an A. L. Montandon Bibliography (Andrei, 1993) was alreadypublished, here we mentioned especially the papers referring to Romania. Where itwas necessary, we added some titles which were omitted or were published withincomplete bibliographical notes in “Bibliography” (marked by *) as well as papersreferring to the foreign fauna, with a certain significance in our comment.


He was born on 26th of November 1852, in France, at Besançon2. He was thefirst of Henri-Louis Montandon (1821-1884) and Marie-Lina Wuilleumier’s (1825-1918) five children. His father was born at Plan-du-Four (Travers) and was thedescendant of the old family of Montandons, who had come in Franche-Comté and inSwitzerland around 1200. When he settled at Besançon around 1848-1850, he was avery well-known watchmaker and inventor in this field, his name being mentioned inthe specialized papers, as Dictionnaire des grands-horlogers. Marie-LinaWuilleumier was born at Besançon, where Wuilleumiers practiced watchmakingsince the beginning of the 19th century (F.-J. Montandon, 1913; Andrei, 2006).

The origin of the family and of the name of Montandon are bound by thelocality Montandon from Doubs Department (France), attested by a document from1136 (Dictionnaire historique et biographique de la Suisse, 1928). «Comme chaquenation, chaque famille a ses légendes, plus ou moins intéressantes, plus ou moinsvraisemblables, mais toujours dignes de retenir un moment l’attention, avant defaire place à l’histoire (…). Selon la tradition, les Montandon descendraientd’Albigeois3 qui se seraient réfugiés sur les hauts plateaux du Jura dans la premièremoitié du XIIIe siècle» (Montandon, F.-J. op. cit.). From the second half of the 14thcentury, Montandons were also mentioned in Switzerland, in Locle region, wherethey would receive the nobiliary title of “Bourgeois de Valangin” in 1502. In 1913Montandons were present not only in France and Switzerland but also in England,

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Austria, Prussia, Bavaria, Italy, Romania, Asia Minor, Egypt, USA, Canada, Costa-Rica, Santo Domingo, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina (Andrei, 1998).

As we have found in F.-J. Montandon’s monograph paper: «Dans lesmontagnes neuchâteloises, l’on a appliqué aux Montandon une expression assezcourante: bon pied, bon oeil. Les Montandon ont toujours eu bon pied et bon oeil»(F.-J. Montandon, op. cit.; Andrei, 1998).

He spent his childhood in Jura Mountains. As he reminded himself in one ofhis papers and as we found in Marcel Montandon’s original notes, his grandfather,Philibert Wuilleumier, from Tramelan, was the first who raised his interest in naturalhistory collections (Andrei, 2006).

1872 – he left Besançon, before reaching 20 years old, and came to Bucharest.1873 – he fixed his residence in Romania. From his son’s, Marcel, notes we

found that: «… c’était un ami suisse qui l’avait engagé à venir en Roumanie».Before leaving France, the young Arnold had worked at Mairot-Détrey Bank fromBesançon, for a short period of time, this experience being useful to him when hewas employed clerk in a Financial Society, after he had come in Bucharest (Andrei,2006).

«În memoriile sale intitulate “Un demi-siècle de sejour en Roumanie”,lucrare în manuscris, din care mai sunt doar fragmente disparate, el povesteºte cumîmbarcându-se la Baziaº pe un vapor al Societãþii Donau Dampschiffahrer acoborât pe frumoasa Dunãre albastrã cântatã de germani» (In his memoriesentitled “Un demi-siècle de sejour en Roumanie”, in manuscript, from which onlydisparate fragments preserved, he was telling how he went down on the beautifulBlue Danube, sung by Germans, after he had embarked at Baziaº on a ship of DonauDampschiffahrer Society (Pandele 1974)4.

Dictionnaire historique et biographique de la Suisse, which used as source F.- J. Montandon’s monograph paper from 1913, mentions 1873 as the year when hesettled in Romania. In 1993, Andrei & Serafim discussed widely upon this date,analysing several sources, among them being Montandon’s foreword at thecatalogue of the coleopteran collection which he was to donate it to the future“Grigore Antipa” Museum, on 30th of October 1883: «… mes efforts tendronstoujours à faire connaître au monde savant la faune de la Terre hospitalière, où jevis heureux depuis tantôt douze ans.». Taking into consideration only A. L.Montandon’s assertions from 1876 and 1883, the authors think that he came inRomania at the end of 1871 or at the beginning of 1872. Marcel Montandon’s notesregarding his father finally clarify things, fixing this date in 1872 (Andrei, 2006).

1874 – He married Césarine G. Giger from Soleure, born in Geneva, who hemet a year before, at a ball of the Swiss Society from Bucharest (Andrei, 2006).

1872–1877: he lived in Bucharest.In a certain moment, the financial society where he worked went bankrupt

and he had to find another job. Carol I, then Prince, just bought an estate in northernMoldova, in Bistriþa valley, at Broºteni and searched for a deputy administrator.Private secretary of the Prince Carol, Louis Basset, of Swiss origin, from Vaud,offered this job to Montandon. The idea of the retiring up in the Carpathians did notscared the young people, «L’idée d’aller s’enterrer au fond des Carpathes, à lafrontière de Bucovine et de Hongrie n’effraya pas mes parents, au contraire: ilsétaient assez jurassiens pour aimer la montagne; et c’était la perspective de la vielibre, la vie aisée, du grand propriétaire terrien qui s’offrait à eux» wrote Marcel inhis Memories (Andrei, 2006).


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1875 (31st of August/12th of September) – his first son was born in Bucharest– Marcel-Henri (1875-1941), who would become men of letters, well-known inFrance and Germany (F.-J. Montandon, op. cit.). That time, the Montandons lived inPuþul-cu-Plopi Str. (Andrei, 2006).

Arnold Montandon’s first papers are published in Feuille des JeunesNaturalistes. Paris, from 1876, than in 1878, 1879, 1880. Montandon asserted thatthe collaborators of the journal, especially its founder, Ernest Dollfus, made him todevelop «l’amour de l’étude des sciences naturelles…» (Montandon, 1878).

1876 – he became corresponding member of Société d’Etudes Scientifiquesd’Angers. In the meeting of 9th of April 1876 Montandon, «naturaliste à Bukarest(Roumanie)» was listed to be proposed member and «le vote sur l’admission de cesnouveaux membres aura également lieu à la prochaine séance». In the list from1876-1877 of the members of this society, Montandon is included for threescientifical fields: Entomologie (Coléoptères), Conchyliologie and Botanique.

1877 – also in Bucharest, the second son, René-Jules, was born, that one whowould become map maker engineer, explorer of Costa Rica, leaving Bucharest in1898 and settling in America (F.-J. Montandon, op. cit.). Montandon’s address,mentioned in “Liste d’Echanges” (Entomologie – Coléoptères), in no 76 of Feuilledes Jeunes Naturalistes, published on the 1st of February 1877, was FundãturaDulgherilor 13, Bucharest. On 19th of May 1877, Marcel Montandon noted the streetSf. Constantin as his brother’s René birth place (Andrei, 2006).

1877 November – Montandon went in Moldova, at Broºteni, as administratorof the Royal House Estate. In February 1878, in no. 87 of Feuille des JeunesNaturalistes, also at Coléoptères, it is mentioned the address «Brostenii, prinFolticeni, Roumanie» (Broºteni, through Fãlticeni, Romania).

In the spring of 1878 Césarine together with her two sons, Marcel and René,left Bucharest for Moldova. They would reach Broºteni, after an agitated andtiresome travel. Marcel was less than three years old, and René was not one year old,yet. The last railway station was 100 km far from Broºteni, so, the last part of the tripwas made by cart (Andrei, 2006).

1878 – 1880 – he published Brostenii et la Vallée de la Bistriza and Brosteniiet la Fôret de la Bistriza (Montandon, 1878, 1879 b, 1880 a, b, c).

1878 – 1885. Initiation period in molluscs. The young A. L. Montandon wasin correspondence with the abbot D. Dupuy, «un nom bien connu parmi lesmalacologistes de son temps, surtout grâce à son grand ouvrage “Histoire naturelledes Mollusques terrestres et d’eau douce qui vivent en France” (1847 – 1852). Ainsique l’on peut déduire de la correspondence, D. Dupuy a été l’un des initiateurs deMontandon dans l’étude des mollusques» (Andrei & Pãunescu, 1982). In 1906,Montandon himself wrote about what the great malacologist meant to him: «C’estgrâce à l’abbé Dupuy que j’ai commencé, il y a longtemps déja, de m’occuper descoquilles terrestres et d’eau douce (c’est lui qui avait nommé la plupart des espècesqui ont été signalées dans mes publications de 1880) …» (Montandon, 1906 b).

1880 – he published Souvenirs de Valachie (Montandon, 1880 d). In the listof the members of Société d’Etudes Scientifiques d’Angers he was included as«naturaliste à Cruce, domaine princier de Brostenii, plasa Muntele (Moldavie) ».

1883 – he became Knight of the Crown Order (Analele Academiei Române1904-1905; Pandele, 1974; Andrei & Serafim op. cit.).

In October 1883 he already was member of Société Française d’Entomologie(Andrei & Serafim op. cit.)

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1883, in autumn – he left Broºteni (Moldova). «Comme l’eau, le temps acoulé, lentement ou trop vite, et les pierres du fond sont encore là, comme lessouvenirs qui restent gravés dans la mémoire. Sept années se sont écoulées depuismon départ de Bucarest….» wrote Montandon in 1884, after he left behindMoldova, the place were he had spent the most beautiful years of his youth, andadded sadly: «Je viens de quitter ce coin de pays il y a quelques mois à peine….peut-être pour toujours».

1884 – 1888 – temporary settled in Sinaia (Prahova Valley), also asadministrator of the Royal Estate; he made the first trips in Dobrogea.

