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« Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et S


- Mme Isabelle SIEGLER - M Vincent NOUGIER



SECTION 74 Sciences et Techniques

des Activités Physiques et Sportives



(Campagne 2014) 1ère demande

Rapporteurs de ce dossier

Mme Isabelle SIEGLER M Vincent NOUGIER



portives »

Table des matières

Dossier de candidature……………………………………………… page 1

Curriculum Vitae …………………………………………………… page 5

Déclaration de candidature internet ………………………………… page 7


- N°1 Contrat d’ATER - N°2 Rapport de Thèse - N°3a Contrat de thèse - N°3b Avenant au contrat (Monitorat) - N°4 Attestation « Formation à la Vulgarisation Scientifique » - N°5a Article 1 (Neuroscience) - N°5b Article 2 (PloS One) - N°6 Résumés d’articles publiés - N°7 Communications - N°8 Conférence - N°9 Congrès organisés - N°10a Enseignements (résumé) - N°10b Fiches de service Dijon - N°10c Attestation cours Nancy - N°10d Fiche de service Marseille - N°11a Attestation des Conseils Scientifique et Documentaire - N°11b Attestation « Engagements au sein de l’Ecole Doctorale »


Exposé des activités de M. CASTERAN Matthieu I - Synthèse de la carrière

Je suis actuellement Attaché Temporaire d’Enseignement et de Recherche (ATER) à l’Institut des Sciences du Mouvement (UMR-CNRS 7287) de l’université d’Aix-Marseille et ceci jusqu’au 31 août 2014. J’ai réalisé mon doctorant au sein du laboratoire INSERM U-1093 « Cognition, Action et Plasticité Sensorimotrice » de Dijon rattaché à l’université de Bourgogne. J’ai obtenu pour la réalisation de cette thèse un financement INSERM-Région de 3 ans. De plus, lors de celle-ci j’ai eu la chance de pouvoir effectué des contrats de moniteur (sur 2 ans) me permettant ainsi de me familiariser avec l’enseignement et d’en comprendre les aboutissements.

Précédemment, j’ai réalisé une licence en entrainement sportif à la faculté des sciences du sport de l’université de Lorraine. Par la suite, je me suis dirigé vers un master de l’UFR « Sciences et Techniques, Mathématiques, Informatique et Automatisme » rattaché à la faculté des sciences de l’université de Lorraine me permettant d’acquérir des compétences en informatique, en traitement de l’image et en analyse de la performance. Désirant poursuivre en recherche, j’ai alors contacté le professeur Thierry Pozzo du laboratoire de Dijon qui m’a permis de réaliser un stage de 6 mois au cours de ma seconde année de master, me donnant ainsi une porte d’entrée sur le monde de la recherche. Suite à cela, j’ai obtenu la possibilité de réaliser ma thèse au sein de ce même laboratoire. II - Activités scientifiques et administration de l a recherche 1) Mes travaux de recherche ont eu pour but d’étudier le vieillissement selon une approche différente de celle rencontrée, faite à partir de données physiologiques ou cognitif. Nous avons initié une réflexion du vieillissement en analysant le contrôle « modulaire » des paramètres temporels et spatiaux de la réalisation de mouvements. Ceci par l’intermédiaire de deux paradigmes mettant en jeu une tâche focale et/ou une tâche de contrôle postural. - Le premier utilisant des déplacements du Centre de Masse (CoM) importants. Nous avons utilisés les mouvements de pointage de tout le corps chez des sujets jeunes et âgés sains permettant d’étudier le couple mouvement-équilibre.

- Le second avait pour but d’étudier des déplacements plus faibles du CoM. Nous avons analysé les déplacements de patient âgés sains et dépressifs afin de comprendre les mécanismes cognitifs (traitement de l’information) du contrôle postural lors d’une double tâche cognitive.

a) Mouvements de pointage de tout le corps Ces mouvements font intervenir une composante focale (l’atteinte de la cible) et une composante posturale (permettant l’atteinte de la cible par le doigt, mais aussi la conservation de l’équilibre). A l’aide de ce paradigme, nous avons montré que la vitesse de réalisation de ces mouvements n’a pas d’impact sur le contrôle global du corps (d’un point de vue géométrique), mais que des modifications temporelles sont observées (arrivée du pic de vitesse par exemple).

Dans un second temps, nous avons utilisé ce même paradigme dans le but de comprendre de quelle manière la variabilité de la géométrie du corps pouvait être contrôlée. L’étude du CoM et plus particulièrement de sa vitesse sur un axe antéropostérieur (codant l’atteinte de la cible) et un axe vertical (codant l’atteinte de la cible, mais aussi la conservation de l’équilibre) nous a permis de mettre en avant un mécanisme de contrôle en parallèle. En effet, l’axe vertical présente une variabilité extrêmement faible pouvant laisser penser à un contrôle en amont, à un programme préétabli pouvant être assimilé à une intégration de la composante gravitaire. A l’opposé, l’axe antéropostérieur présente une variabilité importante, montrant un contrôle soumis à des régulations.

Enfin, nous avons étudié l’impact du vieillissement sur ces mêmes paramètres afin de comprendre comment l’avancée en âge pouvait altérer le contrôle moteur de mouvements impliquant une tâche de précision et une tâche de conservation de l’équilibre. Nous avons alors montré que le vieillissement dit « normal », ne présente pas d’altération d’un point de vue de la mise en place de ce mécanisme de réduction de dimensionnalité. Cependant, des modifications d’ordre temporel ont été mises en lumière et interprétées comme des régulations mises en place afin de conserver l’équilibre lors de la réalisation de la tâche.


b) Dépression et contrôle posturale La dépression est un important problème de santé publique touchant différentes classes d’âge allant des plus jeunes aux plus âgés. D’un point de vue cortical, la dépression touche le cortex préfrontal et le cortex cingulaire antérieur. Le niveau sous-cortical est lui aussi atteint par des modifications constatées de l’hippocampe et des ganglions de la base. Cette dernière structure permet le contrôle des mouvements « non volontaires » tels que la posture par une intégration multi-sensorielle et plus précisément une intégration motrice-proprioceptive. De plus, la quantité de traitement de l’information étant limité et propre à chacun, nous nous sommes demandé si, lors d’une tâche cognitive en parallèle d’une tâche de contrôle postural, un sujet dépressif répondrait de manière similaire à un sujet sain.

Les études posturographiques nous ont permis de montrer que les sujets dépressifs présentaient une aire et une longueur de déplacement du Centre des Pressions (CoP) plus important que les sujets sains déjà en simple tâche de contrôle postural. De plus, les sujets dépressifs ne présentaient pas d’augmentation de leur surface lors de la double tâche cognitive. Ceci nous a permis de conclure que les patients dépressifs seraient déjà dans un processus de double tâche dus à la dépression et qu’elle agirait sur l'allocation des ressources du traitement de l’information. Ces résultats permettent de mettre en avant le fait qu’il est important, lors de la prise en charge de patients dépressifs, de prendre en compte l’aspect cognitif, mais aussi l’aspect physique de la personne qui peut devenir un risque supplémentaire. En effet, la dépression a déjà été mise en relation avec un risque de chute augmenté dans plusieurs études. Enfin, ceci montre que le contrôle postural, avec l’avancée en âge, n’est pas si « automatique » qu’il peut l’être présenté.

Ces deux paradigmes nous ont permis d’étudier les relations entre les paramètres spatiaux

(géométrie globale du corps et cinématique du mouvement) et temporels (temps de mouvement, arrivé des pics de vitesse et points de croisement), mais aussi de comprendre l’impact du traitement de l’information sur le contrôle postural. Nous pourrions alors donner une définition du vieillissement d’un point de vue du contrôle et de l’exécution du mouvement, et non plus seulement basé sur des paramètres physiologiques et/ou cognitif.

2) La dernière thématique abordée en parallèle de ma thèse concerne l’impact d’une maladie neurodégénérative liée au vieillissement lors de tâches de pointage de cible (la maladie d’Alzheimer). Lors de cette expérimentation nous avons pu tester des patients présentant une démence de type Alzheimer et des patients âgés sains lors de pointage de cibles en mouvement avec le membre supérieur. Nous avons voulu étudier les capacités d’imitation, mais aussi comprendre les relations entre la perception du mouvement et sa reproduction chez ces sujets. Ces deux groupes de sujets ont montré la capacité à reconnaitre des vitesses différentes de mouvements, mais aussi la faculté à la reproduire. Ceci montre une capacité interne motrice à faire le parallèle entre l’observation et la production du mouvement. Cependant, l’incapacité des patients Alzheimer lors de certain essaie à contrôler le départ prématuré de leur bras montre une insuffisance de ces patients lors du stade d’inhibition des commandes.

Ce dernier aspect de mes recherches nous a permis de mettre en avant une base sur laquelle les cliniciens peuvent s’appuyer lors d’interventions physiques et cognitives avec des patients âgés présentant une démence de type Alzheimer (phénomène d’imitation et difficultés d’inhibition).

Pour conclure, l’ensemble de ces recherches ont eu pour but d’étudier différents

caractéristiques auxquelles l’Homme est confronté (vitesse, vieillissement, dépression, traitement de l’information, démence par exemple) par l’analyse de l’exécution du mouvement et/ou du contrôle postural. C’est différentes thématiques font partie intégrante des connaissances dispensées et attribuées au champ des STAPS. L’étude du mouvement et du corps est un axe central de la formation donnée aux étudiants des différentes filières en faculté des sciences du sport. La connaissance du mouvement est essentielle pour la performance et l’entrainement, pour l’activité physique adaptée et la création d’instruments adaptés, pour l’enseignement, et enfin pour de nombreux domaines de recherche liés à l’Homme.


Publications - Casteran M , Pftizenmeyer F, Thomas E, Manckoundia P (2013) Postural Control in

Depressive Elderly Subjects. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, en soumission. - Casteran M , Manckoundia P, Pozzo T, Thomas E (2013) Alterations with Movement Duration

in the Kinematics of a Whole Body Pointing Movement. PLoS ONE 8(1): e52477. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052477.

- Bisio A, Casteran M , Ballay Y, Manckoundia P, Mourey F, Pozzo T. (2012). Motor resonance mechanisms are preserved in Alzheimer’s disease patients. Neuroscience.

Direction de travaux - 3 Etudiants de L3 APAs (stage professionnel dans le domaine de l’activité physique adaptée). - Master 1 (Recherche - Postural Control in Depressive Elderly Subjects, étudiant en second auteur). Responsabilité d’animation de recherche Gestion administrative : PHRC – Impact de la dépression sur le contrôle postural de la personne âgée. Approuvé et soutenue par le CHU de Dijon, approuvé par le CPP Est 1 et enregistré à l’Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Produits de Santé (N° 2007-A01054-49). Organisation de colloques et conférences Comité d’organisation - 17ème Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs - Dijon 2011. - 14ème Journées Nationales des BIOTechno - Dijon 2011 (démarchage de partenaires industriels). - 1er congrès Européen de Stimulation Cognitive - Dijon 2012 (Stimco). Président du comité d’organisation - 19ème Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs - Dijon 2013. - 16ème Journées Nationales de BIOTechno - Dijon 2013 (Organisation de tables rondes, de conférences et démarchage de partenaires industriels). - 1er et 2nd concours photographique « Art et Sciences » - Dijon 2011 et 2013. - Nombreuses conférences dans le cadre de mon implication associative « EDIFICE » Participation en tant que conférencier invité Conférence décrivant et analysant les différents outils utilisés en neuroscience pour l’expérimentation et plus particulièrement les techniques d’imagerie. Université pour Tous de Bourgogne (2013). Collaboration scientifique L’étude des mécanismes d’imitation de la vitesse chez des patients présentant une dégénérescence de type Alzheimer est une collaboration avec le Dr. Ambra Bisio de l’Institut Italien des Technologies. Expertise scientifique - En tant que membre du conseil scientifique de l’université de Bourgogne, j’ai été nommé expert pour le PRES Bourgogne - Franche-Comté lors de l’appel à projet du Bonus Qualité Recherche 2013. - Enfin, en tant qu’élu de l’école doctorale, j’ai fait parti des 3 dernières campagnes de jury pour les bourses doctorales (INSERM, INRA, MRT, Région et CIFRE). III - Activités pédagogiques - Mon activité d’enseignement s’est fait durant 2 ans sous forme de contrat de monitorat avec 141,5h d’enseignement en UFR STAPS. Ceci sur les sites de Dijon, Le Creusot et Nancy sous des formats de TP, TD et CM. Enfin, j’ai encadré des étudiants de Licence et Master en stage. - En parallèle, j’ai participé durant deux ans au programme de vulgarisation scientifique de l’université de Bourgogne « l’Expérimentarium » permettant aux jeunes chercheurs de présenter leur recherche au grand public (primaires, collèges, lycées, et tout public lors de journées spéciales). - Pour finir, je suis actuellement ATER au sein de l’UFR STAPS de l’université d’Aix-Marseille.


Lieu Enseignement Niveau Type de formation Nature Heure TD

Le Creusot


Déficiences Mentales et

Intellectuelles L2 Initiale CM 9


Physiologie musculaire L1 Initiale TD 4

Méthodologie de l'observation :

Tests fonctionnels L3 Initiale TP 13,5

Méthodologie de l’évaluation L3 Initiale TP 24

Biomécanique L3 Initiale TD 34 ,5

Neurosciences L3 Initiale TD 12

Psychopathologies L3 Initiale CM/TD 12

Principes de la Réathlétisation L3 Initiale CM 9

Outils de capture

du mouvement 3D M1 Initiale/Continue TD 4,5

Posturographie M1 Initiale/Continue TP 12

Nancy Utilisation de la 3D en

Entrainement Sportif L3 Initiale CM 6


Processus Cognitifs,

mouvement et APS L1 Initiale TD 16

Perception pour le mouvement L1 Initiale TD 32

Comportement et évolution L1 Initiale TD 32

Différentes approches

de la motricité L2 Initiale CM 15

Pathologies et déficiences

neuro-comportementales L2 Initiale CM 15

Informatique Niveau 1 L2 Initiale TD 40

Gap Système nerveux et

comportement L1 Initiale CM 18

Dijon Accompagnement étudiant L3/M1


IV - Responsabilité collective J’ai participé à la vie scientifique de l’université de Bourgogne à travers différentes responsabilités.

- Elu au conseil de l’UFR STAPS de Dijon afin de représenter les étudiants en master/doctorat. - Elu au conseil de l’Ecole doctorale « Environnement, Santé, STIC » puis « Environnements,

Santé » de l’université de Bourgogne et de l’université de Franche-Comté. - Elu au conseil scientifique de l’université de Bourgogne. - Nommé au conseil documentaire de l’université de Bourgogne.

J’ai de même poursuivit cette engagement en étant que membre d’une association de doctorants de l’université de Bourgogne (EDIFICE) organisant des conférences et événements scientifiques, et membre d’une association nationale (BIOTechno) organisant des Forums dans toute la France afin de présenter, en collaboration avec des partenaires privés, l’insertion professionnelle à de jeunes docteurs en sciences et doctorants.

