
Umbralejo c!est un village situé à

quelques km de Guadalajara. Ce

voyage avec le lycée avait comme

objectif celui d!intégrer les étudiants

de notre lycée dans le monde rural

pour mieux apprivoiser le mode de vie

des paysans. Une fois arrivés, nous

nous sommes installées dans une

sorte de cabane formée par plusieurs

pièces. Nous étions sept par cham-

bre, la cabane était assez propre mais

les chambres peu ensoleillées.

Nos journées se déroulaient entre des

activités pédagogiques et d!autres

d!animation. La matinée était réservée

au ramassage d!excréments du bétail

ou a la restauration de vieux murs, et

l!après-midi aux ateliers de couture ou

de fabrication de paniers. Les soirées

nous paraissaient beaucoup plus

amusantes car nous avions plus de

temps libre, dans lequel, on parlait, on

dansait, on jouait des matches de foot

ou on faisait de nouvelles connaissan-

ces. Pour clôturer ce voyage, nous

avons préparé une fête de mariage

marocaine, pour permettre à l!autre

lycée de mieux connaitre la culture de

notre pays. Le voyage à été instructif

et amusant à la fois et a cette occasion

je remercie Luis et Rocío qui ont fait

possible cette activité où nous nous

sommes très bien amusés et où on a

appris beaucoup de choses très inté-


Mohamed Amin El Hsissen

3º ESO


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A finales de febrero, al igual que en el curso pasado, tuvieron lugar numerosas reuniones en el instituto, entre la profe-sora Carmen García y alumnos de dife-rentes cursos. Se estarán preguntando por el motivo. Pues el motivo era la con-vocatoria del VII encuentro de alumnado investigador que se iba a celebrar en Marzo, en la provincia de Cádiz. Mucho se pensó y discutió en estas reuniones pero, al final se acordó presentar dos trabajos, uno de ellos fue el nuestro. ¿Y por qué ese revuelo y esas ganas de trabajar fuera de las horas de clase? El curso pasado algunos habíamos partici-pado ya en este encuentro y la experien-cia merecía la pena. Y claro, otros com-pañeros querían también participar. Se trata de un encuentro, en el que se per-mite al alumnado apropiarse, por unos minutos, del rol de los profesores, expo-niendo trabajos de investigación, proyec-tos o creaciones originales, todo ello, fruto de un trabajo y un esfuerzo previos. El encuentro consta de ponencias orales (los participantes exponen el trabajo realizado y los resultados obtenidos), defensa de paneles (el alumnado elabo-ra, previamente, un panel acerca de un tema y, entonces, plantea una debate con el resto de congresistas sobre el contenido de su panel, pudiendo, de esta formar, compartir puntos de vista, argu-mentar y llegar a conclusiones) y presen-tación de proyectos (interesantes y sor-prendentes trabajos son expuestos y explicados al resto de asistentes). Los dos trabajos fueros presentados a la Organización de estos encuentros y, el nuestro: ¿Qué vendes? Comercio entre España y sus colonias en el año de “La Pepa” y de forma comparativa, entre España y Sudamérica, en la época ac-tual, fue seleccionado para ser presen-tado en una ponencia oral, ante todos los participantes. El otro trabajo, prepa-rado por otro grupo, y coordinado por la profesora Begoña González, titulado ¿Qué papel le da a la mujer la publici-dad, en Marruecos, fue seleccionado para ser presentado como panel. Pasa-mos a hacer un resumen del trabajo pre-sentado, en el que las investigadoras hemos sido Kaoutar Ben Moussa, Rania Benabdellah y Safiya Tabali, de 1º de Bachillerato y hemos estado coordinadas por la profesora Carmen García. Como todos sabemos, el siglo XVII no fue muy tranquilo para España; coincidió el esta-llido de la Revolución francesa, el des-contento de la población acentuado por una crisis económica, suponemos pare-cida a la actual, las primeras revueltas contra España a cargo de sus colonias americanas y, por si no bastaba, la coro-nación del hermano de Napoleón como rey de España. La situación era, no ca-be duda, muy complicada. Sin embargo, curiosamente, fue en esta época cuando se elaboró la primera Constitución Espa-ñola, “La Pepa”. Y, como no, se redactó y proclamó en Cádiz, la única ciudad en España libre del dominio francés, una ciudad sitiada, el único bastión libre. Y nosotras nos preguntamos, al reflexionar sobre esta época: ¿qué pasaba con el comercio? ¿Qué puertos eran los que funcionaban después de que la Penínsu-la estuviese invadida por el ejército fran-cés? ¿Qué era lo que más necesitaban los españoles en esos momentos? Y por ultimo ¿Qué relaciones comerciales exis-ten hoy entre España y sus antiguas colonias? Decidimos empezar a investi-gar y encontramos la información que respondió a nuestras preguntas. Cádiz

había tenido el monopolio del comercio con América, y seguía siendo, en ese momento, el principal puerto por el que entraban y salían mercancías entre Eu-ropa y América. Llegaban productos desde muchas de las colonias sudame-ricanas, especialmente desde el puerto de Veracruz, México. Hemos observado que había un gran contraste entre la importación y la exportación de produc-tos: el comercio era entonces muy desi-gual; España explotó a sus colonias mientras pudo. Algunos de los principa-les productos que se importaban desde América eran: metales preciosos (oro, plata y monedas provinciales), tintes, tabaco, azúcar, café, carey (desde Filipi-nas), cacao y vainilla. Los productos exportados desde el puerto gaditano eran más modestos: vino, aceite, arroz, harina, especias, cebolla, ajo, chorizo, morcilla, aceitunas y ¡atención! babu-chas y dátiles. Quisimos conocer tam-bién las relaciones comerciales actuales; saber con qué se comercia ahora con los países sudamericanos. Nos encontra-mos conque ahora el comercio es muy escaso, y también hemos observado que se importan materias primas y que se exportan productos elaborados, de ma-yor valor añadido. Tantos años han pa-sado y la desigualdad sigue siendo la misma. Algunos de los productos que se exportan desde España son automóvi-les, productos farmacéuticos, libros, ma-quinas y aparatos eléctricos. Por otra parte, los productos importados son ca-fé, pescado, algodón, plata, madera, cueros, zinc y cobre. Después de haber

elaborado nuestro trabajo viajamos a Cádiz para exponerlo en el ya mencio-nado VII encuentro de alumnos investi-gadores. Se celebraba coincidiendo con el Bicentenario de la aprobación de la Primera Constitución española, la “Pe-pa”. Allí acudieron alumnos de institutos y colegios de todas partes de España. Entablamos amistades y pasamos unos días maravillosos. Pero la parte mas importante fue el momento de la ponen-cia, afortunadamente superamos los nervios y expusimos nuestra investiga-ción, que gustó mucho y por ello, fuimos felicitados por los organizadores. Dejan-do aparte nuestro trabajo, hubo muchos más grupos provenientes de distintas ciudades españolas, tales como Sevilla, Algeciras y Ceuta. Aunque la mayoría fueron alumnos de institutos de Cádiz. Algunos de los trabajos que más capta-ron nuestra atención fueron: uno en el que nos enseñaban a hacer una película en 3D, otro en el que nos mostraban distintas técnicas pictóricas y otro más, que realmente nos impresiono, que tra-taba sobre la comprobación de las leyes de Mendel, con moscas. Este congreso nos ha servido de mucho, hemos apren-dido muchísimas cosas nuevas y hemos conocido a personas muy simpáticas. Agradecemos a todo el mundo que ha colaborado en hacerlo posible y espera-mos poder repetir la experiencia el pró-ximo curso.

