四囲 - sonoma county bicycle coalition...竃 ka(hymⅢe細 decembl dearcol cb教のioi伽e肋beγ...

c母Co〃nc〃 Pam Sta範nd Me砂子 Joseph T. Ca冊na[ 胸e時r Amy O. Ahanolu G活a B匂(Ohe Jake Mackenzie Comc肋鳩mbe購 Darrin Jenkins CかM∂n∂錐r Don Schwartz Ass殺∂nf帥M∂n∂鮮r MicheIIe Marchetta Kenyon C砂州めmey Ka晦n Mu巾hy Assis向nt C砂A的mey JoAnne Bueゆe「 Cゆα弧 Betsy Howze F伽∂nce D庵dor John McArthur D加劇or ofPub侮M加ks and Commun何y SeIV細es Mary G「ace Pawson D触r of Deyeゆmenf Se砺es Victoria Pe汀auIt Human Resouroes D爪ector J effrey Weave「 hfe所Pub侮Sa/dy D励r November 19, 2018 City SeIection Committee C/o Mary Gourley, Assistant City ManagerfCft 71 20 Bodega Avenue Sebastopol, CA 95472 Re: Appointment of Jake Mackenzie to SMART posjtion〉 Dear Ms. GourIey, ! am subm輔ng this letter to you to advance my ca to the above position by the Mayo「s’& Counc‖me Board of Directors. I have served the interests of Sonoma County have d消gent!y attended Board meetings and 「epo SCTA, Our Association General Membership me Park City Counc旧have aIso kept MTC app「ised o I continue to enjoy serving our association o Seek your nomination. 四囲 J M!js 130Avram Avenue ◆ Rohnert Park CA ◆ 94928 ◆ 〈707) 588-2226 ◆ Fax (7 WW肌巾c町o喝

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  • c母Co〃nc〃

    Pam Sta範nd


    Joseph T. Ca冊na[


    Amy O. Ahanolu

    G活a B匂(Ohe

    Jake Mackenzie


    Darrin Jenkins


    Don Schwartz


    MicheIIe Marchetta Kenyon


    Ka晦n Mu巾hy

    Assis向nt C砂A的mey

    JoAnne Bueゆe「


    Betsy Howze

    F伽∂nce D庵dor

    John McArthur

    D加劇or ofPub侮M加ks and

    Commun何y SeIV細es

    Mary G「ace Pawson

    D触r of

    Deyeゆmenf Se砺es

    Victoria Pe汀auIt

    Human Resouroes D爪ector

    J effrey Weave「

    hfe所Pub侮Sa/dy D励r

    November 19, 2018

    City SeIection Committee

    C/o Mary Gourley, Assistant City ManagerfCfty Clerk, MMC

    71 20 Bodega Avenue

    Sebastopol, CA 95472

    Re: Appointment of Jake Mackenzie to SMART Board of Di「ecto「s (SCTA


    Dear Ms. GourIey,

    ! am subm輔ng this letter to you to advance my candidacy fo「 「e-Selection

    to the above position by the Mayo「s’& Counc‖members’Association

    Board of Directors.

    I have served the interests of Sonoma County over the past decade. I

    have d消gent!y attended Board meetings and 「eported back, both to

    SCTA, Our Association General Membership meetings and to Rohnert

    Park City Counc旧have aIso kept MTC app「ised of SMART’s activjties.

    I continue to enjoy serving our association on the SMART Board and

    Seek your nomination.

    四囲J M!js

    130Avram Avenue ◆ Rohnert Park CA ◆ 94928 ◆ 〈707) 588-2226 ◆ Fax (707〉 794-9248


  • 竃 �● Ka(hyMⅢe細 �Decembl DearCol

    Cb教のIOI伽e肋beγ i






    Peα油個のα 9イ952

    P力one (mり778・細15

    偽g勅0′Ie (707) 778-〃21

    寅雄nO7) 778-〃I9



    PETALUMA, CA 94953-006l

    uncil Members,

    to request your support for my appointment to血e SMART Board as

    two SCTA Board Members who wfll serve on血e SMART Board. I am

    創the expired tem ofnewly retired Council Menber Russell of


    In Janun坊I win be be如ing my fifth year on the SCTA Board. During my time

    On the SCTA, I have worked tirelessly on regienal transportation issues. I have

    been on血e Executive Board for the last two years and have a]so served on the

    Highway lOI Ad Hoc Comndttee’Wh崩has wo。ced successfully since eady 201 5

    on SeCuring the funding necessary to complete血e widening ofHigivay l O置

    through Sonoma County. rme past I have served as也e Council liaison to the

    Petaltm皿ausit Advisory Comittee and I curently am the Council liaison to

    the Pctaluna Pedest血and Bieycle Advisory committee. CIearly, One Ofmy

    PasSions is regivnal transportation. ] view the appointment as one of the SCTAr印reSentatives to the SMART Board as a lo加al extension ofmy focus on

    transpo観ution in Sonoma County.

