minutes of special meeting of stirling council held in the...

N:\DEMSUPP\NewDecisions\Scouncil\Minutes\2015\SC20150219.doc p1 STIRLING COUNCIL MINUTES of SPECIAL MEETING of STIRLING COUNCIL held in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS, VIEWFORTH, STIRLING on THURSDAY 19 FEBRUARY 2015 at 6.30 pm Present: Provost Mike ROBBINS (in the Chair) Councillor Neil BENNY Councillor Alistair BERRILL Councillor Johanna BOYD Councillor Margaret BRISLEY Depute Convener Callum CAMPBELL Councillor Martin EARL Councillor Scott FARMER Councillor Danny GIBSON Councillor Alycia HAYES Councillor John HENDRY Councillor Graham HOUSTON Councillor Graham LAMBIE Councillor Corrie McCHORD Councillor Ian MUIRHEAD Councillor Steven PATERSON Councillor Mark RUSKELL Councillor Christine SIMPSON Councillor Jim THOMSON Councillor Violet WEIR Councillor Fergus WOOD In Attendance Carol Beattie, Senior Manager (Economic Development), Chief Executive’s Office Jim Boyle, Chief Finance Officer, Corporate Operations Stacey Burlet, Director of Communities & Partnerships Stewart Carruth, Chief Executive Claire Dunbar, Committee Officer, Corporate Operations Liz Duncan, Chief Governance Officer, Corporate Operations (Clerk) Phillip Gillespie, Assistant Head of Social Services (Adult Care) Carol Hamilton, Tenant Service Manager, Housing & Environment Sharon Johnston, Assistant Head of Education, Children, Young People & Education Kristine Johnson, Chief HR Officer, Corporate Operations Kevin Kelman, Assistant Head of Education, Children, Young People & Education John MacMillan, Service Manager Technical Services, Housing & Environment Gerard O’Sullivan, Director of Corporate Operations Kirsty Scott, Communications, Marketing & Events Manager, Chief Executive’s Office Robert Steenson, Director of Housing & Environment Gregor White, Communications Officer, Chief Executive’s Office Iain Wynne, Accountant, Corporate Operations Apologies An apology for absence was received on behalf of Councillor Alasdair MacPherson. SC348 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest.

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Provost Mike ROBBINS (in the Chair)

Councillor Neil BENNY Councillor Alistair BERRILL Councillor Johanna BOYD Councillor Margaret BRISLEY Depute Convener Callum CAMPBELL Councillor Martin EARL Councillor Scott FARMER Councillor Danny GIBSON Councillor Alycia HAYES Councillor John HENDRY

Councillor Graham HOUSTON Councillor Graham LAMBIE Councillor Corrie McCHORD Councillor Ian MUIRHEAD Councillor Steven PATERSON Councillor Mark RUSKELL Councillor Christine SIMPSON Councillor Jim THOMSON Councillor Violet WEIR Councillor Fergus WOOD

In Attendance Carol Beattie, Senior Manager (Economic Development), Chief Executive’s Office Jim Boyle, Chief Finance Officer, Corporate Operations Stacey Burlet, Director of Communities & Partnerships Stewart Carruth, Chief Executive Claire Dunbar, Committee Officer, Corporate Operations Liz Duncan, Chief Governance Officer, Corporate Operations (Clerk) Phillip Gillespie, Assistant Head of Social Services (Adult Care) Carol Hamilton, Tenant Service Manager, Housing & Environment Sharon Johnston, Assistant Head of Education, Children, Young People & Education Kristine Johnson, Chief HR Officer, Corporate Operations Kevin Kelman, Assistant Head of Education, Children, Young People & Education John MacMillan, Service Manager Technical Services, Housing & Environment Gerard O’Sullivan, Director of Corporate Operations Kirsty Scott, Communications, Marketing & Events Manager, Chief Executive’s Office Robert Steenson, Director of Housing & Environment Gregor White, Communications Officer, Chief Executive’s Office Iain Wynne, Accountant, Corporate Operations Apologies An apology for absence was received on behalf of Councillor Alasdair MacPherson. SC348 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST

There were no declarations of interest.

Information/advice from officers on the Budget Proposals and Amendments had been tabled prior to the meeting in accordance with Standing Orders, and this is attached as Appendix C to these Minutes.


The Council was required to set its General Fund Revenue Budget and Council Tax levels for 2015/16 before 11 March 2015, as required by the Local Government Finance Act 1992. Councils could also set provisional financial plans for a period beyond the forthcoming year.

