thk hew-york tribÜne. commercial · 2017. 12. 15. · jjr aid.swrtevanl.petition of nehemlah...

HEW-YORK TRIBÜNE. COMMON COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ?. Optical ) Board of Aldermen. STATED SKSSIUN....TLetD4T, Jaa. 21. Prf$ent.UoKCk9 Morgans, Eaq. President' Aid Orima Dod^x, Siurievent, Oakley, Coaproao, Kelly Hb.Ii». B..1 Im Millar, Shew. Cook. Bard, Briu m, Dei" aBMiar, frabklie, Concklin aod Dooiey. Tfcr osinule* of the last meeting were read aod approved. petition*. By the f leelderit.Petlilon of James Hlrki, relative to violation* of City Ordinance* at No 27 Cliff-st- Aid. Haw* moved that it he referrtd to the Corporation Attorney, which wa» carried ._ By the aame. f.-uuon 01 Peter b. McOIvnn. !»*.*. v*' said iota on Broadway, between27th aod 28th »ta ftnceotn. Referred to the Committee on Street*. By Aid Doofey-Peüiton of John McDeraiott. to be paid for work per ormed by him in 3d-av. botw*«n I Jth and 2Jd sis. Referred to thetoram ttee on AstMsmcnt*. Bv Aid Frsntlln-Petition of Dir»« Noll, for relief from ¦tin jm.'rrlT 5hSsa »venue b. from 13th to I7th St. Referred to the Committeeo» As^ments. By Aid Delaaaarer.P«tinon of Tbo* N. Lawrence aod ether* to in/bt u»e westerly side of 6h-av from «Ith to 3fh st* with ci. Referred to the Coinmluee on Lamp* and Oa* JJr Aid. SWrtevanl. Petition of Nehemlah Milier. tobe annotated » Com im»«oner of Deeds. Referred to the Com- atiiice on Salartet and Office* ByAJd Onftn.Petition of Wright and Loeee to have Pront-et from Broad *t to Whitehall it repaired, whereupon Aid- Onffmpreeented the following resolution, vi/ Httolmtd Ths: the Commissioner if Repairs and Sup,<::>'* he directed to repair Pront-at from Broad tt to Whitehall tt as soon as the wesioer will permit, which wu adopted. By Aid Griffin-Petition of Charle* E Birdsall to be ap¬ pointed n Commissioner of Deeds. Referred to Committee en Saarirs and 'Mice*. By the President- Remon*tr*nce of J. S. West aura*est confirming the assessment for raising the grade of 'Jih-ar. and 4M st Referred to Committee on Aa*e**inenis. By Aid. Smith.petition ol John Steven* to b" appointed a Commissioner of Deeds. Referred to Committee on Si¬ te nes nod Office* Aid Brluoo preeented the following resolution, viz AVsofeed, That the Controller give public notice in the City paper* to all persons desirous of obtaining docks and .hp* acconunodailona of the Corporation for the entuing year, thai appl cations for any of the public dock* aod slips will be received at the Controller » Office until the 25th lost at 4 o'clock P M. Aid. Kelly moved to amend by strkm/ out "2V and in¬ serting in lien thereof -29." which wa* accepted. The reso¬ lution ts arrended was then adopted. Aid. on (tin presented the following resolution, which was adopted, vis Krmlttd, That the Controller be directed to report to this Board at an early day the estimated /alue of the whvfand pier property belonging to this City, with the yearly re- eetpt* and expense* in rebuilding and repairing the same, from Ute 1st day of May. im-V to the 1st day of Ian 18.51. Aid. Snnw presented the foliewing resolution which was adopted, »1/ Rrtotrrd, That the Co:in*el for the Corporation report to ths* Board whether, ny the law establishing the Police De¬ partment, a Policeman appointed to fill a vacancy occa¬ sioned by resignation, ma'feasance, or removal from the Ward, can hold bit office for four year*, or only for Ihe un- expired leim of hit predecessor. Aid. Dodge presented the following Retolutloc, which was adopted, viz: Rnoited, Thai the Counsel to the Corporation be requested (If in bis opinion the Common Council have not now the power) to apply to the Legls'ature so o amend the Act en¬ titled " An Act for the Establishment and Regulation of the Police oflhe City of New-York,'' passed May 13, 1816; so that the Common Counsel shall have the power by an ordi¬ nance to direct the place or places where money, good* or ether property taken from persons charged with the com- bussmp of crime shall he deposited and sept, and also for the final disposition of the same. . a r posts. The Committee on Sewers presented a report in favor of concurring wu* the Board of Assistant* in resolution and ordinance for ihe construction of n sewer In Pulton-*L be¬ tween Broadway and Oreenwleh sis..which wa* concur¬ red In, on a division, viz Aflrmatirf.Aid. Griffin, Dodge, Blurtevani, Oakley. Chapmen, Kelly, the Pres'dent, A d. Smith, Bail, Haws, Mille». HUaw, Cook, Bard, Bniton. Dal- amater, Franklin, Corrtlm. Dooiey.19. The Commtoee on Sewers presented * report adverse to the petition of Hugh MeCahe for extra compensation ior blasting rock, and excavating 'or the construction of the sewer nullt in 27th it. between bth and 8th avenues. Aid Kelly moved to refer the same back to the Cmmu- tee on Sewers.which we* lost on a division, viz Afirma- hrt. AW. Dodge, Oakley, Kelly. Ball. Bard. Brttloo.ti. AVeoftr**. Aid Orifhn. Chapman, the President. A'd. Smth. Haw*, Miller,Shaw. Delamater. Franklin. Conckl.o.Dooley .11. Aid. Kelly moved to amend the recommendation of the Committee by " s lowing Mr. McCtlie the turn of $1S0 for extra rock excavation made necessary in the construction el **id sewer, ".which was lo*t on a division, viz AJlr- saaftes.Ald Oakley. Kelly. Ball, Bard. Brltton-V Iftya tnr.Aid On" n. Dodge, Chapman, the President, Aid. Smith, Haws, Miller, Shaw t'elamater, Frankl.ii, Concklin, Posta*.t* The question wu then taken on the report, and the same wa* adopted and the papers ordered on hie. Aid. Concklin moved that the Board du no-.v ad |0uro. which was csrrled; whereupon the President announced that the Boord stood adjourned until to morrow, 22d InsL at 5 o'clock, P. V D T VALKNTINE. Clerk. Oppiciai. I Board of Annlntant Aldermen. STATED IBMIfin TllSHI. Jan. 21. Prtunt.K A. Ai voKi), Ksq President, in the Chair; Assistant Aid Moore. Hale, Malibatl, McCarthy, Boye*, Barr, J B We ih. .1 Wehl., Crane, Miller, Bmlta, Tteenao, Pearsell ^ands. Ward, Holster, Fly, Kdwards PETITIONS By Assistant A'd. Crane.Of S I Ward, for a pier foot tyf Huben si N R, To Committee on Wharves, Ac By same-(ir 11 \ Ciishuian, to have iliepii np removed, and well filled up, N W corner of Hudson and AsMe-St To Committee on Streets at: roar Of Ihe Committee onlhePne Department. Hverse to granting piayar of pstJtlna ol <Mr F Beejamla, and others, lor a new Hydrant Company Vlopted a > .oi riOM By Aaaisiaiu a ,.i Boye*.That tan Controller eivepuis. Sc neltce in Ihe cuy papers, Hnd also ny ausl ig -io'icm* to he extensively p<»'ed in conspicuous place* in the vicinity ef lb* pier* an* other pia-c*. to nil pnraoa* d«*liisti ot os> tataing Dork and Slip arc. mmisdtSMas oi lh* I ofpes*JSan fer the ensuinp f***\ thai applications for any of the pu i- Me dorks and änpt will he received at lh* t attea i-r - eSire until Saturday next, zah Ion at 4 o'clock, I'.M. Adopted By Afsl-iant Aid Flv.Tha the Cc*ASBUBjlSBMTf of Re¬ pairs and Supplies l>e d'recled lo nuns* thai positonoftaa pavement In Rr.mdwiv between ihe northerly corner or ha* ol Maldeii lane and .lohn-*t and the enter ol Broad. W*y to be grooved to the depth of ihree-<|tinriers of an inch, ana of the width of one aad a quarter inch, said groove to be at light angles with iherurh-stones, and to l>e a* near as possible six Inches apart, or from the J Unit between tho blocks of granite. Referred to 0**n*MS*SttS* of Repairs Sad Supplies, to *e; estimate* of cost per running fool. By Assistant Aid Bolster.Thal tho Commissi «MI or Re¬ nalr* and Supplies, be requested to communicate to thtt Board ihe total amount, I' any, paid per diein for surveying at connection with the Ruts pavement, or any sum or sums t* engineer* or superintendent of said work. A lopted at eoa r Of the Committee on Repalu »nd Supplie«. signifying their opinion thai there is no present danger io passers- >y .f No 31 Dey-st. to re.mlre Ihe Ouinmm Council to liner fere, and asking tbal the subject n av be discontinued be- tnrelb*m Adopiet) The Board adjourned 10 Wednesday everdng al I o'clock. Prom the miaul** RICHARD SCOTT, Clerk. Firi H ÜROTON..The dwelling-house of Mr Asa Tsrbell of Susipuehanna Village, Groton, was entirely consumed by fire about 2 0 clock, this ting. 8o rspid waa the conflagration, that the bera of the family barely escaped with their lives. Mr. Tarbell, who was confined to his room tty lameness, was nearly suffocated before ho was rescued by his neighbors. Mr. Archibald, ticket- master for the Pit hbiirg Railroad at this station aarrowly escaped, leaving the money and papers ia the room, which were consumed Mr. Tarboll's barn ami shed were also burned to the ground. Nothing saved. Loss about 19.000. . (Botton Tauet, last M4RR1L1). St Tort«.as TiMM4ay. Jsa TUt, hy tkr Ks» r. J. Chau*. ai itiHK U H«VII *.»!>, s.i N.w T tn Kl.lg* St>rBlA,ta>ul.'*r af lbs bta WasIs, But*. ..I th* .orossr plara. At Wsl'io»»«»». K J. units eU ia.t by th* Rs» \V,iv R B-./.r **s. BBajAMK, s ATCH1UO M l> t.> K \ 11 till J. AaSsrsoa. B.a ' «- t -r At* It. Salrk S Hsmiltiai to Khutstk Laisa - I* ASfSAssm L Va* Hub Mt'(*r*t Laias IS, IV Wat S T,«t.|>k,**tu I.*Ju>a H Ck«* l.\ Ctarla* H Hi « jsrs). Hurahaui I«, l>aar ¦ O. ,. v,.,.. . it Jt**ek i "c*" t* J,n* !-*'*< It. Wa. a <U r. t tts.fsrsl T R>sts> U. Jv*s|ik WiSaj*. n U Mstisrst a' Ol.ssi . IS, JatM* Oit>aat tu Hai« J . It. Chart** A area* to Ass B Huloos, . aOttatSBMj », tsrtasn to Mar« W.U. . S CasrfcM Certain l*> »r* Mstoslt . A Cats* A Or* ui Haoua* .tiarts.aat . I». Juks W. ;*»>*.*« to Mar, t ssp us IS. Jul at ¦Stasis to Asrtia's B*Iia Jet a W ts». ssos I t lisjiofs *. 3:*o'.so* St "**.«*. Out. a B 1>* Russs« DI th, Helsa A. Maz«*ll DIED. ? iL? "2TfV .'J**** *XK '"»«-«r «.»^..«vf tk*t,ra.n.HK>KI BTT» SlIKikl, «.-4 1 )»ar a»J v ».. b.. raaaswl ltl.M .f I aissi S as* M*si«Mta P. AI*»» Ts* h ssJ. a| us* 'amilj ar* >a««tasi to aitsnj tb* hiasra' tb t (Witssiia> > »I »i «».». at Ia^stsa*, (rasa*n| t.-saiM '^^j c*a atoesat St* sou ..*t JO*H RKVJOLSOR, art M reait M* fri**»)i>,a»* Ib.«* 11 tat sstur Mrs. km > B*« *, aj* Ms*. *tl to SMSSd t.« o<a*ral at tF* b'-us* <>! U* a-t»r VI Th -4. -t or Uu* ( *'*is«ii isflersi^a. st t oVIaet WiOhmiI turtlssr la'iU'mn. Oa T«ssds>, tut Jaa IMI.tlU», sr, s< 'TisiSJIi* TowttssaS, sjs» (!. ,ssi. abJ ll a^.uik. .****'** ¦*.* F»*S» »r* rerpisstsj t > sttaa J th* lurssral oa WsJ .**>i*. «V* inst at a o'rtnr* le.m tb* ess^oer* ol Pstar B-.r*. «>i sWastavst Wü»au*s>kur|b Th* SStSS as sr-il 0* tslsn to Bast Chat r K stlorssMt 11 Mus*«, a..* J ratt* .1st n.t W ALTSR L. CSitt'MRI), is tk**7<h >s*r of I m tf% AI Tsrrju-n Ja« h. PMEBB HOLMBS, a tb* SStk y*»vr ol Ism ag*. ( TV* Itttl ill »*st rrsstvet ef Uts faat.rf ar* itf.tssl I* attatsl tb* '^T*^4, Vl" «*. et«»*»'*» ».' k*t srutaskr. * a H. lrts**, n* W*sas* **rj» at, tt it ...» » a 0*** ty. 1 J passtr. F-ksss. c*vj ¦OW IJSa ' .J* *U ¦.». . "wtrwiss .«*.Mr*.JAR14 LOCI3* l9fJ****** »f* l*sy»» tlully i*» tad to «tl«s, - »f s*r tl.»ma hm. Mr \V H Ool l.-I, "" ^xtr Mm Ustat* aaSacrjiiajtaai-**. s^s«^^ , - »t IsfeM^y ..4 l>».-l C H.l.rU. J*» _NftTSSffpIrtasst.^P* bat feivaral oa WsSassfey ¦sraisa; sat last To 7 ' h' kit* re****.* ««v t Park p1***. ar.iaoul urtaa, ,,,,, I. BW rb.rlssl.<s |>sp«r. pksas* cosy. "»«»». .a M.»*ay Jaa *', MARIA, am* *t Odbt ' ^- J" T»*r>iM**«i lb* ar* e****-Uully ..« i^T*^. ... . BSSSjen *Vs^s*ssJ.y.t.s^re^.*S4 ,o.t at J * \.to ,b. VesZt-, I... ".-»¦ * ' '.. " OaSi»*»y »».»-»#. J»a 1». NAIHaN SMITH, of Us* Srnt«. ass th 5tr*;ieo St.. st»J ft yaara BTi retsfrr** tad 'r . ee n( th* ^n-.ty are nvitsxi te s*t*?d b-« fa SwtloaWW.Ss4ays4ft. avi i**t at 1 o i <.>«.-*, f M Insm >>« btt* ejsiJ«»«», lit F.rst ». ecu* aj v COMMERCIAL ASD IONKT MATTERS. ... Dale* mt the Hteest Kxrltaaae .-.Jtn 21 »1 V 0 < oupons, '62.11* 50 Canton Co.F7 le.+foc+iooe.'s*.I!**1'*! fi. sr<«0OMo6s, W».«>» 1"° eo.10W Vooonto 7«.¦ ... mm do.k* fc. < |r d »-» < »n»l pM «A SO do.Sef soon Kri* »*. '59.1«6 M do.1* t m Erl* Income.9s>4 1<» So a oeo do. 99ji|0O do.841 (Mm Hud'n 2d Mtg Bdt .«} 50 Phenit Bk.1<*4 Too Erie 7», 68.ll<4 2fi Del ti Hud eerlp . ¦ I'm Dn-Dock. Ill SOErfattable Ins.107 320 do. nil 20 Broadway Ins.105 Ml do. Ill 5oNATrust. 14 l<o do. I i\\2> 0 Partners I V' Illinois Kiate Bk. 1143** do. 50 do. 12 lion do. 50 do.124/300 dc 600 Morn* Canal.231'400 do.70 50 do.2311100 do.hlO 70 500 do.b3*33l 100 do.blO 70 150 do.MWllM do.*ser' 500 do.2J4 650 Erie RR. do.b60 da.92" do.92J -irsLoen....slO fiij Jo.691 to.blO 6*J lo.6"4 15<i Norwich... SO do.691 V) Madison and Ind.... 1011 ».(¦ Long 24 1,200 do.241 500 do.»12 moa 23 30 do. 241 300 Reeding.72- 450 do.72: 560 do.72 340 do.724 CAS. J_ . - »50 Harlem RR.72} 100 do.1.10 72i 200 do.721 200 do.7.( 50 f-tr>0in«Tlor. RR...... 52 100 do.*30 ¦ 150 do.»90 52 350 do.521 .or do.b30 T2J| 50 do.M0 52| IBC0HD tOaRD. So Canton Co.*J" I 3*0 do.811 250 Morns Canal.23 50 do.s8022| SO do.221 #1,000 Hud RJr 2d Mr:. 99 22,«0 Erie Incomes .... 14 BkofAmer.114 1"' Farmers' Loan.61'{ 2fo Long Island KR.bvi 24 1P0 do. 100 do.b60 ion Ports Dry Dock. ISO do. 100 Nor* Wot RR.6» ISO do.69.1 50 Erle RR.9)1 50 Canton Co.84| 50 do.911 1M do.bI084i'l"(t Stonington RR...b!0 52J M MB aa Bank.131 211 100 do.b60 131 111 25 do.131 111 22 Hudson K RR.861 69| 150 Harlem RK.721 Ti'k'fsT. Jsn. 21.P. M. Thero has been a fluctuating market to day for Stocks, but at the close the tendency was rather upward, and prices were in some cases better than in tbe morning. Canton is still the farorite( and went to &7, having been #1 yesterday after¬ noon, but the 8econd Board it closed at Mf, For the privilege of taking 500 shares at 100 in thirty dajs, $500 was paid. Norwich was heavy at the First Board, but improved to yesterday's closing price at the Second Board. Madison and Indian¬ apolis was firm. The receipts of this Road for the first two weeks In January are: I8M. 1851« Week ending lenuarv #J.nui Week ending January If. 4,221 7,500 Total.-.3X72! #14.500 Excess in two weeks. #-5.779 This is an enormous gain, when it is considered that, under the earnings of 1-50, the Road paid 10 4* cent dividends. Mohawk was firm, and 9»J was bid, dividend off. The application to the Le¬ gislature (see proceedings of yesterday) for au¬ thority to issue #300,000 of Bonds, is not made with the intention of creating a new debt. The Bonds will be used in payings portion (#-250,000) of the present bonded debt, due aad coming due, and #50,000 to lay eight miles of double track, which is needed by tbe rapidly increasing busi- ness of the Rosd. This issue, when made, only increases the debt of the Company #50,000, which is nearly offset by tb« Surplus Fund, which is now over #16,000. There was considerable animation in Edgeworth Land Company between the Boards, and sales were made at 10, an improve mentof 1 cent. Morris is sustained with diffi¬ culty, and although it opened at 23J, it fell off un¬ der considerable transactions to M|. Eric was rather weak, and closed at ö'.'J, but was scarce at the close. The market for Long Island was hea¬ vy, and fell off to 23;, but there is no decrease in the fsith of those who are buying up this Stock. There is a movement in Illinois State Hank, and the market has advanced from 11 to 13} to-day. Portsmouth was also very active to day, and sold at the Second Board at 11}, showing an improve¬ ment of a {' cent. The sales were quite large. Hudson River advanced { V cent Stonington is fluctuating, and sells at large differences, accord, ing to the option. Thus a sale was made at N|< bujer sixty, and another at ##, seller six months. There are two parties in this Stock endeavoring to circumvent each other. Indiana Canal Pre¬ ferred 5s sold at IS, an advance of 1 ty cent, and Special Preferred 5s at 26". The market for Go¬ vernment and State Stocks was steady, but not very active. Bank and Insurance Stocks are very lirm. Rochester and 3>racuse sold at ll^J, divi dead otl, showing a lirm market. Reading was firm at the First Board, but rather heavy after¬ ward. Harlem and Farmers' were also heavy Ohio and Pennsylvania Bonds sold at 941 g, show, jng a further advance. They are now held at 'J7. The sale of the Mad River and Lake Erie Bonds went off well. The whole lot was sold, ranging from 9-2J to 90j, closing at Plf< The sales since have keen at 92 J. The sale was as folbws: #10,000 at '.j cent netting. #9,250 00 1,01m at 92. »2o Od 61.000 at 911. S5£«7Atl 25,000 at 911. J2,e75 00 12,00h at 911. 