Page 1: U '^EP(m 'OP Tgjg^ J / · ; < ,J |'-'' | | f e | | : M a ^ e n s .liy ^ ^ litltt of Bol- : shevlste asTOasph faVCeas- ' ^.ing to

;■<■■■ ■ , J | ' - ' '

| | f e | |

: M a ^ e n s . l i y ^ ^ l i t l t t o f B o l-

: s h e v ls te a s T O a s p h fa V C e a s -

' ■ ^ . i n g t o U r g e In fe r r ia t io n a l

. r Revolution as Support -: W i T R E w W H O U D S

,' BtG SUM FOR PURCHASES;,/»e<jI«re8 Sole O ije o t r f Propa-

g u id tt ia United States to Seimre Kecognltlon fo r E m - a io n lM S e g jm e

W A m n W T O N , ( f f ) _

oeairaift-tM to a a j. B«caom o f tM«. bo'sai-J

~ ^ . J D V IM bM V Masad to a r i * ia- WTohxttoa to n p p o rt

. tsam.

0 1 « to i a * q d t » M n r c «"t> « l'ie rn

*1511000,009 asH *iiOO^O,OO I)' ■ In th - pBblltt tream nr, M urta iu said, wblch i t wa* a o ir d e s i*^ to ia foreignrouBtrio# on tho puwUoaA o f neccasltios. !l'Jier» waa new ao jio fd ia, tbo haada a l priTAto banlu o r iadivldunls in Buasla. »if added.

Sxauinallon o f Marlona. beforo tho tODAto fub<«ojn»]inoo invc^tiga tin^ .rad '

- icol propaganda was rcnumcd todav and Jiia aU teo iM t aa tb tJio po licy o f tlio Busaiaa aoriots followed the roquoat o f tho oojDiDitJiP Uiat Ui»> ori^rJnaJa o t T)jj In rtrno tion i bo prcfrontod. ProvloiiBly, Joraior Soostor HardwieVr, Mftrtona^ counsol had explained.tliat Martens had refnsod to preacjit tho' code used io r «ommoolc«ti!)ff w ith his {{ovornmont hu- /ore tSie I/w k Ipglalatiyo eojumltteo in

, Now Y o rk . '“ I ’d l ik e to havo a l i t t lo tim o lo «eo

w hat in ttn irtio a i I havo” Martens naid. “ I 'd blco t4> fu rn is h 1)10 oonm ittoo cv-

• o ry th ia j i t T«juMt<w,»’ .- W ^a ld P n ta q t Ooda

; The eodo v m tho only th in g tho m - ...\ y « t y y t e d to protoct, Har.l-

>' h)oA"fcaVe'’« i'aai-tlmaa m ld f l i» y pol.icy-and eo& ilact", ho said.' *'Xtt a ll m f

< ao tirltU a I havo Mrapuloualy refrained from a n y . Intorferenco o r participation in tho domeatlc a ffa ira \> f tho United

: e ta tM . .“ My govemmoni ■poeiflcally in-

■trnoted ma th » t tho funds aC in y d if- poaal d iou ld n o t be usod fo r any pur* poBo InvolvlntC in lerfefenee In «ho lnter> ro i a ffa irs of tbo United Btatea” h« ««id.

B ond i In iU u on InstxuctlottsSenator BoraJi, o f Idaho, ropublicau,

declarod iha t the committoo would w uat to liavn ,the o rig ina l inatruetiona from the aovlet govorament.

“ T lia t ’a his inference o n ly ,from the inatm ctiona” romorked Senator Brau- dego^'-npubliean, Connecticut.

“ Uavft, you over ctvTrlod on ptopa* gfinfln I n ' tU » -^o u u tr/ w ith a view Lo K o ttin f'floy ie t government estabiiehod in ttds cou&tr>'^” Senator BorsK naked.

“ Ne^'er” , M ortens nnsworod. “ I itavo CMTiM on a propaffanda in- this ro tm try to set the aovict govcrnmenl rocognlr.ctl, tbat in a il. '*

Pealas Lisereat in O o nn im en t ' “ Is n 't i t one o f the tenets o f your

flreed th a t (fBVemm«*nlfl should1>c oatablislied evoryw tierof” Senator Borah asked.

“ No, wo do n ’t, carc w lia t kind o f Kovcrnmont other peupU'a haVt*” , .Mar­lons repUod.

“ Jjm’t i t ft fa c t tha t thff BuMjnn no- v iH t fodoration has a cardinal purpon'’

• w f ina titu tte ff n, -ro rld w ide ro»-olutinn nmonR o thw ^ p le s T ” Senator Bornh flomaniled. ‘ J .

“ Thoro w as.a time when Bussian? LeJioynd thn l.w as ncppmuirj* to sustain tho ir owa/abviota” Martens said. ‘ ‘ Now

. ruodilio jm havo mad<> i t unneoesnarv. ' Buflsiftn iwviets nro firm ly pstalillshod

.;ind f t i r c ff.uwn strou;? onou^h to suv Ritiin tiii>niS<f>'09; Htroiij; oiioukU to

worWy" J u f l t rw c iit ly • the ch.angp wn<

/i»hflirn b y a le tte r from Prt'nvU'r Lonuio 'lo t^e Ita lian nociulints n^ly jjing ni'ain^l ;)i royolutioa U irrp .”

O ard iU l Tenet Abandoned “ You incftn to say ih i 'j i th a t lli(' car-

.<linal tenet v.*o hnvo been tiild iibeut M 'fjuirtn^ every suv it't s u p e r io r to Iircorii iir.d aiHtftfv P\eryw-ltirfo fo r tho I .nahll^hmeAt o f m viotn evorywhcro Ims

1 liocft . fibam ioncitt” Bcinalor Dornb ^•prc.wd.

“ I t is not necessary n o W ' Marlous

Wlioii he fo n flu ilo il nnsweriiiK f\ucs- ttrtnii, .Mjjrfi'iia n.aid “ u few Hiousaril Aollars worVH o f \)oo\s tmH awtomoliilos”

. J .iroro hin on)y purrJiiwcH iu thfc Unitoi] f .njatPB, bn t iirfx liirod a l is t contaiuinK •.he atHOPlr'il, 1,000 tijiiiics o f Aiuerioiit 1 l^uBiawji lioum-H w ilh Tvlioi'n dealing! . ■ be opened,

‘Workan P artidpa to T lie u-itBps-H s!»id he rvgardeil thi

. sowiet, orgnnizatldu lui tlio k'(;itimat< Hur.('.o««or th o fo m e r Eusaian govom iiii’Tvl, ><ldin}' Uml obout “ 70 per cen

. o f thft ltl)«nau. puoplu aiip jiort the M• v io l* .’ '

/ ‘ To whnt oxte iit do Ibo peoplo pni tiftipnte in •tho Kovemment now !' Hflkod ftenfllor borslv.

“ Anybody UolnR work participatca• Afa/icn» BAld, “ except tho«o who li»

(Costinned on Pago Fonr)

Red A r i^ fA d v fm c e to 1

M N b O N . W - A n o tlle la l n e n t lasaed'by the soviet govern.

' ment » t .Uoaeow says tha t tho B o l»h« jlk jpoasMt w rps U u toaeh-

I od the' lOhlncsa fro n tie r ia the v i­c in ity o f Kol>do, on tho westorn ' border.' o f Mongolia.

^eam tiiu iv ian Labor Condem m Bolshevism 1=

'* ~ P A B I8 , ( f f)—Tho Scandinavian ' l l V iaboi' oongreaa has adopted a reso>.

h itio a condemning BolahovUm, whieh was.introduced by H ja lm a r.

' B m n ting , tbo socialist leadot, oc- cording to a Copenhagen d i ^ t e h n to tho Echo do ' *'

g ' • . Ill ■ 1 . , ^ ’

Plague D rives S ov ie t - Leader ff f ro n t Moscow ®° BTOOKHOLM, (« i)-M o in b o r. o f U the aoviot government havo le ftv

Moscow i^ to r a renewed outbreak o f tho plagno aad havo gone to tho e ity o f T ra r, on tho upper Volga, acoordin g to adviccs rocoived here.


; OriElilCiSs,i No Report oh Engirieersand the

Red Cross Workers Report- J" ed in Hands o f Bolsheviki “ ;J Y et Received in Washington’J 'rA S nrW O T O N ,' (*P)_No Voport' n - S J. garding tho capture by the Bolshevjiki B forcoa o f a group o f Amorican ra ilw ay '* ‘‘J engineers and a p a rty o f Amerfcan Bed

Cross workers a t K iudiinskaya, Sibor- m In i “ j reported in proas dispatches from

Chi|to, Siberia, had bcon received to- ^ ” Jay b.y tbo .ta lo or wnr aopartmonl.

or a» national headquarters o f the Bed ci Cross.

A t Bed Cross headqoartors, records “ showed th a t tho Captain Charotto re-

d- y ^ d ^ n s jM ptnrod probably w iu Ed-

tt- sOf'Stoekton, C a lif, w h o -w S r over w ith I* ,1. a n -c w ly detachment.'. There was no ! ly rceord o f a “ Misa Ford ,” also report- td od captured. I t was assumed slio had ■ in joined the Bod Cross s ta ff in Siberia. „ id Tho Colonel B lun t referred to ia the k

press dispatches as having boon cap- 1 n- tured was belioved a t the war dopart- n

ment to bo Frnnk Boscoo B lunt, of r* PInno, Illin o is , a member o f the Stev- », r* ens ra ilw ay commisslou. j .>« A t tho tii;io ho joined tho Slovens u

commission, M r. B lunt, who held a i. eommissiou as m ajor in tho engineer l„

u reserve corps, wns goneral manager o f \ Id tho Chilean -national railways. Provi- o) ] i ously ho had been goneral fiiporlntaad* t l

ont o f the Chicago and Great Wosteni u ie road. U ,U- — ___________ !_

I W o r ld Nev• I !__________________ _______________________

FLOBENOE, Ita ly , (/P)— D tir w h ich the anarchist Enrico M i the chamber o f deputies, urged

ur overcome a p a rty of carabine themselves, f ire d at the'domoi o f thom.

o f ____________PA lttS , (/P)— Tho council of

ut- dock w orkers which m et in Pa: ' f ' a tw e n ty -fo u r hour s trike a t i J" w ith a view to supporting; s tr i

_ B r itta n y .

OAIEO, ifP) — Field M a r^ i ry. h igh commissioner in Egypt a i od b y proclam ation tha^ new pass

bar ou t undesirables w ill go in

n« BASLE, (/pj— The m inister cabinet has telegraphed to t i asking tha t the blockade fbo l i la tes to drugs and san ita ry mi necessary to enable Ukran© to

to and typ „ us now raging in thatho r ' ^ ■— = = =


CS- MOSCOW INspatch Says Badlcals !>«• Lri-l ported from United States Greeted a ” -With Ohoors o f Bed Arm ytod ----- -n(f, LONDO.V, {/P)—-A Moceotv .ri.-i'lcsi riiu disptitc-h, dt-Hrrlbin); thi> ri-ci>|itii>n Irii- ngs ilf-roil the 240 riidicnls doportcd from

tho United B tiitiyi ns undosimblc iilieiis nnd broujfht to llu iigo , Finlund, on tin-

tho l l i i i t i ’d S tiitff l anny trnnnport Buford, iat« says:jm - “ Our comrndes were ifrcc tpd 'by• tin* ;pnt rt-d n rm y ’s shouts,of Kurrah nnd music BO- p liiy ing (he ‘ lutern.-itbnnlu ', w liilo ru<i

fhiK^' wttVod ov«r tlio fron tie r strc.nii pnr- Syslerbak, tho .«!ior<'« o f w liich woro f f f ’ lined w ith rod r i f l r s fftpinjf a niojia oi"

F inn soldiers on th<* .other hank, ea’ ' “ W ild i a band and stnndiird twenty live p.'iocfl from Uie enepiy guard o f honfir,----- Iho rod army trium phantly greeted its

con^ftdua from aeross^hu ocean.”


; i N i i f i l En Kour Hundred Coar Diggers in

: Pittsburgi District Walk Out B e c ^s e of P a ^ g e of Indus­trial Court Bill

IM M E D IA T E T i s T O F N E W U W S E E N a y GOVERJliOR

IP Oohvenea Oonferenoe on Ledrn* Ing: .o f DeyeloijmenU Says Necessary Action WIU Be .

; Takon a t Onoe ■

. KwuM, ( i? V - r o o r Ihonilred K aaaaa atfiwra atm ek tMa ' a o r u ^ becaaw o f the pusago o f tbo ladnatrla l eotirt b in . A tn in* o f tha W sstem Coal and M in ing oomp.xny a t F n a k lia . nnd a mine o f tho W ear Ooal eompany a t Dun- i. M rk . wop« Idlo. . _


S u s a n s . o i u b d i a t s t b b t T O P E K A , K a u ., ( /P ) -T h e s t r ik ? o f fo u r hund red n ) in e r^ re ;» rJo d th is c

m orn in g , mcanh nn im m ediate te s t o f *■ th fl ne w in d u s tr ia l re la tio ns eo u rt low . G o verno r U . J . A lle n declared th is

- f l ‘norntDg. jA lth p u g t i Uio c o « ft Krh n o t y e t boca 1

t - o r ^ n iz c d to opera te, i t became le g a lly . . es tab lish ed w i th tho pu b lica tion o f the K l new la w in the o f f ic ia l s ta te nanor S a t- 0n ^Qovemor Allen and members o f the

court went in to confercnnj this morn- re- ing and upon leaniipg o f tho strike an- ik i nounced that whatever action is doom-

cd necessary w ill bo taken a t once. f , Detalla A tto rney Oenoral I

Governor AUoln in a formal stato- f or- ment aaid tha t'he hud askod A ttorney t >m General llopk ius. to go n t once‘ to th ” E

m ln in jr o’ is tr ic t to assist locni nuthori- , “ in a vigorous prosecntlon under

*“ tho crim ina l remedies provided l iy the I cd conrt.” He a<blcd:

“ I deplore the w jirit which brings nny union into open dcfiance o f tho laws o f th is Btnte. Thore is no question in- voived o f tho r ig lit o f nny individuid minor to coaac h ls employment, but i ;

^ TH VM {likatU it^ .dhM i!a«M *tlitF 'tm a 'certed movement to defy the law, the

"® atato o f Kansas w ill assert ita to r* _ erelpnty , . P' “ On tho otlrer hand, i f Uieso a tr ik in ,; ' miners desire to q u it mininj».in Kansas „

"® bccnnsc-lhey do n o t uppravo o f the in ‘P- dustria l court law, t»«ey have tha t prlv.

ilegc, bu l they must not interfere in “ 0* any way w ith anybody else wlio wants >v- to work in these ininos. The la w in

intended to give the miuors a jus t tr ib - si >ns unal in wliieh a fa ir and im partia l ad-

0 juHtm ci]l o f the ir griovancos may he g ie r Jiad under tho guttranfoc o f tho stnM. „ o f 1 fool tha t every* fa ir minded citito iv „ vi- o f .Kansas w ill- regret the refusal o f ^ id* tlie tninrVs to give this tourt and-tho :rn uew law deccnt consideration and j.

fn ir t r ia l. ” j,------------------- --------- ---------- f ,____________________ ________________________d

5WS Events :• r

•During a ineeting here today a t „9 Malatesta, re c e n tl^ *^c te d to .rged a revolution, a mob tried to ”bineers. The la tte r, defending „omonstrators, wounding a score t

i l o f the federation of po rt and J1 Paris yesterday decided to ca ll >a t all, A tla n tic ports tomorrow, ‘ s trike rs a t the po rt o f Lorlent,

irsha l V iscount AI2enhy, B rit ish <)t and the Sudan, has' announced !passport regulations designed to t;o In to e ffec t Feb. 1. '

Ister o f labor in the Ukrainian .0 the snpreme council a t Paris bo lifte d a t least so fa r as i t re- y m atd tia l. He says th is step is e to f ig h t the opidemic o f cholcra tha t country.

I IN T E R N A T I O N A L LA B O R « E O R G A N IZA T IO N M E E T IN GD«. Oovomlng flody- Convenoa in Parts iu id OonfonnUy w lH i Decision Ecached

a t 'WaalUngton Oonferenco

•loHn (yp>—Tlio govcriiinj: body ofl ' ‘»- th i' in iornntionitl labor ori:iitii7.iitiriii liTi'iS' meotiiig tndiiy in ennfom-

th). Hy w ith tlio decision o f Wjc Inbor con- ’orcl, fcrenro in W n^liiiiiftou in Novmber.

Tho hoard, vo r ifiw i t iic r.r.-JrntiaN of ■the th.- vnnows reprosfntatives in Uh mem- lusic beriiliip nccrcditcd to the ^'overiiniontM,

red til., rniphiyors and tho l;ibor iutPri.'^tF, ream n il o f whom wor^ prew^nt cxecpt. th< tt-oro CnniKli.'in dolgates, wlio woro dclnyod c-.i IS or rouR'. und Uio'Amuricnn», nl)Hoiit be-

e.nwo I lf the iiou-ru tifica tion. n f .th r ■enty troaty creating tho labor orgnnizatiD'A, Onfir, embodied, in tho pnct o f Vcr«aillcfl. The d its dolcffateu in attcnda;ico included the

tlenniiu rcprc'sentutivei*.

o i l tO W aA Y , J A l» g A B Y a l , . l l ) l » . . .

^ E » M A N rimIS W O L iN D E D I

• E B a L T tf, £rtb< w oondad b y a ab o rt f l r * d m h im t>

' H a r r B n b e rg e r w aa id to t aa b. b u ild in g a f te r ,a , he a r ing in tb e A

s tru c k th e m in ia te r, w h o w aa aligb ^ aaaallant. who gave h ^ nam e a r O l t

. 2t£athiaa JB nbe iger, i fo r m aa y . -( p a r ty , la one b f tha m o a t 'p m m in fn t

In g th s in u r he w as a ic to n g support becanse o f b ia a c t lT lt la a w l tb rags 7ulsr. 1917, D r. S a r i B e lf fe t lc h . f< S r tb e rg e r o f h ig h tm e e n .■ H e waa a m em ber o f tb e 0 « n n ih a l l F och 'a haadqoaT ten and co a tl

3 - u e g o tla t lo n i ove r th e a tm la tlc e te i* e f fe c t W hen th e paaoe t r e a t y Waa

th e i lg n lt ic o f I t b y Oenaany.W han th e Baoe r c ab ine t w as fo

^ appo in ted v lc e -p ra n le r a n d m in


ARTICLE 10r "'■■■ _______> ■ ' . ■ I '

Bi-Partisan Conference Adjourn ers Statement Formulated Fi

^ to rs Opposed to Compromise y and Associates Retire to Prep


W A S H IN O T O N , ( / ^ _ _ N o < foo ting artic le ten, p f the leagi U onroe doctrine p rov^ ion o f the

y to the republicans, Senator L '' H itchcock and other members o

mittee. which has been conferri 0 m ittee in an e ffo rt to reach a o<y Sena to r liO dge'a a ta te m an t waa H fo rm u la te d a f te r h ia . conference L- - S atozday w i th B e na to n B o ra h , Id a - - a ho , Johnson, O a llfo m la , an d o th e r : rep u b lica n M aa tara , oppoaing th eI- " ' • t a a t y . - ' * ' - ---------------------- -

Im m e d ia te ly a f te r tbe s ta tem e n t %ras ’* pcesentod to da y th e b l-p a rtis a u con-

fc ren co ad journed, S e n a to r ' H itc h c o c k ^ and h is nssoelatcs r e t ir in g fo r a p r l- ’ v n fc con£m *nce. T h o y w i l l maJro th e ir ! ro j i ly to Senator Lodgo to m o rro w laorn- n ‘ "ff-s H itc h c o c k M akes S ta te m e n t« Sena to r H itchco ck Ia to r is s u e d - th is >• s ta to m o n t: • •

“ W hen the con fcrcnco as.vm'oled ° S e na to r tx idg e nd v iso il th e scnutors

pre sen t th a t ho hnd been ca lle d i \ i t . ) a m ee ting b y ce rta in re p u b lira n v>nafuni

^ and fo r t l ia t reason had U o t be«n n lile to a t te n d the la s t conforence F r iJ a y .

^ H o re^rT>ttod to say tb n t ho f o u u d ' i t im possib le to resume th o co iifi'ro iiou

: fn r a eompromiso except u jio n th e un- - de rs tftn d in g th a t no change shn ll bo

raado In th e rcBorvn tlon on a r l i r io le n o r on th e M onroe do ctrine . This d.'Uio- e ra tic members re tire d fo r a j i r iv n te ron fe reu fC and w i ll make th e ir rep ly to S enntor Lodge Tucsdoy m o rn in g a t a m ee ting n t 10:.l(t.

“ The conference np to th e t im e its m ee tings were In te rru p te d hn il tentn- t iv e ly ngreed upon tlie p ream ble and nU flections o f th e r('«er\-n fion« except th u t re h it in g to a r t ic le tcn , tho M o n ­roe do c tr in e and one o r tw o m in o r m nt- terB, and nn agreem ent w as npparcuM y nlso connum niated on a r t ic lc te ri w iien n d jo iirn m rn t Bnddenly came, fo llo w ed b y th o in te rve n tio n o f the ir r iT o iiv lla - b io rep ub lica ns .”

N o Compromise o f P r in c ip le H e iin to r I i0ilg<- icHueil th e fc illow in ,;

s tn te iu en l:“ 1 liiive on ly t l i is to w iy nbout th e

c o n im it t iv im -e llng t l ii '* n io riiiu K . Th.••.^1 Kii<l to the e iin iin ille e Ih n t ' Ih t-re Ih .•> ve ry u lrn iii; f i 'e l ii i i : ;u iir iiii; i im iiy iteii.i- to rn Iifp iiim : nny rlim ifje in Ih i- lx)di;<' ii'H iTvntioiiM , o it lie r in w oh Ih o r in nuIi-

nm l l l ia t 1 tlinuKi>< >t <>iily fn i. t i l Hn.v now n-)iat I hnve n lren dy m ii'l !n j iu li lie tI in t there can he no eonijiroiii:-<i' o f \ir iu o ip Ie ;iucl th n l it w o iiM lie ini ItDH-^ible to Ket'iire, in in y . j i i 'l t fn ii 'i i t , tu i I l i i r i ls i , f Ihe senate i f nny .-h;,!!};.- wa-

In lte n ip le i l in "ueli arlieloH n> tw n iiiu l f iv e , Ihose n - ln lin i; lo n r t i i - li ' ten :in<l :l ie .Mriiiroe iloo lr ine . 1 s;ii<l t l i i^ Nv;r n m ore s t i i l itn e ii t n f I l i r h it i ia t ion . ”


IQ I.O.N’ H O N ; l-'om rer Pxcmieil le r ln 'r l H. .'Vmiuilh i.s espectcd to nr

j r iv e n t I ’nis ley to da y , w h * ro he is i . eand i'ln te fn r pn riin nu ’n t a t th o byo

e]<'<-tii>ii I 'I hv held iu -(hat en iis tltucn ey, Mie r im p n ig n fo r U ie neal openim

. i to d n v to end w ilh tho p o ll in g th 'e weeks hence. . •

ia r lo a rJy d iv id e d . a.i i o tit mt- wiHdoni o f ru n n in g a u n io n is t ngains on- M r. A sq u ith , and th c ro nlao aro Kign

o f a s p l i t in tho dem ocra tic section.

P O IN C A B E W IL l ' d E V O T ES E L F TO E E O O N S T R U C T IO l

rA U lF t,- i/P)— H aym ond P o in ra r i , , , / w ho w i l l re tire fro m th o p res idency o jj.j tho r j^ iu b lic on K ebryn ry 17, dcairos t

[jy . devote h im se lf e n tire ly to tho rcoor s tru e tiiin ' o f "thO d e pa rtm e n t- o f th Meuse, w h ich wan a p a r t o f the b a tt l

I'lip’ 7-one, nnd f f l r lM i ronaon w i l l n o t «< thp cept a po s ition in the gove rn m e n t t>

Ih re o years, according to th o E c la ir.

U '^ E P ( m 'OP T g j g ^

J / M

iNCE MINISTER I I BY ASSAILANTn b e rg e r, tb e m in is te r o f fin a n ce , waa a to da y.a he w as lea v ing tb e p r i tn in * i c o u r i i

f ie l f fe x lc h U ba l a o i t O n ly o o * ahOd l ig h t ly w o n u le d in th e ah ou lda r. B is O ltw lg V o n H lta ch fe ld , w u a r r ts to d .

ly . y e a n U ad ar o f th e O e nn an oenter ; m t f lg n re a I n Oexman pabH o U fa . .3hir> ' w r te r o f tbe gove rsm en t I n g e n e ra l b u t egard to th e re icha tag peace m o re In , fo rm e r v lce<hanceU or, a c c s ie d H a r r

m n a n a n n ls tio d e leg a tio n a a n t to M a r- ■atlnaad actin g fo r Q e tm an y in ▼ a rto us ' te rm a a f te r th e tm o e h a ti gone in to

W M sub m itte d b y th e alUea be fa v o w d

t fo rm e d in Jhna, 1019, H e r r B n b e rg e r . n im s ta r o f f lu n o e .

STAND riRMTERATKINS IN^RESERVATIONirns after Majority Leader Dellv-

Following'Confepence. with/ Sen-, ilse on Lodge Program ; Hitchcock repare Reply ' . i

M E N T R E A C H E D O N W S IN CONTROVERSY9 change in the reservatious af< , ague o f nations, oovenant, or the i the peace tre a ty w in be acceptable ;

Lodge today in fo rm ed Senator I o f the in fo rm a l dem oeratio com- rrin g w ith Senator I io ^ e 's oom- , compromise on th e tre a ty . '

I t a i i i si l S i l M i w m

'''* Adopts Resolution Appropriat- 1;;'J ing Half Million Dollars for i « Combatting Spread of Epi- r demic in Americaiy- -----------i t WASHINGTON', (JP)— A rosolution

ICC carrying an appropriation o f ♦.'>00,000 in- to bo used by the public heultii sorv- bo ice in combatting in f l i ic n u i wns adopt- on cd todny bv the senate.10- Aa o r ig i^ ly introducetl by Senator lie Prnncp, r^ubUcan, M aryland, Mie reso- ilv lution^rfoposed nu npproprintlon o f : a ♦.7,000,000. T liis wns reduced in com­

m ittee to ♦1,000,000 luid in order to its prevent nn obji-ction by Senator-King, l „ . demoerat, Utnh, to immediate consiil- ,,„j erntlon o f thi'- mensure, Renator France i>i)t yit*hled tn a further reAuet«nn o f ♦•'>00,-1

COO. K fforts by Henator Bnioot, repub-l .4 ilicnn , IMnh, to'hnve the ainoiint plneel Jl‘ . l it ^wo.ono fiiiUnl -■oil Prevalent in 20 SUtea

'Iiifh ienr-n is' now prevalent generally ' throughout 20 stnt<'(i, the public honltli HorvIco announced, and has mnde its ap- peiirniiee in n number o f others.

in,» Two tliou«nn<l new eases in Miehigun were reported today, w h ilo Kansas C ity

the rejHirted 3(1 deaths d irec tly attributed h.-.r (o the illsense. Mnny new eases nlso

is w-erc reported by New Y ork City.It,I Stntcs through which thn disenno in lig'' well scattcn'd ineliidn C niifo riiia , North ull- Dakotn, liln lio , lown, K .insnf, Minne- ■ni. Hotn, Ohin, Utah, Wisconsin, Wyoming, l.'n Florida, Georgia, Texas uiul MisHisippi.


''■•‘ l ('IIIOAOO, 0(P)--T(Hh»<H denlh to ll , tVotn influeiizii niid pneiiinnnia xiiiri Ihe

hl^heKt since the «-|>i.intiir began, ' ' ' ile n llb t ’oniinissioner Kol-ertmm r<-l>ort-

<•<1 thi« m i/niing. h»f fh.- !'>t;jJ " f m n casfH o f both disonBes nlinw<'d ii very

•UfP i'la rked derren^e. Dr. Itol.i-rtMon in co.i- fiden l that the e|)i.Iemic is nn the wane.

