anabolic steroids 108 ilium anadiol depot ilium boldebal-h ilium ...€¦ · anabolic steroids...

Endocrine System Anabolic Steroids Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium Stanabolic Sex Hormones Ilium Estromil Ilium MPA-50 108 111 107

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Post on 17-Aug-2020




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Page 1: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Endocrine System

Anabolic Steroids Ilium Anadiol Depot

Ilium Boldebal-HIlium Stanabolic

Sex Hormones Ilium EstromilIlium MPA-50




Page 2: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses


Laxapet Gel A




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Antibiotics - oral and parenteral

Composition Atropine s

Contraindications Do not use


Storage Store below 25ºC (air conditioning). Protect from light.

WarningNot to b

Registration All states APVMA Number 51189

Ilium AnadiolDepot Injection

Ilium Anadiol Depot Injection minimal virilising anabolic steroid




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Actions Anabolic steroid. Minimal virilising activity; suitable for use in animals whenever an anabolic is required, whether for muscle building, tissue repair, healing of fractures or combating the wasting effects of corticosteroids or anaemia. Its action enhances nitrogen retention which favours the build up and repair of tissue. Anadiol may be slightly progestational in its effect. Regarded as safe, it does not affect the fertility in either male or female if used in recommended doses. It has fewer sexual side affects. The anabolic androgenous ratio is such that is moderately anabolic. It helps combat catabolic complications associated with stress.

Indications Minimal virilising anabolic steroid.

Directions for use Horses: 5mL i.m.

Greyhounds: 1mL i.m.

Small dogs & cats: 0.1-0.5mL i.m.

Presentation Injection 10mL.

Anabolic Steroids

Composition Methandriol dipropionate 75mg/mL.

Withholding period Not to be used in horses that may be slaughtered for human consumption.

Storage Store below 30ºC (room temperature).

Registration All states

APVMA Number 50802


Page 3: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses





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Composition Atropine s

Contraindications Do not use


Storage Store below 25ºC (air conditioning). Protect from light.

WarningNot to b

Registration All states

APVMA Number 51189

Ilium Atrosite is a pre-


Actions Potent long acting anabolic steroid suitable for castrated male animals of any species except cats. Rapid action at onset. Need only be given once every 4 weeks; promotes a feeling of wellbeing in the animal; ensures positive nitrogen balance for tissues synthesis and counteracts catabolic processes; improves vigour and appetite, thus leading to an increase in body weight and muscle size. The classic indication for anabolic steroid catabolism.

Indications Conditions requiring an anabolic steroid including various debilitating conditions (together with specific and supportive therapy and provision of an adequate food supply), healing of bone and tendon injury.

Directions for use Horses: 4mL i.m. Repeat after 4 - 8 weeks.

Presentation Injection 10mL.

Ilium Boldebal-H Injection




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Ilium Boldebal-H long acting anabolic steroid for horses

Anabolic Steroids

Composition Boldenone undecylenate


Withholding period Meat: Not to be used in horses that may be

slaughtered for human consumption.

Storage Store below 30ºC

(room temperature).

Registration All states

APVMA Number 50444


Page 4: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses


Laxapet Gel A




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Antibiotics - oral and parenteral

Composition Atropine s

Contraindications Do not use


Storage Store below 25ºC (air conditioning). Protect from light.

WarningNot to b

Registration All states APVMA Number 51189

Ilium StanabolicInjection

Ilium Stanabolic Injection potent anabolic hormone with low androgenic properties where a high anabolic to androgenic ratio is required




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Actions STANABOLIC is a potent anabolic agent with very low androgenic effects. It effectively increases both muscular and skeletal weight and hastens the repair of tissue.

Indications An anabolic steroid with weak androgenic effects for use in horses, dogs and cats.

Directions for use Shake well before use. Horses: 1.1mL/100kg bodyweight i.m. weekly for a maximum of 4 weeks. Thereafter, a lower maintenance dose should be considered or as directed by a veterinary surgeon. Dogs: 0.2-1.0mL/5kg i.m. weekly Cats: 0.2-0.5mL/5kg i.m. weekly

Presentation Injection 20mL.

Anabolic Steroids

Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL.

Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses that may be used for human consumption.

Storage Store below 30ºC (room temperature).Protect from light.

Registration All states

APVMA Number 38652


Page 5: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses





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Composition Atropine s

Contraindications Do not use


Storage Store below 25ºC (air conditioning). Protect from light.

WarningNot to b

Registration All states

APVMA Number 51189

Ilium Atrosite is a pre-


Indications Synthetic prostaglandin for cattle & horses.

Pharmacology ESTROMIL, a synthetic prostaglandin analogue is structurally related to Prostaglandin F2∞(PGF2∞). Each mL contains 263µg cloprostenol sodium equivalent to 250µg/mL cloprostenol.

ESTROMIL is a potent luteolytic agent, i.e. It causes functional and morphological regression of the corpus luteum (luteolysis). Luteolysis is usually followed by return to oestrus two to four days after treatment, and normal ovulation. Note: There is a refractory period of four to five days after ovulation when cattle are insensitive to the luteolytic effect of prostaglandins.

ESTROMIL has a good safety margin and does not impair fertility. No deleterious effects have been reported on the progeny conceived at the oestrus following treatment.

In cattle, adverse reactions have not been seen at up to 80 times the effective recommended dose (550mg). The only clinically apparent effect was mild and transient diarrhoea.

Directions for useCattle: Single or repeat doses of 2mL i.m.

Effective treatment of: 1. Therapeutic suboestrus (or non-detected oestrus – NDO): This condition occurs in heavy yielding cows, usually at peak lactation, which have normal ovarian cyclicity but in which behavioural manifestations of oestrus are either very mild, transient or absent.

Such animals can be treated with ESTROMIL following diagnosis of a corpus luteum by rectal palpation and then closely observed for oestrus. Those showing heat should be inseminated. Some animals may have been treated during the refractory period of the

Ilium EstromilInjection




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Sex Hormones

Composition Cloprostenol (as the

sodium salt) 250µg/mL.

Precautions ESTROMIL can be absorbed

through the skin and therefore, care should be taken when

handling this product, particularly by women of

child-bearing age and also by asthmatics. In case of

accidental spillage on skin, wash immediately with water.

Prostaglandins of the F2∞ type may cause broncho-

spasm in man. Should respiratory embarrassment

result from accidental inhalation or injection, a rapid

acting broncho-dilator e.g. isoprenaline or salbutamol by

inhalation is indicated

Avoid Intravenous injection.

In horses adverse reactions including sweating, increased respiratory and cardiac rates,

signs of abdominal discomfort, water diarrhoea and depression

may occur when exceptionally high doses are given.

However adverse affects are usually mild and transient.

Ilium Estromil injection synthetic Prostaglandin






Page 6: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

cycle and therefore will not respond. Animals showing heat should receive a further single injection 11 days after the first and be inseminated between 72 and 96 hours later.

Termination of normal but unwanted pregnancies: Pregnancies can be terminated from one week after conception until the 150th day of gestation. Before 100 days gestation, abortion can be induced rapidly and efficiently. Between 100 and 150 days of gestation results are less reliable probably because a proportion of cattle may become progressively less dependent upon the corpus luteum for the maintenance of pregnancy. Abortion should not be induced after 150 days of gestation. Treated animals should be kept under supervision until expulsion of the foetus and the placental membranes is complete, as an occasional animal may develop metritis following abortion. Most cows will abort in 3-5 days, if an animal has not aborted by the 8th day, a second injection should be given.

Termination of abnormal pregnancy/removal of mummified foetus: Death of the conceptus may be followed by its dehydration and degeneration. Induction of luteolysis at any stage of pregnancy will result in the expulsion of this mummified foetus from the uterus into the vagina. Manual removal from the vagina may be necessary. Normal cyclical activity should then follow.

Hydrops of the foetal membranes:Pathological accumulation of placental fluids – hydramnios or hydrallantois – can cause several physiological complications and death. Surgical drainage is not usually successful in alleviating the condition. A single dose of ESTROMIL may be used to induce parturition in such cases, success has been achieved as early as the sixth month of pregnancy.

Chronic endometritis (Pyometra):Damage to the reproductive tract at calving or post-partum retention of the placenta, frequently leads to infection and inflammation of the uterus, which is often resolved by local and systemic antibiotic treatment. However, under certain circumstances, a few weeks post-partum, the endometritis may have progressed until the uterus is very swollen, of a soft doughy consistency and full of purulent discharge. This is characterised by a lack of cyclical oestrus behaviour and the presence of a persistent corpus luteum. This condition can be successfully treated by induction of luteal regression. When necessary treatment may be repeated at 10-14 day intervals.

Induction of parturition: Induction of parturition should take place as close to the predicted calving date as possible and not more than 10 days before. Induction should not be attempted before day 270 of gestation measured from the confirmed day of conception. All treated animals must receive adequate supervision. In common with all other methods of

shortening the gestation period a higher than usual incidence of retention of the foetal membranes is to be expected. It is now recognised that there may be a reduced survival rate in calves born as a result of early induction. Any increased mortality is due to lack of viability as a result of immaturity rather than any effect from the prostaglandins.

Ovarian Luteal Cysts: Where cystic ovaries associated with persistent luteal tissue and absence of oestrus are diagnosed, ESTROMIL has proven effective in correcting the condition and bringing about a return of cycling. Accurate diagnosis is essential if completely satisfactory results are to be achieved.

2. Controlled breeding programmes in cattleThe luteolytic activity of ESTROMIL can be harnessed to control the breeding patterns of cattle. A variety of treatment regimes exist from which it is possible to choose the most appropriate for the characteristics of each particular individual, group or herd. ESTROMIL can be used to complement oestrus detection input or animals may be bred ‘on schedule’ during critical times of the breeding season, without reference to oestrus detection.

Use one of the programmes in Table 1 >

3. Dairy HerdTo control Oestrus in the individual animal giving better control of the calving index by allowing artificial insemination without

Sex Hormones112




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Ilium Estromil - continued

ESTROMIL should not be administered to:

Mares suffering from acute or sub-acute disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Mares suffering from acute or sub-acute respiratory disease. (This is a precautionary measure because in some species of animals, dosing with prostaglandins can result in acute respiratory distress.)

Pregnant mares, since luteolysis at some stages of gestation will result in loss of the foetus.

Withholding period Milk: Nil. Meat: Do not use less than 1 day prior to slaughter for human consumption. Horses: Not to be used in horses intended for human consumption

Storage Store below 25ºC (air conditioning). Protect from light

Registration All states

APVMA Number 51716


Page 7: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

To permit better management at conception and calving: The calving pattern is altered, resulting in greater average and weight of calves at weaning. The peak calving period can be forecast more accurately in relation to other events in the farm calendar and there is an improved potential for ‘flushing’ cows prior to A.I.

Horses: Single dose i.m. 0.5mL - 1mL up to 400kg b.w. 1 - 2mL for 400kg bodyweight & above.

ESTROMIL is a potent luteolytic agent causing regression of the corpus luteum in MARES, in a variety of circumstances. Luteolysis is usually followed by oestrus, appearing 2 - 4 days after treatment, with ovulation during the induced oestrus. This sequence of events is seen, for example in mares treated with Estromil during dioestrus (the progestational) phase of the oestrus cycle, but it should be noted that there is a refractory period of 4 - 5 days after ovulation when mares are not responsive to the luteolytic action of prostaglandins.

