*otvtemtctotatttsir.:-pnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031341/1883-02... · n-a. >v* sam^s^^...

n- A. >V* SAM^S^^ $*v ^i 'V^ ; M*V* 1". ? 5 *??.fco W ^ ',1' i/».' ^ » M «ir^ # AEB TUBS. V* FBWUT 1, IMA. PM » p.* V, tit «t ndvcwOaeero. TUB UBBALD Wit BUI A CI BO LB OB CNI9 IO or CrOtivaBBBtm it moat tiimuiya -raAM THAT or A u o n n w n u r roBuaATtoam omwmwtK IT <7IBCUI.ATBO m ALL p t m or t u t owiarrT ABTJ HOW iwro AWD to nsoixu WtT BaTOfJOB TO PAT •UMUW— , ABB otiTiniOAtii BTATBV, EQUAL rAIaV Fosi Tnati « H f « i i i r aad Wtelnlty. j % ~ We trt pleased to see W. A. BtfW- man upon our slreeUatY*in«< / .;,,, Dr. IHrby and brlJt rotor.as^iY&n their wedding trip on Monday. Dipt W* I* Palmer loft town last Toeeday for a Week's run west Tht Beraee i*oet ci, A. n, h*ve leeeed Killmer's IUII for one rnr, Dr. O. A. Allsfa, hat purchased the Dr. Parmelee hooto and lot on Wil- ? y v \\t^ ' wan VAUTB rr n o i./A .^- A»oiunum ^ ^ ' T J f e U M . ^ ail ktedt at Whit- J4T«1 *••— •Mkis IM bwt pbotofrtDb*. to 1*'''Sola Bro4iaV Qr«l WaMrob* fc» joti your ilfcAy*. HTwi llort * Oatfc*lft Abbott AkMk. 4lwl ftrtpirttoffapia. ^H^MvIo loan on leBprovedmriaVli, teq«tr»9fJ, v. B«k«r. . jiau *«*•- %*t * / Brow* •«««• tb. btat phottfr*ph*. tiutflrt pfat.r* Uk«n UuUitTf iSfawat. wkt * * * - * » r • ^ i.' ! ,4= All fM#f *n4 prlow atj J. W. \ tkmmtmlt iwrulaid to f Jta«otlr« ratliftnif l«»u .* •v* > ^gJLffHtoi, MM »Mt Mokftl**, »t Bro- •iotht K»tr »3Stff» ,- "" totoB % u s, Ur JUi -•^- ftTMlt*. •*4> rta«ot of MiaAiS .." 9% mm booU ftnUalJr. •UtUsaEant. * M -• J. W.OwHiiM'fc, maVk«t at |Mtf TT i».«r ^^IJi'Whi i-4 IT»WUB« k4«, to •, to tM 0+*T***«*r U 00 ^ —d w o * * #QMk--. < IkfWMai A BlIHIMWWII'. i t e i . A l W k * M IMU»4«4 M A B. * v M H H H Within tklriy d*f a. '*+'t:W. OrtoUtoo kM jtMl rtotivwil k MV MMtf •! l«4lM' DM »ko«,UU|rt «MniUIVT<)aaJi(r imA d-rmblrUy WaJMlittaMtl^. 1481/ i . If. OrkiMoo ha« iba floMt lot , WtewUta.VAllaa* M»4 tr*v*lla( ba«« f«f}r tBUtMM \m Ooav«roaur and a , jHlMteMtitMlMMf* jiStf ^ » W ittaon of ifeo prtaanl irtat « Mtti al «l. W. OrmUtOfi'i la ilui ko InBt fooda of tho bast quality Ibr Aa*or ptlaaa! thiui mnr othar dan.br filhoaonnly, HStT . lt .^. ,. . i >attrr•!•••-••• • "••• OoOrS fo without an ML Braoa thla #aar 9 aoploaa#> »Up into tha Urand Mr. F. E. Wiloox. of Ofwafo, N. T. 9 haabaao Tlaltlnff tha famllj of Mr. R Drafea. x VteaiUorrA Coniaeii, tha enUr- prttlnf rarlttjr daalart. baro morc<1 into tho Abbot! Block. Mr. B, N, Baott and family, of Blaoh BlTATa wara Tltltlng fkiandt In OouTOrnaor Ihla waok. ! Woaraploaaadto loaan ihalaftor a allghl Ulnaat. M1M Oraoo Van- Bortn t§ quit* donTtltitttt. Oall al tho Grand Oa^tral and look at tho now fotkion plalaa tn aprlng and aonMtor ttylaa for llStL Mr. Waiton, of tha lmnbor irm of Maatra. Waaton r Daan * Aldrloh. paaaad laat Sunday In flonttrnaur. Tho billiard toumamtnt oomtnto* aaa In Kllhnor^ hall on Tuaaday aranlntf Fab. ath, and oontlnuot ortry nlfhtofthawaakt Mr. atfd Mra. A. a Gutting u% •ponding tbta waak In Canton, vltlt- Ing thalr many Mandt aad ralatl?aa In that totality, Mi^W/a«Uw^t f oflUmira t Who hat boanj ?Idtlnf bar alttar. Mra. C. h. PooloK rotnmod homo tho fora part of thla waak. Mr. Q. a V. MoValgh Will loon opan tn tha groaory botlnaat In tha Brown photograph bloek, adjoining Union Hall Motb. Mtttft. MeFima Brotharl hara built op m good trado loraady*mada olothlng. tbaykaapa ttloet ttook and adratltaa bargalnt. Mr. Joaaph Bouta haa ti.d bU Aurm of 1B7 aeraa, altaatad In North Oouv- arnaor t to John Taggart, of Ogdam* burg; prloa $MB por aoru. BonnattA Moulton't Ctottlo Opera Ca» Union llall 9 Fab. 9, and 1<X Two and onahalf hoort of mirth and moata. BaourataattL ' Mtm Emma Botohkltt ratontd on Monday from a waak 9 t vltlt m Naw York tlty. During bar abaan^a Mitt Oarrla llotohkltt had obarga of bar tahooL... i Lottora adrarilaad ian. M r-J. M. DonaYln, Mlat Ualga Jaoobaon, >; Mn M« Kaiatr f Mr. Chaa. MoNall. Mr. John Marahail, Mitt Aiina & HhaMnok* 1; Mtm Ball Bhattook* Mr. irm. Ui Griffin nrrlnd in iown from St. Paul. Minn t on Satur- day laaC Uaralattc tomo rary ai- citing Inoidtnft of wa«Uro Jifaaud Anadn F. Smith, of Ilarmoo, Is now traveling In Ttxat, wUI ploaaa aoaopt tbankt for raoont iiaa of tha Dallas HemUL GOOD Woiric.^-Lttt weolf. MettrtL Kallyantt (rlth out down tho troat and tawed, split and plied up30^ oordt of 18 inch wood for Dr. O. H. Blandan 9 on hit farm In Fowler. Who can ahow a bettor record ? •• »•• ' »'" Town Oi4rcoa.^-Tha ropubllcantof Gourerneur will meet at Union Ball on tho 10th day of February 1683. for tha pnrpoto of nominating town officers. By order Town Committee. Hated. Jan. 29th f 1883, ••i " M t ' nfrr--- '' Tin tTtlea Obaerfer §aft: The dit- gustlng practice of kiss log pet doge and catt enreadt more diseases among women and children than all the eewer gaeee In America. Foarnt are out tor moat on tho ice at Smith* Mills on Saturday, Fab. 3. There w U be a matphad Moo batween two thorooghhrod ttalliont for a porta of 936.00 and a 3*0 race Ibr $19.00; and a foot race of 100 yards. The Little Bow Comet Band will ftimieh music, and a general good time It anticipated. < • > • •'•"'I V y Waaaing Annlverenrlek The 19 Inst, the friends and neigh* bort ol Mr. and Mrs, Eteklel Osgood, of North Stockholm, gave them a pleasant surprise in memory of the 40th anniversary of their I marriage. The supper Wat One and I the presents numerous, among them a center tablo and spread, two easy chairs, silver butter knlfo and seme money, ' 3»" w&&m* 'j*. •'•-•^ j "*-^-*> j ii*j Fine. Jan. 22.—Thirty extra teame are In tho bark woods this week, and previous to this time tlxty loads came dally to the tannery. Oor people teem to be really in earnest i.bout building a church, and we hope the coming summer will tea a spire pointing heavenward. Mr. Emery hat subscribed $200, and Capt Palmer $100. The ladles have organ* iztd an aid society, the object of whloh It to raise funds with which to furnish the church.» E. miumtiLxw. V -«>••- •»•»• A oosrrtMPOBAKT ttyt It It funny to tea a man howling about patronltiiig home indastrlee, when ha usee scrub- ber stamp to make tha moat horrible daubs of latter heads and oardt with which nice white paper Is spoiled. Most men's Idea of "patroniiiog home Industries" Is for everybody else to do It . » % > . ii PftlttDBMTIAL PotTOfTfCtt IH St. LAWREXCI Oouirrr.—Tha following am the p^ttoffioet In thle country Whoee postmasters are appointed by the president, with tho advice and oooecu* of tha tenato, with thetalar- lea allowed: Canton. $1,000: Gouv- orneur, $1,700: Ogdentbtnrg, $1,900: Potsdam* $1,600. Arrumow It called to the notice in this paper, relative to proposed amendment of the constitution of the St. Lawfenoe Game Club. Thursday evening, Jan 18, about forty of the friends of Mr. and Mm Samuel Creighton, of Depeyster[ turprlted them at their home in that place, by coming to their bouse and bringing a Aae supper>nd valuable gifts to remiod them of the 25th an* nlvereary of their wedding. Among the presents were sevoral pieces of silverware, an extension table and easy chair. •••»• In Montreal It U reported that a project II afoot to unite the Grand Trunk, Iforth Shore and Borne and Watertown railroads with the Illobe- lieu and St. Lawrence Navigation company In a general traffic combina- tion for monopollilng all the land and water trado of the St Lawrence route In the future. It Is said that the negotiations aro virtually doted, and only require the detallt to bo settled. Mii • A . ' i H > » i. Saturday evening Jan. 20th, Mr. and Mrs. Jemes Butler, of DeKalb Junction, were completely turprlted by a large delegation of their friends who dropped In upon them and re* minded them that it was their silver wadding. Supper, music, remarks, and tha presentation of a quantity of valuable table silver filled the house, and, while Sunday was still an hour distant, the guests took leave feeling that It Is good for friends to stop and listen as the family clocks strike eff tho great hours of homo life, ''ten," "twenty-five " "fifty." Ilernton. Jan. 29>-—Messrs. Alverson & Little have purchased an Ice-cuttor which they are now using on the river. T. P. Bellinger expects to go west In the spring. I There are a few cates of scarlet fever in thif vicinity. r The children and near relatives ol Mr. and Mta. L W . Cimpbell Jgave them a pleasant surprise last WednOt* day, in honor of the 40th annlver* tary of their marriago Mrs. S. A. Weeks* Mrs. Campbell's only sister was tick and unable to be present. They weito tbe recipients of numerout and ornamental presents, Judton Grems dlf d at the residence df his father, in Dekalb, Saturday, the 20th lust., and was' brought here for interment the following Sunday. Deceased Was 22 years of age,a young man of much promise and respected by all. Mr. aud Mrs. Grems have the sympathy of many friends In this their great affliction. A. CIItJBCB IUKECTORT. If. K. CauaOH.-IUt. A. Blc&ossie, FsVlnr. BervkMS al 11 a. m. sad 8 p. m. euadarHKJAJOOI silt as. Jesenaa****,Basi. OoifuanoArfowAU —No bastor At preterit mbsaiksaaoeiainss. J. I M Wiser, Bui*. m BAFTtar.—Aliiissmtwithoot A pastor, m- PSAtOT, SAI^fcA* AtlSttO p. IS, BAbbAihtChool AI11S.SL DATid OHMthA, ftupt . . : ^aocmTina. LOT>OB KC. tot, r. A*n A. M.-MAAU on si- ternate TtnusdAjr evsaiaM, al MAAOAIC HAlt a. WbJls, sfsster, deo, W. fiord, tee. J. B. F. Boonmr.—sfeeUnts Thursdsy svea. tat* offset) week. Miss M In Ale MAIIAIT, rres. Jennie Berber, Bee, J. T% B. OauB.—sTeets* every WedQesdAy tae rooms la tbe Pott Ofloe tmlld- Xlls Q. tL, LamAA B. While. t*mmm Vf-f^*" i - $ ' BT«w A4T*rtlMm«Bta. u «.* v: s^sr ' J. H. RUTHERFORD'S CASH STORED No. 28 Main Street, - - .; Gouverneur, N, t HIADQUARTKHI FOR f Forefea and Domestic Dry Ooods of Erery Description. ^ m sir a i l Aadrei ' V ,- + *-%? The ; and buy one. JiBtf 1 LadsaV Isia ehoea warranted extra ISPO at the Oan vernenr Boot and Shoe store. stameotf A Kirmamposin. > t»t M ^ • • S i m i P W - l am oMIgod torn, dnee asv etook lariely by Mareh 1st, and i f t r groat bargains In] eve AetA bargains In t Oomeandeee. * (J. W. BAtwas a ¥ f: jnaltty U of tha first tbta old and true axiom In soaking tha aeleetlone of pure drugs ana shesnlsalt foe? VanHamee'sPharmacy. 7t' i* moat simple there Is nothing get out of order: vary vary durable. Sfld only at tho Grand Central In the Van- waak., , 147wi ASKiUAua.—The by request of several gentlemen In Gouverneur who Aedre to study tho rreneh Ian- sjaage^ haa doalded to open an eve- sHssg aahool for that purpoee on or btsUte ratarnnry ami. All persons desirtng to baaamt puplle can learn fall nnftlwseyf by ealltng upon ma at LaVaah** t>rug Store, 140 w t Psrraa G A awow. #Oh tUiA«-4ltaurtavant exhauster. nlmatoAao of 48tf GovvuBwai'* MACinna Ox ttlsfOVAL.—Mm J. a Gorntey has removed her etook of Millinery and Ladlee Fumlehlng Ooode to parlors grocery of MeFerran Bros , Bioek. Jt7w2 Anthony The Gear la laboring under tha do- IOSIOQ that ha bae dtseolvad all tha loeletleeof Itussla by proela- HOtOS glRSIPIRILU Rlmfwirm M*mor mnJ Salt & halm BAI MMAM M *•« , Allf Ii. I«74 f f tffHi|»at^». llrmknirH • • #• I liAtA |Mkj| tlHfift^m ImiiMir IIIHI MU rheum pfttkAdlf lint kJy tMMly w^^nrrtnl wlUlliw a <, AO. sWl*. li«V IMVIII HTHI l,m\ I »•»><> mmf H*m\>*i "I «!