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~ . New_. ·_ Mexico_ -._D_ a.,. 'v_:. p-----~il!l'lllalll!llllllll~ltiiiWI:Q- . G· __ -_·._ · __ -. A ~N .. '. ·_ •.·· . _· . ,.'f · __ ... "'. --. . . . . (JJ. "11411111110 __ -lliitllll~PIIlfliiiiiD. ·-~~~--ill __ ,lllll. ·[1. lli~IIJ!!l1Dli1JIIIIIIIn9 . N·. •w·_ .. M·· .. _· exi_ c_· 0_ s __ . _.t·_ock-....... ·. . . - . .. ~ " ': ~ TTENTJoN··· · - 00~ · ew~ l:~m (> I .. ·No Ti c·e . .·. · e . -: ·. . ·.. . ·, ·

· Program-of 8th .. . . -- .·. . Electra Otl Fteld -~--- , --- . ~ - .. men Hold ,. ,_r·Grade· .- ·.. Kr.I.E.Seh~etr~r;clerkot.-~he · · ·In F_ i_r_s_·_t __ ·Advic.'es • __ -•_ t~;_i~f_.~ ___ :_:~_~a-~-~a£_?_r_- 1:_?:!~a_·~:;. .-·Meeti~g ..

loc~l E'xim.toation bo•rd, 'wishes · . . . . . . . . _ work. and J4b~rmtmgwdJ compel , « · · y 0· 0-th. ·fu'l p·u .. _p.1•1, .. ·ca-.. r_ "--· r._ ,_ .u_t_ . w giv.e··nottw ·th~t ·tlu itu~ation~. - · • _ · i · . . · · ._. thQ local office's to rniat~rateaon . - • · - .A d .. -

-~-- . Q • ~- ~ ""' · •tret-have-c-~mr-il:rmle-dwt,mul Prta•dept Lut~ .. S~nds W!Jrd I work?one.l~thefu.ture: T?arf;l!se ) Sel~ct Pelegatea to .. tten · at Second of Series in . .(l]~IJification;·.~re fQJiowitlg •. All· f E ' . ·' however, wdl. only b~ w accprd- . . .N ationaf':Convention .. a't" .

L 1 S- . H~giatrant• willbegivenfivedavs o. ncollrageme~t tc_». ~- ancewith whit thd-advance _in .. ·- .. , ·. .. .

oya -ty to · tate . ., All Concerned in auppli!iJ bf11! bc~ntous. _sub,crlp-. .Salt ~.ake. CttY '.· -r fn whiell to ap~.a.1 eitber·by mail, . . tf<m rates rem am tbe 1;1am~ .

Th Lo s· ta Cl Q . Wire 'pr In penon. . . Enterprize. . . . ' THE OU~L90K. ' .... .. . . . . . e ne· r Uu Tlrogram . Tueumcad, ·N.- .M.; Jan~ 11 • .:.,.. _ ·of the eighth grade at the Carri- ~~CIIIfl!ll!lfloHtllll!llllr .. . ~ alii!II!!IIIIIDlllllllllliiC4!111iltJ!IIDIIIHIIIIIIItlliiiiH"'uoitttiMHIII~ Delegates to ):'.epresen.t New Mex~ . zo~ s~hool was very appropriate; ;.. _ · ~ · Secretary Monroe of the New ~ _ · · - • · ,. ico at the ati'npal meeting at Salfi. · ly l\ame? and c~rded ou~ ~s far - . . Oacuro . · Mexico~Etectra Oil Company, ls . ~old•er and H•s J?og · Lake of the American National .as l!oss1ble, w1tl~ each num~er . Oscura's long ealm was broken in. rec?ipt 'Of good 11ews fr~m the Last Aii"ust TX.~o A.'ist Iowa Liyestock ,.association,. were ~P~ bearmg the name of the _motlicr by a'atrong wind today- · OJI Flcld, wher.e Messrs; Lutz. 0 1 _ g ' d · t: • h' h . polnted yesterday ttt the meetmg state, with songs, solos, ~ea~inga, ' . _- . · · · • · · I !I,Jahan, B!·~nnam and other,q rn. · o!~~Z'w~as:_ Cam ro~~d • ~= of the exceptive conimi~tee.of tb~ _ I

.. -ruld.c..m;~ut.yH, arranecLm o . -T~a l~w~t~f _· fht! tf~-~t~fss..j:teresh:ct m the Cbmp~my, \- o "l;lie sota1ers, w!s Mf~ au . M~e-ttn(}· ------~ of our commonwealth. arc usy '.m mg pr e 80• ·. ers. -last weelt to put into operation Miller of Independenee·_Iowa, Gtowers'. association here. Those

I'ROGRAM · They Will bold n· _meetmg at the btt{ machinery, which. will who lost n valuqblQ dog_ at selected were W;.R. Morley of. ·· , Song -Oh Fair New 1\fQxico~·" the·schoo1h.ouse~_·atui'day af.ter-lJ.bring the flowing oil fr.()_ m the tpis_pol_·nt,.angaf_terwar.dsadver-_ ·natil, pre_sidcntqf the state as~

S } 1 noon, •. · ·. · · bowels of rootbar eart~1 and ·in- ttscd for hlm m th~ local papers, sociation; H L Hodge of Silver • "

100 • • • · • · · · __ - "" " •' as many readers Wlll remember. . · ' • ' . . . ·• Essay ~~ Htstory of Ne.w Mcx~ 1\!essers Stcrlmg ami Macl)on· ·.sure the stockholders, full real- No tr-ace of the animal was G1ty; Gem. H .. \Vebster of Cimat-

ico~John Boyd. . ald have _.a ca.t·load of corn. ! 1zation of the ~ruits of thejr found however,. and nothin~ 'ron and M. 4- Vnn H?~gh!On of Reading ~t:. Where The West Dr.' ·nanniger:Je:wes. for El venture. • ·• •· m~re heard pf the owner until Shoemaker. The Regular annual Begins~=Rosalind Burke. Pa~o Friday afternoon. · 1 The big ~erricks have been aPdf mornm~ wf:hn 0a d~ok meeting of the New Mexico as-

-......... Vocal Solo=· Seleeted=~Ciaire 'The· people_ of Oscuro awoke.~erected, ~n the .Kate- Cunni~g- offf~eo~:J>¥-;it':oau~ed ~im~el~. sociation willbe held at Laa Ve-:Adarna. . . Thursday .mo,rning to find the i ham and s.unYhm~ tracts, wt~haPaul Miller.~He h~s just retu~n- gas March 12~ ·;sand ~4. ~

Essay -- A~t m N eVJ Mextco " gt•and covered with snow. It }Vas te~eryt?ipg m readm~s~ to. b~~m ed from lndep~~~e't!C~. low~, _ _ _ At YCflterday s. mee tmg anum· . Cora Davis. · a very welcome sight, fl~ doubt ~lie dr1lhng the first Qf the where h~ has ~en vts1tm~ hu~ ber ~f spe:ches were made. , .

Piano Solo 0 0 Selected·~"' Rutl1 th~ boyB'nnd girls at sehool will mg week. garent(fu3do~h~~turn tr:,p .~ WtldammaJs and rodents an• Schnc1fcr.. . · have·a jollf titne. Driili~gs on tiac~~ ndj<?}ning 8~~c a a~~:ch ~or fJi:rmissi~ nually des~oy thousands of dol· ..

Readine-- Santa Fe Trml · ~ , :~ . . the holdmgs of the Company. are dog and on wednesday1accompan- I~rs worth of cattlerangea.~d ~t;.. Lorenc Brazel. ~ - . Comm._-On Moet proving llighly successful ~yond ied by Deputy, Culd wellj ~coured tle and. the cattl~ · asgocJattons

Read.i_ng"''",The Man Without a _. · -· . ·. " expectation.s, which without any· th.e _ country far and w1de but shoul~ ®Operate Wlth the .federal· · Coun!ry~ Alma Lacey. _ . The. County. J~omntis~i?ners ndditi?nal evidence, is e~ough to -w~p:.u~r.Y::'~ather, \V. F .. Mil- and ~tate . governments to ex .. Mnndobq~olo=Selected c Lau .. me~· on ~ond~y. and ~onttnue,d estabbs,h ~o.urage, and w1th every ler ia the editor of ~he"lndepend- term mate _ t~ese pe3ts,,. .former

reen \Vdson. . _ _ thmr dehberabons until Thurs ... advantage m the hnnds of the ence Conservative," and his Gov. \V. C. McDonald, _of New Essay ~ _ .Struggle for State- day, and transaeted a good ·company, together with assur- pape~ ha~ _ a wide circulation in Mexico, told the executive com.. .

hood""=Olius Mannov~ amount of business, which chief. an~<m and eonfjdence on the part that section of I~wa and P~ul-, roittee. " Vocal Solo=~Selccted--Hnrriet ly consisted of alJ()wing aU out· of the ofilcer.s of the enterprize was IJefore ent~rmg the, service, __ . ,

Ki b II ·· d' b.11 h . . f • d d • . a reporter on h1s father s paper. Sund , Matinee m _ e . · . __ . _ _ l5tan mg _l e. • _- _ . . . w _ o are oyr rten. s an ne1gh- · Since being 1\SSigned to duty . a, . The club has nrranged for !1 The!. commhmw~ers a!so _voted bors, here at home,. the New at Camp Cody, Paul has acted "'" '


• • I

series of these programs, the $l.O<>Ot-towards (}~fraying the Mexico· Electra Oil Company is as correaponden~ for seve~l Moving picture ~be~tre goers . _ _ _ . _ ~ • announcement of which wtll aP· expenses or fixing-·- trnfsti:ects· ref!'dy "to nearf-of" the n~rs ~1d~s the·_ HCon· wm n6wllave tlfe ~-OPlf<>rturiityl:cf·-· .. ~--·-~~- -· ·

Pear later on This fiefnoo the in CarriZozo and the engagement earth with~ determination that serv!lbve •• Mr. Miller, _left for be entertained with Sunday a.f.. ;. • . o - · . ,... . . . • l . · · -· . . . serv1ce Fr1day afternoon and the _ · · ·• - _ . _ rt . ~

,1 second o! the _aer_I_eP. " . . __ of __ Joh11 P.~~rl~~~-~~--:~-~~e~!~~~ -~~~--~~~ t:e.~ul~~-~--.t~~~l!_J_~he_!~ KC>OO_ wi.ah_ ruLoL .. truLllutJookr, ~-;c~oon 7"~m_._~~--l}·~_.~ •. ~ Th!. ___ "'~- ~~~~--"~~~~ ···~~~~- --· - --~--~---- ·· - · · -- ·· · ·~ lie- wortc. · · · -~ ·· ·· ·· · ·· ·· meaaure Of success. • with him. ' r1zozo lfll~atre beginlr liTJie"'Eyes .

· Noaal Notea _ · · · of ·the World" with prices10 and _ _ ·.. . . r.= ~ o o c;r 20 centa. _Now Is Your Chance.

Tho big ore crilsher fs now in ~ · M =========== pt~~;!!~:s~!~~;:zt::11 S • • OUR NEIG~BORS AND OUR FRIENDS. g Mel'li~~ranks,we~e t~ county tausht our public school has (b · _ _ c:IJ· com~u~s10ne~ ~egJstered. at t~e moved to Lincoln . . . · · _ . 0 _ 0 _. ~ _ . . _ _ - __ _ __ . _ _ · Carrtzozo · Eatmg Bouse thts . ·__ • . . :aev. J.· M •. Gard.~ner will · W. C. Davidton of Roswell, J S. W. Perry, who has been at.· week. ,

Jame!J <!atewood has retur~ed · preach at Ancho Tuesday. was in the city T~esday. - ·tending to the inter~sts of the . • • ·• ~rom Tex1<ro, and says a large _ . _ _ .1 • H ~".. _ _ . .. Galbraith .. Foxworth Lumber Th~ M1sses WJlson WJth the1r tire nJant is iti -O'nll_ ration th-<>rl!o M~. Gardner Wll smg Ed. arrJB was an El Paso VIS· c· - , ~ D lh. - T· ~ h strin"ed instruments added a_ n

"' l'"" "' "'' ''N l.n-' '1'1 td M f J su ,, •t Wed --.t ornpany sm a. art ex~s as ~ • · "Jim" hM an int.crest in tho _ ouvuY J.Ol •. e 0 · · e s. 1 or neHUay. · be . ·tr J! -- ea:·· t T . -h~ . . e_xtra charm to tlle mmnc at th_ e next Su .... day, at 11 A .... . _ • . en ans.Lerr o ex om a, . • h h S _ d . • _ h plant, · .. · u • ·;· A com'htnabon anow apd sand .Okl . Methodtst c urc un ay n1g t.

The snow on White nv>nntain Leslie Lano'1ilnd wife, of Santa storm vi~ited us Thuntday, Tab. O tl .k. • 1 ..,.1 n .. The Ep\v-ortnLcaguehlsvoted h b k h 1 · d h Fe"" tmssed through here Ja"t ~ e u oo WIS 1es .u r. rerry • · , ns ro en t l! . on~· .. rout , ~ . " ~ 1\lr.. and· Mr~. , Ben Chavez and tho <;ompany a full m~a~ure unannnou$1Y to put. on a home

.F.,veeyone ~n Uu~ r;g10n ~~ v,cry Sunday. · . cnme from Santa Fe last Sunday. t of: prosperity for the new year. talc:mt piny. _ gw.teful for the ICltef.. Mr. nnd .. Mrs. J, C: .IIoover of · R E. Blaney, tlmnewlyinstnU-~ Dr R E Blnn~ will bo in Tho Epworth Leaf!U~ soeial at

The p3rtv who (~llt tbc ' 'l'ncumcntJ, wero Vl:Jtr~ het•e t Nl \V. M. ?f Uarrizo~o lodge No i El p. c ~th • 2,itJ Ju d O()th the home: of 1\<lr. and. Mrs. Clms. SoutJlWf.'stern pt••JPerty 1s ~:,:.. lnnt Saturday, r11' and A.M. bears his lton .. ~to a~t:nd etllo

1s()eo~il anA;nuai Stevens, was. enjoyed by a large {t\le~~ l.u~.t·~ m1~1~ny. \Vc llopc~ '!'. n. Allen* who waq \l.t on.~ ora with the mod~.sty of n com~~Meeting of the Southwestern ctowd of young veople. ··

. 1tla usu

1to:.;s WJ ... resume on a t!me cnsl1ier of tlw E. I>; S. \V. ,mr.ucement gmdunte. - .1 Dental· Association -· - ~n1 - -tii ' .--- 'lt.f' • ~ • <::'(

nrgo sen e.. . . . . but now u U. S. cattle inspector. . ;. . u • ~ . . • . • -.~. ~~lf n om~n s ~u:sstonary -oo-. . Uncle TOtil h 8 ·t _1 Fatty Arbuekle m Reck!e.Ji urs :n nr- Dui'n" ~"t·s Jon.l>C'I · mety of the Metho.<hs• church ar.e · - • was ero a ur~.- ny. I> n t th "C t 1, S t .lYJ. • :u, l'v. · .,, J.u. • ~"'~ ~ • · 'lf

., ....... , __ , --- • -. • "omeo. a e r.vs a a ur· Mra Christian Keehn Miss Em- planmng to g'lve a home talent .Sheep· Men Fired On · ~ I,. Ltmlcman and Mrs: L~nde.. day night. 'M n td d '. t ~ piay t.o be given lome timo' in mun Qtoppcd I•"rtday on . _ . m~ c ona an Sis er ~ nna

" · · • · t.ll<~h; ,;ayto:EU)as<Jfr.>m Os~ura: , uE};s<lf ·the. W()rld". at the o( Oseuro, were in town last S~t- J~nua.ry ... ·. · . _ • Tb~ J!hccp he:rders attt1nd~ng t , " • _ .. •qarrlto%o , ~he~tret' . Sunday urday, as ~uests of Nra. Blaney. _ -

the l rtt- ~erds a90ut-20 ~at;s r~? 9ar:tiZ9~ ~Gl~ Club 18 a •!ternoon matmee. and Monday They stayed to see -"The Poor· An American sentry, in th~ l



. weat of the M~lpau1. were ftred promunng Add_ltion to .. the v~al nta:ht. . Little Riell Gitl" at the Crystal trenches: if\ Francef was sur ... . } .. . .on Thut'lday n1aht by ~tne un.. talent. of our c1ty-. :f • A. 0~ Douglas of Albuquerque; Thea.~r. .. : ·~ "' . . prlsea. _ overpowered and cap ..