Safiya Tabali y Rania Benabdallah 1º Bachillerato

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Por primera vez, nuestro centro ha acogido la celebración de la tercera edición de estas jornadas, que se han desarrollado del 15 al 17 de diciembre de 2011, organizadas por La Asocia-ción Marroquí por un Desarrollo Sostenible (AMED) y, patroci-nadas por “Gas Natural”. A lo largo de estos tres días se han celebrado numerosas conferencias y mesas redondas, al mismo tiempo que se ofrecía, en los numerosos stands insta-lados, una muestra de los avances que las empresas “verdes” han desarrollado para contribuir a este desarrollo sostenible. Como colofón a estas jornadas, numerosas escuelas e institu-tos de Tánger han sido invitados a realizar talleres que pudie-ran mostrar a los escolares y estudiantes, la contribución que cada persona puede hacer para posibilitar esta idea de sos-tenibilidad. La cita fue el sábado 17 de diciembre en la Facul-tad de Ciencias Aplicadas de Tánger (ENSA). Un numeroso grupo de alumnos de nuestro centro, estudiantes de 3º de la ESO: Nabila el Morabet, Salma Boudrai, Yasmina Boumahrou, Chaima Ben Omar, Nohaila Exposito, Ismael Chenaoui y Ro-ger Piñol y de 2º de BTO: Jihan Rebja, Kawtar L!Ouafi Afia, Laila El Fakhkhari, Zineb Messoussi, Acila El Gherib y Yasmine Bensellam, se entusiasmaron con la idea de participar en este evento. La idea, propuesta por la profesora Carmen García, era recuperar el aceite usado de las cocinas, dado el peligro que supone para el medio ambiente, para fabricar jabón. En-seguida se unió también con entusiasmo, la profesora Mª Je-sús Llorca. Todos los participantes aportaron el aceite usado conseguido en casa y, tras la compra de cubos de plástico, batidoras manuales y hasta una eléctrica, espátulas y la sosa para provocar la reacción de saponificación, nos dimos cita para comenzar. El taller se alargó más de lo previsto inicial-mente, sobre todo porque no había forma de que el jabón soli-dificara. Batíamos y batíamos sin resultado, con el consiguien-te desánimo del personal. Finalmente descubrimos la razón: la sosa empleada no era la adecuada. Vuelta a empezar, esta vez con éxito. Después de dos semanas habíamos conse-guido una partida aceptable de jabón, que primorosamente envolvimos en papel de celofán y sujetamos con una goma, de manera que parecían pequeños regalos. El proceso de fabri-cación de estos jabones es el siguiente:1-Pesar 42 g. de sosa2-Calentar a 50° C, 250 mL de agua3-Añadir la sosa al agua, y disolver unos 15 min.4-Calentar, a la misma temperatura anterior, 250 aceite usado.5- Añadir la disolución de sosa al aceite, lentamente.6-Remover la disolución durante unos 40 min.( lo mas impor-tante no es la rapidez, sino mantener el mismo ritmo durante ese tiempo) hasta que resulte una masa densa.7-Verterla en moldes y dejarla el tiempo necesario hasta que se condense más. Tambien se puede incorporar en la mezcla varias sustancias naturales que le dan otro color y olor al ja-bón; en nuestro caso le añadimos canela, cuya experiencia fue muy espectacular. De esta manera llegó el Sábado 17 de di-ciembre. Los alumnos del taller nos reunimos en el Instituto y, acompañados por las profesoras Carmen García González y Maria Jesús Llorca, fuimos a la ENSA con todo el material

necesario y con las muestras de los jabones preparados. A lo largo del día tuvimos muchas experiencias y conocimos a personas importantes, entre ellas al escritor marroquí Rachid Tafersiti. A lo largo de toda la mañana, estudiantes y profeso-res de diferentes centros, se acercaban a nuestro stand y preguntaban sobre la manera de fabricar este jabón, lo que todos los componentes del taller explicábamos con soltura, dada la práctica adquirida. También tuvimos tiempo para acer-carnos a ver los talleres presentados por otros centros de en-señanza: talleres sobre reciclaje de envases, construcción de una placa solar térmica, análisis de aguas, ahorro de luz, muy diferentes entre sí pero, todos con el mismo objetivo, “enseñar cómo se podría colaborar en la protección de nuestro ecosistema”. Asimismo, tuvimos la oportunidad de conocer a los alumnos de la Facultad (ENSA), que se encargaron de facilitar nuestra instalación al llegar y que organizaban todo lo concerniente a estas jornadas, con quienes compartimos ex-periencias y que nos mostraron sus aulas, aportándonos una mejor idea de las materias que estudiaban. Eran alumnos de diferentes regiones marroquíes que estudiaban diferentes ca-rreras por lo que, pudieron responder a nuestras cuestiones y nos dieron consejos, sobre las diferentes carreras y sobre las facultades en las que estudiaban. Al llegar la tarde, después de haber tomado un bocadillo en la cantina de la facultad, el promotor de estas jornadas, D. Lofti Chraibi, Presidente de la asociación AMED, nos ofreció clausurar el encuentro con una plantación simbólica de varios árboles, dos por cada centro participante. Así pues, uno de los mejores momentos de este encuentro, fue cuando nos llegó el turno de plantar nuestros árboles, que quedarían como recuerdo y símbolo de nuestro centro. Así plantamos dos árboles en los jardines de esta uni-versidad. A media tarde, comenzamos a recoger y a preparar-nos para volver de nuevo al instituto, después de un largo y entretenido día. Todos volvimos muy contentos y orgullosos de la experiencia.

Laila el Fahrazi, 2º bachillerato

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Presentación en la Facultad de Ciencias Aplicadas de Tánger


The International Book Day is a yearly event

celebrated on the 23rd April since 1930. This day is celebrated to promote reading and to

discover the pleasure of reading and it is or-

ganized by Unesco. The International Book Day is celebrated in over 100 countries.

The connection between 23rd April and litera-ture was made in 1923 by booksellers in Spain,

as a way to honour Miguel de Cervantes

Saavedra, who died on that day. It is also the day of the birth and the death of William

Shakespeare. He was an English poet and

Miguel de Cervantes was a Spanish author and novelist. In Catalonia, Spain, since 1436, St.

George!s Day has been “The Day of the Rose”,

where gifts are exchanged as a symbol of love. It would be the analogous to Valentine!s Day.

The first time that books were also exchanged

in “The Day of the Rose” in Catalonia was in 1926, also to commemorate the death of Cer-

vantes and Shakespeare. In Catalonia, a rose

is traditionally given as a gift for each book sold. Also other countries like the UK and Ire-

land celebrate the World Book Day on the first

Tuesday of March.

So, the International Book Day is celebrated as

an honour to Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare. To contribute to this celebration

we have made and decorated bookmarks with

haikus, colours and drawings.

Salma El Masnaoui, Aya El Khattabi, Ilyas

Abdallas, Nour El Mourabit, 1.º ESO



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After a long time craving for a worthy

holiday, the last day of class we could

enjoy The English Day, to start the

spring vacation, relaxed. Friday, 27th

April. Thanks to our English teachers,

The English Day was back in Severo

Ochoa. Some of our

schoolmates delighted us

with their amusing and

talented performing arts.

The show started with a

video introduction of the

participants rehearsing,

followed by a quick ex-

planation of what The

English Day was about. It

took place at the school

theater and there were

two sessions. The first

one was aimed at Ba-

chillerato and 4th ESO

and the second one, after

the break, for all the stu-

dents of ESO and , as

special guests, 6th Year Primary

School students from Ramón y Cajal,

were invited. All over the place, music

was on the air until all the groups sat,

and then the presenters introduced

the artists. The first one was a choreo-

graphy with a strong rhythm. It was

great!! Then a musical tribute, a song

especially dedicated to our dear

classmate Aziza Larini, who unfortuna-

tely left us this year. Performances

went on with a lot of more dancing

and singing by students of all ages.

Most of the show was about singing,

dancing and playing instruments,

which made it very interesting for mu-

sic lovers! : There were hip hop dan-

cers, pop singers, a rock and roll band

and a violin player. They all had a

great performance singing songs of

recent and successful artists like Adele

or Rihanna. The show ended with one

last song, Valerie, by Amy Winehouse,

with all the auddience sin-

ging along. The artists of

our High School were

really perfect, and their

performances were enter-

taining and funny. They

presented us amazing

choreographies, different

styles of music and we

saw a lot of talent. We

must be really proud of

them. The audience en-

joyed the whole show and

we think that everybody

will agree if we say that

we can"t just wait for the

next English Day.

Amira Ben Yebdri, 4º ESO

Kawtar Benmoussa, 1º Bach.