A report submitted by the Director of Corporate Operations provided Members with an integrated view of the Council’s position for the coming five years encompassing budget spending pressures, Government Grant position, Council Tax assumptions, Non Domestic Rates and the balances strategy. The report also presented a full suite of documents for the Council’s consideration including the Provisional Budget Scenario 2015/16 to 2019/20, five-year Business Plan, Workforce Plan, Priority Based Budgeting report, PBB Communication and Community Engagement report, PBB Equalities Impact Assessment reports and the Existing and Proposed Fees and Charges Structure.

Budget Proposal

“That Council approves the Administration Revenue Budget Proposal published in accordance with Standing Orders 16A – 16C.”

Moved by Councillor Johanna Boyd, seconded by Councillor Neil Benny


“That Council approves the Opposition Revenue Budget published in accordance with Standing Orders 16A – 16C, with the exception of item 6, Appendix 3 (Policy Priorities) which should be amended to read “3rd sector/ volunteer fund”.”

Moved by Councillor Scott Farmer, seconded by Councillor Steven Paterson

On the roll being called the Members present voted as follows:-

For the Amendment (8)

Councillor Scott Farmer Councillor Alycia Hayes Councillor Graham Houston Councillor Graham Lambie Councillor Ian Muirhead Councillor Steven Paterson Councillor Jim Thomson Councillor Fergus Wood

Against the Amendment (12) Councillor Neil Benny Councillor Alistair Berrill Councillor Johanna Boyd Councillor Margaret Brisley Depute Convener Callum Campbell Councillor Martin Earl Councillor Danny Gibson Councillor John Hendry Councillor Corrie McChord Provost Mike Robbins Councillor Christine Simpson Councillor Violet Weir Not Voting (1) Councillor Mark Ruskell The Amendment fell by 12 votes to 8 with 1 Member not voting For the Budget Proposal (12) Councillor Neil Benny Councillor Alistair Berrill Councillor Johanna Boyd Councillor Margaret Brisley Depute Convener Callum Campbell Councillor Martin Earl Councillor Danny Gibson Councillor John Hendry Councillor Corrie McChord Provost Mike Robbins Councillor Christine Simpson Councillor Violet Weir Against the Budget Proposal (8) Councillor Scott Farmer Councillor Alycia Hayes Councillor Graham Houston Councillor Graham Lambie Councillor Ian Muirhead Councillor Steven Paterson Councillor Jim Thomson Councillor Fergus Wood Not Voting (1) Councillor Mark Ruskell


The Budget Proposal was carried by 12 votes to 8 with 1 Member not voting and accordingly the Council agreed to approve the Administration Revenue Budget Proposal as set out at Appendix A to these Minutes.

(Reference: Report by Director of Corporate Operations, dated 10 February 2015, submitted)


A report submitted by the Director of Corporate Operations detailed the key considerations for setting a General Services Capital Programme for 2015/16 and to inform the future shape of the capital programme.

The report set out the resource availability for the financial year 2015/16, along with projections for future years, from Capital Grants and Capital Receipts. It also detailed slippage from the current financial year which would be available as a programme resource in 2015/16.

Appendix 1 illustrated a draft Capital Programme for 2015/16 to 2019/20 based on the known and anticipated resource levels and expenditure assumptions as detailed in paragraphs 3.14 to 3.18. This took account of the provisional capital budgets approved by the Council on 20 February 2014, as varied by any decisions made by the Council since that point.

Budget Proposal

“That Council approves the Administration Capital Budget Proposal published in accordance with Standing Orders 16A – 16C.”

Moved by Councillor Johanna Boyd, seconded by Councillor Neil Benny


“That Council approves the Opposition Capital Budget published in accordance with Standing Orders 16A – 16C.”

Moved by Councillor Scott Farmer, seconded by Councillor Steven Paterson

On the roll being called the Members present voted as follows:-

For the Amendment (9)

Councillor Scott Farmer Councillor Alycia Hayes Councillor Graham Houston Councillor Graham Lambie Councillor Ian Muirhead Councillor Steven Paterson Councillor Mark Ruskell Councillor Jim Thomson Councillor Fergus Wood