( kno!'n .P~!'tie&. Qne man~ ldRn Ch~. W. Babb. of Ft. Stanton wu·here· on- a bu!iness trip 1ast · . tur~ by German soldiet'lf. 'With

. ·

P.tihll~t it r~ported ~tutu~- _ _ _ _ w.u bert' Mendly. _ _ __ .. _ . Monday. _ _ .MH .. K~n ot O~urot was vta· the~xception ofcuttinghis t~roat ~~rr1yora.of the fu•ifade found _, Mre. -Dr. Frank McKeon. ~~· u . _ .. ~ __ _ ,, ·-. _ . c• . . _ . . iting theDoughe.v• and Ml.'S. &).r.d from ear . to ear, the German

.PMtll•· ha~ but -ltothtn; ~ .. ·til thl'OUfh hc~fthlas w•k on a . _ __ ,;rh" Vannd?t at the Ceys .. ~verat days last week.· Whde. soldferlf treated thci Amerlan bien ~Mn ott beard ot· man tt~ trip 1rott1 Ef Puo._. . tJl Sa.t\lt4&Y n11ht. _ _ _here she_ ~ad .some de?ltal ~ork sentry with greatest kin\tnen-~n~ Thu~~Y,,.~,~~~~· . J. a~ . .-family have . _.~ :e.t Uti..n t.'ln Linooln this ~ono by t>ttr.loeal denttst. .. · · __ .. with thlilt $1\trle kindna w~icb .

.•. , ... ofthtWol"JdU Bun41} ~ *'- o.urorma,, .......... atMdln« -cpurt,_ bttt WiU WUl Ste'rllnsr \'rQ up-from o ... has mad& Jh& VIJrt word uatr ..

... I

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Jktinte -and HoMay_-_ .___ - nia'ht. --It t1Mr _. ____ · t..,...._ ,....u. ia ti&t- .,.._, · . bt -Mttt on .htt okt l.Wte Wl'(Jon ~n-tMWedn:atday. _ · .1·.ma.tty'' a thbir t}#at il to.tbed .. • I'

t1w .Oirrilolo ~· , ·~ ~· ~ .. .m 'tMik. · · J .. a s.nn ... At J. Gi~Ufd • tht'uottt 111 ?rl•tentkn _ ~ · · . I .·.·. -~~l ·-

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. . . . CARRl~OZQ, LlNCOX..N COUNTY,· NEW· ·MEXICO, FRIDAY, JAt'TUARY lSi 1918 t 't • ·.. . •. ·• .. - . _:. - '- . ·.' -,- ' • ;· '· ,.

_ PRICE-$2.oirPER Y~R.

· NEW·MEXIco sTock·Ako·\Vo a•p,a scap.ot NoT~s- LlVESTocK MEN· PLEDGE sup·. • • j I • ~ • B M. . . p 1 H d ,_ . . .

• ~I GROWERS .sEND wARNING. Miss ;o~:~~:~t t~0

~oul'th PORT~ TO'. u~. s4 IN. WAR •• ·o. • • teMher for the High S~hool' deP" ~ · I · · · ·

·. 6e~t Organi~ati()n Wo~kini. .. ~ ~. · PJe:a•ant .. Su~pri•e:: . a~~fuent., ~ill.arriv:e next M~n.. Card of :£hank$ . · ·r$ ao,ooo Rai~d t~ lW)iin~fn Del~ .. · i>~troy Live St~k ln Pen~;~ . ·. ·· · · < · · dfl.Y. · Xhe school. bOard, With · . .. . ·· . · egation at «;apital t~ CC>-9p~

. · · .. · · . . . . . . -. . Mr~. T. E.~ Buxton was lJ! the help of Superin~endent pon~ \Ylth a sense· of apprecJatlon, . . . . · ana. on RaDJOfl · . . . from ~er ,ranch near . "'a~ nut way have been trying to secure~ and gratefulness, to th_oae who · . erat~ With"F~ BOar~ ~ ..

. . , . ·· : . . . · . · . · · ·· . ~ W~nes~~y ~· ~h~ expel'llenced. a a. teachefl for- three· months · or rendered ·. their :assistance, and~ . . . • · · · · · · Albuquer.que, M. ~. J~-q. 15 .. 1~.--:- pleasant surpr1s~l th~- ~ame ~ay more. but have been unsu~eesa- . £ d . ta f· 1· . · k' d.. Af.fu·mmg. tts confidence.. m InforroattC?n · haa re.ach.ed us to by he~ ... pncl~,. Mr. · Gtllett, who !ul untn·now- . · - . per. orm: ac 0 o~tng m. ~;-e~:ndent Wllson. and ... pledgmg the ef.fec~ that a cedam organ• nowres1des·m Nehraska. . . . . ·. . ·. ~ . • . nefS$ durmg~there~entlllness and hlm the whole· hearted support .izatiol!~whicb is in _opposition . .-to · .Mr: Gil~et.t has ~een "on an e.~~ · A_t D home~~:n ~;~:~:J:!~! death of our be.loved wife a~d of the liv~$to~ck men of ~ben~tion •· the ·purp~ses of thl$ e~u~try and ~n.d?d trlp t~ro~gh t~~ south, ~!? z as. eh· but -ther.e . ill be mo~her, a~d-~ a_ last token of to. w}n thts ~ar, . the· Atn~ri~an the best mteres~ of Jta: people Vlsitmgthe ptrqctp~l ctties. On 188 .eu~ · ' . . · d .. ~ • . t lov~ and respectr brought be\lu- National LlVestock .As$oetatlon in the prosecution of the war-·~ .. hxa return trip, stoppad over 'to no :anuff' ~ritp~g ·· e~a~ ~en tiful floral offerings~·we ·tender .br.ought ita 21st annual conven-gaiJ:!~tt.he e_nemi, has _plann~d visithisiiiee~·Mta. Buxton. ··~e te.o aclaas. teaavneh .. e·roof.·teheant our1heartfeltthanks. · tiontoaclot;e, atSaltLak~.City th• • ..... to · tr ""'d 'Jl · • 1 · k b · f · · a e 0 secure "' 1 · J · 16th · .:.;-

·I 'I

' I

' , I

.(). '

18 wm~r .. use concen a .. '\1_. Wl. !B! ~evera wee s e o;re branch of work.". · . w. o. Norman and family · . an ' • . . . lye and roach PQWd~r for returnmg home.· "' · ---··-· ·---·-----------·------"'"·-- . -Tha..cOilYention.wenton.record- --- ...... , .... --·-···-·

. Coron2t New• Items Carrizozo Gett Conference as approving the concentration . . . .-~~ Cross Grat~tude . . . . . . . . .. . . · · .. o.f power by thP . goverm~ent in

. It JS sa1d that lye on rock salt .. The Rocky. Mountain Division Snow has fallen ih.ree times I~ Is·no'! an e~tabhshed fact, the .hands of efficient ngenefea · cal1Se_s in6uth sor~s, ulcers in the of the American Red Cross, 'bas within the past few days and al .. that Carrizozo. IS to have th~ for , tpe "purpose of dev~loP,ing

stoma~h and . also f?tS the f~t sent put a letter of thanks to the t~ougb each sn.o\~ h~ been, very next a~nual conference o.f the and n'io~ilizing, the strength of of the s~k,- prcductn~ a eondt· ne,vspapera which have be!ped hght, th~ ground ts sh~htly damp Metbodts~ Chur~h,, a~cordmg to the nation. . . . . ,. tion si. m_ila~; to_ • that o! "fo·o.t abd ~0 make· the Red Cross Ch:istmas. und cis~er~s ure begin~in. g .. _to fiH a Jette~ JUSt. rece1ved. by Rev.,_ ··T. he. off.icers of _th. e ~soc .. iuti.on.

·and l}louth dts~aae.· campaign a success and u'l con·· up agam. ._ . . , . . Lewelhng,whlchr~adsasfollows. we1·e all re-elected op-. It 1~ su~ge~te£1 al~o th~t the ctu~iop.suys: As. we stand on the Mr. Dinwiddie lost a valuflblo .El Paso, Tex. 1-1~~~18 position; and the assocmt~opsub·

<-: org'am~atto~ 1~ questJO~ l!ropo~cs threshold of a new year in this cow· a few· days ago,, caused by Dea~ ~rother Lewellmg :- . . scribed$ 30.000 wit1l whicl1 t~· . ~ nse ·murJ~t~ and ~trte acids hour of the world tragedy, there eating too much grain. · · "" Havmg at last hear~ from Bro maintai·n a special ·dclegati'on at

.. ~~food fed ~~O'A}:~usni.gulcera- ('.an be but one tl10ugbt in the Jrlr. George· Clemdnets has Jones, I c~n t)O:v nnno~nce th~t \V.n.shington to confer wlth and tio~ ojJ the. ~tornacb, and death . . of the twenty-two mill~on moved his family into town from ~he comnutteo IS una~•m?us~ ln coopm·ate with the food adminis· ~nder conditlO_!lS .closely res?mbllmelnbers of the American Red the ranch in order to be nearer lts acceptance of your. mvJtatJOI'l, ·tration, tlle 'federal trade co_m .. mg hog cholera. . . . • Cross, and that is w perV'e and school. .. to hold _the n~xt se~ston, o! the mission, and all other agencies . All p~rsons . re~i~mg thts car. sacrifice lW never before. .• .., · d M · E . L M Ito Annual Conference 1n Carrizozo. of the government. ·

cu1ar w1!l please notify -an stock· - '" ·=~ = --= .LYJr. an re. . • • · . o~ . n Hoping that the supply of :men, dhippe~, foeders. breeders . M . L, Ent rt. inj spent a few dayton Albuquerque "Yellow Leggers, ,. will be equal . R 1 . d • . R • ~nd . .tarmers Ui .order . that thex ~ . rt. . oon .· .~ a, . • 11L$t week, . . • . . . . to the demand, and thanking Lawr;ne~ ~! M • te. m . ?~ tnay take neee-M~ry precautions MnJ. Leon was the charmmg J. M • Jolly and fumdy, have you for your interest in this im· well tlus week.

, .. , to guard them against these l host~es to. the members 0 ! the mo~cd to town in order to" send portant m tter I am Several government. men are attempts, and tp ex<:ercise AuctronBr1dge Club Thusday af .. the children to school. , .F ~rn 'u · in Carrizozo, inspectmg the proper d,iligence in _preveJ.lting. ternoon . as he Miss. ;Dora . Clemenur, closed ra aC~ x. CampbeJJ. railroad equipment this week._

.,. nuauthorn~ed persons from hav- Mrs. ~um~n Spencer~.· f.~ t her school at the mines last week . I~"Joyd eJaunch spent several ing ac;cess to atoc~ at any time. fo~tunatd :f e ~~g:~I and it is rumored that she is • Bell's Grocery Robhed days in parri~ozo on busine~s

.We would cautton aU sheep- prize, and rsT.h· 00 g t · a_ bout to take a school of one Burglars effected an entrance last week e to be th • d d the secon . ose presen were. . · . . . . . , :pen cirdly ~n bn ~!refurr a~t Mesdames · PUPI}· E • 11 ;r--~··:_,..,_,t .. . _. -t . ~-til~. groc~.rl .. ~!9Jg.Q~ John • · • B. Dove ton has ·returned

, __ ,_, __ ··-·" ···h·--c--· ....... "-· ..• .::: .. 1 ....... ~ . OsbOrn, ?tits~ •• ffiE~ .1,uae .~.u.e• on, w;•o BelllastMonday mght. The.m- from'Trinida~, Col. where· he t At!'!t:S ho:vesb!e!h~~=t . ~s ~~;n.t_ll for ·~tverat days wtth truders cut away tho putty from has ~en visiting his Mother. to our attention =---~~~--~~~~"1~ f~P~ . .f h .. · d • · · · • . ~-·and Mnt:·Ray'Le'mon·nnd - ---·

~~--~-~holes.bave--been poisoned,. Mtss. Rutl1 Xt.Umgswort , ~n ~ng, but on attentpt!ng to remove son Morris, have retnrned from th tate .. Mr.s. M. A.. Pemac, are both re- 1t, ~he glass broke m the centort A • on a \vlHire thev 11ave be-en

o er s s, . . • . . cov~rlng from recent attacks of wluch afforded the offenders tl rJz. • t • veeks. . · BAPTIST CHURCH · Convinced of Success illness. space large enough t~ enter. te t>~ts SIX\ - . ·

~r J:'astor.) Mr. J. A.· Laban has jus~ re· L"r~~kl>u Boisand fPmily. who .. M:r. Bell.ha~ __ seve,r~:l P~?ching ~"~~ ·--~- ·- · ·- · ·*--. ~ · ··.··· .· ·_· · •


~he pastor will preach Sunday turned :from Electra Tex, With il recently ,came to Corona !rom b?ards 11vlu~h. cont"'un pn~s of GREETING. Jan. 29th, at 11 A. M.- "L'.>wer fuU assurance of the successful Kansas City, have moved d!fferent kmds. such as kmve~. . . . .. . . . , .

