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Académie du leadership Livret d’accueil



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Table des matières

• Mot de bienvenue de Nancy

• Aperçu du programme Académie du leadership

• Aperçu du programme

• Liste des conseillers sélectionnés pour le programme

• Formations à venir


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Bienvenue à l’Académie du leadership!

Félicitations! Vous avez été choisi parmi de nombreux candidats pour participer au Programme Académie du leadership de Bell! Votre travail assidu et votre dévouement à ce jour ont été reconnus et vous faites maintenant partie de la « crème de la crème », en entrant à l’Académie du leadership de Bell.

Ce programme échelonné sur six mois vise à vous faire acquérir les aptitudes et l’expérience requises pour faire progresser votre carrière. Ce programme unique comporte de la formation sur le leadership, du coaching, de l’observation au travail et le partage de projets fondés sur les connaissances. Bien qu’aucun poste ne soit garanti à la fin du programme, il s’agit d’une formidable plateforme qui vous permettra de développer des aptitudes précieuses pour tous les aspects de votre vie.

Profitez au maximum de ce programme en utilisant pleinement toutes les ressources que nous mettons à votre disposition. Je suis ravie que vous fassiez partie du programme et j’ai bien hâte de travailler davantage avec vous ultérieurement.


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Tegan Monaco, directrice, développement du leadership Tegan a commencé sa carrière dans l’équipe Ressources humaines, puis a occupé un poste de soutien au sein des équipes Assurance de la qualité, Formation et communication, Virgin. Depuis avril 2012, Tegan soutient nos programmes Leadership de Bell destinés au perfectionnement des nouveaux diplômés, des cadres, des chefs d’équipe et des agents. Elle veille à perfectionner nos talents et à favoriser un large éventail d’expériences de développement pour nos ressources.

Michelle Perrone – spécialiste, développement du leadership

Michelle fait partie de l’équipe Bell depuis l’année 2000; elle a commencé sa carrière au sein du Service à la clientèle (services prépayé et postpayé), Bell Mobilité. L’attention qu’elle porte aux détails et sa grande polyvalence l’ont menée à occuper plusieurs fonctions,

notamment la production de rapports, l’analyse et l’administration; ces qualités font d’elle la candidate parfaite pour soutenir nos programmes Leadership. Elle soutient actuellement l’équipe Services opérationnels clientèle pour les séances d’enrichissement données

par les leaders et pour les programmes Développement du leadership et Académie du leadership.

. Vicky Kalantzis-Paljug, spécialiste, développement du leadership

Vicky fait partie de l’équipe Bell depuis plus de 14 ans et elle possède une riche expérience en matière d’exploitation, des Ventes des magasins de l’entreprise à la Gestion du processus d’approvisionnement. Ayant occupé le poste de conseillère, ressources humaines, elle possède les compétences essentielles pour recruter les personnes nécessaires et soutenir nos programmes de développement. Elle s’occupe principalement des programmes de développement du leadership des nouveaux diplômés et des programmes de développement des cadres.

Nina Penner, spécialiste, développement du leadership

Nina travaille à Bell depuis 10 ans et elle a passé le plus clair de cette période à s’occuper de la formation et du développement du leadership. Elle a apporté son soutien à des équipes de formation internes et externes à l’échelle mondiale en plus d’en assumer la

direction. Elle a été responsable de l’accréditation et du leadership de plus de 30 formateurs. Elle a aussi piloté la création de processus liés aux cours qui sont observés de nos jours à l’échelle de l’entreprise. La principale responsabilité de Nina consiste à créer et à gérer des

programmes de développement des cadres pour nos leaders internes et externes.

Jill McClay – spécialiste, développement du leadership Jill s’est jointe à l’équipe Développement du leadership en avril 2013. Elle a acquis une précieuse expérience de travail à titre de directrice, ressources humaines, à Virgin Mobile. Pendant trois ans, elle a apporté son soutien au groupe Exploitation des centres d’appels. Forte de plus de 12 ans d’expérience en matière de recrutement, Jill soutient le programme de développement du leadership des nouveaux diplômés, y compris nos activités automnales de recrutement sur les campus et la planification des affectations par rotation des diplômés.

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Aperçu du programme


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Programme Académie du leadership


Ce programme échelonné sur six mois vise à vous faire acquérir les aptitudes et l’expérience requises pour faire progresser votre carrière. Bien qu’aucun poste ne soit garanti à la fin du programme, il s’agit d’une formidable plateforme qui vous permettra de développer vos compétences.

EN RÉSUME, LE PROGRAMME : Touche les activités de marketing, de vente au détail, de ressources humaines et divers

projets. Couvre cinquante (50) rôles au sein de Bell Mobilité, des Services résidentiels de Bell et de

Virgin Mobile. Durée de six mois. Aucun poste n’est garanti à la fin du programme. Des évaluations régulières sont prévues en cours de programme pour s’assurer que les

participants demeurent des conseillers performants. Huit heures de formation en moyenne par mois – la moitié de ces heures pendant les heures

de travail, l’autre moitié en dehors des heures de travail (payées bien entendu).

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Comment vous a-t-on sélectionné pour participer à ce programme?

Rendement atteignant ou dépassant les objectifs (au moins trois ICR)

Votre chef d’équipe appuie votre candidature.

Joueur d’équipe digne de confiance

Passion et volonté de réussir

Réel désir de développement de carrière

À l’emploi de Bell depuis au moins 12 mois


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Survol du premier mois

Sujet Méthode Détails Durée

Orientation Formation Vous recevrez une orientation complète sur le programme et un survol de ce qui sera couvert au cours des six prochains mois.

