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  • 8/22/2019 Bach Queationnaire


    Selecting remedies

    Dr Bach wanted his system to be easy to use. Anyone can select and take remedies without

    professional advice. You don't need special techniques or mystical abilities. Here's what to do.

    Physical problems

    Suppose you are suffering from asthma. There is no Bach remedy for asthma, since this is a

    physical complaint. So the first step is to forget about the physical problem. Instead of

    concentrating on the asthma, think about how you feel emotionally, and about the sort of personyou are.

    Similarly, when it comes to selecting Bach remedies you should ignore any physical symptoms.They are not relevant to which Bach remedies you need.

    The remedies work on a emotional level. If you need help with a physical problem you should

    consult a qualified medical advisor in addition to taking Bach remedies.

    Your current feelings

    Start by thinking about the way you feel at the moment. Perhaps your son is about to start schooland quite without cause you are frightened that he will be bullied? -Red Chestnutis the remedy

    for the fear that something bad will happen to loved ones. Perhaps you have been working too

    hard and are exhausted? - this would indicate the need forOlive.

    Consultthe list of remedies- there are only 38 - and see which ones best match your current


    If you do have a physical problem, consider how it makes you feel emotionally. Do you feel

    frustrated, annoyed, resentful, discouraged, resigned about the condition? Are you alwaysthinking it about it? Does it make you feel anxious?

    As before, look throughthe list of remediesand find those that best match how you feel.
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    Your personality

    You could also think about your basic personality - the sort of person you are underneath

    everything else.

    Perhaps you are someone who tends to be quiet, shy and timid, and doesn't like meeting new new

    people? - This might indicate that you are aMimulustype.

    On the other hand, maybe you recognise yourself as aVervainperson, full of enthusiasm and

    energy, and committed to justice for others? Or you might be something of a loner, liking quiet

    pursuits and your own company, reserved and upright? - That would be aWater Violetpersonality.

    Don't worry if you can't find apersonality remedyright away, though. The important thing is toselect remedies for your current emotions.

    Narrowing the choice

    You can select up to six or seven different remedies in this way. Don't worry if you make awrong selection, because if a remedy is not needed it won't do anything - it certainly won't make

    things worse.

    Experience has shown, however, that too many remedies taken at one time tends to lessen the

    effect. This means that there is no point mixing all 38 to zap everything at once!

    If you find you have more than seven or eight remedies in your mix, you are probably including

    some that are not needed. Leave out any that relate to feelings that are in the past, and any that

    aren't really needed because another remedy is more accurate.

    For example, if you have several fear remedies in your mix - such asMimulus,Aspen,Rock

    Rose- it may be better to concentrate on the remedy that most accurately represents the qualityof your anxiety.
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    Getting help

    There isa full list of remedieson this web site; links lead to individual pages on each remedy.

    We also havea guide to dosage.

    If you need some help to get started, or if you get stuck and would like an outside opinion, you

    can always consult aBach Foundation Registered Practitioner. BFRPs act as teachers and

    advisors, and will give you the confidence to select remedies for yourself, and for your familyand friends.
  • 8/22/2019 Bach Queationnaire


    Agrimony - mental torture behind a cheerful face

    Aspen - fear of unknown things

    Beech - intolerance

    Centaury - the inability to say 'no'

    Cerato - lack of trust in one's own decisions

    Cherry Plum - fear of the mind giving way

    Chestnut Bud - failure to learn from mistakes

    ChicoryChicory - selfish, possessive love

    Clematis - dreaming of the future without working in the present

    Crab Apple - the cleansing remedy, also for self-hatred

    Elm - overwhelmed by responsibility

    Gentian - discouragement after a setback

    Gorse - hopelessness and despair

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    Heather - self-centredness and self-concern

    HollyHolly - hatred, envy and jealousy

    Honeysuckle - living in the past

    Hornbeam - tiredness at the thought of doing something

    Impatiens - impatience

    Larch - lack of confidence

    Mimulus - fear of known things

    Mustard - deep gloom for no reason

    OakOak - the plodder who keeps going past the point of exhaustion

    Olive - exhaustion following mental or physical effort

    Pine - guilt

    Red Chestnut - over-concern for the welfare of loved ones

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    Rock Rose - terror and fright

    Rock Water - self-denial, rigidity and self-repression

    Scleranthus - inability to choose between alternatives

    Star of Bethlehem - shock

    Sweet Chestnut - Extreme mental anguish, when everything has been tried and

    there is no light left

    Vervain - over-enthusiasm

    Vine - dominance and inflexibility

    Walnut - protection from change and unwanted influences

    Water Violet - pride and aloofness

    White Chestnut - unwanted thoughts and mental arguments

    Wild Oat - uncertainty over one's direction in life

    Wild Rose - drifting, resignation, apathy

    Willow - self-pity and resentment

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    AgrimonyI hide my feelings behind a facade of cheerfulnessI dislike arguments and often give in to avoid conflictI turn to food, work, alcohol, drugs, etc. when down

    AspenI feel anxious without knowing whyI have a secret fear that something bad will happenI wake up feeling anxious

    BeechI get annoyed by the habits of othersI focus on others mistakesI am critical and intolerant


    I often neglect my own needs to pleaseI find it difficult to say noI tend to be easily influenced

    CeratoI constantly second-guess myselfI seek advice, mistrusting my own intuitionI often change my mind out of confusion

