in remembrance of · 2020-07-07 · in remembrance of 溫英幹 弟兄/牧師 yinkann wen october...

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In Remembrance of 溫英幹 弟兄/牧師

Yinkann Wen October 13, 1943 - June 11, 2020

Prelude 序樂 Eugenia Chiu 焦林恩澄姊妹

Welcome 歡迎 Rev. Hugo Cheng 程德鵬牧師

Hymn: Great is Thy Faithfulness* 唱詩: 祢的信實廣大*

Kiang-Ning Huang 黃江甯 弟兄

Slideshow 生平簡述 家屬代表

Sharing (1-3) 憶述(1-3)

Shou-Hua & Jane Li 李守華&李何珍予夫婦 Jeff Lin 林文陞弟兄

Faith Walter 溫恂(女兒)

Scripture Reading: 1 Thessalonians 2:17 - 20 讀經: 帖撒羅尼迦前書 2 章:17-20 節

Elder Ted Wang 王茂興長老

安慰與勸勉 Rev. Jonathan Liu 劉傳章牧師

Interpreted by Rev. Hugo Cheng 程德鵬牧師翻譯

Hymn: Trust and Obey 唱詩: 信靠順服 黃江甯 弟兄

Sharing (4-6) 憶述(4-6)

Kiang-Ning Huang 黃江甯 弟兄 Judy Tung 董戴志美姊妹

Ying Tao 陶櫻姊妹 Scripture Reading: Proverbs 3:5-6, 2 Timothy 4:2 and 7-8 讀經:箴言 3 章:5-6 節 提摩太後書 4 章 2,7-8 節

Tracy Lu Wen 溫呂筱筠(媳婦)

Sharing (7-8) 憶述(7-8)

Lily Yang 楊高俐理姊妹

Clement Wen 溫永勖(兒子)

Benediction 祝禱* Announcements 報告事項

Rev. Hugo Cheng 程德鵬牧師

Postlude 殿樂 Eugenia Chiu 焦林恩澄姊妹

溫英幹 弟兄追思禮拜 Yinkann Wen Memorial Service

July 8, 10am - 11:30am (* = Please stand 請眾立)

1 Thessalonians 2:17-20 17 But, brothers and sisters, when we were orphaned by being separated from you for a short time (in person, not in thought), out of our intense longing we made every effort to see you. 18 For we wanted to come to you—certainly I, Paul, did, again and again—but Satan blocked our way. 19 For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you? 20 Indeed, you are our glory and joy.

Proverbs 3:5-6 5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

2 Timothy 4:2, 7-8 2 Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. 7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.

帖 撒 羅 尼 迦 前 書 2:17-20 17 弟 兄 們 , 我 們 暫 時 與 你 們 離 別 , 是 面 目 離 別 , 心 裡 卻 不 離 別 ; 我 們 極 力 的 想 法 子 , 很 願 意 見 你 們 的 面 。18 所 以 我 們 有 意 到 你 們 那 裡 ; 我 保 羅 有 一 兩 次 要 去 , 只 是 撒 但 阻 擋 了 我 們 。19 我 們 的 盼 望 和 喜 樂 , 並 所 誇 的 冠 冕 是 甚 麼 呢 ? 豈 不 是 我 們 主 耶 穌 來 的 時 候 , 你 們 在 他 面 前 站 立 得 住 麼 ? 20 因 為 你 們 就 是 我 們 的 榮 耀 , 我 們 的 喜 樂 。

箴 言 3:5-6 5 你 要 專 心 仰 賴 耶 和 華 , 不 可 倚 靠 自 己 的 聰 明 ,6 在 你 一 切 所 行 的 事 上 都 要 認 定 他 , 他 必 指 引 你 的 路 。

提 摩 太 後 書 4:2,7-8 2 務 要 傳 道 , 無 論 得 時 不 得 時 , 總 要 專 心 ; 並 用 百 般 的 忍

耐 , 各 樣 的 教 訓 , 責 備 人 、 警 戒 人 、 勸 勉 人 。 7 那 美 好 的 仗 我 已 經 打 過 了 , 當 跑 的 路 我 已 經 跑 盡 了 , 所 信 的 道 我 已 經 守 住 了 。8 從 此 以 後 , 有 公 義 的 冠 冕 為 我 存 留 , 就 是 按 著 公 義 審 判 的 主 到 了 那 日 要 賜 給 我 的 ; 不 但 賜 給

我 , 也 賜 給 凡 愛 慕 他 顯 現 的 人 。

信靠順服 ,竭力事奉


溫英幹博士 1943 年 10 月 13 日,出生於臺灣新竹縣竹東鎮雞油林,為一民風純樸的美麗鄉村,家中有一兄一姊一弟四妹。父溫安谷歷任沙坑、龍山、大庄等國小校長,百年樹人,作育英才;母劉榮妹勤儉持家、相夫教子備極辛勞。此一和樂融融之家庭為親友鄰里所稱羨。

