collaborative interaction concepts for city planning tasks ... · collaborative interaction...

Collaborative Interaction Concepts for City Planning Tasks in Projection-Based Virtual Reality Systems Frank Steinicke, Timo Ropinski, and Klaus Hinrichs Institut f¨ ur Informatik Westf¨ alische Wilhelms-Universit¨ at M¨ unster Einsteinstraße 62, D-48149 M¨ unster {fsteini,timo,khh} Abstract In this paper we propose solutions that allow several co-located city planners to perform domain-specific interaction tasks together in one semi-immersive projection-based VR system. After a registration process, e.g., by posing gestures or by using speech commands, this group activity can be performed either in a cooperative mode, i.e., tasks are accom- plished consecutively, or in a collaborative inter- action mode, i.e., users collaborate simultaneously. Both modes as well as multimodal concepts for the registration process are discussed and evaluated. Further VR-based interaction strategies for the city planning domain are presented, which are adapted to the demands of city planners working together in a shared virtual environment. 1 Introduction Civil works affect both the environment and the in- habitants of a city, since the cityscape as well as the quality of life of the residents is influenced by the composition of buildings, road networks, plant- ing, and green spaces. To facilitate a visual im- pression of how a proposed building development would integrate into the environment, city planners design development proposals based on cadastral data. Cadastral data is available for every town in Germany and contains, for instance, building footprints, the number of floors, parcel boundaries etc. During the planning process there are two main tasks to be accomplished by city planners: (1) defining entities, for example, buildings and recre- ation areas etc., and (2) integrating these entities into the development plan. The resulting design plan illustrates, how the residential area will look like. Often several city planners with different back- grounds, i.e., expertise and knowledge, are involved in such a process. After city planners have agreed to a particular development proposal, two different procedures are commonly used. One approach is to deliver the design plan to an architectural office to generate static visualizations of digital virtual 3D models according to the design plan. Another com- mon procedure is to build physical block models usually made of wood, plastic or paper. In such a shared setup city planners use these approximated 3D models of real buildings to accomplish planning tasks. Thus, city planners can share their knowl- edge and communicate, e.g., about how to modify the positions of bricks representing buildings. How- ever, changing the appearance or geometry of most objects in such physical models is often awkward since most elements are not modifiable. Thus, there is a high demand for techniques to improve efficiency of such group activities in the city planning domain. Since the bundling of ex- pert’s knowledge has the potential to increase pro- ductivity, it is desirable to develop VR-based plan- ning systems simulating such shared space in which teamwork can be performed in virtual environments (VEs) as easily and naturally as in the real world. Hence, the objective for developing such collabora- tive VEs (CVE), sometimes referred to as coopera- tive VEs, is to provide distributed or locally working teams with a virtual space, where they can coex- ist, communicate and collaborate while sharing and manipulating virtual data in real-time. Nowadays implementations of co-located CVEs are based mostly on individual display systems, as see-through or fully immersive head mounted dis- plays (HMDs) ([6, 21]). However, to visualize geo- scientific data and to support shared exploration of this data, semi-immersive projection-based VR systems are beneficial, since they provide enough space to enable several planners to interact with each other. Within these systems the teamwork process in such CVEs often is constrained since usu- ally only one user is head-tracked and thus per- ceives a fully perspective-correct stereoscopic im- age. Though non-head-tracked users are able to observe a stereoscopic image by sharing the head-

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Collaborative Interaction Concepts for

City Planning Tasks in

Projection-Based Virtual Reality Systems

Frank Steinicke, Timo Ropinski, and Klaus HinrichsInstitut fur Informatik

Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat MunsterEinsteinstraße 62, D-48149 Munster



In this paper we propose solutions that allow severalco-located city planners to perform domain-specificinteraction tasks together in one semi-immersiveprojection-based VR system. After a registrationprocess, e.g., by posing gestures or by using speechcommands, this group activity can be performedeither in a cooperative mode, i.e., tasks are accom-plished consecutively, or in a collaborative inter-action mode, i.e., users collaborate simultaneously.Both modes as well as multimodal concepts for theregistration process are discussed and evaluated.Further VR-based interaction strategies for the cityplanning domain are presented, which are adaptedto the demands of city planners working together ina shared virtual environment.