Against the Amendment (12) Councillor Neil Benny Councillor Alistair Berrill Councillor Johanna Boyd Councillor Margaret Brisley Depute Convener Callum Campbell Councillor Martin Earl Councillor Danny Gibson Councillor John Hendry Councillor Corrie McChord Provost Mike Robbins Councillor Christine Simpson Councillor Violet Weir The Amendment fell by 12 votes to 9 For the Budget Proposal (12) Councillor Neil Benny Councillor Alistair Berrill Councillor Johanna Boyd Councillor Margaret Brisley Depute Convener Callum Campbell Councillor Martin Earl Councillor Danny Gibson Councillor John Hendry Councillor Corrie McChord Provost Mike Robbins Councillor Christine Simpson Councillor Violet Weir Against the Budget Proposal (8) Councillor Scott Farmer Councillor Alycia Hayes Councillor Graham Houston Councillor Graham Lambie Councillor Ian Muirhead Councillor Steven Paterson Councillor Jim Thomson Councillor Fergus Wood Not Voting (1) Councillor Mark Ruskell


The Budget Proposal was carried by 12 votes to 8 with 1 Member not voting and accordingly the Council agreed:

1. to approve a General Services Capital Programme of £12,917,000 funded fromcapital grants and capital receipts for 2015/16 as set out in Appendix B to theseMinutes with adjustments to the existing provisional programme for 2015/16being detailed in that Appendix;

2. to approve a provisional programme for the years 2016/17 – 2019/20 as set outin Appendix B;

3. to note and mandate Council Committees to receive reports for theimplementation of their capital programme projects alongside the specific papersrequired in the notes to Appendix B; and

4. to note that prudential borrowing funded projects would continue to be supportedas part of the general delegation to officers and that reporting of this would bethrough the Finance & Economy Committee.

(Reference: Report by Director of Corporate Operations, dated 11 February 2015, submitted)


A report submitted by the Director of Housing & Environment invited Council to determine the rent increase for 2015/2016 based on the assumptions of the Housing Revenue Account budget as detailed in Paragraph 3.13.

As part of the rent consultation process for 2014 it had been agreed to carry out a full review of the housing repairs function in order to minimise the risk of increasing expenditure on repairs and to provide a more efficient basis for the rent setting process in 2015/16. The outcome of the review was noted in Paragraph 3.5.

Also as part of the 2014/15 rent setting process the Council had agreed to move away from “inflation plus” and instead use a “cost of service” approach. This required the Housing Service to present Members and tenants with a breakdown of known cost pressures and savings for the forthcoming financial year and consult on the balance of cost savings versus rent increases in order to produce a balanced budget. The stated aim of the revised policy was to ensure that rents rose no faster than the Consumer Price Index using the September figure as the benchmark.

This year’s consultation had been carried out on the basis of a 1.2% rent increase.

A full consultation process for rent setting was agreed in consultation with the Housing Advisory Group. Consultation began in November 2014 and had continued through January 2015. The results of the consultation process were set out in Appendix 1. The results showed strong support for a 1.2% rent rise to enable the Council to continue with investment in new build and its proposed 2015/16 investment programme. Full details of the investment programme were set out in a separate report included on the agenda for this meeting. The results showed support

for the Council building up a reserve to enable the service to pay for any additional repair costs, for example repairs resulting from extreme weather events.

The detailed budget for the Housing Revenue Account for 2015/2016 was shown in Appendix 2.

Budget Proposal

“That the Council agrees to approve the officer recommendations contained in the submitted report.”

Moved by Councillor Violet Weir, seconded by Councillor Neil Benny


The Budget Proposal was approved without the need for a roll call vote and accordingly the Council agreed:-

1. to approve an increase of 1.2% for house rents in 2015/16;

2. to approve an increase of 1.2% for garages, pitch sites and travelling persons’pitch sites;

3. to approve the Housing Revenue Account budget for 2015/2016 as detailed inAppendix 2 to the submitted report;

4. to approve the review and changes to the repairs policy as detailed in Appendix3; and

5. to note that rent charged to homeless applicants in homeless temporaryaccommodation would be revised in line with the full cost recovery model.

(Reference: Report by Director of Housing & Environment, dated 29 January 2015, submitted)


The Housing Revenue Account Capital Investment Programme for 2015/16 had been based on the Council’s agreed 30-year housing business plan and set to ensure that the Council continued to meet the Scottish Housing Quality Standard beyond 2015 and achieved the Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing by 2020.

Total planned expenditure for the year was £11.244 million.

Funding from revenue was expected to be £5.787 million with prudential borrowing for the year estimated at approximately £1.596 million and income from house sales projected to be £1.741 million.

Following the decision by the Executive on 28 October 2010 to use funds from the Strategic Housing Account to meet the housing acquisitions programme, this funding would reduce the requirement for new borrowing by £200,000.

