Écoutez la description de la maison

Écoutez la description de la maison • C’est de quel niveau? • Qu’est-ce qu’on pourrait faire pour améliorer le niveau? As-tu un garage? Oui, c’est un grand garage pour deux voitures. J’adore mon garage parce que c’est beau et le mur est rose. Je voudrais un garage plus grand pour une autre voiture. J’ai eu un petit garage mais je préfère ce garage. 1) Listen to the recording by clicking on the image. 2) Then click on this box to see and improve the transcript after you have heard the recording to make it a higher level. 3) When you have improved it to raise its level, one member of the team should record it again through Powerpoint and label it on this screen for the next team. 4) Then move to the next laptop and listen to the previous team’s Click on the image below for the sound

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Post on 20-Mar-2016




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Écoutez la description de la maison. 1) Listen to the recording by clicking on the image. 2) Then click on this box to see and improve the transcript after you have heard the recording to make it a higher level. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


coutez la description de la maison

coutez la description de la maisonCest de quel niveau?Quest-ce quon pourrait faire pour amliorer le niveau?As-tu un garage?Oui, cest un grand garage pour deux voitures. Jadore mon garage parce que cest beau et le mur est rose. Je voudrais un garage plus grand pour une autre voiture. Jai eu un petit garage mais je prfre ce garage.1) Listen to the recording by clicking on the image.

2) Then click on this box to see and improve the transcript after you have heard the recording to make it a higher level.

3) When you have improved it to raise its level, one member of the team should record it again through Powerpoint and label it on this screen for the next team.

4) Then move to the next laptop and listen to the previous teams work

Click on the image below for the sound

coutez la description de la maisonCest de quel niveau?Quest-ce quon pourrait faire pour amliorer le niveau?O est le salon?Le salon est au rez de chausse. Jaimerais un grand salon avec une tlvision et un feuteuil. Jai une petite tlvision mais je naime pas mon salon. Je voudrais une tlvision plus grande. Jai regard les Simpsons la television.1) Listen to the recording by clicking on the image.

2) Then click on this box to see and improve the transcript after you have heard the recording to make it a higher level.

3) When you have improved it to raise its level, one member of the team should record it again through Powerpoint and label it on this screen for the next team.

4) Then move to the next laptop and listen to the previous teams work

Click on the image below for the sound

coutez la description de la maisonCest de quel niveau?Quest-ce quon pourrait faire pour amliorer le niveau?O est la salle de bain sil vous plat?Au premire tage. Jaime la salle de bain parce que cest dans ma chambre. Il y a aussi la salle de bain sur la cuisine, Mais la salle de bain sur la cuisine est horrible parce que cest sale. Je voudrais une salle de bain dans le salon parce que elle serait utile 1) Listen to the recording by clicking on the image.

2) Then click on this box to see and improve the transcript after you have heard the recording to make it a higher level.

3) When you have improved it to raise its level, one member of the team should record it again through Powerpoint and label it on this screen for the next team.

4) Then move to the next laptop and listen to the previous teams work

Click on the image below for the soundcoutez la description de la maisonCest de quel niveau?Quest-ce quon pourrait faire pour amliorer le niveau?O est le jardin?La jardin est derrire la maison. Jadore le jardin parce que cest tres beau . Je voudrais une chambre dans mon jardin. a serait chouette!1) Listen to the recording by clicking on the image.

2) Then click on this box to see and improve the transcript after you have heard the recording to make it a higher level.

3) When you have improved it to raise its level, one member of the team should record it again through Powerpoint and label it on this screen for the next team.

4) Then move to the next laptop and listen to the previous teams work

Click on the image below for the sound

coutez la description de la maisonCest de quel niveau?Quest-ce quon pourrait faire pour amliorer le niveau?Elle est comment ta chambre?Ma chambre est trs petite. Je dteste ma chambre parce que cest ennuyeux et donc stupide. Jaimerais un grande chambre. Jai eu une grande chambre mais nous avons dplac. 1) Listen to the recording by clicking on the image.

2) Then click on this box to see and improve the transcript after you have heard the recording to make it a higher level.

3) When you have improved it to raise its level, one member of the team should record it again through Powerpoint and label it on this screen for the next team.

4) Then move to the next laptop and listen to the previous teams work

Click on the image below for the sound

coutez la description de la maisonCest de quel niveau?Quest-ce quon pourrait faire pour amliorer le niveau?Ta maison a une cave?Oui, nous avons une cave. JADORE LA CAVE PARCE QUE CEST COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Je voudrais un grenier parce que cest cool!Ta maison a une cave??Non Voudrais-tu deux caves.Non1) Listen to the recording by clicking on the image.

2) Then click on this box to see and improve the transcript after you have heard the recording to make it a higher level.

3) When you have improved it to raise its level, one member of the team should record it again through Powerpoint and label it on this screen for the next team.

4) Then move to the next laptop and listen to the previous teams work4

Click on the image below for the sound