facteur vénus par john barban « ✔livre ✔pdf

Post on 22-Jul-2016






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5 idées de recettes minceur

5 idées de recettes minceur5 idées de recettes minceur

Le Facteur Vénus


SOMMAIRE......................................................................................................... 1

À LIRE – TRES IMPORTANT ................................................................................. 2

LES RECETTES ..................................................................................................... 3

Mousse de concombre................................................................................... 3

Soupe de lentilles et tomates......................................................................... 4

Crumble à la tomate....................................................................................... 6

Salade de fruits au yaourt .............................................................................. 8

Crumble pommes-poires au chocolat............................................................. 9


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Portions : 2 à 4 personnes

Préparation : environ 10 minutes + 2h de repos au total


1 concombre assez long

2 œufs

30 g de crème fraiche semi-épaisse (allégée)

Quelques branches de persil


1. Épluchez le concombre et enlever les pépins. Passez la chair dans un


2. Laissez égoutter la chair dans un tamis pendant 30 minutes

3. Dans un bol, mélangez la crème fraîche avec la chair de concombre


4. Cassez les œufs et ne gardez que les blancs. Battez-les en neige ferme et

incorporez à la préparation

5. Salez, poivrez et laisser reposer 1h30 au réfrigérateur

6. Au moment de servir, saupoudrez de persil finement ciselé


Portions : 4

Préparation : 20 min

Cuisson : 1h40


2 petites côtelettes de porc fumé, coupées en dés

3 tomates pelées, épépinées et hachées

375 ml de lentilles sèches rincées

1 oignon épluché et coupé en dés

1 gousse d’ail épluchée, écrasée et hachée

1.5 L de bouillon de poulet chaud

½ branche de céleri coupée en dés

1 c. à soupe d’huile d’olive

Pour l’assaisonnement :

2 brins de persil frais

½ c. à thé de marjolaine

1 c. à soupe de basilic frais haché

1 feuille de laurier

¼ c. à thé de thym


1. Faites chauffer l’huile dans une casserole à feu moyen. Ajouter l’oignon,

le céleri, le porc et l’ail. Laisser cuire à feu doux pendant 4 minutes.

2. Ajouter les tomates, bien assaisonner le tout. Laisser poursuivre la

cuisson encore 4 minutes.

3. Ajouter les lentilles et le bouillon de poulet.

4. Prenez un linge fin (ou une mousseline), envelopper dedans tous les

assaisonnements. Nouez avec une ficelle et ajouter à la soupe.

5. Laisser cuire pendant 1h30 à feu doux. Si nécessaire, ajouter du liquide

pour maintenir les lentilles immergées.

6. Ajoutez sel et poivre au goût. Vous pouvez servir avec des croutons.


Portions : 4 à 6 personnes

Préparation : Environ 15 minutes

Cuisson : Environ 50 minutes


1,2 kg de tomates

60g de poudre d’amande

20g d’amandes grillées et concassées

40g de parmesan

Vinaigre balsamique

Huile d’olive

80 g de beurre

100 g de farine


1. Coupez les tomates en deux et ôtez les pépins

2. Une grande poêle peut suffire mais vous pouvez prendre deux poêles au

besoin. Mettre une c. à soupe d’huile d’olive dans la poêle et posez les

tomates faces coupées au-dessus. Cuire 12 min à feu doux.

3. Préchauffez le four à 180 ° C. Serrez les tomates dans un large plat allant

au four. Salez, poivrez et laisser cuire pendant 30 minutes. Répartissez 2

c. à soupe de vinaigre balsamique à la sortie du four.

4. Dans un bol, mettez la farine, la poudre d’amande, le beurre morcelé

bien froid, les amandes concassées, le parmesan. Ajoutez également 1 c.

à soupe d’huile d’olive et un peu de sel.

Il vous faut un robot culinaire ou un mixeur pour la suite. Mixez le

mélange afin d’obtenir une pâte grossière et friable. Faites des

impulsions brèves.

5. Étalez la pâte afin que les tomates soient entièrement recouvertes.

Enfournez de nouveau pendant 20 – 25 minutes. À déguster chaud ou


Le petit plus : Vous pouvez repartir des herbes avec la pâte afin de donner

encore plus de goût. Vous pouvez également enrichir le crumble avec une

compote d’oignons caramélisés réparti au fond du plat.


Portions : 4

Préparation : 30 min

Énergie : environ 280 calories par portion


3 oranges

2 bananes

2 pommes

45 ml de miel pur

60 ml de yaourt nature

25 grammes de noix hachées


1. Préparation des fruits :

Trancher les pommes en longueur (vous pouvez conserver la peau)

peler les bananes et faire des tranches pas trop grosses

Pelez les oranges et coupez-les en sections

2. Mettre les fruits dans un bol et bien mélanger

3. Ajouter les noix et le miel ; mélanger de nouveau. Puis laisser mariner 10


4. Ajouter le yaourt au mélange avant de servir


Portions : 6 personnes

Préparation : 15 minutes

Cuisson : 25 minutes

Énergie : 145 calories par portion


3 pommes

3 poires

150 grammes de chocolat noir pâtissier

150 grammes de farine

50 grammes de beurre fondu

3 c. à soupe de cassonade


1. Préchauffer le four à 200°C

2. 2pluchez les pommes et les poires. Les couper en morceaux et disposer

dans des ramequins individuels

3. Répartir des carrés de chocolat sur les fruits

4. Mélanger la farine, la cassonade et le beurre dans un saladier afin

d’obtenir une texture de pâte sablée. Répartir la pâte dans les


5. Mettre au four pendant 25 min. La pâte doit dorer mais ne pas noircir.



Table of Contents

What is the Venus Factor ............................................................................................................................ 4

Your New Venus Family........................................................................................................................9


Gender Differences In Metabolism .......................................................................................................... 14

Size Difference....................................................................................................................................14

Body Composition...............................................................................................................................15


Nutrition Science ...................................................................................................................................... 24

Eat-Up Days vs Cheat Days................................................................................................................24

Disinhibited Eating – 'Good Food' vs 'Bad Food' Thinking Must Go.................................................27

Hot Button Foods................................................................................................................................30

What Should I eat?..............................................................................................................................31



Artificial Sweeteners...........................................................................................................................32


Carbohydrates AKA "Carbs" - 4 calories per gram.............................................................................35

Fats - 9 calories per gram....................................................................................................................36

Protein - 4 calories per gram...............................................................................................................37

Meal Timing and Meal Frequency......................................................................................................38

Ego Depletion......................................................................................................................................40

A special note about coffee..................................................................................................................42

Calories .................................................................................................................................................... 44

Deficit vs Maintenance........................................................................................................................44

Metabolic Rates...................................................................................................................................46

Tapering Up Calories...........................................................................................................................49

Weight vs Shape ....................................................................................................................................... 51

Thinner Isn’t the Only Answer............................................................................................................53

What Determines Your Shape?............................................................................................................54


The Golden Proportion........................................................................................................................57

The Venus Index Measurements .............................................................................................................. 59

Ideal Waist (Height-to-Waist Ratio)....................................................................................................60

Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR)..................................................................................................................63

Shoulder-to-Waist Ratio......................................................................................................................65

How to Take Your Measurements.......................................................................................................67

Venus Index Measurement Example Guide........................................................................................68

Metabolic Flexibility & Adaptability..................................................................................................71

12-Week Undulating Metabolic Override Program ................................................................................. 72

Weeks 1-2 : 5 & 1 Protocol.................................................................................................................72

Weeks 3-4 : Undulation #1 - High Fat 2&1 protocol..........................................................................72

Weeks 5-6 : 5 & 1 Protocol.................................................................................................................73

Weeks 7-8 : Undulation #2 - High Protein 2&1 Protocol...................................................................73

Weeks 9-10 : 5 & 1 Protocol...............................................................................................................73

Weeks 11-12 : Undulation #3 High Carb 2&1 Protocol......................................................................74

The Venus Factor Virtual Nutritionist ...................................................................................................... 76

Using The Venus Factor Virtual Nutritionist.......................................................................................76



Supplements ............................................................................................................................................ 81

References ................................................................................................................................................ 84


What is the Venus Factor

The Venus Factor is a complete weight loss and body re-shaping system. The components that make up

the entire system are as follows:

1. Main diet and weight loss manual (this document).

2. The 12-week workout system - this includes a library of instructional exercise videos and

complete 12-week workout system that can be done at home or in a gym.