2 heures

Les services qui soutiennent la réussite de Bell

Formation Vous en apprendrez davantage sur les divers services et rôles au sein de l’entreprise et la façon dont ils concourent au succès de Bell.

1,5 heure

Évaluations de Thomas

Évaluation Vous remplirez un formulaire en ligne afin de mieux cibler vos forces et vos points à améliorer.

1 heure

Réseaux sociaux Occasion de mieux connaître l’équipe de direction et de découvrir les ingrédients de leur réussite.

1,5 heure

Séance d’enrichissement

Formation Séance de formation qui vous fera acquérir des connaissances et des aptitudes communicationnelles basées sur la création de présentations PowerPoint percutantes.

1 heure

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Survol du deuxième mois

Sujet Méthode Détails Durée

Introduction à la gestion de ressources

Atelier Formez-vous à la culture de Bell, à sa politique relative à la présence au travail et au processus de gestion du rendement.

2 heures

Compte rendu de l’équipe Développement du leadership

Le coaching Un spécialiste de Thomas International vous donnera les résultats de vos évaluations et vous indiquera des moyens pour vous améliorer!

1 heure

Présentation de l’unité d’affaires

Observation au travail

Vous ferez connaissance avec l’équipe des Ressources humaines et recevrez de l’information sur ses activités et sur l’impact de son travail sur l’entreprise.

2 heures

Étude de cas / travail en équipe

Chaque mois, vous travaillerez en équipe sur un nouveau projet et devrez présenter ce que vous aurez appris.

2 heures

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Survol du troisième mois

Sujet Méthode Détails Durée

Programme Maîtrise du leadership – première partie

Formation Ce programme couvre plusieurs notions : comprendre le style, créer un lien de confiance, observer et évaluer le rendement, recueillir les commentaires de l’employé et établir des plans d’action.

4 heures

Présentation de l’unité d’affaires

Observation au travail

Visite à un magasin Bell. 2 heures

Étude de cas / travail en équipe

Chaque mois, vous travaillerez en équipe sur un nouveau projet et devrez présenter ce que vous aurez appris.

2 heures

Groupe de discussion

Discussion Discussion de groupe informelle d’une heure où votre directeur général recueillera vos impressions.

1 heure

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Survol du quatrième mois

Sujet Méthode Détails Durée

Programme Maîtrise du leadership – deuxième partie

Formation Il s’agit de la deuxième partie de vos ateliers de formation sur le leadership et le coaching qui visent à faire de vous des leaders accomplis!

4 heures

Présentation de l’unité d’affaires

Observation au travail

Apprenez à concevoir et élaborer des plans de marketing pour les appareils

2 heures

Étude de cas / travail en équipe

Chaque mois, vous travaillerez en équipe sur un nouveau projet et devrez présenter ce que vous aurez appris.

2 heures

Enrichissement Formation Au cours de cette séance, vous découvrirez comment développer votre capacité de projeter un leadership assuré, dynamique et persuasif chaque fois que vous prenez la parole.

2 heures

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Survol du cinquième mois

Sujet Méthode Détails Durée

Développement de carrière

Formation « Achieving Success: the Help of a Mentor » – découvrez comment un mentor peut vous guider dans votre cheminement de carrière.

1,5 heure

Présentation de l’unité d’affaires

Observation au travail

Information sur le rôle de directeur de projet et les principales compétences et techniques nécessaires pour exécuter efficacement un projet.

2 heures

Observation d’un chef d’équipe au travail

Observation au travail

Vous observerez un chef d’équipe dans ses fonctions et vous familiariserez avec les différents aspects de ce rôle. La gestion d’une équipe, le traitement des escalades et la tenue de séances de coaching sont autant d’aspects importants de ce poste.

2 heures

Étude de cas Chaque mois, vous travaillerez en équipe sur un nouveau projet et devrez présenter ce que vous aurez appris.

2 heures

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Survol du sixième mois

Sujet Méthode Détails Durée

Intelligence émotionnelle

Webinaire Vous découvrirez comment utiliser votre intelligence émotionnelle dans un contexte professionnel.

1 heure

Développement de carrière

Formation Vous assisterez à une présentation montrant comment créer un plan de développement pour faire progresser votre carrière.

2 heures

Ateliers sur la rédaction du CV et les entrevues

Atelier Exercez-vous à la préparation d’une entrevue et découvrez des outils pour concevoir et rédiger votre curriculum vitae.

2 heures

Compte rendu du CC3

Discussion C'est l'occasion pour discuter de votre plan de développement et donner une rétroaction directe sur le programme, y compris une vue en profondeur de ce qui s'est bien passé et quelles sont les possibilités d'amélioration.

1 heure

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Les conseillers reçus à

l’Académie du leadership


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Voici notre nouvelle cohorte d’académiciens du leadership 2014 Félicitations!