. -Lights.''· 7-$0 P. M. ;"Christ and outcome of operations on the their own home, and we wel~l)le watches, etc., but strang~ r:s Jt F"RO.M Mlt.."THODIST CHURCH .the. Devil, . or .the Victorious New M:e~i~·Electra posgessio~s. tho DuBt>is family to our city. may ·seem none of the kmveG Christ?" . . Mr. Laban would have remam· M A !Acke who lo"t llis home were m~lested. . On the boar~

Su_ nday SchoollO 4· M. , · longer. butanatt_ack_ ofillnes_s b 1: •1 . ··d 11. ::if _.1 .. t whichlJ contained a watch and J : · B. · y· · p U d S . .. ' y 1re UlS move 1 s auJJ y m o b 1 th · t 1 . . . t · t d un10r • . • ·• •. an . un· caused him to r9turn sooncrtlmn h Al . . tt . . race et,. e wa e 1 was. WISe

beam band at. 3 P. M. Senior he bad calculated ton. . t e ~ ams co. age. • . . . . off, Ien:ving the . bracelet and ~·~ ¥._. P. U. at 6-30 P. H. Messers Lutz, Brannum, and Mrs. Hutchm~, the postnustress rings sttll attnclted to the card.

The Sunday School· continues. other principaltJ connected witlt is having some 1·epair work done ·Mr. Bell, . however, is . very :to keep up, interest and . there the vroject~.·are .superintending on th.e postoffice :and having new fortunate from the fact that the was a :line turn out last Sunday the wotk of 'drilling,· and Car· lock boxes installed. .. loss sustained amounted to only in spite o:f the bad weather. . . · ·people interested; may Mrs~ M. A. Locke is iJl with $35.00. There is evidence that

The cottage prayer meetings know they ;are· being properly tonsilitis. There has been several the burglars were frightened COlltinue thtough t~is month and cared for •. Mr. Brannum says he cases of this 'dis.ease in . to\\ rt of away by some passing citi~n. remember every one ~s . invited wiU remain on the ground until tate; and we hope it is not con• . · · · · . · ·

'Vc are specializing in short . sermons, '"good music, goOd feUowship, t1nd as we (!K­tend. to you a lltlarty wet .. come, we ask your hearty .

. cooperation. in !:!ringing .. sunshine to\ all Yt:ho ~it 1n .: darkness. .

\Vo want ev~ry home rep• • resented in the wo.rk .for

. . . ....... ··.. .. . . . ." . _ . · . • had a her ~hat we are b~cializing a r~v1val ·m Carrizo~. . N . 11 A . 6d . H _ · t . . S . • d party.aHhe Methodist parMnagE~ all ~along . the line.· Come

" Friendl -Bible Ciao . ewe,~ ·Y rnv . os ell, urpnse. . _f1'riday nigh~, in honor of George and· help us. . . Y. . • • Mr. and. Mrs. Benson Newell, . When }14rs. Leon was enter· Barber and Allisor Stevens, who

The cl .. tnisged lts pr~sz~ent Cruces. ·~r~ 'the proud taining·tbe Auction 'Bridge Club fire tO leave.· the. 20th for the ' for: a nu~ber of SundayJ, as . of a ~un~n~g ~aby boy •. ThursdaY. ~afternoon, the news army, .- . . " ll . • .. ":'. r .. :: . ··J.,. .1< . -·~· w~ d~tainsd ~t ho~e on ac~o~n .. Mr. Newell ts a. promme~t at· was reeeived from Seatt.le Wash- . - - · THE ME fHOD S 1 · of dln;ss OI hi& Wife. . Ue says torney ~f Las Cruces and 1~ ington of . the birth of a baby . The Musical Olivers at the . • H' . ~UR' c" H the Wlll ~out next Sunday and known m Car'itzozo·. He· ts al· girl at the home of Mr: and Mrs. Carrizozo Theatre Saturday · C. · · · · · .· we ho~ every me~ber ot the way_s on hand :when court,·, con- C.Qplif.l. . . • night. . • · . · .. . Rev. LEWELLING, Pastor •. c~ass w1U · tey and com~ ~d . venes, acting m _the CiPJ!~tty of . M~. COr>lirt fa the. daughter Alice Howell tn ''Her Ba~~· ·· · · · ·· · · · · ··· · ·· ·· · · •· · ·

. hltll a -hwty :.w~l<:C?me.- ~- court .. reporFer• Mr. N.ewell . . otMr. ~nd Mrs. Albert Zi~gler back Career'' '(comedy) at . Notice -m.e.mber Y~ are inVIted.· to J9ln be !Ul :the more pronnnent . . of the well known :tirm of Ziegler· the. Carri~~o TheAtre S.aturday

... thia cl~ and you will '00 made t~1it fui; lias oontr.ibuted to the B:t0thet8 •. Mr. ; Coplin . i! ·· well night, · · to ~eel ·rtsht at ~ome... . v·~" :fightini,st~en~th o:£ trn;te Sam. known~pa;rlzo,.zo1 havfngbeen .. · · Animate.d Weekly-. ·Bad w.-th~r· d~ M~ prevent . . · T~e Epwortl} Leagu~ lS pJann• con~ted wtth Ztt~ler Bro'!. un. · ., . Mutt and Jeff .

the people trom comins -to to put on .• Ito~ ~lent play. last Auguat, when he. moved CarJ'J~~t> _Th~atre--l?ticea. J(tfi'hodfetchtU'ch~and SOO'· in the near futur~, ·Seattle. and 20- cente. ·

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Publi$hed:We~kly inJ~~ lnt~~~t <»f C~rri~f>~Pt. ·~· Lin;coln CC)wt1• ..

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'~NEW:MEXfCQ.·:s .· .. ·· AND WOOL ·utaH $CH~OL ·No!Es· ·vEST<LCK_~MEK."iLED~GE~tJl~~~.~~:,:~, .. ~:·'::::c .. ~~-.~7CR0WtRs-sE~D WARNIN<f ; MisS l3towPie11; .the . f<IUftli ,,:· .. PORT TO. {}; s. JN, wAR. . ·· .. , . . ..

S~t 0l'!ranlzatio!1 ~o 0 ·; Pl~nt siU'~i1e . .. . . . • ~::f~~~~~ ~:~~J~~: . .· . Card of T~anka . . j$ IIO;ooo Rafs.d t!>'Malil* b~l~' .

Deatroy·Live St«~ in ~ens . . M.-~. : T. E~:· . Buxton . w~ in . ihel;h:~ .,sS~~~in::d~t. ~~~~ With a sense" .of. ~~eciationr . egatio~ at _C~p.i~l to. ~o-o~. . . · ' and 0 ._ RPK~ . from he~ ~a.noh ~ear . Walnut way have b~en teying t'o $ecure and gratefulnes!t, ·t& those who ... eJ~t~. ~-t~ Food Board · . .

. . . .... . · · Wednesday. ~h~ exJ>f3rl~nced a a teacher for three months l)r :rendered their ass.istance, and . .: . · . . : · Albuijuerquet M. M. J~n. 15~18.- pleasant surprJse: the sam~ day. more but have been u.neuccesa· · £ d ts f l • ·k. d .Affu:•mmg tts confidence ~n Information baa .re..a,ch


ed ·us. to ·bY her ?ncl~, ·Mr.. Gillett,~· wh? ful u~til no~. , · · ... · . P~~ arm: .. a~ o. ··: .... 0~mg 10 • .B~eaident··Wilson, and pledgin~ the effect- that a. certam organ- now res1des·m Nebraska. . . - · . ness qurmg ~pe re~ent dlness and htm the whole ·hearted support

\· i~ticm ·which is iit ilPP®itiou to M~ Gillett has been on an ex· At ~~~e~tto. S~len~e :~P~;- death of our. beloved wite. and of tqe livestock men of th~nation ·. the purposes of 't'hi$ country and tended tri:p . thrQllgh the· south, m~!l ' as bee~ 0t gtt:uz~ ... ~ br mother, and as a· last token of to win this war, the 'American , the Best 'interea't$ of its people visiting th~· ·principal cities. On· . u. ~r:a ~1 le ~ love and. r~e§peet, brought beau-. National Lives~ek .. Association in the.)lroaeclltiQl')' of the· war a .. h1a return trip, stOppa_d o.ver rto no tndnu;f~.rfn.~g e : ~ nn tiful floral offerings, we tender ~brought itS 2~$t annu~I conv~n-

-' j'

gainat.the enemy, has planned visit his nieee,Mrs. Buxton. He ~f t ·: tela s. t::~eno of·t~~t ou~.hea:rtfel~. thanks. tion to a clo~e, at Salt LQke City. thia winter to use concen~a~ed will ::e~.ain s,everal.weeks before ~r ~c~ 0~~~~k~ · r ' w, o.· Norman and family Jan 16th. .· .. _. ~--- ------· _ _ ..... ~ -c'

lye and ~oach powder for kllhng. retarnmg hQm.e. . ··-"- ____ -~~ -~ · · ------. ·-·· -····-~-· -- --- ·· -:T.lreconvention vlenf onrecoro '?.r-injdl'ing the ocatti~ and~hogs· -~-- · ··- .. ~ · · ·· · --. Coron-~. News Items · Carrizo%o Geta Conference as ·approving the concentration · · ·· Jn yards and feed pens. . ~~ Cro•s·Gratttude . .. . . . .. . . . · . of power ~Y thP government in

It ls said that lye on-rock. s.alt ···· ~he Rocky Mquntain: D.ivisio~ ~n?w bas :fallen three tJmes It 1a nov: an _e~(abh_:he~ fact, the hands of ·efficient agencies .. causes mo~th sores, ulcers m th~ of the American Red Cross, ~haS' W1tbm the past few days a~d al- that Carr1zo~o 'lS to have the. for the purpose of devt;,loping ..

. stomu~h • and also r?ta the f~t sent out a letter of thanks to the t~?ugh each sno\~ ha~ been . yery next a~nual conference o! the and mobilizing,. the strength. of of the stock, prcduemsr a cond1· newspaper3 which have he!ped hght1 the. ground IS·shghtly damp Methodtst Church, accordmg to ·the nation. tion ~imil~~' to. that of 44foot ahd to make the Red Cross Ch:i.stmas and ~is~erns are beginning ~ ~ill a lett~~ just. rec~ived by· Rev~ I The officersrof the ~sociation ant !Jl?uth dtJJ~ase. campaign a success and m con- up a gam. ~ .,. . . .· Lewelbng, wh1ch reads,~ follows-. we~e. all re-elected OP·

, t 1~ 8!l!fge~ted .at~~ th~t the p1usiop.says: As we stand on the Mr. Dinwiddie lost a valuable .El.Faso, Tex. 1-1~18 posttion, and the assoctatlon sub-.,. orgamzatto~ 1~ questto~ ~ropo~es thresholcl of a new year in .this <!OW a. few 4ays ago, caused by ~rother,Mewelhng :- ·scribed$ 30.000 with whic~ to · ~ nse murJat!: and mtrtc a-cids hour of the world tragedy, there eating too much grain. · - Havmg a~ IWJt heard from Bro maintnin a si>ccinl delegation· at

•. 1~.f~fedtol\~,~au~ingulcera-. e.a~ ~but one thought in. ~J1e Mr. Girge QJemdnets- has Jon~fi1 J l!~n no~ .an~o~nce tb~t Wasliingfon to confer with .a~a ~-­twn ol the. ~tomacn, and death minds of the twen.ty-two. mtlhon moved his amily into town from ~h~ cotnmlttee ts .una~Im~us! m cooporate with the food ndmtnlS· ?nder condltlopa closely resembl 'mem'lx~rs of the American Red the ranch i rder~o be m~are): Its acceptan<!e of your. mvttatton, tration, the ··federal trade com• m2 hog cholera. • . • ·Cross, and that is to J~erve and schooJ. ~ · to hold the next se~siOn O! the mission and n-11 other agencies -

All p~rsons recervmg thiS en•.. .f. b ~ ' Annual Conference m CarriZOZO, , t. cular w.ill notifyllll stock- sacrJ Ice as. n. e..,ore. . . . ··Mr. and Mr8, E. L. .H . th t th J f of tho governmen

• . . .. , ~ ~- ~=== . " d . Alb . . oping a e supp y o ltlen, sluppers, f~ers, breeders . ' - En • stmnt a LOW ays In uquerque ., Yellow Leggers/' will De equal . ..· • . Ro .. and tarmortf in .order fhat thet. . . Mtt. J.ROU tertam•... last week,, . . " . to the demand, and thanking . Law~enee Rowland. 18 m s may take necessary precautions . ~ns. Leon w~ the charmtng J. M. Jolly- and family, have you for your 'interest iii this ·im- well thls . . . to . guard them against these~ host.ees to the members 0 f the tnoved to town in order to send ..... t tt I . · Several government men are

A t• B .d )\ f'i'l b Th --'ay af· • . . poriMn rna er, am . . . . t' t'h attempts, • and ~o exccr~i~e uc ton rt gc "11 u u~ the chdd:en ~ school. .Fraternally · . m. CarrlZOZ?• mspec. mg e proper dihgenee m preventmg ter. noon. · . . .. h. Miss Dor" .. Clements closed c K Cam· ·p'--~JJ· radroad -eqmpment thts wee. k. • · · .. M T u an Spencer was t e • · · ··" ·· , · • AX: • .

" ~uauthor1zed ~roons !rom . rs. r m. . .. · the. fii·st her s?ho;>l at the mines last wea.~ . · . Floyu Claunch spent seyeral mg aecess to stoe~ at any ttme. fri!un!~ ;;:n~~~!e Dingwall and 1t 1s rumored that she 1s Bell's .Grocery Robbed days in Cat-rizozo Qn busme~s

We would cautr~n all sheep- fb .. ~ d Those present were about to take a ~chool of one Burglars effected an entrance last week. men ~ be Qn their (Nard and M!~ea~~s· . . . . pupil. . . . to the grocery .store of John E.. H. B Doviton has returned espec:tally. to bo. careful about Osborn Miss. Effie Mae Melton, who Bell last Monday night. The in- fro~ Trinidad Col where he the quality . of salt they uee. ' has been ill for several d·ays with truders cut a. way tl1e putty from ' '

Also cases have been brought ;. h K'Il' . · . . th .·· d b· t . . t' . t . Mr. and Mrs. Ray temon and

holes have been poisoned, Mtss. Rut ~ mgswor ' ~n . . . · u~ on a temp !ng 0 remove son Morris, have retnrned from · ojher states, Mra. ~f. A. l?em~, at:e botkh ref- lt, ~hh~ glasf s bdrodke lhn theffcenJert Arizona where they have been

• eov~rmg from recent attae s o whte ·. a for e t e o en ers th . t ixweeks• BAP11$T CHURCH . Convinced of Success illness. ·1 space large enough to enter. . • e pas s _ . (ttev. J. M. Oardnet tt.9tor.) Mr. J • .A~ L'lhan ha9 Just re- Frank Du Boisnnd.f?mily, who .. M~. ·Bell has several punehmg - ·

n The pastor will preach Sunday turned from Electra Tex, . with . · · came to' . (orona f~om b?:irds . contain pri,;~s of QRE ET IN Q S Jan. 29tb,at 11 A. M. "wwer full assurance of .the successful Kanaas City. have moved mto d!fferent kmds, such us kmve~, . ._ ., ·Light-a/' 7-~ P. M. 4 'Christ and out.come of operations on the their own home, and we welcome watches, etc.t but strange a.s tt ~.,ROM METHODIST CHURCH the. D~viJ, or the Victorious New Mexico-Electra possessio~s. the DuBois family to otir city •. may seem none of· the kmves Cbt'JSt711