- Membre de l’association EDIFICE, puis président et enfin webmaster. - Membre de l’association nationale des BIOTechno, puis webmaster.

V - Récompenses - 1er prix concours Entreprendre 2010 dans la catégorie « Emergence – Création d’entreprise ». - Prix communication affichée pour « Effet de la vitesse sur le contrôle des mouvements de

pointage de tout le corps chez le sujet jeune ». - Prix communication orale pour « An Analysis of the Centre of Mass Trajectories during a

Whole Body Pointing Movement ».


Curriculum Vitae

CASTERAN Matthieu Né le 7 Avril 1986 à Epinal (Vosges) – 27 ans Avenue Jules Ferry Tél : Résidence le Solémar Bat. B E-mail : 13260 CASSIS

Situation actuelle ATER à l'UFR STAPS de l'Université d’Aix-Marseille, rattaché à « l’Institut des Sciences du Mouvement – Etienne-Jules Marey » membre de l'équipe « Comportement Perceptivo-Moteur » (Contrat en annexe 1) Diplômes universitaires 2005-2008 : Licence « Entrainement Sportif »; UFR STAPS - Université de Lorraine, Nancy 2008-2009 : Maîtrise « Information Numérique et Entreprise, spécialité Modélisation 3D, Ingénierie Sportive et Technologies »; UFR Sciences et Techniques, Mathématiques, Informatique et Automatismes (STMIA) – Université de Lorraine, Nancy Mention « Assez bien » 2009-2010 : Master « Ingénierie de la Mesure et de l’Image, spécialité Mesure, Performance et Certification », UFR STMIA de l'université de Lorraine, Nancy Titre du mémoire: « Intégration de la vitesse dans la planification motrice et le contrôle des mouvements orientés » - Direction du mémoire : Dr. Elizabeth Thomas

Mention « Assez-Bien » (2nd de la promotion) 2010-2013 : Doctorat de l'Université de Bourgogne ; STAPS - Neurosciences

« Vieillissement, Contrôle Modulaire de l’équilibre et des Mouvements Orientés » - Directeur: Pr. Patrick Manckoundia ; Co-encadrant: Dr. Elizabeth Thomas - Jury : Présidente du Jury : Dr. Agnès Roby-Brami Rapporteur : Pr. Vincent Nougier Rapporteur : Pr. Guy Chéron Invité : Pr. Thierry Pozzo Mention « Très Honorable » (Rapport en annexe 2) Allocation INSERM-Région / Contrat de moniteur sur 2 ans (Contrats en annexe 3) Autres diplômes ou compétences - Brevet d’Aptitude aux Fonctions d’Animateur – Surveillant de Baignade (BAFA-SB). - Brevet National de Sécurité et de Sauvetage Aquatique (BNSSA). - Premier Secours en Equipe Niveau 1 (anciennement AFCPSAM). - Entraineur Handball « Contrex Handball club » (-14 et -16ans durant deux ans). - 1er prix - concours Entreprendre 2010 Promotech CEI, catégorie "EMERGENCE" création d’entreprise. - Formation de vulgarisation Scientifique « Expérimentarium » de l’université de Bourgogne (Cf. annexe 4). Activité de recherche (mots clefs) Mots clefs : Contrôle moteur ; Relations mouvement-équilibre ; Relations temporelles-spatiales ; Mouvements de tout le corps ; Vieillissement ; Dépression ; Démence de type Alzheimer. Articles de Recherche Originaux (Annexe 5)

1) Casteran Matthieu , Pfitzenmeyer François, Thomas Elizabeth & Manckoundia Patrick (2013) “Postural control in depressive elderly subjects” En cours de soumission dans le JAGS.

2) Casteran Matthieu , Manckoundia Patrick, Pozzo Thierry & Thomas Elizabeth (2013). “Alterations with Movement Duration in the Kinematics of a Whole Body Pointing Movement” PLoS ONE 8(1): e52477. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0052477.

3) Bisio Ambra, Casteran Matthieu , Ballay Yves, Manckoundia Patrick, Mourey France & Pozzo Thierry. (2012) “Motor resonance mechanisms are preserved in Alzheimer's disease patients” Neuroscience 222C: 58-68.Doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2012.07.017.

Résumés de Congrès Publiés (Annexe 6) 1) Casteran Matthieu , Thomas Elizabeth, & Manckoundia Patrick (2012). Impact d’une tâche cognitive

sur la posture du sujet âgé dépressif comparé au sujet âgé non dépressif. Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology, 42(6), 401-402. Doi: 10.1016/j.neucli.2012.09.049.

2) Casteran Matthieu , Pozzo Thierry, & Thomas Elizabeth (2012) "Contrôle du centre de masse lors de pointage de tout le corps chez le sujet jeune et âgé sain." Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology 42.6: 401. Doi: 10.1016/j.neucli.2012.09.048.


Nombres de publications, ouvrages, travaux, brevets , etc.

1. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2013, 1er/4 auteurs (En cours de soumission) 2. Plos One, 2013, 1er/4 auteurs 3. Neuroscience, 2012, 2ème/6 auteurs

Nombre de Conférences et congrès (Informations détaillées fournies en annexe 7) 1. Conférence invitée : 1 (Attestation annexe 8) 2. Communications affichées : 5

a. résumés publiés dans une revue indexée : 1/5 (Clinical Neurophysiology) b. résumés publiés dans des actes : 2/5

4. Communications orales : 4 a. résumés publiés dans une revue indexée : 1/4 (Clinical Neurophysiology) b. résumés publiés dans des actes : 2/4

5. Conférence organisé dans le cadre de l’association de doctorants : 5 Encadrement d'étudiants (nombres et % d’encadrement ) Étudiant de Master : François Pfizenmeyer (Kinésithérapeute) étudiant de Master 1 (50%), l’étude réalisée a fait l’objet d’une présentation orale et d’un article en collaboration en soumission. Evènement Scientifique Participation à l'organisation de congrès :

- 5 au total, 3 comme organisateurs, 2 comme président du comité d’organisation. (Compléments en annexe 9)

- Organisation du 1er et 2nd concours photographique « Art et Sciences ». Activité d'expertise :

- Expert pour l’AAP BQR du PRES Bourgogne-Franche Comté 2013 (Conseil Scientifique) - Jury concours des bourses de thèse de l’école doctorale Environnements-Santé

Participation à la vie de l'équipe de recherche :

- Représentant au conseil de laboratoire - Participation à l’organisation d’un congrès sur le site de l’UFR STAPS (StimCo)

Activité d'enseignement (volumes horaires, année, d iscipline) (Détail en annexe 10) Cours magistraux : 75h TD, L1-L2-L3, Etude du mouvement /Neuroscience / Déficiences / Syst. Nerveux Travaux dirigés : 162h TD, L1-L3, Bioméca./Neuroscience/Psychopathologies/Physiologie/Informatique Travaux pratiques : 49,5h TD, L3, Méthodologie Obs.-Eval./Posturographie/Capture 3D du Mouvement. Activité administrative Responsabilités électives :

- Représentant au conseil de laboratoire - Elu au conseil de l’UFR STAPS - Elu au conseil Scientifique de l’Université de Bourgogne - Nommé au conseil documentaire de l’Université de Bourgogne - Elu au conseil de l’école doctorale « Environnements-Santé » Bourgogne-Franche Comté

(Cf. annexe 11) Responsabilité associatives :

- Président, puis Webmaster de l’association de doctorants EDIFICE

- Webmaster de l’association nationale des BIOTechno

Pour plus d’informations :


Il est conseillé de joindre ce document au dossier transmis

aux rapporteurs désignés par le Conseil National des Universités



POUR LA SECTION 74-Sciences et techniques des activités physiques et sportives

(Campagne 2014)

1ère demande

Je soussigné(e) M.

Nom de famille : CASTERAN

Nom d'usage : CASTERAN


Date et lieu de naissance : 07/04/1986 - EPINAL

Nationalité : Française


Date de création de la candidature

17/10/2013 à 16:10

Date de dernière modification de la candidature

17/10/2013 à 16:10

Titres universitaires français :


Diplôme au titre duquel la qualification est demandée : Doctorat

Titre : Vieillissement, contrôle modulaire de l'équilibre et des mouvements orientés

Date de soutenance : 25/11/2013

Lieu de la soutenance : UNIVERSITE DE BOURGOGNE

Mention :


Composition du jury : DR. ELIZABETH THOMAS




Adresse postale et électronique à laquelle seront acheminées toutes les correspondances


Code postal : 13260 Ville :CASSIS Pays : FRANCE Téléphone : 0613728568 Télécopie : Adresse électronique :

Texte tapé à la machine


Liste des étabs et labos d'exercice :

INSERM U-1093 Cognition, Action et Plasticité Sensorimotrice - Dijon

UMR CNRS 7287 Institut des Sciences du Mouvements - Étienne Jules Marey - Marseille

Activités en matière d'enseignement :

Dijon L2

CM Déficiences mentales et intellectuelles


TD Neurosciences/Biomécanique

TP Méthodologie de l'Observation (Tests Fonctionnels) /Tests Cognitifs/Plateforme de force

CM Réathlétisation/Psychopathologies

Suivie de Stage


TD+TP Cinématique 3D/Plateforme de force

Référent de Stage

Nancy L3

CM Utilisation de la 3D en Entrainement sportif

Marseille L1/L2

ATER en cours

Thème de recherche et mots clés :

1 - Contrôle moteur


Redondance et Variabilité

Mouvement de pointages


2 - Impact de la dépression sur le sujet âgé

Vieillissement normal et pathologique

Contrôle postural

Double tâche

3 - Mécanisme de résonance chez le patient atteint de la maladie d'Alzheimer

Contrôle moteur


Vieillissement normal et pathologique


Activités en matière d'administration et autres responsabilités collectives :

Élu aux Conseils :

-Scientifique de l'Université de Bourgogne

-De l'Ecole Doctorale «Environnements-Santé»

-De l'UFR STAPS Master/Doctorat Dijon

Texte tapé à la machine


Président / Webmaster de l'association de Doctorants «Edifice»

Webmaster du Réseau National des BIOTechno

Président des comités d'organisation :

-du Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs 2013

-des Journées Nationales des BIOTechnologies 2013

déclare faire acte de candidature à la qualification.

Fait à le


Dijon 17 Octobre 2013

Texte tapé à la machine


Annexe 1

Contrat ATER

Annexe 2


de soutenance

Annexe 3

Contrat de thèse

Avenant (monitorat)

Annexe 4

Vulgarisation Scientifique

Elise Cellier-Holzem Responsable de l'Experimentarium Université de Bourgogne Tel : 03 80 39 35 91 Bureau R21 6, Bd Gabriel 21000 Dijon Objet : Attestation de participation au programme de culture scientifique

L’Experimentarium est un programme de culture scientifique de l’Université de Bourgogne. Il forme de jeunes chercheurs à la vulgarisation derecherche. Autour d’expériences ou d’objets insolites, les chercheurs racontent leur quotidien, invitent au questionnement et entraînent les visiteurs (petits et grands) au cœur de leur recherche. J'atteste, Elise CellierCasteran a participé activement au programme Experimentariumdoctorat.

En effet, depuis septembre 2011manifesté par la construction et la production d’unrecherche. Au totalses travaux devant un public d’information le temps de préparation des ateliers de l’des rencontres avec le public, pour chaque doctorant est estimé Matthieu a effectué Pour plus d’informations sur l’Experimentarium Fait à Dijon, le 5 décembre

Dijon, le

ttestation de participation au programme de culture scientifique « Experimentarium

L’Experimentarium est un programme de culture scientifique de l’Université de Bourgogne. Il forme de jeunes chercheurs à la vulgarisation derecherche. Autour d’expériences ou d’objets insolites, les chercheurs racontent leur quotidien, invitent au questionnement et entraînent les visiteurs (petits et grands) au cœur de leur recherche.

Elise Cellier-Holzem, responsable de l'Experimentarium, que a participé activement au programme Experimentarium

septembre 2011 et jusqu’à avril 2013, son investissement s’est a construction et la production d’un atelier de prés

total, Matthieu a effectué 46 heures durant lesquelles ses travaux devant un public allant des élèves de CM1 au grand public.d’information le temps de préparation des ateliers de l’Experimentarium, en amont des rencontres avec le public, pour chaque doctorant est estimé

a effectué 55 heures dans le cadre de ce programme.

Pour plus d’informations sur l’Experimentarium : http://experimentarium.u

5 décembre 2013

Elise Cellier-Holzem

Dijon, le 5 décembre 2013

Experimentarium »

L’Experimentarium est un programme de culture scientifique de l’Université de Bourgogne. Il forme de jeunes chercheurs à la vulgarisation de leur sujet de recherche. Autour d’expériences ou d’objets insolites, les chercheurs racontent leur quotidien, invitent au questionnement et entraînent les visiteurs (petits et grands) au

e de l'Experimentarium, que Matthieu a participé activement au programme Experimentarium au cours de son

son investissement s’est atelier de présentation de sa

durant lesquelles il a pu présenter au grand public. A titre

rimentarium, en amont des rencontres avec le public, pour chaque doctorant est estimé neuf heures. Ainsi,


Annexe 5

Article Neuroscience

Article PloS One

Neuroscience 222 (2012) 58–68




aDepartment of Robotics, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Istituto

Italiano di Tecnologia, via Morego 30, 16163 Genoa, Italy

b INSERM U1093 Cognition, Action et Plasticite Sensorimotrice,

Universite de Bourgogne, France

cService de Medecine Interne Geriatrique, Hopital de Champmaillot,

Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, rue Jules Violle, BP 87909, 21079

Dijon, Franced Institut Universitaire de France, Universite de Bourgogne, UFR

STAPS, Dijon, France

Abstract—This study aimed to better characterize the

sensorimotor mechanisms underlying motor resonance,

namely the relationship between motion perception and

movement production in patients suffering from Alzheimer’s

disease (AD). This work first gives a kinematic description of

AD patients’ upper limb movements, then it presents a sim-

ple paradigm in which a dot with different velocities is

moved in front of the participant who is instructed to point

to its final position when it stopped. AD patients’ actions,

as well as healthy elderly participants, were similarly influ-

enced by the dot velocity, suggesting that motor resonance

mechanisms are not prevented by pathology. In contrast,

only patients had anticipatory motor response: i.e. they

started moving before the end of the stimulus motion, unlike

what was requested by the experimenter. While the

automatic imitation of the stimulus suggests an intact ability

to match the internal motor representations with that of the

visual model, the uncontrolled motion initiation would

indicate AD patients’ deficiency to voluntarily inhibit

response production. These findings might open new

clinical perspectives suggesting innovative techniques in

training programs for people with dementia. In particular,

the preservation of the motor resonance mechanisms, not

dependent on conscious awareness, constitutes an intact

basis upon which clinicians could model both physical

and cognitive interventions for healthy elderly and AD

patients. Furthermore, the evaluation of the inhibitory

functions, less sensitive to the level of education than other

methods, might be useful for screening test combined with

the traditional AD techniques. However, further investiga-

0306-4522/12 $36.00 � 2012 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserve

*Corresponding author. Tel: +39-010-71781406, +39-340-2435784;fax: +39-010-7170817.