Yousra Tanouti, 1º Bach.


Safiya Tabali, Owen and Yasmine BensellamSaad Jouhri and Chaimae Abahaj Yousra el Hsissen and Nabila Morabet

Aya Alami and Omar Berrouho

Safiya Tabali and Nisrine ChaieriCharo Macías, and members of the english day Hind Bakali and the chorus

25 BABEL 2012! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 45



Je remercie infiniment Mme Morales et M. Montesinos qui nous ont offert la chance de rencontrer l!écrivain du ro-man Retour à Tanger, M. Rachid Tafer-siti le samedi 19 mai. Ce dernier nous a guidés dans la ville de Tanger pour re-trouver les traces de Driss, le person-nage central du roman, entre le marché Central, où il travaillait, et le quartier de Djema!a, au Marshan, où il habitait. Mais, M. Tafersiti a aussi profité de la visite des espaces du roman pour nous parler de la société, de la population, de la culture et de la vie de la ville dans les années soixante, l!époque où se dé-roule la plus grande partie du récit. On a commencé notre itinéraire par le mar-ché du poisson où Driss vendait le pro-duit de sa pêche, pour continuer, tou-

jours à l!intérieur du marché, à regarder les étalages des bouchers, des mar-chands de légumes, de fruits, d!olives, d!épices… Nous sommes sortis du marché par la porte qui donne sur la place du souk et nous avons pris la rue d!Italie, ancienne rue du Télégraphe Anglais, où on a découvert la maison de Farida, la fiancée de Driss, et le cinéma Alcazar que les protagonistes, aussi bien que Rachid Tafersiti, fréquentaient dans les années 60. On a pris la rue du Dr. Cenarro pour monter vers le Mar-shan et j!ai été surprise par le charme de ces rues anciennes où je n!avais jamais mis les pieds auparavant.On est passés devant le lycée Ibn Kha-tib, les anciennes Écoles Juives et la Nécropole romaine. On a fait une pause

au café Halafta où on a rencontré un ami de M. Tafersiti, âgé de 80 ans, qui nous a parlé de l!ancienne ville de Tan-ger, qu!il préférait à celle de nos jours, parce qu!elle était beaucoup plus petite et qu!elle gardait le contact avec la na-ture et la mer et que les habitants, Chrétiens, Juifs, Musulmans vivaient tous en harmonie. Après la visite du quartier de la Djma!a, où habitait Driss, M. Tafersiti nous a fait la surprise de visiter sa propre maison qu!il habitait dans sa jeunesse, en face du Palais Royal. Il nous a fait monter sur la ter-rasse d!où on a une vue splendide sur la mer. Ce jour-là restera un souvenir inoubliable pour moi.

Kaoutar El Bakkali 4º ESO

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Balade dans les rues de Tanger

Le 19 mai a été un jour spécial, un jour qui restera inoubliable pour moi et pour mes camarades. Ce jour-là, on a fait connaissance de l!auteur du livre «"Re-tour à Tanger"», Monsieur Tafersiti, et on a passé de bons moments ensemble. À 10 heures, on avait rendez-vous au ly-cée": les élèves de 4º ESO, le profes-seur de philosophie, Monsieur Montesi-nos et mon professeur de français Ma-dame Morales. Après, on est partis ren-contrer Monsieur Tafersiti à la porte du cinéma Rif. Là, il nous a parlé de la ville de Tanger pendant les années 60 et 70. Pour lui, il y eu beaucoup de chan-gements en ce qui concerne la popula-tion"car il y avait beaucoup de juifs, de chrétiens qui vivaient avec les habitants musulmans en parfaite harmonie. La ville était, à cette époque, un mélange de civilisations"et on trouvait des mos-quées, des églises, des synagogues, des bars, des restaurants… Le premier lieu de visite a été le Marché du Pois-son, où Monsieur Tafersiti nous a expli-qué que chacun des marchands vendait un type différent de poisson. Dans le marché, on a vu aussi de petits maga-sins où on vend des légumes, de la viande, du poulet et des fruits. C!est dans cet endroit où Driss (le personnage principal du livre) travaillait. Le deuxième endroit qu!on a visite a été la rue d!Italie, où il y avait le télégraphe anglais. Dans cette rue il y avait beaucoup de petits commerces tenus par des Juifs et des Espagnols à l!époque. Ici se trouvait la maison de Farida, la fiancée de Driss. Puis, on est allés à Bab Teatro où on a pu voir le cinéma Alcazar et le Capitol. Cet endroit était très fréquenté par les protagonistes du récit et il est aussi plein de souvenirs d!enfance pour Monsieur Tafersiti. Juste a côté, il y a la rue Ibn Al Abbar où on a vu le lycée Ibn Khatib el la Nécropole romaine. Après une petite pause au café Halafta, on est allés au quartier Djema!a où vivait Driss. Finale-ment, Monsieur Tafersiti nous a montre la maison où il a passé son enfance. Cette balade a été magnifique. Monsieur Tafersiti est un homme qui adore sa ville natale et qui a partagé toutes ses con-naissances sur Tanger avec nous pen-dant trois heures. Merci, Rachid

Amine Moultamis 4°ESO

Le samedi 19 mai, monsieur Tafersiti nous a consacré sa matinée pour nous faire découvrir l!ancienne ville de Tanger, à la recherche des traces de Driss , le personnage principal de son roman Re-

tour à Tanger. L!auteur a mis cinq ans à écrire son livre dont le sujet caché est la ville de Tanger et ses transformations depuis les années 60. Il nous a raconté qu!il s!est inspiré du vécu de certains de ses amis pour recréer le personnage de Driss. Il est un pêcheur qui habite la ville du Détroit dans les années 50. Il vend sa pêche au marché central (actuelle-ment refait). Il mène une vie tranquille jusqu!au jour où il connaît Farida et tombe amoureux d!elle. Après quelques mois de relation cachée, car Farida ve-nait d!un milieu beaucoup plus aisé que lui, les parents de celle-ci, découvrent les amoureux et interdisent leur fille de voir Driss. Celui-ci tombe alors dans une dépression profonde et fuit Tanger vers la Belgique. Il refait sa vie à Bruxelles et ne retournera dans sa ville natale qu!après sa retraite dans les années 2000. Rachid Tafersiti nous a raconté que la population de la ville était très cosmopolite dans les années 50": il y avait 60 000 Espagnols et 20 000 Juifs, ainsi que des Anglais, des Allemands et des Français. Et tous partageaient les mêmes espaces de la ville avec la popu-lation musulmane, contrairement à ce qui se passait dans d!autres villes du Maroc où chaque communauté vivait dans un quartier qui lui était réservé. Dans l!actuelle rue d!Italie, qui jadis était la rue du télégraphe anglais, on trouvait, à cette époque, des ateliers d!Espagnols et de Juifs qui s!occupaient de petits métiers. C!est dans cette rue que se trouvait la maison de Farida et c!est là qu!elle a rencontré Driss pour la pre-mière fois. Tanger était à l!époque gou-

vernée par le Mendoub, qui était le re-présentant du Sultan. Le Mendoub sié-geait dans la Mendoubia, sur la place du grand Souk, qui avait été auparavant ambassade allemande. La visite a conti-nué par la rue Ibn Al Abbar, ancienne rue du Dr, Cenarro où on a découvert d!autres sites historiques, avant de mon-ter au Marshan. Là on s!est reposés au café Halafta où on a bu un bon thé à la menthe. La visite a continué dans le quartier de la Djama!a pour retrouver la maison de Driss et de ses amis pour finir dans la maison où l!auteur a passé son enfance, en face du Palais Royal. Ra-chid Tafersiti nous a accompagnés dans cette tournée magnifique à la recherche des personnages de son roman, mais aussi, et surtout, à la découverte de l!histoire de notre ville. Tout un plaisir. Merci, Rachid.

Malak Ettaj 4º ESO

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It!s a day just like any other, or at least,

it should be so, because commemora-

ting each woman of the world just once

a year should be considered a shame.

