applications of neural networks to the simulation of

This document is downloaded from DR‑NTU ( Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Applications of neural networks to the simulation of dynamics of open quantum systems Bandyopadhyay, Sayantan; Huang, Zhongkai; Sun, Kewei; Zhao, Yang 2018 Bandyopadhyay, S., Huang, Z., Sun, K., & Zhao, Y. (2018). Applications of neural networks to the simulation of dynamics of open quantum systems. Chemical Physics, 515, 272‑278. doi:10.1016/j.chemphys.2018.05.019 © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. This paper was published in Chemical Physics and is made available with permission of Elsevier B.V. Downloaded on 02 Jan 2022 22:10:40 SGT

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Applications of neural networks to the simulationof dynamics of open quantum systems

Bandyopadhyay, Sayantan; Huang, Zhongkai; Sun, Kewei; Zhao, Yang


Bandyopadhyay, S., Huang, Z., Sun, K., & Zhao, Y. (2018). Applications of neural networks tothe simulation of dynamics of open quantum systems. Chemical Physics, 515, 272‑278.doi:10.1016/j.chemphys.2018.05.019

© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. This paper was published in Chemical Physics and ismade available with permission of Elsevier B.V.

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Page 2: Applications of neural networks to the simulation of

Applications of neural networks to the simulation of quantum dynamics of openquantum systems

Sayantan Bandyopadhyay1, Zhongkai Huang1, Kewei Sun2, and Yang Zhao1∗1Division of Materials Science,

Nanyang Technological University,Singapore 639798, Singapore

2School of Science, Hangzhou Dianzi University,Hangzhou 310018, China

(Dated: April 28, 2018)

Despite neural networks’ success, their applications to open-system dynamics are few. In thiswork, non-linear autoregressive neural networks are adopted to generalize time series of expectationvalues of observables of interest in open quantum systems. Using Dirac-Frenkel time-dependentvariation with the multiple Davydov D2 Ansatz, we obtain first stages of dynamical states of both thespin-boson model and the dissipative Landau-Zener model. With calculated data, careful trainingof the non-linear neural networks is performed. It is shown that training quality of the networksis sufficient to ensure a least mean square error of 1 × 10−11. Subsequently, the network is crossvalidated by testing with additional data. Successes of the network training demonstrate thatinitial data of simulated open-system dynamics contain sufficient knowledge regarding its futurepropagation. We use the first-stage information and the trained network to predict future values oftarget observables in the series, and succeed with considerable accuracy.


Simulation of quantum dynamics plays an essential rolein a variety of fields, such as atomic and molecular physics[1–3], quantum optics [4], solid state physics [5], chemicalphysics [6], and quantum information science [7]. Since areal system in general cannot be completely isolated fromits surroundings, to accurately describe the state of aquantum system, it is necessary to consider the influenceof its environment, which has been demonstrated to playa vital role in its dynamical behavior. For instance, theenvironment may alter the interaction between the twoenergy levels of a quantum two-state system [10]. Suchexamples are plentiful in various systems ranging fromquantum computers [8] to light-harvesting aggregates [9].

The environment is typically modelled as a bath cou-pled to the target system. Due to the complexity ofsystem-bath interactions, it is difficult to devise exactanalytical solutions for the dynamics of most open quan-tum systems. A variety of techniques has been developedin the context of open quantum systems, such as themulticonfiguration time-dependent Hartree method [11]and the density matrix renormalization group method-ology [12]. In general, methods for the study of openquantum systems can be classified into two types: wave-function based methods that operate in the Hilbert space[13, 14] and density matrix based approaches in the Li-ouville space of the system [15, 16]. These methods haveproven their validities in fields such as quantum measure-ment theory [17], quantum statistical mechanics [18], andquantum thermodynamics [19].