***• t««t•» In llm IA«I M u Y^Ara, And liofkA i>f H»« m < «*nl«| rut«< titr <Wio MAJT my HH*wt WAS in tbA tiiv of TI»UHI«>II. «M«I MMiml ©!»• «f y**Mr #<N»II lHHik«. MIKI In tCrt.UMf it I f<M «*nrn« h%mm tiMi IIOA tAA|kAtlllA. AIMt A4»#d tllfA^ iM» IMI niniif IM'oiilo tratIfylng In ..., HA* ol yiHir Hmr+fiHkili\m And (Ml** OtMtniAnt I l«lt foiled t# ilf It 4illk4»Ugll I **«i tAAII MkAlir tlllllS^ AAV€«HUard IllUt iM'Vrr «tld AM» pmy ftMnl I ||AV«« IH>« "* * • SIM! 4»OA Ufg« iH|A Of ><t tl»MM» IM>^«« 4»f Oint- iMrnt I |M#W CAM mvMtlf iiimd. Nollilnt rsa oAjrf^a of MM* MM** but the elm WAV |lnr« i4 Uki AotAS. i I ktiAM t*k« l+o ftknro 4tlse.as4tVallMi eu/« will I* 9*myUU\ tfithii§mi§)$fct Ntmbchf rrrmriAM*, MAM. MHniS.C I HonstCo,! Ur«tA- T%4*m ***jTm+ WV AA|f«MA 4«« bottkn llW»l»'A *Mt «\r\n9iLK AIM! Afpw fiMik %k*>k9 f«»r IIIA. rlbwtAim. Yottr pf^i^rAtUm ha» w«»tk««d IP of my wll«. WIMI KA« •I** lkAAdA«lMI Slid till BlkA OAlV look AMf-llAlf And fifti no* +9*n «o HK lth« found that ahtnfJtahA !•» ««*iy • M r f l y frvd from s lAAt aptlne;. end •Ad Is Wnt to do §»m«i ]«\* i * sraAAAMsi kafa It IAI tha koiiw, •AHiA^AHIl-LA Tha little daughter of Jat, OrmJs. Ion being tall In tha room alone for a moment on one day last, week rsn to tho ttovo and placing bar little hands upon It burned tha palms of both of them vary severely, , Mr. Wm Thotoat arrived in Qcuv- erneor by last Saturday evening train, after an absence of |eo years, llsj was surprised with the many Im- provementt and changes that had taken ptaee In that tlape. A etagtogon which Mr. George If, ftoblneon was; at worst gave way last Saturday and ho fell to the ground a distance of twelvefeet^striking «pon at pile of ctonfa. He fortunately only sustained a feW mvom bruises. Mr. T. A. farmer, who haa been In tha employ of Mr. |amea Brodle, of Gouverneur, fair about 3 years, left town mi Monday last ibr St, Louie, Mo., whom h i will engage with a prominent clothing firm. A now irm will bo formed March 1st, to bo known aa Griffin, Smith * Ca, to mooeed a W. Bamee Ih tha grocery business, Mr. W. D, Gnfflo. with a W. Barnae, and Chat. Smith* with Laldlaw * Kinney, and a Ulent partner will constitute the firm. The many friends of Jobo 11. Potter, will be glad to learn that hie visit to Florida la proving very bene- ficial to hie health. Letieri recently received by the family of Mr. S. C. Potter am tall of encouragement and give hope of bis loll restoration to health. Bennett A Moultoo's Comic Opera Co., will give a grand Matinee on Saturday afternoon, Feb. 10, at 2 30, producing the Magic Slipper. The hail will be darkened and lit with gas, thereby giving a One evening effect Admission 20c.; children under 12 yearn 15o, Bcoure seats lu advance. Bring the little ones to see the great "Clndertlla." John KlHmer bat in stock at hit meat market, the carcasses of a num- ber of weetern steers. They are as fat as oould be desired and so tempt- ing even for tho eye to feast upon that to taeto they would tickle the palate of the moet fastidious epicure. The public appreciate any enter- prise that caters to their Interests and especially should full credit be given to one who goee to the farther* eet extreme of ex pence tn providing that whloh It most wholesome and good for the "loner men " Miss Anna May, daughiat of Mr. A, C and Rllaibeth Carpenter* was taken with diphtheria on the 10th of January, and on Saturday, the 27th, she died. Tbe disease seemed of the most malignant type from the flref. The deceased, In the eight days of ber sl+kncee was a very great sufferer. Hhe bare all her suffer Inge with forti- tude and poesesslog her full roason to the last vtias perfectly self-corn posed and resigned to the aad fate which she appreciated was close at hand. lilss Anita May wss a stodeitt of tho Semloary and a young lady whoso warm-hearted stncarltv end affeotlon Won for ber msny friends The father, mother Aj»d gurylvlog sister havaV the deep tytppethy of a large olrclemf relatlvee and frlsnBs In tholr s*d bereavement, . TUB Watertown N. Y. Timet says Bennett & Moulton's troupe delight- ed tholr audience by the manner In which they rendered Mascot last evening. This company have earned the right to a warm reception in this city on former visits. Their per- formances am very excellent, being mirth provoking, without the least vulgarity. An evening spent with them leaves nothing but agreeable recollections* The performers are all w%tj olever, and several of them par- ticularly so. For a good evening's fun commend us to Bennett & Moo!- ton's Comic Opera. At Union Uall, Goovcrucur, Feb. 9 and 10. Secure seats early* I s— ••• TUB Boston Herald says Bennett A Moulton's Comic Opera Company began a week's engagement at the Novelty Theatre yesterday, and gave one of the most enjoyable entertain- ments of the season. The audience which was large, were generous In their applause, there not beiog a sin- gle song that was not redemanded, and If the satisfaction of an audftnee Is any criterion we beipeak a succes- sion of crowded houses during a bal~ lanco of their engsgementi Thoy ap- pear at Union Hall, Gofiverneur, Feb. 9 and 10. fofiven iinni areat Cleats)* 0«l gale. Last Thursday afternoon the ttock of merchandise of tha laty firm of Klllmer ab Jepsoo, of Gouverneur, was sold at auction by Geo. P. Ormls- too, assignee. Tho stock sold for 42| per cent of ooel, ihe purchasers wem Meatrt Slsson * Fox, of Alex- andria Bay. The goods wem at once offered for tale al retail and every day since them bae been a crowd off people wedging their way Into the store and up to tbe counters eager to get the benefit of the un- paralleled bargains., it it turprltlng to tee how cheap goodi can be bought. They am going fast and those who would profit by thlt sale ohoold call without delay. Tsie Bill I are Toorna The billiard tournament to be hold In KUlmer's Oall, Gouverneur, com- mencing Tuesday evening Feb. 6th, is an aseumd torcets. Local cham- pions of tbe cue from Ogdensburg, Watertown, Malone and other sec- tions have tlgulged their intention to enter for the priass. The interest and excitement which the coming tournament has awakeued in sporting circles and even In neighboring vil- lages foreshadowa a largo attendance It speaks well for tho management that they have secured a ball express- ly for tho contest, thus separating this moat exciting and purioly harm-, less amusement from any/and all in- fluences that could In ^ny light be considered detrimental. »•»• Tirfa Delhi, N. Y. llspubllcan sa>s there) was a crowded house In attend- ance at the Opera Troupe present a* lion bf Mascot on Thursday night. They were highly delighted with the magper in which that play and the other performances were rendered. It Is no doubt tbe best troape of the tlnd that was ever brought here, and tbe vi nture Is destined to bo through- out a threat aucoeaC, limited only by the A!at* of tho place 1ft Which It is held. Tkev am at Union Mail, Goo?,' crueur, FV> r^-odlOth- r y mate Aatrte«li«ral Boeiefr* At the annual meeting of the New York State sVgricoituml Boeloty,held In Albany on Thursday, Jan. 16th, tbe following officers wem elected forihe ensuing year: President, George ¥\ MKlli, of Montgomery ; vloeipretldentt, C. 11. Agnew, of New York; Isaac H. Cocke Of Queens; Eraetus Corning of Al- batty; Tlmoth Hughes, of Clinton; James Geddec, of Ooondaga; Joseph Jollard»of Chenango; D. D. 8b Brown, of Monroe; Marcus H. Phillpa, of On- ondaga. Corresponding secretary, Thomas Harrison, of 8L Lawrence. Recording seemtary, W. U. Bogart, of Cayuga. Treasurer, Odin Thayer, of Albany. Executive commlttee,David Conttt, C. a Walker, T. It. Proctor, James McCann, 11. K Allard, William White, George Miller, L. W. Led- yard. The board of control of the State Agricultural Society has elected It. J. Swenupreftldena and treasurer,and Gen. N. M. Curtis seemtary* ' * •s 1 Wow Uie West* At a meeting called at the office of O. S. Conger January 27, 1883, to take Into consideration the utility of forming a colony to settle In Dakota, or some other locality that said ooloffy) may^ direct, J. M. Marsellus was chiton president (protein.,) and K. 8, piarnet, seemtary. , For the purpose) of furtherlog ihe above object lit wee resolved» by those pres- ent, that we unite ourselves into a ooloolxatlon society. After general discussion, It was resolved that we Invite correspondence from al) favor- log the object, also that the sccrotary have the peceedlng of the meeting published In oyr village papers. Toe meeting then J adjourned to meet on Hiturday, Feb S, 1888,at two o'clock, p. m.aud 7 p. m. «t the offioe of Hon. G. 8. Conger. The following persons gave their nAmei : \ B. S. BArnaa, J Wy IfArAAllna, Aitthar, II C.J Al. IVWarran. B. O. Stalth. John HAwaon, WAtAon, ftAmual Smith, SIIAS A. A. Acaerafsn. B. & DarasA, SAO. J. W. afAfa«lltu Tres. Thoa. l*ratila, B. II. toillh. UBBSBSOSlAi; Wm. Stoneburn hat opened a fur- niture Store ovor I Frapallo A sons store, J Ice twenty Inohes thick Is being harvested lp Chippewa il-ty. Your Ogdensburg correspondent lA>s that no teams croetiej tte river last year. Thero were two days of good crossing at MoVrlstowo, and one man crotsed from this town; he broke through before reaching Grenadier, bpt niie^sslt^ oompolled blm to coutllnocou hie v+f, He wee running a Way to oeenpe examination on a ludgei order. * t r Dr. 01ip4|nt wUl a^eleed Dy. Kerr Who foeatfe Ogttneburg to practice hUpmfeasto* i , JC. Tke OBSBO tTiASkea off Aaseriea. Tho publishers of The American Angler, a weekly paper devoted en- tirely to fishing and fish culture, an- nounce that on and after January 6th, 1883, they will publish from week to week a serlee of exhaustive, essays upon tho Game fishes of America. These essavs wlH Include a popular and scientific description, structure, coloration, A c , of each fish; their habltt and habitat; description of tackle used ; and whe% where and h*o to catch them, Ac-, A c The articles Will be written by tho best angling authors In America, and the series will treat of all the game fishes of the salt and fresh water of the continent, and when completed will form a text book for anglers, a great want not filled by any existing publication. the America Angler Istho only paper of IU kind that is published In thlt country. Itt weekly pages are replete With Information of special value to fishermen, and Ht fitblog roporte, In season, form a practical guide to the angling tourist. ; The publication offices aro In New York City, at 202 Broadway, (opposite City Hall Park) and tbe subscjlptlpn $3.00 a year. We have mado arrangements with the pub- lishers of She Angle?, to club their paper with TUB HKHALP ABD TIMBS at $3.35 a rear, and am now pmpared to take subscriptions on that basis. Old Rlng^pr PeoVle Rale, Which 1 Town meeting—upon the surface at least—does not seom to claim tbe amount of Interest and attention that Is usually manifest about these days. Wo bear no namo mentioned in par- ticular for tho office of Supervisor and It may be a question whether any one of tbe "ambitious ones" will put themselves forward. In the last day or two wo have heard the names of several of our worthy townsmeneas- ually mentioned In connection with the tupervisorshlp. Among the num« ber spoken of wem E H. Ncary, 8. B. VanDuaee, John MeFerran, Gray Sheldon, Henry Sudds, John Rodger, B. D. Barry, Wm. Whitney, Fred. Norton, S. Graves, C. A. Laldlaw, Jaa. U. Rutherford, Isaac Star buck, Ellas Smith, George Lockle and oth- ers. This list riocs not Include one quarter of the good and available re- publicans, Who are by practical busi- ness experience and party service eli- gible to fill tbe office. However*, these casually mentioned names serve to Illustrate bow utterly absurd and supremely egotlatle It Is for two or throe Individuals to set themselves up as the brains of a party and alone en- titled to honorable recognition. The great masses are sick of serving per- sonal ambitions. They aro disgusted wit'j the little and big rings. It now remains to bo seen whether or no tbe self-appointed h f .v%j yet icarnrnl P cse truth*. Tho peoplo have emphati- cally ordered tbem to the mar. Will they obey the command ? |o.tV^>«4* Jatv 29.