3. The Venus Factor Virtual Nutritionist - this is a software app that calculates your specific calorie

and protein requirements for weight loss specific to your body measurements.

4. The Venus Community - A private online community exclusive for Venus Factor members only.

You can meet and learn from other Venus members, start your own personal blog within the

community, or just browse other members' blogs and forum for information. Your level of

involvement is your choice.

5. The Venus Index Podcast - Where you can listen to other Venus members tell their weight loss

success stories. Every year we host 3 transformation contests and I interview all the winners to

get the real inside story on how they used the Venus Factor system to fit their life and

challenges to achieve their weight loss and body shape goals.

Theoretically you can lose all unwanted weight using only the dietary tools you will find here. In other

words, if you never want to workout you don't really have to. However I rarely recommend this

approach as your results will be both accelerated and optimized with the addition of physical activity.

This is why we've included the 12-week Venus Factor workout system for you.

Getting in shape, or rather, changing the size and shape of your body is a two part process.


Part 1 is weight loss and fat removal.

This part is almost entirely dictated by your nutrition and diet. You can lose all the weight and fat that

you want if you have the right dietary approach. This system provides that dietary approach not only to

lose the fat but also to keep it off. This second point about 'keeping it off' cannot be stressed enough.

Many different diet programs can cause temporary weight loss. However the methods of most diets is

to 'crash' you into the weight loss, putting your hormonal, psychological, and physical systems out of

balance which leads to a stalling of weight loss and eventual rebound weight gain. This weight regain

pushes your system even further out of balance.

We've studied this problem and developed a solution that allows for weight loss without crashing and

most importantly without the rebound weight gain. This system should be the last one you ever need as

it's designed to produce as close to permanent weight loss as possible.

Part 2 is body and muscle shaping and toning.

You have a unique body structure and shape that is largely determined by two factors:

i) the location and amount of fat you have on your body

ii) the shape and size of your muscles

And, while it is true that much of your natural shape comes from your genetics much of the way you

store fat and build muscle is within your control.

We've already discussed that the diet portion of this system will be used to remove the fat off of your

body (nutrition and diet component). The second part of this system is how you can change the shape

of your body by changing the shape and tone of your muscles (workout component).

Some people will remove the fat from their body and be perfectly happy with the natural shape and

tone of their muscles and will not want to, or need to do any exercising for muscle tone or shape. In my

experience this is less common as most women want to work on certain areas of their body.


The look and shape of your body is entirely within your control to change as you wish. You can take fat

off where you want, and you can shape and tone any muscles you want. For example many of our past

successful Venus's have lost all the body fat they wanted to lose, and then turned their focus to working

on specific muscles to complement their new leaner form. Many found that they wanted to work on

building their butt, and our program provides the tools to do this. Others find that once they lost their

weight they needed to work on their shoulders and arms citing that they already had strong firm legs

but needed their upper body to come into balance. Others still wanted a whole body workout that

provides balance, shape and muscle tone to their entire figure. All cases can easily be done with this


Overall the Venus Factor system is designed to be the simplest approach possible to achieving fat loss

while also providing a workout program for developing and shaping muscle in a manner that is specific

to a woman's body. A major consideration that went into the production of this program was

practicality. In other words, this program had to also fit within a busy modern life. I fully believe you

can have the body you want without having to sacrifice your social life to get it. After all, what would

be the point of getting into great shape if you can never reap the social benefits of that new shape!?

Too many trainers and fitness coaches teach their clients to treat their diet and workout like a 'second

job'. Are you kidding me?! I don't even want a 'first job' let alone a second one!

The vast majority of women who want to lose weight simply do not have 6 to 8 extra hours a day to

dedicate to this endeavour. Heck, for most people even carving out 1 hour takes some rearranging and

schedule juggling.


My view of the Venus Factor is this:

The Venus Factor System is the essential diet and fitness tools you need to get the body you want,

while still being able to enjoy your life to its fullest.

My goal with this program is to simplify the process rather than overcomplicate it. No doubt if you

tried other diet or workout programs you already have many different diet and fitness 'rules' floating

around in your head that you will not see come up in this program. In fact one of your first challenges

will be accepting how simple this program really is. And I can assure you it's pretty simple.

At this time it's worth making a distinction between 'simple' and 'easy'.

This program just like any other diet or fitness program will have some challenges for you, some won't

necessarily feel 'easy' but they will be 'simple'. For example, a push up is a 'simple' movement, but it

may not necessarily feel 'easy' the first time you try it. Likewise eating a bit less sugar or fat is a

'simple' concept, but it may not feel 'easy' in the moment.

So to be clear I've made this as 'simple' as possible, but sometimes it won't necessarily feel 'easy'.


Beth Hill – The Venus Mindset

I do want to offer a huge thank you to YOU! It was discovering YOU

through MFP that led me to the Venus Index and I haven't looked back.

You have created such a beautiful transformation and I am simply in awe

of you! My 12 weeks ends today and I am so thrilled with the changes that

have occurred in my life - physically, emotionally, and spiritually!

As a tall woman, my biggest fear was always becoming big and tall. It has

now happened twice in the recent years and it feels absolutely horrible. At

this point in my life, I truly don't see it ever happening again. I have no

reservations and am committed to going forward!

Like everyone else, I have tried it all and struggled to make anything work

long term. VI is the answer I have been looking for. It's not prepackaged. It's not a pharmaceutical secret. It's not

a list of rules. It's not a temporary fix. It's not a fraud preying on human weakness for financial gain. It is the ease

of eating the foods I choose to eat on a smaller scale and simply challenging my muscles more and more. It is

not eating when I'm not hungry and budgeting my calories for when I do want to eat. It is not fitness for the

physically fit - it is fitness to create fitness. It is a personal commitment with no strings attached.

The biggest surprise for me has been my spiritual and emotional transformation. I am experiencing and enjoying

an unfamiliar joy - I can only describe it as being "high on life!" I am not sad, angry, grumpy or tired anymore.

My self-esteem, motivation, and optimism have been recharged. I am Beth again and that feels really good. I

truly feel that the best years of my life are ahead of me. The added benefit of connecting with and developing

friendships with so many likeminded women on VI has been an added bonus and such a blessing.

You led me to an amazing place Roberta and, because of that YOU will always be a part of my story. Thanks so


You are loved!



Beth Hill

Your New Venus Family

I'm writing this part to make sure you're going into this program with open honest eyes about what it is

and what you can expect from it. You can have it all, you can lose all the weight and fat you've ever

hoped for and you can change the look and shape of your body however you wish. And one of the best

ways to get started is to talk to the Venus's in the community.

You can talk to many of our previous Venus transformation contest winners in the community and learn

exactly how they did it. They'll be more than happy to share. You can also listen to their podcast

interviews and absorb all of their insight and wisdom of how they managed to overcome their own

personal struggles along the way to getting their Venus body. Everyone will have their own personal

path to follow and I guarantee there is a Venus who has already done it that can help you with your

personal challenges.

Venus members are always willing to help, many of the previous successful Venus's will take new

Venus's under their wing and coach them through the process. Some form tight bonds with a few others

and create txt messaging accountability friendships. Others find local Venus's in their area and actually

meet each other in person to chat about the process, go for walks together and even workout together.

I've personally travelled to meet up with different Venus's and we've organized meet ups in various

locations (Las Vegas being a crowd favorite) and there is always another meet up around the corner.

In short, there is a wealth of experience, information, support, and friendship waiting for you in the

Venus community, all you need to do is introduce yourself and join the discussion. If you're not a

'forum user' then you can just poke around and read for awhile, no need to start chatting if you're not

100% comfortable at first.

The women of the Venus community are your new partners and team that will support you throughout

the process of getting to your weight loss and fitness goals. Many have built lasting friendships that

have transcended the community and turned into real life friendships. The community is waiting with

open arms for you whenever you're ready to be a part of it. And to be clear, this is a secure community

that is only available to active Venus Factor members, nobody else can read or access it.


Podcast Interviews

As I mentioned already, most of our past Venus transformation success stories have done a podcast

interview with me to reveal exactly how they achieved their weight loss and body shaping goals. There

is priceless information in each of these interviews and you can listen to them all for free just by

visiting our blog at www.venusindex.com

You can also find the podcast on itunes or whatever podcast aggregator you use by searching for



Roberta Saum - The Venus Mindset

To me the Venus Mindset is a lifestyle that is about

taking ownership and responsibility for my own

health. It is a belief that I can be healthy, lean, fit,

muscular, and athletic within a mostly sedentary

society that contains an overabundance of food.