10,9h» ist 20,000 al 9iJ. I8.22Ö 00 241.000 at 91. HMMJ no 216,000 at 901. 133.333 00 214,100 at 9P|. ... 13*1.670 00 tWO.Ot'O.#727,487 =S» The Exchange market has been active, and the supply has nearly all been sold. There has been no change in rates. Sterling is 10 d> 10j, mostly 10]. Francs 5 10 45 8). Continental bills are scarce and firm. In Freights there has been but a small busi¬ ness. An engagement of 15,000 bush Corn was made at 3d, some Cotton at Jd and Dead Weight at 12s .*..-.« Tbe transition from comparative inactivity to activity in the Dry Goods market is going for¬ ward, but not at the quick pace which traders de¬ sire. Tbe firmness with which stocks are hell it¬ self checks early transactions, but, in the c inci¬ dence thst fu'1 #r advanced prices must be eon ceded, there is no desire to press sales. B'ea< lied and unbleached Shirtings and Sheetings are in moderate request at lull prices. Drills have been active, and jobbers have liberally purchased.. Prices are steady at the high quotations that have for some time been making. The demand for Osnaburgs is good, but the supply is limited, though prices are high and firm. Consumers are not, however, generally willing to pay current rates, and still resort to foreign kinds, which are lower. Denims are iu limited request at the ad¬ vanced prices asking. Stripes are quiet at full prices. Ticks are active, and have been in con¬ siderable demand for California. Trices are stea¬ dy. Printing Cloths are not of quick sale, but holdere are lirm, and the recent advance must be fully conceded shortly, to secure supplies. Prints are not in great demand, though fair sales are making, extending to neighboring cities. Prices are tirm. Cbambrajs are in moderate re quest for tbe clothing trade. Ginghams are steady, and in fair demand for the early season. Lawns are quiet, in view of the public sale which wü. take plsce next week The sales are coo lined to for¬ eign descriptions All kinds are firm, and the sale is looked forward to with considerable interest- Cotton Pantaloonery is moderately active, and prices very firm. Muslin de Leinas show more activity. The Spring demand is commencing a: good prices. The supply is very fair for the ear. tj season. There is rather less doing in Cloths than a week ago, but colored goods are in de. maud, and command full prices. Holders are tirm, and tbe market is steadily working up.. Jeans are active and firm. Tweeds are in re¬ quest by clothiers, and steady. Cashmerettes sell more readily at full prices Satinets are ac tive at the recent improvement in price, and are tending to a further rise. 8heep s Greys are ad¬ vancing. Caasimeres show increasing firmness. Plain itylea are most in demand. Flannels are quiet, but dull. British Woolens, as well as Ger¬ man and French Drap d Ete, continue in good re¬ quest. The lighter descriptions of Cloths, suita¬ ble for clothing for Southern Summer weir, are in demand, and sell readily, both of low and 6ner qualities. French Goods are in growing request at full prices, principally in reference to Southern waxts. The importations are increasing. Tne Franklin has brought a large cargo of French and German Goods, valued very high, bit are mostly to special order on native account, both in this and neighboring cities.many large parcels being destined for Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore. The bulk cor sists of Silk Goods of Paris and Ly¬ ons fabric, the'demand for which is on the in crease, in spite of higher prices. The Asia, also, has brought a large auppiy of these Goods, a p >r tion only of which is for stock in first hands, while a large portion will immediately pass into second hsnds for general stocks. The news from California is considered favora ble in the street, and the influx of a million and a half more of gold into Wall st. cannot be without its effect. This continued accession of the precious metal gives every one confidence in the contin¬ uance ot the present ease in the money market. The Alta-Caltforniau gives the annexed state' ment of the business ofthat port SXroSTS i.OLIi DL5T September 1 to November 11,1-43.$2.094,120 November 12, 1849. to December U 1850.mlßmßm Tola; cleared at Cistern House.$3l.06c,l >5 roan >.., arbivei,. American. Foreign. Total. Nov. 12. 1849. to March 31, 1330.. .24.252 51.237 73,54? April 1 to June SB. 1850.2<U!33 45,868 . 74-56! Julv toSepl.JO,1850.30,029 51.349 81,373 From December 1 to 13, ia30. Aii.'n. Vess. Is. Foreign do Passengers Arrived.31 24 62? Cleared. M 19 1415 Dities received m November.$174,630 ;i rjsjettTS, Nov. 12. ISA :o March American. Foreign. Total. J1.1830.#08.917 40 #1.379.447 75 #1.4B.3<i5 U A;rilltoJune30.1«50 . 343,976 70 934.961 35 l,27i. in S3 July 1 loSept. 30,1350. J94.381 M 1.037,555 35 1,431,934 35 Total.#797,275 m laytaijatt 15 $1.149.237 .»., Operations have commenced on the first rail road in Texas. It is to connect the Rio Gran Je wiih the town of Harrisburg, a few miles helot Houston, on the Buffalo Bajou. The work has been commenced under the direction of General Sherman, and from what we cau learn, it is likely to be one of the most useful as well as profit¬ able roads in the country. The earnings on the Michigan Central Railroad for December are, #35,101 nit. against t3$,7#9 20, December, 18411, showing a slight decline. The Georgia Railroad receipts for December are, |7\8M 4? against t#l,t89 >2 iu December- -4". Increase, |13L$#8 7$. The aggregate importations of Silver, Gold, Gold Dust, Ac. into Southampton for the year IM, tre as nearly as possible as follows , By the Royal Mall Steamers from California, the Pacific, Gulf of Mexico. Centra! America and the Value. West-Indie.#24,962,273 or £4,956,319 Bv ihe Peninsular Steamers from Alexandria, iie. 363,666 72,732 By ihe Peninsular Steamers from Constsntinople, ke. 2.356.16S 4M,175 By ihe Peninsular Steamers from üibralier, Portugal, Ac. 1,000,000 200.000 Total. $28,7i pM or t5,7oj,2id The grand total of importations in 1-19, reach¬ ed the cnonnrraa mm of #33.943,2? 5, or £6,188,- $88 sterling thus showing when ormtraated with the above, that the receipts in 1850 have de 'lined to no less an extent than $5,141,177 or .£1,083,439 sterling. While the recepts have so largely declined, the exports have undergone considerable aug¬ mentation ; they are estimated as followa for the year tu India. Fgypt, ard Meduerra- Vai.ce. nean.$5,Ofs\oeo or tl,00",'»s' To the West Indies, «c. 1,235,000 .. 265,000 To Spain, Portugal, k Gibraltar l,*s>,ono pan, aa Total.«7,n5,i>oo .. x 1.565,000 The shove statement, taken from an Engliab paper, shows that the amount of specie imported into England declined 5 millions of dollars, as compared with 1*49, while the exports have in¬ creased The Message of Governor French of Illinois gives the following statement of the debt of the Stste on the 1st of January, 18511 Principal debt funded under act of 1817.#5.590,'6.5 36 I Merest on ssme to same dale. I.02B 27S in Arreared interest funded. LIst.MO 27 L'urunden Ini Impt. bonds.#180,00" isi Other kinds of Indebtedness. 144.680 irfi Inlrresi (,n lsst two amounts. 173 281 in Wiggins loan, principal andIr.terest 112000 oo Liquidation bonds. 150,000 oo - 739,941 40 % $9 116,270 21 From whl-h deduct Interest psid from millspd half tax.#273,154 tj Surrer.der'd hy MacslistertVStebblns 101.379 Sale of Uulnry House. 21.7010(1 Purchased for school fund. 45.680 90 From sal* of N C Rstlroad. 1 800 to AI'onaLd Mt Carmel R R. 300 oo .. Alton and Sangamon R R.. 2 000 00 Reed by auditors on sale ollsads.Ac. 93,269 .7 Interest. 17,323 19 - 561.788 73 $3,7H4,431 U The t anal Debt on the 1st uf January, 1351, msy \>o slat, d ss loliows, to .Ml Canal Debt, exclusive of $1.600,000 loaa.#7,1179,117 06 Balescedue on (anal loan uf #i,eoo,i)00. l,W3,0u0 on . . , #8,112.117 (8 From which deduct Inurettpaii from mill and half tax.#255.813 51 Botds and scrip redeemed and Int. 13,270 14 -;. 289,088 #8 . Total.$7A«,028 39 Aggregate amount of State Debt.#16,627,509 M Market*....C.aEiuiLv Rck>btedroaTas Taisvns. Ti tsDav, January 21. ASHES.The market is firm for Pots, with a fair de SSSSSd at 3 75. Pea/i, are steady at 5 621 Sales of 80 bbls (OTTiiN-Is less active and rather heavy. There la leas dispoaiiion to buy and more to seil. The sales of tnu dsy are IM hale* at ihe following ituotationa OthsrOaa* Atlanta Pr.rU. f v, .1, puru. Inferior.none. none. none. l':d;t.ary low to good....1210.131 121^131 _ Middling low to good.... 13j<tl3S 131914 131*141 Middling fair to fair.14 (S14{-lll*l>i rui.y fair io good fair_141a;. _ I5*d>.' Good to fine.tone none, none "LI)I I AND MEA1.There is n.jre J ing in Western and Stale Flour for the East and City trade, and there is s better fee ing apparent. There la but little inquiry for export but ho.uera are firm. The low gradee are scarce aid in drmand. The better grades are Vld rather hiirher and aie tn better Ca is- without important, sa SS of »>u bids at about 4 87*: the <aiee of lh> saeanc reach 4.500 bb s st 4 44« 4 6.4, for No. 2 sup-rrine; 4 75(14 871 tor common and atrail Slate; 4 *7«>#i for Mirllgar, and Indaba, 50895121 for pu-e iteneaee 2593 M for fancv Ohio and rienesee; J WH18 7 f * es> oa Oblo and 575u<iti.j f«-r extra Genes*,'. Southern is u.ure active and but litne c»u be had at ou, ...-.i« sties of IAOS bbls at $A9Al»f for mixed to -ood strait JJvA *r'd 5 * ' 62i r"r Fa"r-V : Included iu ibe sales are oH' bbls (.allgoacd Haxall ai about 6«2*; Rye Fkeir is srsree; sali s uf ISS bbls I'eLnsvlvanta at 3 «7i; Corn Meal ttZirwTmT u M S 3 swasst I as Sxs UK A IN .There, is more ii .,uiry for Wheat, bin prices are ijuite b. mine! There is a letter demand for the East Ins> sales are ö.it.i ssjatjsss Prasse Wall* Michgenatl 121 Witt time audin* laicfest,Bad +4.1 bush a»ix-d Lon» Island at 116 Caiadun firm i«it iaeetilsel 1 »7»i; 121 There ¦-no Boiubeir. oiV, aj^syd price, are n . m'nai Rye is pore sales of 2.0110 bush on terms riot saaja publ'e, . .". Bar ey is in r.tersupply; tales msiAiil' ''.*"*""' 1 L»""1»»!. ran ai9u and the ,C<JJÜS easpHsnty,aad htheM A lot of 1.700 nush L-n^ Is s m ^'h e ~.' ,t'vrr.' r\: ""doaveaeei i,-tt wm-a Oat* are steady at i-.t :. r Northern sr.d t7 u 4. w Jrrsev PK(»\ ISIONB-There|.rether more Sr^"siT^rk WV?t S; Ui*"J fi r "S» T"« sales are sst brda at 12 V T-'** »"d ' ** fi" trim*-. '»>fr c-w andloforC.e., n . ., s , , 7 .5 for Sour Pi line. Besg is hi fa r de-nand ; sales of 100 - a ;. sa,.. % - Me.. 1, 13 brllr; ...,..., .- *.,.,r food W eaters pickled Meats .re sc.r-e iuu>-» of 1 jo tcs ss^ar itreu Hams iu arnve at 8»e Cut Mr.n.n>tn n. guest. ssles o' t,»SS Oeresee Ha/f-san-i Shoude^rlTt S and I crbls. l»8perii»eiT T^rd la hmnaaali mmiml r ill,Vki , üc for Prime oid. arid ', d.f f,,f ' J. * '". ** >4>krga prime o.d at ¦,/ lr H <i»r m 4 new a so, lllclor Daae and rjinm.jn B'eie' I2*ist f 'w üairws. and I»t3r fo' unnn rif^ , est^m WHISKY-Tie Sita a si 11 aaAse, . I r leraev. ami *>t- PrSTmSnSll* « SFEDf-A sale si BSS bhla old Ohio ri ~ *: ed on private terms Tinioih. .h.,i ri WM r*r*>ri and la :n demand at I H*jlaVsw. al remains scarce, marke, is stewiv. AS.ut M lu4 ^ «l^ P.',. ? hands at |3r»A, 6 asee! 1 Oaveehaoged a-w'^'riMV .'" ;"ri'1 OILt^LinseedisunseiW.andisonotadfr se as. to arrive, and f6 to "Or on the um aC_-r,«°2 . gailona English ard Amertcaii Saw b^!.!* ?.^ prtree A sale of 303 eels Crude tmum wlu>m tnw East at I J*. Whale is rather hnneriand s t S bbls sold there at siSsiv r..» « some Jen or 4^»' Orrnoroi. The for-r-er «re hwM at 14 t 4 I Th- t**ttale* of nrtme Boer..* Ay res were it " --- . A -' Kip* soM 13* IT*. «t * m,>-- -"" f'1-"'»T'« " H«'"- more KirthtsrcBrket Mile .# they rui; BSI irrven stlted f^TMr^biel 5*7 Tex*, dried ai I;.t. 9f» ¦«*l**V 15,; y*»C*nh**roM 1*4. *> "to*, are! fKJ do lit, rnerene.l- ¦ h-e. tin f>rent t for r*»h. NAVAL NTORES.Are not *etive;*oA hhliij-mmon Wilmington Resin -"Id *i I *\ de'irererl. ¦JM V* do mm Re«1n al 2 VfTtM T*r of fine qualify » «-**'<.* "d wernerl .t .2. Roogti Torpentine ¦ steer y at 2 »7,. *uh *%te* of BM Ma. and Spirit-are dull et «A. WOOL.I* in good P*«¦«.*¦ with mcreaaln.: ta-ea of Pulled; d.fW IT No. 1 and survarnneTsoM at «e. *»?»*£¦»: | extra super at 41 <MeV: *nd d.«»» do No. I Some large parrel* of foreign have changes! hinds from .n p«.rterstod. «,er. ot, t'l "ale l-rui* DonesllC r '.*..<*« a-r. re-thirc daily in prlre* >>.nf«. fft a..'I *t 42*W cl*. Tli-re is no Weal BBwft* fV. *nd liule at that TOUACCO- I. ra'her -finer Letters fro- \ .re -na have been received*. - a. ni retnyed emanJ. tyi.1 tam- vsneeofle ¦ n Sil Leaf There kj not much Maf '"^day. hat a limited demard ha» nrevti'i-,1 for Keniuckvai Be KM common and l'i<i :-jr for medium. Sale* of Z<n nh la in the laat three dava. LEATHER!" ir. D isle-ate request, and sunk gradu¬ ally decreasing, while prices are a* grsdut-ly ttreug.heu. In». Llgn« weights prime duality are very scarce. The receipt* by rallri>a<l are good for lhesetv»oti. and are re winy taker up. a* n. lea:r*t,le parcel* roine forwarl. HEMP- lu ¦aehrnaj irmsnJ for *m*il lot*; v b*i*i American D»» -rotted »old at 1 1". and IVi d > St. Domin."> or, private term*. There it a fair inquiry for Sisal U v. ard Manilla at He, n retail quenliile*. BFESWAX.Small *alea are making at :id"-ltc GENSIN''. Ir MtWTc, with firm demsiid. !«.ew-York t urtle 'l-run.Jan. 21 I Reported for The Tri)>une | (At the Washington Drove Yard. Korty-fourih-*L and Fourth-avenue, and at Hudson River Bull s Head, fool of Roh;n*on-»L for Beeves. For Cows, Calve*. Sheesp sod Lamhs. at Browning's. Stxth-iL near Thlrd-av; and ai Chamberlain's, foot of Robinson-st | Offeree1.1.4 a1 Beeves. ,>0 Southern, the remainder thi* State.i 85 Cows and Calves, and .,7 V Sheep and Lam 1m. Paict s.r.TC .The demand for Beeves duriug ihe week ha* bee* rather slack, owing to the firmness of holders. Gcod retai.'in*- qualities *re selling at from *.> SBfl per cwl But few are made over or under these figure*. 32o left over. . Cows and at fromf-Cn. *2>, $«K M kB *».. a* in quality. All sold. BjUKPARD LAMii*-Plenty. Sale* at from fXS*PnfJ 13 JR. which is a iracüon higher 900 left over. Pasvnrncern Arrives! ¦ -., m$mtJr*m Rmmi*lt-G»oTlHrmrort. Jan».St*w*rt, I n iVsASM 0 -> Johsii, psrt of ths crsw of the brg Lesn tsr, * ir, l»U at Bl jrstlrfr^lr fi*-"*~ J****" *~*-*"'.* of Oer^atitiA Bj ir-n'^n .>* Franc* Sir St n* in a»s» flws**_0*ei CW ne-J tstry, P Kys, A DCoaa.Robt OtW*aas InAip <~i.r* .Inn fr. m Kialar;-Ctpt B*Bj Atwell. D Ho,-is, A H.< in». Miu M Loti- it ______ _'^IAT''Ri AtslirlAC.THIS PAT Ssa. 1 It S*ls._mm * I ¦.»..Riww.. 11 I4_ H1SU WATIR.JAN il Siv>* <>t... 0 Oa An* lalan*_no m>a Bsli Uai*... 0 tr>s TRIBÜNE MARINE JOURNAL *. PORT OF NIW TURK.JAS. H Clenresl. «r» r >\ f-, L Trrpon', PK C<.".c*. 1 roos Jss, OmbBBj « no»; K»en*t)».-. **j trour, Phihtdetphta. sb.p* BUubsttan. Ptwoodv. 1...«rpool. C H Marshall A Co; A*»r: BM Cotg ss* W.llaois. Loaooo. Oninsli, MuH iro A Co; Co'u lib*, Oroa b),Cbtrbatcn, T Waidle. Btrk.Norurr brgs, Baittr. St Marks, Ac, J H Blower A Coi AM y Land,. (Br) Han lay, S.»st nab; Jam** Hall White Jackson'ill*. Br*a C. nstitutaua (Br) Wils, n, Musquash S.hs C H Hals, OAs,. Port au Pr,n<* P D NarHy * Osj Molt B»- d.lL Wick, Norton i Rarrconia. Mak,a*y. ISssy Bs,. J \V II«. Au- lut a, Kren*. N»w He-t'ord; Oraaon, Sqnirss, Bsluruor*; Julia M Hal lo<k.?miib W ilrctnftoo. Citiisn, Dsyton, Wsntiisin; W l'srd, Dayton, Prjvidsncs; Blsikatoos Ai>l«sy, do. Arrived. '..