1 Introduction

Civil works affect both the environment and the in-habitants of a city, since the cityscape as well asthe quality of life of the residents is influenced bythe composition of buildings, road networks, plant-ing, and green spaces. To facilitate a visual im-pression of how a proposed building developmentwould integrate into the environment, city plannersdesign development proposals based on cadastraldata. Cadastral data is available for every townin Germany and contains, for instance, buildingfootprints, the number of floors, parcel boundariesetc. During the planning process there are twomain tasks to be accomplished by city planners: (1)defining entities, for example, buildings and recre-ation areas etc., and (2) integrating these entitiesinto the development plan. The resulting designplan illustrates, how the residential area will looklike. Often several city planners with different back-grounds, i.e., expertise and knowledge, are involvedin such a process. After city planners have agreedto a particular development proposal, two different

procedures are commonly used. One approach is todeliver the design plan to an architectural office togenerate static visualizations of digital virtual 3Dmodels according to the design plan. Another com-mon procedure is to build physical block modelsusually made of wood, plastic or paper. In such ashared setup city planners use these approximated3D models of real buildings to accomplish planningtasks. Thus, city planners can share their knowl-edge and communicate, e.g., about how to modifythe positions of bricks representing buildings. How-ever, changing the appearance or geometry of mostobjects in such physical models is often awkwardsince most elements are not modifiable.

Thus, there is a high demand for techniques toimprove efficiency of such group activities in thecity planning domain. Since the bundling of ex-pert’s knowledge has the potential to increase pro-ductivity, it is desirable to develop VR-based plan-ning systems simulating such shared space in whichteamwork can be performed in virtual environments(VEs) as easily and naturally as in the real world.Hence, the objective for developing such collabora-tive VEs (CVE), sometimes referred to as coopera-tive VEs, is to provide distributed or locally workingteams with a virtual space, where they can coex-ist, communicate and collaborate while sharing andmanipulating virtual data in real-time.

Nowadays implementations of co-located CVEsare based mostly on individual display systems, assee-through or fully immersive head mounted dis-plays (HMDs) ([6, 21]). However, to visualize geo-scientific data and to support shared explorationof this data, semi-immersive projection-based VRsystems are beneficial, since they provide enoughspace to enable several planners to interact witheach other. Within these systems the teamworkprocess in such CVEs often is constrained since usu-ally only one user is head-tracked and thus per-ceives a fully perspective-correct stereoscopic im-age. Though non-head-tracked users are able toobserve a stereoscopic image by sharing the head-

(a) left view (b) right view (c) left view with parallax

Figure 1: Parallax problem resulting from different view positions.

tracked user’s view frustum, a comfortable inter-action and exploration of the virtual scene is notpossible. This is due to the fact that the non-head-tracked users’ viewpoints differ from the viewpointof the head-tracked user, which results in unex-pected image motions and introduces parallax, i.e.,a mismatch between the real and the VE perceivedby the non-head-tracked viewers ([22]).

Figure 1 illustrates the parallax problem. Avirtual building model is displayed on a respon-sive workbench (RWB) ([14]). Figure 1 (a) showsthe building rendered from the viewpoint of a userstanding on the left side of the workbench; Figure1 (b) shows the same building as seen by a userstanding on the right side. Figure 1 (c) illustratesthe building model as seen by a user standing onthe left side of the workbench rendered with theview frustum of the user on the right side, resultingin a perspective distorted image. Shearing of thebuilding, which constricts an intuitive exploration,is clearly visible.

This issue complicates the usage of direct interac-tion techniques for any other than the head-trackedcity planner. To involve another planner into theplanning process, exchange of the tracked stereoglasses and input devices is required. This can bedone either by handing over the devices or by modi-fying the settings of the tracking system. Moreover,direct interaction techniques need to be improvedwith respect to the demands of city planners, whichare usually not familiar with VR technology. Basicinteraction tasks are definitely more difficult to per-form in VR than in desktop-based environments.

In cooperation with the city development, cityplanning and transport planning office as well as theland surveying and land registry office of the city ofMunster in Germany, we have developed solutionsto support the generation of design plans in CVEs.In this paper we propose a VR-based system for cityplanning that provides perspective-correct stereo-scopic images to all participating head-tracked cityplanners and which allows comfortable VR-basedinteraction concepts to generate 3D design plans.Furthermore, no construction of expensive multi-user hardware stereo systems is required. After

a registration process, e.g., indicated by gestures,VR-based teamwork can be performed consecu-tively, or alternatively in parts of one shared pro-jection screen simultaneously.

