the effects of posters in enhancing students’ ability …

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(Pre Experimental Research At The Second Grade Of Smpn 1 Makassar)


Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Makassar Muhammadiyah University in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English









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حيم حمن الره الره بسم الله


Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Ainun Fatikasari

NIM : 105351124816

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : The Effects Of Posters in Enhancing Students’ Ability to

Write Descriptive Text Using Direct Instruction Model at

The Second Grade of Junior High School

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Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dan saya bersedia menerima sanksi

apabila pernyataan ini tidak benar.

Makassar, Januari 2021

Yang Membuat Pernyataan

Ainun Fatikasari


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حيم بسم حمن الره الره الله


Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Ainun Fatikasari

NIM : 105351124816

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : The Effects Of Posters in Enhancing Students’ Ability to

Write Descriptive Text Using Direct Instruction Model at

The Second Grade of Junior High School

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2. Dalam menyusun skripsi, saya akan selalu melakukan konsultasi dengan

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3. Saya tidak akan melakuan penjiplakan (plagiat) dalam menyusun skripsi.

4. Apabila saya melanggar perjanjian seperti pada butir 1, 2, dan 3, saya bersedia

menerima sanksi sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku.

Demikian perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh kesadaran.

Makassar, Januari 2021

Yang Membuat Perjanjian

Ainun Fatikasari



Alhamdulillahi Rabbil 'alamin, the researcher would like to thank Allah

SWT for providing a valuable opportunity for life, excellent health, and guidance

so that researchers can complete this thesis well. Salawat and greetings give to the

greatest human being in this world, Prophet Muhammad SAW who brought many

changes until now.

The researcher expressed his highest appreciation and deepest gratitude to

the beloved parents of Saharuddin and Almh. Suhaeni Saleh who always gives

prayers, energy, enthusiasm, finance, also for his love and concern. Researchers

also express their gratitude to all lecturers of the English Department of

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar who have provided their knowledge and

experience. Therefore, the researcher would like to express his deepest

appreciation and gratitude to all of them, especially:

a. Prof. Dr. H. Ambo Asse, M. Ag. Leadership of the University of

Muhammadiyah Makassar

b. Erwin Akib M. Pd., P. Hd, Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and


c. Head of English Department Ummi Khaeratui Syam, S. Pd., M.Pd and

secretary Ismail Sangkala, S. Pd., M. Pd and all staff

d. H. Bahrun Amin, M.Hum as the first consultant and Firman, S. Pd., M.Pd as

the second consultant who provided valuable time and guidance to complete

this thesis.


e. All teachers in the English Department for their valuable knowledge and


f. the greatest thanks to the Principal, English teacher, staff, and all students of

SMPN 1 Makassar

g. the researcher whole family, especially cousin Suciati Udin, S.Pd, with their

willingness to help and guide researchers in completing this thesis properly.

h. Special thanks for all the support and motivation from Adelin,

Nurmawaddah, Asriana, Hasmila, A. Gina, Januarianthika and Nursafitrah.

Also for A. Egi Setiawan and Nurfaizah Haris for their willingness to guide

researchers in completing this thesis well.

i. Finally, for everyone who has given advice, guidance, assistance, and advice

in this thesis, may Allah SWT bless you forever.

January, 26th 2021

The Researcher




Ainun Fatikasari. 2020. The Effects Of Poster In Enhancing Students'

Ability To Write Descriptive Text Using Direct Instruction Model At The Second

Grade Of Junior High School. A thesis of English Education Department Faculty

of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.

Supervised Bahrun Amin and Firman.

This research was studied the effects of poster on students writing of

descriptive text using the Direct Instruction Model at the second grade of SMPN 1

Makassar for the 2020/2021 academic year which focused on the use of subject or

idol posters. This helps students to understand the material easier and presents an

interesting way of the learning process. A Pre-experimental research was used

with pre-test and post-test in one class by writing text in a paragraphs which took

approximately two months period for collecting the data. The research subjects

were the eight grade of student in the C-Class which consisted of nineteen

students who took online classes. In this research, the researcher used purposive

sampling technique for selecting a sample.

The results of this study indicate an enhancement in students writing

descriptive text. This is evidenced by the students mean score in the pre-test

(45.84) which was lower than the post-test score (82.26). The t-test value was

higher than the t-table value (11,880> 1,734). This means that there was a

significant difference between the use of posters through the Direct Instruction

Model in writing descriptive text which focused on the use of subject or idol

poster. Therefore, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Hence, it can be concluded

that the poster could enhance students ability in writing descriptive text by using

direct instruction model at the second grade of junior high school.

Keywords: Writing, Posters, Descriptive text, Direct Instruction Model



Ainun Fatikasari. 2020. Pengaruh Poster Dalam Meningkatkan

Kemampuan Siswa Menulis Teks Deskriptif Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran

Langsung Instruksi Di Kelas Kedua SMP. Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa

Inggris Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah

Makassar. Dibimbing oleh Bahrun Amin dan Firman.

Penelitian ini mempelajari pengaruh poster terhadap tulisan teks deskriptif

siswa menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Langsung di kelas II SMPN 1 Makassar

tahun ajaran 2020/2021 yang difokuskan pada penggunaan materi / poster idola.

Hal ini membantu siswa untuk lebih mudah memahami materi dan menyajikan

proses pembelajaran yang menarik. Penelitian pra-eksperimental digunakan

dengan pre-test dan post-test pada satu kelas dengan menulis teks dalam paragraf.

Subjek penelitian adalah kelas VIII C yang terdiri dari 19 siswa yang mengambil

kelas online. Sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian

ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pada siswa.

Hal ini dibuktikan dengan nilai rata-rata siswa pada pre-test (45,84) yang

lebih rendah dari pada nilai post-test (82,26). Nilai t-test lebih tinggi dari nilai t-

tabel (11,880> 1,734). Artinya terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara

penggunaan poster melalui Model Direct Instuction untuk penulisan teks

deskriptif. Oleh karena itu, H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima. Dengan demikian dapat

disimpulkan bahwa poster dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis

teks deskriptif dengan model pembelajaran langsung.

Kata Kunci: Menulis, Poster, Teks Deskriptif, Model Pembelajaran Langsung



“ Don’t pass it even a day! “

I dedicate this thesis special to my beloved parents and for Unismuh Makassar.



COVER ......................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL SHEET .................................................................................... ii

COUNSELLING SHEET ............................................................................ iii

SURAT PERNYATAAN .............................................................................. vii

SURAT PERJANJIAN ................................................................................ viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................... ix

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. xi

MOTTO ........................................................................................................ xiii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................. xiv

LIST OF TABLE .......................................................................................... xvi

LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................... xvii

LIST OF APPENDICES .............................................................................. xviii


A. Background ......................................................................................... 19

B. Problem Statement .............................................................................. 21

C. Objective of the Study ......................................................................... 22

D. Significance of the Study .................................................................... 22

E. Scope of the Research .......................................................................... 22


A. Previous Related Research Findings ................................................... 23

B. Some Pertinent Ideas ........................................................................... 25

C. Conceptual Framework ....................................................................... 51

D. Statistical Hypothesis ......................................................................... 52


A. Research Design .................................................................................. 53

B. Population and Sample ....................................................................... 53

C. Research Variable and Indication ....................................................... 54

D. Research Instrument ........................................................................... 55

E. The Technique of Collecting Data ...................................................... 56


F. Data Collection .................................................................................... 59

G. Data Analysis ...................................................................................... 59


A. Findings .............................................................................................. 62

B. Discussion .......................................................................................... 68


A. Conclusion .......................................................................................... 73

B. Suggestion .......................................................................................... 73

BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................ 75

APPENDICES ............................................................................................. 78




Table 3.1. Rubric for Assessing Students’ Writing Descriptive Text ............ 56

Table 3.2. Classification of Students’ Result ................................................. 60

Table 4.1. students’ score in Writing Ability by Using Poster in Pre test ...... 63

Table 4.2. Frequency and Rate Percentage of the students’ Writing

Ability by using Poster in Pre-test ................................................................. 64

Table 4.3 students’ score in Writing Ability by Using Poster in post-test ...... 64

Table 4.4 frequency and rate percentage of the students in Writing

Ability by Using Poster in post-test ............................................................... 65

Table 4.5 Students’ Enhancement Writing In Writing Ability ....................... 66

Table 4.6 T-Test Calculation/Value ................................................................ 67

Table 4.7 the T-test Value of Students’ Writing Ability ................................. 68




Figure 2.1. Conceptual Framework .............................................................. 51




Appendix A: RPP (Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran) .............................. 79

Appendix B: Instrument ................................................................................. 81

Appendix C: Teaching Materials.................................................................... 81

Appendix D: Students’ Score in Pre-test ........................................................ 92

Appendix E: Students’ Score in Post-test ....................................................... 94

Appendix F: The Enhancement of Students’ Writing Ability ........................ 96

Appendix G: T-Test Analysis ......................................................................... 97

Appendix H: Distribution of T-table .............................................................. 98

Appendix I: Research Control Card ............................................................... 99

Appendix J: Research Permit ......................................................................... 100

Appendix K: Result Test of Students ............................................................. 101

Appendix L: Turnitin Certificate ................................................................... 103

Appendix M: CV ............................................................................................ 104




A. Background

Language is the method that is used by humans to communicate either

spoken or written (Nazilah, 2018). There are also many languages in this universe.

English is one of the languages which is known as an international and a unifying

language throughout the universe. Hence, English also can be useful for many

purposes such as business, travel, engineer, and particularly for education.

Nowadays the rapid movement of globalization brings impact for

education which makes English become an essential language to learn and master.

Besides, Indonesia is a developing country. English education is an important

thing, not just because English is one of the global language but also for the

education improvement in Indonesia. English education has become an attention

by all aspects of citizen in Indonesia. Moreover, English has become a subject in

the national examination, so learning and mastering English is really important

(INur Santi, 2018).

In learning English, the student is expects to master four skills. The four

skills are; speaking, writing (which are included in productive skill), reading, and

listening (which are included in receptive skills). Hence, the researcher will focus

on writing as a productive English skill. ( Jannah, R. 2012)

As one of the skills in learning English, enhancing students' ability through

writing needs to be concerned. According to Apsari, AAN (2019), 2019 Writing


means pouring what the writer thinks or feels that come across from the writer’s

mind in a written form. According to Richard and Renandya (2002:303), Writing

is the most difficult skill for learners to master. The difficulty is not only by

generating and organizing ideas but also translating these ideas into readable text.