. ·. . . Mr. Lahan would haveremam· :M A Lo ke wholost hisllome were mo1ested. On the boar,d ~ a

Sunday. SehO:>IlO~.M... . edionger butanatt.:ac.ko.fill.ness b. 1: •1 c dh • .1!·· •1 .• t- which~.conta.ined a wn.tch. an.d .·wearespecializinginshort J ·. . B Y. p· . U . d S · · • · . ,-.z 1re 1as move m .1am1 y m o 1 1 . . t d umor • • .. • an · un- caused him to return sooner-than ( Al .... tt . · brace et1 the watc 1 was tw1s e sermons,'"_gOQd music.. goQd

beam band at 3. :P •.. If. Senior he had calculated ton. · . . . t le ( ~ms_co. age. . . off, leaving the· bracelet .and fellowship, and as we ex-. B. Y .. P. U .. at 6-30 P .. H. Messers Lutz, Brannumt ~nd .Mr~J. Hutchms,thepostmtstress rings still attaclted to the card. tend ·to you a hearty wclw

'The Sunday Sehool continues. other principals cotineet~d with is having some .t'epai:t wqrkA.on~ Mr; Bel1; l10wever.- ... is :very C\'>i!l~,. we ask youi <hearty to keep un, in:teres.t. ~nd · . the-. project, are on the postoffice and ltavingnew ate from the fact that the cooperation. in ~ringing was a iine turn out Iaa~ Sund~y the wotk oi drilling, ·and Car- lock boxes installed~ loss sustained amounted to only· sunshine to all who sit in·

.. '. ., -·

in spite of the bad weather: • . . . rizozo people int~rested,, may Mrs. :M •.. A. Locke. is ill with $35.00. There is evidence that darkness. " . · .... T~e cottage pra.yer tneetmga know they are being l')l'operly tonsilitis. There has been aevertd the burglars were . !tightened · We want every home rep~ ·

· ·~ ~tmue through this ~o~~b ~nd ·car~~ for. Mr.o Bran.num says he of ~tbis disease in to\\ n oi. by some passing citizen, resented in!!.·-....!.'.!· ~~~~'-----.:.:!:!.."-----..,._ remember every ~ne ts- tnvited will ---GOifancf.forgood. Retnelll-

. . . .. . first f>il co~es to the sur!~ce: tagioris. The liJpworth League had a ber that we are &P·ecialiting

N II. A.· " ~..i a· S · · • d. party at the Methodist parsonage . all along the lirye. • Come· F~ndlV' Biblo Clau . e~~" ·Y rtiVoq . ostess urpra•e . . :t!riday nig~t, in honor of George and h~lt' us, . . . .

. .. . · .. ... • · . ·. . .. . · .· • . . · Mr .. ana _Mrs. Benson ~C\vell, When Mrs. Loon w..:ut enter· Barber and Allison Stevens, who . · ·· .-·The cl~·llll~~(ll~ prest~ent of.Las Cruces .. ar? the. proud taining the Auction !Jridge Clu are to lenv:.e. the 20th ior the

for a. nuf!l~r of Sundays, ~.he. ·. . . a ~uncmg. ~aby bo!,· Thursday afternoon, the news army.· ··· . · ·.·· : · · . ~ · . • ·•· . . . w~detained~tho'Peonac~ount ~ewel~ 1s a pramm~~t -at- wasreeeivedirotn.Seattle Wash .. , . . .. THE ·METHODISr of·tlln4ess ofhuJ. Wlfe •.. ~e,says .· ··. ~!Las ~ruces and 1S. wellington of "the bitth 'of a baby . The Musical Oliyers ·at the ' . c· ·H···· ~u·· ... R·. c .. ·H· .·

" the will be out ner.t Sunday... ..· &no_wn m CarrJzozo. . He ts al· .girl at the home of Mr; and Mrs. Carri*.>zo Thea'trc Saturday . . . . ·. . - .. · we ho~. every metnbE!r ~f _~he ways on h~n~ y;l1en court,. con- C-o1>lin.. , . . . · · night. . . · . . . . .: ; . .· Rev .t~EWELLIN G Pa$tor. ·

· ... cl$.89' will try and come and Q'lVe venes, acting m the. qpac1ty of ... Mrs. ~c&vlin is· 'the daugb Alic~ Howell· in Hiler: Ba~* . · · · ···· ·.· · ·. ·. ·. ···.·. · ' · · · .·· · /" h~tn . -a fhf)lriY ..• w~lcome. . ,. . • . court"reporter. Mr •. ~ewe~I· will of Mr ... ~nd Mrs.· Albert Ziegler back O~reer" ( ~ntedy) . at Noti~ ,. t rnem.b&ryou are InVl~ · to JQln . 'Bll the more promment now of\ the welt {{nown firm: ofZiegler the CartJzoro Theatre Sat~.trday this c~ and yon will. * made t,hat · M. has contribu~d to the BJ:Other8. ·.Ml'. . Copliii' is .. ,, well ignt. · Dr. Edwards of Alhuquerque. ·

N~ M., s~cinlist in. diseases· ot the eye. and 'fitting of gfaasft, will be in Carrb:6.to1lt the Lucu

to feel t1gh~ at home. . . . . 1igh~illi·Strengtlt of Uncle Sam. known In Cmizo~J having been Anima too Weekly . Bad w•th~ ·doEfll. not prirvent . · Thb Epworth Leagu~ is plann• connected with Zietler Bro's. tm.. . . ~ Mutt and Jeff

th6 . people front ·comin.a' to the in&" to_ put ~n a hotn& talent· play . last August, . when he movl!d carrl~zo ~heatre--Prices _l\· Ktt'bod~tdlurqh--emneand •· the nea~ tutur~, Seattit.. . , imd\20·_ce~t&

. \> . . ..


10 Hospital tilt week of Jan. 28th to treat •r._ and ttt atuses.

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i-· ·-; ·, ., .,OAJtBtZOZ()·. Ol1J$00K. ~ ' ' ~;: ,, ~ ; ; :~I : : ! L ' ' • ! :' • . ,, I : ' '

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.m.·,~· .. :·'· .· .. ~¥·.,,

.D~ep.·Sea· ·· .-·p···e· ril·.·,.····_·.

' " 01 ...... ·--· : .. · ... ·. . -· ;

r : : :~~~~"7n~:;~!.:d hear the 001"1 c:dll nAnd then," conUnu~ )laetermao. O.p~ln l!Jlst(lrm&,l\ -.t.boJt uprlsht I j '' . )f~Htermnn closed tt, and the 101111~ ''l\·l•at does t!Je retot.!l tell ua7 Tbe AI he spoke; he look~ Uk'e s.Onu~· old f JJUbalde<J to 11 dlstan~ rumble. · moving ~eatures that have life "f''l!re prophet spelllnt' out tl1e doom ot man.

·· made, antl the cre4t tea monster~, ~ The intense earneatneq lu hl3 worda t !I , ''Tile enrdroom Will 'bUtlt to be vtaU•an and 1111 klncl, and the towls $hook Paiet'• Incredulity tor • mo-

lf ,1 soun<J·proof.'' he .explained. un It, of· tho atr. And· afterward the earth ment, and lett him atelc with MmJI'.

ll ex~pt In tb• ca.. ot volcet ot un• nionlters, and ereepl,nc 1hlnl•; And '"Suppose that dvlUutlon, enrJ• ,, .UJJUt.l Umbre." · b 1 t ,., • ell · tb !:. · ''Quite ao," utd Donald. man not Ull t c aa • .~ow don t t tlliPl: which 'hat' cone to make up e

I The olcf,.. captain hetltl.ted quetr• Jilt, Ueut('nant, th.-t the mnn who ltfe we know-Jamlly Jov~. bOOb, 21, tried the cbafrt, and "i Jallt wrote tbe atorr or tbo creation wllfln't monument•, parliament-. ulpe-alt of au-ewt.aed hlmtelf out In • comfortable n up-to-date ldentl•t. \ It 111 to be at the merc1 ot tllt~t mer•

'I I ., ' I ;t l .,




one before tht tlre, tnvlttnl' Donald ••wen, Jlr, ·at la•t the tlay tame when cJJe.u bord~, an.d that we are gotnc to ~ ~e~tocl O"-I'IAIIJte him. the wattnt had cooled,· the clouds -w· 11sfat harder than we hue touJM .. ,.v. """"" .. A ·anA tb• •un atre•m•A tbr"lllb. 1:11"""' the dava wl1en we held our o-tJYou•re D1)' 'Oili.Y'bO~·now, .• , tldt'' VIIi'"'"'""'' \& "' .. . .. cu ., ....... " "' 64

lle uld In an evt'h vot~. "rvt _ .. 11'\11 •• D7 tliit ttml' · tli! ~ ·· wam't ·1Ml 'Jplnat the- -.her-tooth t Who'd tblnk 011 my laat 'l'0'1ace, Donat" 1,111 lol"• pltaunt a pia~ to Uve In Ill tormer11; br care then whl:!tller he wae an Enc·

~ ._ ("l'peetall1 as the cllmatlc l91ll!'ll llshrnan or a Dutchman; who'd.trouble to die." · •PPMrl111< No doubt tbere wat a 1'\llb whether hll !rlenih were whitt mea.

CH.APTEft 11, tu the equ.tor on the part.ot the •ur- nerroe~J, Hottentot. .or .Chlnete, 10 ta(e monater~J. But the ocean b'edl lone u the1 were hwqan? . WoaltlJt't

• were ttltl wann trom the bot rock.l, that mate for the brotherlwod o.t tnaa, '" tbt M"ro" H•I'H' Club. and the Jt~t 4own there wa1 cOO\l for Donald! Wouldn't we tet aU our c»o-

"1 hope not, .captain." an•werte~. lfeverat tbouiJ.Ilnll, or hundred thou~ ''JCtiJ tree! Wouldn~t Jdnp ahake J>o.nald. Nnd JH~ 1et. bAnd• with anardlllt• and coUr~e pro-

••rm afraid thert1 Isn't any doubt ot ''So JODie ·or the 1ea ereaturH r.. !tuora wlth eot.1 heaverd Wouldn't St." anawere4 llaatermaa. 11U11 aA malnecl In the deptbllr and othere tlte- etas• ant1 race vanlth llkt dreamt old or1antc trouble, llkel7 to carq Dle terred to t.Jatk on the, rock• 1n tJSe aun· wbrn . the P:_lsht'a over? ·· And 1t11171Ht ott at ·any time, 11nt1 proJl't'iSiYt Ia Jfslit. Tben. tbcll' Jllll b~ to· be that!& wlmt "(lod'• worklnl tor. Ueu­

-tbameter. Bttore I left tor the 8bet• replactd br tuqgs, 'Or 't!le thto1 . had .telltlntl'' 1antlt, the doctor gnve me a 1ear. JlllJ •• well 11 tunp, <Jr an lnterm• •:nat th~ JmpculbllltT. Jl'aatermanl 'l'hnt.. \11'08 ten month• lliO, snnd my dlate ap~ratus.'' - GranUnt t'*' lncredlble wwo-ltlon 'X&WrlenC('IJ hlV<!D't lengthened the ''ConiiDOtl (oda).', capta1n. Certain that thetle detp-fefl orgt.nllml ~xltt, relfplte. You've followed detol)'IK'I e:z:· lizards develop cltbtro tunp OJ.' ~u., and C:Ould live under a Pt'ellttre en«, plo~tiOO, haven't )'OU1"- "tP..:.Wiltdi.l!n.?.~~J!::':l~llD~~c~retsed, and breathe-"

"A little," nnawered Donald. "We th<!l' llvt-." _ , w~IDi-thlt~ ·neufeia&ii" Amerlcnns ~m to havo t.lcton the .. Wtll, .tr, aa 1 undmt.Dd n. tl:l• "llow could the7 aunlfe 'tbe atrttl• lead aluce tha dn71 of the Challenger.'' tlrtst orpn.ltmi that came out on land ~e f~r txiJtenee In an 11111lllural ete--

-~ _ mt"ntt1 '

•J)lnt . ~ttr botlea wtte ... Jleuten&nt~~mailli&a. ·~&teil di1e.

t: r

work.'' aaJd )fUtt!tnlan. ''nut rve 1M them all tx-.tcm now. Nob<XJ1 wlll botbrt hll htad about the tarller dl,. C!O\'('J'lct after the next tew weeki. You've heArd .about the know fg.l'td or dl.I(\Jl'Jea Ute, haven't rour•

o-D the outJ.ld.f, to protect the= a«'{ut t~tal')' ttme~, btJt he nevtt ldl11td betg eaten. B\lt after a w'hlle tht to ft1 tlll 19()6. lie b.el'er w~t ap ln proirt'ililve o-nt~ turned thfl111tl'f8 1!1'" a balloon unut a hundred and JUtr aide out. !!'bote that dldn't• mnalntd yn.._ AIO• O~tt lma,Jinatl~ Clt).'t llke the tartl• ud d~nmttd. rlse to the rMllutlo.~:~ ot wblt thll rst tOUlld that tt -wu Haer tO" ~PI Utener.atte~~tt· ltd ~ but our detttnd· thC!lr' enfnilH b7 ultn~ thtlr bo-DM u ant. lrlU J.oo.k Od·UI u deml&odt. and Pl'OPI and dtwtloplnJ ~ tba Wrf&ht brot~tl wlll ~me

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· Wttbout waltlbl' ~or- a ~,, be .,._ pn' tct spe.k about the atnnrt or. pnlflmll that bad betn dredJetl trom th& ocean bottom, 10 that noo.1d ~aw tllwt · wbote Picture tn J.tutefll'lan•a b,.ta. lte lflW the e7eleN tlihea that had a1.lando:ned Ute etrort to .~H, and tlahcs witb ·eye. •• larle •• dlnnet plates, wtth whlclt th~ s«Ucbt iN tletms of pboephOI'deel\ce: that b.­tok<>ned the vnrault ot wandertna ,.. JK'aVC!U~t&. Thert! were &hl!'ll that tarrletl tlt~ll" ·<rm\ lttrcl bt Ute. torm o« lLlmtnouil t('ntaele&

.... jfi ·ttio abYI1nat ~"IJ)thlfi .111 • realut ot Jl('i'P<'hll\1 ntsht. th~te ornnt~Ql.l ~rite\tJtltetl. tn tuftrno ot atau•btfr. pr.)'hlJ upol\ ~aeh other. rovlnc em th(•tr 1u.~thtble- quHt !or food.

let~ed torwanl and

.. '. "

"NOWt Ueuteiaant, wWOM lDta. laa4 lliJ~ llke thtt clap that lnreuted ~telo~ that 'Wt.T ln the dtptha Of C::OOklD.J, ProN-P.Nai-1"f the sea. Blll>l)Oie JCKI hld a race of ''PtonltthettL •• n'ltll· who had dliiCOnrtd. llOt uec• ''Yfl, ~t. weu. then •. after ll"flD.I u.rllf tumlnr themltl'fH lutae out, t~ th~dl of rean at the bottotlll llte u1, althouch ~1 mlcbt hut dOGI ot 11Ye miles of alr. in ocean ot oxr· .110, • but othtt mi!ll~ to t.YOlcl belAc 1~n t.Ud nltrocen, we've touud out how Ht~tt-uy lnyllfbllltr." to &et up on tos; ot lt. The1 art UT•