T i i e r --------------------------------—-------------------------ar- (Contini^d on Page F ive)

J A P A N T A K E S A C T Ii f E A R L Y R E T R O C E

T O K IO , ( f f ) — T il, , f i . r i . i tn , i . r t i r c , i . uiiHl n Kiatoinent issued Sunday snys .lapa. ■*P'» n<-«|uired the Oerninu r ig lils ami inter

cstH iii'KhnnUing by v irtue o f tho term, o f pe.ote bu l thnt in pursunnro o f it: own renuated• deelnriitioiis n nd • a g r t i

lO K iiicnls .Inimn has instructed its ministc '^ari:» ,,t lVking.. to mako . overtures to* y f f Dhihc.pif’ uovprament-as fnllows:!s to “ ( 1 ) ‘i'liu’ .'JajtnncHO government do icon- Bire."* t<v opon ncgotia jio iiu regarding th'

the retrocMSion o f K iau ' Oljow bay am attlo othur monsures w ith tho vlow o f ei t nc- focting a sincere and^spcody Battlcmon ; fo r and hopes that tho Cbinwio -govorr r. tnent w ill mako neccssnry propnratiDni

. A t to r n e y f o r T w i W. S u s p e c ts -

C h a rg e d w i t h M u n t e r t o C o n - n e c t io n w i t h A r m P o f t D a y

K il l in g s A s k C h a n ^ 'o f V m u a 5

C O U R T L I M I T ^ C O P E O F ^


Judge W ilaon E z U U t i o f Hew»p«per OUpptoss A te a d y

_ Jnd ld ia ij. U etenained : B n ledV pon :

■ m o h t b s a n o ,.tt tn M T .fo r f J . , ^

murder In oottMcttoa ^ t h t t * Annlstlce dasr kU U na u '

.081111*^4. W art:.

i f " * o t Tenoe^ a * tba op«B> . log .of the W a i haca today. ; ■

M 0N TB S A N 0/.W aah.,'< flV -14e' oftornoy fo r tbe eleven': atlAffBd '

■ • of^ th e ^S S S S '..r?•.e b sm jd -w iih n iu rto r In connection ■ '

/ • jr ith tho Armiatieo oay k illia g a a t ■ Ccntralla, W a r t , f llo d a m otion ' ;

I . fo r a chftBgo o f vonuo, a t tho opon*. ing o f blio t r ia l hero today. .

’The a lU m ey, Oeorgo P . VaindevBef, - in proaeatlng the motion, o ffe red aa ex- h ib lt i cHppinga from* nbrt3 iw eatm faowapapera wbioh ho'‘mafnti^Bod h a i

P a ' “ •. . ;• O oort'H akea E i> lla»:‘ ';'.^ '.'

f - to the pteaoaUttion.Af aoekexbiblta aa bad not maa» t i ie lr appear* :

le once alnco the ordor b f the co tirt graai- le ing Iho change o f roaue from 'Lew is la *;

Qrayi Harbor-cflunty waa p o rtlM ly ana* • ^ court ,when John .1. M. WUaon ruled tbat he wobldTBo^Uer .. only m att«f^ alleged to have;, occurred

to?® ‘— In n w la g th e 'm llng the eou^opfasld '

the coat«ntlon;of eounael fo r thci.piaee* cu tioa 'that c M i ^ f i f the e i4 iiM t» .h a i ' ” a l r ^ b ^ 3 ^ W a l i y and T^ed-up6n;»^ • ' '. ' Judge =Vniaon la te r 'd e n ie d th» ^

. venue In' the caae o f .11 'oU eg^ mem* .: 1 ‘, bera of the I;. ?V.:-\V...'- •

B Ir ra a ''T s ia '-T r la l’ '. ' ' '; .

U Eleven men. aaid tto be-mem|)ers o f the Jnduatrial W orken o f tha.-World,

I faced tr ia l here t«day on ehaxgea o f f ira t degree murder in eoBtte«tiDa> w ith tho k i i i i ^ o t W im ea <L a rim n ir oae o f .

' . ' four'Dea. wbtf. ware.ahot to d e a tt ia aa t l * Araiatleo D ay parade at. . C ta t ra l^

Wfcah., Nov. 11, 1919. . w r Two other ^ leged I . W . alao -

chai-ged w ith jnurdor, have net: ye t v bccu apprehocded.i . • . 3

The victlma o f the abootin^ were' a ll .; C fn tra lia -K ^d e n U ia n tf^ fo rm e r a ^ J c e ,

m o h j'G rim m /a JientitoBiit )QQ Unlvomity -ot W aahlo j^oa '. fo o lb ^ '- : '} rv. star; Ernest Dalo Hubbard>< ahott deal- ,,t. er; Arthur M eE lfrcah ,, druggist, aad

Casjjraad^ bootblack, tor in tho prisoner's dock o f tho 8uMr«-. i no- ior court her^ today were Elmer Bontht ' o f B r it t Hmilh, Hay Becker, B e rt FiOken*i -i

mi- er, .lames Mclneroey, B ort Bland, M lkd . to tihcchan, Fugeno B arnett, Loren Bob< '

ng, erls, John Lamb, aud O. C. B land. . , li 'l- They pleaded not g u ilty a t Chebalia ncc and were granted l i change o( venue to 80,- Montesano.ub- In iiiir inveHtigntion mnny oye-wit* ‘•e l nesses said the f irs t shooting wna be-

gun without warning or provocation by thoso inside th e I. W. W. hall. Soma

.. said the f ir in g began from .tho hall af*, . j te r a single shot from the Avnlon .ho* .

le l, ojiposite the hall.* A t the coroner’s inquest Dr. F ra n k ,

Dickford, Ceiitrnlia physlciau 'and for* mer serv iri^nau , who^was marching ia •

Ited t(‘'<tifi(^d t l ia l the shootingI hegaii on lv -n fte r tho marchers started

to rush the hntl. . . Wesley Everetts, said to havo beea■ , nn 1. W. W. orgnuiutr ond tho slayer

(if /{n liha rj, was spirited from tho ja t l , in till- night fo llow ing tho shooting, the

h ’ eleoirie lights o f tho town having been cut uff. He wns taken b y a mob to a bridge over tho Chehalis rive r, where

a io Several service men.who worowouud*. lo ll ,.,1 t,y have eouiplotely recovore(LI le Twenty.four men, rounded up a ft^ r

the.flliuoting, wero charged w ith rr im i- nal nctiviiioK, but siiveml o f theiohave sineo l.ccn roteased

ID A H O W E A T H E a----- Tonight and Tuesday ra i« or snow;


"ION LOOKING TO SESSION OF SHANTUNG!, in j W ith reganl fo troops along(vpa.i tho Hhantung rn'ilway Japan intoads to nter- w itiidraw them ns soon as posaiblo, erm4 even boforo reaching an iigrooment w ith f its China, unless the a l» i\c o o f othor ra il* g r t i- way guards affects tJio accurlty o f com- istcr munications and Uio interests both o f

J.auan and Cliina, hor partner, in whieh caso the- Japanese w il l garriaon* the

t do- raihrny u n til thu. Chinoso government ' t h e hns organized a ra llw .iy polico-force.. andlHinco, howovor, Japan dosfros to w ith*

r ef- draw ovon boforo a Japoncse-Chlneae mont a^rcemoat lu u . bcon roiu^hod, Japaa vorn- hopes fo r tho oarlioet organiiatlon o f ;ioDS. CaJneso ra ilw ay pollec. ”

Page 2: U '^EP(m 'OP Tgjg^ J / · ; < ,J |'-'' | | f e | | : M a ^ e n s .liy ^ ^ litltt of Bol- : shevlste asTOasph faVCeas- ' ^.ing to

t ' S e n a to r C a p ^ r A d v o c a te s

; i J ia w p - ' f o r ' C u r b in g : P r lc « . ( i .-G o 'u B in g — S a y s P e o p le H ave

; f '^ 'R m e d y in O w n H a n d s

'' .iV A B niN O TO rf, M V -J a ll bar. fo. pVefliD^ra waa utRwi by Scnnior Cap p«r, npublieon, Kftniuui, :n aa addrom

Profttoora, ho naid, an i^^ .d .u jgo rouJ i -tiiaa I 'n x le . " .

*'.C .l&ivbeatUi]r Ic ^ ln t io n by coq^m s t< ,m t'b tU e j)tiux , Soaator CapMr saSc

fliV iis ''peop lo could help thomselroa toi v«u ld orgoaizo to “ lioy^o tt th<

-hojf* *>y refuiiing /to Imy Roodi • ffa ro d a t extortionate prieon. ”

/ .FnbUo 3 ^ S uu llia n e d ' - ■ )-fn ;o ‘ K tu iM wnv&Wt fioc lnm l Iheri ''W o b ld 1)0'110 doubt th a t ^ 't lio (^nura

poblie is -l)Ding um lbacR od" ia v io \ V ' • i ip ro f t ta roportcd by JarKO nionufac

, tunuR corporationit nnd, tho tI»o in .th ' ' aoeurHi cn. Ho ritod . , v ra s . regtvrdlng tho Amorican rWool^:

-•■«ompany,‘ thp Ccntml Loatlicr compj •my, liho Craciblo 8U>«I conipatiy, th U nitod States Stout corporation aa

■ •tlio rs. I ■ . ' r : BoferrinK lo inerooBod pricos c

Sonator Cappor' rend a to i' ^g nun from the Natioaal W ool Orowoi ,7M ifteiation statinp' ^ a t tlio wool in r 'Bult o f clothes BOlIing fo r $100 cod ,n«»ly »7J7. •

O lv ld f l ^ and Soodng Oosts " A f i f t y por cont incroaso' in t l

prico o f ahooB by noxt auromor ia pr ' <& tcd by tUo proaident o f tho Nation

Shoo Travolora n o n c ia tio n ", continm ■' M r. Capper. “ Tho dny thia prodioUc

appeared, anothor extra, dividend w ■doelarod by the Oontrol Lonthor «tfi

• ' paay. Whilo tdto pooplo contempla '■ going b a ro fM t tha loo ihvr tm a t t ra '

«a volvot made thieltar. A y w r ago , . irw tho war demand fo r Ivather tb

. « a d o shoe*, high. Now i t aoems to ! the 'poaoo domand for* vo lvetl

; /O u s t .now thu -groat«8t: 'g o t ri< ' I ip n e la Amorica is gcmgiog

■Qgar. Tfae inereaae la tho prieo o f -a gar irU \ add "a H llio ix dolman tA t! bardefia now bsing bome b y the Amei

- «*a'tieople. - -' Ootttng In Lumber.

'*W o 4iaro 4.000,000 homeloea poop ' '^ D h e XXaited Statoa aa a rca u lt'o f t l 'r i ie l» a cu ttiag in Itunber. There’« h t

. is ahaneToaa profitoering in tha t i

• V' “ Tlio 'tto rke t p rke o f tho fa im ec " Uv«atock haa docUned nearly 50 pi

R . bringing,Tsaay fanneTS , io 4..'l‘y«rge o f baokmptcy, bat'the high pric<

' ' jttis consumer ^ y * f o r ‘ meat aro v i . Ititally aadioaged.

Ooiporatloni B U ned "T h o incomo tax returna prove U

"^ ’^Uae opctatAn got excosaive p rofits. " A l l tho quotmions I have re fem

t * conapire to prove th a t i t is profHec Jag in tbo great i&duatraal eotroratio: th a t has aondbogged tho public, rath

' 'Mlbaux by la e t^ ia n tt ^h o deal d ltw jl; '■''witSi the coBflumur. No ^ o b t th e r*‘ '> i^ e gouging b y aome o f tl ia TAtailp:

bu t i t 1* the priee o f gooda whea ih ' “ lea rp the facto ry to w tdeli tho admi

*>‘ 'is tra tio a 'a heat attention idiould ' f l r a t d irected.

^ ^ D I E S F R P I N D E H LW I T H B U P O F S i

Corporation Adm its o f Pat Iz K o OommissioDs to Feder­

a l O fficer ‘

NEW YORK, yp>—The Stewa D a v it and Equipment corporation ( miod today th a t i t liad given illc ] eommioalona to Captain John F. B li •a purch(UK*n lu ^ohntf o f tho Flin gency F l io l cor{>orallon, lia chorgcd iadietmvntn rcturniHl o i'a iiia t hiui

.. « oM tIc .v c s t iT d a y ., -v . -.. • r - '••OnvrJnnp' 1 1017", Hiiid tho c pora tion ’n atatemoiU, ■•explain lUi

■' ' iliKonlinUL'd l iia .ngi^nry fo r tlie Hti ard w r i» ra tjo n nii<l bcrujno ilix tr Kanogcr o f the Fleet rorpomtio'ii i tbe North Pacific rooMt. D iiriiiK : •onnvetiott w il l i Ww «-»r}«>Tntiithe S tewuiil <-urp»iuliuii j>;>i.l Iiiiii comniiMiciiin oxcopllnj; ii t r i f l i iuoouikt e;trti('<l prior to liin IiMvin)' t S towiini »<iriH)riitloii. ’ ■

SKATTLfc;, Wiu«h., ( ^ —Cuptain .Io F . Btain waa indiirteil hero yoitterd by n fo ilen il (iraml ju ry which li been ittv i-K ti^ itin t' nlloKod fraudn it i t war timo fonslnn-tion <)T nliipn fo r t T a itw l Sfalo.H x liipp ln i' bounl. A« d tr ir t- iiiiiiia^’or <if tlic nhippiiii; hou: C'apUun Hluiii, iliir iti}; tho war, iliro •d the p iv i 'n in if i i i 'm piKantii'. »t< ahip bu ii'liiiK jiniurjim in Orc(;on .n W-aiiliin;;toii.

T ill' iii'lii-InioiilM c lijirio ' (.'iiiit;/ i ilu in r ivo ivc il Kocrri i'iiiiiMii»iionH fr< lho H lewjtfl Davil ;iini hii|iiilMiH-iit w pamy, N fw York <'itv. un ruIi-h llii- <’o pany mil'll- to tlio ?<lii]ijiiin' Ijoani h-1i tio WJoi (lis lrii't m:iiia;;i'r. T iii' <ntMjii .nioii.H, it iviirt oti:ir«i'.l, i..taili'<l a[i|irii niatoly $10,0110.

Lot thi: ads lielp vou to dcciilo wh« lo lii’iy it.

4 0 AA sp le n d id b u y 3 1 -2 r

ro o m, d c rp w e ll, c is te r lay.s w e ll o nd is in good sta te

Price, fo r Quick S


■: T W I N F A l i & S D i ^

^B p lB lp T": [BliaEEPIIIIlll'liilEllTH

O ^ o m ia Oonrt Takea Up the . ..Oase of-AUeged. Mnrderer

o f Brown

M ARYSVILLE , CaJ., (ff)—Itra . Pred ' .J . Wilaon, w ifo o f a .'Son' P i^ cIbco

’6S nowa; w rite r, went on tr ia l hero today [a a en a ehargo e f murdor growing out o f

the death o f ' Oharlea Brown, wealthy V6 ahoopman, noar Honcut, November 1.

nnjTO tem porarily waa U ring In u cabin on a ranch-owned by tho W ilwm fam ily.

fo.' ' p . A. M cOom ick, d brotlher o f Mra. op* WUaoi^ jo in t ly is < ^ rg o d w ith murdi'r 'OHH and M ra.' 0 .’- J . < Howard, a aUter, hna aro been summoned aa a .m atnria l witnesR.

Mm. W ilson d McCormiek havo beort > ti> hold in th« oonnty ja i l bore w ithout aid ba il and a n '.e ffo rt i o seeure’ tho ir re- too lonao throtigh haboos corpus procoed- the inga failed. ,oda McCormfek’a t r ia l haa been aut to

follQw -im m ^la te ly .upon the. oloao o f M r*. Wilson*#.' ,

Ikow a woa Shot to death, and a t tlin jra l prelim inary iiearing the eoronor'a phy*

BiciAn tcatliFiod four bullots, aald to fac- ^i^^e been firod from revolver in tlio *i,g htuida u f Mra. WiUon, found. lodgment £ l„. In ilia body, as did a bullot from » r if le )lpn U‘ i‘ t witnosa said wna firod by McCor-

Tho Woaloy Potta, a curpcntcr, and A rv ln and Ward, a ranch employe, told o f n quar­

re l botween McComde.k and Brown fol- lowing a diaogrucment earlier in tlio

Lolc* doybotw oen Brown'iond Mra. \S’ ilaon vora proaocution sought to show Uic[n „ causo of'Che diaagreemont wns atte ii-

tiona paid by Brown to Mrs. Howard, tJio alntnr. ’ . '

✓ Ciwumatanccj} surroundine tho nhooi- - lag drew state-wide ■ atUmtinn and Su-

«p»T P®rior Judgo P., McDaniel admonish* , od attorneys fo r defense- and prosccu-

tion alike againat “ try in g the caao in tho nowspapora.” . •

WM • counncl bail been employed oy, 1 rolativos o f Brown -to aaaLi't Prosocumt


t ^ B a va ria and Baxonjr^ Object to Threat o f Encroachment on

on d e ro g a tiv e

^'' B E R L IK , ( ff)—The auggoaUon orig- |)«ea ina ting ib the Pruaaian die t tha t'^ho t in - national governmont sound the eenti-

iBottta'^'of the fodemted atAtos on th'f* tec’s q u ^ io a o f~eroo ting .d 'un ified Oornan por e ta ^ hiw arpused oppoaitioa in ^ - •tbe varuL-and'SoxDny. The pronowvl waa

rleca introduced b y the coalition bloc o f tht* v ir - P-nuolsn-diet."-

TOe prcaa d i^n tc h from Munich aays th e ; m ^ o r ity t t f the Bavarian people arc unalterably, onpoaed to any aehemo

, tha t tonda' to obliterota the tlm&Jion- ored proiogiitivea o e state.

I aat. general debate on tho isauo indona Bavarian diet, tho parties,.w ith the kther ®*c*P^oa o* m»goritlea and the In-

dopeadenta, opposed the achemc. ' Tlie u l t r t ' le f t radicala, however, declared

U -_ tha t they uncOhdltionally favored i t ond requested the Ba%’arian govern

Imin- to d ircct the ir e fforts in tha t di'I be The Saxony m in istry president. Hen

Gradnnuer.' expreaaod the bolie i thal tho.present momont ia not tho timo Ut\ tho oxMrutiou o f a plaa which pur poaos to wipe ou t the politica l frontieri

■■ifk o f th«r federated states. Ho said he be I U L Uovcd lh a t ih e B erlin .o frie ln l quartenI I U inndeqaatcly posted in rcxpect t«

the Sooth Oerman opposition to th< . hasty centralixation o f a ll au thoritv >i

ring Berlin nnd th a t such dlalncllnatio i • . would nerve aa a cheek to the aaplr-4

tinnn Berlin.

»d,a House-Huntera NewD istu rbers o f Peact

Bla in ^-:mcr- 8AW TE LLK . Cni.. { /P )~ A ' newed i l l *’ *’ “ d iiitiirb inc the peaee”I a t WUH l.rouirht to the nttention o f tho, Hawnolle police by Mra. H. J, Ed-

cor- '•ompliiincd nho wna "pen*lUain *’ ‘'yond endiim nri'” hv hoiiw*-Htow- hiuitom. ■ .titr ic t " I am enlled to tho door f i f t y ,I fu r tiinoH a d.n.v liy pursoiia coiniuj; to. },ig know i " tho houoo ia fo r ront or forit i i in , alriiounU tliore in not n »5p\III 111) if- i -'in* J*! (iro il if lin g aniiw.Ting tlioao m ils I hnrdly hnvo If tho '•Ironjjtli li- fi fo r niv liouw-

work.“ I w an l i t Ktopped."


f l " i W II.L IA ’M.'lPOllT, I ’a.. ( iP ) - - ! , , I , , , 1 din- '"f'’ \''illi:u iis(iort Ira-H pa.ssoil lUl JiOttrd 1 *■> iiio r. On- b ii' Iniabor Ponipan\irocl- «'»vo<l to S lic frii'li!. Kill,I tri li',Bttfc-l t’ r'.'ati-nt liar<lwo.h| tiin l.iT tr.n-t ir .nn.l to hiHi f i f

tocn y«'ar!».|ita i» “ I " ” .'' .''‘’arM Wi||i;i!iiH|iiirI wa-

kliDuM iH t l ...... .. I 'i ly , ■ ’

Vou rnn count upon tne classified K "<‘ 1* T®' estate—nnd the cost ol

i,„ f^ the advertiHing w ill figure Nurprisingh in ix i- Btnall.

You can aeruro a tenant for thn: j>rnjiorty, w ithout delay or ux|)0nsi

rhero r-nnnKh lo “ co u n t," through the clossi fied.

V C R E SI m ile s fro m T w in F u lls . G o o d 5 - te rn and fa ir o u t-b u ild in g s . T l ie Innd Ite o f.fe rlility .'^

Sale. $ 3 8 7 .5 0 Per Acre

&, W I L L I A M S

’redIsco ,. ■day .• ' W B f - i l — ' ^Ith.v - ■ » C S c ^

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Ui« .• • p h y ' V , -

to I - 1tl>o -V

- ' ' B « h = ^ S r f ’’ ■IIw Im f p B & 1 ^ 1

.rvin | Hmar* ^

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tte ii-vnrd,

hooi-1 Su- i n a i i i rf J i ! ' g g B a a e S S S £ g r a i inlsh* r , 11 , .ssssaBS ........... ' ys—r;

» ta R E P O R T S 'O N M E X IC O ’ S


Beeord o f D is tr ic t In tpee t6 f -8howB 81, .068 A n ina ls Onss Border Dur- -

lag Tear

V , .EL"PASO, Ter., (flp)— D uriiiff tlu ' i n U livontock were' l l l l I ^ p e r io d from Moxico into the Unitod l u l l States by way o f the E l Paao and A n

xona districts, according to a . atate tfc t r t 3*“ ^ prepared b y Thorona

^ Brody, inspector In charge o f tho bu o n ■ • roan o f animal d is tricts for thoao tw<

districts.During December, <ho inspeotor’s ru

. po rt showed tha t a to ta l o f 0,042 an; xnals eamo In through Nogales, Arixoua and 387 throng^ El Paso. The import-

• conslatod o f cattle, w ith tho oxceptlor o f no'horaes nnd mules entered a t E: Paso and 16 a t Nogales.

Tho to ta l fo r the yoar fo r tho twii diatricta, by ihonths, follows:

^ -January 3,670; Fobruary 3,701; , Mareh, 3,701; AprU, 6.48S; May, 10,

830; June, 2,434; July. 2,037; Auguat 2,772; September, 7,339; October, 13, 120; November, iJ^M ; December, 10,

? 2?9. * - /

OBEObN SCHOOL OEXLDBBR " BN TBS a s T H E IT T CAM PAIO il:-pj,o 8ALHM , Ore., (Special.)—Publie jchoo

tlored children o f Oregon w ill invoat M00,00( i t U ir ift and war sa v in g atampa dut

ivem- 1920. Thin plo<lgo. wan made bj (1|. county acrhoot supcrintcndenta o f thi

atate u t a eonferenee hero called bj l lp r r J- A. OhurehIU, atato miporintendcnt 0 -that public instruction and government d i

10 t 6 r >*ootor o f th r i f t education fo r Oregon pur- Famaworth, aaaoclate director o

ntlera '^>0 war loan organisation fo r ’ th fie be- tw e lfth federal reserve d istric t, w rit artera to Suporintendent Churchill, sa^d K t to **You have cu t out quite a taak but

tho am sure you and your suporintendcnl i t y in w U i bo aucccaafu l.* *_________


D U BLIN , (/P>—The rive r 9hiin.u t hoA ovetflowisl^ itn hnnkii nnd m:ui

villagen, notobl.V Alhlone, hnvo '>cr 'Q C € nljimitoned, the inhahitanta taking re

i.Rp n n 'h ij ih ft jjTft«nd. Entire disttie' new and Leinster borderiii

r-n tho river present tho nppearnnec « tho ‘ Knornious damage haa lieon don>- 1 lies* i-omineri-o and lives’o rk , mnny nnitna I,,,!*.. iia v iti;; lioi-n carried awny by the floo


MEXICO C ITV, (;P>— Mexieo, whi< . has Im'oii forrod lo import its nrtille i

iri^ii >‘ arH, expi'otn aoon to nianufuctuii „ y . its iiw ii field pioee.' . Two Mexican nrni u»e- eucineon liavo perfected n fornuila fi

louijiorin ir Htool for eimnou nml, win the iiin tjilla tio ii o f three eli'etric fu

' naooH ilk the national arsenal ia oui pleled, tho fira l guns w ill bo turne

^TER " “ *• ,_________, HEAD TH E D A IL Y NEWS.

ipany — '------- ------------------l „ li,.

' ^ o p t i m i s t iswas / \ Q j^ g w h o b e -

led to l i e v e s h e c a n g e t aIRt o f . - 1. in i iv l i r e a s g o o d a s a

t lm l K e l l y - S p r i n g f i e l d ■

E " f o r le s s m o n e y .

• O u r S p r i n g M

s h i p r n e n t ®

5- h a s a r r i v e did

C a l i a n d s e e t h e m .

' Twin Falls VulE.«ctualv« T ire M archaa ia -

^ . p n w u w u n o i i , ^ / h


C K A D O P T RAC1IW 5 PROGRAM! - . ' -■«-

81,- DAtes fo r Northwestam Events to : :• - r 8«t a t.M ee ting Oonvened'ln

[ ’ Portland

thoi i ’O BTLAND, Ore., (/P)—The Nor were I ’acifle F a ir aasociation convenM hr

1od.ay to flilop^ n program o f fa ir e

^ wna called by Oeorgo B. Walker, aeci .* _• ta ry o f tho Soulhweat Wnahington fi , ‘ <xaaoclntion nnd preaident, o f the non‘■’ ^"[w eat orgnniiatioqV........... '

I Date* fo r northwestern fairs wcro 'be aot a t the meeting, whii-h was ae.hi

“ " ' ' lu le d to lost through tomorrow. T **’ Cajuvdian F a ir aasociation met in i

monton. January 21 nnd 22, ond mc ’“ ®" bera o f th a l aaw lA tlon were expect

I to attend lo d a y ’a meeting here. T iK o r t l i Portland Racjng aaaocintion a

‘ ' ” ’ jWn» to moet horo today, and thia _ '!gani7.ation '* deeiaiona w ill have cons j ‘ 'jc ra b lo to do w ith the program o f 1 •“ '• ' j f a i r aaaaelations’ programs fo r rnci

duriug^ th e eomlng fn ll.


To^r (/P)— New York s tu tnormal b irth rate hna been reduced,

bool 30,000 finco .Inji’ inrv 1. lOlH,. becni >,000 o f tho wor and the esultant high c d u f o f liv in g , acconling (o a atntement > b j sued here by Dr.. H. M. Bigga, sti

the commissioner o f health.1 by Dr. Bigga found mlace in the t> i t o f th a t tho death rate fo r the aame per. t d l- was tho lowest In mnny years.

CHECK THUT COLD - E- M A W A 1OWB r a lM T M l c o ld i a n d c o u c h i

‘p ; f o r f i f t y y « r , .

5>cen unuaually b lgb qualU[ i , i I cold, couch, grlpp*. «nrt ornuU lctn i lo tn x lu m l bn lf

ce iuurr ngo. Not «m if Iu iiH -Hi '•'f yeum since then hn" tbo aunlli

bw n allowed to ile ifr lo re te . im f n.- 10 fw t lv e a « In cotnDntlntf «»'itn . 1 o iug lis bos been provetl thouaM i f .1 o t timpa in thouaanda o f fan illle I’a k w i'b y grownups and giveu

tho lit t le ones fo r Iho w fe , 1- ^ ^ , trentn ivnt o f cold* nnd grlnp •5®X -uuRlis and c ro u p ,J l leaves nbn which ii i ie i* no dlaagreeftble nftcc-«ff«*«-t i lle ry a lioUle a l your d rugg ists t^tu ro ,iuv. GOc. and nrmy

B b w e l i A c t H u m o nfur- -- fn n rtlo n gently but llrm ty 'v lt

,.o„i. ..lit the violence o t p iirg n tlv w i,,w. 1 when you treot them w ith t

' KiiiR'a New L lfo r i l la . A,M't!iiK laxutlve thn t dm• > liiialtiens and gm tlfy lnR rtraul •II drugglst»-j-25c. a botile.

■ \ Ma - ,

' 'V M ’i l a f ■’' S c j f

m B r '

wlmMfyV a

ulcanizing WorksT w ln r . lU _ ^

b rg a n iia tfo n 6 f 'ifa tio B ia Assb- I ' dation_Enrpoae.


- ( / Ph^r i vo. hundroi bvd tiH m on i, feproM ilting the more im porlont bcut growing districts o f olevci atdtefl, n o t here to d i^ fo r tho purpoai o f.orgAniring th j Jfo tiona l Boot. Grow oni i«» e ia tio n , call fc r which m'cetlnj fa s Issued .by tiho loading fanners ' or ganlxotlons o f . th e west th ir ty dayi

. «P>.quostioas fqt_ dUeuaslon w il l bo per

foeUon o f nn orgahlxaHo'n-to'look eare foUy ,»<ter a irin to rea ta ^onnoct«a w itl tho ra is ing o f «ugar' beeta; expansion 6 thia gre%l braneh o f ngrienltoro:-stop lo post thoroughly .'4d l .7be«lig«wi£^ d b tr lc ta aa to m arkotcoaditlona: to «

' ‘ '.>rational Sugar B ow l^ ' fro itho clutchpe o f A fo w powerfal eorpoi ntions whieh are so unHed and lorgat

, iw*d os to form.a moat'Tho sugar beot w as-tcnaod-ono 0

tho luvuon’a .ve ry , greatest agricuUun nsaets by dplogates a rrlv liu r. 31ifl;doli

. gates SM-mod united In tlio ,A ffo rt io b ' : vigorously launched to make tho cow

try . Independent o f ovory other-sugn.• , r.roduclng country' in tho m atter o f at S , gnr. • ' ■ ■ . ' ^Bj Representatives from sovornl dopor:■ menta o f tho federal govonunent nr■ . ex|H.'cted to tako-part In. tbo* proebi i inga. From two to twenty dclegatoa ar I, vxpcctod t * bo regiatonid from auga

producing dlatricta o f Colorado, Cnl ^ fom ia, Idaho, Michigan, Montana, N'

bmeka, Ohio, Utah, Wjishiagton aii Wyoming... Tho usM ciatio ii .w ill coirtlnue in sc

:J - sion fo r throo days. A .aum bor o f w tnen aro in atteivdanco.


