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I:\FIDEEV\admin\c-aid\pe\2004\003\PE-003-2004.doc Rue de la Loi 200, B-1049 Bruxelles/Wetstraat 200, B-1049 Brussel - Belgium - Office: L-41 11/49. Telephone: direct line (+32-2)2993228, switchboard 299.11.11. Fax: 2992869. Telex: COMEU B 21877. Telegraphic address: COMEUR Brussels. EUROPEAN COMMISSION EuropeAid Cooperation Office Innovation, Réseaux thématiques, O-QSG, Comités de financement Brussels, 23/11/2004 AIDCO/03/AL (04) D 41192 NOTE TO THE MEMBERS OF THE FOOD SECURITY & FOOD AID COMMITTEE NOTE À L'ATTENTION DES MEMBRES DU COMITÉ DE LA SECURITE ET DE L’AIDE ALIMENTAIRE Transmission No. 003 Subject: Written procedure – Complementary ANNUAL WORK PROGRAMME 2004 Follow-up on the 130 th Committee Meeting of 10-11-2004 Objet : Procédure écrite - PROGRAMME ANNUEL DE TRAVAIL Complémentaire 2004 Suite de la 130 e Réunion du Comité du 10-11-2004 As announced during the above mentioned meeting, please find herewith attached the complementary Annual Work Programme 2004. The Secretariat of the Committee requests the delegations to express their opinion within 5-working days, i.e. on 30 November 2004 (17h00), through our functional mailbox: [email protected] The absence of an answer will be regarded as a favourable opinion. Comme annoncé lors de la réunion en objet, veuillez trouver en annexe le Programme Annuel de Travail complémentaire 2004. Le Secrétariat du Comité demande aux Délégations de bien vouloir communiquer leur avis, dans un délai de 5 jours ouvrables, soit le 30 novembre 2004 (17h) via la boîte fonctionnelle : [email protected] L’absence de réponse sera considérée comme un avis favorable. (signed / signé) Agnes LINDEMANS-MAES Head of Unit / Chef d’Unité Enclosure/ Annexe : 1 Document

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I:\FIDEEV\admin\c-aid\pe\2004\003\PE-003-2004.doc Rue de la Loi 200, B-1049 Bruxelles/Wetstraat 200, B-1049 Brussel - Belgium - Office: L-41 11/49. Telephone: direct line (+32-2)2993228, switchboard 299.11.11. Fax: 2992869. Telex: COMEU B 21877. Telegraphic address: COMEUR Brussels.

EUROPEAN COMMISSION EuropeAid Cooperation Office Innovation, Réseaux thématiques, O-QSG, Comités de financement

Brussels, 23/11/2004 AIDCO/03/AL (04) D 41192



Transmission No. 003

Subject: Written procedure – Complementary ANNUAL WORK PROGRAMME 2004 Follow-up on the 130th Committee Meeting of 10-11-2004

Objet : Procédure écrite - PROGRAMME ANNUEL DE TRAVAIL Complémentaire 2004

Suite de la 130e Réunion du Comité du 10-11-2004

As announced during the above mentioned meeting, please find herewith attached the complementary Annual Work Programme 2004. The Secretariat of the Committee requests the delegations to express their opinion within 5-working days, i.e. on 30 November 2004 (17h00), through our functional mailbox:

[email protected] The absence of an answer will be regarded as a favourable opinion.

Comme annoncé lors de la réunion en objet, veuillez trouver en annexe le Programme Annuel de Travail complémentaire 2004.

Le Secrétariat du Comité demande aux Délégations de bien vouloir communiquer leur avis, dans un délai de 5 jours ouvrables, soit le 30 novembre 2004 (17h) via la boîte fonctionnelle :

[email protected] L’absence de réponse sera considérée comme un avis favorable.

(signed / signé)

Agnes LINDEMANS-MAES Head of Unit / Chef d’Unité

Enclosure/ Annexe: 1 Document

C:\Documents and Settings\veerdel\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKC0\Annual Work Progr 2004 complementaire.doc

EUROPEAN COMMISSION EuropeAid Co-operation Office Horizontal operations and RRD Food security and Thematic support


Complementary Annual Work Programme 2004 for Grants

Food Aid and Food Security


Complementary European Annual Work Programme for Food Aid and Food Security 2004

(in addition to the Annual Work Programme adopted by the Commission on 30 June 2004)


• 210201 : "Products mobilised under the Food Aid Convention" (ex B7-20-00)

• 210202 : "Other aid in the form of products, support operations and transport distribution, flanking measures and measures to monitor implementation" (ex B7-20-10)

• 21010401 : "Other aid in the form of products, support operations and transport distribution, flanking measures and measures to monitor implementation – Expenditure on administrative management" (ex B7-20-10A)


Food Aid and Support Operations are financed under Chapter ex B7-2 of the European Union and were shaped first under this format (Budget lines gathered under a specific chapter) from the Budget year 1996 (Council Regulation n°1292/96 from 27 June 1996).