On the last 8th March, the International

Women!s Day, some students of 2nd

Bachillerato made a research work and

organized a panel exhibition about

some relevant women in the Arab-Mus-

lim world. But of course, we felt we

didn!t have enough paper, neither ink,

to write about them all. This is the se-

cond exhibition related to the comme-

moration of March 8th we prepare, and

we have done it with the same eager-

ness as the first time. To be honest, we

could say that it began as an English

class work, and then turned into a pro-

ject with its own life. Women such as

Fatima Mernissi, Houda Shaarawi or

Nadia Yassin are persons that we

should consider an example to follow.

And why? Because winning the 400-

meter RACE, or being the promoter of

the Egyptian women!s day are brilliant

explosions which illustrate the con-

cernment of these women. Taking into

account the way they fought against the

unfair rules in their societies, the impo-

sed limitations, and, especially, against

the ignorance which they were su-

rrounded by, they don!t deserve just

some claps, an exhibition about their

lives, or a commemoration once a year;

they deserve to be recognized worldwi-

de and forever. We hope that the peop-

le who have read our small investiga-

tion, the information we have been

working on, and celebration, got the

essence of what we wanted to transmit.

Tiz i r i E l Moussaoui , Sofia

Amaoui and Kenza Bouamar,






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Nawal al Saadawi

Activist, Egyptian doctor and

writer. She was taken to prison for

her defense of the equality be-

tween men and women and the

non distinction because of a dif-

ferent race, culture and especially

the freedom of women and against

their humiliation in the Arab world. Likewise, these facts

led her to the exile, and she also lost the job that had in

public health. She saved many girls from genital mutila-

tion, which she herself

was a victim. And she

becomes a cry in the

middle of the silence that

surrounds these impor-

tant matters and non

treated enough, like the

political corruption and female genital mutilation. It is a

part of her autobiography which narrates her childhood

and adolescence. She tells us how hard it was a soci-

ety in which women even lost her name. She explains

in this book the complicity that she had with her mother,

and also all those first thoughts about the environment

that surrounded her. This is when she realizes that her

desire to learn was the only thing that helped her to

move on, because it is not always easy growing up in a

sexist society in which a boy is better than a girl, and

pregnant women pray to give birth a male. We can see

reflected in each of her thoughts her rebellion to her

patriarchal atmosphere which she didn!t consider fair

and constantly wonders why. We must also appreciate

her skeptical look on the world, the details, that show

part of his maturity when she was young. And finally, it

should be noted that we are facing one of the leading

figures in the Arab world, not only for her fight, but for

her hope, her willpower, to believe that we will achieve

to make this world better. Nawal al Saadawi was a girl

like many others, but she appreciated the beauty of the

world in a particular way. We can!t forget that the free-

dom of women has been the fight of many generations

of women ,who have contributed. So we and all future

generations must contribute freely for a fairer world.

Noor Ammar, 1º ESO

Fatima Mernissi

She graduated in Political Science at Mohammed V University in

Rabat and went to Paris where she did postgraduate studies at the

Sorbonne, while she worked as a journalist. With an scholarship, she

achieved a Doctorate and

a Master in Sociology at

the University of Brandeis

in the United States of

America. She teaches in

the Department of Sociol-

ogy at the university

where she graduated and

is a researcher at the “Institute Universitaire de Recheches Scienti-

fiques” in Rabat. She is one of the writers who best describes the

situation of women in the Arab world. She has a captivating style that

integrates the sweetness of his childhood in the unfair of the atmos-

phere in which she was brought up and which she fights against .

"Dreams on the Trespass" perfectly fulfills both objectives. The social

criticism and aesthetic pleasure. It is a recreation of childhood in a

harem in Fes, Morocco. The author recreates in first person her

childhood, her experience of female seclusion, the dense network of

emotions and confrontation that is woven between the women of the

family. She describes in this wonderful narration the ways and posi-

tions of her confinement and restraint at a time in history when the

world as it had been known, traditions and social conventions, began

to crumble, where mothers imagined and desired a better future, a

possibility of change for their daughters, and fought so that they

would be able to choose and not have to resigned to confinement, to

die in life, to proclaim their desire for freedom

on their embroideries. In a society where the

space for men and women is delimited, sepa-

rated and where we cannot avoid the old tradi-

tions, the ideas of women are different, mainly

influenced by oppres. In this book Fatima is

motivated to fight for the freedom of women to

go beyond the walls which religious interpreta-

tion raise, blaming women because they are

women. Books: Daughter of Isis : Zed Books

(1999) Dreams of Trespass . Tales of a haren

girlhood : Basic Books (1995)"


25 BABEL 2012! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 49





Todo comenzó cuando mi profesora de Física, Dª Chus Llorca, comentó en clase la existencia de este evento, la Olimpiada Nacional de Física, pero para poder participar en él debíamos superar primero una fase local que englobaba a todos los Centros espa-ñoles en Marruecos. La fase local consta de una serie de cuestiones teóricas y de problemas; son cuestio-nes más o menos sencillas que cual-quier alumno de Física de nuestro ins-tituto puede resolver. En mi opinión la clave está en saber explicar los proce-sos mentales y no tanto los cálculos que se hagan, que aunque son impor-tantes no son decisivos a la hora de elegir entre los mejores. Una vez supe-rada la fase local, recibí la noticia de haber sido elegido para representar a Marruecos en la fase nacional, que se celebraba en Bilbao entre el 20 y el 23

de abril. Fue una noticia bastante sa-tisfactoria tanto para mí, contento por haber logrado un viaje a una ciudad que nunca había visitado, como para mi profesora y para el Centro, pues era la primera vez que Marruecos partici-paba en el certamen y era todo un honor que fuese nuestro Instituto el primero en enviar a un participante a la fase nacional. Mientras me dirigía a Bilbao, pensaba en el ambiente que me esperaba, me preguntaba si me encontraría con gente que lo único que hacía era estudiar o con gente normal y corriente que se le daba bien la Físi-ca. Al llegar me di cuenta de que había todo tipo de personas, gente que se-guía estudiando por los pasillos del hotel y otros que estaban menos preo-cupados por la prueba y que jugaban al billar. Al día siguiente, realizamos todas las pruebas, tanto las prácticas

como las teóricas, las cuales requerían un alto nivel de dominio de la Física. Recuerdo que fue una jornada bastan-te dura y agotadora. Pero olvidamos todo el sufrimiento al llegar la noche, pues comenzamos a conocernos entre los participantes y después salimos “de marcha”. El siguiente día fue de paseo por Bilbao y por la noche otra vez salimos a dar una vuelta, a pesar de que yo tenía que acostarme tem-prano. Personalmente pienso que fue una experiencia inolvidable que enri-quece la vida de todos los que partici-pamos en ella tanto en conocimientos como en amistades. Animo a todo el que quiera que participe, y que no le asuste la palabra Olimpiada, pues solo es una palabra.

Amine Zeggaf, 2º bachillerato

en pleno examen

Chus Llorca y Amine Zeggaf junto al Museo Guggenheim de Bilbao

50 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 25 BABEL 2012



Somos un grupo de alumnos que, du-rante siete semanas, hemos participado en un proyecto llamado Conectando Mundos, de la ONGD Intermón-Oxfam. Durante estas semanas, nos hemos informado y hemos debatido con cen-tros de otros países que participaban en Conectando Mundos sobre cómo erradicar un gran problema: el hambre en el mundo.Hemos llegado a la conclusión de que, para erradicar el problema, debemos presionar a los Gobiernos y a los me-dios de comunicación, informar y sen-sibilizar a gente de nuestro entorno (familia, vecinos, amigos…) y hablar de ello abiertamente, sin tabúes, para co-nocer mejor la realidad y poder llegar así a una conclusión.

Es cierto que cada uno vive su vida como le parece, todos tenemos dere-chos, pero no olvidemos que muchas otras personas no han podido vivir co-mo han querido o no lo han consegui-do, y muchas veces son niños y niñas menores de edad.Hemos realizado también una exposi-ción en la que explicábamos y compa-rábamos aspectos sobre el tema y si-tuaciones en diferentes países. Todo esto despertó en nosotros un enorme interés y acabamos con la cabeza llena de conceptos nuevos. Al final, todos somos iguales y nadie es mejor que el otro. Además, hay alimentos suficientes para todos, únicamente no están bien distribuidos. Para terminar, agradece-mos a la profesora de inglés, Amparo Rodrigo, su paciencia y el ánimo que nos ha dado para hacer posible la reali-zación del proyecto y todo lo demás.