«... Prorrsthsas. Car,' E L !..'»;« f from San Juan lad Cb*f r*s. s44 puxi.|«n, Ui II B AU**, Stssaar llisiskte, Wiudls, Cassjr*», 4tk isjntj vi« K.iigston, Jamnra. -pi, a A,, la H ,wl*nd A Asp.nwalL Phi set step oa,l,s, Hn-hardtoo. Harra, Nor 30, rsds* aad 114 pas- Mofsrs. Ui VV Wh,ll et, J'. braun, slop Rsbaci*. IvMnkan, Rot'crdsin. 40,1«, mdssto Schmidt A Hakt sb. Ths R has bad la* arsathsr lA** pss**c* Ship Flonda, (ol fa,rl:»rrn; Rob-nroo, Ch.ochau lslsoda, sn,i »I da fm CaUae, RWtat* g'uno, le Edwin Bart'stL Prussian >li<p Rh*in,M*y*r. to da, R"t*rdam, mdt* .-I ;..««« lo M*->*r A St > Jan let, -i.». - -i a hetry r/s s from th* SI. aod ttiiltad to "W, store bilea k. ttslstd away all U,e lis'i.s* on dm k. ep::t rsi't and rrrsired o'btr Jamtf* Bti.p aVaas, sis**). Hsrassri. SB S*. m. a* sod _> p*sasxur*rs. u> Ah't'tdt A Ras h*a. Hta *ip*ri*oied heavy file* on tb* pa«.o;s, lost sa,Is Ac Bi Ba k Entry, MiLaao. Liverpool, 77 da. and Faytl. .tr> ds. mda* trd ;f3 pt»s»r,jsrs to I>an,*l Pilt.afton A Co Tb* I BMB up from la'*. «*>. Ion _f W for Payal fur w«r*r The E hat txpsritnced srsst*r>y fslsa on th* pssssf-*. >n«t spars, split tails and rece ded otbsr dsn a,s. Had is daatt.ah} sh.p lever tod small pox on the pas¬ tas*, and hsa ah) .tftO w «r atsl 'ha asm*S_SJS_ Brig Brairtjwme, si Pbilsdelphia. Corrsu t. I'strtsaad GibralUr, D>< a, rurraou, to llutilh A Co. 14th mat, 1st Ift 47, Ion Ü7 3., pas* .d th* erti k o' * l*re» «*»s»l ws'sr inggwd. til hsr tptra sway, it bciug daik and blowing; s gal*, aad a h**ry .** runoir>g d,d sot board Ler Kr g Lauretta. Crgg aa. Mjlt.rt, 31 at, fm St M. tiaelt. ( VV**t*r.i lalsr-ss) in a'ls.t, to J H th, v A Co Bug Swsi.,P »rr* B*rmii la Pth Jsa, m'fis ti NssTith A Sunt Sth A SianaVrr M Pish. Warenaio. 7 ds, nails, t Sprsgus R ,o,re t*D A Co Si h Z lief», Ctnw ,PrtiAfort, Ms, 33 Jajt. uubsr to Pto.ui« Ksilrosd Co. Si h Coral Slap »a, 1 homaaton, M la. Iiint to mta'tsr. S. b Or audsr, Baroum, Cs.t.iis, 30 ds, lisfa tnJ mat-k*r*l, to I'.rt . A Dersno Si h Rirhmntd, Bevsru'ge,Thntnatton,3t Jt. I.ins to muVr. S, h Clm, W irdls, Cast.n*, 33ds, hiTbsr m Pantmt Rtdroad Co. 4th rot a'roumt on Nant'i, tsl Shasl« w«a nmp-l'»d to thr >* o>si-..*rd a ? it lr,illl It of ber cargo aid *ip*n* fl vi m order Bj get hsr IT R*mtio*d m thst a,tu*l,on a boura S, b LtaSJt Hrsree, CttaB**. Philadelphia 3 .1.. I «I S- h atslri s*, M'Hire, Msi h'aspoit, 30 d«, himier to Simpson, M it bew A Co. loth mat th* yawl boat «u washed [mm th* da-ili ,n a hrsv, fo'l f tea alter ¦ « illiss-t gel*. Pd Vt lata B B.ird.S'iibba. Pln'adelph» i Ja, nra. to A Befreit S'rv a P,-»> on, B'>d#nberg, Prov, lern e S a li b l>.»bi|,s Msnhatttn, Peab Ir. L,re-pool; Ameriras Coa grs.a. W,|.,«rsia, I^ ikI. ii. hsrts Ans wWast, W.S/.Sea r r. Ss raoaah Crewel), ab, W H Un d e. Crarr. Mobil»; Ann Ken.iy. ( Br; Haw a. St Johot. NB, Arial, Br) Cary, Afma, Freder. k. (Brem) l> i ii k Fsyagxtea, PR BCIsOW.I harks and 1 brig. W l«D~>W tad bsM -*>. Ity Teletjniph. BOSTON Jan Jl .Arr bngs Ctrolifsa, Meanna, Pe Ith. Ch.rop»*, Ph. teskjBsslsekt Winlietl Baatt, langisr; S P A-hrnesd, Wil n a.t n, Del Piospevt, Jtrbeoo.iile, Mshigta. Helia't fur ris.ant Cat tkiptCari , N*w Orleana. bark Pn.sp*. t Carden*., hr gs Hay- war*, t urtr-o; Prer.rie Jane. Porto Rhoi Wr,. I BttAtBst* Qat***'»l( Btaj »r-ha Plor**, A u Cayw; Martha Wash mgton, Jsrea,Na. Cbarm, Ks hmond MAI'HIASPORT, Jan Id.Arr brig Nor'h Amavs-a. New fork NPWHl'RTPORT. Jan»-Arr». h0eiiiU.II*w Tort. PROV1IIKNCE. Jan .l-An tlo.p PomUr. Powlar. Nsw Tork. »W hr,f Wilii** P VV«lk*T, Edgfomb, Mataox*-, tchr Ms.l, Cr* wall. Pbilsdslphis W Ii k Ft.-Kr». Jan 11-SU troop Traveller, Aiwa. Nsw Tork STONINOTON. Jan If.An tu, Meeserols, Cooal.o, V,rg,n.«. Iloop Speaker, W'ilroi, Haw.Tork M If 'TIC. Jtn lu-trrahip Kemuhis Hill, from It W Coast v,« Sai.dwui, Islstidt, wah 1. * n nole wh, Iio epra oil; thipped kfflnr 69.0110 lb< bots. BRISTOL. Jsa tl-SM r Patiiot. Gag*, aad Hy MarshslL W**t. Havtna. HOLMES'HOLE, Jan 17.Arrhart Zidna, Derrtrar*. Ifb, fl naire. |- Der. lor Boston. Leit a* triers. .., veeeele at either f a. a Pe*e*d Roriairs , ,,r , -i.'.e- fei .V »ton, NC, lor Cararco Jan 3d, 1st 23 J*. loo 7040. spots sehr J E Beat, New fork for Port tu Pnr re; 9th, Ist TJ fte, lea 7; 40, took* Kb At-arado. Bow ton fi r Oeorreti wn, SC. Sebs Fanny Milrh*ll Cardenae, Jaa 3d, for Frank'ort; Taran n Fred* Kk.l irg for Beeton. Arr l*th, briga Elh*. R.cnav.0» for Bo*ton, Franklin, Norfolk for Patt'anS; ttht Etwtid Er*r»tt, do for do; Metropolis do for Boston; Joseph Baker, Baltimore lor Hangor. Purtuo* New Tort for Thorn** loa Arr tOth. b»rk« Lowell. Boetoo 'or BeInranre; Larocoa, dn for Phil. Sdstobsv sent J Coolty A Co, do for Hew Tort. VVsJcoU, New.Tork f< r h, eton In ViaeyarJ S*und. Itf bark Girard, Man* I1*i, Nov jr>, for Bea¬ ton. NORFOLK. Jaal»~Tb* L S stsas-r Straaac.sstill h*r», but at .ipaxted that the will ttul to morrow, far th* Weet I*das*. Bo dey hst aa t*t bean tppnml»! for th* tadi»g of the John Adamua. The Kr tt f I sdy ol 'he Weet. from Newport, (Walee) lor C',t» Point treat up Jtn.. Rjrer to dty. Th*Br bark Newton, wbnh arr red hsr* yesterday in M da'm tt T'iOBiSt.r»; -rtt that tht thip Hao.,«er waa to sail n«it day for NTork Th* srh Mary Jta* wbirh a'nrerl here i ettarday fr-m New Tork, report* ha« ,rg passes on Tuatrfty hiat, cfT Phwn'i Island, a M rgg«e bug suat about» atila* from lend. S*r topsail* out, apparently had beer there bet a thorl urn*. Th* its irrer A rear, x ftosa Plii_elph.a for M.bils. pat .ato 0n* portto dsy on trmnj' of ihs th-*at*n. g sppeartnc* of the weather Arr to Ssv acte L Ba r h H*»,s*nd Lghüoot, Im Raw Tork. Cid bl.g H ob nger Wset 1-. si Sid br g Alrord. West Isdsts rProm "irCorres;, cdsct* 1 PHILADELPHIA Jas .1 --f.rvrd-Nrg Sua. C'ossy Botton; sihsSu.erb R>», a New Tr>rt; Be- Dt-igl*ss. Tayb,r, J.; ggil* W'; A.lied Barrett, Bskw, to; Ret*,«, Coll.»*,d>; Chsvie tee. Hi: Cv. do Orarrs).Shr* Maro, LsnAbsyt, HatBBM hark Mary F leads Ht.'l B-^ior, si I Fsr,LW,(i.*w) Vanc*. flew Orleans, T H U>-l._..Lod*ei Sataaatbh Ssest*! Caetrwr. Jobaerm New Tort. Mary f SuttttHah r'e^v. ."i^-'.l* jhT",*''Ch*,'*"",0*0<,y'l'"W Tofk *,*-.-r " r_ eiiRT. Jsn _i .Arr br-«i Raw. us. Strspei. Isn BusIimi r.* W.l Toe NC. fch Alhrtnd C rbett, tn. Luba^ior Nsw nS «fuW,_ her H .nt fm *.s>UMiord ha) BitteAXi n,,rm., D,>.g* fm do for Idrnl, a. Nl. L.i.*rty Spr ng. fm Ph ladwphit lor rtaih; Carolin» WMJm N.w Bedf, rd lor BatusAttrs; Eagw, Rbr^e*. fm RxrkUni W MAlHlAtp.iRT, J.n 3-td sri i T R Job**, Holm**. *«w Tork, G.nic Psrso-s do M.ry F..,7«, Mewerrey Bo-t-n BfA,StA Ja S _[» r. ;wi. cbk*d|at .aoereio' r*vura,-uuM, p.^to Rei, um arr br g J M J J. I . ;»«..,.» BtStatg«, B^t,,,. |,)U. brig ttS t'ier ri. p. rer RewTort 4 da w, t _r w,,.d e, h. j hTu, .- ,.ew .-na,. Newfo't: Merv. ° " retiirrssd t, port ii lu ws.i tili mo-- f«».,r«6l* wwsthw. Mm >aa ia r,ud.nh. JBB AU*. bf»c Meet, atamse fmm v 111 a as .d u.t «r 1 tom», «t i«_"g»,', aTtwawSta OUaatem. dte. J«.. * Ti^ \*ian isswsa «tetTarr LiJarrtador. wbsvh et 'ir.i.11. l'e-.eai- BresAw.ur« few de. s si*cw, m n^as-iaeoc* . - Nrl nxMtM Ii « |g MltWait pump bat jsw repaired, s> a ba es» a* tw »kitaal lorsaen slsua as ah* a ukiag ia portejo " * '' "'."J'tn y be* to ae -r|»cl_rg»d (ram of harr band* tiT.i,. »w «ruwl^r* mt"'t°'*t om aoard, t_d|«*.pitee«en effort B.«. ti .,f I rrideBjMaitsvi.froai*» Br»t* fo» **. Tort, '. " J. L7b_w_ I_lw ** *** M »'.b-sT". Ua .*, p*rt»al oa* chain, sr.* ta» g*J* .... ... r.r v Gw 'rUiMt'-'"*7 *" »*. Si.sPll.rr Cu rlsi n ,r ^, "V, L wroTisu.j or Orlaod, .a go a* to eaa altar aor a i I 1 h. sty asauvs* ms I..,. . ..,_. . a..a «. .. . ." |, tb"a 4t\» to v 8m' * co*s)u«ia, waa falat-, ,a n 1 - r.e . Sreatwa a»,p Agta* «tthw txe ¦ uree of ia* as_ .^!f__e « .«». aad wa* toll to Mlow B.;s Las sa.a. Ma> " fn« C.« ,U??L^f?^n*riar reaatfee a st. waa tblxwr?oe bwf_t! 1^ ' , *" .<-.«'» *>-tor» raw fl* th* tdd ah, n bit 11 «AI. I. -"msetaai d« « tat»* «leikialss ii aoon bw-anst watar Afcx*. drw, wksa tkZrmVr.l^lz,** " ""h *' M* '»,0 <u< f*» b*ao,*Ja, wb*r* e_^ J "u. vi *** ** U*"110 Vtt*. ae BeiiW.ia ;,,l Nsw B_.r m m j, m,eih*iat «.-»fr f|Ytsa""7 ¦" unat*'1' * »sare aal 4 ctuss» 1*> sss swr is Prtw wm-kTm M_^ _. a ' .'tfc 1X0 oU' is s »ery laaty coasJiteon. Ai i_ mtrmma», «vesiog of Slh .tut, SM.eii,i,..i_ - - aeeoantt the wu wartuig for s -aw 3| treasrf*. to Cork DrevVL tsl_e "w" tj,*r^yl- So» äl.for Bnstoa.put back . -- i-.' '' ^ *.rVwje^oMteeraac. l-BBsiS for B*_,,h. ¦ « tttrtrsw hat* ket, lm.lToTum Ktwatara R,.« tb* .raaw» part a..*** * » . '.- . .»..«! w/;f tu «I. *.« »"»*J . * t»*t ^lÄtWl-W f-m Ca.« B-,W a*rt) S Max. not . .».*)> *B».ut 4A da- . *M feS Cabotr* a. w 'b TWb. rim «turc. um Ccso"* rH Bo*wa afcviiMk't II for VS.*-.Vts-st BW abo*.d*t*. Wot ff ..r. sb -t JJ -r.oat r?«*.»>od« if »h.. urn ») ~««rf>4 «o by opt m *.r i In..-"in Vs^wrle ««polien, oVc. BJae »4. co lat. *c. »». passet «b p S*im>a*t, W.Iaco, fron ¦ *tuo ^b52 at II SB,*« 3" *\*>* Eanay. K*il*y, ol .ot from B ... n IV«. 11 .or C.I»fo#t.»- ... ».vjts *k* it Ist 17 3. ten* W.Kb - from ¦»t»' IS da,. : ri'.V' n i r.a.1 km< lb* B*f '-rsms-t Ml 1 ,"f.. Mi o hm Irs* i4 ,ton um ii.Im Cai-f-n.*, ¦1 «.- Ul* at* >e <!.!. *..* 4.S Says out. Npokf n, i&rr. No* t- rl Bss &mm ..> r ,,r*» H..<.»i sb M . Ms M MM JaBi'.s»tl7 ka>l»l bri« fr »Hllio». ...«¦« b.uo.1.«th I)» U kf 4*. «... BS 44. at ori< r.U.ot. from it J"bo>, SB lor Jaatslal 34 *4,-lon bsrt John Strond,from Palermo fur «York. "v.7" . <.¦ <.B'b'r vv .* -». -*.*..'f. käst as. .i..k..«'p<b> *g,i*ih* Jay ssssrasasi aBBWlswB,SB>b8*a A.lsa.frcrn Prto i (or L'vtrj- '' j«. m, od tTtaaaaaaajaa, .**»*." ¦ b J Ki <..>. laaa rsBjaaii 'or Boston .. , . Dar in. Iat IS 4*, loa 80 1». 0«" Horn.. H..po*r. (ro.n Boetoa lor Vo Mai '»t SB 4», loa »I SO, »«ehaagait ngnali »itb BBSS, IJ»»rd O Inn tx-'io*1 »»»t. iTlailfia ¦ U Cap* St VaM .t Per b«i». i-n*.^ant, S. it*. Waatf nX a,%h » tb'» A Bfaka, W.IIi.. B/.l.<-p.>rt. bbl» »p. »»!U, D^u«tt. w lh (*> .bl« .p'.w .<» b»Q Mr.» II. »Ith M)) IVr * I»' 17aS f, an 34 W, barb O^r C.r».r. Ho.mar, W^tport, *TJar**. h*9wm, mW4M W, bn« Praaalui, of Ba»»rly, boun.1 * III JlTaalfin rrmt I*. b»rt t> Fr«nb'm.OiirorJ, atiaatr 'train, .'biKupcii ^.ivia.laill !' ' W . WM> R.w tUrflW«,.»«ai W«« i*. bark »wi.w.,fii« b.»H HMidf»pr-'»>u»to5o. SO .hp Caa* frad.r. k. »...".». >.w FaJfcrd. 130 ap. Awraau. Lui«. »*ut ub.t, ch>aa Kil *J bj a wh.V, Oc- Ii IBBS iin-UD b'li ocof to tha 0 Priib'n staei Pr oar'tal a nati.a of riora.. Th» ¦...« »h.^i «h p out ol i>ia part "'S.n FraacMra rl»«r»l t,rJ«)«b*rb r. pmaaatt. fha ¦ ..«t-aJ aai .'toa ut b) Mr J C «Tthmoal. forniarl . f ».» BVJI^rJ. So'.w.tti.t» m i Iii aaiatiaa hah laaaj krtT,**-"~** oftha»....! <-o.t ik«n«aa*i] hat ».*M.i ..r . "l» o»»r b.U -i "hat it would n»l to til »r «I from N.w B».lf..rd tad »raf liar t.. tba «h.i-a* pammm at has T. , Ws ...not but r*ir»rd BM a. tba louudaboa of a BkMt ..up .r tan' bii.'trw h«r». tlo «ll't asssrlris port h.f our t»ruti«th part tha »d»»ntars» of teratio». As. lor tha »haEnc trad* »hrh BBS Frtn. wo p.»»»»»»»; »hib« itt iw" «....o. a. arrd.ily .l«pp»«r r,r ' i.oFniKAii Balau... I>- 14 A Mtar from Capta.o Hotmar. öl na'k Uor fjasaaf, M STsstf .rt Poirt nxoitrd in Ss» Badlord, rrpotU her Ore S. lat 17 03 3,1 i 31 m -ith *<o BBk »p ".I »Ba*« fsiat fa, kstM30snasja',ahtp »l..nt -.1 Firli. i-f *.» Baaf.inl ( i'lm| » L'|r* «p »hakt. *«) bbl» ia all >'..» is* Ut 17 ?''S. :au BS SO W bark. Caeh.nca, Jutw.rt, w "«'« Bedford, cl»»n. Mtli. Iat 17 .V !..? SB, Tboiaai Wm.'o*. Cht-». Wa»tp< rt Po:nt, »p b'aikfl.h, ««ti« Jita. Klttma, Las So, ISO »p l>ec * >*' IT. Ion V 4i>, Hr j, Khinn.r, ¦artSf'tjsStt, IBB SB (Utmiad). Heard SJwSS, Saas I. Bit If S k>o*.W.bart. Kn- dra«, N>. N.w Bedford. 30 bbl» «p nnbiwrJ A letter from bajk 1'i.iUd SU»e.. P* Waatpo.t P.. nt la' »1 .»(.»4 r.ol.t Ac rtporta b»r with SSSB bbl. «p "il all weM. BaahS a faw Brasaa prwt.ou. barb Alt'. I^leman, Mew Ka-f r l, It SJaa 4, Moataiun a. Alk», lo. *«i »o HrB'd from Jjoe B, un lat, bark BsSeStB, <. ir'i* u ..f V»ai Bedloid, 140 iu 60 »h, Auc 1, ClitToid WStTSaV W.J>, K..rl a>r i. >0" «p. A folar WhaUt. upon an a.araja. y a'd. «K. 'it i*)^bi. o *t hat* < ui|«-l«a f.< U aWlStaf that ».«Iii «hip«. wkx h via t-.l to* A"*d r Sea And Afttn Ovaau, took IN wlial**, yieUiot; I'.l.lOO biila of otl, or on* wbaw l'°bbla Firat wbat*. Last do J,S"»r«>n.JuuS Auf 14 Botlh Amera a-Jju* 17 Auk <4 Rob i.h oJ.May 7 Aug 2* ¦imrod.Maj »7 Anf <7 ()*orr*.May *"< Au« «4 81 .«.Dia . . ¦ aao t oca..* Kir»t whaw. Last SSt Wni Tall.May 3 AuK «i Piouucer.May U AaSj S3 Literpoi'l, td..Jnas f> A -t If' i'oiKi..May S7 S*pt l Luminary.lnoa * S*pt h.v,...." May 17 Aug Ät>|H Kue*land....Slay tS Ssat Honolulu Tunas. Foretam Porta. At Calcuita »«» J4th. ahip» Saaator, CoSln. chart*r»4 for Loo Ion, Milton. Harkiw, for Boatoa I>*c I: Concordia,, lor d> in DBjsbssjIMSI barb Hum*. H*nry, for W*w York; and othwa aa report.>! y.a'arda). At Smyrna Slat vilt. ahip Adm.ral, Br*otil for ««» York ready; brio hoc £ Emit Ati(M(t, Prus) for 5sw-York toon. Sid ixth, brig Ou*t*>ua,St>ow, Bnttoa At Palermo Ttti ult, but Cksntai, (Sard; lor Philadelphia; ami oUiera aa r.potted ,*>t*rday. Sid from M**aiaa 11th ult, brut; F.ckatt.Button. CM it Miraenlei »»h ult, bark "org*, (Mor) Moddlatsa, for K*w Yo.k; krb*t'.ilon a.{tw] AlFayal Id ult, bark 10, Brown, Irom Button, arr A total m BtM ut 10 daya. Sid Irom Bordaaui .'7th ult. thip laaaa Newt<m,Buth PhilaJ*ljh.a. 9*th. bttka Siberia, Hartlett, Ca'iliirnia, Artbam.a*, IFr) do. At Ota^inw 3.1 mtt, .hip. Martha'a Vineyard, lira(taut, for New York saatSBfl OMa, PWaapav, SB ISBkl berke WovaS.:otan. (Br)for Boat n b<s;G*o aia, Allan, for N*w York. Sid 3d. bark Jau.t. Um Ball.rgall. Boatoa. At Cork M ia»t, thip Equator, Ew«r, Ira Livarpool for Boston, put in with fnrwmaat and lor* topma.t .prung, and utbwr da'nar*); r ; W'aahinatou., .>{ Bunion) eip*vt*S Ui b*ron.l*u.ued. At Va,nan.buco ISta ult, bt% Heury MaUiawa. Uarri.ii.u, Bfl B.* ton irr tth, to load nujir fordo. Sid lS:b. brur Henry Tr w- r V». CaillSS, (from Colon», Riter of P ate, with mul**, put in lor »i erj for Birbtdo*a Arr at Surinam Bo' loth, brie TroptciM, (Dutth) Popksn, fia lud for Boston. Ar? at Halifat, NS, nth BBS, ttmr Niagara, L«:trh, fm Button, and tld at* PM I r Livarp^ol Arr at Beona la Bist Bat, br.» «riMn. W*bh. Baltimore. Cid Is*. bark Farnandiua. 7 lio:uptvu, (Im Fi..laJ»i',.li'a, Ci*nla*«o* bn* L* ul PtUrt. PrUrt, Cuba. Arr at St Johnt NF :4th i t, brur* Julitt. Oo.h.ll, BtUmor«, IS (ard eld 3d inr Bah*'. 4Mb. Lady N*wb»niu(h B**r, do Arr at Tu»k*t latai.d Hi 3d mat. ach Fram it, McKay, S3 dt fm St Martina fur Boa'on. with loat of aailt. At Chtfrta Jau 10. batka Ortona of Belfaa', Or.>aoki of "*w Yi rk; kriM Mr OLt Vernon ol al.w llrreaaa; l)*troit of 5*w York, up lor do: A da I. ii'. ot an I fäf New T. ill tl>* bri« H*'hi I>*1 Mar < I flaw ilrieana and was Pauli** of New Vor» BS aailJan l<ab. Am at >'¦ it It tal. Jamai. a. De, 31,br« 0«ar, CsBSBB, N../filk; Jtn H, tcb Aim II) an Baiter. N*»b*ru,>C Kth, br+ Miry, l.'i- ,.. too, H* rt oiors. ifo >tb, b. g t.'amurgiu, WalUr, Baftimur* Dontratle Porta. BOSTON. Jas 10.Arr bark. Ann A *tar,, liawee, SJasSBBS " SBS u«, SJfsSSJ, Ku*uo* Ayr**, via Pernambu. u; V*.ta, Fiinn, ...vanaan IX Martha W, nh ..I. .. FrsS nan. M.'.ra ItSSij Paititt. f- kajca. Belt*. (Br) M. Hali'.l Flo'atu*, Hop! n*. Salain BM V\ iimmatun. NC; tvht Jeatarpir..., Hr| W*'l*, Smyrii; fa*'. Kale* Ail C*«*a via Cbatrett'.n. Lasf Haler. Liimu; JStisjBia , Ol.t* C aik Snuw.and UwShalt'n k, P*'*ir lBagl»>| Ma*, H . .. ass Vt m Bai ou, Saow. Kai.te.ut*. I asut B i t A at Bktrajd Put«, Nerthpor'. Cid bi'kt Id*. Ha I*'.. Hi't inor*. Ve.i-, Oaat «;..arri W.a .».