The odds of achieving this are against us in our

society so it takes a strong and aggressive mindset

to achieve this level of fitness and keep it. It is a

lifelong mindset. You need to be an outlier and do

things differently from everyone else.

The Venus Ideal goals were mostly part of the

weight loss phase and gave me the weight range

and shoulder and waist circumference to shoot for.

Having a realistic and tangible goal was a key for

staying on track and knowing I was headed in the

right direction.

It’s time to forget about what my scale weight is. It’s time to not worry about what my waist measurement is.

It’s time to enjoy the new me and the new clothes that still fit. It’s time to enjoy being physically active and

participate more in enjoying life. It’s time to listen to what everyone in my family and society is telling me,

“Wow you have an amazing physique and are so fit and healthy. How did you do that?”

I’m learning to enjoy life a little more. This is something I can do for the rest of my life. It’s my new life. It’s

the Venus life.

Roberta Saum


Roberta Saum


This program is also about balance, both internally and externally. We fully expect you to have a

balanced life between career/school, family, friendships, relationships, hobbies and getting the body

you want. It's not an either/or situation. You should not, and will not have to put your life on hold to

change your body. Any program that teaches you this sort of extreme action is doing something (and

likely many) things wrong.

Internal & External Balance

The concept of balance starts with internal balance of your body from

a metabolic and hormonal level, extending to a balance of your

bodyfat levels and muscle, to a balance of your upper body and lower

body proportions.

I want you to get away from extreme thinking in black and white

terms. There is too much of this sort of thinking in diet and fitness and

it leads to significant stress over the process and I believe this stress is

the root of the failure that most women experience from dieting.

You'll find that I leave out many diet and fitness industry 'rules' about eating because I've learned

they're simply not necessary and add stress to a process that is already stressful enough. What is left in

this program are the essentials, just the tools that you need to succeed.

In the following section you'll learn about the major gender differences in metabolism and body

composition, and why the Venus Factor is designed for women specifically. You'll see that when the

systems of your body are out of balance it leads to difficulty losing weight. From there I'll explain how

the program works to correct any imbalance and put you back in an optimal state to both lose your

unwanted bodyfat and keep it off.


Res from the UK

As a 30 year old working mother I do not have

time to waste. I do not have room in my head or

my schedule for a hundred complicated diet and

fitness mantras with which to punish myself on a

24/7 basis.

At this point you may well say, “Then you can

forget about getting a better body. THAT’S a job

in of itself!” Hey, I’m a modern woman and we

like to ‘have it all’ right? Luckily with Venus this

becomes a realistic possibility.

I joined Venus in January 2013. In 4 short months, I have achieved my best look since pre-pregnancy, all whilst

holding down two clinical placements and finishing my graduate studies with a First.

How did I do it? *Clears throat* easily. Yes, truly. I worked out no more than 3 times a week, I did zero cardio.

In truth I hung out like the Venus de Milo herself spending weekends in Paris, Rome and London, sampling all

the delicious fare these places have to offer. In short I lived my life. The diet travels.

For me the Venus Mindset is one of true adaptability. The Venus solutions become a part of your life, they don’t

take over.

Venus is not a one trick pony. I may be high maintenance but the diet and programs are not.

There was no fuss, no nightly planning, and no ‘falling off’ the diet. There was really no diet in the traditional

sense to fall off of.

A Venus is adult enough to make her own food choices and mature enough to hold responsibility for them.

A Venus doesn’t sit home sipping water and eating steamed veggies on a Saturday night. She’s out on the town at

the best restaurants, in the best dress, enjoying herself.

The Venus lifestyle is one of commitment. But one that is joyfully made given the overwhelming physical

returns. For just a little consistency you get a lot of progress.

The flexibility of the lifestyle makes it easy to side-step all the old diet blocks of more restrictive and

complicated diet and training regimes.

Res from the UK


Res from the UK

Gender Differences In Metabolism

Men and women are different, this should be obvious at first glance. However, many people never stop

to consider that the things that make men and women different on the outside, come from the inside.

Size Difference

There are some rather obvious differences in men and women from a metabolic standpoint. The first is

that men in general have more lean body mass than women and as a result men can eat more calories

than women while still maintaining a leaner body. I've often been out for dinner and noted that the

serving sizes of food at a typical restaurant seem to be 'calibrated' for men. In other words, the portion

served fits fine for me, but seems to always be too much for a woman who might be dining with me.

It's a bit unfair that I can simply eat what is served while she will have to leave some on the plate if she

is concerned at all about managing her calorie intake.

The alternative would be a world of portion sizes 'calibrated' for women where she could eat what is

served and be perfectly satisfied without having to leave any food on her plate and I would have to

order double the amount to be satisfied. It's a matter of perspective, but the latter case would be much

more effective for weight loss as it's much easier to simply eat what is served to you compared to

exerting the willpower to leave food on your plate.

Ok that is enough about the general size difference of men and women. The next big difference is how

testosterone and estrogen affect our bodies.


Body Composition

Estrogen is what makes you a woman and testosterone is what makes me a man. Women and men alike

have a normal healthy and important circulating level of both of these hormones. Your estrogen levels

are much higher than the small amount a man would have, and likewise a man's testosterone level is

much higher than your normal health levels.

Gender differences in estrogen and testosterone levels are what dictate the difference we see in the

normal healthy ranges of body composition between men and women.

The normal body composition range for men is between 10%-20% bodyfat and for women is 20%-


Critically low bodyfat for men is approximately 3%, whereas for women critical low is approx 13% (as

indicated by the appearance of potentially dangerous metabolic abnormalities).

Clearly there is a difference in the general normal body composition of men vs women.

A man can be at or below 10% bodyfat and look healthy and lean. A women achieving this level of

bodyfat would actually look abnormal, sickly, and if enough muscle mass is on her body she will look

overly masculine.

In my experience working with many different women I've found that a lower bodyfat limit of

approximately 16% - 18% is as low as most women will ever want to go and still maintain a feminine

look. Anything below 20% is considered 'athletic/elite' for women. To contrast this with men, a bodyfat

% of approx 8-10% would be necessary for a man to be viewed as athletic/elite.

These body composition differences are due to the effect testosterone and estrogen have on our ability

to store and burn fat. This is totally normal and no reason for concern, it's simply why you are shaped

like a woman and I am not. The take home message is not to compare your bodyfat percentage to that

of a man (if you're thinking in terms of bodyfat at all).

Your target healthy range is between 20%-30%. Most of our Venus transformation contest winners

arrive at their best figure anywhere between 18%-22%. Your specific best/happiest/healthiest look will


be unique to you. We cannot predict with certainty what your bodyfat % will be when you arrive at the

look you are happiest with, but my guess is it will be somewhere close this range of 18-22%. This is

important: The goal is not 0% bodyfat, nor is it to reach a predetermined level of bodyfat because you

think this is the number you should have. The goal is to create a body you love and are proud of.

Mostly likely this will end up somewhere around the range of 18-22% bodyfat.

Let's do a brief summary of the gender differences we've talked about so far.

1. We know that you have more estrogen and less testosterone than men. It's what makes you a

woman, and it also determines what your lower healthy bodyfat range will be.

2. You generally have less lean body mass than a man and therefore do not burn as many calories

on a daily basis

3. Because of point 1 and 2 men can generally eat more calories than women and maintain a

somewhat leaner body

The next most important gender difference when it comes to fat loss is with the hormone leptin.


Lisa Barban Etwell – The Venus Mindset

The Venus Mindset and what it means to me.

If I were to put the Venus mindset into one word it would be EMPOWERMENT.

Cutting out the static is critical in being a successful Venus. Having the knowledge that calories are king for fat loss/maintenance and that lifting heavy things builds shape is like owning a huge set of ear plugs protecting our ears and minds from the constant noise, myths, confusion and untruths being fed to us through the media and diet/fitness communities.

Another form of empowerment is the right to choose. You get to decide whether you want your current shape or the shape of your choice. How? By lifting heavy things.

You get to decide whether you want your current body fat levels or ones that are less/more. How? By deciding how many calories you eat.

Bottom line - YOU get to decide - and when you take the control and power of your own body back from those that hijack your goals - that is power.

That is freedom.

So.. what is the Venus mindset?

Empowerment. Choice. Freedom.

