ocsigen - École pour l'informatique et les techniques ... · qu'est-cequ'ocsigen?....

Post on 30-Apr-2020






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Vincent Balat

Epita — 12 mars 2014

Affilia on

Ocsigen est logiciel libre issu d'un projet de recherche (Univ Paris Diderot,CNRS et Inria).


2 projets ANR

Collabora ons avec UPMC, Inria Sophia An polis et Université Paris Nord.

L'évolu on du Web

L'évolu on du Web

L'évolu on du Web

L'évolu on du Web

L'évolu on du Web

L'évolu on du Web

L'évolu on du Web

1992 1997 2002 2007

Yahoo mail









Angry birds

Google documents



Pivotal Tracker


PHP JSPServlets

ASP Ruby on rails



Qu'est-ce qu'Ocsigen ?

.Un framework Web pour :..


les applica ons HTML5 avec beaucoup d'interac ons client / serveur

les sites Web tradi onnels (signets, bouton back, liens, etc)

Les deux ensemble (le programme client ne s'arrête pas pendant la naviga on)

Ocsigen est distribué sous licence LGPL



. h p://ocsigen.org/graffi

Exemple :une applica on de dessin

Exemple :une applica on de dessin collabora ve

Le code de Graffi en en er


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


� Court


� Un seul code


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


� côté server


� code partagé


� code client , compilé vers JS

Le code de Graffi en en er


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


� Court


� Un seul code


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


� côté server


� code partagé


� code client , compilé vers JS

Le code de Graffi en en er


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


� Court


� Un seul code


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


� côté server


� code partagé


� code client , compilé vers JS

Le code de Graffi en en er



{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


� Court


� Un seul code


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


� côté server


� code partagé


� code client , compilé vers JS

Une applica on Web client/servercomme un seul programmeAvantages :

Même language

Mêmes structures de données — pas besoin de conversions

Code partagé

Générer des por ons de la page soit sur le server (indexa on...) soitle client (mises à jour)

Appels de fonc ons distants

U liser des variables serveur depuis le côté client

Les buts d'Ocsigen.Expressivité..


Expressivité du langage lui-même

Concepts de haut niveau adaptés aux besoins des développeurs Web.



Garan es de sécurité offertes par le langage ou par Ocsigen(pas d'injec on de code possible,...)

.Améliorer la fiabilité, Réduire le temps de débogage..


Grâce à un langage compilé, avec un typage sta que puissant

Le HTML respecte les recommanda ons du W3C (Vérifié à la

compila on !)

URLs générées dynamiquement⇒ pas de liens morts



Applica ons Web client-serveur

Programmer l'interac on Web tradi onelle

Générer du HTML




Applica ons Web client-serveur

Programmer l'interac on Web tradi onelle

Générer du HTML


Le langage


Très expressif: fonc onnel, orienté objet, modules paramétrés …

Système de types très riche (typage sta que !)

Langage compilé (rapide)

Syntaxe extensible

Nombreuses bibliothèques et bindings

Communauté d'u lisateurs, u lisateurs industriels

Quelques u lisateurs d'OCaml

Jane Street Capital Transac ons financièresXen -- Citrix 15% des machines virtuelles, dont AmazonAirbusOCaml Labs (Cambridge UK)Ocamlpro (Paris)La plupart des prouveurs de programmesMicroso (F#), Dassault,...Facebook...

Influence du typagesur le temps de développement

Development time

Complexity of the program


Un compilateur d'OCaml vers JS.


Un compilateur de bytecode OCamlvers JS.


Un compilateur de bytecode OCamlvers JS.

Très facile à u liserPossibilité d'u liser des bibliothèques déjà compilées (même non libres)


Un compilateur de bytecode OCamlvers JS.

Rapide !


Un compilateur de bytecode OCamlvers JS.

Concis !