54 Agents at BRS & Mobility

Alain Dias Eliane Tohme Marsha Komperda Simon Laprade

Alexandre Lafleche Eric Lam Minghui (Maggie) Zhao Stephanie Duce

André Desjardins Faraz Khan Murat Atac Sylvain Desjardins

Andre Oulimar Fatima Patel Nathalie Hebert Tamara Wattley-Wisdom

Angus Crawford Gerard Saad-Hadidi Neal Patel Tanya Westerlund

Anna Katzakis Helen Freeman Nicolas Gagne Tarik El Maayati

Annabella Koduah Jean-Michel Morissette Pierre-Yves Alain Thanusuya Velupillai Thambiah

Anthony Forgie Josee Comeau Rosalie Rioux-Massé Vincent Mannella

Avinash Naraine Jyoti Panchal Roula Hechmé Vipul Sanghvi

Beverly Baron Luke Bagatto Samir Meftahi Wai Man Lo

Carrie-Lynn Greenwood Maggie Tanousian Sarah Pearson Wilmadene Stewart

Céleste Jarison Manpreet Tandon Serge Tagho Xiaohui(Emily) Cheng

Daniel Hamelin Maqsood Ahmad Shan Ramanathan

Dulanu Pathberiya Marc Leger Shirley Zhang

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Formations à venir à l’Académie du



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Formation sur le leadership bientôt offerte!


Formation sur le leadership Vous participerez à des séances de formation sur le leadership très interactives qui font appel à diverses méthodologies stimulantes adaptées aux différents styles d’apprentissage. Les participants auront l’occasion d’appliquer les modèles et concepts enseignés dans des situations réalistes. Ces séances sont aussi un cadre idéal pour parler des enjeux relatifs au leadership et poser des questions. Vous serez inscrit à une série de modules sur le leadership qui seront offerts pendant les premiers mois du programme.

Module 1 Introduction au leadership

Module 2 Maîtrise du leadership


Module 3 Maîtrise du leadership


Module 4 Maîtrise du leadership


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Formations recommandées Voici une liste de cours optionnels, disponibles dans Zone carrière, que vous pouvez suivre

dans vos temps libres afin d’élargir votre champ de compétences.

Zone carrière :

Nom du cours Durée Code du cours en anglais Code du cours en français

Getting Started with Outlook 2007 / Mise en route d’Outlook 2007

1,5 heure mo_bgol_a01_dt_enus mo_bgol_a01_dt_fr

Getting Started with Excel 2007 / Mise en route Excel 2007

2 heures FEL_OLT mo_bgex_a01_dt_enus

FEL_OLT mo_bgex_a01_dt_fr

Developing a Positive Attitude 2,5 heures FEL_OLT PD0264 S. o.

Leading Teams: Establishing Goals, Roles, and Guidelines / Diriger une équipe: définir les objectifs, les rôles et les règles

1 heure Team_03_a02_bs_enus Team_03_a02_bs_fr

The Voice of Leadership: Inspirational Leadership

1 heure lead_13_a01_bs_enus S. o.

Leadership Essentials: Leading Change 1 heure lead_05_a07_bs_enus


Achieving Success: The Help Of A Mentor 3,5 heures mgmt_10_a05_bs_enus S. o.

Developing the Capacity to Think Strategically

FEL_OLT stgy_08_a01_bs_enus

S. o.

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Lectures suggérées

Titre du livre Auteur

The Instant Manager Cy Charney Le Manager Minute Kenneth Blanchard Gung Ho! Kenneth Blanchard et Sheldon Bowles S’exprimer en leader Judith Humphrey Contemporary Leadership Kouzes et Posner Motiver Zapp! L’art de déléguer le pouvoir

William C. Byham

Elements of Influence: The Art of Getting Others to Follow Your Lead

Terry R. Bacon

100 Ways to Motivate Others Steve Chandler et Scott Richardson

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The Best of the Best 2014

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: Having learned so many different careers (and

broad spectrum) in a short time

2. Something that people don't know about you: I used to tattoo

3. One word to describe yourself: efficient

4. Personal interests (hobbies): travels

5. Who is your role model: Jared Leto

6. What is your motto in life: Never say never except for never too late

Sarah Pearson

Rosalie Rioux-Masse

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: I use to work to the MPSC as a SME

(subject manage expert). In one year we had 4 different team leaders. I mobilize the team and take the

leadership, to help my colleague and myself to pass all the transition. Without any damage for the

agent and the team.

2. Something that people don't know about you: I enjoy spending one day, per months, ALONE.

(restaurant, spa, massage, yoga) And No cell phone.

3. One word to describe yourself: Loyal

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Jogging – Zumba – Yoga - Watching hockey game

5. Who is your role model: I don’t really have a role model I have some people inspiring me like :

Steve Job, John C Maxwell, Frédérick Houde (is they organizer for les Courses Gourmande in Québec,

Is run it’s gorgeous and he start only 2 years ago)

6. What is your motto in life: People don't care how much you know until they know how much you

care" John C. Maxwell

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1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: In my career at Bell I have had the opportunity to

wear many hats but the proudest time in my time with the company has been in my role with the

Training Team. I have been able to use my passion to share my knowledge with others and help to

mold and guide my Initial trainees and help in making them a success in their paths with the

company. Along with that I have had the chance to be actively involved in many community affairs

that Bell sponsors. Ie. Knapsack Initiative as well as recently the Comfort Care Packs. I have been

able to use my talent in leadership to rally my team together and have an impact on the amount of

$$$ and awareness raised for these events. Received Wall of Fame for September.

2. Something that people don't know about you: Have studied dance since I was 2 years old and had

aspired to be a professional dancer.

3. One word to describe yourself: organized

4. Personal interests (hobbies): I enjoy dancing, reading and organizing parties and events

5. Who is your role model: My role model is Mother Teresa. The reason for this is that although small in

stature she was able to make a BIG impact on those around her. She was not someone who

possessed a lot of monetary wealth yet truly she was beyond rich in her ability to impact the people she

came in contact with and the change she was able to make in their lives . In her own soft spoken

humble way she influenced masses and created change that would continue on beyond her lifetime.

