32- preterm labour

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  • 8/9/2019 32- Preterm Labour


    Preterm labour( PTL) &premature rupture ofmembranes

    Rami Kilani

  • 8/9/2019 32- Preterm Labour


    Defnition De nition : Labour which occurs

    rom the viability o the etus( completed 24 weeks !" until thecompletion o #$ weeks o %estation

    Incidence : &'$ white )uropean *+ in ! ricans

  • 8/9/2019 32- Preterm Labour


    ,redisposin% actors orpreterm labour

    Epidemiological -./0 *1 Low social class black

    unmarried3unsupported 3 smoker oun% a%e5 old a%e6 anemia or polycythemia ,revious preterm labour ( the sin%le most

    e7ective predictor " 2+ or one ,8L 4+ or 2,8L

    Elective delivery ( iatrogenic !") ,)86 maternal /9 R etal

  • 8/9/2019 32- Preterm Labour


    ,8L ( continued risk actors"

    #edical R;. *3# .ultiple pre%nancy ,olyhydramnios .edical disorders uired abnormalities o the

    uterus(=ervical incompetence bicornuate uterus

    fbroids" ?a%inal in ection ( e'%' bacterial va%inosis" !,@ /ntra abdominal sur%ery

  • 8/9/2019 32- Preterm Labour


    Diagnosis $istory : R;. -ackache crampin% abdominal pain

    ,elvic pressure increased va%inal dischar%e

    E%amination : !bdominal eAam : uterine tenderness abruptio chorioamnionitis'

  • 8/9/2019 32- Preterm Labour


    Di erential diagnosis 98/ ,lacental abruption

    astroenteritis =onstipation Red de%eneration o fbroid

  • 8/9/2019 32- Preterm Labour


    Investigations 'etal bronectin : %lue like protein bindin%

    the choriodecidual membranes' !ny disruption othe choriodecidual inter ace results in release oCC 5 detection in cervico va%inal section ' 8hisdisruption precedes preterm labor

    % lengt : measurement by transvaginalultraso und( normal cA len%thE #'& cm" c%s ortening* dilatation* 5 unneling o themembranes down the cA canal

    +epeat vaginal e%am ( in * 4 hours" inthe absence o specialiFed tests

  • 8/9/2019 32- Preterm Labour


    #anagement -ed rest @ydration

    .aternal steroids 8ocolytics !ntibiotics Cetal assessment

  • 8/9/2019 32- Preterm Labour


    ,8L ( mana%ement" ,ed rest & ydration : /ncrease uterine blood Bow 5 >uietin% the

    uterus' De ydration increased levels o-D$ ' !D@ may cross react with oAytocinreceptors 5lead to contraction so hydrationdecrease !D@ 5 contractions'

    Lyin% on her side 5 /? Buid

  • 8/9/2019 32- Preterm Labour


    #aternal steroids :

  • 8/9/2019 32- Preterm Labour



    *' -eta mimetics2' .a%nesium sul ate

    #' =alcium channel inhibitors4' ,rosta%landin inhibitors&' ;Aytocin anta%onist

  • 8/9/2019 32- Preterm Labour


    ,eta mimetics : 8wo beta mimetics commonly used or preterm

    labor ritodrine ( utopar"5 terbutaline '

    2ide e ects : tachycardia headacheshyper%lycemia hypokalemia'

    8he most serious is pulmonary edema 5 in rare

    cases maternal death Contraindicated : symptomatic cardiac disease

    uncontrolled diabetes hyperthyroidism'

  • 8/9/2019 32- Preterm Labour


    #agnesium sulfate : 2ide e ects : Bushin% headache ati%ue diplopia' !t 8oAic level o .% ( G *+m%3dl" respiratory

    depression hypoAia 5cardiac arrest'

    Deep tendon reBeAes depressed5 lost at0 *+ m%3dlso rule out .% toAicity with serial reBeA checks

    ,ulmonary edema may occur

  • 8/9/2019 32- Preterm Labour


    a3 c annel bloc1ers : ni edipine

  • 8/9/2019 32- Preterm Labour


    Prostaglandin in ibitors : /ndomethacin

    4%ytocin antagonists : atosiban

  • 8/9/2019 32- Preterm Labour



    Routine use o antibiotics in uncomplicatedpreterm labour did not con er benefts

    *+ day course o eryt romycin lead toimproved neonatal outcome after P+4#

  • 8/9/2019 32- Preterm Labour


    'etal assessment 9ltrasound: etal presentation estimated etal

    wei%ht !C/'

  • 8/9/2019 32- Preterm Labour


    .ode o delivery 8he case should be evaluated

  • 8/9/2019 32- Preterm Labour


    Premature rupture of membranes

    ( P+4# ) & preterm +4#

    Preterm +4# : R;. occurrin%be ore #$ wk'

    Premature +4#(P+4# ":R;.be ore the onset o labour'

    / t0o occur to%ether PP+4# Prolonged P+4# : R;. 6 ./ rs

    be ore delivery(or 78 rs "

  • 8/9/2019 32- Preterm Labour


    Preterm +4# =ommon cause o preterm labour 5

    chorioamnionitis 9!" %o into labour within ./ rs :9"0it in /8 rs 8hese correlate inversely with ! at

    R;. Prolonged PP+4# associated with

    increased risk o chorioamnionitisabruption 5 cord prolapse

  • 8/9/2019 32- Preterm Labour


    linical features $istory : gus o Buid per va%ina ollowed by

    continuous dribblin%' Cetal movement may reduced in stren%th or re>uency

    E%amination : PR, temp, appearance Abdominal exam : may oli%ohydramnios

    uterine tenderness i chorioamnionitis Speculum exam (defnitive DH": pool o amniotic

    Buid post va%ina is dA positive cou%h si%n ?isualiFe the cA or dilatation Di%ital eAam should be avoided

  • 8/9/2019 32- Preterm Labour


    Di erential diagnosis ;rine loss : /ncontinence 5 98/ are common in


  • 8/9/2019 32- Preterm Labour



    7> ?itra@ine test amniotic Buid is alkalinebut va%inal secretions are acidic' !lkaline ,@ black stick' Calse positive blood semen 5urine

    .> 5enital tract s0abs @?< 5 or - #aternal 0ellbeing vital si%ns I-=

    =R, early markers o in ection

    /> 'etal 0ellbeing serial

  • 8/9/2019 32- Preterm Labour


    &';ltrasound !C/ oli%ohydramniossupport ,R;.

    J' -mniocentesis =5< %ram stain

  • 8/9/2019 32- Preterm Labour



    Preterm +4# : depends on ! -alance risk o prematurity 5 risk o in ection

    -etween #2 #4 weeks

  • 8/9/2019 32- Preterm Labour


    8he use o antibiotics leads to longer latencyperiod prior to onset o labour so ampicillin withor without eryt romycin is recommended in,,R;.

    Tocolysis contraindicated

    2teroids are recommended

    !ny patient who shows si%ns o infection or fetaldistress needs to be delivered

  • 8/9/2019 32- Preterm Labour


    #aternal & fetal complicationsassociated 0it P+4#

    *' =horioamnionitis2' @yaline membrane disease ( @.D"#' ,ulmonary hypoplasia re>uent when ,R;.

    occurs be ore 2J wk5 latent period G & wk4' !bruptio placenta&' Cetal distress the most common is variable

    deceleration reBectin% umbilical cord

    compression caused by oligo ydramniosJ' Cetal de ormities acial 5 skeletal de ormities inprolon%ed ,R;.