Js_of_ocaml : Appeler des fonc ons JS


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


let draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =ctx##strokeStyle <- color;ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1);ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()


Dessiner des lignes

Js_of_ocaml : Appeler des fonc ons JS


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


let draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =ctx##strokeStyle <- color;ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1);ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()


Dessiner des lignes

O'Closure: un bindingpour la bibliothèque de widgets GoogleClosure



Applica ons Web client-serveur

Programmer l'interac on Web tradi onelle

Générer du HTML




{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


open, constantes, type


Ini alisa on de l'appl




fonc on draw






HTML5 page


Code spécifique à la page






Pale e de couleurs


Fonc onde calcul des coordonnéeset envoi au serveur


Réac ons aux évé. serveur


Évé. souris




{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


open, constantes, type


Ini alisa on de l'appl




fonc on draw






HTML5 page


Code spécifique à la page






Pale e de couleurs


Fonc onde calcul des coordonnéeset envoi au serveur


Réac ons aux évé. serveur


Évé. souris




{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


open, constantes, type


Ini alisa on de l'appl




fonc on draw






HTML5 page


Code spécifique à la page






Pale e de couleurs


Fonc onde calcul des coordonnéeset envoi au serveur


Réac ons aux évé. serveur


Évé. souris




{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


open, constantes, type


Ini alisa on de l'appl




fonc on draw






HTML5 page


Code spécifique à la page






Pale e de couleurs


Fonc onde calcul des coordonnéeset envoi au serveur


Réac ons aux évé. serveur


Évé. souris




{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


open, constantes, type


Ini alisa on de l'appl




fonc on draw






HTML5 page


Code spécifique à la page






Pale e de couleurs


Fonc onde calcul des coordonnéeset envoi au serveur


Réac ons aux évé. serveur


Évé. souris




{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


open, constantes, type


Ini alisa on de l'appl




fonc on draw






HTML5 page


Code spécifique à la page






Pale e de couleurs


Fonc onde calcul des coordonnéeset envoi au serveur


Réac ons aux évé. serveur


Évé. souris




{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


open, constantes, type


Ini alisa on de l'appl




fonc on draw






HTML5 page


Code spécifique à la page






Pale e de couleurs


Fonc onde calcul des coordonnéeset envoi au serveur


Réac ons aux évé. serveur


Évé. souris




{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


open, constantes, type


Ini alisa on de l'appl




fonc on draw






HTML5 page


Code spécifique à la page






Pale e de couleurs


Fonc onde calcul des coordonnéeset envoi au serveur


Réac ons aux évé. serveur


Évé. souris




{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


open, constantes, type


Ini alisa on de l'appl




fonc on draw






HTML5 page


Code spécifique à la page






Pale e de couleurs


Fonc onde calcul des coordonnéeset envoi au serveur


Réac ons aux évé. serveur


Évé. souris




{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


open, constantes, type


Ini alisa on de l'appl




fonc on draw






HTML5 page


Code spécifique à la page






Pale e de couleurs


Fonc onde calcul des coordonnéeset envoi au serveur


Réac ons aux évé. serveur


Évé. souris




{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


open, constantes, type


Ini alisa on de l'appl




fonc on draw






HTML5 page


Code spécifique à la page






Pale e de couleurs


Fonc onde calcul des coordonnéeset envoi au serveur


Réac ons aux évé. serveur


Évé. souris




{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


open, constantes, type


Ini alisa on de l'appl




fonc on draw






HTML5 page


Code spécifique à la page






Pale e de couleurs


Fonc onde calcul des coordonnéeset envoi au serveur


Réac ons aux évé. serveur


Évé. souris




{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


open, constantes, type


Ini alisa on de l'appl




fonc on draw






HTML5 page


Code spécifique à la page






Pale e de couleurs


Fonc onde calcul des coordonnéeset envoi au serveur


Réac ons aux évé. serveur


Évé. souris




{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


open, constantes, type


Ini alisa on de l'appl




fonc on draw






HTML5 page


Code spécifique à la page






Pale e de couleurs


Fonc onde calcul des coordonnéeset envoi au serveur