Since the Programming of the Food Aid/ Food security Budget line is spread over two years (2003-2004), the general objectives for 2004 are the same as those mentioned for


the Annual Work Programme for 2003. This complementary annual work programme 2004 is based on the initial work programme adopted by the Commission on 30 June 2004.

Food security programmes will aim at tackling the underlying structural causes of food insecurity, and this, related to the following three levels:

− Inadequate access to food availability at national level (lack of production’s assets such as land, water, inputs, training, credits, research); − Poverty resulting in insufficient access to food at the household level; − Inadequate food use and nutritional result at individual level;

The aim is to deepen the implementation of the policy and strategic approach adopted by the Commission in 1996. This includes the major findings and recommendations of the 2000 Evaluation of the FA/FS Regulation and the 2001 Commission’s Communication to Council and Parliament on the future orientation and application of the budget line.

The main emphasis shall be on:

-Integrating food security objectives more firmly into the broader framework of poverty reduction (both at the overall policy level and the specific country strategy level).

- Enforcing effective application of the linking relief rehabilitation and development concept (LRRD) both at national and regional levels.

- Applying the Regulation in full coherence and complementarity with the Commission’s long-term development instruments.

- Strengthening the efficiency and quality of programme management at all stages of the project cycle.

Particular attention will be given to apply Regulation 1292/96 according to its distinct role and specific attributes as defined in Communication COM (473) 2001. This concerns in particular the role as a bridging instrument between the short-term (crisis situations) and the long-term (development). The scope of this bridging function includes protracted crisis, rehabilitation and the tackling structural food insecurity as a first step towards long-term poverty reduction.

The general objectives will be pursued by two kinds of interventions: Food Security Programmes and Food Aid in –kind.


5.1 Food security programmes

Food Security programmes shall be guided by the following principles:

– Food security interventions will be designed and implemented in line with the Commission’s country and regional support strategies, to be consistent with the EC Development Policy and ECHO’s interventions,

– To the extent possible, food security support will build on nationally owned policies and strategies for poverty reduction and include strong local partnership,

– Food security programmes will support changes in the wider policy and institutional environment necessary for achieving sustained economic growth and poverty reduction;


– All interventions will be appraised in terms of their direct and indirect impact on income of the poor and most vulnerable population;

– Particular attention will be given to disaster preparedness and crisis prevention;

– In protracted and post crisis situations, particular attention will be given to linking relief, rehabilitation and development (LRRD).

– Close co-ordination at all stages of the programming and project cycle with EU Member States and other major donors will ensure external coherence and complementarity.

The interventions will be implemented through programmes in collaboration with the following organisations : NGOs (Non Governmental Organisation)

5.1.1 Non Governmental Organisations (NGO’s)

This programme aims at ensuring the continuation of Food Security Programmes (FSP) support, financed by the European Commission, in favour of vulnerable populations in countries where people are exposed to food insecurity. The implementation of this programme is ensured by NGO’s.

The programme for 2004 will continue to target the poorest social layers of the countries with low income in particular those where the Commission already finances food security programmes, as well as ensuring complementarity.

The general framework of intervention and the financed actions will be those provided for by the Council Regulation n°1292/96 of 27 June 1996 on the basis of direct contracts with the Commission. The procedures for awarding grants will follow the rules established by the New Financial Agreement, as follows:

1. An annual work plan concerning grants has to be approved by the Commission and published on the Internet (see Articles 110 of the Financial Regulation and 166 of the Implementing Rules).

2. A new procedure for restricted calls for proposals has been established in order to reduce the workload (for both applicants and services) entailed by international open calls for proposals of a large scale. According to this procedure, only short-listed applicants, following an initial open procedure, will be invited to submit a full grant application form.

3. The number of cases in which grants can be awarded without a prior call for proposals have been limited in accordance with Article 168 of the Implementing Rules (urgency, monopoly situation, etc).