    Cherry PlumIm afraid I might lose control of myself

    I have sudden fits of rageI feel like Im going crazy

    Chestnut BudI make the same mistakes over and overI dont learn from my experienceI keep repeating the same patterns

    ChicoryI need to be needed and want my loved ones closeI feel unloved and unappreciated by my family

    I easily feel slighted and hurt

    ClematisI often feel spacey and absent mindedI find myself unable to concentrate for longI get drowsy and sleep more than necessary

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    Crab AppleI am overly concerned with cleanlinessI feel unclean or physically unattractiveI tend to obsess over little things

    ElmI feel overwhelmed by my responsibilitiesI dont cope well under pressureI have temporarily lost my self-confidence

    GentianI become discouraged with small setbacksI am easily disheartened when faced with difficultiesI am often skeptical and pessimistic


    I feel hopeless, and cant see a way outI lack faith that things could get better in my lifeI feel sullen and depressed

    HeatherI am obsessed with my own troublesI dislike being alone and I like to talkI usually bring conversations back to myself

    HollyI am suspicious of others

    I feel discontented and unhappyI am full of jealousy, mistrust, or hate

    HoneysuckleIm often homesick for the way it wasI think more about the past than the presentI often think about what might have been

    HornbeamI often feel too tired to face the day aheadI feel mentally exhausted

    I tend to put things off

    ImpatiensI find it hard to wait for thingsI am impatient and irritableI prefer to work alone

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    LarchI lack self-confidenceI feel inferior and often become discouragedI never expect anything but failure

    MimulusI am afraid of things such as spiders, illness, etc.I am shy, overly sensitive, and modestI get nervous and embarrassed

    MustardI get depressed without any reasonI feel my moods swinging back and forthI get gloomy feelings that come and go


    I tend to overwork and keep on in spite of exhaustionI have a strong sense of duty and never give upI neglect my own needs in order to complete a task

    OliveI feel completely exhausted, physically and/or mentallyI am totally drained of all energy with no reserves leftI have just been through a long period of illness or stress

    PineI feel unworthy and inferior

    I often feel guiltyI blame myself for everything that goes wrong

    Red ChestnutI am overly concerned and worried about my loved onesI am distressed and disturbedby other peoples problems

    I worry that harm may come to those I love

    Rock RoseI sometimes feel terror and panicI become helpless and frozen when afraid

    I suffer from nightmares

    Rock WaterI set high standards for myselfI am strict with my health, work &/or spiritual disciplineI am very self-disciplined, always striving for perfection

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    ScleranthusI find it difficult to make decisionsI often change my opinionsI have intense mood swings

    Star of BethlehemI feel devastated due to a recent shockI am withdrawn due to traumatic events in my lifeI have never recovered from loss or fright

    Sweet ChestnutI feel extreme mental or emotional heartacheI have reached the limits of my enduranceI am in complete despair, all hope gone


    I get high-strung and very intenseI try to convince others of my way of thinkingI am sensitive to injustice, almost fanatical

    VineI tend to take charge of projects, situations, etc.I consider myself a natural leaderI am strong-willed, ambitious and often bossy

    WalnutI am experiencing change in my lifea move, new job, etc.

    I get drained by people or situationsI want to be free to follow my own ambitions

    Water VioletI give the impression that Im aloofI prefer to be alone when overwhelmedI often dont connect with people

    White ChestnutI am constantly thinking unwanted thoughtsI relive unhappy events or arguments over and over again

    I am unable to sleep at times because I cant stop thinking

    Wild OatI cant find my path in lifeI am drifting in life and lack directionI am ambitious but dont know what to do

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    Wild RoseI am apathetic and resigned to whatever happensI have the attitude, It doesnt matter anyhowI feel no joy in life

    WillowI feel resentful and bitterI have difficulty forgiving and forgettingI think life is unfair and have a Poor me attitude


    The jovial, cheerful, humorous people who love peace and are distressed by argument or

    quarrel, to avoid which they will agree to give up much. Though generally they have troubles

    and are tormented and restless and worried in mind or in body, they hide their cares behind theirhumor and jesting and are considered very good friends to know. They often take alcohol or

    drugs in excess, to stimulate them and help themselves bear their trials with cheerfulness. - Dr.Edward BachKeywords: Addiction, unhappy, anxiety

    Human Indication: Mental torment behind a brave face. Appear care-free and humorous in

    order to mask anxieties.


    Vague unknown fears, for which there can be given no explanation, no reason. It is a terror that

    something awful is going to happen even though it is unclear what exactly. These vague

    inexplicable fears may haunt by night or day. Sufferers may often be afraid to tell their trouble toothers.Dr. Edward Bach

    Keywords: Fear, worries, unknown fears

    Human Indication: Fears and worries of unknown origin.

    Pet Indication: Vague or unaccountable fears. Appearing agitated for no apparent reason


    For those who feel the need to see more good and beauty in all that surrounds them. And,

    although much appears to be wrong, to have the ability to see the good growing within. So as tobe able to be more tolerant, lenient and understanding of the different way each individual and

    all things are working to their own perfection. - Dr. Edward BachKeywords: Intolerance, critical, lack of compassion

    Human Indication: When you need more tolerance toward other people.Animal/Pet indication: Intolerance toward animals, people, events and situations
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    Kind, quiet, gentle people who are over-anxious to serve others. They overtax their strength in

    their endeavors. Their wish so grows upon them that they become more servants than willinghelpers. Their good nature leads them to do more than their own share of work, and in so doing

    they may neglect their own particular mission in life - Dr. Edward BachKeywords: Weak-willed, bullied, unable to say no, imposed on, lack energy, tired, timid,passive, quietHuman indication: When you have a hard time saying NO and therefore easily get imposedon.