1884 (1885) – the book Souvenirs de Moldavie – Le Domaine Royal deBrosteni was published, including a complete description of the area from themineralogical, petrographical, geographical, floral, faunal and ethnographical pointof view. It offers a pleasant and educational reading which addresses both to thescientists and the tourists.

1885, 2nd of April – In the meeting of Société d’Etudes Scientifiques d’Angers«M. Gallois présente, de la part de M. Arnold MONTANDON, une centained’espèces d’hémiptères, fort bien préparés, recueillis, pour la plupart, en Moldaviepar notre collègue. L’Assemblée décide que ces insectes seront donnés au muséed’histoire naturelle d’Angers comme premier noyau d’une collectionhémiptérologique, et que des remerciements seront adressés à M. Montandon».

1885 – at Caen he published two papers on the Romanian fauna: Descriptiond’un Hémiptère-Hétéroptère nouveau, where he described Camptobrochis putoni,dedicated to the great August Puton and Hémiptères - Hétéroptères de Moldavie.Description de deux nouveaux Eurygaster.

In 1885 his two sons, Marcel, ten years old, and René, eight years old, leftRomania for going to study in France, at Besançon (Andrei, 2006).

1886 – in Revue d’Entomologie the papers Hémiptères-Hétéroptères de laDobroudja is published. On the entomological fauna of Dobrogea, Montandonasserted that it was almost completely unknown, and as regards this region, whichhad become Romanian territory after the 1877 Independence War, is unfairlyunderestimated by the Western Europe, because of the stories, full of errors made bysome travellers who never went there. This idea would be resumed and commentedwidely by Montandon in the paper mentioned further.

1887 – he published Excursions en Dobroudja (Fig. 2). The collecting listsinclude over 470 coleopteran species, 86 homopterans, some tens of molluscs, etc.Heteropterans were the subject of a separated paper, published at Caen, in 1886.

1888 – he left Sinaia, at the physicians’ advice. Just in Excursions enDobroudja, Montandon says, describing the beach of Mangalia: «La faune yparaissait plus riche et d’un caractère plus méridional, de sorte que j’y prolongeaimon séjour aussi longtemps que possible. Il m’arrivait souvent de faire deux bainsde mer par jour et, entre temps, étendu à plat ventre sur la plage à la recherched’insectes sous les débris d’algues rejetés par le flot, j’emmagasinais, à l’instar deslézards, de chauds rayons de soleil qui rétablissaient, peu à peu, ma santé ébranléepar les hivers trop longs et la constante humidité des Carpathes.» (Montandon,1887).

1889 – coming back to Bucharest, he moved in 22 Viilor Str., in Filaretdistrict; he became Administrative Director of the Th. Mandrea et Cie FootwearFactory.


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1892 – in Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France (24 Février p. 46 et9 Novembre p. 239), J. de Joannis published «deux listes assez importantes deslepidoptères provenant de mes recherches personnelles sur plusieurs points de laRoumanie», as Montandon wrote in the foreword of his paper from 1900 onlepidopterans (Montandon, 1900 b).

1893, 4th of March – he became member in Société Entomologique deBelgique.

1893, 8th of March – he became member of Société Entomologique deFrance. In the list of those accepted to be members of this society we can read: “M. A. L. Montandon – directorul Fabricii Th. Mandrea et Cie, str. Viilor – FilareteBucarest (Roumanie) Hémipt., pr. Hétéroptères”.

1893 – in a note added to Montandon’s paper, published in ProceedingsNational Museum, we can read C. V. Riley’s words, Honorary Curator of theDepartment of Insects: «I have the honor to submit for publication theaccompanying “Notes on North American Hemiptera Heteroptera”, by Mr.Montandon, of Bucharest, Roumania. The notes are of authoritative value and Mr.Montandon has based them to a certain extent upon Museum material which I havesent over to him from time to time.» (Montandon, 1893).

1895, 8th of February – Dr. Grigore Antipa submitted an application to theMinistry for creating an assistant job (Andrei, 1981).

1895 – the paper Contributions à la Faune Entomologique de la Roumanie.Nouvelles espèces d’Hémiptères – Hétéroptères was published by two differentperiodical journals. Its date was “Bucarest, Oct. - Nov. 1895” (Montandon, 1895and 1895 bis).

1896, 1st of October – Montandon was employed at the Museum of Zoology,as Antipa’s assistant, with a monthly salary of 150 lei (Andrei, 1981). Nine yearslater, on 11th of April, at the meeting of the Romanian Academy, Dr. ConstantinIstrati said in «expunerea asupra scrierilor ºi activitãþii ºtiinþifice a d-lui A. L.Montandon, propus de Secþiunea ºtiinþificã spre a fi ales membru corespondentstrãin» (the exposition on A. L. Montandon’s scientifical activity, proposed by theScientifical Department to be elected foreign corresponding member): «Ceeace facemultã cinste acestei firi de elitã, e cã continuã a-ºi cultiva specialitatea, adeseanesigur de ziua de mâne, cãci trãeºte modest ºi greu din lucrul sãu, având opoziþiune foarte puþin retribuitã pe lângã Muzeul nostru de istorie naturalã» (Whatmakes this noble soul to be honoured by us is that he continues to learn more in hisfield, sometimes not sure for the coming day, because he has a very modest andheavy life, having a badly paid position in our Museum of Natural History (AnaleleAcademiei Române, 1904-1905).

1896–1900 – It is the period when Montandon studied especiallyorthopterans. He collected material, mostly from Bucegi Massif, and from Sinaia,Doftana, surroundings of Bucharest, Comana, Mãcin, etc. (Vasiliu, 1957).

1896 –1907 – he worked at the Museum of Zoology from Bucharest5 asGrigore Antipa’s assistant and, together with his director, has a very serious activityin organizing the new museum (Onciul, 1923), today, “Grigore Antipa” NationalMuseum of Natural History.

1897 - A. L. Montandon’s admission in Societatea Românã de ªtiinþe –Secþiunea ªtiinþelor Naturale (Romanian Society of Sciences – Natural SciencesDepartment).

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1898 and 1899 – in London, two Malcolm Burr’s papers are published,regarding Romanian orthopterans, based on the material collected by Montandonand Burr. After in the first paper he dedicated to Montandon a species (Callimenusmontandoni), in the second one, the English entomologists wrote: «I take thisopportunity of expressing my thanks to M. Montandon for the material he has sentme from time to time, and for his assistance in every way in compiling this paper, aswell as for his courtesy and hospitality during my brief sojourn at Bucharest».

1899 – Ministry of Estate enabled Montandon to make a study on theAcrididae of the Danube Delta, which damaged a lot that period, and a collection ofthese orthopterans, in all their development stages. In June 1899, Montandonstudied the areas Sulina, Sf. Gheorghe and Letea. (Vasiliu, op. cit.). Injurious insectsand other causes which diminished the cultures were some of his concerns anddedicated them several pages.

1900 – he published Les Acridiens du Delta du Danube (Montandon, 1900 a)in Buletinul Societãþii de Sciinþe. Besides Locusta migratoria, Montandon reportedthe presence of the second injurious locust, Dociostaurus maroccanus, in thesurroundings of Mãcin locality (Knechtel & Popovici-Bîznoºeanu, 1959). In hisstudy, he foresaw the possibility of the biological control of the locusts, consideringsome birds as the storks and Rose-coloured starlings (Pastor roseus L.) someefficient means.

1900 – in Buletinul Societãþii de Sciinþe he published Contributions à laFaune Entomologique de la Roumanie (Lepidoptera), a paper which included 91species, eight of them new to the Romanian fauna. Just in the second page we foundthat «Les déterminations de ces insectes ont été faites en grande partie par desspecialistes: M. M. J. de Joannis, Edouard Fleck et Aristide de Caradja», to whomMontandon thanked further: «je saisis avec empressement cette occasion pourtémoigner ici à ces savants confrères en entomologie, toute ma reconnaissance etleur adresser mes plus sincères remerciements pour leur gracieux concours.»(Montandon, 1900 b).

1900 – in Buletinul Societãþii de Sciinþe he published Contributions à la FauneEntomologique de la Roumanie. Hemiptera-Homoptera (Montandon, 1900 c).

1902 – in Buletinul Societãþii de Sciinþe he published Notes additionnellesaux communications de M. Paul Born sur les Carabes Roumains. In the same year,in a malacological paper, I. P. Licherdopol thanked to Montandon for his unselfishkindness offering him a large number of specimens.

1903 – St. Zottu published a list of orthopterans in Buletinul Societãþii deSciinþe, most of the species being collected by Montandon, some of them reportedfor the first time in Romania.

1903, 21st of September – of Prof. C. I. Istrati’s own initiative the exhibition“Romanian Association for science development and distribution” was opened,which lasted till the 19th of October of the same year, and it was visited by highpersonalities: Carol I, ministers, etc. and by a numerous public. Two years later,during Montandon’s acceptance meeting as member of the Romanian Academy,also Constantin Istrati said about him that: «La expoziþiunea Asociaþiunii românepentru rãspândirea ºi înaintarea ºtiinþelor din 1903 a obþinut pentru frumoasa sacolecþiune medalia de aur» (At the exhibition “Romanian Association for sciencedevelopment and distribution” from 1903 he got the golden meddle for his beautifulcollection) (Analele Academiei 1904-1905; Pandele, 1997).


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In their paper from 1985, based only on archive documents, Marinescu andIonescu underlined: «Au sein de la IV-e section – Anthropologie, Zoologie,Botanique – le diplôme d’honneur est obtenu par le Musée d’Histoire naturelle deBucarest et Grigore Antipa reçoit la médaille d’or. Le préparateur du musée, R.Dombrowski, reçoit, pour les pièces réalisées, la medaille d’argent et l’intendantConstantin Danescu, une mention», but they did not mention Montandon, probablybecause of the absence of some documents.