*!. lo In*, fir ("ub«. tirrt Fq atur, n.w,. f Hin. h II. i.VSt, tun.) KCF Ca*da«w V.lparaiau, far.,, H M. - aU ........... 4,lH.i,i...,.: .. pSep M*dora, fro Cronatadl w.. nut bei. w laa' ..aniu .. rm» rt-.t HtHIMi.Rt, Jtn *v-Arrtch Sarah E Merrill, St> m.n.*y,, .. Cht bark. Kirkhtad Too. M C. oi, Liv*rpo,,l; Crao'a Jo. A I^SJfwS Rio ö» Ja. *irn and a n.artet br.g fajaaB H..>r*, A ..i l..l Lucy Am Minn, do, C*r., Spred, .aa«.in.b, Mat.dian, fa Plul- t. iph.a, L W.i.i ur>, C uiuar. STaw Yoik. I.It.HTtlo. Jan i7 Arratba Ku«uua, Fr*uth, «r. 1 Charle«, P ,,' hp. N*w Yrrl for Taunton FREDS.RICKtBI'KO, pr.v on. to J.n l^-»rr ~ h Heorwtt,, Baal Bo.too Cid a.:ha Cha le. 4 Ht.ur.'ii W iiurt, Buauu,; Hoirl rat,; N'.ru.a. M .tt. New Yuri FALL RIVER, Jan IT-Arr.rh W .rrwter a..d fr u,i Pm.Hleir* tu load OrSavanntb; ali«,p I h ui.aa VV Thum*, tin ¦ mr«, N*w York. Sid « h Virju ia. I^wi.. pBaMa*|aBta FRANKFURT- Arr Inth erb CaaiBll, U,(iu.,...,... Sid, 14th, ti h. Prulac.e .Nu ker«,n. liu.Wn, Itlth, Madouna, Barry, Car dem.; E Treat, Hnplina. Bav.rlv HOLMES S HOLK. Jan If, PM-Arr SJTSS bbbbbbMBJV, 0 (Iren, Baltiraor* f,.r Boetun; J..h>. Siniii.'.na, Small itoaiixi lor Krerfervka- u .it. 'im**. Cum er. Nawb jr.ouil lor Norlulk, <e*n ol Hi* W».t yA heldtn, Oknrteter for N H*df,.ri I"tb. Arr nark Daktwai*, L*»». Pbiladalphia for H .ton Alto a.r box Jan* How**, MaiJ*l, Am Cay** Jd .ntt f >r Bottoa L*ft oo Am tateal Alto arr br.« Sarah, (tr) Juhwatod, R*» fork lor St John. ¦ B, at U Htnry Atkitt. Raodail, 0*or<«lowa lor Bo*too, J ,N Kn »ht, Browa, T*ei?*r, Va, for Boaton. Ski brig S*rab; acht J'b* SimiiN'na Jtn.ea In port. 11 AM. k*rk itidoo, im Watt India* I r B.w(oo. Delaware; bog. Uli*, horn RxAtuond lur BiMluoi Jao* H..waw, .m, Fa iu . MiUh*ll,Jo*Haker,M.tUpouy,ij nigol Sat Waat Hanry aSkSBI N J Kn ght w Dli*id Scott. NkeV BEDFwRt), Jtn IS. Arrb ar Loni.a Beatoa Sat tea. from Coait of Afmai tk i'f Aurora. E«ao. Tni New York, a. b Kl eu R.M m*n, f barm in. **w York. SSJ bbBS Al*iand*r M. and Sara b Lowta. ;t:n Winhim)S.« Tori; prop Decatar, 0**r, fur BVjaj f.,rt fHILADELPHIA, Jan *< Arr brg Ad*le, :..«.-¦ K.ttt; srh Haiol>t. Sherman Provic*t»c* PORtYLANO. Jan IS.Arr bnga Polo.i. BatIm. Matar.iaa; PiaU, Struut Newburyoorl. acb JaSBSB, D*v<, Boaton Cid Alia Its W.l lac* Porto h iro; nha Martin Thiyc, Bait mo'*; Warren HiM.r. ton. Poetoc; G*o Brockt, Stetaoa. do. 3rd thip H rABSa hark 4t Jag,,, brig* Habarai*. Corn «t*wart, Hy Lawda. H.urnrtta., I. .. At ai.i .. i, I, Duo NitbuUa. PROVIDENCK. Jau IS- Arr tel. Va..' turt, N r:.. .. Cid brg WiWa B W.Ia.r. tdgeromb MaUntaa S>d barka Pr. itllUI, ( arr, A BBBBSk icola. Yntnn, Marry man do ^ha Bin. trtb Am C'bb, fork R.v*r Jan .y- Air *<h Altrert Thr.m**, Hig» ,.a Nantank*, Va .-.d a. Ii Ji.aenh Turr..r, M .an H..'t .,. .r#; ,,.,.,« w.,, il B.,*au. Ktsuv N York; Faabk.n. ItlyJaoburg, d ¦. SALEM Jaa IS.3'd brig Fw *nc», Hoflrt. form Eait*m port; ath M*,ieo Lkiyd B,w fork TOW»3B«D HAKHOK.In pott 17th, brig* Kalo*, Olinttaad; BbVs BtatWara Mayfl wtr. Prudatu.*, Diana R .an. ka. Jul.a An" Ch*p*l Ad* laa, Ha...l.n.Ta ly H >. BaafBT, D*la»ar*.Tohiat Htrrttk', ttSo r fukev, and Caman, dettina*e,na But airaa w A TH a I L, Jan 16- CM bark Tonal, r* Laa* L*w,t, City Point COPARTNERSHIP. /^O-PARTNERSHIP..Thesabscribers To ,Aa1-h.,,,,'l,j/on"**i 1 Co PB'<t">rshlp under the firm of O. SMITH it SON The. buslnt»* will Ih, crrie.1 SM «i the manutVutry, 47u Graod-*t. New-Yora . . GILBERT SMITH, J21 3t_JAME8 OILBERT SMITH.B f^O-PA RTN EPJS HI P.-N«)tice in hereby Vygivew that Orvtlle L. Knoa and Henry Bwknjan. J> ire from mit dale parni-n In our Irm * The bulüess will hereafter he transacted at No. «6 Cor l*0dl sL (JTI8, JOU.NESkCO New-York, January 1st, 1SAL ]| |m* COPARTNERS HI P- Not^TZj OHN MILHAC has this dav admitted Inf, partnership his former popü, ALEXANDER CUUHMAN; and the nrin »1.1 ceree/ter coDtiritiej the tiusineas of Oruggitts and at ihe old stand. In? Broadway under the ti- tie of J. MILHAL'4t CO. New-Yort, j,n I s IBM JBJ iw* DTSSOLUTION..The Co-partnership heretofore existing betweesi the subscrtlrers under Ihe Dime atd firm of OEO. W 8HJELDB fc CO EX- PI RES this day hy iu own limitation. |8igced| OEOROE W. SHIELDS EDWARD A JEE, .. .. BENJAMIN M. SHERMAN New-Yors, Iat January, ^ CO-PARTNERSHir The BUbarnrrers have Ulla daf formed a C->partnersnip, and wld conur.ue the CommUaloc Iron Bustnesas heretofore, under the name and firm of eSOlOE W SHIELDS a. CO ISlgned) UEtjROE W SHIELDS, BENJAMIN M SHERMAN, GAMALIEL U SMITH, iu. w~. , . . OEOKOE R. HEOEMAN New-YorB, 1st Jannary, Ia6|. Jl lm I I MIT ED PARTNERSHIP.-The u,.- .1-*d^r»|Fned hereby give n ,uce that they have formid a Umlu-d partnavabip for (im traoaacüoa of a ruercavntl,*. |)Ua.. neas In Um city of New-York, pursuant lo the oroviaion* 55Ä of Legisialurti of the State of New-fork eoütled or Limited Partnerships" Tho said bualneaa will done under the name of 1 LEWIS PENNEY." The s»n. era! nature i f said partnerahip husinttsa is that of bovin* ma\mamlJ!80** *"d "HOES arid keeping . WHOLfr f BOOT and SHOE STORE. The*under.lined Lewis Penney, residing In the. city »f New-Y-.rk Is the SaTSasCfff 5* 5! »n'te"Un«l Tlvirnas S. Tow'nseod, SPAssisi rltv. Is ibei special partner, and as such ftss contrlbuied seven thousand five, hundred dollars Iu cash "P***1 10 lh« common stort The said partnership Is to commence on the first day of January, |Sjfj, a.,i lermlnate ? ^.«njwado« 0(.tW0 years from thai day Store 43 Cortland-st. Dated January 1. IH.M LCWI8 PENNEY. 6* THOMAS 8 TOWNSEND. Thk CO parts k RSI iip heretofore rxixmr k*il*r*J_ the mmmrtlkmm, ond-r is- Irnjj */ HuOfh'on, Merrrll A Co Is-Ms day. hy mutual r<ro*»»« <i .s.-ived The outstanding i-o>:ce*s of Lb*) lS*e firm tnj Be .riLirO '.) either of the uudeisigned. who */. authorise*, to .t.:ii in /quidstlon. N*» .tori Im *, ISM El»W- ARI» L HOI'OHTOJt BUI ti s R MKRRKll, J STARK HOI i)MTON In i nuioniiity with the »tatute concert*. Ir>r Unified partnerships, we, the subscribers, |., fV«oMra reni'v 'htt we h«.» . niti-<| partnership to W* mder the nsme of M««.«,, 4 U «iyhv :, ,, la, ¦ M u'arnirtrig; an<i *«li:r,g i mere,.a* and Parsau,*, u**. subscriber*, Brutus R M-rreii and J. Slavrh liougbtoa, who reaWe In the City of New-York, are inlei....*! partnership an gen-raj parity*** ; and K.iwerdj || ho -,. wf"*e pleee oi rea'denc* 1* la lira City of K«rw-Tnrl :nU-»e»led m mii parirrerehlp a* special parirvr. an.I. a* snrh. ha* i ..otrilaiUai twenty-fire uSot*. .and dol ai* a* capital to lie* . vsnantMi «na k. lo cash, Th* .aid pailr er»hp i* lo comme-ce on Ibe atxth of Jan. uaiy. I* i. ami la to terminale on tlre3l*ld*y cf Il^cana. her. IAVJ N-wYork. January 6, I8M IlKl'Trs R. merrkll. J STARK IIOL'flliroN. BDWARO HOUJHTON. rpHE SUBSCRIBkRS hereby givrno- I i; ~ aS ihev have taker ibe *u>re lately o. < ip;ed by Houghion. Merreli It Co.. wltere iftey areprepared «nij, . large 11*1* of Oo««ii lo receive ihoir cualumert. January atjj, l*A|. %l I RR K I.I. 1 M()I OHT<)N. OUl.nan. at j|| let* rornor of Crdar^t nISSOLUTION..TtVfi Co-partnership beretotore cutting between ihn subscribers under la*) firm of >!. t'ELLER A CO m Bridgeport. Connectkcsa, an< M CELLES M^"- <u Columbia, Sooth Carolina, Us heebv <li**olved by rru'.ua: content. MARKS CELLES ¦u'horuvrd te »eitle all claim*, and col.ect nil tuts* do* Ihn fti n, and to use the name of th- firm in liquidation. MASK* r. i.i. Ml MICHAEL t KI.LKK :Zi lawsw AiioLrai d newstead. (/tick of dTs so l u ti o nTH N8 lor the l urpoae of building alhv* of Telegraph from tlilca la Hufla'o roosl.'mg of DONALD MANN. DINCANC. MANN and LEONARD W »BROMS! at preaem :rv* gee. rvtarvof ihe 14 Ater< ham*' Unat of Te.-graph,'. we* die» solved on or about the fir»t day of Septemlier. IVsl, by the* mutual content of .aid partner* ami w.thiheagreenenlanif understanding that reilb»r of .aid partner* should luv« any power or aalhority by any act to hind the other*, or the said) firm in an v capacity; mi whereat ihetaid Jerome has slnca that lime'and Ü violation of the **Jd agreement, us-al n*m* of li e said firm ii[H>n . eria n buaiiiee* paper, .lit. what extent Ii I* yet uncertain Now. therefore, in order to guard Bank officer. Sjid aJJ) otheit tgalntl any *uch niriber 'iletral turn of ihn name of the taid firm, lire umlertlgned *i>e notice thai ihev v. ill oot, be retpon.i'.le for an* pai-er diawn In ibe n*mn ol .h* takf firm, or imlorsed by (he *aid trat, or with which Ute natna <>t the aal.i rirm mav have l»een in anv wav onnrwte.1 flacej thedate faald dl**olmion DONALD MANN. New-York. Jan 21, MR. |t.'| Dll.iCANC MANN. F11NAWC1AL. in i a u i .A N y M A N li*v,n^{nm . " ". l>A,000 to |lS.t*M In ca*h. and with trj engage in the manufaciurlag of llquor». wboletale and re¬ tail, by a nt w procet*. by which I win inture a man ftXJ.ifjaj in IS monlha, and ttuitfyhiiu perfec'U on an intervtaw to the above aialemenL Addre** (J. C. Tribune office, for iwodayt. None but ca*h cuttomet* need atwwe. Una. fjfl \( \i \ W A NT1'1 h _Th° a'! Vrrf 1 "<r de~ ^PtJyjXJtirm, to meet with a p«r«y ¦..">«; the aborej turn at Immediate command wiahing to mtke an invent^ m*et without their *ervlc»* which will realize twice Utw amount wllhln twelve montht Adrlre**, postpaid, wuhj real name and addrett, B. S. Poet orhce, Broadway Corn* mu nteaUont conhd en tit I. _j«*i IJj ft7r^_lTO L.°AN ON HON U and ^\l**/vrvr MORTOAOat, on good cliv iuiproeetl property. Ill fee for a term of veera Inquire of j21 2f A. WEBKS. 62'Hudeon at near Chamber* TkcttuacB'i Omer. NoawicH a«o Wotoiimi Raii.aoto CoMrtNV, > Noawicn, Coma Thurwday, Dec *», I«.».) Adividend of two AND a half PKR CENT on the Preferred Stock of thit CompanR ha* thit day been declared, payable at the Transfer Office, U Merchantt' Exchange, in the City of New-York, on and; after the 16th day of January neu The Book* of the Company will be eloeed on the Slat Intt. and remain elo*ed until the ISah proilmo. Book* tot .ub*er1püon to the preeenl Stock of thit Company will bt} opened on the |.Mh of January nett, at the Trantfer Oftce* (Tlmo. T Merwin, Trantfer Ageni.) I* Merchant*1 Et> ch*nge, New-York, and remain open for *l»ty day* Iber*, after. All ttoekholder* who euntcrihe a* afore*tt»i<l, and mjU per cent, on the preferred ttock, will be entitled to the BV vidend lo be declared in July next, on thelrpreferre-i tl'<cA. which emhracet four tharet of .i'«l atifk for ear*! shtreof new ttock tubtcribed, and interxwt will he charged Bj tbfl rate of tlx per cenL on all tntuvllmeet* from the '»tri proxV mo until taid ImtalLmentj are paid daotw- O I. i'KKKINS.Treasurer. ALBANY AND~ SCI I EN KCTADY" RAILROAD COMPANY .A DIVIDEND of >{ pkr CENT baa thla day l*en DECLARED »ui ol Han earning* of the Company for the* month* ending the Mtt ultimo, PAYABLE to it* Siockbol.leit at the Mechan ctf Bank. In the Citv of New.York tnilie KIRST OP BEB | RI ARY proximo Trantfer hooka will be clo*cd on the 2nth, and opened lit Bebruary. Per order of the Director* Albany, Jan. I*. 1851. fj2C tlf|_E. BOSTBR, Jr. Secnatary. j BANKING hoisk OK J. CaKO THERS k CO No 1ft Wood-et PITTSBL ROH, Pnj .Collertlon* made on all the PRINCIPAL CITI ?'« of ihej CNITKIV STATER Reference hi t*ew-Y"rh MettrnJ WXm'.ow, Lanier h Co. M Well-t*._«nl^tf D~ 1VIDEND..madison and In¬ dianapolis RAILROAD COMPANY. Tb*> Board of Dlrectori bave lint dav declared a Semi Annual Dividend of 6 per cent on the Capital Stock, (including that amount paid on the Script Share*,) out of the earning* ut the *lx month* ending 31M December 1H50, ,to Stockhold¬ er* at the cloae of ine kwok* on thai dav,) payahie on and] after TUESDAY. 28th January ln*l Holder* of Slock reglttered on tne Trantfer Book« In ih« City cf New-Yark. will receive iheir Divldetd* at the ol5<« of WINSLOW, LANIER A CO 52 WalleL CerUhcatet of Bcrlpt Share* u.u.i b* preaented at limit? office for the Indoraeiiionl thereon of Uil* Dlvldobd paymank. -Dated Madison. Jan. 15,1861 Jib awl* WM N JACKSON. Sec y M A I RR Co. Mac on tno Wktiii RaiLaotn CoMPttrT. I Macon, Oa Jan 6, ib.6I. ( DIVIDEND NO. !i.-A Divideml btvf been thi* day declared of POUR DOLLARS per thar« on the cimaolidated stock of ihi* Company and the pro* port Ion ate turn (two dollar* per abarei on ihat which het not yet been relume 1 for conaoiidatiim. payable on and al¬ ter ihe firti of Kebniary next, at the ohVe in which the «etat* it reg wiered. By order of the Board JHie'i'_J H TAYLOR. Secretary. DIVIDEND..The LAEAVKTTE LV- SLRANCE COMPANY of Indiana baa declared < DIVIDEND of SIX PKR CENT for ihe la*t tlx month*, payahie In rath to th* New York St H-kholdw* at th* iJdBee of DL'SENBERY A OODEN. 40 Wtintuu *L (over Let Manufacturer* Bask.) JI7 It INT~ER^ST~ON CITY STOCKS^ The Intereat on the Public Stock* of the City of New- York, due and payable Pehruarw i 185|, will he peid CMJ that day by SHEPHERD KNAPP, E*q Chan'ierlaln ot the City, at the Mechanic*' Bank, »Wallet The Trantf« B<>oks will be eloeed on Wedneaday. Jan. 9, at i o'clock fW- Bor the eeeommodanon of Stockholder! trantfefS «ruT be permitted during the period the nook* rentaPJ doeed, to take effect Bebruary I JOSEPH R TAYLOR, Conirofler. CoitTkOLI IB S QPPICt, N T. Dec. 4*7. IHoft. §§} tWi ]\OTICE..THE SEMI-ANNUAL IN- J-l TERE8T on the INCOME BONDS of ihe NEW. YORK AND ERIE RAILROAO COMPANY dueoulAe 1st of Bebruary next, WILL RE PAID on thai day alike offen of the Company, i> Wall-at on i>re»«ut*u.on of *e coupon*. New-York, Jan I». 18)1. J20 2w_NATHANIEL MARill.lee. HIO LIKE INSURANCE ANÖ TRU8T CO .A Dividend of fotir percent on theesS* Hal *iock of thltlnttltulion wa* thit day declared by BM Board of Trustee*, payable ai the . rbce in this city, on de¬ mand, or u the Agency In Naw-Yor* on and alter ihn«. Kit By order. VV. OEENK, Ser'y. Cincinnati, Jan 6,1851. tl4ift Paoe, bacon * co. ban KEKS, BAN FRANCISCO. Cai.fon draw ai sight or at .Um, In «um* lo *utt pureha**ra. oa BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, . NEWuKLEANI, and do PAOE A BACON, Sl Loul*. Mu pattn^i all of the prominent polnu in the Mux; a Col.eciLns UP" to and proceeds remitted promptly wuj also aStavs ** .alee of Produce ar.d Merchandixe for tartlet njstdtaj a. mM PAOE. BACON h CO. San Brt*»«BMw. I12.3.' M PAOE A BACON 8t. Loal*. Ma sveter to Meter* Drew. Robvson h Co Now rot*. ROCKY BAR MINING CoT.Notic*?. .The Stockholder* of the Ro.Av M t,laf Coav Sany are hereby notified thai there will an eleifaw j> oard of Director* on Wednesday the h day of Eeb«*r* next,at 12 0'clc.rk M si their oOe»M Wall-eL NeM-V*Is Dated New-York, Jan. 18, leS| J"8 JAMES DEI, A VAN, 8ecr*«-7 0 THE advertiser, having at com- JR m»nd ta.oiai, withe* k BrMh BsftJJ or actiMg partner, in *ome ma».uf*cturiog concern, or J*r hing busines*. A line stating*. and real 'latne, wi" . he- treated confidentially., i««t pal'. Y. 9jf I Na*ssu-st up stairs, office of the Mother's Msga/me, H ¦ .i if ^ THE TRUSTEEsS~T)Fl^HE SEA- MEMS' Bank pob Saving* have ordered that low** be paid on ail nepceit*, which according to ihe Bp*"j are eniitied thereto, for the six months ending Dec Jt, I*5* asAdlows: On turns of Bive hundred doliara and under, at of «ix per cent per annum, ti a sum* erceerling r hundred dti!*r» ai the rate .'hve per cent P*SW" payable en »r aler Monday *nh lost . The iniereti will be placed in the credit of depwDsT* principal BENJ. STRONG, Pr-rld**«- W m i um Nelson, Secretary ~, New-York, Jan. 16,1830. ItMwPV \\' a nted.a Plm ha^r for th^ » ? a. me.i »iiostloo for a Manuiacluring Town * g Mate* It cotwisu of about I.'>' acres of iaod wl.h aawi lUBctent f..r teu mi la Ii ». ..,i be so.d fur half ¦l»mMZ To aee a Map. and for further* onuolr* an way, ol JOHN P. REDNER- Jl»r