"There I ean Ufatt rou." an.awered lnr at the oottom ot an ~tt qt o'J:f~ Donald. ••uau bU develOped tr«nQ an lf'll a~ hrdtogea. Sapl)ON ther ~xtlnet AJI*t aJ!, .an~or. of bll c:oua- 1~med. to 41. too I tiW; · tht tour mtln'opotdlt nPP*dlY HYou m .:e. ~l''d -do. Som~ • <'hlmpanuellie. fl'eature wlth tht ot their ltCOut-, who ht.d gone on atructu~ ot a glb~, :front wblcb 1M d•tl, would: 41teoYe-r that the dt1 obt•lne\1 blt trt!tt potature. Your ... wu teemln« wltlt tood. f,'ood. In Mature• -woUld ba.Y• b•d to co autk quantlUet lfl tb8i hunff,r mort· throush the fol,'lll.j."* . 15tert had never dreamed abOUt. Food . ~·nut let ' mau -wh.o d• ln *<»Ittl c:hutlk•, Juteail ot dl~v~

· · Mal- of varied 'Wlfb t\n


b~n 1abprlnr 'tJJtder dJmcultlell ·tm· posed by the~ lack"ot e~erlenced atmJ f'.~tnei's.. he watJ aware ot iio lrresn· . , Mutt tiavo tho I!S'ronzt. larltlee•ln. th.e.examtnatlon of men UQ.• A second reilollllUon of churcll ~11 det the mtllta.ey aservl~ (review of llQ taken plaeiJ Jn Auetrl• to the aor:-. exceptli)DB) act. row ot tlte Catholic: povulaUon ot that

"When the wa.r broke out. mt,n were cctuntry. according to advice. ~Yed. . , taken tor me!llcal tniDlnfttl(}n' to lo- 'l'he rovtrmnent came to tho eonctu. cat p'ractltlonent. who could not llO*" 1bat :further · requl.slUoiUac wu ISlbly know the requlremepta of the neeemey, with the unit that th• servlce,'' he e,ald. "and the con1equence church hll bad to ncrlnee ma~.r mor• \II'Jll that a larce nnmber ot :men wa• of Jtt tamUtar and cberlahed 'bella to recruUed whom the authorlUes wouUl the, never·ntlelted l:to1och of war. · -not hne thoucht ot con.slderlnr In ~& Idea ~t aubsUtuUnc at81 ~11 .......... ttm .... " # .... ~ .... ~w"" ".. .o . .- w.On~~ ... 11 not )'~t ev®t13ted. Q'tf•

With Jsuch a. co~ of eun11ne~ 1ng to the onerous condltloll.l aUpulat­fUr A.Jtred declared. It wu lmpo~~lble e4 by btll manufacturers. who ~ .. to attain a common •tanllard, ana thle manded, amonr other tblnp, that·tht explalna1 the fad that treq'UentlJm~n )}rice al~utd be pald lA focxlltultf fO't re~ted by one board ?;ere accepted the workmen ln the tactorlt~.. b1 an<>ther. ...Man,. men Yt·ere put.

ed who ouaht not to ha.Ye been PA• Eat Fruit to save Flour. . ed,'f be- admitted, "but, ~ tht The' people of . the Unlttd !Jtatel hand, ·a JrHt numhu of men were ha\'e tanana-, apples and a dosea per• .. .,..,"" .. ,.. whO Ot.J.Kht to ha'fe been })it• Jlhabte toodl that ~ dtnted out 101·

under the cat~ 111t~. It Wd dtel'lJ and the 110ldlert ot our am.- Ia Vtrr d1Meult to set the medical tn'tC!tl• Franee. Jt one ~l'IOi\ wlll ao 1't1tbQut tlont'NJ to nnt:leratand that • man who a blsCult a day bt e.Uar the eqnlu•

do .ab1tblnK In d:vll life tolllld leDt tn fruit or. ~rlahabte yexett.blet. do tliat thln11n the JmQ'.'• .,n <Jne )'tat· the· wh~t In mts 1ilscltlb

The :tac:t that the propt>ttlorr of men wtu hl'tft bee·n U\'ed tor lhtpment. to pa.-M b1 lt.ttr tiQardt~, Uttr haYinc · Euro~. And tbe trtll~ and nptablt bttn l'f~ted by ~mlnN11 at the be- t&fer Wlll be llllpplM" and hftllthiH' for &tnnln« or the war • .ateadll1 hila 1D- the pra~tlet'. Su~t:r thtt Ia 'Worih the = to the lnct8~ eil'ldenct ot . "ln!U'UcUooi from"'ttil~ JOY'ml-' .. the board!, but \'thMDehn .. tltnl"'"" that t~U encn, what Ja to be ton•

o.q ~ aerved. When thOle 1nttructtona .... thu* ball ~ a01· loweriDC 'of the 1llot obltr'red the tonrtmte-t t1 h.tpl~ · ~u4al'<lt'or..a¢eep.taDet. "-;·~ ·-·· · GmniilT'tO 1llJ"·w·~mr.~H0111tOtt ·

RIFLE STILL POTENT WEAPON Mllltt."1 Auth'brltlu ~tco11nfze Val&M

ef Infantryman D·uplte Chai1D'J ~ln Modern Wattate.. -The Annr and Nav, Guette of J..(m..

clon, cominentlnp; on the IJ,'t!llt ntue. ot r;ood rllt~ lhooUnr ta the ~t war, 11&11: ''llappllt the tnllltarfautbodt1N have not been mh1led bt the rttntlfa aclllned bt the btr zun.t. the bombl, an4 the Tarloaa mllltlle-throwln& trench weapons Jnto lmaxtniDC tht.t the tnfantrr lt()}dler h11 ~. or wu ltl(el)' to ~ue. to ~ prlmarlJT • title. tnan, and the JOOd wotk wbfch •••lfil• tiJlted bef(lt'e the war at liJtbe and at malt,., and •t regtmentil tUl6 lXIftt; tngs, bas ~n ronUnued 1lnd ~xpllnded at the mili:t muakMt;r !ebooli whleli · ltne ~n ~tabllllhed behhtd the tront ln. ~tilnce, where lileeted omcert a tid lneti of our force« hi!Ve b~n taught aU that war to b& 10t ·ottt of the •ervlee wea})()d. The · reeult has been abQwn


l'oat. v

. The Sort. •'?!atklng or the gulltb1t pubUe. l

know a bustn~ which Is a re-plar · • • "What 1IJ th•t1"f

fil.rhe t!Orlat't!'

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' ~ .,

·. f~ ~--:~RED CROSS·' .IS GOOD 10 trHE SAMMIES .r,;. . . . ' -, . . ' -;' .. -~' . - ' ' - ' ' •, : . ' ' ', ' • .


. . \ ..

~ ' .

~t-·-~ Tho ~tiij Cro-. cant•chlwhe.rt tho toldit'r. Ott ~at. ooft•• ~Joe . hot, •nd nndwlche._Jutt like tho $amn'11H were uiO<f w ll•«Tng at Jtomt--11

· tht Joy ancl ~omfort of tho "''" •• th•y. IN tra~llng. After a IonS( walt 11t· tom~ mtlon, a "~flow" of that. QOff" an,,a "bitt" of ~• "' th9N .. nd·

• Wlcf1" fa t~;tfr chltf dnlrt. And tht cant..rt~ .,.. alway• thtrt wl\11 mounda • Of goodr .. to Hrvt th•m~ Tho Fled CI"OM trutmont ha• won tho b~artl of tht IOJcU4nt.. ,.,~--~ ~~~~


An 10 mat meat~ mOb !t'6lftt1 tht Of the' .hen'• ~ ~ ·~ liet he&fth, :and It ~· ·~9ft • ·~ lfp. ~t abe ,Jj lat· .., Jle&fit,.. · ·. .

had torce4 tht" kine or Spain to r~ orntse hla1 &UtborlQ' lnd ,CiYO hlm tJtt ro;ral lllpport.


• r ~.,:... • "

~ ,- ' ,. ' . I

' '

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' ' . ..:. _:~

' .. .:;, ~~ ~.,: '··· .. , __ -·-

...... Qh Air in Both H~e ... • Jnd ·Ho$pltaf ... lmpurtant .·· .. · .. ·. ·

· · $ay, a ti~alth· Offiofat . ·. ltrea'h · · •dr · ill · Ule : ~n.vlro,W~t · · whtch man develpped' to bls prMent ~{CQ\~llgl $tlf.t Qt ~rt~UQtt~ :NOW tl1lt our be\t_. P•nen rettcb to evert nook and ~otnClf ot · tllt WPtl!l~ · .l,l•r•.n• ·~tJ . meM!l<ge, mOl$~ met~~li,\4 W9men apJ)rectde: tM.

pu~e atP. plays . ln liluEJtalnto~r . · wdtl)s &muel G. PlJ:on, ~ •. D.,

LL. ·P., ·p, ·ae,, · eommtsalollet Q.t MaUb; ·. . qwhl&' to tbe v.arl«:ritlil dc:mands ot clv• tlt;~t.ton WE! tln<J tt ~al11 to be ·wb~e we: ~tttibest Qii'm 11. uvellbood .and at

ttm~ <Jw~u ln all atmo$pbetCI · t!IU.JllClent:!y pure ~rted

aarlty -8pongt .Cake.

' . '

.N~ F!in'fqr lihn. . 'lbe: · ftftel."1ilnner i>m.tor. never ~n~

. the me~it M well as 'lbe telli>W' . starts tbe applause,·,. ' · . . ' - ' ' .

· .· No~atrlot111m Tf11're. · ·· . . . ~ltere 1a n() · p~tl"tothliU Jn t4e .m~n..

cannot be cheerfUl )'V'ben tllp:vtm: bond . .·. . . ._,_ .

___ ....,.,.,.,.._,_,....,__.....,_e<=="""""'-~.-=.:---=--=·=-= ~· ··==·,~==·"'' ·---Mahogany E;:mbargo RcmQvod,

())nsul Geperal Sklnn..e.r reports !rom London tnat the controller ot Umber auppll~a nnnouncea the wlU1druwaJ, un­til turthet nott~e,, or tl\e restrlctlon on ~lee of maboJany ot au~ klndB. No­'tfcc waa &lven recently Qla~ tlie board of trade 11•<1 U.ken voneMton ot ull atockl ot maho&any e:~:cecdJng G,OOO teet. · ·

· · RcqulatiQn Re'acu•. . · "I was 11l n tr~ln 111e other da:t

~hen a 3PPrk lt'OPl n <"lgnr !t.>U on • 1ttdy'a d~s!ll anu act her on lll't'."

"llow was H}ae iin,·ed1" ''SM bnppeneil to bo ln tlac mnok• •

lnr ~r, and so the · wnductor, put ller . out.1r

, ImPOrtant to MQth.,• D:nmlne caretullt every bottle ·ot

BOSCHEE'S GERMAN· SYRUP CAS~onu~ thnt tamout oltl remedy . . . ·· tor lntanti ud ehlldreo, an1f~ that It -Wh1 u1e C>rdlnar1· cou&h reme-tUe~t ·Bears the . when ~te'a German S.vrul\ has Sfanature ot • j been UJ.ed 10 IUCCt~ully tor tltt)'•ODO In lTM tor Onr eart. · • yean In an parbs . ot the United Children Cr;r lor Fletcher' a C~tori&J Statu tor courlll, bronchlU•. coldl -·-----~ettted tn the throat. ~~Ially lanr Admonltroh waatad. • " · trouble.. It Gin• the patient a rood · c•aa1, old chap, lentl me tm dollara. • nl&ht'a rut, tree trom courhlnr. wlth ''Tills ""serneM tor mon~y Js ve't'l HJ~ e%ptCtoraUon In the mornlllr, bad; don't you know Uuat money, nfter 111.01 nature a cbln~e to tootbt the tlll, Is nothing but troubl"1'' Jnlfamed vut-, throw ott the dlea!M!~ uwcu, It's my dlspolllUon <to be bor-hetptnr the paUent to re1aln . hll rowlng trouble." MAlth. Sold Ja all C!lYill~ C(}ttntrlel. • --.. -------. SO and QO cent bottlea.-Acly, · If 1ou wb ~auUiul, C'!e:lr white

nlf elot.MJ, 1lilt,._ltod4ero.. V.C Dlut. .A~ aU

~~ pocen,. A "· l Hf• Qamt. I

11llow dld I&(! mnkc 1~1llune~·· t · "Promotlni ba2:aars !or wottll)' ('Jmr-

1U~ ...

J:Jtparate the whttet trom the )'olkl of fotir ~gp, lleat . tht )'Olb ll1d a tabtelpoODftu· o1 lemon Stllc. and a cupful. . • ~~ ltl&ar •. a p{ncli of •tt llld * tupfat of barlet l!o\11',. J'oid In the whltet at the t&P .Ud bake tn a llow Deal~HJ.



. . ~~


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Page 7: · . .,, )'·~A'..,-;--.. ' .. •. i' 1.' d n . ., l~·. • I ' l > · r .1 I ~ \ ' ' . ' ~ Jl . .,.-\·

1'-' .• - ...




... . · • , '' . OURlZOZO OUTLOOit. ,.J ~ ' " ll . t '.:-: :: : ..

l ' !ll~l-·--~1

' .· >".' ,; ,:,,;:; ::: •• ;_:,; l .:: ,:,. ;(:!~ :·,;, : > t ·.. ;;; .

·~.. ·.THE OUTl.OOK-1

-_ ... :.!.: .. _-----.-1.- ___ .- ..... ·.·_-__ !··-~:··· ·· .. ,·ml.$55· e:5~S .. ~=;-.. ~--.-... ~~=====~~---~==sm i I' . · .. . . . . · .. · .· . . • · .lliEScissORSCoLUMN . · · · · · ·

i ·.. "fu.bUW.,d W .. lcly Jn'tb•i~ttrettti !>(·' C.rriJ~~-- .. ·_ .· ·. ·. •: ' .... _ .> .. ·. · ·'.. · • ·. ' • · I • 11J- ~ " • · I , .._ • • , 0 t , , • '

. ... . , lllld' ~IJqt:r.N•;; J!ul$9. Ga · · £d•t · . . s · · · :.J L. 1~ '\VJ:' . . . ; ], r A.j. B11RKIU<lllor ... d I'jlbl!obet Wemuath':v!ino~;::vertlsers ' · ... ' ] wagons. . , .. ' . I ~; il unoesr.ciRcVtATION · iH.TH~ co~Ht~ J() make the newspap~r pay e~-· · · · · · · · · · · · ·. i ;:if· · ....... · .....• -.... · __ .· ......... 'penses •. We have a·.,flour m~ll o· ·· ... .. a· .. . ..... ·.. ·c··_· ··.· • · ·.. ... ~. ) -~·· .· · ... .