1904, 6th of February – Montandon’s hemipteran-heteropteran collection, aswell as his specialized library were bought by the Ministry of Culture and PublicEducation and donated to the Museum. The collection consisted in 4,950 speciesrepresented by 22,552 specimens, 316 of them being type specimens, and the libraryhas 764 volumes and 15 journal series and different periodicals (Marinescu &Ionescu op.cit.). Regarding heteropteran collection, Antipa declared later that it is«una dintre cele mai bune colecþiuni din lume» (one of the best collections of theworld) (Antipa, 1923). Comparing these data on the collection with those from theoriginal inventory, published by Andrei in 1981 (inventory whose vanishedforeword indicated undoubtedly the exact date), we can observe that they areidentical, with a little exception, i.e. 4,954 species reported by Montandon in theoriginal inventory, not 4,950. Because on the last page of the original documentMontandon wrote: «Collection et Bibliothèque se trouvent dans une grande armoirevitrée» we are sure that it is about just the inventory of the collection bought by theMinistry, in 1904 (Fig. 3).

We think that an original list6, written by Montandon, including thespecialized publications which he had at a time (the last booked titles being made in1903), represents just the titles present in his library, which he sold to the Ministrylater, together with the heteropteran collection, at the beginning of 1904. Makingonly a numerical comparison between this list with the data published by Marinescuand Ionescu, the results are very close. We hope that our future studies will confirmour hypothesis, the more so as in the Museum Library there are most of the authorsincluded in the above-mentioned list.

1905, 11th of April – he became Foreign corresponding member of theRomanian Academy – Scientifical Department. He was elected with 22 “pro” and 3“against” votes by 25 voters. Dr. Constantin Istrati is that one who read «expunereaasupra scrierilor ºi activitãþii ºtiinþifice a d-lui A. L. Montandon, propus deSecþiunea ªtiinþificã spre a fi ales membru corespondent strãin»7 (the speech on A.L. Montandon’s papers and scientifical activity, proposed by the ScientificalDepartment to become foreign corresponding member). After the presentation of themain events of the self-educated naturalist’s life and work, of the well-knownspecialized journals where he had published, pointing out his wonderful character,Dr. C. Istrati ended this way: «În ce priveºte (…) Hemiptera, d-sa a ajuns oadevãratã autoritate. Fructele cãlãtoriilor depãrtate culese de naturaliºti englezi,francezi etc., (…) sunt trimise de British Museum, de Museum d’histoire naturelle,etc., lui Montandon la Bucureºti, spre a fi determinate. Trebuie sã fim fericiþi,Domnilor Colegi, ca în astfel de împrejurãri sã-l alipim Academiei ca membrucorespondent strãin. Vom rãsplãti astfel munca sa în cunoaºterea unei pãrþi afaunei române» (As regards (…) Hemiptera he became a real authority. The “fruits”of the long trips, picked up by English, French and other naturalists (…) are sent bythe British Museum, by the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, etc. to Montandon inBucharest, for being identified. We have to be happy, dear colleagues, that under

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such circumstances, we join him to the Academy, as foreign corresponding member.Thus, we will reward his work for the knowledge of a part of the Romanian fauna).I. Kalinderu, the chairman of the meeting, announced in the end that «propunerea dealegere întrunind douã treimi, d-l A. L. Montandon a fost ales membrucorespondent strãin în Secþiunea ºtiinþificã» (election proposal being agreed by twothirds, Mr A. L. Montandon was elected foreign corresponding member in theScientifical Department). It is worth mentioning that, within the same meeting,several personalities were elected by the Academy as active or correspondingmembers. Today, they are very well known: D. Onciul, L. Mrazec, the General C. I. Brãtianu, Sextil Puºcariu a.s.o. Last but one candidate proposed by theScientifical Department was Emil Racoviþã, of 35 years old, that time deputydirector at the Arago Marine Laboratory from Banyuls-sur-Mer. He was electedRomanian corresponding member, with 25 „pro“ and 1 „against“, by 26 voters.

1905 – he published Notes supplémentaires pour la faune nevroptérologiquede la Roumanie in Buletinul Societãþii de ªtiinþe.

He was decorated with Steaua României (Star of Romania) (Montandon F.-J.,op. cit.). We do not know exactly the date of this event, yet, which we place, for thetime being, between 1905-19138.

1906, 6th of June – in Bucharest the opening of the “General Exhibition ofRomania” (also named “Jubilee National Exhibition”) which marked three events:40 reign years of the King Carol I, 25 years since the proclamation of the RomanianKingdom, and 1,800 years since the emperor Traian’s colonization in Dacia. Theofficial who had to organize the exhibition park was Ion N. Lahovari, Minister of theEstate, and the general inspector of the exhibition was the savant Constantin Istrati,doctor in chemistry and medicine in Paris, member of the Romanian Academy(Andrei, M.-D. 2006). The Museum of Natural History of Bucharest, by hisofficials, Gr. Antipa, R. Dombrowski, A. L. Montandon and Popa Burcã,participated intensively to the organization of the great exhibition, displayed on theplace where „Carol Park” was to be made on this occasion. Grigore Antipadiscussed permanently with the general inspector of the exhibition, Dr. ConstantinIstrati. Together with Dombrowski, he made the plans of the zoological park and theexhibition dedication to the Romanian fishfarms, and «…le musée y présenta unecollection de 11 espèces de mammifères, 46 oiseaux, 7 amphibiens et reptiles, 22espèces de poissons, insectes nouveaux et rares de la faune de Roumanie, despublications. Séparément, Arnold L. Montandon exposa une collection d’insectes aupavillion «Mines et Carrières» (Marinescu, Ionescu op. cit.) (Fig. 4).

1906 – in Buletinul Societãþii de ªtiinþe he published Notes sur la FauneEntomologique de la Roumanie (Coleoptera) (Montandon, 1906 a). In this paper,dated «Bucarest, Janvier 1906», Montandon presents a division of Romanian inregions: Carpathian, sub-Carpathian, plains, hill of Moldavia and so on, where hemarked each collecting place, when case indicating the “district” or the nearby areasof a more important locality.

1906 – in Buletinul Societãþii de ªtiinþe he published Notes sur la FauneMalacologique de la Roumanie (Montandon, 1906 b).

1907 – in Buletinul Societãþii de ªtiinþe he published Contributions à laFaune Entomologique de la Roumanie. Hémiptères- Hétéroptères (Montandon,1907 a).

1907 – in Hungary it is published Notes sur les Holoptilidae* (Montandon,1907 b).


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1907, April – Montandon’s last signature on paylist of the Museum (Andrei,1981)9.

1908 – in Buletinul Societãþii de ªtiinþe he published Notes sur la FauneEntomologique de la Roumanie. Additions au Catalogue des Coléoptères(Montandon, 1908). The paper, dated «Bucarest, Mars 1908», is very interestingbecause it includes his thoughts on some forerunners’ papers, especially those ofLamarck, who was very much admired by him, besides the about 500 new forms forthe Romanian fauna.

1909 – in Buletinul Societãþii de ªtiinþe he published Les pseudoscorpions deRoumanie, representing the list of these arachnids collected from Bucharest,Comana, Sinaia, Azuga, Mãcin, Zorleni (Montandon, 1909 a).

1909 – in Hungary he published the paper Nepidae et Belostomidae. Notesdiverses et descriptions d’espèces nouvelles* (Montandon, 1909 b).

1910 – he published A propos des soi-disant neutres chez les insectes.(Montandon, 1910 c). It is also interesting Montandon’s comment on a A.Lameere’s article, disapproving with much elegance his opinion regarding theintelligence. Montandon considered that there were a certain degree of intelligencein all creatures. He will develop this idea later, in his paper from 1915, left inmanuscript (Montandon, 1915).

1910 – Hans Wagner published Beitrag zur entomologischen FaunaRumäniens. Die Arten der Gattung Apion Herbst (co 1) vorzugweise gesammelt vonA. L. Montandon.

1910 – Montandon made an obituary for the entomologist George W.Kirkaldy in Buletinul Societãþii de ªtiinþe, using the most laudatory terms(Montandon, 1910 a).

1910 - Notes supplémentaires pour la faune nevroptérologique de laRoumanie (2e). (Montandon, 1910 b).

1911, 7th of March – his wife, Césarine, died in Bucharest (Montandon, F.- J.op. cit.). That time address of the family was 2 Fabrica de chibrituri Str. The house,built in 1909, still exists, across Filaret bus terminal (Figs 5, 6).

1913 – in Buletinul Secþiunii ªtiinþifice a Academiei Române he publishedNotes et description de deux espèces nouvelles (Montandon, 1913).

1913 – O. M. Reuter’s death year, Finnish hemipterologist. According toSienkiewicz, this year represent the beginning of the decline of Montandon’sscientifical activity (Sienkiewicz op. cit.).

At Zorleni – Tutova (today in Vaslui County), enjoying R. Bolomey’scompany, he wrote En marge du procès de la Science, a philosophical paper,probably the last printed one. It was published in Geneva, in 1914 and it was left,unfortunately, in the deposits of the Publishing House Fréd. Boissonnas & Cie,because of the war10. Also, there was a German version, translated by CarmenSylva11. We do not know, yet, if it was distributed. In a letter to G. T. Kirileanu,dated 27th/9th of February 1915, Montandon said: « … traducerea germanã nu ºtiuunde s’a tipãrit, am numai scrisoarea lui Dall’Orso care îmi face cunoscut deja dinprimãvara anului trecut, cã traducerea în limba germanã era gata…»11 (I don’tknow if the German translation was printed, I have only Dall’Orso’s letter, from thespring of last year, where he informed me that the German translation had beenalready finished) (Pandele, 1974).