6. What is your motto in life: My motto in life is to leave a positive impact on those I meet even if it is in

the smallest of ways

Thanusuya Velupillai Thambiah

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: My Greatest accomplishments was being

there for my brothers and sisters education. I supported them financially with their schooling. My Elder

brother finished B.E (bachelor of Engineering), Younger brother did B.SC (bachelor of Science)and

MBA and finally my sister did B.COM(bachelor of commerce) in India and they are well settled.

2. Something that people don't know about you I sponsored a child through world vision Canada

3. One word to describe yourself: Patient

4. Personal interests (hobbies):

5. Who is your role model: Jesus Christ – he set example of how to live or co exist with others while

he was on earth

6. What is your motto in life: Do unto others as you would like them do unto you.

Marsha Komperda

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1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: My proudest accomplishments are: the purchase of

my brand new Mastercraft 190 water ski boat that I ski behind to get my 32’ off passes & getting my

CANSI certifications for XC Ski instructor.

2. Something that people don't know about you: Love wine. It doesn’t show since I’m always calm!

3. One word to describe yourself: Patient

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Waterskiing, XC skiing, Biking

5. Who is your role model: My dad: he does everything, never stops or being stop by live!

6. What is your motto in life: Don’t Quit. No Pain, No Gain

Shan Ramanathan

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: Winning PRESIDENT CLUB TO JAMAICA

2. Something that people don't know about you: I’m left handed

3. One word to describe yourself: Passionate

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Watching movies, gym, and music

5. Who is your role model: Bill Gates

6. What is your motto in life: Live life to the fullest

Marc Leger

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1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: Making it on the EHD BO Team.

2. Something that people don't know about you: That I was widowed at age 31 and raised my daughter on my own since she was 3

3. One word to describe yourself: Dedicated

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Reading, gardening, continuous training, playing with my granddaughter 5. Who is your role model: Joanne Spartinelli

6. What is your motto in life: Stuff happens, life goes on, do the best you can

Nathalie Hebert

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: When I did the training for the conversion

from the system Link to NM1 to all my colleagues , this was a big challenge for me

2. Something that people don't know about you: I am very shy

3. One word to describe yourself: Patient

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Flowers, mystery word

5. Who is your role model:

6. What is your motto in life: respect your neighbour

Helen Freeman

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1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: Owning a house, getting married, giving back to

my community, being accepted to this program

2. Something that people don't know about you: I have read all twilight books

3. One word to describe yourself: Determined

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Sports, reading, enjoying time with my family and travelling

5. Who is your role model: Father/Mother & grand-parents

6. What is your motto in life: Live your life to the fullest

Nicolas Gagne

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: I have raised my 12 year old daughter by

myself and having the same employer for 16 years.

2. Something that people don't know about you: I have 2 jobs

3. One word to describe yourself: Friendly

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Movies, golf, skiing

5. Who is your role model: Bill Gates

6. What is your motto in life: Keep it simple

Alexandre Lafleche

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1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: My Proudest accomplishment is that I was able to

volunteer at Street haven and st. Francis table to support the community and help the people in

need. 2. Something that people don't know about you: I’m a DJ

3. One word to describe yourself: Ambitious

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Photography, mixing music, watching movies, visiting waterfalls

5. Who is your role model: Bill Gates

6. What is your motto in life: “Failure isn’t an option, it’s a choice.”

Sylvain Desjardins

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: My proudest accomplishment was

managing a restaurant at 20 years old with over 60 employees.

2. Something that people don't know about you: I’m the First member of my family to go to college

and graduate.

3. One word to describe yourself: Dynamic

4. Personal interests (hobbies): My hobbies are keeping current with new computer technology and

working in auto mechanics and I also enjoy casual gaming and reading.

5. Who is your role model: My Role model is my brother; he has always been a great influence on

me. He has helped me to find direction and set goals to achieve my dreams

6. What is your motto in life: If you can dream it, You can live it.

Dulanu Pathberiya

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1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: On a personal level: Helping my best friend

delivering her baby. 2. Something that people don't know about you: I was a Master Corporal in the Canadian Arm Forces

3. One word to describe yourself: Loyal 4. Personal interests (hobbies): Reading, and cook Gourmet food for my friends, travel.

5. Who is your role model: My mother

6. What is your motto in life: Stay strong

Wai Man Lo

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: Got employed by Bell.

2. Something that people don't know about you: I am shy

3. One word to describe yourself: smooth

4. Personal interests (hobbies): badminton

5. Who is your role model: My father

6. What is your motto in life: If you are determinative, there is nothing you can’t do

Pierre-Yves Alain

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1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: Buying my condo last year

2. Something that people don't know about you: I love to do people watching; sit on a park bench in the

summertime and observe passersby or in the wintertime sit in a café and just listen to the bustling


3. One word to describe yourself: Optimistic

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Skating, swimming, drawing, arts and architectures

5. Who is your role model: Nelson Mandela, Oprah Winfrey, Sook Yin Lee

6. What is your motto in life: “ Always live life to the fullest, because there’s only one life to live”

Jean-Michel Morissette

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: Having being able to fulfill one of my

mother’s dreams before she passed away

2. Something that people don't know about you: Very few people know that, I built two houses from


3. One word to describe yourself: Reliable

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Most of all, I love travelling; I would love to visit the entire world! I

also love skiing, camping, reading and walking my dog.