Related work concerning about CVEs for co-located interaction strategies is described in Section2. In Section 3 we present the software framework,which enables city planners to develop design plansfor residential areas. Our approaches for co-locatedexploration and direct interaction concepts for thecity planning domain are explained in detail in Sec-tion 4. Section 5 points out the usability of theseapproaches in a preliminary study. The paper con-cludes and gives an overview about future work inSection 6.

2 Related Work

City planning benefits from VR systems, since VRtechnology provides a better insight into complexspatial data, planners have to deal with. Re-searchers have proven the potential especially of co-located VR setups supporting teamwork processesfor several planning tasks ([8]).

In [6] Boll distinguishes between cooperation andcollaboration. Collaboration denotes the work per-formed by two or more users in parallel at thesame time, while cooperation describes the workperformed by more than one user consecutively,but not in parallel. Since cooperation respectivelycollaboration in VR is a challenging task manyapproaches have been proposed, which try to ex-tend existing VR systems to CVEs in both local([6, 10, 12]) as well as distributed VR system envi-ronments ([11, 18]). In local CVEs usually HMDsare used and thus collaboration is performed inaugmented reality (AR) ([21]), such that collabo-rators can see and communicate with each other.In distributed CVE communication and data ex-change is ensured via network transfer. Avatarsas representatives of remote collaborators ensuretele-immersion by a quasi face-to-face interactionbetween the participants ([15, 18]). Since in dis-tributed projection-based VR systems every collab-

orator requires an own display system no distortedstereoscopic images occur. However, when addi-tional users want to participate in a collaborationprocess either new distributed VR systems have tobe set up, or distorted stereoscopic images emergewhen users share projection screens with other col-laborators.

As described above projection-based display sys-tems provide sufficient projection space to enableCVEs, but usually these systems are capable toproject a perspective-correct stereoscopic image toonly one user; this issue rather confines projection-based environments to single-user systems with re-spect to the interaction ([22, 2]). Most solutionsto this problem are hardware-based and requireadditional hardware, e.g., projectors or additionaldisplay systems. For example, in [1] a hardwaresetup for two-user collaboration in a RWB environ-ment with active stereo is introduced. Using thissetup a projector displays one image for each eye ofboth users. The images are rendered either in user-interleaved mode, i.e., the images for both eyes arerendered sequentially, first for one user then for theother, or in eye-interleaved mode, i.e., the imagesfor one eye of both users are rendered sequentially,before the images for the other eye of both usersare displayed one after another. However, the maindrawback of this approach is that the refresh rateis cut in half for each user compared to the singleviewer setup, which may result in noticeable flickereffects ([1]). In [9] this idea has been extendedto a multi-viewer projection-based display system,which enables a maximum number of four users tosee perspective-correct stereoscopic images. Theseimages are displayed by using further projectors foreach user. Hence, this system is hard to scale be-cause for every new user at least one additional pro-jector is required. Other tabletop-based approachesare the Virtual Showcase ([3]), the Lumisight ta-ble ([16]) and the Illusion Hole ([13]), which en-able multiple users to perceive perspective-correctimages. When applying these approaches certainareas on a horizontally mounted projection screencan be observed via a mirror-based setup or phys-ical view barriers, which are attached to the pro-jection screen. The drawback of these approachesis that the users’ movements are restricted to cer-tain regions defined by the setup, and that scalingto involve more users requires reconfiguration andrecalibration of the setup.

Software-based proposals ([19, 22]) provide partlyperspective-correct images to the non-head-trackedusers by applying approximations. However, per-spective distorted scene content still persists. Thereare many approaches that advance VR-based in-teraction concepts ([5, 17]), but these concepts areoften not adapted to domain specific tasks with re-spect to the aforementioned problems.

Thus, there is no approach providing several cityplanners comfortable collaboration strategies in asingle projection-based VR system environment.

3 Residential City Planning

The 3D residential city planner is an ongoingproject involving a group of students at our de-partment, the city development, city planning andtransport planning office as well as the land survey-ing and land registry office of the city of Munster.The objective of this software is to provide cityplanners an intuitive and natural interface to planand modify residential areas within desktop- andVR-based system environments.

Since professional city planners desire to main-tain intuitive comprehension obtained when view-ing a physical block model, we have chosen a semi-immersive RWB environment and a passive rearprojection system in combination with an opticaltracking system to visualize interactive virtual 3Dcity models. In comparison to physical block mod-els, the usage of such a VR system setup enablesan improved interaction with development propos-als, because interactive modifications are possible.For instance, the horizontal or tilted workspaceof the RWB is a well-known table-top metaphormany professionals are familiar with, whereas alarge rear projection system enables the usage ofwalk metaphors supporting city exploration fromthe view of a pedestrian.

