innovation quotes

Post on 06-Apr-2017






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Les obstacles sont nécessaires au succès car la victoire ne

vient qu’au prix d’innombrables défaites.

Og Mandino

Le nombre de fois où vous réussissez est proportionnel au nombre de fois où vous échouez et vous réessayez.

Tom Hopkins

Vous avez tout en vous pour construire quelque

chose de bien plus grand que vous-même.

Seth Godin

Une personne médiocre dit. Une bonne personne explique.

Une personne supérieure démontre.

Une personne extraordinaire inspire les autres à agir.

Harvey Mackay Mandino

Sur 100 génies, 99 meurent inconnus et le centième rencontre des difficultés insensées à s'imposer.


Dans le champ de l'observation, le hasard ne favorise que l'esprit bien préparé.

Louis Pasteur

Celui qui tente quelque

chose prend un risque, mais celui qui ne tente rien prend un risque encore bien plus


Arrêter d’apprendre c’est

commencer de vieillir.

Oser, c'est risquer. Ne plus rien oser, c'est risquer

encore plus.

Pour être créatif, il faut savoir travailler de

façon intensive et rêver de façon extensive.

Des chercheurs qui cherchent, on en trouve. Mais des chercheurs qui trouvent, on en cherche.

Charles de Gaulle

Si vous ne connaissez ni votre ennemi ni vous-même, vous

perdrez chaque bataille

Si vous vous connaissez vous-même mais que vous ne

connaissez pas votre ennemi, vous subirez une défaite pour

chaque victoire remportée.

Si vous connaissez votre ennemi et que vous vous connaissez

vous-même, vous n'avez pas à craindre le résultat de centaines

de batailles.

Si vous connaissez votre ennemi et que vous vous connaissez

vous-même, votre victoire ne fera aucun doute. Si vous

connaissez le Ciel et la Terre, votre victoire pourrait être totale.

Sun Tzu, L'Art de la Guerre.

Ce qui vaut la peine d’être fait vaut la peine d’être bien


Nicolas Poussin, 1594-1665

C’est proprement ne valoir rien que

d’être utile à personne.

René Descartes, 1596-1650

Mais qu’est ce que donc je suis ? Une chose qui pense. Qu’est-ce qu’une chose qui pense ?

René Descartes, 1596-1650

Au fournisseur, on ne demande plus :

Qu’avez-vous ?

mais :

De quoi êtes-vous capable ?

Value Innovation is about making the competition irrelevant by creating uncontested market space. We argue that beating the competition within the confines of the existing industry is not the way to create profitable growth

Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne

Incrementalism is innovation’s worst


Nicholas Negroponte

Sachez écouter, et soyez sûr que le

silence produit souvent le même

effet que la science.

Napoléon Bonaparte, 1729-1821

On est jamais si bien servi que par soi-même.

Charles-Guillaume Etienne 1777-1845

Il n’y a d’homme complet que celui qui a beaucoup voyagé, qui a

changé vingt fois la forme de sa pensée et

de sa vie.

Alphonse Lamartine 1790-1869

L’homme absurde est celui qui ne change jamais.

Auguste-Marseille Barthélémy (1796-1867)

The fastest way to succeed, is to double your failure rate.

Thomas Watson, founder of IBM

Ceux qui ne font rien ne se trompent jamais.

Théodore de Banville, 1823-1891

La science n’a pas de patrie.

Louis Pasteur, 1822-1895

Le pessimiste se plaint du vent,

l'optimiste espère que le vent tourne,

et le réaliste hisse les voiles.

Sir William Adolphus Ward, 1837 - 1924

Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.

If done right, innovation is an “everybody wins” scenario.

Innovation is all down to people and how you lead and inspire them.

Many 3M products have life-cycles of just 1-2 years – fast pace of change, business and innovation.

Scientists are the brains, hearts and souls of 3M.

Using Six Sigma for innovation at 3M was a complete disaster. It almost killed the innovation culture.

Executive commitment helped 3M quadruple the innovation output from 2005-2012.

Innovation is all down to people and how you lead and inspire them.

Innovation is a means to a competitive end. Not the end itself.

Innovation is really the business of turning ideas into money. It is not sustainable without this focus.

It is much harder to innovate at bottom of pyramid because you have to do it for less money.

If you are not comfortable with risk, you will never be comfortable with innovation.

All great innovation leaders can put “the invisible hand” at work. Think Jobs here.

Innovation never come from large teams. The come from individuals or 2-3 people.

You can’t cut R&D in a downturn

Competitiveness is the most important key for a company’s survival.

A key for innovation is for the organization to accept and ADOPT ideas and allow them to cannibalize existing products.

One discovery always leads to another.