Rita Benhida e Ikram Filali, 2º ESO



25 BABEL 2012! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 51



52 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 25 BABEL 2012


25 BABEL 2012! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 53


When I arrived to Southampton that morning, I didn’t expect what I saw in the harbor: it was the biggest thing I had ever seen, even longer than the Royal Palace of Berlin, and twice the size of the Valerian, the ship that had brought me from Germany to England a week before. It was the Titanic, the biggest liner in the world (and the most luxurious, as I could check just a few moments later). Now, in my last minutes of life, I’m seeing how this huge watercraft is sinking, being swal-lowed by the ocean. I can only think of Adelaida, my dear fiancee, whom I had left back in my country, waiting for me to come back for our great mar-riage. I regret the day I accepted that first class invitation for the maiden voyage of the liner, to New York, and I remember with bitterness how she rejected the idea from the first minute. I realize that I will never get to see the Statue of the Liberty, and the long and spacious avenues of Manhattan. I also realize that I won’t see Adelaida’s face neither. The boat lurches roughly, as I hang on the banister. The stern of the ship is rising slowly, getting more and more upright, and making the desper-ate people fall from the deck. It re-minds me of those skyscrapers in New York, which I had seen in the bro-chures back in Germany. A blonde young woman next to me, surely a third class passenger, holds a baby, and she starts to sing a lullaby, but it won’t calm his weeping: people are shouting, and crying all around, and the water is making an intense noise. The ship starts lurching again. It is completely vertical now, and I can feel it starting to submerge in the dark waters of the Atlantic Ocean. I re-member when I last saw Adelaida’s

face. She was crying, and she didn’t want to let me go on this trip. I held her hands and kissed her beautiful pale face, and then the driver, Stein-meier, said we had to hurry up, or we’d miss the ship. “I curse you, Ste-inmeier”, I think. I would give every-thing I have to see her face one more time. I look at the Ocean, and I get to see some twinkling lights: the life-boats. I wonder why they haven’t filled them completely. I guess those first class ladies wanted to be comfortable. I’ve always been thankful for being a man, but now I wish I could be one of those lucky ladies. Now I can see the water closer to my feet, as I start to breath nervously. I see my end, com-ing towards me, but I can’t do any-thing to stop it. Lord Hartmouth, standing a few metres to my left, is beating a young lad, trying to push him out of the banister, but the lad,

supported by his strong friends, kicks the old man, and makes him fall into the freezing water. But even the lad and his friends won’t last much longer on the boat: the water is already wet-ting my shoes. I decide to jump, to prevent from getting pushed with the Titanic to the depths of the Ocean. The water is even colder than what I expected. It feels like a million needles are sticking into my skin. When I swim up to the surface, I take a long breath, and start swimming again, to get away from the boat. When I’m about 70 feet away, I turn back, just to see the little British flag sink into the water. The only thing I hear now is the people’s loud shoutings. I can nearly feel my feet and hands, my wet hair is starting to freeze, and the tweed suit I’m wear-ing is now very heavy. The only thing that’s is avoiding me to sink is my life-jacket, which poor Steinmeir gave me a few minutes before he disappeared downstairs, apparently to take some belongings from his third class cabin. I haven’t seen him since then.

I don’t know how much time has passed, but now there are no sounds. I feel like I’m deaf, but I notice that even the sea is quiet. I am floating faced up, watching the stars, and I can’t move a single muscle. It’s is get-ting more and more hard to breathe, and I can’t feel my legs. I curse the goddamn rescue boats for taking so much time to help us, but I suspect they will never come.

I close my eyes, and I think one last time of my dear Adelaida, who’ll will wake up tomorrow with the terrible news: the unsinkable Titanic had sunk. And so did her fiancee.

Khalil Bourjila, 4º ESO


54 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 25 BABEL 2012



Les jeunes et la politique sont conçus

comme des opposés dans notre socié-

té. On considère que les jeunes sont

plutôt irresponsables et inexpérimen-

tés et qu!ils ne donnent aucune impor-

tance à la politique. Mais contraire-

ment aux idées reçues, c!est faux. En

réalité, les jeunes ne se désintéressent

pas de la politique, ils s'y intéressent

autrement. Pour commencer, les jeu-

nes d!aujourd!hui ne conçoivent pas du

tout la vie de la même manière. Ils

appartiennent à une nouvelle généra-

tion, ils ont vécus des expériences

différentes, puis ils se sont construit

leur propre idéologie et leur propre

mentalité. Ils ne partagent pas les

mêmes idées, ni les mêmes intérêts, ni

les même repères que leurs ainés,

c!est pour quoi leur vision de la politi-

que est tout à fait différente et incom-

prise par les générations précédentes

à leurs yeux. Les jeunes cherchent du

changement, une nouvelle politique

qui les prenne en considération, une

nouvelle politique qui écoute ce qu!ils

ont à dire, qui leur donne de l!impor-

tance. Ils veulent une politique ouverte

d!esprit qui se base sur des formes

renouvelées et des valeurs contempo-

raines, qui soient à leur image. Les

temps changent et la politique doit

s!adapter, ce n!est pas les jeunes qui

doivent s!adapter à elle. Donc le rap-

port entre la politique et les jeunes

existent bien, et ces derniers comptent

arriver à leurs espérances. Parmi

leurs espérances, on compte le droit à

l!avortement, le mariage gay et leur

droit à l!adoption, la légalisation des

drogues douces, la légalisation de

l!euthanasie, l!aide à l!emploi et au

logement, entre autres. Et toutes ces

aspirations ont une valeur en com-

mun": la liberté individuelle. La liberté

individuelle est un nouveau concept

qui englobe les droits personnels de

chaque personne, basés sur le respect

et la tolérance. Cette liberté qui est

conçue par les jeunes est une liberté

responsable, contrairement à ce qu!on

croit. C!est une liberté engagée envers

la société et envers leurs ainés. Ce

n!est pas une liberté chaotique comme

on peut l!imaginer. Bien qu!elle soit

présentée d!un point de vue innocent

et inexpérimenté, elle est réglementée

et rigoureuse. En résumé, la société

devrait écouter et prendre note de ce

que les jeunes ont à dire et ne pas les

sous-estimer. Malgré leur faible expé-

rience, en particulier en politique, ils

ont leurs mots à dire puisque ils de-

vraient, de toute façon, prendre les

rennes à leur tour dans un futur pro-

che. De plus, si on leur donne l!occa-

sion, ils se défendent pas mal du tout,

surtout qu!il faut prendre en compte

que les jeunes d!aujourd!hui sont

beaucoup mieux formés que ceux des

générations précédentes. Donc,

soyons intelligents, laissons s!exprimer

les plus jeunes, ils pourraient nous


Sara Temsamani, 2º bachillerato


25 BABEL 2012! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 55










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!YZG&-"& [#G '\ ]B-"& 5^66_ <A>G 'EA\ 45.672"!YZG56"& YB&-"& 81 -`3 -NH <&-La 45.672"

Los violines

Los violines lloran con los gitanos que se van… al ÁndalusLos violines lloran por los árabes que salen… del Ándalus

Los violines lloran por un tiempo perdido… que no vuelveLos violines lloran por una patria perdida… que quizás vuelva

Los violines son caballos sobre acordes de espejismos y agua que gimeLos violines son campo de lilas salvajes que se aleja y se acerca… Los violines son el desorden de los corazones que el viento enloquece en los pies de la bailarina Los violines son bandadas de pájaros que huyen de la bande-ra ausente

56 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 25 BABEL 2012


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D&3'69 d&( 72\%>� I5T n'T e,>C IFG&H eB'6 PsB.!#,

E&M &j%1 2'N69 �n0 ) 7�9D�6 PCO 7?s.!K9 2QG&( 8Qq

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ABC)D1�9D�6 e,>C IFG&H)

�&K|>, I!BT1Amira Bouzalmate

4º ESO

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25 BABEL 2012! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 57


Technological tools are a great source

of information which allows us to get

more information with only one click,

as an example, without moving to a

library or something like that. This is

also a good way to save time because

it takes you only a few seconds to find

some good information. On the other

hand we can find leisure is the main

objective in the Internet users. There is

no doubt that the Internet is the most

important tool among all the technolo-

gical tools. Nowadays, we can't live

without the Internet. But is the Internet

really necessary in our life? Each per-

son has a different point of view about

the need of being connected to the

Internet, but when I say necessary, I

mean situations where you don't have

another choice, and in these situations

it is not about fun. But if you ask a tee-

nager, he will probably answer yes,

when that's not true at all. This is be-

cause he sees the fun side of Internet

as a need in his life. Only once a week,

a teenager uses the Internet for ho-

mework issues. The rest is only leisure.