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Page 1: Thk HEW-YORK TRIBÜNE. COMMERCIAL · 2017. 12. 15. · JJr Aid.SWrtevanl.Petition of Nehemlah Milier. tobe annotated»Comim»«onerofDeeds. Referredto the Com-atiiice onSalartet and



Optical ) Board of Aldermen.STATED SKSSIUN....TLetD4T, Jaa. 21.

Prf$ent.UoKCk9 Morgans, Eaq. President'Aid Orima Dod^x, Siurievent, Oakley, Coaproao, KellyHb.Ii». B..1 Im Millar, Shew. Cook. Bard, Briu m, Dei"aBMiar, frabklie, Concklin aod Dooiey.Tfcr osinule* of the last meeting were read aod approved.

petition*.By the fleelderit.Petlilon of James Hlrki, relative to

violation* of City Ordinance* at No 27 Cliff-st-Aid. Haw* moved that it he referrtd to the Corporation

Attorney, which wa» carried ._

By the aame. f.-uuon 01 Peter b. McOIvnn. !»*.*. v*'

said iota on Broadway, between27th aod 28th »ta ftnceotn.

Referred to the Committee on Street*.By Aid Doofey-Peüiton of John McDeraiott. to be paid

for work per ormed by him in 3d-av. botw*«n I Jth and 2Jdsis. Referred to thetoram ttee on AstMsmcnt*.Bv Aid Frsntlln-Petition of Dir»« Noll, for relief from

¦tin jm.'rrlT 5hSsa »venue b. from 13th to I7th St.

Referred to the Committeeo» As^ments.By Aid Delaaaarer.P«tinon of Tbo* N. Lawrence aod

ether* to in/bt u»e westerly side of 6h-av from «Ith to 3fh

st* with ci. Referred to the Coinmluee on Lamp* andOa*JJr Aid. SWrtevanl. Petition of Nehemlah Milier. tobe

annotated » Comim»«oner of Deeds. Referred to the Com-atiiice on Salartet and Office*ByAJd Onftn.Petition of Wright and Loeee to have

Pront-et from Broad *t to Whitehall it repaired, whereuponAid- Onffmpreeented the following resolution, vi/

Httolmtd Ths: the Commissioner if Repairs and Sup,<::>'*he directed to repair Pront-at from Broad tt to Whitehall tt

as soon as the wesioer will permit, which wu adopted.By Aid Griffin-Petition of Charle* E Birdsall to be ap¬

pointed n Commissioner of Deeds. Referred to Committeeen Saarirs and 'Mice*.By the President- Remon*tr*nce of J. S. West aura*est

confirming the assessment for raising the grade of 'Jih-ar.and 4M st Referred to Committee on Aa*e**inenis.By Aid. Smith.petition ol John Steven* to b" appointed

a Commissioner of Deeds. Referred to Committee on Si¬te nes nod Office*Aid Brluoo preeented the following resolution, vizAVsofeed, That the Controller give public notice in the

City paper* to all persons desirous of obtaining docks and.hp* acconunodailona of the Corporation for the entuingyear, thai appl cations for any of the public dock* aod slipswill be received at the Controller » Office until the 25th lostat 4 o'clock P M.

Aid. Kelly moved to amend by strkm/ out "2V and in¬serting in lien thereof -29." which wa* accepted. The reso¬

lution ts arrended was then adopted.Aid. on (tin presented the following resolution, which

was adopted, visKrmlttd, That the Controller be directed to report to this

Board at an early day the estimated /alue of the whvfandpier property belonging to this City, with the yearly re-

eetpt* and expense* in rebuilding and repairing the same,from Ute 1st day of May. im-V to the 1st day of Ian 18.51.Aid. Snnw presented the foliewing resolution which was

adopted, »1/Rrtotrrd, That the Co:in*el for the Corporation report to

ths* Board whether, ny the law establishing the Police De¬partment, a Policeman appointed to fill a vacancy occa¬sioned by resignation, ma'feasance, or removal from theWard, can hold bit office for four year*, or only for Ihe un-

expired leim of hit predecessor.Aid. Dodge presented the following Retolutloc, which

was adopted, viz:Rnoited, Thai the Counsel to the Corporation be requested

(If in bis opinion the Common Council have not now thepower) to apply to the Legls'ature so o amend the Act en¬titled " An Act for the Establishment and Regulation of thePolice oflhe City of New-York,'' passed May 13, 1816; sothat the Common Counsel shall have the power by an ordi¬nance to direct the place or places where money, good* orether property taken from persons charged with the com-bussmp of crime shall he deposited and sept, and also forthe final disposition of the same.

. a r posts.The Committee on Sewers presented a report in favor of

concurring wu* the Board of Assistant* in resolution andordinance for ihe construction of n sewer In Pulton-*L be¬tween Broadway and Oreenwleh sis..which wa* concur¬red In, on a division, viz Aflrmatirf.Aid. Griffin, Dodge,Blurtevani, Oakley. Chapmen, Kelly, the Pres'dent, A d.Smith, Bail, Haws, Mille». HUaw, Cook, Bard, Bniton. Dal-amater, Franklin, Corrtlm. Dooiey.19.The Commtoee on Sewers presented * report adverse to

the petition of Hugh MeCahe for extra compensation ior

blasting rock, and excavating 'or the construction of thesewer nullt in 27th it. between bth and 8th avenues.Aid Kelly moved to refer the same back to the Cmmu-

tee on Sewers.which we* lost on a division, viz Afirma-hrt. AW. Dodge, Oakley, Kelly. Ball. Bard. Brttloo.ti.AVeoftr**.Aid Orifhn. Chapman, the President. A'd. Smth.Haw*, Miller,Shaw. Delamater. Franklin. Conckl.o.Dooley.11.

Aid. Kelly moved to amend the recommendation of theCommittee by " s lowing Mr. McCtlie the turn of $1S0 forextra rock excavation made necessary in the constructionel **id sewer, ".which was lo*t on a division, viz AJlr-saaftes.Ald Oakley. Kelly. Ball, Bard. Brltton-V Iftyatnr.Aid On" n. Dodge, Chapman, the President, Aid.Smith, Haws, Miller, Shaw t'elamater, Frankl.ii, Concklin,Posta*.t*The question wu then taken on the report, and the same

wa* adopted and the papers ordered on hie.Aid. Concklin moved that the Board du no-.v ad |0uro.

which was csrrled; whereupon the President announcedthat the Boord stood adjourned until to morrow, 22d InsLat 5 o'clock, P. V D T VALKNTINE. Clerk.

Oppiciai. I Board of Annlntant Aldermen.STATED IBMIfin TllSHI. Jan. 21.

Prtunt.K A. Ai voKi), Ksq President, in theChair; Assistant Aid Moore. Hale, Malibatl, McCarthy,Boye*, Barr, J B We ih. .1 Wehl., Crane, Miller, Bmlta,Tteenao, Pearsell ^ands. Ward, Holster, Fly, Kdwards


By Assistant A'd. Crane.Of S I Ward, for a pier foottyf Huben si N R, To Committee on Wharves, AcBy same-(ir 11 \ Ciishuian, to have iliepii np removed,

and well filled up, N W corner of Hudson and AsMe-StTo Committee on Streets

at: roarOf Ihe Committee onlhePne Department. Hverse to

granting piayar of pstJtlna ol <Mr F Beejamla, andothers, lor a new Hydrant Company Vlopted

a > .oi riOMBy Aaaisiaiu a ,.i Boye*.That tan Controller eivepuis.

Sc neltce in Ihe cuy papers, Hnd also ny ausl ig -io'icm* tohe extensively p<»'ed in conspicuous place* in the vicinityef lb* pier* an* other pia-c*. to nil pnraoa* d«*liisti ot os>tataing Dork and Slip arc. mmisdtSMas oi lh* I ofpes*JSanfer the ensuinp f***\ thai applications for any of the pu i-

Me dorks and änpt will he received at lh* t attea i-r -

eSire until Saturday next, zah Ion at 4 o'clock, I'.M.AdoptedBy Afsl-iant Aid Flv.Tha the Cc*ASBUBjlSBMTf of Re¬

pairs and Supplies l>e d'recled lo nuns* thai positonoftaapavement In Rr.mdwiv between ihe northerly corner orha* ol Maldeii lane and .lohn-*t and the enter ol Broad.W*y to be grooved to the depth of ihree-<|tinriers of an inch,ana of the width of one aad a quarter inch, said groove to

be at light angles with iherurh-stones, and to l>e a* near as

possible six Inches apart, or from the J Unit between thoblocks of granite. Referred to 0**n*MS*SttS* of RepairsSad Supplies, to *e; estimate* of cost per running fool.By Assistant Aid Bolster.Thal tho Commissi «MI or Re¬

nalr* and Supplies, be requested to communicate to thttBoard ihe total amount, I' any, paid per diein for surveyingat connection with the Ruts pavement, or any sum or sumst* engineer* or superintendent of said work. A lopted

at eoa r

Of the Committee on Repalu »nd Supplie«. signifyingtheir opinion thai there is no present danger io passers- >y.f No 31 Dey-st. to re.mlre Ihe Ouinmm Council to linerfere, and asking tbal the subject n av be discontinued be-tnrelb*m Adopiet)The Board adjourned 10 Wednesday everdng al I o'clock.Prom the miaul** RICHARD SCOTT, Clerk.

Firi H ÜROTON..The dwelling-house of MrAsa Tsrbell of Susipuehanna Village, Groton, was

entirely consumed by fire about 2 0 clock, thisting. 8o rspid waa the conflagration, that thebera of the family barely escaped with their

lives. Mr. Tarbell, who was confined to his room

tty lameness, was nearly suffocated before ho wasrescued by his neighbors. Mr. Archibald, ticket-master for the Pit hbiirg Railroad at this stationaarrowly escaped, leaving the money and papersia the room, which were consumed Mr. Tarboll'sbarn ami shed were also burned to the ground.Nothing saved. Loss about 19.000.

. (Botton Tauet, last

M4RR1L1).St Tort«.as o» TiMM4ay. Jsa TUt, hy tkr Ks» r. J. Chau*. ai

itiHK U H«VII *.»!>, s.i N.w T i» tn Kl.lg* St>rBlA,ta>ul.'*raf lbs bta WasIs, But*. ..I th* .orossr plara.At Wsl'io»»«»». K J. units eU ia.t by th* Rs» \V,iv R B-./.r

**s. BBajAMK, s ATCH1UO M l> t.> K \ 11till J. AaSsrsoa. B.a

' «- t -r

At* It. Salrk S Hsmiltiai to Khutstk Laisa- I* ASfSAssm L Va* Hub Mt'(*r*t Laias

IS, IV Wat S T,«t.|>k,**tu I.*Ju>a H Ck«*l.\ Ctarla* H Hi « jsrs). HurahauiI«, l>aar ¦ O. ,. v,.,..

. it Jt**ek i "c*" t* J,n* !-*'*<It. Wa. a <U r. t tts.fsrsl T R>sts>U. Jv*s|ik WiSaj*. n U Mstisrst a' Ol.ssi

. IS, JatM* Oit>aat tu Hai« J

. It. Chart** A area* to Ass B Huloos,

. aOttatSBMj », tsrtasn to Mar« W.U.

. S CasrfcM Certain l*> »r* Mstoslt

. A Cats* A Or* ui Haoua* .tiarts.aat

. I». Juks W. ;*»>*.*« to Mar, t ssp us

IS. Jul at ¦Stasis to Asrtia's B*IiaI» Jet a W ts». ssos I t lisjiofs *. 3:*o'.so*

St "**.«*. Out. a B 1>* Russs« DI th, Helsa A. Maz«*ll

DIED.?iL? "2TfV .'J**** *XK '"»«-«r «.»^..«vf tk*t,ra.n.HK>KIBTT» SlIKikl, «.-4 1 )»ar a»J v ».. b.. raaaswl ltl.M .fI aissi S as* M*si«Mta P. AI*»»Ts* h ssJ. a| us* 'amilj ar* >a««tasi to aitsnj tb* hiasra' tb t

(Witssiia> > »I »i «».». at Ia^stsa*, (rasa*n| t.-saiM '^^jc*a atoesat St* sou ..*t JO*H RKVJOLSOR, art M reaitM* fri**»)i>,a»* Ib.«* 11 tat sstur Mrs. km > B*« *, aj* Ms*. *tl

to SMSSd t.« o<a*ral at tF* b'-us* <>! U* a-t»r VI Th -4. -t or Uu*( *'*is«ii isflersi^a. st t oVIaet WiOhmiI turtlssr la'iU'mn.Oa T«ssds>, tut Jaa IMI.tlU», sr, s< 'TisiSJIi*

TowttssaS, sjs» (!. ,ssi. abJ ll a^.uik..****'** ¦*.* F»*S» »r* rerpisstsj t > sttaa J th* lurssral oa WsJ

.**>i*. «V* inst at a o'rtnr* le.m tb* ess^oer* ol Pstar B-.r*. «>isWastavst Wü»au*s>kur|b Th* SStSS as sr-il 0* tslsn to Bast Chat rK stlorssMt11 Mus*«, a..* J ratt* .1st n.t WALTSR L. CSitt'MRI), is

tk**7<h >s*r of I m tf%AI Tsrrju-n Ja« *» h. PMEBB HOLMBS, a tb* SStk y*»vr ol

Ism ag*.(TV* Itttl ill »*st rrsstvet ef Uts faat.rf ar* itf.tssl I* attatsl tb*

'^T*^4, Vl" «*. et«»*»'*» ».' k*t srutaskr. * a H. lrts**, n* W*sas***rj» at, tt it ...» » a

0*** ty. 1 J passtr. F-ksss. c*vj¦OW IJSa

' .J* *U ¦.». . "wtrwiss .«*.Mr*.JAR14 LOCI3*

l9fJ****** »f* l*sy»» tlully i*» tad to «tl«s, -

»f s*r tl.»ma hm. Mr \V H Ool l.-I,"" ^xtr

Mm Ustat* aaSacrjiiajtaai-**. s^s«^^ , -

»t IsfeM^y ..4 l>».-l C H.l.rU. J*» _NftTSSffpIrtasst.^P*bat feivaral oa WsSassfey ¦sraisa; sat last To 7

' h'kit* re****.* ««v t Park p1***. ar.iaoul urtaa, ,,,,, I.BW rb.rlssl.<s |>sp«r. pksas* cosy.


.a M.»*ay Jaa *', MARIA, am* *t Odbt ' ^- J"T»*r>iM**«i lb* ar* e****-Uully ..« i^T*^. ... .

BSSSjen *Vs^s*ssJ.y.t.s^re^.*S4 ,o.t at J * \.to ,b. VesZt-, I...".-»¦ * ' '.. "

OaSi»*»y »».»-»#. J»a 1». NAIHaN SMITH, of Us* Srnt«.ass th 5tr*;ieo St.. st»J ft yaara

BTi ^» retsfrr** tad 'r . ee n( th* ^n-.ty are nvitsxi te s*t*?d b-« faSwtloaWW.Ss4ays4ft. avi i**t at 1 o i <.>«.-*, f M Insm >>« btt*ejsiJ«»«», lit F.rst ». ecu* aj v


Dale* mt the Hteest Kxrltaaae .-.Jtn 21

»1 V 0 < oupons, '62.11* 50 Canton Co.F7le.+foc+iooe.'s*.I!**1'*!<«0OMo6s, W».«>» 1"° eo.10WVooonto 7«.¦ ...m m do.k*

fc. < |r d »-» < »n»l pM «A SO do.Sefsoon Kri* »*. '59.1«6 M do.1*tm Erl* Income.9s>4 1<» So

a oeo do. 99ji|0O do.841(Mm Hud'n 2d Mtg Bdt .«} 50 Phenit Bk.1<*4Too Erie 7», 68.ll<4 2fi Del ti Hud eerlp. I«¦ I'm Dn-Dock. Ill SOErfattable Ins.107

320 do. nil 20 Broadway Ins.105Ml do. Ill 5oNATrust. 14l<o do. I i\\2> 0 Partners IV' Illinois Kiate Bk. 1143** do.50 do. 12 lion do.50 do.124/300 dc600 Morn* Canal.231'400 do.7050 do.2311100 do.hlO 70

500 do.b3*33l 100 do.blO 70150 do.MWllM do.*ser'500 do.2J4 650 Erie RR.


-irsLoen....slO fiijJo.691to.blO 6*Jlo.6"4

15<i Norwich...SO do.691V) Madison and Ind.... 1011

».(¦ Long 241,200 do.241500 do.»12 moa 2330 do. 241300 Reeding.72-450 do.72:560 do.72340 do.724CAS. J_. -

»50 Harlem RR.72}100 do.1.10 72i200 do.721200 do.7.(50 f-tr>0in«Tlor. RR...... 52

100 do.*30 ¦150 do.»90 52350 do.521

.or do.b30 T2J| 50 do.M0 52|IBC0HD tOaRD.

So Canton Co.*J" I3*0 do.811250 Morns Canal.2350 do.s8022|SO do.221

#1,000 Hud RJr 2d Mr:. 9922,«0 Erie Incomes .... 9»14 BkofAmer.1141"' Farmers' Loan.61'{2fo Long Island KR.bvi 241P0 do.100 do.b60ion Ports Dry Dock.ISO do.100 Nor* WotRR.6»ISO do.69.1 50 Erle RR.9)150 Canton Co.84| 50 do.9111M do.bI084i'l"(t Stonington RR...b!0 52J

M MB aa Bank.131211 100 do.b60 131111 25 do.131111 22 Hudson K RR.86169| 150 Harlem RK.721

Ti'k'fsT. Jsn. 21.P. M.

Thero has been a fluctuating market to day for

Stocks, but at the close the tendency was ratherupward, and prices were in some cases betterthan in tbe morning. Canton is still the farorite(and went to &7, having been #1 yesterday after¬

noon, but the 8econd Board it closed at Mf, Forthe privilege of taking 500 shares at 100 in thirtydajs, $500 was paid. Norwich was heavy at theFirst Board, but improved to yesterday's closingprice at the Second Board. Madison and Indian¬

apolis was firm. The receipts of this Road for thefirst two weeks In January are:

I8M. 1851«Week ending lenuarv #J.nuiWeek ending January If. 4,221 7,500

Total.-.3X72! #14.500Excess in two weeks. #-5.779This is an enormous gain, when it is consideredthat, under the earnings of 1-50, the Road paid 10

4* cent dividends. Mohawk was firm, and 9»Jwas bid, dividend off. The application to the Le¬

gislature (see proceedings of yesterday) for au¬

thority to issue #300,000 of Bonds, is not madewith the intention of creating a new debt. TheBonds will be used in payings portion (#-250,000)of the present bonded debt, due aad coming due,and #50,000 to lay eight miles of double track,which is needed by tbe rapidly increasing busi-ness of the Rosd. This issue, when made, onlyincreases the debt of the Company #50,000, whichis nearly offset by tb« Surplus Fund, which is nowover #16,000. There was considerable animation

in Edgeworth Land Company between theBoards, and sales were made at 10, an improvementof 1 cent. Morris is sustained with diffi¬culty, and although it opened at 23J, it fell off un¬der considerable transactions to M|. Eric was

rather weak, and closed at ö'.'J, but was scarce at

the close. The market for Long Island was hea¬

vy, and fell off to 23;, but there is no decrease inthe fsith of those who are buying up this Stock.There is a movement in Illinois State Hank, andthe market has advanced from 11 to 13} to-day.Portsmouth was also very active to day, and soldat the Second Board at 11}, showing an improve¬ment of a {' cent. The sales were quite large.Hudson River advanced { V cent Stonington isfluctuating, and sells at large differences, accord,ing to the option. Thus a sale was made at N|<bujer sixty, and another at ##, seller six months.There are two parties in this Stock endeavoringto circumvent each other. Indiana Canal Pre¬ferred 5s sold at IS, an advance of 1 ty cent, andSpecial Preferred 5s at 26". The market for Go¬vernment and State Stocks was steady, but not

very active. Bank and Insurance Stocks are verylirm. Rochester and 3>racuse sold at ll^J, dividead otl, showing a lirm market. Reading was

firm at the First Board, but rather heavy after¬ward. Harlem and Farmers' were also heavyOhio and Pennsylvania Bonds sold at 941g, show,jng a further advance. They are now held at 'J7.