—Last Friday; evening Itev. fc. W* Wheeler had an oyster copped and donation visit. Receipts $31. s » .-... i ....... A splendid fox hound belonging to Richard Taltt, was killed last Friday by James Oommiogs* while return- ing from a fox bout. Bulkfey if Co*s iton mine on the Colton farm Is progressing finely down twenty fegt In granite rock with better proepeett of finding a Jurors. following jarort have been drawn to ael-ve at the next St Law- rence County Curcult Court and Court of Oyer and Terminer, to open Monday, Feb. 5th: <>BAND JUBOHt. Chariot Kendrew, Dekalb; W. H. Young, Oswegatchle; Benjamin Squam, Plerpont; Oliver A. Kerr, Fine; James W* Webb, Masseua; Oliver E. Bonney. Potsdam; Linus Russel, Oiwegatohle; J. J. Leonard, Pierpont; Orvllle A. Mead, Canton; John A. Green, Dekalb; George Smith, Edwards; F. M. Homes, Mor- rlstown; Charles I )a von port, liussoll; Peter Walker, Wadding ton; Norman J. Thomas, Pitcairn; < Chariot N. Clark, Nor folk; Ellas Teal, Wegatchie; Byron Healy, Canton; Rrl Beard, Hermon; Andrew Tuck, Lisbon: Joseph Gilbert, Oawegatchie; John Soy den Ot wegatchie; Samuel O. Hatch, Russell; IL C. Maine, Her- mon. t rBTiTJcmoKt. John Sitts, Macomb; George M. Conger, Canton; James Doffey, Gouv- erneur; James II. Rutherford, Gouv- erneur; Henry A. Bacheller, Pier- pont; Isaac Cornell, Canton £ R, T. Cdnant, Dekalb; W. H. Tayiftf, Par* Ishville; James R. Bill, Oiwegatohle* Horatio G. Clark, ill asset.*; George 8/ Wrlghf, Hopktntoo; Lovlnut Morehouse. Hormon; Frederick Wil- bur, Norfolk; Joslah Norton, Can- ton; Theodore Caldwell. Jr., Canton; DennisG. Seeley. Fowler; William Heptenetall, Dekalb; A. E. McE#en, Lawronce; Wesley Hulnurd, Stock- holm; E. Blanchard, Norfolk; Patrick Powers, Canton; Elmer A. Gray, Hammond; William Nelson, Llsboo; Augustus Bromaghim, Canton; James Ltddle, Llsboo; Lindloy Robinson, Colton; John A. 8nell, Colton; Henry Sweet, Fowler; Samuel Berry, Law- rence; Harlan Gregor, Ruscell; Har- lan Lamb, Russell; Benjamin Bab- cock, Brasher; C. P. Olmstead, Law- rence; Joeeph Baker, Oiwegatohle; Carlton Powell, Canton. v ••••• \ A larj; cd. *1 Ah. \f V;:%' •x>, 4^^i Sf :< Sroiat. 4 *W > h nsrat> reotivnl. 4l Ii'a gold to be merry Aad wise, It's xald to be honest AD4 true, Il*s gttM lo support Caledonia's eanis, Aad bids by ths buff aad Ihe bloe." But for the enthusiastic energy of a few right royal Sootchmen who love and honor the name of Sootia't noble bard Burnt' birthday, in thlt coun- try, would have passod unnotioed and unhonored. Among those who wem chiefly instrumental in getting op the Burnt' Festival wem "Jack'' Laldlaw, the enterpritlog prodrletor of the ''Laldlaw House" In Rotsle, and our enthusiastic Scotch friend, "Sandy Brown. The festival was held at the Laldlaw House, Rossie, on the evening of Jan. 25. and in spite of the shortness of the notice and the bitter, bitter cold weather the affair waa a grand success, and the attendance was large enough to fill the house with a more genial and Jolly crowd than are often got to- gether. Tho mem mention of the names of a fow of the leading spirits whose genius for good humor is suoh that, . < **PerhApa li MAT turn lout a song, Perbspa turn out A seipion," It a sufficient guarantee that the oc- casion was auch that all preaent were glad to testify that "It was good to bo there." After exchanging the usual cftll- Ities of the occasion about seventy-0 ve ladles and gentlemen sat down to a tumptuout supper. As soon as the tablet were cleared "The mirth And,fun grew flat ant] farioiia" and continued till the "wee sma hours." As lack of space forbldt an extended notice we must be pardoned for a hasty sketch. George Lockle made Ihe speech of the occasion, in re- sponse to the toast, "The day and a f wha' honor It/ f ••Sandy" Brown, as usual, was In grand humor and rose to the full height of the occasion by apt and forcible recitations of choice selections from the gmat Scotch poet. Mr. Roger, of Hammond,'gave a reading, Geo. Parker, of Gouverneur, responded to "The Genius of Burnt," and the Hisses Melrose and Brown of Rossie, and Messrs. Roger and Ruth- erford of! Hammond, favored the company with some excellent music. George Lockle reel fed the "Haggis" in his Inimitable manner. Tbe abso- lute absence of "iBsptrlnf, bold John BArleyem.," demonstrated the fact that his pret- ence would have marred instead of adding to the pleasure and interest of | the occasion. Scotchmen ai.d ma|dens fro|)i the towns of jostle, .Hammond, Macomb and Gouverneur wem mpijatented, and when tbe hour tor separation arrived and all pre- pared to bid •'good bye," both to cherished friends and the 'enjoyment of aoclal Intercourse, the mind naturally turned io tbe troth of tbe following line t of the grandly gifted Scotch poet; "Bat pleasures are like poppiei spread, Tea seise the aewer. its bloom Is saed; Or like Ike saew faU la Iks river, A atstBSBl wkite, Utea melts tor ever.*? ihlinaTB. Jan. 29.—Misses Lola and Dell Page returned Friday from a visit to Antworp friends. Luman B. White and Miss Mattle Wiser were in attendance at the Og- densburg musical convention last woek. , Mra. Eben Griffith slipped on the Io* Thursday, and falling, cut a severe gash in her forehead. The wound was dressed by Dr. Hawloy and al though painful Is doing well. Mist Carrie A. Doane cloeed a successful term of school In tho Down Ing district last Friday and In tho evening entertained a large number of her scholara at her home, where a feast of good things was provided and a general good tlmo enjoyed. A like event was tho pleasant gather- ing of the pupils of MISK Kttle Barber from tbe Rock Island district the same evening who paid her a pleat- ant social visit Mr. Arthiir L. Lyndo and Mitt Ella Lynde, of Antwerp, have been making a short visit to RlohvUle friends. Tho dance held at the Godard Iloute on Friday evening was a social success. Twenty-five couplet wem present and the committee, Messrs. White, Bosworth and Smith, exerted j themselves for a comfort and enjoy- ment of tbe guests. The suppor and music wem all that could bo desired and should this committee arrange tor another social hop It will bo well patronised.. A literary society was organized Saturday evening by a few of our young people, which la for mutual benefit and higher attainment in literary work. The following officers were elected: Rev. A Ban MoRoeele, preeidenl; Willie P. ileoerlck; Sec.; Miss M. Ettle Barber, vice-president; Principal C. W. Smith, Mrs. J. Fred Wlter and W. L. Hendrlck,executive committee. Mitt Mloa Lachine entertained a bevy of her young friends at ber hbmo on Saturday afternoon, coast- ing, romping and a variety of gamea made the tlmo ptsi pleasantly. Saturday eVbulug a number vf R. G. 8. young puop'.e enjoyed tht) »iot|»i« taliiy s of Mr. Chapman V. Wblte, tbe ev<%r.i being In honor ot tue young tnau'it blrtnday. Mr. nnd Mra. Frank M. llorulng, of Friendship, N. Y., tnlvrd at iticbvillo Friday evening and are gueats at Dr. K Morton's. Mrs. Horning (ooe Miss Minnie H. Barker) hat mauy warm friends bore, nil of #hom are glad to welcome her and offer hearty congratulations. - Henry Gardner and family, of Capo Vincent, am visiting his brother Eton G. Gardner and other relatives. Low it Mellon met with a serious accident while THB B i r r tWAajoa o r AMERICAN AND ^OKjEIGN DRESS 8ILKS. Prices and QtuUity Gnarantad •_ * ._ - THA PINItT LIMI OF ^ 3D !E& "P^ 3 © jsp ^^ 2B 3E3ICS In the markcl. consisting of Black Cashmeres, Jersey Cloths, Henrietta Cloth; Ariniers, Plaidst Stripes, Chudder Cloths. Large line of Black and Colored Velvets, and an endless variety of cheap American Ca$hmeres, Chudder Cloths, Camel's Hair Weaves, Satteeas and Brocaded, in a great variety of qualities and prices, aunning from 8 cents to a$ cents per yard, { Wluti, lid ud Check Mod toil, hi u( SMig ntUik, Turkey Red Damask, White Table Damask, Linen Napkins, Standard Dress Styles of Ginehami' X * Apron Check Ginghams, 3000 yds. Calicoes from 4 c. to 7c per yard, Bleached Cotton, Brown Cottons from 6c. up, Humburg Edgings and Hamburg Insertings, Not- tingham Curtain Laces, Ladies', Children's and Men's Hosiery, Gloves, Dress Buttons, Laces, Edgings, " d White ^1 Notions, Ladies' Neck Wear, Black Lac© and White Lace Scarfs. UNDERWEAR FOB LADH8. GENTLEMEN, TOOTHS AJTD CHILDREN. LAUNDR1ED AND UNLAUNDRIED JBR3BT8, , , [ COLLARS AJTD ^> *i wi SPECIAL SALE AT COST! t&~ KDISQ Blankets, H.VL tar lEioodLs, x-ogrgrirLs^ 4cc., sit .Ajst^Lea c o s t f JSX In fAct we hAT« A eAsapieie Sad full stack of flsrslfu aad DOSASSUQ 017 Oosdi wblasj wa win aell aa low as aa^ aausa al tsWft af eshat^ J. H.•• RUTHERFORD'S CASH STORE, = , No. 28 Main Street, » • * . - . Gouverneur, W. Y> 30-pxysT 31D AYS32 ~P7TYT30 LATEfVT MABKET EEPOBT. NO LAiT WBBK HOFC. ETC.- tjauaifuKt Fsaom flew Yorn markec BUTTKR—BeOIers still have to do about all tho hnrd work on the butter market, a&l tho business closed Is merely tho rotolt of eloee and con- stant attention to overv ohance offertfd for negotiation. The home tradH Is qulto as particular orer qual- ity aa ever, savl eren more ao on prloe aud superlative icoodsalouo sell with-j out protracted negotiation, whilo ••oil" flavor uOf.s uot soeui to bo wauled at all. and vast amounts of the supply io hand will of necessity bo loft to the tender mercies of ship- pers. , Boeing their advantage and lacking favorable accounts, from abroad, ihe latter class of operators are Inclined, to stand off and await thealaujthter. They report that re- plies to their cables with bids all say 'Met butter aloixo,'.' UrcasBSiy. leocy <•»•<**. *•*•••« CrAamarjr, eluMoe Crseanery, IAlf tofovd._ Creamarr. orttloAry Out* aalMUrkia tubs. fAaoy.... Stat* hall-flrkintuba,oho4o« ... 8Ute aalf-flrkla taba. geoe SUlA hAli-flrkU tuba Ulr etateflrklas,flae 8UU WeUh tuba.oaotoA StAU Welaa tabs, priaiA »UtA WaUh tuba, OUr tosrood... Waatern imlUlioa eraAmvry .... CnticiK—Obeeen eases oil' niowIJT. but is IIOOH the le%s woak ou the gen- oral run of Mock, aa the distribution since the first of tha >ear has been comparatively »«tn*ll. aud a great many "odd lots" still remain on hand toward whJch attention turns slowly. Taking the week through, the oon* t*. t>* -iTK:^ a £ f>< *otvtEmtctotA"tTtsir.:-pa FOR Tllfe NEXT THIRTY DAYS r i-ff r* f-i? *l H Atiifo A LAEOI erortr w i # U . L CLO«E OUT OP i^imk l*' t [.,. 