∗Electronic address: [email protected]

However, methodologies used to investigate dynamicsof the open quantum system can differ greatly dependingon target systems and desired objectives. For example,approaches used for chemical physics [20] have differentapproximations from those in quantum optics [21]. But,each method developed for the open quantum systemhas its limitations. For instance, methods such as quasi-adiabatic propagator path integral (QUAPI) [15] and hi-erarchical equations of motion [16] are considered exactbut computationally expensive. Perturbative methodssuch as the master equation method are able to provideefficient calculations but can become inaccurate in cer-tain parameter regimes[22].

In recent years, artificial intelligence has attracted con-siderable attention as a suitable neural network can re-duce the computational cost dramatically. Neural net-works have been in numerous ways to solve quantumproblems. Combined with variational principles it hasbeen used for analysis of the quantum entanglement[23]. It has been shown that deep neural network canefficiently represent most physical states, including theground states of many-body Hamiltonians [24]. The mul-tiscale entanglement renormalization ansatz along witha deep neural network was used to remove the problemwith sampling [25]. Machine learning has also been usedalong with Bayesian statistics to speed up hybrid MonteCarlo simulations [26]. Recent progress has been made inapplying artificial intelligence on dynamics of open quan-tum system. For example, Cerrillo et al. have combinedthe time evolving density matrix using orthogonal poly-nomials algorithm with the transfer tensors formalism tothe analysis, compression and propagation of non Marko-vian processes [27–29]. Carleo et al. have also demon-strated that a reinforcement-learning scheme is capableof both describing the unitary time evolution of proto-

Page 3: Applications of neural networks to the simulation of


typical interacting spins models in one and two dimen-sions [30]. All this provides inspiration for more neural-network investigations into the analysis of the dynamicalobservables in various open quantum systems.In this work, the dynamical neural network is em-

ployed to simulate open-system quantum dynamics. Thefirst stage of the dynamics is obtained by using the Dirac-Frenkel variational principle with the multiple DavydovD2 trial state. With data obtained, we train and test suit-able nonlinear neural nets to determine the validity of ourapproach as non-linear autoregressive neural network isthe simplest and the most convenient method available tous that can be trained to predict a time series from thatseries past values efficiently. For example, this methodhas been used to study the nonlinear behaviours such aschaotic optical intensities in laser [31, 32]. Our approachhas been applied, with great success, to the dynamicsof the time-independent spin-boson Hamiltonian and thetime-dependent Landau-Zener Hamiltonian.The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In

Sec. II, we present the neural network approach and ourtrial wave function, the multiple Davydov D2 Ansatz.Dynamics of the spin-boson model is investigated inSec. III A. Finally, dynamics in the dissipative Landau-Zener model is described in Sec. III B. Conclusions aredrawn in Sec. IV.


This methodology section is divided into two subsec-tions based on the objectives. First part of the sectioncontains a brief introduction of the biologically inspiredneural network, while the second part covers the intrica-cies of the multiple Davydov trial states which was usedto model the dynamical observables data. As the pri-mary focus of this work is the neural networks we shallintroduce it first.

A. Neural network method

Artificial neural networks are designed to mimic theabilities of their biological counterparts when augmentedwith appropriate mathematical models. It has showngreat promise in modeling dynamic nonlinear time seriesdue to its intelligence to identify time series patterns andnonlinear characteristics [31, 32].As shown in Fig. 1, the elementary neuron is the ba-

sic building block of the network. It takes R inputs(Pi) and assigns an appropriate weight (W1i) to the in-puts. The weight factors model the synapse between thetwo neurons. Since a biological neuron has a thresholdfor activation, the artificial neurons are equipped with atransfer function. Further, a bias b is added to the algo-rithm as an offset value that helps the signal to exceedthe transfer function’s threshold. The weighted inputsW1iPi and the bias are summed to form the net input

Figure 1: Elementary neuron with R inputs. The sum ofweighted inputs and bias b form the net input n to the transferfunction f to generate the output.

n to the transfer function. The output can be gener-ated using various transfer functions, such as the lin-ear function (n = f(n) = a), the log-sigmoid function(n = f(n) = 1