ESTROMIL has a wide margin of safety and no deleterious effect on foals conceived and born as a result of mares being covered at the induced oestrus. This property of shortening the lifespan of the corpus luteum makes ESTROMIL of clinical value in:

Induction of Luteolysis following early foetal death and resorption: About 8 -10 percent of all mares which conceive lose

the conceptus during the first 100 days of pregnancy. Persistence of the luteal function in the ovary precludes an early return to oestrus. Treatment before day 45 is recommended. After that time no response may be obtained due to the presence of circulating P.M.S.G.

Termination of Pseudopregnancy: Some mares covered at normal oestrus and subsequently found to be empty (but not having lost or resorbed of conceptus) display clinical signs of pregnancy. These animals are said to be ‘pseudopregnant’.

Treatment of lactation anoestrus: Failure of lactating mares to cycle again for several months after exhibiting and early ‘foal heat’ can be avoided in most cases.

Barren and maiden mares: Some of these animals will be found on examination, to have a functional corpus luteum and are either suffering for abnormal persistence of luteal function or are simply failing to exhibit normal oestrus after 2-4 days, with ovulation occurring 8-12 days after treatment.

Nomination of time of service: mares may be brought into oestrus at will, simply as an aid to successful and economic management of stallions during the breeding season.

PresentationMultidose vial comprising 10 x 2mL doses, 20mL pack, 50 x 2mL doses, 100mL pack.





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Sex Hormones





BREED• Attheusualtime relative to detected heat OR

•Atabout72hours and 96 hours post injection OR

•MassAlat72 hours, with re- insemination of those in Oestrus overthenext2to 3 days.

Day 1:

ESTROMIL Injection

Day 11:

ESTROMIL Injection

Palpate Allanimalswithcorpus lteum ESTROMIL injection

Day 1:

ESTROMIL Injection

Detect heat and breed

Day 11:Allanimalsnot bred ESTROMIL injection

Detect heat for 6 days and breed

Day 6:Allanimalsnot bred ESTROMIL injection

Note:• Bestresultsobtainedwhereheatdetectionisutilised.Thisisgenerallyassisted by the use of tail paint.• Identificationofanimalsisimportant.• Conceptionratemaybeabout20%lessifinseminationiscarriedoutenmasse

72 hours after injection with no following insemination.• ESTROMILcanalsobeusedinsystemswhichincludeothertreatmentregimes

e.g. CIDR. En



e Sy


oestrus detection. The number of cows culled as barren is consequently reduced.

To synchronise oestrus in groups of cows to promote management of the herd in groups of suitable size for feeding, A.I. and ‘drying off’. The chances of maintaining a strictly seasonal calving herd are improved and the number of barren cows at the end of the breeding program is reduced.

TopermittheuseofA.I.indairyheifers which, in turn, allows the speeding up of the breeding programme, the use of a bull

known to produce few dystocia problems, better control of heifer management, and steaming up prior to calving.

4. Beef HerdTofacilitatetheuseofA.I. improving the progeny through the use of genetically superior bulls. The problems of oestrus detection are avoided and the labour involved in carrying out an A.I. programme is reduced by allowing groups of cattle to be presented instead of single animals. ➤

Table 1

Ilium Estromil - continued


Page 8: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses


Laxapet Gel A




e Sy


Antibiotics - oral and parenteral

Composition Atropine s

Contraindications Do not use


Storage Store below 25ºC (air conditioning). Protect from light.

WarningNot to b

Registration All states APVMA Number 51189

Actions Medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) is 6, alpha-methyl synthetic derivative of progesterone. It has considerable stronger progestational effects than progesterone. MPA maintains effective blood levels for several months following a single injection. MPA is anti-oestrogenic in effect by blocking GnRH output and has significant glucocorticoid activity.

Its behaviour-modifying action is attributed to both an anti-androgenic effect and a direct calming activity in the limbic system.

Indications MPA-50 is indicated for the treatment of certain behavioural problems in dogs and cats. It has also assisted with control of certain feline dermatoses.

Behavioural modification: MPA has been used to reduce aggression in male dogs and cats, reduce hyperexcitability, treat separation anxiety, and

eliminate urine spraying or marking. Other responsive conditions include destructiveness, timidity, sexual perversion, subepileptic episodes and roaming in dogs, and overgrooming, claw marking of territory and bizarre psychotic behaviour in cats.

Feline dermatoses: Good results have been achieved in the treatment of feline endocrine alopecia, feline acne, “stud tail”, psychogenic alopecia and dermatitis, miliarydermatitis and the eosinophilic granuloma complex.

Directions for use Give by subcutaneous injection.

Dogs: 20mg/kg to effect then repeat every 4 - 6 months if necessary.

Cats: 30 - 50mg repeated every 4 - 6 months.

Presentation Injection 20mL.

Ilium MPA-50Injection

Ilium MPA-50 Injection behaviour modifying hormone in dogs and cats




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Sex Hormones

Composition Medroxyprogesterone acetate 50mg/mL.

Adverse effects Progestogens can induce a variety of side effects and should be used with caution. Those reported include polyphagia, weight gain, polyuria/polydipsia, temperamental changes (increased friendliness), alterations in pituitary-adrenal axis including adrenocortical atrophy, diabetes mellitus, cystic endometritis, pyometra, mammary enlargement and tumours, lactation, reduced spermatogenesis, cutaneous atrophy and local alopecia, elevated growth hormone levels and acromegaly.




Page 9: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Sex Hormones

Precautions Loss of hair pigment may occur around the injection site. It is advisable to inject in an inconspicuous area. Injectable progestational compounds have been associated with skin fragility syndrome which involves thinning of skin such that it may be damaged rapidly by minor trauma. It is suggested that the calculated dose of MPA-50 be split into 2-3 doses and injected at separate sites in order to minimise the possibility of this occurring. Previous injection sites should be examined prior to administering follow-up doses.

Metabolism Progestogens are weakly but extensively bound to plasma proteins, and strongly bound to transcortin. Progesterone is eliminated as various glucuronides in the urine.

PrecautionsDo not use where there is uterine infection, abnormal or persistent vaginal discharge, or following recent surgery of the genital tracts. Do not use during Pro-oestrus, oestrus metoestrus, pregnancy, in sexually immature animals or bitches and queens intended for breeding. Do not use in the presence of ovarian and mammary tumours in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Storage Store below 30ºC (room temperature). Protect from light.

Registration All states

APVMA Number 50445

ReferencesMarder, (1991) Clinics of N. America, Small Animal Prac. 21:2, Psychotropic drugs and behavioural therapy.Borchet & Voith, (1985) Comp. on Cont. Educ for the Practicing Vet 7:949-957, Aggressive behaviour in dogs and cats.Henik et al (1985) Comp. on Cont. Educ. For the Practicing Vet 7: 132-137, Progestogen therapy in cats.Permberton, (1988) Current Veterinary Therapy VIII, p 62, Canine and feline behaviour control: Progestin therapy.Hart, (1981) JAVMA 178: 1070, Progestin therapy for aggressive behaviour in male dogsHart, (1976) Canine Practice 3: 10 Aggressive behaviour.Muller, Kirk & Scott, Small Animal Dermatology, 3rd Ed.




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Ilium MPA-50 - continued


Page 10: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses
Page 11: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Genitourinary System

DiureticIlium FrusemideTroy Neutralite

Uterine Stimulant Ilium Syntocin




Page 12: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Ilium FrusemideInjection

Ilium Frusemide Injection for Diuresis and Saluresis in dogs, cats, horses & cattle





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Actions Potent high ceiling loop diuretic with rapid onset and brief duration of action. It increases the urinary extraction of water, sodium, chloride and potassium. It can be used in emergency situations to remove considerable quantities of water and sodium as quickly as possible.

FRUSEMIDE inhibits the active and passive resorption of chloride by the ascending limb of the loop of Henle. This interferes with the concentrating ability of the kidney and causes intense water diuresis. Diuresis persists in response to this drug, even in the presence of dehydration, such usage is capable of causing cardiovascular collapse. Continuous use causes potassium, calcium and magnesium depletion.

Indications For Diuresis and Saluresis in dogs, cats, horses and cattle.

Directions for use Administer by i.m. or slow i.v.

Dogs & Cats: 0.25 - 0.5mL per 5kg bodyweight, once or twice daily at 8 hour intervals i.m.

Horses & cattle: 5 - 10mL, once or twice daily at 8 hour intervals.

Presentation Injection 50mL.


Composition Frusemide 50mg/L.

Withholding period Milk: Nil. Meat: Nil.

Storage Store below 30ºC (room temperature).Protect from light.

Registration All states

APVMA Number 50268


Page 13: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Actions NEUTRALITE exerts a mild diuretic and neutralising effect on acid substances which accumulate in the bloodstream after prolonged exercise which can seriously impair the animals performance.

NEUTRALITE used in conjunction with a daily ration of salt and free access to water is an effective treatment for horses suffering from dehydration which may cause sluggish blood flow and impair tissue oxygenation.

NEUTRALITE, due to its ability to render urine alkaline, may be used in some cases of urinary tract infection and inflammation as an adjunct to specific therapy.

IndicationsA mild diuretic and body acid neutraliser for horses and dogs. An aid in the prevention and treatment of muscle cramping and acidosis in horses and dogs.

Directions for use Dogs: 5mL added to the food while the dog is in hard work.

Horses: 25mL added to the feed. Following fast work or racing, give 50mL orally by syringe. Repeat daily or as required.

Presentation Liquid 1L, 5L, 25L.

Troy Neutralite





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Troy Neutralite mild diuretic and body acid neutraliser for Horses and Greyhounds


Composition Disodium Hydrogen Citrate


Contraindications Cystitis association with

alkaline urine, severe hypokalaemic states.

Precautions Ensure adequate clean

drinking water is provided at all times.

Withholding periodNil.

Storage Store below 30ºC

(room temperature).Protect from light.

Registration All states

APVMA Number 40438


Page 14: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Ilium SyntocinInjection

Ilium Syntocin Injection uterine stimulant, promotes uterine contractions





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Actions Oxytocin is a hormone released by the posterior pituitary gland. It has stimulant effects on the smooth muscle of the uterus and mammary gland, which is both selective and potent. In domestic animals the uterine stimulation caused by the release of oxytocin facilitates the ascent of spermatozoa. In the mammary gland contraction of smooth muscle of the myoepithelium forces milk from the alveolar channels into the larges sinuses (milk let down) where it is available for sucking.

SYNTOCIN causes peristaltic waves of contraction in the uterus, provided that the uterus has been suitably primed by hormones. Works only during primary, secondary and tertiary labour and for about 2 days thereafter. Causes milk let down within 15

minutes of subcutaneous injection. Best given intravenously where prompt assistance in giving birth is required, otherwise action occurs 15 minutes after subcutaneous injection and is weaker.

Indications For stimulation of uterine contractions and as an aid in the control of minor post partum haemorrhage and the removal of retained placenta.