MBIXICO, (ff)—There aro now 0,0' pobols in Mexico, oacording to an eai

f . mat« b y Cleneral Prancisco U U rquli > ch ie f o f s tu ff. A t loaat 'half p f tho

are doelarod *bo-bo elUior uoom ed' equipped w ith nsoless weapons. 'Aajoi

North the robola lendors montionod in ti hero w m m w a ro i: V illa , ln.OhUiuahua,aj

r cir- iVUx. D ia r, • ?odro, Gabo■«lns AHilUar 01smrc- PoJro in Vota O ra ii Abol 8 1 I 1 fa l l V « 8M « , Solo r a ™ n ainortl,. Manuol Palafox In Morolos; Manu

Polaoz, Magdalono Cedlllo and ' I isro to l»rolher, Lula Caballoro aad . Bugon whed- Tamaulipas; Fo llx Panueloa

Aguoacallentua; Podro' Zamora in C 1 E.I- Guillermo M e ixue iro 'in 6xacmcm Poderiro Cordova C irllo Arenas lectrd I*uel>la; Jeous H. Salgado in jiuerre i

Tho ^ ------------------------------- •1 nl.To ,*® “ you f m eaM g*'t« eiU or- pl6yw». lookiag fo r capable p«»p: onsid tbraogh the elaaeifled:i f the --------- ------^•ncing '• . - ,

- - - |- i i;enus(}

Boys Who B uy ing A

• fnclperiod n i s ia yoqr Store boya, ai s— home here.

* Oome in any tim e and pay a^roond. A sk aU the qn( Bemembet*, yon don 't ba

has anything eithe r, i f yon don And when you do briy aon by yourself w e 'll aee tha exactly what yon ahould.'

I l f » .n 'liY You’re as safe buying herand i f you brought yonr parent!

111 We*U 43heerfuUy exchangouni too, i f the fo lks a t home a inpe,f e • w ith what yon (f ' o - f i n t time.

J A sk especially to ace ourw ith*«r«»—

D r.



There are no other boyI lu ite like these. They're g

I to w ithstand a ll the hard1 a s turdy boy is sure tca clothes. Dependable mat5 ed buttons, stout pocket!1 tures." And above all, X trI surely Jike them .

Boy’s Ban’sBlouses Shoei

^ I^ V E R Y T H IN G M

T " y S I N C• • I T

I ' I

P ?- .P M caanr* ’’ r >

tab- ‘ : -. W A S y il^ O T p N /^ ^ ^ f tq u ir le V f ia v o

hocn.flcnt tp Uie nliltfd'govertiznoBtB by - ’lho ( r t ir te .d e p a ^ W J io 'rd ^ ^ ^ ^ ;

dred t^»8o ipvernmepia-pivpose .to 'co n y 'o u t ) im- plan feromtog ^ g d ^•trit^ •flvcn -W-flpflnttlve aocietic* j ie ro•pose w itho tit havin«f d^llnjps-' »rtth tho^ ib v ie t Vow- auUioriUos. ‘ 'Ming O ffic ia ls said 'they-were a k e p tit^ o f ' o?« *e-«uecesii o f »ny;.,sucU uadortokiag,

bu t th a t they wor« anxieua ■to retmne " V " trade w ith tbe B u s s ^> people i f i t

would not involve Toeoimitfott, o f the BoW iovikl and I f I t wore eortain th a t goods sont in to -Buaria wonld not be<*B<Itofiatfd,by tbo.sovitjt ftfflcialf.^and iisod to incroaeo U ioir ^ w w . . • • -

2?®'- B A r OTL'ONA, aoihoriticB -havo deelded to dissolve the Nailonal

, CottfederttUon, o f!W orker* o f Cfet»^nU,? . .^ i comprWhg .nearly 1,000,000' ’ workera.

t ^ e l^ r - s ^ n ^ e a to a havo im e d a if- nlanifeato in re p ly ,'a lleg ing tha t the

eoun uncompromising .a ttitude o f th o \e m *^ responsible fo r ' tho p r ^ t

.. -F in d in g , a . position is Kmetixnet n^ ipar.T aioBt- dishefljrtenlag task, yost to ro ly . ^ ?*’c upon friends,-or npon iroing about and , if ofied- making personal ' appUcallons, o ften 'y '■ loads to u tte r dlatouragomcut. Thci /?“■'? qo*®** a pe tition U through tho

elassified. Bometlmea th is road re- .■ quires more than ono day to trave l—

but i t leads Inev itab ly to 'tb o des iro i ‘1 8CJ. bellowed.

' r u p t u r e d ?JTBV

S I R Y T I I I S F R E Etiulxo, , ---------- . \these New Invention 8«nt on » Days' Tria l ed M W ithout Expanse -to YouOBonir Stmply aeiid me your nnme and ! w ill

“ ■ a •aiana you return the blank *1 win send you my lobay, new invention for rupturo. Whan It ar* ir Olid rlvea put U on and wear It.. Put I t to

every teat 5-ou con think of. The l»arter teal the better you wtU.Uke It.- T<^

a and wlll.-wonder how you over cot. along wUti fanuol the oia style cruel aprlnsr tniaaoa or belt*

.with le« attapa o f torture. Tour, own *oo«. common aenae and your own. doc-

igonio lor w ill :U li you i t ta tho- only wav In lioa in which yoo can expect a c u re .-A fte r *_ p . wenrlns u se daya. If I t la not.«nttr« !r “ ^ aailafltotory In every way—tf I t la not eaay >xaca.: and comfortable—tf yo» cannot aotualiy IS m aee your rupture «ettUj» better,- «ad *f ^ , n not convinced that a our* la merely a

Quewion of time. Juai return li.®{*d Toa ure out.noth ln t. Any rupture appUanco

» MB aent onT lft; daya-• tria l wUhoul «*pense to you la Worth a tria l. TcU y w r l u r ^ IHonds 01 thia. BASrH O U ) C<5., - 000 Kooh Bldff-. Xanaaa City. Uo.

eatffljwters /ho Do T he ir Own A re Safe Here

, and we w a n t you to fee l r ig h t a t

lay ua a get-acquainted y ia it. Look questions tb a t enter your m ind. . have to buy ^lo n 't w a n t to.'something a ll -

m ts w ith you. inge things, e aren’t quite>u choose the .Z M n N l|| |R

2 £ b T TiRBOYSboys' clothes •e guaranteed

to give his o « w w Dot*

naterials, trip le sewed scams, ta j^ cets, and many other special fea- Xtragood Clothes aro stylish. You’l l '

? A s ■ “ B o y ' s

oes S h irts

m e n and BOYS W EAR

IILA IR ’S"""'T P A Y S " t -

Page 3: U '^EP(m 'OP Tgjg^ J / · ; < ,J |'-'' | | f e | | : M a ^ e n s .liy ^ ^ litltt of Bol- : shevlste asTOasph faVCeas- ' ^.ing to

' i i i i F

N ^ tio n id C o h im a n d e r Issues a S ta te m e n t w ith . R e g a rd to Service U n d e rta k e n f o r B e n -

. e fit o f E x -S e r v ic e M e nr ' • ’ •

lN I)U N A P 0 U 8 ; . ; ' l r ia . ; : ( ^ P r im V . < lit t I^O lio r, o f 'th e

;^ < n ic f t i i Lojjioa Rnndftjr i ^ e d tJio foi- itf liib g Htatomoat W ith' lOffard 40 tho

. ■.itTtco- th o - io ^ o n -iuu- andertakea tfl ; TCTtdof pr-eorrifle-m ctt:-• • •• - I

**At;Cfoh, .o f Uio’ soTcn HhoMaod lor * c&] postfl o f tfao Amorieaa Logioh t th jo u A o a l tbo couatiy, ia a .•war rink r officer, cda fom ln jj ia th is regard w itb « t h o . ^ l o organizatioaB and tba t a t aaAiimal 1ioa:di}uarten in I n d l ^ ^ l l a . I ('•'‘ TJjoao h>ca! port o ffice ra have booa o

' in iin ie tcd io take up w it ii various gov- t /frnm onta l bureau in Wa^Hijiizton, - o r t

/ branch offico®, aoy eases w ith regard ' to «-»oryic8 moa t i n t may bo brcuirht t to thoii»'atlenUo« calling fo r govom* 1'

, mcatal/.acUon. Buch cases-as 'they e doom worthy o f tho odvico o f tho rta to t war risk o ffice r are forwarded to him. 1 ■Whero tho cas<i cannot bo handlod by o «t«to department officer*, i t is forward- < cd to sLato hoadquartom, and may in tu rn bo submitted to naUonol head* quar^rs fo r attention, whoVo the head- 1 <)UBrterB u rv ic e is.roqulrod. Thousands c o f thoau d if f ic u lto r oxtroordihory ca^efl t iaVolvinK quostionii o f law and jiroceU- j uro or delayed cimos are received a t na* c tional headquartora do lly , t

* 'M o it or titc N ftppcals condst o f I various claims a ^ i i s t 'U iu .governmont I growing ou t o f a man’s sdr\-ice in Uio t

, army, navy o r marine corps. Thoy re- j Iato fo r tho most p a rt to compensation, )

alloUneitls, L ib e rty Loan bonds, \-oea- tioaal tra ining and bonuses. ‘ ]

" L l a period o f two months, fo r ox* t ample, national headquarters .has been i

' laatnuaental in coUeoting foe. oz-«orv- i ice men $16,060 in L ibe rty Loan bonds ] and •16,430.00 in allolsientJi and a llo w ( anees. *

“ Charles F. Sheridan, in cborga o f r the sorrico . division a t nattonnl'^icad- { quarters; and 'fo rm erly connected w it li t war risk Insurakeo i>uro4u a t Washing- | ton, Is in charge.of thls brazwli o t tho ] •orvioe. ^ s in tim a te knowledge o f tho ' workings o f various governmental bu- ] roaus in WaASogton enables him to . redder w ith t l ie utmost- dispatch tlsis | aervico to tho many ox-aon^tiie men to t Appeal tho ir cases to tho w a r depart* » c n t "M s iw m I

IN FIlTPB O O llC TliHenry Sohiok Owns Honor Olass :

Bovine'in M onth o f Decern- < ber Tests |

Henry Schick's Golden Hcros Queen i ' WON Uie I d ^ s t b u t tc r fA t producing {

cow lisU*d in the Pioneer Cow Testlog ] R»oclation in Decombor, acco.rdlng to ; reports ju s t submitted to the T V L i | Kails eounty fann bureau. Testa wcro ] o ff ic ia lly conducted by J. L . Showers. i

OoWcu Ueros Queen ia a purebred i Ouemsi'v anijoal o f the Schick herd nt < BohL Her production o f bu tto r fu t was 60. < pounds from f262 pounds o f m ilk . The heaviest m ilk producpr fo r iho mo»t4i was a Holstein cow own<*il , by U J. Tonctilnek, 1700 pounds, w ith n record o f 64.6 pounds o f bu tto r fu t 'from tliiit qunntity.

Tho luotociaiion i« c iirry ing on its work in fu ll swing now. To got in tho honor class a cow n iu iit produce more tliun f>0 pounds o f bu tte r fivT, or InOO nouuis o f m ilk In a month. ■

Following is t^io uasoeintion's test record fo r December:.

K ..C . Eghlor, breed, Holstein, m ilk ponnds, f a t '44.4 pounilH.

L. J. Tcnchinck, brcu-d, Holstein, milU 14.14, fat 53.S.

Ij. j . Tcncliiuck, breed, HolMtcin, m ilk 1700, fnl

Curl Irw in, breed, .Toraoy, m ilk 042, f a t nn.K.

<’url Irw in, lir-wtl, Jorw y, m ilk 1.100, f l i t

8 . ir . Knyliir, hrcod, .Tcthov. m ilk 1)10, fu t S0.2.

Ilenrv Srhiok, lireoil, Ouorum-y, m ilk 1:1(12, f . it 00.4.

Ilonrv S flilck , brec'd, Guoriiscy, m ilk 1147, fA t .’57.4.

B. T. Suiidmcyer. brocil, Holstein, J iiilk 12‘J1, f l i t o:i.7. • '

Henrv Rchick, brood, OiicTiim-v, m ilk OHO, fn l 5(1. *

n. l l ird in g , brrcd, lIo lH to iii, mil'.i KiOI. fn t 48.1*. ^

('. H. Hcmnlcniiin, breed, HolMcin, m ilk 1(11)2, fa t 4H.

W. M. 31iotwc)l, brood, grjule, m ilk' Ki70, fa t

(!arl Irw in brood, J othov, m ilk l.'iSd, fu t 40.2.

■> Clnsnifiod Ads aro clioap—cffuctlvc


Dollars Decrea. They increase i f deposit

In te res t'a t 4 per cent is com dollars keep g row ing every

Uoney in the pocket is W may give you no benefit or i t is w ithd raw n on ly when i

$1.00 w ill s ta rt an accon now.

I D A H O S T .T W I N F A I

iH ltiP E *. RttEllER: «t : I M S ^■ 014et8 Best in .the,HationaI and> . Bqd Box In Ban. John- in

' son’s 'O ircn it . ohi> -■ o fI OHIOAGO, (Slieclnl.)—C U c w .lM W i- i f "

bo ll fans can. boast o f h a v ijy i. l4ifi..-bO!rt . two t c a ^ in . thp. major, Ieaguos,,bat .. I not tho two best teams, • based-ba -past c performances covering a period o f sev* P * I cnteen years.' • ' ??.t Now Yorkers can brag about the su-

premacy o f tho Giants i a ,tJie matter I o f long .distance .records, and Boston . folks have tho r ig lit to g lo a t over the r fact tha t no Am eric iu ijoague team haa I won more battles In the aggrbftato than “ I” t tbo Bed Sor. Tho Cuba aad W hite Sox,. liowevor, aro •econd in th c lr respective • r circuits in the vseventoen year tnara- |o ) thon, and th e ir jo in l to ta l o f victories . is considerably in excess o f tha t o f nny r other two teams representing .thu same- cUy. . . . J " ' t Otrcnlta Some fo r Seventeen Tears

This Bovontoen year period is not so-- lectcd to mako a good showing fo r Ohl-) cago, but boi^aase. it/e o vo m the cxnet .1 span o f timo in which the Nntionnl nnd ^• Amorican league circuits Qiavc not bcon• clinngod; then'fore permitH n coninarl-

son fa ir to a ll the c ities in both( leo^nies. P rio r to 100.1 tho American t league's te rr ito ry Was subject to an-> nunl slilfts , and tho N ntionnl li-ngue Je:• adopted its present c irc u it only u few , years beforo that.

Ohieogo's Cubs have won n total of 1,510 ( ^ c s in seventeen seasoui, in'

• most o f whicli tho schedule has called J> fo r 154 contests fo r eack club. Jn the dltj• salno timo tAo W hite Sox hnvo won ns9 1,385. This makes a to tn l o f 2,004 fo r B n■ Olrfcago. we:

. Tlto two Now York teams havo come O ’!f nearest tlia t record. The .Giants Jead wo : in the veteran c ircu it w ith a grand <o-I ta l o f 1,652 triumphs, b u t the Yankeai to ' ' have, won on ly 1,221 gomes, g iv ing era> Manhattan island a combined to to l n f tlic 3 2,773 victories. Tho A th lc tics nnd <..m• Phillies oro a good tJ iird w ith 2,344 i> games won; and they aro nearly eaual- boi » ly d iv ided jw tw cen tlie tw o Quaker bni> town teaimit y . ' , , hai

Oat Boston's Tota l beA lth o u ^ t^o Red 6ox lend the Amer* to

ieaa league b y a fa ir margin, tho doi Bravos Save been so consistently in mo ths ucond ^v is ion , fo r m o ft o f the to i

i soVenreenycars' tha t BosUn’ S ^ o ta l o f 'jT' victories Is fourth in tho majers. 2,447. 0 ’ The only oUiCr c ity represented by two h ii teams la St. Louis, ond tJiere ia goo-i Mn reasons fo r tho rtorosoness o f . tho 'Wi

5 Mound C ity fnns in the record o f their dit two teamg, which have won only 2 ,10. games, of whSHi the Browns have con- _ trlbutcd 1,070 victories. ;

Ohio rooters can ga?.e w ith fa ir prido (1 on tho rrcord o f the ir tw o twims, nl- q ’ g though neither succeeded in w inning a If pennant u n til tho Beds copped lnst 9 fa ll. Cincinnati has won only 1,23S i> games in seventeen years, bu t (Jlovo- j j j e inhd has annexed 1,316, whwh mjikcs

Ohio's grahd to ta l bcter than tha t o f f „ i tho two Philadelphia teums, which have t won more pennants, t A. Ifc Oompstltloa Closerf On tho Trtiolo the campaigns in the _ r Amorlcan leaguo havo been much mor? d cIospIv contcated, as the records show h the teams in that , c irc u it havo been t more evenly mtitrhed thnn in the Nu*

tional. For instance, the Ited Sox, who s lewl in the j-oungur c ircu it, have won il fewor games tflmn P ittsburgh, which e ranks thir«r in tlfe vetomn league. Th ' r iVUiletics aro only f i f th in the Amen*

ran league, in splto J>t Uio mnny flags It thoy have won, ^ t tho Mackmen un-

noxcd mort; victories tlm n tho Phlllleiv,Jt who nre fourth in the N’atlonal.

New York and Ohlciigo luvve brnn k most un iform ly successful in the older

circuit, nnd have a w ido margin n k grand t itn U over the other toams, while

Bostpn nnd Cliicngo in tho Amcciran aro cloacly pressed by D etro it an«l Cloveluhd. ________________

Clasalfled Ada are choap—effective.^ -

: PHILLpolI I H a s

P l e n t y o f S t o r a g eR o o m

Ik /

’ P H O N E 87 i2

r t V ____________ ■

ase ill the Pocketl i t e d in ' t h t Id a h o S ta to B a n k .- m p o u n d c d s e m i- a n n u a lly . Y o u r 7 d a y a n d n ig h t ,

n o re ^ s a s ily s p e n t f o r t h in g s t h a t >r r e a l p le a s u re . I f i n t h e b a n k I needed .ju n t in th is b a n k . B e g in s a y in g

‘ A T E . B A N K\ L L S . ID A H O

j r H n g l f q w s J


T 6 FIG HTERS ,- Oolored B o ^ r Oai^ts O n ^o u s <>; : 8 f iadb V :*^ ie ga r> a iii o f the ~ ^ I /Asp iring Fugs vei

I A menaUng blaek cloud is loomingf a thw art tho course o f tho whito heavy- go<

wlBhU..,>aya np castom «rltlc . Harry} ‘W ills , the' Crnek cnbred boxer from Pel

New Orleans, is 'boarlng down a*»thoni, evc insisting upon re c o jp iU io n 'in ^ e tit leehase. H o.‘ would dispute tilie claims 1o f Prod ESiJtbn and alV^tlis otiior-co\>* thetenders to a match w ltli Chnmplou Jack fo r

^ Demnsey. left J W ills is returning from the Pa*

c l f l t eoast, where he has been com* >palgnlng w ith con.<iintent success fo r Ru:several months. His manager, Paddy looM ullins, wtio also handles M ike 0 ‘’Doffd ab<

,f tho w orld ’s middleweight, champion, is BU^ socking mal^hos fo r him w ith the fore*. St.g most white heavyweights. Dax-o Mae- Bal , kay, matchmaker o f tho NewarkQ Sportsmen’s club, has M u llin 's mgnu* £r ture to a contract on W ills 'se rv liios . " TQ Both Fulton nnd Mortin Iiiwc iijp-ood patI. to meet W ills i f thu lu u t can be laxi J broufiflit about. Moran never did .IrawJ tho color line. Pulton, through his i

manager, Tom O’Rourke, hns doclarod thnthat he w ill meot a ll comers, regard- benlefis o f oolor, u n til he lias concluslvoly tie idenionstmted his rlglvt to u rotum Ute

I n in td i w it lf Dempsey. • to

d m iD D LE W E IG H T j ■ I;; B A TTLER S S T IL L 5 M IG H T Y SCARCEI*« J e ff Sm ith ,A bon t Only F ighter JJS ” Having a Ohanoe to Cop f O’Dowd's Crown

II NEW YORK, (8 i>eclal.)—Good, mid* I e dltiwelgtits. appear to be juot ns scarce lion a ns over. When A l McCoy, the clumsy bar r B rooklynite who elnimed the middle- nioi

welg lit title , wns pollslied o f f by M ike in > e O ’Dowd I t was expected thn t thore Roi d would oe a boom in tha t class, but the '• boom d id not develop. O ’Dowd seems q

to be fu lly enpnMn o f defending his a ‘ ff crown, but its safety is more because in^ t tliore Is so lit t le opposition than bu- *» cause O ’Dowd Is a scnsntional fighter.4 WIU) the retirement *o f Biike Gib- q *■ bons from the ring, . fc ff SmIHi o f Bay- *• bnno seems to be Uio on ly riv a l 0 ’Dow.l n,, has onyTrason to fear..Sm lth looks to' hpf

be fu lly capable o f extending O ’D ow l fo , r* to tho lim it, and why the'Jersey boxer 0 does not press his claims to a mntoh j n moro strenuously is somothing o f a mys- pp, lO tery. S m ith 'is both a better boxor a n l nln • r '.r ia ra iF -W ff lf r 'lh J K rW B ’^iJhamplon. ^01 7. O ’Dowd has youth and endurnii.ce 000 his side. Tho match looks promising, £1 aneelally ns i t Is 0 io only one worth « r le m ile tlio t can be m ule botwecn mid-It dleweigtits. pa

'n- W A l ^ O B A ^ A T T ITLEZulu l^ d , thp nigged Brooklyn mid* bni

dlowelght^ is anxious to meet M ike obi'■ O ’Dowd. Tho Brooklyn l» y boxod the to»" ohompioa'shortly beforu Mike went to bai” France nnd made such a good showing sto

th a t he is confident hu con defuat the soc t it le holder i f he receives another crack a t him. Zulu K id recently rocovorpd

” from an attaek o f Wio gripjio and is peinow ready to resnme boxing. • g i'

RFAT) T H B VAXLT N EW & * 'ic


iAUQIOIpi^ 1 1-2 U iles Koxth o f tbe WashlngtoB

I THURSDAY,»“ B E O n ra iN O A T 1:00

re. Having sold my place, I w il l on tho ^ property described

^ LIVESTC^ - Buy mare, 8 yearw, woight 1000

Borrol gelding, H years, weight l.'i.'iO Bay golding, smootit inuutli, weight 13

^ a y ninro, smooth niouth, weight 1300 Jersey cow, 0 years, giving 3 galloni d Jersey hoifor, brod, n beauty 11 jiure.bred ewon, 3 yearn, w ill lainb y owir Innibs. 2 gotnl biiokn.100 B. I*. R. and H. I . H. oliiokonB.

MAOHDJLow wheel tn ick wagon; wiiio tire w wheel corrugatorj EniuTHcni mowor, ni way plow; 2 walking plows; 2 two 2 liorso cu ltiva to r; 1 liorHo ou llivn lo r

^ frork harness; 1*2 set harness; ninglo I wheelbarrow; lo t o f npple boxoa; nil ete.

50 sacks Netted Gem iiotntoes.20 tons o f 1st nnd .Ird i-rojin oT n ifa ifii 4<1 bushels Dickhiw svoil wlioal'-

Velio automobile, run very litt lo and

, • A ll tlie fu rn iture o f a lo room Iiduhc (IroMotH, fumed oak dining romii sot tuUlo, book caso.nud w riting donk, a u fact the ruin]ilote furn in liiiig o f u lui

I Kverythliig must anil w ill soli.

TKUM 8—tlO and nudtrr oa^li; u ll *ui ivilh 10 I'or oont ifttoroht; r>,iic'r eont


HHef B lta of Sport'P re d Tarbyville, a Cin»lnna,M sports ®

w rite r, says “ the peoplo o f the 'U nitod Statos havo vindicated Jack Ddmpaey.’ ’ ™

Pertiaps M f. Turbyvllle ’* perspeetlve " is lim ited only to hls own onviroos. I t m igh t t>e odded tha t the people o f M il- wankee btiv.s vindicated v ic to r Berger.

. Anyway fVom the rtatements emonnt- lag from tho moving pieture d is tric t o f Loa Angeles, where Derripsey is -working on a.screen o ffo r t one wonld auspoct that»the fighter doos not f^e l very much vindicated.

Tliore 's a mighty fitie chance o f a good boxing show l>elng pullod o f f In th is ba iliw ick during the month o f Pebruar>*. l*lan« v e laying' fo r th is event. .............. ......

Tbo manager o f tho Portland club Ut tho P a d fic Const leaguo Is a g lu tton fo r punlslmjont. llo has- signed five leftthonder gltcher# fo r hls o u tfit.

W ord comes from Salt l<ako ih a t B il l Rumlor, the mightiest o f a ll the Coast league alfiggem hist Bcoaon, w ill romp nbout in tho Beea' right fie ld ;in 10S(). B lU. 4ms been offered fa r solo to tho S t. Louis elub but prefers to play in S alt Lake.

Sim Smiley, sagebruah sage* says: "T h e re 's a b t 0 ’ s tu ff the t passes' fo r patience t lie t ’s almon*pure pe trified lar.iness, b ’gosh. ”

B r lt l ih iw r ts fo lt quito confident tha t in Joo Bockett they had a world- bca tlsg scmpper un til Georges Carpon* t ie r snuffed Jou’s llg tit fo r him. Now UtD Britons are looking fo r somebody to f in d n battler who wlU lic k Joe’s conqueror.

N atura lly nnd all, their e.ves are sot toward the land o f the sotting sun.

I Wade K ille fe r, mentor o f the Los Angeles club, says: “ Speed w ill bo tho watchword o f tlie Angola next sea­son.”

W ell, Wmle, aor.iphle hosts nre ex­pected to liave wingB.

Dan (Porky) Plynn, and A rJ le lc h , hoavyweights, ^uive been . T l'mpornrlly barred Irom engujpiig In th o ir profes­sion ill 'th e state o f New .Torsey. F lynn Is sus]>ende<l fo r a period o f one yenr; ^ Relcdi for six months. «

T lic men are- accused oif engaging In I a “ sham’ ' battle, tho Now Jersey box­ing eommlstlon being tlio accusing board.

T liin only goes 16 prove tha t fak ing Sn p r l7.efights is not as h igh ly scionced ns It is in the mat game, fo r whoever heard o f “ rasslers’ ' be ing, disbarred fo r * ‘ Bknmniing!”

A ^ i t e r iri one of the 8 aU Lake pa­pers has It a ll ribbed up fo r us to s ta rt playing a regular Southern Id a lio ,,B ^ - . b a ll loaguo sohedulo on May 20. ^

. Sort o f beatiag our time, since the w r ite r says tho lengue, w ith Ruport, Paul, Burley, Buhl, .roromo and T w in Fa lls w ill compriae the league.

A tho pronent moment prospcet fo r bnsolmll In Tw in Pnlls Is -particu larly obscnred b y a haze o f non-support. Th-s town failed to incet its obligations fo r i»asebal! last year, and haa tnken no. steps toward even making a s ta rt th is ' season. #

T lip contributor to the Snlt Lake pa­per may havo some inform ation no t g iv ^ to the public o f tmeso purlieus.

H ore '.I hoping!

»N SALE 1loa School on Blue Lakes Boulevard

, JAN. 29th00 O 'CLOCK SHARP

the above date seU a ll my personal Ibed as follows:


>013.'.0 . -

300I I da ily, bred, a vory fine fam ily oo'v

,inl) Ko'iruury

EONEaT0 wugon nnd.rack; 2- liuggio.n; K iia iiji *, now; MoCormiok liny rake; now 2 •o noc. harrows; Spring tooth harrow; n lo r; lioan cuttor; 2 «ot» ;:ood heavy ;lo liarneRs: nny "llpH aud Hlings; iron n il /iniall loots au<:h as Turks, shovels, ■

a ifii

uid ill f ir» t rlusH shajio. ««___

iiHc i-oiiHintiiig o f good bod.n comi'lete, sot, .T rookorn, Morris ohair, lib ra ry a uroat ninny largo and Biunli rugn, in1 lurgu hoiiHo a i^ good iiua lity stu ff.

sumft over 410 timo lo > ^v . 1, 1U20, ont di.ioount for rUHli ovor * 10.

SON,.Owner0. A. ROBINSON, Clork

T h e ih n ib f r o m w h l t t t h e 'r r o i« ih > 1n u n a la r tu ro . th y , pe rfom e koow D an - rC M i le , h M ,b e e n 'f o im d . ^ w ln f , « b n i i - r« udanO y. I d . th e : P h U lpp lne*. •, gJJ

B A R Q‘ ■= . V = m

R e a l EI D. B. Adamsft- Co., Beal E ’ build ing form erly ooonpied by i l

in an4 see us. Phone 1296. t Kew modem hona > oated in good reaidenoe distric ; th is , good terms on balance.' Five room .modeni house, j t

cation in north p a rt o f town. $1,000 cash and terms to auit f

1 S ix room modem house on . $4,300. $1,600 cash.

Four room plastered house age and chfoken hbuse, w i ll se cash and terms on balance.