1 OVEEOOATS AT COST. \l^\ Vow is Uie Time And Jame* Brodle'a Great Wardrobe Is Positively the Race to buf AH Overcoat January 25,1883, - THE BOOK Or BOOK6T ! UTEST!? mm aai MM mttbmiamw aHAM MAW ^^ ^^"^ M -*9 dltlone of the gc>neral market have coasting last week. | b*eu somewhat unsettled and both S*A4* factory. taaoMiaU StAte tAOtory. prims to ohotcs aula fsctory. good Stats faetory. uir atais faotory, saedlQBi atats tAotory. poor to fair Ohio, data* eboloe O010 Oats. 0ns Ohio, data, lair to food CrAAAAAfT AhUas, aood CrAAAAAry aklaxa, fAlr ITay, prims Vsjothy... Ilay. madiaai VliaoUiy. Hay. aalppiaf fiadsa.. Hay.oloTSr BtrAW, Eo. 1 rjm BtrAw, short rys Ostatraw whlcn come near proving fatal, lie | bayera and Is slowly Improving and Is fortunate In escaping so well * <j Mr. and Mra. Hitetm Bartlett ex- tended warm greeting* and genial hospitality to the eompany who filled their pleasant parlors on Fri- day evenlog the event of the Con* gregational sOclaL AJf preaent en- joyed themselves vo^y much and nearly five dollars was added td tbe library fund which has now reached the aum of £50. Miis Hattle McRoasle o^ Kingston, is visiting hor brother Rev. A. Mc- Rossie. Uolon services wer# held at the Congregational church Sabbath eve- ning, Rev. Wade of Dekalb preach- ing an excellent gospel sermon from John 14tb. 8th. Mr. Wade will oc- cupy tho Congregational pulpit aa from time to time announced until a regular pastor is secured. Tho ladies of the Baptisf chuich are to glvo a aupper at Mr. A. C. Smith's next Thursday evening and a welcome is assured to all who may attend. Only forty cents per couple will be charged for the suppor served. The ladloa of tho band wish, through the "Rumblings," to extend thanks to Mr. and Mri. Clark Gardner for the favors extended at the Now England supper the 18th lost. At Klon G, Gardner's and W. P. Hendrlok's are new officers rooently connected with the local telegraph line in this village: Mr. and Mrs. J. flTPhelps leave to- day for an extended western trip. They will visit Dakota before their return. Mr. Phelpa goes on a busi- ness prospecting tour as well as on a pleasure trljpj. and will bo away several weeks. John C. C|arjc returned Saturday from Pennsylvania, and will not return there at present, the U. R. work being nearly finished. A New England suppor was plan- nod bf th* ladles' Mission Band of tbe Uiptlst ohurch and sncceasfully | carried out last Thursday evenlog. Thero was a large gathering at Mr. C. A. Otrdncr's where tLej suppor was served. Tbe young men and maidens turned out in good force and all ci.|ovcd a social good time. Tho supper consisted of baked ^eans, hlbon and brown bread, the fare of our hardy New Eogland ancestors. Ovtr seventy were seated at the table*. Hosts aud hostesses were chosen for each table, who did the honors gracefully* The financial sucoess of tbe entertainment fully raeX tbe expectation of the society. *'CatoY' want of an Item has at list befn supplied. Tho "long pro* mlacd" chime of wadding belle was bearq )sst Thursday, the 18tb., at Daillng. Oat t ringing in the union of Miss Jennie Qeatoo of that place, to Webster L. Eleodrlok. of Rich vi lie. W. L waa nearly the last of our "native" voung bachelors and hie cholqe does credit to bis native judg- ment and shows him not to be "Beaton" in that respect by any who here "gono'before." Mr. and Mrs, H. returned borne Saturday after a short trip. Their many friends offer congratulations. CATO. sellers are claiming an advantage. The former look upon the concessions allowed In the cost of goods aa a gain, while the latter feel that the email ah ad logs made have been instrumental in working off aome of tbe weaker lots and seoorlnf enough attention from shippers to In- dicate that Interest haa by no means lapeed entirely, and may revive sufficiently to oreate quite a fair an- imation over the remainder of sup- plies. We will give our usual quotations as followa: a.•«.**•••» .a is . a .is* .11* .10 s s * »*< eh is to* 1* TK#flX PsnnsylTaaiA saina, FsnasylTAAla skUaa, fAirtoflae, Euos—The demand; for choice or fancy fresh laid stock continues very good, and while the msjorityof buy- era refuse to submit to an advance, they will bid former rates quite read- ily and appear to take off the hoik of tbe supply. For the beet state I80 is generally and 17|o openly bid. Fancy stock In barrels Is quoted at 19(4300,: state and Pennsylvania 28f** 29a per do*. HAY AND STRAW—The anpply con- tinues large, and there Is quite an accumulation. With a slow demand the general tone continues weak and unsettled. reriosibA. HO m si . Si 4 74 .00 4 - aaa .ale . 40 # 60 . 40 ft Aft Uors—The demand from brewers still runs light. Shippers are doing scarcely anything, even In the way of looking around, and dealers buy only when they may find a lot at about our Inside quotatons. The of etook offering continues very moderate, however, and this feature, coupled With the outlook tor tbe near future, holds the market remarkably firm, considering tho exlstlog dullness. N. Y.BtAU Crop of ISSI oboloa..., $1 UU do do Modiama UO do do Low (inula* M do Crop of'SI, rood to ohoicA t*> do Old olds 74 Kaataro atop of ISSf t Fair to choice t<0 WiaoomalDa, do do Pacldo ooaat, do do yp *1*CE1XABE0UE ITatVh The fellow, Who by mistake, sent hie auburn-haired sweetheart instead of a bottle of Dr. Boll's Googh Syrop a bottle of hair dye.wants to knw the beet way to commit suicide. - .•»•<>• • - » > The Prineeee Lonlee embarked at CharLston. & a for Bermuda laat Thursday. Ugly aad HatefaJ. but I couldn't help It Jverythiu went wrosig with me. and I taAOncht | I hadn't a friend In the world, dye* | pepela caused thla and for months I couldn't eat anytblnf and jnet suf- ferredlnmtsery UU I had need Sul- phur Blttera. three bottiee cored me. —Z>. Zetets, 22 Bowdotn Street Boston. ••• California Wfelte wlhee are exported to Germany In considerable quanti- ties, and find muob favor there. ( MOTHTM DOM T KEOW.—lioW many children are punlabed lor being uncouth, wilful, and Indifferent to Instructions or rewarda, simplv bs> cause they are out of health! An Intelligent lady said of a ohUd of thla kind: "Mother* should know that if they would give the little ones moderate doeee of Hop Blttera for two or three weeks the children would be all a parent oould desire.' The Missouri Prohibitionists are making a determined movement for It Is reported that Oor. Oeretand will veto the New Capitol Apptxrpria- tlonBUL -AAA- Pore Wood helps to mekeiolear oonoolenoQ, Hood's Barewrtlam lor the blood. Knouth ealdL Bend ma a btf bottle. Edward McPheraon telle Oath t*at that the Repobiioan party^ lor next year '*are pretty fair. 1 * the amendment of the state ormstlto- tlon. " a> ^^ -»A«. ••1 •a ao i 00 1 u> (Marrimt* usetorfy U emUs AAJAA) Bechapaiba." New, quick, complete curb 4 days, urinary affections, amartthg. ftafoent or difficult urination, kidney dleeaeee. 91 atdrugglsta. Prepaid by express, $1.25, 6 for $&. JL 8. Wells, Jersey City, N. J. The ex Union soldiers Hvldf tn Shelbyville, Ind.. attended the funer- al ef an er^confederate In a body In Sunday, Mrs. M. Freitog, Baffalo, N. Y. f eays: "I took Brown's Iron Bitters for palpitation of the heart end dla> atness. and wae relieved." > * * -»#••- ,»• r^ '< ••Wo. «I.» Dont thll to aak yoor grooer (or H. K . * F. & Tburber 1 * No. 41 ooffee If yon want tbe beet and cheap* est In tbe world. It U for sale by tha followlrsg first-clam groeere, via: F. * B. Fobtor, Goavernenr: A. Sparks, Gouverneur: Geo. B. Gibbons, D*> Kalb Junction; Frank Greeav Do- Kalb Junction; J. J. Dot/. Beaaf* selaer Falla, L. D. Anaiead, Potednm; W. & Dunn * Boo, Canton; JcfBsr- eoo Iron Company, Antwerp: W. R. King, Antwerp; Crapanr * Bnaeell, Stockholm Center; A. MoGuire, Hammond; W. A Leonard, Boette; G. A. Monro, Cgdesasborf; J. A. Callahan, <%dameburg; Bower Broth- ers, W Aldington. latf ^r< 1 "ii Burklea^ Aralea Halve. The Best Salve In the world Outs. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter.Cha for Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt .. . ter.Chappad Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and \dl ALDBB-BfoGBE. fa I -m 1ST 111* tjuullnf, At thaaomaol the brtda, JAA. in. lass, by aVa*. - - ,of MAAI C. Loot. Ifr. Ilortoo A. AMao Aiid MIAA Aaala atoUao. TbarA WAA AlArfooNapAny of raUtlvSS aad frloada prAAant, And tha brtda waa the rociplant of nuuiy aaaful And ornAnffAntal prsaaata. BDDT-HOWAHD. At IlSAmsAoad, ian. ISUi by BA*. I>. A. rorfUAOa, aTrTalArk W. Eddr Aad lilaa Mlaola A. HowAid, both of IIAAA- aiood. Skin Eruptions, and Poeitlvely cures Piles. It la guaranteed to give per- fect sal 1'faction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by r. LaVsck, druggist, Gouverneur. -^—»- . ••^ .. An apple tree near Minneapolis, blossomed three times during the past season and > lelded t tro big crops of fruit '# TBOIT MlOM. Haws At tMJLVIWL Iimymi T ^1 mtwi. AMI AVvJawA* • ! rHtwH. W C««tnjl Hmw V*A, mrt*. Fi+4 Hi... m4 %\t*ntm \ m\*mk*s, a ^ IJA*TI1> MAIS SSaTAA.tm fS AAU vj> ft* IV Umrtm, \* «« i , , a '& ^ A Ueaeral htasspedo* |™ wr », M •-•—»**. •*. M A^«n _ N'evor was suoh a rush ffisdo for I W«T WfTIl, a . IT samU aaUAaSl w a>AA(raft,rr. OesatlU. iffoa^q/lUmiM/r^<»UU*rvnUu>44$c+nl ^ WIUBtT.—Blaaobs, yoaafoat dAoxbtAr of Alloa aad Laay Wtfht, of rowler, died JAsuAry H mL of Acarlot favor aYtar Urof waaha Afekasas, Sfed foorjoAra $ moaths aad IS days. TIM fast of tea death of this baautifal aad laasrsstlag eaild will brief a pan 1 of grief to tawksartsof AU whokaowber. SBa wUl loaf be isssssahsrid as the Uttla siafar who ao awaatlysAAf tha^awoat By Aad B | N At Uia laat Christsass tree services At UUle Tork. ofdipb* tta. isn of Edward, aad grUBB8.-!a sfssAoha. JAO, nth. 1 taeria. aaltia, oa'yjdaafhtsr Hay Stubbi, afsd tb^r ysara. UMDBA Y.-Ia Uopklatoa, ***. VXh, issx, Mra. a^UadAAy.AfiJlljAAra, CAEPElfTBa.-U aoaverasjaf, jr. T„ JAA H, MBS, MIaa Aaaa Hay. daafaAsr of Br. E. AaadlBUsaseth Carpsater, aaod aiaetaaa Tears, .'•>**.yt AjA*si*- / V li * U,'i , X V\\ ^kaMfe'^ anvDrug Store aa Is now at F. La Vaek'a, Gouverneur. for > Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Oolda. All poisons effected with Bronchitis, lloareenese, ConRh§ or any affection of the Throat and Longs, can get a Trial Bottle of this great remedy free, by calling at above Drug Store, - ^_ +++ m Tt Is sUted that reciprocity treaty with Mexico has been completed and submitted to tbe state department •#• j - A man wil. rant around aa If amad If bis better half aeks blm to sret op at 6 a. m. on a oold day and bnild the kitchen fire; but he will suffer like a martyr with Itching piles and spend an extra doUar on beer to drown the pain Instead of investing a small amount in Sway ne'e Oint- ment for removing the Itching and soreness. Verily the poet haa well said "what foola theee nrorials be." & WW*-* W. •»*• A C»^ yjJJ: i '.' 'ON or BEED5 PLANT "i V A* GARDEN %'. RfmWMWMl er Henderson >k $9 to !MnEttA»T£iSL£ , ft y ± ,> j * V I-' '*, 3^3 " \ -,;t •"- ^^S : : ^ "'>iaffiSa &?M8% *s_rmm r^j s* '- ; y**