Directions for use Administer by either s.c., i.v., or i.m.Horses & Cattle: 1 - 4 mL

Sheep & Pigs: 0.2 - 1mL

Dogs & Cats: 0.2 - 1mL

Presentation Injection 50mL.

Uterine Stimulant

Composition Oxytocin 10i.u/mL.

Withholding period Meat: Nil. Milk: Nil.

Storage Store below 25ºC (air conditioning). Protect from light.

Registration All states

APVMA Number 50435


Page 15: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Anti-inflammatory Agents

Corticosteroids Ilium DepredilIlium DexapetIlium Dexason

Ilium Trimedexil

Non Steroidal AnalgesicIlium Flunixil

Ilium Meloxicam SuspensionIlium Meloxicam Injection

Ilium MethocarbamolIlium Nabudone I.M.

Ilium Nabudone PIlium Phenylzone Cream

Troy Cooling Gel




Page 16: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Ilium DepredilInjection

Ilium Depredil Injection long lasting anti-inflammatory steroid






ry A



Actions Long lasting anti-inflammatory steroid with minimal mineralocorticoid activity. It has less tendency than prednisolone to induce sodium and water retention.

Effective where therapy is required over a prolonged period (2 - 3 weeks) and where oral administration is less desirable.Very effective in the cat.

Directions for use Cats: Average dose 10mg (0.25mL)i.m.

Dogs: Average dose 2mg/kg (0.5mL/10kg) bodyweight i.m.

Horses: 200mg (5mL) i.m.

Presentation Injection 10mL.


Composition Methylprednisolone acetate 40mg/mL.

Indications Anti-inflammatory steroid for cats, dogs and horses.

Withholding periodMeat – Do not use in horses less than 28 days before slaughter for human consumption.

Storage Store below 25ºC (air conditioning).Protect from light.

Registration All states

APVMA Number 50443


Page 17: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Actions Powerful glucogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-stress, anti-shock activity. Its actions are very similar to prednisolone, but the activity is approximately 5 - 8 times greater. Unlike prednisolone, its mineralocorticoid activity is minimal. Its anti-inflammatory effect is particularly potent, 30 times more than cortisone. Because of this activity dosages are significantly reduced. Absorption is rapid (20 minutes after intramuscular injection). Its activity lasts about 48 hours, although it is mostly excreted 24 hours after injection.

Indications An anti-inflammatory and glucogenic steroid injection for use in horses and cattle.

Directions for use Horses & cattle: 10 - 30mg, i.m. or i.v. Repeat every 12 to 24 hours.

Presentation Injection 50mL.

Ilium DexapentInjection






ry A


tsIlium Dexapent Injection anti-inflammatory and glucogenic steroid injection for horses and cattle


Composition Dexamethasone sodium

phosphate 5mg/mL.

Contraindications This product may induce

parturition in mares.

Withholding period Milk – Not to be

used within 72 hours for human consumption.

This milk should not be fed to bobby calves.

Meat – Do not use less than 10 days prior to slaughter for human consumption.

Storage Store below 30ºC

(room temperature). Protect from light.

Registration All states

APVMA Number 50583


Page 18: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Ilium DexasonInjection

Ilium Dexason injection powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-shock and anti-stress activity






ry A



Actions Powerful glucogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-stress, anti-shock activity. Its actions are very similar to prednisolone, but the activity is approximately 5 - 8 times greater. Unlike prednisolone, its mineralocorticoid activity is minimal. Its anti-inflammatory effect is particularly potent, 30 times more than cortisone. Because of this activity dosages are significantly reduced. Absorption is rapid (20 minutes after intramuscular injection). Its activity lasts about 48 hours, although it is mostly excreted 24 hours after injection.

Indications An anti-inflammatory and glucogenic steroid injection for use in cattle, pigs, dogs and cats.

Directions for use Administer via i.m. or i.v.

Dogs & Cats: 0.50-2mg.

Horses & Cattle: 10-30mg.

Foals, Calves & Pigs: 1mg/10kg. Repeat every 12 to 24 hours.

Presentation Injection 50mL.


Composition Dexamethasone as (sodium phosphate) 2mg/mL.

Withholding period Milk – Not to be used within 72 hours for human consumption. This milk should not be fed to bobby calves. Meat – Do not use less than 10 days prior to slaughter for human consumption

Storage Store below 30ºC (room temperature). Protect from light.

Registration All states

APVMA Number 52859


Page 19: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Actions Intensive glucocorticoid and anti-inflammatory effect, providing at least 30 times the glucogenic activity of hydrocortisone with similar anti-inflammatory properties. Salt water retention is minimal, as is excretion of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, or nitrogen when administered in therapeutic doses.

Because of its regulatory effect on metabolism, TRIMEDEXIL is capable of exerting a diuretic effect in diseases associated with oedema and has significant mineralocorticoid activity.

It also corrects disturbances in metabolism, displaying prompt action in hypoglycaemic conditions.

Indications An anti-inflammatory steroid injection for use in horses, cattle, pigs, foals, calves and dogs.

Directions for use Shake well before use. Do not inject cattle other than high on the side of the neck.

Horses, cattle & pigs: 2.5 - 5mg per 100kg bodyweight (max 25mg) i.m. or s.c. 5 - 10mg intrasynovial or intra-articular route.

Foals, calves & dogs: 2.5 - 5mg per 50kg bodyweight, i.m. or s.c. 2.5mg intrasynovial or intra-articular route.

Presentation Injection 50mL.

Ilium TrimedexilInjection






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tsIlium Trimedexil Injection advanced parturition, anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory suspension


Composition Dexamethasone

trimethylacetate 5mg/mL.

Withholding periods Do not use less than the

following days for human consumption

MeatCattle – 7 days

Pigs, Horses – 28 days Milk – Nil

Storage Store below 25ºC (air conditioning). Protect from light.

Registration All states

APVMA Number 51447


Page 20: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Ilium FlunixilInjection

Ilium Flunixil potent non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) with analgesic and antipyretic activity for use in horses, cattle, pigs and dogs.






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Non-steroidal Analgesic

Composition Flunixin 50mg/mL (as flunixin meglumine).

ContraindicationsFLUNIXIL is contraindicated in cats.

PharmacologyFLUNIXIL acts to inhibit the enzyme cyclo-oxygenase necessary for the formation of prostaglandins and thromboxanes from arachidonic acid. These arachidonic acid metabolites invoke carious aspects of the inflammatory process: vasodilation, increase vascular permeability, pain sensation, inflammatory cell attraction/activation, fever due to the raising of the hypothalamic set point and platelet aggregation. The inhibition achieved with Flunixin meglumine is virtually complete, making it one of the most potent NSAID’s.



Actions FLUNIXIL inhibits the wide ranging effects of prostaglandins within the body.

Indications General: Use as a potent antipyretic, in antiplatelet therapy, in accident cases e.g. shock, trauma for heatstroke and for treating endotoxic/septic shock.Musculoskeletal conditions: Alleviation of pain and inflammation that often causes lameness, discomfort, recumbency e.g. arthritis, intervertebral disc disease, navicular disease, contusions, abrasions, carpitis, tendonitis, gonitis, footrot, cellulitis, myosistis, laminitis etc. Also for suppression of post-operative swelling and lameness.Gastrointestinal conditions: Restoration of normal peristalsis by relieving spasm of the smooth muscle, e.g. acute foal/calf/piglet (coliform) diarrhoea, parvovirus infections in dogs. Reduction of arterial hypoxaemia, lactic acidosis, colic and diarrhoea resulting from the prostaglandin released by damage to the intestinal endothelium. Relief of pain associated with

equine colic and reduction of prostacycline-induced vasodilation and visceral pooling of blood in serious abdominal crises prior to exploratory laparotomy. Inhibition of the effects of endotoxin.Ocular conditions: Control of painful ocular conditions e.g. injury, uveitis and keratitis and ocular swelling before and after certain surgical procedures such as cataract removal.Respiratory conditions: Reduction of shock-associated pulmonary hypertension.

Directions for use Horses: 1.1mg/kg (1mL/45kg) bodyweight, i.v. or i.m. injection once a day for up to 5 days. Cattle: 2.2mg/kg (2mL/45kg)bodyweight i.v. once daily for 3 - 5 days. Pigs: 2.2mg/kg (2mL/45kg) bodyweight intrmuscularly. Repeat hourly if required for up to 3 doses.Dogs: 1mg/kg (0.5mL/25kg) bodyweight by i.v. or i.m. injection once daily for up to 3 days.

Presentation Injection 50mL, 100mL glass, Injection 100mL pet


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Non Steroidal Analgesic

Safety and precautionsAll NSAID’s have the potential for toxic reactions which can usually be attributed to their blockage of prostaglandin synthesis. These include gastric and intestinal ulceration, nephrotoxicity and decreased platelet aggregation.

Gastrointestinal toxicity: Gastric intestinal ulceration is the most common adverse effect of Flunixin meglumine. Prostaglandin blockage can lead to increased gastric acid secretion reduction of the secretion of protective mucus and bicarbonate. Signs of ulceration are

inappetence, vomiting, diarrhoea and blood in the stools (this may be occult). Owners should be warned to watch for such signs. Concurrent use of steroids can exacerbate the potential for toxicity. Provided the correct dose is not exceeded, and the treatment period within the recommended time limits, toxicity is not normally a problem. Some individual animals however may show greater sensitivity. Cessation of treatment will reverse any gastrointestinal side effects.

Renal toxicity:Prostaglandins are involved in a number of renal physiological

processes, including autoregulation of renal blood flow, glomerular filtration, tubular ion transport, modulations of renin release, and water metabolism. Renal prostaglandin blockade by Flunixin meglumine is usually of little consequence in healthy animals. In the presence of certain disease states however, toxicity may occur e.g. congestive heart failure, cirrhosis and pre-existing renal insufficiency. Also concurrent administration of other drugs affecting renal function or blood flow may lead to renal toxicity e.g. anaesthesia. FLUNIXIL treatment should be stopped 1 - 2 days prior to induction

of anaesthesia and fluids administered intravenously during anaesthesia to support renal blood flow. Care should be taken when treating older patients with possible impaired renal function.

Haematopoietic toxicity:Prolongation of bleeding time as a result of inhibition of platelet aggregation of flunixin meglumine may be a problem in animals with bleeding tendencies e.g. von Willebrand’s disease, other coagulation disorders, or gastrointestinal ulceration.

PrecautionsFoals should not be treated within their first

72 hours of life. Slight irritation may follow intramuscular injection in young animals or if it is injected too superficially into older animals. FLUNIXIL should not be mixed with other compounds. Extra arterial injection should be avoided. The effects of FLUNIXIL on pregnancy have not yet been determined.

Withholding period Milk – Not to be used within 36 hours from treatment for human consumption or processing. This milk should not be fed to bobby calves. Horses: meat – 28 days.

Cattle/pigs: meat – Do not use less than 28 days prior to

slaughter for human consumption.

Storage Store below 30ºC (room temperature). Protect from light.

Registration All states

APVMA number 40439

Ilium Flunixil - continued


Page 22: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses






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Non-steroidal Analgesic

Actions Relieves inflammation and pain in both acute and chronic musculoskeletal disorders. MELOXICAM is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) derived from oxicam.