    Thffic in Sonoma County continues to worsen and we mu§t.reduce our

    gree血ouse gas emissions. The dbvious way to lessen traffic and reduce GHGs is

    to get peopIe out oftheir cars and onto public tran§it. Ifappointed to the SMART

    Board, I wiu wock on extending SMART all the way to c]overdale, adding血e

    SeCO孤d SMART station in Petalum扉ncrcasing ridership and reducing fares so

    riding the train js a触ndable to all our residents.

    Agaln’I an requesting your sxpport for my appoin血ent as one o弛e SMÅRT

    Board Menbers from the SCTA. I would like to continue working on your behalf

    On re如a】 transpo融on issues. Ifyou have any questions, P】ease do not hesitate

    to call me at 707・321-3888 0r email me at垣趣型聖地璽塑s@幾重l捜!.

    Thank you for your consideration.



    Coun ci l memb er,

    City of Petaluna

  • 読高山。k。SCouncilmember, 聞


    401 G調Ve S血eel

    Healdsbung, CA 954484723

    Phone: (707) 43 l-33 17

    最は: (707)431-332重

    Vi§it u§ a章ルル肌瓦he偶はbα好調.附


    Board of Dlrect○○s Appointment


    Mayo「S ahd CounciImembers Associatlon

    City of Sebastopo1

    712O Bodega Avenue

    SebastopoI, CA 95472

    ATTN: Ma「γ GourIey, Assistant aty Manage昨ity Cle「k, MMC

    Dea「 Mayors and Councilmembers:

    l re§peC血IIy and enthusiastlcalIy request your support of my candldacy for the SCTA member of the Board of Directors of the

    As you know・ the charge ofthe SMART Boa「d of Dlrecto「s is to serve the inte「ests ofthe entire line′什om Larkspur a'l the waγ tO

    CioverdaIe. WhlIe Healdsburg cIeariγ has a selflnte「est -n the Boa「d′s dec-sIons・ my commitment to SMART extends far beyond

    What’s best for HeaIdsburg.

    My blgge「 vislon for SMAR’‖§ thi§; WIth the right ieadershlp・一beIIeve that SMART can transform mobilitγ iJ Sonoma and Ma面

    Countles by making publlc translt an effectlve and de§l「able a-te「natIve to d「Mng.一am unique-y qua鵬d to heIp iead州s

    t「a鵬formatlon as a member of the SMART Board of Dlrectors fo「 severaI 「easons.

    ● i beiIeve SMART’s nexI chaIIenge ls to bulld mo能effectfure working relat'onshIps with its enthe service communlty, incIudlng

    not just the cltles on its llne・ but aiso p「operty owners and deve-ope「s・ Potentia- new 「Ider§′ and emerging Iast-mi-e mobi時

    OPtions Iike 「ide sha「e services, e-blkes aれd autonomous vehlcIes.

    ● MY Comm同ent書o the SM朋叩oa「d wIIIれot be comp○○m-sed bγ d-st'aCtlon§ from other polifea- responslblilties such as

    mayorai o「 othe「 commlttee leadership dutIes. T「ansportatlo叩OIrty has a-waγS been one of my top p「Io嗣es as a Co…CIl

    member′ and my attentlon to the SCTA and SMART Board 「oIes wm reflect that focus.

    O Heaidsburgt actlve particlpation on the iMART Boさrd wI" mag叩y the §巾mcant Iobbying and fund帽Is-ng efft涌§ requlred

    to b血g the traIn acrarss the rfuer・ It w冊ake a v"age〃 to brIng §MARTto He抽burg声nd l a両a unique position to

    leve「age mγ reIation§hlp w軸刷ow co…Cilmembers, Clty sta筒bu§lness and p「operty owners, advocacy g「oups, state

    goVernment 「ePreSentatives and other critlcaI stakehoIders to ma「sha- the resou「ces necessarγ for extendlng the ilne llere.

    ● I have alreadγ demon§t「ated mγ Commitmeれt to SMART’s -obbylng e的rts bγ Supporting the SMART甘oard ChaIr at funding

    hearlngs heId by the State Assemblγ In Sacramento and by the Metropo-1tan Transportation Commission (MTC) in San F「ancisco.

    ● My passion fo「 the future ofiMART has been recognlzed bγthe MTC fdr my ldea to extend §MART ac「oss the Richmond

    b「ldge′ Whlch was seiected in October as a flnaIIst among hundred§ of competlng proposaIs for the MTC’s Ho「izon Initiative for

    T「ansformative T「ansportation P「qlects.

    Thank γOu for you「 suppo巾


    Of Heaidsburg

    Member, SCTA Board of Di「ect○○s

  • ・七宴表裏と


    January 7, 2019

    City Select Committee

    Attn: Darin Bartow

    575 Administration Drive, Room lOOA

    Santa Rosa, CA 95403

    darin,[email protected]

    Re: Letter of Interest SMART/SCTA Board

    Honorable Mayors and Councilmembers:

    Rai=s a driver ofquality of]ife, eCOnOmic development, and a part ofachieving our climate

    goals-that is why I volunteered on the campaigns ofboth SMART ballot measures andnow ask for your support to represent you on the SMART/SCTA board.