1+e−n ), and the hyperbolic tangent sigmoid

function (a = f(n) = en−e−n

en+e−n ). Using mathematical no-tation, the output a of a neuron can be presented asfollows,

a = f(b+∑i

W1iPi) (1)

Artificial neural networks are formed by connecting in-dividual neurons using weighted links. The neural net-work aims to transform the raw inputs into meaningfuloutputs. Among various types of neural networks, themulti-layer perceptron network stands out due to its flex-ibility since it contains an input layer, a variable numberof hidden layers and an output layer. In the framework ofthe multi-layer perceptron, recurrent neural networks canadd additional weights to the network to form a directedgraph along a sequence, allowing it to use its internalstate (memory) to process sequences of inputs and dealwith problems with temporal component. The non-linearautoregressive neural network is a type of recurrent neu-ral network that describes a discrete, non-linear, autore-gressive system which is given by the following equation

y(t) = h(y(t− 1), y(t− 2), ..., y(t− d)) (2)

where d is the number of delays, meaning that the neu-ral network uses d previous values of the series to predictthe value of a data series y at time t. h (·) is an unknownfunction ahead of the training of the neural network. Af-ter the training, this function is approximated by utiliz-ing the optimization of the network weights and neuronbias.

As shown in Fig. 2, the non-linear autoregressive neuralnetwork is a multilayer, recurrent network with feedbackconnections and uses previous values of the actual timeseries to predict next values. The number of neurons andhidden layers are user definable. Decreasing the numberof neurons and hidden layers can improve the compu-tation time per iteration at the cost of its accuracy. Italso has an added problem of being too specific to the

Page 4: Applications of neural networks to the simulation of


Figure 2: Non-linear autoregressive neural network is a re-current, dynamic network with feedback connections. Thenext term in a sequence is predicted from a fixed number ofprevious terms using delay taps.

input data. On the other hand, a large number of neu-rons and layers will build a complicated network and leadto a overfitting problem. In this case, the performanceon the training data will increase while the performanceon unseen data becomes worse. Thus to provide reliableperformance, these numbers need to be determined byoptimization through a trial-and-error procedure.The training process starts with tuning the weights

and biases of the network to reach optimization whichis defined by the minimization of the least mean squareerror (MSE). The error between the network output aand the target output t is given by

MSE =1



(ti − ai)2


To minimise the linear combination of the squared er-rors, the common minimization algorithms available arethe Bayesian regularization [33], Levenberg-Marguardt[34, 35], and the scaled conjugated gradient algorithms.Levenberg-Marguardt algorithm is mostly used due to itsefficiency in generating a trained network which has ex-cellent generalization abilities. Backpropagation in usedto calculate the Jacobian of the performance index withrespect to the weight and bias of the variables.Since the nonlinear optimisation algorithm depends on

the second order properties of the errors surface, the Hes-sian matrix is a required calculation. But since it is dif-ficult to calculate efficiently, various methods are usedto find an approximation. Hessian matrix H is approxi-mated as JTJ , where J is the Jacobian for the calculationwhich is computed using the standard backpropagationmethod and is given by J = ∇E [36]. E is the errorfunction with respect to the weights. In this work, weassume that the performance is a given by MSE. Thegradient is given by g = JTE.The bias are optimized using the algorithm given

bk+1 = bk −[JTJ + µI

]−1JTE (4)

where µ is a scalar and I is an identity matrix.The error autocorrelation function gives us the relation

between the time and the errors in the prediction. In aperfect prediction model, the non-zero value should only

occur at zero lag which is the MSE. If the error auto-correlation has a pattern, then it implies that the neuralnetwork is lacking some component which is generatingthe extra pattern in the errors. It can generally be im-proved by using a higher number of delays. For a seriesy(t) the coefficients are given by

rk =

∑Tt=k+1 (yt − y)

(yt−k − yt−k

)/(T − k)∑T

t=1 (yt − y)2/T


where y is the sample mean and rk describes the auto cor-relation of yt and yt−k. For an artificial neuron network,the variable should be predictive and not correlated.