E-mail addresses:, (A.Bisio).Abbreviations: AD, Alzheimer’s disease; CE, control experiment; CG,control group; MMSE, mini-mental state examination; MNS, mirrorneuron system; MO, movement observation experiment; PM, pointingmovement experiment; rt, reaction time; SD, standard deviation; SE,standard error; TOM, theory of mind; vD, dot mean velocity; vp,participants’ mean velocity.


tions to understand if this feature is specific to AD or is pres-

ent also in other neurodegenerative diseases are needed.

� 2012 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Key words: movement observation–execution, automatic imi-

tation, action–perception matching, dementia, ageing.


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of

dementia that causes a decline of intellectual functioning

that interferes with daily life activities (Borson and

Raskind, 1997). Indeed, cognitive deterioration is the

first sign of the illness and the most documented aspect

of AD. Both imaging (Scahill et al., 2002) and

neuropathology (Double et al., 1996) studies have

described the brain in AD as characterized by

progressive cerebral atrophy, which increases as the

disease progresses. Despite large inter-individual

variability, the earlier change in AD patients are found in

the medial temporal structures, and the earlier clinical

sign is memory loss (Braak and Braak, 1991). At this

stage, a significant range of atrophy is present also in

the neocortical areas, but it does not differ from healthy

aged-matched individuals (Double et al., 1996). In mild

and moderate stages, a significant loss of volume is

observed not only in frontal and temporal areas but also

in parietal lobes (Scahill et al., 2002). Recent findings in

healthy people showed that parietal, temporal and frontal

lobes play a fundamental role in linking action to

perception (Grezes and Decety, 2001; Jeannerod, 2001;

Iacoboni, 2009b). Indeed, action–perception coupling is

crucial to allow humans to efficiently communicate with

other people and to interact with the environment, a

function that is markedly deficient in AD. The mechanism

associated with the link between perception and action is

known as motor resonance and is considered to stem

from the activity of the mirror neuron system (Rizzolatti

et al., 1999). As such, it was proposed to play a crucial

role in empathy and imitation (Iacoboni, 2009a), action

understanding (Rizzolatti et al., 2001), intention reading

(Iacoboni, 2005) and more generally all phenomena

underlying social interactions. Therefore, it appears

evident that the preservation of this mechanism is

fundamental for communicative purposes. Imitation, and

its inhibition during daily life activities (Bien et al., 2009),

is a special case of perception–action matching

(Wohlschlager et al., 2003) that supposes an intact

ability to perceive the external motion and to map it into


A. Bisio et al. / Neuroscience 222 (2012) 58–68 59

internal motor representation either voluntarily or

automatically. Imitation mechanisms are associated with

learning (Meltzoff and Moore, 1977), empathizing

(Iacoboni, 2009a), and also considered at the basis of

social cognition (Meltzoff and Prinz, 2002).

Several neuroimaging studies have described the

neural activations during voluntary and automatic

imitation tasks, and found that both frontal and parietal

regions (i.e. fronto-parietal network of the human

mirroring system) were active when imitating an

observed motion (Iacoboni et al., 1999; Koski et al.,

2002; Iacoboni and Dapretto, 2006; Heyes, 2011).

Despite the fact that lesions to the frontal and parietal

lobes are well documented in AD, to the best of our

knowledge no study has characterized either the

automatic or the voluntary imitation capabilities of AD

patients. Likewise, little research has illustrated the

behavioural consequences of these cerebral damages at

perceptual and motor levels. Within this small literature

there are reports of alterations of motor abilities (Kluger

et al., 1997; Ghilardi et al., 1999; Manckoundia et al.,

2006), deterioration of objects’ motion and shape

perception (Gilmore et al., 1994; Rizzo and Nawrot,

1998), and impairments in transforming the visual input

into a motor output (Tippett and Sergio, 2006; Tippett

et al., 2007; Yan et al., 2008) starting from the mild

stage of the illness. Furthermore, while some have found

evidence for the involvement of both frontal and parietal

regions in developing and maintaining a social cognition

(Adolphs, 1999), a small number of works on this topic in

AD have actually found contrasting evidences. Indeed,

some studies (Cuerva et al., 2001; Verdon et al., 2007)

described AD patients’ impairment in Theory of Mind

tasks – TOM (for reviews see Meltzoff, 1999; Frith and

Frith, 2006). In contrast, Gregory et al. (2002) compared

AD patients with a population of frontal variant

frontotemporal dementia (fvFDT), and found that AD

patients’ difficulties in TOM were only for tasks requiring

heavy demands on working memory suggesting that AD

patients are not generally impaired in TOM tests, but

rather other underlying processes, like memory, are

responsible for the observed TOM deficits.

Given this, investigation of motor resonance

mechanisms in AD would cast light on patients’ ability to

relate with other people through sharing behavioural

states (e.g. imitating others’ movement). Moreover, in

patients whose brain’s lesions are difficult to

circumscribe, as in the case of AD, verifying the

preservation of perception–action coupling could be

informative about the remaining functionality of the

underling perceptual, motor and cognitive mechanisms.

In particular, by assessing whether both AD patients’

and healthy aged-matched people’s motor responses

are influenced by the observed movements, we would

gain insight about the preservation of motor resonance

mechanisms during this pathology.

If a ‘weak’ influence of the perceived movement

features in action production is synonymous with the

normal activation of motor resonance mechanisms,

exaggerated imitative response would be a sign of

abnormal functioning of the inhibitory circuitry (Bien

et al., 2009). In other words, despite the occurrence of

perception–action coupling at neural level, healthy adults

typically avoid exaggerated imitation behaviours

because these actions are not adaptive for most

everyday situations. Interestingly, previous clinical

studies performed on a group of patients with frontal

lobe damage, including AD individuals, report their

incapacity to inhibit the production of motor responses to

external stimuli. This is the case of the well known

environmental dependency syndrome that includes in its

symptoms the ‘‘imitation behaviour’’ (Lhermitte, 1986;

Lhermitte et al., 1986). Even if imitation behaviour is

marginally present in AD, although several experiments

have provided substantial evidence that AD patients

have a significant impairment in tasks requiring voluntary

inhibition (see for reviews (Amieva et al., 2004; Fournet

et al., 2007).

The present study has a threefold purpose. Firstly, it

provides a kinematic description of patients’ motor

deficiencies when performing a simple arm upwards

movement. Secondly, it characterizes the relationship

between motion observation and movement production

in AD patients by testing if and how their actions are

influenced by a previously observed motion. If motor

resonance mechanisms are still preserved, AD patients’

movements would be influenced by the observed

biological motion in so far as healthy aged-matched

participants are. Finally, this work investigates whether

AD patients’ deficiency in tasks requiring voluntary

inhibition causes inappropriate motor responses

irrespective of task demands. To these aims, the

imitation paradigm we proposed in Bisio et al. (2010)

was applied to simultaneously verify the occurrence of

normal automatic imitation phenomena and the voluntary

inhibition capabilities by providing a simple visual

stimulation and asking participants to produce a

movement in response to it.



The experimental group was composed of 25 elderly participants

(21 women and 4 men), ranging in age from 75 to 91 years of age

(mean age ± SD, 84.2 ± 4.5), with probable mild and moderate

AD (Perneczky et al., 2006) diagnosed according to the French

National Institute of Neurology and Communication Disorders

and Strokes – The Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders

Association (NINCDS-ADRDA) and the Diagnostic and

Statistical manual-IV-Text Revised (DSM IV-TR) criteria. All the

patients lived at home or in a nursing home specializing in AD

and there was no reported difference in the severity of the

pathology based on the residence type. They underwent

comprehensive diagnostic evaluation, including clinical

assessment, brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and

examination of motor competencies. All of them presented with

progressive cognitive impairment. Their Mini-Mental State

Examination (MMSE) scores were between 12 and 24

(mean ± SD, 19 ± 4). Patients were excluded from the

present study if (A) their dementia was not considered due to

AD, (B) if severe vascular lesions were present, and (C) if they

were unable to perform simple arm pointing movement. The

Control Group (CG) was composed of 14 healthy participants

(10 women and 4 men), ranging in age from 74 to 89 years of

60 A. Bisio et al. / Neuroscience 222 (2012) 58–68

age (mean age ± SD, 82.4 ± 5), living at home. Their MMSE

scores were between 25 and 30 (mean ± SD, 28.6 ± 1.4).

They underwent a detailed medical and physical examination

before the study, and they were screened for cognitive deficits

using the MMSE. Participants with self-reported problems of

head injury, drug or alcohol abuse, psychiatric or neurological

disease were excluded. All participants were right-handed, and

had normal or corrected-to-normal vision. They were able to

hear adequately, to pay attention to the examiner’s behaviour

and to understand simple questions. The two groups did not

statistically differ in terms of age. In contrast, MMSE values of

the two groups were significantly different (F(1, 37) = 95.94,

p< 0.00001). Written informed consent was obtained from

each participant or their guardians, and the protocol was

approved by the Local Ethics Committee.

Materials and procedure

The experiment was performed in a darkened room. Participants

sat on a chair, in front of a large rear projection screen

(170 � 230 cm) placed 10 cm beyond the end of participants’

extended arm. A video-projector, with a refresh rate of 60 Hz

and placed behind the screen and connected to a PC, back-

projected the visual stimuli onto the display screen. The

projected visual stimulation was generated using MatLab

Psychtoolbox 3 (Brainard, 1997). An optoelectronic system

(SMART) with five cameras was used to record movements at

a sampling frequency of 120 Hz. One passive infrared reflective

marker (diameter = 20 mm) was applied onto a fingertip of the

participant’s right hand. Experiments lasted about 20 min.

Pointing movement experiment (PM). This experiment was

aimed at measuring participants’ natural pointing movements.

The kinematic data served as a baseline to be compared with

arm kinematics after motion observation (described in the

section Movement observation experiment (MO)). A green

cross appeared on the screen to indicate the starting position.

After 3 s, the cross disappeared and two vertically aligned light

blue dots (3.2 cm in diameter with a 51 cm gap between them)

were displayed for 3 s. One of the two dots replaced the green

cross and the other one was the target for the movement

(Fig. 1a). The participants’ shoulder level was roughly at the

middle of the distance between the two dots. Participants used

their right arm with an extended position to perform upwards

movements from the given starting position to the target dot

using a spontaneous natural velocity. Movement accuracy was

not emphasized. The pointing arm movement was repeated five

times. The beginning of the experiment was preceded by a

Fig. 1. Sequence of visual stimuli. (a) In pointing movement experiment (PM)

After 3 s, the cross disappeared and two vertically aligned light blue dots (3.2 c

(b) In movement observation experiment (MO) a green cross was displayed t

was replaced by a light blue dot (3.2 cm in diameter). The dot kept this pos

51 cm of space with 3 different velocities. (For interpretation of the references

of this article.)

training phase, which ended when the participant understood

the task and correctly accomplished all the experimental tasks

at least twice.

Movement observation experiment (MO). A moving stimulus

was used as a template to test the effect of motion perception

on subsequent pointing movement execution. A green cross

was displayed to indicate the movement’s starting position.

After 3 s, the green cross was replaced by a light blue dot

(3.2 cm in diameter). The dot kept this position for 1.5 s, and

then started to move vertically upwards, covering 51 cm of

space. Dot motions differed in mean velocity: slow (.39 m/s),

medium (.51 m/s), and fast (.64 m/s) (Fig. 1b). Participants did

not know if the stimulus motion was computer- or human-

generated. Stimulus velocities were randomized. Participants

were asked to point the green cross, then to watch the dot’s

movement, wait until the dot reach its final, visible position, and

finally point towards this position. Thus, the executed

movements were congruent with the observed ones in terms of

direction. Movement accuracy was not emphasized. Each dot

motion velocity was repeated four times. As in the PM, the

beginning of the experiment was preceded by a training phase,

which ended when the participant understood the task and

accomplished all the experimental tasks at least twice.

In both experiments, participants received verbal feedback

from the experimenter during the testing procedure in order to

eliminate any confusion about their aim.

Data treatment

Data processing. Data was low-pass filtered at 5 Hz using a

2nd order Butterworth filter. To define the onset and offset of

the movement, we chose a threshold corresponding to 10% of

the maximum value of the movement velocity profile.

Data analysis. Participants’ movement reaction time (rt) and

mean velocity (vp, mean value of participants’ arm velocity

module, the latter obtained as the square root of the three

spatial components of the velocity) were considered as the

main outcome variables. In PM, rt was calculated as the time

elapsed between the appearance of the two dots and arm’s

movement onset; for the MO, it was computed as the

difference in time between the end of dot motion and the onset

of participant’s pointing movement. Shapiro–Wilk normality test

was used to assess the normality of data before performing

statistical tests. The data were normally distributed and t-testsand ANOVA were conducted to do the statistic evaluations. In

a green cross appeared on the screen to indicate the starting position.

m in diameter with a 51 cm gap between them) were displayed for 3 s.

o indicate the movement’s starting position. After 3 s, the green cross

ition for 1.5 s, and then started to move vertically upwards, covering

to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version

Fig. 2. Alzheimer’s patient (AD, red lines) and healthy ageing

participant’ (CG, blue lines) velocity profiles. Velocity profiles,

normalized for duration, of a typical subject in each group in baseline

condition (PM). The velocity values (y-axis) are represented as

function of time (x-axis). (For interpretation of the references to colour

in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this


A. Bisio et al. / Neuroscience 222 (2012) 58–68 61

order to determine the role of the observed motion in movement

execution, rt and vp values (slow, medium and fast) were

compared with the baseline values (obtained in PM) by means

of a paired t-test with Dunnett correction for multiple

comparisons (one for each group). Additionally, in order to

detect any systematic differences between the two groups and

any systematic effect of the stimulus velocity in MO,

participants’ rt and vp values were statistically evaluated using

a mixed-design ANOVA with Group as between-subject factor

(two levels, CG and AD), and Velocity as within-subject factor

(three levels, slow, medium and fast). Significant interactions

were interpreted with post hoc Newman–Keuls comparisons. A

linear regression model illustrated the relationship between

stimuli and participants’ vp values. The slope of the linear fits

was primarily used to evaluate the degree of influence of the

stimuli motions onto the movement execution (slope = 1

means perfect reproduction of the stimulus mean velocity). For

this reason the slopes of the regression lines obtained for each

participant in the two groups were statistically compared using

a one-way ANOVA (Group, as between subject factors). In

addition, each set of slope values was compared with a

hypothetical non-contaminated behaviour (horizontal line,

slope = 0) using two paired t-tests.