5. Who is your role model: Andrée Carignan, she just retired about a week ago. She was inspiring in

the way she managed her business, especially her staff. If I become half as good as she was, I’ll be


6. What is your motto in life: My motto is a combination of several sayings: Life always gives you

what you need when you need it; you may not understand why at first, but you always learn something

from what happened; and everything happens for a reason

Shirley Zhang

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1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: Being able to build my life all by myself

2. Something that people don't know about you: I have a Master of Chemistry

3. One word to describe yourself: Organized

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Soccer 5. Who is your role model: My father

6. What is your motto in life: My family

Emily Cheng

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: I am a good listener and reliable person ,

so I have lot of friends. They always said I am the person they want to count on

2. Something that people don't know about you: I love most of the animals but I fear snake

3. One word to describe yourself: Responsible

4. Personal interests (hobbies): I love playing badminton, watching movie and travel

5. Who is your role model: Ms Cynthia Liu is my role model . She started from a front line agent and

turned into a good team leader. While keeping excellent performance, She still maintaining a happy

family for her family members.

6. What is your motto in life: Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.

Gerard Saad-Hadidi

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1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: Successfully transitioning careers, overcoming an

chronic illness to achieve! 2. Something that people don't know about you: I am an avid yoga practitioner

3. One word to describe yourself: Focused

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Collecting vinyl records, vintage electronics, reading / collecting books,

science and technology

5. Who is your role model: Captain Jean-Luc Picard

6. What is your motto in life: Those challenges which are hardest, provide the greatest reward

Eliane Tohme

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: Giving birth to two wonderful sons, saving

many lives during my years of service at the Lebanese Red Cross, shifting careers and integrating

successfully the Telecom industry (Employee of the year after 9 months of service, key element for

obtaining the ISO 9001 certification, reference for handling unresolved complicated escalations ...)

2. Something that people don't know about you: My sensitivity

3. One word to describe yourself: Efficient

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Board games, cycling, reading, writing

5. Who is your role model: Henri Dunant, founder of the Red Cross

6. What is your motto in life: Be always happy, be always positive, make the difference

Luke Bagatto

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1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: My proudest accomplishment to this date has

been to volunteer to spend the day in a orphanage. 2. Something that people don't know about you: I like wrestling . UFC

3. One word to describe yourself: Loyal 4. Personal interests (hobbies): Cooking, Decorating , beauty care.

5. Who is your role model: My father

6. What is your motto in life: Paying it forward.

Serge Tagho

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: Winning the 2012 Bell Presidents Club and

being selected for the Leadership Academy

2. Something that people don't know about you: I am a chorister

3. One word to describe yourself: Persevering

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Reading, playing soccer, having fun with my family

5. Who is your role model: Nelson Mandela

6. What is your motto in life: Give the best of myself to reach my goals and stay humble

Maggie Tanousian

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1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: The accomplishment I am most proud of, is that i

have been able to return to school after dropping out after high school, I took a cooking classes,

and that brought me the possibility to work with famous chef here in Montreal

2. Something that people don't know about you: People don’t know that I’m a huge fan of food, I love to

go to all kinds of restaurant to meet the chef and then write on my food blog to share my opinion about

my culinary experiences

3. One word to describe yourself: Devoted

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Cooking, photo, music and writing

5. Who is your role model: On a personal view my role model is my mother, because she raised my

sister and I alone, and she gave us the best education with the few resources she had, thanks to her I

am the woman I have become

6. What is your motto in life: What you see is what you get / you only live once (YOLO)

Fatima Patel

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: I was the top three students during my

commencement in high school. I am a graduate of Social Service Work at Centennial College.

2. 2. Something that people don't know about you: I am a cat lover and I have three cats!

3. One word to describe yourself: Assertive

4. Personal interests (hobbies): I love to spend time with my niece and nephews. Shopping is my

best therapy! And I love to challenge myself.

5. Who is your role model: Nelson Mandela mainly because he never gave up!

6. What is your motto in life: Reach for the stars and never give up!!

Celeste Jarison

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1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: My 2 beautiful children!

2. Something that people don't know about you: I am at heart a country girl.

3. One word to describe yourself: Perseverant

4. Personal interests (hobbies): I love cooking, gardening, fishing, hunting and going in the woods on a 4

wheeler with family and friends

5. Who is your role model: My eldest sister Jacqueline

6. What is your motto in life: Every day may not be good but there is something good in every day!

Anthony Forgie

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: Birth of my Daughter

2. Something that people don't know about you: That I lived in Texas for 13 years

3. One word to describe yourself: Effective

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Fishing, Camping, Photography

5. Who is your role model: Neil Amstrong

6. What is your motto in life: Go Big Or Go Home

Beverly Baron

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1.Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: Team Player, extraordinary customer service, Best

Fizzback performance

2. Something that people don't know about you: I worked for HP, CISCO and eBay as Op Manager.

I worked for MS, HP ... as Customer experience and process Manager. I am JUDO trainer

3. One word to describe yourself: The Sea

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Travel, to learn about Live, cultures, countries, to learn from the wise


reading - Judo - Soccer - movies...

5. Who is your role model: My Father. He did a lot of things for me... with BIG LOVE!

6. What is your motto in life: My Mother, my family: Wife and daughter (MALAK), TEAM WORK: I am

living, working for others...