That doesn't mean it's easy. But it does mean that you ultimately have all the power in the world to make ANYTHING happen.


Lisa Barban Etwell


Leptin is a signalling molecule that is released from your fat cells that is

typically described as the master hormone regulating fat loss, due to the fact

that is more or less released in proportion to the amount of fat you have on

your body. The more fat, the more leptin (Owecki M. et al. 2010). This

however leaves out all of the other roles it plays, and it can actually be seen

as a master signalling hormone that is involved in the regulation and

signalling of bone density, metabolic rate, fat mass, cognition and memory,

inflammation, taste and sweetness perception, insulin sensitivity, and even the pathogenesis of skin tags

(Moran CN et al. 2011, de Boer TN et al. 2012, Horio N et al. 2010, El Safoury et al. 2010)

As you can see, leptin plays a significant role in many different systems of your body, and it's

especially important to fat loss and overall appetite regulation.

Leptin is produced and released by bodyfat and one of its many duties is to signal your brain to the

amount of fat on your body. It is also released in response to eating and tells your brain how much food

you've just ingested. It also responds to exercise intensity and duration, as well as the amount of

chronic inflammation in your body (Suzukawa M et al. 2011).

In other words, any typical diet intervention and/or exercise routine will stimulate a response in leptin.

Since you have at least twice as much leptin as a man, your specific diet approach needs to be nuanced

and designed to work for you as a woman. This doesn't mean you need to eat some wacky exotic food,

it just means a different style of nutrition and exercise (if you choose to exercise) should be followed to

maximize your results.

You have roughly twice as much leptin circulating in your system as a typical man does. Since leptin is

a major metabolic signalling molecule you might think that means you should burn twice as many

calories as a man. But that isn't the case. Typically when there is more of a hormone circulating in the

blood that means it is required to be at that level for some reason, or that the other systems of the body

are 'resistant' to that hormone. In the case of leptin it seems that women are somewhat naturally

resistant to leptin compared to men. Resistance may seem like a harsh word, so instead think of it as it


takes a little more leptin to do its job in a woman’s body compared to in a man’s body. And, this

difference is increased with higher bodyfat levels. This is partly why it's difficult for women to start

and stay consistent on a diet long enough to get the results they really want. It's also why severe low

calorie and very strict dieting (AKA “Crash dieting”) doesn't work for women but might actually be

more useful for men.

In two research studies done by Nicklas et al. in 1997 it was shown that leptin falls almost twice as

much in women compared to men. This means that women experience higher leptin highs, lower leptin

lows when attempting to diet. Men don't have these same dramatic swings in leptin as men have lower

natural circulating leptin levels, and when men go on a calorie restrictive diet they don't get as much of

a decrease in leptin. In other words, a man's metabolism won't crash on a severely calorie restricted diet

as easily as it could in women. It also means men won't experience the same feelings of hunger and

cravings for carbohydrates during a weight loss program. This might sound familiar to you if you’ve

ever attempted to diet alongside a male counterpart and noticed how much easier of a time he seemed

to have with it.

The two main differences between men and women when it comes to leptin are:

1. Men seem to have a higher natural sensitivity to leptin and therefore lower natural circulating

blood levels

2. When men go on a very low calorie restrictive diet they experience less of a drop in leptin and

as such their metabolism doesn't crash as easily and they don't get as severe cravings for carbs

To put it another way, women have higher natural leptin, and experience much more dramatic drops in

leptin when dieting. So your highs are higher and your lows are lower. Kinda like being on a roller

coaster with your metabolism and hunger and cravings throughout the dieting process. Does this sound

familiar from the last time you attempted a restrictive diet?!

Recall that one of the main focuses of the Venus Factor program is balance. And in the case of leptin

men have an easier go of it with balancing leptin while dieting. This is why so many diets that have

been written or created and tested on and by men never really work out so well for women. Men can

simply push through a low calorie diet with brute force without experiencing large drops or swings in


leptin that cause cravings and metabolic disturbances.

An effective diet program for women must be designed to limit these dramatic swings in leptin in order

to allow you to successfully complete your weight loss program and arrive at your ideal weight.

In order to eliminate these swings in leptin and avoid creating massive food and carb cravings and

metabolic disturbances you can do two things:

1. Increase your sensitivity to leptin

2. Use food itself to restore leptin levels so they never drop too far

Leptin Sensitivity

There are 4 things you can do to increase your leptin sensitivity:

1. Get more sleep

2. Follow a well designed exercise program

3. Use a supplement designed to increase leptin sensitivity

4. Fasting

Leptin and Sleep

As with many processes of the body, a lack of quality and consistent sleep can mess it up, and leptin is

no different. Research shows that a lack of sleep can lead to leptin resistance (Charles LE. et al. 2011) .

A very simple but effective strategy for increasing leptin sensitivity to ensure that you're getting enough

quality sleep. Many people discount the importance of sleep for a healthy body but it cannot be stressed

enough. Good quality consistent sleep is going to make everything work better and feel better, and that

includes your leptin sensitivity. If you're not getting enough sleep, or not getting good sleep you should

definitely put a plan in place to improve your sleep quality.


Leptin and Exercise

Just as sleep seems to have an effect on all systems of your body, so does exercise. Research also shows

that a consistent exercise program will improve leptin sensitivity (Guerra B. et al. 2011). This doesn't

mean you need to be lifting big weights like a bodybuilder. Even low intensity non-resistant training

exercise will do it. The bottom line is that exercise is an effective tool for improving leptin sensitivity.

If you're not getting enough exercise (or any at all) then you're missing out on some major fat burning

benefits. This of course is why I've given you the Venus Factor workouts that go with the diet program.

Leptin Sensitizing Herbs

Until recently there have never been any supplements that work directly with leptin. Drug companies

thought that dosing people directly with leptin would be a cure for obesity (as it is in mice) but

unfortunately that doesn't happen in people. As it turns out, having too much leptin isn't the answer.

Improving your sensitivity to the leptin you already have, however, is very powerful for producing a fat

burning effect. There have been a few herbs discovered that can do this and you can find one very

useful supplement that can directly increase your leptin sensitivity. This will be one of your most useful

diet supplement tools for achieving your fat loss goals.

Until these supplement companies started focusing on leptin most supplements were focused on getting

you wired with no regard to leptin sensitivity. This is a very male way of thinking and I'll admit that

even in my past career developing weight loss supplements I never considered that there may be gender

differences between men and women and a reason why women might not want to take the same fat

burner supplements that men do.

Now there is a very good option for you that provides a natural, smooth-feeling energy boost but also

works on improving leptin sensitivity directly. This is a taylor-made option for women that I highly

recommend you take advantage of. I know if there were something this targeted for men I would

definitely be using it. You can learn more about these specific herbs at the end of this manual in the

supplement section.

Leptin and Fasting


Periods of short term fasting can help improve leptin sensitivity and reduce bodyfat stores. This doesn't

mean you need to go an entire day without eating but rather practice something I call strategic meal

skipping. You'll find that many of our past Venus transformation success stories incorporated some

form of fasting into their program with great success.

Each of these four strategies can go a long way for improving your leptin sensitivity which will reduce

your feelings of cravings as well as improve your metabolic functioning throughout the dieting process.

Let's face it, dieting is hard enough, and I recommend you use every tool you can to get an advantage

and make the process easier.

The next strategy is unique to the Venus Factor and is part of the metabolic override protocol, and that

is your strategic 'eat up' days, which are not to be confused with 'cheat' days.


Liss Graham - Venus Mindset

At the age of 28 and after 2 kids, I was finally able to achieve the

Venus body that I had wanted all my life. My body is better

looking and more functional today than it was when I was 17. I

credit it all to Venus for teaching me how to change my life, not

just diet or workout.

When I started my transformation, I was so unhappy. I knew at

the time I did not like the way that I looked, but had no idea how

it affected everything that I said and did. There was a black cloud

hanging over my outlook and emotions. The body that I dreamed

of eluded me even though I beat my brains out 5 days a week at

the gym and counted calories. I would get to average and

backslide- a never-ending weight roller coaster since the 3rd

grade. It was incredibly frustrating. No diet or workout ever

taught me a LIFESTYLE like VI has accomplished. I learned

how to just live while keeping up my new amazing body- and not just for 12 weeks or 21 days.