Writing needs to thinking hard to produce ideas with the right composition that

poured in a word, sentence, or paragraph.

Many studies stated that writing is an important and difficult skill of

English to learn, seeing that so many aspects of writing that must be considered to

write. As one of the most difficult to master between others, apparently writing

needs some efforts to gain good results in writing especially writing in a foreign

language. Many students in class suffer the hard part of writing it is how about to

start; how to start from digging the information, express about the thing and

choose the content (Apsari, AAN (2019), 2019). Hence, all aspects of educator try

to find effective and good ways to enhance students' abilities.

Descriptive text is a type of text which describes someone or something as

if the reader can feel, imagine, hear, or touch that is described even though they

have not seen it before. According to Langan (2011:189) “The main purpose of a

descriptive essay is to make readers see or hear, taste, smell, or feel what you are

writing about. In introduce a descriptive text, the teacher usually facilitate the

student with some media to stimulant the student so that they will feel enthusiastic

and focus while learning a descriptive text.

In the teaching-learning process of writing, the use of media is

recommended. It will affect the student interest, and comprehension. There are


many benefits of using media in language learning. For example, it will help the

teacher to deliver the material; the students are also more interested and

enthusiastic in joining the class. It also helps the students to understand easier the

material which is being taught, because they can connect the media to real life,

etcetera (Indah, 2018)

Regarding it, many kinds of media have been offered in language learning.

Poster is one of them. Poster is one of the media which is undertakes by the

researcher to modify a good atmosphere of the classroom and to make the writing

learning process more interesting. (2019) said that posters are tools that

enable visualization in the classroom to foster student learning. Posters provide an

opportunity to pair visual learning with textbook reading, lecture, and traditional

homework assignments.

Based on research from internship programs 1 to 3 and programs for

strengthening the teaching profession (p2k) from campus that are directly

involved with students and also regarding the school curriculum, the researcher

have found many student problems in class about the most difficult part of writing

is how to start or choose a topic that they want to write, explore information, and

how they are able to write something clearly and correctly, especially in learning

English. The researcher have seen students become more interested and active in

learning when given lots of pictures or when researchers discuss things they like.

Here the researcher uses the idol poster as a media in learning writing descriptive

text using a direct instruction model which is expected to be able to make this

research successful so that students can solve the problems of their writing skills.


B. Problem Statement

Based on the phenomenon above, the researcher conclude that the problem

statement of this research is how does the effect of poster enhance students’ ability

to write descriptive text at the second grade of SMPN 1 Makassar ?

C. Objective of the Research

Based on the problem statement, the objectives of the research is to

describe the effect of poster in enhancing students’ ability to write descriptive text

at the second grade of SMPN 1 Makassar

D. Significance of the study

The result of this research expected to be meaningful information for

students in learning and enhance their writing skills. It is also hope to give the

contribution of English teachers for an understanding by using posters to write

descriptive text.

E. Scope of the research

The researcher focused on the use of subject/idol posters as a media in

writing descriptive text. It helps to understand the material easier and bring an

interesting way in the learning process. Besides, students can construct descriptive

text more easily because they see directly the object that they will describe.

Therefore, to measure the characteristic of a good descriptive text, the

researcher used the characteristic by Apsari AAN (in Zahara, S, 2014: 29)




A. Previous Related Research Findings

The related research has been analysed and observed to get significant

relevance between other research related to the technique, approach, media, etc. In

some previous studies also studied about the effective use of posters to build

students' ability in writing skills. A. Arisandy Putra (2018) studied Teaching

through Poster have several advantages, they are; presenting the messages become

more interesting for the students; it does not need a large space; it is cheap and it

does not need electricity to apply the method; this method helps the students

easier to express their idea. So, the researcher suggested that Poster Comment

recommended to be used in teaching English especially teaching Descriptive text

by using a quasi-experimental method with two groups pre-test and post-test

design. There were two variables in this research; they were an independent

variable (Poster Comment) and a dependent variable (writing a Descriptive text).

Sa’adah (2019) studied the effect of posters to enhance students'

vocabulary which related to the writing skill to construct a sentence or paragraph.

The objective of the study is to improve vocabulary of the children with special

needs. The researchers have chosen the object in the school because, the school

has a lack of learning media and teachers. This research used the "Poster" as a

media, besides the poster can make the students more interested to learn. The

researchers using Poster media with a carton paper converted into a tree viewer


and students are required to fill in a blank section of the tree shape based on a pre-

existing question on the poster containing the Vocabulary subject Noun and Verb.

Vocabulary with visuals so that they are easier to learn which tends to be limited

by the ability they (deaf students) have. The results of this research showed that

the poster media can improve the vocabulary of the students and the students more

interested to learn vocabulary.

INur Santi (2018) studied the finding reveal shows that (1) implementing

idol posters could be applied by following some steps. They were preparing,

implementing, and evaluating steps. (2) There was an improvement of students‟

writing skills in organizing descriptive text by using idol posters. It can be seen

from the result of the cycle I and cycle II. The mean of the post-test of cycle I and

cycle II were higher than the mean of pre-test of cycle I and cycle II. Also, the

percentages of students’ scores showed improvement. Thus, it can be said that

using idol poster is effective in improving students‟ writing skill in organizing

descriptive text for the tenth-year students of MA Darussalam Wonosegoro

Apsari, AAN (2019) (2019) studied that the use of posters on students’

writing of descriptive text in the eighth grade of Mts Al-Ikhlas Lambuya in the

academic year2019/2020. The objective of this research is to obtain the empirical

evidence about the using Posters towards students’ writing skill of descriptive

text. This is revealed that .

Based on the definiton above, the researcher gets similarity with the study

that examine students' ability in writing skills. Based on the internship experience

1 to 3, students in junior high school are weak in vocabulary mastery also


students' interest in learning English is still low due to lack of learning media. On

the explanation above, the researcher interest in conducting a research by title

“The Effect Of Poster In Enhancing Students’ Ability To Write Descriptive Text

Using Direct Instruction Model At The Second Grade Of Junior High School ”

which will effect to create a different and good atmosphere for students and for

their cognitive development.

B Some Pertinent Ideas

1. The Concept of Writing Skill

a. The Definition of Writing

Writing is a skill that classified as the most difficult among other

abilities because writing is a combination of abilities needed in mastering

English. To write, students must have good reading skills for they will be

able to enter knowledge to process their thought before writing. Without

reading, students will not be able to release their ideas since there is no

information entered. Likewise with other abilities, students must receive

advanced information both in listening and reading. As stated by Harmer

(2004) in his book How to Teach Writing “Spoken language, for a child, is

acquired naturally as a result of being exposed to it, whereas the ability to

write has to be consciously learned”. Compared with other skills, writing

has become the most complicated skill because writing is the combination

of any skills in learning a language. By writing, we can order the reader

indirectly or at least change their mind about something that we agree or


disagree with and give them any new knowledge about the things that they

do not know before (Apsari, AAN (2019), 2019). Writing also called long-

life learning because writing is a skill that we learned every day. To be

good writing, the writer had a lot of effort to enhance their skill in writing.

The writer has to practice delivering their ideas with control and revising

so that their result will be perfected to be strong writing even to write an

argument or for influencing people. Writing has various definitions.

According to Luu Trong Tuan (2012) “writing is a process.”This means

that some activities or steps are carried out continuously in the process of

writing. In line with Luu Trong Tuan, Sokolik in Linse and Nunan stated

that “writing is a combination of process and product”. The process is the

activity of bringing together writing ideas and using them so that they

become a writing product that can be understood and understood by the


Furthermore, Oshima and Hogue (2005) state writing is a process

of creating, organizing, writing, and polishing. In this process, one creates

ideas, organizes the ideas, writes a rough draft and the final step one

polishes the rough draft by editing it and making revisions. This means

that when someone is writing something, one has thought about what he

will say and the purpose of writing for the readers. When the writing

process is finished, he as the writer will re-read to find out if some errors

or words need to be replaced. Therefore, writing is never a one-step action;

it is a process that has several steps.


Based on the definitions above, we can conclude that writing is an

activity to organize ideas in the mind to be conveyed and communicated to

the reader in a way that is acceptable and understood.

b. The Process of Writing

Writing process is very important for students in learning a

language; as they need to learn to speak fluently, they also need to learn to

write fluently. The writing process can help students compose their

thoughts or ideas in the form of final writings that the reader can accept

and understand. Oshima and Hogue (2005) mentioned there are four steps

in the writing process, they are creating (pre-writing), planning (outlining),

writing, polishing.

a. Creating (Pre-writing)

Pre-writing is a step that is done before writing. This step is

where the author selects the topic and gets information about the

topic that has been chosen. Several brainstorming techniques will

help students to develop a topic and get a word. (Alice Oshima and

Ann Hogue, op.cit., pp. 265-273.)

1) Journal Writing

In journal writing, students can write daily

activities, note advice that is meaningful to them, maybe

also a meaningful dream, or a discussion of a problem that

students do with themselves. A personal journal can be a

very valuable source and since it is owned by the author


oneself so that one can freely express one thought without

having to consider the opinions of others.

2) Listing

The listing is the next brainstorming technique

where the author will write anything that comes to mind as

quickly as possible when it comes to them in the state of

they think about a topic. This aims to make as many ideas

as possible in the shortest possible time and find focus on

the topic. (Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue, op.cit., pp. 265-


3) Free Writing

With limited time, students are ordered to make a

single word or phrase related to the topic. The limited-time

obligates students to think fast. Free Writing is a

brainstorming activity in which it is free to write about the

topics in the main objective of the step is for looking at a

specific focus without thinking about appropriateness,

grammar, spelling, logic, or organization. Here is the

procedure of free writing:

a. Write the topic at the top of the paper.

b. Write as much as one can about the topic until one runs

out of ideas .Include such supporting items as facts, details,

and examples that come into one’s mind about the subject.


c. After one has run out of ideas, reread the paper and circle

the main idea(s) that one would like to develop.

d. Take each main idea and free-write again. (Alice Oshima

and Ann Hogue, op.cit., pp. 265-273.)