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1915 – he was in Bucharest where he wrote Quelques notes sur l’oeuvred’Ernest Haeckel, a paper with philosophical themes, left in manuscript. Theoriginal is in Montandon’s relatives possession, in France. The manuscript, dated«Bucarest, fevrier-Mars 1915» has 53 pages and, as Montandon mentioned from thevery beginning, is an analysis of some aspects and even the disapproval of someHaeckel’s ideas, which do not raise at the level of the whole Haeckel’s work,„absolutely extraordinary“, as he characterized it. Written at 63 years old, after afully experienced life, his very interesting paper reveals us Montandon’s opinion onworld and life12.

Within the same period he wrote Un demi siècle de sejour en Roumanie –Notes et souvenirs d’un naturaliste, left in manuscript, from which there are “doarfragmente disparate” (only disparate fragments) as Professor Tãzlãuanu mentionedin 1973-1974 (Pandele, 1974)13.

Along his life, Montandon had several periods when he had to face the lack ofmoney. For instance, when he discovered the secret of processing the Chartreuseliqueur, he started his production, together with his brother Paul. It followed a triallodged by Perès Chartreuse from France, a trial lost by the two brothers. Paul wentback to France. Arnold continued to deal with the wine trade, because, in the meantime, he became the owner of a wineyard on Filaret hill. But, his business ran worseand worse, and he was obliged to sell the wineyard, lot by lot. He made all thesethings for the noble purpose of continuing the study on the fauna, study who ruledall his life.

He spent his last years in Cernavodã, in «le pays le plus monotone qu’onpuisse imaginer», as he characterized this place in 1887. At 66 years old, financiallyruined and in a bad health, Montandon was employed at the Bolt Factory. He diedon 1st of March 1922.

1922, 3rd of March – During the ordinary meeting of the Academy, after thereceiving of the telegram from Cernavodã, which announced «încetarea din viaþã ad-lui A. L. Montandon, membru corespondent strãin în secþiunea ºtiinþificã, ales la11 Aprilie 1905 » (A. L. Montandon’s death, foreign corresponding member in theScientifical Department, elected on 11th of April 1905), Grigore Antipa had animpressive speech by which he evoked the great personality, mentioning all hisachievements. Antipa began his speech underlining that this lost «reprezintã o marepierdere pentru ºtiinþã în general ºi pentru Faunistica României în special»(represents a great lost for the science, in general, and especially for the Romanianfaunistic) and he ended with the words: «Sã pãstrãm dar în cinste memoria acestuimodest om de ºtiinþã a cãrui viaþã a fost consacratã studiului þãrii noastre, caredevenise ºi patria sa adoptivã.» (Let’s keep the memory of this modest scientist whodedicated his life for the study of our country, which became his adoptive country)(Antipa, op. cit.).

*Maybe next generation want to find out and ask: What Arnold Lucien

Montandon left behind? There were left the scientifical papers and most of thespecies discovered by him; there were left the proofs on some places and timeswhich never come back; there were left his philosophical ideas; there were left andwill resist throughout time his rich collections which spread in different places of theworld, but a large part is preserved also in Bucharest, at “Grigore Antipa” NationalMuseum of Natural History, whose fame is also due to Montandon. In this museumthere is the great Palaearctic and exotic heteropteran collection, with tens of


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thousands of specimens, including type specimens, numerous coleopterans,homopterans, orthopterans, etc.; a separate collection of Palaearctic molluscs, with1,147 specimens, with 320 species and varieties, as well as numerous exoticmolluscs, preserved together with other specimens from other collections ofhistorical value.

A name remained among the foreign corresponding members of theScientifical Department of the Golden Book of the Romanian Academy …

Knowing such kind of people’s personality, their way in approaching Nature,the young scientists could become deeper in their way of thinking and could askseveral questions to which they have to find the answer. So, they could understandbetter the complexity, beauty and the importance of the Man – Nature relationship.

It is well to remind, at least from time to time, that if we are where we aretoday and some of us have important achievements, it is also because there weresuch kind of people, capable of sacrifying their time, health and all they had for thenext generations. People as Montandon will dedicate their life for noble purposeswherever they settle in the World, to whom the sacrifice is never too great and whoconsider that they left behind only a modest contribution.

Notes1. This figure is taken from Dr. C. Istrati’s exposition from the 11th of April 1905, at the RomanianAcademy.2. “Deºi nãscut la Besançon ºi de origine francezã, Montandon a fost cetãþean elveþian” (although hewas born in Besançon and was of French origin, Montandon was a Swiss citizen), wrote Sienkiewicz tothe senior author, in one of his letters, sent from Gulfport-Florida, on 5th of November 1984. 3. Members of a Christian religious sect which was founded near locality Albi from southern France, inthe 12th century. After a crusade made against them by the Pope Inocent III, the inhabitants of the Albiare defeated in 1213 and obliged to find refuge (Andrei, 1998).4. When drawing up his paper from 1974, C. Pandele used also original documents as the paper“Arnold L. Montandon primul entomolog care a cercetat Valea Bistriþei ºi alte regiuni din þarã”(Arnold L. Montandon, the first entomologist who studied Bistriþa Valley and other regions of thecountry) written by F. Cârdei and I.Tãzlãuanu, in 1956, sent to the magazine Natura, but unpublished.Another original source was R. Bolomey’s letter to G. T. Kirileanu, dated 25th of February 1942.5. As regards the year of his employment as Antipa’s assitant, at least two wrong dates were published:V. Iuga-Ganea, who wrote on Grigore Antipa, in 1938: «C’est en 1900, que le ministère lui accorde unassistant et il s’empresse de s’assurer la collaboration de A. Montandon, versé entomologiste» and M.Bãcescu, in 1967: «Les premiers assistants au musée furent les specialistes R. Dombrowski (1895-1916), A. Montandon (1901-1907), I. Popa Burcã et R. Canisius (1907-1934) peintre-entomologiste».6. The register was obtained by the first author, by Dr. Igor Sienkiewicz’s extraordinary kindness, fromCanada, and it will be the subject of another note.7. We think that the wrong data from C. Istrati’s speech, namely: 1877 – Montandon’s arrival year inRomania, instead of 1872; 1886 – his retiring from Sinaia, instead of 1888 and Buºteni, instead ofBroºteni – are printing errors which were made during the transcription of the speech. We make thisassertion being convinced that the errors were too obvious for passing unobserved. Unfortunately thesewrong data were taken over and published by several authors. 8. If we take into consideration that in his speech from the 11th of April 1905 at the Romanian Academy,C. Istrati did not mentioned this Montandon’s decoration, maybe he received it after this date.9. It is true that in the „Anuarul Ministerului Instrucþiunii“ (Year Book of the Ministry of Education)from 1908, Montandon is mentioned as assistant at the Museum of Natural History from Bucharest, butsurely the data refers to the previous year situation, because his signature had not appeared on thepaylist after April 1907.10. Montandon had some issues as author, as it results from the post card sent to G. T. Kirileanu onFebruary 27/9, 1915, submited by Pandele in 1974, as fotocopy. Soon, our colleague AlexandruMarinescu, well-known for his works on science history, had the pleasure of aquiring an original issueof this volume, from a second-hand bookseller, on the cover having a dedication writen by Montandon! 11. In the original version of paper Montandon writes: Sa Majesté, la Reine Elisabeth de Roumanie,vénérée dans le monde des lettres sous le pseudonyme de Carmen Sylva, l’auteur si hautementapprécié des Pensées d’une Reine, qui a doté la littérature allemande des “Pêcheurs d’Islande” de

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Loti, et des “Deux Masques” de Paul Saint-Victor, a traduit aussi Elle-même le présent travail, pour lefaire publier en allemand.12. On this occasion we make a correction in the Bibliography published by Andrei in 1993: title of themanuscript Mon testament scientifique, transcribed after Tãzlãuanu’s notes from 1954, has to bereplaced by Quelques notes sur l’oeuvre d’Ernest Haeckel, correction made by Tãzlãuanu himself,about in 1973-74. Also in Tãzlãuanu’s notes from 1954 it was mentioned that the manuscript was atMontandon’s relatives from France. In 1997, Prof. Corneliu Pandele published at Galaþi, in the paperªcoala Gãlãþeanã, an anniversary article for 145 years since Montandon’s birth, where he mentionedthe correct original title of this manuscript: Quelques notes sur l’oeuvre d’Ernest Haeckel. Till themoment of reading this manuscript, we cited Tãzlãuanu several times, who said that it is about “ocriticã aprigã a teoriilor lui Haeckel“ (a harsh criticism on Haeckel’s theories) taking over the idea froma Bolomey’s letter to Kirileanu (dated 25th of February 1942). Today, a coppy of this manuscript is inthe senior author’s possession, due to Dr. Sienkiewicz’s kindness, who got it from Montandon’srelatives from France. As Montandon pointed out in the first pages, this manuscript did not representsuch a criticism by far.13. Notes, fragments of manuscripts from different published papers, on about 50 sheets of paper,written in French, were in G. T. Kirileanu’s library from Piatra Neamþ. He knew Montandon and gavehim all love and attention. When Kirileanu died, in 1960, all these documents were taken by theAcademy of the Socialist Republic of Romania (Pandele, 1974).


We express our thanks to Prof. Dimitrie I. Cãrãuºu (University Iaºi), Prof. Ion Tãzlãuanu (Iaºi),dr. Igor Sienkiewicz (Montreal, Canada), dr. Dan Ottiger Dumitrescu (Fribourg, Switzerland), dr.Mihai Sorin Rãdulescu (Bucureºti), dr. Paul Dãncescu (Montreal, Canada), dr. Iorgu Petrescu(„Grigore Antipa” National Museum of Natural History) and Mircea-Dragomir Andrei. Thanks are dueto anonymous reviewers for helpful comments and suggestions.