As a whole, my life has improved and climbed to heights that I would have never dreamed of before my

transformation. I was promoted at my job shortly after reaching my ideal Venus metrics. The gym asked me to

teach a Venus workout class which has been very fulfilling in helping other women achieve their body goals.

This has led to guest authoring articles on the Venus website and even creating a blog of my own to help others.

It is also worth mentioning that shopping is enjoyable when you look pretty great in everything that you try on


People treat me differently, especially men. The compliments flow almost daily from strangers and friends alike.

After maintaining for almost 6 months, even the most aloof friends and family are finally asking what my secret

is. They WANT to know how I did it and keep my body. Men say out loud that they wish their wives would work

out with me. Women say out loud that they wish they had my body.

The Venus Factor has not only transformed my outside, but my inside, too, which I never expected. I feel like

there is no unattainable achievement or goal now- I know that my mind or body will not hold me back. If I can

dream it, I can do it. Thanks, Venus.


Liss Graham

Nutrition Science

Eat-Up Days vs Cheat Days

I want to make a distinction right away about 'cheat' days vs our 'eat up' days. From what I understand,

a cheat day has been promoted to be a day where you eat massively excessive calories well above your

metabolic needs for the day. This has become a bit of a ritual for fitness competitors and bodybuilders

who follow severely restrictive diets then let it all loose on their 'cheat' day. I find this to be an

unhealthy practice for multiple reasons.

First, we can all overeat enough on a given cheat day to undo weeks of dieting. This is clearly just

taking a big step backwards.

Second, I dislike the use of the word 'cheat' because it implies you're doing something wrong or

dishonest. Dieting and managing food is already psychologically stressful enough, there is no reason to

add in things that make you feel like you're doing something wrong on purpose.

To be clear, there is no way to lose bodyfat without creating a calorie deficit. This should not be news

to you. In other words, if you burn 1800 calories today you need to consume less than 1800 calories in

order to force your body to burn up some of your bodyfat in order to make up the difference. This is a

fundamental law of energy balance and fat loss and it does not change.

When men follow a severely calorie restricted diet they don't have as severe of a drop in leptin and

therefore their metabolic rate seems to remain stable throughout the process. Women on the other hand

cannot simply hit it hard, and go super low on calories for as long as they can stand it. Your leptin

levels will fall dramatically leading to metabolic changes that could slow the fat burning process, as

well as leaving you ravenously hungry and craving carbs.

So in your case you must add in strategic 'eat up' days to prevent these dramatic drops in leptin and to

avoid the carb cravings that will come. Most men can push for weeks without having an eat up day, but

through our research and working with (and listening to) 100's of women we've found that women need

to have strategic 'eat up' days much more frequently than men. This means you're only going to be in a


deficit for short stretches of time, then eating up to maintenance to restore normal leptin functioning

and avoid any chance of a crash, cravings or a rebound.

Throughout the program you will find that your 'eat up' days can come as frequently as every 3 days

stretching to every 5th or 6th day. The point is that you'll never go an entire week eating in a deficit and

you'll always be able to bring your calories back up to maintenance to reset your system.

'Eating Up' Means Eating at Maintenance

Your daily calorie burn is what we call 'maintenance'. When we say 'maintenance' we are referring to

the amount of calories you burn and eating up to this same amount of calories such that you don't gain

or lose weight but rather you 'maintain' your weight and maintain your metabolism. For example if you

burn 1800 calories today, and you eat 1800 calories today you are eating up to maintenance. This is

what an 'eat up' day is in this program - Eating up to the total amount of calories you burned in a given

day. This is in contrast to a 'cheat' day where you're instructed to eat significantly above maintenance,

in some cases 1000's of calories above maintenance. In my experience having full out 'cheat' days just

leads to a string of days of binge eating that sets you spiralling backwards both physically and

psychologically. And this is because of a phenomenon called “disinhibited eating”.


Naomi C – The Venus Mindset

Being a Venus for me is about focusing on being the “fittest” and

“shapeliest” that my body can be. I don’t focus on losing weight, I keep

track of it but only to know it, like knowing my height. When it comes to

the Venus body it is all about inches and how I feel and look in my

clothing and in a bikini.

Living the Venus lifestyle for me is not about denying myself what I enjoy

eating but finding balance in my diet by eating what I like within my

chosen calories and macros. Knowing your number and staying within it

sounds so hard at the beginning of the Venus journey but I came to realize

quite quickly how freeing it is to know exactly how much I can eat and

still achieve my goals. I look at my body as a very complex and beautiful

system that needs nourishment and encouragement to flourish at its

optimum potential. Food, like money, has no power of its own only what

I give it. I choose to give food the power to create my best body.

“Clean eating and heavy lifting” is what I strive for every week. The

workouts are set out in such an easy to read and learn format with videos

to show proper form. These workouts are the core of what I feel makes

Venus and Adonis unique, I lift as heavy as I can for all the exercises and

when I am done I know that my body is evolving into its best shape.


Naomi C

Disinhibited Eating – 'Good Food' vs 'Bad Food' Thinking Must Go

Disinhibited eating comes from the belief that there are 'good' foods you

should always be eating and 'bad' foods you should never eat. I don't

believe in good vs bad foods and I think that all foods have their place even

in a weight loss program. Research shows us a psychological phenomenon

that happens when a person who believes they have eaten a forbidden or

'bad' food. They go into a state of 'disinhibited eating' where one step over

the forbidden lines leads to an all out feeding frenzy (Lemmens SG Et al. 2010, Stirling and Yeomans.

2004). You might have experienced this at some point when you've been dieting or 'watching' what you

eat in the past. The scenario goes something like this. You're on a diet, and you've been 'good' for

almost an entire week, only eating 'healthy' foods like salads, veggies, some fruit, lean protein sources

but no grains, no sweets, no processed or 'junk' foods. Then one day you're out with some friends and

instead of opting for a salad you indulge and join everyone for a slice of pizza. Well now that you've

crossed the line into forbidden food territory all bets are off, and that one slice of pizza turns into five

slices AND a quart of ice cream for dessert afterwards AND chocolate. After that first slice of pizza

your inner voice is saying, “Well you've done it now, that pizza was in the forbidden bad food zone and

now that you've crossed the line there is no looking back for today...today is lost so might as well go all

out and eat the rest of the pizza AND the ice cream AND the chocolate and we'll get back on track


If this sounds familiar to you then you've experienced disinhibited eating. But the only way to

experience an all-out eating frenzy is by having the belief in your mind that there are in fact good vs

bad foods. I want you to work on eliminating this belief in good vs bad food and instead to view food

from a standpoint of total calories. It is the total calories that you consume that will determine your

weight loss success and it really doesn't matter where those calories come from as long as you're hitting

your calorie targets for your personal weight loss goal.


Keep in mind that for a short while when your goal is weight loss, calories are really all that matter.

You've got the rest of your life to determine what exact foods you'd like to have as a part of your diet.

And I firmly believe you should allow yourself to eat any and all foods you desire. This even includes

some of the foods that most people would call 'bad' or 'junk food'. Don't get me wrong, I'm not

suggesting you can survive entirely on potato chips, ice cream and chocolate (although I'd love to

try!!!) but it means that all of these foods can and should have their place in a balanced diet, as well as

even within your weight loss program itself. Did you notice the word 'balance' show up again? That is

because this program is about balance, which also includes a balance of foods ranging from all forms of

vegetables, leafy greens, all forms of fruits, grains of any kind, dairy, meat, poultry, fish and seafood,

and yes, even processed foods, fast food, candy and whatever people would call 'junk' food. All of it

can be part of a successful weight loss program if you do it intelligently, and that is exactly what you'll

be doing with the Venus Factor program.

Allowing you to freely choose which foods will fit into your diet program is essential to removing the

problems that come with the all-or-nothing black-white mindset of 'good' vs 'bad' foods. From now on

you need to work on letting go of any belief that there are strictly good or bad foods and instead think

of food you enjoy eating vs foods you'd rather not eat. I'm sure you'll end up with a list of foods that

come from all categories. I've yet to meet someone who only likes to eat cake and cookies (mmm, I'd

also like to try that too!).

Bottom line

All foods are ok to eat, some just need to be in limited amounts or less frequently than others, but

certainly every week you can have a bit of everything. This goes a long way to keeping your sanity and

enjoyment and satisfaction with the process of losing weight and appreciating your body and your food

along the way.


Susan Doyle - Venus Mindset

I have followed the Venus program and still incorporate the

exercises into my regular workouts. I would recommend the

program to anyone with the understanding that like any new

practice, there is still a component of it that you are solely

responsible for – ‘the mindset’ - that pulls it altogether.