~--·; n lf , lnn~r~ fJ.If aeeond-.e.IMBJ.llf:\tt~r J•nUllQ' her&bUtllO On~ WOUJd . __ ._-_. ·_:o·:_._·._._·.o.· · .. _ .. y_·_._.·.e.·. a_: .. -.··._··r_·_ --.. ·.·_._· __ ·.a.·_ .. ·_· ... s~ 1_ •. -·n· .. ' __ ··g·.-_._ ... s_ .. a.-.· n_.-._o .. • ... · nn __ ...•. e. -~-·--··.·. '' cl · • • : '· ~QH., "~. tb_ ap_ n_llt o~ficea,H:_&~.rd•o3Q,New froi_m· readin~_the_.adve_rtiS"'me· nts· . - . . ·. .

·.·. ·· :,,•·~ · ~ · · Wcxaer>, ~~dM"'tbe .Act of lh.rrh. 3r 18.79 · · ·.s · ·· . ~ ·· · ·. · · "' · . · · ' .... ,:· ,... . . .... _ .. · .. _· '.·_ .. ···.·.·· W(fbave .a hardware :Store •. lum· . r· b ...... t.,; ~ . Aa.V4!r~l•l!ll rotm•·efqJt Wt91!old.-y ·-~ AAOP; ber .yard. and furniture stote but . . . . . . . .•. ·u· .... ·e·s· .·· ,.,I • ~ . . ~l)w• coh.t'llllt o~~Jo" Tbqud•Y n11bt • . ljit )'ou · ·. . · · . · ld · : 't. f. · '· :... . · · . · · · · · · .. ·. . .' . . '7

, :;, ~\ . . · ~9 DPtte~l.nyOtlri>iiPtl'rqu)ariY,pi81!.-~0tif.V nO One -WOU . rSUSpect. ~ • l'OJll ' .. :.J·.~ · . · •h~l'ub!iJber9Attnnratniratu.Qii•pl;lllu.*-t~. readh)g.the loealpaper~we have · • , ~P· ··

1 lltf{;. · · · ' · · · :-

: ~ll'Ji. . . . ; ~. SUOSCRETlQN.~~JJis;.- - aho't~lh~!~J>ut~?Vh_o'~<>-~~d !{~ess. . -~ ·~---~·---· ·-~. . . -~t·· a-. -~-e~t-~----:._;·--·~·- -~-;·;:r·#rr-·-·-----nNeYEAir.ii'AiJv,.¢4 .. ·:· · ··•~.oa 1t;wenave· a meatmark~tand .VJ. ~vl.l.l. J;.J. r'. · ~~ l . "~t~?~THs I•A~r·n~a ,:M;.~.":,;,=·-~;1~ te~turant,;, but the 'pJ.'opdetor · ··. ' · · · . · · · ·. • ·· · · ~· ·. · · · · . · · · ... ~~ .~- -t Of.'r*lCE PHONE NUM~I~-~ .. : . . evzdentlYJ"dO~~ ~ot WU.tft our . . n . . . .· t·"·t . . . F'. u: . .. d . ·c· . . p: s·' · ..

: ew il· ... • . "' . . . .• ''"'"""''" readers to know 'lt, and there .. ·.· .•. • DY. n. ·a. ·m.·· e,· ··.. s_e_ .. ·an ·.· . .• . . a_ .' ... ·.' .: ~ : .lll 1j· FRIDAY; JANUARY 18, 1918. are many. o'th~r ~busi_nesst...~h:~

L~l!.! -· th~~i~;~~~o.rJ:::aj~r::~~~·t~~ · · · · ·· · ._. ·Ka_·-.. n. s .. · '·a_· _·_·s. BI.ac_kl __ ~eg-_ · · '1 1 \I · ·• busin~ss. firms of Aztec think · . .

... ;j· the town 'would be better o.ff .. L... b. . . · -0. · I · itl : wi~outa_newspap~r,,·and it is . :u r' l·c· 'a· ti~n· g· ' . . ·~·· s·· •' " ! · · · . a (!mcttthey w1ll be before .long q -· • · · .· •. · • · • ;..' • .-. ·.. _' ·_ • .. :.

. '

1 .. · unless this.a~ti~':l!le.· ja chapged .. A newst)nper is' called upon· to -~· .. Steel R<' ~ . Rub. b. er.oid· Roofing· :

don~te· free space and c~h :tQ. -<~ .

· ... I

.. I ' . ..:! ') '

' . """_! I. I . n , • ,,( ~ij 1

1 · il ·, '(

'• I

I ,;

' .•

. ' every' charity, to- every. public B~ .1d. · ·p· S · h. -d· 0-· .,.· enterprise, which we do willingly ,, .· Ul ·. Ing ... ape ~ . as an • .J oos I.

and gladly, but we cannot long ,. . ... YQUitF'LAG_~-~~~~:u.utinue.Io- publish th'e paper:~ ·- --~ ... -Drill Steel~ ' . . c;----~· ~==~~=====:;= a loss. · ·

o·Qr subcribers are doing tb. r '1- D B . E · £ part, they pay regularly nd . . ry aftertes, tc.' . tc.

w h' to · D c S to. willingly. Onlyonec1uitbe~a se . as mg n,, • . :- ena r of the raise t:o $2 and he 'w IJ


Seed Distribution

Jones has received h1s allotment borro\V the paP'tr and save his of. flower: and vcge~bl~ seeds n;nd money. If the liusiness men Will he _gJad ~· furmsh ~C}UantJt~ 1 WilJ dO their part ,\Ve Will giVC to those dest mg same upon re you a better and b•gsrer paper.-quef)t. · _. . • · Aztec Independent. ~ ·

The Department of Agr1cultur.e

Ti~swolth -Company, Capitan, New MeXico . .

I ~~

.. ,

has also advised the Senator toat G.ermany · used two new va­they prf,pose to have available a l riotic.•s of gas in malting the fierce. small amount of Kansas Alfalfa, attack ag~inst the Italian ..-front. r:Ji5:;==:=::;=:=::=:==:=:5::::S:==:$;=:5E5S55$55:==:;::=:=:=:~m 14'etcrita, .White Milo and ~suden ........ _ __,._....,__......,......,.o.· ......... -----....... - ..... ~~~~~-.······"~~-~--~~~~~~~~~~~~-----.----....... ._ ....... .. I •

Grass Geed. These seeds. are for ... . . -~ . · · --·- - . ., ' · -~---- --------· --------- ---------~-.. · · · ··· ···---···c.,..---------~~-------····--- ..... -·-·-.. ------

1 : Ql experimental purposes and aro . RepOrt of C~ndi~ion' of . ~---....... -----..... - ...... - .. -. -----.....--.. ---

'1 furnishedwiththeunden:ttnnding NO. 9~128 ··~ s. at·u· . ·r· d·a.y· s • I . : ·! ,·: ~~~~~~~~~~P!~a~~~;b::i~:h: LINco· · L. N ·sT A 'TE B, . ANK · pe·cia 5 ·

,, • I suffic1ent quantity of seed for a .t-\. , ;I I sati.afACtory field test, and in view • . . . ... . . .• . . Coffee Cake Layer Cake Macaroons ;· ... :( . of .the limited supply not more At Curizozo, N. M., i~ the $tate of New Mex1co, at tb~ e.l.ote ofl

,i. than one package of any variety. • Bu.aanesa ~lf December 31' 19!J'· · - .Cakeo and p1·es··

: : ean be furnished. to an individual. ' RESOURCES ~ ~ "i The .Senator. will be glad to honor 1• L<ians a~d discounts (except th~se ·

: . .all reque1ta 80 long as the supply . shown on (b) .... .,.::'""····· '"'"' ., .. "''""$ 78Ji90 U .

i I

'Whole-.. Wheat Bread··


' ..

i . to available. · Total Loans ........ u., . •• •• •• • $ 7~,590 ·u. p · F d ·s ft J. _, : L All oftheRuuiansarenotcry. fef'fr~UJ~&~dii"OWnetaiid"Un!lied~ 340 21 340 r

21 00 ,J,J~~-- ~-~-~~~~ :·"} .:_. --~~~iiia~::~~:i~1~!;~: &-f~~~~~j;~';:~~o~~;:-~t;~ oo-~----4·=i -~~~:~~~~~~N~;lopr=. ... N~ ~ .. leo -

11 more th11n a year ago t{) fight on Banks ... ,L,.,,., ... ~ • • • • : •.• ··~·~.,·· • "'"'... 12,364 89 ll the .Western front. The officers (b} Not amount due from reserve

I ~;et;~~~::;_:::~~\~~~1r te.~~: 14. ot~~~~tecks .. o~··hanks ~11--tile ~am~ 141657 18

1 11. • · · . • . . . . citY. or town as -reportmg bank. .. ·

i, vtces to the Umted. StJ.tes {b) Fractional eurreney,nicke1s -and , Government. centa • • ... ~~.. ...... . _: __ ..... : .... ... .. .. I ~- ·· · 16; Coin and currency . ... ... . :~ ), Reports trom official he.adr. Total .. .. .., ..... ~. . .. . --~- ..

111 quarters in~icate the. possibility . ' , L. r· ABILlT. ·IES. · · that the New Mexico Central · .. • . . . • : · railroad nl&Y be uaed to link 20. Cap1tal atock paid m ... . . . .. . ... ... .. .


. up the shortest line between Gal· 2221!1 8uurp}l;l.Sdedf_ und. "tl" 't'--·' . ..,. '"'" · ...... ,,.,,, ... . • Q • . . • ndiVJ pro 11 ....... , .... ,. ·"·""' .. '"'"~;• .. a ..

'10 84

6,273 58 .. 26912 6,542 70 ..

27,022 (fl :---"""-'!!~----·----........ ----~---~ . 237 79

70·84 6&788 65

(113,093 10

25,'0:00 ()() 25000

You Must Buy Gro-ceri~s;

WhyNotTrY BELL'S If n()t alreadr a customer_you should be, We. are lOcated

IN· THE NEW WETMORE 8t1iLDING · ann ·inVite the P.ublic' -to inspect our new quarters:

. . ' ... ~ '0

. . _!lea~_-_ nand_ Den_ v_ et an_·. d t~e~~-t~ . ~·->_·ReM_ . rv«i _f-or .. -- tax. e._ ._ ...... _-·-_·· ::. ~-··----·:"'-

I w~t.·· Col- R. ·E· Twlehel, .b) Relerved.for ......... ~ ........... ~ .... _ .. u.,.~ recelv~r tor the company, baa . c) U. curren~ e~pences, mterest.. ·

t .. _.· :;,;··.· __ r • gon• tQ th~ ·headqu•rt.n lo~ 1. _ ~~~~er,=ita:""'., ...... ·•· :"'"·'·"'" ,.4,852 72 .

' conf~nca. Zt Individual.depoaita&ubject to check. 58:916 64 ....., ________________ ......,. . ._.....,.--}

4-·--~fu~l=~~--~~:~=~~~~~~~· ·~~-~00~~~--~~~-~~·~~~.-~--~~~~--·----~"·-~·-~~·~·

Froth Good~t Reuonablo Price~,- . A Sanitaty Store. 1,689 98

l '~!re:! t~1t!.:::~~~Mty ~~· · Ti3'£~rr.l;:tW:l:l:;t!~~~ 70•788 62

• Sta,rt t~e N_-_·_ _ ._e __ 1

_. _w_·_· _·_ --_ .y_· ___ ., .. e ___ -_· ___ -__ a_· __ -_-_· __ r __ -_·_· __ R __ · __ -_ i~ __ h_• -_-.· __ t_-_· •··

. prolcmainr the war •• upon. the . _ tlOti~) :.. . _ . . . . · . - · · ;t Alliet •. · ........ ·_ . , _· . . .· . ' 35; Certit\cates of ·depoe~t~ ............. ~- .. 0..... 10,364 50 · ._ .· z:t:A .. ~~ ~::u . · . >'·Total of time deW\111ts Item• S5

· ·~ lfw do ·· t uv alit~'... ll•t · · · ·· ·· . · ,..... " · '· 10 4iiH l::'n ·- •. ·. no . . e .... ~ w. . . S6t 37 .. ~ , . .,., ...... ;,., .. ,. ........ , ... h ............ m .. •l• . .~ uv . . and Ulft.t now, we ah&ll havt- to · ·lo TotaL .. : ......................... .. aav• • treit dft.lllttr• ·To' bor- · , · · ; · : . · .nj~ tbf~tc~ ph~ of· -A _....t ·S~te ot Ne'w ile!feo, C9u!J.ty of tinoofn. as:· ... fl®rmanufactor,= .Eventually. · We~ J. B- Frtneh, p~1den~ and H •. s. OarnpbeJl. culiier, of

' wht uot now.t .. · · · the above named bank. do tolemnly a wear that the above a~ternent , · · : M: ,.J .. ~.~- · · ta tru• tlJ the: bta:t of Gut knowleda"e and belfet • . ~~-La PolWM hu bttn J. a Fnnoh. ~-ldent. . \ . H. s. campbe~' ealhier.

. QJMIW l~ tiM. Had~ -ol1.tb• Di~~t Att_-t~-J; B. Fterich. H. S. Campbell; • W. Gvne;v,



ua,Q93·to ··"Hot ;Point"·' Vacuum-·Cie.a.n:er· . . . ·. . . . , . . . .. I And lighten the.labpr of kooping the b()ble clean.

·. tu·~ 1Nt h• ~u• to Subtoribtd ~pd aworn tO befort m4 tltlil lltb dat uf January, :::.n:.:btr<tt 4~ tra1t&cl 1918.~~~~~'=: . .·. 1~_lliliMiiiii .... -... ~·----· .... , .......... .....,.. ..... ..-.._-.......,.~.J~......, ... ;,.. ......... ......,..J. f ' •• ..

·, 11'


-· '! .. .. ·• . ~ ... \

Page 8: · . .,, )'·~A'..,-;--.. ' .. •. i' 1.' d n . ., l~·. • I ' l > · r .1 I ~ \ ' ' . ' ~ Jl . .,.-\·



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. :~ . ' . ; ... !

· k~eli~ "I$YtJ or B<'Jerend l'b1ll.P . yqQ.1' . tl\ta..J)(l.fltnes•· ·pt ~~ . WP.l'n llttl~ t>olly ll!l~er~d tq ·Jist~ to lov~'a blue •v.Jt, • ·~'t ·v,n).Q~~~abte ; "illr,

. . . --~ :.- ati.out lb..~ al.~pl~ ~tll'J>D, .;wu'-t" wAlt · • ) • I whate".er.'' . : ~ed ·m ~ .· ... Mer ~<lolo.s !lm'et · 'l'A<J ··wl'•· ·wtao ·eye~" ~

·•.' . ~


• .