    Those who have not sufficient confidence in themselves to make their own decisions. They

    constantly seek advice from others, and are often misguided Dr. Edward Bach

    Keywords: Confirmation, seeking advice, do not trust own wisdom or judgment

    Human indication: When you do not trust your own judgment in decision-making.

    Cherry Plum

    Fear of mind being over-strained, of reason giving away, of doing fearful and dreaded things,

    not wished and known wrong, yet there comes the thought and impulse to do them. - Dr.

    Edward Bach

    Keywords: Fear of losing control, temper tantrum, breakdown, abusive, rage, explodeHuman indication: When you are in deep despair and feel like you are going to lose it.Animal/Pet indication: A loss of self-control, violent scratching

    Chestnut Bud
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    For those who do not take full advantage of observation and experience, and who take a longer

    time than others to learn the lessons of daily life. Whereas one experience would be enough for

    some, such people find it necessary to have more, sometimes several, before the lesson is learnt.Therefore, to their regret, they find themselves having to make the same error on different

    occasions when once would have been enough, or observation of others could have spared them

    even that one fault. - Dr. Edward BachKeywords: Learning, repeating mistakes

    Human indication: Keeps repeating the same mistake, doesnt learn from past mistakes

    Animal/Pet indication: Repeated unsuccessful behavior patterns, doesnt learn from past



    Those who are very mindful of the needs ofothers they tend to be over-full of care for children,relatives, friends, always finding something that should be put right. They are continually

    correcting what they consider wrong, and enjoy doing so. They desire that those for whom they

    care should be near them - Dr. Edward Bach

    Keywords: Possessive, over-protective, self-centered, critical, nagging, self-pity, easily

    offended, manipulating, demanding

    Human indication: When you find yourself manipulating and controlling your loved ones.

    Animal/Pet indication: Possessive in nature, very territorial, manipulating, loving to be in



    Those who are dreamy, drowsy, not fully awake, no great interest in life. Quiet people, notreally happy in their present circumstances, living more in the future than in the present; living in

    hopes of happier times when their ideals may come true. In illness some make little or no effort

    to get well, and in certain cases may even look forward to death, in the hope of better times; or

    maybe, meeting again some beloved one whom they have lost. - Dr. Edward Bach

    Keywords: Daydreaming, dreaminess, withdrawing, lack of concentration

    Human indication: When you have a tendency to live in your own dream world with littleinterest in the real world, accident prone, daydreaming.

    Animal/Pet indication: No apparent interest in the world around them: animals that sleep all the

    time, have trouble paying attention, or seem to live more in a dream than in the present
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    Crab Apple

    This is the remedy of cleansing. For those who feel as if they have something not quite clean

    about themselves. Often it is something of apparently little importance: in others there may bemore serious disease which is almost disregarded compared to the one thing on which they

    concentrate. In both types they are anxious to be free from the one particular thing which is

    greatest in their minds and which seems so essential to them that it should be cured. Theybecome despondent if treatment fails. Being a cleanser, this remedy purifies wounds if the

    patient has reason to believe that some poison has entered which must be drawn out. - Dr.

    Edward Bach

    Keywords: Cleansing, poor self image, sense of not being clean, obsessive, poor self image

    Human indication: When you feel unclean or have a hard time accepting your own self image.Cleansing: Use externally on ringworm, rashes and warts.

    Animal/Pet indication: Obsessive cleanliness, fastidiousness; excessive grooming. Pets with



    Those who are doing good work, are following the calling of their life and who hope to dosomething of importance, and this often for the benefit of humanity. At times there may beperiods of depression when they feel that the task they have undertaken is too difficult, and not

    within the power of a human being. - Dr. Edward Bach

    Keywords: Depression overwhelmed by responsibilities, despondent, exhausted

    Human indication: Feeling overwhelmed and depressed, there is too much to do and you dont

    feel that you can do it all.

    Animal/Pet indication: Overwhelmed by a sense of responsibility from a temporary

    circumstance: abandoning their litter

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    Those who are easily discouraged. They may be progressing well in illness or in the affairs of

    their daily life, but any small delay or hindrance to progress causes doubt and soon disheartens

    them. - Dr. Edward Bach

    Keywords: Discouraged, depressed

    Human indication: When you easily get discouraged when faced with difficulties.Animal/Pet indication: Despondency due to a setback; e.g.; not going for a walk as usual

    creates lethargy and sadness


    Very great hopelessness, they have given up belief that more can be done for them. Under

    persuasion or to please others they may try different treatments, at the same time assuring thosearound that there is so little hope of relief. - Dr. Edward Bach

    Keywords: Hopelessness, despair, pessimism

    Human indication: When you have the feeling of extreme hopelessness and despair.

    Animal/Pet indication: Feeling a hopeless despair

    HeatherThose who are always seeking the companionship of anyone who may be available, as they findit necessary to discuss their own affairs with others, no matter who it may be. They are very

    unhappy if they have to be alone for any length of time. - Dr. Edward Bach

    Keywords: Talkative, demand attention, dislike being alone, lonely

    Human indication: Helps when you are preoccupied with own ailments and problems.

    Animal/pet indication: Overly concerned with companionship, very demanding for attention,constant barking.