Réac ons aux évé. serveur


Évé. souris




{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


open, constantes, type


Ini alisa on de l'appl




fonc on draw






HTML5 page


Code spécifique à la page






Pale e de couleurs


Fonc onde calcul des coordonnéeset envoi au serveur


Réac ons aux évé. serveur


Évé. souris




{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


open, constantes, type


Ini alisa on de l'appl




fonc on draw






HTML5 page


Code spécifique à la page






Pale e de couleurs


Fonc onde calcul des coordonnéeset envoi au serveur


Réac ons aux évé. serveur


Évé. souris




{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


open, constantes, type


Ini alisa on de l'appl




fonc on draw






HTML5 page


Code spécifique à la page






Pale e de couleurs


Fonc onde calcul des coordonnéeset envoi au serveur


Réac ons aux évé. serveur


Évé. souris




{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


open, constantes, type


Ini alisa on de l'appl




fonc on draw






HTML5 page


Code spécifique à la page






Pale e de couleurs


Fonc onde calcul des coordonnéeset envoi au serveur


Réac ons aux évé. serveur


Évé. souris

Ex de com. client-serveur : le bus


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


let b =Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


Eliom_bus.write %b v


Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream %b)

Ex de com. client-serveur : le bus


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


let b =Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


Eliom_bus.write %b v


Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream %b)

Ex de com. client-serveur : le bus


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


let b =Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


Eliom_bus.write %b v


Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream %b)

Bus client-server



. call write. listen on bus b

Bus client-server



. call write. listen on bus b

Bus client-server



. call write

. listen on bus b

Bus client-server



. call write

. listen on bus b

Bus client-server



. call write

. listen on bus b



Applica ons Web client-serveur

Programmer l'interac on Web tradi onelle

Générer du HTML




{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


let main_service = register_service~path:[""]~get_params:unit(fun () () -> ... )




Redirec on

Ac on

Applica on



{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))


let main_service = register_service~path:[""]~get_params:unit(fun () () -> ... )




Redirec on

Ac on

Applica on

Programmer l'interac on Web tradi onelleavec les services d'Ocsigen

...1 Les services sont des valeurs de première classe

...2 Liens et formulaires sont vérifiés sta quement

...3 Les données générées sont vérifiés sta quement

...4 Créa on dynamique de nouveaux services

...5 Mécanisme puissant d'iden fica on de services, basé sur :L'URL ou un iden fiant de service (comme paramètre)Le méthode HTTP (GET or POST)Le nom des paramètresLa session (navigateur)L'onglet qui fait la requête…


service : (GET and POST parameters) −→ page


Ocsigen vérifie la présence des paramètreset les traduit automa quement vers des types OCaml

(integers, booleans,... et même des ensembles ou listes !)

Liens et formulaires

..Les services sont des valeurs de première classe

<a> ne prend pas l'URL comme paramètre,mais le service !

..⇒ Pas de liens cassés !


Conformité des formulaires par rapport aux servicesvérifiée à la compila on

Liens et formulaires

..Les services sont des valeurs de première classe

<a> ne prend pas l'URL comme paramètre,mais le service !

..⇒ Pas de liens cassés !


Conformité des formulaires par rapport aux servicesvérifiée à la compila on

Liens et formulaires

..Les services sont des valeurs de première classe

<a> ne prend pas l'URL comme paramètre,mais le service !

..⇒ Pas de liens cassés !


Conformité des formulaires par rapport aux servicesvérifiée à la compila on

Mécanisme d'iden fica on de services

..Ocsigen choisit le service automa quement

en fonc on :

De l'URL et/ou d'un paramètre interne

De la méthode HTTP (GET ou POST)

Du nom des paramètres

La session de l'u lisateur

−→ Le programmeur choisit le style d'iden fica on dont il a besoin.

Mécanisme d'iden fica on de services

Exemple : connec on d'u lisateur depuis n'importe quelle page


h p ://.../


h p ://.../aaa/bbb












h p ://.../


h p ://.../aaa/bbb




Hello Paul


Hello Paul

Mécanisme d'iden fica on de services

Exemple : connec on d'u lisateur depuis n'importe quelle page


h p ://.../


h p ://.../aaa/bbb












h p ://.../


h p ://.../aaa/bbb




Hello Paul


Hello Paul

L'ac on de « se connecter » est un service caché disponible pour toutes lesURLs.