During the development phase of the application,city planners expressed their desire for flexible ap-proaches for the visualization of generated virtual3D city models. Although, photorealistic render-ing is important, it is not the only requirement;especially non-photorealistic rendering supports tocomprehend structures and relations similar to viewphysical block models. Furthermore, during explo-ration interactive frame rates are more importantthan photorealistic appearance. However, realisticvisualizations similar to the renderings provided byarchitectural offices are desired.

Due to these demands, we have chosen VRS, theVirtual Rendering System ([7]), as core graphicslibrary for building 3D city models. VRS is anobject-oriented and scenegraph-based C++ graph-ics library. It introduces the usage of two differentgraphs. Geometry graphs, which store the geom-etry and the visual appearance of virtual objects,are combined with behavior graphs that representtheir behavior in terms of interaction and anima-tion. Different renderings are ensured with this li-brary, since VRS provides wrapping classes to pho-torealistic renderers, such as POVRay or Radiance,but also real-time renderers as OpenGL are sup-ported. Furthermore, VRS is extensible to a VRsoftware system by using the Virtual Reality VRS

(VR2S) component ([23]), which handles all VR re-lated issues.

The 3D residential city planning application con-sists of four conceptual components:

1. Converter tool: The converter tool parsesand converts the cadastral data into the under-lying geoobject model, which is used to repre-sent the corresponding geodata.

2. Geoobject model: The geoobject model isthe collection of geoobjects and their proper-ties. Components of this model are buildings,building and traffic areas, trees etc.

3. Visualization component: This componentconstructs the scenegraph representing thetopological structure of the city model. Eachscene node in the geometry graph representinga collection of geoobjects is associated with avisual appearance.

4. Interaction component: The interactioncomponent manages required interactions withvirtual 3D city models. Standard desktop-based interaction can be performed via agraphical user interface (GUI) based onwxWidgets. Alternatively, direct interactionconcepts such as arrangement of virtual build-ings have been implemented.

Since the cadastral data is geo-referenced, virtual3D city models can be generated automatically.Because there is no overall accepted standard forstoring cadastral information, we have developedan interface, which provides the required generalityand flexibility to enable import of cadastral datafrom different sources. For instance, for the cityof Munster the cadastral data stores building foot-prints, parcel boundaries and other information inGauß-Kruger coordinates, which are converted dur-ing the reconstruction process. Based on this infor-mation the system generates a geo-referenced vir-tual 3D city model of the surrounding area, whichis superimposed with aerial photographs to providemore realism and higher recognition.

As mentioned above, VRS uses a scenegraph torepresent virtual scenes. Since generated virtual3D city models may consist of over 50,000 com-plex, textured geoobjects (see Figure 2), it is notrecommend to store each of these geoobjects in cor-responding scene nodes, because this would inflatememory requirements for storing the scenegraphand decrease performance when evaluating it. Dueto the wrapping mechanism of VRS it is possibleto store these enormous datasets with renderer spe-cific optimization strategies in order to achieve arealistic appearance while maintaining interactiveframe rates. To further increase performance, op-tional view-dependent level-of-detail algorithms are

Figure 2: City of Munster generated with the 3Dresidential city planner.

integrated to enable switching between different lev-els of realism. Furthermore, it is possible to switchbetween non-photorealistic and photorealistic ren-dering.

Besides the standard menu-based interaction con-cepts, such as creation, arrangement or deletion ofvirtual buildings, different navigation and travel-ing metaphors can be chosen via menu entries fordesktop-based as well as VR-based exploration.

In the next section collaborative interaction con-cepts are described, which have been developedwithin the 3D residential city planning project.

4 Co-located City Planning

Since the objective of our approach is to exploitalready existing VR hardware to provide an en-vironment for VR collaboration, resources have tobe shared. Usually, in a projection-based VR sys-tem environment there is only one projection screenavailable for several users. Thus, to fulfill the de-mands of projection-based CVEs, assignment ofprojection space to participants has to be organized.Allowing several users to participate in a teamworkprocess requires that their view positions and direc-tions have to be tracked. Furthermore, these usersshould have appropriate tracked input devices forthe interaction concepts proposed in Section 4.2.These are the only requirements that have to be en-sured to enable several users to participate. Userswho currently participate in the collaboration arecalled active users.