And the most visited worldwide leisure

websites are Facebook, Twitter and

YouTube. These web-pages have one

thing in common. They are WEB 2.0,

which not many people know. Only one

person out of 25 that were asked knew

what it was, when 24 out of 25 use it

everyday. According to Wikipedia,

which in fact is another well-known

website in which the concept 2.0 is the

base of its developing, the WEB 2.0 is

a kind of application which allows us to

interact, to share information and to

collaborate with all the Internet users

around the world. Getting to know this

information, you will probably realise

the several advantages it has, but you

have to be careful as there are also

some disadvantages: anyone can

share whatever he wants, that is, you

can get wrong information. And we still

have to br ready to learn!: WEB 3.0 is

in progress, which is difficult to under-

stand and is still under developement.

The current use we are giving to this

revolutionary idea of sharing on the

web is in our English lessons in blogs,

where we share out writings and other

work. But only three persons out of 25

who have a personal blog, such as

Tumblr or Blogspot. I personally use

this technological tools for fun every-

day, but also sometimes when I need

some extra information, and I think this

is what the majority of teenagers do

nowadays. For example 18 students

out of 22 use Facebook everyday, and

6 use Twitter. Twitter in not as popular

in Morocco as Facebook, but is more

based on the idea of sharing, the main

pillar of WEB 2.0 technology.

Hamza Garti 4º ESO



58 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 25 BABEL 2012






Since the beginning of the expansion of

the World Wide Web, users have had

the opportunity to access freely to the

Net and participate by the creation of

websites and social networks, whose

objective is to connect people and pro-

vide us a digital platform to express our

opinions and share our ideas and fe-

elings. In this context, some authors

and programmers have decided to start

projects according to the wish of sociali-

zing that some Internet users have. The

most extended trend in today!s Net is

the one that uses social networks as a

mean to make their ideals and voices

heard. Thus, some electronic supports

such as Twitter or Facebook have be-

come an efficient way to promote politi-

cal movements, parties and so on. Eve-

ry single politician or activist has a Fa-

cebook or Youtube account which is

daily updated to keep people informed

about everything related to their activi-

ties. Actually, the so-called “Arab

Spring” got popular in the muslim world

due to its relevance in Twitter.

But behind all these idealist matters,

there are lots of economic interests. We

can!t forget that even if we feel free to

post anything on these websites, there

is a huge number of enterprises control-

ling the media market. Their goal is to

create a mass culture that consumes

unconsciously. An evidence of this phe-

nomenon is how Facebook sells our

confidencial information to some impor-

tant enterprises to elaborate a market

study so they can bomb us with person-

alised advertising. This whole thing

means that corporations and medias

are getting our ideals sold out. But

instead of trying to deal with this matter,

we keep posting on and on, and we

forget that what we think is part of the

solution, is just the power base of a

solid structure that is getting more and

more powerful due to our ignorance and

lack of willpower.

Fidae el Morer, 2º bachillerato

25 BABEL 2012! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 59




60 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 25 BABEL 2012


25 BABEL 2012! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 61

Amine Fellous, 2º bachillerato


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Yousra El Otmany,

3° ESO

62 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 25 BABEL 2012



!"# !$%&' ()* +,-. /&(012 34& 526712 +8 9- :;<=>?@A

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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yousra El Otmany, 3º ESO

+^q&. :M>PF$"2 ;?GH&s 2u(g T. 3D& ()&. ]. :vFE ()&68 3*#$%"&'(")*+%",*+'-.

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25 BABEL 2012! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 63



In modern societies, the look is very

important in every aspect of our lives,

and is very outstanding in places such

as the working world. When searching

for a job, we can say that you are try-

ing to sell a product, in this case your-

self. That is why, if you don!t fit in the

right package, you might not get the

job. To have a pleasant image is a key

to success. That is what we are being

taught everywhere nowadays. Our

societies push us to believe that in

order to be successful in every aspect

of our life, you have to be good look-

ing and look like a model; this is ap-

plied to both sexes but especially to

women. They are more exposed to

pressure in society regarding to their

physical appearance. We just have to

take a look at commercials and TV

shows to deduce that they are direct-

ing us to consider a certain model of

women to accept ourselves like all of

us should look like. It is widely known

that finding a job that you like is very

hard, and what makes it even harder,

is the high standard companies set

when they are hiring. In order to be

recruited you will be judged not only on

your abilities but also on your appear-

ance. This last point can be unfair dis-

crimination, because you may look

very good but not be qualified enough

and get the job, when someone else

can be more competent and they won!t

achieve their goal because he may be

overweight or, for instance, too short.

It is comprehensible that if you don!t

wear appropriately, or don´t behave in

a right way during an interview, you

won!t get the job. But, what is more

important, the interviews should al-

ways be based on the abilities and

how qualified you are above other


Amina Nimzilne, 2º bachillerato







64 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 25 BABEL 2012



“Go to work. Get married. Have some

kids. Pay your taxes. Pay your bills.

Watch your TV. Follow fashion. Act

normal. Obey the law. And repeat after

me: I AM FREE.” - V

It!s so obvious that I do not know how

to start. We all know about it, we all

know how politics work in our present

society, full of corruption and injustices.

But who actually cares? We still have

our hypnotizing TV-shows and we still

own our so expensive and useless

cars. Let!s go further. We believe that

we live in freedom, but it!s actually

false. Think about it: can anyone go

anywhere without money? The real

issue lies in people who run the capi-

talism. This economic model is perfect

in theory. But as in physics problems,

we must apply “special” conditions to

practice: greed, selfishness and evil

were not in Adam Smith!s schemes.

Let!s start. We all realize that his sys-

tem is based on money, right? So I!ll

expose my point of view, and you!ll see

how, in my opinion, the world isn!t

anymore a place for raising kids or

much less live freely. Well. I under-

stand that just like animals, we need

something to “regulate” our way of

living, and long time ago, they chose

the concept of “money”. What

“money”, in essence, is? To simplify, it

is like fair tickets. If you have an x

number of those tickets, you can ac-

cess to attractions. But if you don!t,

you can!t. And to improve the analogy,

some attractions cost more than others

and there are limited tickets. The same

happens in real life, except for the fact

that people steal or actually kill, in or-

der to get those tickets. Following the

explanation, as you can see, the sys-

tem is quite exclusive from its begin-

ning. Now, if we add capitalism, the

hypothetical situation becomes even

worse. In short, capitalism allows peo-

ple who have a large number of tick-

ets, get more, betting –literally- with

those of normal people in the interna-

tional markets. Isn!t that unfair? Well,

it!s happening right now in all stock

market. But in part, I have just ex-

plained the “raison d!être” of any kind

of person. And it!s pretty depressing, at

least for me. Since we are born, the

society prepares us to integrate this

fair. And we dedicate the only thing

that we really own, to fight with each

other to get those tickets. And I won-

der, why? Why all this? I might be too

optimistic, but I think that with a good

education, we wouldn!t need this op-

pressive regulating system. And when

I say “good”, I mean a real good edu-

cation, based in respect and tolerance

towards mankind, because what

they!re doing is everything but that. If

we want to make any sense in our

lives, we have to respect each other.