All participants performed the experiments. During the

training phase before the experiment they demonstrated

that they were able to accomplish all the experimental

instructions at least twice. According to an informal

interview made at the end of each experiment, no one

had difficulty seeing the visual stimuli and no one

considered the task to be difficult.

Pointing movement experiment (PM)

Fig. 2 shows the velocities profiles of two typical

participants, one for each group. From visual inspection,

Table 1. Kinematic parameters values of normal ageing and AD patients’ mov

velocity (vp), maximum velocity (vmax), jerk and time to peak velocity (tp

value ± s.e.m.). The bottom lines shows the results of the statistical comparison


rt (s) dur (s) vp (m/s) vm


.62 .86 .64 1.06 .79 .51 1

±.12 ±.09 ±.04 ±.03 ±.02 ±.02 ±

– F1,37 = 15.72 F1,37 = 27.86 F

p< .001 p< .001 p

AD velocity profiles (Fig. 2, red lines) were often

discontinuous, failing in producing the expected

asymmetric Gaussian curve (Papaxanthis et al., 1998)

here visible in CG participant’ movements (Fig. 2, blue

lines). We found that only in 38% of trials AD patients’

arm movements were smooth and continuous versus

80% of the control group.

Table 1 lists rt, duration (dur), mean and maximum

velocity (vp and vmax, respectively), normalized jerk

(defined as the rate of change in acceleration, index of

motion smoothness (Teulings et al., 1997) and time to

peak velocity (tpv, calculated as the ratio between the

acceleration phase duration and the total movement

duration) values for both groups; in the two bottom lines

the results of the statistical comparisons between

groups are presented. As expected, dur, vmax, vp (Fig. 3,

horizontal lines) and jerk values were significantly

affected by the factor Group, confirming that AD

patients took significantly longer time to execute arm

movements than the CG participants, and did so with

higher degree of discontinuity. No differences occurred

in tpv: both AD patients and CG participants’ velocity

profiles reached their maximum around 40% of

movement’s duration, in agreement with the expected

stereotyped upwards motion velocity profile

(Papaxanthis et al., 1998). Likewise, normal elderly

participants and AD patients’ rt values (Fig. 4b, blues

and red horizontal lines, respectively) did not

significantly differ. Indeed, the time elapsed between

stimulus presentation and movement onset was the

same for the two groups, suggesting no problems for

AD patients in perceiving the stimulus and reacting to it.

Relationship between task performance and cognitive

scores. A linear regression model was applied to

investigate the relationship between MMSE scores and

two parameters representing the timing of the planning

(rt) and of the execution phase (vp) of arm pointing.

While rt did not correlate with MMSE, the pointing mean

velocity did positively correlate with MMSE score

(r= .67, p< .001). Thus, participants were slower as

the level of cognitive impairment increased (lower


Movement observation experiment (MO)

Test on motor resonance mechanisms. Movements of

AD patients were on average slower and jerkier than those

ements. The column report the reaction time (rt), duration (dur), mean

v) of participants’ arm pointing movements for both groups (mean

between the two CG and AD groups (factor Group of the mixed-design

ax (m/s) jerk tpv


.37 .87 4.64 10.56 .39 .43

.04 ±.03 ±1.72 ±1.29 ±.01 ±.01

1,37 = 26.24 F1,37 = 7.56 –

< .001 p< .001

Fig. 3. Participants’ reaction time (rt). Blue and red elements refer to

the Control Group (CG) and the Alzheimer disease patients’ (AD)

data, respectively. (a) The velocity profile of the stimulus (i.e. dot,

grey line) displayed during MO, corresponding to the velocity profile

of an upwards arm’s movement. The leftwards dotted line indicates

peak velocity. Participants’ starting times (normalized for stimulus

duration) in the three experimental conditions (fast-f, medium-m and

slow-s) are represented by circles. For instance, a circle located in

x= 70 indicates that the participant started moving when the

stimulus had completed 70% of its movement. Conversely, if a

x= 130 starting time occurred after the 30% of duration of dot motion

that is when the dot was still. The continuous lines link the starting

time with stimulus motion finishing (dotted grey line on the right). (b)

The continuous lines connect participants’ mean reaction times (rt) in

natural condition (PM). Light bands correspond to the standard

errors. The circles indicate participants’ rt values (y-axis) when

observing the dot motion (MO) as function of the stimuli velocity (x-axis). The error bars refer to standard errors.

Fig. 4. Participants’ mean velocity (vp) as function of the dot velocity

(vD) in PM and MO. Continuous lines indicate participants’ vp values

in natural condition (PM). Light bands correspond to the standard

errors. Circles indicate vp values when observing dot motion (MO) as

function of the stimuli velocity (x-axis). The error bars refer to

standard errors. The y= x grey line indicates the theoretical perfect

imitation of the stimulus velocity. The circles above (below) this line

imply an overestimation (underestimation) of the stimulus velocity.

Blue and red elements refer to the Control Group (CG) and the

Alzheimer disease patients’ (AD) data, respectively.

62 A. Bisio et al. / Neuroscience 222 (2012) 58–68

of normal elderly people (respectively, 27% and 67% of

the total movements were continuous). In order to

assess if the visual stimulation influenced movement

execution, a paired t-test with Dunnett correction was

applied to compare MO and PM velocities in each group

(Fig. 3, horizontal lines and dots, respectively). The

results showed that AD individuals significantly

decreased their natural pointing velocity when observing

slow (p< .001) and medium (p< .01) stimuli. Although

the significant difference was reached only for the slow

stimuli (p< .01), a trend in agreement with changes in

stimulus velocity appeared also in healthy participants’

performances (slow: .71 ± .04 m/s, medium: .76 ± .04,

fast: .77 ± .05 m/s).

Considering only MO data, the results of the mixed-

design ANOVA on participants’ mean pointing velocity

confirmed that AD patients were significantly slower than

healthy participants (Group: F(1, 37) = 38.59,

p< .0001), and showed a significant effect of the factor

Velocity (F(2, 74) = 14.99, p< .0001). The latter

indicates that both healthy elderly subjects and AD

patients’ performances were influenced by the velocity of

the stimulus. A linear regression model described the

relationships between observed and executed

movement velocities for each participant (r2 > .6). The

slopes of the linear models give a percentage of how

much participants’ motions were influenced by the dot’s

velocity. A one-way ANOVA comparing the slopes

values of the two groups showed that CG and AD

participants’ performances were equally influenced by

the observed motion (mean slope values ± standard

error, AD: .24 ± .05, CG: .23 ± .07). Moreover, each

set of slope values was compared with a hypothetical

non-imitative behaviour (horizontal line, slope = 0) using

two paired t-test, whose results uncovered a significant

difference (for both CG and AD, p< .01). Hence, AD

patients and healthy elderly imitated the stimulus

velocities in the same manner.

Test on inhibitory mechanisms. Interestingly, patients’

rt considerably decreased in this experiment when

compared to healthy participants. Fig. 4a shows

participants’ movement starting times as a percentage

of the three stimulus velocities (AD-red and CG-blue

dots) together with the stimulus velocity profile (grey

line). The continuous blue and red lines represent the

time elapsed between the end of the stimulus motion

(rightward vertical grey line) and participants’ movement

onset. As expected, healthy participants were able to

follow the experimental instruction that is to wait until

the stimulus stopped before starting the movement. In

contrast, AD patients’ movement tended to start before

the stimulus reached the final position, while the

Fig. 5. AD patients’ mean velocity (vp) as function of the dot velocity

(vD) in MO and CE. Circles and squares refer to MO (instruction to

patients: reach the dot final position) and CE (instruction to patients:

reach the dot final position and imitate its velocity), respectively with

their regression lines. The error bars refer to standard errors. The

y= x grey line indicates the theoretical perfect imitation of the

stimulus velocity. Slope values approaching 1 (y= x) indicate better

imitation performance.

A. Bisio et al. / Neuroscience 222 (2012) 58–68 63

stimulus was still decelerating. This result also is

observed when healthy participants and AD patients’ rt

are displayed as a function of the velocity of the dot (vD,Fig. 4b, blue and red circles, respectively). While rt

values for healthy participants were positive, AD

patients’ rt values were negative. This finding indicates

that in contrast to CG participants, who waited until the

stimulus reached the final movement position before

giving their answer, AD patients started moving when

the dot was still moving. In both groups rt decreased

when a visual stimulation preceded the arm pointing: i.e.

the rt in MO was always inferior to those of PM. These

comparisons were statistically quantified using a paired

t-test with Dunnett correction. As expected, the results

from AD patients revealed a significant difference

between the rt values at each level of the factor Velocity

in MO and the natural pointing condition (p< .0001).

Similar results were found for CG (slow: p< .001,

medium: p< .05) except for fast stimulus, suggesting

that a visuomotor priming effect occurred in AD patients

as in healthy participants’ responses. Restricting the

analysis to the data recorded in MO, the mixed-design

ANOVA showed a significant effect of both Group

(F(1, 37) = 15.93, p< .0001) and Velocity

(F(2, 74) = 12.58, p< .0001) factors. No interaction

was found to be significant. As already noticed, the

difference between groups was due to the incapacity of

AD patients to exactly follow the experimental

instructions, i.e. to wait moving until the dot stopped, in

contrast to CG. On the contrary, the effect of velocity

showed a similar trend in both groups: i.e. participants

started moving earlier when the stimuli velocities were


Patients’ incapacity to refrain the motor response

could be explained as the result of working memory

deficits. However, AD participants capability to comply

with all the other task demands in both PM and MO

argued against this explanation in favour of a specific

inhibitory deficit. To test this hypothesis we performed a

control experiment.

Relationship between task performance and cognitivescores. A linear regression model was applied to

investigate the relationship between MMSE scores and

two parameters representing the timing of the planning

(rt) and of the execution phase (vp) of arm pointing

movement. Both rt (r= .43, p< .0001) and vp(r= 0.62, p< .0001) positively correlated with MMSE

scores. Thus participant’s movements started earlier and

were slower as the level of cognitive impairment

increased (lower MMSE).

Control experiment (CE)

In order to rule out the influence of working memory

deficits in AD patients’ impairment to refrain from

premature motor response (i.e. the possibility they forgot

the experimental instruction to wait until stimulus stops

to start moving), we performed a control experiment

where the working memory demand increased. In fact, in

CE patients had to fulfil one more instruction that is to

imitate the stimulus velocity. Thus, participants were

asked to point the green cross, then to watch the dot’s

movement, wait until the dot reached its final, visible

position, and finally point towards this position and

imitate the stimulus velocity. This allowed a deeper

investigation on patients’ ability to visually appreciate the

moving stimulus and its features.

If the uncontrolled motor response is caused by

working memory problems, patients would not be

expected to able to increase their imitative performance

with respect to MO, namely patients would imitate the

stimulus velocity to the same extent as in MO. In

contrast, if patients understood the experimental

instructions and recalled them during the task, an

improvement in imitation performance (i.e. the slope

value of the regression line more close to 1 – perfect

imitation) would appear. In that case, the hypothesis that

the anticipated motor response (rt < 0) is the product of

patients’ difficulty to remember the instruction should be

rejected. Moreover, the ability to perceive and reproduce

the stimulus features would contradict the implication in

this task of a possible deficit in perceiving moving

objects caused by the pathology (Gilmore et al., 1994).

The same group of patients already tested in PM and

MO, participated in CE. The visual stimulation and the

data processing techniques were described in the

previous paragraphs (MO). MO and CE differed only for

the instruction given to the participants. Indeed, in CE

patients were requested to look the stimulus motion,

and reach its final position with their right arm when the

stimulus stopped, imitating its velocity.

The results of the one-way ANOVA (Velocity as with-in

subject factor) on participants’ mean pointing velocity

showed a significant effect of the factor Velocity

(F(2, 48) = 31.09, p< .0001). Therefore, AD patients’

performances were influenced by the velocity of

stimulus. Then, to assess if patients’ velocity in MO and

64 A. Bisio et al. / Neuroscience 222 (2012) 58–68

CE were different, a repeated measure ANOVA was

applied (two factors: Experiment with two levels, MO and

CE, and Velocity with three levels, slow, medium, and

fast). The results showed a significant interaction

between Experiment and Velocity (F(2, 48) = 5.28,

p< 0.01). The Newman–Keuls post hoc comparison

revealed that a significant difference occurred among

each of the three levels of the factor velocity in MO and

CE (p< 0.01). Moreover, patients’ responses in MO and

CE differed in the medium and the fast conditions

(p< 0.001). At last, in order to evaluate if the imitation

performance increased in CE, the slopes values of the

linear regression models applied to each patients’ data

(see Data treatments – Data analysis) in MO and CE

were statistically compared. The results of the one-way

ANOVA showed that CE mean slope values were

significantly higher than MO mean slope values

(mean ± SE, MO: .24 ± .05, CE: .45 ± .06,

F(1, 24) = 8.62, p< 0.01). Namely, when AD patients

were explicitly asked to imitate the stimulus velocity,

imitation performance was better than when they were

only asked to reach the final stimulus position (Fig. 5).

Together with this confirmation of the patients’ ability

to visually perceive the modifications of the moving

stimulus, these results support the hypothesis that AD

patients understood the experimental instructions and

were able to use that during movement execution.

Therefore, these findings argue against the explanation

that AD patients’ incapacity to refrain the motor

response is caused by problems in memorizing the

experimental instruction.


This study had a threefold purpose: (1) measuring the

characteristics of natural pointing movements in

normal elderly participants and AD patients; (2) testing if

and how AD patients’ actions were influenced by a

previously observed motion (test on motor resonance

mechanisms); (3) assessing AD patients’ voluntary

capabilities to control motor response production (test on

inhibitory mechanisms). To these aims patients’

behaviour was measured using a simple arm’s upwards

pointing movement, which was recorded in natural

condition and after the observation of a dot displacing


Kinematic features of the participants’ pointingmovement in natural condition (PM)

The mean reaction time (rt) of AD participants was similar

to that of healthy elderly subjects, in contrast to rt

recorded during more challenging tasks requiring

complex decision-making components (Pirozzolo et al.,

1981; Storandt and Beaudreau, 2004; van Deursen

et al., 2009) or complicated sensorimotor transformation

(Tippett and Sergio, 2006; Tippett et al., 2007) in which

the reaction time to the stimulus was greater in AD

patients. This result suggests that the planning of simple

movements has not been deteriorated by AD, probably

because it involves low level cognitive processes that

are not affected by the pathology. At the same time our

results indicate that rt associated with simple movement

is not a sensitive measure for discriminating healthy

people from AD patients as proposed by (Storandt and

Beaudreau, 2004).