In this work, we have calculated one set of data fora specific case using the multiple Davydov D2 Ansatz.This data set was calculated at a very small-time step toboth give us many points to train with and increase theaccuracy of the data. We have used this data to traina network with a large number of delays but a smallernumber of neurons.

B. Multiple Davydov trial states

In this subsection, we present a brief introductionto time-dependent variation with the multiple DavydovAnsatze and define some operators of interest. For thispurpose, we consider the spin-boson Hamiltonian as anexample. The Hamiltonian is expressed as

H = HS + HB + HSB (6)


HS =ϵ

2σz +

2σx (7)

HB =


~ωq b†q bq

HSB =N∑q=1



†q + bq) (8)

Here, σx and σz are the Pauli matrices. ϵ and ∆ arethe energy bias and the coupling constant between twoelectronic states, respectively. ~ = 1 is assumed through-out. ωq indicates the frequency of the q-th mode of the

bath with creation (annihilation) operator b†q(bq). λq isthe strength of the coupling between the system and theq-th mode. The environment and its coupling to the sys-tem are characterized by an Ohmic type spectral densityfunction,

J (ω) =∑q

γ2q δ (ω − ωq) = 2αωce

−ω/ωc (9)

where α is the dimensionless coupling strength, ωc de-notes the cutoff frequency.

Page 5: Applications of neural networks to the simulation of


Finite temperature effects can be simulated by adopt-ing a Monte Carlo importance sampling method, in whichinitial conditions for variational parameters are chosenwith the Monte Carlo importance sampling in accordancewith the equilibrium distribution [37].The multiple Davydov trial states with multiplicity

M are essentially M copies of the corresponding singleDavydov Ansatz [38, 39]. They were developed to inves-tigate the polaron model [13, 14, 40] and the spin-bosonmodel [41] following the Dirac-Frenkel variational princi-ple. In the two-level system, one of the multiple Davydovtrial states, the multiple D2 Ansatz, also known as themulti-D2 Ansatz with multiplicity M , can be constructedas




{Ai(t) |↑⟩ exp


fiq(t)b†q −H.c.




{Bi(t) |↓⟩ exp


fiq(t)b†q −H.c.


}, (10)

where H.c. denotes the Hermitian conjugate, and |0⟩ isthe vacuum state of the bosonic bath. Ai and Bi aretime-dependent variational parameter for the amplitudesin states |↑⟩ and |↓⟩, respectively, and fiq(t) are thebosonic displacements, where i and q label the i-th co-herent superposition state and q-th effective bath mode,respectively. If M = 1, the multi-D2 Ansatz is reducedto the usual Davydov D2 trial state.Equations of motion of the variational parameters

ui =Ai, Bi and fiq are then derived by adopting theDirac-Frenkel variational principle,





)− ∂L


= 0. (11)

For the multi-D2 Ansatz, the Lagrangian L2 is given by

L2 = ⟨DM2 (t)| i~



∂t− H|DM

2 (t)⟩



2 (t)|−→∂


2 (t)⟩ − ⟨DM2 (t)|



2 (t)⟩

]− ⟨DM

2 (t)|H|DM2 (t)⟩. (12)

Detailed derivations of the equations of motion forthe variational parameters are given in Refs.[10, 42].In the numerical calculations, the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method is used to integrate the equations of mo-tion.The expectation value of the observable of interest at

zero temperature can be calculated as⟨O(t)



2 (t)∣∣ O ∣∣DM

2 (t)⟩


The expectation value of the observable at a finite tem-perature can be obtained numerically by the technique

Figure 3: Structure of the neural network used to estimatetime series of observables in open quantum systems discussedin this work. The hyperbolic tangent sigmoid transfer func-tion and the linear transfer function are used in the hiddenlayer and output layer, respectively.

of Monte Carlo importance sampling as⟨O(t)






2 (t;αi)∣∣ O ∣∣DM

2 (t;αi)⟩


where Ns is the sampling number. The configuration αi

for the bath is numerically generated according to p(α;β)by importance sampling, where p(α;β) is the Boltzmanndistribution used as the weighting function in the impor-tance sampling procedure [37].