    For those who are sometimes attacked by thoughts of such kind asjealousy, envy, revenge,

    suspicion. For the different forms of vexation. Within themselves they may suffer much, often

    when there is no real cause for their unhappiness. - Dr. Edward Bach
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    Keyword: Envy, jealousy, hate, insecurity, suspicious, aggressive, needs compassion

    Human indication: When you need to overcome the feeling of hate, envy and jealousy.

    Animal/pet indication: Jealousy of other animals or a new baby in the home. Angry growling,hissing, barking, snapping or unprovoked attacks


    Those who live much in the past, perhaps a time of great happiness, or memories of a lostfriend, or ambitions which have not come true. They do not expect further happiness such as they

    have had. - Dr. Edward Bach

    Keyword: Homesickness, nostalgia, bereavement

    Human indication: For over-attachment to past memories good orbad, cant let go of the past,

    homesickness.Animal/pet indication: Homesickness or over-attachment to the past. Loss of owner or home


    For those who feel that they have not sufficient strength, mentally or physically, to carry theburden of life placed upon them; the affairs of every day seem too much for them to accomplish,

    though they generally succeed in fulfilling their task. For those who believe that some part, of

    mind or body, needs to be strengthened before they can easily fulfill their work. - Dr. Edward


    Keyword: Weariness, bores, tired, needs strength, overworked, procrastination, doubting own

    abilitiesHuman indication: For weariness: mental rather that physical, the Monday morning feelingwith a sense of staleness and lack of variety in life.

    Animal/pet indication: Lethargy or lack of enthusiasm to go anywhere, but once engaged in an

    activity or game is fully involved

    ImpatiensThose who are quick in thought and action and who wish all things to be done without

    hesitation or delay. When ill they are anxious for a hasty recovery. They find it very difficult to

    be patient with people who are slow as they consider it wrong and a waste of time, and they willEndeavour to make such people quicker in all ways. They often prefer to work and think alone,

    so that they can do everything at their own speed. - Dr. Edward Bach

    Keyword: Impatience, irritated, nervy, frustration, fidgety, accident-prone, hasty

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    Human indication: Suitable for people who are easily irritated and impatient. They speak and

    think quickly, and are energetic, but tense.

    Animal/pet indication:Impatient and seeming to have boundless energy; cant wait to go for awalk or rushes ahead

    LarchFor those who do not consider themselves as good or capable as those around them, who expectfailure, who feel that they will never be a success, an so do not venture or make a strong enough

    attempt to succeed. - Dr. Edward Bach

    Keyword: Lack of confidence, depressed, discouraged, feeling of inferiority

    Human indication: When you need more self-confidence.

    Animal/pet indication: Lack of self-confidence or avoiding situations where they have to


    MimulusFear of worldly things, illness, pain, accidents, poverty, of dark, of being alone, of misfortune.

    The fears of everyday life. These people quietly and secretly bear their dread; they do not freely

    speak of it to others. - Dr. Edward BachKeyword: Fear, blushing, stammering, shyness, timid, sensitive, lack of courage

    Human indication: Fear of known things. Such as fear of being alone, fear of spiders, fear offlying or fear of the dark. Shyness is also a known fear.

    Animal/pet indication: For fears: afraid of lightening, visits to the vet. May shake or shiverwhen confronted. Shy and timid animals.

    MustardThose who are liable to times of gloom or even despair, as though a cold dark cloud

    overshadowed them and hid the light and the joy of life. It may not be possible to give anyreason or explanation for such attacks. Under these conditions it is almost impossible to appear

    happy or cheerful. - Dr. Edward BachKeyword: Depression, deep gloom for no reason

    Human indication: When you feel depressed for no reason. Like a dark cloud that destroys

    normal cheerfulness.

    Animal/pet indication: If your pet seems depressed for no reason

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    For those who are struggling and fighting strongly to get well, or in connection with the affairsof their daily life. They will go on trying one thing after another, though their case may seem

    hopeless. They will fight on. They are discontented with themselves if illness interferes with

    their duties or helping others. They are brave people, fighting against great difficulties, withoutloss of hope of effort. - Dr. Edward Bach

    Keyword: Exhaustion, overwork, workaholic, fatigued, over-achiever

    Human Indication: When you are exhausted, but keep struggling on.

    Animal/Pet Indication: If your pet keep struggling although it is exhausted, never seem to quit.

    OliveThose who have suffered much mentally or physically and are so exhausted and weary that they

    feel they have no more strength to make any effort. Daily life is hard work for them, withoutpleasure. - Dr. Edward Bach

    Keyword: Lack of energy, fatigue, convalescence

    Human indication: When you are exhausted with no reserves of strength or energy.

    Animal/pet indication: Exhaustion, fatigue due to overwork: for working animals or those

    involved in racing, competitive events or shows.

    PineFor those who blame themselves. Even when successful they think they could have done better,and are never satisfied with the decisions they make. Would this remedy help me to stop blaming

    myself for everything? - Dr. Edward Bach

    Keywords: Guilt, self-reproach, humble, apologetic, shame, unworthy, undeserving

    Human indication: When you feel guilt and self-reproach, not necessarily based on any actual

    wrong-doing but destroys the possibility of joy in living.

    Animal/pet indication: If an animal feel shame or guilt for which something it cannot control

    Red ChestnutFor those who find it difficult not to be anxious for other people. Often they have ceased to

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    worry about themselves, but for those of. - Dr. Edward Bach

    Keywords: Worried, over-concern, fear

    Human indication: When you feel over-concerned and worried for others.