Mécanisme d'iden fica on de services

Exemple : connec on d'u lisateur depuis n'importe quelle page


h p ://.../


h p ://.../aaa/bbb












h p ://.../


h p ://.../aaa/bbb




Hello Paul


Hello Paul

L'ac on de « se connecter » est un service caché disponible pour toutes lesURLs.

Deux sortes d'interac on WebExemple : réserver un billet d'avion



Je veux réserver un billetLisbonne -- Moscou



Le site propose plusieurs choix


Dans une autre fenêtre,Je veux réserver un billet

San Francisco -- Antananarivo



Encore une fois, plusieurs choix



Je retourne à la première fenêtre


Je veux con nuer avec le premierbillet !

.Les deux fenêtres évoluent indépendamment.Mais le panier est partagépar les deux fenêtres

Deux sortes d'interac on WebExemple : réserver un billet d'avion


Je veux réserver un billetLisbonne -- Moscou



Le site propose plusieurs choix


Dans une autre fenêtre,Je veux réserver un billet

San Francisco -- Antananarivo



Encore une fois, plusieurs choix



Je retourne à la première fenêtre


Je veux con nuer avec le premierbillet !

.Les deux fenêtres évoluent indépendamment.Mais le panier est partagépar les deux fenêtres

Deux sortes d'interac on WebExemple : réserver un billet d'avion



Je veux réserver un billetLisbonne -- Moscou


Le site propose plusieurs choix


Dans une autre fenêtre,Je veux réserver un billet

San Francisco -- Antananarivo



Encore une fois, plusieurs choix



Je retourne à la première fenêtre


Je veux con nuer avec le premierbillet !

.Les deux fenêtres évoluent indépendamment.Mais le panier est partagépar les deux fenêtres

Deux sortes d'interac on WebExemple : réserver un billet d'avion



Je veux réserver un billetLisbonne -- Moscou



Le site propose plusieurs choix


Dans une autre fenêtre,Je veux réserver un billet

San Francisco -- Antananarivo



Encore une fois, plusieurs choix



Je retourne à la première fenêtre


Je veux con nuer avec le premierbillet !

.Les deux fenêtres évoluent indépendamment.Mais le panier est partagépar les deux fenêtres

Deux sortes d'interac on WebExemple : réserver un billet d'avion



Je veux réserver un billetLisbonne -- Moscou



Le site propose plusieurs choix


Dans une autre fenêtre,Je veux réserver un billet

San Francisco -- Antananarivo


Encore une fois, plusieurs choix



Je retourne à la première fenêtre


Je veux con nuer avec le premierbillet !

.Les deux fenêtres évoluent indépendamment.Mais le panier est partagépar les deux fenêtres

Deux sortes d'interac on WebExemple : réserver un billet d'avion



Je veux réserver un billetLisbonne -- Moscou



Le site propose plusieurs choix


Dans une autre fenêtre,Je veux réserver un billet

San Francisco -- Antananarivo



Encore une fois, plusieurs choix


Je retourne à la première fenêtre


Je veux con nuer avec le premierbillet !

.Les deux fenêtres évoluent indépendamment.Mais le panier est partagépar les deux fenêtres

Deux sortes d'interac on WebExemple : réserver un billet d'avion



Je veux réserver un billetLisbonne -- Moscou



Le site propose plusieurs choix


Dans une autre fenêtre,Je veux réserver un billet

San Francisco -- Antananarivo



Encore une fois, plusieurs choix


Je retourne à la première fenêtre


Je veux con nuer avec le premierbillet !

.Les deux fenêtres évoluent indépendamment.Mais le panier est partagépar les deux fenêtres

Deux sortes d'interac on WebExemple : réserver un billet d'avion



Je veux réserver un billetLisbonne -- Moscou



Le site propose plusieurs choix


Dans une autre fenêtre,Je veux réserver un billet

San Francisco -- Antananarivo



Encore une fois, plusieurs choix



Je retourne à la première fenêtre


Je veux con nuer avec le premierbillet !