Wilmadene Stewart

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: This year has been filled with a lot of

accomplishments. In April I won the nominations to attend the Women’s conference CEP Women Of

Ontario on behalf of my local union. It was amazing. I had the chance to meet a lot of successful

women. I had the opportunity to put my creative and organizational skills to work for the month of

September. I was given two assignments. Create

an information board and a “Fun Day” for the DMC with a $400 dollar budget. Both assignments were

completed with success. My info board is now the DMC Messenger board and the DMC Appreciation

day was a blast with the cotton candy and Snow Cone Machine. In the end all my hard work allowed

me to be awarded the Ultimate Team Player award for the September Wall Of Fame. On a personnel

note I have saved up enough money for my down payment on a new home.

2. Something that people don't know about you: I cry when I watch TV shows for ex. The Voice

3. One word to describe yourself: Ambitious

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Fashion, starting a Non profit organization to give back to my

community. I also love planning and organizing kid’s birthday parties.

5. Who is your role model My father always reminds me what is really important in life. Letting me

know that you can achieve anything you put your mind too. You just have to work hard. He is my role

model and inspiration. I can still remember the days my father would take time out of his busy schedule

to volunteer on my school trips and take me to the Santa Claus parade. My father influenced me to not

set limits on what I could do after becoming a mother at a young age. I learned a lot from his hard work

and determination. My father is a successful business owner both here and Jamaica. He is past

retirement age and still working. My love and honour is unconditional for my role model.

6. What is your motto in life: I love the one’s who are in my life and make it amazing. And thank the

one’s who left my life and made it fantastic.

Tarik El Maayati

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1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: Buying a house

2. Something that people don't know about you: I started playing piano

3. One word to describe yourself: Reliable

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Lecture, movies, video games, badminton

5. Who is your role model: My Father

6. What is your motto in life: Always better

Jyoti Panchal

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: I consider one of my most proudest

accomplishments to be my honours degree from York University. For me, receiving a degree not only

holds value as a credential but also represents the discipline, determination and persistence it takes to

obtain a degree. Also, my time at Bell Canada thus far has given me a lot to be proud of. My goal from

day one has been to grow myself and continue to reach my full potential at Bell. Just a few months

after joining a team I was chosen to represent as Ambassador, and soon after were recognized as the

most successful team over all in the centre. As newbie in my position this was a big accomplishment

for me and something I will always be proud of.

2. Something that people don't know about you: I am a huge champion of the underdog. Not

everyone has to ability to communicate their point of view, or at least not in the most effective way. If in

agreement I feel in strong support of their cause and I do what I can to rally for them. It’s important to

recognize that people have different strengths and weaknesses and sometimes all it takes is having

someone in your corner as a support to help you in achieving your cause.

3. One word to describe yourself: Passionate

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Some of my personal interests would include travelling; immersing

myself in different cultures and learning about places, ideas and people foreign to me. I enjoy spending

time with friends and loved ones, and finding different places to go to and things to do in and around

the city

5. Who is your role model If I had to choose just one, I would probably choose my Father. Over the

years his open-mindedness and ambition has shown me that with consistent hard work and resilience

possibilities in life are endless. He has taught me to never settle for anything less than what you truly

want and to always keep striving and moving forward. Growth and change is essential to life and

success and he has shown us this constantly through his accomplishments over the years.

6. What is your motto in life: Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt,

dance like nobody's watching

Murat Atac

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1.Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: My proudest accomplishment was when I

graduated from York University 6 months earlier than planned. All my hard work over 3 and a half

years paid off and my family was able to see me walk across the stage during commencement to

accept my degrees.

2. Something that people don't know about you: I love to snowboard and listen to classical music

3. One word to describe yourself: Passionate

4. Personal interests (hobbies): I love to read, watch T.V. go to concerts, and spend time with my family

and friends

5. Who is your role model: My role model changes frequently, I am always inspired by people who step

outside of their comfort zone to go after their dreams and make changes within this world. I feel that by

having different people in different situations allows to be inspired and helps me to continue to grow

and be the best I can be.

6. What is your motto in life: Don’t be afraid to go after what you want.

Vincent Mannella

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: Completing mobile development courses at

Ryerson night school. Helping to created components of the blueprint program at Bell. Writing an

award winning comedy sketch

2. Something that people don't know about you: I’m a very bad painter, and I enjoy Bugles. There, I

said it.

3. One word to describe yourself: Humorous

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Computers, Comedy, Writing, Sleeping, Eating (a lot)

5. Who is your role model: George Carlin, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Bugs Bunny

6. What is your motto in life: “There is no problem in life that a pile of money can’t fix” Or “Damn, I

should have ordered that”

Stephanie Duce

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1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: My proudest accomplishment is the capability to

love, to forgive, to help, to understand, to appreciate, to share, to keep positive thinking and to

maintain the passion to be a better person every day.

2. Something that people don't know about you: Every day I give myself five minutes to think nothing,

usually before bed time, it’s not easy, I am working on it and I heard that men can do it easier than

women do.

3. One word to describe yourself: Positive

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Reading, running, cycling, hiking, travelling, and spending time with

family and friends 5. Who is your role model: My mother, she has been the role model in my lifetime, she is a true leader in

the family and the community, even now she is over 70 years old, she still is very activate to take the

initiatives and participate lot of events and activities benefiting the community. She always thinks things

positively; she is very thoughtful with her warm heart and also remains the passion to be curious and

learning new things

6. What is your motto in life: NEGU (Never Ever Give Up)

Manpreet Tandon

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: Getting my degree and Masters also

getting selected in LDP. Personal, proud to have two smart son’s.