    In the past亡WO yearS, I’ve served on four regional boards developing regional relationships

    and experience" My fellow board members will attest to my fair-minded approach to our

    regional challenges and advocacy for all underserved communities, nOt just my own. On

    these boards and with my council, I am well prepared for meetings, endeavor to

    COmmunicate with staffin advance if I have questions or concerns, and actively participate

    in meetings seeking to build consensus and a sense ofcollaboration. I am also ready and

    able to commit to the lobbying that will be required to receive funding for a new rail bridge

    at Healdsburg and a SMART east-WeSt COrridor,

    I could easily argue that the northemmost city should be represented on SMART/SCTA to

    ensure those in the north county who overwhelmingly supported SMART and continue to

    Pay for it without direct service will be represented. However, my background and

    experience have prepared me to be a strong advocate for our regional transportation

    SyStemS and build on our successes. A transportation system is only as strong as its

    Weakest link and I will advocate for the entire system with this in mind.

    As an entrepreneur in high technoIogy, I take a systems approach to soIving business

    Challenges, I’m accessible and responsive to my clients and take the same approach with

    my constituents" I’ve applied this professional experience in my elected and appointed

    roIes, including:

    ● Cloverdale Councilmember, 2016-PreSent

    ● MayorofCIoverdale,2019

    ● Sonoma Clean Power, Sonoma CountyWaste Management, Russian River

    Watershed Association IVice Chair), Northem Sonoma County Air Po岨tion ControI

    District, 2016-PreSent

    PO Box 217. 124 North CIoverdale BIvd.. Cio‘′erdale,CA 95425-0217. Telephone (707) 894-252l. FAX (707) 894-345I

  • ● League ofCities Executive Board, 2018-PreSent; President ofMayors &

    Councilmembers Division′ 2018出ice President Redwood Division, 2018-PreSent,

    Second Vice President, 2017-2018

    ● CIoverdale Planning Commission, 2008-2015 〔five as Chair)

    ● Sonoma County Economic Development Board, 2011-2015

    . CIoverdale appointee to ClimateAction 2020 Stakeholders Advisory Group, 2015

    As a lif封ong leamer′ I regularly acquire and apply new skills in the ever-Changing

    economic and policy conditions that is life in Califomia・ My education includes二

    ● BA Political Science, Pepperdine University, 1990

    . Leadership Institute for Justand Resilient Communities Fe11ow, 2009

    ● Climate Reality Project Climate Corp Presenter, 2012

    As a Sonoma County native′ I’ve watched as sprawl and tra鯖c have impacted the natural

    beauty we hold dear. SMART is critical for the sustainability ofour region’s economy and

    quality oflife. My background demonstrates that I share our common values and am

    PrePared to lead. I ask that you support my appointment to SMART/SCTA Board ofDirectors,


    四囲図星Mayor, City of CloverdaIe

    CC: Mary Gourley, Assistant City Manager/City CIerk, Sebastopol

    [email protected]

  • Re: Cfty Selection Committee Assignments: SMART/SCTA

    To whom it may concern,

    圧espectfully submit my letter of interest for one ofthe two SCTA designated positions for the SMART

    Boa「d of Di「ectors. The launch and expansion ofthe SMARTt「ain cou-d prove to be the single most

    important event from a housing′ environment′ and equity standpoint for the North Bay. As a Board

    member′ I would remain committed to completing service to Windsor′ Healdsburg, and CIoverdaIe,

    keeping our promise§ tO the voters as we cont血e to bu胴the SMART service necessary for our

    residents to work and play in our communitγ・

    Cities need to conti間e tO have a st「o=gVOice on the Board. Many of u; SPend countIess hours in

    meetings discussing how we are going to create housing and economic opportu両es in transit-「ich

    areaS. 1n my city′ We have gone so far as to c「eate a Renewa- Enterprise District′ PaSSed a density bonus

    nearSMARTstations′ and are emba「king on a…Pdate of both ourge=e「a- p-an and ou「downtown

    Station area plan. We a「e not aIone in these endeavors′ aS l know myco-leagues a「ound the county a「e

    asking themselves the same questions - how can the SMART train and our housing opportunities create

    a symbiotic and mutu訓y beneficiaI rei∂tionship?

    Additione=y′ like many in this county′ l struggIe to -ive here. Between a high cost of廟ng, OutrageOuS

    renta回ces′ and crushing student lo∂n debt′ many yOu=g families are being priced out of our

    COmmunities. Affo「dabIe access to pu胡c transit is vital to our regio而economic future and we need to

    find c「eative waysto b而g down the cost to ride so that more wo「king fam用es can utilize the t「ain as

    PIease do not hesitate to 「ea⊂h out ifyou have ∂ny queStions’and 。ook forward to continuing to work

    With you as we work towards soIutio=S for ou「 county′s cohective chal!enge§.

    Warmest 「egards,


    Cc: Mary Gourley・ Assistant City manager/City Cierk, City ofSebastopoI

    Darin Bartow′ Deputy Clerk ofthe Board, County ofSonoma


    100 Santa Rosa Ave∩ue′ Room lO. Santa Rosa, CA 95404

    Phone: (707)与43-3010 ・戸a申707)与43-3030