In this work, the trajectories of the correlated reducedopen system state are computed by means of the time-dependent variational method. These trajectories con-tain key information about the environmental influenceand the effect of initial correlations onto the open systemdynamics. The construction of the dynamical neural netdepends on the complexity of the observable trajectories.The created neural net needs careful testing and valida-tion for further usage.

A. Dynamics of the spin-boson model

In this subsection, we apply the dynamical neural net-work method to the dynamics of the spin-boson model.In order to demonstrate the applicability of our approachto unraveling many-body dynamics, a principal observ-able of interest to look into is the population differencebetween the electronic states, Pz(t), calculated as

Pz(t) = ⟨σz(t)⟩ =1




2 (t;αi)∣∣σz

∣∣DM2 (t;αi)


Firstly, we study the dynamics of the spin-boson modelwith a single boson mode. The Hamiltonian is expressedby

H =ϵ

2σz +

2σx + ~ωb†b+



† + b), (16)

which can be obtained from Hamiltonian (6) if only oneboson mode is present. To study the dynamics of Hamil-tonian (16), we have created a network using 3 hidden

Page 6: Applications of neural networks to the simulation of








t and



Response of Training network

Training TargetsResponse

20 40 60 80 100 120 140








(Targets - Outputs)



Figure 4: (a) Response of the neural net output to the trainingdata. The training data is on Pz(t) of the spin-boson modelwith a single boson mode. (b) Difference between the trainingdata and their outputs. The parameter used by the multi-D2

Anstaz for Pz(t) is M = 5, ϵ = 0, ∆ = −0.1ω, kBT = 1ω,γ = 0.8 and ω = 1.

neurons and 45 delays. This network is displayed as agraphical diagram in Fig. 3. The first block in the dia-gram shows the delay and the number of neurons used.It also indicates that the transfer function used to calcu-late the weight and biases is a hyperbolic tangent sigmoidtransfer function.

The network created is populated by the data obtainedfrom the multi-D2 Ansatz with γ = 0.8. The response ofthe network to the training data can be seen in Fig. 4(a). The accuracy of this result gives us the first indica-tion in the training quality. In Fig. 4 (b) we have plottedthe deviation of the variational outcome from the resultobtained by the network. The numerical calculation inthe variational method breaks down under very specificconditions. This manifests as small but sharp jumps (sin-gularity points) in the simulation for the observables likePz(t). To mitigate this error a smaller time step can beutilised. But due to computational constrains, we haveoptimised between efficiency and accuracy while insuringthat inaccuracies remain negligible. The network train-ing is however generalized enough to not reflect the sharpjumps in its output. The number of delays implementedin the network is based on the error autocorrelation func-tion results which are shown in Fig. 5. As stated earlier,for a good training the network should have a lag as closeto 0 as possible to have a predictive network.

After the neural network is created and trained, it istested with additional data to cross validate, which isa process to analyze the training of the network and itsability to predict. The cross validation is implemented forthe trained network but using a different data set. Thisdata was obtained by doing a separate numerical calcu-lation for another set of parameters for the spin-bosonmodel with a single boson mode. Validation results cor-

-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
















10-12 Autocorrelation of Error 1CorrelationsZero CorrelationConfidence Limit

Figure 5: Autocorrelation of error in the prediction for thetrained neural net. Autocorrelation coefficients measure thedegree of correlation between neighboring data observationsin the series of Pz(t) for the coupling strength γ = 0.8.

responding to the target is shown in Fig. 6. Validatingthe network is an important step as all machine learningalgorithms must be checked for their ability to general-ize. We can then use the trained network for testing anew set of data. This process also helps us understandthe accuracy of the neural network. The neural networkis validated using the data obtained from a different cou-pling strength of α = 0.5. We can see that the outputand the original data agree with each other. The MSEis less than 10−11. This means that the testing outputhas a similar or better accuracy than that of the originalcalculation using the multi-D2 Ansatz, as we allow for amaximum error of 5 × 10−4. The network is validatedusing two data sets: Pz(t) for a weak coupling strengthand for an intermediate coupling strength.