Abet~ ·11But l-'m~&Oli!••; .· . · BARCELONA AN ACT .. IVE···CITY.; ~~me< J*.R~m Jnth<' qpenUon P:• ,B4.NJ(;. WIT. H U S,..-.,Q R 0 W WIT Jl US . . .vance· ~ad~lltr~ Jiad lieen a n,est ~~, :Wilnd~~ bl.9,UlrlUJly ~"out tl\t •::;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;: -o!· tbe·l11cnl b.otel, to~ over two·weekf!, .. . 1 .. ~oom, r ,.. : ·· .. • · , Be .ll~CU wwl_. lof lU:IlU.f!JPt!:d WJtl!. ffloat Progreaa v~ .,,. Alt. Spanish M• .·· t•J ~ve ~e~n lnter~ted ln,rou," hlll ======================== 10embers of the le.a9lni !JOCllll set a~;~tl: . nJcfp«lltTell •nd Centar llf the R~v.o t11l~lc, pJ~nS®.t. ·;v91C!l . ft~~eS$ed her,· wa13. "ttraeteu ·tQ. DoUy ):l•rtol\ trom · _ . · oluthmary M.ovenumt.. "and wond~red lt. l plight be ~,>t JlPY

. tJ;le flr~t hour be )llet 'ber. · . · __,... . aervtce. 'Xhou~h the otter may fieem . · !tM o1lly vretellf.l~ ltadclJtre mJ<le ·to '!l'll' t'evolutlonal'f · move111ent m a· pl'esumii}Af ·one~ ron ·ma: i~aiize ·that .llavlng busJp~ ~ Oly<}t) w" :,troJJ!! S,Patn ten,ters In tbe clcy (It Uarc.telona •.. Jt 1lJ. · DJ,ll;y tbos~ JA .need w~(). AQC.e~t down tb.@ fiv~ .. lbl) big .nms Tll~t Joetl ot the reyoltttlOll!ats Is a reo. o\l,r bosplbtlUyr. . . ,... .

· . were located and tramps among ·the pubU<:, mtd. repuliUcs ·Bt'und tor . prog~ .. 'l'he' girl hesJtateiJ, · them her· clear · hlll~ looking tor cotir croppfpJJ~ that 'ri#Js •. Ot 11.ll .Spanish cltles • . ~et .ltls, 11Thtlnks," ~Jhe retlll~ . ~Uu not exist. . . . · 11 the mQat J.lro~rt!sslve, wdtes Nlksha. · ne~d, l hop·e, llil only .,;tempornr)'t'

"'''ll C'tilt!vat~· tbla tine fOUPg tel· 'or ten. ;~~ra flu~ conserv~tlves bav~ . . n~. A lie lu~~_ecl.-~l<M 1'': resolved .Abe~l utte~ his· co.l\· been looltlng lif:lknnce nt thls. great Bh~ ll<l<lOed, 'lJ cQme, as YQU ma1 Vtl!'St\tlon wlth Dolly'J brother. ur•n modern slllpplng and mnnutiu:turJttg B\ll.Jvose, from n country· town. I-••

- J w«>rm m;vselt lnto ,hls <:Ollflclence and center, ao ~ltrerent :from thelr sleepy !llle· lnt.Jghed softly, "hope one Uny to· tl~d out wbnt be really !a here tor., lninn"<l .strongl\Olds, tm<l from tht}: be u. su~:ceastul wrlter-, but the ·thne Js

· · 'But ~tr; eft9fts·1~ tbnt Ant · -4:-~w-acef~t~ . not worth tho pains •.. BadclUX'e, lu Jlls lltlrnn' Ideas ot tbe century. . . stories encouraged mc1 but now:• 'blutl',· ulrect, way,· )a~gbcd nt Abal - a great world city, It 11he pnusc-d eloquelltl)""":-111 walt." when he one dllY put ~h'e queatlon; Is ·outdlstanctnr . Mnrsellles as . the "Detter go llack howe/' the curate

"I Jfllfi ltndcl1¢b, people wmuler CoJllJU.erclnl ·quee~ ot the ll'adlterra~ advised, "tqo city Ia .not kln(l to those • what bualuess you ·have down· here.'' neQn. · The SpnnlnJ:d bas often be<:!\. who w.att." • • ·.

''.So1' ISmlled Radcllttc. 11We11, you ®l\l'geil wlth .. '8. ]f!.ck ot business nnd The girl looked back nt htm.. "l · rnow l'JD Interested ln ri'llneralogy.'' · · ~nterprlle. Barcelona 111 his answer. nv .. no l!otne," slle auswe.:cd lllmply,

''Oh, tbat's·bunkl" retorted 'Abel Ia Here hilS tactorle• .rlvnl those of Lnn· nt ~·ent-when my f~t.tb~r'·dled." .. · ~~ rude way. ~·•Everybody JmowM ca~Shlre, his shipping thn.t of Ltv~rprioi. · · SJ1e d ,tone betoro he could to~

thooe old hllls haven't. 1111 ounce of 'l'be &re'at Industrial suburbs. encb « a· .. reply, and ~ll night wltli troubled fron or cool, or anrthlnl else but Ume- dcy In itlelt, are remlntJJcent ot the per.lstency . the sweet .ta_ce haunted

. . Stolle IUUl •Tate." • outlying' cltlea that cluster about · him. Aft Jlnd becQ~ bls habit\ he con· .. -

14\Yell, all the nme X am under eal· ~n~llester In th. e lndnstrlal npitb ot ~ued .tn t~1e mornln¥ hla concern to ' ~\ ~ry and' orders trom • reluUve/' Ue- ED.I!and. · ·iilij. motller. . · .

J zJared Radc:Illre. . 'Yet Barcelona ~emahis cllaract~rls- . 4'You mat.ltave another opportuut~


·. . .

A\).tlWW~ Jrr.J~at~ at N• tatJure to tkally SIJanJah. 'l'Jle clty- ho.w·~ke~ •~akl,ng t() th& girl at tbe me~ ehtrap .f>r · CQlPPfQ~tse bla rlvAI~ 0Jl(l tbe ugUnete, the· bitter 'competltln mlsslo!l.supper," bla mother aun~ecL clay, he .d-teldtd to. aha~ ow hhn nu o,ne of modern .lnduitry, and, ~o~ "'It ,r,ou do, ~enuade her .to ~n. upon :If h1l rep~ar 1trolll do~n the rlver. nearly, thAD any other tnduatrtal c.en; ~t P-e wa11ableut at t.he·tollow. ne .Pla1ecl the accomplllJhecl det~Uve ter, haa blended theni with beautY. and ltlg ''Free meal to needy rtrl•!' • ~mple-t.. ~e kept at; ~ .-te 4l1t,etnee X.,tta courttt~1 and 10011 natur.e. Bar- . PhJUp .miNed .bet- wlth a J.lalil', tht behind Ill,dclUte. Be wore a (alae celoiia 11 Spain awakened,· but not eAJerneh with which he ltad looked ~ 1 ~o1.1cb .baf, t J9D• ~veloJ,>fn& Spain forward to the meettnr. wa• lux·

· raincoat, carded a -caneJ llwpei!, und, · It IJ a. SUR.n:r town, wlt~' , elear, pllcnble, ~ufd It be po8fdble' that to the !rlew of • ~teOU It btJndred br&clng .all" .and a blue sk)" tbttt the abc waa now In actual want. Ponder­yards awfty, suggested .the role he bud imolce ot a tho\18nncl dllwneys ncV,er tug tlje que~tto~ he entered upo-n 610me adopted-tbnt ot an ()ld man. Whc:':'- hides. . tt hilS pl<'nty ot pru:ks and errand the city s .rreateat department lladcllffe reached the settlement where tree 8bat1('d boule\'tmls. even Its poor~ ato~e, . the workers nt 1he mlll11 11ud tlH~lr er quarters lhck the ' sor<lhlness ot Swaying toward hlw clown tho atele homes,. Abel dld. not to ff!llow Anglo-Sn:xon Blum. The 1'lowet- t'llDO a gmc:etul 1lgure. HJ~ ·ere had

• J~lm Into tho houses ttnd restaur~nts marke~. Ule promennqes, tho cat~ bur.cly become aware of the velvet lte vJalt~! He tlnnlly lost track of are thronged ,vlth· loungel'8, not ot the ·with the lu~urlous tun, the.,eo&t .. Radclute cowl!l~telr nnd, dlsappolnte(} Iei8Ul'e clnss(!s, but workmen 1n. their Jy pJcture bat clettl.r plnc:ed upon waY)'

.. and batfted, started back for Clyde. telsur~ tlmew ... Tll('- Spantnrd hat ltnlr, when, bewlldered, he found the A~l nt.<lown, two mlles of hfs re- t~arn~ . to work without forgetting girl of tlte mission ret~rnlng his ·atnr­

turn jour-neY. COYel'T!d, to ~est, BlllOke . to ldl~ .And wltbnl the crowds tied gnze from-beneath its tilted brim. nnd , thln~ over maltters, He Waif en• are keen ~d widen wake.' mlgbtll)"' In· T,hc cllllillsll eyes were' sktlrutty dark .. Baged thus wlle9 a .about aroused _hlm, tereatel) In publlp nft'tllrs, nnd -dlsc\18!• e~ed Jlke those of .au actress, th• and ttl aource where · · cn'rrteo

• 1::.··

. '


• '•

' . Boost F o.r, :r· .Carrizozo The .Town' that 'is .on The· Boom · --.-~~{-~---~~-·~- .. -~

mit ~poke. ali'Dcinc about in t~Pl· llatlon. : ••x had to do aometbl~i tor mone1 at once," 1lje nla. "~hey call me a •manl~ln' he.:.-. I cl111play th• lateat tolle~er.v atttrnooll 111 tht ltort. It 111 advertled. I <11<1 not .... wJih to admit thJ1-to 70U,0 lhe 11n­lihed lhd paueil on ber waJ, · ·aeurend Phl11p llncered, a 1D1Ue

a_pon btl' llpc. "I dtd not wllh to ad• mlt 1t-!O JOU," •h& lttut aald, .hllot fOI,e& bteakln« tnmtuloustr. • ·

When 1bc came fortb In the Il\tlt 3~&rk.ault he clatmM her ltl'lll poss• lively. ..You arc . c:omlng hom6 wlth ailj,U he snld; "mr mother wJll ftn<l •­NI1 out ot all·yonr perplexltl('s, ng~ i want my mother to know you.',

Gravely 11m girl's t>yca r('gnrded him,. tll.en wltb a. trustful JJWilc she yielded ocr arm to bts chtao.


Carrizozo, ·New Mexico. S.F.Mt.'ller,N G E.A.O.Johnson

Secretary Regular meetings 1918- First and third Friday eac'9 month •

...:.cAnnwo.zo LooaE No. 41- · Carrizozo. New Mexico.

A. F. & A.M. Regular communi .. cations for 1918 .

, Jan 26 Feb 23 :Mar .. ?:! Apr.20, May 25

. June 22,' J}lly 20, Aug. 171 Sep. 14/ Oct. 19, -Nov. 16, .... and Dec. 14 and '1:{: R-. E. Blaney, W. M. . ..

S. F. Miller, Secretary • . .-.~.. -~.-. ..;:,.._~ ..... ~-- =

.. . ..

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... <Ji* '•*'·.1~·· .. •' 'll._~.Z .t . '

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II ~- I .

,~-aatnsttsKIP ··:~JERo·C.fffJJGHl· ., ' t>r~,'

.Nr~mbWS~ ,. '

Th~u:~~. Mortaity ·Wounded, Ho -- Refuses to ~Haul -Down -

· the ~la{J, . ·

... '"

'-· '' ' c.. ~-

' '

--_~:-.... ~ .... ·r -·· ... _,_ . . -·;-


. '·..~,;-_.--'

Our -constanl: $tud,, m ~: .. , giye the people of this. : .

•, . ·. eomniun.itY 'the best . bn.nkitig 'facUlties ob... '~- '

· fainat)Ie. · , Ou~ ·(3"~r: ·- , · . -~ !~n~- au<I- eqwl)Pl~:nt .

' k• ---th"' '--- "b·J_· '' ; . , . __ -_ • -- ---_ -. _ ma ~- .. la .POS.S.L ~.. · -Make ~ae o~_these, w~ich ~re h~re;for your·benefit.


STOCKMENS -· STATE. BANK· .. ' -~-:--i . ·. . J._ . •

don·oNA; ,NEW.MSXI~CO -_ ""r· •

~Cry·• st8.l • •

Theatre 4. ' - . ·- - ,.

. ., '

''Tho.Hoxne ot Goad Piciuhl8u ' ·- ·- •.•• (, • : • 1'1 .-

---·EXCHANGE. BANK, BUILDtNG---• •• &1'

- ,.· ·'

·, .. '


. ..

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THo fllol'Y uu·IIINJ the, ,, lloh1 countl'Y ; Uncle Dnn, "to trnnlc . . little nnlmnls, nn anl1 now, In u fl!Jerlnl supr1teme'nt to tbo I tblnk Jt dews; you n('cd tllc same \ dre~~ecl -nna sldnnc~, ·which were liiPld [,ondon Omwtte cotu.eiJ tlw arqucl It &blng. Howard atd .. n~t like Jt at Arst. l ~8. 1nnrsb mbblts.

