
Chapitre C2 : Geodynamique interne.Seismes, volcanisme et risques associes.

1. A partir des documents 1 et 2, localisez les seismes et volcans et expliquez leur repartition.

Doc 1. Gauche : Carte de repartition des seismes. Bleu : zone de convergence ; vert : zone de divergence.Droite : Carte de repartition des volcans. Rouge : volcans effusifs ; noir : volcans explosifs.

Doc 2. Carte des plaques tectoniques.

2. A partir des documents 3 et 4, expliquez en quoi les mesures proposees permettent de limiter le nombre de victimes.

Doc 3. Consignes en cas de seisme.

Doc 4. Consignes en cas d’eruption volcanique.

Continental drift : Alfred Wegener song by the Amoeba People

In the year of 1910 there was a scientist whose name was Alfred Wegener.He noticed that the continents looked just like pieces of a broken puzzle.By 1915 he called it Continental drift.It caused a riftWith his fellow scientists who sang :

Ha Ha Alfred Wegener you are a crazy man,Ha Ha Alfred Wegener you are a crazy little man !

They reminded him he had no proof for how or why the continents would do this.And until you show just how or why, you merely have one interesting hypothesis...Until this evidence we see, you don’t have a theory !

Ha Ha Alfred Wegener you are a crazy man,Ha Ha Alfred Wegener you are a crazy little man !

In the year of 1930 on an expedition to Greenland, Wegener got caught in a blizzard...When they finally found him, it was much oh much too late and they buried him in an icy mausoleum.

30 years after he died,A new idea came to light :Plate tectonics, Plate tectonicsIt changed the way geologists saw the worldAnd brought Continental Drift back to life.Now everybody sings :

Yee haw Alfred Wegener you are a brilliant man,Yee haw Alfred Wegener you are a brilliant brilliant man !

Continental Drift, Alfred Wegener’s theory (x3)Continental Drift, Alfred Wegener’s brilliant theory !

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