Indications MELOXICAM acts by inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis, exerting anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative, analgesic and antipyretic effects. It reduces leukocyte infiltration into the inflamed tissue and prevents bone and cartilage destruction. To a minor extent it also inhibits collagen-induced thrombocyte aggregation.

Directions for use Shake well before use. Administer orally, mixed with food.

Accuracy in MELOXICAM dosage is an important consideration. The packaging format offers a choice of two delivery systems: drop dispenser (suitable for smaller dog breeds) delivering 0.1mg of MELOXICAM per droplet or graduated measuring syringe.

Dropwise dispensing: The package has been developed to ensure the uniformity of the dose or oral drops. After shaking, unscrew cap and position tube above meal with outlet facing downwards. Apply pressure to achieve desired dropping speed which permits a definite break between droplet formation for ease of counting. Adjust dropping speed by increasing or reducing pres sure on the tube. Dropping ceases immediately after pressure on the tube is reduced.

Dosing syringe: After shaking, unscrew cap and attach the dosing syringe to the tune by gently pushing the syringe end into the dropper insert at the top of the tube to ensure a good seal. Invert the tube and draw the plunger until the black line on the plunger corresponds to the volume required in mL. Turn the tube right way up and with a twisting motion, gently separate the dosing syringe from the tube. Position the syringe above the meal and gently empty the contents onto the food.

Presentation 10mL, 30mL, 50mL, 100mL suspension.

Ilium MeloxicamSuspension

Composition Each mL contains 1.5mg Meloxicam

PrecautionsDO NOT use in pregnant or lactating animals.

DO NOT use is animals suffering from gastrointestinal disorders such as irritation and haemorrhage, impaired hepatic, cardiac or renal function and haemorrhagic disorders or where there is evidence of individual hypersensitivity to the product.

As for all NSAIDs use in an animal less that 6 weeks of age or in debilitated aged animals may involve additional risk. If use in such animals cannot be avoided careful clinical management may be necessary.

Ilium Meloxicam anti-inflammatory oral suspension for dogs




Page 23: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses






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Non Steroidal Analgesic

Other NSAIDs, diuretics, anticoagulants, aminoglycoside antibiotics and substances with high protein binding may compete for binding and thus lead to toxic effects. MELOXICAM must not be administered in conjunction with other NSAIDs or glucocorticosteriods. Concurrent administration of potential nephrotoxic drugs should be avoided.

Pre-treatment with other anti-inflammatory drugs prior to the use of MELOXICAM may result in additional or increased adverse effect and accordingly a treatment-free period with such drugs should be observed for at least 24 hours before commencement with MELOXICAM. The treatment-free period however should take into account the pharmacokinetic properties of the drugs previously used.

Parenteral administration of MELOXICAM is tolerated without local adverse reactions. Typical adverse reaction of NSAIDs include, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhoea, faecal occult blood and apathy. These side effects are in most cases transient and disappear following termination of treatment, but in rare cases may be serious.

Hypovolaemic or hypotension should be corrected prior to use of the product.

Storage Store below 25ºC (air conditioning). Discard six months after initial use.

Registration All states APVMA Number 60105

Ilium Meloxicam Suspension - continued


Page 24: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses






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Non Steroidal Analgesic

Composition Each mL contains 5mg Meloxicam.

PrecautionsDO NOT use in pregnant or lactating animals. DO NOT use is animals suffering from gastrointestinal disorders such as irritation and haemorrhage, impaired hepatic, cardiac or renal function and haemorrhagic disorders or where there is evidence of individual hypersensitivity to the product. As for all NSAIDs use in an animal less that 6 weeks of age or in debilitated aged animals may involve additional risk. If use in such animals cannot be avoided careful clinical management may be necessary.

Other NSAIDs, diuretics, anticoagulants, aminoglycoside antibiotics and substances with high

Actions MELOXICAM is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) derived from oxicam. MELOXICAM acts by inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis, exerting anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative, analgesic and antipyretic effects. It reduces leukocyte infiltration into the inflamed tissue.

Indications Dogs – For the alleviation of inflammation and pain in both acute and chronic musculoskeletal disorders and reduction of postoperative pain and inflammation following orthopaedic and soft tissue surgery.Cats – Reduction of pain after surgery and management of febrile conditions in combination with appropriate antibiotics.

Directions for use Dogs – Musculoskeletal disorders: 0.2mg MELOXICAM/kg b.w. s.c. (0.4mL/10kg b.w.). Continue treatment using MELOXICAM Oral

Suspension (1.5mg/mL) using 0.1mg MELOXICAM/kg b.w., 24 hours after administration of initial injection.

Reduction of post operative pain: 0.2mg MELOXICAM/kg b.w.(0.4mL/10kg b.w.) i.v or s.c before surgery (ie at the time of induction of anaesthesia)Cats – Reduction of post operative pain: 0.3mg MELOXICAM/kg b.w.(0.06mL/kg b.w.) s.c. before surgery (ie at the time of induction of anaesthesia)Management of febrile conditions – 0.3mg MELOXICAM/kg b.w.(0.06mL/kg b.w.) s.c.

Presentation Injection 10mL, 20mL multidose vial

Ilium MeloxicamInjection

Ilium Meloxicam Injection anti-inflammatory injection for dogs and cats


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Non Steroidal Analgesic

protein binding may compete for binding and thus lead to toxic effects. MELOXICAM must not be administered in conjunction with other NSAIDs or glucocorticosteriods. Concurrent administration of potential nephrotoxic drugs should be avoided.

Pre-treatment with other anti-inflammatory drugs prior to the use of MELOXICAM may result in additional or increased adverse effect and accordingly a treatment-free period with such drugs should be observed for at least 24 hours before commencement with MELOXICAM injection. The treatment-free period however should take into account the pharmacokinetic properties of the drugs previously used.

Parenteral administration of MELOXICAM injection is tolerated without local adverse reactions. Typical adverse reaction of NSAIDs include,

loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhoea, faecal occult blood and apathy. These side effects are in most cases transient and disappear following termination of treatment, but in rare cases may be serious.

Hypovolaemic or hypotension should be corrected prior to use of the product.

Storage Store below 25ºC (air conditioning).Discard product not used within 28 days of first broaching the container.

Registration All states APVMA Number 60105

Ilium Meloxicam Injection - continued


Page 26: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses






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Non Steroidal Analgesic

Actions 3-2(-methoxyphenoxy)-1,2-propanediol 1-carbamate

Methocarbamol is a guaifenesin carbamate which produces muscular relaxation by decreasing transmission in spinal and supraspinal polysynaptic pathways1. The administration of methocarbamol to the target species reduces skeletal muscle hyperactivity without alteration of normal muscle tone.

When administered by intravenously, methocarbamol has a dose-dependent long-acting effect that is essentially non-toxic. Methocarbamol has demonstrated efficacy in the control of a wide range of disorders involving acute muscle spasm.

This formulation is based on the monograph for a Methocarbamol

Injection detailed in the United States Pharmacopoeia. Active constituent and excipients are tested to pharmacopoeial standards.

Indications Dogs and CatsIlium Methocarbamol Injection is indicated as an adjunct therapy of acute inflammatory and traumatic conditions of the skeletal muscle and to reduce muscular spasms. Efficacy of methocarbamol in the treatment of acute skeletal muscle hyperactivity secondary to the following conditions has been reported.

1. Intervertebral disc syndrome, compressive myelitis, spinal cord injury where cord remains intact

2. Traumatism causing muscular and ligamentous sprains and strains

3. Myositis, fibrositis, bursitis and synovitis

4. Muscular spasm prior to or following surgical procedures

HorsesIlium Methocarbamol Injection is indicated as an adjunct therapy of acute inflammatory and traumatic conditions of the skeletal muscle and to reduce muscular spasms, and effect striated muscle relaxation. Efficacy of methocarbamol in the treatment of acute muscle hyperactivity secondary to the following conditions has been reported.1. Trauma, muscular and

ligamentous sprains and strains

2. Myositis, fibrositis, bursitis and synovitis

3. Tying up syndrome4. Muscular spasm prior to or

following surgical procedures5. Maintenance of muscle

relaxation in tetanus

Directions for useUse the contents of this vial within 24 hours of initial broaching. Discard the unused portion. Dosage should be based on the severity of the symptoms

Ilium Methocarbamol

Ilium Methocarbamol a skeletal muscle relaxant for use in cats, dogs and horses.


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Page 27: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses






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Non Steroidal Analgesic

Composition 100mg/mL Methocarbamol

ContraindicationsMethocarbamol is contraindicated in animals that are hypersensitive to the ingredients. CONTRAINDICATED for use in pregnant or lactating animals. CONTRAINDICATED for use in animals with known or suspected renal pathology.

Withholding period Meat: NOT TO BE USED in horses intended for human consumption.

First Aid If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre.Phone Australia 131126

Storage Store below 25°C (Air conditioning).

Registration This product is not registered and is only available under APVMA Permit to a registered Veterinarian.

Ilium Methocarbamol continued


and resultant therapeutic response.Do not exceed a daily total of 330mg/kg bw.

Cats and Dogs: Administer by slow i.v. at a rate of 2mL per minute. Administer half dose, pause until animal relaxes then continue administration to effect.Moderate conditions 44mg/kg bwSever conditions 55-220mg/kg bw

Horses: Intravenous injection only. Dose to effect. In horses the most effective response is achieved by injecting rapidly through a 15 or 17 gauge needle.

Moderate Conditions 4.4-22mg/kg bwSevere conditions 22-55mg/kg bw

PresentationInjection 20/100mL.

Page 28: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Ilium Nabudone IMInjection

Ilium Nabudone IM Injection non steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic injection






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Actions NABUDONE blocks prostaglandin biosynthesis thereby reducing pain perception. It reduces inflammation, swelling and stops the generation of painful stimuli.

Dibucaine is a local anaesthetic to reduce irritation on injection.

Indications An intramuscular anti-inflammatory analgesic injection.

Directions for use Horses: 2 - 4 mL/100kg bodyweight i.m.

Dogs: 1mL/5kg bodyweight i.m. Repeat dose daily for a maximum of 5 days.

Presentation Injection 50mL.

Non steroidal Analgesic

Composition Phenylbutazone sodium 200mg/mL (equivalent to 188mg/mL Phenylbutazone base), Cinchocaine hydrochloride 2mg/mL.

Withholding period Meat – not to be used in horses that may be slaughtered for human consumption.

Storage Store below 30ºC (room temperature). Protect from light.

Registration All states

APVMA Number 50270


Page 29: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Actions NABUDONE P blocks prostaglandin biosynthesis there by reducing pain perception. It reduces inflammation, swelling and stops the generation of painful stimuli.

Indications Arthritis, bursitis, common lameness, soft tissue and skin inflammation in horses.

Directions for use Horses: 2 - 4 mL/100kg bodyweight i.v.

Dogs: 1mL/5kg bodyweight i.v. to a maximum of 8mL. Repeat dose daily for a maximum of 5 days.

Presentation Injection 100mL.

Ilium Nabudone PInjection






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tsIlium Nabudone P Injection non steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic injection

Non-Steroidal Analgesic

Composition Phenylbutazone sodium

200mg/mL (equivalent to 186mg/mL

Phenylbutazone base).