' 80 aores near FilerT has t' ' Ground in high state o f oultivt

a t $ 2 i0 per acre’ and good ten 40 aores, three miles firom

bungalow, good barn, land lay I and good terms.

5 aores near-Washington soh la rge barn, plenty of f ru it.

' balance easy.

D . B ; A D A M S £■ ■ " R C A L E S

t TH (E U N IV E l. -p I The Ford Sedan is

appointm ents,. many

f w ith a ll the econom

^ characterized by Fordn u lar oar among won

meets every social de want, every day o f th i

'* i(ireath0r. B ^na lly usftry , price $776; Ooupi

= $50'0; Touring Car^ $C$660. These prices 1


■ ■”

" " " T "Th e First Bank of T

' - TW IN F A L I

C apita l am $140,0~

F. F. Johnaon, Pres. V

J. M. Maxwell, Cash, ^

.H. L . MaxweU, A

f f ''4 ''tw

" .......... ' [ Ifl -js i l l y t o 1M I « i f l

Lire is too dbqrf to.ntim i( ra it> jf -y ■ ery. B0137'a c rm the low ln^f^ rou may.epend mon tliae; oii t l^ q tW hlU t»p^“ ?bUlIp« . 1

l A I N S

I Estate, now located in the y ih ^ -Qolden Buie slb rti. d b U tt ' I

ouse, w ith deeping.pordh, lo - ' t r ic t. $600 cash h u i ^ /

, ju s t ’ refinishLedi. splendid 16- vn. A good buy a t $3^006.'. l i t pn balance;on Sedo^d Ave. No. Only .

se in east p a rt o f t o ^ ^ g a ^ - .. seU quick a t ta .e& O . - $600:

I tw o sets o f improvements.- tiva tion . AU fenced. .Frloed terms. . ‘m d ty . W ell improved, n ice ’ lays perfect. $400 per acre

school. Has fo u r room hooae,. $3,400. $1,000 oaah And

f i C O M P A N T f ^ rE S T A T E ; ■

' iE R S A L i c A a n

, is a car w ith re fined w

n7 oonvenienees, and M

dmy and aa tiifa c tio a - M

ord oara.' I t if l a pop- Mromen who drive. I t . IH demand, o v e i j faniUy . . IIBthe year regardless o t . IIBuaefnl in c ity o r conn- Mrape, ^6 8 0 ; Bnnabont, ImfSSC; T n u ^ O hauis, l| | | '

9S f. 0 . b. D e tro it. I | l |

I AUTO G O . I118 , IDAHO . . .

1 National rwin FallsLLS , ID AH O

in d Surplus h O O O . 0 0

W . H. Eldridge, Vice-Pres.

W. E. Nixon, Asst.-Oash.

, Assistant Cashier

■ I

Page 4: U '^EP(m 'OP Tgjg^ J / · ; < ,J |'-'' | | f e | | : M a ^ e n s .liy ^ ^ litltt of Bol- : shevlste asTOasph faVCeas- ' ^.ing to


U iBiPLIillllTS'■ ' • • •' . • '■ ' ■ i

f r e n c h L e g a l E x p e r ts t o R e v ie w ’

' 0 ^ 6 ' a rtd R e n e w D e m a n d o n |

. i H o lla n d f o r S u r r e n d e r o f t h e ; I ; F o r m e r G e m ia n K a is e r i

J i l G O ^ A V S ~ A i ^ G IV E N

• M O itE T IM E F O R R E P L Y , !; . . ' ■ Ii; J )

SspresBion o f N ew ly Oreated ' - H a tion ’s A ttitu d e on Propos* jl

ed A d r ia t ic : Settlement iB ' ■f Fa rthe r Delayed ^

" I---- r.’ • „ * ■ ; <PAS1S». Tbe re p ly to tb e •

^Te fa sa l o f th e J h itc b govenunen t I ) to com id ir w i th ' th e de a u a d o f th e • <

_ jf;«lUea fo r tb e n t r r ta d e r o f fo n o p r ,'S m p e ro r W UU aid w m th e f l r a t anb- < j. J e c t 01scassed-tod»7 » t th e I n l t t a l ' : ■ m e e tliig o f tb e ooubcU o f tb e am*I bMmdoTB, cre&ted to c a n y , oa tb e ; ;W tftQ labed routiaiB w o rk o f th a AQ- r 'p te m ^ 'c o tin c U o f th e peace coDfer* ;'«nce , w h lc b d isb an de d U s t w M ic. * . l t w a s de c ide d t b a t t b * Prw jiih ,. le g a l 'e x p e r ts a v a ila b le ahoold %o

In to a n . t t e a^^ects o f t h ^ caM tind pre pa re tb e re p ly , w b lc b p ioT iab ly-

';w U l l ie -s u b m it te d fo r ap p ro va l o f [ ' tb a o b o n c U A a rljr ix e x t w eek.

L e g a l P base F a ra m o m it ’' ; ..TbfdleeuBsion-ia tbe council not

. 'disoloM trend o f opinion among tho ' u o m b m -tn T tb o r'tb a a th a t i t appeared

to- b o . the * v iew th a t tfae lego) phoao o f tho cninstio'n K&4 becomo' tho chief ^ne. . -r Tbo , CQuufi]] woa presidec! ovor !>/ Premier MMlorand, Hugh, 0. "Wallacc, tbe Ameriea.1' ambassador w a i'iiro M h t i r i tb the otber m em bra o f tbo body. A fte r diapoaifig fo r tho Say o f tho er- tnd ltloB -queai'lon tho council dedded to g in i tho repteaentatives o f tho Jngo* alava fou r daya, additional tlm ^ 'to re* p ly regarding tlie promwod compromlM •a tho A d ria tio question, including the

, diaposition o f i'inm e. Thia earrica tho qaeation along u n til Wodnesday.

Polea AntUdpato A ttack V The council receivisd a . lo ite r •-from fitanialaua Patek^'- Poiiah minlatcr o f foreign affa ira, eaUlng attention to>tho

_ p M a ib ility o f a atrong, aggressive move­ment by the Bolahevlki against Poliah tm ito r y and recommonding that a plaiw be': adopted fo r dofoiuiivo ^thcosures. trbe le tter nalced th a t thoti^aaMe* 'be Od)ed io ;th? attention, ;p t jl la w h a l

) The council'a lso hnd boforo i t a noto . ( r o n the Qerman plenipotontiitTlcs rala^

la y certain ^ in ta rcgajgling tho mako- op' o f the oouadary commissions pro- iridad fo r by tho treaty o f ‘Vorsailion. !K o quostiona wore raised by th e Oor- putaa bocause o f the non-ratification o f .the treaty by the Unitod Stntos and 'tbe consequent lack o f American mom- ;bere on tho commisaion aa provided, fo r "by tho peace document. Tho abRonro • f tho Americans also,' raised a ifues- •^ o a ’na to tbe ’ presidency o f the com-

to control tho plebiscite in th o i .Taachen te rrito ry , on the Ceocho-aio- Irak-Polish frontier. I t .w a * pointed out 'th a t tho French member would oot, •pending the qualification o f the Am- :eriean member throngh tho .ja tifica tion • f the part, sliould such action be tak- ;em b y the Unitod .Stntea Rovornmcnt.

Oontlnne. SessloQ ; A t tbo rlosn o f tho morning sowion ’ the council docidcd to hold onothor ;»ee tin f; thin n f ternoon. '\ ’ ■ i...«

. BTOOE HOGS—8TOOE OATXLB 'Wanted slock -hogs .and cattle. 8oe

1 H . 0. Vnn Autdein or J. 8. B usfd l a t Bank nnd T rust Co. adv.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =



....... . .

'lyiiBSWOULOEOOMTE f FOilNllWLIZIlTIONB r i t is h .O o ftl D ig g e ra E n t e r b n

, N a t io n - W id e . , C a m p a ig n A B a c k e d b y 't fe io iH P . a . ': aha

I (^p>~Brillali coal* minera ketnro entering upon ^ nntionvi'ido cam* nn<

. paiffn to ''oducnte*' tho pub lic In tho do ' aohool o f nationaiirAtion. T liey iiro I backcd t y the onlire trndo union move- . ,

mont. A n n iiem pt w i l l bo mnde lo ' » ahbw t l in t stat« owDo'nfhip and eo-op-

orativo nmnagoment o f jmlnoa would benefit itho miner, ttio - eonaumor andtho^publle trooauryj ..............I"*

This propaganda la io 'Sbvclopod * w ith such intensity oa to f<yco tho gov- V i

r ommeat to glvo a do fia lto “ yoa’ ^ or ' l “ no” answer to the question. Then i t , . Iw il l depend upon , tho tenac ity w iUi

I which t io , two sidos stand by, tilioir J iguna u t to whetiier l i gonoml olctioh

• . w i l l bo fought ou t w itih nationalization I ‘ aa the iattio. • . . . - ■‘"T pe

» Aaide from the dispute between rail- w v ®on and tho' govommont ovor .' wages, proapoeta o f induatrla l pence in Orottt B rita in ore Togardod b y tho gov- ammont and tho tnu lo nnionista as bri(( 'tlian n t nny tim o uince tho

■ eonclualon o f tl>o war.Govoramont and labtfr Ioadora fore- on

coat A period o f serenity nnd ineronsed prOduf.Uon for wliich tlidy hnvo b n g bii ilcn>ic<l na tho firs t rsscntlAl in rc-os- pi: tabllslilnf; tlio country on a firm cco> kc nomio basis. oji

SovcriU 'thouAand mouldoni have ho booii on fltriko fo r 13 vroL'ks,. but it- is isi dwslarcd a larg»s num ber'o f them bavo to ontorfd other omployincnt. j j

s o y ^ J t a u B s iA 8t e o n o ” "ENOPQH .T O n O H T WORLD

, (Coatianod from Pago Ono)

,k o n 'e ffo rts o t others, or wore' connoctod . w ith tho old regime.

' ‘ Any naoful a c tiv ity i» work, fiol- , entiflo rcscaroh, inquiries, o r w ritin jr. ijf a ll of tihat ia cons ido r^ w o rk .”

U lllq o lt Lagal S ireetar / MirUfaa p^oHueei a lis t, o f some 3<T ^ 6, employooa o f tho a o ^o t bdroau In No#It York. M ost o f them wera aoeurcdj he *n

aaid, Hirougb M orris H illq u it , named os ^ c- “ director o f tho legoK. dopartm ent’ ' ^ d Funds to aupport tbo oatnbllahmcui

eamo fro m BuBsiiL bo addod, placing y. tAie payroll at «12(kl a wook and totai ^ cxpcnsca .at aa»ut $2500.0 week. . ®0 “ Any o f tha t raised in tho U n itc l g S to to s t" asked Senator Borah.

“ N ono", Mnrtcna answered, adding th o t i t cnno b y courier io Swodiah or

F innim poper money, “ no go 'ld ." f '• ■' ■ ■ ' ■ »1'

1 J ^ e a t h s j;1. . . . “ T .

^ Tiie funeral o f R. Grubba,-whn diod •Iw if FV ifliiy -'n tthe horo*-of M b dnugir. tor. WM held a t the De W itt chnpol th:*

' morning. The Kcv. A . Q. Bennett, o f ' the H ra t Mefhodisi- rhureh o ffic ia ted .■ Burial was in Twin Pnlls comotory.

Tho famed bnrjirs o f ancient Babylon wore probably tow dry things comparod

J w ith tho beat o f oar modern atoroa.Oet h fltto r acquainted w itb our present­

ly day "b a n a rs ." Read the ir ads.

8. THB E N SIG N . KEM BD IES-1>. 0.Obyatein,'3CO T liird 'A v e . N .— Adv. '

10 . . . . —a- ____________________________It I----- -t, . .

A L A N D S .t-

1 6 0 a c re s , 3 1 - 4 m ile s f r o t

in o f s a m e i n c lo v e r a n d a l f a l f a .ar

b a rn . F 9 r q u ic k s o le — $ 2 7 6

LE T S C H & \at ''T. 1 ■ — » *


TCH*««WFor Our Annual

h - S c

T b d i s y i l ^ r k e t s

I L — >- T . . ------- < atc(

N n r T o rk Exchange ' t<»;NKW. YORK, (;P)—fitecis, motors and to

^ oiis n t groHs ^ n a o f 2 to- 10 points 0.7> featured today's broodor atock mnr- Ktoi

' ket. Bales approilmoted 820,000 to ahflrca. HighoBt qiioUUona woro r^- J corded, in thci active lost hour, the mar* pdi ket ignoring n ton.per cont #»onoy rule cor

I- and tho fu rthe r break in exchange. The' ilfot0 cloxing wns atrong. cot

L ib e rty Bonds.• NKW YORK, ( ff)—P iltM o t L ib o tly I

, bonda a t 2:55 p. m. fodoy wore: 3 1-2's ma 1,1 toa.OO; f irs t 4 'ft »01.(!0; ..soeond - 4 ’a bn

«00.70; firat- 4 1-4'a *02.20: aocond 4 . 1-4’s *91.02; th ird 4 1-4's *03.50; fou rth 15.

4 l- 4 ’s^*01.44; V ic to ry 3 3-4's *08-38; *11 V. V ictory 4 3-4ia^08.3Q. to>r Oralzu and Pcovisloxui *“ ClttCAQO, Cold wove foroeasta

tbi^thoT wltl» n ehaip upturn in , ,bog j, vflluea had- a atVcngthonlng effect on gg

I® the corn market today. Tho January ^ delivery was tb»-most sonsitlvo to buy. 5^

[|. lng« and was carriod to a new top price fo r the soason.. Complaints o f car |

Iq scarcity continued. Opening quota- If. tlons, which ,vaHbd from' the snme na on I , Saturday’s fin isb to 1 3-4 higher, w ith *

May *1.30 to 1.30 3-8 and Ju ly *1.33 1-4 to 1.33 1-C, were followed by mod- ^

y. erato reaction.,d Later, owing to nbsonco o f nggrosqlvo ig buying and to roportu o f a botter sup- s- p ly of cara in .some sections, tho mar- cn D* kot cased down, cspccinlly tho May cc

and Ju ly dollvorlea. Priccs closed or< I'c hoi^vy a t tho aamo as yesterday's fin - es is ish to 3-4c lower, w ith May *1.3.^ 1*4 sti vt> to M.ari and Ju ly *1.32 3-8 to

*1.32 1-2.AlthoHfjh du ll, oots wero firm w ilh di

iwrn. A fte r opening unchangod to l-4c ge jD higher, including May nt 83 83 cr

1-L*, tho markol held o t obotit th ( ^ n i- ]k tin l figures. bl

■ . I ’ rovlalons n t f irs t reflected tho strength o f hogs and grain. Lntor, a eng took placo as a roault o f scattctod r i

1 ■ selling. toOaab Quotations to

CHICAGO, { ^ - ^ o m f JJo. 2 mixed not-quoted; No. 3 mixed *1.51 to *1.S3;

® No. a yellow not quoted; No. 3 yellow *1..’’>2 to *l.5fl.

'‘® '^ a ts —No. 2 whito 88 1-4 to 88*l-2c; 'ci ?r No. 3 white 87 1-4 to 88 3-4c. t t

Byfr—No. 2, *1.07. viBorlo.v—*1.38 to *1.50. in

“♦[ Timothy seed—*10.50 to JH-.-jO. ip 'f Clover seed—*45.00*to '*58.00. c(g j Pork—Nom inal.’

Lard—*23.40 to *23.50.Jg Bibfr-*1D.25 to *20.00..^ or Chicago Livestock

CHICAQO, (;P)— nog rocelp‘ 8 »7,l»U0; alow, S5c higher; hulk *15.60 to lo.OO; top *10; henvy *15.40. to l.-J.gS; llRht *15.05 to 10; heavy packing sown, ss smooth *l-i.R5 to 15.25; ]>ackin^ nowH, g

I W U T E R & S H U r ad.

AU C TIO N EER Son Satisfied patrons te s tify to our oJ efficiency.

i t - Sales dates may be made a t Newa Office. Call us a t our expooae a t Filer.

} B A R G A INfrom K im berly ; a'Jarge portion klfa, fon r room .honse and small 276 per aore.




TOUgli,*14.25 to / l4 . f lf l; p igs *13.73 :to, T 34.23y:'-;'*.'‘. . -■• Cattle, rereipta' 10,000; atrong; I w f

ateers, m'odiurn and heavy w e ig h t choice and firltiiD *10.65 to 18.50; common *().50 ti th 11.75;JicirerR*R.75 to 14; cows *6.75 t< to 12.75(rc^>ncrs and cutters *5:50 to ai 0.75; vcM calves «17..';Q tu 10.25; feeder e KtocrB'*8 to 12.35; slockcr steers *7.50 ] to 11. . • ' V

Shcop receipta - 8,000; . lambs, 84 « pounds down *10 to 20.85; - culls and common *15.50 to 18.50; owiis, metiium, ^odd and choice *10.50 to 13; culls and common *0.50<to 10. ' ,

Omaha live s to ck OMAUA, tC M ip ti 12.0.W;

market 20 to 30c h igher; top *15.15; bn lk *15.20 to 15.35; hcnvy w d ;ib t *15.25 to 16.4S;'llgbt weight *15.l'0 lo 15.35; heavy packing sows, smooth *15.15 to 15.25; packing sows, rough 915 to 18.15; pigs *12 ’ to 14.25.

Cattlo receipts 9,000; k illin g irlnss^s strong-to 25c higher; feeders';ritroii^; beef steers, medinm- henvv #-3i)(ht, choice and pribse * 1 0 t o > Z ^ ; eommoa *0;S0 to 17; holfers *7.25 to n .L ' i ; cows *5.50, to 7; venl calves *18.50 to 15; feeder steers *8 to 14; atocker atevrs *7.50 to 11.75.

Sheep recolj;>ts 500; m afkot .25c high* er; lambs, 84 pounds'down *18.7»V ta 20.35; culls and common *14.50 to 28; yearling wethers *14.75 to 17.50; uwos, medium ond ehotee *10t2S to IS ; <'>1)18 and'common *5.25 Id . 10.25. - < '*

Obleago Prodoce CHICAGO, -B utte r easier;

creamery 53 to 64e; eg&s oasit'^r; re­ceipta 4,B6« cases; firs ts 04 1-2 to C5e; ordinary TirRtn 51 to 61c; a t mark, cas­es included .'>0 to 04c; poultry dlivo steady; spr|jiga,30e; jfowls 33c.

> K a u s a r d ty Produce-KANSAS' C ITV, <?P ^B utte r un-

1 chnngcd; extras 50 to flOc; firs ts 5flo;: seconds 5tu; packing 41c; eggs 5o high- ) er, per rase *18.30; pou ltry unchnngod;' hens 27 to 31c,- toostcrs '15 to 24c;

broiler’s 31c.R ‘ PotatoesX CIITOAOO, (JP)— PototoeH alow; ar- 1 riva ls 60 ears; Norti^crn Whiten M 7

to 4.80j Western Rusncts, jobhlnR S'-’ SO to 6. •

1 -------- r — ---------------; W ABBIO B A O A IN S T V A Q tri L- MSBTS O n A T E IN BONOBA

, NOGALES, A riz ., (ff)— XidiolnB Onr ; d a , d cattleman o f uex lco , who fot

tiirce years had wogod a cnjiipnign of vongoonco agndnst tho Yaqui IndiniH in Sonora, was k illed tndny iit Ti-ror- ipa, Sonora, according to i i report re eeived here.


Joha J. Ponihing o rrived horo todny foi . a nxteen 'hour v ia it, during which thi'I exereise o f h is o f f ic ia l du tioa in tn be I intOTBporsod w ith , p u b lic events.

f i i i f f i i i i in f i i i in iM

m m


20 Cute CojCost l i t t le here

“ A n o th

BOOTIm m m m m m m m

> TOBSION IpCOHANOE B ATBS * doB B A ^ N B W 1.6W L f iV B tS 14

r NEW T O B K ,;( /^ R u te p o ti P riheh, tw ! Ita lian and'Oetmnu exchange dropped w« ) k)W levels in the local markat i today.' /Demand h ills oit th t; pound *3> sterling wero quoted u l j^;00, o f f 2 -12 dr r cents ftom ^ tu rd a y 'e dow .and 1 *4 ' i f In0 ic above tho record low. J^rane'ebec^.a or

wero quoted nt the rote o f 1^.27 fp r the M

1 • „ ----------- -------- l Z,, [— r — — ‘ :

F 0 R 8 A .i; .,'.1. .

it ' ■ A f e w n i c e 1

' G a r d e n H o m <

;; L E T S C H & W IL Lt l ,IIIrs ” ■■■ ■ -■■■■"' ' ' '*” ' i- . i" ■S; I I l l , ' .......... .rs B i B B H i H l i H H H I i n i M i H H B i

r • , ^ B 1Is ■

= LEAPk'O . '

B Ac;


T h e T H>r-

: LAVERINGhi*be •


I JI4.?5"r : .......e^ GROURII . R

I $22.50^ t e r Cl

w a l k

w i t h t

i n a b l e

T h e n

O ROIJPIII ^ e a s o i

$32.50 =a r e o f

I T h e f c

1 v a i l :

a ^ ts fo r K id d ie s■e; s i z e s 5 , ^ . . . . .

h e r P a c k a g e f r o m B


dollarraBd’.-tho, c h e ^ ,a t . t j ip - ia t t ; o f ^1 14.42. The lOonaao'. ih a rk ; vWorUT i)e« . ’ ' ^, tween 23 'ond '24 eeBU:be'ft>'re i t i r ■war, . .I woa quoted today. a^lJ0« -iM Q l*.fJ :' V j

D em and^ a te r lln g Jatei'-' ’dA>ppod' ^o I *3 .50 1-4, a- now ! 0w | ' ' I V a a ^ '4h o ^ B ! d ro p p M fIva .ce n tlB U [» ;.'firb m .:th e open- I- ln g qnota tlona t o a 'M W , lo w - 1 2 A 3 ,) and Uro checka.wontVdown to 14?U. s Marka. dacliaed to 1.02 .cent*>\^ -

tA LE -

s l o t s l e f t i n

m e s A d d i t i o n

LL I AMS. O ivnen

I G ■ J V

J J Lf, JA N . 2 7E S B U Y IC K E t S

iPAm ioii

All ' ■ /omeii’ s

COATSM ic e f!I wom an w ho has w a it - ; i l l now to b u y a w in -

coat w i l l c e r ta in ly ^k o u t o f th is s to re ~i th e best va lu e im a g - ole.■ newest s ty les 6 f th e son, the m ost p o p u la r irs a re included, w h ile rics and w o rk m a n s h ip ' o f the best sort. . • "‘ fo llow ing - prices p re -

•$2.95B ooth ’s ”


Page 5: U '^EP(m 'OP Tgjg^ J / · ; < ,J |'-'' | | f e | | : M a ^ e n s .liy ^ ^ litltt of Bol- : shevlste asTOasph faVCeas- ' ^.ing to

' RIIDQMiiES SHOiEiilfi s i s i p i

D is ^s s e d Steamers Scatterei Over North Atlantic Repor

' Damaging Effects of Stormi During Weel< . '

BOSTON, M u i , W )_ T h o tx lc n l t whieh Btorma ppsot abipiiinf; durln tho lost weok was fu rthe r ovidenca

In radio messAKcs from d iitrcs . ' . eft^toamorB M Attered'over the-X ort

A tlan tic . ..T ho West Corutn announced that »1i

f blod, bu t cxpoctcd .for ropoira tomorrow, andifll 0, w ith her propellor strlp>><i , Bont word' ahd was ffb in / I :a to bo re fitted , koloosa pu t in liero ro{tortiti

from the outer harbor tin •ing- opparatuB wan itanm;;c o il a lm ott gone.

V / Tha West la le ta wit-oleaaed lhat nl ^ ■' would arrive hoto tomorrow ^o r. j* • paira. •;

' Tho Clftriton, which is towiutf tl disabled ateamor B u ffa lo Bridffft, mi! Bho w a i having heavy going w ith hi tow 390 miles o f f H a lifax , and t l A lr llo , whieh hos been in tow, disable aovoral Jays, roportcd sho wns boi' buf/etod by s t i f f gales.


H A L IF A X , N. S., WP>—Tlio diiiabl. army tm nB po rt Powhatan, which h: been a d r if t ' sinco Saturday 100 mil from th is port, ia tow, aceor ing to 'wireless advieos reccivod he today. Two American, tuga are l>rin ing her to th is port.' Tho sh ip ’s cxact longltudo won n

« to tod ,'bu t aho is erpectcd to rcai hero ton ight./


SAN FRANCISCO, ( ff)—Tlio stWi er China o f tho China M a il Bteamah company, which went ashore fivo mil from Nagasaki, Japan, last week, h b«o& lioatod and w il l bo dr7 doc}cod Nagasaki fo r repairs, acconling to enble receivoil by tho Oiamber of Coi mercfl hore today.

; SHflBTMiciTED INWOniD WHEAT n^ In te rna tio na l InsUtQle o<i-AgT

■ cnltnre Foreoaata Yields of N e x t Season

f lO M K . In ' i tB Im lln t in fo r .In iw ry tho In to rn n tio n n l TnittUutn o f A r in u ltu re says th o p ro spe c tive y ie ld th « now w lie a t orop In A iiB tm lin w Ih> '12.000,000 qu intn lH tu;auMt. 22,00' 000 qu in tn ln In irt y rn r . B u t i t is po it ed o u t th a t A m tra iia - possemeii fitop o f w he n t fro m prev ionn • ha rvo i a m o u n tiiic to IS.OOO.QOO qu in ta in . No m a l y r a r ly rom m m p tion in A u s tra lia 10.000,000 qu in ta ls . ‘ T

T ho area under w hc« \ ru lt iv a t io n A rg e n lin n iu d irn le * a derrooflp o f p« r cen t a« comp.ari'd ' w ith prev io years. A rg i'n tin n nino linn a rons id i ab ln Tom aindor fro m prev ious wlip rro pn in Kloi-k and prorenH o f yhlnm rt

B« 'gnrdtng thi< a u tu m n sow i^ig fo r i 3020 w tioa t f t r t p 'o f the no rthe rn hem ph&rc, the b u lle tin xnyn th e mont ii fa b le fe a tu re jh th i* la rge dccn>a*e

. th e idti’.a under wh«*at and rye in Amp: ca a m o un ting to 2.1 pe r eeut rom par' w ith lf>lf>. TJie rond itJon o f the wlie

t nm i ry e crops iu l>ori*mhor 1010 wa b o u t uorm nl.

A u tu m n Mowinj;* o f w heal u n ' i po rted fn vo ra h lo iu ItJ ily , .Tnpiin ni Stort)Pfio, w h ilo in Q rc a l B r i t ^ i i lu B e lg ium ttie ou tlo o k in ah ou t tl ie av( njjt*. O w ing l<> t l ie «e%-i're i l ro u ll i tho e iir ly n u tu m n .o n ly "J.’t per I’ l-nt (lhe lutuai w lio iit a rea «-ni» sown in l i m ilB iii ; i t t^ ii' enti o f lf>!9.

D ENIES ALLEOATXON8l)enyin)» nlmoHt eve ry n lle gn tio ti

momL'nt rnu tn in ed in the coniplut V. lodged by tiix w ife C harles L . H icKfo

jillegoB t l in l t l ie fo rm e r, A d d ie L . H Ip fo r f f , !a lu»auely jea lous, O Y fr-bc iirir n a gg ing , has nn ungovernab le tempi ia n o ({ lf ‘; t f u l t . r the f i im i ly good and o f a fauU d lspo iiluo i). A "

- eoun lerThargoB arc eontniiieda r ro n n c o m jiln in l and nnnwcr ti> 1 w i f e ’s p e tit io n fo r ’ d ivon-e . He nn r iif lto d y o f tho th re e ch ild n - ii nciil a ■ v»roe.

