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S)• Nifaq: Definition. • Munafiqun in Madina: Signs. • Stand of Munafiqun about the Prophet (s.a.w.). • The Prophet’s dealing with Munafiqun

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A Munafiq is one who pretend to belong to the faction

which he really opposes.


Who pretend to be a Muslim and hid his rejection to the faith.

Two faces


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• In Makkan period, there had been no need for hypocrisy. Islam was weak

and oppressed. Since to profess it cost a great deal of suffering, affliction

and sacrifice, only genuine persons dared to do so.


• However in Madina, to be a Muslim was to ride the winning horse. To

fail to declare oneself Muslim was to remain on the fringe of society.

Since there should be no compulsion in religion, according to Islam, the

question of persecuting non-Muslims did not arise. Therefore the group

of hypocrites arose.

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Sources of the Sirah of the Prophet are unanimous in ascribing a leading role

to the Jews of Madina and to two prominent Yathribites in fostering


The growth of the Prophet’s authority threatened the vital commercial and

political interests of the Jews. Since their position of eminence in Madina was

secured by these interests, the Jews naturally came to the conclusion that they

must, by every means, resist the authority of the Prophet. One of their strategies

was to encourage disaffection amongst the native Yathribites and incite them to

opposition against Muslim rule.

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• The Jews found their willing partners in this mischief-making, and that

group was led Abdullah ibn Ubayy ibn Salül this man belonged to

Khazraj and has close relation with Jews.

• During the war between Aus and Khazraj in jahiliyyah, he was

defended by Jews in the battle of Hada’ik and Bu’ath.

• Ibn Ubayy worked hard to end the fratricidal strifeand achieved a partial

reconciliation between the two factions, which both recognized the

leadership of Ibn Ubayy. He occupied a high status in pre-Islamic

Madinan society, and his supporters aimed for him to become "king".

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This aim was not realized, however, due to the arrival of Prophet (pbuh)

in 622.

Since Prophet (pbuh) came with a perfect way of life (Islam), and

superior than him in leadership (able to fully stop the fratricidal between

Aus and Khazraj and bring prosperity), Abdullah ibn Ubayy lost his

former position.

This provoked his jealousy and hostility, which he was careful to conceal.

He pretended to embrace Islam since he thought it is wiser to join than to

stand out against it.

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1) Banu Qaynuqa

In 624, the Muslims moved against the Jewish tribe of the Banu Qaynuqa

and, after a siege of 15 days, eventually forced them to surrender. Ibn Ubayy

was allied to the Qaynuqa and appealed to Prophet (pbuh) for leniency to be

shown to them but through a harsh way.

Ibn Ubayy grabbed hold of the top of Prophet's (pbuh) breast plate.

provoking his anger. Prophet (pbuh) said, "Let me go."

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But Ibn Ubayy replied, "No. I will not let you go, until you has compassion

on my friends; 300 soldiers armed in mail, and 400 unequipped, they

defended me on the fields of Hadaick and Boath from every foe. Wilt you

cut them down in one day, O Muhammad? As for me, I am one verily that

fearest vicissitudes of fortune."

Prophet (pbuh) gave face to his request, and gave the Banu Qaynuqa three

days to leave the city with everything they has.

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2) Battle of Uhud.

In 626, Abdullah ibn Ubayy disembarked to Uhud with 1000 of Muslim

army. He brought his followers, including his Jewish allies. When Prophet

(pbuh) stopped and Mistarah, he inspected the army and disapprove the

participation of Jewish people in Muslims amy and instucted them to

return. Abdullah ibn Ubayy then chose to return to the city with 300 of his

followers, leaving Prophet (pbuh) with 700 strongs to face the 3000

Quraish invaders.

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3) Banu Nadhir

Ibn Ubayy was also involved in the conflict with another Jewish tribe, the Banu

Nadhir. When Prophet (pbuh) ordered the tribe to leave the city within ten days,

Ibn Ubayy sent a message to the Banu al-Nadir, saying, “Hold out, and defend

yourselves; we shall not surrender you to Muhammad. If you are attacked we

shall fight with you and if you are sent away we shall go with you.'“

He also accused Prophet (pbuh) of treachery and urged the Banu Nadhir to resist

by promising aid. However, as the promised help failed to materialize, the Banu

Nadhir surrendered and expelled them from the city.

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4) Banu Mustaliq campaign

In 627, Ibn Ubayy participated in a raid against the Banu Mustaliq. On the

march home from this campaign, conflict arose between the Muhajirun and the

Ansar when a Bedouin servant of Umar pushed an ally of the Khazraj. Hearing

of this, Ibn Ubayy reportedly voiced his discontent:

“You have brought upon yourselves, by inviting these strangers to dwell amongst

us. When we return to Medina, the Mightier (Muhajirun) shall surely expel the

Meaner! (Ansar)”.

Prophet (pbuh) forestalled any fighting by immediately continuing the march.