Arnold L. Montandon (1852-1922) ºi-a dedicat întreaga viaþã ªtiinþei. Pe la 1900 erarecunoscut drept unul dintre cei mai buni entomologi-hemipterologi ai Lumii. A studiat insectele pecare le primea din cele mai îndepãrtate þãri, descriind sute de taxoni noi. Nãscut în Franþa ºi stabilitdefinitiv în România, din 1873, el va cerceta permanent fauna ºi flora patriei adoptive, iar lucrãrile salereferitoare la Moldova, Muntenia ºi Dobrogea vor fi printre primele în acest domeniu.

În cronologia lor autorii pun accent tocmai pe contribuþia majorã a marelui autodidact lacercetarea ºtiinþificã din România. La 11 Aprilie 1905, pentru meritele sale deosebite, Arnold LucienMontandon devine membru corespondent strãin al Academiei Române, în Secþiunea ªtiinþificã.


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Received: December 7, 2005 Gabriela AndreiAccepted: January 27, 2006 Muzeul Naþional de Istorie Naturalã “Grigore Antipa”

ªos. Kiseleff nr. 1, 011341 Bucureºti 2, Româniae-mail: [email protected]

Corneliu PandeleStr. G. Coºbuc 3, bloc M1, sc. 4, ap. 123Þiglina II 800378 Galaþi, Româniae-mail: [email protected]

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Annex I: Taxa described by A. L. Montandon**


Family PLATASPIDAE: Aphanopneuma stali (1892 – Congo); Apotomogonius (1892);Apotomogonius exornatus (1892 – Chutes de Samlia, Riv. N. Gamic); Apotomogoniusmaculatus (1896 – Gabon); Brachyplatys biroi (1900 – Nouvelle Guinée: Sattelberg dans larégion de l’Huon Golf 1899); Brachyplatys caeruleatus (1896 – Woodlark, 1890);Brachyplatys capito (1894 –Otahaiti); Brachyplatys humeralis (1896 – Inde); Brachyplatyshumeralis var. major (1896 – Siam, 1893); Brachyplatys laticeps (1896 – Australie, 1894);Brachyplatys obscurus (1896 – I. Yule, Fly River, Nlle Guinée); Brachyplatys raffrayi (1896– Nouv.-Guinée Dorey, 1878); Brachyplatys truncaticeps (1894 – Congo, Mpala, Marungu(Cap. Storms) et Congo, Landana); Cantharodes bouvieri (1896 – Congo, 1893);Cantharodes nubilosus (1892 – Congo); Cantharodes tibialis (1896 - &: Sibange, Gabon);Caternaultiella ferruginea (1899 – sur la route de Kassongo à Stanley Falls, Congo belge);Caternaultiella haglundi (1896 - &: Congo, Chutes de Samlia Riv. N. Gamic); Ceratocoriscephalicus (1899 – Congo belge-Loulouabourg, Haut Kassaï; Beni Bendi Sankuru 1895);Ceratocoris seeldrayersi (1896 - &: Loulouabourg, Ht Kassai, Congo Belge); Coptosomaabesum (1894 – Barway, Inde boréale); Coptosoma abbreviatum (1894 – Barway, Indeboréale); Coptosoma aciculatum (1896 – Ha-Lang, Haut-Tonkin); Coptosoma acuticeps(1894 – Iles Philippines); Coptosoma adjunctum (1896 – Caffrerie; Madagascar);Coptosoma alienum (1899 – Dai Badditu a Dimè. Juin-Août 1896); Coptosoma amplexum(1896 – &: Ha-Lang, Haut Tonkin); Coptosoma amyoti (1896 – Pondichery, 1840);Coptosoma annulipes (1900 – Madagascar: Baie d’Antongil); Coptosoma apiatum (1894 –Congo); Coptosoma atratulum (1894 – Australie: Somerset, Janvier 1875); Coptosomaatriceps (1896 – Zanguebar; Zanzibar); Coptosoma aurivillianum (1894 – &: Svakop,Afrique du Sud-Est); Coptosoma bellatulum (1896 – Perak, Malacca; Poulo Laout prèsBornéo); Coptosoma bifarium (1896 – Chine, Ngan Hoei); Coptosoma bisoculatum (1894 –%: Barway, Inde boréale et 1896 - &: Bengale?); Coptosoma bituminatum (1896 - Kiang-Si,1875); Coptosoma bottegoi (1899 – Da Mat-Agoi a Lugh. Novembre 1895); Coptosomabreviculum (1896 – Se-Tchouen, 1875); Coptosoma bullatum (1900 – &: Madagascar: Baied’Antongil); Coptosoma caliginosum (1893 – Célèbes, Bankala); Coptosoma capitulatum(1894 – Java); Coptosoma cardoni (1896 – Barway, Inde Septentrionale); Coptosomacatagraphum (1892 – Zanzibar); Coptosoma caudatum (1894 – Montagnes des Carin,district des Carin Cheba. 900-1100 mètres d’altitude); Coptosoma centronotatum (1900 –Sumatra, Padang); Coptosoma confusum (1892 – Mozambique, Rikatla); Coptosomaconpunctum; Coptosoma contectum (1893 – Inde; Bengale; Kurseong, Kombir; Darjeling,Inde bor.); Coptosoma cyanescens (1894 – Congo); Coptosoma davidi (1896 - &: Se-Tchouen, 1875); Coptosoma denticeps (1893 – Indes- Orientales); Coptosoma depulsum(1896 – Madagascar, Bezanozano); Coptosoma dilutum (1894 - Cap York, Australie);Coptosoma dissolutum (1900 – Sumatra, Padang); Coptosoma distanti (1893 – Naga Hills.Inde boréale); Coptosoma distigma (1896 – &: Inde); Coptosoma dubiosum (1896 – &:Sumatra, Si-Rambé); Coptosoma erosum (1894 – Montagnes des Carin, district des CarinCheba 900-1100 mètres d’altitude); Coptosoma erugatum (1895 – &: Boran Galla, Auata,Mai 1893); Coptosoma excoffieri (1899 – Yun-nan-sen); Coptosoma falloui (1893 – Gabon;Congo, chutes de Samlia, riv. N. Gamic; Equateur); Coptosoma falloui var. candidulum(1896 – Congo); Coptosoma feanum (1894 - Montagnes des Carin, district des Carin Cheba:Rangoon); Coptosoma fieberi (1894 – &: Nouvelle Guinée: Sorong, Mai 1872); Coptosomafimbriatum var. cingulatum (1896 – Chine); Coptosoma flavescens (1894 – IndesOrientales); Coptosoma frontatum (1894 - Nouvelle Guinée méridionale: Kelesi, Novembre-Décembre 1890), Coptosoma gravidum (1893 – Java; Tonkin); Coptosoma hirsutum (1893 –Gabon); Coptosoma horvathi (1894 – Chine); Coptosoma humile (1893 – Lux, côtes duLoango); Coptosoma immaculatum (1894 – Indes orientales); Coptosoma impicticolle (1900– Sumatra); Coptosoma insignitum (1894 – Iles Philippines); Coptosoma intricatum (1894 –Iles Philippines); Coptosoma junodi (1894 – &: Mozambique, Rikatla); Coptosoma