4) Clustering

Students’ form words related to a stimulus supplied

by the teacher. The word are circled and then linked by

lines to show discernible clusters. Clustering is a simple

powerful strategy. (Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue, op.cit.,

pp. 265-273.)

b. Planning (outlining)

After choosing the topic, narrows it, and generate the ideas

by brainstorming, the next step of the writing process is organizing

the ideas into an outline. The steps that needed to do are making

sub-lists, then writing the topic sentence, and outline. Oshima and

Hogue (2005)

c. Writing

In this step, one needs to write the rough draft. The point is

to get the thoughts down on paper. Follow the outline as closely as

possible, and don't worry about grammar, punctuation, or spelling

because a rough draft is not meant to be perfect. There are always

new ideas that arise along with someone writing, so do not be

fixated on the outline that has been made. These ideas can be


recreated, replaced, added, or deleted as long as they are by the

topic of writing. (Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue, op.cit., pp. 265-


d. Polishing

Oshima and Hogue (2005) stated this step is also called

revising and editing. Revising is used to deal with the big issues of

content and organization, where editing is used to work on the

smaller issues of grammar and punctuation. After one writes the

rough draft, the next step is to revise it to improve what has been

written. At this rate, the content and organization, including unity,

coherence, and logic needed to be considered. The second step in

polishing the writing is by proofreading (editing)the paper for

possible errors in grammar, sentence structure, spelling, and

punctuation. Based on Binder and Lopez-Nerney as stated by

A.Aspian’s skripsi (2019) there are three stages of writing –

planning, writing and finalizing which are divided into some parts

in each stage. Planning is divided into four stages–formulating a

question, determining purpose and audiences, generating ideas and

organizing/outlining. Writing is divided into drafting and revising,

and the final stage is finalizing where it is divided into editing and

formatting and documenting.


3. The Purpose of Writing

Sa’adah (2019) describes the purpose of writing as follow:

a) To clarify a thought, a feeling, an impression, or an experience

for a reader,

b) To provide information for readers,

c) To persuade readers to accept an idea,

d) To create a piece of imaginative literature that a reader might


2. Descriptive Text

a. Definition of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is one of the factual genres and one of the texts

which are being taught in tenth-grade class. According to Husein, R

(2017), "Descriptive is a type of text which describes an object (living or

non-living things) such as person, place, or thing." It means that a

descriptive paragraph means to describe about (normally) the physical

appearance of person, place, or thing. From the definitions mentioned

above, it can be concluded that descriptive text is a text for describe

person, animal or a thing by visual experience. It is used to create a visual

image of people, places, or things in a distinct way that the reader can get

into the author's experience.

b. Kinds of Descriptive Text


According to Apsari, AAN (2019), 2019, there are five kinds of

descriptive text as follow :

a) Describing Process

Describing a process not only explains how something was

done, but also explains why it was done and what was needed to

complete the process.

b) Describing and event

To describe an event, a writer should be able to memorize

and remember what happened in the event. Supposed the writer

will write about the Tsunami that was happened in Japan. In this

case, he/she has to explain all details related to the event, so that

the readers can imagine the real situation and condition.

c) Describing a personality

In describing a person, the first thing that we do was

recognizing his/her characteristics. We need to describe people

occurs fairly areas of the physical attribute (hair, eyes), emotional

(warm, nervous), moral attributes (greedy, honest, worthy, trust),

and intellectual (cleverness, perception). (Apsari, AAN (2019),


d) Describing a place

Presenting something concrete was the way to describe the

place, for example: a home, a hospital, and a school. When we start

to describe a place, it is important to give a clear picture of the size


and arrangement of the space involved. Therefore, in describing a

place we should be taken consideration of the location of the object

of the place should be clear, the detail should be arranged logically

and systematically so that it is easy for readers to imagine the

objects in their minds, and controlling ideas. The last point is the

most important in the writing process, because if we have a strong

controlling idea it can give the paragraph focus.

e) Describing an object

To describe an object accurately was done by providing the

physical characteristics of the object such as the color, form, shape,

and so on.

c. Characteristics of Descriptive Text

Based on Apsari AAN (in Zahara, S, 2014: 29), there are some

characteristics that the researcher used as an evaluation for a good

descriptive text. The following characteristics of descriptive text such as:

a) Use of figures of speech (see, hear, taste, smell, and touch).

Among the most common figure of speech are those that

refer to our senses of touch (temperature/texture), taste, sight

(light), hearing (sound) and smell. A Figure of speech is a word or

phrase that uses figurative or parable language that has a meaning

beyond its normal definition. In other words, figures of speech

depend on implied meanings. Using figurative language in English

makes it more creative, expressive or lively, and more attractive.


Figure of speech that commonly use in descriptive text are

methapors and similes. Metaphorical is a figure of speech that

expresses the expression directly. Example in descriptive text such

as “he’s like an old flame”. While Similes is figure of speech are

expressions with explicit comparisons expressed by conjunctive

prepositions such as using like, as if, as though, etc. Example in

descriptive text is “she swims like a fish”

b) Using vivid picture

To produce a clear and directional description text, the

description text must use a clear and realistic image of the object,

the sharpness of the image and the color to be described. Not an

ambiguous picture and unclear object, or colors that are not sharp

and realistic.

c) Using a variety of words.

One of the mistakes in writing is the lack of variations in

the words or vocabulary used. The results in the writing being

unattractive and varied due to the lack of diction use, too many

words that are repeated, and the lack of vocabulary used. whereas,

to vary an article, a writer can use several varieties of adjectives,

nouns, adverbs, and phrases to suggest colors, movements,

expressions and feelings and use words that have the same or

similar meaning.


As an example, a person who is thin and tall can be called

lanky. To say someone is short as well as small, you can say they

are tiny or petite. If you're talking about a child, they're probably

pint-sized. Other example in the sentence: I will go to grandma's

house, then go to the market, then go to a friend's house, then go

home. It would be better if: i would go to grandma's house, come

home from grandma i would go to the market then go to visit

friends, after that i went home. The previous sentence did not seem

varied because it repeated the word several times and the next word

was more varied because it used variety of words and the right


d) Using any detail.

If anyone wants to describe an object, they should not describe

just its physical features but also its habit (he always wake up

early, or even a small habit such as he bathed twice a day), its

characteristics (more detail about their character or appearance) ,

its relationship or any information about the object. Hence, the

description more clear and complete

e) Using simple present tense.

According to EF Education First, (2020) on its website, the use

of the present tense in the descriptive text is:

- using attribute verbs, such as to be (am, is, are).


- using a specific noun, such as my dog, my husband. In addition,

often use adjectives (adjectives) to clarify the use of nouns or

nouns, such as a small car, a clever student, an independence man.

- using the first form verb (verb 1) or a verb which can indicate the

ownership or state of the object being described. For example, My

house has 3 floors, my paint is pretty, and others.

- using action verbs. namely using a verb that indicates an activity

or an active sentence or activity that can be seen. For example,

sleep, walk, sing, dance, etc.

- use figurative language: Use a figure of speech or use a metaphor

or simile to provide illustrations to the reader. For example: Her

skin is as white as the snow.

f) Using adjectives to describe the feature of the subject.

According to Syahrul Abdullah, (2019). The descriptive

adjective is to describe the noun that follows it. This type of

adjective is the largest class compared to other types. Types of

adjectives in the description text, namely:

(1) Semantic (Meaning)

Adjectives in this category state a quality in the form of

physical or mental (comfortable, tidy), size adjective which states

the quality that can be measured (lots, weight), color adjective

(blue, white, pink), mental attitude adjective which refers to the

atmosphere heart / feeling (sad, happy, proud, embarrassed), the


adjective of perceptions which refers to something that can be felt

by the five senses (sweet, noisy, wet, smelly, bright). (Syahrul

Abdullah, 2019).

(2) Syntax (Arrangement / sentence structure)

In this category are adjectives that are the subject, object or

subject explanation that is located behind / after the noun black

umbrella, blue awning, blue eyes, blonde hair. (Syahrul Abdullah,


(3) Basic adjective (monomorphemic), namely an adjective

that has not undergone a process of affixation or addition of

affixes. Example: beautiful, tall, short . (Syahrul Abdullah, 2019).

(4) Compound adjectives (compounding), namely

adjectives formed from combining words that form new meanings

or connotative meanings that refer to the nature of an object or

object such as: bright, cheerful, good bad, etc. (Syahrul Abdullah,


d. Language Feature of Descriptive Text

Here are some grammatical features in descriptive texts. Husein, R

(2017) explains that some grammatical features are used in descriptive

text. First, it focuses on specific participant. It means that it focuses on one

object specifically. Second, it uses a declarative sentence. "Declarative

sentence is a sentence in the form of a statement”. Third, it uses simple

present tense. Fourth, it uses attribute verbs, such as be (is, am, are). Fifth,


it usually uses adjectives, for example: clever, beautiful, etc. Sixth, it

normally uses a noun phrase (Husein, R, 2017). Knapp and Watkins

(2005:99) add, “Adjectives are used to add extra information to nouns and

maybe technical, every day, or literary, depending on the text.” They add

the examples of those adjectives are: nocturnal (technical), grey and brown

(every day), and majestic (literary).

e. The Generic Structures of Descriptive Text

The generic structure of descriptive text consists of two parts. They

are Identification and Description. The explanation of the generic structure

of descriptive text is written below (Husein, R, 2017). They explain as


1) Identification

“Identification is a statement which consists of one topic. In

identification, an introduction about who or what will be described, is

written” (Husein, R, 2017).

2) Description

“It consists of detail description about someone or something that

is identified in identification” (Husein, R, 2017). The specific

characteristic about who or what described is written in description.

Normally, the characteristics are related to physical appearance or

something that humans can sense.


3. Poster

a. Definition of Poster

Poster is one of the visual media that can be used for many things

based on their types and used. "Poster is a large printed notice or picture

(Oxford Dictionary, 2011)." According to Collins Dictionary (2018),

"Poster is a large notice or picture that you stick on a wall or board, often

to advertise something." Thus, a poster is a large notice or picture attached

to a wall, board, or public place that often aims to advertise or inform


b. Types of Poster

As it has been explained before, "Poster is a large printed notice or

picture (Oxford Dictionary, 2011)". Poster is one of the visual aid that can

be used as a media in teaching-learning. There are some types of posters.