Secondly, we study the dynamics of the spin-bosonmodel with multiple boson modes, which is representedby Hamiltonian (6). A neural network is carefully trainedfurther following the same procedure described above forthe single mode scenario. We demonstrate that a welltrained neural net is able to avoid the artificial recur-rence problem induced by the limited number of bosonmodes in the variational method and accurately predictthe dissipative behavior of Pz(t) at long times.

As an open quantum system and its thermal bath witha finite number of modes together form an isolated sys-tem. According to the Poincare recurrence theorem, thequantum system will eventually return to a state almostidentical to its initial state [43]. To circumvent this re-currence, the bath has to be expanded theoretically tocontain an infinite number of boson modes. In numer-ical calculations, an enormous number of boson modesare forced to be adopted to ensure that the Poincare re-currence time Tp = 2π/∆ω exceeds any time scale ofinterest, where ∆ω is the boson frequency spacing as the

Page 7: Applications of neural networks to the simulation of








t and



Response of Output validation w.r.t. Targets


50 100 150 200 250








(Targets - Outputs)(b)


Figure 6: (a) Response of Output validation with respect toTargets. (b) Difference between the targets and the outputs.The target data is on Pz(t) for M = 5, ϵ = 0, ∆ = −0.1ω,kBT = 1ω, γ = 0.5 and ω = 1.

discretization of the spectral density function [44].As shown in Fig. 7, a safe distance from the Poincare

recurrence is a timescale less than t = 400/ωc if numberof modes is set to N = 100. In contrast, the dissipatedPz(t) is predicted exactly using the well trained dynam-ical neural net. After we combine the first stage calcula-tion from theDM=4

2 and the second stage from the neuralnet method, the result is in agreement with the bench-mark result from the numerically exact iterative QUAPItechnique.

B. Dynamics of the dissipative Landau-Zenermodel

In this subsection, the dynamical neural network isadopted to study a more complex scenario, the dissipa-tive Landau-Zener Hamiltonian,

H =vt

2σz +

2σx + ~ωb†b+



† + b), (17)

which can be obtained from the Hamiltonian (6) if thefirst term in Eq. (6) is replaced by a time-independentenergy bias vtσz/2. When the energy difference be-tween two diabatic states is swept through an avoidedlevel crossing, Landau-Zener transition comes into play[45, 46]. The Landau-Zener transition is one of the mostfundamental phenomena in quantum physics. It is ap-plied to a growing list of physical systems, such as a su-perconducting flux qubit coupled to a quantum interfer-ence device [47] and a nitrogen-vacancy center spin in iso-topically purified diamond [48]. The dissipative Landau-Zener transitions have been studied by various meth-ods, such as time-dependent perturbation theory, [49],the master equation method [22], QUAPI and the non-equilibrium Bloch equations [15], and variational method

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800time








Second stage from D2M=4, N=100

Second stage from well trained neural net

First stage from D2M=4, N=100


Figure 7: Dynamics of spin-boson model with multiple bosonmodes. The parameters used are ϵ = 0, ∆ = 0.1ωc, α = 0.05,kBT/ωc = 0.01. In the variational calculation, the numberof modes is N = 100 and multiplicity of multi-D2 Ansatz isM = 4.

with multi-D2 Ansatz [10]. The observable of interest isthe time evolution of the transition probability, P↑→↓ (t),calculated as

P↑→↓ (t) =⟨DM

2 (t;αi)∣∣ |↓⟩ ⟨↓| ∣∣DM

2 (t;αi)⟩


To apply the dynamical neural network method to thedissipative Landau-Zener dynamics, the procedure de-scribed in Sec. III A is used. Since Hamiltonian (17) istime-dependent and models a non-linear transition prob-lem, we train the neural network with different param-eters to generalize the greater complexity of the train-ing data set. As shown in Appendix A, the neural net-work created is populated by the transition probabilityobtained from the multi-D2 Ansatz with ω = 0.1


The trained network shows superior capability to gener-alize the time evolution of the transition probability forthe trained data set.