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AWD to nsoixu WtT BaTOfJOB TO PAT • U M U W — , ABB

otiTiniOAtii BTATBV,

EQUAL rAIaV Fosi Tnati

• « H f « i i i r aad Wtelnlty. j %~ We trt pleased to see W. A. BtfW-

man upon our slreeUatY*in«< / .;,,, Dr. IHrby and brlJt rotor .as iY&n

their wedding trip on Monday. Dipt W* I* Palmer loft town last

Toeeday for a Week's run west Tht Beraee i*oet ci, A. n, h*ve

leeeed Killmer's IUII for one rnr, Dr. O. A. Allsfa, hat purchased the

Dr. Parmelee hooto and lot on Wil-


yv\\t^ ' wan VAUTB rr n o

i./A .^- A » o i u n u m

^ ^ 'TJfeUM.^ ail ktedt at Whit-J4T«1

* • • —

•Mkis IM bwt pbotofrtDb*.


1*'''Sola Bro4iaV Qr«l WaMrob* fc» j o t i

your ilfcAy*. HTwi

llort * Oatfc*lft Abbott AkMk. 4lwl


^ H ^ M v I o loan o n leBprovedmriaVli, teq«tr»9fJ, v. B«k«r. . jiau

* « * • -


* /

Brow* •«««• tb. btat phottf r*ph*.

tiutflrt pfat.r* Uk«n UuUitTf iSfawat. wkt

• * * * -


» r •



,4= All fM#f *n4 prlow atj J. W. • \ tkmmtmlt i w r u l a i d tofJta«otlr«

ratliftnif l«»u . *

•v* > ^gJLffHtoi, MM »Mt Mokftl**, »t Bro-

•iotht K»tr

»3Stff» , -""totoB%us,Ur JUi - • ^ -


• *4> rta«ot of

MiaAiS .." 9% mm

booU ftnUalJr.

•UtUsaEant. *M-• J. W.OwHiiM'fc, maVk«t at

|Mtf T T


^^IJi'Whi i-4 IT»WUB« k4«, to •, to tM 0+*T***«*r U00^ —d w o * * #QMk--. < IkfWMai A BlIHIMWWII'.

i t e i . A l W k * M IMU»4«4 M A B.

*v MHHH Within tklriy d*f a.

'*+'t:W. OrtoUtoo kM jtMl rtotivwil k MV MMtf • ! l«4lM' D M »ko«,UU|rt «MniUIVT<)aaJi(r imA d-rmblrUy WaJMlittaMtl^. 1481/

i . If. OrkiMoo ha« iba floMt lot , W tewUta. VAllaa* M»4 tr*v*lla( ba«« • f«f}r tBUtMM \m Ooav«roaur and a , jHlMteMtitMlMMf* jiStf

^ » W ittaon of ifeo prtaanl irtat « Mtti al «l. W. OrmUtOfi'i la i lui ko

InBt fooda of tho bast quality Ibr Aa*or ptlaaa! thiui mnr othar dan.br filhoaonnly, HStT

. l t . ^ . ,. . i >at t r r • ! • • • - • • • • "••• OoOrS fo without an ML Braoa thla

#aar9aoploaa#> »Up into tha Urand

Mr. F. E. Wiloox. of Ofwafo, N. T.9haabaao Tlaltlnff tha famllj of Mr. R Drafea. x

VteaiUorrA Coniaeii, tha enUr-prttlnf rarlttjr daalart. baro morc<1 into tho Abbot! Block.

Mr. B, N, Baott and family, of Blaoh BlTATa wara Tltltlng fkiandt In OouTOrnaor Ihla waok. !

Woaraploaaadto loaan ihalaftor a allghl Ulnaat. M1M Oraoo Van-Bortn t§ quit* donTtltitttt.

Oall al tho Grand Oa^tral and look at tho now fotkion plalaa tn aprlng and aonMtor ttylaa for llStL

Mr. Waiton, of tha lmnbor irm of Maatra. Waatonr Daan * Aldrloh. paaaad laat Sunday In flonttrnaur.

Tho billiard toumamtnt oomtnto* aaa In Kllhnor^ hall on Tuaaday aranlntf Fab. ath, and oontlnuot ortry nlfhtofthawaakt

Mr. atfd Mra. A. a Gutting u% •ponding tbta waak In Canton, vltlt-Ing thalr many Mandt aad ralatl?aa In that totality,

Mi^W/a«Uw^t foflUmira tWho hat boanj ?Idtlnf bar alttar. Mra. C. h. PooloK rotnmod homo tho fora part of thla waak.

Mr. Q. a V. MoValgh Will loon opan tn tha groaory botlnaat In tha Brown photograph bloek, adjoining Union Hall Motb.

Mtttft. MeFima Brotharl hara built op m good trado loraady*mada olothlng. tbaykaapa ttloet ttook and adratltaa bargalnt.

Mr. Joaaph Bouta haa ti.d bU Aurm of 1B7 aeraa, altaatad In North Oouv-arnaort to John Taggart, of Ogdam* burg; prloa $MB por aoru.

BonnattA Moulton't Ctottlo Opera Ca» Union llall9 Fab. 9, and 1<X Two and onahalf hoort of mirth and moata. BaourataattL '

Mtm Emma Botohkltt ratontd on Monday from a waak9t vltlt m Naw York tlty. During bar abaan^a Mitt Oarrla llotohkltt had obarga of bar tahooL... i

Lottora adrarilaad ian. M r-J. M. DonaYln, Mlat Ualga Jaoobaon, >; Mn M« Kaiatrf Mr. Chaa. MoNall. Mr. John Marahail, Mitt Aiina & HhaMnok* 1; Mtm Ball Bhattook*

Mr. irm. Ui Griffin nrrlnd in iown from St. Paul. Minn t on Satur­day laaC Uaralattc tomo rary ai-citing Inoidtnft of wa«Uro Jifaaud

Anadn F. Smith, of Ilarmoo, Is now traveling In Ttxat, wUI ploaaa aoaopt tbankt for raoont iiaa of tha Dallas HemUL

GOOD Woiric.^-Lttt weolf. MettrtL Kallyantt (rlth out down tho troat and tawed, split and plied up30^ oordt of 18 inch wood for Dr. O. H. Blandan9 on hit farm In Fowler. Who can ahow a bettor record ?

•• » • • • ' »'"

Town Oi4rcoa.^-Tha ropubllcantof Gourerneur will meet at Union Ball on tho 10th day of February 1683. for tha pnrpoto of nominating town officers. By order Town Committee.

Hated. Jan. 29thf 1883, ••i " M t ' nfrr--- ''

Tin tTtlea Obaerfer §aft: The dit-gustlng practice of kiss log pet doge and catt enreadt more diseases among women and children than all the eewer gaeee In America.

Foarnt are out tor moat on tho ice at Smith* Mills on Saturday, Fab. 3. There wU be a matphad Moo bat ween two thorooghhrod ttalliont for a porta of 936.00 and a 3*0 race Ibr $19.00; and a foot race of 100 yards. The Little Bow Comet Band will ftimieh music, and a general good time It anticipated.

< • > • • ' •" ' I V • y

Waaaing Annlverenrlek The 19 Inst, the friends and neigh*

bort ol Mr. and Mrs, Eteklel Osgood, of North Stockholm, gave them a pleasant surprise in memory of the 40th anniversary of their I marriage. The supper Wat One and I the presents numerous, among them a center tablo and spread, two easy chairs, silver butter knlfo and seme money, '

3»" w&&m*

'j*. • ' • - • ^ j

"*- -*>j

i i * j

Fine. • Jan. 22.—Thirty extra teame are

In tho bark woods this week, and previous to this time tlxty loads came dally to the tannery.

Oor people teem to be really in earnest i.bout building a church, and we hope the coming summer will tea a spire pointing heavenward. Mr. Emery hat subscribed $200, and Capt Palmer $100. The ladles have organ* iztd an aid society, the object of whloh It to raise funds with which to furnish the church.» E.

miumtiLxw. V


•»•»• A oosrrtMPOBAKT ttyt It It funny to

tea a man howling about patronltiiig home indastrlee, when ha usee scrub­ber stamp to make tha moat horrible daubs of latter heads and oardt with which nice white paper Is spoiled. Most men's Idea of "patroniiiog home Industries" Is for everybody else to do It

— . — — » % > . • • ii

PftlttDBMTIAL PotTOfTfCtt IH St.

LAWREXCI Oouirrr.—Tha following am the p^ttoffioet In thle country Whoee postmasters are appointed by the president, with tho advice and oooecu* of tha tenato, with thetalar-lea allowed: Canton. $1,000: Gouv-orneur, $1,700: Ogdentbtnrg, $1,900: Potsdam* $1,600.

Arrumow It called to the notice in this paper, relative to proposed amendment of the constitution of the St. Lawfenoe Game Club.

Thursday evening, Jan 18, about forty of the friends of Mr. and Mm Samuel Creighton, of Depeyster[ turprlted them at their home in that place, by coming to their bouse and bringing a Aae supper>nd valuable gifts to remiod them of the 25th an* nlvereary of their wedding. Among the presents were sevoral pieces of silverware, an extension table and easy chair.

• • • » •

In Montreal It U reported that a project II afoot to unite the Grand Trunk, Iforth Shore and Borne and Watertown railroads with the Illobe-lieu and St. Lawrence Navigation company In a general traffic combina­tion for monopollilng all the land and water trado of the St Lawrence route In the future. It Is said that the negotiations aro virtually doted, and only require the detallt to bo settled.

— M i i • A . ' i H > » • i.

Saturday evening Jan. 20th, Mr. and Mrs. Jemes Butler, of DeKalb Junction, were completely turprlted by a large delegation of their friends who dropped In upon them and re* minded them that it was their silver wadding. Supper, music, remarks, and tha presentation of a quantity of valuable table silver filled the house, and, while Sunday was still an hour distant, the guests took leave feeling that It Is good for friends to stop and listen as the family clocks strike eff tho great hours of homo life, ''ten," "twenty-five " "fifty."

Ilernton. Jan. 29>-—Messrs. Alverson & Little

have purchased an Ice-cuttor which they are now using on the river.

T. P. Bellinger expects to go west In the spring. I

There are a few cates of scarlet fever in thif vicinity. r The children and near relatives ol

Mr. and Mta. L W . Cimpbell Jgave them a pleasant surprise last WednOt* day, in honor of the 40th annlver* tary of their marriago Mrs. S. A. Weeks* Mrs. Campbell's only sister was tick and unable to be present. They weito tbe recipients of numerout and ornamental presents,

Judton Grems dlf d at the residence df his father, in Dekalb, Saturday, the 20th lust., and was' brought here for interment the following Sunday. Deceased Was 22 years of age,a young man of much promise and respected by all. Mr. aud Mrs. Grems have the sympathy of many friends In this their great affliction. A.

CIItJBCB IUKECTORT. If. K. CauaOH.-IUt. A. Blc&ossie, FsVlnr.

BervkMS al 11 a. m. sad 8 p. m. euadarHKJAJOOI s i l t as. Jesenaa****,Basi.

OoifuanoArfowAU —No bastor At preterit mbsaiksaaoeiainss. J. I M Wiser, Bui*. m BAFTtar.—Aliiissmtwithoot A pastor, m-

PSAtOT, SAI fcA* AtlSttO p. IS, BAbbAihtChool AI11S.SL DATid OHMthA, ftupt . . : ^aocmTina.

LOT>OB KC. tot, r. A*n A. M.-MAAU on si-ternate TtnusdAjr evsaiaM, al MAAOAIC HAlt a. WbJls, sfsster, deo, W. fiord, tee.

J. B. F. Boonmr.—sf eeUnts Thursdsy svea. tat* offset) week. Miss M In Ale MAIIAIT, rres. Jennie Berber, Bee,

J. T% B. OauB.—sTeets* every WedQesdAy tae rooms la tbe Pott Ofloe tmlld-

Xlls Q. tL, LamAA B. While.

t*mmm Vf-f *" i • • • - $ '

BT«w A4T*rtlMm«Bta. • u «.* v: s^sr

' J. H. RUTHERFORD'S CASH STORED No. 28 Main Street, - - . ; Gouverneur, N, t


v» Forefea and Domestic Dry Ooods of Erery Description. ^

m sir a i l Aadrei

' V ,-

+ *-%?



and buy one. JiBtf 1 LadsaV Is ia ehoea warranted extra

ISPO a t t h e O a n vernenr B o o t and S h o e s tore . stameotf A Kirmamposin.

> t » t • M ^

• • S i m i P W - l am oMIgod torn, dnee asv etook lariely by Mareh 1st, and i f t r groat bargains In] eve

AetA bargains In t Oomeandeee. *

(J. W. BAtwas a



jnaltty U of tha first tbta old and true axiom

In soaking tha aeleetlone of pure drugs ana shesnlsalt foe? VanHamee'sPharmacy.