The sale of the Mad River and Lake Erie Bondswent off well. The whole lot was sold, rangingfrom 9-2J to 90j, closing at Plf< The sales sincehave keen at 92 J. The sale was as folbws:#10,000 at '.j 4» cent netting. #9,250 00

1,01m at 92. »2o Od61.000 at 911. S5£«7Atl25,000 at 911. J2,e75 0012,00h at 911. 10,9h» ist20,000 al 9iJ. I8.22Ö 00

241.000 at 91. HMMJ no216,000 at 901. 133.333 00214,100 at 9P|. ... 13*1.670 00

tWO.Ot'O.#727,487 =S»

The Exchange market has been active, and thesupply has nearly all been sold. There has beenno change in rates. Sterling is 10 d> 10j, mostly10]. Francs 5 10 45 8). Continental bills are

scarce and firm.In Freights there has been but a small busi¬

ness. An engagement of 15,000 bush Corn was

made at 3d, some Cotton at Jd and Dead Weightat 12s .*..-.«

Tbe transition from comparative inactivity to

activity in the Dry Goods market is going for¬ward, but not at the quick pace which traders de¬sire. Tbe firmness with which stocks are hell it¬self checks early transactions, but, in the c inci¬dence thst fu'1 #r advanced prices must be eon

ceded, there is no desire to press sales. B'ea< liedand unbleached Shirtings and Sheetings are inmoderate request at lull prices. Drills have beenactive, and jobbers have liberally purchased..Prices are steady at the high quotations that havefor some time been making. The demand forOsnaburgs is good, but the supply is limited,

though prices are high and firm. Consumers are

not, however, generally willing to pay current

rates, and still resort to foreign kinds, which are

lower. Denims are iu limited request at the ad¬vanced prices asking. Stripes are quiet at fullprices. Ticks are active, and have been in con¬

siderable demand for California. Trices are stea¬

dy. Printing Cloths are not of quick sale, butholdere are lirm, and the recent advance must befully conceded shortly, to secure supplies. Printsare not in great demand, though fair sales are

making, extending to neighboring cities. Pricesare tirm. Cbambrajs are in moderate request fortbe clothing trade. Ginghams are steady, and infair demand for the early season. Lawns are

quiet, in view of the public sale which wü. takeplsce next week The sales are coo lined to for¬eign descriptions All kinds are firm, and the saleis looked forward to with considerable interest-Cotton Pantaloonery is moderately active, andprices very firm. Muslin de Leinas show more

activity. The Spring demand is commencing a:

good prices. The supply is very fair for the ear.

tj season. There is rather less doing in Clothsthan a week ago, but colored goods are in de.maud, and command full prices. Holders are

tirm, and tbe market is steadily working up..Jeans are active and firm. Tweeds are in re¬

quest by clothiers, and steady. Cashmerettessell more readily at full prices Satinets are ac

tive at the recent improvement in price, and are

tending to a further rise. 8heep s Greys are ad¬vancing. Caasimeres show increasing firmness.

Plain itylea are most in demand. Flannels are

quiet, but dull. British Woolens, as well as Ger¬

man and French Drap d Ete, continue in good re¬

quest. The lighter descriptions of Cloths, suita¬ble for clothing for Southern Summer weir, are in

demand, and sell readily, both of low and 6ner

qualities. French Goods are in growing requestat full prices, principally in reference to Southernwaxts. The importations are increasing. TneFranklin has brought a large cargo of French andGerman Goods, valued very high, bit are mostlyto special order on native account, both in thisand neighboring cities.many large parcels beingdestined for Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore.The bulk cor sists of Silk Goods of Paris and Ly¬ons fabric, the'demand for which is on the increase, in spite of higher prices. The Asia, also,has brought a large auppiy of these Goods, a p >r

tion only of which is for stock in first hands, whilea large portion will immediately pass into secondhsnds for general stocks.The news from California is considered favora

ble in the street, and the influx of a million and a

halfmore ofgold into Wall st. cannot be without its

effect. This continued accession of the preciousmetal gives every one confidence in the contin¬uance ot the present ease in the money market.The Alta-Caltforniau gives the annexed state'ment of the business ofthat port

SXroSTS 0» i.OLIi DL5T

September 1 to November 11,1-43.$2.094,120November 12, 1849. to December U 1850.mlßmßm

Tola; cleared at Cistern House.$3l.06c,l >5roan >.., arbivei,.

American. Foreign. Total.Nov. 12. 1849. to March 31, 1330.. .24.252 51.237 73,54?April 1 to June SB. 1850.2<U!33 45,868 . 74-56!Julv toSepl.JO,1850.30,029 51.349 81,373

From December 1 to 13, ia30.Aii.'n. Vess. Is. Foreign do Passengers

Arrived.31 2462?Cleared. M 19 1415

Dities received m November.$174,630 ;irjsjettTS,

Nov. 12. ISA :o March American. Foreign. Total.J1.1830.#08.917 40 #1.379.447 75 #1.4B.3<i5 U

A;rilltoJune30.1«50 . 343,976 70 934.961 35 l,27i. in S3July 1 loSept. 30,1350. J94.381 M 1.037,555 35 1,431,934 35

Total.#797,275 m laytaijatt 15 $1.149.237 .».,

Operations have commenced on the first railroad in Texas. It is to connect the Rio GranJewiih the town of Harrisburg, a few miles helotHouston, on the Buffalo Bajou. The work hasbeen commenced under the direction of GeneralSherman, and from what we cau learn, it is likelyto be one of the most useful as well as profit¬able roads in the country.The earnings on the Michigan Central Railroad

for December are, #35,101 nit. against t3$,7#9 20,December, 18411, showing a slight decline.The Georgia Railroad receipts for December

are, |7\8M 4? against t#l,t89 >2 iu December--4". Increase, |13L$#8 7$.The aggregate importations of Silver, Gold,

Gold Dust, Ac. into Southampton for the yearIM, tre as nearly as possible as follows ,

By the Royal Mall Steamers fromCalifornia, the Pacific, Gulf ofMexico. Centra! America and the Value.West-Indie.#24,962,273 or £4,956,319

Bv ihe Peninsular Steamers fromAlexandria,iie. 363,666 72,732

By ihe Peninsular Steamers fromConstsntinople,ke. 2.356.16S 4M,175

By ihe Peninsular Steamers fromüibralier, Portugal,Ac. 1,000,000 200.000

Total. $28,7ipM or t5,7oj,2idThe grand total of importations in 1-19, reach¬

ed the cnonnrraa mm of #33.943,2? 5, or £6,188,-$88 sterling thus showing when ormtraated withthe above, that the receipts in 1850 have de 'linedto no less an extent than $5,141,177 or .£1,083,439sterling.While the recepts have so largely declined,

the exports have undergone considerable aug¬mentation ; they are estimated as followa for theyeartu India. Fgypt, ard Meduerra- Vai.ce.

nean.$5,Ofs\oeo or tl,00",'»s'To the West Indies, «c. 1,235,000 .. 265,000To Spain, Portugal, k Gibraltar l,*s>,ono pan, aa

Total.«7,n5,i>oo .. x 1.565,000The shove statement, taken from an Engliab

paper, shows that the amount of specie importedinto England declined 5 millions of dollars, as

compared with 1*49, while the exports have in¬creasedThe Message of Governor French of Illinois

gives the following statement of the debt of theStste on the 1st of January, 18511Principal debt funded under act of 1817.#5.590,'6.5 36I Merest on ssme to same dale. I.02B 27S inArreared interest funded. LIst.MO 27L'urunden Ini Impt. bonds.#180,00" isiOther kinds ofIndebtedness. 144.680 irfiInlrresi (,n lsst two amounts. 173 281 inWiggins loan, principal andIr.terest 112000 ooLiquidation bonds. 150,000 oo

- 739,941 40

% $9 116,270 21From whl-h deduct

Interest psid from millspd half tax.#273,154 tjSurrer.der'd hy MacslistertVStebblns 101.379Sale of Uulnry House. 21.7010(1Purchased for school fund. 45.680 90From sal* of N C Rstlroad. 1 800 to

AI'onaLd Mt Carmel R R. 300 oo.. Alton and Sangamon R R.. 2 000 00

Reed by auditors on sale ollsads.Ac. 93,269 .7Interest. 17,323 19

- 561.788 73

$3,7H4,431 UThe t anal Debt on the 1st uf January, 1351, msy \>o slat, d

ss loliows, to .MlCanal Debt, exclusive of $1.600,000 loaa.#7,1179,117 06Balescedue on (anal loan uf #i,eoo,i)00. l,W3,0u0 on

. . ,#8,112.117 (8

From which deductInurettpaii from mill and half tax.#255.813 51Botds and scrip redeemed and Int. 13,270 14

-;. 289,088 #8

.Total.$7A«,028 39

Aggregate amount of State Debt.#16,627,509 M

Market*....C.aEiuiLv Rck>btedroaTas Taisvns.Ti tsDav, January 21.

ASHES.The market is firm for Pots, with a fair deSSSSSd at 3 75. Pea/i, are steady at 5 621 Sales of 80 bbls(OTTiiN-Is less active and rather heavy. There la

leas dispoaiiion to buy and more to seil. The sales of tnudsy are IM hale* at ihe following ituotationa

OthsrOaa*Atlanta Pr.rU. f v, .1, puru.

Inferior.none. none. none.l':d;t.ary low to good....1210.131 121^131_Middling low to good.... 13j<tl3S 131914 131*141Middling fair to fair.14 (S14{-lll*l>irui.y fair io good fair_141a;. _I5*d>.'Good tofine.tone none, none"LI)I I AND MEA1.There is n.jre J ing in Western

and Stale Flour for the East and City trade, and there iss better fee ing apparent. There la but little inquiry forexport but ho.uera are firm. The low gradee are scarceaid in drmand. The better grades areVld rather hiirherand aie tn better Ca is- without, sa SS of »>u bids at about 4 87*: the <aiee of lh>saeanc reach 4.500 bb s st 4 44« 4 6.4, for No. 2 sup-rrine;4 75(14 871 tor common and atrail Slate; 4 *7«>#i forMirllgar, and Indaba, 50895121 for pu-e iteneaee2593 M for fancv Ohio and rienesee; J WH18 7 f * es>

oa Oblo and 575u<iti.j f«-r extra Genes*,'. Southern isu.ure active and but litne c»u be had at ou, ...-.i«sties of IAOS bbls at $A9Al»f for mixed to -ood strait

JJvA *r'd 5 * ' 62i r"r Fa"r-V : Included iu ibe sales areoH' bbls (.allgoacd Haxall ai about 6«2*; Rye Fkeir issrsree; sali s uf ISS bbls I'eLnsvlvanta at 3 «7i; Corn MealttZirwTmT u M S 3 swasst Ias SxsUKA IN .There, is more ii .,uiry for Wheat, bin prices

are ijuite b. mine! There is a letter demand for the EastIns> sales are ö.it.i ssjatjsss Prasse Wall* Michgenatl 121Witt time audin* laicfest,Bad +4.1 bush a»ix-d Lon» Islandat 116 Caiadun 1» firm i«it iaeetilsel 1 »7»i; 121 There¦-no Boiubeir. oiV, aj^syd price, are n . m'nai Rye ispore sales of 2.0110 bush on terms riot saaja publ'e,

. .". Bar ey is in r.tersupply; tales

msiAiil' ''.*"*""' 1 L»""1»»!. ran ai9u and the,C<JJÜS easpHsnty,aad htheM

A lot of 1.700 nush L-n^ Is s m ^'h e

~.' ,t'vrr.' r\: ""doaveaeei i,-tt wm-a Oat*are steady at i-.t :. r Northern sr.d t7 u 4. w JrrsevPK(»\ ISIONB-There|.rether more Sr^"siT^rk

WV?t S; Ui*"J fi r "S» T"« sales are sst brda at 12V T-'** »"d ' ** fi" trim*-. '»>fr c-w

andloforC.e., n . ., s , ,7 .5 for Sour Pi line. Besg is hi fa r de-nand ; sales of 100

- a ;. sa,.. % -

Me.. 1, 13 brllr; ...,..., .- *.,.,rfood W eaters pickled Meats .re sc.r-e iuu>-» of 1 jo tcsss^ar itreu Hams iu arnve at 8»e Cut Mr.n.n>tn n.

guest. ssles o' t,»SS Oeresee Ha/f-san-i Shoude^rlTt S andI crbls. l»8perii»eiT T^rd la hmnaaali mmiml r ill,Vki ,

üc for Prime oid. arid ', d.f f,,f' J. * '". **

>4>krga prime o.d at ¦,/ lr H <i»r 1« m4 new a so,

lllclor Daae and rjinm.jn B'eie' I2*ist f 'wüairws. and I»t3r fo' unnn rif^ ,


WHISKY-Tie Sita a si 11 aaAse,. I r leraev. ami *>t- PrSTmSnSll*«SFEDf-A sale si BSS bhla old Ohio ri ~


ed on private terms Tinioih. .h.,i riWM r*r*>ri

and la :n demand at I H*jlaVsw. al remains scarce,

marke, is stewiv. AS.ut M lu4 ^ «l^ P.',. ?hands at |3r»A, 6 asee! 1 Oaveehaogeda-w'^'riMV .'" ;"ri'1OILt^LinseedisunseiW.andisonotadfr se as.

to arrive, and f6 to "Or on the um aC_-r,«°2 .

gailona English ard Amertcaii Saw b^!.!*?.^prtree A sale of303 eels Crude tmum wlu>m tnwEast at I J*. Whale is rather hnneriand s t Sbbls sold there at siSsiv r..» «

some Jen or 4^»'

Orrnoroi. The for-r-er «re hwM at 14 t 4 I Th- t**ttale*of nrtme Boer..* Ayres were it " --- . A -'

Kip* soM 13* IT*. «t * m,>-- -"" f'1-"'»T'« " H«'"-

more KirthtsrcBrket Mile .# they rui; BSI irrven stlted

f^TMr^biel 5*7 Tex*, dried ai I;.t. 9f» ¦«*l**V -«15,; y*»C*nh**roM 1*4. *> "to*, are! fKJ do lit, rnerene.l-¦ h-e. tin f>rent t .» for r*»h.NAVAL NTORES.Are not *etive;*oA hhliij-mmon

Wilmington Resin -"Id *i I *\ de'irererl. ¦JM V* do mm

Re«1n al 2 VfTtM T*r of fine qualify » «-**'<.* "d wernerl.t .2. Roogti Torpentine ¦ steer y at 2 »7,. *uh *%te* ofBM Ma. and Spirit-are dull et «A.WOOL.I* in good P*«¦«.*¦ with mcreaaln.: ta-ea of

Pulled; d.fW IT No. 1 and survarnneTsoM at «e. *»?»*£¦»:| extra super at 41 <MeV: *nd d.«»» do No. I *»

Some large parrel* of foreign have changes! hinds from

.n p«.rterstod. «,er. ot, t'l "ale l-rui* DonesllC r '.*..<*«

a-r. re-thirc daily in prlre* >>.nf«. fft a..'I *t 42*W cl*.

Tli-re is no Weal BBwft* fV. *nd liule at thatTOUACCO- I. ra'her -finer Letters fro- \ .re -na have

been received*. - a. ni retnyed emanJ. tyi.1 tam-vsneeofle ¦ n Sil Leaf There kj not much Maf '"^day.hat a limited demard ha» nrevti'i-,1 for Keniuckvai Be KM

common and l'i<i :-jr for medium. Sale* of Z<n nh la in

the laat three dava.LEATHER!" ir. D isle-ate request, and sunk 1« gradu¬

ally decreasing, while prices are a* grsdut-ly ttreug.heu.In». Llgn« weights prime duality are very scarce. The

receipt* by rallri>a<l are good for lhesetv»oti. and are re winytaker up. a* n. lea:r*t,le parcel* roine forwarl.HEMP- I» lu ¦aehrnaj irmsnJ for *m*il lot*; v b*i*i

American D»» -rotted »old at 1 1". and IVi d > St. Domin.">or, private term*. There it a fair inquiry for Sisal U v.

ard Manilla at He, n retail quenliile*.BFESWAX.Small *alea are making at :id"-ltcGENSIN''. Ir MtWTc, with firm demsiid.

!«.ew-York t urtle 'l-run.Jan. 21I Reported for The Tri)>une |

(At the Washington Drove Yard. Korty-fourih-*L andFourth-avenue, and at Hudson River Bull s Head, fool ofRoh;n*on-»L for Beeves. For Cows, Calve*. Sheesp sodLamhs. at Browning's. Stxth-iL near Thlrd-av; and ai

Chamberlain's, foot of Robinson-st |Offeree1.1.4 a1 Beeves. ,>0 Southern, the remainder thi*

State.i 85 Cows and Calves, and .,7V Sheep and Lam 1m.

Paict s.r.TC .The demand for Beeves duriug ihe weekha* bee* rather slack, owing to the firmness of holders.Gcod retai.'in*- qualities *re selling at from *.> SBfl percwl But few are made over or under these figure*.32o left over. .

Cows and at fromf-Cn. *2>, $«K M kB *»..a* in quality. All sold.BjUKPARD LAMii*-Plenty. Sale* at from fXS*PnfJ

13 JR. which is a iracüon higher 900 left over.

Pasvnrncern Arrives!¦ -., m$mtJr*m Rmmi*lt-G»oTlHrmrort. Jan».St*w*rt,

I n iVsASM 0 -> Johsii, psrt of ths crsw of the brg Lesn tsr,* ir, l»U at

Bl jrstlrfr^lr fi*-"*~ J****" *~*-*"'.* of Oer^atitiABj ir-n'^n .>* Franc* Sir St n*

in a»s» flws**_0*ei CW ne-J tstry, P Kys, A DCoaa.RobtOtW*aasInAip <~i.r* .Inn fr. m Kialar;-Ctpt B*Bj Atwell. D Ho,-is,A H.< in». Miu M Loti- it


_'^IAT''Ri AtslirlAC.THIS PAT 1 It S*ls._mm * I ¦.»..Riww.. 11 I4_H1SU WATIR.JAN il

Siv>* <>t... 0 Oa An* lalan*_no m>a Bsli Uai*... 0 tr>s



Clenresl.«r» r >\ f-, L Trrpon', P K C<.".c*. 1 roos Jss, OmbBBj

« no»; K»en*t)».-. **j trour,* BUubsttan. Ptwoodv. 1...«rpool. C H Marshall A Co; A*»r:

BM Cotg ss* W.llaois. Loaooo. Oninsli, MuH iro A Co; Co'u lib*,Oroa b),Cbtrbatcn, T Waidle.Btrk.Norurr brgs, Baittr. St Marks, Ac, J H Blower A Coi AM y

Land,. (Br) Han lay, S.»st nab; Jam** Hall White Jackson'ill*.Br*a C. nstitutaua (Br) Wils, n, MusquashS.hs C H Hals, OAs,. Port au Pr,n<* P D NarHy * Osj Molt B»-

d.lL Wick, Norton i Rarrconia. Mak,a*y. ISssy Bs,. J \V II«. Au-lut a, Kren*. N»w He-t'ord; Oraaon, Sqnirss, Bsluruor*; Julia M Hallo<k.?miib W Citiisn, Dsyton, Wsntiisin; W l'srd, Dayton, Prjvidsncs;

Blsikatoos Ai>l«sy, do.

Arrived.'..«... Prorrsthsas. Car,' E L !..'»;« f from San Juan lad

Cb*f r*s. s44 puxi.|«n, Ui II B AU**,Stssaar llisiskte, Wiudls, Cassjr*», 4tk isjntj vi« K.iigston,

Jamnra. -pi, a A,, la H ,wl*nd A Asp.nwalLPhi set step oa,l,s, Hn-hardtoo. Harra, Nor 30, rsds* aad 114 pas-

Mofsrs. Ui VV Wh,ll et, J'.braun, slop Rsbaci*. IvMnkan, Rot'crdsin. 40,1«, mdssto Schmidt

A Hakt sb. Ths R has bad la* arsathsr lA** pss**c*Ship Flonda, (ol fa,rl:»rrn; Rob-nroo, Ch.ochau lslsoda, sn,i »I da

fm CaUae, RWtat* g'uno, le Edwin Bart'stLPrussian >li<p Rh*in,M*y*r. to da, R"t*rdam, mdt* .-I ;..«««

lo M*->*r A St > Jan let, -i.». - -i a hetry r/s s from th*SI. aod ttiiltad to "W, store bilea k. ttslstd away all U,e lis'i.s*on dm k. ep::t rsi't and rrrsired o'btr Jamtf*Bti.p aVaas, sis**). Hsrassri. SB S*. m. a* sod _> p*sasxur*rs. u>

Ah't'tdt A Ras h*a. Hta *ip*ri*oied heavy file* on tb* pa«.o;s,lost sa,Is AcBi Ba k Entry, MiLaao. Liverpool, 77 da. and Faytl. .tr> ds. mda*

trd ;f3 pt»s»r,jsrs to I>an,*l Pilt.afton A Co Tb* I BMB up fromla'*. «*>. Ion _f W for Payal fur w«r*r The E hat txpsritncedsrsst*r>y fslsa on th* pssssf-*. >n«t spars, split tails and rece dedotbsr dsn a,s. Had is daatt.ah} sh.p lever tod small pox on the pas¬tas*, and hsa ah) .tftO w «r atsl 'ha asm*S_SJS_

Brig Brairtjwme, si Pbilsdelphia. Corrsu t. I'strtsaad GibralUr,D>< a, rurraou, to llutilh A Co. 14th mat, 1st Ift 47, Ion Ü7 3., pas*.d th* erti k o' * l*re» «*»s»l ws'sr inggwd. til hsr tptra rarr.sdsway, it bciug daik and blowing; s gal*, aad a h**ry .** runoir>g d,dsot board LerKr g Lauretta. Crgg aa. Mjlt.rt, 31 at, fm St M. tiaelt. ( VV**t*r.i

lalsr-ss) in a'ls.t, to J H th, v A CoBug Swsi.,P »rr* B*rmii la Pth Jsa, m'fis ti NssTith A SuntSth A SianaVrr M Pish. Warenaio. 7 ds, nails, t Sprsgus R ,o,re

t*D A CoSi h Z lief», Ctnw ,PrtiAfort, Ms, 33 Jajt. uubsr to Pto.ui«

Ksilrosd Co.Si h Coral Slap »a, 1 homaaton, M la. Iiint to mta'tsr.S. b Or audsr, Baroum, Cs.t.iis, 30 ds, lisfa tnJ mat-k*r*l, to I'.rt .

A DersnoSi h Rirhmntd, Bevsru'ge,Thntnatton,3t Jt. I.ins to muVr.S, h Clm, W irdls, Cast.n*, 33ds, hiTbsr m Pantmt Rtdroad Co.