To test for the validity of the network for different con-ditions, we calculated another set of numerical data witha frequency ω =

√v/~ to compare against. The trained

network is able to mimic the numerical result to a largeextent, as shown in Fig. 8. The large single point incon-sistencies are due to singularities issues in the frameworkof numerical methods. The output data is almost iden-tical to the input data with the error less than 10−4,indicating the high accuracy of our neural network. Inparticular, the deviation between the output and input isnegligible even for the time period around t = 0, point-ing to the conclusion that this neural network is valid forthe transition process. It is shown that with sufficienttraining, the neural network method is valid for boththe time-independent and time-independent Hamiltoniansystems.

Page 8: Applications of neural networks to the simulation of


Figure 8: (a) Response of Output validation with respect toTargets. (b) The difference between the targets and the out-

puts. The target data is on P↑→↓ (t) for ω =√

v/~, ∆ = 0,

and γ = 1.2√~v calculated by the multi-D2 Anstaz. Time

unit is√



Accurate dynamics simulation of open quantum sys-tems is often unattainable due to numerical challengesthey pose. In this work, the dynamical neural net-work is employed to simulate open-system quantum dy-namics. We first describe the training procedure andverify performance of the trained net by cross valida-tion. This method is applied to the dynamics of thetime-independent spin-boson Hamiltonian and the time-dependent Landau-Zener Hamiltonian. The trained netperformed admirably under the validation testing wehave carried out. We have also used this method for theprediction of time evolution of population in the spin-boson model with multiple bath modes at long times.The application of dynamical neural network on time-dependent variational parameters is of great interest andhas potential to be exploited in future work. We havepresented our preliminary results on using artificial in-telligence to predict quantum observables, and hope thatit provides inspiration to workers in the field.


This paper is dedicated to Prof. Wolfgang Domcke onthe occasion of his 70th birthday. Support from the Sin-gapo e National Research Foundation through the Com-petitive Research Programme (Project No. NRF-CRP5-2009-04) and the Singapore Ministry of Education Aca-demic Research Fund (Grant No. RG106/15) is grate-fully acknowledged. K. Sun also thanks the National Nat-ural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11574052)and the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province(Grant No. LY18A040005) for partial support.

Figure 9: Response of the neural net output to the trainingdata is shown in the upper panel. Difference between thetargets and the outputs is plotted in the lower panel. Thetraining data is on P↑→↓ (t) of the dissipative Landau-Zener

model for ω = 0.1√

v/~, ∆ = 0, and γ = 1.2√~v calculated

by the multi-D2 Anstaz. Time unit is√



To study the applicability of neural network to vari-ous complex systems, the dynamics for the Landau-Zenerproblem was chosen as a suitable candidate. The datawas obtained from the time-dependent variational calcu-lation using the multi D2 Ansatz. The training data isthe transition probability for ω = 0.1

√v/~, ∆ = 0, and

γ = 1.2√~v.

Following a procedure similar to the spin boson system,we created another neural network and trained it. Wehave used five neurons with 10 delays in the hidden layerto form this network. The transfer function used for thehidden layer is the hyperbolic tangent sigmoid function.This was the least network size for stable analysis of thedata.

Fig. 9 shows the response of the network to this train-ing data and the error between the response and trainingdata. As presented in the upper panel, the output of thenetwork and the training data match almost perfectly inthe tested regime. In the lower panel, we can see thatthe network adjusts extremely fast to the transition toas the error is very low. The network training can smearthe sharp jumps in its output around t = −13/


which is related to the numerical singularity issue in thepreliminary calculation. It can be found that even forthis more challenging data set, the network validationshows significantly high accuracy.

Page 9: Applications of neural networks to the simulation of


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