英幹從小聰慧過人,勤奮好學。當時困窘的大環境未阻擋其求學之路;自小功課成績優異的他,小學、初中階段都遇到多位好老師,在閱讀、作文、演講能力、數學都得到很好的啟發。1959 年考取新竹中學高中部,當時的辛志平校長非常重視德智體群四育並重。英幹於高一階段即被蘇森墉老師選中為竹中合唱團團員,連續參加三屆比賽皆蟬聯冠軍。竹中學生均須住校,體驗類軍事化生活;學生藉由住 校,生活規律,心無旁鶩,專心讀書。1962 年大學聯考,在激烈競爭下以第一志願考取台灣大學經濟系。

英幹在台灣大學求學六年間,努力鑽研本科學問,是施建生教授之得意門生,獲得台大經濟系學士(1966)、碩士學位(1969)後,取得全額獎學金 ,赴美國約翰霍普金斯大學攻讀政治經濟學,於 1974 年獲該校博士學位。

英幹擁有美國特許財金分析師(CFA)及中華民國證券分析師資格。任職於世界銀行資深經濟學家二十多年,感到最有成就的是 1983-1992期間在「經濟發展學院」擔任講師,負責對中國大陸官員和大學教師在宏觀經濟管理方面的培訓,造就不少學者官員對西方經濟管理的認識。

1996 年退休後返台執教,歷任東華大學大陸研究所所長、經濟系主任兼國際經濟研究所所長、元智大學特聘教授、臺灣中央銀行第十七屆理事會理事。後受聘為東華大學經濟系及財務金融學系榮譽教授。專長於發展經濟學、國際經濟與金融、金融市場與政策、政券投資學、企業倫理等領域。

英幹立志將自己的生命完全獻給神來使用,除了參與不同事工團隊盡心竭力事奉,在專業上也立志作個品格正直的人,對旁人發揮生命的影響力。在台灣執教期間,在東華大學開設「基督教概論」課程,用各種教學方式介紹基督信仰,以自己的生命影響周遭人。英幹為信仰基督竭力事奉,近年被按立為牧師。擔任美國冠冕財務事工美國華人外展事工主任、使者協會董事、神國資源為基督協會董事、溪水旁關懷單親協會(By Streams of Water)理事長、臺灣冠冕真道理財協會講師等,經常應邀

到各地分享聖經理財及基督教與全球財經趨勢相關專題。在文字事奉上也盡心竭力,積極創作,文章散見於各報章雜誌。著有《享受財務自由的 12 堂必修課》。主編《風雨過後迎彩虹,單翼展翅更高飛》單親生命故事與關懷手冊。

今年(2020)一月確診罹患膽管癌以來,一直不停做化療放療免疫治療。治療期間,也學習更多屬靈功課,例如對羅馬書五章 3-5 節「患難生忍耐,忍耐生老練,老練生盼望」,有更深的體會,並操練更多感恩及信靠。以每日親近神、聆聽神的話語來支取天上的安慰和鼓勵。 他親筆感謝在美國馬利蘭中華聖經教會小組的支援,還有各服事機構同工群組、親友的代禱和鼓勵支持。近日突發肺疾,於美東時間 6 月11 日下午 7 點 45 分安息主懷,照華人算法,享年 77 歲。

英幹一生全心信靠順服主,竭力事奉。他做見證時常說: 1995 年在使者協會辦的宣道大會委身,1996 回台執教,與學校附近的教會配搭事奉,積極做學生工作,是他屬靈生命的第一次大翻轉。2002 開始參加使者協會(後由神國資源為基督接手)的文字寫作營,在名師指導下,幫助他在文字耕耘上紮根,擴張視野,並留下許多有靈、有理、有力的作品,是他屬靈生命的第二次翻轉。


英幹是他的大家族中第一個信耶穌的,信主後他積極向家人及親友傳福音,結實纍纍。隨著年紀增長,愛主更深。與妻子吳桂英結褵近五十載,育有女兒溫恂(Faith)現與夫婿溫納德(Nate Walter)在西班牙從事朝聖者事工;兒子溫永勗(Clement)現任台灣中華福音神學院神學教授,娶妻呂筱筠(Tracy Lu)亦擔任教職;孫輩共有六人。

Trusting, Obeying, and Faithfully Serving the Lord

The Life of Dr. Yinkann Wen

Dr. Yinkann Wen was born on October 13, 1943, in Hsinchu County, Taiwan. His father, Angu Wen, educated and nurtured students as the principal of three different elementary schools, while Yinkann’s mother, Rongmei Liu, was a diligent homemaker. Along with Yinkann’s seven siblings, the Wen family was very happy.