4. The rules on the functioning of the evaluation committee and the use of assessors have been simplified and clarified. Note that the possibility for applicants to submit missing documents after the application deadline has been removed; missing documents entail automatic rejection.

5. Grant beneficiaries are required to co-finance their proposed projects, with exceptions only possible when duly justified and on a case-by-case basis (see Articles 169 of the Financial Regulation and 253 of the Implementing Rules).


6. The requirements concerning financial guarantees (see Article 182 of the Implementing Rules) and especially audit (see Article 180 of the Implementing Rules) have been strengthened.

An additional allocation of 25,5 M€ is proposed to the initial allocation of 20 M€ provided for in the annual programme 2004.

The NGOs actions will mainly finance:

- safety nets for the post vulnerable population which are unable to ensure their own subsistence. With a combination of cash and food aid, these safety nets give assistance to the most vulnerable people (food, nutritional education). In some countries, the NGOs intervention are targeted on people suffering from HIV/AIDS (for example in Zambia).

- NGOs intervention allow to ensure the link between relief, rehabilitation and development (LRRD). In crisis and post crisis situation, these interventions allow the household to ensure their own food security, either with the relaunching of food production through input or tools distribution, sometimes with a combination of food aid, either with a cash support (« cash for work »).

Individual beneficiary NGOs are authorised to purchase and mobilise the food products to be provided under the operation concerned by this decision themselves.

According to Article 3(1) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 2519/97 of 16 December 1997 laying down general rules for the mobilisation of products to be supplied under Council Regulation (EC) No 1292/96 as Community food aid NGOs which are beneficiaries of Community aid are allowed to purchase and mobilise the products for use as aid supplies themselves. The food products to be delivered shall be purchased in the Community, the beneficiary country or a developing country listed in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1292/96, if possible one belonging to the same geographical region as the beneficiary country, in accordance with the conditions laid down in Article 11(3) and (4) of that Regulation. The beneficiary NGOs must comply with the relevant provisions of Regulation (EC) No 2519/97 when purchasing and mobilising the products in question.

The selection of NGO projects will be carried out on the basis of a procedure of call for proposals which defines the selection criteria of the projects (see Annexe 1). The fields and geographic interventions should be coherent with the Country Technical Document (see Annexe 2).

The call for proposals will be launched in the beginning of 2005 by the Delegations or the Headquarters (if not yet deconcentrated) and the attribution of the contracts will be done in 2005. For a better efficiency, it is envisaged to add this amount to the 2005 allocation for NGOs, and to launch one call for proposal for both.

Direct contracts of grants will be signed between the Commission and the NGOs selected through the call for proposal process. All contracts must be signed by 31.12.2005. The implementation periods foreseen for all contracts must end on 31.12.2009 at the latest. The commitment will be valid until 31.12.2011.

Awaited results of the call for proposals


Households ensure their own food security. Their vulnerability towards the socio-economic environment and the climatic hazards is reduced, due to a better access to the income and the production factors.

Indicative list of countries

This indicative list has been established in coordination with ECHO. In order to answer efficiently to the needs of the beneficiaries, a certain flexibility is necessary, in particular in crisis/post crisis situations. This list can thus be modified, as well as the proposed amounts, within the global amount of 25,5M€ for the call for proposals.

Country Indicative amount in €

Congo 3 000 000

Eritrea 3 000 000

Ethiopia 3 000 000

Angola 4 000 000

Madagascar 2 000 000

Afghanistan 2 000 000

Niger 1 000 000

Somalia 4 000 000

West Bank and Gaza Strip 2 500 000

Zambia 1 000 000

Total 25 500 000

5.2 Food aid in kind

Food aid in-kind shall be used for well-recognised emergencies and humanitarian crisis and not as disposal mechanism. It will be restricted to situations where it is the most appropriate means to solve the underlying problems. It will be provided indirectly through international organisations programmes and NGO for the following situations:

− In complementarity with ECHO’s emergency intervention, to provide relief (food) in cases of protracted crisis;

− Possibly as a contribution to strategic reserves and safety nets; − Operations linking relief, rehabilitation and development

Food products shall be mobilised on the Community market, in the recipient country or in one of the developing countries as specified in Article 11/1-4 of Regulation 1292/96.


In most of cases, food aid in-kind operations are combined with food security interventions. In that sense, food aid in kind operations are presented within the framework of an annual sector programme included in this annual working plan.