    Rock RoseThe remedy of emergency for cases where there even appears no hope. In accident serious or

    sudden illness, or when the patient is very frightened or terrified, or if the conditions is seriousenough to cause great fear to those around. If the patient is not conscious the lips may be

    moistened with the remedy. - Dr. Edward Bach

    Keywords: Frozen fear, terror

    Human indication: When you feel terror, or after a nightmare. The feeling that you cannot reactor move.

    Animal/pet indication: Terror, panic-stricken: body trembling, cowers or runs away. Deer in thehead light.

    Rock WaterThose who are very strict in their way of living; they deny themselves many of the joys and

    pleasures of life because they consider it might interfere with their work. They are hard masters

    to themselves. They wish to be well and strong and active, and will do anything which they

    believe will keep them so. They hope to be examples which will appeal to others who may thenfollow their ideas and be better as a result. - Dr. Edward BachKeywords: Self repression, self denial, self perfection, overwork, self-sacrificing, opinionated

    Human indication: Is indicated when you are too strict and set too-high standards for yourself,

    to the point of self-domination and self-martyrdom


    Those who suffer much from being unable to decide between two things, first one seeming rightthen the other. They are usually quiet people, and bear their difficulty alone, as they are not

    inclined to discuss it with others. - Dr. Edward BachKeyword: Indecision, imbalance, uncertainty, dizziness

    Human indication: When you suffer from indecision, particularly when faced with two


    Animal/pet indication:Animals who cant make up their mind; any swinging behavior pattern

    (eats/doesnt, sleeps a lot/no sleep).

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    Star of Bethlehem

    For those in great distress under conditions which for a time produce great unhappiness. Theshock of serious news, the loss of someone dear, the fright following an accident, and such like.

    For those who for a time refuse to be consoled, this remedy brings comfort. - Dr. Edward Bach

    Keywords: Trauma, after effect of shock, post traumatic stress

    Human indication: For after effects of trauma or traumatic experience.

    Animal/pet indication: Abused, mistreated in the past. Trauma or shock.

    Sweet ChestnutFor those moments which happen to some people when the anguish is so great as to seem to beunbearable. When the mind or body feels as if it had borne to the uttermost limit of its

    endurance, and that now it must give way. When it seems there is nothing but destruction and

    annihilation left to face. - Dr. Edward Bach

    Keywords: Extreme mental anguish, hopeless despair, intense sorrow

    Human indication: When you feel hopeless despair, and you feel an intense sorrow and feel

    destroyed by it.

    VervainThose with fixed principles and ideas, which they are confident are right, and which they very

    rarely change. They have a great wish to convert all around them to their own views of life. They

    are strong of will and have much courage when they are convinced of those things that they wishto teach. In illness they struggle on long after many would have given up their duties.Dr.

    Edward Bach

    Keywords: Over-enthusiasm, hyper-active, fanatical, highly strung

    Human indication: For people who are strong-willed and highly strung with minds that race

    ahead of events.

    Animal/pet indication: Enthusiastic, always want to be involved, high strung.

    VineVery Capable people, certain of their own ability, confident of success. Being so assured, they

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    think that it would be for the benefit of others if they could be persuaded to do things as they

    themselves do, or as they are certain is right. Even in illness they will direct their attendants.

    They may be of great value in emergency. - Dr. Edward Bach

    Keywords: Domineering, inflexible, very capable, gifted, bullying, aggressive

    Human indication: For those who dominate others. They know better than everyone else and

    put others down.Animal/pet indication: Authoritative, dominant even over their owners.

    WalnutFor those who have definite ideals and ambitions in life and are fulfilling them, but on rare

    occasions are tempted to be led away from their own ideas, aims and work by the enthusiasmconvictions or strong opinions of others. The remedy gives constancy and protection from

    outside influences. - Dr. Edward BachKeywords: Change, link breaker, menopause, puberty, moving, let go of the past, protection

    Human indication: Protection from outside influences and energies. Helps you adjust to majorchanges.

    Animal/pet indication: For any period of change.

    Water Violet

    For those who in health or illness like to be alone. Very quiet people, who move about withoutnoise, they are aloof, leave people alone and go their own way. Often clever and talented. Their

    peace and calmness is a blessing to those around them. - Dr. Edward Bach

    Keywords: Proud, aloof, lonely, anti-social, disdainful, condescending, self-reliant, private

    Human indication: People who feel lonely because they have a tendency to appear proud and


    Animal/pet indication: Unfriendly, stand-offish: do not invite or welcome cuddles, petting orobvious affection.

    White ChestnutFor those who cannot prevent thoughts, ideas, arguments which they do not desire fromentering their minds. Usually at such times when the interest of the moment is not strong enough

    to keep the mind full. Thoughts which worry and still remain, or if for a time thrown out, will

    return. They seem to circle round and round and cause mental torture. The presence of such

    unpleasant thoughts drives out peace and interferes with being able to think only of the work or

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    pleasure of the day. - Dr. Edward Bach

    Keywords: Repeated unwanted thoughts, mental arguments, concentration, sleeplessness,


    Human Indication: When you mind is cluttered with thoughts or mental arguments. You may

    be unable to sleep because of the thoughts.