According to [6] we distinguish between twomodes: the cooperation and the collaboration mode.Interactive switching between these two modes ispossible at run time. Considering the case that anumber of active users already interact in one ofthe two interaction modes and another user wantsto participate, this user has to register. The coop-eration and the collaboration mode as well as theregistration process are explained in the next sub-sections.

4.1 Co-located Exploration

4.1.1 Cooperation Mode

In some CVEs it is sufficient to accomplish team-work in a cooperative mode, e.g., several city plan-ners modify a design plan one after another. Whenusing this cooperation mode only one active plannerperceives a perspective-correct image and manipu-lates the design plan, simultaneous collaborationsare not supported. Starting with this single-usermode the active planner can explore and interactwith the VE immersively until a new planner vol-unteers for cooperation. To enable the cooperationin a standard projection-based VR system environ-ment, the tracking system has to be reconfigured ordevices have to be exchanged, e.g., the active plan-ner and the new planner have to switch their glassesas well as input devices.

To prevent manual exchange of active planners,we propose the following software-based approach.A new planner, who wants to cooperate, can simplyvolunteer for the cooperation. This can be done bysatisfying predefined conditions, e.g., posing a spe-cial gesture. Afterwards, when the registration isconfirmed, e.g., the current active planner agrees,the planner will change the status from a passiveuser who only observes the interaction to the ac-tive planner by automatically switching the track-ing dominance, which determines the tracking set-tings that define whose head and input devices aretracked. Using this approach only one planner isactive at any time, but the seamless switch-over en-ables groups of participants to cooperate, becausethe tracking dominance is changed automatically.

4.1.2 Collaboration Mode

As mentioned in Section 1, there are two main tasksto be accomplished by city planners, which can beperformed in parallel by at least two planners, i.e.,generating geoobjects and arranging these entitiesinto the development plan. Hence, we propose an-other approach, which enables several city plannersto work together in a collaboration mode.

When using the collaboration mode the fullscreen is split into appropriate viewports arrangedside-by-side, in which each active collaboratorperceives a perspective-correct stereoscopic image.When additional city planners are incorporated intothe planning process, the current viewports are splitin smaller viewports again. In the general case inwhich n active planners collaborate in front of aprojection screen which is w inch wide and h inchhigh, to each active planner a vertical area of sizew/n inch × h inch is assigned. When another plan-ner registers for collaboration the new areas have asize of w/(n + 1) inch × h inch. In the case ofremoving an active collaborator the viewport areasare scaled accordingly.

Figure 3: Two users collaborating in front of aRWB.

Since users collaborate in different working areas,and only one tracking system is used to determinethe position and orientation of the users’ heads andinput devices, transformation of the tracking datais required. Figure 3 illustrates this issue. Thetracking coordinate system differs from the coor-dinate system of the individual viewports, and thusthe received tracking data has to be transformedfrom the tracking coordinate system to each ac-tive collaborator’s viewport coordinate system. Inthe case of the vertical arrangement of the view-ports this transformation for the viewport numberi is done by applying a translation vector tTi =(−w

2 + (i − 1)wn + 1

2wn , 0, 0), where again w is the

width of the projection screen and n the number ofcollaborators.

Although, active collaborators can see the view-ports of other active collaborators, a perspective-correct image cannot be observed within these,and thus interactions of each collaborator are con-strained to the corresponding individual viewport.However, manipulations of other collaborators canbe observed comfortably in the individual viewportwhile communication as well as face-to-face collab-oration is ensured.

This concept is also illustrated in Figure 3, whichshows two active collaborators interacting in frontof a shared projection screen in a RWB environ-ment. Each collaborator interacts within an indi-vidual viewport. Position and orientation of theheads as well as the input devices are tracked by anoptical tracking system. The individual asymmetricview frustum of each collaborator is calculated ac-cording to the head position and the correspondingviewport on the projection screen.

As described above the shared projection screencan be tiled vertically into viewports and thus,users can collaborate side-by-side. Alternatively,the screen can be tiled horizontally or in a quadraticmanner. The drawback of using non-vertical tilingis that conflicts in front of the projection screenare possible, since users may collide because theirworking areas overlap. Indeed, using this approach

the original size of the screen is downscaled; butsince large projection screens provide enough spacethe collaboration mode enables several planners tocollaborate in projection-based VR systems, whileeach collaborator still has a sufficiently large indi-vidual viewport at his disposal. The number of ac-tive collaborators in such a setup depends on thesize of the projection screen and the flexibility re-quired for each user. With horizontally tiled view-ports the maximum number of active collaboratesstrongly depends on the size of the projection screenand the interactivity required by the application.In front of a RWB projection screen that measures1.36m× 1.02m system environment, we experiencebest results with two collaborators working side-by-side (see Figure 3). In addition, combinations ofboth interaction modes are possible to prevent toosmall viewports. The collaboration mode allowscollaborators to interact simultaneously in an ap-propriate number of separated viewports each witha certain number of cooperators who perform coop-erative interaction in their viewports.