.Les deux fenêtres évoluent indépendamment

.Mais le panier est partagépar les deux fenêtres

Deux sortes d'interac on WebExemple : réserver un billet d'avion



Je veux réserver un billetLisbonne -- Moscou



Le site propose plusieurs choix


Dans une autre fenêtre,Je veux réserver un billet

San Francisco -- Antananarivo



Encore une fois, plusieurs choix



Je retourne à la première fenêtre


Je veux con nuer avec le premierbillet !

.Les deux fenêtres évoluent indépendamment

.Mais le panier est partagépar les deux fenêtres

Solu ons


Panier :



−→ « État » côté serveur pour un navigateur−→ Ges on automa ques des cookies de session−→ Possibilité de créer des services de session !


Pages dépendant d'interac ons précédentes :


Créa on dynamique de services

−→ L'histoire de l'interac on est gardée automa quement en mémoire(côté serveur)

−→ Vous pouvez retourner dans le passé (bouton ``back'')ou changer de fenêtre de navigateur

Solu ons


Panier :



−→ « État » côté serveur pour un navigateur−→ Ges on automa ques des cookies de session−→ Possibilité de créer des services de session !


Pages dépendant d'interac ons précédentes :


Créa on dynamique de services

−→ L'histoire de l'interac on est gardée automa quement en mémoire(côté serveur)

−→ Vous pouvez retourner dans le passé (bouton ``back'')ou changer de fenêtre de navigateur

Solu ons


Panier :



−→ « État » côté serveur pour un navigateur−→ Ges on automa ques des cookies de session−→ Possibilité de créer des services de session !


Pages dépendant d'interac ons précédentes :


Créa on dynamique de services

−→ L'histoire de l'interac on est gardée automa quement en mémoire(côté serveur)

−→ Vous pouvez retourner dans le passé (bouton ``back'')ou changer de fenêtre de navigateur

Sessions revisitéesDonnées de session sauvegardées dans des références avec une portée(scope).


Portée :Site

Session de navigateur (cookie)


Les services ont aussi une portée.

Sessions revisitéesÉtat côté serveur mis en œuvre grâce à des références avec une portée(scope).


Portée :Site

Session de navigateur (cookie)

Processus client (onglet)

Exemple : Si vous avez plusieurs instances d'un jeu dans plusieurs onglets,le score est une référence de portée « onglet ».


Les services ont aussi une portée.

Sessions revisitéesÉtat côté serveur mis en œuvre grâce à des références avec une portée(scope).


Portée :Site

Groupes de sessions (u lisateur)

Session de navigateur (cookie)

Processus client (onglet)

Exemple : partager le panier entre plusieurs terminaux !


Les services ont aussi une portée.

Sessions revisitéesÉtat côté serveur mis en œuvre grâce à des références avec une portée(scope).


Portée :Site

Groupes de sessions (u lisateur)

Session de navigateur (cookie)

Processus client (onglet)


Garder de l'informa on pendant la généra on d'une page.


Les services ont aussi une portée.

Sessions revisitéesÉtat côté serveur mis en œuvre grâce à des références avec une portée(scope).


Portée :Site

Groupes de sessions (u lisateur)

Session de navigateur (cookie)

Processus client (onglet)



Les services ont aussi une portée.

Web 1.0 + Web 2.0 = ?


Avec Ocsigen, le programme côté client ne s'arrête pas quandvous cliquez sur un lien !

−→ Les applica ons Ocsigen client-server sont 100% compa blesavec l'interac on Web tradi onnelle (signets, bouton back) !

−→ Vous pouvez garder un état côté client.−→ Certaines por ons de la page peuvent rester

après avoirchangé de page.−→ La musique ou les vidéos ne s'arrêtent pas.

Exemple : Site de streaming vidéo(con nuer sa naviga on pour choisir d'autres albums sans arrêter la musique)

Web 1.0 + Web 2.0 = ?


Avec Ocsigen, le programme côté client ne s'arrête pas quandvous cliquez sur un lien !