B O IL D lM o P E E M II 'A )»it1<1lng p e rm it hns hpeii ifi'-.ui'd

.Iu*ii>!i I 'lt i^ge rik lil fo r th o e ro c tiiin ol ♦•'OOO roftldcnee in l i ly e Laken [i<liliti<

l l ’ ynn arc a U U lo un ce rta in A\)Out ’Teail tlie nds.

f l E x p e r t

B a t t e r y a n d

I g n i t i o n

S e r v i c e

b a tie rjr Charging and .W in te r Storage ^

Autom otive Bleotrioai 4peola liflU> EXIDE SERVICE flTATION

D . C . w m O N C O .- H n t w T M o f l l a —

Tw i* Falls. Mati*

T W I N D A I L l

• F lood o f jbdm tiona ;I ' Meets Requiretheitts J. o f Fam ilies in Needr Response to Annonncament -of i D estitu tion Speedy and I P Abundant ^I n D o n a tio n s on a se«I« v t i le h vU oe I W an y qu aa tlon o f p re w n t D Aeds.ln

abeyance ha ve been i ^ T d ^ , and •a J th e ir , re c e ip t U g rU e fO U r w k o o irU r e u b y th » T w ia F a llB ' B o < ^

W e lfa re tM o e t& tlo n . fo r 'ttae in ^ cases o f th e tw o jfain lUes s tand ing

m s I n need o f he lp ..w bO M c u e s w ere:, anncpnced o a S a tu rd a y . T h e re>

qpODM -waa Ixu sed la te and abend-' a a t an d b y 'm e a n a o f . t h e aaalst*

t to •« Q O lcU y ' E lTen th e twQr in s f u n l l l e f a te .ram ore d f ro m im m e- .

d ia t * w a n t and th e lr - w e lfa re a»- rcu - •n re d . f o r th e preeent a t an y ra t* . . . ,K T h ro u g h tJ ie 'cou rteay o f th a c oo n ' ,

ty com m lflB loaen and D r. vr, ■ B.- Su iU van o f tb a f e d e r t 'borea^t o f

*'2- ^ a n im a l hoabandry.- o f f io e s p M * f o r .■ ' t h i r u s o c U t lo x t lM b e e n v io v id e d lB -

D r. B u lU va n ’a o f f lo * va t « i * c o t ir t houae aa d on . a n d a f t e r ’I 'e h ra a ry

^ 2 re g u la r o f f le e h o n s W lU iM m ain­ta in e d th e re i h y . t h * ' ' aaaodatlon . AU do na tion a .o f a n y k in d a i y be l o f t a t . t h e 'o f f lc * f o r general use

ii;!cd thoM r;M .'*ln |c ''-B aeh donationaim a r n p w > M t possiblet iw . W a g tb e _ M ff^ .

• i' S RltoreiTOoiug • ' ' —

In S u it Againat Oanal Company C laim is-JSade o f 66,000

:ow Ille ga l Votes

hQg In tho d ia tric t court an amc'ndpil pe- nllcH Frank De Khiir.•ord- othora asking a review by thu rourt hero ^ roccnt olcetion held i)y Htockliold- ring- Tw iu Falls Cannl company.

The pe tition nlso rteekH tu cn.joiii tli> not ‘ ii'ructora eloeteil on (he oecniu'iin in

each <|<i<^"tion, from funptioning as pxecu- tiven in elinrgo u f tlto civnai eoniiuiny's l>uttincBS. ' -

Tho new elnim in that .'3.'),000 illegal ifRTt votes wore cast fo r Mcssre. Barker,

Brown, Lincoln and Kennedy. The fol- iS iio •""■‘“ Jf named persons nre ’ m-niwd in _ i i„ , the amended complaint of enwting prnxv

votes illega lly :J . A . Herman Anderson, M. K .\lbert, . 1*. O. Botliune, Uuhl Townsite company, r. Edward Brown, George A. Kurgy, i i .

C. C o ffin , Colwell.and Rpnrgur, Lemuel J,'oomi>ei, K, L. Katon, Bvimn Si .lohnM>n, K ilu r To^’uaite CompJiny, K II. Fletch­er, W. M. Frizellp. L . .1. Oreeiiwalt*. Ste!- In lltt ig h t, John Hovenden. C. J. Ilahn, M rs. O. H . Hanson, Oeorge K. Harlan, IP T Ivan H a rtn l, Je«8o C. Harris, Ed Hob- In l son, Fred B. H ill, K. B, Howard, Jonies A . Howard, Jacob Kohntopp, K. A. i^au-

, doo, T . A . Lark, M ary A. L illy , E.'Mou- gri* ner, 'W. 8. MeCormirk, K-. C. MUner, j f A. A. M ilner, It. i ’. Moore, T. V. ,Mc-

Frang, Thomas and M arv Nicholson, \V. F. Norris, \V. U Norris, Thron (Jlso i. C. S. Peek, R. I ’hileo, (’ reed Riithcrfor*!, Gail Scliroppel, A. Clinton Smith, Harrv

, Ag- Rmith, I». H. Smith, H. H. Steyer, R M. J'* Hommer, T w in Falls Lnnd & Wnter eoni-

pilnv, B. Williams, A. D. Wilson, JameK ' T * ' Wilson, L illia n WilkiiiBon, C ilv o f Huh.,lopkV„ Tho ucw complaint was filed nt theXor- Jud^e W. A. Bnlirock, whoj j j held thn t tho orig ina l b ill o f jiarticulars

did not s^ato dofin ito facts.

O f i C H R i l f i E ' s O B G l Z r a STEPSemis- < _ ■ “ T

no- Pre lim innry step* were tnkcn, Instle in S,i,lurdfvy nftemoon fo r the formationmpri- o f n eonnty h o rliru ltu n il sopiety. Thei(iro<l plnn^ to innke the loenl institu lion .in^ipat n ff ilin ie o f Ihe slnle hortiru ltu ro-

wnK eielv. ' .The fQlowing were nnnied nn n com-'

re m ilti-e lo.prepnrp bylaws ;iinl a eon-and i l itu lio n . lo he presented nt the nexiftjid n’ oe iiiig : fir iin v llle lln iif l i t , Kenvon

aver- Cri'en. .f. A. Waters, T. ncorgc Hislop.II in The S jitiird iiy gnlhering wns hpld in i t '<f I 'lir is li l i i il l. The next session w ill li.-

Uu in till* fiirm huremi office uexi- Sntiir- ■liiy. .1. A .'W aters, it Is nnnou’nceil. hji;i ln-i'ii luiiile one .of the iiortipulfnrnl in- speetors fo r thin d is lrie l.

o f -----------1— ----------------luint ' ' s:ford I 1 « \ i . 1 ^ 1

Iiiper, J — — ’:»d i»M c f Bom —To M r. ;ind Mrs. F.lgar II. •d ili Olmsteud c f Twin Fulls, Smuliiy nicirti' t his ing, .lanuary 2-'i, ii g irj.

r,\i- 's T E p H A jn s i^TrilliV 1,. Hti-iilinn, |>rf>8i*cutiiig attor

nev. i!< t<'''|H\Vli'il i l l of grippe at hi iiiiini-. \ l i ir in g lii^t ,‘ i hsonee from tli<

c-d lo offu-e .Mtorney K. M. Wolf.« ]» .,rtin , of -i V(>untv iiMiHfpiilor. ^

iti.ul, ■ - - • — ■ —I.ouk to tho ads for ligh t on you

lu t i t , buying problcinH.

7 IIk GEMchaMA Prisma Natura

W o n d e r Scenic., . !EW

[L Y N E W S , IT W IN P A L L !


■ E nters o n H ^ o a n • E z p e d l t iq n o« T a k in g P r « o a n t i6 n A g a in s t J ; O a a i t ib a la ;

S { NEW X O B K , Cff*)— Muatard gaa nnd be maehiao guna iire to be oaod by Captain 02 H arry d« .W lndt, an English oxploror, n - - agMnet tbe.pois'oaod arrows o f a tribo r ^ ' deeerilMd. «a “ w h ito cannibals” ou u l.' T iburon la land, on the P ^ l f io coast, he

annbodced hero ioday. Captain de mr W lndt eaid bo would leave Now York

(b a few ^ays to load an oxpoditbn of I* . ' six c iv ilians nnd ttiroe'acore Mexican t«. soldlora to 'the Island. Tiburon ia aaid m . t6 hon’« rich dcpodta o f pKchblcndc, B,. ■ from whieSi radium is rooile. o f - Tho island ia about 40 milea fEpin fo r '. - Onaymns, Mexico, whieh, in turn, 's, ia : x)nlv*about 4S houra by ra il from Coro- a t ^ 1 0 Boiich, Cal. The inhnbitunta are tiy . said to be tlcacondnn-ts o f Dutch, Swod- in . ■ ish, and Qerman priaoDcrs who vscnpcd on. from Moxicau prisons several cc.nturios be ago. Of. sixteen poraons known to hnvo ise viaited the island in tho |Kuit fow yenrs, >nsi in parties o f two and t<Iiree, only nine hie nre suid to h^ive rt'tum ed alive, Ihe oth-

.. ers fa lling vTrtfims to the flaxen-haired, I'lue-oyod, " w h ite Ind iia is,” ua the Mexican pi>on» eiill thou.

V F o u r,. miles from thu Mexican consKi'"said M r. <Io' W idnt, ‘ .‘ Tiburou

f )T 7 accosible; Vaqui ladiunn, whoI I1 1 liu - on the muirilund, call Tihuron the

Mslnnd of-D<*jvUr,’ fb r tho reason that nny person who hinds ou i t is sliot by

)a,Qy i>olHaued darta nnd >tlioa eaton by thii A natives. The cannibala, in addition lo ^ brt»™ and arrows, u w nn ancient b lun­

derbuss. They are. aiiid to uumber from 500 to 'J.OOO iM>ra«ms.:

,1 .,p. “ BealileB m yself, tho expe<lilion I Klutz consist o f ‘ Mackenr.iecourt Grieve, tho cmnpanioa o f Harry Unw- liold- when ho' fe ll during his attempted

triuugttlnntic f l ig h t ; nn expert radiiyii J ,l' ; m iaitig engineer, an o ipe rt coppur miu-

ig engiuin'r; A n ton Gibbon, nephew of _ Prosidont Cnrranwi o f Mexico, in wI iobo

name Ihe conecHsion perm itting the ex- jilom tio ii o f bho islnnil - was issued; a

,. , man soni'ant iim l s ix ty Mexican sol iH'KOl auigned lo Uio party hy tho Mex

ican government. I imngiiip the seareh- ! ■ 1 ings j)U the island w ill coMsnmo nbout ” three or fou r months.”

troxv I -

i - l G T i y i T Y O F B I l N f l l T S


StPl- ----------lahn, Ck>nzales P o in ts t o R e c o rd o f ‘h S ’ M o n th s W i th o u tnnws D is tu rb a n c e sLan- ------—Men- ME.KICO C ITV , (iP)—T)e«palchcaUner, <w w 4traepaa -ta li tW Weath, wkijo

Mc- att<u-king tho Topeuhiia rnnch, o f .Te-n, W. Cnntor.i, regardeii ns one o f thoJl'so I ruthlcM bandits in the Mirhonenn-rfordi region. Most o f Clntora’s fol-

lowers, tognther w ith another rebeli,j lender, Oordiano Goiisaler, ure said io

eom- surrendered,fames • soundedliu lii Genera! Pabln Oonrjiles,

’ ojHTating in the o il regions, who say*. .. , that fu r more than tn-o montlis, owin^

to iJie vigilunpo o f governineiit forces.: V*'" the i ’elne;: rebels have attacked ueitJier• o il eanips nor o il eompnny piiynuutters. He reports t.hnt the rebel chief, Pedr.i

Mewi, hns surendered, togi’ lher w ith fiO followers. He operated alon^ Kie liaiiks o f the i'niiui-o.

r p C a E N A T E 'rA V O R S

^ (Continued from Pngo Ono)

, last y ,,„. „ f influenr.a reported to-'biy nunihcr»‘<l l.OSS, an rompared to last F riday 's liig h mark o f 2,230. Non-

*” •’ *’ I'.nses o f pneumonia totaled 220 durini; ' the ]iii»t tw enty-four hours, ng-.iinst :i2l

. last Fridrty. 'v eom- Dimfhs from in flu cn rji toda,v num-

hc-red 00 nnd from pneumonia, C.1, whi;c nexi ,|||, ,i,.„ths from nil causes werfis l” " day


I V.iu K A N 8A 8 C ITV , Mo.,.(;p)—In flue iir.III in- deaths .ill ivaunas <Mty'yesterday num

bered twenty-one, the bnn-au o f vitn s ta lis lirs announriHi today. K ighty sis jiew cases were reported.

• * *1 ■

J " " N O TA m e rica n L t

\ mceling o f the Twin l-'alln i -ittor evi-ry member pn-ncnl, w ill bo he[ ],[| ing, Januiiyy 17, nt 8 p. m.

|h ‘’ A quentuin o f unusual interestiipting 'upon whieh i l is hopp'l to secure

Kalis INist.


M Theater J"SRAV • ‘THi

A S ix -p a rt Pro<icrcfion

iral tdlor A.O\' . - ■ . ( Sf

£ v ^ in g s s ix V c lo c lt Q u i l i l y F o li

,L S ,iD A H O . M O N D A Y , J

l i l T W i i S JA irH iD lpn T ry Qrandinother’s Old Pavor

ite Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur

i»nd Almost ovoryono knowB .that 8a( A in Tea and Sulphur, ])roporly compoum ror, cd, brings back the natural color at ^ibo iustro to tho hair when faded, streakt ou or gray. Yoars ago tho only way to gi

r ho this m ixture wna to mako i t a t hom dc -which ia mussy and troublesome. No^

ork adays,Tt)y aaking nt any drug store f I o f “ W yeth ’s Sago hnd Sulphur Cot

pound,” you w ill got u largo bo ttlo - *'Y tbia famous old rccipc, improvod by tl

addition o f o thw ingredients, a t small cost..

.Don’ t stay g rayl T ry i t i No oi ’ can' posBibly te llM h a t ynu dark-sn'

‘ your hair, as i t does i t go natural and evouly. Vou dampen' a sponge

ueii bruBh w ith i t and draw t lrios tak ing one ami-y , strand at h time; by momlng tho gn

hair disappears, and a fte r another u line or your ha ir hocoih3{},. bcautifuUy dark, glossy and attrautiv

the' ' IJO N B S B aE B OSTS AW ARDTho ju ry in thu A. S. Lionbcrgcr a

cnn tion against W. B. Smith, broughtiron set aaido a deed on tho ground th a t t!ivho lund in ciucstlon wua sold through mithe roproflontatlon, g ^n to d Uio p la in ti

Lhat judgment fo r $1,21^ as . ------------ V - -----------thvi ♦:-------------------------------------------------------

S ,° ■ AMUSEMENTSrom ____________________________________

‘ GEM—Charlos Bay in “ Tlio Coward Also a B illy Rhodes cinliody “ B

......I Couldn’t Grow* and a Prisma N ntiiicolor sconic.

OBPH EU M -Zano G rey’s story “ T r y f Border {Legion” , starring Blanc :ioBc Bates and Hobart BoswortJi. ex- IDAHO — V iv ia ti M artin in “ Tho l lo i

1; a Town G ir l” , also 6ennott comoi so l “ S tar Boarder.”le x -------------- - ' 'reh- .................................................—

■ '( 2 , l < S - i S ' S i f i e A

(TOO L A T E FOB O U lS S in b A T IO I

, - n W ANTED—P iling ^ i n e t , le tl | . ^ size. Addrc«a E. L . caro o f News.

ID AH O OBOWN: P ru lt, shhde, a ornamental trees, roses, flbw erl

o f shrubB, nnd Mrenuials can bo obtain . ot;1y at K im borly Numories, K im bcr t Twin Pulla county, Idaho. CompU

landscape servifco department. Catalog free on request. Phono .SSR2.

',1'. " FOR SALE—200 aeres under th e 's ^ b o ^ - ® O r f i r « R r t V e il,^ ra b b it fen<

price *10,000; terms.enti- .FOR SAIjE—Four touritig car in i

ccllont condition. Miono .324W' or C03 obcl ■1 ;n LOST—New truck chain, Reward i

return lo >fyo Brothers.I

lie *. ■\VANTED— Fow chcnp aere« on R<i savH Crcok. Box 112R.

FOR SALE— Modern house, 3 roo tiic r bath. Cheap for quick sale. C ters.

FOR R A L F ^M u Io r conl range, f ', ,1." i l ot r.lO 4th Avo. N., or Phono 087-]

FOR T B A P l- ;^ ~ f i ir o 8 acr^ In w ith fiuc a room liungaluw, close and very desirable fo r beets. W lake good modern honse Lu city.

____ c|uire Don Lyman,. 1-J3 Main E., op]site Booth’s Htore. t o - _________________________________

I TOK TRADE — Ili.pmoljiU-, aim, . T new, on residoncc proper! v. Dou 1

''.'“ R man, 143 Main K.

FOR HALF)— 80 acres fino Bmoi tuni- Innd, no rock or coulics, good bn .-hi;e fa ir house. Ouly 1-2 mile to s ta li rtrero Very dcsirabli- fo r beots. Prieo

jier aere. Only $.1,()C0 cash, balai >2,000 yearly. You can soon pay ■ w ith beets al ♦!.' per ton. W rite i Uox 228, Tw in Falls, I.iaho.

eiizii ■ ■Hum LOST—Katurriay evening, gold w-a v itn l w ith leather case oml fob. Leave V six I Ameriean Klc'cfrip Co. and receive


T U C E !Legion MemheYdIIh l ‘<, nt which It is de.sired lo lilive J held ut the HIks i-luh ou Tiics.lay evcu-

■resl Iind iui]>orfnnrp has nri-<Pti suildenly, lire tho views o f c vc ir meailier o f Tw in

oday'and Tomorrow D a y s P n i y _____________ ■


Ojlly Rhodes GemeifyS fie co u ld n 'cg ro W

F o lo p U ys -

, J A N . 26,1920 : JV y [k f l FOOH, JOFPBB n n A ^ i \ .IU ' ON rS B N O H WAB.. OOUNO^I I . PAB'18, (AO-^Marshnls'Foch.iJoifVri

I I I and iP e ta ii\ and M ajor Genorat',Butil 11 / eb ivf a ta ffim akc up the «cw Frcucl I l f supremo war Council, accord no I n nounccinont. .Nine generals w il l \»I I I chowMi la to r to act o u 'th e ;coun.-il

which w il l bo under th i' presidency o Ihe miniater o f .war. Marshal Pe.tnji

'O r- w ill be v t « president and commander .d in-chief o f l^'ronch armies in t iro r o

war. ■ t -

e F IN E D FOB D&TTNKBNNB8S“ “ KO Pete Hansen and L . R. Oagor wcr

arraigned in the police court th is mon ing on charge o f drunkeanets and db

. orderly conduct. The men woro fouu

.«SV RuiUy nnd fined each, w ith cob' o f $2.50. They paid. Both wore a

0 fo r Maiu avenuo Sunday nigh

jJ .” - BEEKB JTOOMENTy AUcglug thoro is duO un a lease ti:

sum o f $1(10 U E. Pothornv has inst tutiCd an action in tho probutc court, fi

1 ouo >"ocovery. Tho pajiers woro file d .li t-snod anti -A. J. Myers. , •ra lly __________;o Ar ~

this ' :

ifidaho]T o d a y a n d

«t to,t the . '

mis- in t i f f

s v & ^ h 9 o r t ~ l ^ s < < V « n ‘ W 0 “ ' ^ ®

“ Biltiit i in il

“ The ranehe • ]


IO N ) \ ’y lle tter

— „ i M M - ■'eringained

W L . . L ,

S yiYIAHrd for

I S _____________

rooms Added

Sennett Gomedy:P e a tu r in .

C o m ln s3 “Fair am____ A s G re a t S u c b e s s a s t h e>i«' ost a t L a v e r in g

mooth ■ barn, i r— - . .. — ------

The ORPH— T O D A Y , T U B S D i

wat.-liive nl .-II.—1II vo rc-

I Z A N E G E E 'S

^I“The BonI A S e v e n F a r t M e lo d r a m a

I o f *4 0 . A D a r in g O i r l T

'Jy; P A T H E K E V IE W ,

2 — V A U D l

KNIGHT, BEN!f A C le v e r T r i o o

i DAVIS C o m e d y . S

M A T IN E E — 2 O 'O L O C K

^ I _ A L W A Y S


f - f - } - "J!J . f ‘ Oh,.b.iw tlioy caa

^59** H'iont NbVslty O rc h e a tra 'o f- ^ o ^ t iu ^ '^ j \ * ( ' l ' q ^tiu ioa 'll« ll P rii\(.v » n i t 'S . t< ita « ! r ^ i ■

S ' 7ho i Car o f Standard Lump fA it ^Sig eoal - ‘ '

m<-il, ib transiL Piaco-your order* n o w .-T m a '■/ . F«U Coal Company, Phono' 240.—«aT. '; ' '

:uler-, .—.J—..... - awecaP o f ’

DliLCO-UGHTB n * O w trfo U * M e n i

• F w r * e P I * * * ^ ^ ■” d*is- Betters liv ing conditions. Ko»pt ouud farm.

'0 . 0 . W A T S O H 0 0 .J l.y ---■ Twin r«ga. M it io . . •


T h e a te ri d T o m o r r o ' W '

. L a i k y . p m tire s ' . 1 '

I,M A R TINeTo v n Gipi''w K m iQ > u ^

M A l l r a c U o n

y : “ S T A R B O A R D ER ” .r in g Ben Turpin '

l n g A t l r a c l i o n : ^nd Warmer”h e Stage Production whioh Played ng Theatre Recently

HELM TheaterJ D A Y A N D W E D N E S D A Y —

;E Y S ' G R E A T S T O R Y , -

rder Legion”a a o f th e L a w le s s W e a l in th e D a y s 11

I T o m e s a M a n k iU e r o f th e P la in s . ,


J D E V IL L E A C TS — 2

n & H A l L O W A Y0 o f C o m o d y E n te r ta in e r s

IS and EARL ,r, S in g in g , D a n c in g

---------------—3K ■ E V B N IN G -^6 ;30


Y O U R M O N E Y ’ S W O R T H

Page 6: U '^EP(m 'OP Tgjg^ J / · ; < ,J |'-'' | | f e | | : M a ^ e n s .liy ^ ^ litltt of Bol- : shevlste asTOasph faVCeas- ' ^.ing to

r i t w : F A L L S ' D M L Y H E W S j

f Iw u ^ ^ ev«ry afternoon exccpt • Sunday |

' t ■ ’ »U B 8C H tP T I0N R ATES ^

f M i : I

■ '^ ifK U ijB R OF A S S O C IA T fih PRESS <m« AM ocln tM j P rcw .ln vzclutrivnly eii>

tlU «4 to the tiw > 'fo r republlcutlon o f m l o > ■■■«• tf ltp a tc h n credltii<] to 1(, o r no t i. e ie rw l« -c rc d » e d . In ih U M pe r. nnd a lM

•B h w c lft nro rIbo rc«rv<KJ. . “K o reapona lb llliy Sb aaaumod fo r tho .

carc o f unaollcltvd nuuiuacript. pboto- ' ■ m p h s o r other con tribu ted m atte r. A r - o

« ! & • aubm lttod fo r publlcaUon -will be n uM d o r n o t a t the diaorotlon o f the ed ito r % ■ a ii no m aauBcrlpt ivlU be retu rned un - ^

ucom panloO b y the necosw ry »oat> »

,* A 8 T B R K R EPR E S E N TA T IV E S : ” .■■orrci B . Dnv(d Co., Inc., 171 Mndlson

a S T T ^ T o rk : A- R. Keator, K l l H a r t- f>1 ^ BuPamg. Chicago.__________________ tj f c n b e r ' A udT iTBureau C lrcuiotiona ^

YOTI A in > yO D B BONDS n■’ , l f you are a good Amorlcan •'jldu {j boogbt during tho 'war moro L ibe rty

, B in d s than you could pfobably a ffo rd . <’ ' . K « doubt, you plnchod and sacrifkod

aad vc<rriod, b a t' you bought them, y Now they aro bolow par. Ia ' otBor | w'dnls, you eamiot get w bat you paid «

tJiom i f you .takfl thom to n bank ( « r broker. Your f lra t reaction, uo | doubt,, when you found thia out was < d|iappointment or d & ^a ir. ' \

' , 'Eerhopi^ a fte r a)l, i t i f f a good tilin g j th a t L ib e rty Boada aro tom jjo rflrily be- n low p ^ . That wUl deter tho witio n.en ifb m $e}Unff‘tbem. "Wise mon never aolJ i

. good, gooda below \h e lr real valoo un- ^ lata forced .to iu a m atter o f life o r

\ doatl).. \' 'B u i w Ibo iDon buy goods bolow their r^al value- from fopltah mon. -Thlff Ja „ w hy yoo MO co itly adTortiaomenta cap- n ^ ia e d r^ U b o r ty Bbnds^ana 'War 8nv- j| ia'ga Staapa. b o ^ t horc.J’ ■ I t n 'uat I V9 p rofitab le t» b tiy L ib e r ty ' B ondf ^ Vatow par i f aom* persona caa iffo frd " payiag tho cost « f audh adv^rtla liig , n raa t o f offlcTjj clerical hire, etc. Th ink |j

tha t when- yon aro tempted ta le t ri . p o f your bond, tith o r fo r raah or fo r «

accurltlcR. The fa t l- . tV in l, Iho ..a liiB i.fe ilo v^w a a U your .iqud. i i i yrpt- V fo®^ p roo f tha t your bond ia worth '' ■oeh moro than he w ill g ive fo r i t . {

‘ Tho fa c t o f ,th» m attor is L ib e rty >' Bonds arp worth considerably more *' thaa the markot pricp. You c a n n o t^c t % What you paid fo r yonr bond a t the * fr ta e v t moment bccauso a many ,

. foolish people hnvc tliraw n tho ir bonds ] vjraa tbe market, w liilc mnny oth^r.por- ' ■oaa, through necessity perhaps' havo j be(n forced (o sell the ir bonds. The ’ law o f supply nnd demand is-operating <0 forco down present prli-ea o f liondn i> because a t tliia particu lar Ume there are*more bonds fo r sale thnn thero are[(( bbycra a< par prices.

A b so rp tio n o f the L ib e r ty Honda l» y ! ‘ ’, fa r-B cd ft}; buyers Ih Roinjc nn q i i i c t ly io a n d 'c o n tin tio iiH ly . W u .n th is ab so rp -j* ' t io n r c a r l if s tlip p n in t w here th o de -^ j luand oq im iji the supp ly , th e bonds w ill '; * ' in the i iu tu rn r o r d c r o f econom ics g ^ f o j s par. I l l n th e r w ords, you w i l l be a b lo | to Kct v l iJ ir y o i r [la id fo r y o u r b o n d ,' a n if i f tin- proren!i <if u lis n rp tio n g o e s 'i fu r th e r , u l i r r i - the, di-m nnrl exreeilH th e ;, a iij- jily , y n i ir b . in d 'w in h f w o rth tn o re i; th nn yo ti f a i- l fo r i t . ' | I

I l Ih the h is to ry o f n il I ’ liihM l H tn ir ! . ! ] Kovernm .-nl lum tln l lm t l ln -y liav i- atmvo j i i i r . in i>iu« iim la n rt-.n s mtn-li : is '; t m , I)(. tun N .ll y o n r Im i.d >il n InK i.jW y iin Ill'll- t l ........ f i ' l lu iv n ink.-s.l

, Hi- u tim k--r, a lo s e r . '" iT i.M yon r U<iiv\.

= = = = = " IF A C T v a . F A N C Y

1:' r . ' i i ly u iT .' M-<iuir.-.| f . lln - t i r a i le l o f S i- i i: ii i ir .......I. w liu l In- eliose!

■ ;i « .|. .......... r , . r |t|.,' [ .ii^ )c |i-m y .Ml 111.- pa rt nl' l l r r ln T l j

i i ’ iJi- m .ir- ......c lu y v ........ i lh i ' l.i- jn l-. ii. '. '. l l l iu i i i - in I... I'ni.a.l i l l ll. l- I l l - |

'.J 1.1,: o f M r. l l . - ' i T h iiuK .'lf. ;• I i - .S 'li.-iti.i l l i i i l^) .'r. I l- . 'V .- r 1- , - i : i r r h tn., t,.

■ n M r .T i lr .m . K ri : . i„ i . i i - t iu - . I.y,...-|l l i.s i- . h>' , ' . i ' t> a r il l) : iti,li> 'tiin 'i, '. , f w iu ' 111- .li-r la iv '- t „ In- .Mr. Il.-oe «r*H a ii i l . i ii r . i is I'l.r III.- fi i lu r .- .

l l w ou l.l !n; ii,-i;<-s«ary iu in .h - i.» aiftee w ilh .'^I'liiit'o r lo ij- im re al-tu t ir t l i iT l l ji - fu i-1 t liiK KoiiK- tinn- pre-

. v in iis ly M r. r io nv i-r, u lm liiiH .loin- im u ” th un an y o the r A n ie r ii'a ii to Ii'- lp lil'i- jn |ie , M iin r ly aHscrled th ru tin- Kri-utest need o f ' K iirop ea ii niitio iiM tm lay ia to stop b<-t'gin(,' im d ^'et to w o rk , nnd t l in l in Ih iB 'j ire H e r ip ti i i ii th c ro l ■n» lin ro.-t- e rv a lio n inndu iin t l ic enso o f (Jrenl B r ita in .