According to Indah, Nur (2018) there are some types of posters. They are:

1) Advertising Poster

Indah, Nur (2018)explains that an advertising poster is a

poster that announces an event or a new product, according to the

Free Library website. It usually full-color and attached to the areas

that people can see easily.

2) Informative Poster

This poster is made to inform or educate people about

something. It can be used for a social awareness campaign or to

help save an endangered species (INur, 2018) Poster that can be


included in this type of poster is educational. Classroom poster is

included in this type of poster.

3) Subject Poster

Indah, Nur (2018) states, "subject poster is a poster about

something." It usually sold at concert or art functions typically. The

portrait of musicians or an art exhibit, are often the subject of this

poster. Posters that can be included in this kind of poster are event

poster and idol/ artist poster.

4) Affirmation Poster

"Affirmation poster features inspiring or motivational

sayings (Naillon, 2017)." A poster that can be included in this type

of poster is a motivational poster. A motivational poster is a poster

that usually contains motivational messages under the image


5) Movie Poster

"Movie poster is a poster that corresponds to the story of

the film, the characters, the theme as well as being appealing to its

audience to make them want to go to the cinema to watch the film


6) Propaganda Poster

Furthermore, Naillon (2017) adds, “Propaganda poster is a

poster that usually associated with political campaigns or corporate


communication. That is why propaganda poster often receives

negative press.”

c. The Advantages of Poster

The benefits obtained from the use of a media poster (Apsari, AAN

(2019), 2019) are:

1) Improve taste

2) Mutual understanding and sympathy in the classroom

3) Produce significant changes in student behavior

4) Demonstrate the relationship between subjects and needs, as well as

student interest with increasing student learning motivation

5) Bring freshness and variety to students' learning experiences

6) Making learning outcomes more meaningful for various abilities

7) Encourage the meaningful use of subjects by involving imagination and

active participation that increases learning outcomes.

8) Provide the necessary feedback, help students discover they have


9) Complete a rich experience with knowledge of concepts

10) Expand student insights and experiences that reflect nonverbalistic

learning and make appropriate generalizations

11) Overcome space and time constraints. Not all things or events can be

brought in to the class and students not always brought to the event.

12) Overcome the limitations of the observation.


4. The Procedure of Writing Descriptive Text by Using idol Poster in


First, the teacher provided descriptive text material in the form of

powerpoint and shared the video link online. Then the teacher gives several

examples of sentences describing one of the characters so the students can guess

the characters in question. Afterwards, the teacher gave a poster of the idol

character and the students are invited to interact about the identity or

characteristics of the character. As a reflection, the teacher then asks students to

make a descriptive text in the form of an essay with simple words based on the

posters given to students regarding learning activities about describing idols.

The authors chose idol poster as represent media because nowadays,

students tend to be more attracted to idols from each country.

5. Direct Instruction Models

a. The Definition Of Direct Instruction Models

Builds on the assumption that all students can learn with well-designed

instruction. When a student does not learn, it does not mean that something is

wrong with the student but, instead, that something is wrong with the instruction.

(Jean, 2018) Thus, the theory underlying DI lies in opposition to developmental

approaches, constructivism, and theories of learning styles, which assume that

students' ability to learn depends on their developmental stage, their ability to

construct or derive understandings, or their unique approach to learning. Instead,

DI assumes all students can learn new material when (a) they have mastered

prerequisite knowledge and skills and (b) the instruction is unambiguous. In other


words, DI assumes that students are inherently logical beings. (Jean, 2018). Also,

Direct Instruction (DI) is a model for teaching that emphasizes well-developed

and carefully planned lessons designed around small learning increments and

clearly defined and prescribed teaching tasks. It is based on the theory that clear

instruction eliminating misinterpretations can greatly improve and accelerate

learning (Siegfried Engelmann, 2015)

b. The Advantages Of Direct Instruction Models

Amy Fredrickson, (2018) stated on her website 5 Reasons Why Direct

Instruction Might be the Best Teaching Method, which are :

a) Research Has Shown Direct Instruction To Be More Effective Than Most Other

Teaching Strategies.

Schools made up of students from affluent families as well as schools

comprised of students from more economically disadvantaged families achieved

higher scores when Direct Instruction was implemented than schools that

implemented another teaching method. Amy Fredrickson, (2018)

b) Direct Instruction Allows Teachers To Special Instruction To The Student’s


There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding the practice of Direct

Instructions. Many people associate Direct Instruction with teachers standing in

front of an entire class and lecturing the students on whatever they are supposed to

be learning. This misconception could not be further from how Direct Instruction

truly works. When done well, students are grouped based on their skill level

(rather than grade level). Students work closely with an instructor and have


multiple opportunities to practice and demonstrate mastery of a skill before they

are moved to a higher-level group. This allows students to learn at their level and

instructors to monitor closely where each student is about his or her learning

target. Amy Fredrickson, (2018)

c) Teachers Who Implement Direct Instruction Have A Strong Understanding Of

The Strengths And Challenges Of His Or Her Students.

Everyone would agree with the statement that students have unique

abilities and strengths and each student learns at a different pace. Yet, most

classrooms go through units and learning targets at one particular speed, leaving

some students bored and ready to move on while other students are lost and

frustrated because they have not understood a key concept that the class has

already passed. Direct Instruction allows students to progress at their own natural

pace. As the year progresses the instructor begins to get a feel for each student's

strengths and weaknesses and can help the students with their particular

challenges. Amy Fredrickson, (2018)

d) Direct Instruction Is Efficient

One of the strengths of Direct Instruction is its efficiency. In a Direct

Instruction math class, there might be three groups of students working on three

different concepts, ensuring that each student is working at his or her level

simultaneously as his or her peers. Students know the target they are trying to hit.

When they demonstrate they are ready to move on they are allowed to go to the

next concept/learning target, Amy Fredrickson (2018).


Because the work is neither too hard nor too easy and because the learning

targets are identified, students stay engaged and progressing. When students

understand the objective and obtain it their confidence grows and they are

encouraged to keep progressing. Here is a short video that shows the parts to a

Direct Instruction lesson.

e) Direct Instruction Is Built On Assumptions That We Hope All Educators

Believe To Be True.

According to Amy Fredrickson (2018) which operates on several key

philosophical principles:

1) All children can be taught.

2) All children can improve academically and in terms of self-image.

3) All teachers can succeed if provided with adequate training and materials.

c. The Main Features Of Direct Instruction Models

According to Siegfried Engelmann (2015) said that four main features of

DI ensure students learn faster and more efficiently than any other program or

technique available:

a) Students are placed in instruction at their skill level.

When students begin the program, each student is tested to find out which

skills they have already mastered and which ones they need to work on.

From this, students are grouped with other students needing to work on the

same skills. These groups are organized by the level of the program that is

appropriate for students, rather than the grade level the students are in.

Siegfried Engelmann, (2015).


b) The program’s structure is designed to ensure mastery of the content.

The program is organized so that skills are introduced gradually, giving

children a chance to learn those skills and apply them before being

required to learn another new set of skills. Only 10% of each lesson is new

material. The remaining 90% of each lesson's content is review and

application of skills students have already learned but need practice with to

master. Skills and concepts are taught in isolation and then integrated with

other skills into more sophisticated, higher-level applications. All details

of instruction are controlled to minimize the chance of students'

misinterpreting the information being taught and to maximize the

reinforcing effect of instruction. Siegfried Engelmann, (2015).

c) Instruction is modified to accommodate each student’s rate of learning.

A particularly wonderful part about DI is that students are retaught or

accelerated at the rate at which they learn. If they need more practice with

a specific skill, teachers can provide the additional instruction within the

program to ensure students master the skill. Conversely, if a student is

easily acquiring the new skills and needs to advance to the next level,

students can be moved to a new placement so that they may continue

adding to the skills they already possess. Siegfried Engelmann, (2015).

d) Programs are field-tested and revised before publication.

DI programs are very unique in the way they are written and revised

before publication. All DI programs are field-tested with real students and

revised based on those tests before they are ever published. This means


that the program your student is receiving has already been proven to

work. Siegfried Engelmann, (2015).

d. Five Phases Of The Direct Instruction Model

Based on Galeri Sekolah Dasar (2020) state that there are five phases of

teaching Direct Instruction Model that are:

a) Conveying goals and preparing students

1. Explain the purpose

Students need to know clearly why they participate

in a particular learning, and they need to know what they

must be able to do after participating in that learning. Galeri

Sekolah Dasar, (2020)

The teacher communicates these goals to his

students through a summary of the lesson plan by writing

them on the board, or posting written information on the

bulletin board, which contains the stages and contents, as

well as the allocation of time provided for each stage. Thus

the students can see all stages of the lesson and its

connections between the lesson.

2. Prepare students

This activity aims to attract students 'attention, focus

students' attention on the subject and remind them of the

learning outcomes they have, which are relevant to the


subject matter that will be studied. Galeri Sekolah Dasar


This goal can be achieved by repeating the subjects

of the previous lesson, or giving a questions to students

about the subjects of the previous lesson.

b) Demonstrating knowledge and skills

The key to success in this phase is to demonstrate

knowledge and skills as clearly as possible and follow the steps in

an effective demonstration. Galeri Sekolah Dasar (2020)

c) Convey information clearly

Clarity of information or presentations given by teachers to

students can be achieved through planning and organizing good

learning. In making presentations the teacher must analyze

complex skills into simpler skills and be presented in small steps

step by step.

Based on Galeri Sekolah Dasar (2020) there are some aspects that need to

be considered in delivering information / presentations are:

1. Clarity of purpose and main points, namely focusing on one idea (point,

direction) at a certain time avoiding deviations from the subject matter / LKS.

a. Presentation step by step

Specific and concrete procedures, i.e. give students concrete and varied

examples, or provide students with detailed and repeated explanations for difficult



Checking for students' understanding of one point before proceeding to the

next point, asking students questions to monitor their understanding of what has

been presented, asking students to summarize the main points in their own

discussion, and re-teaching the parts that are difficult for students to understand ,

with further teacher explanation or with fellow student tutorials. (Kardi and Nur,

2000: 32)

b. Demonstrate

Direct teaching sticks to the assumption that most of what is learned

comes from observing others. The behavior of others, both good and bad, is a

reference for students, so it is important to remember that learning through

modeling can lead to the formation of inappropriate or incorrect behavior.