Withholding period Meat – not to be

used in horses that may be slaughtered for

human consumption.

Storage Store below 30ºC

(room temperature).

Registration All states

APVMA Number 50434


Page 30: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses






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Non-steroidal Analgesic

Ilium PhenylzoneCream

Ilium Phenylzone cream anti-inflammatory and analgesic cream

Actions Non steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic cream.

Indications An aid in the treatment of inflamed subcutaneous tissues, muscles and joints in horses and dogs.

Directions for use Clean the skin and apply a thin layer 2 - 3 times a day with gentle massage.

Use for a maximum of 14 days or as directed by a veterinary surgeon.

Presentation Cream 100g net.

Composition Phenylbutazone 50mg/g, Lignocaine 20mg/g, Dimethylsulphoxide 100mg/g.

Precautions Due to the rapid penetrating ability of PHENYLZONE, wear new protective gloves whenever applying cream.

Withholding period Horses: Must not be used in horses intended for human consumption.

Storage Store below 30ºC (room temperature).

Registration All states

APVMA Number 41962


Page 31: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Actions Topical Cooling & Soothing GelFor Horses

Indications COOLING GEL aids in relieving minor swellings and soreness in superficial tissues over bones, tendons and joints. COOLING GEL rapidly evaporates, providing a cooling down effect to soothe and refresh the body and legs after hard work and exercise. COOLING GEL helps relieve soreness in bruised and fatigued muscles and limbs.

Directions for use To relieve minor swelling and soreness, massage COOLING GEL gently and evenly over tendons and joints before and after exercise.To promote a cooling effect, wash or hose horse with water. Scrape off. Massage COOLING GEL over limbs and joints. Alternatively, mix 100 g (5 tablespoons) of COOLING GEL into 4 litres of water. Wash with sponge and massage onto skin and legs.WARNING: Avoid contact with mucous membranes, eyes and open wounds.

Presentation 500g Net Tub

Troy Cooling GelInjection






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tsTroy Cooling Gel is a Topical Cooling & Soothing Gel for Horses

Non-Steroidal Analgesic

Composition Each 1 g contains:

Menthol 20.0 mg Isopropyl alcohol 350.0 mg

Camphor 6.26 mg Eucalyptus oil 2.0 mg

Withholding period Meat – Nil

Storage Store below 30ºC

(room temperature) in a dry place. Keep lid closed after use. KEEP OUT OF REACH


Safety DirectionsAvoid contact with eyes.

First AidIf poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or

Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 131126;

New Zealand 0800 764 766.

Registration All states

APVMA Number 38753


Note: This product copy is new from packaging files.... Please

check thoroughly.Product packaging to come -

this is label only

Page 32: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses
Page 33: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Nutrition & metabolism

Iron & Haemopoietic Agents Troy Ironcyl Liquid

Troy Hemoplex InjectionTroy Hemoplex Paste

Troy Vitamin B12 InjectionTroy Folic Injection

Troy Folic-B12 Injection

Multi-vitamin & MineralTroy Bioboost

Troy B-Phos GelTroy NutripetIlium Nutrigel

Troy Palavite with ChromiumTroy Hoss Amin R

Specific Vitamin & Mineral Supplements

Troy Behave PasteTroy Calcium Syrup

Troy Coppernate InjectionTroy Eat Ease Paste

Troy E.R.G.Troy NaturalE Powder

Ilium Selvite-ETroy Vitamin B12 Injection

Troy Vitamin B12+ SeleniumTroy Vitamin C Injection

Troy Vite B Powder

Milk ReplacementsTroy Animalac Plus

Electrolytes Troy Applyte Rehydration Solution

Troy Applyte Rehydration GelTroy Caterbury Grass Salts

Troy Electrolyte ReplacerTroy Humilyte Powder






Page 34: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Troy Ironcyl

Troy Ironcylan aid in the treatment and prevention of iron deficiency anaemias in horses and dogs





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Actions An aid in the treatment and prevention of iron deficiency anaemia in horses and greyhounds.

Anaemia due to iron deficiency may be caused by worm infestations, excessive blood loss, and inadequate dietary intake such as grazing depleted pastures. Often forms of iron in the diet are poorly absorbed.

In the working horse anaemia may stem from iron loss in sweat and from increased breakdown of red blood cells associated with greater metabolic and physiologic demands.

IRONCYL is a palatable, non-irritant haematinic syrup containing iron (soluble iron salts), copper, cobalt and manganese required for haemoglobin synthesis.

Directions for useHorses: 40mL/450kg bodyweight daily in the feed, or as directed by a veterinary surgeon.

Greyhounds: 1mL/10kg bodyweight daily in the feed, or as directed by a veterinary surgeon.

Treatment should continue until anaemia is corrected, usually 14 - 25 days. Further blood analysis may be required to monitor the resolution of anaemia.

Routine supplementation may be required in horses and greyhounds that sweat heavily, or those undergoing hard training in a warm climate, to prevent development of iron deficiency anaemia.

Presentation Liquid 1L, 5L, 25L.

Iron & Haemopoietic Agents

Composition Total Iron 10mg/mL (as Iron amino acid chelate 2mg/mL, ammonium iron (III) Citrate 5mg/mL, Ferrous gluconate 75mg/mL), manganese 500µg/mL (as Manganese (II) sulphate), Cobalt 1.5µg/mL (as Cobalt (II) sulphate). Also contains copper 20µg/mL (as copper (II) sulphate).

Precautions This product contains copper and should be administered with caution to horses that have previously been exposed to plants containing pyrrolizidine alkaloids.

Withholding period Nil.

Storage Store below 30ºC (room temperature).

Registration All states

APVMA Number 38655


Page 35: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Actions Supplementary source of iron, vitamins, minerals and amino acids for use in horses.

IndicationsStress associated with racing, heavy work and convalescence after a disease, restoring blood values after worm infestation, appetite maintenance and general good health in horses.

Directions for use Horses: 1mL i.m. or i.v. per 50kg bodyweight. I.v use only by or under the supervision of a veterinary surgeon.

PresentationInjection 100mL.

Troy HemoplexInjection





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Troy Hemoplex Injection injectable supplementary source of iron, vitamins, minerals and amino acids for horses

Iron & Haemopoietic Agents

Composition Nicotinamide 100mg/mL, dl-Methionine 20mg/mL,

L-lysine HCI 20mg/mL, Glycine 20mg/mL,

Iron Ammonium Citrate 15mg/mL,

d-Panthenol 15mg/mL, Pyridoxine HCI 10mg/mL,

Riboflavine Sodium Phosphate 10mg/mL,

Choline Chloride 10mg/mL, Inositol 10mg/mL,

Cobalt Gluconate 0.7mg/mL, Copper Gluconate 0.2mg/mL, Cyanocobalamin 150µg/mL,

Biotin 10µg/mL

Withholding periodMeat – Nil

Storage Store below 25ºC (air conditioning). Protect from light.

Registration All states

APVMA Number 50442


Page 36: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Troy HemoplexPaste





d M




Actions Supplementary source of iron, vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

Indications Stress associated with racing, heavy work and convalescence after a disease, restoring blood values after worm infestation, appetite maintenance and general good health in horses.

Directions for use Adult horse: 10mL.

Dog: 0.5mL per 10 kg. Administer three times weekly or as recommended by a veterinary surgeon. To administer place the nozzle into the side of the mouth and deposit the paste as far back over the tongue as possible.

Presentation Paste 30g with doser, 250g pot.

Iron & Haemopoietic Agents

Composition Each 1mL contains Nicotinamide 100mg, dl-Methionine 20mg, L-lysine HCI 20mg, Glycine 20mg, Ferric Ammonium Citrate 15mg, d-Panthenol 15mg, Pyridoxine HCI 10mg, Riboflavin 10mg, Inositol 10mg, Copper Sulfate 70µg, Cyanocobalamin 150µg, Biotin 10µg, Cobalt Sulfate 240µg, Choline Bitartrate 10mg, Folic Acid 1mg.

Storage Store below 30ºC (room temperature). Protect from light.

Troy Hemoplex Paste a supplementary source of iron, vitamins, minerals and amino acids for horses & dogs in paste form


Do you need both packs shots or will the new one be ok on it’s


Page 37: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Actions For use is anaemias resulting from Vitamin B12 deficiencies in horses, cattle, dogs and cats.

Directions for use By i.m., s.c., or i.v injection

Dogs & Cats: 0.5 - 1mL

Horses & Cattle: 1 - 4mLRepeat after 1-2 weeks.i.v. injection should be used only by, or under the supervision of a veterinary surgeon.

Presentation Injection 50mL, 100mL.

Troy Vitamin B12Injection





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Troy Vitamin B12 Injectionfor anaemias resulting from Vitamin B12 deficiency

Iron & Haemopoietic Agents

Composition Cyanocobalamin 1.0mg/mL.

Withholding period Nil.

Caution Avoid carcass damage.

Storage Store below 25ºC (air conditioning). Protect from light.

Registration All states

APVMA Number 52509


Page 38: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Troy FolicInjection

Troy Folic Injection for use in folic acid responsive anaemias





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IndicationsFor use in folic acid responsive anaemias in horses and dogs.

Directions for use Horses: 7.5mL i.m. daily for 4 - 7 days Dogs: 1mL i.m. daily for 4 - 7 days

PresentationInjection 50mL.

Iron & Haemopoietic Agents

Composition Folic acid 15mg/mL.

Withholding periodMeat – Nil.

Storage Store below 25ºC (air conditioning). Protect from light.

Registration All states

APVMA Number 50584


Page 39: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

IndicationsFor use in anaemias resulting from folic acid and vitamin b12 deficiencies in horses and dogs.

Directions for use Horses: 5 - 10mL i.m. or i.v.

Dogs: 1 - 2mL i.m. or i.v. Repeat once or twice weekly, or as required.

i.v. injection to be used by or under the supervision of a veterinary surgeon.

Presentation Injection 50mL, 100mL.

Troy Folic-B12Injection





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Troy Folic-B12 Injection for use in anaemias resulting from Vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiencies

Iron & Haemopoietic Agents

Composition Folic acid 15mg/mL,

Hydroxocobalamin Acetate 500µg/mL.

Withholding periodMeat – Nil.

Storage Store below 25ºC (air conditioning)

Protect from light.

Registration All states

APVMA Number 40436


Page 40: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses





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Muti-vitamin & Mineral

Actions BIOBOOST for dogs is a naturally derived fermentation product that contains a combination of microbial metabolites and a large range of bio-available vitamins & minerals. Microbial metabolites are the organic compounds & enzymes that result from the metabolism of the yeast cell during fermentation. These metabolites stimulate the beneficial bacteria in the dog’s digestive tract and this increased activity means the dog better utilizes it’s food.

A bio-available vitamin or mineral is ready to be absorbed, so is available to the body even when the digestive tract may not be working at it’s peak.

BIOBOOST for Dogs is safe to use, is a natural product and does not contain live microorganisms.

Indications BIOBOOST for dogs is ideal for dogs that have recently had surgery, are on antibiotics, or suffer from allergies. Senior dogs, dogs who are ‘poor doers’ or who suffer from digestive disturbances benefit from BIOBOOST.

BIOBOOST for Dogs is safe to use, is a natural product and does not contain live microorganisms.