Food Aid in kind shall be guided by the following principles:

– To the extent possible, food security and food aid support will build on nationally owned policies and strategies for poverty reduction and support strong local partnership,

– All interventions will be appraised in terms of their direct and indirect impact on income of the poor and most vulnerable population;

– In protracted and post crisis situations, particular attention will be given to linking relief, rehabilitation and development

– Food aid interventions will be consistent with the Code of Conduct for Food Aid agreed within the EU;

– The arguments for or against the use of food aid will be made on the grounds of its efficiency as an instrument to reduce poverty and food insecurity in a specific environment. Where and whenever possible, priority will be given to local and regional purchases;

– Close co-ordination at all stages of the programming and project cycle with ECHO, EU Member States and other major donors will ensure external coherence and complementarity

The interventions will be implemented through the following organization mentioned in the EC Regulation No 1292/96 on food-aid policy and food-aid management and special operations in support of food security : WFP (World Food Programme). According to the article 110 (paragraph 1.2) of the EC Regulation No 1605/2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities, the characteristics of these beneficiaries leave no other choice for the specific situation of crisis and post crisis. These tools are appropriated in crisis and post-crisis countries, and in countries facing a high food deficit. The analysis of the needs of vulnerable population done on a case by case basis, the overall response of donors, the other funding of the Food Security Programme and of the other financial instruments of the Commission towards the recipient country are the main criteria used for the final selection of the projects.

5.2.1 World Food Programme (WFP)

Contributions to the WFP will continue to be provided as food aid, and will be focused on emergency, protracted crisis and post crisis situations. The operations of WFP should be programmed and implemented in a manner that is coherent and complementary to other EC interventions in the same country or region, and operational coordination between AIDCO/ECHO will be particularly strengthened. The specific allocations will be, in line with EC’s priorities, based on a financial proposal from WFP for 2004.


The programme will ensure an appropriate response to the situations of food insecurity in developing countries caused by serious food deficits including post-emergency food shortages. The improvement of food access to the most vulnerable people will be the main objective. In order to ensure maximum flexibility and to answer efficiently to the needs of WFP'S programmes beneficiaries, the Commission makes an overall allocation to be used under specific Emergency Operation (EMOP) and Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation (PRRO).

In accordance with of Commission Regulation (EC) N° 2519/97, the Commission authorises the WFP to purchase products both within and outside the Community (i.e. local and triangular purchases); these purchases need to respect the list of countries identified in Council Regulation N° 1292/96.

The programme will be implemented in accordance with the New Financial Agreement (included mobilisation modalities of the foodstuffs) as well as in accordance with the new inter-institutional agreement between the EU and the UN.

In addition to the allocation of 105 M € already granted to WFP in the Annual Work Programme 2004, an additional allocation of 5, 69 M € is now given to the WFP on the basis of the same principles. This additional allocation is justified by an increase in food aid needs.

Contracts must be signed by 31.12.2004. The implementation of the operations may start as soon as the Commission has taken its decision. The final implementation report must be submitted within six months of completion of implementation.

Selection criteria

The selection of WFP has been made on the same criteria as for the initial allocation of 105 M€ already provided for in the annual programme 2004 :

(1) The World Food Programme (WFP) is the organization of the United Nations specialized in distribution of food aid.

(2) The WFP has the capability of analysing the needs, identifying the beneficiaries, mobilising food aid, transporting, distribution of food aid and monitoring.

(3) The WFP has the capability to answer swiftly to food crisis, thanks to its experience, its local offices with national or regional competence, and the staff at its disposal.

(4) According to Article 110 of the Financial Regulation and Article 168 of the Implementing Rules, grants can be awarded without a call for proposals only in some cases, of which the following:– “ to bodies identified by a basic act as recipients of a grant. “

This is the case of WFP which is expressly mentioned in Council Regulation 1292/96 of 26 June 1996 as eligible for Community aid for food aid and food security operations.


Recipient country

Considering the situation prevailing in Sudan (Reduction of the cereal production in a still volatile context) and the magnitude of food aid needs in Darfur, it is proposed to allocate 5.69 M€ to WFP mainly for the Darfur crisis. The humanitarian situation in Darfur is still deteriorating with increasing disease incidents, continued influx of IDPs to the camps, a worsening condition of resident populations due to the IDP burden and distribution problems due to insecurity and the wet season making many IDP locations inaccessible. In addition, the health and nutrition status is still alarming; with a global acute malnutrition of 21.8% and a severe acute malnutrition rate of 3.9% reported in Darfur during the joint NGO & WFP & UNICEF survey carried out in September 2004.