Therefore, in order to be able to demonstrate a skill or concept or skills to

be demonstrated, and practice demonstrations to master its components.

c. Guiding training

One important stage in direct teaching is the way teachers prepare and

carry out "guided training". Active student involvement in training can increase

retention, make learning take place smoothly, and allow students to apply

concepts / skills to new or stressful situations.

Some principles that can be used as a reference for teachers in

implementing and conducting training are as follows:

- Assign students to do short and meaningful exercises.

- Give training to really master the concepts / skills learned.


- Be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of ongoing practice and distributed


- Pay attention to the initial stages of training. (Kardi and Nur, 2000: 34)

d) Check understanding and provide feedback

In direct teaching, this phase is similar to what is sometimes called

recitation or feedback. Teachers can use various ways to provide feedback

to students.

e. Steps to apply Direct Instruction Model in Class

The direct learning model (Direct Instruction) using picture media in the

learning process class contains the steps of directed learning.

1. The first step is to convey the objectives and prepare students, the learning

activities at this stage are the teacher explaining the topic, information,

background lessons, learning objectives and preparing students for


2. Second, demonstrating knowledge or skills, students are given the

opportunity to demonstrate knowledge with the help of picture media in

front of the class, and gradually the teacher conveys the information.

3. The third stage is guiding training, the teacher plans and provides clear

step-by-step guidance when students summarize or pay attention to the

subject matter presented and students are given the opportunity to make

observations on the images displayed.

4. The fourth stage is checking understanding by allowing students to

conclude the material according to their understanding and providing


feedback, checking whether students have succeeded in doing the

assignment well.

C. Conceptual Frameworks

Using media posters get advantages to create a different and good

atmosphere to a student to enhance their speaking skill and will effect for their

cognitive development to make a descriptive text. Based on the explanation

above, the researcher was interested in conducting this research which will effect

to enhance students' ability to write descriptive text using the Direct Instruction


Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework

Teaching Writing Descriptive

Text in Class

Using Direct Instruction Model

The Enhancement of

Students’ Writing Ability


Pre Test




Post Test


D. Statistical Hypothesis

After calculating the data by using t-test, the researcher uses criteria with

significance degree 0.05 for testing the hypothesis. (Apsari, A. A. N, 2019). The

calculating of statistical measurement as follows:

H1: There is a significant effect of using posters on students’ ability (the mean

score of the experimental group post-test is higher than the mean score of the

control group, or p < α; sig. 2 tailed is lower than alpha; there are differences from

the score of the classes).

H0: There is no significance effect of using posters on students’ ability (the mean

score of the experimental group post-test is lower than mean score of the control

group, or p > α; sig. 2 tailed is higher than alpha; there are no differences from the

score of the classes).




A. Research Design

The design used in this research was quantitative research with Pre-

Experimental design. The design of Pre-Experimental research was to found the

effects of using posters to write descriptive text. Research design was an

experiment when the writer wanted to figure out the possibility of cause and effect

between independent variable and dependent variable, John W. Cresswell (2012).

In this research, pre-test and post-test were used in one class. The class was

received treatment by using idol posters to enhance students writing skills. The

research design can be represent as follows :

T1 X T2


T1 : Pre-test

X : Treatment (using Idol Poster)

T2 : Post-Test

(Setiyadi, 2006)

B. Population and Sample

1. Population

Population means that all subjects within the research population area. In

this research, the population of the research was the Eight Grade students of


SMPN 1 Makassar. There were eleven classes in Eight Grade which was consist

of 38 students in the academic year 2020/2021.

2. Sample

The researcher was took one class, VIII-C consist of 19 students who were

available for online class. The Eight Grade student was greatly help the researcher

to get the best performanced in writing English. Purposive sampling technique

was used in this research.

C. Research Variable and Indicators

1. a. Independent Variable

Independent variable is variable which give influence correspond to the

dependent variable. In this research, the independent variable used Posters in

teaching writing descriptive text.

b. Dependent Variable

Dependent Variable is a variable caused or influenced by other variables.

The dependent variable in this research was the students writing ability in writing

descriptive text.

2. Indicators

The indicator of this research was six characteristics writing descriptive

text according to Apsari A. A. N (in Zahara. S, 2014: 29)


D. Instrument of the Research

In the research, an instrument for collected data is important. The accuracy

of the result of the research is mostly dependent on how accurate the use of

instruments. Related to the research problems, the researcher used test. To

measure the result of the test the researcher used six characteristic of descriptive

text according to Apsari AAN (in Zahara, S, 2014: 29).

It aimed to measure the students' writing descriptive text skills. Pre-test

was gave before the treatment, Post-test was gave to know the students’

enhancement by some characteristic according to Apsari AAN (in Zahara, S,

2014: 29) used Direct Instruction Model in the learning process. This test asked

students to explained about posters especially using idol poster.

E. The Technique of Collecting Data

Researchers used writing test. Pre-test was took at the first meeting before

giving posters for writing descriptive texts of students. This used to determine

students' writing descriptive text skills. (Apsari, AAN (2019) At the second to

fourth meeting, the researcher gave posters to students to conducted treatments.

Then, a post-test was conduct to determine the results of writing student texts after

using posters. The researcher asked students to write one paragraph. The topic was

about posters specifically idol posters.

There were some aspects to measure students’ writing ability which was be

scored based on criteria which classify as follows:


Table 3.1 Rubric for assessing the students’ writing descriptive text

Criteria of a good

descriptive text

Score Indicator

Use figure of speech

(see,hear,smell, and


5 Use figures of speech with clear sentences and

complete sentences containing four basic senses

4 Use figures of speech with clear figures of

speech and contain basic sense sentences

3 Use figures of speech that are less clear and

contain little basic sense sentences

2 Misuses and very limited of figure of speech

1 Does not use figure of speech

Using vivid picture to

make the description

clear and realistic

5 Use a very clear picture of the object, sharpness,

and colour

4 Use a clear picture of the object, sharpness, and


3 Use a picture that has little object clarity,

sharpness, and colour

2 Use a picture with less object clarity, sharpness,

and colour

1 Do not use a clear image of the object,

sharpness, and colour

5 Use variety of words of adjectives, nouns,

adverbs, and phrases to suggest colors,


Using a variety of

words (vocabulary)

movements, expressions and feelings structurally

and completely

4 Use variety of words of adjectives, nouns,

adverbs, and phrases to suggest colors,

movements, expressions and feelings

3 Slightly use variety of words of adjectives,

nouns, adverbs, and phrases to suggest colors,

movements, expressions and feelings.

2 Lack of use variety of words of adjectives,

nouns, adverbs, and phrases to suggest colors,

movements, expressions and feelings.

1 Didn’t use variety of words of adjectives, nouns,

adverbs, and phrases to suggest colors,

movements, expressions and feelings.

Using any detail.

5 Describe the object’s habit, characteristics,

relationship, or complete information about the


4 Describe the object’s habit, characteristics,

relationship, or information about the object

3 Not very good at describing the object’s habit,

characteristics, relationship, or information about

the object

2 Less describe the object’s habit, characteristics,


relationship, or information about the object

1 Does not describe the object’s habit,

characteristics, relationship, or information about

the object

Using simple present


5 Using simple present tense, attribute verbs,

specific noun, action verbs completely and

according to the structure

4 Using simple present tense, attribute verbs,

specific noun, action verbs

3 Not too structured in using simple present tense,

attribute verbs, specific noun, action verbs

completely and according to the structure

2 Less structured in the use of simple present

tense, attribute verbs, specific noun, action verbs

completely and according to the structure

1 Unstructured in using simple present tense,

attribute verbs, specific noun, action verbs

completely and according to the structure

Using adjectives to

describe the feature of

the subject.

5 Use very complete and precise adjectives

4 Use complete and precise adjectives

3 Not overly using complete and precise adjectives

2 Less use of complete and precise adjectives

1 Do not use complete and precise adjectives


Apsari AAN (in Zahara, S, 2014: 29).

G. Data Collection

To collected the data from the students about the effect of the treatment,

the researcher used written test. According to Richards (1985: 291), test is any

procedure to measuring ability, knowledge, or performance. The researcher used

2 test, they are pre-test and post-test.

The research took 6 meetings in class. The first meeting was Pre-test, then

the second meeting until the fifth meeting was treatment. The last meeting was

Post-test to found the effects Posters in students’ writing descriptive text. Essay

test consist by 1 essay test used by the researcher in this research. The students

wrote a descriptive text in document or paper form.

H. Data Analysis

The researcher used statistical analysis. The data analysis of this

research used SPSS type 22 to know if there any significant result from pre-test

to post-test. Then, the t-test formula used to find out the effect of using posters on

students’ writing descriptive text.

1. To scoring the students’ answer of the test, the researcher used formula

correct answer score

𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 × 100 = 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒

( Depdiknas, 2006 )


After scoring the result of the test by using rubric for assessing the

students’ writing descriptive text which was mentioned in table 3.2, the data

classified as follows :

Table 3.2 The Classification of the Students’ Result of the Test

No Score Classification
















Very Good


Fairly Good



Very Poor

(Depdikbud, 2010: 27)

2. T-test

The t-test used in this research specifically was Independent-samples T-

test with a two-tailed test of significance. If the result indicated p-value or Sig (2-

tailed) higher than the significance level of Sig α=0.05 (5%), then, the null

hypothesis accepted. On the contrary, if p-value is lower than Sig α=0.05 (5%),

then the alternative hypothesis is accept. This aimed to determine whether the null

hypothesis or alternative hypothesis, is accept or reject (Apsari, A. A. N, 2019)

1. Open file of the SPSS of the input research data.


2. Click Analyze>Compare Means>Independent-Samples T Test on the menu.

3. Filled in the pre-test score and post test score in the Independent-Samples T

Test dialogue box by dragging and dropping or using the button.

4. Then, filled in the grouping variables by used the available button.

5. Highlight the suitable groups by click define groups; then click “1” and click

continue button. Add note: (insert numbers based on the labels data).

6. click button option if the confidence interval percentage needs to be changed

7. Click Continue>OK to see the t-test result.




This chapter specifically presented research findings with a description of

the results of the data collected through the pre-test and post-test. It was showed

the results of the effect of posters on students' abilities in writing descriptive text

using the Direct Instruction Model. Meanwhile, in the discussion section, the

research described the findings in detail.