If you refuse to cannibalize your own products, I can assure you others will do this.

Companies and their executive teams seem to fear disruption more than destruction.

Innovation should be focused on offerings with greatest margins or greatest growth rate.

Innovation is a belief-system. You can do things better. Industry does not matter.

Innovation is not about creating blockbusters. It is about creating a philosophy within the company.

It is the innovation mindset and belief-system that will drive your company to become competitive.

There is not just one future. You can create many futures.

Innovation is a delicate balance of investing in the future and protecting current offerings.

A company can only be innovative if you have the culture to accept change and risk.

Successful people are those who search for the circumstances they want. If they can’t find them, they will create them.

George Buckley, former CEO at 3M

Si vous n'échouez pas

de temps à autre,

c'est signe que vous

ne faites rien de très


Woody Allen

Nothing is

stronger than

habit. [Ovid]

If you always do

what you always did,

you will always get

what you always got.

[Albert Einstein]

Status quo is Latin for,

'The mess we're in.'

[Ronald Reagan]

Change is inevitable.

Except from a

vending machine.

[Robert C. Gallagher]

When the rate of

change outside is more

than what is inside, be

sure that the end is


[Azim Premji]

Details matter,

it’s worth waiting to get it right.

[Steve Jobs]

The future is already

here — it's just not

very evenly distributed.

[William Gibson]

It’s tough when

markets change and

your people within the

company don’t.

[Harvard Business Review]

Even if you are on the

right track, you'll get

run over if you just sit


[Will Rogers]

They always say time

changes things,

but you actually have

to change them


[Andy Warhol]

We cannot solve a

problem by using the

same kind of thinking

we used when we

created them.

[A. Einstein]

Necessity is the

mother of invention.


Learning and innovation go hand

in hand.

The arrogance of success is to

think that what you did yesterday

will be sufficient for tomorrow.

[William Pollard]

When all think alike,

then no one is


[Walter Lippmann]

The biggest room is

the room for



Minds are like parachutes;

they work best when open.

[T. Dewar]

Who sees things grow from the


will have the best view of them.


The reasonable man adapts himself to the


the unreasonable one persists in trying to

adapt the world to himself.

Therefore, all progress depends on the

unreasonable man.

[George Bernard Shaw]

The future is not

what it used to be.


There are no old roads

to new directions.

[The Boston Consulting Group]

You cannot discover

new oceans unless you

have the courage to

lose sight of the shore.

[Andre Gide]

Innovation is anything,

but business as usual.


The best way to predict the future

is to invent it.

[Alan Kay]

Promotions may win


innovation wins decades.

[former P&G CEO Bob McDonald]

If at first the idea is

not absurd,

then there will be no

hope for it.

[A. Einstein]

The more original a


the more obvious it

seems afterwards.

[Arthur Koestler]

An idea that is not


is unworthy of being

called an idea at all.

[Oscar Wilde]

A discovery is said to

be an accident

meeting a prepared


[A. von Szent-Gyorgyi]

Managers say yes to

innovation only if

doing nothing is a

bigger risk.

[Gijs van Wulfen]

Innovation is

the ability to convert

ideas into invoices.

[L. Duncan]

Small opportunities

are often

the beginning

of great enterprises.


Luck is where the

crossroads of

opportunity and

preparation meet.


Two roads diverged in a wood,

and I took the one less traveled by

and that has made all the


[Robert Frost]

Stay hungry.

Stay foolish.

[Steve Jobs]

The only way to discover the limits

of the possible

is to go beyond them into the


[A. Clarke]

The key to success

is for you

to make a habit

throughout your life

of doing the things

you fear.

[Vincent Van Gogh]

Genius is

one percent inspiration,

ninety-nine percent perspiration.

[Thomas Edison]

The impossible is often the untried.

[J. Goodwin]

Most of the important things

in the world

have been accomplished

by people

who have kept on trying

when there seemed to be no hope at all.

[Dale Carnegie]

The biggest risk in innovation

lies in sticking too closely to your


[D. Hills, Walt Disney Company]

Ideas are useless unless used. [T. Levitt]

If you are not willing to risk the unusual,

you will have to settle for the ordinary.

[Jim Rohn]

It is not how many ideas you have.

It’s how many you make happen.

[Advertisement of Accenture]

The best ideas lose their owners and take on lives of their own.

[N. Bushnell]

It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.

[Walt Disney]

Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. [T.S. Eliot]

If you want to go fast - go alone.

But if you want to go far - go together.

[African proverb]

Everything is possible.

The impossible just

takes longer.

[Dan Brown]

The person who says it cannot be


should not interrupt the person

doing it.

[Chinese saying]

You can invent alone,

but you can't innovate alone.

[Gijs van Wulfen]

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