Ibn Ubayy denied having said this and Prophet (pbuh) accepted this excuse,

though after the return to Medina the "Munafiqun" would be reprimanded in

Surah al-Munafiqun.

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Reportedly, after the revelation, Umar, counselled to have Ibn Ubayy killed, and

also the offer of Ibn Ubayy's own son, a fervent Muslim, offered to kill his own


However, Prophet (pbuh) rejected their proposal saying, “Do you want people to

say Muhammad killed his companions?” (al-Bukhari: 4905 & Muslim: 2584)

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5) Slandering Aishah

During the same march (Banu Mustaliq), Aisha was rumoured to have committed

adultery and Ibn Ubay was among those spreading the rumour. One of the chiefs

of the Aws asked for the permission to punish the slanderers (without incurring a

feud), but the Khazraj opposed this. After Prophet (pbuh) had announced that he

had received a revelation confirming Aisha's innocence, he had her accusers

punished by eighty lashes but did not venture to enforce the sentence against Ibn


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6) Battle of Tabuk

In 630, the Battle of Tabuk took place during a time of drought and food

shortage created serious discontent in Medina, Ibn Ubayy expressed his

sympathy for those criticizing the expedition as untimely. As the army

assembled, Ibn Ubayy's troops formed a separate camp and turned back to

Medina when Muslim forces set out.

This story was recorded by Qur’an saying in al-Taubah about how the

hypocrityes loved to be exempted from taking part in the jihad.

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Those who were left behind were happy with their sitting back to the

displeasure of the Messenger of Allah, and they disliked carrying out Jihad in

the way of Allah with their wealth and lives, and they said, “Do not march in

this hot weather.” Say, “The fire of Jahannam is much more intense in heat,”

only if they could understand. (81)

They swear before you, so that you may be pleased with them. So, even if you

are pleased with them, Allah will not be pleased with the sinning people. (96)

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His death

Narrated Ibn 'Umar:

When 'Abdullah bin Ubai (the chief of hypocrites) died, his son came to the

Prophet and said, "O Allah's Apostle! Please give me your shirt to shroud him in

it, offer his funeral prayer and ask for Allah's forgiveness for him." So Allah's

Apostle (p.b.u.h) gave his shirt to him and said, "Inform me (When the funeral is

ready) so that I may offer the funeral prayer." So, he informed him and when the

Prophet intended to offer the funeral prayer, 'Umar took hold of his hand and

said, "Has Allah not forbidden you to offer the funeral prayer for the


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The Prophet said, "I have been given the choice for Allah says: '(It does not

avail) Whether you (O Muhammad) ask forgiveness for them (hypocrites), or

do not ask for forgiveness for them. Even though you ask for their forgiveness

seventy times, Allah will not forgive them. (9.80)" So the Prophet offered the

funeral prayer and on that the revelation came: "And never (O Muhammad)

pray (funeral prayer) for any of them (i.e. hypocrites) that dies." (9. 84)

(al-Bukhari: 1269 & Muslim: 2400)

Abdullah bin Ubayy died two months after the Battle of Tabuk in 631.

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The 2nd prominent figure of Munafiq was Abu ‘Amir bin ‘Amir al-Saif

from Aus, who constructed the Masjid Dhirar.

After the Battle of Ditch, the hypocrites realized that Madinah was

invulnerable to be attacked form outside. Thus Abu ‘Amir built a camp

inside Madinah for the enemies army to gather before they attacked

Madinah. The camp was actually the Masjid Dhirar. Prophet (pbuh) was

revealed by Allah about their plan and the masjid was burnt down once

he returned from the Battle of Tabuk by ordering Malik bin al-

Dukhshum and Ma’n bin ‘Uday to carry out the task.

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• Julãs (Jilas) ibn Suwayd ibn al-Sãmit who kept criticizing the Prophet’s

(pbuh) decision to go for Tabuk. His story was recorded in al-Taubah: 74.

He had a son who was a genuine Muslim and always reported to Prophet

(pbuh) about his father’s scheme.

• Wadi’ah b. Thãhit, Khidam bin Khalid, Muattib bin Qusyair,

Jarriyah bin ‘Amir ibn al-Attaf and his tow sons, Zayd and

Mujamma’. They were another of the builders of Masjid al-Dirar.


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Nabtal bin al-Harith. He was a big, ugly man with long untidy hair. His eyes were as

red as two spots of copper. He always attended Prophet’s (pbuh) classes and

humiliated with joke. He said Prophet (pbuh) was all ear.

Mirbi ibn al-Qaizi. He was an old and blind man who threatened to throw a handful

of mud and clay at the Prophet (pbuh). A companion stroke Mirbi on the head with an

arrow. He would surely have killed him if Prophet (pbuh) didn’t stop the companions

by saying that he was blind both in vision and heart.

Aus ibn al-Qaizi. Brother of Mirbi. He requested to exempted from taking part in

battle even though he didn’t have a concrete reason.