4.1.3 Registration Process

To reduce the cognitive effort of involved plannersthe number of required gestures is small. A notify-gesture, e.g., consisting of a combination of a gloveevent (pinching thumb and index finger) and a cor-responding tracking event (hand is higher than thehead), indicates an announcement for a participa-tion in the interaction process. Afterwards currentactive planners can accept this announcement withthe confirmation-gesture, e.g., posing a circle bypinching thumb and index. After a successful an-nouncement for the teamwork the actions describedin Section 4.1.1 and Section 4.1.2 for exchangingactive cooperators or adding respectively removingactive collaborators are initiated.

Since in projection-based VR systems there areconfined resources, e.g., tracked stereo glasses orviewport space, these resources have to be sharedappropriately. As mentioned before, users have toregister to participate in the teamwork process. Forthe registration we have implemented three differ-ent strategies, called announcement, invitation andtime-dependent switch:

To announce for collaboration city planners canperform predefined actions, e.g., pose a gesture,which indicates that the planner wants to partic-ipate. If this planner has appropriate rights orafter a privileged user accepts the announcementthe teamwork process is initiated as described inSection 4.1.1 and Section 4.1.2. Alternatively, cityplanners can invite other planners for teamwork.Another strategy enables an automatic switch ofthe active city planners after a certain time period.This time-dependent exchange of active plannersmay be useful in presentation scenarios, where the

exploration of development proposals by groups ofusers, e.g., citizens, has to be ensured.

To organize the administration of many partici-pants in a CVE a hierarchical authorization struc-ture similar to the structure used in operating sys-tems may be implemented. The type of accessright can be defined by an administrator accordingto profiles that are associated to the participants.Thus, for instance, higher privileged users can al-low or deny cooperations respectively collaborationswith lower privileged users. Usually in a projection-based CVE teamwork is performed between a smallnumbers of users, sharing of the resources can be re-alized by assigning equal rights to all users. Hence,in our CVE setup the collaboration is done by com-munication between participants and the describedregistration processes, indicated by gestures.

4.1.4 Multimodality

Although, city planners can see each other, appli-cation of the gesture-based registration processeshas shown that planners often do not observe eachother when they perform gestures. This is due tothe fact that the active planner usually concentrateson the planning process, whereas non-active usersstay beside or behind the active one. To supportdrawing the attention of the active planner to an-other city planner who wants to participate in theplanning process, we have integrated multimodalconcepts in the registration process. For example,when a city planner performs an announcement, aspatial sound propagates from the position of thisuser. The position-dependent sound propagationgives an additional clue about which planner vol-unteers for interaction.

Our approach enables also further multimodalconcepts such as haptic feedback as a hint for aregistration, if the planners’ input device featurescorresponding technology.

4.2 Co-located Planning

With the concepts introduced in Section 4.1 we pro-vide city planners with a solution, which allows aneasy extension of existing VR hardware setups toCVEs. In the next subsections we present intu-itive interaction concepts supporting VR-based co-located development of design plans. As mentionedbefore, such processes can be typically divided into:(1) generation and (2) integration of virtual geoob-jects.

4.2.1 Generation of Virtual Objects

For this purpose the 3D residential city planner in-corporates a virtual building editor. Within this ed-itor new buildings can be created or existing ones

Figure 4: Collaboration mode showing a user generating virtual buildings via the building editor (rightviewport) and a user integrating them into the 3D city model (left viewport).

can be modified, whereas all relevant properties ofa considered virtual building can be altered.