7 t '


moat simple there Is nothing

get out of order: vary vary durable. Sfld only

at tho Grand Central In the Van-waak., , 147wi ASKiUAua.—The

by request of several gentlemen In Gouverneur

who Aedre to study tho rreneh Ian-sjaage^ haa doalded to open an eve-sHssg aahool for that purpoee on or btsUte ratarnnry ami. All persons desirtng to baaamt puplle can learn fall nnftlwseyf by ealltng upon ma at LaVaah** t>rug Store,

140 w t Psrraa G A awow.

#Oh tUiA«-4ltaurtavant exhauster. nlmatoAao of

48tf GovvuBwai'* MACinna Ox

ttlsfOVAL.—Mm J. a Gorntey has removed her etook of Millinery and Ladlee Fumlehlng Ooode to parlors

grocery of MeFerran Bros , Bioek. Jt7w2 Anthony

The Gear la laboring under tha do-IOSIOQ that ha bae dtseolvad all tha

loeletleeof Itussla by proela-


Rlmfwirm M*mor mnJ Salt & halm B A I MMAM M *•« , Allf Ii. I«74

f f tffHi|»at^». • llrmknirH • • # • I liAtA |Mkj| tlHfift^m ImiiMir IIIHI MU rheum

pfttkAdlf l i n t kJy tMMly w ^ ^ n r r t n l w l U l l i w

a<, AO. sWl*. li«V IMVIII HTHI l ,m\ I »•»><> mmf H*m\>*i "I «!***• t««t•» In llm IA«I M *» u

Y^Ara, And liofkA i>f H»« m < «*nl«| rut«< titr <Wio MAJT my HH*wt WAS in tbA tiiv of TI»UHI«>II. «M«I MMiml ©!»• «f y**Mr #<N»II lHHik«. MIKI In tCrt.UMf it I f<M «*nrn« h%mm tiMi

IIOA tAA|kAtlllA. AIMt A4»#d t l l fA^ iM»

IMI n i n i i f IM'oiilo t r a t I f y l n g I n . . . , HA* ol yiHir Hmr+fiHkili\m And (Ml** OtMtniAnt I l«lt foiled t# ilf It 4illk4»Ugll I **«i tAAII MkAlir tllll lS^ AAV€«HUard IllUt iM'Vrr «tld AM» pmy ftMnl I ||AV«« IH>«

"* * • SIM! 4»OA U f g « iH|A Of ><t tl»MM» IM>^«« 4»f Oint-

iMrnt I |M#W CAM mvMtlf iiimd. Nollilnt rsa oAjrf^a of MM* MM** but the elm WAV |lnr« i4 Uki AotAS. i I ktiAM t*k« l+o ftknro

4tlse.as4tVallMi eu/« will I* 9*myUU\

tfithii§mi§)$fct Ntmbchf r r rmr iAM* , M A M .

MHniS.C I H o n s t C o , ! Ur«tA- T%4*m ***jTm+ WV AA|f«MA 4«« bottkn llW»l»'A *Mt «\r\n9iLK AIM! Afpw fiMik %k*>k9 f«»r IIIA.

rlbwtAim. Yottr pf^i^rAtUm ha» w«»tk««d IP of my wll«. WIMI KA« • I * * lkAAdA«lMI Slid till BlkA OAlV look AMf-llAlf

And fifti no* +9*n «o HK lth« found that ahtnfJtahA !•» ««*iy

• M r f l y frvd from s lAAt aptlne;. end

•Ad Is Wnt to do §»m«i ]«\* i * sraAAAMsi kafa It IAI tha koiiw,


Tha little daughter of Jat, OrmJs. Ion being tall In tha room alone for a moment on one day last, week rsn to tho ttovo and placing bar little hands upon It burned tha palms of both of them vary severely, ,

Mr. Wm Thotoat arrived in Qcuv-erneor by last Saturday evening train, after an absence of |eo years, llsj was surprised with the many Im-provementt and changes that had taken ptaee In that tlape.

A etagtogon which Mr. George If, ftoblneon was; at worst gave way last Saturday and ho fell to the ground a distance of twelve feet^ striking «pon at pile of ctonfa. He fortunately only sustained a feW mvom bruises.

Mr. T. A. farmer, who haa been In tha employ of Mr. |amea Brodle, of Gouverneur, fair about 3 years, left town mi Monday last ibr St, Louie, Mo., whom h i will engage with a prominent clothing firm.

A now irm will bo formed March 1st, to bo known aa Griffin, Smith * Ca, to mooeed a W. Bamee Ih tha grocery business, Mr. W. D, Gnfflo. with a W. Barnae, and Chat. Smith* with Laldlaw * Kinney, and a Ulent partner will constitute the firm.

The many friends of Jobo 11. Potter, will be glad to learn that hie visit to Florida la proving very bene­ficial to hie health. Letieri recently received by the family of Mr. S. C. Potter am tall of encouragement and give hope of bis loll restoration to health.

Bennett A Moultoo's Comic Opera Co., will give a grand Matinee on Saturday afternoon, Feb. 10, at 2 30, producing the Magic Slipper. The hail will be darkened and lit with gas, thereby giving a One evening effect Admission 20c.; children under 12 yearn 15o, Bcoure seats lu advance. Bring the little ones to see the great "Clndertlla."

John KlHmer bat in stock at hit meat market, the carcasses of a num­ber of weetern steers. They are as fat as oould be desired and so tempt­ing even for tho eye to feast upon that to taeto they would tickle the palate of the moet fastidious epicure. The public appreciate any enter­prise that caters to their Interests and especially should full credit be given to one who goee to the farther* eet extreme of ex pence tn providing that whloh It most wholesome and good for the "loner men "

Miss Anna May, daughiat of Mr. A, C and Rllaibeth Carpenter* was taken with diphtheria on the 10th of January, and on Saturday, the 27th, she died. Tbe disease seemed of the most malignant type from the flref. The deceased, In the eight days of ber sl+kncee was a very great sufferer. Hhe bare all her suffer Inge with forti­tude and poesesslog her full roason to the last vtias perfectly self-corn posed and resigned to the aad fate which she appreciated was close at hand. lilss Anita May wss a stodeitt of tho Semloary and a young lady whoso warm-hearted stncarltv end affeotlon Won for ber msny friends The father, mother Aj»d gurylvlog sister havaV the deep tytppethy of a large olrclemf relatlvee and frlsnBs In tholr s*d bereavement,

. TUB Watertown N. Y. Timet says Bennett & Moulton's troupe delight­ed tholr audience by the manner In which they rendered Mascot last evening. This company have earned the right to a warm reception in this city on former visits. Their per­formances am very excellent, being mirth provoking, without the least vulgarity. An evening spent with them leaves nothing but agreeable recollections* The performers are all w%tj olever, and several of them par­ticularly so. For a good evening's fun commend us to Bennett & Moo!-ton's Comic Opera. At Union Uall, Goovcrucur, Feb. 9 and 10. Secure seats early* I

s — • • •

TUB Boston Herald says Bennett A Moulton's Comic Opera Company began a week's engagement at the Novelty Theatre yesterday, and gave one of the most enjoyable entertain­ments of the season. The audience which was large, were generous In their applause, there not beiog a sin­gle song that was not redemanded, and If the satisfaction of an audftnee Is any criterion we beipeak a succes­sion of crowded houses during a bal~ lanco of their engsgementi Thoy ap­pear at Union Hall, Gofiverneur, Feb. 9 and 10.


i i n n i

areat Cleats)* 0«l gale. Last Thursday afternoon the ttock

of merchandise of tha laty firm of Klllmer ab Jepsoo, of Gouverneur, was sold at auction by Geo. P. Ormls-too, assignee. Tho stock sold for 42| per cent of ooel, ihe purchasers wem Meatrt Slsson * Fox, of Alex­andria Bay. The goods wem at once offered for tale al retail and every day since them bae been a crowd off people wedging their way Into the store and up to tbe counters eager to get the benefit of the un­paralleled bargains., it it turprltlng to tee how cheap goodi can be bought. They am going fast and those who would profit by thlt sale ohoold call without delay.

Tsie Bill I are Toorna The billiard tournament to be hold

In KUlmer's Oall, Gouverneur, com­mencing Tuesday evening Feb. 6th, is an aseumd torcets. Local cham­pions of tbe cue from Ogdensburg, Watertown, Malone and other sec­tions have tlgulged their intention to enter for the priass. The interest and excitement which the coming tournament has awakeued in sporting circles and even In neighboring vil­lages foreshadowa a largo attendance It speaks well for tho management that they have secured a ball express­ly for tho contest, thus separating this moat exciting and purioly harm-, less amusement from any/and all in­fluences that could In ^ny light be considered detrimental.


Tirfa Delhi, N. Y. llspubllcan sa>s there) was a crowded house In attend­ance at the Opera Troupe present a* lion bf Mascot on Thursday night. They were highly delighted with the magper in which that play and the other performances were rendered. It Is no doubt tbe best troape of the tlnd that was ever brought here, and tbe vi nture Is destined to bo through­out a threat aucoeaC, limited only by the A!at* of tho place 1ft Which It is held. Tkev am at Union Mail, Goo?,' crueur, FV> r^-odlOth-

r y

mate Aatrte«li«ral Boeiefr* At the annual meeting of the New

York State sVgricoituml Boeloty,held In Albany on Thursday, Jan. 16th, tbe following officers wem elected forihe ensuing year:

President, George ¥\ MKlli, of Montgomery ; vloeipretldentt, C. 11. Agnew, of New York; Isaac H. Cocke Of Queens; Eraetus Corning of Al-batty; Tlmoth Hughes, of Clinton; James Geddec, of Ooondaga; Joseph Jollard»of Chenango; D. D. 8b Brown, of Monroe; Marcus H. Phillpa, of On­ondaga. Corresponding secretary, Thomas Harrison, of 8L Lawrence. Recording seemtary, W. U. Bogart, of Cayuga. Treasurer, Odin Thayer, of Albany.

Executive commlttee,David Conttt, C. a Walker, T. It. Proctor, James McCann, 11. K Allard, William White, George Miller, L. W. Led-yard.

The board of control of the State Agricultural Society has elected It. J. Swenupreftldena and treasurer,and Gen. N. M. Curtis seemtary* '

• • • — — *

• s 1 Wow Uie West* At a meeting called at the office of

O. S. Conger January 27, 1883, to take Into consideration the utility of forming a colony to settle In Dakota, or some other locality that said ooloffy) may direct, J. M. Marsellus was chiton president (protein.,) and K. 8, piarnet, seemtary. , For the purpose) of furtherlog ihe above object lit wee resolved» by those pres­ent, that we unite ourselves into a ooloolxatlon society. After general discussion, It was resolved that we Invite correspondence from al) favor-log the object, also that the sccrotary have the peceedlng of the meeting published In oyr village papers. Toe meeting then J adjourned to meet on Hiturday, Feb S, 1888,at two o'clock, p. m.aud 7 p. m. «t the offioe of Hon. G. 8. Conger. The following persons gave their nAmei : \ B. S. BArnaa, J Wy If ArAAllna,

Aitthar, I I


Al. IVWarran. B. O. Stalth. John HAwaon,

WAtAon, ftAmual Smith, SIIAS A. A. Acaerafsn.

B. & DarasA, SAO. J. W. afAfa«lltu Tres.

Thoa. l*ratila, B. II. toillh.


Wm. Stoneburn hat opened a fur­niture Store ovor I Frapallo A sons store, J

Ice twenty Inohes thick Is being harvested lp Chippewa il-ty.

Your Ogdensburg correspondent lA>s that no teams croetiej tte river last year. Thero were two days of good crossing at MoVrlstowo, and one man crotsed from this town; he broke through before reaching Grenadier, bpt niie^sslt^ oompolled blm to coutllnocou hie v+f, He wee running a Way to oeenpe examination on a ludgei order. * t r

Dr. 01ip4|nt wUl a^eleed Dy. Kerr Who foeatfe Ogttneburg to practice hUpmfeasto* i , JC.

T k e OBSBO tTiASkea off Aaseriea. Tho publishers of The American

Angler, a weekly paper devoted en­tirely to fishing and fish culture, an­nounce that on and after January 6th, 1883, they will publish from week to week a serlee of exhaustive, essays upon tho Game fishes of America. These essavs wlH Include a popular and scientific description, structure, coloration, A c , of each fish; their habltt and habitat; description of tackle used ; and whe% where and h*o to catch them, Ac-, A c The articles Will be written by tho best angling authors In America, and the series will treat of all the game fishes of the salt and fresh water of the continent, and when completed will form a text book for anglers, a great want not filled by any existing publication. the America Angler Istho only paper of IU kind that is published In thlt country. Itt weekly pages are replete With Information of special value to fishermen, and Ht fitblog roporte, In season, form a practical guide to the angling tourist. ;

The publication offices aro In New York City, at 202 Broadway, (opposite City Hall Park) and tbe subscjlptlpn $3.00 a year. We have mado arrangements with the pub­lishers of She Angle?, to club their paper with TUB HKHALP ABD TIMBS at $3.35 a rear, and am now pmpared to take subscriptions on that basis.