This country has been selected on the basis of WFP’s proposal and on the basis of the needs expressed by the Delegation through the identification form presented in Annexe 3, in close coordination with ECHO.

Amount of the allocations

The volume of food aid and the amount of the allocations will be determined on the basis of the analysis of the needs expressed in the identification forms. This analysis will be done in coordination and complementarity with ECHO.


From the Commission Decision, taken after the approval of the Food Aid Committee, contracts will be signed as soon as possible, with a period of implementation of maximum four years.


The budget for 2004 is of 419 M€ to be divided into 143.250.000 € for the budget line B-210201, 261.147.660 € for the budget line B-210202 and 14.602.340 € for the budget line B-21010401.


- Council Regulation (EC) No 1292/96 of 27 June 1996 on food-aid policy and food-aid management and special operations in support of food security (OJ L166, 5.7.1996, p. 1).

- Regulation (EC) No 1726/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2001 amending Article 21 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1292/96 on food-aid policy and food-aid management and special operations in support of food security

- Council Decision 2000/421/EC of 13 June 2000 on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Community, of the Food Aid Convention 1999 (OJ L163, 4.7.2000, p. 37).

- Commission Regulation N° 2519/97 of 16 December 1997 laying down general rules for the mobilization of products to be supplied under Council Regulation (EC) N° 1292/96 as Community food aid



Grants to projects.


The EC usually requires a contribution from the NGO’s of at least 10% of the total cost in order to ensure that they implicate themselves in the implementation of the project.

Financial assistance for a project may however consist of a contribution comprising up to 100% of the total cost of the project when duly justified and on a case-by-case basis (see Articles 169 of the Financial Regulation and 253 of the Implementing Rules).

The partners eligible for financing under these Regulations are regional and international organisations, non-governmental organisations, national, regional and local authorities and official agencies, community-based organisations and public or private-sector institutes and operators.


To be eligible for Community aid, the partners referred to point 10 must have their officially registered headquarters in a third country eligible for Community aid under the Regulations or in a Member State of the Community. Such headquarters must be the effective decision-making centre for all operations financed under these Regulations.


12.1 Procedure to be followed, including means of access

Grant award is mainly processed following calls for proposals for NGO’s except in some cases listed in Article 168 of the Implementing Rules. Grant award is processed following direct negotiated procedures (targeted projects) in the case of international organizations such as WFP according to the UN-EC financial agreement.

12.2 Information on calls for proposals (indicative calendar and amount)

The NGO’s call for proposals is planned for publication in the beginning of 2005 for a total amount of Euro 25, 5 million. For a better efficiency, it is envisaged to add this amount to the 2005 allocation for NGOs, and to launch one call for proposal for both.




European Commission EuropeAid Co-operation Office For the attention of Chantal Hebberecht Head of Unit Office: J-54 3/54 B-1049 Brussels tel: (02)299 25 75 fax: (02)299 30 73




NGOs 25 500 000

WFP 5 690 000

TOTAL 31 190 000


Annexe 1


Grid completed by on May 2004


Reference number

Budget line 21 02 02 and 21 02 01 (programme de travail révisé)

Applicant (country)

Partner 1 (country)

Partner 2 (country)

Partner … (country)

Title of proposal


1. The application form is complete

2. The application is submitted in one original and 3 copies

3. An electronic version of the application has been provided

4. The proposal has been typed and is in the appropriate language

5. The applicant has signed the declaration by the applicant – the original is enclosed

6. The partnership statement has been signed by the applicant (where applicable) – the original is enclosed.

7. The partnership statement has been signed by all partners (where applicable) – the original(s) is (are) enclosed

8. The logical framework has been completed and is enclosed

9. The statutes or articles of association of the applicant are enclosed – Original or certified copy

10. The applicant’s most recent annual activity report is enclosed

11. The applicant’s most recent accounts (profit and loss account, balance sheet for the last financial year for which the accounts have been closed) are enclosed

12. The applicant’s external audit report is enclosed – Originals or certified copies

13. The statutes or articles of association of all partners are enclosed – Originals or certified copies

14. The budget is presented in the format of the application form, is complete and made out in EUR



1. The applicant is eligible

2. Partner 1 is eligible

3. Partner 2 is eligible

4. Partner … is eligible

5. The action relates to a sector or field of activity covered by the programme

6. The action is to be implemented in an eligible country/region

7. The type of action proposed is eligible

8. The duration of the action does not exceed the maximum allowed

9. The requested contribution is not lower than the minimum allowed

10. The requested contribution is not higher than the maximum allowed

11. The requested contribution does not exceed 90% of the total eligible budget and is not for less than 50% of the total eligible cost

12. The overheads do not exceed 7% of the direct eligible costs


Specify any missing information or documents, the name of any ineligible partner, which part of the application form is incomplete, and so on.