Tuesd~ys, W~dne~days; ur~d .. ~ys. . eekT~·-·~---·~---~~-,··-·=~,,~·-·---~~

· Ia nnJwuurnl tll~lt a im!llbumous c~tmt tun told~·!or u few weeks l1o llnd •rough · ~t nppcnra thpt tor several week& Complete Chlltlge Program Eaeh Night; Sho.w Start• Promptly ·at 8 O'etock ·of the• \'il'turla ,:1·u;o hna bt!rn made to tdclldlns;, but uttt>r he found 'thnt tho the go01l people bought tl1csc nnlmala,

stdprwr 'l'hmmw ('rh•p, u. N. n., tO.OO:t, .. 'ln!Y~ \!f.I.Y.waa to obey orfjCml, lie caught- . .cooked .tbcm ~ccorcllng JtLthe. speclnl o. A. Cl!llll'd In riC'tlon), nnd (lint tha tho S.f11rlt of tl!c lnatitutJon ltnd llkcll , dlrcctlona nncli served them nt, fnm,lly fJlnthJf:Ulf41wcl ElQrvleo nwclul hns flet•n lt. We tlfa not sec lihll tor about sl~ . nn<l party dinners ns. ~·.~·ubblts"-not - -n\;1m.JNI to 8£t<'uncl nnrul •rJwmno \VII· months, then be t'llmc Mmo tor a !ow • realizing tlult tl1la tood wus really Unm CrJHp, n. NI'Il., 0. N., 4,332, D. A! dnys. Wo \\'(Ire ttetonlsbcd ~t bJ$ or! somethlng vn~tl.t uU'tercnt from. tbnt

n1.'bt'oo two mt'n nrc· father nnd l'lon, penrtmce. lie ltad gnlncfl nbout 20 1 ot the oratnnry rnbblt.

and the record ot Uaelr brave de(ltJIJ will pounds In W(IJsht, lals muscJ~s were u '.rben came the l!.nnouncemcnt thnt Wko. n 1or(l1Jllmt place oven among t11o bnrd as nnUs, he ?tood tlB strnlght aB 1 the "DJ!lrsb ra]Jb(tl' :W!l~ !lQt}!lgg leu ronny worulerlul stor.1cH of golbmtry . 110 llrrow, llc was rourte()UJ, consider--!. than the mu. akrnt. . · . .. • wJilch t1tla wnr hns produecct. I . AU ot which goes to show ~hnt e-yen

Gul.lmarine It Slghtod. ! Dt)W tlte .Atnericnn. pcopl~ are not "On Inn Aut:uot art ... rnoon, nt about n." 1 averiJc to- .\JetDg_tooled. In 1nct/tbe)'

quarh•r to tllrC<', U1c trawl wtts shot .; llke Jt. Durnum s stntement bollls true from tho smock l-leliJon. The skJppet ~~ u 1t clld wh<'n 1m. diSJlln)'Cd n snnll· wos below packing fish; one band wall papered eleplmnt ns "Ute only sacred on cteek "lennlng· fish for the Mxt j white· elephant ln C:liltlvlty.'' mornlng'IJ hrt'nkfn!St. C<lmlng em tteck, We" 10metlmes thfnk thut this il Mr. Crlsp ffftW • .. n ob.1et't 00.· !h. e horl• l bec~nnlor o "mnrsh rnbblt aee.'' . zon, examined Jt elo!.leJt aiUJ 1cnt tor 111s J;lns.r!Nt, Almo:;t directly bo annr Llborty Ball Bonda. -CJUt. 'elrnr for nctlon, Suhmnrln!'/ Ho . -'l'honuhds of banners and' posteriJ,

1111d tn:nrl'dY spoken wllt•o a abot fell and nobody knows l•ow runny clreulnl' nbout- o. hundred ynrds ·n\vn}' on the ; Jctters and newsvnper advertlsenu~nts, 110rt bow. -Tho motorman got to bls · have vied wlth one nnothc_r In bringing motor; 1bo deel!bnml droppod 11111 t1Sh · to 'vub1Jc nttc:>nUon tlte excellent retl·

o And \V<'nt to Ufo nmmunttton room;. I, sons '\'bY everyl!ody should own Libera whlJ(1 thG other b!lntt•, nt tbc•lll'r's 1 ~ t)' 1Mnd1. II ere is n renson ".vhlelt tms oril{'rs, •~A?t co your g('n'i',' let go U10 ~ not been ·nwntloned by nny ot tlte bnn· ~·nrr•, nnd vuf a 'dan' on .the Nul ot lt. i ners, posters, or ndverusements, ob· . ".Mr-nnwhllo the .cunla)'l:'r held .lilit · mrM.l.Jic;w York. !$cllan~e..- ~-~ ..... ·-·

t'lro, untU tbc• !lltlpper tJ.1h1, 'It Is no usa · f 1 'lln\·e you bol!l;bt $'our Liberty wamn~: ony tom: ... r, we v,;lllltnvo to let. ·bond?'' m~twd 1\t('C{)le's trlenll ns tllo thf'm lmvo lt.' ll'rotn tho dlstnnee tlm two <'mn(l through tho tube on n crowd·

lllrCol~ t<'llll<'«l twmully thnt 1H~ Md . done Slf"'~wltlt tim bit of money 1{.:; bad

I been nblc t.o srrop(; together. · *'You t;C•(•,u bt~ tlll!ll'll, ur flt:ttr<'d tll<'Y

~ wna goozl·tl1in~ to have. F'r lnstnnrc. l' If :.·nu ~;nt m'i'''"tN1 muHt('edell htrn you ' .:outa uso tl1em nnd not luso the .1Jlter-

. . Best Accommodati~ns Eor· All 'l'he People

' . All'J'he Time·


Ta.ble Supplied \Vith Best The ~farket Affords •.. ,J •

'' . -- -.--~-

St.oveR and, Ranges ·Builders'· Hardware ~

.. N.· B. Taylor~ & . Sons

--·--~-·-~--· -~· ·· ·-Biaektmithina-·and~ardwarer-·· ·· --~~,-~; -·-

CARlUZOZO and 'VHITE OAU:S ·-· ~-Tinware,~Pninm-,~"-'ltas:s;~-ons~m-·att-Kinas~-Ouns; .~- 1'

· Ammunition, Harness, Etc . • ...

fttn v !r--~------------------------._~~----------------~

; ,.,

• •

. . ... . ...... . .. ~:.: •

Rolland's ·Drug Store The House oi Reliability.

Gents .Cutlery, and Novelty Goods.!"'.s.Art!~!es, News.~~d ~t~#on¢ry4 .


L.B.~· s~ ·-

.. .. ' . _, ,..._·£-·_ .. ~--- ';., L'


' .



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·4/f~N:.r-r.~-~o\·.;.--: 1C- ::.J

r'· •· "

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' .

. · · 'Report of Condition of ~t . ~,. .... ' -

.STOCKMEN'S .. Sl'A TE BA~K . ~ At Corona, in the $tate· of .New Mexicq, at the elo~e· ofBusiness.

· · · ·on December 31, 1917. . · . . . . . , . ~ESO'URCES . . . . . ~

1. LOans anQ, discounts. (except those .. ·· · · . . .. . •· shown on (b) ............ ;. . .,, ............. ~ .. ·-· ... $ 153,208 01

· · Total Loana.f. ........... ::................... · · · $ l53,208 01 J nSE!CUrJed 'i;'"i::":i!';-:_-:··i..": •.. :.,.. -· .~ ... ~...... 7 08 7 08

~~·· --~··-·-.. '

' .. .. ... . ... \ ---.;-: •. ;:::'

' .

'. .:.. ' ,.,., .. • .- -.' . .

. ',...


." ___ ,,.·._.· . -·' :• ' ' .,

·' t .

··--a· __ · __ -_--_--.-. . . .

-We . are · cutting priceS_·. deep ... priO~ tO_ moving_ intO . . . .

~pur .. ne·w· Builqing.

· ·. '(. holll!e (if un- '· . . LUES · . . ~-~~~~;~~~-~--~--~· ~--~-~~~~~---·~·------~-~-- .- _·- -- --~--; .... _ ~. ~-:.=""·~~~-: . • ~.

. ~.

. ' .

'I • ·9 .·. ~.

.. I .C.'


.u~uno :.~"'"""""'"""""""""': ........ _~·m• ...... ~,._ . , 26,848 22 , (b) e't amount due from reserve · .

banks ........ " ........... " ... , ... _., .. " ... ¢ ...... - .. ·-~ 2p,848 22 12. Net amount due from banks and ·. ·

26,848 22

banl$ers (other than included in 10 or 11) .............. : ....... ,.;_ -~: ..................... ·

(b) Fractional currency,nickels and '·, cen'ts •... ~ .. 1l""'"'~ .... , ............. _ .. 2;, •••• , ...... .,..,,. ........ ;~,., ,;...;.., 117 31

16. Coin and currency .. ~---·-··· ................... '"' ..

' . 13!) 58

. 117 31 3,344 ()()

185,160 80 \

LIABILITIES 20. Capital stock paid in" .. ·-··~" '"'"U ...... .,,. ••

21. Surplus fund •. - ..................... ·---.. -~ ...... . 22. ·Undivided profits •. " ......... :.,..:._ .. _ ............. .


226 18 .

15,000 ~ 16,000 ()() .. CarriZozo· -Trcldiitg Co •.

· (c) Less current ~~pences; interest, , and taxes paid ................. w __ ,_ ... __

Demand De~its: · ZT. Individual deP9sits subject to check. 30. Cashier's checks outstanding ......... : ..... · ·

· 83. County deposits .. :...... ~-.. - .................. ; .. ... ·35. Certificates of deposit., __ ,.., ......... .

. .. . . Qyality First ,.

' TQ.ta1 .... cz~ ~-~··u.-u-:.c.···--···"".,., .. Jrlfllllal.

I • ~

• State of New Mex1co, County of Lincoln, ss: . . · For a l~ng tim~, t)le iadies of .

We, H. B. Jones, president, 1\nd D. H. Henry, ~shier, of' • • abo.venamed·bank; do solemnly swear'thatth~ above-statement · · had con~1dered orgamz-true to- the best of our knowledge and belief. · , ingaRed Crossauxilliary,inorder

H. B. Jones, president •• · · D. H. Henry,_ cashier.. to systematize· the work they • Correct Atteat:-E. lf. Brtckley, H. B. Jones, A; S. MeCamant, ard doing that wtll add to ·'the

Directors. and sworn to before me tJtie 14th day of January comfort of the ·boys H Some-. 1918. &swell, Notary Public. ' where in France/' or preparing

Phone 21 ·· Then· Price


Sandwiches Hot Chili.


I .My commission expires Aug. 25, 192L them for their journey. ·

lee Cream Soft:Drinks Fr~shHome Soups


Building '-Material •

With a. large stock uf nuilding material we are able to give you good service and· ~ · licit the trade of the people of Lincoln county, Carrizozo and adjacent towns .

. Foxworth-Galbraith lumber Co. Jh R. Stewart, Manaarer"

BarnetfFEED Store Wholesale·: ~nd -u Retail·

• • ' - - - ~' -' - .. - -. > '- " - ' ••

. . Hay, Grain · F~ed ·

Stbek Salt;~.Oil. Cake . 1·•·--.... > • •

Wood and · Coal

• ' Jf


Net proceeds .... : ........... .$ 206.00. '.l'he- Glencoe Chapter was duly.

organi~.J~. 5th., h~ving J)aen forced to wa1t until thlQ date for the te come

. .

~Phone· No. 82

For Refreshments for Parties and Entertainments

.•. A.· W. "ADAMS •••. . . • . • t

Fresh Line ·of ~-

~taple _and. ~Fane.y Groceries . , r· .. .

.·... .. ._li "'()· .w . . •

. . . ·-


.... ~~ :- .-~-.,· ~

.. . •••• ..... '. h

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Telephone 6 · '

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.~~.~ ...

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tn nodr.tord, 111., a clt1 .locat~ lltlllr tbe north b<iunc1al'1 Of the 1tate anil about tnldwa)' betwee-u the aat~m &ld' wtstern bollndart llaftl. '111• .Roek rtnr lo.wa toward th·• 101.1th throuch tbtt cl.tJ and one ot 1~ trlbutarfe., Kfat tN!tk, 1\arr:tfd lftd' one of Uat two ·tldfll wboe nanJtt ant tound In \he f'ArlJ' btatol'J' ot thll cttt. •nt•ra tb~ thtt trom the wect .tn th• ~lOil ot the. ~t1 kb01\1l a1 Iouth l:t.oeldotd.

,; . -..... .-. ...

l ' .

·' .

,.. · .

' -~, .... ·-. '

'" .· , ·I. ... · . .:.;

ho sbouted;' ··. •IJJ;t. Gru)~e,,.l Utd1.1 . . . . :to, · Sill'! ~all:r womap, uon•t.tllh1:t to l;"t11~ me.· .. .. ·

. . h•m ont'liY'f~marktng: ];~!-·.tor I. tell. rou :l woli t JJtfl.n~ tQ~ 'trou. 'eem. to· f>.e A uttte ne.rvou~t tq. . 4'B t vou told .me to. w~t~ @tl klck n~ pfght, lfr. l.low~r1'' . u. •" · •. . •• · · ' · · · · ... . ~~well, ft hi pot ~xaetly. ·. ~he J)rotested. ·I never ~l)ould ·ha.v~ .

,.~ ~pll~!i as he took tt seat, ;'but done tt. ln the wo.rld e:tcept Wilt 1onr · bave Md .a, areat oppm:tuntt>- Ql!ere<l :nui(U~~n~ me torJAy, An(l, perhap,.,. It Us better

talk tt over ·a llltf' " ''Ot -course Jt Jq. If you lJnve ha:tf li

great otrcr It WUI atrect me PIJ well 3S 1ou. What is lt7'' · . · . . · .. "It Is to go leeturlng,'1 be blurted opt In a kfna ot desperate wa1. ••A pro­tenor natmea Chlldhammer wa~J tu tbe Mlce today£ an.« ;att~~ heArJng 11J1 YolcQ. ana .noting bOw ele4rlr l ftn• nouricea every "fOrd, lle laltl that A •Jt'cQt .tleld · wnlted tor me.•• ·

1'Let uistart talr, Mr. BOweer.~ You d() not ret~r to a rreat ttel!J ot pQtatoe~J

. .

Wo.Cf:cntkrair.e. • Co.; !rol~ 01\J~ "

· Lo¢k at a picture tn tbt W.t pbaalbti­llcht, and be u eouritO\U! to·:rotll' fel· row m~.a1yot1 are to a picture •

, .... ·.~r-· _,_ -~ ; ' '

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.' : . .

' .


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Page 12: · . .,, )'·~A'..,-;--.. ' .. •. i' 1.' d n . ., l~·. • I ' l > · r .1 I ~ \ ' ' . ' ~ Jl . .,.-\·

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~ ·""" '"f '"*'" .~tt"I!Jilly O.tftrO)'Id

.b,y fi'(lmlQitlQn. ttJ!l lli!IUJ»!:at\h .. ,' 4f c.~"" ' ".' . '

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Page 13: · . .,, )'·~A'..,-;--.. ' .. •. i' 1.' d n . ., l~·. • I ' l > · r .1 I ~ \ ' ' . ' ~ Jl . .,.-\·

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J :L ,I

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,'.' ~ ' :· .· ~- .::.·.

. ·, -· .. ' .• ' '

,··,. (.,'

.. - -- '··- -~ .. ___ ;;. '

· · . · :·, .Mr •. and· ~r$~ .. Cl~m~iits And .~rindfatber· Clom~m.ta- .. ar.d:verl ------~-· ~-- . ~-· .... : ......... : . . · f n.... 1 · S d ' · · · '11:1' .of the Ci>~t~miulou~r 'Pf t'ubU~ ••• no•.,

rOJn J.WBWe{l . \lR ay. . : ;i.YJ'fS, 'Fe, N~:vr llc-ldcl), · · . · . .. :Clem~,..m left. th.e~ t)ai:tr at t})is i• · &::~~!. point . ~nd w~nt· .. f;o .. · GaUup. 'to ann<U~I!IL Ylsifltiends, w"hile the Mes6era ~~-~~~~~~~•o·~. Clement a topped over . MQ1lday .

. and retutmed to .RosweUTueaday. -~ -n,- ·S· ~TtumQreli -~gdcultura-1 "'!'fl"'"'ll'.•

- · ·agent tor thQ E. P. s. ·w. Was here Tue$day; ·. · -~. ' · · . .

Lt D. Morton .Qf.Kansas· City, •·AS.·:lts'·Jirn.~:~::.w was in . C'arlizozo M;~mday.. · . . . .

. .

- '<r .. •· . I;

,, '

... ,. ,.

... ~: ·~

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~ · · · ·.·. Ha$ heen .. welLattend~~~ a 'proQf Of the. · . ... . .• . .. . · exhePtiQiicii·vatues :w~ ar~,offenbif~ ~. : ...

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