social entrepreneurs

Post on 26-Jan-2017






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Social Entrepreneurs

John Wood Greg Mortenson

-Founder of Room to Read, a global non-profit organization focused on literacy and gender equality in education.-He once visited a school with only a handful of books none of which were age-appropriate, and thus started his organisation to receive donated books for children.

-Promoted the education of girls in certain communities.-He once ended up in the village of Korphe, and saw that the children were writing their lessons on the ground. He then promised them that he would return and build a school, which he did.- Co-founder and former executive director of the non-profit Central Asia Institute.

Two social entrepreneurs

-Our Project, and what it is-

-Our aim is to try and help people who are starving, or have a lack of food. -This is because starvation is a major problem for many people, mainly for poor people living in third-world countries. -Starvation is a major problem as it can cause many problems like malnutrition, and in some serious cases, even death by starvation can occur.

-Third-world countries like Africa have this problem, as many of its poor people cannot make enough money to support themselves and their families.

-How to accomplish the task-

-The first way is to ask for donations of food items that are not expired and hand them over to other relief organisations which will then send these items to other countries whose people need help.-Food that should be encouraged are rice and canned food, which can be kept for long periods of time.

-The second way is to not only do food donation, but to promote ideas that will help in the long run.-Ideas like transitioning can be used. Organizations that do this, they start by providing families with food, but then slowly find solutions to empower families to be self-sufficient.

(More ideas on the next slide)

-How to accomplish the task, part 2- (Continuation of previous slide)

-Education. Education is the best weapon against poverty and hunger. It is especially powerful in underdeveloped countries. Education means better opportunity and more access to income and food.

-Sustainable food. Heifer International is an organization that helps transform agriculture. They fund projects so people can provide food for themselves in a sustainable way. We would like to see many impoverished areas not reliant on aid from foreign countries, but able to create their own food supply instead.


-So in conclusion, there are many ways to finish this task and although some of these tasks are too hard or difficult, we can start small by asking for things like donations for an organisation or donation to them whenever possible.-The topic we chose to focus on is not the only topic that is a global problem, and if I could, I would want to solve them all, or at least find ways to. But I have to start small, and take one step at a time.

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