Selection Criteria – NGOs call for proposal : the Evaluation Grid

Section Maximum Score

1. Financial and operational capacity 25

1.1 Do the applicant and partners have sufficient experience of project management? 5

1.2 Do the applicant and partners have sufficient technical expertise?(notably knowledge of the issues to be addressed.)


1.3 Do the applicant and partners have sufficient management capacity during the entire implementation period of the project? (including staff, equipment and ability to handle the budget for the action)?


1.4 Does the applicant have the individual capacity to work without subcontractors? 5

1.5 Does the applicant have stable and sufficient sources of finance? 5


2. Relevance 25

2.1 How relevant is the proposal to the objectives and one or more of the priorities of the call for proposals? Note: A score of 5 (very good) will only be allocated if the proposal specifically addresses at least one priority.


2.2 How relevant to the particular needs and constraints of the target country/countries or region(s) is the proposal? (including avoidance of duplication and synergy with other EC initiatives.)


2.3 How clearly defined and strategically chosen are those involved (intermediaries, final beneficiaries, target groups)?


2.4 Have the needs of the target groups proposed and the final beneficiaries been clearly defined and does the proposal address them appropriately?


2.5 Does the proposal contain specific elements of added value, such as innovative approaches, models for good practice, promotion of gender equality and equal opportunities, environmental protection?



3. Methodology 15

3.1 How coherent is the overall design of the action? (in particular, does it reflect the analysis of the problems involved, take into account external factors and anticipate an evaluation?)


3.2 Is the target groups’ and final beneficiaries’ level of involvement and participation in the action satisfactory?


3.3 Does the proposal contain objectively verifiable indicators for the outcome of the action?



4. Sustainability 10


4.1 Is the action likely to have a tangible impact on its target groups? 5

4.2 Is the proposal likely to have multiplier effects? (including scope for replication and extension of the outcome of the action and dissemination of information.)



5. Budget and cost-effectiveness 10

5.1 Is the ratio between the estimated costs and the expected results satisfactory? 5

5.2 Is the proposed expenditure necessary for the implementation of the action? (including verification of the proposed purchase costs: ratio between the real costs and the market costs)



Maximum total score 85

6. Total Score and Recommendations


6.1 Management capacity and expertise / 25

6.2 Relevance / 25

6.3 Methodology / 15

6.4 Sustainability / 10

6.5 Budget and Cost-effectiveness / 10


/ 85


Not Selected :


Scoring Guidelines

This evaluation grid is divided into sections and subsections. Each subsection must be given a score between 1 and 5 in accordance with the following guidelines:

Score Meaning

1 very poor

2 poor

3 adequate

4 good

5 very good

These scores are to be added up and, together, they will form the total score for any given section. These section totals are to be listed in section 6 and, added up, they will form the total score for the proposal.

If a total score lower than 20 points is obtained for section 2, the proposal will not be evaluated further.

Each section contains a box for comments. These comments should address the issues covered by that section. Comments must be made on each section. If an evaluator allocates a score of 1 (very poor), 2 (poor) or 5 (very good) to a subsection, the reasons for allocating such a score must be given in the comments box. The comments boxes may be expanded if necessary.


Annex 2: Country Technical Document

Plan type pour DTP

Document Technique par Pays

Cadrage pour les programmes ONG


1.1 Situation de la sécurité alimentaire

Indiquer ici les grandes lignes de la situation du pays en matière de sécurité alimentaire. Pénurie structurelle ou conjoncturelle. Niveau de satisfaction des besoins. Vulnérabilité du pays. Rappel de quelques indicateurs de référence. Perspectives de sortie, compte tenu des contraintes politiques et économiques tant locales qu’internationales.