Even though patients prepared the response in the

same amount of time as did the CG subjects, they

were not able to maintain the initial motor plan

throughout its course, as indicated by the increased

movements duration and jerk with respect to healthy

aged-matched participants (see also Ghilardi et al.,

1999, 2000; Tippett and Sergio, 2006; Yan et al.,

2008). The presence of these altered kinematic

parameters was correlated with the results of MMSE,

the most commonly used instrument for screening

cognitive functions. Indeed, when the cognitive

impairment increased (and MMSE score decreased) the

motion’s duration increased and the velocity profiles

became more fragmented (higher jerk value), which

indicates several online adjustments to the initial

planned trajectory. Unfortunately, we are not able to

provide a complete description of the results of the

neuropsychological assessment the patients underwent.

Therefore, we cannot speak about any possible

correlations between the kinematic performance and

the neuropsychological evaluation. Having stated this

major limitation to our study, we maintain that our data

suggest that AD patients need to continuously monitor

the ongoing action (in line with the findings of Bellgrove

et al., 1997; Ghilardi et al., 1999) and are dependent

on sensory feedback during the execution of

movements. This is consistent with the computational

theory on motor control that proposes that when

checking current motion with the desired one, sensory

feedbacks are compared to the instantaneous efferent

copy. This mechanism would allow the prediction of the

next state of the system (Wolpert and Kawato, 1998)

as well as providing updates to the internal model that

is the memory of the action. The altered corticocortical

connectivity however is specific to AD (Braak and

Braak, 1991) and might introduce a delay in the

forward and feedback mechanisms. This delay would

consequently compromise the online updating of the

motor response (Scott, 2004). Thus, a speculative

interpretation of the present findings is that slow and

jerky pointing movements represent an AD patients’

effort to compensate for this type of short term memory

deficiency created by the mismatch between the actual

and the predicted state of the body.

Conversely, the observed asymmetry of patients’

velocity profiles (Pozzo et al., 1998) suggests that the

intact representation and integration of the gravitational

force field in AD patients’ motor plan is preserved: i.e.

the time to peak velocity (tpv) occurred around the 40%

of the trajectory duration. Indeed, tpv values did not

significantly differ between the two groups.

Hence, the present results show that natural

movement pace (dur and vp) and smoothness (jerk),

rather than reaction time (rt) and movement timing (tpv),

are appropriate clinical markers to discriminate

pathological (AD) from normal ageing in simple motor


A. Bisio et al. / Neuroscience 222 (2012) 58–68 65

Movement velocity of AD patients and healthycoetaneous is influenced by the stimulus velocity

The movements of healthy elderly participants were

implicitly influenced by the observed motion velocity,

behaviour previously noticed in healthy young adults

(Bisio et al., 2010). In that study (Bisio et al., 2010), we

showed that participants’ movements automatically

imitated the stimulus velocity only when the displayed

kinematics respected the biological law of motion. In

agreement with this result, the present findings show

that healthy elderly movements’ were influenced by the

stimulus velocities, suggesting ability to automatically

match the perceived kinematics with brain action

representation when getting older. Hence, we propose

that motor resonance mechanisms are not altered

across the lifespan.

Similarly, the AD patients’ behaviour was influenced

by the display velocity. This supports the hypothesis

that the resonance mechanisms (i.e. perception–action

matching) underlying automatic imitation are preserved

during AD. A possible objection to this interpretation is

that patients’ movement onset occurred before the end

of the stimulus motion, thus restricting the possibility to

appreciate its biological signature. Nevertheless, it was

demonstrated that the first 60% of the trajectory of a

similar moving target alone is sufficient for recognizing

biological kinematics (Pozzo et al., 2006). Thus,

because patients started moving when the target had

covered at least the 70% of its total displacements, this

alternative hypothesis seems unlikely.

The transformation of the visual input into a motor

command is commonly attributed to the activity of the

posterior parietal cortex (Decety et al., 2002). According

to the description of the neuropathological staging of AD

proposed by Braak and Braak (1991), the parietal cortex

is one of the primary anatomical area affected by early

stage Alzheimer’s disease.

This was recently confirmed and extended by a 3-

years long longitudinal neuroimaging study on the

evolution of brain atrophy in a population of aMCI

(amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment) patients later

diagnosed with AD (Whitwell et al., 2007). Indeed,

1 year prior to the diagnosis, the parietal lobe

involvement was noticed as well as widespread cerebral

atrophy in the medial temporal lobe. Nevertheless, since

a behavioural influence of the visual model was present

in patients’ performance, one might suppose that intact

brain regions allow this translation to occur. Previous

imaging studies on healthy individuals (Grezes and

Decety, 2001; Jeannerod, 2001; Iacoboni, 2009a)

showed that motion observation and imitation induce

simultaneous activation of both the parietal and

premotor areas in the regions where the human mirror

neurons system are thought to be located. Rizzolatti

et al. (1999) proposed that these brain areas would give

rise to a resonance mechanism that directly (and

implicitly) maps a pictorial or kinematic description of the

observed action onto an internal motor representation of

the same action (i.e. the direct matching hypothesis). By

showing an automatic imitation of the observed motion

into movement production, the present paradigm gives

indirect cues about the current activity of this

mechanism in AD. Thus, a speculative interpretation of

the present findings is that the areas considered to be

part of the fronto-parietal mirror neuron system (MNS)

might be preserved from the alterations induced by AD.

However, although the frontal lobes are relatively spared

until the moderate stage of the illness (Double et al.,

1996; Salat et al., 1999, 2001; Whitwell et al., 2007),

this is not the case for the parietal regions. In this

regard, a very recent review (Jacobs et al., 2012)

describes the structural, functional and metabolic

changes observed in the parietal cortex (including the

inferior parietal lobule – the parietal region of the MNS)

in preclinical and early AD. An alternative explanation to

the preservation of the MNS areas is that protective-

compensatory strategies (where undamaged areas take

over the function of the injured ones (Hill and

Kolanowski, 2011)) maybe intervening to ensure these

functions that are crucial for everyday life. Therefore,

the present behavioural observations raise a question

regarding the way these mirror mechanisms appear in a

damaged brain like that of AD patients. Hence, this

study would like to promote the application of specific

neuroimaging and neurophysiological methodologies to

specifically tackle this issue and to describe the

evolution of MNS functioning in dementia. Moreover, the

results obtained by this work might have considerable

impact on therapeutic applications. Indeed, testing

motor resonance mechanisms might be a valid tool for

indicating the presence of intact social cognition abilities

in this kind of patients that often show difficulty to

interact with relatives or healthcare staff. Since this

methodology tests automatic and unconscious

responses, it could be more appropriate than other

conventional techniques where explicit choices and

explanations are required (e.g. example of TOM test

(Gregory et al., 2002)). Moreover, while explicit re-

learning seems to be inappropriate for AD patients,

implicit methods based on the influence exerted by the

observed stimuli on action production would represent

adequate tools for rehabilitation programs in addition to

conventional techniques. For instance, specific

treatments aiming at stimulating motor resonance

mechanisms, as in the case of imitation paradigms,

might be useful to maintain and/or improve AD patients’

communication skills.

Uncontrolled initiation of AD patients’ motorresponse while observing a moving stimulus

In MO, the rt values were velocity dependent for both

normal participants and AD patients: that is the rt

increased when the stimulus velocity increased. A

perceptual difficulty in perceiving and interacting with

fast moving objects could explain this effect (Rizzo and

Nawrot, 1998), and consequently would affect the first

step of the perception–action-matching system in the

two groups (see above).

Most interesting was the AD patients’ incapacity to

refrain from the pointing motion while observing the

moving stimulus. In fact, although healthy participants

were able to comply with the instructions given by the

66 A. Bisio et al. / Neuroscience 222 (2012) 58–68

experimenter, i.e. to wait starting moving until the stimulus

stopped, AD participants’ movement onsets always

occurred before the end of the dot’s motion (Fig. 4).

Thus, the mere presence of the stimulus was sufficient

to trigger the action. Since one of the most common

signs of AD is the memory loss, memory difficulties had

to be ruled out to ensure that difficulties remembering

the motion features or the task directions were not the

cause of the different pattern of compliance with the task

instructions. The fact that AD participants were able to

comply with all task demands in both the PM (to point

the initial green cross with the right arm, to wait until two

circles appear and to move towards the upwards one)

and the MO (e.g. to make a straight vertical arm

movement towards the stimulus final position)

experiments suggest memory deficits were not causing

the observed difference. Moreover, in order to further

rule out this ‘‘working memory deficit hypothesis’’ we

increased the difficulty of the task by adding an

additional instruction, that is to imitate the stimulus

velocity (control experiment – CE), and found that the

imitative performance actually increased with respect to

MO. Therefore, patients remembered the additional

request and were able to accomplish it. This finding

further argues against the explanation that AD patients’

impulsivity was due to problems with recalling the

experimental instruction. Most likely, their responses

may indicate that they are dependent on the visual

stimulus due to inadequate functioning of the inhibitory

mechanisms on the automatic perception–action

coupling. A similar behaviour was previously reported in

AD patients by (Lhermitte, 1986), who described

patients’ tendency to imitate the gesture of people

around them (i.e. imitation behaviour) and to

compulsively act on nearby objects (i.e. utilization

behaviour). The incapacity to refrain from movement

initiation while observing the moving stimulus would

confirm these clinical observations, uncovering a

dependence on environmental cues which is known as

environmental dependency syndrome, and commonly

seen in people with frontal lobes damages (Lhermitte,

1986). Indeed, topographical (Double et al., 1996),

imaging (Scahill et al., 2002) and behavioural (Rossit

and Harvey, 2008) studies reported morphology and

metabolism alterations of the frontal lobes in AD patients

that may explain this unrestrained behaviour. However,

alterations in frontal areas, similar to what is seen in AD

patients, have also been described in normal elderly

people (Double et al., 1996; Salat et al., 1999, 2001)

suggesting that the behavioural differences between AD

and healthy age-matched participants could not be

attributed only to frontal lobes damages. Thus, one could

speculate that lesions to other brain structures are

responsible of these findings (Perry and Hodges, 1999).

Actually, in a review on inhibitory functioning in AD

(Amieva et al., 2004), it was postulated that tasks

involving controlled/voluntary inhibition rely on the

activity of several structures distributed in the brain,

including the frontal regions and their cortical

connections. Interestingly, AD involves a breakdown of

the connections between anterior and posterior cortical

association areas (Braak and Braak, 1991) which could

prevent efficient communication between brain regions

and could provoke the immediate execution of motor

output in response to motion observation (i.e. action–

perception matching). The present results are supported

by and extend to the sensorimotor domain the findings of

previous experiments in which the inhibitory capabilities

were tested by asking participants to suppress an

overlearned response while executing a less overlearned

response (Logan and Cowan, 1984), as in the Stroop

test (Koss et al., 1984; Fisher et al., 1990) and in the

Stop Signal task (Amieva et al., 2002).

In conclusion, the present results designate motor

inhibitory deficiency as a feature that allows

discriminating AD patients from healthy cohort which is

in agreement with previous studies.


This work is the first to identify and quantify automatic

imitation phenomena occurring in healthy elderly people

and AD patients when observing a moving stimulus. The

results suggest that the resonance mechanisms

underlying social cognition are preserved during normal

and pathological ageing. The preservation of this

mechanism, independent of conscious awareness, is a

significant finding relevant for physical and cognitive

interventions. Moreover, the premature motor initiation

described here extends previous observations obtained

during more demanding cognitive tasks and generalizes

AD inhibition deficiencies to the sensorimotor domain.

This evidence, in addition to the specific kinematic

features of AD patients’ movements (high jerk and low

velocity), could represent an innovative new tool for

screening tests for AD. However, first this paradigm

needs to be assessed in patients affected by other

neurodegenerative diseases to shed light on the

specificity of this behaviour to AD. In conclusion, we

believe that this work characterizes the sensorimotor

abilities of AD patients and offers an innovative

approach to design new clinical interventions for healthy

elderly and patients with dementia.

Acknowledgement—The authors wish to thank Shannon Hennig

who kindly provided language editing.


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(Accepted 10 July 2012)(Available online 17 July 2012)

Alterations with Movement Duration in the Kinematicsof a Whole Body Pointing MovementMatthieu Casteran1, Patrick Manckoundia1,2, Thierry Pozzo1,3,4, Elizabeth Thomas1*

1 UFR-STAPS, INSERM U-1093, Cognition, Action and Sensorimotor Plasticity Universite de Bourgogne, Campus Universitaire, Dijon, France, 2 Service de Medecine Interne

Geriatrie, Hopital de Champmaillot, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Dijon, France, 3 Italian Institute of Technology, Genoa, Italy, 4 Institut Universitaire de France, Paris,



Our aim was to investigate how the organization of a whole body movement is altered when movement duration (MD) isvaried. Subjects performed the same whole body pointing movement over long, normal and short MDs. The kinematictrajectories were then analyzed on a normalized time base. A principal components analysis (PCA) revealed that the degreeof coordination between the elevation angles of the body did not change with MD. This lack of significant differences in thecoordination was interesting given that small spatial and temporal differences were observed in the individual kinematictrajectories. They were revealed by studying the trajectories of the elevation angles, joint markers and center of mass. Theelevation angle excursions displayed modifications primarily in their spatial characteristics. These alterations were moremarked for the short rather than long duration movements. The temporal characteristics of the elevation angles asmeasured by the time to peak of angular velocity were not modified in the same fashion hence displaying a dissociation inthe tuning of the spatial and temporal aspects of the elevation angles. Modifications in the temporal characteristics of themovement were also studied by examining the velocity profiles of the joint markers. Interestingly, unlike the disorderednature of this variable for the elevation angles, the time to peak velocity was neatly ordered as a function of MD for the jointmarkers – It arrived first for the short duration movements, followed by those of the normal and finally long durationmovements. Despite the modifications observed in the kinematic trajectories, a PCA with the elevation angle excursions atdifferent MDs revealed that two principal components were sufficient to account for nearly all the variance in the data. Ourresults suggest that although similar, the kinematic trajectories at different MDs are not achieved by a simple time scaling.

Citation: Casteran M, Manckoundia P, Pozzo T, Thomas E (2013) Alterations with Movement Duration in the Kinematics of a Whole Body PointingMovement. PLoS ONE 8(1): e52477. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052477

Editor: Paul L. Gribble, The University of Western Ontario, Canada

Received August 3, 2012; Accepted November 19, 2012; Published January 14, 2013

Copyright: � 2013 Casteran et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permitsunrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Funding: Matthieu Casteran was supported by a doctoral grant from the Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale de France and the ConseilRegional de Bourgogne. Elizabeth Thomas was supported by the ANR-10-ORAR-006-03. The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis,decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript.

Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

* E-mail:


One of the fundamental features that can be adjusted in any

movement is its duration. In this study we examine how the

kinematics of a whole body movement is adjusted for different

movement durations (MD). Several studies exist on the effects of

movement duration on the kinetics and kinematics of arm

movements [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]. Theoretical work has been

done to show the independance from MD of their velocity profiles

and their movement path during reaching [2,10]. Experimental

work has confirmed this invariance [1,3]. Further work has shown

that the kinematic and muscular activation features reflect a

strategy for arm movements that that is more in keeping with

optimizing dynamic forces rather than minimizing antigravity

torques [8,6]. While the study of arm movements has provided us

with much insight into the organization of movement, many of our

daily activities associate focal displacements with simultaneous

postural demands. Whole body pointing movements are therefore

interesting to study. The trunk is a much heavier segment than the

arm. Reaching over could bring into play a greater role for the

gravitational component, changing the forces that are optimized

and hence could reorganize the kinematics of the whole body


There are several more immediate reasons for carrying out the

current study. Previous research has been done on the effects of

MD on whole body pointing. This research however was restricted

to examining the effects of decreasing movement duration (MD),

i.e. at higher movement speeds [11,12,13,14]. The previously cited

studies showed that the adjustments of the whole body pointing

movements for short MDs, was not achieved by a simple time

scaling. In this study, we extend this research to look into the

results of the opposite process, i.e. increasing MD. There are many

reasons for doing this. Firstly slow movements are more subject to

various types of modifying processes that have the potential for

changing their trajectories. One of these is sensorial and especially

proprioceptive feedback. An examination of the EMGs of slow

arm movements therefore reveals trajectories that are not as

smooth as those from normal or fast movements [4,15]. This

feedback is also probably the source of a greater variability that is

frequently observed in slow movements [16]. Another potential

source of modifications in slow movements is their relationship to

gravity. Especially for moving downwards, slowing down must

involve the use of force to counter the normal gravity dictated

PLOS ONE | 1 January 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 1 | e52477

speed of the body. Nishikawa et al. [8] in studies of arm

movements over long durations did not observe differences in the

way the movement was organized. But would this observation

extend to movements involving heavier segments of the body? An

answer to this question would allow us to contribute to the picture

on ‘speed sensitive strategies’ [4,17]. It would also permit us to

have a control for studies in which long MD could be a

confounding factor. One important example of this is studies on

ageing where it is always necessary to ask if the observed effects are

due to anything more than the lower speeds with which elderly

subjects perform most movements [18,19,20,21].

The current investigation was carried out by examining the

kinematics of a whole body pointing movement executed over

long, normal and short durations. An examination of the

individual kinematic trajectories as well as their degree of

coordination with each other was carried out. The kinematic

trajectories compared at the different MDs were the elevation

angles, the joint marker positions and the center of mass (CoM)

trajectory. A visual examination of the eight elevation angle

trajectories revealed that the movements were carried out using a

similar strategy in each case. This similarity was further quantified

with the use of correlation coefficients once the dimensionality of

the space had been reduced using the principal components

analysis technique. This procedure revealed elevation angle

excursions at different MDs that were similar albeit with small

differences. The application of the PCA also allowed us to

compare the degree of covariation among the elevation angles at

each MD. It was not found to be significantly altered by MD. As

the previously described analyses had revealed small differences in

the kinematic trajectories executed over different durations, we

carried out a detailed comparison of them. For the elevation angles

we compared the amplitudes and the time to peak of their velocity

profiles. At levels that involved more integrated effects, we

examined the temporal characteristics of the joint marker velocity

profiles and the spatial characteristics of the CoM trajectory. It

should be noted that the comparisons of all trajectories were done

using a normalized time base. Despite the differences observed in

the kinematic trajectories, PCA analyses, this time using trajecto-

ries from different MDs revealed that two common waveforms

could be combined to produce the movement trajectories at

different MDs. This therefore provides a means for reducing the

number of degrees of freedom for whole body pointing [22].

Materials and Methods

ParticipantsEleven healthy adults, 3 women and 8 men (mean age: 2666

years; mean height: 1.73 m60.08 m; mean weight: 66611 kg)

took part in the experiments. None of the subjects had any

previous neurological diseases and they had normal or corrected to

normal vision. The experiments conformed to the Declaration of

Helsinki and written consent was obtained from all the partic-

ipants. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the

University of Burgundy.

Motor TaskAll the participants performed a Whole Body Pointing (WBP)

movement. The experimental procedures have been used and

validated in previous studies [12,23,24,25]. We asked participants

to perform a WBP movement simultaneously with their two index

fingers in order to touch two targets. The targets (462 cm) were

separated by a distance of 0.5 m from their centres and positioned

on a piece of wood. They were placed at a distance corresponding

to 15% of each participant’s height in the anteroposterior (AP)

plane and in the vertical plane. Distances were measured from the

distal end of each participant’s big toe. Participants started from an

upright position. Their hands were positioned so that the

hypothenar eminence was in contact with the thighs. Only, the

index finger remained extended while the rest of the fingers were

bent. MD and target accuracy were the primary constraints

imposed on the participants.

Movement duration constraintsThe WBP movement was carried out over three different

durations. These were a self-selected duration (N), long duration

(Lo) and shorter than normal (Sh) (without asking participants to

go as fast as possible). For each movement time, all the subjects

carried out about 5 preliminary unrecorded WBP movements in

order to familiarize themselves with the movement and the

necessary durations. This was then followed by a block of ten

movements for each movement time. There was a two minutes

pause between movement blocks of each duration. Each subject

therefore performed a total of 30 trials.

Data collection and processingWe used an optoelectronic device (VICON, sampling frequency

200 Hz) with three cameras in order to capture movement

kinematics in 3 dimensions (3D). Twelve retro-reflective markers

(0.2 m in diameter) were placed at various anatomical locations on

the right side of the body (External cantus of eye, auditory meatus,

acromial process, humeral condyle, ulnar styloid process, apex of

the index finger, L5 vertebra, greater trochanter, knee interstitial

joint space, external malleolus, fifth metatarsal head of the foot,

and the middle of arm in order to have 3D with the VICON

system). We used a 9 segment model similar to our previous studies

of the same movement [24,25].

All processing of the 3D marker positions was performed with

custom software written in Matlab (Mathworks). Before the

computation of the angular trajectories, the recorded marker

position signals were low-pass filtered using a fourth-order

Butterworth filter at a cut-off frequency of 10 Hz (Matlab filtfilt

function). The filtering was followed by the use of interpolation

routines (Matlab spline function) so that all trajectories irrespective

of execution duration lay along a 200 point time base.

Kinematic computationsMovement onset was defined as the time when the velocity of

the finger exceeded 5% of its peak and movement cessation was

noted likewise when this velocity dropped below the 5% threshold

[26]. Kinematic parameters including angular displacements were

computed using previously reported techniques [27,24]. The

following eight elevation angles (angle between the vertical and the

segment) were calculated: Shank (Sh); Thigh (Th); Pelvis (Pe);

Trunk (Tr); Humerus (Hu); Forearm (Fo); Hand (Ha) and Head

(He) (figure 1b and 2). The amplitude of each angular

displacement was defined as the absolute value of the difference

between the initial and final angle.

Centre of Mass analysisWe calculated the CoM displacements in 3D in order to

characterize the manner in which equilibrium was managed

during the WBP movement. This estimation was made from an

eight-segment mathematical model using rigid segments (Head,

Trunk, Thigh, Shank, Foot, Upper arm, Forearm and Hand). For

this, we used the anthropometric parameters described by Winter

[29] and validated by Stapley [11] and Berret [24] in previous

studies of WBP movement. Stapley [11] had compared the

Effect of Movement Duration on Whole Body Pointing

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modeled CoM and measured Centre of Pressure (CoP) position

using a force platform, during quiet stance as well as the times

series of measured and estimated (modeled) ground reaction

forces. These studies showed that such a model provided a realistic

representation of the WBP CoM position.

Principal Component AnalysisA PCA [28] was applied to the angular displacements of the

eight elevation angles. As the z scores of the elevation angles and

their correlation matrices were used for this computation, the

results obtained provided us with information concerning the

linear correlation of these angles. In all cases, the PCA was

performed separately for each individual. For the results described

in section 3.2, the trials came from whole body pointing of only

one duration. For the results described in section 3.6, however, the

trials were either from the normal and short MDs or from the

normal and long MD trials.

In all cases two principal components were found sufficient to

account for more than 95% of the variance in the data. This is

referred to as the variance accounted for (VAF).

Statistical analysisAll statistical analyses were performed primarily using a

repeated measures analysis of variances (ANOVA) test. The test

was applied after ensuring a normal distribution of the data using

the Kolgomorov-Smirnov and Lillefors test. The MDs were in all

cases a repeated measures factor. The kinematic trajectory

amplitudes and peak times as well as the eigen values from the

PCA were also used as repeated measure factors depending on the

question at hand. The post hoc tests were done using a Tukey

HSD. Results were taken as statistically significant if p,0.05.


In this section we will report on the analysis of the whole body

pointing (WBP) movements accomplished over different durations.

We will first report on the general characteristics of the movements

for the three durations - long, normal and short. The similarities

between the kinematic trajectories of the movements were

quantified using correlation coefficients after having reduced the

dimensionality of this space with the PCA technique. Since this

process revealed slight differences, we undertook a comparison of

the individual kinematic trajectories at different MDs. The

trajectories examined were those of the elevation angles, the joint

markers and the CoM. Both the spatial and temporal character-

istics of these kinematic trajectories were examined. Finally a

principal components analysis using kinematic trajectories from

different movement types was used to probe if common waveforms

can be combined to generate the kinematic trajectories generated

over different durations.

3.1 Movement at three speeds: General characteristicsOur first step was to verify that the subjects did indeed carry out

the movements at the instructed pace. The mean MD was

1.2360.11 s for normal MD, 1.9460.23 s for long MD

0.7760.06 s for short MD. The three were found to be

significantly different from each other (p,0.05, repeated measures

ANOVA). The mean difference between the long duration and

normal movements was found to be on average slightly higher

than those between the normal and short duration movements. As

the subjects were asked to touch a target that was sufficiently wide

and long (see Methods) all attempts to touch the target at the three

different speeds were successful. The peak velocities for the

normal, long duration and short duration movements were

0.8860.08, 0.5660.06 and 1.4460.11 m.s21 respectively.

Figure 1. Stick diagrams. a) Stick diagrams of a whole body pointing movement to a target that is placed at 15% on the anteroposterior axis andon the vertical axis. b) The computed elevation angles for the movements were the Shank (Sk), Thigh (Th), Pelvis (Pe), Truck (Tr), Head (He), Humerus(Hu), Forearm (Fo) and Hand (Ha).doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052477.g001

Effect of Movement Duration on Whole Body Pointing

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3.2 Similarity of the elevation angles and theircoordination for WBP at three movement durations

The trajectories of eight elevation angles were computed as

described in the Methods section for whole body pointing

movements executed at three different MDs. These were the

head, humerus, forearm, hand, trunk, pelvis, thigh and shank

elevation angles. The trajectories were normalized along a

common time base as displayed in figure 2. A visual inspection

of the angles revealed that their forms remained largely unaltered

by the MDs.

The similarity between the elevation angle waveforms was

quantified by examining their correlations [30,24,25]. These were

computed in a space of reduced dimensionality by first performing

a principal components analysis on the 8 elevation angle

excursions for each MD i.e. only movements of one duration

were used for each PCA. For all three movement durations, two

components were sufficient to capture more than 97% of the

variability in the data (figure 3). The Pearson correlations between

the principal components were now computed. In each case they

were done by comparing the normal MD principal components

with those of the short or long MDs. The mean values of these

comparisons for each principal component are displayed in

Table 1. They display a very high correlation between the first

principal components for all three MDs. The lower correlation

values when comparing the second principal component (,20%

VAF) at different MDs however, indicate the presence of some

small differences. The mean principal component trajectories for

each individual in the study are displayed in figure 4. The

trajectories displayed are for each MD. They allow a confirmation

of what had been observed with Table 1 i.e. Whole body pointing

over normal, short or long durations are accomplished using

elevation angle excursions that are highly similar albeit with some


Other than permitting a comparison of kinematic trajectories in

a space of reduced dimensionality, the PCA also allowed us to

compare the coordination between the segments of the body for

the pointing accomplished at the three different MDs. In each case

the VAF by the first component exceeded at least 80%. There

were no significant differences in the VAFs by the two components

for the whole body pointing movement executed at the three

different MDs (p.0.05, repeated measures ANOVA). This

indicated that there were no significant differences in the degree

of covariance between the body segments for whole body pointing

at different MDs. An analysis of the loadings for each kinematic

angle on the first principal component also did not reveal any

significant main effects for movement duration (p.0.05, repeated

measures ANOVA) (figure not included).

3.3 Alterations in the elevation anglesThe results from the section above had established that despite

an overall similarity, small differences were present in the elevation

angle trajectories from whole body pointing carried out over

Figure 2. Elevation angle excursion. The kinematic trajectories of eight different elevation angles at three different movement durations for atypical subject. Beside each kinematic trace is the bar graph of the amplitudes recorded at long (Lo, black line and histogram), normal (N, grey lineand histogram) and short (Sh, dotted line and hatching histogram) MDs. The amplitude of each angular displacement was defined as the absolutevalue of the difference between the initial and final angle. Each bar displays the mean and the SEM for all the subjects. Significantly different valuesare marked with an arrow.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052477.g002

Effect of Movement Duration on Whole Body Pointing

PLOS ONE | 4 January 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 1 | e52477

normal, short or long durations. We proceeded to further

investigate these differences by studying the individual trajectories.

We first examined alterations in the amplitudes of the elevation

angle excursions by comparing their values at the different MDs.

For the temporal organization, we compared the time to peak

velocity for each elevation angle along a normalized time axis.

3.3.1 Modifications in the elevation angle

amplitudes. The trajectories for all eight elevation angle

trajectories were examined in order to detect differences in the

amplitudes of the angular excursions (figure 2). The amplitude of

each angular displacement was defined as the absolute value of the

difference between the initial and final angle. First to be noted was

the fact that no significant differences for this variable were found

between the long and normal duration movements (p.0.05,

repeated measures ANOVA, Tukey HSD). As opposed to the

long-normal comparison, the amplitudes of several angles were

found to be altered in the normal-short duration comparison. The

angular excursions for all the focal segments were found to be

increased (p,0.05, repeated measures ANOVA, Tukey HSD). In

the case of the postural segment, a significant increase was

observed for the thigh while a decrease in amplitude was observed

for the trunk and head (p,0.05, repeated measures ANOVA,

Tukey HSD). These modifications would have ensured that

individuals descended lower and bent over less with their trunks

for short duration movements. The descent to a lower vertical

position would then have required a greater upward movement of

the focal segment and hence the increased angular amplitudes of

this segment.

In general, the results of this section demonstrate that the

amplitudes of the elevation angles show small but significant

modifications when shorter than normal MDs are employed. Such

alterations in amplitude were not observed when comparing the

movements carried out at normal and long durations. The results

indicate that the tuning of the elevation angle amplitudes for MD

is nonlinear.

3.3.2 Modifications in the temporal organization of the

elevation angles. We examined the time to peak for the

velocity profiles of the elevation angle trajectories of each trial.

