volume 3 | issue 5 | may [email protected] index editor’s note jay bavisi...

Volume 3 | Issue 5 | May 2019

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  • Volume 3 | Issue 5 | May 2019

  • CISO MAG | May 2019 CISO MAG | May 2019

    Volume 3 I ssue 5


    Volume 3 I ssue 5

    倀刀伀嘀䤀匀䔀 䘀伀刀 夀伀唀倀爀漀嘀椀猀攀 椀猀 愀渀 䤀渀搀攀瀀攀渀搀攀渀琀Ⰰ 瀀爀漀搀甀挀琀 愀最渀漀猀琀椀挀 爀攀猀攀愀爀挀栀 搀爀椀瘀攀渀 䄀搀瘀椀猀漀爀礀 ǻ爀洀 猀瀀攀挀椀愀氀椀稀椀渀最 椀渀 䜀刀䌀 愀渀搀 䌀礀戀攀爀 匀攀挀甀爀椀琀礀 倀爀漀昀攀猀猀椀漀渀愀氀 匀攀爀瘀椀挀攀猀⸀ 

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    伀唀刀 䐀一䄀

  • CISO MAG | May 2019 CISO MAG | May 2019

    Volume 3 I ssue 5


    Volume 3 I ssue 5

    In the InfoSec community, it is quite commonly said that data is the new oil

    that is fueling the entire world at several different levels, including the cars

    we drive. With several vulnerabilities in the automotive industry and road

    safety grabbing more attention than ever, it is of paramount importance that

    the world floors the accelerator pedal of a secure vehicle inching toward a

    safe future. In our Cover Story, we explore threats in the space and discuss

    how drivers can stay on the road with the help of big data and analytics. We

    also delve deeper into several big data initiatives in this space including

    data collection, smart cars, advanced applications, and reducing driving


    Move to our Buzz section, where we discuss how stronger mergers &

    acquisitions IT due diligence is needed to reduce enterprise risk. The story

    explores aspects like things to take care while finalizing the agreement and

    importance of IT assessment. In Under the Spotlight, we interview Brian

    Harrison, CEO of AVORD Group, who talks about his journey, industries

    that are more vulnerable to cyber attacks, approach toward automation and

    orchestration of cyber threats, and essentials organization must adopt as

    best cybersecurity practices.

    Tell us what you think of this issue. If you have any suggestions, comments

    or queries, please reach us at [email protected].

    * Responsible for selection of news under PRB Act. Printed & Published by Apoorba Kumar, E-Commerce Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Editor: Rahul Arora.The publishers regret that they cannot accept liability for errors & omissions contained in this publication, howsoever caused. The opinion & views contained in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Readers are advised to seek specialist advice before acting on the information contained in the publication which is provided for general use & may not be appropriate for the readers’ particular circumstances. The ownership of trade marks is acknowledged. No part of this publication or any part of the contents thereof may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form without the permission of the publishers in writing.

    Volume 3 | Issue 5May 2019

    EditorialInternational EditorAmber Pedroncelli

    [email protected]

    Principal EditorRahul Arora

    [email protected]

    Senior Feature WriterAugustin Kurian

    [email protected]

    Feature Writer Rudra Srinivas

    [email protected]

    Media and DesignMedia Director

    Saba [email protected]

    Sr. Graphics DesignerSameer Surve

    [email protected]

    ManagementExecutive DirectorApoorba Kumar*

    [email protected]

    Senior Director, Compliance & Governance

    Cherylann [email protected]

    Deputy Business HeadJyoti Punjabi

    [email protected]

    Marketing and Business Development Officer

    Riddhi [email protected]

    Digital Marketing ManagerJiten Waghela

    [email protected]

    Publishing Sales Manager Taruna Bose

    [email protected]

    TechnologyDirector of Technology

    Raj Kumar [email protected]



    Jay BavisiEditor-in-Chief

    BUZZ Stronger M&A Due Diligence: A Key to Reducing Enterprise Risk


    COLLABORATIONSInfoSec Partnerships


    IN THE HOTSEATHigh-Profile Appointments in the

    Cybersecurity World



    CEO of AVORD Group


    COVER STORYBig Data making roads safer


    IN THE NEWSTop Stories from the Cybersecurity World


    KICKSTARTERSStartups Making Waves in the Cybersecurity World





    38 48

  • CISO MAG | May 2019 CISO MAG | May 2019

    Volume 3 I ssue 5


    Volume 3 I ssue 5


    From the CISO Perspectiveto Cloud Security Assessments

    The secret is out:Enterprises large and small have moved to the cloud,

    and more are making the move daily. Whether you’re an early adopter or you’ve been battling that persistent

    strain of nephophobia going around, it’simportant to thoroughly understand and evaluate

    potential cloud vendors, instilling confidence for your organization and your customers.

    Learn How to Make the Leap With Confidence


    Download our Cloud Security Toolkit to help you evaluate

    potential cloud vendors.

    Get insight into how other companies are approaching

    cloud opportunities, andinstill confidence across your

    organization today.

  • CISO MAG | May 2019 CISO MAG | May 2019

    Volume 3 I ssue 5


    Volume 3 I ssue 5BUZZ BUZZBUZZ BUZZ


    Stronger M&A Due Diligence: A Key to Reducing Enterprise Risk

    By Reggie Best, President, Lumeta Solutions, FireMon

  • CISO MAG | May 2019 CISO MAG | May 2019

    Volume 3 I ssue 5

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    Volume 3 I ssue 5

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    Cybersecurity has

    become a major issue

    in the success or

    failure of M&A activity.

    There are countless

    cases where M&A has derailed or

    prices are renegotiated due to security

    issues with the target company. Or,

    worse yet, acquirers wind up gaining

    little or no value from an acquisition

    due to extensive cybersecurity issues

    discovered after the deal closes.

    While these incidents have

    created greater awareness around

    cybersecurity in the M&A process,

    IT due diligence – a major factor in

    reducing security and compliance risk

    – remains lacking. Common mistakes

    in the IT due diligence process include:

    Focusing solely on “getting the deal done”

    Acquirers often still focus primarily on

    business and financial issues, and do not

    fully explore potential cybersecurity

    and compliance challenges.

    Placing unrealistic demands on IT

    IT organizations that are already

    stretched thin are often given near-

    impossible deadlines to make critical

    changes to networks as part of the

    integration process, without being

    given the information they need to

    deliver network availability, security

    and compliance.

    Performing a limited IT assessment

    Many acquisitions or mergers require

    the purchased organization to provide

    detailed documentation of network

    assets. Companies often make the

    incorrect assumption that taking a

    cross section of an enterprise network

    will provide a sufficient model for the

    entire enterprise – which often results

    in gaps in network infrastructure


    These practices are puzzling, at

    best, and an IT nightmare at worst

    – introducing enterprise risk and

    resulting in network outages, project

    delays and huge cost overruns.

    Strengthening IT Due Diligence to Reduce Enterprise RiskWhen it comes to merging two

    organizations’ entire networks

    without introducing unnecessary risk,

    organizations need to implement

    stronger IT due diligence throughout

    the M&A lifecycle. Here are some

    high-level best practices to consider

    throughout each phase of the journey.

    1) Pre-Merger: Achieve Real-Time Network Visibility

    The first and most important step in

    successfully merging two networks is

    to conduct a detailed examination of

    the state of the infrastructure to identify





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