A. Findings

The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a significant

difference in the writing ability of students with idol posters. This research was

conducted on students VIII 3 of SMPN 1 MAKASSAR in the 2020/2021

academic year, which consisted of 19 students who took online class. The results

of the data findings found that the effect of posters on students' writing skills

through the Direct Instruction Model could enhance student achievement in

writing descriptive text in VIII 3 SMPN 1 MAKASSAR. The results of the data

analysis can be seen as follows:


1. The Effect Of Poster in Students’ Writing Ability

a. Pre test

Table 4.1 students’ score in Writing Ability by Using Poster

Based on the pre-test data, it was clear that the mean of the total pre-test

score is 45.84, a minimum of 20, a maximum of 70 and a standard deviation of


Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid 20.00 1 5.3 5.3 5.3

30.00 2 10.5 10.5 15.8

36.00 2 10.5 10.5 26.3

40.00 3 15.8 15.8 42.1

46.00 3 15.8 15.8 57.9

50.00 1 5.3 5.3 63.2

53.00 3 15.8 15.8 78.9

N Valid 19

Missing 0

Mean 45.8421

Std. Deviation 12.93257

Variance 167.251

Range 50.00

Minimum 20.00

Maximum 70.00


56.00 2 10.5 10.5 89.5

70.00 2 10.5 10.5 100.0

Total 19 100.0 100.0

Table 4.2 Frequency and Rate Percentage of the students’ Writing Ability by

Using Poster in Pre-test

Table 4.2 shows the frequency and percentage of students' pre-test writing

of 19 students who took online class. As clearly presented, the percentage of

students was highest (89.5%). Meanwhile, some students had poor skills and only

a small proportion was good at writing. In addition, none of the students scored

very good or very bad.

In conclusion, before gava the treatment, VIII grade students of SMPN 1

MAKASSAR had quite good writing skills, especially in descriptive text.

a. Post test

N Valid 19

Missing 0

Mean 82.2632

Std. Deviation 6.47939

Variance 41.982

Range 23.00

Minimum 73.00

Maximum 96.00

Table 4.3 students’ score in Writing Ability by Using Poster in post-test


Based on the data of post-test above, as clearly presented the mean of the

total post-test score 82.26 the minimum was 73, maximum was 96 and standard

deviation 6.47939.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid 73.00 1 5.3 5.3 5.3

76.00 5 26.3 26.3 31.6

80.00 4 21.1 21.1 52.6

83.00 3 15.8 15.8 68.4

86.00 2 10.5 10.5 78.9

90.00 2 10.5 10.5 89.5

93.00 1 5.3 5.3 94.7

96.00 1 5.3 5.3 100.0

Total 19 100.0 100.0

Table 4.4 frequency and rate percentage of the students in Writing Ability by

Using Poster in post-test

Table 4.4 shows the students' writing frequency on the post-test of 19

students, as presented in the table for almost all students in either category or good

writing test results. In addition, the very small percentage who got either category

was only 1 student or 5.3%. None of the students were categorized as fairy, as

well as poor and very poor. Hence, students' writing skills in school significantly

improved after treatment.

Based on the percentage of values in table 4.1, the pre-test results showed

that there were no students who got very good scores, 2 (10.5%) students got quite


well, 2 (10.5%) students got enough, 12 (34.3%) ) students become bad and 3

(15.8%) students become bad enough. Then in the post-test in table 4.4 there was

a significant increased in students' writing skills. There were 1 (5.3%) students got

very good, 4 (21.1%) students got very good, 12 (34.3%) students got good, and 1

(5.3%) students got pretty good, unfair and poor.

Indicator Pre-Test Post-Test Improving %

Six characteristics

writing descriptive text

according to Apsari AAN

(in Zahara, S, 2014: 29)




Table 4.5 Students’ Enhancement Writing In Writing Ability

Based on the table 4.5 showed that the mean score of pre-test was 45,84 and

post-test was 82,26. The improvement of pre-test and post-test was 79,45%. Based

on the result, it concluded that the effect of Poster using Direct Instruction Model

was able to give better contribution in teaching and learning writing descriptive

text. By used six characteristics writing descriptive text according to Apsari A. A.

N (in Zahara. S, 2014: 29) as an indicator to assessed students' ability to write

descriptive text was greatly helped the researcher to got scored from student’ test


2. Hypothesis Testing (t-test of Significant)

Hypothesis testing was a next stage to got conclusions from the

analysis of this research. Researchers conducted tests in one class taught using


the Direct Instruction Model. Therefore, to determine the level of significance

of the pre-test and post-test, the t-test analysis was used at the significance

level (p) + 0.05 with degrees of freedom (dl) = N-1 where N- the number of

subjects (19 students) then the table value of 1734 t-test statistic, independent

sample analysis was applied. Researchers used the SPSS 22 program to

analyze the T-test.

The hypothesis in this study was H0 which was stated that there was no

significant difference in the writing ability of students before and after the

treatment material using the Direct Instruction Model in the descriptive text of

class VIII students of SMPN 1 MAKASSAR in the 2020/2021 school year.

While the alternative hypothesis (H1) stated that there was a significant

difference of students' writing skills before and after the treatment material

using the Direct Instruction Model on the descriptive text of grade VIII

students of SMPN 1 MAKASSAR on academic material. 2020/2021.

Hypothesis tested did after tested for normality.

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences

t df

Sig. (2-

tailed) Mean



Std. Error


95% Confidence Interval

of the Difference

Lower Upper



PreTest -

PostTest -36.42105 13.36378 3.06586 -42.86219 -29.97992 -11.880 18 .000

Table 4.6 T-Test Calculation/Value


The result of t-test for writing ability focused on using idol poster in

writing descriptive text as follows:

Variable T-test T-table comprehension classification

Poster in

Writing ability

11.880 1.734 t-test > t-table Significantly


Table 4.7 the T-test Value of Students’ Writing Ability

Table 4.2 shows that the t-test value of writing skills was focused on

writing descriptive text with a t-test value of 11.880> 1.734. This shows that the

results of the t-test value for the variables and indicators were higher than the t-

table value. Hence, there was a significant difference between the pre-test and

post-test results in writing descriptive text.

Based on the above research results, the researcher concluded that there

was an effect on the students' writing ability using posters through the Direct

Instruction Model.


In this section, the researcher conclude the effects of poster in students

writing skill to make the findings of the result strongest. Teaching through idol

posters had several advantages, namely; delivery of messages became more

attractive to students; it doesn't wasteful in the use of quota network for students

during pandemic; it is easy and did not require electricity to implement this media;

This also helped students to express their ideas more easily as proved in their


result of the text. The success of used posters as a medium in learning could also

saw from the enthusiasm of students in answering tests well. Indah (2018) said

that posters in descriptive text can help the students to understand easier the

material which is being taught, because they can connect the media to real life,

etcetera. In conclusion, it showed that the students' scores were higher after being

treated in the class by using Poster specially Idol Poster in students' writing


Using a direct instruction model could also help smooth the process of this

research, researchers deliberately compile a learning design as efficient as

possible according to existing conditions with reference to learning objectives and

the purpose of using the Direct Instruction Model itself. According to Amy

Fredrickson, (2018) all children can improved academically and in terms of self-

image by using the Direct Instruction Model in the process of learning. Hence, it

can be proved that learning used this model was very relevant for students.

Then to measured the characteristic of a good descriptive text, the

researcher used the characteristic by Apsari AAN (in Zahara, S, 2014: 29) greatly

helps the researcher to get scored from student test results. There was six

characteristics of a good description text described by Apsari AAN (in Zahara, S,

2014: 29) and had described in chapter two as an indicator for researchers to

assessed students' ability to write descriptive text. It included the used of

figurative words, the used of pictures must be clear, used the right variety of

words, used various information about the object to be described therefore the

descriptive text was clear, used a clear simple present tense, and used appropriate


adjective sentences. This made the researcher easier to assessed student test

results which could make this research successful and sustainable with each other.

Based on the finding result in pre-test and post-test, showed that the mean

score of pre-test was 45,84 and post-test was 82,26. The improvement of pre-test

and post-test was 79,45%. Hence, it concluded that the effect of Poster using

Direct Instruction Model was able to give better contribution in teaching and

learning writing descriptive text. By used six characteristics writing descriptive

text according to Apsari A. A. N (in Zahara. S, 2014: 29) as an indicator to

assessed students' ability to write a good of descriptive text was greatly helped the

researcher to get scored from students’ results test.

Then, the t-test value showed 11.880 was higher than t-table values 1.734.

This means that the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected and the alternative

hypothesis (H1) was accepted because there was a significant difference in the

average score from the tests gave by researchers using Posters Trough Direct

Instruction Model in the classroom.

From the discussion above, the researcher concluded the Effects of Poster

in Enhanced Students’ Writing Ability through Direct Instruction Model was

successed in VIII. C students of SMPN 1 Makassar.





Based on discussion proposed in previous chapter, it can be concluded that

the effect of posters in students’ writing ability at the second grade of SMPN 1

MAKASSAR through Direct Instruction Model in academic year of 2020/2021

was getting an enhancement. It proved by the students’ mean score from pre-test

to post-test. The students’ mean score of pre-test was 45.84. While the post-test

was higher than mean score of pre-test the post-test was 82.26. Moreover, based

on the data analysis, t-test value was higher than the t-test table (11.880> 1.734). It

means that there was a significant difference. Therefore H0 was rejected and H1

was accepted.


After going through all the procedures for completing this thesis, the

researcher would like to provide some suggestions for the use of posters in

learning writing skills through the Direct Instruction Model, as follows:

1. Researchers suggest to English teachers to found out students'

interest in learning English and to know how to monitor students, because

this was very important to support students' knowledge in preparing

material or understanding material especially in writing ability as the

common problems of students’ in learning English. Using posters in


teaching writing descriptive text through Direct Instruction Model help to

solved the problems because this brought an interesting way in learning


2. Other researchers who wish to conduct similar research. They are

advised to apply this technique at different student levels because each

school has different levels of students. Other researchers must be creative

and innovative to modify technical activities in the use of the Poster

Through Direct Instruction Model to improve students' writing skills.