The Venus mindset is not only following the exercise plan and

eating healthy, it is making yourself accountable for your body,

your mind and your health. While having the pleasure to know

the creator and work with him one on one, I can attribute that the amount of professionalism, knowledge and

research that went into structuring this program was for the sole purpose of creating a better workout and health

regime for us. As a 30 something female, I could have just taken the book and went with it.

However, the mindset that you bring to the program is one that will inevitably determine your success. A true

Venus athlete is one that has a mindset of determination, self-respect and appreciation for her true-self, flaws and

all. Like most ladies, you don’t often start a new workout feeling this way, but rather the opposite. By utilizing

the Venus program, it provides you with exercises that not only strengthen your muscles but in turn allows you to

strengthen your mind. You’ll be proud of your successes and what your body can do. You’ll build on thinking

positively about yourself as well as truly understand the importance of controlling your health. Since starting

with Venus over 3 years ago, it has taken this whole time for me to finally feel the way I do now. The Venus

mindset is one of positive thinking, success and self-admiration. A mindset that once you get there, there is no

turning back!


Susan Doyle

Hot Button Foods

With that said, you likely have a few foods that don't work well

with your body and you'd do well to limit your exposure, but in

general I would never label a food as good or bad. Also it's

impossible for me to know what foods are your best foods and

which ones are your troublemakers. For many people peanut butter

is their hot button food – meaning one bite leads to the whole jar! If

this is your hot button food then maybe you need to limit your

exposure to peanut butter. For other people it might be potato chips,

or pasta, or ice cream. The point is I don't know, but you do.

Whatever your hot button food is you certainly already know what

it is and you can take steps to limit your exposure to this particular

food. And I'm not talking about all foods that are tasty here. Your

hot button food is that one food that seems to control you instead of you controlling it. For example my

hot button food is chicken wings. If I eat 1 I'll eat 30. But peanut butter is of no interest to me. Likewise

I can have a small amount of ice cream without craving any more, but put even just one chicken wing

in front of me and I'll be looking for more. You need to identify the one hot button food that gets the

best of you and give your self a limited exposure to this one food. You can still have it, just make sure

you keep the exposure to once every week or two.

As you can see I'm not a fan of labelling any food as 'good' or 'bad' for the reasons stated above. I also

don't consider any specific time of day as better or worse for eating, which brings us to the next major

point of this system. And that is the answer to the following question: What should I eat?


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Delicious Easy & Fun



Recipe GuideThis is a book of common recipes that you will likely recognize but done as lower calorie options. There are options for breakfast, lunch, dinner, appetizers and desserts. Eating for weight loss can be enjoyable and very tasty with just a few key substitutions.

You might notice some dishes that you’re familiar with by name, but you may not have thought to make them in the way we have laid out here.

Each recipe is meant to create the same taste and experience as the ‘regular’ version but with less total calories. This is a big key to eating meals that are satisfying and feel like ‘yours’ while still losing weight.

The goal of this manual is to give you lots options for cooking all kinds of different meals that you are already familiar with and like but with less total calories. And we’ve also tossed in some new ones that you might not have seen before (because variety and learning something new is never a bad thing).

Eating realistic, flavorful and satisfying meals during your weight loss is a big key to getting the weight off while enjoying the process.

Finally, once you reach your goal weight you can always use the recipes in this guide to maintain your new weight.

In many cases these new recipes are simply how I make many of these meals and I’m just as happy eating them as the ‘old’ higher calorie versions I used to make.

A little attention to detail when you’re cooking will go a long way to make weight loss fast, easy sustainable and enjoyable.

Let’s get cooking!


Recipe Contents

Breakfast ............................................................................................ 10Bagel and Lox ................................................................................ 11Breakfast Burrito ............................................................................ 12Breakfast Crepes ............................................................................. 13Bran Muffins .................................................................................. 15Breakfast Strata .............................................................................. 16Coffeecake ...................................................................................... 17Eggs Benedict ................................................................................. 18Easy Hollandaise Sauce ................................................................... 19French Toast ................................................................................... 20Pancakes ......................................................................................... 22Southern-Style Biscuits and Gravy .................................................. 24Gravy ............................................................................................. 25Easy Breakfast Scramble ................................................................. 26Sweet Potato Hash ......................................................................... 27Egg White Scramble (No Carbs) .................................................... 28Pancakes 2 ...................................................................................... 29Cheese and Veg Omelette ............................................................... 30French Toast 2 ................................................................................ 31Waffles ........................................................................................... 32

Lunches .............................................................................................. 33Chicken Tikka Masala .................................................................... 34Vegetable Curry ............................................................................. 35 Nova Scotia Donairs ...................................................................... 36Fish and Chips ............................................................................... 38Hamburgers and French Fries ........................................................ 39


Hot Dogs and Baked Beans ............................................................ 40Veggie Pizza .................................................................................... 42Poutine .......................................................................................... 43Tacos .............................................................................................. 44Wrap .............................................................................................. 45Avocado Club Sandwich ................................................................ 47Tuna Salad ..................................................................................... 48Vegetarian “Egg” Salad ................................................................... 49Hearts of Palm Salad ...................................................................... 50Fruit Salad ...................................................................................... 51Eggplant Parmesan ......................................................................... 52Moo Shu Chicken & Veggies ......................................................... 53Curry Chickpea Stew ..................................................................... 54Pulled BBQ Chicken ...................................................................... 55Cajun Shrimp Bowl ....................................................................... 56Easy Whole Wheat Spanakopizza ................................................... 57Fish Tacos ....................................................................................... 58Creamy Chicken & Mushrooms .................................................... 59Healthy Greek Style Salad for Two ................................................. 60Lamb Curry Vegetables (No Carbs) ................................................ 61Tomato & Garbanzo Bean Soup .................................................... 62Baked Chicken Pesto with Peas ...................................................... 63Basil Pesto Topper or Dip ............................................................... 64Tuscan Tuna Salad .......................................................................... 65Roasted Butternut Squash Soup ..................................................... 66Mushroom Risotto ......................................................................... 67Chicken Fried Rice ......................................................................... 68Bacon Tomato Pizza ....................................................................... 69Salmon Pasta with “Cream” Sauce .................................................. 71


Ribs with “Fried” Vegetables .......................................................... 72Beef Stew ....................................................................................... 74

Dinners .............................................................................................. 75Bangers and Mash .......................................................................... 76Barbecue Pork with Cole Slaw ......................................................... 77Chicken Pot Pie ............................................................................. 79Fried Chicken ................................................................................ 81Lasagna .......................................................................................... 83Macaroni and Cheese ..................................................................... 85Meatloaf and Mashed Potatoes ....................................................... 86Paella .............................................................................................. 88Shepherd’s Pie ................................................................................ 90Spaghetti Bolognese ....................................................................... 91Easy Chicken Cordon Bleu ............................................................ 92Baked Lemon Trout ....................................................................... 93Smoked Salmon Quiche ................................................................. 94Easy Spaghetti Dinner ................................................................... 95Dinner by the Sea .......................................................................... 96

Desserts .............................................................................................. 97Baklava ........................................................................................... 98Bread Pudding ...............................................................................100Chocolate Chip Cookies ................................................................102Crispy Rice Treats ..........................................................................103Fudge Brownies ..............................................................................104Vanilla Ice Cream ...........................................................................105Nanaimo Bars ................................................................................106New York-Style Cheesecake ............................................................108Riced Pudding ...............................................................................110


Strawberry Shortcake .....................................................................111Apple Confit Delight ......................................................................113Chocolate Roll Cake ......................................................................114Apple Crumble ..............................................................................115Angel’s Food Cake ..........................................................................116

Appetizers ..........................................................................................117Spinach Dip ...................................................................................118Nachos ...........................................................................................119Boston Bib Salad ............................................................................120

Snacks ................................................................................................121Pancetta-Wrapped Scallops .............................................................122Buffalo Wings ................................................................................123Bleu Cheese Dip ............................................................................125Caramel Popcorn and Peanuts ........................................................126Hummus ........................................................................................127Nachos ...........................................................................................128Nuts and Bolts ...............................................................................129Trail Mix ........................................................................................130Potato Skins ...................................................................................131Spinach Dip ...................................................................................132TexMex Cheese Dip .......................................................................133Ripe Bananas (Mashed) ..................................................................134Apple Carrot Muffins .....................................................................135Mocha Biscotti ...............................................................................136