4th rot a'roumt on Nant'i, tsl Shasl« w«a nmp-l'»d to thr >*

o>si-..*rd a ? it lr,illl It of ber cargo aid *ip*n* fl vi m order Bjget hsr IT R*mtio*d m thst a,tu*l,on a boura

S, b LtaSJt Hrsree, CttaB**. Philadelphia 3 .1.. I «IS- h atslri s*, M'Hire, Msi h'aspoit, 30 d«, himier to Simpson, M it

bew A Co. loth mat th* yawl boat «u washed [mm th* da-ili ,n ahrsv, fo'l f tea alter ¦ « illiss-t gel*.Pd Vt lata B B.ird.S'iibba. Pln'adelph» i Ja, nra. to A BefreitS'rv a P,-»> on, B'>d#nberg, Prov, lern eS a li b l>.»bi|,s Msnhatttn, Peab Ir. L,re-pool; Ameriras Coa

grs.a. W,|.,«rsia, I^ ikI. ii. hsrts Ans wWast, W.S/.Sea r r. Ssraoaah Crewel), ab, W H Un d e. Crarr. Mobil»; Ann Ken.iy.( Br; Haw a. St Johot. NB, Arial, Br) Cary, Afma, Freder. k.(Brem) l> i ii k Fsyagxtea, PRBCIsOW.I harks and 1 brig.W l«D~>W tad bsM

-*>.Ity Teletjniph.

BOSTON Jan Jl .Arr bngs Ctrolifsa, Meanna, Pe Ith. Ch.rop»*,Ph. teskjBsslsekt Winlietl Baatt, langisr; S P A-hrnesd, Wil n a.t n,Del Piospevt, Jtrbeoo.iile, Mshigta. Helia't fur ris.antCat tkiptCari , N*w Orleana. bark Pn.sp*. t Carden*., hr gs Hay-

war*, t urtr-o; Prer.rie Jane. Porto Rhoi Wr,. I BttAtBst*Qat***'»l( Btaj »r-ha Plor**, A u Cayw; Martha Washmgton,Jsrea,Na. Cbarm, Ks hmondMAI'HIASPORT, Jan Id.Arr brig Nor'h Amavs-a. New forkNPWHl'RTPORT. Jan»-Arr». h0eiiiU.II*w Tort.PROV1IIKNCE. Jan .l-An tlo.p PomUr. Powlar. Nsw Tork.»W hr,f Wilii** P VV«lk*T, Edgfomb, Mataox*-, tchr Ms.l, Cr*

wall. PbilsdslphisW Ii k Ft.-Kr». Jan 11-SU troop Traveller, Aiwa. Nsw TorkSTONINOTON. Jan If.An tu, Meeserols, Cooal.o, V,rg,n.«.

Iloop Speaker, W'ilroi, Haw.TorkM If 'TIC. Jtn lu-trrahip Kemuhis Hill, from It W Coast v,«

Sai.dwui, Islstidt, wah 1. * n nole wh, Iio epra oil; thipped kfflnr69.0110 lb< bots.BRISTOL. Jsa tl-SM r g« Patiiot. Gag*, aad Hy MarshslL

W**t. Havtna.HOLMES'HOLE, Jan 17.Arrhart Zidna, Derrtrar*. Ifb, fl

naire. |- Der. lor Boston. Leit a* triers. .., veeeele at eitherf a. a Pe*e*d Roriairs , ,,r , -i.'.e- fei .V »ton, NC, lorCararco Jan 3d, 1st 23 J*. loo 7040. spots sehr J E Beat, New forkfor Port tu Pnr re; 9th, Ist TJ fte, lea 7; 40, took* Kb At-arado. Bowton fi r Oeorreti wn, SC.Sebs Fanny Milrh*ll Cardenae, Jaa 3d, for Frank'ort; Taran n

Fred* Kk.l irg for Beeton.Arr l*th, briga Elh*. R.cnav.0» for Bo*ton, Franklin, Norfolk for

Patt'anS; ttht Etwtid Er*r»tt, do for do; Metropolis do for Boston;Joseph Baker, Baltimore lor Hangor. Purtuo* New Tort for Thorn**loaArr tOth. b»rk« Lowell. Boetoo 'or BeInranre; Larocoa, dn for Phil.

Sdstobsv sent J Coolty A Co, do for Hew Tort. VVsJcoU, New.Torkf< r h, eton

In ViaeyarJ S*und. Itf bark Girard, Man* I1*i, Nov jr>, for Bea¬ton.NORFOLK. Jaal»~Tb* L S stsas-r Straaac.sstill h*r», but at

.ipaxted that the will ttul to morrow, far th* Weet I*das*.Bo dey hst aa t*t bean tppnml»! for th* tadi»g of the John Adamua.The Kr tt f I sdy ol 'he Weet. from Newport, (Walee) lor C',t»

Point treat up Jtn.. Rjrer to dty.Th*Br bark Newton, wbnh arr red hsr* yesterday in M da'm tt

T'iOBiSt.r»; -rtt that tht thip Hao.,«er waa to sail n«it day for NTorkTh* srh Mary Jta* wbirh a'nrerl here i ettarday fr-m New Tork,

report* ha« ,rg passes on Tuatrfty hiat, cfT Phwn'i Island, aM rgg«ebug suat about» atila* from lend. S*r topsail* out, apparently hadbeer there bet a thorl urn*.Th* its irrer A rear, x ftosa Plii_elph.a for M.bils. pat .ato 0n*

portto dsy on trmnj' of ihs th-*at*n. g sppeartnc* of the weatherArr to Ssv acte L Ba r h H*»,s*nd Lghüoot, Im Raw Tork.Cid bl.g H ob nger Wset 1-. si

Sid br g Alrord. West Isdsts

rProm "irCorres;, cdsct* 1PHILADELPHIA Jas .1 --f.rvrd-Nrg Sua. C'ossy Botton;

sihsSu.erb R>», a New Tr>rt; Be- Dt-igl*ss. Tayb,r, J.; ggil*W'; A.lied Barrett, Bskw, to; Ret*,«, Coll.»*,d>; Chsvietee. Hi: Cv. doOrarrs).Shr* Maro, LsnAbsyt, HatBBM hark Mary F leads Ht.'l

B-^ior, si I Fsr,LW,(i.*w) Vanc*. flew Orleans, T H U>-l._..Lod*eiSataaatbh Ssest*! Caetrwr. Jobaerm New Tort. Mary f SuttttHahr'e^v. ."i^-'.l* jhT",*''Ch*,'*"",0*0<,y'l'"W Tofk *,*-.-r" r_ eiiRT. Jsn _i .Arr br-«i Raw. us. Strspei. Isn BusIimi r.* W.lToe NC. fch Alhrtnd C rbett, tn. Luba^ior Nsw nS «fuW,_

her H .nt fm *.s>UMiord ha) BitteAXi n,,rm., D,>.g* fm do forIdrnl, a. Nl. L.i.*rty Spr ng. fm Ph ladwphit lor rtaih; Carolin»WMJm N.w Bedf, rd lor BatusAttrs; Eagw, Rbr^e*. fm RxrkUni W

MAlHlAtp.iRT, J.n 3-td sri i T R Job**, Holm**. *«w Tork,G.nic Psrso-s do M.ry F..,7«, Mewerrey Bo-t-n BfA,StA JaS _[» r. ;wi. cbk*d|at .aoereio' r*vura,-uuM, p.^to Rei, umarr br g J M J J. I . ;»«..,.» BtStatg«, B^t,,,. |,)U. brig ttSt'ier ri. p. rer RewTort 4 da w, t _r w,,.d e, h. j hTu, .-

,.ew .-na,. Newfo't: Merv. ° "

retiirrssd t, portii lu ws.i tili mo-- f«».,r«6l* wwsthw. Mm >aa ia

r,ud.nh. JBBAU*. bf»c Meet,

atamsefmm R» v 111 a as .d u.t «r 1 tom», «t i«_"g»,', aTtwawStaOUaatem. dte.

J«.. * Ti^ \*ian isswsa «tetTarr LiJarrtador. wbsvhet 'ir.i.11. l'e-.eai- BresAw.ur« few de. s si*cw, m n^as-iaeoc*

. - Nrl nxMtM Ii « |g .« MltWait pump bat jsw repaired,s> a ba es» a* tw »kitaal lorsaen slsua as ah* a ukiag ia portejo" * '' "'."J'tn y be* to ae -r|»cl_rg»d (ram of harr band*tiT.i,. »w «ruwl^r* mt"'t°'*t om aoard, t_d|«*.pitee«en effortB.«. ti .,f I rrideBjMaitsvi.froai*» Br»t* fo» **. Tort,

'. " J. L7b_w_ I_lw ** *** M »'.b-sT". Ua.*, p*rt»al oa* chain, sr.* a» ta» g*J*

.... ... r.r v Gw 'rUiMt'-'"*7 *" »*.Si.sPll.rr Cu rlsi n ,r ^, "V,

L wroTisu.j or Orlaod, .a go a* to eaa altaraor a i I 1 h. sty asauvs* ms I..,. . ..,_. . a..a «. ..

. ." |, tb"a 4t\» to v 8m' * co*s)u«ia, waa falat-, ,an 1 - r.e .

Sreatwa a»,p Agta* «tthwtxe ¦ uree of ia* as_ .^!f__e «

.«». aad wa* toll to MlowB.;s Las sa.a. Ma>

"fn« C.« ,U??L^f?^n*riar

reaatfee a st. waa tblxwr?oe bwf_t!1^ ',

*" .<-.«'» *>-tor»raw fl* th* tdd ah, n bit 11 «AI. I. -"msetaai d« «

tat»* «leikialss ii aoon bw-anst watarAfcx*. drw, wksa tkZrmVr.l^lz,** " ""h *' M* '»,0 <u< f*»b*ao,*Ja, wb*r* e_^ J "u. vi *** ** U*"110Vtt*. ae BeiiW.ia ;,,l Nsw B_.r m m j,

m,eih*iat «.-»fr f|Ytsa""7 ¦" unat*'1' * »sare aal 4ctuss» 1*> sss swr is Prtw wm-kTm M_^ _. a

' .'tfc 1X0 oU'is s »ery laaty coasJiteon. Ai i_ mtrmma», «vesiog of Slh .tut,SM.eii,i,..i_ - - aeeoantt the wu wartuig for s

-aw 3| treasrf*.

to Cork DrevVL tsl_e "w" tj,*r^yl- So» äl.for Bnstoa.put back. -- i-.'

'' ^ *.rVwje^oMteeraac.

l-BBsiS for B*_,,h.¦« tttrtrsw hat* ket, lm.lToTum Ktwatara R,.«

tb* .raaw» part a..*** * » . '.- . .»..«! w/; tu «I. *.« »"»*J .* t»*t '«

^lÄtWl-W f-m Ca.« B-,W a*rt) SMax. not . .».*)> *B».ut 4A da- . *M feS Cabotr* a. w 'b

TWb. rim «turc. um Ccso"* rH I» Bo*wa afcviiMk't II for

VS.*-.Vts-st BW abo*.d*t*. Wot ff ..r. sb -t JJ -r.oatr?«*.»>od« if »h.. urn ») ~««rf>4 «o by opt m *.r

i In..-"in Vs^wrle ««polien, oVc.BJae »4. co lat. *c. »». passet «b p S*im>a*t, W.Iaco, fron ¦ *tuo

^b52 at II SB,*« 3" *\*>* Eanay. K*il*y, ol .ot from B ... n

IV«. 11 .or C.I»fo#t.»- ...

».vjts *k* it Ist 17 3. ten* W.Kb- from ¦»t»' ISda,. : ri'.V' n i r.a.1 km< lb* B*f '-rsms-t Ml 1

5» ,"f.. Mi o hm Irs* i4 ,ton um ii.Im Cai-f-n.*, ¦1 «.-

Ul* at* >e <!.!. *..* 4.S Says out.

Npokf n, i&rr.No* t- rl Bss &mm ..> r ,,r*» H..<.»i sbM . Ms M MMJaBi'.s»tl7 ka>l»l bri« fr »Hllio». ...«¦« b.uo.1.«thI)» U kf i» 4*. «... BS 44. at ori< r.U.ot. from it J"bo>, SB lor

Jaatslal 34 *4,-lon bsrt John Strond,from Palermo fur «York.

"v.7" . <.¦ <.B'b'r vv .* -». -*.*..'f.käst as. .i..k..«'p<b> *g,i*ih* Jay ssssrasasi aBBWlswB,SB>b8*aA.lsa.frcrn Prto i (or L'vtrj- ''j«. m, od tTtaaaaaaajaa, .**»*." ¦ b l» J Ki <..>. laaa rsBjaaii

'or Boston .. , .

Dar in. Iat IS 4*, loa 80 1». 0«" Horn.. H..po*r. (ro.n Boetoa lor

Vo Mai '»t SB 4», loa »I SO, »«ehaagait ngnali »itb BBSS, IJ»»rd OInn tx-'io*1 »»»t.

iTlailfia¦ U Cap* St VaM .t Per b«i». i-n*.^ant, S. it*. Waatf nX a,%h

» tb'» A Bfaka, W.IIi.. B/.l.<-p.>rt. bbl» »p. »»!U, D^u«tt. w lh(*> .bl« .p'.w .<» b»Q Mr.» II. »Ith I» M))

IVr * I»' 17aS f, an 34 W, barb O^r C.r».r. Ho.mar, W^tport,

*TJar**. h*9wm, mW4M W, bn« Praaalui, of Ba»»rly, boun.1 o«*

III JlTaalfin rrmt I*. b»rt t> Fr«nb'm.OiirorJ, atiaatr 'train,.'biKupcii ^.ivia.laill !' ' W .

WM> R.w tUrflW«,.»«ai W«« i*. bark »wi.w.,fii« .«

b.»H HMidf»pr-'»>u»to5o. SO .hp Caa* frad.r. k. »...".».>.w FaJfcrd. 130 ap. Awraau. Lui«. »*ut ub.t, ch>aa Kil *J bj a

wh.V, Oc- Ii IBBS iin-UD b'li ocof to tha 0 Priib'n staeiPr oar'tal a nati.a of riora..Th» ¦...« »h.^i «h p out ol i>ia part "'S.n FraacMra rl»«r»l

t,rJ«)«b*rb r. pmaaatt. fha ¦ ..«t-aJ aai .'toa ut

b) Mr J C «Tthmoal. forniarl . f ».» BVJI^rJ. So'.w.tti.t» m i

Iii aaiatiaa hah laaaj krtT,**-"~** oftha»....! <-o.t ik«n«aa*i]hat ».*M.i ..r . "l» o»»r b.U -i "hat it would n»l to til »r «I

from N.w B».lf..rd tad »raf liar t.. tba «h.i-a* pammm at has T., Ws ...not but r*ir»rd BM a. tba louudaboa of a BkMt ..up .r

tan' bii.'trw h«r». tlo «ll't asssrlris port h.f our t»ruti«th parttha »d»»ntars» of teratio». As. lor tha »haEnc trad* »hrh BBSFrtn. wo p.»»»»»»»; »hib« itt iw" «....o. a. arrd.ily .l«pp»«r r,r

' i.oFniKAii Balau... I>- 14

A Mtar from Capta.o Hotmar. öl na'k Uor fjasaaf, M STsstf .rt

Poirt nxoitrd in Ss» Badlord, rrpotU her Ore S. lat 17 03 3,1 i 31

m -ith *<o BBk »p ".I »Ba*« fsiat fa, kstM30snasja',ahtp»l..nt -.1 Firli. i-f *.» Baaf.inl ( i'lm| » L'|r* «p »hakt. *«) bbl» ia

all >'..» is* Ut 17 ?''S. :au BS SO W bark. Caeh.nca, Jutw.rt, w"«'« Bedford, cl»»n. Mtli. Iat 17 .V !..? SB, Tboiaai Wm.'o*. Cht-».

Wa»tp< rt Po:nt, »p 4° b'aikfl.h, ««ti« Jita. Klttma, Las So, ISO»p l>ec * >*' IT. Ion V 4i>, Hr j, Khinn.r, ¦artSf'tjsStt,IBB SB (Utmiad). Heard SJwSS, Saas I. Bit If S k>o*.W.bart. Kn-

dra«, N>. N.w Bedford. 30 bbl» «p nnbiwrJA letter from bajk 1'i.iUd SU»e.. P* Waatpo.t P.. nt la' »1

.»(.»4 r.ol.t Ac rtporta b»r with SSSB bbl. «p "il all weM. BaahSa faw Brasaa prwt.ou. barb Alt'. I^leman, Mew Ka-f r l, It

SJaa 4, Moataiun a. Alk», lo. *«i »oHrB'd from Jjoe B, un lat, bark BsSeStB, <. ir'i* u ..f V»ai

Bedloid, 140 iu 60 »h, Auc 1, ClitToid WStTSaV W.J>, K..rl a>r i.

>0" «p.A folar WhaUt. upon an a.araja. y a'd. «K. 'it i*)^bi. o *t

hat* < ui|«-l«a f.< U aWlStaf that ».«Iii «hip«. wkx h via t-.l to* A"*d r

Sea And Afttn Ovaau, took IN wlial**, yieUiot; I'.l.lOO biila of otl, oron* wbaw l'°bbla

Firat wbat*. Last doJ,S"»r«>n.JuuS Auf 14Botlh Amera a-Jju* 17 Auk <4Rob i.h oJ.May 7 Aug 2*¦imrod.Maj »7 Anf <7()*orr*.May *"< Au« «4

81 .«.Dia . . ¦ aao t oca..*Kir»t whaw. Last SSt

Wni Tall.May 3 AuK «iPiouucer.May U AaSj S3Literpoi'l, td..Jnas f> A -t If'i'oiKi..May S7 S*pt lLuminary.lnoa * S*pt

h.v,...." May 17 Aug Ät>|H Kue*land....Slay tS SsatHonolulu Tunas.

Foretam Porta.At Calcuita »«» J4th. ahip» Saaator, CoSln. chart*r»4 for Loo Ion,

Milton. Harkiw, for Boatoa I>*c I: Concordia,, lor d> in

DBjsbssjIMSI barb Hum*. H*nry, for W*w York; and othwa aa report.>!y.a'arda).At Smyrna Slat vilt. ahip Adm.ral, Br*otil for ««» York ready;

brio hoc £ Emit Ati(M(t, Prus) for 5sw-York toon. Sid ixth, brigOu*t*>ua,St>ow, BnttoaAt Palermo Ttti ult, but Cksntai, (Sard; lor Philadelphia; ami

oUiera aa r.potted ,*>t*rday.Sid from M**aiaa 11th ult, brut; F.ckatt.Button.CM it Miraenlei »»h ult, bark "org*, (Mor) Moddlatsa, for K*w

Yo.k; krb*t'.ilon a.{tw] Id ult, bark 10, Brown, Irom Button, arr A total m

BtM ut 10 daya.Sid Irom Bordaaui .'7th ult. thip laaaa Newt<m,Buth PhilaJ*ljh.a.

9*th. bttka Siberia, Hartlett, Ca'iliirnia, Artbam.a*, IFr) do.At Ota^inw 3.1 mtt, .hip. Martha'a Vineyard, lira(taut, for New

York saatSBfl OMa, PWaapav, SB ISBkl berke WovaS.:otan. (Br)forBoat n b<s;G*o aia, Allan, for N*w York. Sid 3d. bark Jau.t. Um

Ball.rgall. Boatoa.At Cork M ia»t, thip Equator, Ew«r, Ira Livarpool for Boston, put

in with fnrwmaat and lor* topma.t .prung, and utbwr da'nar*); r ;

W'aahinatou., .>{ Bunion) eip*vt*S Ui b*ron.l*u.ued.At Va,nan.buco ISta ult, bt% Heury MaUiawa. Uarri.ii.u, Bfl B.*

ton irr tth, to load nujir fordo. Sid lS:b. brur Henry Tr w- r V».CaillSS, (from Colon», Riter of P ate, with mul**, put in lor »i erjfor Birbtdo*aArr at Surinam Bo' loth, brie TroptciM, (Dutth) Popksn, fia lud

for Boston.Ar? at Halifat, NS, nth BBS, ttmr Niagara, L«:trh, fm Button, and

tld at* PM I r Livarp^olArr at Beona la Bist Bat, br.» «riMn. W*bh. Baltimore. Cid Is*.

bark Farnandiua. 7 lio:uptvu, (Im Fi..laJ»i',.li'a, Ci*nla*«o* bn* L* ulPtUrt. PrUrt, Cuba.Arr at St Johnt NF :4th i t, brur* Julitt. Oo.h.ll, BtUmor«, IS

(ard eld 3d inr Bah*'. 4Mb. Lady N*wb»niu(h B**r, doArr at Tu»k*t latai.d Hi 3d mat. ach Fram it, McKay, S3 dt fm St

Martina fur Boa'on. with loat of aailt.At Chtfrta Jau 10. batka Ortona of Belfaa', Or.>aoki of "*w Yi rk;

kriM Mr OLt Vernon ol al.w llrreaaa; l)*troit of 5*w York, up lordo: Ada I. ii'. ot an I fäf New T. ill tl>* bri« H*'hi I>*1 Mar < I flawilrieana and was Pauli** of New Vor» BS aailJan l<ab.Am at >'¦ it It tal. Jamai. a. De, 31,br« 0«ar, CsBSBB, N../filk;

Jtn H, tcb Aim II) an Baiter. N*»b*ru,>C Kth, br+ Miry, l.'i- ,..

too, H* rt oiors. ifo :¦ >tb, b. g t.'amurgiu, WalUr, Baftimur*

Dontratle Porta.BOSTON. Jas 10.Arr bark. Ann A *tar,, liawee, SJasSBBS " SBS

u«, SJfsSSJ, Ku*uo* Ayr**, via Pernambu. u; V*.ta, Fiinn, ...vanaan

IX Martha W, nh ..I. .. FrsS nan. M.'.ra ItSSij Paititt. f-kajca. Belt*. (Br) M. Hali'.l Flo'atu*, Hop! n*. Salain BMV\ iimmatun. NC; tvht Jeatarpir..., Hr| W*'l*, Smyrii; fa*'.Kale* Ail C*«*a via Cbatrett'.n. Lasf Haler. Liimu; JStisjBia ,

Ol.t* C aik Snuw.and UwShalt'n k, P*'*ir lBagl»>| Ma*,H . .. ass Vt m Bai ou, Saow. Kai.te.ut*. I asut B i t A atBktrajd Put«, Nerthpor'. Cid bi'kt Id*. Ha I*'.. Hi't inor*. Ve.i-,Oaat «;..arri W.a .».*!. lo In*, fir ("ub«. tirrt Fq atur, n.w,. fHin. h II. i.VSt, tun.) KCF Ca*da«w V.lparaiau, far.,, HM. - aU ........... 4,lH.i,i...,.: .. pSepM*dora, fro Cronatadl w.. nut bei. w laa' ..aniu .. rm» rt-.tHtHIMi.Rt, Jtn *v-Arrtch Sarah E Merrill, St> m.n.*y,, ..