Though the circumstances of his formative years in Taiwan were challenging and strenuous, Yinkann was a hard worker and his teachers inspired him to pursue his studies with dedication. Yinkann was admitted to Hsinchu Senior High School in 1959. The principal placed equal emphasis on the moral, intellectual, physical, and social aspects of education. Yinkann also enjoyed singing with the school choir.

During Taiwan’s college entrance exam in 1962, Yinkann tested well and was admitted to the Department of Economics at National Taiwan University, his first choice. Yinkann earned his bachelor’s degree (1966) and master’s degree (1969). He then earned his PhD in Political Economy at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland (USA), in 1974.

Yinkann later qualified as a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) in the US and as a Certified Securities Investment Analyst in Taiwan. For more than twenty years, he was a senior economist for the World Bank. There, Yinkann served as a lecturer for the Economic Development Institute from 1983-1992 and trained Chinese mainland officials and university teachers in the field of macroeconomic management.

After retiring in 1996, Yinkann returned to Taiwan to teach at National Dong-Hwa University (NDHU) in Hualien. Yinkann would also go on to serve as a visiting professor at Yuanzhi University and as a board member of the 17th Council at the Central Bank of China in Taiwan. He was named Professor Emeritus at NDHU.

Yinkann wanted the Lord to use his life for His glory and he would often share that he had committed to fully serving the Lord in 1995 at the Chinese Missions Conference. In Taiwan, he served at the church near NDHU and in campus ministry. These opportunities in 1996 marked a major turning point in Yinkann’s life, faith, and ministry. He pioneered an "Introduction to Christianity" course at NDHU which introduced Christianity to students there. He was also invited to preach at the local

church. In later years, he was ordained as a pastor and enjoyed speaking and writing in various publications about biblical finance and other subjects. He also had the opportunity to be involved in the organizations Crown Financial Ministries, Ambassadors for Christ, Kingdom Resources for Christ, Inc., and By Streams of Water, Inc. Yinkann recently authored the book Reaching and Enjoying Financial Freedom: 12 Essentials (2017, in Chinese), and he served as chief editor for Rainbow After the Storm: A Book for Single Parents (2019, in Chinese).

Yinkann was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma in January of this year (2020) and started treatment. He learned many spiritual lessons during the past few months, including a deeper understanding of Romans 5:3-5 (suffering produces perseverance, perseverance leads to character, and character leads to hope), and grew in the spiritual disciplines of gratitude and trust. Daily time with the Lord and with God’s Word brought him comfort and encouragement. He personally would like to thank the members of his cell group from the Chinese Bible Church of Maryland for their loving care, as well as his co-workers from various organizations and his family in Taiwan for their support. Due to a sudden lung disease, Yinkann rested with the Lord at 7:45pm on June 11th (EST), at the age of 77.

Yinkann had a zest for life yet was gentle and humble, and got along with everyone around him. There was always laughter in his presence. He honored his teachers, loved his family and friends, and found joy in serving those around him. Yinkann was also the first of his family to believe in Jesus. After believing in the Lord, he shared the Gospel and the Lord’s love with his family, relatives, and friends. We will miss him dearly, but we are grateful for his example in serving God faithfully and inviting others to go deeper in their faith, and we look forward to seeing him again in heaven.

Yinkann has been married to his wife, Kweiyin Wu, for nearly fifty years. His daughter, Faith, with her husband Nate Walter, work with One Collective and serve pilgrims in Spain. His son, Clement, serves as a professor at China Evangelical Seminary in Taiwan and is married to Tracy Lu, who teaches at Morrison Christian Academy. Yinkann and Kweiyin have six grandchildren.

June 11, 2020 Yinkann’s last testimony

今早凌晨約五時 [Today at 5am]

I was very uncomfortable with the new oxygen mask A voice inside me said 'You will be with me soon,

這幾天你就要跟我在一起了 你在世上的事工已經完成了' My mind said so soon? I just started my pneumonia treatment.

The voice seemed to come from the Lord And the voice said, 'You have finished your work in this world'

Then about 11:30am during a family Skype conference-call Kweiyin

shared her conversation with Dr. Chan. My condition is worsening

Treatment for pneumonia is not helping May be combining with chemo effects

My life is ending My mind is peaceful and I think the voice is from the Lord.

I am happy to be resting with the Lord.

Thank you so much for your care, support, and prayers over the last few months. Our friends, community, and family have truly been a blessing during this time and we thank God for you. 我們非常感謝您們過去這幾個月對我們家人的關懷,支持和禱告.您們是神賜給我們的朋友,社區,和家人.我們因您們感謝神.

- The Wen Family 溫家

Burial Information We invite you to join us at 1pm for the burial at: Parklawn Memorial Park 12800 Veirs Mill Rd Rockville, MD 20853 Block 2

Forever Missed Information

Please visit and share your own stories and photos at the online memorial website:

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