We have to wipe out the xenophobia,

the racism, the sexism, and all the real

illnesses of any person. The lack of

solidarity, due to the diseases above

mentioned, is what causes the selfish-

ness and greed of people, and these,

in turn, are the reason of our regretta-

ble situation. We can use the Syrian

“civil war” as an example. I was eating

the other day and then I turned on the

TV. The news channel was on. They

were talking about Syria. And my mind

blew up. We know that human beings

are dying every day in that country

because of an insane selfish president

and we only wish them good luck –and

even that. Nor the International Com-

munity, which is supposed to ensure

human rights, is doing anything, just

because Al-Assad has Russian and

Chinese friends who could block their

trade agreements –at least- with the

“good-intentioned” International Com-

munity. They even dare to call it “civil

war”, while actually the “legitimate”

government massacres the people. A

good quote for the situation could be a

Gun!s and Roses one: “what!s so civil

about war?” They asked me to focus

this essay on politics. And this is what I

did. The policy doesn!t exist anymore.

There are neither democrats nor re-

publicans, everyone care about the

same. Any kind of government looks

for proper running of capitalism. The

countries have become big compa-

nies, governments are running them

and us and what we do is merchandis-

ing. The best thing –and what gives

me some hope- is that we are the ba-

sic element, the essential one. And I

sincerely believe that someday people

will realize this. And then, just then,

after fighting against the repression,

we we!ll really live. Because we have

created a more realistic version of

Terminator!s Skynet and it!s time to

end with it.

Mohammed Rais Guessous,

2º bachillerato





25 BABEL 2012! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 65



4 BABEL 25 JUNIO 2012

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I´m a little snake. My name is Lolita. I

´m two years old. My body is red,

green and yellow, and I have a big


My best friend is Adelina. She´s a big

snake! She´s orange, but her mouth is

pink and it isn´t very big. I can catch

big rats, but she can only catch little

mouses. Oh! Poor Adelina.

My mum was a beautiful snake. She

died last year, when she was three

years old. She wasn´t very old. “I miss

you, mum”, I think now. I love her. Last

Monday I went with Adelina to Bety´s

house. She´s a romantic snake. She

likes Javier´s parties. Why? Because

his parties are very funny. At her house

we ate some rice and we drank some

lemonade. I really like rice and Bety´s

mum cooks the best rice in the world.

She cooks like Arguiñano, mmm!

One day, I went with my dad to the

river. There, we had a picnic. I didn´t

eat too much, but he ate a lot of food,

that´s normal, because he was a

football player and he was very big

and strong. Now, he´s very big, too. He

´s four years old, and he´s black, but in

the past he was green.

Oh no! The alarm is ringing. I´m

excited because it´s my first day at secondary school. I put the pen on the

table, I keep the notebook in a box, and I think: “Later I´m going to finish it,

but now, it´s time to go to school”.

Heba Bensiali Jallab, 3º ESO.

66 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 25 BABEL 2012


25 BABEL 2012! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 67

In the last term in 4º ESO First Language, we did an interesting

project about the 60´s. The project was inspired in a movie that

we had seen, “Across The Universe”, a marvellous film focusing

on the Beatles. Thanks to this project we learnt lot of vocabulary

and the most important thing, we have learned how people

fought to have their rights and their freedom. People lived in an

atmosphere of restriction from the police and the government.

They had to do what the state planned and wanted. There was a

lot of censorship in art and literature. They lived like in a dicta-

torship without freedom, young people had to go to war, etc. And

with the time people became fed up, specially the young one.

They thought that it was time to make a revolution, to make

changes, to change their lives, to have what they needed and

what they wanted, and above all, they wanted to be free. The

Beatles in the sixties was what people needed, music that inspi-

red them and made them feel the liberty. This and the revolution

of the kind of music,which was popular, made their great suc-

cess, and years later, their music was all over the world. An

example of this is when The Beatles wanted to perform on the

roof of a house. Everybody wanted to attend the concert but the

police arrived and avoided the band and the audience. The

American people got what they wanted. Their dreams came true

and they lived to tell their children how they fought without vio-

lence, with intelligence, asking for what they wanted. I think that

in our life we must do the same thing. We can´t let our dreams go

down, because they give sense to our life and they make us

happy. If someone says that we cannot do something, maybe we

can´t, maybe it´s far from our possibilities, but we must always try

to do it. We must know that nothing is impossible. But it isn´t

going to come true if you don´t search for it, so with strength,

faith, will and struggle we can get what we want.

Majid Benkiranne, 4º ESO




The movie is about all the technological advances and

social revolutions of the 60's, but always following an argu-

mental line with the music of The Beatles, representing all

the places where they went. In a musical way, it also tells

the war of Vietnam, which was a ridiculous war, that made

thousands of young people die, in both countries. Also, we

can appreciate the Peace demostrations in U.S.A in which

there were always confrontations and, the same as Jude,

the main character, made all he could to get this true love,

or the Peace. I think that the meaning of the film is that we

have to fight for what we want and in the society of today, it

is a very cruel fight.

Sami Laaboudi 2º ESO



They talk about the future

but they dont know what will happen tomorrow

They can´t see what will be there

they can!t see

because there is fog in their eyes

Live withouth hope to know they don´t need to know,

what they need is have a dream to stand for it

a dream to believe .

Have hope and faith, they will live for it.

We talk about them .

But it is your future in their hands,

be a dreamer, a person with the abilities to change all this,

a person to change the tomorrow for all of us .

Live your future withouth being controlled by frightening minds

Mohammed Seddik, 2º ESO

Winnie & Willy

Winnie was a young girl,

she had a lot of dreams.

She settled down and hoped

for someone, to break her free.

Willy was a young boy,

he didn't want to dream.

He wanted to live the life,

he didn't expect to win.

The young girl waited

for days, for months, for years

but everything went down

and all the things looked bad.

The young boy listened,

to the song he had to sing

he learned to play the piano

and lived someone else's dream

I was walking lonely in the dark,

Knowing there isn`t a way to go back.

Was happened was from the past,

I should stop thinking and make a new life,

my own life.

But sometimes the past can come and take revenge ,

showing you there is darkness in your heart.

Then you should run, scream and cry,

but there is a hope to get a hand of the others

who didnt get a second chance.

Those whom the vengeance has finished

like a character in a game,


the shadows are waiting for you to miss

then the others will know you failed

withouth another chance to start again.

There is an endless time for you to stay

with the others were you really belong.

Mohammed Seddik, 2º ESO

68 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 25 BABEL 2012


In my first day of school, like most 7th graders, I was extremely nervous, very

excited and scared. A lot of people say that they didn!t experiment any of

those feelings but deep down I think they all did. Even if it!s just a tiny little bit.

On the first few days you are absolutely clueless to where everything is. Since

everything is so different to our old school it!s kind of hard to adapt. For ex-

ample: the grades of the semester are evaluated differently, every teacher

wants you to work exactly how they want you to, etc. At first, when the teach-

ers shout at you, you are quite affected and you are not used to it. But after a

while you get used to the daily scolding. The last thing I want to talk about is

the “Amonestaciones”. I don!t really understand the point of those dreadful

things. I know some teachers have trouble controlling some kids but if they

have such a bad behavior why not talk to the parents directly rather than wait-

ing and THEN bringing them all the way just to sign a paper.

Sara Erzini, 1° ESO

The first day of class

The school year starts and the vacation has finished, a lot of feelings are in

my heart; happiness, curiosity and expectation about what is coming on with

the new academic year.

It is my first day at the high school, time to see old friends, new teachers, and

time to know other people that I had to work with throughout the whole year.

The season has started.

Samuel Arria, 1º ESO

I was nervous. I didn!t know how my

teacher was. At ten o!clock the head

teacher and the teachers called the stu-

dents of 1ª ESO. They gave us some

advice and then tell us the rules of the

centre. We didn!t study the three first les-

sons; we talked to each other and intro-

duced ourselves to the teachers.

The first evaluation was hard. At the high

school there aren!t any celebrations, the

lessons are boring. After the lessons we

have an amazing time in the class and in

the corridor. The best of the centre is the

café, the playground and the parties.

Asma Allali, 1º ESO



Our first day in the IEES “Severo Ochoa”

was strange, because we changed

teachers, friends and environment. The

adaptation was not at all fast, because it

seemed that we were going to change

our lives.