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laeviusculum (1893 – Madagascar; Zanzibar); Coptosoma laticinctum (1894 – IlesPhilippines); Coptosoma lethierryi (1892 – Inde boréale– Mungphu); Coptosomalibidinosum (1894 – Barway, Inde boréale); Coptosoma limbatum (1896 – Inde, Tenass Vall,Myitta (Doherty); Coptosoma limitatum (1896 – &: patrie…?); Coptosoma loriae (1894 –Nouvelle Guinée: Rigo (Juillet 1889), Ighibirei (Août et Septembre 1890), Dilo, Hula,Kamali, Kapa Kapa; Ile Yule (Juin 1875), Fly River (1876-1877); Coptosoma medians(1896 – Grand Bassam, 1855); Coptosoma miscellum (1894 - Nouvelle Guinée méridionale:Hula, Janvier 1891); Coptosoma modiglianii (1893 – Kifa-juc, mai 1891); Coptosomanasutum (1896 – &: Java; Merang, Sumatra); Coptosoma nebulosum (1892 – Zanguebar);Coptosoma nigricolor (1896 - &: Java); Coptosoma notabile (1894 - &: Chine); Coptosomanothum (1892 – Senegal); Coptosoma noualhieri (1896 – Inde méridionale, Pulney Hills);Coptosoma noualhieri var. obscuratum (1896 – Inde Septentrionale, Barway); Coptosomaobrosum (1894 – Birmanie: Shwegoo); Coptosoma ophthalmicum (1894 – Montagnes desCarin, district des Carin Cheba 900-1100 mètres d’altitude); Coptosoma opimum (1896 –Sumatra, Balighe); Coptosoma ordinatum (1896 – Madagascar, 1837); Coptosomaordinatum var. funebre (1896 – &: Madagascar, 1839); Coptosoma parviceps (1894 –Chine); Coptosoma parvipictum (1892 – Chine: Ho-Chan, prov. Ngan-Hoei. cotype HoChan); Coptosoma perplexum (1896 - &: Java; Sumatra, Pea Ragia); Coptosoma perplexumsuspiciosum (1896 – Buitenzorg, Java); Coptosoma perpunctum (1896 - &: Patrie…?);Coptosoma pilosulum (1892 - Chutes de Samlia, Riv. N. Gamic); Coptosoma politum (1896- &: Iles Philippines); Coptosoma pravum (1896 - Inde, Tenass Vall, Myitta (Doherty);Coptosoma prolaticeps (1896 – Chine, Ngan-Hoei, Ho-chan); Coptosoma pulchellum(1894- Montagnes des Carin, district des Carin Cheba ); Coptosoma pulchellum var.discinctum (1896 – Chine); Coptosoma pulchellum var. impeditum (1896 – Java);Coptosoma pulchellum var. omnimodum (1896 – Inde méridionale, Pulney Hills);Coptosoma punctatissimum (1896 – Japon; Shanghai; Java; Nouvelle Calédonie);Coptosoma puncticeps (1896 – Rikatla, Mozambique et Sierra Leone; Chutes de Samlia,Congo Belge); Coptosoma puncticeps var. compunctum (1896 – Rikatla, Mozambique;Congo); Coptosoma putoni (1898 – &: Akbès, Syrie); Coptosoma pygmaeum (1896 –Ceylan; Pulo Penang; Java; Calcutta); Coptosoma pygmaeum var. accensitum (1896 - &:Sumatra, Java, Ceram et Celebes); Coptosoma pygmaeum var. paradoxum (1896 – Australie,Somerset); Coptosoma rabieri (1896 – Montagnes du Ht Song-Chai, 1895); Coptosomarubromaculatum (1894 - &: Nouvelle Guinée N. O.: Dorei Hum, 1875); Coptosomaschaefferi (1896 – Borneo); Coptosoma sculpturatum (1892 – Madagascar); Coptosomasphaerulum var. illuminatum (1896 – Inde, Barway); Coptosoma signaticolle (1896 – Indeméridionale, Trichinopoly, Pullney Hills); Coptosoma signatum (1894 – Iles Philippines);Coptosoma solitarium (1894 – Birmanie: Shwegoo); Coptosoma sordidulum (1892 – Chine:Ho-Chan, prov. Ngan-Hoei); Coptosoma sparsum (1894 – Barway, Inde boréale);Coptosoma spurium (1896 – Sumatra, Si-Rambé); Coptosoma stabilitum (1900 - NouvelleGuinée); Coptosoma stali (1896 – Vieux Calabar; Gabon; Assinie); Coptosomasubcarinatum (1893 – Zanzibar); Coptosoma subsimile (1893 – Condi, Afrique occidentale?; Chutes de Samlia, riv. N. Gamic); Coptosoma sumatranum (1896 – Sumatra, Pea Ragia,Si Rambé, Balighe, Siboga, Padang – Octobre 1890); Coptosoma tenasserimense (1894 –Tenasserim: Aswon); Coptosoma terminale (1894 - Nouvelle Guinée méridionale: Kelesi,Novembre-Décembre 1890), Coptosoma uniforme (1893 – Java: Buitenzorg, Batavia);Coptosoma validiceps (1894 - Nouvelle Guinée méridionale: Kamali, Fevrier 1891);Coptosoma variolosum (1894– Lux, côtes du Loango,1879); Coptosoma varium (1893 –Birmanie); Coptosoma verrucosum (1896 – &:Thibet, Mou-Pin, 1870); Coptosoma vicinum(1894 – Australie, Somerset, Janvier 1875); Coptosoma viridans (1896 – &: Poulo Laout);Coptosoma vollenhoveni (1896 – Sumatra, Perak, Hué, Ho-Lang Haut Tonkin); CoptosomaW (1893 – &: Barway, Bengale; Bhamo, Birmanie; 1894 - %: Barway, Inde boréale);Coptosoma zonatum (1896 – &: Sumatra, Pangherang Pisang); Cratoplatys (1894);Cratoplatys gestroi (1893 – Palon, Pegou); Fieberisca (1896); Fieberisca ornata (1896 –Inde); Gabonia (1894 ); Gabonia irradiata (1894 – Gabon); Handlirschiella (1892);

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Handlirschiella aenea (1892 – Gabon); Handlirschiella emarginata (1892 – Gabon);Isoplatys (1892); Isoplatys flavonotatus (1892 – Gabon); Livingstonisca (1894);Livingstonisca rugatissima (1894 – Livingstonia, Afrique australe); Madegaschia (1894);Madegaschia distanti (1894 - Madagascar); Madegaschia polita (1894 - &: Madagascar);Madegaschia punctata (1900 – Madagascar: Baie d’Antongil); Montandonia irradiata;Plataspis cincta (1892); Plataspis conspersa (1892 – Madagascar); Plataspis flavosparsa(1894 – Loulouabourg, Haut Kassai, Congo); Plataspis funebris (1899 – Madagascar.Ampasimena); Plataspis gambeyi (1892 – Gabon); Plataspis guirali (1896 – Congo, 1883);Plataspis guttulata (1892 – Gabon; chûtes de Samlia); Plataspis haglundi (1896 –Madagascar); Plataspis maculosa (1899 - &: sur la route de Kassongo à Stanley-Falls, Haut-Congo); Plataspis notatipes (1896 – Plataux de Boshat, Etat d’Orange); Plataspis plagiferaReut. var. punctulata (1896 – Congo, Vall. du Mpozo); Plataspis pulchella (1893 – Gabon);Plataspis tenuipicta (1894 – Kagera Nil, Afrique orientale); Ponsila insolita (1893 –Palawan, Iles Philippines); Ponsila severini (1892 – Chutes de Samlia, Riv. N. Gamic);Probaenops cloetensi (1899 – Beni Bendi Sankuru. Congo belge 1895); Pseudoponsila(1895); Pseudoponsila puncticeps (1895 – &: Ganale Guddà. Arussi G alla, Mars 1893 etBardera. Somali, Août 1893); Schizometopus (1894); Schizometopus obscurus (1894 –Nouvelle Guinée); Severiniella (1894); Severiniella haasi (1894 – Loulouabourg, HautKassai, Congo); Spathocrates (1893); Spathocrates atroaeneus (1893 – cotype Engano.Kila-juc., 1891); Tiarocoris contestatus (1893 – Chan Yoma, Birmanie); Tiarocorisluminatus (1892 – Malacca); …

Family NAUCORIDAE: Ambrysus acutangulus (1897 – Province de Corrientes, 1834);Ambrysus attenuatus (1897 – Villa Rica, Brésil, 1893); Ambrysus bergi (1897 – BuenosAyres); Ambrysus californicus (1897 – S. Californie); Ambrysus circumcinctus (1910);Ambrysus colombicus (1909); Ambrysus crenulatus (1897 – Nouvelle Grenade, Ocana);Ambrysus fraternus (1897 – Goyaz à Cuyaba, 1847); Ambrysus geayi (1897 – Darien,1896); Ambrysus hybrida (1897 – Mexique); Ambrysus horvathi (1909); Ambrysusmexicanus (1897 – Mexique); Ambrysus mormon (1909); Ambrysus mormon heidemanni(1910); Ambrysus nitidulus (1909); Ambrysus oblongulus (1897 – Costa Rica, Talamanca);Ambrysus obscuratus (1898 – Brésil, Pernambuco); Ambrysus ochraceus (1909); Ambrysusparviceps (1897 – Mexique); Ambrysus pulchellus (1897 – Guatemala); Aneurocoris(1897); Aneurocoris insolitus (1897 – Tanganyka, Mpala, 1896); Aptinocoris (1897);Aptinocoris papuus (1897 – Nouvelle Guinée, Hatam, 1875); Aphelocheirus denticeps(1910); Aphelocheirus schoutedeni (1914); Cataractocoris macrocephalus (1897);Cheirochela birmaniensis (1897 – Catcin Cauri, 1886); Cheirochela feana (1897 – CatcinCauri, 1886); Coptocatus (1909); Coptocatus oblongulus (1909); Cryphocricusmacrocephalus (1897 – Haute Vera Paz, 1866); Cryphocricinae (1879); Ctenipocoris(1897); Ctenipocoris asiaticus (1897 – Carin Chebà 1888); Gestroiella (1897); Gestroiellalimnocoroides (1897 – Carin Ghecù, Carin Asciui Chebà 1888); Heleocoris bengalensis(1910); Heleocoris bergrothi (1897 – Indes orientales, Utakamand); Heleocoris grandis(1909); Heleocoris indicus (1897 – Inde, Bellary, 1883); Heleocoris laeviceps (1897 – HautTenasserim); Heleocoris nebulosus (1909); Heleocoris ovatus (1897 – Lakhon, 1878);Heleocoris spinipes (1897 – Novo Friburgo); Heleocoris strabus (1897 – Tenasserim,Thagatà 1887); Heleocoris vicinus (1910); Idiocarus (1897); Idiocarus elongatus (1897 –Sud-Est de la Nouvelle Guinée, Haveri, Paumomou Riv., 1892/93); Laccocoris aurivillii(1897 – Namaquamin); Laccocoris discus (1897 – Cameroun); Laccocoris foncee (1897);Laccocoris horvathi (1897 – Brunei, Bornéo); Laccocoris marginatus (1897 – Bornéo,1886); Laccocoris nervicus (1897 – Sumatra, Balighe, Si Rambe, 1890-91); Laccocorisstaudingeri (1897 – Brunei, Bornéo); Limnocoris bergrothi (1898 – Venezuela); Limnocorisborellii (1897 – Caiza, Bolivie); Limnocoris bouvieri (1898 – Bogota 1862); Limnocorisdissidens (1911); Limnocoris distanti (1911); Limnocoris dubiosus (1898 – Chili 1834;Martinique); Limnocoris inornatus (1898 - Guatemala); Limnocoris maculiceps (1898 –Matto Grosso 1847); Limnocoris nigropunctatus (1909); Limnocoris obscurus (1898 –