Old Rlng^pr PeoVle Rale, Which 1 Town meeting—upon the surface

at least—does not seom to claim tbe amount of Interest and attention that Is usually manifest about these days. Wo bear no namo mentioned in par­ticular for tho office of Supervisor and It may be a question whether any one of tbe "ambitious ones" will put themselves forward. In the last day or two wo have heard the names of several of our worthy townsmeneas-ually mentioned In connection with the tupervisorshlp. Among the num« ber spoken of wem E H. Ncary, 8. B. VanDuaee, John MeFerran, Gray Sheldon, Henry Sudds, John Rodger, B. D. Barry, Wm. Whitney, Fred. Norton, S. Graves, C. A. Laldlaw, Jaa. U. Rutherford, Isaac Star buck, Ellas Smith, George Lockle and oth­ers. This list riocs not Include one quarter of the good and available re­publicans, Who are by practical busi­ness experience and party service eli­gible to fill tbe office. However*, these casually mentioned names serve to Illustrate bow utterly absurd and supremely egotlatle It Is for two or throe Individuals to set themselves up as the brains of a party and alone en­titled to honorable recognition. The great masses are sick of serving per­sonal ambitions. They aro disgusted wit'j the little and big rings. It now remains to bo seen whether or no tbe self-appointed hf.v%j yet icarnrnl P cse truth*. Tho peoplo have emphati­cally ordered tbem to the mar. Will they obey the command ?

| o . t V ^ > « 4 * Jatv 29.—Last Friday; evening

Itev. fc. W* Wheeler had an oyster copped and donation visit. Receipts $31. s » .-... i . . . . . . .

A splendid fox hound belonging to Richard Taltt, was killed last Friday by James Oommiogs* while return­ing from a fox bout.

Bulkfey if Co*s iton mine on the Colton farm Is progressing finely down twenty fegt In granite rock with better proepeett of finding a

Jurors. following jarort have been

drawn to ael-ve at the next S t Law­rence County Curcult Court and Court of Oyer and Terminer, to open Monday, Feb. 5th:


Chariot Kendrew, Dekalb; W. H. Young, Oswegatchle; Benjamin Squam, Plerpont; Oliver A. Kerr, Fine; James W* Webb, Masseua; Oliver E. Bonney. Potsdam; Linus Russel, Oiwegatohle; J. J. Leonard, Pierpont; Orvllle A. Mead, Canton; John A. Green, Dekalb; George Smith, Edwards; F. M. Homes, Mor-rlstown; Charles I )a von port, liussoll; Peter Walker, Wadding ton; Norman J. Thomas, Pitcairn; < Chariot N. Clark, Nor folk; Ellas Teal, Wegatchie; Byron Healy, Canton; Rrl Beard, Hermon; Andrew Tuck, Lisbon: Joseph Gilbert, Oawegatchie; John Soy den Ot wegatchie; Samuel O. Hatch, Russell; IL C. Maine, Her­mon. t


John Sitts, Macomb; George M. Conger, Canton; James Doffey, Gouv­erneur; James II. Rutherford, Gouv­erneur; Henry A. Bacheller, Pier­pont; Isaac Cornell, Canton £ R, T. Cdnant, Dekalb; W. H. Tayiftf, Par* Ishville; James R. Bill, Oiwegatohle* Horatio G. Clark, ill asset.*; George 8 / Wrlghf, Hopktntoo; Lovlnut Morehouse. Hormon; Frederick Wil­bur, Norfolk; Joslah Norton, Can­ton; Theodore Caldwell. Jr., Canton; DennisG. Seeley. Fowler; William Heptenetall, Dekalb; A. E. McE#en, Lawronce; Wesley Hulnurd, Stock­holm; E. Blanchard, Norfolk; Patrick Powers, Canton; Elmer A. Gray, Hammond; William Nelson, Llsboo; Augustus Bromaghim, Canton; James Ltddle, Llsboo; Lindloy Robinson, Colton; John A. 8nell, Colton; Henry Sweet, Fowler; Samuel Berry, Law­rence; Harlan Gregor, Ruscell; Har­lan Lamb, Russell; Benjamin Bab-cock, Brasher; C. P. Olmstead, Law­rence; Joeeph Baker, Oiwegatohle; Carlton Powell, Canton. v

• • • • •

\ A

larj; cd.

*1 Ah. \f V;:%' •x>, 4^^i Sf :<


4 *W > h

n s r a t > reot ivnl . 4lIi'a gold to be merry Aad wise,

It's xald to be honest AD4 true, Il*s gttM lo support Caledonia's eanis,

Aad bids by ths buff aad Ihe bloe." But for the enthusiastic energy of a

few right royal Sootchmen who love and honor the name of Sootia't noble bard Burnt' birthday, in thlt coun­try, would have passod unnotioed and unhonored. Among those who wem chiefly instrumental in getting op the Burnt' Festival wem "Jack'' Laldlaw, the enterpritlog prodrletor of the ''Laldlaw House" In Rotsle, and our enthusiastic Scotch friend, "Sandy Brown. The festival was held at the Laldlaw House, Rossie, on the evening of Jan. 25. and in spite of the shortness of the notice and the bitter, bitter cold weather the affair waa a grand success, and the attendance was large enough to fill the house with a more genial and Jolly crowd than are often got to­gether. Tho mem mention of the names of a fow of the leading spirits whose genius for good humor is suoh that,

. < **PerhApa li MAT turn lout a song, Perbspa turn out A seipion,"

It a sufficient guarantee that the oc­casion was auch that all preaent were glad to testify that "It was good to bo there."

After exchanging the usual cftll-Ities of the occasion about seventy-0 ve ladles and gentlemen sat down to a tumptuout supper. As soon as the tablet were cleared

"The mirth And,fun grew flat ant] farioiia" and continued till the "wee sma hours." As lack of space forbldt an extended notice we must be pardoned for a hasty sketch. George Lockle made I he speech of the occasion, in re­sponse to the toast, "The day and af

wha' honor It/f ••Sandy" Brown, as usual, was In grand humor and rose to the full height of the occasion by apt and forcible recitations of choice selections from the gmat Scotch poet. Mr. Roger, of Hammond,'gave a reading, Geo. Parker, of Gouverneur, responded to "The Genius of Burnt," and the Hisses Melrose and Brown of Rossie, and Messrs. Roger and Ruth­erford of! Hammond, favored the company with some excellent music. George Lockle reel fed the "Haggis" in his Inimitable manner. Tbe abso­lute absence of

"iBsptrlnf, bold John BArleyem.," demonstrated the fact that his pret­ence would have marred instead of adding to the pleasure and interest of | the occasion. Scotchmen ai.d ma|dens fro|)i the towns of jostle, .Hammond, Macomb and Gouverneur wem mpijatented, and when tbe hour tor separation arrived and all pre­pared to bid •'good bye," both to cherished friends and the 'enjoyment of aoclal Intercourse, the mind naturally turned io tbe troth of tbe following line t of the grandly gifted Scotch poet;

"Bat pleasures are like poppiei spread, Tea seise the aewer. its bloom Is saed; Or like Ike saew faU la Iks river, A atstBSBl wkite, Utea melts tor ever.*?

ihlinaTB. Jan. 29.—Misses Lola and Dell

Page returned Friday from a visit to Antworp friends.

Luman B. White and Miss Mattle Wiser were in attendance at the Og­densburg musical convention last woek. ,

Mra. Eben Griffith slipped on the Io* Thursday, and falling, cut a severe gash in her forehead. The wound was dressed by Dr. Hawloy and al though painful Is doing well.

Mist Carrie A. Doane cloeed a successful term of school In tho Down Ing district last Friday and In tho evening entertained a large number of her scholara at her home, where a feast of good things was provided and a general good tlmo enjoyed. A like event was tho pleasant gather­ing of the pupils of MISK Kttle Barber from tbe Rock Island district the same evening who paid her a pleat-ant social visit

Mr. Arthiir L. Lyndo and Mitt Ella Lynde, of Antwerp, have been making a short visit to RlohvUle friends.

Tho dance held at the Godard Iloute on Friday evening was a social success. Twenty-five couplet wem present and the committee, Messrs. White, Bosworth and Smith, exerted j themselves for a comfort and enjoy­ment of tbe guests. The suppor and music wem all that could bo desired and should this committee arrange tor another social hop It will bo well patronised..

A literary society was organized Saturday evening by a few of our young people, which la for mutual benefit and higher attainment in literary work. The following officers were elected: Rev. A Ban MoRoeele, preeidenl; Willie P. ileoerlck; Sec.; Miss M. Ettle Barber, vice-president; Principal C. W. Smith, Mrs. J. Fred Wlter and W. L. Hendrlck,executive committee.

Mitt Mloa Lachine entertained a bevy of her young friends at ber hbmo on Saturday afternoon, coast­ing, romping and a variety of gamea made the tlmo ptsi pleasantly. Saturday eVbulug a number vf R. G. 8. young puop'.e enjoyed tht) »iot|»i« taliiy s of Mr. Chapman V. Wblte, tbe ev<%r.i being In honor ot tue young tnau'it blrtnday.

Mr. nnd Mra. Frank M. llorulng, of Friendship, N. Y., tnlvrd at iticbvillo Friday evening and are gueats at Dr. K Morton's. Mrs. Horning (ooe Miss Minnie H. Barker) hat mauy warm friends bore, nil of #hom are glad to welcome her and offer hearty congratulations.

- Henry Gardner and family, of Capo Vincent, am visiting his brother Eton G. Gardner and other relatives.

Low it Mellon met with a serious accident while

T H B B i r r tWAajoa o r

A M E R I C A N A N D ^OKjEIGN D R E S S 8 I L K S . Prices and QtuUity Gnarantad •_ *


3D !E& "P^ 3 © jsp ^ 2B 3 E 3 I C S In the markcl. consisting of Black Cashmeres, Jersey Cloths, Henrietta Cloth; Ariniers, Plaidst Stripes, Chudder Cloths. Large line of Black and Colored Velvets, and an endless variety of cheap American Ca$hmeres, Chudder Cloths, Camel's Hair Weaves, Satteeas and Brocaded, in a great variety of qualities and prices, aunning from 8 cents to a$ cents per yard, {

Wluti, lid ud Check M o d toil, h i u( SMig ntUik, Turkey Red Damask, White Table Damask, Linen Napkins, Standard Dress Styles of Ginehami'X*

Apron Check Ginghams, 3000 yds. Calicoes from 4 c. to 7c per yard, Bleached Cotton, Brown Cottons from 6c. up, Humburg Edgings and Hamburg Insertings, Not­

tingham Curtain Laces, Ladies', Children's and Men's Hosiery, Gloves, Dress Buttons, Laces, Edgings, "

d White


Notions, Ladies' Neck Wear, Black Lac© and White Lace Scarfs.



*i wi

SPECIAL SALE AT COST! t&~ K D I S Q B l a n k e t s , H.VL

tar lEioodLs, x-ogrgrirLs 4cc., sit .Ajst^Lea c o s t f JSX In fAct we hAT« A eAsapieie Sad full stack of flsrslfu aad DOSASSUQ 017 Oosdi wblasj wa win aell aa low as aa^ aausa al tsWft af eshat^

J. H.•• RUTHERFORD'S CASH STORE, = , No. 28 Main Street, » • * . - . Gouverneur, W. Y>


NO L A i T W B B K

H O F C . E T C . -tjauaifuKt Fsaom

flew Yorn markec BUTTKR—BeOIers still have to do

about all tho hnrd work on the butter market, a&l tho business closed Is merely tho rotolt of eloee and con­stant attention to overv ohance offertfd for negotiation. The home tradH Is qulto as particular orer qual­ity aa ever, savl eren more ao on prloe aud superlative icoodsalouo sell with-j out protracted negotiation, whilo ••oil" flavor uOf.s uot soeui to bo wauled at all. and vast amounts of the supply io hand will of necessity bo loft to the tender mercies of ship­pers. , Boeing their advantage and lacking favorable accounts, from abroad, ihe latter class of operators are Inclined, to stand off and await thealaujthter. They report that re­plies to their cables with bids all say 'Met butter aloixo,'.' UrcasBSiy. leocy <•»•<**. *•*•••« CrAamarjr, eluMoe Crseanery, IAlf tofovd._ Creamarr. orttloAry Out* aalMUrkia tubs. fAaoy.... Stat* hall-flrkintuba,oho4o« . . . 8Ute aalf-flrkla taba. geoe SUlA hAli-flrkU tuba Ulr etateflrklas,flae 8UU WeUh tuba.oaotoA StAU Welaa tabs, priaiA »UtA WaUh tuba, OUr tosrood... Waatern imlUlioa eraAmvry....

