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᪥ᮏゝㄒ◊✲ㄽ㞟 ᖺ➨ ㄪᰝሗ࿌ㄪᰝぢᅾ᪥ࢩࢹே㛫㛵ಀᵓ⠏ 㸫᪥ᮏㄒᏛᏛ⏕ὀ┠㸪࣓ せ᪨ ᮏ◊✲ࠊࡣᅾ᪥ࢩࢹ᪥ᖖ⏕ά࿘࡞࠺ே㛫㛵ಀᵓ⠏ ࡋࡑࠊᑐ㇟⪅ࡢࡑࡀ㛵ಀᵓ⠏⬟࡞࠺ᚲせ ┠ⓗ᪥ᮏㄒᏛ᪥ᮏㄒᏛࢩࢹࠕࡢ ሙ㠃 6&$7 ἲ⏝㉁ⓗศᯒ⾜ ࠋࡓࡗศᯒ⪃ᐹ㝿 ࠊࡣゝㄒ⏕ែᏛ⌮ࡢㄽⓗᯟ⤌ཧ↷ ࠋࡓࡋ⤖ࡢࡑᑐ㇟⪅⫋ሙኻᩋཎᅉ᪥ᮏㄒ⬟ຊ㐍᪉ᑐ▱㆑༑ศࠕࠊࡋᏙ❧ᐇయほᇶ⬟ࡃຊほࡋࡑࠋࡓࡗ┦ࠊ᪉౯ほ ⪃៖࠼࠺ࡓࡋ࡞ࡁࡇࡓࡗ࡞␗ࠕࠕࡣእᅾ ࠋࡓ⤊ⓗே㛫㛵ಀ㛵ၥ㢟ゎỴ࡞ࡁ ࠋࡓࡗㄪᰝ⤖ᯝ ࠊࡣ᪥ᮏᬽࢩࢹ࡞␗ࠕࡢᑐฎ᪥ᮏㄒ⬟ຊ᪥ᮏ㛵▱㆑㧗ࡅࡔࠊࡃ࡞┦ࡢ⌮ゎពぢㄪ ࡍࠊࠊࡕ࿘ᅖࠊࢺࢥࡢ㛵ṇ☜ᤊ㔜せ♧၀ ࠋࡓࡋே㛫㛵ಀゝㄒ⏕ែᏛᏙ❧ᐇయほ࡞␗ࠊᑐ❧6&$7 ἲ ࡌࡣ ⊂❧௨㝆ࢩࢹ᪥ᮏᐦ᥋እ㛵ಀ⥔ᣢ㏆ᖺ ࡢࡑࠊ㛵ಀࡗ࡞ࡃ῝ࡍࢩࢹ᪥ᮏᑐ⫯ᐃⓗ ࡣࢪࠊࡃ᪥ᮏ㧗➼ᩍ⫱ᶵ㛵␃ࡢᏛᑗ᮶ᑵ⫋ࡇࡢ᪥ᮏㄒᏛ⩦ᚿே㏆ᖺ ࠶ࡘࡘ࠼ᅜ㝿ὶᇶ㔠㸦㸧ㄪᰝࢩࢹࠊࡣ㧗➼ᩍ⫱ᶵ㛵 Ẹ㛫ᏛᏛ⏕♫ே୰ᚰ᪥ᮏㄒᩍ⫱⾜ࡀ᮶᪥┠ᣦᏛ⩦⪅ ࠋ࠸ࡢࡇ࡞࠺≧ἣࢩࢹࠊࡣᨻᗓᩍ⫱⌧ࡢሙ᪥ᮏㄒ ᩍ⫱ලయⓗ᪉㔪┠ⓗࠋ࠸࡞࠸ ᖺⓎ⾲ᩍ⫱ᨻ⟇ 1DWLRQDO (GXFDWLRQ 3ROLF\ ࢢࠊࡣேᮦ⫱ᡂ↔Ⅼᙜ㧗➼ẁ㝵ᩍ⫱᪉㔪ࠊࡀ᪥ᮏㄒእᅜㄒᩍ⫱࠸ࡘලయ ᪉㔪ࡉ♧ࡣࠋ࠸࡞࠸ᨻᗓࠊࡣᾏእฟ✌ປാ⪅ࡓࡢⱥㄒᩍ⫱✚ࡣᴟⓗ ᣦ♧ࠊࡀゝㄒ㛵Ꮫ⩦ᶵᥦ౪ ࠋ࠸࡞࠸- 35 -

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Interview Survey on the Construction of Human Relations of Bangladeshi Resident in Japan:

focusing on the episode of part time job of the student of Japanese language school

ALAM, Mohammed Ansarul

Objective of this research is to investigate how Bangladeshi resident in Japan developing

relations with surrounding peoples; and what are the necessary skills for building better

understanding. From the viewpoint of language ecology, interview data related to the part time

job of a Japanese language school student has been analyzed, using SCAT method.

It is found that with the strong tendency to the isolating entity, respondent could not

able to reduce differences with others. This survey suggests that, Bangladeshi resident in Japan

should not only develop their Japanese language skill and gather knowledge about Japan, but

also should consider how they deal with the differences with others.

Key words Human relations, Language ecology, Isolated entity, Confrontation of difference

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