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Sa’d bin Hunaif, Zaid bin al-Lusait, Nu’am bin Abi Aufa bin Amir, Uthman

bin Aufa and Suwailim offered their houses to be the meeting place for the


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• Well-known jurist Ibn Taymiyah said that Munafiqs will continue to exist

until the Day of Judgment. He sums up by saying that Munafiqs are of

two types:

• (i) Nifaq Akbar/ Aqadi: hypocrisy leading to unbelief

• (ii) Nifaq Ashghar/ Amali: hypocrisy of deed or action

Muslims are not allowed to judge the committer of Nifaq Akbar/ Aqadi.

However, there are signs of Nifaq in general described by the Qur’an and

hadith to be applied as precautions.


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Signs of Nifaq:

- Prefer to be exempted from jihad (ie: Battle of Uhud, Tabuk).

- Enjoy to see conflict among people (ie; Battle of Banu Mustaliq).

- Tend to help non-Muslims upon Muslims (ie; Banu Qainuqa, Banu Nadhir)

- Always give excuses and oaths (ie; Battle of Tabuk)

- Enjoy to spread story that defame people (ie: Ifk)

- Enjoy receiving fortunes without working (ie: Battle of Tabuk)

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- Tend to harm (pollute) the environment unconsciously. (al-Baqarah: 12,


When it is said to them, “Do not spread disorder on the earth”, they say, “We

are but reformers.” (11) Beware, it is, in fact, they who spread disorder, but

they do not appreciate. (12) 

He moves about in the land trying to spread disorder in it, and to destroy the

tillage and the stock; and Allah does not like disorder. (205) 

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- Dislike to be reminded to afraid or remember Allah or to repent their

sins. Qur’an says: When it is said to him, “Fear Allah”, he is tempted by

arrogance to (commit) sin.  (al-Baqarah: 206)

- And when it is said to them, “Come on, so that Allah’s Messenger may pray

for your forgiveness”, they twist their heads (in aversion), and you see them

turning away in arrogance. (5) 

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- Lazy to attend the Solat. Qur’an says, “They do not come to the Salah but

lazily, and do not spend but without volition.” (al-Taubah: 54) 

- Ibn Ma’sud said, “We have witnessed (during the time of Prophet SAW) that

no one missed the congregational prayers except hypocrite who widely

known with hypocrisy, or sickman. Even a sick man was normally seen

shouldered by two others to come to congregational prayer.

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- Always mocking Muslims, consciously or unconsciously. Qur’an

says, “When they meet those who believe, they say, “We have entered

Faith;” but when they are alone with their satans, they say, “Indeed, we

are with you; we were only mocking.” (al-Baqarah: 14) 

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Do not care about the orphans, poor people, love to show off, and

belittle small contributions. Qur’an says in al-Ma’un,

Do you see him who lies in his religion? (1)

So, he is the one who pushes away the orphan, (2) 

And does not care to feed the poor. (3) 

So, the Hellfire of Wail to those performers of Salah, (4) Who are neglectful of their Salah, (5) 

Who (do good only to) show off, (6) 

And belittle small gifts. (7) 

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Prophet SAW said:

"Four are the qualities which, when found in a person, make him a sheer

hypocrite, and one who possesses one of them, possesses one characteristic of

hypocrisy until he abandons it. These are:

1) When he is entrusted with something, he betrays trust;

2) when he speaks, he lies;

3) when he promises, he acts treacherously; and

4) when he argues, he behaves in a very imprudent, insulting manner."

(al-Bukhari: 4 & Muslim: 106)

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1) Their punishment was not in physic, but in mental through boycott or

disclosing their schemes like the story of Abdullah bin Ubay and others for

their crimes of slandering Aishah. Among the reason is the high possibility

of them to twist the story. Furthermore, the aim of the punishment is to

educate, and they won’t take the lesson.

2) If there is no punishment but psychological ones, they were exempted due

to goal of the punishment which is to educate, won’t be achieved. For

example, 3 genuine Muslims were boycotted when they did’nt join the

Battle of Tabuk. However, the hypocrites were exempted.

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4) Prophet SAW refused to execute death sentence on them to avoid being

remarked as a person who killed his friend like the story of Ibnu Ubay.

5) However, their meeting place been burnt down like the Masjid Dhirar and

Suwailim’s house.

6) Prophet SAW also kept reminding people to be cautious to them by always

explained about the signs of hypocrites. He also told certain companions like

Abu Huzaifah about the hypocrites’ personnel.

7) Hypocrites must be denied from holding any important position in society.

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8) When the Madinah State became a strong nation, hypocrites like Amr bin

Qais, Rafi ibn Wadiah, Zaid bin Amir, Qais bin Amr bin Sahl, al-Harith bin

Amir, Suwaid bin al-Harith and Ibn Ubay were kicked out from the

Prophet’s Mosque. They were also not allowed to join in any jihad


9) After the funeral of Ibn Ubay, Prophet SAW did not attend their funeral

procession nor ask Allah to pardon them. Thus, Muslims rulers and scholars

must do the same. However, the Muslim community should attend the

procession to console the living family.

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