CnticiK—Obeeen eases oil' niowIJT. but is IIOOH the le%s woak ou the gen-oral run of Mock, aa the distribution since the first of tha >ear has been comparatively »«tn*ll. aud a great many "odd lots" still remain on hand toward whJch attention turns slowly. Taking the week through, the oon*


t>* - i T K : ^ a



*otvtEmtctotA"tTtsir.:-pa FOR Tllfe NEXT THIRTY DAYS

r i-ff

r* f-i? *l

H Atiifo A LAEOI erortr w i # U . L CLO«E OUT OP i^imk l*'t [.,. 1 • OVEEOOATS AT COST. \l^\

Vow is Uie Time And Jame* Brodle'a Great Wardrobe Is Positively the Race to buf AH Overcoat

January 25,1883, -


mm aai MM mttbmiamw aHAM MAW ^ ^ ^^"^



dltlone of the gc>neral market have coasting last week. | b*eu somewhat unsettled and both

S*A4* factory. taaoMiaU StAte tAOtory. prims to ohotcs aula fsctory. good Stats faetory. u i r atais faotory, saedlQBi atats tAotory. poor to fair Ohio, data* eboloe O010 Oats. 0ns Ohio, data, lair to food CrAAAAAfT AhUas, aood CrAAAAAry aklaxa, fAlr

ITay, prims Vsjothy... Ilay. madiaai VliaoUiy. Hay. aalppiaf fiadsa.. Hay.oloTSr BtrAW, Eo. 1 rjm BtrAw, short rys Ostatraw

whlcn come near proving fatal, lie | bayera and Is slowly Improving and Is fortunate In escaping so well * <j

Mr. and Mra. Hitetm Bartlett ex­tended warm greeting* and genial hospitality to the eompany who filled their pleasant parlors on Fri­day evenlog the event of the Con* gregational sOclaL AJf preaent en­joyed themselves vo^y much and nearly five dollars was added td tbe library fund which has now reached the aum of £50.

Miis Hattle McRoasle o Kingston, is visiting hor brother Rev. A. Mc-Rossie.

Uolon services wer# held at the Congregational church Sabbath eve­ning, Rev. Wade of Dekalb preach­ing an excellent gospel sermon from John 14tb. 8th. Mr. Wade will oc­cupy tho Congregational pulpit aa from time to time announced until a regular pastor is secured.

Tho ladies of the Baptisf chuich are to glvo a aupper at Mr. A. C. Smith's next Thursday evening and a welcome is assured to all who may attend. Only forty cents per couple will be charged for the suppor served. The ladloa of tho band wish, through the "Rumblings," to extend thanks to Mr. and Mri. Clark Gardner for the favors extended at the Now England supper the 18th lost.

At Klon G, Gardner's and W. P. Hendrlok's are new officers rooently connected with the local telegraph line in this village:

Mr. and Mrs. J. flTPhelps leave to­day for an extended western trip. They will visit Dakota before their return. Mr. Phelpa goes on a busi­ness prospecting tour as well as on a pleasure trljpj. and will bo away several weeks.

John C. C|arjc returned Saturday from Pennsylvania, and will not return there at present, the U. R. work being nearly finished.

A New England suppor was plan-nod bf th* ladles' Mission Band of tbe Uiptlst ohurch and sncceasfully | carried out last Thursday evenlog. Thero was a large gathering at Mr. C. A. Otrdncr's where tLej suppor was served. Tbe young men and maidens turned out in good force and all ci.|ovcd a social good time. Tho supper consisted of baked ^eans, hlbon and brown bread, the fare of our hardy New Eogland ancestors. Ovtr seventy were seated at the table*. Hosts aud hostesses were chosen for each table, who did the honors gracefully* The financial sucoess of tbe entertainment fully raeX tbe expectation of the society.

*'CatoY' want of an Item has at list befn supplied. Tho "long pro* mlacd" chime of wadding belle was bearq )sst Thursday, the 18tb., at Daillng. Oat t ringing in the union of Miss Jennie Qeatoo of that place, to Webster L. Eleodrlok. of Rich vi lie. W. L waa nearly the last of our "native" voung bachelors and hie cholqe does credit to bis native judg­ment and shows him not to be "Beaton" in that respect by any who here "gono'before." Mr. and Mrs, H. returned borne Saturday after a short trip. Their many friends offer congratulations. CATO.

sellers are claiming an advantage. The former look upon the concessions allowed In the cost of goods aa a gain, while the latter feel that the email ah ad logs made have been instrumental in working off aome of tbe weaker lots and seoorlnf enough attention from shippers to In­dicate that Interest haa by no means lapeed entirely, and may revive sufficiently to oreate quite a fair an­imation over the remainder of sup­plies.

We will give our usual quotations as followa:

a . • « . * * • • • »

.a is

. a

. i s *

. 1 1 *


s s * »*< eh

is to*

1* TK#flX

PsnnsylTaaiA saina, FsnasylTAAla skUaa, fAirtoflae,

Euos—The demand; for choice or fancy fresh laid stock continues very good, and while the msjorityof buy-era refuse to submit to an advance, they will bid former rates quite read­ily and appear to take off the hoik of tbe supply. For the beet state I80 is generally and 17|o openly bid.

Fancy stock In barrels Is quoted at 19(4300,: state and Pennsylvania 28f** 29a per do*.

HAY AND STRAW—The anpply con­tinues large, and there Is quite an accumulation. With a slow demand the general tone continues weak and unsettled.

reriosibA. HO m s i

. Si 4 74

. 0 0 4 -a a a

. a l e

. 40 # 60

. 40 ft Aft Uors—The demand from brewers still runs light. Shippers are doing scarcely anything, even In the way of looking around, and dealers buy only when they may find a lot at about our Inside quotatons. The of etook offering continues very moderate, however, and this feature, coupled With the outlook tor tbe near future, holds the market remarkably firm, considering tho exlstlog dullness. N. Y.BtAU Crop of ISSI oboloa..., $1 UU

do do Modiama UO do do Low (inula* M do Crop of'SI, rood to ohoicA t*> do Old olds 74

Kaataro atop of ISSf t Fair to choice t<0 WiaoomalDa, do do — Pacldo ooaat, do do yp


The fellow, Who by mistake, sent hie auburn-haired sweetheart instead of a bottle of Dr. Boll's Googh Syrop a bottle of hair dye.wants to knw the beet way to commit suicide.

- • . • » • < > • • - »

> The Prineeee Lonlee embarked at CharLston. & a for Bermuda laat Thursday.

Ugly aad HatefaJ. but I couldn't help It Jverythiu went wrosig with me. and I taAOncht | I hadn't a friend In the world, dye* | pepela caused thla and for months I couldn't eat anytblnf and jnet suf-ferredlnmtsery UU I had need Sul­phur Blttera. three bottiee cored me. —Z>. Zetets, 22 Bowdotn Street Boston.

• • •

California Wfelte w l h e e are e x p o r t e d t o Germany In considerable quant i ­t ies , and find muob favor there . (

MOTHTM DOM T KEOW.—lioW many children are punlabed lor being uncouth, wilful, and Indifferent to Instructions or rewarda, simplv bs> cause they are out of health! An Intelligent lady said of a ohUd of thla kind: "Mother* should know that if they would give the little ones moderate doeee of Hop Blttera for two or three weeks the children would be all a parent oould desire.'

The Missouri Prohibitionists are making a determined movement for

It Is reported that Oor. Oeretand will veto the New Capitol Apptxrpria-tlonBUL


Pore Wood helps to mekeiolear oonoolenoQ, Hood's Barewrtlam lor the blood. Knouth ealdL Bend ma a btf bottle.

Edward McPheraon telle Oath t*at that the Repobiioan party^ lor next year '*are pretty fair.1*

the amendment of the state ormstlto-tlon. " a> ^ ^

-»A«. ••1

•a ao

i 00

1 u>

(Marrimt* usetorfy U emUs AAJAA)

Bechapaiba." New, quick, complete curb 4 days,

urinary affections, amartthg. ftafoent or difficult urination, kidney dleeaeee. 91 atdrugglsta. Prepaid by express, $1.25, 6 for $&. JL 8. Wells, Jersey City, N. J.

The ex Union soldiers Hvldf tn Shelbyville, Ind.. attended the funer­al ef an er^confederate In a body In Sunday,

Mrs. M. Freitog, Baffalo, N. Y.f eays: "I took Brown's Iron Bitters for palpitation of the heart end dla> atness. and wae relieved."

• > * *


, » •



••Wo. « I . » Dont thll to aak yoor grooer (or

H. K . * F. & Tburber1* No. 41 ooffee If yon want tbe beet and cheap* est In tbe world. It U for sale by tha followlrsg first-clam groeere, via: F. * B. Fobtor, Goavernenr: A. Sparks, Gouverneur: Geo. B. Gibbons, D*> Kalb Junction; Frank Greeav Do-Kalb Junction; J. J. Dot/ . Beaaf* selaer Falla, L. D. Anaiead, Potednm; W. & Dunn * Boo, Canton; JcfBsr-eoo Iron Company, Antwerp: W. R. King, Antwerp; Crapanr * Bnaeell, Stockholm Center; A. MoGuire, Hammond; W. A Leonard, Boette; G. A. Monro, Cgdesasborf; J. A. Callahan, <%dameburg; Bower Broth­ers, W Aldington. la t f


• 1


Burklea^ Aralea Halve. The Best Salve In the world

Outs. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter.Cha

for Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt

.. . ter.Chappad Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and \dl

ALDBB-BfoGBE. fa I -m 1ST 111* tjuullnf, At thaaomaol the brtda, JAA. in. lass, by aVa*. — - - ,of MAAI C. Loot. Ifr. Ilortoo A. AMao Aiid MIAA Aaala atoUao. TbarA WAA AlArfooNapAny of raUtlvSS aad

frloada prAAant, And tha brtda waa the rociplant of nuuiy aaaful And ornAnffAntal prsaaata. BDDT-HOWAHD. At IlSAmsAoad, ian. ISUi

by BA*. I>. A. rorfUAOa, aTrTalArk W. Eddr Aad lilaa Mlaola A. HowAid, both of IIAAA-aiood.

Skin Eruptions, and Poeitlvely cures Piles. It la guaranteed to give per­fect sal 1'faction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by r. LaVsck, druggist, Gouverneur.

- ^ — » - . • • ^ . .

A n apple tree near Minneapol is , blossomed three t imes dur ing the past season and > lelded t tro b ig crops of fruit

' #



Iimymi T

^1 mtwi. AMI AVvJawA* • ! rHtwH. W C««tnjl Hmw V*A, mrt*.

Fi+4 H i . . . m4 %\t*ntm \ m\*mk*s,

a ^ I J A * T I 1 > MAIS S S a T A A . t m



ft* IV Umrtm, \* «« i , , a '& ^

A Ueaeral htasspedo* | ™ w r » , M •-•—»**. •*. r«MA^«n _ N'evor was suoh a rush ffisdo for I W«T WfTIl, a . IT samU aaUAaSlwa>AA(raft,rr.

OesatlU. iffoa^q/lUmiM/r^<»UU*rvnUu>44$c+nl

^ WIUBtT.—Blaaobs, yoaafoat dAoxbtAr of Alloa

aad Laay Wtfht, of rowler, died JAsuAry H mL of Acarlot favor aYtar Urof waaha Afekasas, Sfed foorjoAra $ moaths aad IS days. TIM fast of tea death of this baautifal aad

laasrsstlag eaild will brief a pan 1 of grief to tawksartsof AU whokaowber. SBa wUl loaf be isssssahsrid as the Uttla siafar who ao awaatlysAAf tha^awoat By Aad B | N At Uia laat Christsass tree services At UUle Tork.

ofdipb* tta. i sn of Edward, aad

grUBB8.-!a sfssAoha. JAO, nth. 1 taeria. aaltia, oa'yjdaafhtsr Hay Stubbi, afsd tb^r ysara.

UMDBA Y.-Ia Uopklatoa, ***. VXh, issx, Mra. a^UadAAy.AfiJl l jAAra,

CAEPElfTBa.-U aoaverasjaf, jr. T„ JAA H, MBS, MIaa Aaaa Hay. daafaAsr of Br. E. AaadlBUsaseth Carpsater, aaod aiaetaaa Tears,

.'•>**.yt AjA*si*- / V

li * U,'i , XV\\ ^ k a M f e ' ^

anvDrug Store aa Is now at F. La Vaek'a, Gouverneur. for > Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Oolda. All poisons effected with Bronchitis, lloareenese, ConRh§ or any affection of the Throat and Longs, can get a Trial Bottle of this great remedy free, by calling at above Drug Store,

- ^ _ +++ m

Tt Is sUted that reciprocity treaty with Mexico has been completed and submitted to tbe state department

•#• j — -

A man wil. rant around aa If amad If bis better half aeks blm to sret op at 6 a. m. on a oold day and bnild the kitchen fire; but he will suffer like a martyr with Itching piles and spend an extra doUar on beer to drown the pain Instead of investing a small amount in Sway ne'e Oint­ment for removing the Itching and soreness. Verily the poet haa well said "what foola theee nrorials be."


WW*-* W. • » * • A C»^

yjJJ: i '.' ' O N o r





er Henderson >k

$9 to !MnEttA»T£iSL£ ,ft


± ,> j

* V I-'

'*, 3^3

" • \

-,;t •"- ^ ^ S : : ^ "'>iaffiSa &?M8% *s_rmm

r^j s* '-;y**