A Kfallowed M&od.. Jad T u n k ln s ‘ .<?nyfl bo doesn't want

be mudo younger, fo r L*io reason tha t ho. d9csn't wnnt to bo bothered

E D n iiS i seifHTf HOVI

S u p e r i n t e n d e n t o f l n s t r u c

e n t P l e a f o r A d d i t i o n a l

t i o n o f C o m m o d i o u s B u i l

S t e a d i l y G r o w i n g S c l i p o

Thut the question o f fu ture liousiMji Imil o f Tw in pupils Is one thn* ‘ *P slioulil be o f ffreat concero "to n il pJr- ’* n Hons w ith in tflic. c ity lim its^ J In l 0 .Blue, «iupuritit4ndcnt o f public luatrue- onli tion deelaroA. ' M r Blue call* -attenlion stui to tho prosent ovcr-crowdod condltibn por o t the wliools o f tho c ity nnd dirocfs «ou ntieution to tffio p robab ility s till Kra ifn*nter -dcmaad fo r hooaing fac ilities tho a fte r tlie present «< inol year. fro:‘ V'Lost y e a r." M r. Blue says, “ was a ing

normal ono in the Jtiatory o f T w o im j Fnlls. There was nothing in the way tlia o f improvemonta nnd expnniiion. Today and t1io achoola, earoltiui; 2D63 pupils, lOiow h ig

I nn intrsaso o f more Uian 300 over a roo . year ago, and nn Incrcasu o f more ihnn Th(

.■500 over two years ago. Tho probhblo to > soJiooI .onrollmont fo r 8t*ptembcr 1920 sein proscnts' a sitim lion Involving an .ole- clei ment o f aorious conccrn.^’ and

Speaking; w ith iiiirticu la r emphasis Thi , npon tho fiucstlon o f present congcs- at I tion, Mr. Blue ndda: *75‘ “ Tho second scmeator o f tho prcseul ‘

yoar haa jus t boon o r j^ ir -e d . . In Uio cnt . Biekol achool, fh rro isn ’ t a aihf^o mom anc

whfl^c I t is posdblo to organizo another tioj ‘ ciajw or j;mdo. Wo nro alao using every wc c one o f the-four rooms it^ tlie 'framo tin- am

nex a t this seJioul, uccomt\mdutiu)f .ip- tho ’ j pnixin iatoly 180 chlfdroi^^v^n tho Lin- af. » colli school, there ra iiV n room lh a t cnn i

bo i ^ d ftir nn additional <'laM o r grade, lec Not only* do we have n t th ia seJioxl BU

four one-room frame buildings housing bor • about 173 children, b u t wo also , nro spr , using a amail o ffico room In which 1101

nearly 20 children aro seated. Y o t* in « II > fhis school' wo ha^'o fou r rooms w m i iid< . 4fl and SO , children, onrollod' in cnch. lac , The Anly available apaco =left in tho doj ’ Wasliingion school is the anditorlum. tlic

\S'o iMive transferred to tho 'Washing- ‘, ton wfliool as mnny oliildron ns tro exx

rnuld from ttio Lincoln and the Bickel ron ' schools. , I t ia ' immasiblo to uso the pro

aud iio riuM .a t tlie Wnttrtnglon because omi i t is Blot rtK^ceatrally located as-to ro- uilt lioVo conditions in the Lincoln and the ma

: B ickel. Nearly 700 students aro e ii' bof [ rolled in .the high school, a gain n f waj

a lw iU 'J20 over*.laat year. The hi,?Ii fo r ,splinol bu ild ing wns planned to cnro fo r fo r

, approximately 050 studonta. F.vory room wni in iiJKlr aeliool .bullding isused in elti providing fo r.the la i^t* en- o f rpllmcnt. TIic present high .school.will mai not p frm it n<V expansion or develop lefi ment in tho program o f study and wora tm,

’ fo r \ho atoacats. the• “ For;'*e>'cral years wo'liave. alwnva nm iicccpfod in September any beginning iiisi rh ild w lift was six yeara oid on-or be- vot fore /anuary I. Thin year, would could pie iiceejrt on ly iJioie pupils.w iio were six • yi*nr»‘ old ijefore November 1. Kven «nf w itli the cutting tlown o f tlie age lim it, ron

t w« had an vnrolinient o f nearly |>i't , beginnera'ln 7 rooniK. . roo

. “ Aa soon as the addition to Mu' hig'i for leliiio l build ing is completed, i t vrili be iho poHinblo to orjjanire from noi» to 1400 h it smdenta in tho enlarged building. This tivi w ill lo ko care i i f n il iWio llesirc to dn |>ot pure high school work os well nn nil «‘ f lil): Mtoso students wlio arc prim arily rla»«l- mn fied iM seventh nntl e ig litli gnide pu Uv<

’ pils. The vocational courses in our i-nn I uchuals linve nlwnys boon most elenien- •

tary. Our hundreds o f si'vunth . and .Nfn e iglith grade boys nnd g ir ls have never issi

[ Uiid the advuutagus o f them. A m w lun SO, Kcheme o f educational pmctieo and pm- »iu'

leedure involves a splendidly enriebeil .the 1 pmgram o f voealionnl »t>rk fo r iidol- is : ie»f«‘'nt boys and girlti.^ The depnrtmenis pro

,!<if household economies nnd manual: u^e I tra in ing in our high sehool hav».-never' srh

Ybeen nble to o ffe r moro thnU two years' i.iu I'.or work. The .eiihirged liig li . schoo ijliir

O H IN A 'B O E A tlT T O E ( 1

I'licler a torrent o f abuse |>ourcd o u tj 1 s I from ({uarterii high and low iu this{ ■ e;<-onnlry, llie iciiowledge that (.'hina is! ' c !;;u il.- fn lly :iji]>recialive o f the ir staiid; ‘

I fer rijcht iiin i jiiMlioe imilit be e x lr i'ii^v j ' " ' l y ^•ratifying lo tho»e inemherji o f tlie ' e|M-iinte who have refiiped tn ueeept the ’ s 'lr i-a iy o f VersnilU-H pteeiHely as i t was ' ^-ll.nininlKale.l. '

M illa r.lV Uevi.-w „ { Hl.angliai in »'i- "■ th fi.r till- Ktat.-ini'iil tlia l . - v iry |f '" ,, njjigl,- i.iie of Ihe four huhdred [ " "

l i i lii i ' iii'\VHpii]u-rn in China hii.-< '-u itjii.v i''-1 |i-,| lav..ra .m the a i'lio ii of the '.Mn-^vo

‘• |.-r i.a ii :..-nule iu ...................... ‘ * j «h("•’ jlhe H.'rret ujtre.-iiicnt-. ti. Iiirri ov-r t h ' ' / " ’ "■jl-oniii'r inli-re- t.-. ..f (li-rnKiny in Sl.-iri- ■ 'jtnug lo .lapan. Tli" * IJiii' SlKiiifiliaL ii.-H-!«]ii»])iT i-.mipnres'■ ]h „. ........ .....

Jllie Shauinnt: .iiicstii.n lo the oiu-ii ilr>or. " , l „ i l l , . y I ln i- n n .M ln ' r ,. |u n . o t "J'' I 111.’- ili-xer' in'lemnity..

, eU-i«eiit iu tliiR 'Hii'i-' ' III.-at i.s Ihe evi.leiil d i-teriiiinalion o fj^ j.

till' t'hiiu'He lo <lo !>i<iiieiliiiig to Juslifv-^^^.\iii.'tie :i's 'r if ii 'lN liin aii I i-onfideilcc iu !

I.l * |n ll_ .- liin A .'

... Th.- SliaiiKhui Ca^etii- j.ublislii's IT ^ r,. uu-at iiiiiiil.e r o f^ from tho vcr-

iian ilar prr«, :ui-l ilu- ouKKi'ntion that China must so n.-i. ns to 'bo worthy o f

Jy .\inerieaii fr i.'ti'ls jn j. „ ' } m])ha9tzud in m iiiiy o f thom. Vlm-i (ho Chung Hau Jlfiin I ’ao rcmariu: ®'

J, '-The Amerirnii senate hrtii pass- jvp ed tho rescrvalinn velning throe ot artioies o f tho j-caue trL-aty coii- • i t '. eniing Shantung.' tis d rink jo

J the heuUh of tbe v ictory of rijjh t J nud justice; China foeln gratified flu ! that by such action tho United

siim iiBi fvsiNGimsru c tio n Sends O u t U rg^ nal F un d s fo r th e Erec- Ju ild in g s to C are fo r the ip o l P o p u la tio n: build ing w ill perm it the broadening an l expanding) o f the voQatioDftl eouncs on ,a Iru ly-m odern ba'ai*.

"T h e adequate houalng/ o f high• sehool pupila, th o ezpandioit jind broad-• oning o f the h igh fchoo.t progTRiss o f I study and work, and tlio o 'fferlng o f oi/*I portunltics fo r- tra in in g in vocational n iioursi*8 to the hoventli. and oighth I grado boys and g irls aro by no- means I tho only advantages tb a t ^11 aecruo

from the enlarged high achool build- , t ing. A nothor advantigp and, a most t im portant one is Involved ia tho faet ’ t l ia t tho'.brganlio tlon o f the sevonth ’ and eighth grade pupils In. tho ealargod : high aebool b u lW A g , w lf l release .12 » rooma in tihe elomenlatT gra/lo wchoola.1 Theao rooma which w ill go a long way ? to caring fo r the coming-increases in I seliooi population nre equivalent to nu• elementary grade bu ild ing o f tho siz>

and capacity of..tlio Waahington Bchool.I The coat o f erecting sucH a building• a t th ik tim e would »c approxiinatelv

♦75,000.t ‘ a n M ard i 1910. the boa^a o f eda- B cation, lif te r a atudy o f build ing need*II nnd plans, Issuod a eall fo r a bond elee.- r tion to be held A p ril 14, 1010. Bonds y were voted in the sum of$150,000. Tliia I- ninount wna a ll that could bo raised on I- tho property vaUiationn'of the d is lric l I- a a t tim e.”a PrcaenHng figures taken from tho !. records o f the board o f education, Mr. i Blue allows tha t out *o f 4150,000 in

bonds voted fo r achool purposea last 0 spring $:tS,000 hos been oxpeniled in h ■needed jwreiinac-* and ro p a ir i !.lcavlug | i a * 11.-3.000 to apply on tho h i ^ school | ll nddition. £Te also explains .thkt duo fo ff I. lacking fumla certain Vory. necessary- 9 departments have iliad to bo le ft out o f I. tlio build ing plana.;- ‘ ‘ The bonrd dceid«l then ,” Mr. Blue0 explains, “ to procoed w ith plnas to1 conatnfct only a part o o originallyt proposed addition. I t was decid«l to » | t! om it a proposed cafeteria room, swim- ■ -tuing pool, a il .auto mechanics and 1 e manual trn ln iag department, irowevor, •.* before tho fin a l d ra ft o f blue p f was submitted I t was decided lo call 1 fo r Vida on tho tim p lc to tl addition ns r form erly plaaneti. Tue awimming fiool I was included a t the-reqiMiqJ o f sovorr.l I eltieuna who intcrvie jvet| the niembers- o f the hoard. Tho cafuteria and tli>- I manual tra in ing rooms were, however,

le ft out. In the call fo r bids the con- W t traet fo r tho entire additiou-lneludin;; wi

the -KU-imming pool wna ic t for npprizi- do s nmtely ^U.-S.OOO, ihe ^ o r d dM ding 10 (jli i| iiisue a call la ter fo r an oWHon to- vote Itonds in a sum nercssary to com- ■ . 1 plefe tho proposed nddition.< “ Hevorni weeks ago, tho superintend- 1 « nf o f Hchnols again urged the lioard lo , ronsider Hie m atter o f-includ ing in Uie Lc !• genernl (onstruelion plans tbo safeteria pr . room, jiud ihe manual tra in ing mom |,.| 1 fom ierl\' exehtde<l. I t was shown Ihnt P Ihe olim inalion o f Ihest* rooms would I) seriously hamper the nrgani»itioa o f » twelve hundred nr more students o f o*" n Ixilh. the intennedinlc achool and th.> sil f liig li schnnl. A fte r considering the ac I- matter, it was decided to include these 1 Uvo rooms nnd fhe arrJiileel and fhe u,, r i-nntractor were neeordingly notlfiis l.

“ A t fhe regnla'r meeting o f the bonrd 'I Monday evening, .Innnary 12, the board r issued .1 call fo r nn election on .lanoarv t& I SO, 10'2« when the m atter o f iv bond ’ s-• »iie n f *|00 /i0« w ill be placet! beforeI ,the people o f Hie d is tric t. This iwiue f.‘||- is alKiut n il that can be raised on tho sip rc fen t pn iji.-rly vnluations. I t w ill lie .1: usimI to i-oiiiplete and rqu ip Ihe high r 's rh o n l nddition now undor coastrncliou s ' iiiid tn p(irrhnS(> schnol sites for the fu->i; lure lin ild ing o f elementary wIiooN.” toi

I ness to uphold the attUode o f Chi- it j na, namely fhe Shantung si'll,leiY'iit br ia{ is an injuatieo to China.. I t ' i s lo_^ ini in; be liopeil" Oiat the' iienple o f our

country w ill ri«e lo 4he neenniiiii j . i and aet in a manner worthy o f the njt friend ly u riilude o f Amerii-n> Tlio ,(,! friend ly alfitii<le of America has 1,1 ini-rea.Hcl • nur, own respaniubiii-

t ie s . ''I t is a s ig n if ic a n t fa c t th a t d u rin g t l i

the w ho le cour.s<' o f the contyoversy in ...jlh iM ro u n try ove r, the ra tif ie a tio n o f • . Itlu > 'pe ae e tre a ty t lie re han been no ,,.^ 'o ic o ra ised in u n ( |u n lifie d ap jiro vn l o f w • • i th n H ha u lu ng aw ard . K v e ry argnm ent

| f o r i t has borne on its faeo a eomproni- ise w ith th e ron fte ienrr o f llie speaker, (j' The in ijire -w io ii hns been a’lsiiU ioualy cu lt iv a te d th a t i t w«h iieeesKary in re-

Uie tre a ty to lake tin- la i l ^ j. lw it ! i th e h ide. A jn a j» r iiy i, f ihe wen- ^ j ln te hns seen f i t to q iie s finn t l i i i i view

o f the in n tte r. _ LI t in no t im iiro lm b lc th n l a great

m any Am crienns w ho even now are ! dispoKed lo f in d fa u lt w i lh tho a tliU id o ,o f these BOiiators, in respect to tho sen- ja le ac lio u on the S lia n lu n g aw ftrd , a t i* | k . ■. w i l l sooner o r la te r , diseover g re at tnu.»»; fo r l lm n k^g iv in ^ ' iu th a l ^

same de r is in ii. ' f«I- , - - h'

9f Deaire fo r Frlonda Unlveraal. ' <1in Whether we confchK It or not, we UJU all dcHlre tn bo love il; however we P'

mny acolf nt friend.KliIp. we secrctly tllong ^or frlcndM. But like every oth- f<cr good thing nli v iir lli. being liked by Q’ others must in koiiir wny be earned;

. i t hiifi lli< prlco,. nnd b<; bought,Ho who w lll- ta ke no trouble to mako irblniBcIf w o rilo " f the lik in g and rch l lgard o f h is fellows must In the ciid pHad blmHclf lonely,—Kxcbaiiee. ti

. BEAD T H E . D A IL Y r f g ^ d

* 1W O O D H A S I R I F ;


: . 1a d m in is t r a t iv e q u a l it ie s a r e 1



By EDW ARD 0 . CLARK. '-P 'rom tim e tu U u ie ' peop le flak .

“ W lu it has, been (he a d m ln ls trs tiv e and bualiivxH v x iw rle n ce <rf L e o o a rd ’ W um l? W hu t'bn H b m i hb i exp irrlence ' w ith m en ou ta id e u f tli^c a rm y? W h n t ( > docs he k n o w ubou t con d itio na Inr th e ' dlffer«*nt x>ariM o f th e U n ite d B ta te * an d Ju o o r overseas posaeasloiiH? H a s he any th o ro u g h Know ledge u f fo re ig n afTalm and o f o u r fo re ig n re la t io n a ? "

n i e ad m ln 'la tra fJve q u a lit ie s o f LeonanJ W ood hnve been tes ted and proved . N 'o A m e rlcu o liv in g .h a s been ' tr ie d m ore t l io n iu g h ly Ih an he In coin - ' p l« x lle ld a o f w n titc u c tiv e c iv i l w o rk , H if in ln ls tra t lre * w o rk ' o f Ib e h lg h ca t ' o rd e r w h ic h e a rrie d w ith I t th e necea- ' R ity fo r th e exerrisc- o f keen bualneaa acum en.

T lip r e p o b j l c o f C uba, b a i l t ap on | r in n d e in o c r it ic T fltm d a tlo n * . is a mon- iin ie n i to t l i ^ a d m ln in tn it lT e a b i l it y o f L c f in a n l W ood . In th e I 'h ll lp p ln e a la tg^be fo u n d a a o tbe r inoD oo i«» i to b is | M uteM um iH bljt.

Le o n a rd W ood gra du a te d In m e d i­c ine fro m H a rv a rd U n iv e rs ity I d 1884 an d HLTve<l fo r m ore Ib nn a y e a r In

'n n e o f th e gre n t hospita lH , la te r lo tn ke cha rge o f th e c h a r ity de pa rt* m ents In a Hc*ctlon o f the- c i ty o f Boa- ton w he re Ih e poor lived .

N o t lo n g a f te r th e com p le tion o f W ootl'a w o rk In. H liston ' be becnn ie an HRslsmm swrRcon In U io a n « y , c o m in g ; in to c o n ta c t-w i lh t i le w es te rn p la in s - i m un, the m in e r, .IMe pe np li' g<‘n e ra lly . ail'd g iv in g m uch o f lll < tim o to th e w o rk o f asH lsting ih i ‘ H iillanH u n it to n M ud y o f t l ie |iro lile in s u f I r r ig a t io n nnd ro r liin m tlo n .

The n fo r I.e o iia n I W o o d 'th e re cam e fo u r ytN irs In (? n llfo n ila . H e coveret^ l th e .Hlnl<- m nny tiiDex In purH iinnce o f Wk tUHle* and w tvnde il bin tleJtV occaKlon re i|u lro d In fo ih e H lalert o f t l ie N o r ih w i-s t . Then fo r tw o yean* h e f' w as In K iTvleo In i l ie .South, h a v tiig | lieiid(|nnrl<*r.x In ( ie o rg ln . I

F ro n i U ie South I.iH ina n l W ond w n i t I to the e ity o f W uxh in u lo ii. w here b in | w o rk l iro u u b l h im In to chiily eo n in c l w i lh ^Jrover t 'le ve lu n d . Then be hud Ib e sniue lu i ln m t f re la tio n s w ltb W ll- lU iu i MeKluU>;c nnd tbe ii\v i\ l\ { ^ | tim e . . ' ' j

T h e n t-ume Ib e SpanlKb w n r nnd tb e | ac t iv e eniii|>iii-.:ii In fu b a a-* tb e e o l- , o iie l o f th e r«-t;lm rnt o f rotm b rb le r s j o f w hieb Theodore ltiMi.>iev»-It ivii.H t l ie j l le iite iiu n i colonel. I

A t Ihe eloxi- o f the .SpurtM i w n r lA 'o nn rd . W oo il's xupren ie n d ii iln ls ira - t lv e ,d u t ie s lieK iiii. I le wa.« mnde ttie Rovevww «vf lb * ' e\»>’ o f Shu'Uuko und H few we»'kH In ter' o f iln - e n tire enst-

' e rn h a lf o f ( 'u lm . fU n d e r Woo<l 'p ro iU c iT liiK wns ah o l-

iahed, In d u s try wn-< lu i l l t up. n g rie u l- H ire re l ia b li i l i ile d . hn sp iln ls o rg a n ­ised, c<luip|H‘<l Mild iiK tind iln ed , ten^o f ihourfiindH vX ......p ic c lo ih ed a ijdfe d—and n il ibl-* done in a th o ro u g h bu s ine ss like m n n iir r . I t w as dona u n ­de r I r l in i la i lo n s w h ich nro-^a ' f r ^ n t t l ic fu e l U in i Ihe people .w ere in i- p o fe rls li i-d in the p o in t ‘o f s tn rva - tlo n nnd Jliul l ire ii dy in g l iy tb o iisan ds fo r th e Inelf o f the ih ln g s wtil,cb W ood ( in ii'k ly p ro v ljle il. I •

The n th e re (-aim* th i' re f in b i l lin llo n y f (he n iu iile lp fiiit ic . 'i. th e ‘ esU b llsh - m o iii o f KclioolB, t l ie op ed iu ff o i l roads, live o rg u n lz li ig -of g b v e m in c l i tn n t l ie p rov inces, l l ie rea d ju s tm e n t o f ta x a ­tio n and o t the cou rts , and th e w o rk a f p ro v id in g fo r (he thousands o f ct> i^ d re n n iodo orjiha na b y w a r o r fa m in e .

J '- : • • •'*■ •• w i. .1 -■ Qu

. .. ; - ' oat

' . .'''


o l


tc— _________________________ - — :— - M

Tortetles o t I t tban I t liaa been the lo t l o f many tiiea ever to bave placed up- y on the ir shoulders.' . gl

I N ot long Bfte!= thlB there came th« " I greater opportunlUua In '‘Havana. I t a was neceiiaary to re-wrlte_the election .j,

liiWB to make them (It the lu ibU* o f the people, .Production had to. be ijtimo- ^

: lated, fo r agriculture was the main | source o f the island's wealth. Here again the same meaaures were follow- e<l and oh a result there were estalh llahed law aad onler, protection o f 'l i fe ahd 'property, and libierty w ith ­in the Jaw. ,

.These were the fouadatioif atones, g Wood knew that the'govenraieni. mustI be run by the Cubans, and wr 90 per R cent' o f the oniclats ieni^ged in Uie t greut work o f reconstruction %rert g seferted fro m the people o f the Island.^ T Iw Cobons were taught govemment g \VRTIe th r gmVmnipnt waa befng bu ilt f, and Ultra they were able to ran i t when •• the rule o f the island was' turned over f to Its inhnfdtants.II When it I»*T*me necewmry to reor- jy gnnlze Ihe Cohan ranroads Wooil se- I. cured (he services a f S ir W’ lllfam Van , Home, president o f the Cnmidlan Pa- ■j ciflc. an<l o f fJm ntine Bf. DiMlge, build- ^ er o f the UnInn Padflc.„ The same general policy waa foi-

lnwe<l in ilenllng w ith the pmbletn of JJ . ra ring fo r the tons o f thoiisands of

onihaiifl Uiat had been le ft by the war. j Ilo iner Folks. couiinlKslnneT o f chari­

ties o f the atate o r New York; waa Jl callcd to Cnha by W<wd to aid tn Ute

eatabllshnient of n system fo r placing and pennnnenlly cnring fo r these lit- Ue desolates. Chief Ju«llee U lilte o f the Supreme'Court Af Hie United

” States, nt thu l lime an associate jna- ® tIee, was consulted ns t« file inc(ho<l to

he parsuetl In reorganizing flic eonrta Leonanl Wood wns in Culm abont

. four years. He lefI there n reorgan- ’ ijietl nnd sound blinking system, n

Kood railroad system, no {k>b(s. nearly* ?*i.000.000 unincumbered money in the V treasnrj'. n.augar crop of nearly 1.000,- '• 000 tons, sonnd m unirlpnl la>vs. fine ^ pnblic worka, a (inn ngricnltural

fonndaUon and nn absolnte respect iinionK the people fo r life and proiv erf.T. Tbe school system wblch Wootl

. I established wns founijed on the laws ^ n f .MnssnrhUHeits nnd Ohio. Roads

were bu ilt «flileh made communication ^ speedy,. The hospKnls nw rte tl nnder his

I snpervlsbin were o f the highest type.^ r I.on l Cromer sabl he wishwl tfils • **! .\n ie rlm n ofttw r was nvuitahle fo foV

1 low him In his m fM islriietlon work , in Kgypt. K llltti lt<Kit snid ih ls work

'■* never wns im n illc lcd .lu <-olonInl pos- sessions nnywhcre. Theodore nooso-

J velt siilil ihn( Leoiinrd Wottd “ has re iu l.-n il servln-s to Cllbu of »»-.klnd

I wbb-h, If perfonne<l i l ir j 'o ' (hSusnnd I yenrs him. woiild^ have made him a

* I hero itilx«-il np wKh the sun god Iri va- I rln iK ways." , -s ’

'‘ i . \ f l iT the Cuhnn experience Wood ‘''-1 wns for live years In the I ’hlMppiiics

1 eonfronteil w ilh the <llfiicult labor ot~ i-slahllshing a civil government, this

' ' flnie among a Motiumniedan people.'■ There be dl<l the Riirue siict-essful

work he did In Cuba, t- Tbls period nf residence In the Phil­

ippines gave Wood un opportunity to '!• study cftndillou)< In the R rilish colo- i* nies. Hornet), Singapore, nnd to keep a- In close touch w lili conditions in 1 Ja pan 'nn d nlong the rh ln n ennst. id Wood traveled thrnii;.!i iiid lii, spt^nt !b sotnejlm e w ith ’the Dulch In Java, nnd., n- 'w’iih LoVd Cromer In Egypt. He m giilned nnd relnlnrd knowleilgc o f a ll n- w lilch ut that time came dnder his atu- a- dions observation.Is Then Leomird Wood bocnliie chicf )d o f the genernl stnff, o f the United

Htnli-s army, in whose hands restn * >11 very largely the direction aii|I ndmln- h- Is in illiin o f fhe m ilita ry catnhiiHhinent, is. •w b ie irn fle r nil is 00 per ccnt a basl- le ness mutter.a- The ndinlnlRlrntlvp career of I.,eon- rk ard Wood Is spread upon the records i j . of his country. The work which he le. has done Is laatios. I t la a atatea-

arlclo iQ Spoilt, -the arlBtocrata of'CaistO tf «M - con.' A fte r tbe U o o n ‘'w w 't; obt o f Spain, theto be those trho - cooM «*•«• . . tW r .HhMBe back lo the^Ume b tfo 'w tb«^Moortah cbwioeat,’ eapecIaUy - lb wllgb\-complexieoea' Ootb*. T b o lr ^na tn ra lly appMred through tbe A » - o f a blue color, M ille th^b looA o l tS * . maaaea. . th ro t i^ tb e lr lo tenna rr)*# **' - '- wUb': tb^'UooD iK Miowed dalrk: «|Km : tte lr .b a tid a - iin d f(lcec.:<

■ • '-U a ln 'Q « :D o o rw a y ,v .,:.\;, j ';"Tbe tinuaed doorway .m akM ,aB ;af*

;rcctlve bookcaac. Tb« door abdt^d be locked and'treated pa the back, ot; tha. case. Sbclvea can be a^t In tbe jeo^ra .. . door apace o r tW lo w ^ b a l t . . . .

^ H O L L IS T E R ‘ j

L . A . B e v ^ n ^ 'i ' is spending'» fow'diivra ia IV in Vallk ' th ia week v ia ltlfl[f f r ie n d i V • •

C. liow e o f JT inn-P a ila wa»^ a .,-nesa vlsHor fo r'A fe ir 4«ya in.-Bo]Uawr thia week. . ‘ \■' M r. and Mra. lia ro ld Beatty retortc<K ft few days ago fr tm C aliforn ia w M " \ - 4 thoy have been, apoadiag the bo tt*r J pa rt o f the w inter. • ,

W ork o f road gras’elltlff fo r the iew'if o f HoHiatar'waa reaumeif tJiia-week* •

Mra. Behuinitt la aeriouafy lU a t her home, •

Announecment won. rcceive<t ia B qI- Uster by friends o f M r. nnd Mra. .Bolb Crnter o f f4ie a rriva l o f a daugWer,Dorthea Annettn in t i ic lr home, at KvanatOn. I l l Mra. OrWer was forniei;- I j Miss KelHo'Uowe, pruDary tenchCT . lu tho Hollistor achoola.

Mrs. l.<cco e iltcrtftlnod. Ibe Town Tcn K(.\ttle club Ut a deiicioua th^eo eourso dinner o t her homo Thuradaj^ af- _ tcmoon..' Those in attendance 'were:

■ Mesdames A. J . McDorinkl, Ctiriateuea,I Leney, Townsend, Henstoek,■ Morritopse, Klnameyer, Lawrence, No- . '•

gle, and Leeee. The lioateaa waa aa-, idatod in serving b y M wlam es Leney . atwl Ilcnslock. \ .

Fred Spencer aad fa m ily moved onto [ the Bariiliouae land laat wcckl' \ *

\ f O W r S A L O

I f your land b ^ j iU higheat valDe, why fla t a tff

f come to Qlenaa T e r r / a * r f,ta yunder tha HUI fro jite t «where land la ’sore to iaeyaise’ in VBluef ' 1 bave aome proved tn u ta fo r 935'to llO V y. .1

! . aoaera^ inproved $100 to ISOOl ' •m■JCaay'tMAa. A No U t te r land «z -

ellaatO' (0 Idaho. The home ' o f a lfa lfa and early potatoea.

R . D . G O R B Y; O L E N N t f '^ B T * ID A H O !

[ijiDESi T W I N f A t l S

■ H I D E C O .; 4 t h A v e n u e S o .

; PHONE 98• B U Y tR S o r H A W f t I R S

j| P E ^‘ A IJT O S R E P A I R E D

' ■ = B Y = = = = =


I $ 1 '.0 0

I .WERNER’S REPAIR SHOP^ 24» 201 SI. E. Pboo, 6Z«

II ' r~

a u™; B a i - “

N fl®"'®

“■ AMERICAN ELECTRIC COPf >87 M ain St.•ll --------------------------- __________________ _

Page 7: U '^EP(m 'OP Tgjg^ J / · ; < ,J |'-'' | | f e | | : M a ^ e n s .liy ^ ^ litltt of Bol- : shevlste asTOasph faVCeas- ' ^.ing to

, B U T C H IR ^B IR D . , •

*Q*re go t a a lo e M U B d lo g Dame.” M id th e JB n ichw , 9 »rdi.. w hose, rea l .- nnme

: w *» ' Coll»T6<l B n tc h ir B ird. Hi# f r i d id * lu tb t t b l r d boase th e to o

; ca lle d U in ' I^ T iic b » * B i r d b k a its e tb e bl8 T ^ e w a s ; to o - to a g .