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Colombie, Abejoral 1874); Limnocoris ochraceus (1898 – Colombie 1941); Limnocorisovatulus (1897 – Salta, Rep. Argentine); Limnocoris pauper (1897 – Cumbase, Nord duBrésil); Limnocoris pectoralis (1897 – Salta, Rep. Argentine); Limnocoris pusillus (1897 –Novo Friburgo); Limnocoris signoreti (1897 – Mexico); Limnocoris stali (1897 –Venezuela; Guatemala et Bolivie; N-lle Grenade, Ocana); Limnocoris uhleri (1910);Limnocoris virescens (1897 – Costa Rica, Buenos Aires); Macrocoris convexus (1897 –Benué, Niger); Macrocoris handlirschi (1909); Macrocoris laticollis (1909); Macrocorisnigropunctatus (1909); Macrocoris parviceps (1900 – Afrique orientale: Dar-es-Salaam);Naucoris madagascariensis (1899 - Madagascar); Naucoris obscuratus (1913); Naucorissubopacus (1913), Neomacrocoris parviceps (1900); Neomacrocoris usambaricus (1913);Pelocoris biimpressus (1898); Pelocoris minutus (…Rio Apa alta. Paraguay); Pelocorissubflavus (1898); Pseudambrysus (1897); Pseudambrysus fairmairei (1897- Madagascar);Sagocoris biroi (1911); Temnocoris (1897); Temnocoris translucidus (1897 – Madagascar,1897); …

Family NEPIDAE: Amphischizops (1898); Amphischizops compressicollis (1898);Cercotmetus brevipes (1909); Cercotmetus compositus (1903 – Laos 1876, Bangkok, Mahé,Balasore); Cercotmetus dissidens (1909 ?); Cercotmetus strangulatus (1909 ?); Curictaborellii (1903 – San Francisco. République Argentine; co-type: Rep. Argentine); Curictahowardi (1910); Curicta suspecta (1903 – San Leopoldo); Curicta volxemi (1895);Laccotrephes ampliatus; Laccotrephes armatus (1898 – Banana. Congo belge);Laccotrephes armipes (1909); Laccotrephes biimpressus (1912); Laccotrephes calcaratus(1898 – Somalis-Medo Erella); Laccotrephes dissimulatus (1912); Laccotrephesdissimulatus incisus (1912); Laccotrephes elongatus (1912); Laccotrephes latimanus(1909); Laccotrephes oculatus (1898 – Freetown. Sierra Leone; Tomby Congo 1883; ArussiGalla 1893); Laccotrephes papuus (1900 – Nouvelle Guinée Britannique); Laccotrephessimulatus (1913); Laccotrephes vicinus (1914); Nepa ampliata (1895 – Gabon); Nepadepressa (1895 – Congo-Chûtes de Samlia, Riv. N’Gamic); Nepa dilatata (1895 – Niam-Niam); Nepoidea (1895); Nepoidea volxemi (1895 – Sta Cruz, Mexique); Paranepaprimitiva (1912); Ranatra aethiopica (1903 – Scioa: Fallé, 8 février 1885); Ranatra atropha(1905); Ranatra americana (1910); Ranatra bottegoi (1903 – Somalis: Basso Ganana août,septembre 1893); Ranatra brevicauda (1905); Ranatra brevicollis (1905); Ranatra camposi(1910); Ranatra ceana (1910); Ranatra compressicollis (1898 – Venezuela); Ranatradenticulipes (1908); Ranatra diminuta (1906); Ranatra dispar (1903 – Alexandra, Victoria,Australia; Melbourne; Sydney; co-type: Victoria. Alexandra); Ranatra dispar var.longicollis (1903 – Brisbane et Cap York); Ranatra distanti (1910); Ranatra emaciata(1907); Ranatra falloui (1907); Ranatra feana (1903 – Mandalay, Birmanie 1886); Ranatraheydeni (1909); Ranatra longicollis (1908); Ranatra longipes mixta (1907); Ranatraobscura (1906); Ranatra palidenotata (1903); Ranatra robusta; Ranatra segrega (1905);Ranatra signoreti (1903); Ranatra sjoestedti (1905); Ranatra spoliata (1912); Ranatra stali(1905); Telmatotrephes breddini (1907); …

Family LYGAEIDAE: Arocatus subaeneus (1893 - Mozambique, Rikatla); Beosus luscusFabr. var. buyssoni (1889 – Brout-Vernet (Allier) et Toulouse); Beosus buysssoni; Beosusmaritimus f. buyssoni (1889); Blissus hirtus (1893 – Hazleton Pennsylvanie); Blissusminusculus (1893); Blissus pulchellus (1893 – Buenos Aires, Costa Rica); Cymus distinctus;Emblethis angustus (1890 - Algérie: Oran, Tlemcen; Batna, Biskra; Corse; Avignon(France); Emblethis parvus (1890 – Algérie: Bône, Oran; Tanger); Emblethis verbasci Fabr.var. minor (1890 – Biskra; Bône; Hyères); Emblethis verbasci Fabr. var. major (1890 –Maroc; Jerusalem; Oran); Eremocoris obscuratus (1895 – Plainesci (district de RimnicSarat); Geocoris alluaudi (1908); Geocoris anemiatus (1907); Geocoris atricolor; Geocorisblandus (1907); Geocoris bottegoi (1907); Geocoris conjugator (1908); Geocoris dolosus(1907); Geocoris dubreuili (1908); Geocoris hirsutus (1906); Geocoris infuscatus (1907);Geocoris junodi (1906); Geocoris maindroni; Geocoris notabilis (1907); Geocoris pilosulus

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(1907); Geocoris puberulus (1907); Geocoris schoutedeni (1908); Geocoris scissilis (1913);Geocoris sjoestedti (1908); Geocoris villosulus (1907); Germalus montrouzieri (1913);Gonatas obscuratus; Gonianotus barbarus (1890 – Tunisie, Oudref; Algérie, Géryville,Mécheria ); Graptopeltus angustatus (1889 – Amour); Graptopeltus validus Horv. var.lethierryi (1889- Corfou); Graptostethus dissidens (1893 – Benué, Niger et Rikatla,Mozambique); Hypogeocoris bergevini (1913); Hypogeocoris kilimandjariensis (1908);Lasiocoris antennatus (1889 – Demindje Keuy, Bosphore et Parnasse); Lygaeusconsanguineus (1893 – Rufisque, Sénégal; Benué, Niger); Lygaeus melanospiloides (1893 –Ile de Poulo Condore, Cochinchine); Melanocoryphus melanospiloides; Ninyas distanti(1906); Oncopeltus bicinctus (1861); Peritrechus ambiguus Horv. var. pallipes (1889-Bucarest); Pezocoris reuteri (1889 – Pamir: Turkestan); Stenophthalmicus horvathi (1908);Stenophthalmicus mixtus (1897 – Sfax, 1896); Stygnocoris mandibularis (1889 – Oran;envir. de Biskra; La Calle); Stylogeocoris biroi (1913); …

Family PENTATOMIDAE: Aelia henschi (1886 – environs de Gorice et environs deMonfalcone); Aspavia acuminata (1894 – Assinie, Guinée); Aspavia nigricosta (1894 –Natal, Howick; Zanzibar); Banasa virescens (…- Costa Rica. Alajuela); Brachynemacinctum var. miniatulum (1900 – La Nouvelle, Aude); Brachynema cinctum var. splendidum(1900 – Environs de Biskra); Brachynema venustulum (1900 – &: Ammi Moussa,Département d’Oran, Algérie); Cosmopepla coerulata (1893 – Venezuela; Costa Rica);Cosmopepla uhleri (1893 – Vancouver Island; Los Angeles); Dendrocoris pini (1893 -Argus Mountains, Cal.- coll. on Pinus monophylla. May 91); Demoleus haglundi (1895 –Resistencia); Demoleus lethierryi (1895 – Montevideo); Edessa diolleyi; Eurostus moutoni(1894 – Chine: % Ngan Hoei, & Zo-sé); Eurostus ochraceus (1894 – Chine; Borneo);Eurygaster schreiberi (1885 – Gorice (Illyrie); Leprosoma carinatum (1895 – Plainesci(District de Rimnic Sarat); Niarius haglundi (1903 – Alexandra, Victoria); Oncocorisdimidiatus (1903 – Australie, Victoria, Alexandra); Oncocoris lethierryi (1903 - Australie);Oncocoris subsimilis (1903 – Australie, Victoria, Alexandra); Oplomus punctatus (1895 –Salta); Placosternum obtusum (1894 – &: Mysore, Inde Anglaise); Platycoris distinctus(1903 – Alexandra, Victoria); Podisus borellii (1895 – Salta); Tarisa setulosa (1900 -Environs de Biskra); Thyreocoris borellii (1895 – Salta, San Pablo); Tyoma verrucosa (1894– Bénué, Niger); …

Family BELOSTOMATIDAE: Amorgius camposi (1900 – Guayaquil, Equateur; co-type:Ecuador, La Palma; Provincia de Los Rios); Amorgius niloticus var. persicus (…- co-type:Bussorah); Amorgius insulanus; Amorgius oculatus; Appasus severini (1896 – BananaBoma, Congo Belge); Belostoma aurivillianum (1913); Belostoma bakeri (1913); Belostomaboutareli (1895 – Cochinchine); Belostoma candidulum (1903 – Rio Grande do Sul, Brésil;co-type: Brésil); Belostoma cordophanum f. persica (1898); Belostoma denticolle (1903 –Guyanes, Surinam, Cayenne; co-type: Cavenne Pillault); Belostoma discretum (1903 – SanPaolo de Olivença, Amazone; province de Corrientes 1834 et Brésil, Manaos; Rio Apa,Haut-Paraguay; co-type: N. Amazone Faro); Belostoma edentulum (1898 – Rockhampton,Queensland, Australie); Belostoma gestroi (1900 – Argentine et Paraguay); Belostomahorvathi (1903 - Sta Catharina, Brésil); Belostoma insulanum (1898 – Nouvelle Calédonie etNouvelle Guinée); Belostoma mayri (1896 – Brésil); Belostoma dentatum var. major (1903);Belostoma noualhieri (1903 – Rio Grande do Sul); Belostoma oculatum (1896 –Madagascar); Belostoma niloticum var. persicum (1898 – Bussorah, non loin del’embouchure du Chat el Arab dans le Golfe Persique); Belostoma sanctulum (1903 –Espirito Santo, Brésil; co-type: Espirito Santo Brasil); Belostoma uhleri (1896 – Floride;Pennsylvanie; Kansas); Diplonychus stappersi (1911); Horvathinia (1911); Horvathiniapelocoroides (1911); Hydrocyrius nanus (1906 – co-type &: West Africa); Kirkaldyia(1909); Lethocerus oculatus (1908); Limnogeton expansum (1896 – Tanganyka); Zaithaaurivilliana (Colombie; Brésil; Vénézuéla); Zaitha bergi (1899 – Buenos-Ayres; RioGrande); Zaitha elongata (1899 – Paraguay alta); Zaitha martini (1899 – Patagonie); …