    Wild OatThose who have ambitions to do something of prominence in life, who wish to have much

    experience, and to enjoy all that which is possible for them, to take life to the full. Their

    difficulty is to determine what occupation to follow; as although their ambitions are strong, they

    have no calling which appeals to them above all others. This may cause delay anddissatisfaction. - Dr. Edward Bach

    Keywords: Cross-road in life, decision making, lack of clarity, drifting in lifeHuman indication: When you are uncertain of correct path in life. Helpful when you need to

    make important decisions.

    Animal/pet indication: Loss of sense of direction or purpose; especially good for working or

    show animals who are being retired.

    Wild Rose

    Those who without apparently sufficient reason become resigned to all that happens, and justglide through life, take its as it is, without any effort to improve things and find some joy. They

    have surrendered to the struggle of life without complaint. - Dr. Edward Bach

    Keywords: Apathy, resignation, lost motivation, lack of ambition

    Human indication: For anyone who is resigned to an unpleasant situation whether illness, a

    monotonous life or uncongenial work.

    Animal/pet indication: Lack of energy, enthusiasm: submissive and disinterested.

    WillowFor those who have suffered adversity or misfortune and find these difficult to accept, without

    complaint or resentment, as they judge life much by the success which it brings. They feel thatthey have not deserved so great a trial that it was unjust, and they become embittered. They often

    take less interest and are less active in those things of life which they had previously enjoyed. -

    Dr. Edward Bach

    Keywords: Self pity, resentment, short-changed, poor me, sulky, irritable, grumbling, bitterness,

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    blame, complain

    Human indication: When you feel resentment, self-pity and bitterness. You would like to

    regain a sense of humor and proportion.

    Animal/pet indication: Sulky, self pity


    From the Gurudas book "Flower Essences and Vibrational Healing"

    Almond -Throat chakra mildly stimulated. Used for constant fear. Brings fear into consciousness sothat it can be confronted and resolved.

    Aloe Vera - For one who exhausts oneself through work close to the point of breakdown. Nervoussystem is stimulated and the ethereal fluidium running between each cell is rejuvenated healing skinconditions. Insights stored in the heart are activated.

    Amaranthus - Stimulates the thymus and pituitary glands. Assists in bringing out negative thoughtforms around issues of courage and sexuality. Heart chakra is activated.

    Angelica - For those who feel spirituality bereft and isolated, who live predominantly in amaterialistic or over intellectual world. It enables a connection to the Higher Self and a feeling of

    protection and guidance, particularly when needed at times of change and challenge such as birth,death, marriage, and divorce.

    Apricot - influences blood sugar and fatty tissue, strengthens the pancreas and treats secondaryorgans. Extreme behavior patterns associated with high or low blood sugar levels are modified.

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    Avocado - Helps the body to more efficiently assimilate proteins and chlorophyll. Helps the bodyseliminative process, specifically liver, kidneys, and lymphs. A heightened sense of touch develops.Good for massage therapists and their clients. Prevents the magnification of negative emotional

    states in either party. Deals with the quality of our thoughts both waking and sleeping. Helps to avoidrepeating the same mistake.

    Banana - treats bone structure, strengthens bone marrow. Useful in periodontal disease. A tonic forblood sugar problems such as diabetes and hypoglycemia and the moodiness that is caused bythese states.

    Bells of Ireland - increases male and female fertility and infertility. Has tissue regenerationcapacities for the entire system and alleviates connective tissue degenerative diseases. Intensestress, anxiety, are nervous tension or eased with this remedy.

    Blackberry - helps release dormant talents from past lives, stimulates visions, dreams for problemsolving. Increases fertility in women. Use on animals when attempting to teach them something new.Positive quality: Easy manifestation of ideas in the world, clearly directed will forces, decisive action.Pattern of imbalance: Inability to translate goals and ideals into concrete viable activity.

    Bleeding Heart - Stimulates the heart, the heart chakra and the nadis in the heart. Harmonizes theaffairs of the heart, including extreme attachments to individuals. Enhances the ability to give ratherthan need love through greater nourishment of the inner self. This essence helps people developtheir musical talents.

    Blood Root - enhances concentration, meditation, and creative visualization, especially in healingand for people who are too intellectual. The main psychological clue to look for is people who wantto meditate. Even in high potencies (10M)there may be some nausea in the cleansing process.Bloodroot activates the heart chakra and strengthens the cellularlevel of the body.

    Borage - Opens the heart chakra, eases emotional tension and guides a person to feel happier.Increases physical stamina and courage. Strengthens the heart meridian. Helps people assimilateair at higher altitudes who have a direct astrological link to air signs.

    Bo-Tree - Stimulates the process that leads to enlightenment, but does not actuallly bringenlightenment. A pattern is discovered in oneself, and that is what is explored and made deeper.

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    Individuals may find their consciousness changes in ways they did not expect. It is wise to have anopen mind when using this essence.

    Bottlebrush - For one who experiences anxiety from new people, new surroundings, or a fear ofcrowds, enclosed spaces. For one has to move through crowded cities or overcrowded officebuildings

    Californian Poppy A sense of inner balance is maintained during psychic awakening. Past lifeinformation is released through dreams. The integration point of this psychic information is the solarplexus region because past life information residing in the astral body enters the physical bodythrough the solar plexus. Also stimulates heart / throat chakras.

    Camphor- helps discharge toxicity in the body so that vibrational remedies can work better.

    Carob - develops a collective consciousness in a group of people, which enhances communiationand interaction. People in a group telepathically join their minds together to receive higherinspirations to experience a single, clear, and unified focus.