After a few weeks, more or less, we be-

came adapted to the new school and

environment. Everything went better than


And now here we are, in the high school

with our new friends, new environment

and new teachers.

Alae Bou Farruj, 1º ESO

25 BABEL 2012! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 69


They were the strongest animals in the

world, but now they are all dead. There

were some very big dinosaurs, but also

some dinosaurs were very small.

One of them was the Velociraptor. It was

one of the fastest dinosaurs in the world.

Another was the Brachiosaurus. It was the

heaviest dinosaur in the world.

But if we talk in general, they are all repti-

les. I like them a lot, they are very interes-

ting. My favorite dinosaur is the Tyranno-

saurus Rex. It is very strong and it can win

all the dinosaurs if it fights against one.

I have three movies about dinosaurs.

Their names ara Jurassic Park 1, 2 and 3.

They are amazing. I also have a game

called Dinosaurs Power. In this game you

can fight with dinosaurs. I really like it.

In Spain, there is a very famous museum

in Madrid. It has a lot of dinosaurs! skele-


Ahmed Tijani, 1 ESO



70 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 25 BABEL 2012



I have seen thousands of movies

throughout my life, and I can remem-

ber each and every one of them. How-

ever, when I have to recommend a

good one I get lost. I find it difficult to

choose one of the many very good

movies that have been produced in the

course of the history of cinema. A

great number of films are about insig-

nificant, irrelevant and unreal topics far

away from our common lives. These

different topics are endless, from hor-

ror, death, tragedy, religion, history,

education, to madness, love and pas-

sion. Some people prefer one genre

and others prefer another one. Luckily,

there are certain types of movies which

appeal to everyone and I think the film

that I have chosen to comment on is

one of them.

If I had to praise any film, I would pre-

fer those based on true stories, which

are likely to happen some day, like this

one. I would like to comment on a

movie based on real facts, a film which

deals with a situation that has marked

many cultures and, unfortunately, still

continues to influence some societies.

"The Source of Women” is the result of

the great work of a man who gets in-

side the skin of many women and

shows how they live and the way they

are treated.

In a small town, somewhere between

North Africa and Middle East, the tradi-

tion requires that women go to get wa-

ter at the source which is on top of the

mountain, under a burning sun. It has

been this way since the beginning of

time, but one day Leila, a married

woman, proposes a strike of love to the

rest of women: no sex until men assist

in the transport of water to the village.

The film shows the poor living condi-

tions of many people, the social back-

wardness. It is then when you realize

the good luck you have to live the way

you do and start to thank some simple

facts such as using a switch to turn on

the light, opening the tap and have a

shower, having your own computer or

television, and the variety of appli-

ances that help you in your daily life.

After seeing the film it is easier to see

the gift that is the life we have, most of

us, both women and men. The whole

story makes you realize many aspects

of your life. Before seeing this film I

saw the trailer and I didn!t love it, it

seemed to be a bored and old fash-

ioned production. After seeing it my

point of view has completely changed,

and I am still impressed.

Another interesting aspect o the film is

how it shows that not everything is

what it seems to be. In the movie we

can also appreciate the backwardness

in many people!s mentality, above all in

men. This fact explains how women

have been treated and are still treated

in many places, as if they were empty

machines with no right to speak or to

complain, born just to obey men.

The aspect that I liked the best and

which I think is the most interesting is

the exhibition of how each person in-

terprets the tradition, the law and the

religion as he wants many times, fol-

lowing its own benefit. Many men only

take the part that interests them and so

they consider that they can treat their

wives as they want.

Who does not know the value of equal-

ity between men and women, has no

notion of the value of life.,

“When you start a war you have to

know when to end…”

Salma Karim 2º Bachillerato





25 BABEL 2012! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 71






72 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 25 BABEL 2012

En el IEES El Pilar de Tetuán se cele-

bró el día 26 de mayo la fase semifinal

del torneo deportivo escolar Intercen-

tros, en el que participan los alumnos

de los institutos españoles en Ma-

rruecos. Envueltos en el clásico am-

biente lúdico-festivo, nuestros alum-

nos combinaron diversión y competi-

ción con los Centros de Tetuán y La-

rache. Los chicos del equipo de fútbol

de bachillerato consiguieron el triunfo

y, por consiguiente, el pase a la fase

final a celebrar en Rabat. Todos los

equipos, de fútbol masculino y feme-

nino, baloncesto y pingpong, jaleados

por un nutrido grupo de alumnos y

alumnas que no dejaron de animar ni

un momento, jugaron a un muy buen

nivel representando al Severo Ochoa.

El día de fiesta y convivencia acabó

con nuestros chicos y chicas de vuel-

ta, agotados pero sanos y salvos, y

con la sensación de haber vivido una

estupenda jornada deportiva. B


25 BABEL 2012! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 73


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Ahmed Khayroun, 1º ESO

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Mohammed Amin el Hsissen,

3º ESO

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Ayman Brini, 3º ESO

25 BABEL 2012! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 75



El !sábado 31 de marzo, me levanté muy triste y melancólica, sin saber por qué me sentía así. Encendí el ordena-dor y abrí mi cuenta de Facebook. Vi una foto de Aziza, una amiga que tuve el gusto de conocer este año. Cuando actualizo la página, me doy cuenta de los mensajes póstumos publicados en su muro. La noticia me impactó instan-táneamente. Fue entonces cuando me puse a pensar en la cantidad de veces que me quejo por nada, la cantidad de veces que me cabreo por tonterías. ¿Cuanto tiempo nos pasamos drama-tizando por cualquier!motivo? La vida pasa constantemente sin realmente darnos cuenta de lo vulnerables y frá-giles que somos y que la vida se nos puede ir en un instante. Todos deci-mos que somos conscientes de la muerte, que sabemos que vamos a morir, tarde o temprano. No estoy de acuerdo, si estuviéramos realmente conscientes de nuestra muerte,! yo creo que no perderíamos el tiempo en peleas, conflictos, dramas,! sino que aprovecharíamos!cada instante por disfrutar la presencia de nuestros se-res queridos. Para quienes tuvimos el gusto y la oportunidad de haber cono-

cido a Aziza Larini, sabemos que! fue de aquellas personas que se quedan un instante contigo y te marcan para toda la vida. De aquellas personas que siempre tienen algo gracioso y bonito que decirte; una amiga!divertida, inte-ligente, nada complicada, humilde.!Un ser de aquellos que cada vez quedan menos en la tierra porque en el cielo se están!quedando escasos de ánge-les. En el comienzo de cualquier clase, se pasa lista: Aziza Larini… Aziza La-rini, ausente, ¿No ha venido a clase? ¿Se ha quedado dormida? Segundos después aparece Aziza con sus babu-chas a juego con su jersey granate, medio dormida pero con una sonrisa contagiosa… Qué duro se nos harán a todos los próximos días de clase. Puede que este ausente en clase, puede que, desgraciadamente, no la veamos cada día, ni nos alegre con su sonrisa, pero de lo que estoy segura es de que en nuestros corazones no estará ausente, siempre la recordare-mos. Ni siquiera ha pasado un año entero y ya has ocupado un lugar en mi corazón. Será !por esa sonrisa lu-minosa, será por esa simpatía tan especial, será por el gran corazón que

tienes. La muerte es el olvido, la ine-xistencia. Puede que en el sentido literal, lo este, pero en nuestra vida siempre estará presente. Un millón de palabras no servirán de nada, no ha-rán que vuelvas, tampoco un millón de lagrimas, lo sé, porque lo he intentado. Las clases pasan mas lentas sin ti, sin tus bromas, sin tus comentarios, sin olor de esmalte con el que nos solías deleitar, sin tu alegría, esa alegría que contagia hasta el mas triste, esa ale-gría que vence a la soledad, esa ale-gría que solo tú tenías. La única forma de ser inmortal es permaneciendo en la memoria de los demás, y Aziza lo ha conseguido.

Descanse en paz !Aziza Larini!donde sea que te encuentres. Gracias por compartir con nosotros tu sentido el humor, tu gracia y tu vida.

“Los Dioses aman a quienes mueren jovenes“.

Nour Larbi, 1º bachillerato

AZIZA LARINI (1992-2012)


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