' a 'Q ic e 'n a m e f o r I t 'm a k e s mef i ^ d ra th e r p ro spe ro os and c o m fo rt ' ■ U e and a l i o f th a C ' b e said . 'T h a t 's

' i r b t p M p le aay v tbeo tb e ; «om e lo tb « x o o . ' l f»nc i b a tc h e rs a r e -v e ry r lc l t ' aad ve ry ia p e r io r , som e^^log l ik e k log s , I Im a g in e , w b o w ^ r ap ron s ta ^e a d :o f,C D ^

I ...J .'B o t I q m ^o y w p y s I bellevje tb e y ’re i lK e k l i i f s i w i t h s u b je c ts and a ll, o f

■ . . m - •■' -“ ADjrwoy I t la 'D ice to UUnk- one

' J iu : i i : ’proaperDU&. r lcb .name. Wben 1 .wiW .In the, » o \» th ;^ t p a tt o t Auirira lfn I 'Qover" thongbt so much'

. jiJkMU ,my ofune. ; .I ' dressed th e u id e 'w a y th e re as

. b ( « . - U y o ra ng e b e o k a n d . g ra y fco th - ■ ^ 'r s w ere a l l th n t 1 cnred fo r Id

..' th e w ay o f d re^s: an d s ty le , y “ I> e a lw a ys bo d a fe w fc ft th c n i nr-

; ■ ranged cq w lo g b a ck f r o m m y * 00(1 nnd ba'nglDg dow n, m y ba ck .”

"yes," said the Masked Jay Thrush — -to th e next coRe. "yon nhvnys hove as

4 o ^ as T rc knon'n you here, and I - ^ d o b ’t Imoglne you’ve chaoged your

WBjrs much.”"O t course." sold the Butchcr B ird,

“ when I was free I bad dllTcrent sort of..'food. I , u s M ’ to eat iDaecta nnd sm '^i birds atid’ tnataimala aod llenrtlfi. and I used to enjoy-thom thoroughly. I 'a m about the s lie o f a large shrike

. Jo. caiui /anyone .doesn’ t kno^. w h a t. l . look like Id s ite ." ,

• *^cs. you used to do a ll those things. Now I am d iffe ren t and I w ill te ll you w hy," sal(f the Masked Jay ThniJih.

**1 am a (htrash'and I come from , Japan. Some o f n y fa m ily come from . soBthen ,C liina and.some frotp Slnm.

I am one I o f the ra rest o f ^ e Jay iC U ttle U kgown Qf.jcny w ay* end my hBblts"*whcn I'a m wild sod free. I da UQt te l l secreta. 1 keep

. tWngs to myxelf. I do«a6t:let anyone kB ow ’a b ou t'm e ,. and^iby fam ily ar- aH the same. We keep, tblogs to our­selves." •

Just tlien a 9 tio)i?er o f the Jft| Thrush's b re tlien i ;^and alsters and cgoslas cane and . 'u t alougil'de ol b is . They w e rd .a ll. Very affectlnrmtc an4 sat neor t ^ t b e r .

Tbe Black l^ ro a te d . Jay T h ru flliff fr«(B China w e re 's itting huddled closf together, tool

"W e come frq in Cbloa,’' ooe o f then . said. .tTtaere w * live t» th« « tea t anc

^ m p e ro u a and Comfortable."

heavy furests and we travel Id smal SoekK. \Ve are unlike the other Jn; t ^ n h c f i fo r our Dotes are loud am harsh. We don 't care obout swvei soft -notcft and beautifu l singing.. "We hove long ta ils which dro: dnwn over the bars o f nur cage a we perch licre, and we lenn our head agolnxt ORCli other and sit nhnulrtu to ahoulilor-to show-how-.m uch w care fo r each other.

“ Once In n while we yawn." he sale na he opened hlH long beak very widi "And the tw o coiiMns ...who’re sltiJn up on the toinnoRt bar o f ^he cok w ith t l id r mouths opt-n wide are hoi lng thnt the rn in w ill fn ll through th r tx if Into tlu 'lr mouths. They w ill fln w n icr down In tho lr rages but we d thnt w ill'll we're free nnd some o f u do It now.”^ ‘TOU fill have a Riiod ilru l lo te ■beut yoUrnelves," said the Mnnkc .Tuf Tliriish. "nnd In nmn>' wnys

nUe to ta lk . B u t wtlll \ Uke hr lo r to Itpop my fam ily ftecrcts to m; self. I like to keep a ll ihc litt le Htorl« o f the Rwcct thlngn thn t mcmtiors < ray,fam ily hnve? dono ns incinorleH tf loT^ly (Q shore w ith , jin j'onf^

. ‘ f e

C l a n c : ^ ^

'' K id s / : W - iTet') H o ^ A u n t

M and :!^ Gets .( A n o & e r N ib b le /

B y

' P E I & V L . C R O S B YI l y »*» marnn m > i i >iy i,

'■ - . f A w i i l i k e t o W p t h ^ ^ Ir i; to mraelf- iuid t te tbtngs we allj l . 'dp. That ,Is th « i« ^ |W e » ir ;e e I abow« . I t .We don’t.n ieaa to .b o rude abd.^o.J * be qtflet. bat'«r«''Slmpi7'cnnDbt iaakc^ our fam ily,'B j|^|nr''ffubU<;,;thougKri«.

. hore nothing n « lD « t .those w ho 'doV tnlk at\d te ll-In t« ri^ ii'g ''tb lQ C T tn their- home U f e . * : ............... . ’

•■i’m Rind o f th n itr said the Butcher Bird, “ but V wonld have to te ll my

. .diet, you see or. ra the r .w bat food I T cored about In the free state, fo r

“* everyntae would be interested tn what^ the Butcher B ird did. And anot|ier “ thiug, when I bad a f^w Ilsanls or

suBll bltrda for. dinner I never weighed them and charged n ^ i r gret^t snxDs

“ ® o f moneys no, 1 never d id th a t" ft- ' ' - ■>'• ,Th«,:W ptn«n'8<aiiH . ' ' ' ' ■“ She-1 hat*! • tool I . ' .JJ n«»et b a n l i i p in M .

» • S h»^A li. JOU .H T th a t becauae I 0 teTfl b r ta iio poLtieat'w lth jon ,- I. c

" .. , = rr r r- ;— — T. - p

. . Ther* U only o m wuy t o ' f t t ready ” for immoruUltya .and tha t Is to Iovb in- thl« Ufa .and llva It-^aa bravely and In lalUjfuIly and .cheerfully as we coo.— «

Henry Van D y k f ■ *,

""i ,O A »E 'IN SEASON. * 'nd ' , . - ' JA youpg tViider in b b lt lu a dcllclouB ti

sh disb'when properly cooked ntill Hcrvcd. b as ; '\Vash,aod wipe th«> ment -

I C f J j j f l B ca re fu lly : r a t In serving-' B s f i H b/owQ Id h IW B H H I li t t le fn t . tbe ii add water

rd. and tw o t&bleBpunnfulx .j r t x J H o f vloegnr, cooking slow- nd -ly UDtll tender. Thlcki'ii 1ilS' th e 'g ra vy and )icr%'o aK ^

W B iS ^ jtm one does f r t c n a s e e d ^ ke chicken. I f on ,older •■nb- ^;_ l b it 1s ttl be cooked, i t . should be pn^ p

boiled ID w a te r.w ith a'tnhlotfi-oonfwl r gs. or two, o f vlDegir u n til tender, iht-n - ou brown ps atK>ve.. j Roast W ild Duck.—Clean nnd truM I am I the duck ;'sp rltik le w ell w lth-aa lt and om pepper in d cover the breast w ith thin _ iin. Htrips nt salt ix>rk. Place on a rack lay ! Id a dripping pan or roaster; ndd a i cny ; litt le _^ater to the p a n ; place In a t ltd hot oven'ao'd cook fo r ha lf an hour. • >vp JBoste at least five times during tbe | me roasting. Serve w ith currant Jelly. ' ir- An onion or two may be put into the * ur- (:avity o f Ih t bird, o r a Jiunch n f cel-

esy, removing t>efore aerving. These | lay Oavvn add tnuch to the lls,»or cif a ind w ild duck. Uoat epicures agree that . of (be hlglly-seasoDed stufODgs oveipow-

nte er the dellcaie flavor o f Ihe bird.' For those, who s til l cIlDg to tbe ro e th ^ .o f *

lie* Htiifflng. the fo llow ing w ill be enjoyed.:- j i>se Raisin 8tufflng.~Soak one quart o f ,

bread cmmbs In cold water and ero .squeece d ry ; add two well-beaten e ^ , i ind jn e 'teaspoonfttl -of sa lt, two iiU>le- '

xpoonfais o f chopped parsley, une'cup- ~ fu l nf chnppe<l raisins and one-half ,

cupful o f chopped celery, i^eart Vanlaen.— Rtih the roast all

^ over w ith the out side o f a lemon: jg la rd-lt w ith strips o f fa t sait pork, and 7 mast IS minute* to the pound. haHtlng

occaslunally; cook un til teiidKr hul iTire. Servo w ith spiced grape Jelly.I f one cares to Improve the llivo r, ndd a stnsll chopped onion and cnrm t tn the roasting pan.

Rabbit W ith Veoetabl«s.~pinre h ^ thick layer .>f onions .In a csMf^rol^

then a layer ot Yabbit r\U tn MrrvlnS' ■leed pieces, a s iftin g o f flour and neaaonlDji and soother layer o f hiiiI<)u«. and rabbit nntll a ll la nsnl. Cover

- J . .md cooli In a moderate ove<i.As no moisture (except that in the

mixture), is added, rane must he tnk- en to keep l l from searching. Serve with miiHlied potatoe«.y

- l [ v v u U ^ irop .

as NOTIOBM*!* To A ll Owners nnd Drlvcra o f Motor

Vchlclca:*® You of« horcby notified th-.t Au*o

Lieonso fo r tho year 1920 ia now du-! old. und poynblo at tho o fficu o f tho coitu- Ido. ty i^ o u o r . K ind ly make appUcatbti ling (fT »aae at oncc. ’ I f yonr car wa* ■Qire liccDSod in thie county laat year nnil

It is not convenient fo r you to call nt tlio office, you may m ail your chccl

n rt name o f car .md the 191!'license number.

I <10 OEJO. W. WILCOX,f us Adr. County Assessor.

te ll- , - '" ' ’ • .ibed atockheidHrtt Hfdetlag

t The aiintuil .intMllUg o f the Htoi'kliold- > * ers o f the 'tw 'in FaUa DehytlratiwR C’u.,

for lha oloction o f o ffif« rn for lho en- suing yenr nnd fo r such othur liiisitK’n

>rlos (is, niay propi^rly come boforo the m'-i-t 3 ioR w ill i>n h flil i i t tho 1'iirinli hull on

too Tuesday, Fclin i.iry lO ll. .nt 2 p. ni. j J. L. MEK, SccrL'tary.

" 1 — ^ M flN O Y . M E A 'H *y ilU S e H A S <,Been w e p iN i! COmi’ a.n 'i' f a R JN l i« O N TO f IF T e C N V e A R t . I


y»' p ^ “ ; - -

i W P f K.......... ■ ■ -

er ' -ay . ■ • . • J .

I I— " o r : R A T S S '

er Per^word por.lM ertipx i I c

^ P e r , ^ o ^ pe r week 6 o

-p e r w o r^ per-m onth . lOo

^ / C U S S IF IE D RATES Fr On* In ssx tte ^ p te m rd ----------!___u: lo >~i- bns vrask (SsU;r la d W saUjr).-.___1 ^

Ons montb ( D il ty u d W saUy)____16c RV m nlam m cbstgs fo r esch Insattten —H o f say c lM d fle d Ad, I f i centL A d s^^iJ inn it r im fo r a stated pexlod o f time. , C:% —7 H 0 K B s a - a<

, FO R S A L E — R E A L E S T A T E !ra _____ ______________ __________________ ^1®'tl POB SALE OB RBNT—120-aoro Im-j ~ ” proved farm near Shoshono. Old r ive r „

w-atcr riph t. Box 432, Slioahono, Idoho.j

FOR SA ltB—Elevoa acrcs jo in ing K imborly townsite. Priccd right. Oooil _

>UB terms.-. Vanco P. Brown, owner, P. ’ O. cd. box 182, K im borly, Idaho. . V

FOB 6 A I/E ~ B y ‘ owner,' on cosy . torma, good 40-acro Salmon land noar B

Bergor, or w ill consider trade fo r small la ‘ t ' ' rcsidonce. Addreaa N . M., caro Nowa. biu iN -------------------------:------ :-----„)w- FOB S A L ^ M y r^tidenee a t .^143 . a>n 201& Avenoie Ifo r th . 7 large'- rooms,

basement and good garwe.- Bamuol ficd -nb- POR SALE— 1-2 oero txoet w ith go'oJ p 'n^ plastered house, close in.AddroaB B. T., o' ful Newa, ' b

‘™ FOB S A U } OB T O J J }B -T ot. c i t r property or small acreage, 40 acres, e 3-4 mile from sebooL Address Box 10, |i, ca»..N«.™.

lliniCk F O R 'S A L B -L o te 1 and 8 ia bloek 1 a 4 Bluo Lakes addition. Priee (leOO: one- r- t a ha lf eash, balanee 1» S and 3 yeara'time uir. at 7 per eent Interest, payable semi-aa- *' (k,, anally. C. L . P ittm an, F t. Morgan, Ool., 1 Ily. Box 30.0. - _____________ I

FOB SALB—4 room .modem honse g ' f f ith large sleeping M re li. Oarage. Pos- .

. session a t onee. Price r ig h t ■ Phona f la ; j a f te r '8 p. a . i

£ H E L P W ANTED ]WANPE1>—Woman ,<10 work by hour. -

Horbst ncd Bambo.

ind W ANTED—Woman or g ir l wasted ■ (g«, for housework in town. Inquire a t 32. b)e. Uaia ave..£. J . R. Conway.

W A N T ^ —O iri or wonton to r geaei. al houBowork. Phone gZBM/___________ I

■ II i U LAS8IT IED A D » m (loS a b»J- 1on: t t to r yonr car— i f your o ffe r is attrae- i and tive. Olve tba details a prospective tlDi: buyer expeets.

■ rn ig a il iy ." ' I " F raga llty bua ever been esteemed ’ a v irtue os well among pagans sa !

ChrUtlans; there have been even he- i t ” rocs wbo practiced It. However, we i

rouPt.acknowledge tha t I t is too mod- est a v lrttie , or. I f you w ill, too ob- i ,>«curcea one to be ciwcntinl to her- < oism: fow heroes have been able to i

’ ' '. 'r atta in to such a he igh t F rugality ' ogreea much better w itb po litics; I t seems to be the base, the support.and,

’ In a word, the insepamble companion * " • o f a Just adm inistration.—O liver Gold­

smith. ^

!j2 It^Rained Cata.A t 0 fnflhIo*hahlp thurch we<ldinR re­

cently everj'thlnK wn» proceeding In quiet flolemnlty when widdenly there wnH n snarl nnii ii Jiinip nnd twq cnts fe ll on the mlnlKti*r's heud from tho balcony above. I <lon'i think un.vbotl?

oitu- remcmben* Just how the cen'mnny wdh i t i j t j concluded, fo r even the m lnifltcr Joined wut In the lough thot foilDwed.—KxchutiKc. a«il ,

heel M inds'Make Speech.igi<i| Nil mnn cuu iimkc u »ik ‘oc1i nlone.

I l Ih tlu* Kfeal iuilAnii power {hut :<U‘lkes up train n ilmusniid minds tha t |

or. ac(» upon him . nml iiiaken the .siHjecb. —Jniiies A . Garllclil. i

. , . Any reasonbiy-priceil houao or Opart-j ■ ment may bo rented—.through an In-;

■ '*■' exj'ensivo elatuiUlod advertising cam- lin r i j ‘ *>0 m ailer. Tllo ' ‘ r is k ”

involved is so sm n ll,tha t few jwople ,11 oa d ig n ify i t by ih n t name.

rv-. • 'I IB A A tH B O L A S S in E I} ACS

l -S A V E O E N Or I '■ 'T T I .E ,-----------

I [ fA R M - M A N O Y . J------M o v e iN T o f

^ \ T U A r 'E R E F A R M , r ^

m /^ 3 I

B f f iI ONE OENT PER w o


F O R S A L E — M IS C ELLA N EO U S° FOE SALE-35,Yrhlhj,fa«o cwka, w il l ° lamb ia F e b n ^ , ait *10.00. L ^ and c Bobwts,.Boom Q«Baagh bulUUag. ,

■•TOR'SALB^-i^oiee B u ff Orpington* cockerels. Only a few le ft. AJao oowa.

I Call o r w rito Clyde B. Taylor, Hsosen,1Idaho.

■ 1 POB SALE — Team o f bay mares, -w e igh t about £800 ponnda. Phono

^|604-J2. ^

‘■j POB SALB—McCormick mower and ' j rako, P . and O. plow. Cheap. Call OMW.

■ I POR S A L E ^ o d a founta in o t Var-___________________ -

►. POR SALE—Post Card Racks n t Varney ’s.

POB B A LI^-B rood sews and shoata. r Registered Htnnpahlres and grado Po­ll land China, Baroo and Ohostor. Call

between 2 and 4 o ’eloek a t Edwards- ranch north o f Suburban Park.

s, P o lT B A I ^ ^ o o d m ilk eow, ju s t Dl fresh. Tolophono S19-JS.

- POR SALB—Atr reasonablo prioo •i purebrol R. I . Bed cockerels, eolor '.f cherry mahogany. Bastem. atock; flue

birds. Phone 60OB, Box 754.

J FOB SALE— 1 Vietor. ta lk in g ma- ■« chino ISOj 1 Bungalow p lt^ e r piano, 9, WOO. Address K M eare News.

; FOR R E N TIP TOR REN 'r—IflO acres near Jerome, a- to lonso te riRht party, .atust bo token l „ quick. Address J)r. F. K. McAtcc, Tw in ' FaUa.

” POB RENT—Boom fo r rent. Phoae »« 9H8-M.,s- . ■■■ ____________ __W. FOB BENT—S*fumLsh«d rooms 403

Fourth avenue norlh. -

POB BENT—Ono • Ughthousekeeping apartment down stairs and one sleep- ing room, 501 Ib u rth avenuo west.

T. —................................ . I i i l IFOB RENT—Nice fro n t sleeping

- room, (W7 Th ird west.

1 FOU ND!>' .FOUND—Two bunches o f keys, ao

iden tifica tion mark. F inder may Idea- » I i fy aaine by calling a t News o ffii!* y- and keys w ill be returned upon pay- « ' ment o f charges fo r th is nd. re • • ■ —

Classifled ads tia d de s l^b ls board

ssa tT bem ta I td I wss expecting o fr ie n d tn ca ll on s SuDdsy evening. I opened the pa rlo r J- idoor, nnd, seating m y w lf on the porch, e awaited his arrival. When he cam© 1- >ve went In lo the parlor. Hearlpg a J- noise, we looked around, and to my r- chogrin discovered my tw o pet chick- :o ens roostlng'OD the back o f a cbalr.— 7 Chicago Tribune.I t ■■ :

Our stores were nover more attrac I? tive. A v is it to any of them is n de

I lg h tfu l experience. ’ You seo tho new est things in merchandise— as w e ll ai the fnm ilio r thing*—and you get ideas!


rc O ALL F O B O O U N T T "w ^ R A N T 8ts Tlip fo llow ing (.'ounlv W urrnnts w il he be p iiiil npon pre«'iitutlon nt the (.'om: l5 ly Trcunurer’u O ffic r, Tw in Fnll!*, I'lii OH ho.,,,! t-jirrP iil Kxju-njio W urruiils, >«>«. ISO

lo 2H0J Inc. 1011' Herlen. (•H'he iiJ.ov* W!irr[ititii being all oulotnndin;; 1

Wla.).\E rli-u lliir iil l-'iiir WiirranlH, N'o-''. 1

le. to In.'., li»l}i Sori.-H, lat Inlercsl on tin: ubovo wurriin l.t censfj lat |.liin iiu rv JJitli, 102(».>h. i)'l!.-il ami l«)-tvJ .7;iiill;ir\ lO tll, li'2(

■i-:. i., wAUUl-lN. I ''•kjlhty Tr«-asar<*r.

‘ ‘ • i r J B L IO N O T ie t OF SCHOOL BOJr ia -1 E LE O T IO li IN IN D EPBN D EN am-! SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.' 1, TWT k ” : f a l l s COUNTY, IDAHO.>ple : ^

! 'i'n l.lie no lire 'm kf-r.-iiv uU'en, necyr• ia^ t(i law and lhe rc '|iiif*ili‘ n rtiou >• llll- lioar.l o( trunlci’’t <il‘ Imlcpeiicli-i

:n o o 6 H / (-J N O W . M A M D r- i r Y c------------^ .STILL OF T H C J 'A m E

A S YOUWERC A revN ' ^ ^ C 0 - w a c Y O U rA ^

f m . (^ 1 ^ «>'6

y .:J U > i.y ii. iy y ii f f i


IS FOR SALE— AUTOM OBILESu POE 8ALE-^Ford. 'ooBm.ell'volean" aa i.^ng Co.. opppslte postoffiee. •

on I W A IT E D — M IS C E LU N E O U S |'r j ; " T v a TOH F O lt THE U A T 'o lT « « !

alToot Ohimnoy and furnace elconlnt;. , _ Pliono 225 M. V '

iX)R SALE—300 owes, 1 to 4 ya iw • old, w ill lamb in February. Lu tz and Rohort-s,' Room fl Baugh buHding.

rt? ^W A N T E D — DreBsmaking. P ^ e ^

^ W ANTHD—To rent or hire ranch,^ north sldo land preferred. Addrwa P. • n t 0 . Box 413 or G. S. B. care News. (

_ " w a n t e d - W i l l take ears o f ehil- . ta. dren by tho hour or afternoons. Phone >o- 315-M.

' “ w a n t e d —O j. I i i t g i . t o r a t V a r i ney's.

r » W A N T E D -Y o u r“ ra tor blades !o i sharpen. Werner’s Repair Shop, 244

..... Second sreot £ .

\ Z WANTED—Furnished house. Ko smnll children. References. T. M . J. ; care News. : '

T O T R A D Ef o b TRADE—ICO acres c la U Iw d .

■“ a ll improved, h a lf mils from Boy, Idaho; w il l trade fo r auto. Inqotzs B .

^ I>eWit^..rppte_8. y w iB .y tf ls .! jif th g .nc, . . . - . ,:en i , i

J *

: m m m103 I.-. ->V

C LE A N R/HiS "z \ N EW S O FflG CIfiB I ' . ^

A woman w ilt someiln^es A m ark p t an a c q u ^ ta a c f r^ o t In c ttvy 'V tnt So a d m ira tio n - '‘ How does she laasasq to

BO always dress so w e llt” Tbe habU o f [.». reading Ibe ads is rospoasib)e fo» »neb riire jo f the good dressing we see. luy- ' 0 i •»»

Tnere is no' better medium in , thr . worid than n newspaper fo r a(),vertl*

ird - ' ing, and the Newa is a newspaper.

School D is tric t No. 1, Tw in Palls on County, Idaho, tha t a speelal sebool lo r bond election o f said d is trie t w i l l b r .fh beld a t tho H igh Bchoot Dulldlng is the „ ' c itv o f Tw in Falls, in aald d is tr ic t on

Friday, tho .10th day o f January, A . D.‘ “ \9S0,. between the houra.of o'doek “ y 1>. ni. and five o ’clock p. m.; a t wWeb

election thero w ill be snbmltted to the qualified electera'of the S ta te 'o f lodho who are resident freoholdera or house- boldors o f the distrie t tho fo llow ing question fo r the ir voto and deterniaa- tion thereat:'

,cw- Question submitted: aal Shall the Board o f Trustees of-Inde-

;asl pendent School D is tric t No. 1, Twin I Falls County, Idaho; be authorixcd to

' I issue the, negotiable coupon bonds of the d is trie t in the amount o f One Hun

*8 * dred Thousand Dollars (tl00,000), bear- , |in g interest a t the rate o f not to ex

cccd six (0) per centum per annum; 'snid bonda (o 'bca r dato the f ir s t da; i o f ^ a re h , A. D. 1020, to bo duo and ipa.vnblo twenty (20) years from tb^li

, I dale, and redceinablo oa follows; $10,- ''‘' '7 OOU .March 1, 1931, and *10,000 on

" j j tu r c i i 1st ot ?nch year thcrca f|e rj fo i , , tiic purpose o f providing an<3 improv-

! lug uchool honaeii, and grounds, ami fur- anf.K ' ” ‘* '‘ re, npiiaratus and fixtures, w ithin

' I and fo r xiiid diHtrietf ■ K«ch q iic lified voter, »hall void Upon •uid inication by HO^njt balii»l Whuruor

; shall 1)0 w ritten or prin to il tbo qucs , tion abovo submitted nnd said balioti ahall contain the words “ Bonds, Yea,'

tho words ‘ 'Donds, N o,” and shnl indicate his approval or dltmpproval o

' Him •|ucntinn submitted .by pl.icing i i:rons ( . \ ) u]>]>oiiitu the KroU[) o f word

cyril- ‘ 011 liis bnllot w liich exprcsfn’s Imh ehoirc lU o f The jm lls fo r the rcccplion o f the bal icli-nt lulh i-ast Uptm naid qucitiun w ill o:

O «m e m in A / ■ -EWYEW4S-

r j -------

■ 7 a M ifm '’" ' '

j I i f y o u w a n tI e x c h a n g e , b a i t e r , d is - '" . y;,:

5 j p o s e o f o r a o q tn ire A K Y - ;^ • rr>I T H n r a t r y D a i ly 'H e w a ■I! Olasfl^ a d s ,


> B u ann iB S o a b d b a t b b ' .^ One insertion, per l in s . . . ._ „L ——L l t a ..

One wsek, per Itns ________V' One moatb, per lins ................>



■ w S l b b ^ m Ia M —^ rs h ie ld s ; esl^inet work. Moon’s Shop. Phone 6. , j

J. T ^ s i p ^o E o ^ r a ' ' '5 £ A $ ? S M r 'o M lM 5 Y ^

J’l. Phone 848. .

“ P IA N O T U n 5 a '

P lA N O j r o w m M . o 7 H uIL W e i t 6 4 ^^^o rso n Hotel.

!0 P IA N O T U m N O —PboBO 108. L o g U : 44 Music Co.^ .

P IA N O BXOT>10 '

P iA N O 8 T T O l6 -- lI rs . ^ f l e * H i a ^ • i PUino les^ns. 'Phono 120 « tb ' '

'*■ Ave. No. “ •^ ~ . . . " ~ = g a ^ = . I _ ■ • ■;4 , I ' . " ......

S r o f O J l l i o x i a i


: HOM M B Q..a|tTTiTlt- -B syd

, T A T IiO B C W W im fM U lhoOftfc.- BWg> V

‘ h f B S L S t h m m w — A tte ^ M M a t Law . frs e t ie e ia A l i0 6 t i r t s ; t i r tB 'pM u,.;idsbe. : . ' : . ;

& M . M t™ M « r M » k o D ^ r t a w a t 8 u rs ; jT ir t» ,

? ! J . 'B . W i n —L a w y tr ; i ^ j > r f s a t e < :, z «d OeilsMioa- ■

Rooms fl aad 7. e w T w ia S s U s liM ii k ; tn » t C o . , . ,

A B O H IT S O T ^ ^ ■th f ^ - _______ _________ ____— ------ '*

r t i. OHABLBS B. KAU PIKAN , architeet, .. Babcock building, c ity.

>a)lf jsa id day andheel I aforesaid, be opened a t the hour o f «M .- . b r oeloek p . m: and w ^ I r e m ^ open t^ tU - '■ the the hour o f five o ’clock p. s . , o f th» . '

: on same day, when they shall be elos*A.. D .t Dated thia 10th day o f January, 'A. loek D . W20.Meb D A V ID r . CLABK,.the Chaliwaa Board o f School Tm st ilsa.,

dho A ttes t:nse.' OEOBOE E. BRYAN T, /-iDg ''

l ^ A lL K O A D T I t f E T A B T J S .ude- • .'win • s u tb o n ttdI . I No. 16fl_______Depart 5:-l0 a. m. '

. No. 8 4 „ ....„D e p a r t 4:46 p B . ,, Westbound

No. 83--------- Depart 11:45 a, m.Ne. 155______ .Depart 3:45 p. m. ' j

B o g e rs o n B ra n c b .T r a in s ;| ;h^lr • Southboiind ■JIO,- No. 339---------Depart 11:45 a. m. '

on Northbonndfo i No. 340..^....__A rrive 3:20 p. m".

irov* ■fur- U a U ,U a k e a pt**''' No. lOT at 5 a. m. ,

No. 83 a t 11 a. m. Iil'O" No. 155 at 3 p. m. ' :ruon ffo . 84 at 4 p. m. lucs- Rogerson branch at 11 a. n .