    Cedar - eases stress caused by an over analytical mind, and over aggressiveness. Cedarstimulates and restores hair to its natural strength by affecting male testosterone, female estrogenand cholesterol levels on the physical and cellular levels. Aides in the relationship between the rootchakra and the digestive tract, cleanses the intestinal tract and restores fresh tissue to the colon. It isalso a mild laxative similar to psyllium seeds.

    Celandine - affects the throat chakra, the nadis in the throat chakra and the thyroid thus stimulatingmetabolism. Excellent for singers and lecturers for articulation and receiving information includinglucid dreams and information from ones guides. All forms of dialogue are enhanced. Benefits peopleunable to receive information clearly.

    Centaury Agave - for people displaying immature behavior patterns such as anger, impatience, orsulking. excessive stress from hearing or memory loss.

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    Chamomile - Affects the autonomic nervous system and strengthens the kidneys. Stimulates thepineal gland which creates a sense of harmony and organization through creative passive statesakin to meditation. Higher wisdom, philosophies, factual academic and linear information areabsorbed more easily. Alleviates stress in the nervous system increasing emotional stability and

    creating calmness in the stomach.

    Chaparral (C) (G) - generates the ability of astral projection with the aid of creative visualization andmeditation. Past life recall increases, especially when past life events interfere with the presentincarnation.

    Cherry Plum (B) - for those on the verge of breakdown, possible suicide. Despair, feeling of loosingsanity. Fear of giving way to violent impulses. Cherry Plum helps you to find an inner balance so thatyou can think and act rationally.

    Clover, Red - For those highly susceptible to mass hysteria or anxiety and easily affected by panicor other forms of group thought. This can result in an unhealthy connection to self destructive andhysterical aspects of the collective unconscious. Red Clover is a powerful cleanser and balancer,especially connected with family relations.

    Coffee - impacts the sympathetic nervous system with little or no influence on the parasympatheticnervous system. Stimulates motor nerves and the kidneys. A wide range of neurological diseasescan be treated with coffee. On the cellular level, it removes fatty tissue from the heart, pituitary, andthyroid.

    Comfrey - a powerful tonic for the nervous system. Helps rechannel brain messages, awakensdormant parts of the brain, and can be used when brain tissue has been destroyed. Balances right -left brain. Maintains vertebrate. Can be given to animals at the time of an injury to jump start thehealing process.

    Corn - Suitable for people living in large cities and high density housing helping people to handlecramped quarters. Excellent remedy to take when doing long-range planning. Allows one to becomeemotionally detached and accept what they are going through, this does not make one impersonal,

    just detached and objective.

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    Cosmos - Has the rare ability of combing the heart and the throat chakras enabling people to betterexpress themselves. Introverted, shy or procrastinating individuals would find this an excellentremedy. Allows people to release emotional tension stored in the heart. Improves circulation,metabolism, heart and thyroid activity are invigorated.

    Cotton - Invigorates all hair on the surface of the body by stimulating protein content of hair. Allowsmore life force to permeate hair. Can be used to treat hair loss or excessive hair by balancing maleand female hormones associated with hair growth.

    Daffodil - Helps one hear ones Higher Self and spiritual guides by allowing the crown chakra toorganize the conscious mind to receive information from the Higher Self. This is a splendid essenceto deepen daily meditative practices.

    Daisy - Spiritualizes the intellect. Generates clarity to really understand what his or her feelings areparticularly in spiritual topics. Spiritualizes emotions and increases humility.

    Dandelion - for compulsive doers who start many activities with great enthusiasm. Dandelionteaches a person how to listen more closely to emotional messages and bodily needs. As thetension is released the person feels greater inner ease and balance and release of emotional

    tension held in muscle tissue; increasing the clarity of one's body-mind communication.

    Date Palm - known for reversing the aging process by rejuvenating the entire cellular level andphysical body, especially the skin. Rejuvenates the DNA, RNA, and parasympathetic nervoussystem. Activates the etheric body and ethereal fluidium, so they can better distribute the life forceinto all the cells.

    Dill - For people obsessed with aging or dying or who are overly self-critical. Uplifts a person to a

    lighter, more expanded form of consciousness to get beyond the basic difficulties and see them in anobjective light. Assists in the proper assimilation of most food. Opens up some of the synapsesbetween various neurons in the brain.

    Eucalyptus - Circulatory system is activated to better carry nutrients and oxygen to various parts ofthe body, this takes place on the cellular level. The balancing capacities of the heart chakra are

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    activated. For people experiencing grief over a loved one. Disagreements in marriage orrelationships can be resolved because it helps you understand the other persons position.

    Fig - Insight into subconscious blockages and fears is attained so that they may be overcome.Confidence increases. Clairaudience and clairvoyance develop. Memory improves by bringingforgotten things to the surface. Increases communication and brings the wisdom of understanding.

    Forget-Me-Not - Opens the crown chakra so dreams and visions are stimulated. Increases brainselectrical activity thus increasing memory capacity, clarity of thought, and negative thought patternsare released.

    Four Leaf Clover- Enhances expressive abilities by strengthening the larynx and thyroid. Peoplewith poor intuition or individuals constantly complaining about their luck would benefit from thisessence. Heart and throat chakras are opened.

    Garlic - For the release of paralyzing anxieties such as stage fright, for strength and resistanceagainst metabolic and immune disturbances of psychic origin.