1.2 Rôle à jouer par les ONG

Bien fondé de l’intervention des ONG dans l’aide à la sécurité alimentaire. Apport original. Complémentarité avec d’autres projets. Niveau d’acceptation par le gouvernement

1.3 Motivation et implication du gouvernement

Implication du gouvernement dans les efforts pour assurer la sécurité alimentaire. Cohérence de ces mesures. Moyens [directs et indirects] mis en œuvre par le gouvernement. La nature et le statut des documents nationaux de référence doivent être mentionnés quand ils existent, ainsi que la position de la CE vis à vis de ceux-ci. A défaut, ce qui peut être le cas dans certains pays, on pourra faire référence à des concertations ou à des nécessités d’urgence liées, par exemple, à des problématiques de reconstruction.


Les projets des ONG doivent compléter de façon cohérente, ce qui est fait par d’autres intervenants en ce qui concerne les bénéficiaires, la localisation et la nature des actions. Ils doivent s’inscrire dans une politique cohérente et concertée.

Ils doivent, en particulier, mettre en valeur le savoir-faire spécifique des ONG.

2.1 Résumé des programmes d’aide à la sécurité alimentaire

Résumé synthétique des politiques suivies et actions entreprises à ce jour. Citer les principaux intervenants et bénéficiaires de ces programmes. Répartition géographique, sociale, sectorielle. Indication de l’importance de l’aide reçue ;

On décrira la spécificité des politiques des principaux bailleurs : leurs objectifs, leurs méthodes. Ce paragraphe est essentiellement descriptif. Il doit donner une vue d’ensemble sans chercher forcément à donner des listes exhaustives. On passera en revue :


2.1.1 La stratégie nationale de sécurité alimentaire et programmes gérés par le gouvernement

2.1.2 La Commission européenne et pays membres de l’UE : rappel des orientations donnés en ce qui concerne la sécurité alimentaire dans les documents de référence tels que« strategy paper », PIR, PIN…ou la concertation entre pays membres de l’UE.

2.1.3 L’intervention des autres bailleurs de fonds

2.2 Cohérence des programmes

Le DTP doit porter un regard critique sur la cohérence et la pertinence des programmes décrits ci dessus tant sur la nature des actions, les choix géographiques, le choix des bénéficiaires [évaluation socio-économique] que sur le réalisme des actions, l’appropriation des projets par les bénéficiaires…

On citera les cas de synergie entre bailleurs. On mettra en évidence la complémentarité des interventions ou leur dispersion géographique ou thématique.

On indiquera éventuellement les pressions politiques déterminantes dans les choix d’intervention.

2.3 Evaluation des résultats

On fera ressortir les résultats obtenus des efforts entrepris jusqu’à présent. L’aide est-elle profitable, suffisante, insuffisante, détournée…? Si des indicateurs d’impacts existent, les commenter. On distinguera les résultats de court terme de la viabilité à terme des actions entreprises. Leçons à tirer.


3.1 Logique d’intervention : justification et nature de l’aide souhaitée

Définir ce qui peut se faire pour améliorer la situation en tenant compte de la spécificité des intervenants [ONG] et de l’objectif général. On proposera des axes d’intervention. Par exemple : soutien et d’appui à l’émergence de la société civile, promotion et appui aux organisations paysannes, au secteur privé, aux entités décentralisées, réhabilitation d’infrastructure…Mettre en valeur les atouts humains et physiques en tenant compte des probabilités de résultat positif.

3.2 Priorités actualisées des besoins : concentration thématique, sociale et géographique

A partir du paragraphe précédent on précisera ; où, quand, comment, quoi recommander. Hiérarchisation des priorités en fonction des groupes bénéficiaires par secteurs d’activité, par situation géographique, par catégorie sociale… Corollairement les délégations sont invitées à exprimer explicitement d’éventuelles réserves ou veto sur certains points.

3.2.1 Concentration géographique

Il s’agit de préciser si tout ou partie du pays, est concernée. On distinguera les raisons économiques, humaines…motivant le choix des régions : zone à fort potentiel ou zone défavorisée, émigration rurale, problèmes ethniques…


3.2.2 Concentration thématique/sectorielle

Le type de projets et les activités à privilégier ou à défavoriser, seront justifiés : crédit agricole, productions, aménagement, commercialisation, associations…Type de bénéficiaires à privilégier.

3.2.3 Montage des projets

On mettra en exergue les types de montage de projets qui ont le plus de chance de réussir en considérant leur conception, l’implication des bénéficiaires, les soutiens logistiques ou administratifs qui peuvent être attendus de l’environnement. On donnera une indication sur l’importance financière[budget], spatiale [emprise géographique] ou temporel [durée] qu’il est souhaitable de favoriser.