2. Something that people don't know about you: I am very sensitive at times and Introvert.

3. One word to describe yourself: Stealth (That’s what my colleagues call me)

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Gardening and Do it yourself.

5. Who is your role model: Dhiru Bhai Ambani – Reliance

6. What is your motto in life: Always do your best, whatever you do.

Maggie Zhao

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1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: I have completed several projects at bell working

from as Resource Associate to Acting Team Leader. And every project completed successfully

makes my day

2. Something that people don't know about you: Not Really people around me know me very well

3. One word to describe yourself: Human

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Watching TV ,Spending time with my kids and cooking on weekend

5. Who is your role model: My Father

6. What is your motto in life: To get better life for my family (My wife and Kids)

Daniel Hamelin

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: As President of my condo board I was part

a a 3 year negation between the Corporation, the Builder and Developer an unprecedented agreement

regarding faulty elevator machines. The Condo Board was able to get the developer to accept all

liability, cost and legal fees involved in the process cost of replacing the machines. Resulting in million

+ dollar savings to the Corporation.

2. Something that people don't know about you: If it wouldn’t have been for my loving caring

Grandmother adopting my Mother, she would have been sent to a Residential School in the 1940’s.

My life could have been much different today.

3. One word to describe yourself: Dependable

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Playing and recording music, graphic Design and arts, technology,

social networking.

5. Who is your role model: My Father

6. What is your motto in life: If at first you don’t succeed, try until you do!

Maqsood Ahmad

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1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: Becoming a mother. It was the one wish I always

had since being a little girl, teenager, and young woman – and now I am the proud mother of two

beautiful children.

2. Something that people don't know about you: I teach children Sunday school

3. One word to describe yourself: Passionate

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Traveling, Entertaining, Reading, Writing, Baking and Event Planning.

5. Who is your role model: Oprah Winfrey

6. What is your motto in life: If I am the only person stopping myself from accomplishing great things,

than I am going to move right out of my way!

Faraz Khan

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: I’m very proud of being able to have

worked and lived across most of Canada. With that being said, I have met great people, learned

about different cultures and seen some of the greatest and most beautiful sights Canada has to


2. Something that people don't know about you: In my spare time, I still work my high school job at

a local amusement park as a Guest Services Supervisor

3. One word to describe yourself: Knowledgeable

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Travelling, health, ice hockey, technology

5. Who is your role model: Martin Luther King, Jr

6. What is your motto in life: “Clear your mind of can’t”

Tamara Wisdom

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Simon Laprade

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: In mid-2012, I wrote an extensive

document related to internet bandwidth, intended to be shared with my work colleagues. My Team

Leader and Director recognized the value of my document and they decided to setup a training

based on the source material. Furthermore, they allowed me to give the training in question to my

fellow colleagues.

2. Something that people don't know about you: I love to talk about quantum physics, space

exploration and other similar subjects even though I am not the most knowledgeable person with

regards to that subject

3. One word to describe yourself: Enthusiast!

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Good meals ! At a restaurant or over at a friends house. Sometimes

at home also, when I am not cooking. Going to the movies, buying a medium popcorn and smearing it

with “fake” free butter and sprinkling it with a simulated flavour packet (ketchup, dill pickle etc.)

5. Who is your role model: My friends for the most part, as well as the more common role models, my

mother and father.

6. What is your motto in life: If you surround yourself by good people, good friends and your family,

the difficult moments are never too hard

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: I lost over 40 pounds in last 12

months ( I was struggling to lose weight since last 12 years )

2. Something that people don't know about you: I love traveling and extreme sports.

3. One word to describe yourself: Compassionate

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Walking, Swimming and Reading

5. Who is your role model: My Wife.. She is my strength and support. She inspires me everyday

to give the best in life.

6. What is your motto in life: “Why Put off for tomorrow what you can get done today? Live

each day to its fullest. There is no tomorrow!”

Vipul Sanghvi


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Neal Patel

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: Having completed my Electrician schooling.

2. Something that people don't know about you: I love romantic comedies

3. One word to describe yourself: Open

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Tinkering with cars, snowboarding.

5. Who is your role model: My parents

6. What is your motto in life: Live life to its fullest!

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: My son who is excellent at school,

and who’s planning to be a pilot

2. Something that people don't know about you: I used to be a military

3. One word to describe yourself: A person of integrity

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Aviation, chess, movies

5. Who is your role model: My father

6. What is your motto in life: Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a

man of value.

Samir Meftahi


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Alain Dias

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: Back up (QA) Directeur Qualité 8 month,

Recognition Q2 Wall of fame

2. Something that people don't know about you:

3. One word to describe yourself: Serve

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Fishing, chess

5. Who is your role model: Henry Kissinger

6. What is your motto in life: La personne humaine est la plus précieuse des richesses / The human

person is most precious wealth

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: Earning My University Diploma

2. Something that people don't know about you: I am Funny!

3. One word to describe yourself: Perseverant

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Cooking, hair stylist(part time), scrapbooking

5. Who is your role model: Kelly Rippa

6. What is your motto in life: Plan the work, and work the plan.Do it, do it right, do it right now.”

Anna Katzakis


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Andre Desjardins

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: Dialer administrator for Outbound

campaigns related to Loyalty, DMC and Small Business from 2007 to 2010, Execution Excellence

award for primeship of Retention Care Support program for 2013

2. Something that people don't know about you: I’m a work addict, really dedicated and care about

little details.