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Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

Nama Sekolah : SMPN 1 Makassar

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII / 1

Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 20 Menit

Topik Pembelajaran : Descriptive Text

Email :


4.7.2 Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana,

terkait orang, binatang, dan benda, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks.

B. INDIKATOR PENCAPAIAN KOMPETENSI Menyusun teks deskriptif tulis sederhana tentang tokoh yang memiliki

kontribusi positif kepada masyarakat dengan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan yang tepat.


Setelah mengikuti kegiatan belajar, Siswa diharapkan mampu menulis teks

sederhana yang mendeskripsikan sifat dan keadaan idolanya


Kegiatan Pendahuluan

Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembuka

Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran / kompetensi yang akan dicapai dalam

pembelajaran daring teks deskripsi menggunakan idol poster

Memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik sebagai sikap disiplin serta mengecek

kesiapan siswa melalui group WA

Kegiatan Inti


Kegiatan Pembelajaran

1. Guru mempresentasikan materi teks deskriptif dalam bentuk

powerpoint dan membagikan link video terkait teks deskripsi melalui

grup Watsapp

2. Siswa menunjukkan respon dalam memahami materi yang disampaikan

dapat berupa sikap, keaktifan di dalam grup kelas (demonstrate skill phase)

3. Guru membimbing pembelajaran dengan memberikan beberapa contoh dan

membimbing siswa membuat contoh kalimat teks deskripsi yang tepat

Kegiatan Penutup

Guru dan siswa melaksanakan refleksi terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran

tentang describing people dan memberikan tes dalam bentuk essay dengan

kata-kata yang sederhana


1. Guru memantau keterlibatan dan keaktifan siswa dari

awal pembelajaran sampai akhir.

2. Mengumpulkan teks deskriptif baru yang telah dibuat

siswa, dan diberi nilai sesuai dengan poin-poin kelengkapan

mengetahui fungsi social, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

teks deskriptif.

Makassar, September 2020


Guru Mapel Pengajar

…………………………. Ainun Fatikasari

NIP. - NIM. 105351124816


Appendix B

a. Pre Test

Name :


Instruction : Make a simple Descriptive text about your Idol (Buatlah Teks

Deskripsi Sederhana Tentang Tokoh Idolamu)

Description: ………………………………………………………………………


b. Post Test

Name :


Instruction : What is she looks like? Make a simple Descriptive text based on the

idol picture. (Seperti apakah dia terlihat?Buat teks deksripsi sederhana

berdasarkan gambar tersebut).






Appendix C

Teaching Materials

1. 1st meeting


Description Text is text that says what the place, object or person looks like. This

means that descriptive text is text that describes the characteristics of people,

places, or things. Its purpose is to describe and reveal the characteristics or

appearance of a particular object or person. According to Husein, R (2017),

"Descriptive is a type of text which describes an object (living or non-living

things) such as person, place, or thing."


- Identification: contains the identification of the place, the opening, and an

overview of a topic. In the introductory written identification of who or what will

be described.

- Description: contains a description of the place, characters and something related

to the place. Usually these characteristics are related to physical appearance or

something that can be felt by humans.


S, 2014: 29))

1) The use of figurative words (see, hear, taste, smell, and touch). This way the

description will appear lively and interesting.

Example : he swims like a fish, This world is my oyster, You are a couch potato

2) Using vivid images is to make descriptions clear and realistic

3) Using various kinds of words. Like adjectives (clever, big / small, perfect,

unique). Nouns (car, chair, marker, etc), adverbs (time / place), and phrases (short

hair, white skin, pointed nose)


4) Using any detail. If you want to describe an object, one should describe not

only its physical features but also its habits, characteristics and relationships.

Example : He likes to sing, He is very famous and handsome

5) Using the simple present tense.

- Verbal: S + V1 (s / es) + O

Example: He likes to sing sholawat with his group.

- Nominal: S + to be (is, am are) + N / Adj / Adv

Example: Gus Azmi is kind, he is handsome, gus asmi is a humble person.

- To Declare Ownership = S + have / has + Noun Phrase

Example: He has small eyes, she has oval face, he has sweet smile, he has a

pointed nose

6) Using adjectives to describe the features of the subject. Example: thin,

beautiful, adorable, elegant, diligent, smart, lazy, etc



Muhammad Ulul Azmi or people usually call him Gus Azmi. He is 18

years old. He is Javanese and he lives in Probolinggo. Gus Azmi is a vocalist of

Syubbanul Muslimin. Syubbanul Muslimin is a sholawat group.

Gus Azmi has a short body. He is handsome and has sweet smile. Gus

Azmi has a pointed nose. He has an oval eyes and look so beautiful. He has a

large ears. He has a good voice. He likes to sing sholawat with his group. Gus

Azmi is kind and humble person. He is very famous especially among female

teenagers and kids.

2. 2nd meeting


Description Text is text that says what the place, object or person looks like. This

means that descriptive text is text that describes the characteristics of people,

places, or things. Its purpose is to describe and reveal the characteristics or

appearance of a particular object or person. According to Husein, R (2017),

"Descriptive is a type of text which describes an object (living or non-living

things) such as person, place, or thing."


- Identification: contains the identification of the place, the opening, and an

overview of a topic. In the introductory written identification of who or what will

be described.

- Description: contains a description of the place, characters and something related

to the place. Usually these characteristics are related to physical appearance or

something that can be felt by humans.


S, 2014: 29))

1) The use of figurative words (see, hear, taste, smell, and touch). This way the

description will appear lively and interesting.


Example : He wears too much aftershave (sense of smell)

His lips taste sweet like ripe fruit (sense of taste)

He has a high-pitched laugh (sense of sound)

His hair feels wiry (sense of touch)

2) Using vivid images is to make descriptions clear and realistic

3) Using various kinds of words. Like adjectives (clever, big / small, perfect,

unique). Nouns (car, chair, marker, etc), adverbs (time / place), and phrases (short

hair, white skin, pointed nose)

4) Using any detail. If you want to describe an object, one should describe not

only its physical features but also its habits, characteristics and relationships.

Example : He likes to sing, He is very famous and handsome

5) Using the simple present tense.

- Verbal: S + V1 (s / es) + O

Example: he sing a song with his beautiful voice

- Nominal: S + to be (is, am are) + N / Adj / Adv

Example: He is handsome and accomplished man

- To Declare Ownership = S + have / has + Noun Phrase

Example: He has small eyes, she has oval face, he has sweet smile, he has a

pointed nose

6) Using adjectives to describe the features of the subject. Example: thin,

beautiful, adorable, elegant, diligent, smart, lazy, etc



Bieber was born on March 1, 1994, in London, Ontario, at St Joseph's

Hospital. He is the only child of Jeremy Jack Bieber and Pattie Mallette,. Bieber's

ancestry includes French-Canadian, Irish, English, Scottish, and German.

Justin is a handsome and accomplished man. With blond hair, thick

eyebrows, and a sharp nose that adds to my admiration for him. Besides, his

performance in the music world is also very good. He has beautiful voice

specially when he sing ‘Baby’ in a beautiful voice that made me wonder at him.

Besides singing and having a handsome face, he can also play all kinds of

instruments that I like, such as: guitar and piano.

3. 3rd Meeting


Description Text is text that says what the place, object or person looks like. This

means that descriptive text is text that describes the characteristics of people,

places, or things. Its purpose is to describe and reveal the characteristics or

appearance of a particular object or person. According to Husein, R (2017),


"Descriptive is a type of text which describes an object (living or non-living

things) such as person, place, or thing."


- Identification: contains the identification of the place, the opening, and an

overview of a topic. In the introductory written identification of who or what will

be described.

- Description: contains a description of the place, characters and something related

to the place. Usually these characteristics are related to physical appearance or

something that can be felt by humans.


S, 2014: 29))

1) The use of figurative words (see, hear, taste, smell, and touch). This way the

description will appear lively and interesting.

Example : He wears too much aftershave (sense of smell)

His lips taste sweet like ripe fruit (sense of taste)

He has a high-pitched laugh (sense of sound)

His hair feels wiry (sense of touch)

2) Using vivid images is to make descriptions clear and realistic

3) Using various kinds of words. Like adjectives (clever, big / small, perfect,

unique). Nouns (car, chair, marker, etc), adverbs (time / place), and phrases (short

hair, white skin, pointed nose)

4) Using any detail. If you want to describe an object, one should describe not

only its physical features but also its habits, characteristics and relationships.

Example : He likes to sing, He is very famous and handsome


5) Using the simple present tense.

- Verbal: S + V1 (s / es) + O

Example: He likes music

- Nominal: S + to be (is, am are) + N / Adj / Adv

Example: Niall is a cheerful and humorous boy, He also has beautiful skin

which is white.

- To Declare Ownership = S + have / has + Noun Phrase

Example: He has small eyes, she has oval face, he has sweet smile, he has a

pointed nose

6) Using adjectives to describe the features of the subject. Example: thin,

beautiful, adorable, elegant, diligent, smart, lazy, etc


Niall James Horan is a singer and one of the boy group One Direction. He is

teenagers. He was born on September 13, 1993 in County West- meath, Ireland.


He likes music and Justin Bieber. His favorite color is blue. He loves to eat very

much. He is known as Niall Horan.

Niall has slim body with height 171 cm. He has cute oval face with sexy lips. His

nose is pointed. Brunette wavy hair makes him different from other boys in the

band. He also has beautiful skin which is white. Then, he likes his eyes very

much, because it is beautiful.

Niall is a cheerful and humorous boy. Everybody likes him because he is friendly

and enjoyed boy. He is a shy and reserved boy when you not know him. In his boy

group, he never made mess or quarrel things with the others. He is a good singer,

who has a soft voice. He likes music and Justin Bieber. His favorite color is blue.

He loves to eat very much. Her hobbies are eating kind of food, singing, and




4. 4th Meeting


Description Text is text that says what the place, object or person looks like. This

means that descriptive text is text that describes the characteristics of people,

places, or things. Its purpose is to describe and reveal the characteristics or

appearance of a particular object or person. According to Husein, R (2017),

"Descriptive is a type of text which describes an object (living or non-living

things) such as person, place, or thing."


- Identification: contains the identification of the place, the opening, and an

overview of a topic. In the introductory written identification of who or what will

be described.

- Description: contains a description of the place, characters and something related

to the place. Usually these characteristics are related to physical appearance or

something that can be felt by humans.



