
Post on 19-Jul-2016






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Green morocco plan



Strategical foundations

Insufficient investments:

Insufficient organization:



The Green Morocco Plan's strategy concerns a sector which contributes 19% of the GNP, with 15% from agriculture and 4% from agro-industry.

This sector employs more than 4 million rural inhabitants, and has created approximately 100,000 jobs in the agro-industry sector. This sector plays a substantial role in the macroeconomic balance of the country.

Also, it is important to remember that the sector is directly responsible for the food security of 30 million consumers.

Advantages The geographical situation of Morocco and its proximity to the European market, with logistical means clearly improving;

Qualified and competitive agricultural workforce compared to the competition.

Established competitive advantages for several products (fruits and vegetables, etc.);

The presence, at a national level, of several models of successful agricultural businesses and agro-industries.

Strategical foundationsThe First Building Block: Make agriculture a lever for growth during the next 10 to 15 years

Second Building Block – Adopt aggregation as an organizing model for agriculture

Third building block: Insure the global development of Moroccan agriculture, without exclusions

Fourth Building Block: Promote private investment

Fifth Building Block: Adopt a contractual approach to accomplish the Green Morocco Plan

The Sixth Building Block: Sustainable Moroccan Agriculture

Seventh Building Block: The dismantling of the segmented framework

Insufficient investments:Inadequate participation of the banking system in terms of financing agricultural projects with only 18% of agriculturists benefiting from the allocation of loans.

Poorly developed agro-industrial infrastructure, which represents only 24% of the number of national industries, and that transforms only a third of the production.

A poorly subsidized agricultural sector: subsidies allocated to Moroccan agriculture attain only 8%, compared to other countries where subsidies attain 30 to 70%.

Morocco benefits from only 60% and 28% of the tariff quota for fresh and processed products respectively.

Insufficient organization:

The agricultural sector is very poorly organized and there is a near-absence of inter-professional interaction.

Insufficient management and supervision:National agriculture is weakened by the traditional management of farms, with inadequate systems of supervision.

Limited water resources:Drought is one of the most important obstacles to the development of national agriculture because of poor and irregular rainfall. The under-valuing and overuse of surface and ground water is due to an inefficient irrigation system.


The Green Morocco Plan has already played an important role through the concession of state-owned agricultural land in the first 2 phases, to be specific, 80,000 ha of farmland. It has enabled the creation of 296 projects with a budget of 1.1 billion euros, leading to the creation of 3,500 jobs.

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