Unlike the case for amplitude, we were able to identify only one

time to peak velocity that had been modified with MD. The pelvic

elevation angle for movements executed over short durations was

found to acquire peak velocity significantly earlier than those

executed over long durations (p,0.05, repeated measures

ANOVA, Tukey HSD) (figure 5). It was feasible in this study

only to examine the variables with a normal distribution. These

were the times to peak velocity for the head, trunk, pelvis and

shank elevation angles. With the exception of the pelvic angle, they

were not found to be significantly altered by MD (p.0.05,

repeated measures ANOVA, Tukey HSD posthoc).

The two previous paragraphs suggest that the temporal

characteristics of the elevation angles are not tuned for MD in

the same manner as their spatial characteristics. This was most

notable in the case of the pelvic, trunk and head angles. While

alterations with MD had been observed in the case of the

amplitudes of the elevation angles of the trunk and head, there

were none observed in their time to peak velocity. As opposed to

significant differences in the time to peak velocity of the pelvic

angle, no modifications with MD had been observed for the

amplitude of this elevation angle. There was therefore a

dissociation in the modifications observed as a function of MD

Figure 3. VAFs from a Principal Components Analysis of the Elevation Angles of Individual Movement Types. The eight kinematictrajectories from each type of whole body pointing could be represented using two principal components. Each bar displays the mean and the SEMfor all the subjects. The VAF accounted by these components were not found to be significantly different for the different MDs (p.0.05, repeatedmeasures ANOVA). This indicated a similar degree of correlation between the body segments at all three MDs.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052477.g003

Table 1. Pearson correlation.


Normal/Long MD 0.9760.02 0.5160.12

Normal/Short MD 0.9760.01 0.5360.15

The table presents the Pearson correlation coefficient between the trajectoriesof the two principal components computed from each type of whole bodypointing in this study. The use of the PCA allowed us to reduce thedimensionality of the space represented by the eight elevation angles. Thecorrelations with the principal components were computed each time betweenthe trajectories of the movements executed over normal durations with eitherthose of the long or short duration movements. The results show that themovements were similar albeit with some small differences.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052477.t001

Effect of Movement Duration on Whole Body Pointing

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for the temporal as opposed to spatial aspects of the elevation

angle excursions.

3.4 Modifications in the temporal organization of thejoint marker trajectories

Alterations in the temporal aspects of the movement at a more

integrated level were analyzed by studying the moment at which

the peak velocity of each joint marker occurred on a normalized

time axis. In figure 6 we display the velocity profiles for the

markers at each joint. The curves displayed are the mean values

from all the trials of all the individuals. A statistical comparison of

the time to peak velocity was carried out. Figure 7 displays the

results of this test. A significant main effect of MD was found for

this variable (p,0.05, repeated measures ANOVA). The peak

velocities of the markers were found on average to be phase

advanced for the reaching at short durations. For normal

movements they occurred on average at the mid point of the

movement. Finally, the peak for long duration movements was

phase delayed with respects to normal movements. With the

exception of the cases marked ‘NS’, all other differences in figure 7

were found to be significant (p,0.05, repeated measures ANOVA,

Tukey HSD). The most notable exception to this organization was

that for the knee for which no significant differences were observed

for the movements carried out over different durations (p.0.05,

repeated measures ANOVA).

It is interesting to note the ordered manner in which the time to

peak velocity was arranged with respects to MD for the joint

marker velocity profiles. This was in notable contrast to what was

observed for the velocity profiles of the elevation angles. As the

trajectory of a marker is the resultant of the rotation at several

joints, this provides an example of order that is emergent at a

higher integrated level even when it may not be observed at the

level of the individual elements composing it.

3.5 Alterations in the centre of mass trajectoryOther than studying the angular displacements, a more global

idea of alterations in the spatial organization of the movements

was obtained by examining the CoM trajectories at the three

different MDs. The magnitude of the CoM displacement was

studied for changes in the anterior posterior direction as well as in

the vertical dimension. As in the case of the individual kinematic

trajectories differences were observed mostly between the normal

and short MDs (p,0.01, repeated measures ANOVA, Tukey

HSD posthoc) but not between the normal and long MDs. This

was true for the displacements along the anterior posterior as well

as vertical directions (figure 8).

Figure 4. Principal component trajectories. The superimposed principal component trajectories for all the subjects at each MD. Each trace is theaverage for each subject. While the trajectory of the first principal component was similar for every subject and every MD, this was not the case forthe second principal component (,20% VAF).doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052477.g004

Effect of Movement Duration on Whole Body Pointing

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3.6 Combinations of kinematic synergies may be used tocreate movement trajectories generated over differentdurations

Results from the above sections indicated that although the

kinematic trajectories utilized for carrying out the whole body

pointing movements were similar, there were some differences

between them. A previous study had indicated that common

waveforms could be used to describe the kinematic trajectories

during a reaching task at normal or short MDs [14]. Would this

result be reproduced in our study? In addition, would the same be

found true in the case of long MDs? In order to answer these

questions, we carried out two separate PC analyses. The first one

involving movements at normal and short MDs and a second one

involving the kinematic trajectories from normal and long MDs.

The separation of these two groups of data was carried out in

order to determine if the degree of correlation was different in the

two cases. A separate PCA was carried out for each individual. In

both cases the first principal component alone was able to account

for a big portion of the variance in the data. The mean VAF

accounted for by the first component was 87.0661.81% in the

long-normal duration case and 87.6362.11% in the short-normal

duration case (figure 9). The two were not found to be significantly

different (p.0.05, repeated measures ANOVA, Tukey HSD).

These results with the PCA confirmed that whether over shorter or

longer than normal MDs, the kinematic trajectories could be

represented to a similar degree using combinations of common

underlying waveforms.


The current study examines the manner in which a whole body

pointing task is reorganized when conducted over three movement

durations - viz. long, normal and short. While several previous

studies have examined the alterations that took place as the

movements were carried out over shorter than normal durations,

there are no previous studies on the same movement conducted

over durations that are longer than normal i.e. slowly. Movements

carried out over long durations however are subject to several

influences that may be less marked in the case of normal

movements. The most obvious of these is sensorial feedback. The

effort of moving slowly also alters the force that the body must use

against gravity. A complete picture of ‘speed sensitive strategies’

[4,17] can therefore only be obtained by also considering

movements that are conducted over durations that are longer

than normal. Finally, the influence of MD is important to take into

account when examining the effects of ageing on movement.

4.1 General organization of movements at long, normaland short MDs

In general, our examination of the elevation angle trajectories

for all three duration times after they had been normalized along a

common time axis showed that they were very similar. This was

borne out through several observations during the study. One of

them was a visual inspection of the trajectories that we have

displayed in figure 2. A second observation was the high values

obtained when computing the Pearson correlation coefficients

between the first principal components of the movements at each

MD (Table 1).

Our result with whole body pointing therefore contributes to

what has already been observed in studies of arm movements.

Several theoretical arguments have been made to predict and

explain why kinematic trajectories of arm movements are similar

at different speeds [2,31,10]. Experiments have borne out many of

these predictions [1,6,8]. While this may be true in the case of a

lighter segment such as the arm, it may not have been the case for

movements in which heavier segments such as the trunk are

involved. In the case of reaching over to point at an object close to

the ground, there could have been a re-calibration of the control

strategies which optimize dynamic or static forces. A previous

study comparing whole body reaching movements over normal

and short MDs had shown the two to employ similar kinematic

trajectories [14]. Movements over long durations however,

Figure 5. Time to peak of the elevation angle velocity profiles. The histograms display the mean and SEM of the times to peak for thevelocity profiles of the elevation angle trajectories at three different MDs. This variable was normally distributed for the head, trunk, pelvis and shankelevation angles. A significant difference was only observed between the long and short MD pelvic elevation angle (p,0.05, repeated measuresANOVA, Tukey HSD posthoc).doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052477.g005

Effect of Movement Duration on Whole Body Pointing

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Figure 6. Velocity profiles of the joint markers. The inset box represents the stick diagram with the number for each marker. The velocityprofiles corresponding to each marker are displayed (1–9). The last figure displays the velocity profile for the CoM. The dotted line in each caserepresents 50% of the movement. On the x-axis is normalized time (percentage of total movement %) and on the y-axis, the velocity (m.s21).doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052477.g006

Figure 7. Time to peak velocity of the joint markers. After constructing the velocity profiles for the markers at each joint along a normalizedtime base, we examined the times at which the peak velocity occurred. The mean and SEM of these values are displayed. The dotted line marks thehalf-way point for each movement. With the exception of the cases marked NS, all comparisons were found to be statistically significant. The figureshows that in most cases the markers for the movements at normal durations (grey histogram) had their peak velocities close to the half-way point ofthe movement. The peak velocities for movements at long (black histogram) and short (hatching histogram) durations occurred slightly later orearlier respectively.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052477.g007

Effect of Movement Duration on Whole Body Pointing

PLOS ONE | 8 January 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 1 | e52477

especially with the involvement of a heavier segment such as the

trunk could have potentially induced a change in strategy. We

found instead that this was not the case and that similar kinematic

waveforms were used for whole body pointing movements carried

out over long, normal and short durations.

Explanations concerning the principles on which movement is

adjusted for different movement durations are not the same. Some

have offered the explanation that it is organized to minimize

kinetic energy [31]. Others have explained that greater angular

excursions are observed for short duration movements because of

the rules underlying motor output rather than the reduction of

kinetic energy [32]. Yet others have used the model of a speed

invariant geometric stage between sensory input and physical

execution [10]. We did not attempt in this study to find the

explanation behind the adjustments that were observed. Future

studies involving more theoretical and experimental work will be

carried out in order to take this step.

4.2 Are movements at different MDs simply achieved bytime scaling?

While the high degree of correlations observed between the

kinematic trajectories at different MDs (Table 1) demonstrated a

significant amount of similarity between them, the correlations

were not perfect. A detailed comparison of the kinematic

trajectories on a normalized time scale revealed that the strategy

utilized was not simply one of scaling the movements in time.

There were small but significant adjustments that involved both

amplitude and temporal aspects of the kinematic waveforms. The

temporal aspect especially is one that had not been carefully

analyzed in the previous studies on the effects of speed on whole

body pointing [11,12,13,14]. In this section we will first discuss the

modifications that had been observed in the amplitudes of the

kinematic trajectories and then discuss the observed temporal


No significant differences from normal movements were

observed in the amplitudes of the elevation angles for the long

duration movements. It should be noted that this was not because

the difference between the normal and short durations was greater

than those between the normal and long durations. It was on

average 0.49 s between the means of the normal and short

movement types while it was 0.67 s between the normal and long

duration types. Another possible explanation for the lack of

significant results concerning long duration movements might be

the increased variability that is often found in slow movements. An

examination of figure 2 however leads us to dismiss this as the

primary explanation for the lack of significant amplitude

alterations at long MDs. Especially in the case of the focal

elements the mean variance was in fact higher for the short

duration movements. Our results therefore strongly suggest that

the tuning of angular excursion amplitudes as a function of MD in

whole body movements is nonlinear. Many of these changes

observed for short MDs were those that would have had the

potential to increase the stability of the body’s inverted pendulum

configuration. When talking of angular excursions at short MDs,

the increased amplitude of the thigh angular excursion concom-

itant with the decreased excursion for the head and trunk would

have ensured a descent to a lower position and a decreased

forward movement of the trunk and head axial segments. Indeed

this supposition seems to be borne out with what is observed with

the CoM. We found the vertical displacement of the CoM to be

increased in the case of the short duration movements. There was

also a significant decrease in the CoM anterior posterior

displacement. These alterations would have contributed to keeping

the CoM closer to the body’s base of support. The increase in

angular excursions with shorter MD has now been reported in

several types of movements [33,13,34,11]. As mentioned in the

section above, there are several different explanations for these

adjustments. Future theoretical and experimental studies would be

required to find out which model is best able to explain our


Figure 8. Position of the Centre of Mass (CoM). A comparison ofthe CoM for the movements conducted over short, normal and longMDs. All displacements were measured with respects to starting CoMpositions. Significant differences for the vertical as well as anterior-posterior displacements were observed only between the movementsat normal and short MDs. The inset box represents CoM trajectories forthe three durations.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052477.g008

Figure 9. Combinations of common waveforms can be used torepresent the kinematic trajectories executed over differentMDs. A comparison of the VAFs of the first two principal components(PC1-PC2) when comparing the WBP at three different durations. Thetrajectories of the eight elevation angles were used for carrying out thePCA. In one case it was done using the long (Lo) duration and normalduration (N) trajectories together while in the second case it was doneusing the short (Sh) duration and normal (N) duration trajectoriestogether. Two principal components were sufficient to represent almostall the information from movements of different durations. Thissuggested that combinations of common waveforms can be used togenerate the trajectories for the whole body pointing over differentdurations. No significant differences were found between the Lo-N andSh-N principal components (p.0.05, repeated measures ANOVA, TukeyHSD).doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052477.g009

Effect of Movement Duration on Whole Body Pointing

PLOS ONE | 9 January 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 1 | e52477

Amplitude was not the only feature that was altered as MD was

increased or decreased with respects to normal pointing. We also

noted the moment at which peak velocity occurred for each joint

marker and for each elevation angle. In the case of the elevation

angles, the time to peak velocity was only found to be significantly

different for the pelvic elevation angle. For this variable, we only

analyzed the elevation angles for which the time to peak velocity

was normally distributed. Because of the number of variables

involved in whole body pointing, posthoc pairwise comparisons in

the nonparametric cases would have led to a very low value of p

after the necessary Bonferroni corrections. Other features that

distinguished the time to peak velocities of the elevation angle

excursions (figure 5) from those of the joint marker trajectories

(figure 7), were their non parametric distributions in some

instances and finally the multidirectional nature of their modifi-

cations with MD. By this we mean that for some elevation angles,

a decreased MD led to the peak velocity time occurring earlier

than normal, while in other cases, the opposite was true.

The modifications observed in the spatial aspects of the

elevation angles were quite different from those observed in the

temporal domain. The specifics of this difference have already

been provided in the results section. This therefore provides an

example of dissociation between the temporal and amplitude

regulation for whole body pointing. A demonstration of such a

dissociation has already been made for arm pointing movements

[35,36]. Our study shows that coupling the arm movements to

postural control does not alter this aspect of motor control.

As opposed to changes observed with the elevation angles,

alterations in MD gave rise to very ordered shifts in the time to

peak velocity of the joint marker trajectories. We observed that

they had undergone phase shifts with respects to the trajectory at

normal duration. The word ‘phase’ is used here as all comparisons

are made using a normalised time axis. With the exception of the

knee, the peak of every marker had undergone a phase advance

for the short duration movements and a phase delay for the long

duration ones i.e. they occurred earlier than normal for the short

duration movements and later than normal for the long duration

ones. The utility of such phase shifts may best be understood by

noting that this means earlier transitions into the deceleration

phase as the MD is decreased. This would then mean a longer

period over which to break the movement when it is at a high

speed. Although they was speaking of electromyographic activity,

Gottlieb [4] had mentioned the use of such a ‘speed sensitive

strategy’ when they reported the earlier onset of antagonist muscle

activities for creating an earlier decelerating force in the case of

short duration or fast movements. These observations had been

made for arm movements. Our results suggest that a similar

strategy is also employed when the focal element is coupled to

postural displacements.