S, 2014: 29))

1) The use of figurative words (see, hear, taste, smell, and touch). This way the

description will appear lively and interesting.

Example : He wears too much aftershave (sense of smell)

His lips taste sweet like ripe fruit (sense of taste)

He has a high-pitched laugh (sense of sound)

His hair feels wiry (sense of touch)

2) Using vivid images is to make descriptions clear and realistic

3) Using various kinds of words. Like adjectives (clever, big / small, perfect,

unique). Nouns (car, chair, marker, etc), adverbs (time / place), and phrases (short

hair, white skin, pointed nose)

4) Using any detail. If you want to describe an object, one should describe not

only its physical features but also its habits, characteristics and relationships.

Example : He likes to sing, He is very famous and handsome

5) Using the simple present tense.

- Verbal: S + V1 (s / es) + O

Example: He win some trophies at AMA, Teen Choice Awards, and many


- Nominal: S + to be (is, am are) + N / Adj / Adv

Example: he has a good voice

To Declare Ownership = S + have / has + Noun Phrase

Example: He has small eyes, she has oval face, he has sweet smile, he has a

pointed nose


6) Using adjectives to describe the features of the subject. Example: thin,

beautiful, adorable, elegant, diligent, smart, lazy, etc


Shawn Mendes is a singer and songwriters. He was born at August 8th, 1998 at

Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Now, he is 19 years old (2017). His parent’s names are

Mr. Manuel Mendes and Mrs. Karen Mendes. He also has a younger sister. His

sister name is Aaliyah Mendes.

He started his career at 2014 when he was upload his video at the most popular

video sharing, Vine app. After a few years, he caught the attention of artist

manager, Andrew Gertler, and Island Record A&R Ziggy Chareton, which led to

him singing a deal with the record label. His first song is "Life of The Party". He

also win some trophies at AMA, Teen Choice Awards, and many more.

As a singer, he has a good voice. He has a different voice and I like so much to

hear his voice. The way I like him because he has a good voice, handsome,

beautiful smile, and he is a kind person.

(source :


Appendix D

Students’ Score in Pre-test of writing descriptive text in VIII C SMPN 1




Students’ Value of Writing Test of Each

Aspect based on Characteristic by Apsari

A. A. N (in Zahara. S, 2014: 29)







1 Syavira


1 1 4 5 1 2 14

30× 100

46 Poor

2 Birrul


1 1 5 5 5 4 21

30× 100

70 Fairly good

3 Aditya

Putra Rani

2 1 2 1 1 2 9

30× 100

30 Very poor

4 Akbar al


2 1 2 3 4 4 15

30× 100

53 Poor

5 Cachyadi



2 1 3 1 4 1 12

30× 100

40 Poor

6 Faiz


2 1 3 1 2 2 11

30× 100

36 Poor

7 Farhanah


2 1 4 3 4 3 16

30× 100

56 Fair

8 Insani



1 1 3 1 4 1 11

30× 100

36 Poor

9 Jihan


1 1 3 2 3 4 14

30× 100

46 Poor

10 Maya


1 1 3 3 4 2 14

30× 100

46 Poor


11 Fadila


i B

4 1 3 4 2 2 15

30× 100

53 Poor

12 Putri


1 1 3 4 5 3 17

30× 100

56 Fair

13 Roofi


1 1 1 1 1 1 6

30× 100

20 Very poor

14 Siti



1 1 3 4 2 1 12

30× 100

40 Poor

15 Widya



1 1 5 5 5 4 21

30× 100

70 Fairly good

16 Suci Indah


1 1 5 4 3 1 15

30× 100

50 Poor

17 Alisya


1 1 3 3 3 1 12

30× 100

40 Poor

18 Pania Ayu


2 1 2 1 1 2 9

30× 100

30 Very poor

19 Tiara


1 1 4 3 3 4 16

30× 100

53 Poor

Total of Each

Aspect of

Characteristic of



95× 100%


95× 100%


95× 100%


95× 100%


95× 100%


95× 100%

Analysis of the

Factor of

Characteristic in




















Appendix E

Students’ Score in Post-test of writing descriptive text in VIII C SMPN 1




Students’ Value of Writing Test of Each

Aspect based on Characteristic by Apsari

A. A. N (in Zahara. S, 2014: 29)







1 Syavira


2 5 5 5 5 5 27

30× 100

90 Very Good

2 Birrul


1 5 5 2 5 5 23

30× 100

76 Good

3 Aditya

Putra Rani

1 5 4 4 5 5 24

30× 100

80 Good

4 Akbar al


4 5 4 5 5 5 28

30× 100

93 Very good

5 Cachyadi



1 5 3 3 5 5 22

30× 100

73 Fairly good

6 Faiz


1 5 3 5 5 5 24

30× 100

80 Good

7 Farhanah


1 5 5 5 5 3 24

30× 100

80 Good

8 Insani



3 5 4 5 5 5 27

30× 100

83 Good

9 Jihan


4 5 5 3 5 4 26

30× 100

86 Very good

10 Maya


5 5 4 5 5 5 29

30× 100

96 Excellent


11 Fadila


i B

3 5 4 3 5 4 24

30× 100

80 Good

12 Putri


3 5 5 5 5 4 27

30× 100

90 Very good

13 Roofi


1 5 2 5 5 5 23

30× 100

76 Good

14 Siti



1 5 5 2 5 5 23

30× 100

76 Good

15 Widya



1 5 5 5 5 5 26

30× 100

86 Very good

16 Suci Indah


1 5 4 3 5 5 23

30× 100

76 Good

17 Alisya


3 5 4 5 4 5 26

30× 100

86 Very Good

18 Pania Ayu


1 5 4 5 5 5 25

30× 100

83 Good

19 Tiara


1 5 3 4 5 5 23

30× 100

76 Good

Total of Each

Aspect of

Characteristic of



95× 100%


95× 100%


95× 100%


95× 100%


95× 100%


95× 100%

Analysis of the

Factor of

Characteristic in





















Appendix F

The Enhancement of Students’ Writing Ability

% = 𝑋2 − 𝑋1

𝑋1× 100

% = 82.26 − 45.84

45.84× 100

% = 36.42

45.84× 100

% = 0.7945 × 100

% = 79.45

The students’ enhancement = 79.45%


Appendix G

T-Test Analysis

Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Pair 1 PreTest 45.8421 19 12.93257 2.96694

PostTest 82.2632 19 6.47939 1.48647

Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlation Sig.

Pair 1 PreTest & PostTest 19 .183 .454

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences

t df

Sig. (2-

tailed) Mean



Std. Error


95% Confidence Interval

of the Difference

Lower Upper









13.36378 3.06586 -42.86219 -29.97992 -11.880 18 .000


Appendix H

Distribution of T-table

Pr 0.25 0.10 0.05 0.025 0.01

Df 0.50 0.20 0.10 0.050 0.02

1 1.00000 3.07768 6.31375 12.70620 31.82052

2 0.81650 1.88562 2.91999 4.30265 6.96456

3 0.76489 1.63774 2.35336 3.18245 4.54070

4 0.74070 1.53321 2.13185 2.77645 3.74695

5 0.72669 1.47588 2.01505 2.57058 3.36493

6 0.71756 1.43976 1.94318 2.44691 3.14267

7 0.71114 1.41492 1.89458 2.36462 2.99795

8 0.70639 1.39682 1.85955 2.30600 2.89646

9 0.70272 1.38303 1.83311 2.26216 2.82144

10 0.69981 1.37218 1.81246 2.22814 2.76377

11 0.69745 1.36343 1.79588 2.20099 2.71808

12 0.69548 1.35622 1.78229 2.17881 2.68100

13 0.69383 1.35017 1.77093 2.16037 2.65031

14 0.69242 1.34503 1.76131 2.14479 2.62449

15 0.69120 1.34061 1.75305 2.13145 2.60248

16 0.69013 1.33676 1.74588 2.11991 2.58349

17 0.68920 1.33338 1.73961 2.10982 2.56693

18 0.68836 1.33039 1.73406 2.10092 2.55238

19 0.68762 1.32773 1.72913 2.09302 2.53948

20 0.68695 1.32534 1.72472 2.08596 2.52798

21 0.68635 1.32319 1.72074 2.07961 2.51765

22 0.68581 1.32124 1.71714 2.07387 2.50832

23 0.68531 1.31946 1.71387 2.06866 2.49987

24 0.68485 1.31784 1.71088 2.06390 2.49216

25 0.68443 1.31635 1.70814 2.05954 2.48511

26 0.68404 1.31497 1.70562 2.05553 2.47863

27 0.68368 1.31370 1.70329 2.05183 2.47266

28 0.68335 1.31253 1.70113 2.04841 2.46714

29 0.68304 1.31143 1.69913 2.04523 2.46202

30 0.68276 1.31042 1.69726 2.04227 2.45726

31 0.68249 1.30946 1.69552 2.03951 2.45282

32 0.68223 1.30857 1.69389 2.03693 2.44868

33 0.68200 1.30774 1.69236 2.03452 2.44479

34 0.68177 1.30695 1.69092 2.03224 2.44115

35 0.68156 1.30621 1.68957 2.03011 2.43772

36 0.68137 1.30551 1.68830 2.02809 2.43449

37 0.68118 1.30485 1.68709 2.02619 2.43145

38 0.68100 1.30423 1.68595 2.02439 2.42857

39 0.68083 1.30364 1.68488 2.02269 2.42584


Appendix I

Research Control Card


Appendix J

Research Permit


Appendix K

Result test of students






The researcher, Ainun Fatikasari was born on Third of

December, 1998 in Ujung Pandang. She is the first child from

third siblings. Her father is Mr. Saharuddin, S. Sos. and her

mother is Mrs. Suhaeni Saleh, she passed away 7 years ago. she

has one sister and one brothers. She started study at SDN Labuang Baji II in 2004

to 2010. In 2010, she continued her junior High School at SMPN 3 Pallangga then

graduated in 2013, in the same year, she continued her Senior High School at

SMAN 1 Gowa or popular known as SALIS and finished it in 2016. Finally she

continued her study as ordinary students specializing in English Education in

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at Muhammadiyah University of

Makassar. At the end of her study, she could finish her thesis with the title the

effects of poster in enhance students ability to write descriptive text using direct

instruction model at the second grade of junior high school.

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