Special Ocassion ................................................................................137Classic Green Bean Casserole .........................................................138Cream of Mushroom Soup .............................................................139


Deviled Eggs ..................................................................................140Fondue ............................................................................................141Holiday Eggless Nog ......................................................................143Honey-Baked Ham ........................................................................144Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding ..................................................146Prawn Cocktail (“Shrimp Cocktail”) .............................................148Super Bowl Chili ............................................................................150

Drinks and Smoothies .......................................................................151Orange Cream Smoothie ................................................................152Amaretto Smoothie ........................................................................153Mocha Smoothie ............................................................................154Banana-Berry Smoothie .................................................................155






Bagel and Lox

Calories per serving: 110

Serving size: 1 recipe

Total calories per recipe: 110

Servings: 1


½ of a low-calorie “light” bagel•1 tablespoon non-fat or fat-free cream cheese, softened to room•temperature1 ounce lox (thinly sliced cured fillet of salmon)•1 slice fresh red tomato•1 thin slice fresh purple onion•1 tablespoon pickled capers•1 pinch ground black pepper•


Toast the bagel half. Transfer to serving dish. Spread the cream cheese on the bagel. Top with lox, then tomato, then onion. Garnish with capers and pepper.





Breakfast Burrito

Calories per serving: 185

Serving size: 1 burrito

Total calories per recipe: 185

Servings: 1


1 (2.5 ounce) low-carb “wrap” (low-calorie flour tortilla)•1 large egg•¼ teaspoon black pepper•1 pinch raw salt•1 tablespoon fresh spring onion or scallion with green tops, thinly•sliced1 tablespoon fresh jalapeno or other fresh hot pepper, seeded and•chopped2 tablespoons shredded fat-free cheddar cheese•2 tablespoons tomato-based salsa or picante sauce•


Place the wrap or tortilla on a microwave-safe serving dish. Microwave for 30 seconds or until hot. In frying pan over medium heat, scramble egg with salt and pepper. Spoon the cooked egg onto the hot wrap or tortilla. Top with onion, pepper, cheese and salsa or picante sauce. Fold the wrap or tortilla around the filling.





Breakfast Crepes

Calories per serving: 30 (excluding optional toppings)

Serving size: 2 crepes

Total calories per recipe: 600

Servings: 10

To make 20 Low-Calorie Breakfast Crepes, gather the following ingredients:

1 large egg•¾ cup all-purpose¾ cup water•2 tablespoons melted butter melted•2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract½ teaspoon ground cinnamon•½ teaspoon aluminum-free baking powder1 pinch of raw salt•


Place all ingredients into an electric blender. Process for 10-20 seconds or until batter is very smooth. Add a bit of extra water if necessary. Meanwhile, on stovetop, heat crepe pan over medium heat. This amount of batter will yield 20 crepes (six-inches in diameter).

Optional toppings:

½ cup fresh strawberries, sliced (23 calories)•½ cup fresh blueberries (41 calories)•½ cup fresh loganberries, stewed with 2 tablespoons maple sugar•(75 calories)





1 tablespoon “all-fruit” jam, any variety (40 calories)•2 tablespoons zero-calorie sugar-free syrup, any variety (0 calories)•¼ whipped dairy cream in aerosol can (30 calories)•1 tablespoon confectioners powdered sugar (31 calories)•





Bran Muffins

Calories per serving: 110

Serving size: 1 muffin

Total calories per recipe: 1320

Servings: 12


1 tablespoon butter or coconut oil•1 cup cake flour•1 cup wheat bran•1/2 cup whole-wheat flour•2 tablespoons agave nectar or honey•2 teaspoons aluminum-free baking soda•2 teaspoon each: cinnamon and nutmeg•½ teaspoon raw salt•2 large eggs•1/2 cup each: water, buttermilk, unsweetened applesauce•


Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees. Oil a 12-count muffin tin with 1 tablespoon butter or coconut oil. In a large mixing bowl, stir together the cake flour, wheat bran, whole-wheat flour, stevia, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt. In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs, water, buttermilk and applesauce. Fold the wet mixture into the dry mixture, stirring just until thoroughly blended (add a bit more water if the resulting batter is too dry). Divide the batter equally into the muffin tin. Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes or until done.





Breakfast Strata

Calories per serving: 285

Serving size: 1/6 recipe

Total calories per recipe: 1710

Servings: 6


1 tablespoon bacon drippings•4 cups, stale bread or leftover toast, cut into bits (various kinds of•stale bread or leftover toast work well in this recipe)6 slices of cooked bacon, crumbled (or ½ cup cooked ham,•chopped)1 cup grated non-fat or fat-free cheddar cheese•6 large eggs•¾ cup water•1 teaspoon each: dry mustard, hot pepper sauce•½ teaspoon each: black pepper, raw salt•


Oil a casserole dish with the bacon drippings. Spread half the bread or toast over the bottom the dish. Top with bacon and cheese. In a mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs, water, mustard, pepper sauce, pepper and salt. Pour this egg mixture evenly over the bread, bacon and cheese in the dish. Top with the remaining 2 cups of bread or toast. Cover, and refrigerate at least 1 hour or overnight. To cook, pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Remove cover from dish. Cook at 350 degrees for 90 minutes, or until the eggs are set. If the top is browning too quickly, tent with foil.






Calories per serving: 195

Serving size: ¼ recipe

Total calories per recipe: 780

Servings: 4


1 tablespoon butter or coconut oil•1 cup all-purpose flour•Stevia equivalent to ¾ cup sugar•2 teaspoons aluminum-free baking powder•½ teaspoon salt•2 egg whites•¼ cup unsweetened applesauce•¼ cup water•4 tablespoons brown sugar•2 teaspoons cinnamon•


Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees. Oil a 9-inch square baking dish with the butter or coconut oil. In mixing bowl, stir together the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. In a separate bowl, whisk together the egg whites, applesauce and water. Add the wet mixture to the dry mixture, stirring until just blended. Spoon batter into the prepared baking dish. Top with brown sugar and cinnamon. Bake at 375 degrees for 20-25 minutes or until done.





Eggs Benedict

Calories per serving: 300

Serving size: 1 recipe (including sauce)

Total calories per recipe: 300

Servings: 1


½ of an English muffin or crumpet, toasted•1 ounce lean ham or pancetta•1 egg, poached•Easy Low-Calorie Hollandaise sauce (see recipe, below)2 tablespoons chopped truffles•


Arrange the toasted muffin or crumpet half on a serving dish. Top with ham, then the poached egg. Spoon Easy Low-Calorie Hollandaise Sauce over. Garnish with chopped truffles.

Note: For Low-Calorie Eggs Florentine (250 calories per serving) omit ham. Instead, use ¼ cup cooked or canned, chopped spinach (drain the spinach, and then press with paper towels to absorb most of the cooking or canning liquid).





Easy Hollandaise Sauce

Calories per serving: 97

Serving size: 1 recipe

Total calories per recipe: 97

Servings: 1


1 egg yolk•1 teaspoon lemon juice•¼ teaspoon Dijon mustard•1 pinch of raw salt•1 teaspoon butter, melted•


Place egg yolk, lemon juice, mustard and salt into an electric blender. Process for 5-10 seconds or until the mixture is smooth. With the blender still running, slowly add the melted butter. Immediately spoon the resulting mixture atop the assembled Eggs Benedict or Eggs Florentine, and top with truffles.





French Toast

Calories per serving: 300 (excluding optional toppings)

Serving size: 1 piece

Total calories per recipe: 300

Servings: 1


1 large egg•1 tablespoon water•1 teaspoon pure cane sugar (or equivalent amount of stevia)•½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract•¼ teaspoon pure almond extract•1 slice stale bread, sliced 1 inch thick (a hearty artisan white bread,•French or Italian, will work best for this recipe)½ teaspoon ground cardamom•Pinch of raw salt•1 teaspoon cold-pressed coconut oil•


Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. In mixing bowl, whisk together the egg, water, sugar or stevia, vanilla extract and almond extract. Add the bread, soak for 2 minutes, then flip and soak for 2 more minutes or until all of the egg mixture is absorbed into the bread. Oil an oven-safe dish with 1 teaspoon coconut oil. Transfer the egg-soaked bread to the dish. Sprinkle the bread with cardamom and a pinch of raw salt. Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.