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Alydus conspersus (1893); Anacanthopus (1894); Anacanthopus flavolimbatus (1894 - Iolo,Iles Philippines); Aphelocheirus denticeps (1910); Aphelocheirus sinensis (1892 – Chine:Ho-Chan, province de Ngan-Hoei); Aradellus fulvus (1907), Aradellus nigerrimus (1910);Aradellus pallidicornis (1907); Berytinus crassipes H.-S. var. intermedia (1887 – environsde Sinaia; Cruce; Dürnstein); Byrsinocoris (1900); Byrsinocoris nigroscutellatus (1900 –Environs de Biskra); Camptobrochis putoni (1885 – Dobroudja: Mãcin (Greci); Monast. deCucoºu); Catoplatus dacicus (1895 – Plainesci. District de Rimnic Sarat); Catoplatusdistinctus (1895 – Comana (District de Vlaºca); Cyclotynaspis (1892); Cyclotynaspisacalyptoides (1892 - Singapore); Cyphodema mendosa (1887 – Bilek, Herzégovine);Deraeocoris putoni (1885); Diaphorocoris (1897); Diaphorocoris notatus (1897 - Ceylan);Enithares bergrothi (1892 – Nouvelle Calédonie); Eurostus moutoni (1894 – Chine, Zo-sé;Ho-chan, province de Ngan Hoei); Eurostus ochraceus (1894 - Chine); Euryceraglabricornis (1892 – Mozambiques, Rikatla); Galeatus debilis (1887 – Bilek, Herzégovine);Galgulus vicinus (…Costa Rica el Coronel 750 m); Gelastocoris major (1910); Heleocorisbreviceps (1897 – Indes orientales); Heleocoris elongatus (1897 – Indes orientales);Heleocoris naucoroides (1897 – Madagascar, 1883; Andrangoloaka); Heleocoris nebulosus(1909); Heleocoris obscuratus (1897 – Sumatra, Siboga); Holoptilus capensis; Hyoideahorvathi (1890 – Algérie: Oran); Kalama theryi (1897 – Saint-Charles, près Philippeville.Algérie); Laccocoraria (1897); Lasiotropis amplicosta (1897 – Tenied-el-Haad, mai 1892.cotype); Limnocoris horvathi (1900 – Pérou: Callanga); Lisarda geniculata; Lisarda pallida;Lisarda raffrayi; Matinus americanus (1899 - Esp. Santo, 1898); Matinus elongatus (1899 –Australie 1878); Matinus grandis (1899 – Australie); Matinus stali (1899 - &: Australieoccidentale); Megochterus nasutus (1898); Monanthia putoni (1895 – Vallée du Berlad,dans les environs de Zorleni, Moldavie); Mononyx ampliatus (1899 – Nouvelle Guinée);Mononyx femoralis (1899 – Australie, Sidney, Champion Bay); Mononyx grossus (1899 –Thibet, Mou-pin; Se Tchouen); Mononyx intermedius (1899); Mononyx latus (1899 –Nanegal-Equateur); Mononyx lobatus (1899 – Sumatra, Pangherang Pisang; Java); Mononyxmixtus (1899 – Nouvelle Guinée; Nouvelle Bretagne 1889; Amboine 1859; Cap York; PortDenison Australie; Addelaide R.N.W. Australie); Mononyx peruvianus (1905 - PeruCallanga) ; Mononyx serratus (1897 – Carin Chebà, Carin Ghecù); Mononyx tuberculatus(1899 – &: Port Denison, Australie); Monosteira minutula (1897 – Taguin (provinced’Alger), 1895); Myrmedobia bedeli (1887 - &: forêt de l’Edough. Algerie); Nagusta junodi(1892 - Rikatla); Nasocoris platycranoides (1890 – Algérie: Oran); Neuroctenus debilicornis(1892 – Gabon); Notopomus (1894); Notopomus isidorei (1894 – Pulo Pénang);Oncocephalus vaulogeri (1892 – Algérie: Oued Deurdeur, Juin 1892); Pelocoris magister(1898 – Novo Friburgo; Espirito Santo); Pelocoris minutus (1895 – Rio Apa alto); Pelocorisnitidus (1898 – Isthme de Darien, Lagune de Pita); Pelocoris politus (1895 – Rio Apa Alto,Paraguay); Pelocoris subflavus (1898 – Brésil, Rio Grande); Pelogonus nasutus (1898 –Australie 1846; El Boilvier 1897); Pelogonus splendidulus (1898 – Nanegal, Équateur);Phonergates junodi; Ploiariola xambeni (1885 – Montélimar Drôme); Psallus puberulus(1887 – Bilek. Herzégovine); Putoniella (1897); Putoniella vaulogeri (1897 – Sfax, 1896);Reduvius notabilipes (1892 - Obock); Saica fokkeri; Scipinia aculeata ?; Selenymenum(1894); Selenymenum contractum (1894 - Banana-Boma, Congo); Selenymenum piriforme(1894 – &: Freetown, Sierra-Leone); Sinea rileyi (1893 – Panamint Valley, California);Sphedanolestes sanguineus f. albosignatus; Stibaropus laevicollis (1897- Sfax, 1896);Temnostethus bucuresciensis (1895 – Bucarest, deux exemplaires sur un poirier à Filarete);Tessaratoma miscella (1894 – %: Loanda, &: Gabon); Tessaratoma viridans (1894);Tropidocheila pilosa amplicosta (1897 – Teniet el Haad); Vadimon bergrothi (1892 –Mozambique, Rikatla; Ogoué); …

** For the first time in 1974 Pandele in his diploma project presents lists of taxa. We revisedand completed these lists adding also, where it was possible the collecting data of the

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materials that underlie for the species description too. For this purpose we used the originalpapers and specimens from the “Grigore Antipa” National Museum of Natural History, andalso some other information sources. In our lists we exerted to present the taxa bearing theoriginal names given by Montandon.Given that none of the authors of this paper is an entomologist and general speaking thesystematics of insecta and especially of Heteroptera was many times changed in the lasthundred years, we present the Heteroptera grouped in families with a large number of taxaonly. These taxa are presented aphabetically.We marked with bold the new genera.

Annex II: Some taxa dedicated to A.-L. Montandon

HETEROPTERA: Abedus montandoni De Carlo; Anoplocnemis montandoni Distant;Aphelocheirus montandoni Horváth; Aradus montandoni Reuter, 1885; Artagerusmontandoni Bergroth; Caternaultiella montandoni; Cliduchus montandoni Bergroth;Compseuta montandoni Distant, 1904; Compseuta montandoni simulans Horvath, 1910;Curicta montandoni Martin, 1898; Dictyla montandoni (Horvath, 1885); Dicyphusmontandoni Reuter, 1888; Glossopelta montandoni Handlirsch, 1897; Hallodapusmontandoni Reuter, 1895; Heleocoris bengalensis montandoni Lundblad, 1933; Isoplatysmontandoni; Laccocoris montandoni Izzard, 1936; Macrotylus montandoni Reuter, 1900;Monanthia montandoni Horvath, 1885; Monanthia montandoni var. rivalis Horvath, 1885;Montandoneus Kirkaldy, 1904; Montandonia Haglund, 1894; Montandoniella Puton, 1888;Montandoniella Schouteden, 1904; Montandoniola Poppius, 1909; MontandonistaKirkaldy, 1901; Montandonistella Schouteden, 1905; Mormidea montandoni Kirkaldy;Myrmedobia montandoni Reuter; Nerthra montandoni Melin, 1930; Notonecta montandoniKirkaldy, 1897; Potamometra montandoni Kirkaldy, 1899; Psallus montandoni Reuter,1894; Pseudoponsila montandoni; Reduvius montandoni Reuter; Severiniella montandoniBreddin, 1898; Thaumastaneis montandoni Kirkaldy & Edwards, 1902; Tuponiamontandoni Reuter, 1899; …

INSECTA varia: Apion montandoni Desbrochers; Barynotus montandoni Pic; Callimenusmontandoni Burr, 1898; Cardiocondyla montandoni Santschi; Chamaesphecia montandoniLe Cerf, 1922; Claviger montandoni Raffray; Elater montandoni Buysson; Malthinusmontandoni Pic; Otiorrhynchus montandoni Solari; Phosphaenopterus montandoniBourgeois; Montandonia Jacquet, 1886; …

Another Taxa: Barylestis montandoni (Lessert, 1929); Clausilia montandoni (Sturany);Molge montandoni = Triturus montandoni (Boulenger); Strigillaria fraudigera var.montandoni Sturany; Vipera montandoni = Vipera ammodytes montandoni (Boulenger);Xerophila montandoni Clessin, 1886; …


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Fig. 1 – Original drawings of Montandon from „Nouvelles espèces de Coréides de l’Amériqueintertropicale” (Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 1895).

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Fig. 2 – Excursions en Dobroudja (Angers, 1887).

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Fig. 3 – Original inventory of the Montandon Heteroptera collection (fragments).

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Fig. 4 – General Exhibition 1906. “ Mines et Carrières” pavilion.

Fig. 5 – Montandon’s house, built 1909. 2 Fabrica de Chibrituri Str., Bucharest.(foto G. Andrei, 2004)

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Fig. 6 – A. L. Montandon, August 1911.