Directions for use 1mL per 4.5kg of bodyweight, over the dogs food or in their drinking water.

Presentation Suspension 150mL pump pack.

Troy BIoBooSTSuspension

Composition Each mL contains Iron 1.3mg, Copper 0.12mg, Manganese 0.2mg, Zinc 1.45mg, Iodine 24µg, Selenium 4.5µg, Cobalt 0.75µg, Molybdenum 0.5µg, Vitamin D16 I.U., Vitamin E 1 I.U., Thiamine (Vitamin B1) 40µg, Riboflavin (VitaminB2) 0.1mg, Pantothenic acid 0.4mg, Niacin 0.45mg, Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) 44µg, Folic acid 8µg, Vitamin B12 1µg, Biotin 0.22µg

Storage Store below 30ºC (room temperature)

Troy BIoBooST Suspension is a nutritional supplement for dogs


Page 41: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Actions A phosphorus and vitamin B12 supplement for Horses and Dogs.

Indications Troy B-Phos Gel, can be before strenuous exercise or as directed by a veterinary surgeon.

Directions for use Adult horses 10mlDogs 0.5ml per 10kg

Administer 24 hours and again 4-6 hours before expected strenuous exercise or as recommended by a veterinary surgeon.

To administer, flip tube lid to expose nozzle loading vent, place nozzle of the syringe, provided, in the vent and draw back on plunger to the required dose. Place syringe in corner of the mouth and place dose over the back of the tongue.

Presentation 250ml Gel, with oral dosing syringe

Troy B-Phos Gel





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Troy B-Phos Gel a phosphorus and vitamin B12 supplement for Horses and Dogs

Multi-vitamin & Mineral

Composition Ethanolamine Phosphate 100mg, Cyanocobalamin

(Vitamin B12) ug

Storage Store below 30ºC

(room temperature).


Page 42: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses





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Muti-vitamin & Mineral

Actions Vitamin and mineral supplement.

IndicationsA palatable and well balanced source of essential vitamins, amino acids, calcium, phosphorus and trace elements which increase the nutrient content of the feed. Promotes the growth of healthy, strong bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and other soft tissues and assists in preventing deficiencies of mineral, amino acid and trace elements in all horses.

Directions for useAdminister daily in feed. 1 measure = 50g approx. Horses in work: 50g

Spelling horses: 50g

Show horses and ponies: 25g

Presentation 3.6%minimumphosphorus(P) from Dicalcium phosphate, 23%minimumcalcium(Ca)frompulverisedlimestone,4.6%minimum calcium (Ca) from calcium gluconate,2%maximumsalt.

Powder 3kg, 15 kg.

Troy Hoss-Amin-RPowder

Composition Vitamins A, D, B1, B2, B6, B12, Folic acid, Calcium Pantothenate, Methionine, L-Lysine, Inositol, Manganese Sulphate, Ferrous Sulphate, Potassium Iodide, Magnesium Sulphate, Calcium Gluconate, Sodium Chloride, Sulphur, Skim milk, Lucerne Meal, Dicalcium Phosphate and Calcium Carbonate.

Storage Store below 30ºC (room temperature). Protect from light.Troy Hoss-Amin-R

Powder a palatable calcium feed supplement for horses, with vitamins and amino acids


Question: Is this Presentation?

Page 43: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Actions Provides extra energy, vitamins and minerals. Appetite stimulant.

Indications A highly palatable source of calorie and vitamin supplementation recommended for inclusion in the diets of dogs and cats where levels may be low. NUTRIPET can be used to overcome the animal’s reluctance of the intake of tablets by fully covering the tablet with NUTRIPET.

Directions for use NUTRIPET is highly palatable and is usually accepted eagerly.

To acquaint the animal with the flavour, place a small amount in the mouth.

When used during convalescence and to stimulate appetite, give 10g (approx. 2 x 10cm strip) daily per 5kg bodyweight.

When used as the main source of nutrition, give 15g (approx 3 x 10cm strips) daily per 5kg bodyweight or as required.

Presentation Gel 200g.

Troy Nutripet





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Troy Nutripet a palatable high calorie dietary supplement for use in dogs and cats lacking adequate nutrition over a prolonged period of time

Multi-vitamin & Mineral

Composition Contains Vitamins A,

D, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, Nicotinamide, Calcium

Pantothenate, Folic Acid, Iron, Manganese,

Magnesium and Iodine in a palatable base consisting

of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, providing

approximately 1500 kilojoules of metabolizable

energy per 100g.

Storage Store below 30ºC

(room temperature).


Page 44: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses





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Muti-vitamin & Mineral

Ilium Nutrigel

Ilium Nutrigel a palatable high calorie dietary supplement for use in dogs and cats lacking adequate nutrition over a prolonged period of time

Actions Provides extra energy, vitamins and minerals. Appetite stimulant.

Indications A highly palatable source of calorie and vitamin supplementation recommended for inclusion in the diets of dogs and cats where levels may be low. NUTRIGEL can be used to overcome the animal’s reluctance of the intake of tablets by fully covering the tablet with NUTRIGEL.

Directions for use NUTRIGEL is highly palatable and is usually accepted eagerly.

To acquaint the animal with the flavour, place a small amount in the mouth.

When used during convalescence and to stimulate appetite, give 10g (approx. 2 x 10cm strip) daily per 5kg bodyweight.

When used as the main source of nutrition, give 15g (approx 3 x 10cm strips) daily per 5kg bodyweight or as required.

Presentation Gel 200g.

Composition Contains Vitamins A, D, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, Nicotinamide, Calcium Pantothenate, Folic Acid, Iron, Manganese, Magnesium and Iodine in a palatable base consisting of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, providing approximately 1500 kilojoules of metabolizable energy per 100g.

Storage Store below 30ºC (room temperature).


Page 45: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Actions Mineralised feed supplement for Horses with vitamins and amino acids.

IndicationsA palatable and well balanced source of essential vitamins, amino acids, calcium, phosphorus and trace elements which increase the nutrient content of the feed. Promotes the growth of healthy, strong bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and other soft tissues and assists in preventing deficiencies of mineral, amino acid and trace elements in all horses.

Directions for use1 measure equals approximately 50gm

For Horses in work:50gm daily in feed

Spelling Horses: 50gm daily in feed

Show Horses and ponies:25gm daily in feed

Presentation Powder 3kg, 15 kg.

Troy Palavitewith Chromium





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mTroy Palavite with Chromium a mineralised feed supplement for Horses with vitamins and amino acids

Multi-vitamin & Mineral

Composition Each kg contains: 260.0g

Calcium, 45.5g Phosphorus, 25.0g Lactose, 20.0g

Calcium Gluconate, 20.0g Sodium Chloride, 18.0g Milk proteins, 14.0g DL-

Methionine, 9.0g L-Lysine HCI, 8.0g Sulphur, 2.0g

Inositol, 2.0g Magnesium Sulphate, 90mg Chromium

(as chromium yeast), 800mg Thiamine HCI (B1), 172mg Vitamin A, 1mg Riboflavin

(B2), 50mg Folic Acid, 50mg Ferrous Sulphate, 20mg

Calcium Pantothenate, 20mg Manganese Sulphate,

2mg Pyridoxine HCI (B6), 10mg Potassium Iodide,

2.5mg Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3), 100ug

Cyanocobalamin (B12)

Storage Store below 30ºC

(room temperature). Protect from light.


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Muti-vitamin & Mineral

Troy Vitamin ADEInjection

Troy Vitamin ADE Injection for the treatment and prevention of Vitamin A, D & E deficiencies in Cattle, Sheep & Pigs

IndicationsFor the treatment and prevention of Vitamin A, D & E deficiencies in Cattle, Sheep & Pigs.

Directions for use Intramuscular injection only.

Cows: 5ml, at least twice per year, and 3 days prior to calving

Calves: 1ml, during first week of birth

Sheep: 1-2ml At least twice per year

Lambs: 0.5ml As soon as possible after birth

Pigs: 2-3ml Sows, one injection upon placement in farrowing house and a second injection during the first week after farrowing.

Boars: one injection 1-2 weeks prior to breeding season

Piglets: 0.25-.5ml during the first week after birth

Presentation Injection 100ml, 500ml

Composition Each ml contains, Retinol Palmitate (Vitamin A) (500,000 IU)Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) 1.25mg (50,000 IU)Alpha Tocopherol Acetate (Vitamin E) 50.0mg (50 IU)

PrecautionsAvoid carcass damage, sterilise all injection apparatus by boiling before use. Avoid use of strong disinfectants on apparatus. Maintain cleanliness at all times. Keep needles sharp and clean, replace frequently. Use needles of appropriate gauge and length. If possible avoid injection of animals in wet weather or under dusty conditions. This product must be injected intramuscularly only. If possible inject into muscle tissue on side of neck.Use the contents of this vial within six months of initial broaching. Discard any unused portion.


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Muti-vitamin & Mineral 153

Withholding PeriodsNil

Storage Store below 25ºC (Air Conditioning) Protect from light

RegistrationAll States

APVMA Number61154

Question: Is there a 500mL?I didn’t produce new artwork for it and I can’t find an old visual

Troy Vitamin ADE Injection - continued

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Specific Vitamin & Mineral Supplements154

Troy Behave Paste

Troy Behave Paste a supplementary source of, vitamins, minerals and amino acids for horses & dogs

Actions Supplementary source of vitamins, minerals and amino acids for horses and dogs. Contains L-Tryptophan & B-group vitamins.

Indications Behavourial issues that may respond from vitamin supplementation.

Directions for use Adult horse – 10 - 15mL.

Dog – 1mL per 10 kg. Administer daily, preferably 24 hours before and within four hours of exercise or travel.

Presentation Paste 30g with doser,250g Pot

Composition Each 1mL contains L-Tryptophan 260mg, Riboflavin (vitamin B12) 18mg, Nicotinamide (vitamin B3) 50mg, Pyridoxine HCI (vitamin B6), 10mg, Folic Acid 15mg, Magnesium aspartate 20mg, Potassium aspartate 20mg, Chromium picolinate 300µg Thyamine HCI (Vitamin B1) 20mg, Sodium ascorbate (Vitamin C) 100mg.

Storage Store below 30ºC (room temperature).

Page 49: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Actions Essential mineral which promotes remineralisation of the bone in calcium deficiency and disorders of calcium metabolism.

Indications A dietary supplement for use as an aid in the prevention and treatment of calcium deficiency in dogs and cats.

Directions for use Give twice daily, orally or mixed with food. All meat diets are not recommended unless under VETERINARY SUPERVISION.

PresentationSyrup 250mL, 1L.

Troy CalciumSyrup





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Troy Calcium Syrup oral calcium supplement

Specific Vitamin & Mineral Supplements

Composition Calcium (as Calcium

glubionate and Calcium lactobionate) 22mg/mL.

Contraindications Hypercalcaemia and


Storage Store below 30ºC

(room temperature) Protect from light.