Cht bark. Kirkhtad Too. M C. oi, Liv*rpo,,l; Crao'a Jo. A I^SJfwSRio ö» Ja. *irn and a n.artet br.g fajaaB H..>r*, A ..i l..l

Lucy Am Minn, do, C*r., Spred, .aa«.in.b, Mat.dian, fa 1«Plul- t. iph.a, L W.i.i ur>, C uiuar. STaw Yoik.I.It.HTtlo. Jan i7 Arratba Ku«uua, Fr*uth, «r. 1 Charle«, P ,,'

hp. N*w Yrrl for TauntonFREDS.RICKtBI'KO, pr.v on. to J.n l^-»rr ~ h Heorwtt,,

Baal Bo.too Cid a.:ha Cha le. 4 Ht.ur.'ii W iiurt, Buauu,; Hoirlrat,; N'.ru.a. M .tt. New YuriFALL RIVER, Jan IT-Arr.rh W .rrwter a..d fr u,i

Pm.Hleir* tu load OrSavanntb; ali«,p I h ui.aa VV Thum*, tin¦mr«, N*w York. Sid « h Virju ia. I^wi.. pBaMa*|aBtaFRANKFURT- Arr Inth erb CaaiBll, U,(iu.,...,... Sid,

14th, ti h. Prulac.e .Nu ker«,n. liu.Wn, Itlth, Madouna, Barry, Cardem.; E Treat, Hnplina. Bav.rlvHOLMES S HOLK. Jan If, PM-Arr SJTSS bbbbbbMBJV, 0 (Iren,

Baltiraor* f,.r Boetun; J..h>. Siniii.'.na, Small itoaiixi lor Krerfervka-u .it. 'im**. Cum er. Nawb jr.ouil lor Norlulk, <e*n ol Hi* W».tyA heldtn, Oknrteter for N H*df,.riI"tb. Arr nark Daktwai*, L*»». Pbiladalphia for H .tonAlto a.r box Jan* How**, MaiJ*l, Am Cay** Jd .ntt f >r Bottoa

L*ft oo Am tatealAlto arr br.« Sarah, (tr) Juhwatod, R*» fork lor St John. ¦ B, atU

Htnry Atkitt. Raodail, 0*or<«lowa lor Bo*too, J ,N Kn »ht, Browa,T*ei?*r, Va, for Boaton.Ski brig S*rab; acht J'b* SimiiN'na Jtn.eaIn port. 11 AM. k*rk itidoo, im Watt India* I r B.w(oo. Delaware;

bog. Uli*, horn RxAtuond lur BiMluoi Jao* H..waw, .m, Fa iu .

MiUh*ll,Jo*Haker,M.tUpouy,ij nigol Sat Waat Hanry aSkSBIN J Kn ght w Dli*id Scott.NkeV BEDFwRt), Jtn IS. Arrb ar Loni.a Beatoa Sat tea. from

Coait of Afmai tk i'f Aurora. E«ao. Tni New York, a. b Kl eu R.Mm*n, f barm in. **w York. SSJ bbBS Al*iand*r M. and Sara b Lowta.;t:n Winhim)S.« Tori; prop Decatar, 0**r, fur BVjaj f.,rtfHILADELPHIA, Jan *< Arr brg Ad*le, :..«.-¦ K.ttt; srh

Haiol>t. Sherman Provic*t»c*PORtYLANO. Jan IS.Arr bnga Polo.i. BatIm. Matar.iaa; PiaU,

Struut Newburyoorl. acb JaSBSB, D*v<, Boaton Cid Alia Its W.llac* Porto h iro; nha Martin Thiyc, Bait mo'*; Warren HiM.r.ton. Poetoc; G*o Brockt, Stetaoa. do. 3rd thip H rABSa hark 4tJag,,, brig* Habarai*. Corn «t*wart, Hy Lawda. H.urnrtta.,I. .. At ai.i .. i, I, Duo NitbuUa.PROVIDENCK. Jau IS- Arr tel. Va..' turt, N r:.. .. Cid brg

WiWa B W.Ia.r. tdgeromb MaUntaa S>d barka Pr. itllUI, ( arr,A BBBBSk icola. Yntnn, Marry man do ^ha Bin. trtb Am C'bb, forkR.v*r V« Jan .y- Air *<h Altrert Thr.m**, Hig» ,.a Nantank*, Va.-.d a. Ii Ji.aenh Turr..r, M .an H..'t .,. .r#; ,,.,.,« w.,, il B.,*au.Ktsuv N York; Faabk.n. ItlyJaoburg, d ¦.SALEM Jaa IS.3'd brig Fw *nc», Hoflrt. form Eait*m port;

ath M*,ieo Lkiyd B,w forkTOW»3B«D HAKHOK.In pott 17th, brig* Kalo*, Olinttaad;

BbVs BtatWara Mayfl wtr. Prudatu.*, Diana R .an. ka. Jul.a An"Ch*p*l Ad* laa, Ha...l.n.Ta ly H >. BaafBT, D*la»ar*.Tohiat Htrrttk',ttSo r fukev, and Caman, dettina*e,na But airaaw A TH a I L, Jan 16- CM bark Tonal, r* Laa* L*w,t, City Point

COPARTNERSHIP./^O-PARTNERSHIP..ThesabscribersTo ,Aa1-h.,,,,'l,j/on"**i 1 Co PB'<t">rshlp under the firm

of O. SMITH it SON The. buslnt»* will Ih, crrie.1 SM «ithe manutVutry, 47u Graod-*t. New-Yora


f^O-PA RTN EPJS HI P.-N«)tice in herebyVygivew that Orvtlle L. Knoa and Henry Bwknjan. J>ire from mit dale parni-n In our Irm *

The bulüess will hereafter he transacted at No. «6 Corl*0dl sL (JTI8, JOU.NESkCONew-York, January 1st, 1SAL ]| |m*

COPARTNERSHIP-Not^TZjOHNMILHAC has this dav admitted Inf, partnership hisformer popü, ALEXANDER CUUHMAN; and the nrin»1.1 ceree/ter coDtiritiej the tiusineas of Oruggitts at ihe old stand. In? Broadway under the ti-tie of J. MILHAL'4t CO. New-Yort, j,n I s IBMJBJ iw*

DTSSOLUTION..The Co-partnershipheretofore existing betweesi the subscrtlrers under

Ihe Dime atd firm of OEO. W 8HJELDB fc CO EX-PI RES this day hy iu own limitation.


.. ..BENJAMIN M. SHERMANNew-Yors, Iat January,


CO-PARTNERSHir The BUbarnrrers have Ulla dafformed a C->partnersnip, and wld conur.ue the CommUalocIron Bustnesas heretofore, under the name and firm ofeSOlOE W SHIELDS a. CO


iu. w~. , . .OEOKOE R. HEOEMAN

New-YorB, 1st Jannary, Ia6|. Jl lm

I IMITED PARTNERSHIP.-The u,.-.1-*d^r»|Fned hereby give n ,uce that they have formid aUmlu-d partnavabip for (im traoaacüoa of a ruercavntl,*. |)Ua..neas In Um city of New-York, pursuant lo the oroviaion*55Ä of Legisialurti of the State of New-fork eoütledor Limited Partnerships" Tho said bualneaa will 1»done under the name of 1 LEWIS PENNEY." The s»n.era! nature i f said partnerahip husinttsa is that of bovin*

ma\mamlJ!80** *"d "HOES arid keeping . WHOLfrf BOOT and SHOE STORE. The*under.linedLewis Penney, residing In the. city »f New-Y-.rk Is theSaTSasCfff 5* 5! »n'te"Un«l Tlvirnas S. Tow'nseod,

SPAssisi rltv. Is ibei special partner, and as suchftss contrlbuied seven thousand five, hundred dollars Iu cash"P***1 10 lh« common stort The said partnership Is tocommence on the first day of January, |Sjfj, a.,i lermlnate? ^.«njwado« 0(.tW0 years from thai day Store 43Cortland-st. Dated January 1. IH.M


Thk CO parts k RSI iip heretoforerxixmr k*il*r*J_ the mmmrtlkmm, ond-r is- Irnjj */

HuOfh'on, Merrrll A Co Is-Ms day. hy mutual r<ro*»»«<i .s.-ived The outstanding i-o>:ce*s of Lb*) lS*e firm tnjBe .riLirO '.) either of the uudeisigned. who */. authorise*,to .t.:ii in /quidstlon. N*» .tori Im *, ISM


In i nuioniiity with the »tatute concert*.Ir>r Unified partnerships, we, the subscribers, |., fV«oMra

reni'v 'htt we h«.» . niti-<| partnership to W*mder the nsme of M««.«,, 4 U «iyhv :, ,, la,

¦ M u'arnirtrig; an<i *«li:r,g i mere,.a* and Parsau,*, u**.subscriber*, Brutus R M-rreii and J. Slavrh liougbtoa,who reaWe In the City of New-York, are inlei....*!

partnership an gen-raj parity*** ; and K.iwerdj|| ho -,. wf"*e pleee oi rea'denc* 1* la lira City ofK«rw-Tnrl >» :nU-»e»led m mii parirrerehlp a* specialparirvr. an.I. a* snrh. ha* i ..otrilaiUai twenty-fire uSot*..and dol ai* a* capital to lie* . vsnantMi «na k. lo cash, Th*.aid pailr er»hp i* lo comme-ce on Ibe atxth of Jan.uaiy. I* i. ami la to terminale on tlre3l*ld*y cf Il^cana.her. IAVJN-wYork. January 6, I8M


rpHE SUBSCRIBkRS hereby givrno-I i; ~ ;¦aS ihev have taker ibe *u>re lately o. < ip;ed by

Houghion. Merreli It Co.. wltere iftey areprepared «nij, .

large 11*1* of Oo««ii lo receive ihoir cualumert.January atjj, l*A|.

%l I RR K I.I. 1 M()I OHT<)N. OUl.nan. atj|| let* rornor of Crdar^t

nISSOLUTION..TtVfi Co-partnershipberetotore cutting between ihn subscribers under la*)

firm of >!. t'ELLER A CO m Bridgeport. Connectkcsa,an< M CELLES M^"- <u Columbia, Sooth Carolina, Usheebv <li**olved by rru'.ua: content. MARKS CELLES i»¦u'horuvrd te »eitle all claim*, and col.ect nil tuts* do* Ihnfti n, and to use the name of th- firm in liquidation.


:Zi lawsw AiioLrai d newstead.

(/tick of dTs so l u ti o nTHN8lor the l urpoae of building alhv* ofTelegraph from tlilca laHufla'o roosl.'mg of DONALD MANN. DINCANC.MANN and LEONARD W »BROMS! at preaem :rv* gee.rvtarvof ihe 14 Ater< ham*' Unat of Te.-graph,'. we* die»solved on or about the fir»t day of Septemlier. IVsl, by the*mutual content of .aid partner* ami w.thiheagreenenlanifunderstanding that reilb»r of .aid partner* should luv« anypower or aalhority by any act to hind the other*, or the said)firm in an v capacity; mi whereat ihetaid Jerome has slncathat lime'and Ü violation of the **Jd agreement, us-al -.ben*m* of li e said firm ii[H>n . eria n buaiiiee* paper, .lit.what extent Ii I* yet uncertainNow. therefore, in order to guard Bank officer. Sjid aJJ)

otheit tgalntl any *uch niriber 'iletral turn of ihn name ofthe taid firm, lire umlertlgned *i>e notice thai ihev v. ill oot,be retpon.i'.le for an* pai-er diawn In ibe n*mn ol .h* takffirm, or imlorsed by (he *aid trat, or with which Ute natna

<>t the aal.i rirm mav have l»een in anv wav onnrwte.1 flacejthedate faald dl**olmion DONALD MANN.New-York. Jan 21, MR. |t.'| Dll.iCANC MANN. i a u i .A N y M A N li*v,n^{nm. " ". l>A,000 to |lS.t*M In ca*h. and with trj

engage in the manufaciurlag of llquor». wboletale and re¬

tail, by a nt w procet*. by which I win inture a man ftXJ.ifjajin IS monlha, and ttuitfyhiiu perfec'U on an intervtaw tothe above aialemenL Addre** (J. C. Tribune office, foriwodayt. None but ca*h cuttomet* need atwwe. Una. fjfl

*» \( \i \ W A NT1'1 h _Th° a'! Vrrf 1 "<r de~^PtJyjXJtirm, to meet with a p«r«y ¦..">«; the aborejturn at Immediate command wiahing to mtke an invent^m*et without their *ervlc»* which will realize twice Utwamount wllhln twelve montht Adrlre**, postpaid, wuhjreal name and addrett, B. S. Poet orhce, Broadway Corn*munteaUont conhden tit I. _j«*i IJjft7r^_lTO L.°AN ON HON U and^\l**/vrvr MORTOAOat, on good cliv iuiproeetlproperty. Ill fee for a term of veera Inquire ofj21 2f A. WEBKS. 62'Hudeon at near Chamber*

TkcttuacB'i Omer. NoawicH a«o WotoiimiRaii.aoto CoMrtNV, >

Noawicn, Coma Thurwday, Dec *», I«.».)

Adividend oftwo AND a halfPKR CENT on the Preferred Stock of thit CompanR

ha* thit day been declared, payable at the Transfer Office,U Merchantt' Exchange, in the City of New-York, on and;after the 16th day of January neuThe Book* of the Company will be eloeed on the Slat

Intt. and remain elo*ed until the ISah proilmo. Book* tot.ub*er1püon to the preeenl Stock of thit Company will bt}opened on the |.Mh of January nett, at the Trantfer Oftce*(Tlmo. T Merwin, Trantfer Ageni.) I* Merchant*1 Et>ch*nge, New-York, and remain open for *l»ty day* Iber*,after.

All ttoekholder* who euntcrihe a* afore*tt»i<l, and mjUper cent, on the preferred ttock, will be entitled to the BVvidend lo be declared in July next, on thelrpreferre-i tl'<cA.which emhracet four tharet of .i'«l atifk for ear*! shtreofnew ttock tubtcribed, and interxwt will he charged Bj tbflrate of tlx per cenL on all tntuvllmeet* from the '»tri proxVmo until taid ImtalLmentj are paiddaotw- O I. i'KKKINS.Treasurer.


pkr CENT baa thla day l*en DECLARED »ui ol Hanearning* of the Company for the* month* ending the Mtt

ultimo, PAYABLE to it* Siockbol.leit at the Mechan ctfBank. In the Citv of New.York tnilie KIRST OP BEB |RI ARY proximoTrantfer hooka will be clo*cd on the 2nth, and opened lit

Bebruary. Per order of the Director* Albany, Jan. I*.1851. fj2C tlf|_E. BOSTBR, Jr. Secnatary. j

BANKING hoisk OK J. CaKOTHERS k CO No 1ft Wood-et PITTSBL ROH, Pnj

.Collertlon* made on all the PRINCIPAL CITI ?'« of ihejCNITKIV STATER Reference hi t*ew-Y"rh MettrnJWXm'.ow, Lanier h Co. M Well-t*._«nl^tfD~1VIDEND..madison and In¬

dianapolis RAILROAD COMPANY. Tb*>Board of Dlrectori bave lint dav declared a Semi AnnualDividend of 6 per cent on the Capital Stock, (including thatamount paid on the Script Share*,) out of the earning* utthe *lx month* ending 31M December 1H50, ,to Stockhold¬er* at the cloae of ine kwok* on thai dav,) payahie on and]after TUESDAY. 28th January ln*lHolder* of Slock reglttered on tne Trantfer Book« In ih«

City cf New-Yark. will receive iheir Divldetd* at the ol5<«ofWINSLOW, LANIER A CO 52 WalleLCerUhcatet of Bcrlpt Share* u.u.i b* preaented at limit?

office for the Indoraeiiionl thereon of Uil* Dlvldobd paymank.-Dated Madison. Jan. 15,1861Jib awl* WM N JACKSON. Sec y M A I RR Co.

Mac on tno Wktiii RaiLaotn CoMPttrT. IMacon, Oa Jan 6, ib.6I. (

DIVIDEND NO. !i.-A Divideml btvfbeen thi* day declared of POUR DOLLARS per thar«

on the cimaolidated stock of ihi* Company and the pro*portIonate turn (two dollar* per abarei on ihat which hetnot yet been relume 1 for conaoiidatiim. payable on and al¬ter ihe firti of Kebniary next, at the ohVe in which the «etat*it reg wiered. By order of the Board

JHie'i'_J H TAYLOR. Secretary.


DIVIDEND of SIX PKR CENT for ihe la*t tlx month*,payahie In rath to th* New York St H-kholdw* at th* iJdBeeof DL'SENBERY A OODEN. 40 Wtintuu *L (over LetManufacturer* Bask.) JI7 It

INT~ER^ST~ON CITY STOCKS^The Intereat on the Public Stock* of the City of New-

York, due and payable Pehruarw i 185|, will he peid CMJthat day by SHEPHERD KNAPP, E*q Chan'ierlaln otthe City, at the Mechanic*' Bank, »Wallet The Trantf«B<>oks will be eloeed on Wedneaday. Jan. 9, at i o'clock

fW- Bor the eeeommodanon of Stockholder! trantfefS«ruT be permitted during the period the nook* rentaPJdoeed, to take effect Bebruary I

JOSEPH R TAYLOR, Conirofler.CoitTkOLI IB S QPPICt, N T. Dec. 4*7. IHoft. §§} tWi

]\OTICE..THE SEMI-ANNUAL IN-J-l TERE8T on the INCOME BONDS of ihe NEW.YORK AND ERIE RAILROAO COMPANY dueoulAe1st of Bebruary next, WILL RE PAID on thai day alikeoffen of the Company, i> Wall-at on i>re»«ut*u.on of *ecoupon*. New-York, Jan I». 18)1.J202w_NATHANIEL MARill.lee.HIO LIKE INSURANCE ANÖTRU8T CO .A Dividend of fotir percent on theesS*

Hal *iock of thltlnttltulion wa* thit day declared by BMBoard of Trustee*, payable ai the . rbce in this city, on de¬mand, or u the Agency In Naw-Yor* on and alter ihn«.

KitBy order. VV. OEENK, Ser'y.Cincinnati, Jan 6,1851. tl4ift

Paoe, bacon * co. ban KEKS,BAN FRANCISCO. Cai.fon .» draw ai sight or at

.Um, In «um* lo *utt pureha**ra. oaBOSTON,


and do PAOE A BACON, Sl Loul*. Mu pattn^i allof the prominent polnu in the Mux; a Col.eciLns UP"to and proceeds remitted promptly wuj also aStavs **.alee of Produce ar.d Merchandixe for tartlet njstdtaja. mM PAOE. BACON h CO. San Brt*»«BMw.I12.3.' M

PAOE A BACON 8t. Loal*. Masveter to Meter* Drew. Robvson h Co Now rot*.

ROCKY BAR MINING CoT.Notic*?..The Stockholder* of the Ro.Av B» M t,laf Coav

Sany are hereby notified thai there will '» an eleifawj>oard of Director* on Wednesday the '» h day of Eeb«*r*

next,at 12 0'clc.rk M si their oOe»M Wall-eL NeM-V*IsDated New-York, Jan. 18, leS|

J"8JAMES DEI, AVAN, 8ecr*«-7


THE advertiser, having at com-JR m»nd ta.oiai, withe* k BrMh BsftJJ

or actiMg partner, in *ome ma».uf*cturiog concern, or J*rhing busines*. A line stating*. and real 'latne, wi" .

he- treated confidentially., i««t pal'. Y. 9jf INa*ssu-st up stairs, office of the Mother's Msga/me, H ¦

.i if^

THE TRUSTEEsS~T)Fl^HE SEA-MEMS' Bank pob Saving* have ordered that low**

be paid on ail nepceit*, which according to ihe Bp*"jare eniitied thereto, for the six months ending Dec Jt, I*5*asAdlows:On turns of Bive hundred doliara and under, at

of «ix per cent per annum, ti a sum* erceerling rhundred dti!*r» ai the rate .'hve per cent P*SW"payable en »r aler Monday *nh lost .The iniereti will be placed in the credit of depwDsT* *¦

principalBENJ. STRONG, Pr-rld**«-

W m i um Nelson, Secretary ~,

New-York, Jan. 16,1830. ItMwPV

\\' a nted.a Plm ha^r for th^» ? a. me.i »iiostloo for a Manuiacluring Town *g

Mate* It cotwisu of about I.'>' acres of iaod wl.h aawilUBctent f..r teu mi la Ii ». ..,i be so.d fur half ¦l»mMZTo aee a Map. and for further* onuolr* anway, ol JOHN P. REDNER- Jl»r