Although it was not the goal of this paper, one of the interesting

results in this study was the difference in the temporal re-

organization of the joint marker trajectories as opposed to those of

the angular excursions. As opposed to elevation angle excursions

which are created by a segment, the movements of joint markers

are the result of the angular excursions of several segments, not all

of which are displaced in the same direction. This sort of difference

between elevation angle excursions and joint marker trajectories is

likely to be more marked in the case of whole body movements

than for isolated arm movements. These individual changes at the

level of the joints then gave rise to the sort of changes described in

the paragraph above i.e. those that lead to earlier deceleration for

shorter MD movements.

4.3 High covariation between the body segments for allMDs

The degree of covariation between the segments was quantified

using a PCA. In all cases two principal components were sufficient

to capture practically all the variance in the data, hence indicating

a high degree of correlation between the angular displacements of

all the body segments. Despite significant differences in the

kinematic trajectories with MD, the coordination between the

segments remained similarly high for all the movements. This

suggested that modifications in any body segment were coordi-

nated with similar modifications in the remaining segments.

The VAF by the first principal component in our study is

slightly lower than what had been observed in the study of

Thomas et al [14] when analyzing fast reaching movements or by

Alexandrov et al [34] when looking at trunk bending movements

of various durations. The most likely reason for this might have

been the lower number of variables involved in the two cited


4.4 Combinations of a few kinematic synergies cangenerate movement trajectories at different MDs

A principal components analysis using kinematic trajectories of

different MDs showed that common waveforms could be used to

represent all the movements. We did not perform an analysis with

all three movement types at once. It was done instead with the

long-normal and short-normal kinematic trajectories separately.

This was done in order to probe if the inter-speed segmental

covariation might be different for these two groups. Two principal

components were sufficient to account for more than 95% of the

variance in the data in both cases. No significant differences were

found between the VAF by the first principal component in either

group. This was also the case for the second principal component

component. The ability to represent with two components, the

trajectories from different movement types, indicates that they

could be generated using combinations of a few common


4.5 Unintended modifications in movement durationsIt should be noted that movement duration is not always

something that is intentionally controlled. It has been found to

vary for the same target location despite the lack of any explicit

instructions or incentives to do so [36]. It can also change

unintentionally when the characteristics of the movement trajec-

tory change [37]. Fitt’s law [38] concerning the change of

movement speed with alteration in stimulus position or dimensions

is one of the most studied examples in motor control [33]. We

were unable in this study to make any claims concerning

unintentional alterations in movement duration as all subjects

had been given explicit instructions concerning this variable. It will

be interesting in the future to examine how movement duration

may be implicitly altered as different aspects of the whole body

pointing such as distance or directions are modified.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: MC TP ET. Performed the

experiments: MC. Analyzed the data: MC ET. Contributed reagents/

materials/analysis tools: MC ET. Wrote the paper: MC PM TP ET.

Effect of Movement Duration on Whole Body Pointing

PLOS ONE | 10 January 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 1 | e52477


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Effect of Movement Duration on Whole Body Pointing

PLOS ONE | 11 January 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 1 | e52477

Annexe 6

Résumés publiés

Annexe 7



Affichées - 9th Congress Progress in Motor Control (PMC IX), « An Analysis of the Centre of Mass trajectories during a Whole Body Pointing Movement», 13-16 Juillet 2013, Montréal-Canada. - 19ème Congrès de l’Association Posture-Equilibre (APE) et 1er Congrès de la Société Francophone Posture, Equilibre, Locomotion (SOFPEL), « Contrôle du centre de masse lors de pointage de tout le corps chez le sujet jeune et âgé sain », 30 Novembre et 1Décembre 2012, Marseille-France. - Association des Chercheurs en Activité Physique et Sportive - ACAPS, « Indépendance spatiale et temporelle de l'organisation synergique d'un mouvement de tout le corps chez le sujet jeune », 24-26 Octobre 2011 Rennes-France. - 17ème Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs, « Effet de la vitesse sur le contrôle des mouvements de pointage de tout le corps chez le sujet jeune », 16-17juin 2011 Dijon-France. Prix Communication Poster - Institut Fédératif de Recherche, Santé - STIC (I.F.R. 100), « Effet de la vitesse sur le contrôle des mouvements de pointage de tout le corps chez le sujet jeune », 13 Avril 2011 Dijon-France Orales - 19ème Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs, « An Analysis of the Centre of Mass Trajectories during a Whole Body Pointing Movement », 13-14 Juin 2013 Dijon-France. Prix Communication Orale - 19ème Congrès de l’Association Posture-Equilibre (APE) et 1er Congrès de la Société Francophone Posture, Equilibre, Locomotion (SOFPEL), « Impact d'une tâche cognitive sur la posture du sujet âgé dépressif comparé au sujet âgé non-dépressif », 30 Novembre et 1Décembre 2012, Marseille-France. - 18ème Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs, « Modifications cinématiques d'un mouvement de pointage de tout le corps lors de différents temps de mouvement », 6-7 Septembre 2012 Besançon-France. - 28ème Colloque du Club Locomotion et Motricité Rythmique, « Effet de la vitesse sur le contrôle des mouvements de pointage de tout le corps chez le sujet jeune », 22-23Septembre 2011, Marseille-France.

Conférence « Université Pour Tous », conférence à caractère général sur les neurosciences, et plus en particulier sur les outils récents d’expérimentation (IRMf, EEG, TEP, TITD, etc.), qui sont utilisés dans les analyses du comportement humain. 4 Avril 2013, Chalon-sur-Saône, France.

Annexe 8


5 bis, Avenue Nicéphore Niepce – 71100 Chalon-sur-S aône – Tel/fax : E-mail : Secrétariat : mardi et jeudi 9 h 12 h – 14 h 17 h – vendredi 9 h 12 h


UNIVERSITÉ POUR TOUS Centre de Chalon-sur-Saône


Antenne de Chalon-sur-Saône

Je soussigné Yves FOURNIER, président de l’Université pour Tous de Bourgogne à Chalon-sur-Saône, certifie que Monsieur Matthieu CASTERAN a présenté devant les adhérents de l’UTB une conférence intitulée : “l’Imagerie médicale fonctionnelle” le jeudi 4 avril 2013 à Chalon-sur-Saône.

Fait à Chalon-sur-Saône, le 5 décembre 2013

Le Président, Y. FOURNIER

Annexe 9

Congrès organisés

Organisation de Congrès

1) Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs - Membre du comité d’organisation du 17ème Forum des Jeunes chercheurs 2011 - Président du comité d’organisation du 19ème Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs 2013

« Le Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs est une manifestation scientifique annuelle qui se déroule sur deux jours et permet aux doctorants de l’Ecole Doctorale "Environnements - Santé" de Dijon-Besançon de présenter leurs travaux de thèse lors de sessions de communications scientifiques orales ou affichées. Se tenant à tour de rôle à Dijon et Besançon, cet évènement est organisé par les doctorants de l'ED ES de Dijon en partenariat avec l'association EDIFICE. Au cours de ce forum, des conférences scientifiques, des ateliers, ainsi que des interventions de professionnels sont organisés afin de permettre aux doctorants d’obtenir des éléments leur permettant de mieux appréhender « l’après-doctorat » et le marché du travail en les aidant à élaborer leur projet professionnel. » 2) Forum des BIOTechno (Association Nationale des BIOTechno) - Membre du comité d’organisation des 14ème Journées Nationales des BIOTechnologies 2011 - Président du comité d’organisation des 16ème Journées Nationales des BIOTechnologies 2013

« Cette association de loi 1901 a pour volonté de valoriser la formation des docteurs et d'œuvrer à l'amélioration de l'insertion des jeunes diplômés qui peuvent devenir créateurs de savoir (recherche), diffuseurs de savoir (enseignement) ou fournisseurs d'innovations (création d'entreprise). Aujourd'hui, le Réseau BIOTechno est le premier interlocuteur des ministères, entreprises et organismes publics de recherche et joue un rôle essentiel dans le développement du secteur des biotechnologies en France. Depuis maintenant 17 ans, nous organisons les Journées BIOTechno dans plusieurs grandes villes de France, et proposons aux jeunes chercheurs de découvrir les métiers des biotechnologies et les acteurs professionnels de ce secteur. Le nombre croissant de participants (étudiants, sociétés de biotechnologie, les structures publiques de recherche et structure de valorisation) montre l'intérêt de l'organisation de telles journées et leur reconduction. Des conférences, des tables rondes et des ateliers sont organisé autours de partenaire industriel. »

3) CEN StimCo Membre du comité d’organisation du 1er Congrès Européen de Stimulation Cognitive – StimCo 2012

« Organisé sous l’égide du Centre d’Expertise National en Stimulation Cognitive (CEN STIMCO), ce premier colloque Européen aura pour objectifs d’étudier les enjeux, les difficultés et les apports possibles de la stimulation cognitive. A visée pluridisciplinaire, il est organisé par le laboratoire Inserm Cognition, Action, et Plasticité Sensorimotrice U1093, au sein de la Faculté des Sciences du Sport de Dijon (Université de Bourgogne). Durant deux jours et demi, des associations et collectivités publiques, des prescripteurs, des usagers, des chercheurs, des industriels associeront leurs efforts pour mieux comprendre les fondements, les méthodes et les pratiques de la stimulation cognitive. Les débats, sous formes de communications orales et affichées, de tables rondes et d’ateliers de démonstration, porteront également sur les besoins des populations. Des perspectives de développement éclairées par les aspects éthiques et règlementaires seront finalement proposées. »

Annexe 10


Activité d’enseignement

Mon activité d’enseignement a été subdivisée en deux temps :

- Deux contrats de moniteur (UFR STAPS Dijon, Le Creusot et Nancy)

- Un contrat d’ATER* (UFR STAPS Aix-Marseille)

Lieu Enseignement Niveau Type de formation Nature Heure


Le Creusot


Déficiences Mentales et

Intellectuelles L2 Initiale CM 9


Physiologie musculaire L1 Initiale TD 4

Méthodologie de l'observation :

Tests fonctionnels L3 Initiale TP 13,5

Méthodologie de l’évaluation L3 Initiale TP 24

Biomécanique L3 Initiale TD 34 ,5

Neurosciences L3 Initiale TD 12

Psychopathologies L3 Initiale CM/TD 12

Principes de la Réathlétisation L3 Initiale CM 9

Outils de capture

du mouvement 3D M1 Initiale/Continue TD 4,5

Posturographie M1 Initiale/Continue TP 12

Nancy Utilisation de la 3D en

Entrainement Sportif L3 Initiale CM 6


Processus Cognitifs,

mouvement et APS L1 Initiale TD 16

Perception pour le mouvement L1 Initiale TD 32

Comportement et évolution L1 Initiale TD 32

Pathologies et déficiences

neuro-comportementales L2 Initiale CM 15

Informatique Niveau 1 L2 Initiale TD 40

Différentes approches

de la motricité L2 Initiale CM 15

Gap Système nerveux et

comportement L1 Initiale CM 18

Dijon Accompagnement étudiant L3/M1


*Mon service d’ATER compte à cette date 168h. Les 24 dernières heures me seront présentées à

partir de janvier.

Nom :

Prénom :

Statut :

Si APSA, préciser l'APSA

concernéeh TP par


Nbre de


h TD par





h CM




h TP par




h TD par





h CM Eq. TD

S1 8 2 ð 16

S1 1 12 ð 18

S2 8 4 ð 32

S2 8 4 ð 32

S4 10 1 ð 15

S4 10 1 ð 15

L2MSS4U7 - FLOUT108 S4 20 2 ð 40

ð 0

ð 0

ð 0

ð 0

ð 0

ð 0

ð 0

ð 0

Si APSA, préciser l'APSA

concernéeh TP par


Nbre de


h TD par





h CM Eq. TD

ð 0

ð 0

ð 0

ð 0

ð 0

ð 0

ð 0

ð 0

ð 0

ð 0

ð 0

ð 0

ð 0

ð 0






h TD par





h CM Eq. TD

ð 0

ð 0

ð 0

ð 0

ð 0

ð 0


à Marseille, le




Charge de service théorique (hTD)





FLCOM108 - FPS2T0 - Différentes approches de la motricité

FLCOM109 - FPS2T0 - Pathologies et déficiences neuro-comportementales

FLOUT108 - FPS2T0 - Informatique, Bureautique niveau 1




FLCOM102 - FPS1T0 - Perception pour le mouvement



Les cellules vertes doivent êtres renseignées par l'enseignant

Les cellules bleues sont des cellules calculées automatiquement et protégées (donc non modifiables)

FLCOM101 - FPS1T0 - Processus cognitifs, mouvement et APS

FLCOM100 - FPS1T0 - Système nerveux et comportement dans les APS

FLCOM103 - FPS1T0 - Comportement et évolution





Signature de l'enseignant

17 Décembre 2013

Annexe 11

Implications Scientifiques

                                                                      Secrétariats :                                                                                 Université de Bourgogne, Bâtiment Gabriel, 6 Bd Gabriel, 21000 Dijon.  

Tél. : 03 80 39 38 68 (corinne.aquilina@u‐ ou 03 80 39 38 60 (josette.thery@u‐ 

Université de Franche‐Comté, UFR Sciences Médicales et Pharmaceutiques, 19 Rue Ambroise Paré, 25030 Besançon cedex.  Tél. : 03 63 08 22 13 (martine.gautheron@univ‐ 

Dijon, le 05/12/2013    

 Pour faire valoir à qui de droit   Madame, Monsieur,  Je  soussigné,  Thierry  Rigaud,  Directeur  de  Recherche  au  CNRS  et  Directeur  de  l’Ecole  Doctorale Environnements  –  Santé  des  Universités  de  Bourgogne  et  de  Franche‐Comté,  certifie  que Matthieu Casteran a été représentant élu des doctorants dans  le conseil de  l’Ecole Doctorale pendant  la totalité de sa durée de thèse.  A ce titre il a participé aux diverses activités listées ci‐dessous :  ‐ Participant à l’organisation du Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs de l’ED, en 2011  ‐ Président du comité d’organisation du Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs de l’ED, en 2013  ‐ Participant, en tant qu’assesseur, à trois jurys de concours de l’école doctorale (jurys de sélection des doctorants)  ‐ Co‐responsable, avec un membre Enseignant‐Chercheur du conseil de l’ED, de la sélection des dossiers de « bourses de mobilité »  (bourses attribuées par  l’ED apportant aux doctorants un soutien  financier pour participer à des manifestations scientifiques)  Matthieu Casteran s’est acquitté de ces diverses responsabilités avec un sérieux, une efficacité et une assiduité remarquable, faisant de lui un des référents principaux de la représentation doctorale au sein de l’ED.  Cordialement  Thierry Rigaud  


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