Registration All states

APVMA Number 40055

Type of diet Dogs, mL/5kg weight Cats, mL per animal

Growing Pregnant & Growing Pregnant & pups lactating kittens lactating bitches queens

1/3 meat & 5-8mL 5-15mL 3mL 5mL2/3dryfoodDry food 5mL 5-10mL 0.5-1mL 1.5-2.5mLonly1/3 can food 5mL 5-10mL 1-1.5mL 2.5-3.5mL&2/3dryfoodCan food 5-8mL 5mL 1.5-2.5mL 3-4mLonly


Page 50: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Troy CoppernateInjection

Troy Coppernate Injection for the prevention and treatment of copper deficiency in cattle





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IndicationsFor the prevention and treatment of copper deficiency in cattle.

Directions for UseShake well before use.

Cattle: 2mL s.c., repeated within 6 - 9 months

Calves: 1mL s.c., repeated within 3 - 6 months

Presentation250mL pillow pack250mL vial

Specific Vitamin & Mineral Supplements156

Composition Copper as Copper Glycinate 60mg/mL

PrecautionsExcessive copper is toxic; do not administer unless copper deficiency has been confirmed. Avoid carcass damage.May irritate the eyes and skin. Wash hands after use.

Adverse reactions Swelling may occur at the injection site which usually recedes in a few weeks. Anaphylactic reactions following administration may occur in young bovines. Prompt antihistamine treatment is indicated.

Withholding period Nil

Storage Store below 25ºC (air conditioning) Protect from light.

Registration All states

APVMA Number 50441

Page 51: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Actions Supplementary source of vitamins for horses and dogs.

IndicationsMay assist where appetite responds to vitamin supplementation

Directions for use Adult horse – 10 - 15mL.

Dog – 1mL per 10 kg. Administer daily, preferably 1 hour before eating. Place the nozzle into the side of the mouth and deposit the paste as far back over the tongue as possible.

Presentation Paste 30g with doser,250g Tube

Troy Eat Ease Paste





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Troy Eat Ease Paste a supplementary source of vitamins for horses & dogs

Specific Vitamin & Mineral Supplements

Composition Each 1mL contains

Thyamine HCI (Vitamin B1) 20mg,

Riboflavin (Vitamin B12) 18mg,

Nicotinamide (vitamin B3) 50mg, Sodium ascorbate

(Vitamin C) 100mg.

Storage Store below 30ºC

(room temperature).


Page 52: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Troy E.R.G Equine Rehydration Gel

Troy E.R.G Equine Rehydration Gel adenosine Supplement for Horses and Dogs





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IndicationsAdenosine Supplement for Horses and Dogs.

Directions for use Adult horses: 10ml, Dogs: 0.5ml per 10kg

Administer 24 hours and again 4-6 hours before expected strenuous exercise or as recommended by a veterinary surgeon.

To administer, flip tube lid to expose nozzle loading vent, place nozzle of the syringe, provided, in the vent and draw back on plunger to the required dose. Place syringe in corner of the mouth and place dose over the back of the tongue. Presentation Gel 250ml, with oral dosing syringe.

Specific Vitamin & Mineral Supplements

Composition Each 1ml contains 200mg adenosine-5-monophosphoric acid

Withholding PeriodMeat, Horses, 28 days.

Storage Store below 30ºC (room temperature).

Registration All states


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Specific Vitamin & Mineral Supplements 159

IndicationsFor the prevention and treatment of Vitamin E deficiency in horses and dogs.

Directions for use To be mixed with the feed or in the food.

Horses:1 large scoop = 16 grams = 1,000 i.u.

Horses in work: 1,000 i.u. dailyMares at stud: 1,000 to 5,000 i.u. daily

Horses at start of training: 1,000 i.u. daily

Stallions at stud: 1,000 to 5,000 i.u. daily

Dogs: 1 small scoop = 3.5 grams = 220 i.u.

Dogs in light work: 50 i.u. (approx quarter scoop)

Dogs in Heavy work: 100 i.u (approx half scoop)2 days prior to racing: 200 i.u. (approx one scoop)

Presentation Powder 200g, 1kg, 2.5kg, 8kg.

Troy NaturalEPowder

Troy NaturalE Powder the natural form of Vitamin E for the prevention and treatment of Vitamin E deficiencies

Composition Each gram contains d-alpha

Tocopheryl Acid Succinate (the natural form of

Vitamin E) 62.5i.u. (52mg).

Precautions Avoid giving NATURALE together with any iron

supplement. If both are required, give NATURALE in

the morning and the iron supplement in the evening or administer on alternate days.

Storage Store below 30ºC

(room temperature).Protect from light. Keep container lid

tightly closed.

Registration All states

APVMA Number 38531

Page 54: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Ilium NutricoatEssential Fatty Acid Dietary Supplement with Zinc

Ilium Nutricoat Essential Fatty Acid Dietary Supplement with Zinc an aid in the treatment of allergic and inflammatory dermatological conditions responsive to polyunsaturated fatty acids in dogs and catsNu




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Actions An aid in the treatment of allergic and inflammatory dermatological conditions responsive to polyunsaturated fatty acids in dogs and cats.

Indications For the prevention and treatment of selenium-vitamin E deficiencies in horses.

Directions for use Shake well before use 1 pump delivers 2.5ml, Animals less than 7kg bodyweight apply 1 pump (2.5ml) to food.7 to 23kg bodyweight apply 2 pumps (5ml) to food.More than 23kg, apply 4 pumps (10ml) to food.Give with food once daily.Double the dose with severe nutrient deficiencies.If used for the treatment of flea allergy dermatitis, flea control measures should also be followed.

Presentation 250ml Pump Pack, 375ml, 1L

Specific Vitamin & Mineral Supplements

Composition Each 5ml contains, Linoleic Acid 2.4g, Linolenic Acid 200mg, Eicosapentaenoic Acid 112mg, Docosahexaenoic Acid 65mg, Zincas Zinc Sulphate 15mg, Vitamin E as dl-alpha-Tocopheryl Acetate 14mgAlso contains; Vitamin A (as Palmitate), Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (B6), Inositol, Biotin

Adverse ReactionsIf poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or the Poisons Information Centre. If in eyes, hold eyes open, flood with water for at least 15 minutes and see a doctor.

Storage Store below 30ºC (room temperature). Protect from light.

Registration All states


Page 55: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Actions The combination of sodium selenite and vitamin E is anti-inflammatory, a catalyst in calcium and protein metabolism; and has a role in maintenance of cellular integrity, particularly in muscle and erythrocytes.

Indications For the prevention and treatment of selenium-vitamin E deficiencies in horses.

Directions for use 1mL/50kg bodyweight, i.m. or very slow i.v. Repeat dose after 7 - 10 days. Administer in divided doses at no more than 5mL per injection site.

Presentation Injection 100mL.

Ilium Selvite E Injection





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Ilium Selvite E Injection for the prevention and treatment of selenium – Vitamin E deficiencies

Specific Vitamin & Mineral Supplements

Composition d-Alpha-Tocopherol

(68i.u./mL Vitamin E) 45.6 mg/mL, selenium (as

Sodium selenite) 2.5mg/mL.

PrecautionsThis product may be given

intravenously only by, or under the supervision of a


Withholding periodMeat – Nil

Storage Store below 25ºC (air conditioning). Protect from light.

Registration All states

APVMA Number 50804


Page 56: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses


Troy Vitamin B12Injection for Sheep & Cattle

Troy Vitamin B12 Injection for use in anaemias resulting from Vitamin B12 deficiency in sheep and cattle





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Indications For the treatment of vitamin B12 (Cobalt) deficiency in lambs, calves, sheep and cattle.

Directions for use By i.m., s.c., injection.Lambs: 1mL every 2 months

Calves: 2mL every 3 months

Sheep: 1mL every 4 months

Cattle: 2mL every 4 monthsCobalt supplementation may be required in some areas where vitamin B12 deficiency occurs.

Seek veterinary advice concerning vitamin B12 and cobalt supplementation.

Presentation Injection 50mL, 100mL.

Specific Vitamin & Mineral Supplements

Composition Hydroxocobalamin (as Acetate) 1800µg/mL, Cyanocobalamin 200µg/mL.

Withholding period Meat – Nil

Caution Avoid carcase damage

Storage Store below 25ºC (air conditioning). Protect from light.

Registration All states

APVMA Number 40563

Page 57: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Indications For the treatment of Vitamin B12 and Selenium deficiencies in sheep.

Directions for use By s.c. injectionLambs: 1mL

Adults & weaners: 2mL The need for and frequency of dosing should be related to the severity of the deficiency. Repeat every 2 - 3 months in cases of severe deficiency and every 5 - 6 months in less deficient areas.Do not exceed stated dose volume and frequency. Consult your veterinarian for advice.

Presentation Injection 500mL.

Troy Vitamin B12with Selenium Injection





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Troy Vitamin B12 with selenium Injection for use in Vitamin B12 deficiencies in sheep

Specific Vitamin & Mineral Supplements

Composition Hydroxocobalamin (as Acetate) 1800µg/mL,

Cyanocobalamin 200µg/mL, elemental Selenium as

(sodium selenate) 2mg/mL

Withholding period Nil.

CautionUse only in selenium

deficient areas. Do not use unless a selenium deficiency

has been diagnosed. Not for use with other selenium

supplements. Calculate dose carefully. Avoid carcass


Storage Store below 25ºC (air conditioning). Protect from light.

Registration All states

APVMA Number 51845


Page 58: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Troy Vitamin CInjection

Troy Vitamin C Injection for use in Vitamin C deficiencies





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IndicationsVitamin C supplement for horses, cattle & dogs.

Directions for use By i.m., or s.c., injection.

Dogs: 0.25 - 1mL

Horses: 5 - 10mL

Cattle: 2 - 4mLRepeat daily as indicated.

Presentation Injection 50mL, 100mL.

Specific Vitamin & Mineral Supplements

Composition Ascorbic acid as Sodium Ascorbate 500mg/mL.

Withholding period Nil.

Caution Avoid carcass damage

Storage Store below 25ºC (air conditioning). Protect from light.

Registration All states

APVMA Number 50272


Page 59: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Actions B Group vitamin supplementation.

Indications Rapidly helps to restore energy when it is needed most. Helps increase animals’ power of recovery from extreme exertion, sickness or severe de-worming treatments. For horses, dogs, cats and birds.

Directions for use 1 measure = approx 3.5g

Dogs and cats: 1/3 to 1/2 measure daily in food or liquid.

Greyhounds: 1/2 to 1 measure daily in food or liquid

Horses: 2 - 3 measures daily in moist feed

Pigeons: 2 measures in 8 litres of water to 40 birds daily

Presentation Powder 500g, 3kg, 15kg.

Troy Vite B Vitamin B Complex Powder





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Troy Vite B powder oral B Complex supplement for animals under stress

Specific Vitamin & Mineral Supplements

Composition Thiamine HCI (B1) 12.5g/kg,

Riboflavin (B2) 1.25g/kg, Pyridoxine HCI (B6) 20g/kg,

Cyanocobalamin (B12) 0.5mg/kg,

Nicotinic Acid 1g/kg, Calcium Gluconate 10g/kg

in an energy base.

Storage Store below 25ºC (air conditioning). Protect from light.

Registration All states

APVMA Number 38522


Page 60: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Troy AnimalacPlus

Troy Animalac Plus a milk substitute for dogs and cats





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Actions Feed supplement: Fats, proteins and carbohydrates in a base which provides energy content.