    Ginseng - A powerful essence for increasing humanness in the person. It can create the strongestinnermost awareness of what it means to be human. Blends the male and female halves of oneself.Regeneration of thymus, pancreas, pituitary, reproductive system and liver develop. Strengthensendocrine system. Activates, root, sacral, heart, throat and brow chakras. Energy from the fivechakras above the head can be integrated by making these energies more human. High doses ofginseng may trigger a healing crisis.

    Grapefruit - Adjust and aligns cranial plates with a regenerative effect on the body manifesting inclearer thoughts and the rlease of tension in the head. Excellent remedy for headaches. Bringsentire body into alignment.

    Green Rose - Enhances psychic abilities. Helps to distinguish between soul and delusionalmessages. Enhances spiritual healing such as hands-on-healing. This essence is quite potentbecause holding a spiral pattern as it does, enables it to duplicate the spiral energy of the pituitarygland, which is one of the critical, sensitive energies for telepathy. Increases psychic facilities of thepineal gland.

    Harvest Broadiaea - Mostly effects the ethereal level helping spiritualize the mental body and helpsspiritualize the intellect of more materialistic people. Alleviates bitterness from a materialistic lifestylewhich can manifest feelings of isolation, selfish behavior or an intellectual form of hostility. Eccentricgeniuses. A prominent essence for strengthening the eyes. Activates the pineal gland and crownchakra increasing the dream state.

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    Hawthorn - Useful in cancer therapy and precancerous emotional states such as extreme stress orgrief from death of a loved one or broken romances.

    Helleborus - Involves understanding the aging process and grasping the spiritual aspect of aging,making time an ally not an enemy. Good for depression from aging. Affects the heart chakra forpeople suffering from broken romance and to help people understand the conditions of life,particularly circumstances that cannot be changed.

    Henna - Tempering of wisdom. Good in transition period when one is accepting or rejecting religiousfaith, or spiritual wisdom

    Hops - Stimulates physical and spiritual growth. Stimulates the pituitary gland and increaseselasticity in the blood vessels. People yearning to amplify their spiritual growth should considertaking this essence. Improves group interaction. Opens the sixth chakra. Activates the etheric bodyand the ethereal fluidium.

    Hyssop - Used primarily to alleviate guilt, not in its suppression, but with honest confrontation to thebasic cause of ones thoughts and actions. Excellent remedy to use with children and in prison


    Iris (Blue Flag) - Opens the heart chakra and releases blockages in the second chakra so thatcreative energy can be channeled to artistic endeavors. Releases hidden artistic talents from pastlives. Magnifies properties in the right brain where artistic inspiration originates.

    Jasmine - Stimulates a sense of practicality and mental clarity. Stimulates the God spark orpermanent atom that resides in the heart chakra.

    Khat - Good essence for people who are anxious, lethargic, prone to fear of aging, and lack vision inlife. Activates the coccyx, medulla oblongata, muscular tissue and third chakra. Meditation isstrengthened.

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    Koenign Van Daenmark - Enables the conscious mind to calculate, analyze, and deducedestructive elements within the physical body of a viral or bacterial nature. Balances mental activitiesin the left and right brain which stimulates the pituitary gland.

    Larkspur- For those in positions of responsibility and leadership who become overburdened by asense of duty, or inflated with power and self-importance. It helps to develop positive leadershipqualities and charisma, to replace self-aggrandizement with generosity and altruism and therebyinspire and motivate others.

    Lavender- Activates the crown chakra and the chakra point about 1.5 inches above the medullaoblongata. This minor chakra creates keen awareness and alertness. Aspects of the higher self canbe integrated into the personality. Cleanses meridians, stimulates visionary states and connectspeople to their higher self to remove karmic blockages that prevent spiritual progress. Can help toestablish emotional balance.

    Lemon - Creates clarity of thought for those having mental blocks, a lack of humor, or extremeemotional states. Although intelligent, one cannot make decisions.

    Lilac - aids the spinal column by cleansing spinal fluid, reducing inflammation, and correctingposture to bring flexibility to the spine. Activates kundalini energy.

    Live Forever- Coordinates spirit guides and teachers so that more information can be received.Information from guides filters through the higher self into the subconscious mind and then into theconscious mind. This essence activates the crown chakra which temporarily cleanses the

    subconscious mind, and aligns the subtle bodies. Any emotional confusion or subjective beliefs aretemporarily set aside so that one can objectively receive this higher information without interfering inthe process.

    Loosestrife - For individuals who want to bring the lower three chakras into alignment so one canachieve stability in life. Works best with people whose crown chakra is already active but need tofunction better in life. Individuals who meditate as a form of escapism. Mildly affects all chakras.

    Loquat - Balances mental and emotional bodies, easing fears and anxieties that can lead toagoraphobia, motion sickness, nausea. Assists the digestive system.

    Lotus - A profoundly powerful flower essence. If given in combination with other flower essences,gem essences or homeopathic remedies it boosts their effect. All emotional problems are eased.Brings all the chakras, meridians, nadis, and subtle bodies into a temporary state of alignment. Rids

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    the body from toxicities that keep vibrational remedies from working. Has a major impact on thecrown chakra and pineal gland. Brings disease to the surface so that it can be expelled from thesystem. Can be taken twice a day for a month as a preventative and general cleanser.

    Luffa - For skin disorders created by internal imbalances. Claustrophobic individuals andundisciplined or hyperactive people such as hyperkinectic children can benefit from this essence.