L’implication des ONG locales est à favoriser [transfert de savoir faire et prise en charge à terme des pays de leur propre développement]. Le DTP donnera des indications sur l’existence et les compétences de ces ONG et fera des recommandations pour le montage des projets à venir.

3.2.4 Gestion des projets

On indiquera ce qui peut être amélioré dans la gestion des projets notamment les problèmes liés aux déboursements. Proposition éventuelle de responsabilisation des Délégations dans la gestion [financière notamment] et le suivi des projets [évaluation] compte tenu du personnel disponible [fonctionnaires et AT]


Une carte schématique peut être utilement annexée.

N.B. Commentaires sur l’utilisation du DTP

Pour des raisons de cohérence entre tous les pays, il est recommandé de rédiger le DTP sur un même format A4, portrait.

Ce document devrait se limiter à 5 pages.

Il ne s’agit pas de faire une étude mais de fournir une base de choix concerté et justifié pour les actions à venir.

Le DTP doit être mis à jour [par la Délégation] entre deux appels à propositions en ouvrant le dialogue au maximum de partenaires : gouvernement, pays membres de l’UE, et en particulier les ONG qui peuvent faire remonter du terrain une information fondamentale.1

Au moment de la publication de l’appel à propositions la version autorisée du DTP sera jointe et servira de référence lors de l’évaluation des propositions.

1 Cf. « la Commission et les ONG : le renforcement du partenariat » paragraphe 1.4.


Annexe 3


Pays : Région :

Identification des besoins

Indicateurs de vulnérabilité pays/populations Typologie de crise Lien avec le « CSP » Déficit alimentaire (net): Nature Calendrier Localisation

Populations cibles Types de population

Nombre Localisation

Partenaires potentiels PAM ;

CICR ; UNRWA ; ONGs / EuronAid Gouvernement

Objectifs/Résultats attendus Type d’intervention Objectifs de l’aide

Résultats attendus en fonction du type d’intervention

Monitoring / Impact Contraintes pour réaliser l’action

Monitoring envisagé Mesures d’impact

Propositions d’allocations spécifiques

Par partenaire :

Produits Quantités estimées Coûts estimatifs Périodes de distribution appropriées

Allocation totale F/5 Produits

Quantités estimées



Allocation ECHO Aide alimentaire/outils/semences

Produits Quantités estimées Coûts

Total Prévisions CE : année n Aide alimentaire / outils / semences

Produits Quantités Coûts

Aide de la Commission année N-1

Montants/nature/quantités par partenaire



Identification des besoins : Indiquer en quelques phrases pour les expliquer/justifier les indicateurs de vulnérabilité des populations (pauvreté extrême, malnutrition,….) ainsi que la typologie de la crise (climat, conflits,…). Le déficit alimentaire est le net après les importations commerciales s’il y en a et si elle sont raisonnablement connues (voir définition). Nature : céréales ou autres produits. Calendrier : période de soudure qui est en général la période critique. Localisation : zones de déficit, zones de surplus s’il y en a. Populations cibles : Partenaires potentiels : Il s’agit de lister les partenaires dans le pays ayant déjà géré ou gérant de manière fiable des actions d’aide alimentaire dans le pays et/ou avec des pays limitrophes. Résultats attendus : Il s’agit de préciser s’il s’agit d’une aide d’urgence/ de réhabilitation / d’appui structurel (stockage) qui est proposée. Indiquer les principaux résultats et impacts qui en découleront. Monitoring/Impact : Les indications permettront de mesurer l’efficience espérée des actions proposées. Proposition d’allocation par partenaire : Il s’agit d’indiquer par partenaire, qui peut être spécialisé, ce qui est le plus approprié de lui confier, compte tenu de ses possibles autres engagements dans de semblables opérations. Allocation globale F/5 : Cette rubrique fait les totaux de la rubrique précédente proposée par la Délégation. Toutefois la F/5 peut y apporter des amendements pour tenir compte d’un rééquilibrage possible des budgets par pays en fonction d’urgences émergentes. Allocation ECHO : La Délégation ou la F/5 indiquera s’il est connu le détail de l’allocation prévisionnelle d’ECHO pour le pays concerné. Y compris éventuellement le budget. Total CE :


Cette rubrique additionne les deux précédentes. Aide de la Commission en année N-1 (année 2003) et en année N (année 2004 en cours) Ces deux rubriques permettant de placer les actions envisagées dans le contexte évolutif récent du pays.