The foregoing mail makeup Is ■hnil o ixra tive and effective under o r-,,„ i „ f diuat.v cctidUlouav I f a groat

n amount o f mail s l^u ld bo drop- •' fnr.N pe*! «“ about tbe Rgular closing

timo i t would bo Impossible to ,, dispatch tho mail on th<j preciseII 0,1 I hour. __________________

T T ,

i m N m m r . : 't I Y O l^ '^ W A N T E l)

Page 8: U '^EP(m 'OP Tgjg^ J / · ; < ,J |'-'' | | f e | | : M a ^ e n s .liy ^ ^ litltt of Bol- : shevlste asTOasph faVCeas- ' ^.ing to

i i l S BE a a t L a k e & n th o r it ie & S e e k t l

- I d e n t i t y o f M a n B e lie v e d to ' > be o f T w in F a lla

j-. Tho hotlj' o f R. B l .roiinston wns tJ, morning found In n room in a ^ a l t La

iio tcL Tho b >aid, w iu mi4«r(td w ith robUvry t*»o rootivf.

Thi« wonl m ii-liod Twin Tnlls H jnoraioK, tjiu flupp'oflitioa bcint; tli

— JohM lon l>ol<in;;8 Jn T«vin F aHh. I iv ifo is Juiid iQ ho in i IUr c ity . U l i r s t nanir, lu^rording to Salt Lako d

. IB Loulsft.KoenrdH licrc, both iu tlio pofltal (

■ pftrtm cnt aad tJioso kopl by c iv il icriinina}'' ‘nuiliorilios, coRtain tio dn relA tiitf; tn nny It; £>. Jolinston wbc

• w ifo in named Ixjuisn. Tho rocoi ‘ thowfl a Ralph Johnsan, w ife T illlo , w

k u boon'a fanner h i ntis dlnrtrict.J eoBtlr ho waa omploypd w itb a team

' the £ lk s I build ing banomont oxca^— -tioB. ' Ho is not now In Tw in i'a lls a

\ > Ua 'wliercabouts havo not brcn locntb r tho anthoriticB who claim lie in wai • d fo r issuing froudulcn i chcfkfl. I:

' ' >. ir l fo ia w ith relatives in Iowa. A fai pmportjr, owscd by tbo Johnsons, n

I - ta ld M^’orol nnntha afio:I . S ^ t Lako inquiries eoncornlns t

dead maa and his fam ily to ll o f t . iin d lA g o f a quantHy o f chloral ia ( room w ith tho body. Papers identl l im SB B . B. Jnhnston, and arc i^ald » « i( t io a Louitia his w ife. That robb< i r » ttio motive fo r tho crime in 1 Hevod bccauso tho man is said to ha diaploycd a quantity « f dimnonds al»(

I ‘ ' the hotel, eomo o f which vroro misiii ' -when the .crime waa discovered.

J o c a l j Q r o ' v i i i e j

' Home from Ohicago—M i*. .Burton ,, U o n c TkturncA Batuidiw from - Ghi

gb where sho Tl’iia caljod by tho dcj e f her brother.

Jndgfl HflSMn ZmptQTlng—Jad lawreneo Hanson wlio nas boon m

’ « it t iy i l l .a t hia homo in ITanaoa : th« past Uireo woeka js reported gre

i . » __‘ To lo ltlA te ^T lie rerrular moettnc

Tw inTaJls Oiapter Xo. 2U, 0 . K. 8 v ' ' bo iie ld Ttjcsdny n ight nt « oVloek

Ute Masonic Temp1f>, A r la u o f fo le a n '^11} be in itia ted. A ft« r the r< Blar sqssion rofrcshmenfa w ill bo aorvi

, / ■ ; Balim eg‘ o p « 5 ito rB e B m n e d —Wo 'Km 'Wm renunbd on* tiio L ihd garii •d d itltff l it f te r sospeiwibn ' « f ' bovoi

. ' .a o a tlia .. Jfaferia), douyed Ui tnuu .h a i arrived told contmetoni e ip cc t’ rorth*«' delay* j i l operations. • . . ...

^ K a ig h ts T e m ^ to Maet-Xr ' IJ ttrnday ovpninR members o f T» ' » b11b Commandcry, No. 10, w ill enjw

ih a speriar coBTOCOtlea fo r work', -the firs t, dfgrpe o f tlio erder. The lod

bilca fb» b^n e sa a t .7-.M o?clo«1

■ « ta A n to a li> -W .;rf Aaff be■ iwMWwr here o f tJio a rr lv ir f te 0

Ahfonip o f V n . T. A . UarrlaoW, «tfll there by tiio illnom o f M r. A y H s

, who-.ia Buffering from brenchia»tJHc , -;» o ia « . I t is lu ld th a t while Jiia'

ia w ru u s i t is aot a lam lng .

J ^ - W lw - T o r a o m . . , - ; » ^ t ia bho Elfcn' lodge room Colon

o f thn Sttlvarton Army, w ill a a Rathorinjr » / Tw in Falla [pe

V»e-iatoreBtod ia th^.fo rtihcrin ff o f wt . rp ijg iour » » rk in this « i

. . '• “ "JtCf'Thia m«)tin|r'J’» to Uo Ibo baa Bf tb e -^ rm a tb n o f a S ilrA tion Artri

,J> ri^de i i i TiWH Fuilk

Stock— AI . -O i le in i . , founiv c lb ti' Wader, <m*ii SMtcrl w ifti fhe fwJn' Fn31W Farm b i « n u , nnnounpM tba t'on ni«x* Baturdn'

. . t*c tw i'lvo hi'inl o f roelsfrfjrpJ an ting . in irrhaw d a t lust week 'ii ShorHawm sal

w ill he ilistribut(Nl to junior- bureai • Club mcnibem who" hnvo Wie & « ilit ie

fo r tu k iiit ' propiir rrtre o f tiKom..

F iiem aii Wanted—T hr V . 8- c iv jRftrvirc ilc{Ntrtnirnr aRiinniit-cfi »• ftro wnn ■■saniinutioit to fH l thp pasitittn o. f iw i in i i lnhnnT in the cu s tid iiit i wirv

;it Tw in Kalh- TFip sciUirv is pln-< l.oinm fn r th r .'mll'rt,.Mini* no. Apiijinif.jonH miwi IW/il<«l p riiir to th '’ rU)«o <if buai'nt's.s F.tU-

■ / t ’ciiltr> ' Salsers Org.aalro— W ith I'r.-n

lloor.-. o f tli«- stii'c u riiv i-n ity c»t.M »tnn cli-jiiirlTnriil iu r liiiru i'i plan^ fn r a roiinf.V im nlrry prn.icrf ivp'-,'

nntl jmt intc. opfratiim linv. T ill' o ri'iin ijy ifidn meeting']uA.\ in 1*11' farm I'Un-aii i.rnpit< an.l Bniw -v Fi'17. wa* irli-o ti-il rin iiny piiiil t r y jirc iji'fl li-arliT. (*i>iniiiunfty li-:nl > « 'v ill I'I- t<» ii.sHist ia tin- j>rij . c l . ,

— T — - - -II

I1W e anhd

-of A r t N eed le F in d in g i

to reduce i t cc; ; " W A T C H

. ite m o f th is st<

; ~ EV

i T l W p i ly m m i

M e e tin g T o in o rro w an( ° . : P rom ises tb ' Be W e ll

t ic u la r ly In te re s tin g te r in g fo r La,nds in ' o f D iscussion

this — ;— rthnt Timiorrnw huiidroda o f nupportera o( I l is the .“ mon* irrigntion fo r Southern Ida' Hue U«” p ro jw .t w il l Rntbor in Bm lcy ic

! di«- poMHidpr ways ond menns fo r obtainlnp govoriiuient iutcrost ln tho plans fo i

1 do* ,op^^rlinu' great trh rts o f land in th ii aad sooUou oE thtt »tale to »«tUora VhroHRV

data .SrripatioH achc^mfs. rhosa Tlio Burley couvontioa has beon or cords doriKl by tho. Idaho Reclamation now , who ciatiou w ltili tvro purpoms In view. Tht ..B o : flra t is tho onovmontionod above. th( ,m ia seeond coaaidonition o f certain phnBOj ravat o f oppiwition to tho plans fo r land I aiiJ. openiuK'^ovclopcd w ltK ln tho bordoii :nto<l o^ Uie homo state it«e lf. vaat Tlio convontion opems n t 1:30 o ’clocli

H is Tu(>(fday> aft«rnoon' w ith dolegatbm far.n presi-nt from Tw in FciUn, Cassia, M in i

was doka, Jorome, U a c o ln , power an.l Oooding counties,

tho ' For thb coave>^nce o f delegatloni' ’■ thrt from tho wo«t end o f tiho hm nd i line a tho the O. 8. L. railroad company has a r ntlfy* ranj,'od Bpocial fnellities. K x tra cotwhef Id to w il l bo Rttaehod to. tbo early tm in to- jbe jy morrow momini; lo occammodato the n be*. T m n Fulls nnd othor dologaUonB fron havo intoraiodiuto toivna between horo atu! ilio u t Bnrli'v. A npocial tra in w il l bu ]iro ailing vidtid to b r iii^ back tho rcprcscntu

Uvc*. Thia tra in w ill leave B u rlty a 11 o ’clock tomorrotr n ig ltt., I'\)r t^iose who can remain ovo

Wedniwday thoro w il l bo another ses flion o f the convention, this scssbn be

J - fng oiHui to general <li»ouafllon o f roo „ lam jitlou themort nnd schemes os the?i

to MUthcrn Idaho. A ll talks w il bi> lim ited to 30 minutes in 'long th . A l

* Yi»il»ra w ill 1)0 cntertalnotl by th. townspeopo o f Hurley tomorrow ovo

fadga i'o llow ing iS' the program o f th'conforence:

fo r .ravDCation, the Bov. B. T. Cose, Bar freat*

• - - 'V - • - ~tg o f “

=£;« S o c i a l N o i e j s

W b ra fc Mra. Fred T . Diiboui o f Washingtdt tfiige H. 0. o q i^ c 'S a tu rd a y t4.'.aa'(Uid th voral ^ e d d iu g ^ Miss Agnes I la r t nn ins it, Bicfiard -Wilson.:t ,n o ____

/ ■ ..M rfc F . W. Bronnuirli enttfrfained th> V « t cittb F riday fl#t«moon aTw’ n home 00 Soventli avenue notth^ Bndge formed t4ie aniit«ement fo r th k ' iu *» d da in ty refrtMhaiettU wen

'Hie memboni prftw n t -wor '®"v • >r«»daiu<'# i l . C. M itche ll. L . K. Salla

• «lny, W. Blrfridge, O. Haralri/I, C. H bflfm :KrhnKU>. ffW hf* « f tho club wor# Mr*

r/.' T. M oore,.'ii. A . 'H d t te r nnd

SKItt'cu- Mr.|,>nd M rit 0’f»n \;ilk ' Haight pH littBo' tcrtoiniff:! n t cjirds, PVlM iy <»yening a

ithoir, h«m9' in East LivMA'. Tl\<‘ twesV . . wei)» M r. fuid M r*.yvirrA W iv c k ; M l

mW** ff iii^ .M f* , H .\C . AloxiKjdcfV ttIss-Oen lOMf eVU‘V; .ff;*;gfctynd B«»y I.ogif*'-

f e ■ In H ta llu W ioMT,. iv’ ifr'H rif o f jsvefn 'iiances to bo A m laais a t the Eilh

rha])|yttc;fliail’ttj|’, Jm u iu -y 2B.- •

-A ' li'dMt, 'osdiste*? by hcjaunt

bn - r ’*'. B jackfoW enterrtnr trifiiiM 'iilfV ( lu Satur<iav nf-lo is h‘oii«o'i«pi* charmiHff w ltlimln ‘ ‘ •^ “ W tlM a e f jw fsy branebM

o t the foliuSf* .«iT the rt!i«\wn crape and tin . -white ir» 4 d in i; l.o lli.

»e tea tnbf i * ' hud'a' f -’»unv Inre, tho POUl.-foU-rv^ M u jJ - ' ; * k e v fp b "

i v i l « fC *w d as a b h V Ic •w i t l i ’ iH» .lknK ti i l le tro- and tw o ^ lT irf'tflc r'^ke tf- jiJW a ''' in at- I . j f j l i ' i i i la i id . lu i t r a i i f ' ’ lK*a rrr(i, p ln \ ’< fand ii*., trv .{> n «-ut Rl«*rt cau'Tkw ttirku a h fl- ' w l, ltv TT50 w x M in ff t>..lln w ore ' oJso used J Minn

H u rt p rch idvd a t nh^ ‘ c o f f c ; uVT* and lip ,M iiw A lm a U onnit |HJurnl to .i. j.Vadiit‘-

;,U. ry fro H lim rn ti w t-ro »> rV w l.' TIV.V •p ivJ t i lM f lude.l M .'H .lmn. /. > V t*< !'t! l^ ^ b o is f«-f U.ixliiBcton, 1). V., s; W. W iU o \ i- ^ . \

r . i i - , . l . o f n ia i - k fw f , a : W..- C«..;.i j-u i. i. i n i T. y . \V i« «v ;r, J . \ i .JU* r.aiN, ir n, Km i;, W. K r .. ^ . * ju . lv . f . , A h o r l . ■ /.. n . X o r th . I r . H. nr-; & .ii..,t. K 15. \Vi|lia„,H. O. .S.' .loni^S 1.‘.

i . - | U A. Kchinv.,,,. \\..,i,l,.|I VU.-n, H. ( ’.;i'l- /ti.-x;i.rl,.r. 1-. F. llio 7ir i3»^«r . - .Im i,. M 4*w ..|I. pr,.,.., \U -\W .Uxn,

I C iitnuQ j. A im ,I IJm, H.-aVYi,*.. O ifr r rn d '


lounced la s t w e e k th a t le W o r k a n d P acka ge Cu p o n ih v e iito ry th a t th

:o n s id e ra b ly .

H fo r o u r announcem < ;to ck w i l l be so ld a t red


D A IL Y N E ^ . T W l'H FJ

l i l i i o f f iiP iM B S Pand W ednesday in B u r le y e ll A tte n d e d and o f a P a r­in g N a tu re — F u r th e r W a ­in T h is S ection B ig Theme

jra o f AddrcM o f welcdme, W. W. Youmans 1 Ida* fltoyor o f B u r le y .: • \cy lo Oov. D . W. Davis, Idnho.lin ing i^'intNMBr 8. E. Brady,. prM don t Ida Ji fo r ho Aecbuiwition js io c in tio h , Pocatcllo.1 th is ‘'IntroduntioM , as chninnnn o f tAe.'con roHgh ventioo, o f Hon. F . R,- ^o iU n g ^ Ib l r

vino n rrtld e n t Idohc Rccfnmatlon-aa ;n or- soelationT^ooding.', nAiu- In troduction, as secretary o f tho coa

r. The ventloB, o f w . L . Burton^ o l Burley e, the Coasi^ cou;ity.^hnsoa • Address, “ O rgnnlfjation!’, Hon. W il

land H. Oibson, M ountain Home.>rdoTK Address, "P ro g rcM o f Blorago Do

vo lopm cnt". B arry Dibble, mana^fer U 'clock B. roclaxn^tion; Minidoka, atbns Addroa^-,W:nrron. QjBwjcndsca,. com M ini- minioBOC reclamation, Idalu>.

an-1 AddrOWl'-'l'Dovolopacnt by tho Stati o f It® Own ■‘W ater Kcsourccs", Hon

ntlonn M. J. Swoeloy, Tw in Falla.X U*ie Address, 31, Bailey I»ce, o f Burloy.IS ar- ' Address, “ Xeods o f M inidoka Coun lachcB t y ” , B. Dnmpior, o f Bupert, M in i in to- doka coutity.0 tho Address, “ Noods o f Power County”

from Maurlco M . Myers, American PalbD an<V .Power eouhty.} jiro- Addrosa, A . B. Barclay, o f Jerome Bcnta* Jftromo coim ty.I ty a t Address, I . 'A . McMalioii, o f Slioshoni

Lincoln county, ovor Address,. Joe Tanner, secretary B u l

ir sea* Cluunbor o f Commorcc, Twin Foils cour on be- ty. sf roo* Committoo on reBolutioiis; Of B. Piclt the«o ott, chairmnii, Burloy, Cassia county

:s w ill 0, H . McQuown, m a w r o f B ulil, Tw i Jl. A li Falls county;, Mnunco Myers, Amor ’ tho can Falls, Power county; F. W . Ha«i

ovo- ings, Wendell, Gooding coant}'; Hai o f the vey HurJobauH, Jerome, Jorome county

Frank Adams, Paul, w o ld o ka county !, Bar* Oeorgo Bchwnnor, B ichfield, L incol


— ^ or, Florenco Costolb, b\*a Inglish nn H arrie t Warner.'

T lio M. a 8. club w ill meet a t Th _ ' I 'homo o f M rs. Charles Flowordow, Br

Wodnoaday aftomoon, .Tanuary 28. Th subject to 'b o di.«'US8od in “ &t. AiigUJ

ngtaa, lin o ,” leader, M n . E. E. Cory.1 tho ----------

nn l "1 i|,^ |flrd W . W lltiirtn ind mother, XIr W ilson tttr lv cd yeatortUy from Tacflmi Wash., fo r tho Hart-Wilaon wedding.

I'd thft —n at Mrs. V , C. Balluntyno cjit«rlaln<'d -' tiotth. dinner 8u«4ny tvcn lng in honcf «< M j r th',« Ballantyne's biHfcday aniversary. Bo»« i w m and cam ation* fflMBed the centorfrfoe

woro nnd tho eplor 'flchWliw o f pJnk m Salla- wUUw wa* carried thfBugh a ll 't l ie do- C. H. oratbna. TTie 'riiphIs Vcro M r. an

( Mrs. Mrs, Frnnk Wagnor, }Sf> and M r Goorgo Wallace, and MK a»4 Mrs. B. J RIRB*. ■ ^

;,t oiV B tFB E A ir Q17ABTBB8 FLOdOEOng at' 'lJue to tho spreading o f the’ f*v< KVesIn AWAtNfrom t l ic curb a t tho cotntfy' o c,' M r. £ft!6ahoiiO’ind'Secohd avcnuo south * i I- Gon- teP ffOTHNjthe gu tter last n ight and t£c

morMatf M«ped in to^ho (jua'rters o f th fa rm .ra fe s o . The r&oms were b ^ l f loode 'i . ' ' ' •

i | m ir s T h # (( tt i« liv in g i ie i ig t win

L'luny OJJUld f ife t 60••pi*''* son c c ^ f i f f o r 0nv>eze# ^ tin 'lt- nnto ld linm &dr o f these git^dii*^ rounding ■4tffi<jftpkere. By*iMinn m orn ing J^e|)'8: f ile m onth

j ; ; ; ; ! d e e a d e d w m a ® o e e .*

S o w the 'hatoffff lys temINFLUZONE fo r y

B u y i t t o d i y . ’ A l t D r

k. T w in F a l ls , A e t i^ r * B r t i«. - • • wrrv

S ' HAU [ABiTkJv'rnd' - I _________ —

C P 5 ^ t o t k « »5 E L Y H A H T ’S

a t w e h a d pU¥ehased th e G o o d s f ro m th e C los I th e ) s tock ig- h ^ v y , w e

sment o f th e b ig sale a( educed p rice s .


F A L L S , ID A H Q j M O X D i

R I f f o , F o , V a le t; '* F e tth U a O u r M GalUgaskim

*1 1 T V / ^ T I I mod-buttorod walkn nud ooJ!o-smoHiered* croSB- Inga a ll tibottt tha town

6 y galUgnakins aro the moat,popular I o f a ll wearing appnrcl.

Got somof *' •^ a - Onco a;po8t>.l»cld^p fro_jp tho

■ ;-mbxi,o*l«ihrt»'Wghbi in miccessiOn H e by lnclcm cnt reather^ in-his hour

o f bitter.ringnlah quoth: ,“ Tho rain i t ralneth V evctv

day,” and then sal down imd ’ "M . ..wept. . ..-V.. • • . - ■

And eo It doe?h here mnking Tdn *ho. quotation m oro-tban -com-.

monly apt f i i r T w in .f'alla city. Vnn. t^ ia ic ’s ono fine featiiro

about tho mud oa tlio walks—it ' - has a solid bottom; wihen you get

' to it-The January thaw, • howevor,'

Bhould bo about over and dono; ovon: the govemro^ntal Orand

w ,|, V ik ie r o f tho woather dopartmont admits tbat. H is quotidian

n preacment boing " T o ^ g h t rn la or enow; co ldor." '

, ' • Top yeelorday, 6S, wns quite com- .spr!ng4ike, deipito hlack clouds

which tbe snn .could no t piorce. Jtato con tia iiod -th rou f^ ' thoHrtn nocturnal hour», low tomporaturo

bOing 3-1 os against 20 on tbo proccding night.


S u l p e r 5 0 3 x a . i j■ome, I---------------

w, s, SOUM is iu tho c ity ttOtn f Buhl ot^ a buslnext trip .' noun- • Stanley John«u o f Boiso is in Ti

FaUs on a busineitf t r ^ .Pick- ^ ' * Mrs. A . w . Osttom n jn t y over from Buhl, S a tu r^y .>^-in H iss Floronco Costello was homo f imbri- Burley fo r tho week-end.iloAt* Young o f Pocatello is n biHar* v is ito r in Twin Falls.m ty* John FacoUon a pionoor o f Jarb!^i j j t y ; Nov., is a Tw in Falls visitors.Bcoln E . J . M o rr ill nnd D. B, Pingfco

Pocatdlo, o ffic ia ls o f tho Idalio St ‘bonk a r r iv e d 'jn Tw in Falls Satur« fo r a b rie f v ia it.

and W ilb tir Quigley o f Castleford was Tw in PaJls over tho weok-end.

_____M r. and Mrs. E. A. M ilner o f Bt the spont Saturday in Tw in Falls -oa b , Sr., nww;

The W. B. Gre«n, o f Buhl, was fl Sfttur iigUB- v ic to r in T w itt Falls att'ondins to li

busftMss.Mrs, S. F. Vflttdament and li

daugiitcfr, o f Buh(< spont Saturday rflma Sunday i« Tw in Fall*. ’Q2 . ' Mrs. Ddd A. Howard o f Churc

was' among t to out o f town shop] (.J in Tw in FaUs ftaturday. t iir , I’ - M adi|:M arrived SaturBos<14 Pocatello o M wiTl spend sov(•ioce -looking dftoV tus iflesf in

, . M r.- iin ii Mrs, Jamea ^c ia e lliw d . „ j li t t lo '« )Q o f Oakley w ^ ' aanOM^

Mrs. o f t ^ n visitors, in T n ^ FW/tf l T» p urday.

Mr< and, H r*. Leo- Uazol d f lt f^ to r , F rih rfls , returned-tw T

^ Fall# jtfpstefday a fte r-o n 'abBCrfw'' tmv^. »ovc*t«J m ont**. ,

v .M rs . e. W, WiUon and amall. da< ■ tera, Fratticea asd E ro lyn o f B lackf I »t'A. aro gneftt*.at tAe homo o f Mrs. W.ils< J “ ‘ ouain, M r i , C A . B o b liw n . ' badly '

.O liA M I l lB D ADB- - — 'TtS ' =

UZONEwhioh caufl# V r a tT are ao 60 ft head o f & pin. When a per-* t fiJMk spray c a rry ^ g l»rith i t an g^ra ig are spread in to ' ihe su r­

ly 'Asing ' ‘INFLU ZO NE" n ^ t and ith th ro a t free fro ^ ;^ th e 1B.M£T. Diflcase germs f in P ^ e i r ,em t h i '^ g b the nose and m o ^ . r yott.r ptHi^fdio'a.

Drugg iflts , tl.O O .

DrngOo. •


th e e n t ir '^ Stock > B o o k S to re , e h a v e d e c id e d

a t w h ic h every"

> E R

----------_________ :_____ _1' .•-'ly

, J .

■ I . o A S B tt ,0 o o n c D fr t iro ,Trial of the ^ o n l for jiidgaeiit cer

erin'g iM allegcid to be dhe» filed i tho probato eourt by Taylor Oumn^ attorney, ogidnak the Kinberiy MilUi

>A company, haa bieen eonUnued oao weo Mr. Cummins claims -the company h.

. ^ D d to pay hlm.for legal sorvieea pc . formed,

vn' ' ’ ~ '

, '.BUI 'j t . ' • . •

I STOCKlire . , ■ • ■ rf.—it ■ : ' . > < '

I,; We have fo r sale a 6 , ’or, county, Oregon. ‘ The ow i md o f the estate are anxlQua t ian! are severaLsets-Af bu ild isf

fine stream running throng pleted tha t w ill ir r ig a te 2

tho vo ir new ly completed th a t tbo between 4,000 and 5,i

’ w o rth a t least f lOO per i and very productive, free :

— \ ‘ ' 1,600 acrea now.ready fo i located sixteen m iles from

— ' lotm ent, lambing ranges, M gait ranch is fn lly equipped fo



:r: L u t z &■bidgc, ' ROOM fl,roo ofState - - - . ___

lurdaynras int Bulil . .. ^I busi* S S i2 S3

turday I*0 logni

little L A j HiiX

lurchill ' [loppors I l y f

.turday Ksovoral fj i1 Inter* | \ J jlff lE

nd *ad n ■ -M thu .. •; . I ■Ita Alt* • f j f lf.-littie f I r?

Twin ‘ • .'«'• of ' L .dnMh* 'ckfM»t, •.’.llson's ' ' ■" ----

S L^ = j l f o r t h e r e g u la r f<

g o o d c lo th e s

T h e r e a r e p l e n t y

t h e e x t r a , a d d e d v j

a t a t im e . T h e s e

an I m u s t b e t a i l o r e d i

l y a n d n o t p o u n cQdhe i r o n .

t H i r s h , W

a f e c u t o n e a t a t i

o f S h e a r s a n d s t i i

n e e d le a n d t h r e a d '.

F o r m e n w h o lo v e ]

a n d w a n t r e a l s t j

= • f o l d e r o l s m a s q u e r ;

f e r a m o s t s a t i s f a c

W i c k w i f e S u i t s w h

b e e n f o u n d t o b e s

t k e ' A m e r i c a n re a <

j I t W i l l b «, t iif l •soTiHna for every morL-linnt d'M *V(it}) ndditlnnal war tnx, mi

J3y Ai'rviag Ico Cream to y< .V, ’J “ ith

. B R I C K !■ in

“ T hi 13» M A Q . ’ WEST

' ; ' / : : :o a ta > B :O a O O B B Wt cov- '■'prjrTABviait/Pit.p ^«ui in vaot*'erode •oU'".WBS M V a& tM iS-esnta

S J w j ‘o r c n lJ .< l i fo lr f ; i« . - l» a . n u k n . jr has Wflrt nnchanged: . ... .

fWfiWjJ AdB'Ue .t ftaaTfc '

ur :A(RANCHI 6,300 acts stock ronqh i i l Haraey >wner recently died and the .taeln ..IB to diBpoBe o f the p roperty . T O o t iiags on the ranch, i t ia ^ fe i^ c e d , ough the place, one.re8ervo lr obm- 9 3,000 aoreB, and ano ther rejter- bat w i ll ir r ig a te 2 ,0 0 0 m ote, T l i i re B,000 aoreB o f th ia la nd t h a t - \

ar ftore. The aoil W ft.b la ck loam ,' ee from rock o r a l k ^ . There are fo r spring p lanting . T ^ i i ranch ia om ra ilroad. There is a fo re s t a l­es, shearing corra ls, in fac t, the . fo r stock raising.


<: R o b e r t sf l, BAUGH BLDQ.

H I ;r v '

U I T S• f e l l o w w h o k n o w s w l » * t ■■ e s a r ^ j r o r t h t o h i m

y o f men' w ho a p p rec ia te va lue in c u t t in g s u its one se m en rea li26 th a * s ty le 1 in to c lo thes p 6 t in a n e n t- nded in w ith a p re ss in g

^ ic k w ir e S u itst im e b y hand w it f t a p a ir

it’itched by h and w ith aid . '.V

re f i r i^ fabrics,- g ilic lin in g s s ty le in’Stead o f fre a k is h e radW g Af? fa sh io n , we o f- 'a c to ry Sfl^eotion o f H irsh ,' vh ich , b y iJ<itual te s t, h a v^ ' e su p e rio r to ' a n y th in g in ;ady to wear fid td- today.

Store LtdQ S Q B D a a Z Q P r o g r ta s iv o

be N e c e s s a ryifin t lia iid lin j; Ire Cronitt chnrj'i' ISc por , nmk'nig i i ' 17« per eueh Be?vji—,0 your fr io iiiln ^ ti'yo u r home lu" run supply

L I C E C * E A Mi-iBh ni 10c per i>orlibn'nnd no war lax.

'h e L iv e C a in ^d^ M a rx ’’'p itb S E 366

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