Grant funding from the Scottish Government of up to £920,000 would also be available to support the construction of new Council housing and £1 million available to support insulation works. Budget Proposal “That the Council agrees to approve the officer recommendations contained in the submitted report.” Moved by Councillor Violet Weir, seconded by Councillor Neil Benny Decision The Budget Proposal was approved without the need for a roll call vote and accordingly the Council agreed to approve the 2015/16 Capital Investment Programme as detailed in the submitted report. (Reference: Report by Director of Housing & Environment, dated 11 February 2015, submitted)

The Provost closed the meeting at 8.03pm






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Budget Proposals and Amendments in terms of Standing Orders 16A & B

Information/Advice from Officers

1. Budget Proposals submitted by the Administration

a) Revenue Budget 2015/16 & Determination of Council Tax (proposed

Councillor Johanna Boyd, seconded Councillor Neil Benny)

Detailed Officer advice and information on the Revenue Budget is set out in the reports submitted with the agenda.

If adopted, this Motion would allow the Council to set a legal and competent General Fund Revenue Budget and Council Tax for 2015/16. The budget to be set as a result of this Motion would be balanced when comparing expenditure against available funding. The policy priority spending options set out in Appendix 3 to the Motion, and totalling £454,000, would be one year only commitments, and would not place additional budgetary pressure on 2016/17, with the exception of the £25,000 for the Living Wage. An adjustment to the 2016/17 base budget will require to be made to accommodate this ongoing commitment. Officer advice has already been provided in the preparation of this Motion and officers are satisfied that the Motion takes due account of the information as set out in the report submitted with the agenda.

b) General Services Capital Programme 2015/16 to 2019/20 (proposed

Councillor Johanna Boyd, seconded Councillor Neil Benny)

Detailed Officer advice and information on the Capital Programme is set out in the report submitted with the agenda.

If adopted, this Motion would allow the Council to set a legal and competent General Services Capital Programme for 2015/16, and provisional programme for 2016/17 to 2019/20. Officer advice has already been provided in the preparation of this Motion and officers are satisfied that the Motion takes due account of the information as set out in the report submitted with the agenda.

c) Housing Rental Strategy 2015/16 (proposed Councillor Violet Weir,

seconded Councillor Neil Benny)

Officer advice and information on the Budget and Rents Proposal is set out in the report submitted with the agenda, and this Motion endorses that report and recommendations contained therein.

d) Housing – Capital Investment Programme 2015/16 (proposed Councillor Violet Weir, seconded Councillor Neil Benny)

Officer advice and information on the Housing Capital Investment Programme Proposal is set out in the report submitted with the agenda, and this Motion endorses that report and recommendations contained therein.


2. Budget Amendments submitted by Councillors Farmer & Paterson

a) Revenue Budget 2015/16 & Determination of Council Tax (proposed Councillor Scott Farmer, seconded Councillor Steven Paterson)

Detailed Officer advice and information on the Revenue Budget is set out in the reports submitted with the agenda. If adopted, this Amendment would allow the Council to set a legal and competent General Fund Revenue Budget and Council Tax for 2015/16. The budget to be set as a result of this Amendment would be balanced when comparing expenditure against available funding. The policy priority spending options set out in Appendix 3, and totalling £522,000, to the Motion would mainly be one year only commitments, and would not place additional budgetary pressure on 2016/17, with the exception of the £25,000 for the Living Wage, the £160,000 for apprenticeships and the £2,000 adjustments to the fees proposal (total of £187,000). Also, see the note below in relation to the General Services Capital Programme which would also involve an additional spending commitment to service the debt associated with prudential borrowing proposed for 2016/17. An adjustment to the 2016/17 base budget will require to be made to accommodate these ongoing commitments. Officer advice has already been provided in the preparation of this Amendment and officers are satisfied that the Amendment takes due account of the information as set out in the report submitted with the agenda.

Officer advice has already been provided in the preparation of this Amendment.

b) General Services Capital Programme 2015/16 to 2019/20 (proposed Councillor Scott Farmer, seconded Councillor Steven Paterson)

If adopted, this Amendment would allow the Council to set a legal and competent General Services Capital Programme for 2015/16, and provisional programme for 2016/17 to 2019/20. The sum of £2.050 M of prudential borrowing that would be carried out in 2016/17 to enhance the level of capital resource, would add an additional revenue burden of around £0.2M into 2017/18 and in subsequent years. This would need to be accommodated in the revenue spending plans in future years. Officer advice has already been provided in the preparation of this Amendment and officers are satisfied that the Amendment takes due account of the information as set out in the report submitted with the agenda.

c) Housing Rental Strategy 2015/16 No Officer advice required.

d) Housing – Capital Investment Programme 2015/16 No Officer advice required.