Optional toppings:

1 tablespoon confectioner’s powdered sugar (31 calories)•2 tablespoons zero-calorie sugar-free maple syrup (0 calories)•2 tablespoons pure maple syrup (50 calories)•






Calories per serving: 100 (excluding optional toppings)

Serving size: 2 pancakes

Total calories per recipe: 1200

Servings: 6

To make 12 Low-Calorie Pancakes, you will need:

1 tablespoon cold-pressed coconut oil•1 cup cake flour + ¾ cup all-purpose flour•2 tablespoons pure cane sugar•2 teaspoons aluminum-free baking powder•1 teaspoon aluminum-free baking soda•½ teaspoon raw salt•2 eggs•2 cups water•2 tablespoons melted butter•1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice•1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract•


Over medium heat, pre-heat a cast-iron griddle, spreading a tablespoon of coconut oil to thoroughly coat the surface of the griddle. In a mixing bowl, stir together the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs, water, melted butter, lemon juice and vanilla extract. Add wet mixture to dry mixture, stirring until just blended (do not over-mix; the batter should have several small lumps). Pour pancake batter onto hot griddle to make 12 pancakes. Cook for 1 minute or until the edges appear dry and some of the bubbles appearing in the batter have begun to pop. Flip each pancake once, and cook for another minute, or until a light golden brown on both sides.





Optional toppings:

1 teaspoon sweet butter (30 calories)•2 tablespoons pure maple syrup (50 calories)•2 tablespoons zero-calorie sugar-free maple syrup (0 calories)•1 tablespoon “all-fruit” jam, any variety (40 calories)•





Southern-Style Biscuits and Gravy

Calories per serving: 200 (including gravy)

Serving size: 1 biscuit + 1 portion gravy

Total calories per recipe: 2400

Servings: 12

To make 1 dozen Low-Calorie Southern-Style Biscuits, gather the following ingredients:

2 cups self-rising flour, chilled•4 tablespoons salted butter, chopped into small bits, then frozen•1 cup (8 ounces) warm water•


Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees. In a mixing bowl, use your fingertips to work the frozen butter into the flour. The resulting texture should resemble coarse cornmeal. Using a fork, stir the warm water into the flour mixture, until a dough begins to form. Scoop the dough onto a lightly-floured surface. Knead lightly until the dough just holds together; do not over-mix. With a sharp knife cut the dough into 12 equal portions. With your hands shape each portion into a biscuit. Place the biscuits onto a lightly-floured baking sheet or Pyrex pie plate. Bake at 400 degrees for 10-15 minutes or until risen and nicely browned. Each biscuit = 100 calories. To serve, transfer to individual plates, and top each biscuit with 1 portion of Low-Calorie Gravy.






Calories per serving: 92

Serving size: 1/12 recipe

Total calories per recipe: 1100

Servings: 12


8 tablespoons bacon drippings•8 tablespoons all-purpose flour•1 teaspoon each: black pepper, raw salt•4 cups water•


In a skillet or saucepan over medium heat, stir together the bacon drippings, flour, pepper and salt. Cook, stirring constantly with a spatula to scrape the bottom of the skillet, until the mixture is sizzling and just beginning to brown nicely. Slowly add the water, stirring constantly and continuing to scrap the bottom of the pan. Continue cooking for 10-15 minutes, until the gravy is bubbling and beginning to thicken nicely. (If it’s too thick, add a bit of hot water.)





Easy Breakfast Scramble

Calories per serving: 118

Serving size: 1/4 recipe

Total calories per recipe: 472

Servings: 4


1/2 cup red onion, diced•1 tomato, seeded and diced•4 eggs•4 egg whites•1 tbsp. dill, fresh (taste more like dill than the dried stuff)•Salt & pepper•1 tsp. olive oil•


Cook onion in olive oil over medium-high heat for about 4 minutes. Add the diced tomato and cook another minute or 2. Place onion and tomato mixture in a bowl and set aside. Beat together eggs and whites, add in salt and pepper as needed. Cook egg mixture over medium-low heat, stirring frequently until the eggs are just about set and no longer runny. Drain any additional liquids from the onion and tomato bowl and stir into egg mixture. Toss with dill and get your day off to a great start.





Sweet Potato Hash

Calories per serving: 131

Serving size: 1/4 recipe

Total calories per recipe: 524

Servings: 4


1 red onion, cubed•2 sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed•1/4 tsp. kosher salt•1 tsp. fresh black pepper•2 garlic cloves, finely chopped•1 tsp. thyme, chopped•1/3 cup Black Forest Ham, diced•1 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil•


Heat oil over medium-high heat and cook onion about 3-4 minutes until browned. Stir occasionally. Lower heat to medium and add in sweet potatoes. Cook 8 minutes or until potatoes reach desired tenderness, then stir in ham, garlic and thyme.

Note: Add a scrambled egg or fruit salad to this to prevent those late-morning sugar cravings!





Egg White Scramble (No Carbs)

Calories per serving: 200.5

Serving size: 1 recipe

Total calories per recipe: 200.5

Servings: 1


2 egg whites•1/2 cup spinach•pepper•1 slice gruyere cheese, chopped•1 garlic clove, grated•1 tsp. red pepper flakes•1 tbsp. olive oil•


Add pepper and garlic to egg whites and mix. In skillet over medium heat add egg whites and garlic mixture to the skillet and cook for 2 minutes. Add in spinach and cook until slightly wilted, 1 minute. Add cheese and cook until done, 1 minute. Sprinkle with red pepper flakes and enjoy!





Pancakes 2

Calories per serving: 207

Serving size: 1/4 recipe

Total calories per recipe: 828

Servings: 4


3 medium eggs (whites only)•1 cup flour•1 tsp baking powder•1 tsp sweetener•1 tsp cinnamon•1/2 cup skim milk•2 tsp vegetable oil•1/2 cup low calorie syrup•1 cup blueberries•


Combine egg, egg whites, and milk and beat briefly. Stir in cheese and vegetables and pour mixture into a lightly oiled pan on medium heat. Gently push in edges and let sit for 1-2 minutes, then fold in half and continue cooking for 2-3 minutes. Having one whole egg adds flavour to the omelette and the extra whites give it volume. Try using stronger cheeses (blue, aged, etc.) because you don’t need as much of them to get a nice flavour throughout. Salt and pepper to taste!





Cheese and Veg Omelette

Calories per serving: 230

Serving size: 1 recipe

Total calories per recipe: 230

Servings: 1


1 medium egg (whole)•2 medium egg (whites)•1/4 cup skim milk•2 tbsp shredded parmesan•1/2 tomato (chopped)•1/4 cup spinach (chopped)•1 tsp vegetable oil•


Combine egg, egg whites, and milk and beat briefly. Stir in cheese and vegetables and pour mixture into a lightly oiled pan on medium heat. Gently push in edges and let sit for 1-2 minutes, then fold in half and continue cooking for 2-3 minutes. Having one whole egg adds flavour to the omelette and the extra whites give it volume. Try using stronger cheeses (blue, aged, etc.) because you don’t need as much of them to get a nice flavour throughout. Salt and pepper to taste!





French Toast 2

Calories per serving: 274.5

Serving size: 1/2 recipe

Total calories per recipe: 549

Servings: 2


4 slices low calorie (thin-sliced) bread•3 egg whites•3 tbsp skim milk•1 tsp vanilla•1 tsp vegetable oil•1 cup low calorie whipped topping•1 cup sliced strawberries•


Mix and gently beat milk, egg whites, vanilla, vegetable oil, and season with cinammon. Next, soak slices of bread in the egg mixture, turning to coat both sides. Cook slices one minute a side on a medium heat nonstick frying pan and serve with whipped topping and sliced strawberries! Flavouring with cinnamon and vanilla can add sweetness without having to add sugar.






Calories per serving: 274.5

Serving size: 1/2 recipe

Total calories per recipe: 549

Servings: 2


3 medium eggs (whites only)•1 cup flour•1 tsp baking powder•1 tsp sweetener•1/2 cup skim milk•2 tsp vegetable oil•1/2 cup low calorie syrup•1 cup blueberries•


This waffle recipe has all the same ingredients as the pancake recipe. My recommendation is to beat the egg whites until they are stiff before folding them into the flour mixture to give a nice crispy outside to the waffles. To add extra protein to your waffles or pancakes, substitute the flour for vanilla protein powder, which has the same amount of calories but a lot more protein!

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