−→ Les applica ons Ocsigen client-server sont 100% compa blesavec l'interac on Web tradi onnelle (signets, bouton back) !

−→ Vous pouvez garder un état côté client.−→ Certaines por ons de la page peuvent rester

après avoirchangé de page.−→ La musique ou les vidéos ne s'arrêtent pas.

Exemple : Site de streaming vidéo(con nuer sa naviga on pour choisir d'autres albums sans arrêter la musique)

Web 1.0 + Web 2.0 = ?


Avec Ocsigen, le programme côté client ne s'arrête pas quandvous cliquez sur un lien !

−→ Les applica ons Ocsigen client-server sont 100% compa blesavec l'interac on Web tradi onnelle (signets, bouton back) !

−→ Vous pouvez garder un état côté client.−→ Certaines por ons de la page peuvent rester

après avoirchangé de page.−→ La musique ou les vidéos ne s'arrêtent pas.

Exemple : Site de streaming vidéo(con nuer sa naviga on pour choisir d'autres albums sans arrêter la musique)



Applica ons Web client-serveur

Programmer l'interac on Web tradi onelle

Générer du HTML


Généra on de HTML


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))



(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel :[ `Stylesheet ] ~href :(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") () ;script ~a :[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "") ;])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))

Généra on de HTML


{shared{open Eliom_pervasivesopen HTML5.Mlet width = 700let height = 400type messages = (string * int * (int * int) * (int * int)) deriving (Json)



module My_appl = Eliom_output.Eliom_appl (structlet application_name = "graffiti"


let b = Eliom_bus.create ~name:"graff" Json.t<messages>


{client{open Event_arrowslet draw ctx (color, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =

ctx##strokeStyle <- (Js.string color);ctx##lineWidth <- float size;ctx##beginPath();ctx##moveTo(float x1, float y1); ctx##lineTo(float x2, float y2);ctx##stroke()



let main_service = My_appl.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameters.unit(fun () () -> Eliom_services.onload


{{ let canvas = Dom_html.createCanvas Dom_html.document inlet ctx = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) incanvas##width <- width; canvas##height <- height;ctx##lineCap <- Js.string "round";Dom.appendChild Dom_html.document##body canvas;

let slider = jsnew Goog.Ui.slider(Js.null) inslider##setMinimum(1.); slider##setMaximum(80.);slider##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let pSmall = jsnew Goog.Ui.hsvPalette(Js.null, Js.null, Js.some (Js.string "goog-hsv-palette-sm")) in

pSmall##render(Js.some Dom_html.document##body);

let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 inlet set_coord ev =

let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas inx := ev##clientX - x0; y := ev##clientY - y0 in

let compute_line ev =let oldx = !x and oldy = !y inset_coord ev;let color = Js.to_string (pSmall##getColor()) inlet size = int_of_float (Js.to_float (slider##getValue())) in(color, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))

inlet (b : messages Eliom_bus.t) = %b inlet line ev =

let v = compute_line ev inlet _ = Eliom_bus.write b v indraw ctx v

inignore (Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) (Eliom_bus.stream b));ignore (run (mousedowns canvas

(arr (fun ev -> set_coord ev; line ev)>>> first [mousemoves Dom_html.document (arr line);

mouseup Dom_html.document >>> (arr line)])) ());}};



(head(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel:[ `Stylesheet ] ~href:(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") ();script ~a:[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "");])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))



(title (pcdata "Graffiti"))[link ~rel :[ `Stylesheet ] ~href :(uri_of_string"./css/style.css") () ;script ~a :[a_src (uri_of_string "./graffiti_oclosure.js")] (pcdata "") ;])

(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]])))

Générer du HTML


La validité du HTML est vérifiée à la compila on !

Produire du HTML valide
















_ rejetés à la compila on !

Produire du HTML valide
















_ rejetés à la compila on !

Produire du HTML valide
















_ rejetés à la compila on !

Produire du HTML valide
















_ rejetés à la compila on !

Produire du HTML valide
















_ rejetés à la compila on !

Produire du HTML valide
















_ rejetés à la compila on !

