street art techniques

Street art techniques By Karan Singh Need to advantage and disadvantage ed an opinion if you like it or not but explain why

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Page 1: Street art techniques

Street art techniques By Karan Singh

Need to advantage and disadvantage Then need an opinion if you like it or not but need to

explain why

Page 2: Street art techniques


• Most graffiti artist uses spray paint because it’s a classic form of street art. An advantage of spray paint is quick to use, able to use on all materials such as walls, carts or windows etc. However an disadvantage is some people use permanent rather than removable paints so that if a mistake is made its unable to fix it for example if you was drawing something and made a mistake you can just use a rubber to erase it where as spray paint there is no rubber you just cant make a mistake. I believe that spray paint is effective because it is quick which means can cover a large space quickly.

Page 3: Street art techniques


• Banksy is a perfect example of stencil street art because all of is work he makes is done with stencil. He uses stencil so he can get his art right the first time without remaking it because what he does is illegal so this way he won’t need to waste time redoing things. An advantage of stencil is you can get the art right the first time but the disadvantage is that it takes a lot of time to prepare like getting all the measurements right and where you want certain colours and where you do I believe that spray paint is effective because it is quick which means can cover a large space quickly. I think that stencil art is great because you will not have to waste paint when doing graffiti also you can get you art precise the first time.

Page 4: Street art techniques

Liquid paints

• Liquid paints is paint that are used for walls it also dry's up quickly because its made for wall paints. Peter Barber uses liquid paints in his work, his work is really detailed and colourfull (he uses a range of colours). It’s a good if you are as talented as Peter Barber because he is really good with a paint brush but it’s a bad thing as well because art like this takes time. I believe that liquid paint is good because you can make your art more realistic and looks so much better than spray paint.

Page 5: Street art techniques

murals (only on the wall)

• Murals art is only on the wall but can only be classed as murals art if the whole wall is completely filled with paint (art). Wyland is an artists that paint the whole wall and sometimes the whole building with art. It is a great way of street art because its different and makes a big difference to the building. But it takes a long time to do and create because ever little detail has to be correct. I think that this is a fantastic way of street art but you have to have the time and patience.

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• Space invader dose all his work with tiles because that his way of art. He makes what he wants with the tiles and he goes at night to sticks them around the city. Its is a good way of street art because nothing is getting damaged or ruined. But the disadvantage is that it takes a really long time to make and design and create. Personally I do not like this form of art because I believe that its not proper street are where you actually use the street for art not just sticking art on the street and classing it as street art.

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• Antonin Fourneau uses waterlight graffiti basically it’s a board with thousands of LEDs , when torched by water it lights up and the more the water it get the brighter it gets. This is a fantastic form of graffiti because it is an unique way and it shows a lot of creativity but it is costly. I think that this it fantastic way of street art because it dose what street art is meant to do bring communities together.

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Sculptures (sand art)

• Sculptures art is manly done with sand on the street but can be done with anything really. Its good because its not effecting the streets in any way because its not ruining any walls or property etc. a disadvantage is that might not be able to stay there for that long because the sculpture might be made out of sand so say if it rains, the rain will ruin the sculpture. I think that this way for street art is good but it dose take a lot of time to creat.

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• Poster art is just art that is just on the poster could be made my illustrator, photoshop etc. or even a picture. It’s a good thing because its not really damaging anything or doing any harm to anyone (unless it has affective words/drawings on the poster) a disadvantage is that its easy to come of because its just paper on a wall. I believe that this street art is not effective because its just art stuck on a wall where as it should be on a class room wall etc.

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Street Installation

• Paige Smith (A Common Name) dose some of her work with different materials too fill out the cracks in the walls. An advantage of this is that it makes the wall look more creative and it’s an unusual type of street art so this will make people look at it again and again. A disadvantage is that it might cost a lot of money. It think that it’s a really good way to show street art by using different materials it show talent and creativity.

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You might spot Lego art on a crack wall. Dispatch uses Lego in his art. An advantage is that it helps the wall from falling (it replaces it with Lego instead of bricks). I think that this art is good because its different form the usual street art that you see on the walls and it shows a lot of creativity.

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• Origami art is fantastic because it shows creativity and imagination. Mademoiselle Maurice work is all origami. He makes them out of paper and then sticks them on the walls. An advantage of this is that it makes the walls look more modern, creative and interesting for people to see. I think that this type of street art I great because it shows passion and creativity.

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3D Street Art

• Joe Hill is a 3D street artist he draws on the walls, flours, ceilings etc. An advantage is that it brings communities to better which street art is meant to do. I believe that this form of street art is the best because it makes the streets more fun because there's a 3d painting in the middle of the street so it’s a good place for people to take photos so then maybe they put it online for company's can see it