Figure 4 (right viewport) shows the GUI of thebuilding editor. The editor is a multiple view sys-tem composed of four views. In the upper-left viewa 3D preview of the virtual building shows its inte-gration into the surrounding. The surrounding canbe visualized in a semi-transparent way in order tomaintain the focus on the building to be manipu-lated, but also to allow a preview of the integra-tion. The lower-left view displays two-dimensionalbuildings footprint, and enables the city planner tomodify the ground plan of all floors of the build-ing. Moreover, an arbitrary wall can be selectedand thereupon the selected wall will be in the focusof the view in the upper-right of the editor, i.e., thevirtual camera is steered to that wall. The lower-right view focuses on the current wall, which hasbeen selected in the bottom-left or upper-right view.Using that view the city planner can add or removewindows or doors and he can assign correspond-ing textures to them. By overlaying the develop-ment plan onto the 3D preview or onto the orthog-onal lower-left, the city planner gets informationabout the constraints that have to be incorporatedin the parcel boundary area, e.g., maximum allowedheight between floors etc. After finished modelinga virtual building, it can be imported into an arbi-trary virtual 3D city. Moreover, a once generatedvirtual building can be stored in a virtual buildinglibrary that can be accessed from within each new

development plan.

4.2.2 Integration of Virtual Objects

Although, VR environments provide the possibilityto manipulate virtual objects in an intuitive man-ner, e.g., by using virtual hand or virtual pointermetaphors ([17]), these concepts are often limited,because the cognitive effort for an interaction is def-initely higher in VR than the effort for the corre-sponding interaction in the real world. In addition,it is often difficult to perform precise interactionsbecause of tracking errors and hand tremors. Forexample, it is hard to select small or distant ob-jects. Thus, generic interaction tasks need to beenhanced.

In order to advance such basic interaction taskswe proposed the improved virtual pointer (IVP)metaphor, which avoids most disadvantages of cur-rent interaction metaphors ([24]). This approachallows city planners to select a desired geoobjectwith a virtual pointer without requiring an exacthit. While a straight ray is used to indicate the di-rection of the virtual pointer, an additionally visu-alized bendable ray points to the closest selectablegeoobject or item (see Figure 4 (left viewport)). Af-ter selecting the desired geoobject, manipulationscan be performed similar to the manipulations ofphysical block models. The movements of the vir-tual input device are transferred by advanced map-ping approaches to the selected geoobject, which

supports also the manipulation of distant objectsoutside the immediate reach of the city planner([24]). Due to this mapping strategy virtual geoob-jects can be arranged very comfortably and intu-itively.

To reduce the cognitive effort for such 3D interac-tions, we have integrated 3D widgets into the ma-nipulation process as illustrated in Figure 4 (leftviewport). 3D widgets provide an easy way to ma-nipulate objects with six degrees of freedom (DoF)by constraining the simultaneously manipulated de-grees to one. Widgets provide handles for trans-lation, rotation, and scaling of virtual geoobjects.Thus, six DoF manipulation tasks can be decom-posed to a sequence of simple two-dimensional in-teractions.

Furthermore, we support interaction with multi-modal feedback. For example, when a selection ispossible, e.g., the selection ray hits a virtual build-ing, the users perceive an acoustic feedback and aslight vibration, if the input device of the city plan-ner is equipped appropriately with correspondingvibration units. The intensity of both signals de-pends on the position of the virtual building withrespect to the planner’s position, e.g., with increas-ing distance between city planner and building thevibration signal decreases.

Figure 4 shows two planners in front of a pas-sive rear-projection screen. The right user gener-ates virtual buildings using the described virtualbuilding editor, whereas the left user arranges thesebuildings in the 3D city model by using the IVPmetaphor.

5 Usability Studies

We have evaluated the CVE interaction conceptsin two usability studies performed within the con-text of the 3D residential city planner project. The25 subjects chosen for the test series were famil-iar with residential planning environments. Mostsubjects were geoinformatic students, but also land-scape ecologists, computer scientists and mathe-maticians participated in the usability study.

5.1 Tasks

To evaluate the co-located exploration concepts de-scribed in Section 4.1 we have performed a usabil-ity study in which we compare the proposed ap-proaches for cooperative and collaborative as wellas single-user interaction. Since the results of thisstudy should give a first impression of how far thedescribed concepts are accepted and applicable byVR-experts and -novices, we have requested 10 par-ticipants to evaluate the approaches. The partic-ipants were VR-novices such as students of com-puter science, mathematics and geoinformatics as

well as research assistants, which are familiar withVR technologies.

We presented the application to a pair or agroup of three participants, one of whom woretracked shutter glasses, whereas the others worenon-tracked stereo glasses. To change the activeuser, the participants had to switch the glasses. Inthe second phase, both participants wore trackedglasses, and we tested the cooperation mode withthe proposed registration processes, initiated by thedescribed gestures. For each approach, i.e., an-nouncement, invitation and time-dependent switch,we gave a short introduction into the functional-ity of the techniques. In the last study phase, weused the collaboration mode to find out in how farthe visualization on a tiled projection screen affectsthe subjective perception of the participants. Forthe evaluation of the usability study, the partici-pants were asked to review the different interactionmodes and techniques for the registration process.Most questions were based on a five-point Likertscale (from 1 to 5 associated with correspondingratings).