3. One word to describe yourself: Passionate

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Hockey, music, kayaking

5. Who is your role model: My father

6. What is your motto in life: Life is not how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit, and

keep moving forward.

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: Being a father to my son

2. Something that people don't know about you: I enjoy watching documentaries

3. One word to describe yourself: Loyal

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Playing and watching football, tennis, basketball

5. Who is your role model: My mom

6. What is your motto in life: Treat others how you would like to be treated

Eric Lam


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Josee Comeau

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: I have wrote and applied a book to teach

commercial director for car dealership in a private school in Quebec city. I have build a class room

and was very appreciated in my domain.

2. Something that people don't know about you: I have a hard time finding my limits on the

workloads I take on. I have dedicated all of my time to working in the past and am trying to find a

balance between work and my personal life

3. One word to describe yourself: Multitasker

4. Personal interests (hobbies): I like doing sports, skidoo, snowboard and kayak.

5. Who is your role model: My role model is a coach I have had in the past which has been an

inspiration to me. He has thought me many many things and some of them is how to work better, be

more organized to be able to multitask even more and how to deal with stress in a way that it does not

affect me

6. What is your motto in life: There are no problems, there are only SOLUTIONS!

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: I’m proud to be a team member at

Bell in Technical Solutions. I consider it a proud first real step in my carreer. I’m proud of having

graduated Computer Programming from Seneca @ York . I worked very hard, studied

meticulously, and was well prepared for assignments & exams. I lost almost 100 lbs roughly 10

years ago now. I still keep fit and have kept that weight off. It took overall many years of

dedication and vision.

2. Something that people don't know about you: Most people don’t know I was an obese

child. I have made changes and am not an obese adult. Growing up this way has taught me

lessons about empathy, self-image, and where true confidence really comes from.

3. One word to describe yourself: Striving

4. Personal interests (hobbies): I love relaxing by jamming on the Guitar and playing along with

music, or just listening. I have educational background in computer programming and I still

actively develop those skills and continue writing programs and web-applications.

5. Who is your role model: I have many different role-models and people that inspire in different

contexts, however, in summation, my role model is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I like his patience,

neutrality, and tact, all while uncompromising in his values and beliefs.

6. What is your motto in life: “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.”

Angus Crawford


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Carrie-Lynn Greenwood

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: In the spring of 2013 I set a goal for myself

to run a ½ marathon (21km). I aimed for a time less than 2 hours & 30 minutes.

End Result: I ran 2 ½ marathons, less than 30 days apart. 1st one I completed in 2.20 hours, 2nd in

2.16 hrs.

I am very proud my of accomplishment even more given that I had a major surgery in January that took

8 weeks to recover from, and it was the also the year I turned 40.

2. Something that people don't know about you: I played rugby for 15 years. Although I retired from

regular play in 2007 before the birth of my second child, I still occasionally play in travelling


3. One word to describe yourself: Dedicated

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Running, volleyball, playing football with my kids and knitting

5. Who is your role model: Clara Hughes - She has proven that hard work and pure dedication can

help accomplish some pretty incredible feats, both professionally and personally. She has taken both

her life lessons & struggles and is using them in a positive way to help children realize their potential

through sport

6. What is your motto in life: Just keep swimming...

Annabella Koduah

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: One of my many proudest accomplishment

to date is joining L2 retention within bell

2. Something that people don't know about you: Something that people don’t know about me is

that I am very humble and down to earth. Very nice and friends once getting to know me.

3. One word to describe yourself: Awesome

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Painting, decorating. Sports,….

5. Who is your role model: myself

6. What is your motto in life: Live life to the fullest because tomorrow is not promised


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Tanya Westerlund

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: Winner of Client Care SuperStars twice


2. Something that people don't know about you: I have travelled to over 50 different countries in the


3. One word to describe yourself: Determined

4. Personal interests (hobbies): I enjoy reading books and spending time outdoors with my dogs

5. Who is your role model: I have a few but most notably Jack Layton, Nelson Mandela, Angelina

Jolie. Each person has qualities I admire or has contributed something to society that I feel strongly


6. What is your motto in life: Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can

start from now and make a brand-new ending

Andre Oulimar

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: Being a good father. I proud myself in

being there for my kids, raising them right, showing then good values and helping them with their

school work.

2. Something that people don't know about you: I am very shy

3. One word to describe yourself: Happy

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Fishing, cooking, watching movies

5. Who is your role model: My Dad, a successful entrepreneur

6. What is your motto in life: There is always a solution.


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Roula Hechme

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: -My kids, -My personal and professional


2. Something that people don't know about you: I’m driven by pressure. Always pushing my limits,

motivated by challenges.

3. One word to describe yourself: Perseverant

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Music, boxing, travelling.

5. Who is your role model: On a professional Level, Daniel Nadeau followed by Cristina Castellanos

and Marc Juneau

6. What is your motto in life: If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change,

you will get results

Avinash Naraine

1. Summarize your proudest accomplishments to date: Helping my best friend overcome drug

addiction and abuse

2. Something that people don't know about you: I have never had anything from Starbucks

3. One word to describe yourself: Loyal

4. Personal interests (hobbies): Flying models, physical fitness, sports (playing/watching)

5. Who is your role model: I do not have a role model. I believe the higher you hold someone, the

harder they will let you down. If I must choose someone to model my life after, Jesus!

6. What is your motto in life: You can’t fight life!


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