Indications A balanced blend of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and amino acids formulated to meet the nutritional needs of young and debilitated animals.

Presentation Powder 250g, 2.5kg.

Milk Replacement - Cats and Dogs

Composition Fats10.7%,Protein29.7%,Carbohydrates49.2%andessential vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

Contraindications Do not administer during the first 48 hours after birth if not an orphan as this may prevent the absorption of antibodies from the mother’s milk.

Storage Store below 30ºC (room temperature).Protect from light and moisture.




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Milk Replacement - Cats and Dogs

Warm 3 measures 4.5measures 7.5measures 15 measuresWater (15mL) (22.5mL) (37.5mL) (75mL)

ANIMALAC 1 measure 1.5 measures 2.5measures 5 measuresPowder

Bodyweight 100g 150g 250g 500g

ANIMALAC 20mL 30mL 50mL 100mLRequired

Equivalent to:

Total Daily Feeding Guide Bodyweight Energy requirement per ANIMAL powder to kg bodyweight supply daily energy requirement

2.5kg 110calories 65g 5kg 92calories 110g 10kg 74calories 175g 20kg 68calories 320g

PreGnAnT AnD nurSinG DoGS AnD CATS: Supplement diet for bitches and queens with ANIMALAC at the rate of one measure for each kg bodyweight particularly during the last 3 weeks of nursing and whilst they are nursing.

Convalescing and debilitated animals

Directions for useOne (1) measure approx. 3.5g. One (1) measure ANIMALAC mixed well with 3 measures of warm water will give 20mL mixture.

orPHAn PuPS AnD KiTTenS Feed orphan as much as it will comfortably consume, without forcing as overfeeding may cause diarrhoea.Feedapproximately20%ofbodyweight(grams)inmLs.Divide the total daily requirement and feed over 4-6 feeds.


Troy Animalac Plus - continued

Page 62: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Troy Applyte Rehydration Solution for Horses

Troy Applyte Rehydration Solution for Horses is used as an aid in restoring fluid and electrolyte levels depleted by strenuous exercise and sweat loss during training, racing, competition and transport in all horses





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Actions Troy Applyte is used as an aid in restoring fluid and electrolyte levels depleted by strenuous exercise and sweat loss during training, racing, competition and transport in all horses.

Indications Applyte is a concentrated solu-tion of body salts and glucose that can be given by oral syringe over the back of the tongue, or diluted with water as a drink. When given over the tongue, or as a drink, APPLYTE should promote rapid rehydration during the ‘cooling down’ and recovery period following exercise. AP-PLYTE should be administered, or offered as a first drink, when the horse is thirsty following exercise, transport or heavy sweat loss. As a drink, apple flavoured APPLYTE is accepted by most horses, but some may prefer a more diluted form initially.

Directions for UseApplyte Rehydration Solution can be administered by oral syringe over the back of the tongue, with immediate access to clean, fresh water provided to drink as required. Alternatively, Applyte can be diluted with clean, fresh drinking water as directed.

Dosage rates for 450-500kg horses: Light work (up to 30 minutes duration), 40ml after exercise by oral syringe over tongue, or 40ml made up in 2 litres of water.Moderate work (30-60 minutes duration), 60ml after exercise by oral syringe over tongue, or 60ml made up in 3 litres of water.Heavy work (Racing, Jumping, Dressage, Polocrosse, Polo, Stock Work), 80ml after exercise by oral syringe over tongue, or 80ml in 4 litres of water.Heavy Sweat loss and Dehydration in all horses, Endurance, Eventing, 80ml after exercise by oral syringe over tongue, or 80ml in 4 litres of water.

For Ponies less than 350kg offer half dose volumes.

Special dose rates:Severely Dehydrated Horses: 6-8 litres of made-up solution (40ml Applyte/litre water), may be administered by stomach tube as required under the supervision of a veterinary surgeon.

Endurance Exercise: 60-80ml an be administered by oral syringe over the tongue, during a ride or at check points, provided water is available or offered immediately.Travelling horses, hot weather or long distances: 40-60ml over the tongue with water provided 30-60 minutes before travelling, repeat every 2-3 hours during travelling, and again on arrival as required.

Presentation 1 Litre concentrate





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Composition 40.45g/L Sodium (as sodium chloride and sodium phosphate dodecahydrate)30.36g/L Potassium (as potassium chloride), 2.93g/L Magnesium (as magnesium sulphate heptahydrate), 63.96g/L Chloride (as sodium chloride and potassium chloride), 11.59g/L Sulphate (as magnesium sulphate heptahydrate), 23.17g/L Phosphate (as sodium phosphate dodecahydrate), 260g/L Glucose

Storage Store below 30ºC (room temperature).Replace cap tightly after use.

APVMA Number: 61017


Troy Applyte Rehydration Solution - continued

Page 64: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Troy Applyte oral Rehydration Gel for Horses

Troy Applyte oral Rehydration Gel for Horses is used as an aid in restoring fluid and electrolyte levels depleted by strenuous exercise and sweat loss during training, racing, competition and transport in all horses





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Directions for UseAlways ensure a separate supply of clean, fresh drinking water is available after administration.

APPLYTE is a concentrated solution of body salts and glucose that is given by oral syringe over the back of the tongue. APPLYTE should promote rapid re-hydration during the ‘cooling down’ and recovery period following exercise by providing a stimulus to drink. APPLYTE should be administered following exercise, transport or heavy sweat loss.

DosageAPPLYTE Oral Rehydration Gel is administered by oral syringe over the back of the tongue, with immediate access to clean, fresh water provided to drink as required.

Dosage rates are for 450-500kg horses. Ponies less than 350kg offer half dose volumes.





By Oral Syringe over TongueLight Work

(up to 30 minutes duration) 40mL after exercise

Moderate Work (30-60 minutes duration) 60mL after exercise

Heavy Work (Racing, Jumping, Dressage,

Polocrosse, Polo, Stock Work)80mL after exercise

Heavy Sweat Loss and Dehydration in all horses,

Endurance, Eventing80mL after exercise

Actions Troy Applyte is used as an aid in restoring fluid and electrolyte levels depleted by strenuous exercise and sweat loss during training, racing, competition and transport in all horses.

Indications Applyte is a concentrated solu-tion of body salts and glucose that can be given by oral syringe over the back of the tongue, or diluted with water as a drink. When given over the tongue, or as a drink, APPLYTE should promote rapid rehydration during the ‘cooling down’ and recovery period following exercise. AP-PLYTE should be administered, or offered as a first drink, when the horse is thirsty following ex-ercise, transport or heavy sweat loss. As a drink, apple flavoured APPLYTE is accepted by most horses, but some may prefer a more diluted form initially.

These indications are from the solution? Not sure if can be used for the gel?

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Composition 40.45g/L Sodium (as sodium chloride and sodium phosphate dodecahydrate) 30.36g/L Potassium (as potassium chloride)2.93g/L Magnesium (as magnesium sulphate heptahydrate)63.96g/L Chloride (as sodium chloride and potassium chloride)11.59g/L Sulphate (as magnesium sulphate heptahydrate) 23.17g/L Phosphate (as sodium phosphate dodecahydrate)260g/L Glucose

Withholding Period:Meat Nil

Storage Store below 30ºC (room temperature). Close cap after use. Do not freeze.

APVMA Number: 61378


Special Dose RatesSeverely Dehydrated Horses: 6-8 litres of made-up solution (40mL APPLYTE/litre water) may be administered by stomach tube as required under the supervision of a veterinary surgeon.

Endurance Exercise: 60-80mL can be administered by oral syringe over the tongue, during a ride or at check points, provided water is available or offered immediately.

Travelling Horses: Hot weather or long distances, 40-60mL over tongue with water provided 30-60 minutes before travelling, repeat every 2-3 hours during travelling, and again on arrival as required.

Presentation 250mL Tube

Note: This product copy is new. Please check thoroughly as it comes from the packaging

word file

Troy Applyte Rehydration Gel - continued

Page 66: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Troy CanterburyGrass Salts

Troy Canterbury Grass Salts salt mixture for horses with diuretic and laxative properties





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Actions Strenuous exercise increases electrolyte losses which, if not replaced daily, can lead to electrolyte imbalances, resulting in reduced stamina, dehydration, fatigue and poor recovery after exercising.

Indications Salt mixture for horses with diuretic and laxative properties. Recommended for horses on high grain diets.

Directions for use For horses in full work: 50g (2 measures) daily, mixed with feed.

As a Physic: 200 - 300g (8 - 12 measures) mixed with the feed. This dose can be repeated if necessary.

Presentation Powder 4kg, 25kg.


Composition Sodium sulphate 440g/kg, Sodium bicarbonate 360g/kg, Sodium chloride 180g/kg, Potassium sulphate 20g/kg.

Withholding Period Horses: Nil

Storage Store below 30ºC (room temperature) in a dry place. Replace lid tightly.

Registration All states

APVMA Number 52161


Page 67: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Actions A balanced formulation designed to correct electrolyte depletion and acid base disorders in horses under heavy muscular work and hot weather. Also indicated as an aid in the treatment of dehydration if given with water.

Directions for use 50g (2 measures) daily mixed with the feed or diluted in drinking water.

Presentation Powder 3kg, 20kg.

Troy ElectrolyteReplacer





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Troy Electrolyte Replacer designed to correct electrolyte depletion and acid base disorders in horses


Composition Sodium chloride 277.0g/kg,

sodium bicarbonate 267.0g/kg, Potassium chloride 198.0g/kg,

Sodium Sulphate 45.5g/kg,Magnesium sulphate 19.8g/kg.

Withholding Period Horses: Nil

Storage Store below 30ºC

(room temperature).Replace lid tightly.

Registration All states

APVMA Number 38605


Page 68: Anabolic Steroids 108 Ilium Anadiol Depot Ilium Boldebal-H Ilium ...€¦ · Anabolic Steroids Composition Stanozolol 50mg/mL. Withholding period Meat – Not to be used on horses

Troy Humilyte

Troy Humilyte electrolyte replacer for heavily sweating horses.





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Actions Replaces vital electrolytes lost by horses that sweat heavily. Hot weather, tropical climates and long distance exercise can induce extreme sweating which may deplete electrolyte levels. Helps treat alkalosis and low blood chloride levels. Aids in recovery from dehydration when given with water.

Indications Electrolyte replacer for horses

Directions for use 1 measure approx 24g. Mix 1 measure into the feed morning and night (48g per day), or dissolve into the drinking water at the rate of 2 measures/25L or administer as a drench up to a maximum concentration of 4 measure (96g)/4L water, as required.

Presentation Powder 3kg, 20kg


Composition Each KG contains the following ions: Ammonium (NH4*) 33.6g, Calcium (Ca**) 40.1g Carbonate (CO3*) 59.9g Chloride (C1*) 438.9g, Magnesium (Mg**) 9.8g, Potassium (K*) 209.6g, Sodium (Na*) 117.9g, Sulfate (SO4*) 38.9g.

Precautions Do not mix with alkaline salts. Do not administer to horses with high blood potassium levels. Ensure an adequate supply of clean drinking water is available.

Withholding Period Meat: – Nil

Storage Store below 30ºC (room temperature) in a dry place. Replace lid tightly.

Registration All states

APVMA Number 45176