For the evaluation of the concepts described inSection 4.2, 15 subjects had to accomplish sev-eral selection and positioning tasks, i.e., randomlymarked virtual buildings had to be selected and ar-ranged in a development plan by using different in-teraction metaphors. These metaphors included theIVP metaphor and a simplification, called sticky-raymetaphor, the ray-casting technique, and the sticky-finger technique described in ([24, 4, 20]). We haveevaluated the time needed for each subtask and theaccuracy achieved with a particular metaphor.

The most significant results are summarized inthe next section.

5.2 Result

The manual switching of tracked glasses and inputdevices takes at least five seconds and as expectedparticipants feel inconvenient about it. They ratherprefer to watch a virtual scene without trackedglasses than to switch the glasses again and again.This is also confirmed by the survey, which pointsout that the perspective distortion as well as thejerky leaps in the visualization occurring when anactive user is changed, are considered as minor dis-turbance (average 2.3 respectively 2.1 where 1 cor-responds to non disturbing and 5 corresponds tovery disturbing).

As depicted in Figure 5 the review of the qualityand size of the visual representation in the two-usersplit-screen collaboration mode shows that thesequalities do not decrease significantly, and distrac-tion by perception of other users’ viewports hasbeen evaluated as minor (5 corresponds to suffi-cient size and quality of projection screen (1), no

Figure 5: Results of the user survey.

perspective disturbing distortion (2) and sufficientsize of interaction area (3), whereas 1 correspondsto insufficient size and quality of projection screen(1), very perspective disturbing distortion (2) andinsufficient size of interaction area (3)). The inter-action space in front of the RWB has been evaluatedas sufficient, but a larger interaction area would bepreferable especially in the split-screen collabora-tion mode and for more than three planners.

The complexity and usability of the proposedgesture-based registration process has been evalu-ated with 4.8 on average (1 corresponds to verycomplex and not intuitive, 5 corresponds to notcomplex and very intuitive), and support by multi-modal feedback has been reviewed as very helpful(on average 4.1 where 1 corresponds to not helpful,5 corresponds to very helpful).

Furthermore, Figure 5 points out that the inter-action space in front of the RWB has been evalu-ated as sufficient (average 4.2 on a five-point Likertscale (3), where 5 corresponds to sufficient size ofinteraction area, whereas 1 insufficient size of in-teraction area), but a larger interaction area wouldbe preferable especially in the split-screen collabo-ration mode.










IVP Sticky-Ray Ray-Casting Sticky-Finger


in se



local distant

Figure 6: Results of the usability test.

The most significant results of the evaluation ofthe direct interaction concepts proposed in Section4.2.2 are illustrated in Figure 6. This chart showsthe time needed for a selection when using the dif-

ferent metaphors. The results clearly show that theIVP metaphor improves efficiency and that selec-tions are performed faster for local object selection,i.e., selection in the immediate reach of the user, aswell as for selecting distant geoobjects. Also per-forming the required manipulations was more accu-rate and precise using the described approach. Theparticipants have evaluated the IVP metaphor asthe most intuitive, easy to use and easy to learnmetaphor in comparison to the other approaches.Although a significant performance increase couldnot be observed, the participants felt convenientand confirmed during interaction processes when re-ceiving multimodal feedback.

6 Summary

The concepts proposed in this paper prove the po-tential of co-located VR-based city planning sys-tems for teamwork planning in semi-immersive VRsystems. Upscaling and downscaling at run timefor a varying number of collaborators is ensured us-ing the co-located exploration approaches withoutthe need of adding or removing any hardware. Inaddition the interaction concepts for the planningprocess presented in this paper prove their advan-tages.

The usability studies point out the applicabilityand potential of the described CVEs. Currently,the land surveying and land registry office evaluatea prerelease version and the city development, cityplanning and transport planning office will test thesystem in a real planning process soon. When thesefield studies are finished, modifications of the actualapplication or integration of further functions willbe accomplished.

7 Acknowledgments

We would like to acknowledge our cooperation part-ners of the city of Munster for providing relevantdata as well as useful hints during the design andimplementation phase of the 3D residential cityplanning software. We also would like to thank thestudents, who implemented most parts of the soft-ware and who participated in the usability studies.


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