Produire du HTML valide
















_ rejetés à la compila on !

Produire du HTML valide

Les programmes pouvant générer des pages invalides sont rejetés par le compilateur !


f : () → block list

<body> f() </body>




<p> f() </p>



Produire du HTML valide

Les programmes pouvant générer des pages invalides sont rejetés par le compilateur !


f : () → block list

<body> f() </body>




<p> f() </p>



Produire du HTML valide

Les programmes pouvant générer des pages invalides sont rejetés par le compilateur !


f : () → block list

<body> f() </body>




<p> f() </p>



Produire du HTML valide

Les programmes pouvant générer des pages invalides sont rejetés par le compilateur !


f : () → block list

<body> f() </body>




<p> f() </p>





Applica ons Web client-serveur

Programmer l'interac on Web tradi onelle

Générer du HTML


Beaucoup de fonc onnalités uniques


Iden fica on de services sophis quée


Typages des liens, formulaires, paramètres


Typage du HTML


Services dynamiques


Services de session




Programma on client-server unifiée


Persistence du programme client

Beaucoup de fonc onnalités uniques


Iden fica on de services sophis quée


Typages des liens, formulaires, paramètres


Typage du HTML


Services dynamiques


Services de session




Programma on client-server unifiée


Persistence du programme client

Beaucoup de fonc onnalités uniques


Iden fica on de services sophis quée


Typages des liens, formulaires, paramètres


Typage du HTML


Services dynamiques


Services de session




Programma on client-server unifiée


Persistence du programme client

Beaucoup de fonc onnalités uniques


Iden fica on de services sophis quée


Typages des liens, formulaires, paramètres


Typage du HTML


Services dynamiques


Services de session




Programma on client-server unifiée


Persistence du programme client

Beaucoup de fonc onnalités uniques


Iden fica on de services sophis quée


Typages des liens, formulaires, paramètres


Typage du HTML


Services dynamiques


Services de session




Programma on client-server unifiée


Persistence du programme client

Beaucoup de fonc onnalités uniques


Iden fica on de services sophis quée


Typages des liens, formulaires, paramètres


Typage du HTML


Services dynamiques


Services de session




Programma on client-server unifiée


Persistence du programme client

Beaucoup de fonc onnalités uniques


Iden fica on de services sophis quée


Typages des liens, formulaires, paramètres


Typage du HTML


Services dynamiques


Services de session




Programma on client-server unifiée


Persistence du programme client

Beaucoup de fonc onnalités uniques


Iden fica on de services sophis quée


Typages des liens, formulaires, paramètres


Typage du HTML


Services dynamiques


Services de session




Programma on client-server unifiée


Persistence du programme client

Beaucoup de fonc onnalités uniques


Iden fica on de services sophis quée


Typages des liens, formulaires, paramètres


Typage du HTML


Services dynamiques


Services de session




Programma on client-server unifiée


Persistence du programme client


Some companies and open source projects :BeSport, NYU CGSB Genomics Core, Pumgrana, Facebook, Life.tl,

Ashima Arts, Metaweb/Freebase, Hypios, Ocamlcore, Ocamlpro, Baoug,Nleyten...

Quelques-uns de nos projets

Le projet


Logiciel libre --- Version 4.0 ce mois-ci !

Auteurs et contributeurs :Vincent Balat, Jérôme Vouillon, Pierre Chambart, Grégoire Henry, Benedikt Becker, RaphaëlProust, Benjamin Canou, Boris Yakobowski, Jérémie DiminoCharly Chevalier, Gabriel Radanne, Jacques-Pascal Deplaix, Stéphane Glondu, Gabriel Kerneis, ArnaudParant, Christophe Lecointe, Denis Berthod, Gabriel Cardoso, Piero Furiesi, Jaap Boender, ThorstenOhl, Gabriel Scherer, Séverine Maingaud, Simon Castellan, Jean-Henri Granarolo, Archibald Pon er,Nataliya Guts, Cécile Herbelin, Charles Oran, Jérôme Velleine, Pierre Clairambault …

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